Construction of a Personalized Talking Head from Two Images
Figure 3: Front view or null position, respectively, of the generic 3D-mesh model PM of the talking head with reference points pM Ri . The design of the individualized talking head follows three steps: in the first step the In of the points pM (x, y, z ) of the 3D-generic model PM into the two transformation TM M n non-orthogonal, pose-dependent 2D-models QI M based on the reference points pRi and In n qI Ri , respectively, is determined. Starting from the reference qRi (u, v ) and contour points in the 2D-images In , the other knots of the triangle-based mesh QIn are calculated using the Dirichlet Free-Form Deformation [2] in the second step. The 2D-models QIn of the two images In are transformed into the individual 3D-model PI using the inverse of the In transformation TM calculated in the first step. Furthermore, in the third step the texture of the person gained from the images In is mapped onto the mesh model PI to give the
项目经理访谈角色定义:姓名:负责项目:1.你目前负责哪几个项目,现处于什么阶段?PP GP2.4 ;PMC SP1.6、SP1.72.你是如何进行项目的裁剪(公司是否有相关的规程,裁剪的结果记录在哪)?IP M SP1.1、SP1.23.项目采用的生命周期模型是什么(为什么采用这种生命周期模型、选择的依据)?OPDSP1.2 ;IPM SP1.14.你是如何制定项目计划的,哪些人员参与了项目计划的制定过程?PP SP1.1、SP1.2 SP1.3、SP1.4、SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.3、SP2.4、SP2.5、SP2.6、SP2.7 GP2.2、GP2.4、GP2.75.集成项目计划的包括了哪方面的内容,集成项目计划是否发生过变更,如何进行变更?PPSP2.7 GP2.7 ;IPM SP1.3、SP1.46.你是如何估计项目的规模、工作量、进度、成本,为什么选用这种估算方法,公司规定了哪几种估算方法?PP SP1.1、SP1.2、SP1.47.你是否如何估计项目的关健计算机资源?PP SP1.48.你是如何对项目(进度、成本、质量)进行跟踪和管理的?PMC SP1.1、SP1.69.你如何对风险进行跟踪?PMC SP1.310.项目划分了哪几个阶段(或里程碑)?里程碑阶段需要做哪些方面的工作?PMC SP1.711.项目的培训是如何开展的?PP SP2.512.你参加过哪方面的培训?你是如何了解公司的培训安排?PP、PMC、IPM、RSKM:GP2.513.项目过程中统计哪些方面的数据?MA SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.3、SP2.414.公司的收集哪些方面的数据,存放在哪儿,谁来管理这些数据?如何进行管理?OPD SP1.4 ;MA SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.3、SP2.415.&28项目策划的主要指导原则是什么、项目跟踪的主要指导原则、集成项目管理的指导原则、风险管理的指导原则? PP、PMC、IPM、RSKM:GP2.116.QA如何来检查你的工作?PPQA SP2.1 、SP2.217.上级领导如何来审查你的工作?PP、PMC、IPM、RSKM:GP2.118.请你描述一下公司的需求过程,你参与了需求的调研过程吗?RD SP1.1 、SP1.2、SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.3、SP3.519.你是如何来管理需求的(需求发生变更,你如何处理)?REQM SP1.3、SP1.4、SP1.5 GP2.7、GP2.8、GP2.1020.需求发生变更时,由谁对需求进行承诺?REQM SP1.2、SP1.321.需求是如何进行评审的(谁来组织、监控、问题是否统计和分析)?VER SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.322.项目中建立了几条的基线,如何建立基线?CM SP1.1、SP1.2、SP1.323.如何进行配置审计?CM SP3.1、SP3.224.基线变更的流程?CM SP2.1、SP2.2B的职责是什么?CM SP1.3 ;GP2.4、GP2.7、GP2.1026.你收到CM哪些方面的报告?CM GP2.827.项目需求的主要指导原则是什么、项目配置的主要指导原则、技术解决、验证、确认、产品集成的指导原则?REQM、RD、TS、CM、VER、V AL GP2.128.请描述一下测试分为几个阶段,主要采用什么的测试工具?VER SP1.1、SP1.2、SP1.3、SP3.1、SP3.229.描述一下如何进行产品集成?PI SP1.2、SP1.3、SP2.1、SP2.2、SP3.1、SP3.2、SP3.330.你如何与测试组进行沟通?IPM SP2.1、SP2.2、SP2.331.公司的过程改进小组(EPG)由哪些成员组成,他们主要的职责是什么?OPF、OPD : GP2.432.你如何了解过程改进的执行情况?OPF SP2.233.你是如何给过程改进小组提供意见及建议,他们是如何处理的?GP3.234.你知道公司过程财富库主要有哪些方面的内容(剪裁指南、生命周期模型、过程标准文件),你是如何访问的(谁来进行管理和控制)?OPD SP1.1、SP1.2、SP1.3、SP1.4、SP1.535.项目结项时,将项目中的经验教训存放于哪里?OPF SP2.4 ;IPM SP1.536.DAR的流程是什么?如何作的?DAR SP?37.什么时候要启动DAR流程进行决策?DAR SP1.1。
Linear optics implementation of general two-photon projective measurement
i + β10 V
i + β11 V 1V
To see how our scheme works we will write the total state of photons to be measured and auxiliary photons as
Linear optics implementation of general two-photon projective measurement
Andrzej Grudka* and Antoni Wójcik**
Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University,
arXiv:quant-ph/0207112 19 Jul 2002
We will present a method of implementation of general projective measurement of two-photon polarization state with the use of linear optics elements only. The scheme presented succeeds with a probability of at least 1 / 16 . For some specific measurements, (e.g. parity measurement) this probability reaches 1 / 4 .
物流专业术语范围本标准确定了物流活动中的基本概念术语、物流作业术语、物流技术装备与设施术语、物流管理术语及其定义.本标准适用于物流及相关领域的信息处理和信息交换,亦适用于相关的法规、文件;引用标准下列标准所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文;本标准出版时,所示版本均为有效;所有标准都会被修订,使用本标准的各方应探讨使用下列标准最新版本的可能性;GB/T 1992--1985 集装箱名词术语neq ISO 830:1981GB/T 4122;1--1996 包装术语基础CB/T 17271--1998 集装箱运输术语中文索引AABC分类管理....................................6.9安全库存.......................................4.16B班轮运输.......................................5.34搬运...........................................4.22包装...........................................4.25保管...........................................4.12保税仓库.......................................5.5报关...........................................5.40报关行.........................................5.41C仓库...........................................5.1仓库布局.......................................6.4.仓库管理.......................................6.3叉车...........................................5.19储存...........................................4.11船务代理.......................................5.36D大陆桥运输.....................................5.33单元装卸.......................................4.24第三元物流.....................................3.25电子订货系统...................................6.10电子数据交换...................................3.31定量订货方式...................................6.7定牌包装.......................................4.27定期订货方式...................................6.8定制物流.......................................3.26堆码...........................................4.21F发货区.........................................5.14废弃物物流.....................................3.19分拣...........................................4.37G公路集装箱中转站...............................5.28 供应链.........................................3.29供应链管理.....................................6.21供应商库存.....................................6.26供应物流.......................................3.15共同配送.......................................4.35国际多式联运...................................5.32国际货物运输保险...............................5.39 国际货运代理...................................5.37国际铁路联运...................................5.31国际物流.......................................3.24H海关监管货物...................................5.7换算箱.........................................5.24回收物流.......................................3.18货场...........................................5.16货垛...........................................4.20货架...........................................5.17J集货...........................................4.39集装化.........................................4.31集装箱.........................................5.23集装箱货运站...................................5.29.集装箱码头.....................................5.30集装箱运输.....................................4.7集装运输.......................................4.6计算局付诸订货系统.............................6.25 监管仓库.......................................5.6拣选...........................................4.38检验...........................................4.43进出口商品检验.................................5.42 经常库存.......................................4.15经济订货批量...................................6.6K控湿储存区.....................................5.11.库存...........................................4.14库存控制.......................................6.5库存周期.......................................4.17.库房...........................................5.8快速反应.......................................6.22L冷藏区.........................................5.9冷冻区.........................................5.10冷链...........................................4.42理货...........................................5.38立体仓库.......................................5.3联合运输.......................................4.2连续库存补充计划...............................6.24 料棚...........................................5.15零库存技术.....................................6.13.流通加工.......................................4.41绿色物流.......................................3.20M门到门.........................................4.8P配送...........................................4.34配送需要计划...................................6.17 配送中心.......................................4.36配送资源计划...................................6.18 拼箱货.........................................4.10Q企业物流.......................................3.21企业资源计划...................................6.20 前置期或提前期.............................4.18全集装箱船.....................................5.26S散装化.........................................5.32社会物流.......................................3.22生产物流.......................................3.16收货区.........................................5.13输送区.........................................5.20甩挂运输.......................................4.5T特种货物集装箱.................................5.25铁路集装箱.....................................5.27. 托盘...........................................5.18托盘包装.......................................4.30 W温度可控区.....................................5.12 无形损耗.......................................3.33 物料需要计划...................................6.15 物流...........................................3.2物流成本.......................................3.7.物流成本管理...................................6.14. 物流单证.......................................3.13 物流管理.......................................3.8物流活动.......................................3.3物流技术.......................................3.6物流联盟.......................................3.14 物流模数.......................................3.5物流企业.......................................3.12 物流网络.......................................3.10 物流信息.......................................3.11 物流战略.......................................6.1物流战略管理...................................6.2. 物流中心.......................................3.9物流资源计划...................................6.19. 物流作业.......................................3.4物品...........................................3.1物品储备.......................................4.13. X箱式车.........................................5.22销售包装.......................................4.26 销售物流.......................................3.17 虚拟仓库.......................................5.4虚拟物流.......................................3.27Y业务外包.......................................6.27 有效客户反应...................................6.23 有形损耗.......................................3.32 运输...........................................4.1运输包装.......................................4.29. Z增值物流服务...................................3.28 整箱货.........................................4.9直达运输.......................................4.3直接换装.......................................4.33制造资源计划...................................6.16中性包装.......................................4.28中转运输.......................................4.4装卸...........................................4.23准时制.........................................6.11准时制物流.....................................6.12自动导引车.....................................5.21自动化仓库.....................................5.2租船运输.......................................5.35组配...........................................4.40英文索引AABC classification......................................6.9 Article.................................................3.1Article reserves........................................4.13 Assembly................................................4.40 Automatic guided vehicle AGV .........................5.21 Automatic warehouse.....................................5.3.BBar code................................................3.30Boned warehouse.........................................5.6Box car.................................................5.22CCargo under custom's supervision........................5.8 Chill space.............................................5.9Cold chain..............................................4.42 Combined transport......................................4.2 Commodity inspection....................................5.42 Computer assisted ordering CAO .......................6.25 Container...............................................5.23 Container freight station CFS ........................5.29 Container terminal......................................5.30 Container transport.....................................4.7 Containerization........................................4.31 Containerized transport.................................4.6 Continuous replenishment program CRP .................6.24 Conveyor................................................5.20Cross docking...........................................4.33 Customized logistics....................................3.26 Customs broker..........................................5.41 Customs declaration.....................................5.40Cycle stock.............................................4.15D Distribution............................................4.34 Distribution center.....................................4.36 Distribution logistics..................................3.17 Distribution processing.................................4.41 Distribution requirements planning DRP ...............6.17 Distribution resource planning DRP II ................6.18 Door-to-door............................................4.8Drop and pull transport.................................4.5EEconomic order quantity EOQ ..........................6.6 Efficient customer response ECR ......................6.23 Electronic data interchange EDI ......................3.31 Electronic order system EOS ..........................6.10 Enterprise resource planning ERP .....................6.20 Environmental logistics.................................3.20 Export supervised warehouse.............................5.7 External logistics......................................3.22FFixed-interval system FIS ............................6.8Fixed-quantity system FQS ............................6.7Fork lift truck.........................................5.19Freeze space............................................5.10Full container load FCL ..............................4.9Full container ship.....................................5.26 G Goods collection........................................4.39Goods shed..............................................5.15Goods shelf.............................................5.17Goods stack.............................................4.20Goods yard..............................................5.16HHanding/carrying........................................4.22 Humidity controlled space...............................5.11IIn bulk.................................................4.32Inland container depot..................................5.28 Inspection..............................................4.43 Intangible loss.........................................3.33Internal logistics......................................3.21 International freight forwarding agent..................5.37 International logistics.................................3.24 International multimodal transport......................5.32 International through railway transport.................5.31 International transportation cargo insurance............5.39Inventory...............................................4.14 Inventory control.......................................6.5 Inventory cycle time....................................4.17JJoint distribution......................................4.35Just in time JIT .....................................6.11Just-in-time logistics..................................6.12 LLand bridge transport...................................5.33Lead-time ..............................................4.18Less than container load LCL .........................4.10 Liner transport.........................................5.34 Loading and unloading ..................................4.23 Logistics...............................................3.2Logistics activity......................................3.3Logistics alliance......................................3.14 Logistics center........................................3.9 Logistics cost..........................................3.7Logistics cost control..................................6.14 Logistics documents.....................................3.13 Logistics enterprise....................................3.12 Logistics information...................................3.11 Logistics management....................................3.8 Logistics modulus.......................................3.5 Logistics network.......................................3.10 Logistics operation.....................................3.4 Logistics resource planning LRP ......................6.19 Logistics strategy......................................6.1 Logistics strategy management...........................6.2 Logistics technology....................................3.6MManufacturing resource planning MRP II ...............6.16 Material requirements planning MRP ...................6.15 Military logistics......................................3.23NNeutral packing.........................................4.28OOrder cycle time........................................4.19Order picking...........................................4.38 Outsourcing.............................................6.27PPackage/packaging.......................................4.25 Packing of nominated brand..............................4.27 Pallet..................................................5.18 Palletizing.............................................4.30QQuick response QR ....................................6.22RRailway container yard..................................5.27 Receiving space.........................................5.13 Returned logistics......................................3.18SSafety stock............................................4.16Sales package...........................................4.26 Shipping agency.........................................5.36 Shipping by chartering..................................5.35 Shipping space..........................................5.14 Sorting.................................................4.37Specific cargo container................................5.25 Stacking................................................4.21 Stereoscopic warehouse..................................5.4 Storage.................................................4.12 Storehouse..............................................5.2 Storing.................................................4.11Supply chain............................................3.29 Supply chain management SCM ..........................6.21 Supply logistics........................................3.15T Tally...................................................5.38Tangible loss...........................................3.32 Temperature controlled space............................5.12 Third-part logistics TPL .............................3.25 Through transport.......................................4.3 Transfer transport......................................4.4 Transport package.......................................4.29 Transportation..........................................4.1 Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU ......................5.24 UUnit loading and unloading..............................4.24VValue-added logistics service...........................3.28 Vendor managed inventory VMI .........................6.26 Virtual logistics.......................................3.27Virtual warehouse.......................................5.5W Warehouse...............................................5.1 Warehouse layout........................................6.4 Warehouse management....................................6.3ZZero-inventory technology...............................6.133.基本概念术语3.1 物品article经济活动中涉及到实体流动的物质资料3.2 物流logistics物品从供应地向接收地的实体流动过程;根据实际需要,将运输、储存、装卸、搬运、包装、流通加工、配送、信息处理等基本功能实施有机结合;3.3 物流活动logistics activity物流诸功能的实施与管理过程;3.4 物流作业logistics operation实现物流功能时所进行的具体操作活动;3.5 物流模数logistics modulus物流设施与设备的尺寸基准;3.6 物流技术logistics technology物流活动中所采用的自然科学与社会科学方面的理论、方法,以及设施、设备、装置与工艺的总称;3.7 物流成本logistics cost物流活动中所消耗的物化劳动和活劳动的货币表现;3.8 物流管理logistics management为了以最低的物流成本达到用户所满意的服务水平,对物流活动进行的计划、组织、协调与控制;3.9 物流中心logistics center从事物流活动的场所或组织,应基本符合以下要求:a 主要面向社会服务;b物流功能健全;c完善的信息网络;d辐射范围大;e少品种、大批量;f存储\吞吐能力强;g物流业务统一经营、管理;3.10 物流网络logistics network物流过程中相互联系的组织与设施的集合;3.11 物流信息logistics information反映物流各种活动内容的知识、资料、图像、数据、文件的总称;3.12 物流企业logistics enterprise从事物流活动的经济组织;3.13 物流单证logistics documents物流过程中使用的所有单据、票据、凭证的总称;3.14 物流联盟logistics alliance两个或两个以上的经济组织为实现特定的物流目标而采取的长期联合与合作;3.15 供应物流supply logistics为生产企业提供原材料、零部件或其他物品时,物品在提供者与需求者之间的实体流动; 3.16 生产物流production logistics生产过程中,原材料、在制品、半成品、产成品等,在企业内部的实体流动;3.17销售物流distribution logistics生产企业、流通企业出售商品时,物品在供与需方之间的实体流动;3.18 回收物流returned logistics不合格物品的返修、退货以及周转使用的包装容器从需方返回到供方所形成的物品实体流动;3.19 废弃物物流waste material logistics将经济活动中失去原有使用价值的物品,根据实际需要进行收集、分类、加工、包装、搬运、储存等,并分送到专门处理场所时形成的物品实体流动;3.20 绿色物流environmental logistics在物流过程中抑制物流对环境造成危害的同时,实现对物流环境的净化,使物流资料得到最充分利用;3.21 企业物流internal logistics企业内部的物品实体流动;3.22 社会物流external logistics企业外部的物流活动的总称;3.23 军事物流military logistics用于满足军队平时与战时需要的物流活动;3.24 国际物流international logistics不同国家地区之间的物流;3.25 第三方物流third-part logistics TPL由供方与需方以外的物流企业提供物流服务的业务模式;3.26 定制物流customized logistics根据用户的特定要求而为其专门设计的物流服务模式;3.27 虚拟物流virtual logistics以计算机网络技术进行物流运作与管理,实现企业间物流资源共享和优化配置的物流方式; 3.28 增值物流服务value-added logistics service在完成物流基本功能基础上,根据客户需要提供的各种延伸业务活动;3.29 供应链supply chain生产及流通过程中,涉及将产品或服务提供给最终用户活动的上游与下游企业,所形成的网链结构;3.30 条码bar code由一组规则排列的条、空及字符组成的,用以表示一定信息的代码;同义词:条码符号bar code symbolGB/T 4122.1-1996中4.173.31 电子数据交换electronic data interchange EDI通过电子方式,采用标准化的格式,利用计算机网络进行结构数据的传输和交换;3.32 有形消耗tangible loss可见或可测量出来的物理性损失、消耗;3.33 无形消耗intangible loss由于科学技术进步而引起的物品贬值;物流作业术语4.1 运输transportation用设备和工具,将物品从一地点向另一地点运送的物流活动;其中包括集货、分配、搬运、中转、装入、卸下、分散等一系列操作; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.174.2 联合运输combined transport一次委托,由两家以上运输企业或用两种以上运输方式共同将某一批物品运送到目的的运输方式;4.3 直达运输through transport物品由发运地到接收地,中途不需要换装和在储存场所停滞的一种运输方式;4.4中转运输transfer transport物品由生产地运达最终使用地,中途经过一次以上落地并换装的一种运输方式;4.5 甩挂运输drop and pull transport用牵引车拖带挂车至目的地,将挂车甩下后,换上新的挂车运往另一个目的地的运输方式; 4.6 集装运输containerized transport使用集装器具或利用捆扎方法,把裸装物品、散粒物品、体积较小的成件物品,组合成为一定规格的集装单元进行的运输;4.7 集装箱运输container transport以集装箱为单元进行货物运输的一种货运方式; GB/T17271-1998中3.2.14.8 门到门door-to-door承运人在托运人的工厂或仓库整箱接货,负责运抵收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3.2.14.9 整箱货full container load FCL一个集装箱装满一个托运人同时也是一个收货人的工厂或仓库整箱交货;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 拼箱货less than container load LCL一个集装箱装入多个托运人或多个收货人的货物;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 储存storing保护、管理、贮藏物品; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.24.12 保管storage对物品进行保存及对其数量、质量进行管理控制活动;4.13 物品储存article reserves储存起来以备急需的物品;有当年储存、长期储存、战略储备之分;4.14 库存inventory处于储存状态的物品;广义的库存还包括处于制造加工状态和运输状态的物品;4.15 经常库存cycle stock在正常的经营环境下,企业为满足日常需要而建立的库存;4.16 安全库存safety stick为了防止由于不确定性因素如大量突发性订货、交货期突然延期等而准备的缓冲库存; 4.17 库存周期inventory cycle time在一定范围内,库存物品从入库到出库的平均时间;4.18 前置期或提前期lead time从发出订货单到货物的时间间隔;4.19 订货处理周期order cycle time从收到订货单到将所订货物发运出去的时间间隔;4.20 货垛goods stack为了便于保管和装卸、运输,按一定要求分门别类堆放在一起的一批物品;4.21 堆码stacking将物品整齐、规则地摆放成货垛的作业;4.22 搬运handing/carrying在同一场所内,对物品进行水平移动为主的物流作业;4.23 装卸loading and unloading物品在指定地点以人力或机械装入运输设备或卸下; GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.54.24 单元装卸unit loading and unloading用托盘、容器或包装物见小件或散装物品集成一定质量或体积的组合件,以便利用机械进行作业的装卸方式;4.25 包装package/packaging为在流通过程中保护产品、方便储运、促进销售,按一定技术方面而采用的容器、材料及辅助物等的总体名称;也指为了达到上述目的而采用容器、材料和辅助物的过程中施加一定技术方法等的操作活动; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.14.26 销售包装sales package又称内包装,是直接接触商品进入零售网点和消费者或用户直接见面的包装;4.27 定牌包装packing of nominated brand买方要求卖方在出口商品/包装上使用买方指定的牌名或商标的做法;4.28 中性包装neutral packing在出口商品及其内外包装上都不注明生产国别的包装;4.29 运输包装transport package以满足运输贮存要求为主要目的的包装;它具有保障产品的安全,方便储运装卸,加速交接、点验等作用; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.54.30 托盘包装palletizing以托盘为承载物,将包装件或产品堆码在托盘上,通过捆扎、裹包或胶粘等方法加以固定,形成一个搬运单元,以便用机械设备搬运; GB/T 4122.1-1996中2.174.31 集装化containerization用集装器具或采用捆扎方法,把物品组成标准规格的单元货件,以加快装卸、搬运、储存、运输等物流活动;4.32 散装化containerization用专门机械、器具进行运输、装卸的散装物品在某个物流范围内,不用任何包装,长期固定采用吸扬、抓斗等机械、器具进行装卸、运输、储存的作业方式;4.33 直接换装cross docking物品在物流环节中,不经过中间仓库或站点,直接从一个运输工具换载到另一个运输工具的物流衔接方式;4.34 配送distribution在经济合理区域范围内,根据用户要求,对物品进行拣选、加工、包装、分割、组配等作业,并按时送达指定地点的物流活动;4.35 共同配送joint distribution由多个企业联合组织实施的配送活动;4.36 配送中心distribution center从事配送业务的物流场所或组织,应基本符合下列要求:a 主要为特定的用户服务;b 配送功能健全;c 完善的信息网络;d 辐射范围小;e 多品种、小批量;f 以配送为主,储存为辅;4.37 分拣sorting将物品按品种、出入库先后顺序进行分门别类推放的作业;4.38 拣选order picking按订单或出库单的要求,从储存场所选出物品,并放置指定地点的作业;4.39 集货goods collection将分散的或小批量的物品集中起来,以便进行运输、配送的作业;4.40 组配assembly配送前,根据物品的流量、流向及运输工具的载质量和容积,组织安排物品装载的作业; 4.41 流通加工distribution processing物品在从生产地到使用地的过程中,根据需要施加包装、分割、计量、分拣、刷标志、拴标签、组装等简单作业的总称;4.42 冷链cold chain为保持新鲜食品及冷冻食品等的品质,使其在从生产到消费的过程中,始终处于低温状态的配有专门设备的物流网络;4.43 检验inspection根据合同或标准,对标的物品的品质、数量、包装等进行检查、验收的总称;物流技术装备与设施术语5.1 仓库warehouse保管、储存物品的建筑物和场所的总称;5.2 库房storehouse有屋顶和围护结构,供储存各种物品的封闭式建筑物;5.3 自动化仓库automatic warehouse由电子计算机进行管理和的控制,不需人工搬运作业,而实现收发作业的仓库;5.4立体仓库stereoscopic warehouse采用高层货架配以货箱或托盘储存货物,用巷道队垛起重机及其他机械进行作业的仓库; 5.5 虚拟仓库virtual warehouse建立在计算机和网络通讯技术基础上,进行物品储存、保管和远程控制的物流设施;可实现不同状态、空间、时间、货主的有效调度和统一管理; 5.6保税仓库boned warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,专供存放未办理关税手续而入境或过境货物的场所;5.7 出口监管仓库export supervised warehouse经海关批准,在海关监管下,存放已按规定领取了出口货物许可证或批件,已对外买断结汇并向海关办完全部出口海关手续的货物的专用仓库;5.8 海关监管货物cargo under custom's supervision在海关批准范围内接受海关查验的进出口、过境、转运、通关货物,以及保税货物和其他尚未办结海关手续的进出境货物;5.9 冷藏区chill space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C~10.C范围内;5.10 冷冻区freeze space仓库的一个区域,其温度保持在0'C以下;5.11 控湿储存区humidity controlled space仓库内配有湿度调制设备,使内部湿度可调的库房区域;5.12 温度可控区temperature controlled space温度可根据需要调整在一定范围内的库房区域;5.13 收货区receiving space到库物品入库前核对检查及进库准备的地区;5.14 发货区shipping space物品集中待运地区;5.15 料棚goods shed供储存某些物品的简易建筑物,一般没有或只有部分围壁;5.16 货场goods yard用于存放某些物品的露天场地;5.17 货架goods shelf用支架、隔板或托架组成的立体储存货物的设施;5.18 托盘pallet用于集装、堆放、搬运和运输的放置作为单元负荷的货物和制品的水平平台装置;GB/T 4122.1-1996中4.275.19 叉车fork lift truck具有各种叉具,能够对货物进行升降和移动以及装卸作业的搬运车辆;5.20 输送机conveyor对物品进行连续运送的机械;5.21 自动导引车automatic guided vehicle AGV能够自动行驶到指定地点的无轨搬运车辆;5.22 箱式车box car除具备普通车的一切机械性能外,还必须具备全封闭的箱式车身和便于装卸作业的车门; 5.23 集装箱container是一种运输设备,应满足下列要求:a 具有足够的强度,可长期反复使用;b 适于一种或多种运输方式运送,途中转运时,箱内货物不需换装;c 具有快速装卸和搬运的装置,特别便于从一种运输方式转移到另一种运输方式;d 便于货物装满和卸空;e 具有1立方米及以上的容积;集装箱这一术语不包括车辆和一般包装; GB/T 1992-1985中1.15.24 换算箱twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU又称标准箱;Twenty-feet equivalent unit TEU以20英尺集装箱作为换算单位;GB/T 17271-1998中3. 特种货物集装箱specific cargo container用以装运特种物品用的集装箱; GB/T 4122.1-1996中1.15.26 全集装箱船full container ship舱内设有固定式或活动式的格栅结构,舱盖上和甲板上设置固定集装箱的系紧装置, 便于集装箱左翼及定位的船舶;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 铁路集装箱场railway container yard进行集装箱承运、交付、装卸、堆存、装拆箱、门到门作业,组织集装箱专列等作业的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 公路集装箱中转站inland container depot具有集装箱中转运输与门到门运输和集装箱货物的拆箱、装箱、仓储和接取、送达、装卸、堆存的场所;GB/T GB/T17271-1998中3. 集装箱货运站container freight station CFS拼箱货物拆箱、装箱、办理交接的场所;5.30 集装箱码头container terminal专供停靠集装箱船、装卸集装箱用的码头;GB/T GB/T 17271-1998中3. 国际铁路联运international through railway transport使用一份统一的国际铁路联运票据,由跨国铁路承运人办理两国或两国以上铁路的全程运输,并承担运输责任的一种连贯运输方式;5.32 国际多式联运international multimodal transport按照多式联运合同,以至少两种不同的运输方式,由多式联运经营人将货物从一国境内的接管地点运至另一国境内指定交付地点的货物运输;5.33 大陆桥运输land bridge transport用横贯大陆的铁路或公路作为中间桥梁,将大陆两端的海洋运输连接起来的连贯运输方式; 5.34 班轮运输liner transport在固定的航线上,以既定的港口顺序,按照事先公布的船期表航行的水上运输方式;5.35 租船运输shipping by chartering根据协议,租船人向船舶所有人租凭船舶用于货物运输,并按商定运价,向船舶所有人支付运费或租金的运输方式;5.36 船务代理shipping agency根据承运人的委托,代办与船舶进出有关的业务活动;5.37 国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人或自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务,并收取劳务报酬的经济组织;5.38 理货tally货物装卸中,对照货物运输票据进行的理点数、计量、检查残缺、指导装舱积载、核对标记、检查包装、分票、分标志和现场签证等工作;5.39 国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance在国际贸易中,以国际运输中的货物为保险标的的保险,以对自然灾害和意外事故所造成的财产损失获得补偿;5.40 报关customs declaration由进出口货物的收发货人或其代理人向海关办理进出境手续的全过程;5.41 报关行customs broker专门代办进出境保管业务的企业;5.42 进出口商品检验commodity inspection确定进出口商品的品质、规格、重量、数量、包装、安全性能、卫生方面的指标及装运技术和装运条件等项目实施检验和鉴定,以确定其是否与贸易合同、有关标准规定一致,是否符合进出口国有关法律和行政法规的规定;简称"商检";物流管理术语6.1 物流战略logistics strategy为寻求物流的可持续发展,就物流发展目标以及达成目标的途径与手段而制定的长远性、全局性的规划与谋略;6.2 物流战略管理logistics strategy management物流组织根据已制定的物流战略,付诸实施和控制的过程;6.3 仓库管理warehouse management对库存物品和仓库设施及其布局等进行规划、控制的活动;6.4仓库布局warehouse layout在一定区域或库区内,对仓库的数量、规模、地理位置和仓库设施、道路等各要素进行科学规划和总体设计;6.5 库存控制inventory control在保障供应的前提下,使库存物品的数量最少进行的有效管理的技术经济措施;6.6 经济订货批量economic order quantity EOQ通过平衡采购进货成本和保管仓储成本核算,以实现总库存成本最低的最佳订货量;6.7定量订货方式fixed-quantity system FQS当库存量下降到预定的最低的库存数量订货点时,按规定数量一般以经济订货批量为标准进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.8 定期订货方式fixed-quantity system FIS按预先确定的订货间隔期间进行订货补充的一种库存管理方式;6.9 ABC分类管理ABC classification将库存物品按品种和占用资金的多少分为特别重要的库存A类、一般重要的库存B类和不重要的库存C类三个等级,然后针对不同等级分别进行管理与控制;6.10 电子订货系统Electronic order system EOS不同组织间利用通讯网络和终端设备以在线联结方式进行订货作业与订货信息交换的体系; 6.11 准时制just in time JIT在精确测定生产各工艺环节作业效率的前提下按订单准确的计划,消除一切无效作业与浪费为目标的一种管理模式;6.12 准时制物流just-in-time logistics一种建立在JIT管理理念基础上的现代物流方式;6.13 零库存技术zero-inventory logistics在生产与流通领域按照JIT组织物资供应,使整个过程库存最小化的技术的总称;6.14 物流成本管理logistics cost control对物流相关费用进行的计划、协调与控制;6.15 物料需要计划material requirements planning MRP一种工业制造企业内的物资计划管理模式;根据产品结构各层次物品的从属和数量关系,以每个物品为计划对象,以完工日期为时间基准倒排计划,按提前期长短区别各个物品下达计划时间的先后顺序;6.16 制造资源计划manufacturing resource planning MRP II从整体最优的角度出发,运用科学的方法,对企业的各种制造资源和企业生产经营各环节实行合理有效地计划、组织、控制和协调,达到既能连续均衡生产,又能最大限度地降低各种物品的库存量,进而提高企业经济效益的管理方法;6.17 配送需要计划distribution requirements planning DRP一种既保证有效地满足市场需要,又使得物流资源配置费用最省的计划方法,是MRP原理与方法在物品配送中的运用;6.18 配送资源计划distribution resource planning DRP II一种企业内物品配送计划系统管理模式;是在DRP的基础上提高各环节的物流能力,达到系统优化运行的目的;6.19 物流资源计划logistics resource planning LRP以物流为基础手段,打破生产与流通界限,集成制造资源计划、分销需要计划以及功能计划而形成的物资资源优化配置方法;6.20 企业资源计划enterprise resource planning ERP在MRP II 的基础上,通过反馈的物流和反馈的信息流、资金流,把客户需要和企业内部的生产经营活动以及供应商的资源整合在一起,体现完全按用户需要进行经营管理的一种全新的管理方法;6.21 供应链管理supply chain management SCM利用计算机网络技术全面规划供应链中的商流、物流、信息流、资金流等,并进行计划、组织、协调与控制;6.22 快速反映Quick response QR物流企业面对多品种、小批量的买方市场,不是储备了"产品",而是准备了各种"要素",在用户提出要求时,能以最快速度抽取"要素",及时"组装",提供所需服务或产品;6.23 有效客户反映efficient customer responseECR以满足顾客要求和最大限度降低物流过程费用为原则,能及时做出准确反应,使提供的物品供应或服务流程最佳化的一种供应链管理战略;6.24 连续库存补充计划continuous replenishment program CRP利用及时准确的销售时点信息确定已销售的商品数量,根据零售商或批发商的库存信息和预先规定的库存补充程序确定发货补充数量和配送时间的计划方法;6.25 计算机付诸订货系统computer assisted ordering CAO基于库存和客户需要信息,利用计算机进行自动订货管理的系统;6.26 供应商管理库存vendor managed inventory VMI供应商等上游企业基于其下游客户的生产经营、库存信息,对下游客户的库存进行管理与控制;6.27 业务外包outsourcing企业为了获得不单纯利用不、内部资源更多的竞争优势,将其非核心业务交由合作企业完成; 资料来源:http://vip.6to23/our56/study/html/tjzl/wlbz/wlglsy.htm。
1、填充题2、1.1 APQP:产品质量先期策划和控制计划1.2 PPAP:生产件批准程序1.3 FMEA:潜在失效模式及后果分析1.4 SPC:统计过程控制1.5 MSA:测量系统分析3、APQP 的目的:1、减少顾客和供货商产品质量策划的复杂性2、方便供货商向分承包方传达产品质量策划的要求4、产品质量策划的五个阶段:1 计划和定义2 产品设计和开发3 过程设计和开发4 产品和过程的确认5 回馈评定和纠正措施5、生产件是指:在生产现场使用生产工装、量具、工序、材料、操作者、环境和工序设定制造的零件6、表证数据质量通用的统计特性是:偏差7、FMEA 的四种类型是:系统 SFMEA,设计 DFMEA ,过程 PFMEA,设备 EFMEA。
10 、在评价一个测量系统时必须考虑三个基本问题:10.1 测量系统必须:显示足够的灵敏性(分辨力与分辨率)10.2 测量系统必须:是稳定的10.3 统计特性(误差)在预期的范围内:一致,并足以满足测量的目的10 、零件的提交等级有: 5 个,零件的提交状态有: 3 种11 、零件的实际测量值称为:真值12 、仪器可以探测到并如实显示的参考值的变化称为:分辨力13、对于重要的生产过程,提交 PPAP 的生产件必须来源于 1-8 小时生产的至少:300 件的零件14 、管制中的定义,过程绩效的变动是随机的,且数据点位于管制上限和管制下限之间15 、统计过程的资料可分为:计数型与计量型16 、受控状态是指:只有普通原因的变差17 、APQP 的实施组织是:跨功能小组18 、测量系统是指:对测量资料有关的人、机、料、法、环的集合19 、IMDS 信息建立目的:更好的保护环境,消除废弃的交通工具,并鼓励回收,重复利用20、在 2003/07/01 后,投到市场的汽车,应确保安全可靠的组件,不能含有:汞、六价铬、镉、铅问答题1 W/P 构造与功能:本体、轴承、轴封(单片、双片) (陶磁盘、石墨:有清洁度) 问题) 、轮叶。
Motion Estimation
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2 Introduction to Digital Video 2.1 Definitions and terminology . . . . . 2.1.1 Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Video sequences . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Video interlacing . . . . . . . 2.1.4 Contrast . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.5 Spatial frequency . . . . . . . 2.2 Digital image processing . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Fourier transform . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Convolution . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Digital filters . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Correlation . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 MPEG-2 video compression . . . . . 2.3.1 The discrete cosine transform 2.3.2 Quantization . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Motion compensation . . . . 2.3.4 Efficient representation . . .
c Philips Electronics N.V. 2001
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人工智能产品经理-ai时代pm修炼手册英文版The AI Product Manager: A Handbook for the Age of AI Product ManagementIn the rapidly evolving world of technology, the role of an AI Product Manager has become increasingly significant. As AI and machine learning continue to revolutionize various industries, the need for skilled and experienced product managers who can harness the power of AI has never been more urgent.1. Understanding the AI LandscapeBefore diving into AI product management, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the AI landscape. This includes familiarity with different AI technologies, such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing. Understanding these technologies will help you make informed decisions about which AI tools and techniques to use for your product.2. Defining the Product VisionAs an AI Product Manager, you must have a clear vision for your product. This vision should be aligned with the overall business objectives and should consider the needs and preferences of your target audience. Define the problem that your AI product aims to solve and how it will add value to users' lives.3. Managing the AI Development ProcessManaging the AI development process can be challenging, as it involves working with cross-functional teams and ensuring that the product meets both technical and business requirements. It's essential to establish clear communication channels and set realistic deadlines. Additionally, it's important to continuously monitor the progress of the development team and provide feedback to ensure that the product remains on track.4. Evaluating AI Product PerformanceOnce the AI product is launched, it's crucial to continuously evaluate its performance. Collect user feedback, analyze data, and identify areas for improvement. Use this information to iterate on the product and make necessary adjustments to enhance user experience and meet business goals.5. Staying up to Date with AI Trends and InnovationsThe field of AI is constantly evolving, and new trends and innovations emerge frequently. As an AI Product Manager, it's essential to stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. Attend conferences, read research papers, and network with industry experts to stay informed and gain valuable insights that can help you refine your product strategy.The Chinese Translation:人工智能产品经理:AI时代PM修炼手册在科技飞速发展的时代,人工智能产品经理的角色变得越来越重要。
赛宝认证中心ITSMS内审员考试试题A姓名: ______________ 分数:________________一、单项选择题( 每题2分):1.下面哪句话最恰当地描述了ISO/IEC 20000 第一部分的规定内容?a)服务管理的最佳实践指南b)服务管理体系的要求c)协调服务管理的最佳运作模式d)保证高效运行服务管理体系的推荐方法2.以下哪句话最恰当地描述了ISO/IEC 20000对服务级别协议内容的定义?a)服务提供商必须满足的目标清单b)服务和商定的服务级别c)各方的角色和责任d)顾客对服务的详细要求3.问题管理所识别出的纠正基础设施错误的行动,将通过以下哪个流程来进行处理:a)问题管理b)事件和服务请求管理c)可用性管理d)变更管理4.何时需要制作配置基线?a)重大事件发生之前b)重大事件发生后立即制作c)作为服务连续性计划测试的一部分d)部署一个发布到真实环境之前5.需要使用哪个流程来管理违反安全性规定的情况?a)事件和服务请求管理b)问题管理c)服务级别管理d)服务连续性和可用性管理6.供方管理的目标是什么?a)管理供方以保证其收费最小化b)保证供方不会分包工作的任何部分c)管理与供方的关系,当供方不能满足合同要求时,实现合同向其它供方的转让d)管理供方以保证提供无缝、高质量的服务7.在什么情况下需要启动重大事件流程?a)当任何事件超过其目标解决时间时b)取决于服务提供商的策略和定义c)当事件影响到高管层时d)当事件明显影响到客户的业务时8.以下那句话最恰当地描述服务级别管理流程的目标?a)确保能以服务提供方可达到的最高的可用性级别交付服务b)持续评审服务级别以实现可能的最低成本c)定义、协商、记录和管理服务级别d)保证不合格项能够输入到服务改善计划之中9.在考虑评审服务连续性和可用性计划时,以下哪句话说出了要采取的措施?a)要在每个月进行评审和报告b)没有规定的周期,但必须在审计时进行评审c)需要每年在测试之后进行评审d)对其评审没有具体要求10.你不希望在事件和服务请求管理程序中出现以下哪些活动?a)事件的升级b)事件的优先级排序c)事件根本原因的识别d)能在第一线解决事件11.在能力计划中你不希望发现哪些方面?a)服务升级成本以支持能力要求b)服务级别协议的副本c)考虑新技术的潜在优势d)当前能力要求的细节12.以下哪个方面不是标准中涉及所有新的和变更服务的部署计划的特定要求?a)供方b)服务提供商c)利益相关者d)客户13.以下哪句话最恰当地描述在提出正规服务投诉方面标准的要求?a)任何时候如果客户要求升级,则将提出投诉b)每当事件超过目标解决时间,则将提出投诉c)将根据与具体客户之间的协议定义何时提出投诉d)服务提供商定义在什么情形对所有客户和服务提出投诉14.发布策略不包括a)发布的频率和类型b)发布管理的角色和责任c)发布的验证和接受d)发布不成功时所需的撤回行动15.下列哪些不是标准变更管理流程中的强制要求?a)变更管理控制下的CI定义b)确定可能对服务产生重大影响变更的标准c)每周变更日程安排d)归类变更的书面程序16.标准的第2部分与第1部分有何关联?a)第1部分是第2部分的子集,满足第2部分的要求一定满足第1部分b)第1部分包括第2部分中规定的主要要求c)第2部分需要完全实现才能满足第1部分的要求d)第2部分包含如何满足第1部分要求的指导17.下列哪项是ISO/IEC 20000定义的记录的最佳示例:a)服务连续性计划b)能力计划c)服务级别协议d)服务报告18.以下哪句话是服务改进计划需要包含内容的最佳描述?a)对服务管理体系的改进,但不是对服务的改进b)对整个服务的改进,但不是对服务管理系统的改进c)对服务和服务管理系统的改进d)没有具体要求19.维护所有纸质副本是ISO/IEC20000的一项要求吗?为什么?a)是的,为了保证可将其提供给审计师b)是的,这样始终会有备份副本c)不,文档可为任何形式或介质类型d)不,因为纸质副本很浪费20.在ISO/IEC20000内对管理体系的要求中,需要下列哪项来开展服务管理审查?a)注册认证机构b)主供应商c)咨询机构d)服务提供商的管理层21.以下哪句话是对第5节“设计和部署新的或变更的服务”目标的最佳描述?a)为保证新服务和变更的服务在约定的成本和服务质量上可交付和可管理b)为保证新服务和变更的服务的提议得到完全评估和授权c)为保证新服务和变更的服务的提议被完全估价d)为保证新服务和变更的服务的服务接受标准得到完全满足22.以下哪句话对需要在服务提供商和客户之间协商和记录的服务范围提供了最佳描述?a)服务提供商要同意向客户提供的服务b)服务提供商应决定将提供哪些服务c)客户应决定需要哪些服务d)服务应参照所有利益相关者的意见进行定义,包括主供应商23.以下哪句话是对服务连续性和可用性管理的目标的最佳描述?a)为保证服务连续性和可用性计划按照业务需要进行检测b)为保证潜在的服务连续性和可用性问题可被预测并采取预防行动c)为保证与客户商定的服务连续性和可用性承诺可在所有情况下得到满足d)为保证与客户商定的服务连续性和可用性要求在服务级别协议中得到完整定义和协商24.对于需要接受外部机构访问的管理信息系统和服务的服务提供方来说,如何管理安全控制措施?a)与外部机构记录并同意控制措施b)外部机构负责维护服务提供商信息的秘密、c)主供应商负责这种关系的安全性方面d)业务关系经理负责这种关系的安全性方面25.以下哪句话是对服务的预算和核算的目标的最佳描述?a)为保证服务成本降至最低b)为提供最佳的流程效率c)为了对服务提供的成本进行预算和核算d)为了保证服务提供所得收益最大26.以下哪句话是对信息安全性管理的目标的最佳描述?a)为保证商定的安全性政策被传达给所有员工b)为完整记载和管理安全性控制记录c)为保证安全性事件被记录下来并进行彻底调查d)为了在所有服务活动中有效地管理信息安全性27.谁需要参与客户和服务提供商之间的服务审核?a)只有业务关系流程经理和客户b)只有供应商和业务关系流程经理c)除了客户和其他利益相关者外没有特定要求d)两个机构的高管层28.当服务供应商的主供应商在使用分包供应商时,如果分包的供应商不能满足合同义务,谁应该对服务提供商负责?a)主供应商b)分包供应商c)服务提供商的合同经理d)服务提供商的业务关系经理29.当供应商所提供的服务到合同期末时,ISO/IEC 20000第一部分有何要求?a)服务提供商需要公开投标来续签合同b)合同应自动续期,除非对供应商所提供服务存在担心事项c)业务关系管理层应咨询客户来讨论替代方案d)合同中应该包括与预期服务结束相关的信息30.以下哪句话是对事件和服务请求管理的目标的最佳描述?a)为了通过分析事件的根本原因,最大程度降低业务中断b)为保证能以可能的最低成本解决事件c)为最大程度提高事件不通过问题管理流程即可解决的百分比d)为尽快恢复对企业约定的服务或对服务要求做出相应31.问题和事件之间的关系如何?a)多个事件始终会导致某个问题记录被打开b)单个事件永远不会造成某个问题记录被打开c)一个或多个事件可能造成某个问题记录被打开d)在目标时间内未能解决的事件将被转移到问题管理32.当识别出一系列行动来纠正问题的原因时,该建议应转移到哪个流程?a)投放和部署管理b)取决于是否涉及客户而有所不同c)变更管理d)仍然处于问题管理流程内33.以下哪句话是对配置管理的目标的最佳描述?a)为定义配置管理数据库的内容b)为保证每个配置项所记录的信息被准确定义c)为保证基线在投放到真实环境之前被完整定义d)为定义和控制服务和基础设施的组件,并且维护准确的配置信息34.以下哪句话是对CI配置管理将会具有的控制量的最佳描述?a)应足够满足服务完整性需要,考虑服务要求和与CI有关的风险b)应作为配置审计程序的一部分每年进行评估c)应与客户就具体的服务进行协商d)应由高级管理层决定该政策35.ISO/IEC 20000第一部分对应紧急变更有何要求?a)紧急变更不应在正常服务时间内安装b)应由变更顾问委员会开会批准紧急变更c)紧急变更应尽快进行处理,在部署到真实环境之前不需要测试d)应有管理紧急变更的程序36.以下哪句话是对发布和部署管理的目标的最佳描述?a)为交付、分发和跟踪发布中的一个或多个变更进入真实环境b)为保证所有经批准的变更在投放到真实环境之前都经过测试c)为保证在发布进入真实环境之前完成验收测试d)为了以受控的方式将变更交付到真实环境中的现有服务中37.当服务提供商希望证明符合ISO/IEC的要求时,以下哪句话是关于流程方面的正确说法?a)所有被识别出的流程都要到位,但其中部分要求实现起来过于昂贵则可忽略b)所有被识别出的流程和要求都必须实施c)对于不同类型的服务提供商来说,某些流程要比另一些流程重要,根据服务提供商的类型不同可忽略部分要求d)与持续改进相关的流程是可选的,但所有其他流程都是必须的38.多少个一般不符合项构成严重不符合?a)两个b)四个c)两者完全不同,彼此之间没有关系d)这种区别没有正式定义,取决与具体的环境39.事件管理流程可以从哪份文档获得有关何时有必要将事件升级的信息?a)服务改进计划b)服务目录c)组织结构图d)服务级别协议40.当某个软件包的最新版本被安装到某个台式机时,它可能会影响其它软件包。
1 下列都是项目管理办公室(PMO)的正确说法除了ˢA. PMO 中的 P 除了 Project 也可以叫作 Program 管理办公室或 Portfolio 管理办公室B. PMO 任务范围很广但不能充当关键的决策人C. PMO 注重对项目的统一规划优先顺序轻重缓急D. PMO 识别与提出项目管理方法系最好的做法和标准2 下列关于过程组和PDCA循环的关系都正确除了ˢA. 规划过程组对应于 PDCA 中的计划 PB. 执行过程组对应于 PDCA 中的执行 DC. 控制过程组对应于 PDCA 中的检查 C 和 AD. 收尾过程组对应于 PDCA 中的行动 A3 下列关于项目过程的说法都正确除了ˢA. 项目经理和项目团队任何时候都应根据具体的项目选择合适的过程进行应用B. 过程就是一组为了完成一系列事先指定的产品成果或服务而需执行的互相联系的行动和活动C. 项目过程包括两大类ˢ项目管理过程和面向产品的过程D. 面向产品的过程一般都是由产品生命期规定4 过程组和项目阶段的关系是ˢA. 过程组就是项目阶段B. 每一阶段不可能重复过程组的所有子过程C. 过程组既可以在阶段内也可以跨越阶段相互影响和作用D. 过程间的所有相互作用在所有的项目或项目阶段都会表现出来5 假设和制约因素最初被拟成文件是在哪个过程组?A. 启动B. 计划C. 实施D. 收尾6 为了有助于改善和提高分享项目所有权认同可交付成果满足顾客及其他利害干系者的要求通常让顾客与其他参与者参与哪个过程组?A. 启动B. 计划C. 实施D. 收尾7 以下关于滚动式规划的说法都正确除了ˢA. 项目管理计划逐步详细和深入B. 规划一次完成滚动实施C. 规划是重复多次的连续过程D. 属于规划过程组8 制定工作分解结构属于哪个过程组?B. 实施C. 控制D. 收尾9 哪个知识领域跨越了除启动之外的 4 个过程组?A. 项目整体管理B. 人力资源管理C. 沟通管理D. 采购管理10 项目成本管理包括以下过程除了A. 成本规划B. 成本估算C. 成本预算D. 成本控制11 项目计划实施的结果是ˢA 批准的变更请求B 确认的缺陷补救C 否决的变更请求D 工作实施情况信息12 配置管理是用于ˢA 整体变更控制B 项目计划执行C 范围计划D 风险定量分析13 你刚刚在项目执行过程中得到控制同时需要了解谁将对范围修改有确认的权限下面哪一种文件提供了此类信息ˢA 资源分配矩阵图B 变更控制计划C 项目章程D 客户组织结构图14 你的项目办公室提出了一个项目管理方案并着重强调了综合变更控制的重要性该方案认为变更申请可能以下列所有形式发生除了A˖口头或者书面 B˖法令强制执行或者自选的C˖正式和非正式的 D˖始于外部的或内部的15 为了决定是否应建议对项目基准进行修改以下何项应安排到位?A˖沟通计划 B˖质量保障计划 C˖变更控制制度 D˖问题管理程序16 在项目结束过程中项目经理需要记录下ˢA 正式验收过程B 工作说明书C 付款计划D 变更控制程序17 在项目结束时的一项重要活动是ˢA 分发进展报告和风险评估B 分发信息以使项目收尾正式化C 监控项目具体结果以确定是否与相关质量标准相符D 转交所有项目的记录给项目所有者18 实现价值技术是项目整体管理中哪个过程的工具和技术?A 制定项目管理计划B 指导与管理项目执行C 监控项目工作D 整体变更控制19 以下都是项目管理方法系的正确说法除了ˢA 确定了若干项目管理过程组及其有关的子过程和控制职能B 可以是仔细加工过的项目管理标准C 可以是正式成熟的过程D 不是制定项目章程的非正式技术20 有关初步范围描述的说法都正确除了ˢA 利用项目发起人或赞助人的信息编制B 记载了项目产品的特征与边界以及验收和范围控制的方法C 和项目章程同时在启动过程组中制定D 为了给高层做范围控制21 实施的预防措施是ˢA 监控项目工作过程的输入B 监控项目工作过程的输出C 整体变更控制的输出D 指导与管理项目执行的输出22 批准的预防措施是ˢA 监控项目工作过程的输入B 监控项目工作过程的输出C 整体变更控制的输出D 指导与管理项目执行的输出23 以下都是整体变更控制过程中的配置管理活动除了ˢA 配置识别B 配置状态核算C 配置核实与审计D 配置变更控制24 配置核实与审计是ˢA 查明配置文件中确定的性能与功能要求已经达到B 存贮和评价有效的管理产品和信息所需的配置信息C 确定与核实产品配置D 审查和批准请求的变更25 行政收尾程序除了作为项目收尾的输出外还是ˢA 监控项目工作过程的输入B 监控项目工作过程的输出C 整体变更控制的输入D 指导与管理项目执行的输入26 否决的变更请求除了作为整体变更控制的输出外还是哪个过程的输入ˢA 制定项目管理计划B 监控项目工作过程C 整体变更控制D 指导与管理项目执行27 确认的缺陷补救除了作为整体变更控制的输出外还是哪个过程的输入ˢA 制定项目管理计划B 监控项目工作过程C 整体变更控制D 指导与管理项目执行28 以下关于战略计划的说法都正确除了ˢA 制定项目章程的结果B 在项目工作说明书中指明C 所有项目都应该支持组织的战略目标D 作项目选择决策的考虑因素29 除了项目信息系统外还有哪个工具出现在所有的整体管理过程中ˢA 专家判断B 项目管理方法论C 事业环境因素D 组织过程资产30 项目班子应确认通过以下方式使顾客接受主要成果ˢA 请顾客在下一次工作会议上发表意见B 获得书面文件C 要求顾客的工作人员进行全面检查D 将成果的正负功能记录在案31 范围基准由以下各项构成除了ˢA 初步范围说明书B 详细范围说明书C 工作分解结构D 工作分解结构词汇表32 除了范围描述外范围定义成果还包括ˢA 工作分解结构和相关细节B 更新的范围管理计划和变更请求C 项目批准书和相关细节D 范围配置控制和项目批准书33 范围核实和质量控制的不同之处在于ˢA˖范围核实主要关心验收可交付成果 B˖范围核实一般先于质量控制进行C˖范围核实关心可交付成果规定的质量要求 D˖范围核实不适用于项目提前终止的情况34 利害关系人分析属于哪个过程的工具ˢA范围规划 B 范围定义 C 范围核实 D 范围控制35 以下都是帮助确定范围变更影响的工具除了ˢA 项目章程B 基准线计划C 偏差分析D 配置管理系统36 审核工作产品和结果以保证完成满意度和正式验收是以下哪一工作的组成部分ˢ37 因为资金压缩你的项目终止了范围核实过程ˢA 应该被延缓至项目结束才进行B 应该用来确定工作结果的准确性C 应该用来建立和记录项目完成的程度D 将用于制定项目的审计的基础38 以下所有关于工作分解结构的说明均正确除了ˢA 它是一种计划工具B 它是一个面向成果和项目要素分类C 它是一组工作包D 它是一种进度计划制订方法39 在正式范围核查(scope verification)过程中使用的以下工具中何种最有用?A 项目审查B 趋势分析C 控制图表D 关键路线法40 产品分析属于哪个过程的工具ˢA 范围规划B 范围定义C 范围核实D 范围控制41 下列关于分解的说法都正确除了:A 要在很远的将来完成的可交付成果或子项目可能无法分解B 工作分解结构分解的越细资源利用效率越高C 不同的交付成果分解的水平和层次不同D 分解的层次不同但最底层都叫工作包42 以下都是分解 WBS 的必要活动除了:A 识别可交付成果与有关工作B 确定工作分解结构的结构与编排C 将工作分解结构的上层分解到下层的组成部分D 编制 WBS 词典的详细内容43 以下都是工作分解结构词典的内容除了:A 工作包B 控制帐户C 资源分解结构D 帐户编码号码44 请求的变更和推荐的纠正措施是:A 范围核实的输入B 范围控制的输入C 范围控制的输出D 整体变更控制的输出45 批准的变更请求是:A 范围核实的输入B 范围控制的输入C 范围控制的输出D 范围核实的输出46 高级管理层要求项目提前进度两个月竣工项目范围没有变化成本不得超过预算在这种情况下压缩进度计划的最有效的方法时:A 赶工B 快速跟进C 加班D 减少任务估算47 修订根据实际可提供之资源的进度计划的过程被称为资源:A 划拨B 增加C 安排D 平衡48 某活动在关键路径上其总浮动时间 :A 小于0B 等于0C 小于自由浮动时间D 大于 049 一般情况资源平衡会:A 延长工期B 保证质量C 增加少量项目D 减少项目50 在实施项目时间管理的六个过程前有一个规划过程已经在制定项目管理计划时完成是:A.里程碑清单B.总体项目时间C.进度管理计划D.进度基准51 进度控制的工具除了进度报告外还包括 :A 进度模型B 业绩衡量C 进度基准D 专家判断52 在活动定义中工作包被有计划的分解为更小的组成部分叫做:A.控制帐户θControl AccountˈB.资源分解结构θRBSˈC.规划组合θPlanning PackageˈD.计划活动θSchedule activityˈ53 以下关于滚动式规划的说法都正确除了:A 滚动式规划是规划逐步完善的一种表现形式B 项目计划活动在项目生命期内应该处于相同的详细水平C 在早期战略规划期间活动的详细程度仅达到里程碑水平D 最近一两个报告期要进行的工作应在本期工作接近完成时详细规划54 以下说法都正确除了:A.高层管理人员的控制点可以设在工作包的层次以上选定的管理点B.控制帐户的控制点在相关的工作包尚未规划时可以作为规划的基础C.规划组合是用来规划已经有了具体计划活动的已知工作内容D.规划组合是在工作分解结构中控制帐户以下但在工作包以上的工作分解结构组成部分55 以下关于里程碑的说法都正确除了:A.计划里程碑清单列出了所有的里程碑B.里程碑清单用于进度模型C.里程碑无论根据项目要求还是合同要求都是强制性的D.里程碑既有强制性也有选择性56 以下说法都正确除了:A.虚活动并非实际上的计划活动无工作内容B.虚活动的持续时间在进行进度网络分析时赋予 0 值C.虚活动运用于 AON 中因为其只有 FS 的依赖关系D.PDM 中没有虚活动57 多方案分析运用于:A.活动定义B.活动排序C.活动资源估算D.活动所需时间估算58 以下关于关键链的说法都正确除了:A.关键链法是一种进度网络分析技术可以根据有限的资源对项目进度表进行调整B.关键链法添加了持续时间缓冲段这些缓冲段属于非工作计划活动C.关键链集中注意力管理缓冲活动持续时间和用于计划活动的资源D.为了保证活动计划的持续时间关键链按照最早开始与最早完成日期安排计划活动59 在拟定项目初步成本估算时项目经理最初需要什么资料:A 核查估算过程B 成本管理计划C 现有的历史数据D 自下而上的估算60 某一项目估算成本 100 万美元同时需要 6 个月时间完成三个月后通过挣值法显示:EV=$70 万PV=$60 万 AC=$80 进度和成本变量应该是:A SV=ˌ$10 万CV=$10 万B SV=ˌ$20 万 CV=$10 万C SV= $20 万CV=$10 万D SV=$10 万 CV=ˌ$10 万61 进度管理计划是哪个过程的输入:A 费用估算B 费用预算C 费用控制D 费用规划62 项目进度是哪个过程的输入A 成本规划B 成本控制C 成本估算D 成本预算63 供货商投标分析准备金分析和质量成本用于哪个过程:A 供方选择B 成本预算C 质量规划D 成本估算64 精确等级测量单位挣值规则是在哪个文件中定义的:A 费用管理计划B 费用预算C 费用基准D 费用变更控制系统65 资金限制平衡和费用汇总应用于哪一个过程:A 资源估算B 费用估算C 费用控制D 费用预算66 项目管理计划中的以下内容会用于成本估算除了:A 进度管理计划B 成本管理计划C 人员配备管理计划D 风险登记册67 以下关于类比估算的说法都正确除了:A 用于以往的项目实质相似而不是表面上相似B 进行估算的个人或集体具有所需的知识C 类比估算是一种专家判断D 类比估算的费用通常低于其他方法其精确度也较高68 将工作的计划数量与单位数量的历史费用相乘得到估算费用这是一个什么例子:A 参数估算B 类比估算C 资源费率D 自下而上的估算69 应急储备θContingency Reserveˈ是:A 处理已知的未知事件B 不列入项目范围和费用基准C 是费用估算的输入D 通常将应急储备赋予一个持续时间不为 0 的活动70 管理应急储备Management Contingency Reserveˈ是:A 处理已知的未知事件B 项目经理可以自由使用的估算费用C 不是费用基准的一部分D 不包含在项目预算内71 在为您的项目制订质量管理计划的同时您发现贵公司的质量政策并不正式您以前的公司的质量政策被视为该行业的典范您的项目顾客也有完善的质量政策您在这种情况下遵循的质量政策基于谁的意向和指示 A˖您目前的公司 B˖顾客 C˖您的项目 D˖您以前的公司72 顾客对贵公司交货的产品不满意项目班子对可能发生问题之领域的调查是哪一过程的一部分:A˖制定风险对策 B˖范围核查 C˖业绩报告 D˖质量控制73 主要负责项目成果质量的是:A 质量控制监督员B 项目经理C 设计工程师D 质量经理74 以下均主要用于项目控制除了:A 里程碑分析B 业绩报告C 挣得值分析D 效益一成本分析75 按发生频率排列缺陷的图表是:A 一览表B 决策树C 因果图D 帕累托图76 以下哪一项被要求核查质量小组建议的执行情况?A 计划的过程审计B 正常的统计抽样C 诸如帕累托图表等的结果D 质量控制检验和测量记录77 质量审计小组验证项目结果是否与规范要求相符需从哪些地方获取信息:A 项目经理B 质量经理C 干系人D 高级主管78 以下说法都正确除了:A 项目管理必须考虑项目管理和项目产品两方面B 质量和等级不同等级低不等于质量低C 准确度是指重复测量结果是否呈现一致D CMM 和 CMMI 都是过程改进模型79 过程改进计划包括以下各项除了:A˖过程边界 B˖过程配置 C˖绩效改进目标 D˖质量基准80 质量 7 工具包括以下各项除了:A˖因果图 B˖控制图 C˖趋势图 D˖统计抽样81 以下关于项目管理团队的说法都正确除了:A˖是项目团队的子集 B˖负责项目管理活动C˖和核心团队领导团队是一个意思 D˖项目管理团队职责不能只由项目经理一人担任82 技术人员通常喜欢ˈ权力A 指示B 强迫C 专业D 法定83 马斯洛需求层次论的最高需求层次是 :A 自我实现B 尊重C 安全D 激励84 团队建设质量保证在哪个阶段 :A 启动B 规划C 实施D 收尾85 独裁型领导风格 :A 不尊重团队成员B 很少同团队成员商量事情C 征求意见后独自作出决策D 说服所有的人达成一致意见86 有效的激励能够达到什么效果?A 团队行动一致目标一致B 团队产生攀比C 使员工关注一种需求D 使员工物质利益得到满足87 期望值理论:A 努力可以成功成功得到奖励B 人性本善C 激励因素比保健因素更重要D 最后的期望是自我实现88 以下关于团队凝聚力的说法都正确除了:A 使团队向着共同的目标努力B 通过良好的团队建设可以实现C 是实现好的团队绩效的必要条件D 使个性相同的人组成队伍89 跟踪团队成员绩效以提高项目绩效的过程是:A 项目团队组建B 项目团队建设C 项目团队管理D 项目团队考核90 以下说法都正确除了:A 尽管被分配了不同的角色和职责团队成员仍然应参与到更多的项目规划和决策过程中B 在最初的团队成员制定工作分解结构后就可以考虑是否需要招募额外的项目成员C 项目成员招募后需要根据其经验水平做额外风险规划D 招募的人员的水平不会导致活动持续时间和进度计划的改变91 以下关于冲突的说法都正确除了:A 冲突应该及早处理并利用直接合作的方式处理B 冲突解决不能采用惩戒措施C 冲突的来源包括资源匮乏进度安排和个性D 首先应由团队成员负责解决相互间冲突92 以下说法都正确除了:A 项目过程中进行绩效考核的目标在于重新确定角色和职责提供反馈制定个人培训计划B 项目绩效考核应该正式C 360 度反馈也是项目绩效考核方法D 项目成员从其主管处获得反馈93 集中办公的说法都正确除了:A 虚拟团队的使用不会减少集中办公的频率B 集中办公可以是临时性也可贯穿项目始终C 集中办公可以培养项目团队的集体感D 集中办公地点也称为作战室94 在项目进行过程中项目班子成员的人数从五人增加到九人会增加多少条沟通线路?A 10B 26 C36 D 4695 沟通不良和未解决冲突预示着:A 项目错误复杂B 进度计划失败C 项目班子低效D 矩阵组织96 项目经理花在沟通上的时间占多少?A. 50%B. 75%-90%C. 30%D. 40%-60%97 项目经理和项目团队的沟通最好应该:A 通过日进度报表B 通过审批过的文字表格C 通过口头和书面交流D 通过正式的管理等级体制98 沟通基本模型的关键组件包括以下除了:A 编码B 距离C 媒介D 干扰99 在人对人的沟通中消息同时通过口头和非口头传送作为一个一般规则通过非口头暗示传送的消息占多少比例?A.5%~15%B.20%~30%C.40%~50%D.高于 50%100 以下的说法正确的是?A 项目沟通不应该发布坏消息B 沟通需求分析目的在防止干系人收到过多的信息C 沟通需求分析是沟通规划的依据D 沟通渠道总量是 n(n-1)101 以下哪一项最能表现某个项目的特征:A 运用进度计划技巧B 整合范围与成本C 确定期限D 利用网络进行跟踪102 你作为一个项目经理要为政府建造一个保龄球运动的纪念碑这个纪念碑预期能够持续几个世纪在这种情况下认为项目是暂时性的这种说法:A. 不适合因为这个项目需要的结果是持续的B. 不适合要建造的产品C. 认为项目团队将比本项目要长寿D. 不适合因为这个项目不是在短期内就可以完成的103 以下关于项目特征的说法都正确除了:A 临时性说明项目的机遇和市场机会短暂B 重复部件的存在也适用项目独特性的特征C 渐进明细是伴随项目前两个特性而产生的D 渐进明细的结果常常会导致范围渐变104 渐进明细的特征常常和那个项目过程联系起来:A 范围规划B 范围定义C 范围变更D 项目计划执行105 以下都是日常运作和项目的共同之处除了:A 由人来作B 受制于有限的资源和时间C 需要规划执行和控制D 都是工作106 项目管理是一种先进的管理方法除了:A 总是涉及具体的产品θ服务ˈB 是独特的运作方式C 具有跨职能调配资源的能力D 划分阶段进行控制107 项目的一个实例是:A.管理一个公司B.生产一种新的计算机C.提供一种技术支持D.实施一种全新的经营程序或流程108 以下关于项目的说法都正确除了:A.项目就是为了维持经营确定一组目标B.项目发生在组织中的所有层次上C.项目是组织中那些受日常运作限制无法处理的活动D.项目可以由一个人组成109 项目管理中的三重制约是除了:A.质量B.时间C.成本D.范围110 以下都是项目管理为了达到项目的要求而运用于项目中的内容除了:A.知识B.风险C.技术D.手段111 项目阶段是以下哪一项的其中一部分:A 管理计划B 项目生命周期C 项目交付成果D 项目控制系统112 在项目周期的何种阶段结束时通常作出继续不继续决定A 项目制定B 可行性C 设计与分析D 规划与设计113 有关项目生命周期的说法都正确除了?A 项目阶段一般按顺序首尾衔接B 人力投入水平和费用开始低随之增高最后收尾是又迅速下降C 项目执行阶段投入人力和费用最高所以此时项目干系人对项目的影响力最强D 变更计划和纠正失误的代价通常与日俱增114 项目发起人对项目范围质量时间和成本具有最大的影响力是在:A 概念阶段B 开发阶段C 执行阶段D 结束阶段115 在项目执行和收尾过程中主要矛盾来自是什么?A 进度计划B 技术问题C 个性D 成本116 在何种项目过程组中不确定因素最高?A 控制B 执行C 规划D 启动117 项目生命期和产品生命期的区别是?A 两者的含义几乎是一致的B 产品生命期被视为项目生命期的一部分C 项目生命期被视为产品生命期的一部分D 两者没有任何关系118 达到客户满意度关键活动是定义:A 业务用途B 需求C 产品的规格D 变更控制119 赞助人为项目提供以下哪一项?A 合同定义B 范围C 资金来源D 风险管理120 为了使赞助人参与您的项目并且帮助获得其支持您应:A 在被询问目前状况时为您的赞助人通报最新资讯B 定期向您的赞助人通报最新资讯C 向您的赞助人表明您的关切D 向您的组员询问如何获得所需的支持121 问题登记薄除了用在管理项目团队外还用于:A˖沟通规划B˖信息发布 C˖绩效报告 D˖干系人管理122 利害关系人管理的说法都正确除了:A˖项目经理负责干系人管理B˖干系人管理是和干系人一起解决问题 C˖为了满足干系人要求需要改变项目的预期轨道 D˖团队协同的能力也能得到提高123 有效的利害相关者管理包括以下的全部内容除了:A 明确的需求定义B 范围变更控制C 及时的进度报告信息D 成本支出报告124 移情倾听需要理解他人的沟通参考范围为了表现出投入的倾听技巧项目经理应当:A. 模仿这些信息的内容B.探查并评估这些内容C. 评估这些内容然后提出建议D.改述这些内容并反映其情绪125 状态审查会是:A.项目团队管理的工具B.绩效报告的工具C.干系人管理的工具D.质量控制的工具126 项目经理可以通过下列方法促进项目沟通和团队建设除了:A.有一个作战室B. 成为一个好的沟通阻碍者C.成为一个沟通联络者D.主持有效的会议127 沟通模型的四个部分是什么?A. 发送接受解码和了解B. 发送者消息媒介和接收者C.沟通者消息接收者和解码器D.沟通传送接收和了解128 在沟通管理中通过心灵或感官的吸收过程是:A.接收B.解码C. 了解D.理解129 一个紧密矩阵是:A. 一个平衡矩阵组织B. 所有的项目组成员都集中在一个地方C. 职能经理在双重的报告体制下操作对自己的部门和项目经理的报告D. 一个强矩阵130 接收者基于以下所有来过滤消息除了:A. 文化B.语意C.距离D.知识131 何时最适合采用德尔菲技术:A 模拟模型非常复杂B 历史数据丰富C 算法是试算性的D 探索集体知识132 某一承包商的交付成果已延误了三十天来确定这一事件将会如何影响项目进度的过程叫做风险:A 识别 (Identification)B 缓解 (Mitigation)C 模拟 (Simulation)D 评估(Assessment)133 以下哪一项因允许对工程进行系统评价而在风险识别方面有用?A 项目批准书B 设计规格C 项目流程图D 工作分解结构134 制定风险应对计划是为了:A 采取措施识别项目风险B 制定对付风险事件的策略C 制定以前项目风险清单D 制定量化项目内风险的衡量标准135 利用何种方法计算预期货币价值A˖风险事件概率及影响 B˖契机方法C˖蒙特卡罗分析D˖专家判断和分析。
小学上册英语第3单元暑期作业英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The antelope gracefully moves through the grasslands, a testament to speed and ____.2.The __________ (历史的再现) reflects our journey.3.I love _____ (toys/books).4. A _____ (花) blooms in the spring.5.My family enjoys cooking together ____.6. A __________ (离子化) process produces charged particles in solution.7.We make _____ (cookies) together.8. A _____ is a phenomenon where a star explodes.9. A penguin is a bird that cannot ______.10.The __________ is a famous city known for its ancient history. (开罗)11.The __________ (历史的织造) weaves our narrative.12.What color is a typical school bus?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. BlackB13.What is the main ingredient in a Caesar salad?A. SpinachB. Romaine lettuceC. KaleD. ArugulaB14.The _______ of a wave determines how we perceive sound.15.What is 3 x 4?A. 7B. 10C. 12D. 14C16.How many players are there in a soccer team?A. 7B. 9C. 11D. 1317.The chemical symbol for radon is _______.18. A reaction that occurs spontaneously will release _____ energy.19.The chameleon can change its ______ (颜色).20.We have a ______ (丰富的) schedule for learning activities.21.What do you call a small, round fruit that is usually eaten in salads?A. TomatoB. CucumberC. Bell pepperD. RadishA22.The chemical equation for photosynthesis involves carbon dioxide and ______.23.My brother has a collection of __________ (玩具).24.The ____ is a gentle animal that grazes peacefully in fields.25.The ________ loves to eat carrots.26.What is the opposite of 'happy'?A. SadB. JoyfulC. ExcitedD. AngryA27.The ______ helps break down food in the stomach.28. A __________ is a mixture that looks the same throughout.29.I have a ________ (布娃娃) that I carry everywhere.30.The main type of carbohydrate is ______.31.I saw a ________ flying high above.32. Barrier Reef is found in ________ (澳大利亚) waters. The Grea33.She is a friendly ________.34. A _______ is a reaction that occurs in the presence of oxygen.35.What is the color of the sky on a clear day?A. BlueB. GreenC. YellowD. RedA36.The ______ (生态脚印) reflects human impact on nature.37.What do we call the person who plays the guitar?A. GuitaristB. MusicianC. ComposerD. Conductor38.The chemical formula for sodium th39. A catalyst is a substance that speeds up a ________ without being consumed.40.What is the primary color that mixes with green to create lime?A. YellowB. BlueC. RedD. OrangeA41.What is the main ingredient in a smoothie?A. IceB. JuiceC. FruitD. Milk42.What do you call a place where you can see wild animals?A. ZooB. ParkC. FarmD. Aquarium43.Rabbits dig _______ (洞) in the ground.44.What do we call the person who repairs shoes?A. TailorB. CobblerC. BakerD. Mechanic45.Which one is a vegetable?A. AppleB. CarrotC. BananaD. Grape46.The ________ has a long tail and likes to climb.47.When I write a card to my friend, I start with "To my dear __." (当我给我的朋友写卡片时,我开始写“致我亲爱的。
Main-Seqence Fitting Distance to the sigma Ori Cluster
a rXiv:081.2585v1[astro-ph]16Jan28Main-Sequence Fitting Distance to the σOri Cluster W.H.Sherry National Solar Observatory,Tucson,AZ 85719wsherry@ F.M.Walter SUNY Stony Brook,Stony Brook,NY 11790fwalter@ S.J.Wolk 3swolk@ and N.R.Adams 3nadams@ Center for Astrophysics,60Garden Street,Cambridge,Cambridge,MA 02138ReceivedABSTRACTTheσOri cluster is an unbound aggregate of a few hundred young,low–mass stars centered on the multiple systemσOri.This cluster is of great interest because it is at an age when roughly half of the stars have lost their protoplanetary disks,and the cluster has a very large population of brown dwarfs.One of the largest sources of uncertainty in the properties of the cluster is that the distance is not well known.The directly measured Hipparcos distance toσOri AB is pc.On the other hand,the distance to the Orion OB1b subgroup(of 350+120−90whichσOri is thought to be a member),473±40pc,is far better determined, but it is an indirect estimate of the cluster’s distance.Also,Orion OB1b may have a depth of40pc along our line of sight.We use main sequencefitting to 9main sequence cluster members to estimate a bestfit distance of420±30pc, assuming a metallicity of−0.16±0.11or444pc assuming solar metallicity.A distance as close as350pc is inconsistent with the observed brightnesses of the cluster members.At the bestfit distance,the age of the cluster is2–3Myrs. Subject headings:open clusters:general—young stars:individual(σOri)1.IntroductionThe bright O9.5V starσOri is a trapezium–like system with six known components. The brightest component,σOri AB(V=3.m80),is a0.25′′binary(Horch et al.2001) with an O9V primary and a B0.5V secondary(Edwards1976)and an orbital period of ∼170years or∼158years(Heintz1974,1997).The O9V primary,σOri A,is itself a double lined spectroscopic binary1(Peterson2006;Bolton1974;Miczaika1950).The spectral type ofσOri C is A2V.The D and E components are B2V stars with V≃6.8and ≃6.6respectively(see Table1).TheσOri cluster wasfirst recognized as a group of high–mass stars by Garrison(1967), and as cluster of low–mass pre-main-sequence stars by Walter,Wolk,&Sherry(1998). Continuing work on the cluster has revealed a young cluster of several hundred low–mass stars(Sherry et al.2004;Burningham et al.2005;Kenyon et al.2005)and a rich population of brown dwarfs(B´e jar et al.1999,2001;B´e jar,Zapatero Osorio,&Rebolo 2004;Zapatero Osorio et al.2002).About one third to one half of the stars retain their accretion disks(Oliveira,Jeffries&van Loon2004;Hern´a ndez,et al.2007).The cluster is considered part of the Orion OB1b association.Age estimates for Orion OB1b range from less than2Myrs(Brown,de Geus,&de Zeeuw1994)up to7Myrs(Blaauw1991). This is an exceptionally interesting age because it is the age when protoplanetary disks are making the transition from optically thick to optically thin and may be the age when giant planets form.The more accurately the cluster age can be measured,the tighter the constraint on disk lifetimes and the time available for giant planet formation will be.See Walter,et al.(2008)for a recent review of observational data on the low–mass population of theσOri cluster.The most significant source of uncertainty for the age of this cluster is the uncertain distance to the cluster.Many authors adopt the Hipparcos distance of350+120pc forσOri−90 (Perryman et al.1997)as the distance to the center of the cluster.This has the virtue of being a direct measurement of the distance to the cluster,but it has an uncertainty of 30%(see Schroeder et al.(2004)for a discussion of biases on Hipparcos parallaxes of O stars).Others use the Hipparcos distance to the Orion OB1b subgroup(of whichσOri is a member),473±40pc(deZeeuw et al.1999),as the distance to the cluster.This value is more precise because it is the average distance to42members of the association,yet it is only an indirect measurement of the distance toσOri.Similarly,Hern´a ndez,et al.(2005)find a distance of443±16pc from the Hipparcos parallaxes of the combined Orion OB1b and1c subgroups.The Orion OBIb association has a size of∼30–40pc across the sky,so it is likely to have a similar depth along our line of sight.The cluster could easily lie>20pc in front of or behind the center of Orion OBIb.It would be preferable to have a direct measure of the cluster’s distance that is more precise than the Hipparcos distance toσOri.In a brief abstract,Garrison(1967)said that main sequencefitting to15B stars near σOri yielded a narrow main sequence at a distance modulus of8.2(440pc).Garrison did not correct for the small values of reddening that some of the likely cluster members have. Garrison does not appear to have ever published a more detailed description of this result.In this paper we re–examine the main sequencefitting distance for theσOri cluster using published spectroscopy and photometry for the stars that lie within30′ofσOri AB and have spectral types earlier than F0.2.Analysis and DataWe searched the literature2for photometry and spectral types for all of the stars within 30′ofσOri AB that have spectral types earlier than F0.Several of the stars have B and V photoelectric photometry from multiple observations taken prior to1980.Table1collects our adopted colors and magnitudes for the19stars we selected.We have also obtained new spectra of those stars whose spectral types or colors appeared discrepant.These spectra,obtained with the SMARTS/CTIO1.5m RC spectrograph,have1.6˚A resolution between about3880and4500˚A.Spectral types have been determined through visual comparison with a grid of spectral standards obtained with the same same instrument.2.1.Magnitudes and B−V Colors for Individual StarsSeveral of the stars listed in Table1can not be directly compared to the main sequence because they are binaries or have known problems with their photometric data.Their photometry must be corrected before being included in any estimate of the cluster distance.2.1.1.σOri Aa,σOri Ab,andσOri BσOri A andσOri B are the two brightest cluster members.This visual pair,with a separation of0.25′′,lies roughly at the center of the cluster.Horch et al.(2001)used speckle observations to derive a V band magnitude difference of1.m25.Similar results were found by Ten Brummelaar et al.(2000)who report∆V=1.m24.Given a combined magnitude of V=3.m8and an E(B−V)of∼0.m06(see section2.2),a magnitude differenceof1.m25indicates thatσOri A has V0≃3.m91whileσOri B has V0≃5.m16.σOri A is itself a double-lined spectroscopic binary.Bolton(1974)estimated a∆V of∼0.m5betweenσOri Aa andσOri Ab.This would requireσOri Aa and Ab to have V0∼4.m4and∼4.m9,respectively.There is no measured spectral type forσOri Ab yet,so its UBV colors are unknown.Assuming that it is on the ZAMS,the spectral type a star that is0.m5fainter than an O9V star should B0V.Edwards(1976)quotes spectral types of O9V and B0.5V forσOri A and B,respectively. Assuming an uncertainty of±0.5subtypes,we adopt values of(B−V)0≃−0.m31±0.01for σOri Aa and(B−V)0≃−0.m28±0.02forσOri B(Kenyon&Hartmann1995).The observed B−V forσOri AB is−0.m24.Assuming an intrinsic color(B−V)0=−0.m30forσOri AB,E(B−V)must be∼0.m06.This is consistent with the observedN(H)column density of3.3×1020cm−2(Fruscione et al.1994;Bohlin et al.1983).The uncertainty on the column density is20%.This value is also consistent with published estimates of the line of sight reddening toσOri AB(e.g.Lee(1968))and with the N(H) column density of3.6×1020cm−2measured by Shull&Van Steenberg(1985).2.1.2.σOri CGreenstein&Wallerstein(1958)measured the B and V magnitudes ofσOri C.They noted that the observed B−V color ofσOri C,−0.m02,is too blue for its spectral type,A2V, which should have(B−V)0=0.m06(Kenyon&Hartmann1995).Greenstein&Wallerstein (1958)account for the exceptionally blue color ofσOri C as the result of scattered light fromσOri AB(11′′away)in the aperture of the photometer.The published V magnitude is8.m79(Greenstein&Wallerstein1958),but that measurement was also contaminated by scattered V band light fromσOri AB.Greenstein&Wallerstein(1958)estimate that,after correcting for scattered light,the true V magnitude ofσOri C is∼9.m2.Sherry et al.(2008)report recent differential V and I C photometry for stars within 6′ofσOri AB.WhileσOri AB is saturated,C,D,and E are not saturated.Theyfind thatσOri C is2.m63±0.01magnitudes fainter thanσOri D,and2.m74±0.01magnitudes fainter thanσOri E in the V ing the V magnitudes from Table1forσOri D and σOri E yields V=9.m44and V=9.m40respectively forσOri C.These measurements were done using small apertures which are not significantly contaminated by scattered light.We will adopt V=9.m42±0.02for the magnitude ofσOri C(uncorrected for reddening).2.1.3.σOri DThe three papers that report UBV photometry forσOri D quote significantly different V magnitudes,and to a lesser extent,colors.Greenstein&Wallerstein(1958)reporta V magnitude of6.m62.Eighteen years later,Vogt(1976)reported a V magnitude of6.m73.Guetter(1979)reported a V magnitude of6.m84.These discrepant V magnitudes may indicate variability,or that stray light fromσOri AB affected the measurements of σOri D.Mermilliod&Mermilliod(1994)list a weighted averaged of the UBV photometry forσOri D which we have used in Table1.2.1.4.σOri EThe B2Vp starσOri E has unusually strong He lines(Greenstein&Wallerstein 1958)which make it spectroscopically peculiar.It has variable line widths and photometric variations(∆mag∼0.m03–0.m15)with a period of1.19days(Hesser,Walborn,&Ugarte 1976;Townsend,Owocki,&Groote2005).There are conflicting opinions as to whether σOri E is physically associated withσOri AB.Much of the uncertainty surroundingthe membership ofσOri E withσOri AB follows from uncertainty on the mass and evolutionary status ofσOri E.Greenstein&Wallerstein(1958)estimated the absolute magnitude ofσOri E using three different methods,thereby placing the star on or near the main sequence(which would putσOri D,andσOri E at the same distance).They found that the equivalent widths of two components of the interstellar K line are similar for bothσOri AB andσOri E,as are the radial velocities.Attempts to model the UV flux from the V bandflux and spectroscopic features lead to models ofσOri E that have masses that are far too small(∼3M⊙)for an early B main sequence star(M∼9M⊙). The main reason for the low masses in these models is that the profiles of the Balmer and helium lines indicate a low gravity(Hunger,Heber,&Groote1989).More recent models postulate emission from plasma clouds magnetically confined above the photosphere (Townsend,Owocki,&Groote2005)which may explain the discrepancy between the gravity estimated from line profiles and data that indicate thatσOri E is a main sequence star.Given the significant uncertainties on the models,we take the observations indicating thatσOri E is a main sequence star with a normal mass and radius for its spectral type at face value.A B2V star has(B−V)0of−0.m24(Kenyon&Hartmann1995).The measuredB−V forσOri E is−0.m18(Guetter1979),which makes E(B−V)0.m06.This is consistent with the observed N(H)column density of4.5×1020cm−2(Fruscione et al.1994; Shull&Van Steenberg1985).The uncertainty on the column density is20%.2.1.5.BD−021323C and HD294272BD−021323C was not found by our initial SIMBAD search for early type stars within 30′ofσOri.This star came to our attention because SIMBAD notes that HD294272is a member of a triple system,ADS4240(Aitken1932).ADS4240A is HD294271.ADS4240B is HD294272which is separated from HD294271by∼68′′.ADS4240C (BD−021323C)is separated from HD294272by8.5′′.SIMBAD listed a V magnitude of10.m3for BD−021323C,and no other photometric measurements.This value is not correct.Guetter(1979)reported photometry for BD−021323A and BD−021323B.Guetter (1981)used the same names when he reported the spectral types.SIMBAD,which does not recognize the names BD−021323A and BD−021323B,assigned the Guetter(1979) photometry for BD−021323B(ADS4240C)to BD−021323which is ADS4240B or HD294272.Consequently,HD294272(ADS4240B)was listed in SIMBAD as having the photometry and spectral type of BD−021323C(ADS4240C).The measurements for the two stars from Guetter(1979,1981)and Mermilliod&Mermilliod(1994)have been correctly assigned in Table1.2.1.6.HD294273&HD294279We obtained new spectra for HD294273&HD294279since the only published spectral types that we couldfind are A2and A3,respectively,in the HD catalog.The Ca II K lines are far too strong for early A spectral types.The revised spectral types are early F(F0-F3) for HD294279and A7for HD294273.We do not assign a luminosity class,but it is likely that they are both class V.2.2.ReddeningWe estimate the reddening of most of the stars in our sample by comparing the observed B−V color to the(B−V)0expected for each star’s spectral type,and computing A V assuming R=3.1.Column8of Table1lists these A V values for probable clustermembers.The mean E(B−V)for probable cluster members is0.m06±0.005(σOri A and B were treated as a single measurement).The median E(B−V)is also0.m06.All of the probable cluster members have values of E(B−V)between0.m04and0.m09,which is consistent with the0.m015uncertainty on E(B−V)for individual stars.The mean E(B−V) of0.m06±0.005makes the mean A V of the cluster0.m19±0.02,in agreement with the values quoted by Lee(1968);Shull&Van Steenberg(1985)forσOri AB.Assuming that E(U−B)=0.72E(B−V),we expect a mean E(U−B)∼0.m04mag.This is comparable to or smaller than the uncertainties on(U−B)0due to the change in(U−B)0 from one spectral type to the next along the ZAMS.We found a median E(U−B)of 0.m02±0.03with most of the stars in Table1having values ranging from−0.m06to0.m07. HD37633(V1147Ori),a known variable,does have an exceptionally large,negativeE(U−B)=−0.m16.This may be due to its variability or a U band excess.Our spectrum shows a spectral type of B9.5.HD37699also has a very blue U−B color excess withE(U−B)=−0.m11.Since these two have values of E(U−B)that are significantly less than zero,we excluded these stars from the calculation of the median E(U−B).Our medianE(U−B)is consistent with our mean E(B−V)and a normal reddening law.The small reddening has a disproportionate impact on main-sequencefitting on the V, B-V plane because the ZAMS has a slope∆Visochrones from Siess,et al.(2000)and Palla&Stahler(1999).These models predict that the main sequence turn–on is near very late B or very early A spectral type,depending upon the assumed age and the choice of model.Therefore we exclude the A stars infitting the main sequence,as they are likely to lie above the ZAMS.2.4.The Abundances ofσOri Cluster MembersCunha,Smith,&Lambert(1998)report that[Fe/H]for the Orion OB association as a whole is−0.16±0.11.However,most of the stars in their sample were from Orion OB1c and1d.They also report variations of the oxygen to iron ratio with position within Orion OB1,possibly due to self–enrichment by supernovae.Metallicity changes the position of stars on the CMD in three ways.Lower metallicity stars are slightly more luminous(at afixed mass).Lower metallicity stars also have smaller radii,and thus higher temperatures and earlier spectral types at a given mass.Among low–mass stars,lower metallicity stars also have less line–blanketing.This makes them bluer than higher metallicity stars of the same spectral type.The(U−B)0and(B−V)0colors of early type stars are much less sensitive to metallicity than those of late type stars.From Table1of Cameron(1985)it is clear that B stars with only slightly sub–solar[Fe/H]should have UBV colors that are the same as those of solar metallicity stars to within0.m01.This reduces our sensitivity to[Fe/H].However,the B stars will still have lower masses than solar metallicity stars of the same spectral type.This will make the ZAMS fainter than the standard ZAMS,but not by as much as would be the case for later type stars.We quantify the shift in the ZAMS as a function of[Fe/H]by examining the change in the M V of isochrones from the models of Lejeune&Schaerer(2001)at(B−V)0=−0.m21as the metallicity varies from z=0.040([Fe/H]=+0.3)to z=0.004([Fe/H]=−0.7).Figure2 shows that∆M V≃−0.75×[Fe/H].An isochrone with[Fe/H]=−0.16is0m.12fainter than a solar metallicity isochrone and0m.15fainter than an isochrone with the metallicity of the Pleiades,[Fe/H]=+0.04.The metallicity of the Pleiades matters because we use the Pleiades to calibrate the ZAMS,so our ZAMS is matched to an[Fe/H]of+0.04(see Section 2.6.1).Since the uncertainty on the measured value of[Fe/H]for Orion is quite large (−0.05<[Fe/H]<−0.3),the correction to the ZAMS is in the range+0.m07to0.m23.This is a systematic correction to the distance modulus of−0.m15±0.m08.2.5.Cluster MembershipFigure3shows a CMD with the ZAMS and isochrones over plotted.Fourteen of the stars included in Figure3are consistent with a distance of420pc and an[Fe/H]of−0.16. The A stars HD37564and HD37333are much brighter than A type cluster members should be.This suggests that they may be foreground stars or binaries.2.5.1.HD37564The SIMBAD data base lists this star with a spectral type of A0V.This spectral type appears to be from the SAO catalog(SAO catalog1966).Guetter(1981)reports a spectral type of A8V,however,the measured value of B−V is slightly bluer than(B−V)0 for an A8V star(Kenyon&Hartmann1995).If the color is correct,then HD37564should have a spectral type of A7or earlier if it is reddened.In our spectrum the Balmer lines match spectral type A5standards,while the depth of the CaII K line suggests a slightly later type of about A7.HD37564is the reddest of the three bright outliers onfigure3.At spectral type A7V,it lies roughly1.4magnitude above the2.5Myr isochrone.HD37564could be a foreground field star at a distance of∼150pc.If the spectral type is later than A7V,then the mismatch between the measured V magnitude and the expected V magnitude for a distance of440pc is even larger.This is consistent with previous studies that concluded that HD37564is probably not a member of Orion OB1(Brown,de Geus,&de Zeeuw1994).2.5.2.HD37333HD37333,the other obvious outlier,is0.75magnitudes brighter than expected for a dereddened A0V star at a distance of440pc.Since0.75magnitudes is the exact magnitude difference which an equal mass binary would have,it is quite plausible that HD37333is a cluster member that is an equal mass binary.If HD37333is not an equal mass(or nearly equal mass)binary,then it is too bright to be a member of the cluster.If it is a main sequencefield star,its likely distance modulus would be∼310pc.A distance of310pc would be consistent with membership in the Orion OB1a group,but an A0V ZAMS star would be more than0.5mag.fainter than an A0V main sequencefield star.2.5.3.HD294272HD294272is a member of a multiple system,ADS4240.It is not clear if ADS4240A (HD294271),ADS4240B(HD294272),and ADS4240C(BD−021323C)are a bound system or a chance alignment.The small separation between HD294272and BD−021323C (8.5′′)suggests that at least these two stars are a physical system.However,HD294272has been classified as a B9.5III star(Guetter1981)and is0.m29brighter than BD−021323C which is a B8V star.HD294272lies∼0.m8above the2.5Myr isochrone(Palla&Stahler1999).The location of BD−021323C on the CMD is consistent with the bestfit distance to the cluster.If HD294272and BD−021323C are in fact a bound pair,then HD294272 is too bright to be a main sequence star.One possibility is that HD294272is a binary with a PMS companion.This would make the unresolved binary brighter and redder.Since the PMS companion would be brighter than a main sequence star of the same color,the unresolved system could be consistent with cluster membership.An alternative is that HD294272is not a cluster member,although this makes the small apparent separation unlikely.2.5.4.HD294279As stated above,wefind that HD294279has a spectral type of F0-F3.This is consistent with the observed B−V color of0.39and modest reddening.An A V of∼0places the star∼1magnitude above the main sequence and1magnitude below the2.5Myr isochrone at the bestfit distance to the cluster.This strongly suggests that HD294279is a foregroundfield star.Caballero(2006)report a spectral type of F3to F5and the detection of Li in the spectrum.If the spectral type were as late as F5,then HD294279would lie near the isochrone,but its observed B−V is0.39which is much too blue for an F5star with the clusters measured E(B−V).Such a star should have B−V=0.50.The detection of Li in the spectrum suggests that HD294279may be a member of Orion OB1a.HD294279lies closer to an11Myr old isochrone at330pc than it does to theσOri isochrone.2.5.5.HD294273With a revised spectral type of A7,HD294273has an A V which is the same as that of cluster members.It also lies on the ZAMS for a distance of440pc.However,for it to be a cluster member it would need to be∼5Myrs older than the age of the cluster.Since there is no evidence for such a large age spread,we think that it is far more likely that HD294273 is afield star.It is probably slightly more distant than theσOri cluster because stars on the main sequence are brighter than stars of the same spectral type on the ZAMS.2.6.The Cluster’s DistanceFourteen of the19O,B,and A stars in our sample lie close to the2.5Myr isochrone on Figure3.Of these,only10of the O and B–stars lie on the main sequence.Three of these stars,σOri Aa,Ab,and B,do not have directly measured colors.We have used the observed spectral types ofσOri Aa andσOri B to estimate their(U−B)0and(B−V)0 colors,but there are no measurements of the spectral type or colors forσOri Ab.This makesσOri Ab unusable,leaving us with9usable main sequence cluster members.The stars which we have used to determine the cluster’s distance are marked with an asterix in column11of Table1.We estimate the bestfit distance to theσOri cluster by calculatingχ2νfor the colors and magnitudes from Table1compared to two versions of the ZAMS shifted to a series of distances.We estimated the uncertainty on the bestfit distances as the distances at which we found thatχ2=χ2best+ of ZAMSWe examined two empirical ZAMS(Turner1976,1979;Schmidt–Kaler1982)in order to select the best representation of theσOri cluster’s main sequence.Both ZAMS closely follow the cluster’s main sequence.We use both versions of the ZAMS because although Turner’s ZAMS follows the locus of cluster members on the CMD nearly perfectly,it does not include U band photometry. The ZAMS from Schmidt–Kaler does not trace the locus of our data quite as well,but includes U band photometry.The U band ZAMS values are valuable because the slope of the ZAMS is∼6on the(U−B)0vs.V0CMD and∼4.5on the(U−V)0vs.V0CMD.These slopes are much shallower than the slope of∼18on the(B−V)0vs.V0CMD.This makes the bestfit distance less sensitive to small errors in the reddening correction.2.6.2.The Empirical ZAMS of TurnerWe shifted the ZAMS of Turner(1976,1979)to match the Pleiades cluster which has in turn been matched to the Hyades cluster(An et al.2007).The Hyades cluster has [Fe/H]=+0.14±0.05and a distance modulus of3.33±0.01(Perryman et al.1998).The Pleiades has a nearly solar[Fe/H]of∼+0.04±0.03(An et al.2007).The left panel of Figure4shows the10members of the cluster which have reached the ZAMS.The lines show the ZAMS of Turner shifted to distances ranging from350pc to 464pc.We estimated the most probable distance to the cluster by calculatingχ2νfor the ZAMS shifted to1000candidate distances between280pc and530pc.For each candidate distance we calculatedχ2νfrom the separation between the empirical ZAMS and the(B−V)0colors of the nine main sequence cluster members for which we have directly measured B−Vcolors,or spectral types.We used the(B−V)0colors as the dependent variable for the χ2νcalculation because the uncertainties in the colors dominate the uncertainties on the estimated distance.Our bestfit distance is442±20pc.The small value,0.5,of our bestχ2νsuggests that we have over–estimated the uncertainties on the(B−V)0colors.2.6.3.The Empirical ZAMS of Schmidt–KalerUsing the ZAMS of Schmidt–Kaler(1982),also shifted to match the Pleiades,on thepc.This is1σlarger than the (B−V)0vs.V0CMD,wefind a bestfit distance of462+14−35bestfit distance using the Turner(1976)ZAMS.The right panel of Figure4compares the data for the main sequence cluster memberspc.The right to the ZAMS on the(U−B)0vs.V0CMD.The bestfit distance is488+18−20panel of Figure4plots(U−B)0colors corrected using the expected value of E(U−B)=0.04. The V data have been corrected for reddening using the A V derived from the mean E(B−V) in Section2.2.If the(U−B)colors were corrected by the mean value of E(U−B)=0.02, then the derived distance would be458+15pc.−17We also estimated the cluster’s distance on the(U−V)0vs.V0CMD.The bestpc using a normal reddening law and the observed E(B−V)offit distance is492+18−31pc using the measured value of E(U−V)=0.m08±0.03.The0.m06±0.005,or457+28−16distances estimated using the U band photometry combined with a standard reddening law are2σlarger than the distances estimated from colors corrected by the mean measured E(U−B)or E(U−V).They are also2σlarger than the distance estimated from the(B−V)colors.This may indicate that the cluster has a non–standard reddening law with E(U−B)=0.36E(B−V).An alternative is to use the reddening corrected(U−B)0and(U−V)0colors that correspond to the observed spectral types.Doing that,wefind distances of452±14pc and pc respectively.Since there is much more scatter in the observed U−B colors(which 447+13−7we used to get the U−V colors)than in the observed B−V colors,using the spectroscopic colors to estimate the cluster’s distance may be more accurate.Table2collects all of the distances we estimated using different color indices, reddenings,ZAMS,and metallicities.2.6.4.The Best Distance EstimateIt is not straight–forward to combine the best–fit distance estimates into a single best–fit distance.The various results we obtained using the Schmidt–Kaler(1982))and the Turner(1976)ZAMS should not simply be averaged because the differences between them are systematic,not random.Given the difficulties correcting for the reddening on the V,U−B and V,U−V CMDs,we give more weight to the distance estimates we found using the spectroscopic colors.These distance estimates,combined with the distance estimates from the V,B−V CMD,indicate a best–fit distance of444±20pc assuming solar metallicity.Correcting for the lower metallicity of the cluster brings the distance estimate down to somewhere between400pc and440pc.At the most likely metallicity,the best–fit cluster distance is420±20(random)±25(systematic)pc or420±30pc.As knowledge of the cluster’s metallicity is refined,the best estimate of the distance modulus will shift and the systematic component of the uncertainty will be reduced.It is important to note that for the purposes of comparing the cluster to solar metallicity isochrones,the isochrone should be shifted to be∼0m.12fainter to compensate for the lower luminosity of a sub–solar metallicity isochrone.For low–mass stars line–blanketing will shift the isochrone by an additional amount that will depend upon the color index used on the CMD.。
ABC参见Activity Based CostingABM参见Activity Based ManagementAbstract Resource 抽象资源Abstraction 抽象Acceleration 加速Acceptability Criteria 验收标准Acceptable Quality Level ("AQL")可接受质量水平Acceptance 验收Acceptance Criteria 验收标准Acceptance Letters 验收函Acceptance Number 接受数目Acceptance Review 验收评审Acceptance Test 验收测试Acquisition Methods 采购方式Acquisition Negotiations 采购谈判Acquisition Plan 采购计划Acquisition Plan Review (”APR") 采购计划评审Acquisition Planning 采购计划编制Acquisition Process 采购过程Acquisition Strategy 采购策略Action 行动Action Item 行动项Action Item Flags 行动项标记Action Plan 行动计划Activation 激活Active Listening 积极倾听Activity Arrow Net 活动箭线网络Activity Based Costing ("ABC") 基于活动的成本核算Activity Based Management ("ABM") 基于活动的管理Activity Calendar 活动日历Activity Code 活动代码Activity Definition 活动定义Activity Description 活动描述Activity Duration 活动工期活动持续时间Activity Duration Estimating 活动工期估算Activity Elaboration 活动详述Activity File 活动档案Activity ID 活动识别码Activity List 活动清单Activity Node Net 活动节点网络双代号网络Activity on Arc ("AOA”)弧线表示活动双代号网络Activity on Arrow ("AOA”)箭线表示活动双代号网络参见 Arrow Diagramming Method。
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pmts 职位
pmts 职位
"PMTS" 可能是一个缩写,通常指的是"Principal Member of Technical Staff",是一些科技公司中高级技术职位的称呼。
"PMTS" 通常用于描述在技术领域中具有丰富经验和高水平技术能力的高级职业人员。
具体而言,"PMTS" 的工作职责可能包括:
请注意,不同公司可能对"PMTS" 的定义和工作职责有所不同。
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jmeter 变量pm原理
在JMeter 中,"pm" 是一种特殊变量,代表的是“Previous Sampler Result”(上一个采样器结果)。
它是一种预定义的变量,可以在JMeter 的各种组件中使用,如断言、后置处理器、前置处理器、提取器等。
"pm" 变量的原理是在每次采样器执行后,将上一个采样器的结果存储在该变量中,以便后续的组件使用。
具体来说,"pm" 变量的原理涉及以下几个步骤:
✓结果存储:JMeter 会将上一个采样器的结果存储在"pm" 变量中,以便后续的操作引用。
✓后续操作使用:在接下来的断言、后置处理器、前置处理器、提取器等组件中,可以通过引用"pm" 变量来获取上一个采样器的结果。
✓变量引用:使用"${pm}" 表达式可以在组件中引用"pm" 变量。
例如,${pm} 可以用于提取器中的正则表达式来匹配上一个采样器的响应数据。
通过使用"pm" 变量,可以在测试计划中实现一些需要基于上一个采样器结果的操作,比如断言判断、数据提取、动态参数传递等。
PMML(Predictive Model Markup Language)是一种用于在不
1. 格式:PMML是一个基于XML(eXtensible Markup Language)的标准。
2. 数据类型:PMML支持各种常用的数据类型,包括数值型、字符串型、布尔型等。
3. 模型定义:PMML提供了一种描述预测模型的通用方式。
4. 模型评估:PMML还支持对预测模型进行评估的功能。
5. 部署和运行:PMML还具有在不同的应用程序和平台上部
NPI process
新進間接員工教材之---產品導入、生產及淘汰流程一.關聯圖:PMM→PMP→工廠R&D MIC PMP二.產品流程:PMM 產品走勢(產品SPEC)申請專案(副總級以上批)PASSR&D 設計OEM SPEC產品SPEC Engineering spec,masterfile etc.A- TEST(工程)工廠需要PASSMIC PM部門EVT(工程試做)R&D或P/La-Test (3台;一周)PRE-b-Test (5-10台;一周)Review Meeting DVT(小批量試產) P/L pilot-runα-Test 相容性測試b-Test pre-b Test msl測試部門要求測試PVT (大批量試產) P/LProduct releaseb-Test (可靠度測試)M/P (量產) P/LC-Test (每周) 回歸性測試Pmm發出phase-out指令提前1-3個月IE 工廠(物料)IE提出PHASE OUT報告DC 收回相關資料三.P I L O T R U N試產前: (1) SCHE, A/M TARGET…往前推: 材料, 人力, 模具, 設備, 資料何時Ready(2) BOM 比對: 保證BOM正碓; 架構內容; "PH"狀況; MIS8-MPRC一致性?最新MIC BOM MAIL給相關單位;(3)資料類型: 零件面圖, 焊鍚面圖,最新BOM,圖紙(結構圖)先查D.C列清單給MIC,IE,MPI,TPI,QII 最新版本;零件組件圖,加工圖等.任何一材料之MASTER FILE (大陸采購)台灣料,一定要有IQC驗收.(4) 設備/治具咨詢工程部門(FE,PE,ME), 品保, 測試部門需要什麼設備治具,催開PR單.任何資料經D.C才為正式文件SCHE 緊急從R&D得到,供參考,但任何資料一定經D.C才為正式文件,產品處於什麼階段IE必須清楚(5) TEAM MEMBER LIST(6) 機箱,MTR,POWER 機構件移模STATUSPCB洗板: GARBER FILE至少10天10-15天正常20-30天(7) 開始做之前召開KICK OFF MEETING:產品介紹SPEC進展狀況訂出詳細的試產計劃(IE與PMC初定)物料狀況,IE一個料一個料核對試產后: (8)IE/QE/ME主導生產檢討會.IE/QE/ME主導試產檢討會(試產後一到兩天)a. 生產檢討會議的open issuesb. 下次材料, A/M計劃,測試c. 如無問題可簽product release list .未測完,等測試結果ok後補簽.四.C O N T R O L R U NCONTROL RUN REQUEST(PD,CE,PE,ME)SCHE.PRE-CONFIRM WITH PMCMATERIAL STATUSCONTROL RUN MEETINGP/L PROCESSPRODUCTS TESTMAIL REPORT&FOLLOW UP五.A-E C RPMC 工程填A-ECR工程確認MAIL TO D.C PMPD.C 編號追蹤每周看結案(來正式ECR)發出ECRTWN CCB CHANGE CONTROL BOARD PENDING PASSECOMIC D.C傅給MSL D.C每周開發會議通知)COSTIE主導ECO 物料從哪一點切入生產為什麼?。
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A Patient’s Guide toA PPain Management: Sacroiliac Joint InjectionsMontana Spine & Pain Center500 W. Broadway3rd FloorMissoula, MT 59802Phone: 406-327-1670 Fax: 406-329-5697All materials within these pages are the sole property of Medical Multimedia Group, LLC and are used herein by permission. eOrthopod is aregistered trademark of Medical Multimedia Group, LLC.Montana Spine & Pain CenterPlease take the time to explore our web office. Discover all we have to offer. We hope you willfind the time spent on our website rewarding and informative. Here at Montana Spine & Pain Center, we are dedicated to providing ways for those we serve to access the information needed to make informed decisions about healthcare in orthopaedic and sports medicine. We encourage you to explore our site and learn more about our practice, staff, facilities and treatment options. Check out the Patient Resources section of our site. You will find educational materials to help you understand orthopaedic problems and what options for treatment are available in our clinic.The Staff of the Montana Spine & Pain Center.Montana Spine & Pain Center 500 W. Broadway 3rd FloorMissoula, MT 59802Phone: 406-327-1670 Fax: 406-329-5697IntroductionSacroiliac(SI) joint injections are commonly used to determine what iscausing back pain. SI joint injections are primarily diagnostic injections , meaning that they help your doctor determine the cause of your back pain but may notprovide you with any long-term relief from the pain. These injections eliminate pain temporarily by filling the SI joint with an anesthetic medication that numbs the joint, the ligaments, and joint capsule around the SI joint. If the SI joint is injected and your pain goes away for several hours, then it is very likely that the joint is causing your pain. Once you and your doctor know what structure is causing your pain, you can begin to explore options for treating the condition.This guide will help you understand • where the injection is given• what your doctor hopes to achieve • what you need to do to prepare• what you can expect from the injection • what might go wrongAnatomyWhat parts of the body are involved?At the lower end of the spine, just below the lumbar spine lies the sacrum . The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone that is actually formed by the fusion of several vertebrae during development. The sacroiliac (SI) joint sits between the sacrum and the iliac bone (also called the ilium ). This is why it is called the sacroiliac joint. You can see these joints from the outside as two small dimples on each side of the lower back at the belt line.The SI joint is one of the larger joints in the body. The surface of the joint is wavy and fits together similar to the way two gears fit together. Very little motion occurs in the SI joint. The motion that does occur is a combination of sliding, tilting and rotation. The most the joint moves in sliding is probably only a couple of millimeters, and it may tilt and rotate two or three degrees.The SI joint is held together by several large, very strong ligaments . The strongest ligaments are in the back of the joint outside of the pelvis. Because the pelvis is a ring, these ligaments work somewhat like the hoops that hold a barrel together. If these ligaments aretorn, the pelvis can become unstable. Thissometimes happens when a fracture of the pelvis occurs and the ligaments are damaged. Generally, these ligaments are so strong that they are not completely torn with the usual injury to the SI joint.The SI joint hardly moves in adults. During the end of pregnancy as delivery nears, the hormones that are produced cause the joint to relax. This allows the pelvis to be more flexible so that birth can occur more easily. Multiple pregnancies seem to increase the amount of arthritis that forms in the joint later in life. Other than the role the joint plays in pregnancy, it does not appear that motion is important to the function of the joint. The older one gets, the more likely that the joint is completely ankylosed , a term that means the joint has become completely stiffened with no movement at all. It appears that the primary function of the joint is to be a shock absorber and to provide just enough motion and flexibility to lessen the stress on the pelvis and spine. RationaleWhat does my physician hope to achieve? Your doctor is recommending a SI joint injection to try and determine if one or both SI joints are the cause of your back pain. This type of injection is primarily a diagnosticinjection. The injection may only help your pain temporarily, sometimes just for a few hours. Once your doctor is sure that it is the SI joint causing your pain, other procedures may be recommended to reduce your pain for a longer period of time.During a SI joint injection, the medications that are normally injected include an anesthetic and cortisone. The anesthetic medication (such as novocaine, lidocaine or bupivicaine) is the same medication used to numb an area when you are having dental work or having a laceration sutured. The medication causes temporary numbness lasting one hour to six hours, depending on which type of anesthetic is used.Cortisone is an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory medication. When thismedication is injected into a painful, inflamed joint, it can reduce the inflammation and swelling. Reducing the inflammation reduces pain. If cortisone is also injected into the joint at the same time, you may get several weeks' worth of relief from your pain. This can allow you to get started in a physical therapy program, strengthen the muscles, and begin normal movement again. When the cortisone wears off, the pain may not return.PreparationsHow will I prepare for the procedure?Your doctor may tell you to be NPO for a certain amount of time before the procedure. This means that you should not eat or drink anything for the amount of time before your procedure. This means no water, no coffee, no tea - not anything. You may receive special instructions to take your usual medications with a small amount of water. Check with your doctor if you are unsure what to do.You should tell your doctor if you aretaking any medications that thin your blood or interfere with blood clotting. The most common blood thinner is coumadin. Other medications also slow down blood clotting. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and nearly all of the anti-inflammatory medications affect blood clotting. Medications used to prevent strokes, such as Plavix, can also affect blood clotting. These medications usually need to be stopped seven days prior to the injection. Be sure to let your doctor know if you are on any of these medications. ProcedureWhat happens during the procedure?When you are ready to have the injection, you will be taken into the procedure area and an IV will be started. The IV allows the nurse or doctor to give you any medications that may be needed during the procedure. The IV is for your safety because it allows a very rapid response if you have a problem during the procedure, such as an allergic reaction to any of the medications injected. If you are in pain or anxious, you may also be givenmedications through the IV for sedation during the procedure.SI joint injections are done with the help of flufluoroscopic guidance . The fluoroscope is an x-ray machine that allows the doctor to actually see an x-ray image while doing the procedure. This allows the doctor to watchwhere the needle goes as it is inserted. This makes the injection much safer and much more accurate. Once the needle is in the right location, a small amount of radiographic dye is injected. This liquid dye shows up on the x-ray image, and the doctor can watch where it goes. The anesthetic medication and the cortisone will go in the same place. The doctor wants to make sure the injection will put the medication where it can do the most good. Once the correct position is confirmed, the anesthetic and cortisone are injected, and the needle is removed.You will then be taken out of the procedure room to the recovery area. You will remain in the recovery area until the nurse is sure that you are stable and you do not have any allergic reaction to the medications.Your doctor will be interested in how much the pain is reduced while the anesthetic (numbing medication) is working. You may be given a pain diary to record what you feel for the next several hours. This is important for making decisions, so keep track of your pain.The anesthetic may cause some temporary numbness and weakness. You will be free to go when these symptoms have resolved. Complications What might go wrong?There are several complications that may occur during or after the SI joint injection. This document doesn’t provide a completelist of the possible complications, but itdoes highlight some of the most common problems. Injection procedures are safe and unlikely to result in a complication, but no procedure is 100% foolproof. Complications are uncommon, but you should know what to watch for if they occur.Allergic reactionLike most procedures where medicationsare injected, there is always a risk of allergic reaction. The medications that are commonly injected include lidocaine, bupivicaine, radiographic dye, and cortisone. Allergic reactions can be as simple as developing hives or a rash. They can also be life threatening and restrict breathing. Most allergic reactions will happen immediately while you are inthe procedure room so that help is available immediately. Most reactions are treated and cause no permanent harm. You should alert your doctor if you have known allergies to any of these medications.InfectionSeveral types of infections are possible complications of SI joint injections. Any time a needle is inserted through the skin, there is a possibility of infection. Before any injection is done, the skin is cleansed with a disinfectant and the health care provider doing the injection uses what is called sterile technique. This means that the needle and the area wherethe needle is inserted remains untouched by anything that is not sterile. The provider may also use sterile gloves.Infections can occur just underneath the skin, in a muscle, or in the facet joint. You should watch for signs of increasing redness, swelling, pain, and fever. Almost all infections will need to be treated with antibiotics. If an abscess forms, then a surgical procedure may be necessary to drain the pus in the abscess. Antibiotics will also be necessary to treat the infection.Increased painNot all injections work as expected. Sometimes, injections cause more pain. This may be due to increased spasm in the muscles around the injection. The increased pain is usually temporary, lasting a few hours or a few days. Once the medication has a chance to work, the injection may actually perform as expected and reduce your pain. Increased pain that begins several days after the injection may be a sign of infection. You should alert your doctor if this occurs.After CareWhat happens after the procedure?If everything goes as planned, you will be able to go home soon after the injection, probably within one hour. There are no restrictions on diet or activity after the SI joint injection. You can return to physical therapy or chiropractic care as soon as you like.Most doctors will arrange a follow-up appointment, or phone consult, within one or two weeks after the procedure to see how you are doing and what affect the procedure had on your symptoms.Notes。