#define LCD_DispBlank LCD_WriteCMD(0x08) //显示空白
#define LCD_DispNormal LCD_WriteCMD(0x0c) //正常显示
#define LCD_DispBlack LCD_WriteCMD(0x09) //显示全黑
void LCD_WriteByte(unsigned char wbyte, unsigned char dat_cmd);
void LCD_SetXY(unsigned char x, unsigned char y);
void LCD_ClrScr(void);
void LCD_ClrRow(unsigned char num);
//wbyte: 待写入的数据
//dat_cmd: 1-数据, 0-指令
void LCD_WriteByte(unsigned char wbyte, unsigned char dat_cmd)
unsigned char i;
LCD_CS = 0; //使能
LCD_DC = dat_cmd; //1-数据 //0-指令
for(i = 8; i; i--) //8位数据, 先高后低
if(wbyte & 0x80) {LCD_DIN = 1;}
else {LCD_DIN = 0;}
2)逐次比较型(如tlc0831)逐次比较型ad由一个比较器和da转换器通过逐次比较逻辑构成,从msb 开始,顺序地对每一位将输入电压与内置da转换器输出进行比较,经n次比较而输出数字值。
串并行比较型ad结构上介于并行型和逐次比较型之间,最典型的是由2个n/2位的并行型ad转换器配合da转换器组成,用两次比较实行转换,所以称为half flash(半快速)型。
本文详细介绍了一种以单片机和可编程逻辑器件为控制核心,用D/A,A/D 芯片和运放进行前置信号处理和数据采集,以液晶显示模块为终端显示设备的设计方案,并分析了该方案的优缺点,同时给出了硬件和软件设计的结构及思路。
关键词:数字存储示波器,单片机,可编程逻辑器件,液晶AbstractWith the development of computer technology, digital oscilloscope has been rapid development of electronic measurement and to bring about great changes in the field, it has a direct measurement of the signal range, frequency and many other basic parameters, not only has the basic waveform display function, but with a very strong data-handling capacity. Digital measuring instruments are increasingly being used to position electronic, automation, mechanical and other areas. Compared with analog equipment, digital equipment has many advantages, such as anti-interference capability, Digital signal facilitate the importation of computer storage and handling.This paper describes a microprocessor and programmable logic devices for the control of the core, with parallel connectors, etc, D chip and analog switches front signal processing and data collection, a liquid crystal display module for the terminal display device design, and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the program. also given pieces of hardware and less on the structure and design ideas.Keywords : Digital Storage Oscilloscope, microcontroller, programmable logic devices, liquid crystal目录第一章方案选择和确定 (4)1.1方案选择 (4)1.1.1控制器选择 (4)1.1.2数据采集 (4)1.1.3数据存储器 (5)1.1.4 幅度控制 (5)1.1.5 显示 (6)1.2方案确定 (6)第二章硬件设计 (8)2.1前级信号处理模块 (8)2.1.1 TLC7528芯片介绍 (8)2.1.2程控衰减 (9)2.1.3 放大电路 (10)2.2数据采集电路 (12)2.2.1 TLC5510介绍 (12)2.2.2数据采集电路 (15)2.3触发电路设计 (15)2.3.1触发电路作用 (15)2.3.2触发电路原理图 (16)2.4存储控制及数据处理电路 (17)2.4.1 AT89C52的简介 (17)2.4.2 EPM7128SLS84-15介绍 (18)2.4.3存储控制及数据处理电路 (21)2.5显示电路设计 (23)2.5.1 JRM19264A 介绍 (23)2.5.2 液晶驱动电路 (26)第三章软件设计 (27)3.1主程序 (27)3.2 显示程序 (28)3.2.1液晶驱动程序 (28)3.2.2波形绘制程序 (29)3.3信号采集及存储程序 (30)3.4键扫程序 (31)第四章调试 (32)4.1软件调试 (32)4.2硬件调试 (33)4.3实测波形 (33)结束语 (35)1设计体会 (35)2谢辞 (35)参考文献 (36)附录 (37)毕业设计任务书一、任务设计并制作一台简易数字存储示波器,示意图如下。
TLC5510的简介与应用1 TLC5510简介TLC5510是美国德州仪器(TI)公司的8位半闪速架构A/D转换器,采用CMOS工艺,大大减少比较器数。
TLC5510最大可提供20 Ms/s的采样率,可广泛应用于高速数据转换、数字TV、医学图像、视频会议以及QAM解调器等领域。
TLC5510的工作电源为5 V,功耗为100 mW(典型值)。
TLC5510具有高阻抗并行接口和内部基准电阻,模拟输入范围为0.6 V~2.6 V。
1.1 引脚功能描述TLC5510采用24引脚的贴片封装,其引脚配置如图1所示。
各引脚功能描述如下:∙AGND:模拟信号地;∙ANGLOG IN:模拟信号输入端;∙CLK:时钟输入端;∙DGND:数字信号地;∙D1~D8:数据输出端。
当内部分压器输出额定2 V基准电压时,该端短路至REFT;∙REFT:参考电压(T代表Top为2.6 V);∙REFB:参考电压(B代表Bottom为0.6 V);∙REFBS:参考电压。
当内部分压器产生2 V的额定基准电压时,该端短路至REFB。
点击看原图1.2 典型应用电路TLC5510的基准电源有多种接法,根据不同场合选择适当基准电源,利用内部基准源,TLC5510典型应用电路如图2所示。
由于其测量范围为0.6 V~2.6 V(即:TLC5510在转换时模拟输入0.6 V时对应数字输出00 000 000,2.6 V对应的数字输出11111 111),因此输入信号在进入TLC5510之前要对其处理,要使该输入信号处于量程内,应加入一个1.6 V的直流分量。
1 高速测控系统硬件电路设计高速测控系统硬件电路分为高速数据采集和高速数据输出两部分,为实现高速数据采集及处理,选用P89C51RB2单片机为数据采集处理的控制核心,P89C51RB2单片机每个机器周期为6个时钟周期,运行速度是普通的80C51的2倍,晶振频率可达22MHz,有16KB的FLASH ROM和512B的RAM,支持串行ISP和IAP功能。
PACKAGING INFORMATIONOrderable Device Status (1)Package Type PackageDrawing Pins Package Qty Eco Plan (2)Lead/Ball FinishMSL Peak Temp (3)Samples(Requires Login)TLC5510AINS ACTIVE SO NS2434Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTLC5510AINSG4ACTIVE SO NS2434Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLC5510AINSLE OBSOLETE SO NS24TBD Call TI Call TITLC5510AINSR ACTIVE SO NS242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTLC5510AINSRG4ACTIVE SO NS242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIM TLC5510INSLE OBSOLETE SO NS24TBD Call TI Call TITLC5510INSR ACTIVE SO NS242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTLC5510INSRG4ACTIVE SO NS242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-1-260C-UNLIMTLC5510IPW ACTIVE TSSOP PW2460Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEARTLC5510IPWG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW2460Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEARTLC5510IPWR ACTIVE TSSOP PW242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEARTLC5510IPWRG4ACTIVE TSSOP PW242000Green (RoHS& no Sb/Br)CU NIPDAU Level-2-260C-1 YEAR(1) The marketing status values are defined as follows:ACTIVE: Product device recommended for new designs.LIFEBUY: TI has announced that the device will be discontinued, and a lifetime-buy period is in effect.NRND: Not recommended for new designs. Device is in production to support existing customers, but TI does not recommend using this part in a new design.PREVIEW: Device has been announced but is not in production. Samples may or may not be available.OBSOLETE: TI has discontinued the production of the device.(2) Eco Plan - The planned eco-friendly classification: Pb-Free (RoHS), Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt), or Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br) - please check /productcontent for the latest availability information and additional product content details.TBD: The Pb-Free/Green conversion plan has not been defined.Pb-Free (RoHS): TI's terms "Lead-Free" or "Pb-Free" mean semiconductor products that are compatible with the current RoHS requirements for all 6 substances, including the requirement that lead not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous materials. Where designed to be soldered at high temperatures, TI Pb-Free products are suitable for use in specified lead-free processes.Addendum-Page 1Pb-Free (RoHS Exempt): This component has a RoHS exemption for either 1) lead-based flip-chip solder bumps used between the die and package, or 2) lead-based die adhesive used between the die and leadframe. The component is otherwise considered Pb-Free (RoHS compatible) as defined above.Green (RoHS & no Sb/Br): TI defines "Green" to mean Pb-Free (RoHS compatible), and free of Bromine (Br) and Antimony (Sb) based flame retardants (Br or Sb do not exceed 0.1% by weight in homogeneous material)(3) MSL, Peak Temp. -- The Moisture Sensitivity Level rating according to the JEDEC industry standard classifications, and peak solder temperature.Important Information and Disclaimer:The information provided on this page represents TI's knowledge and belief as of the date that it is provided. TI bases its knowledge and belief on information provided by third parties, and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of such information. Efforts are underway to better integrate information from third parties. TI has taken and continues to take reasonable steps to provide representative and accurate information but may not have conducted destructive testing or chemical analysis on incoming materials and chemicals. TI and TI suppliers consider certain information to be proprietary, and thus CAS numbers and other limited information may not be available for release.In no event shall TI's liability arising out of such information exceed the total purchase price of the TI part(s) at issue in this document sold by TI to Customer on an annual basis.Addendum-Page 2TAPE AND REEL INFORMATION*All dimensions are nominal Device Package Type Package DrawingPinsSPQ Reel Diameter (mm)Reel Width W1(mm)A0(mm)B0(mm)K0(mm)P1(mm)W (mm)Pin1Quadrant TLC5510AINSR SONS 242000330. 2.512.024.0Q1TLC5510INSR SONS 242000330. 2.512.024.0Q1TLC5510IPWR TSSOP PW 242000330.016.4 6.958.3*All dimensions are nominalDevice Package Type Package Drawing Pins SPQ Length(mm)Width(mm)Height(mm) TLC5510AINSR SO NS242000346.0346.041.0 TLC5510INSR SO NS242000346.0346.041.0TLC5510IPWR TSSOP PW242000346.0346.033.0IMPORTANT NOTICETexas Instruments Incorporated and its subsidiaries(TI)reserve the right to make corrections,modifications,enhancements,improvements, and other changes to its products and services at any time and to discontinue any product or service without notice.Customers should obtain the latest relevant information before placing orders and should verify that such information is current and complete.All products are sold subject to TI’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at the time of order acknowledgment.TI warrants performance of its hardware products to the specifications applicable at the time of sale in accordance with TI’s standard warranty.Testing and other quality control techniques are used to the extent TI deems necessary to support this warranty.Except where mandated by government requirements,testing of all parameters of each product is not necessarily performed.TI assumes no liability for applications assistance or customer product design.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using TI components.To minimize the risks associated with customer products and applications,customers should provide adequate design and operating safeguards.TI does not warrant or represent that any license,either express or implied,is granted under any TI patent right,copyright,mask work right, or other TI intellectual property right relating to any combination,machine,or process in which TI products or services are rmation published by TI regarding third-party products or services does not constitute a license from TI to use such products or services or a warranty or endorsement e of such information may require a license from a third party under the patents or other intellectual property of the third party,or a license from TI under the patents or other intellectual property of TI.Reproduction of TI information in TI data books or data sheets is permissible only if reproduction is without alteration and is accompanied by all associated warranties,conditions,limitations,and notices.Reproduction of this information with alteration is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for such altered rmation of third parties may be subject to additional restrictions.Resale of TI products or services with statements different from or beyond the parameters stated by TI for that product or service voids all express and any implied warranties for the associated TI product or service and is an unfair and deceptive business practice.TI is not responsible or liable for any such statements.TI products are not authorized for use in safety-critical applications(such as life support)where a failure of the TI product would reasonably be expected to cause severe personal injury or death,unless officers of the parties have executed an agreement specifically governing such use.Buyers represent that they have all necessary expertise in the safety and regulatory ramifications of their applications,and acknowledge and agree that they are solely responsible for all legal,regulatory and safety-related requirements concerning their products and any use of TI products in such safety-critical applications,notwithstanding any applications-related information or support that may be provided by TI.Further,Buyers must fully indemnify TI and its representatives against any damages arising out of the use of TI products in such safety-critical applications.TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in military/aerospace applications or environments unless the TI products are specifically designated by TI as military-grade or"enhanced plastic."Only products designated by TI as military-grade meet military specifications.Buyers acknowledge and agree that any such use of TI products which TI has not designated as military-grade is solely at the Buyer's risk,and that they are solely responsible for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements in connection with such use. TI products are neither designed nor intended for use in automotive applications or environments unless the specific TI products are designated by TI as compliant with ISO/TS16949requirements.Buyers acknowledge and agree that,if they use any non-designated products in automotive applications,TI will not be responsible for any failure to meet such requirements.Following are URLs where you can obtain information on other Texas Instruments products and application solutions:Products ApplicationsAudio /audio Communications and Telecom /communicationsAmplifiers Computers and Peripherals /computersData Converters Consumer Electronics /consumer-appsDLP®Products Energy and Lighting /energyDSP Industrial /industrialClocks and Timers /clocks Medical /medicalInterface Security /securityLogic Space,Avionics and Defense /space-avionics-defense Power Mgmt Transportation and /automotiveAutomotiveMicrocontrollers Video and Imaging /videoRFID Wireless /wireless-appsRF/IF and ZigBee®Solutions /lprfTI E2E Community Home Page Mailing Address:Texas Instruments,Post Office Box655303,Dallas,Texas75265Copyright©2011,Texas Instruments Incorporated。
PanelView 5510终端技术数据指令手册说明书
Technical DataOriginal InstructionsPanelView 5510 Terminals SpecificationsCatalog Numbers 2715P-B7CD, 2715P-B7CD-B, 2715P-T7CD, 2715P-T7CD-B, 2715P-T7WD, 2715P-T7WD-B, 2715P-T9WD, 2715P-T9WD-B,2715P-B10CD, 2715P-B10CD-B, 2715P-T10CD, 2715P-T10CD-B, 2715P-T12WD, 2715P-T12WD-B, 2715P-B15CD, 2715P-B15CD-B, 2715P-T15CD, 2715P-T15CD-B, 2715P-T19CD, 2715P-T19CD-BThe PanelView™ 5510 terminals are operator interface devices that monitor and control devices attached to ControlLogix® L7 or L8 controllers, and CompactLogix™ L1, L2, or L3 controllers over an EtherNet/IP™ network. Animated graphic and text displays provide a view to operators into the operating state of a machine or process. Operators interact with the control system by using the touch screen or keypad of the terminal.The PanelView 5510 terminals include these features and capabilities:•Tightly integrated control and design environment allows information to be shared between the PanelView 5510 terminal and the Logix platforms.•The Studio 5000® environment provides one point of access for the Studio 5000 View Designer® and Studio 5000 Logix Designer® applications.(1)•Connection up to four ControlLogix L7 or L8 controllers, or CompactLogix L1, L2, or L3 controllers.(2)•Supports a maximum of 100 user-defined screens.•Supports a maximum of 4,000 Logix-based alarms.(1)•Ethernet communication that supports Device Level Ring (DLR), linear, or star network topologies.•High-speed human machine interface (HMI) button control and easily configured navigation menu.(1)PanelView 5510 firmware can support up to 4,000 Logix-based alarms if you use Studio 5000 View Designer application version 5 and Studio 5000 Logix Designer application version 32 or higher.Earlier versions of the Studio 5000 View Designer or Studio 5000 Logix Designer applications can support up to 1,000 Logix-based alarms. For more information about the Logic-based alarms, see footnote 2.(2) A combination of up to four of the following Logix controller models: ControlLogix L7 or L8 controller, or CompactLogix L1, L2, or L3 controller with revision 31 firmware or later.NOTE: If the PanelView 5510 terminal supports up to four Logix controllers, then each controller can use a mix (instruction-based and tag-based) of alarms up to 1,000 alarms per controller. If a single Logix controller is supported, then up to 4,000 alarms can be used but only 1,000 of them can be instruction-based.Summary of ChangesThis publication contains new and updated information as indicated in this table.Environmental SpecificationsThis table provides environmental specifications for the PanelView 5510 terminals.(1)The 19-inch terminals (2715P-T19CD and 2715P-T19CD-B) are rated to 0.006 pk-pk, 10…57 Hz, 1 g peak at 57…500 Hz.(2)The 19-inch terminals (2715P-T19CD and 2715P-T19CD-B) are rated to 15 g at 11 ms.CertificationsThis table provides certification information for the PanelView 5510 terminals.(1)When marked. See Product Certifications at for declarations of conformity, certificates, and other certification details.PanelView 5510 Terminals Specifications Technical SpecificationsThis section provides technical specifications for the PanelView 5510 terminals.Technical Specifications, PanelView 5510 Terminals – 6.5-in. 7-in., 9-in., and 10.4-in. ModelsRockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 20193PanelView 5510 Terminals SpecificationsTechnical Specifications, PanelView 5510 Terminals – 6.5-in. 7-in., 9-in., and 10.4-in. Models (Continued)(1)Add -B to the end of a catalog number to order a terminal without the Allen-Bradley logo and product identification, for example, 2715-T7CD-B.(2)DC-powered terminals support safety extra low voltage (SELV) and protective extra low voltage (PELV) 24V DC power supplies such as cat. nos. 1606-XLP95E, 1606-XLP100E, 2711P-RSACDIN.(3)Where PELV is defined in IEC 61131-2.4Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 2019PanelView 5510 Terminals Specifications Technical Specifications, PanelView 5510 Terminals – 12.1-in., 15-in., and 19-in. models(1)Add -B to the end of a catalog number to order a terminal without the Allen-Bradley logo and product identification, for example, 2715-T7CD-B.(2)DC-powered terminals support safety extra low voltage (SELV) and protective extra-low voltage (PELV) 24V DC power supplies such as cat. nos. 1606-XLP95E, 1606-XLP100E, 2711P-RSACDIN.Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 201956Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 2019PanelView 5510 Terminals SpecificationsTerminal DimensionsThis section provides dimensions for the PanelView 5510 terminals. The 10.4-inch keypad and touch terminal is shown for illustrative purposes. All other terminal sizes look similar.PanelView 5510 Terminal Dimensions - (10.4-in. wide terminal shown)PanelView 5510 Terminal and Cutout Dimensions(1)When mounted in a panel, the front of the bezel extends less than 6.36 mm (0.25 in.) from the front of the panel.PanelView 5510 Terminals Specifications Studio 5000 EnvironmentUse the Studio 5000 environment to create HMI applications for the PanelView 5510 terminal.This environment includes these major components:•Studio 5000 View Designer – the application where you create and design projects for a specific PanelView 5500 terminal and deploy that project to the terminal.A project that is created for one terminal size can be converted for other terminals across the entire 5500 platform,regardless of size.•Studio 5000 Logix Designer – the application that is used to develop control logic for a CompactLogix or ControlLogix controller and deploy that logic to the terminal.In the Studio 5000 environment, you can create an application for any PanelView 5510 terminal and reuse that same application across the entire platform.AccessoriesThis section lists accessories for the PanelView 5510 terminals.Protective Overlays(1)Three overlays are shipped with each catalog number.Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 201978Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 2019PanelView 5510 Terminals SpecificationsThe SD™ and SDHC™ accessory cards in the above table have been designed to meet industrial robustness andenvironmental requirements. Rockwell Automation recommends that you use these accessory cards with the terminal to help reduce the chances of corruption. Studio 5000 View Designer software requires the following for SD cards that are inserted into the HMI device:• 4 GB of free space• A supported SDHC card type, preferably one listed in the Secure Digital (SD) Cards table •An environmental rating for the PanelView 5000 environment • A supported format of either FAT32 or ext3Power Supplies and Power Terminal BlocksUSB Programming CableMounting Hardware(1)Catalog number 2711P-RMCP mounting levers are used with the PanelView 5510 terminals. Do not use gray mounting levers; they arenot compatible with PanelView 5510 terminals.Battery ReplacementSecure Digital (SD) Cards (1)(1)To help reduce the chance of corruption when you use SD Cards or USB driveswith the terminal, Rockwell Automation recommends that you use only the above SD card catalog numbers.PanelView 5510 Terminals Specifications Additional ResourcesThese documents contain more information about related products from Rockwell Automation.Y ou can view or download publications at https:///global/literature-library/ T o order paper copies of technical documentation, contact your local Allen-Bradley distributor or Rockwell Automation sales representative.Rockwell Automation Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 20199Rockwell Automation maintains current product environmental information on its website at /rockwellautomation/about-us/sustainability-ethics/ Allen-Bradley, CompactLogix, ControlLogix, LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE., PanelView, Rockwell Automation, Rockwell Software, Studio 5000, Studio 5000 View Designer, and Studio 5000 Logix Designer are trademarks of RockwellAutomation, Inc.EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA.SD and SDHC are trademarks of SD-3C LLC.Rockwell Otomasyon Ticaret A.Ş., Kar Plaza İş Merkezi E Blok Kat:6 34752 İçerenköy, İstanbul, T el: +90 (216) 5698400Publication 2715P-TD001B-EN-P - March 2019Supersedes Publication 2715P-TD001A-EN-P - June 2018Copyright © 2019 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.。
摄像头传感器概述:摄像头主要构件有镜头、图象传感器、预中放、 AGC、A/D、同步信号发生器、 CCD驱动器、图象信号形成电路、 D/A 转换电路和电源的电路构成。
其中,图象传感器作为摄像头的核心部件,又分为 CCD 传感器和 CMOS 传感器。
一、发展历史CCD 发展历史:1969 年,由美国的贝尔研究室所开辟出来的。
同年,日本的SONY 公司也开始研究CCD。
1973 年 1 月,SONY 中研所发表第一个以96 个图素并以线性感知的二次元影像传感器〝8H*8V (64 图素) FT 方式三相CCD〞。
1974 年 6 月,彩色影像用的 FT 方式 32H*64V CCD 研究成功了。
1976 年 8 月,完成实验室第一支摄影机的开辟。
1980 年, SONY 发表全世界第一个商品化的 CCD 摄影机 (编号 XC-1) 。
1981 年,发表了 28 万个图素的 CCD (电子式稳定摄影机 MABIKA)。
1983 年, 19 万个图素的 IT 方式 CCD 量产成功。
1984 年,发表了低污点高分辨率的CCD。
1987 年, 1/2 inch 25 万图素的 CCD,在市面上销售。
同年,发表 2/3 inch 38 万图素的CCD,且在市面上销售。
1990 年 7 月,诞生了全世界第一台 V8。
CMOS 发展历史:1989 年, CMOS 图象传感开始研制出来。
1990 年, CMOS 专用的 DSP 研发成功2002 年, CMOS 的 C3D二、摄像头工作原理摄像头主要有镜头、 CCD 图象传感器、预中放、 AGC、A/D、同步信号发生器、 CCD 驱动器、图象信号形成电路、D/A 转换电路和电源的电路构成。
摄像头的主要图象传感部件是 CCD (Charge Coupled Device),即电荷耦合器件,它具有灵敏度高、畸变小、寿命长、抗震动、抗磁场、体积小、无残影等特点, CCD 是电耦合器件(ChargeCouple Device)的简称,它能够将光线变为电荷并可将电荷储存及转移,也可将储存之电荷取出使电压发生变化,因此是理想的摄像元件,是代替摄像管传感器的新型器件。
为了确认以上研究的内容, 设计制作了由 TI 公司 542DSP 组成的
AD/DA 信号抽样与处理硬件系统, 对 AM 调制与解调进行了实际编程
和测试。其中, AD 转换芯片采用 TLC5510, 由于该芯片采用并行输入
与比较, 最高工作时钟可以达到 20MHz, 在本系统中采用 10MHz 时
( 1- 4)
式中, τ为采样脉冲的宽度, P( t) 中包含以采样频率 fs 为基频的各
次谐波分量。读取 AD 采样信号得到序列 V2( n) 为:
V2( n) =K( E0+VmcosΩt) P( t)
( 1- 5)
将上式展开可得到载波基频调制分量和各次谐波调制分量, 其
中, 基频调制分量 VAM( t) 为:
本 论 文 以 普 通 调 幅 波 ( AM) 的 调 制 和 解 调 为 例 , 在 分 析 模 拟 乘 法
器的频率变换功能基础上, 重点讨论 AD/DA 转换电路的频率变换功
统应用中的振幅调制与解调、混频、鉴相和自动增益控制( AGC) , 广泛
2 π
1 3
cos3ω0t+… …
( 1- 2)
( 1- 2)
可 知 , V0 ( t)
2 π
2 nπ
数, n>1) 。在乘法器的输出端接一个以 ω0 为中心频率的带通滤波器, 便可得调制信号波形。
C5510 DSK Tutorial
C5510 DSK TutorialOverviewThe 5510 DSP Starter Kit (DSK) is a low-cost platform which lets customers evaluate and develop applications for the Texas Instruments C55X DSP family. The primary features of the DSK are:•200 MHz TMS320VC5510 DSP•AIC23 Stereo Codec•Four Position User DIP Switch and Four User LEDs•On-board Flash and SDRAMTI’s Code Composer Studio development tools are bundled with the 5510DSK providing the user with an industrial-strength integrated development environment for C and assembly programming. Code Composer Studio communicates with the DSP using an on-board JTAG emulator through a USB interface.Board TourThe figure below illustrates the main sections of the board:The TMS320VC5510 DSP is the heart of the system. It is a core member of Texas Instruments’ C55X line of fixed point DSPs whose distinguishing features are 160Kwords of fast internal memory, 3 multi-channel buffered serial ports (McBSP s), two on-board timers, a 6 channel direct memory access (DMA) controller and a flexible glueless external memory interface (EMIF). Since members of the C55X family share common features, it is possible to develop software on the 5510 DSK which can be ported to other members of theC55X family with minimal effort.The 5510 has a significant amount of internal memory so typical applications will have all code and dataon-chip. But when external accesses are necessary, it uses a 32-bit wide external memory interface that can be programmed for both synchronous and asynchronous memories. The DSK includes an externalnon-volatile Flash chip to store boot code and an external SDRAM to serve as an example of how to include external memories in your own system. The EMIF and other signals are brought out to standard TI expansion bus connectors so more features can be added by plugging in daughtercard modules.DSPs are frequently used in audio processing applications so the DSK includes an on-board codec called the AIC23. Codec stands for coder/decoder, the job of the AIC23 is to code analog input samples into a digital format for the DSP to process, then decode data coming out of the DSP to generate the processed analog output. Digitial data is sent to and from the codec on the McBSP2.The DSK has 4 light emitting diodes (LED s) and 4 DIP switches that allow users to interact with programs through simple LED displays and user input on the switches. Many of the included examples make use of these user interface options.The DSK implements the logic necessary to tie board components together in a programmable logic device called a CPLD. In addition to random glue logic, the CPLD implements a set of 4 software programmable registers that can be used to access the on-board LEDs and DIP switches as well as control the daughtercard interface.Development EnvironmentCode Composer Studio is TI’s flagship development tool. It consists of an assembler, a C compiler, an integrated development environment (IDE, the graphical interface to the tools) and numerous support utilities like a hex format conversion tool. The DSK includes a special version of Code Composer specially tailored to features on the 5510 DSK board. Other versions of Code Composer are available that fully support each of TI’s processor families on a wide variety of hardware targets.The Code Composer IDE is the piece you see when you run Code Composer. It consists of an editor for creating source code, a project manager to identify the source files and options necessary for your programs and an integrated source level debugger that lets you examine the behavior of your program while it is running. The IDE is responsible for calling other components such as the compiler and assembler so developers don’t have to deal with the hassle of running each tool manually.The 5510 DSK includes a special device called a JTAG emulator on-board that can directly access the register and memory state of the 5510 chip through a standardized JTAG interface port. When a user wants to monitor the progress of his program, Code Composer sends commands to the emulator through its USB host interface to check on any data the user is interested in.This debugging method is extremely powerful because programs can be debugged unobtrusively on real hardware targets without making any special provisions for debug like external probes, software monitors or simulated hardware. When designing your own hardware around the 5510 you can debug your application with the same rich functionality of the DSK simply by using Code Composer with an external emulator and including a header for the JTAG interface signals.You should always be aware that the DSK as a different system than your PC, when you recompile a program in Code Composer on your PC you must specifically load it onto the 5510 on the DSK. Other things to be aware of are:•When you tell Code Composer to run, it simply starts executing at the current program counter. If you want to restart the program, you must reset the program counter by using Debug Restart orre-loading the program which sets the program counter implicitly.•After you start a program running it continues running on the DSP indefinitely. To stop it you need to halt it with Debug Halt.Loading and Running a ProgramThe best way to get started with Code Composer is to run some of the simple examples included with the DSK. The LED example is the easiest example to get started with to become familiar with the DSK and make sure your development tools are configured correctly. When run, it will:•Continuously blink LED #0 about 2.5 times per second.•Continuously read the value of DIP switch #3 and display it on LED #3.To run the program, perform the following steps:6)Open the led.pjt Code Composer project using Project Open and selecting led.pjt. It is in thedirectory C:\CCStudio_v3.1\examples\dsk5510\bsl\led.The default install directory for Code Composer is C:\CCStudio_v3.1. All of the DSK specificdocumentation refers to file paths as if they were installed in the default location. If you install Code Composer in a different location, please remember to mentally remap the files to their location on you computer while you are reading the documentation. For example, if you install Code Composer inC:\CCStudio_v3.1dsk5510 the led example would be located atC:\CCStudio_v3.1dsk5510\examples\dsk5510\bsl\led.7)Load the led.out executable file. Select File Load Program. It will open a file browser dialog.Select the led.out file in the led\Debug directory in the file browser and hit "Open" to load the executable file. You must reload the compiled executable every time you make changes to the program.8)Select the Debug Run option under the Debug menu. LED #0 will start blinking slowly.9)Move DIP switch #3 up and down, you will see LED #3 change with it.10)When you are satisfied that the program is indeed running correctly, stop the program by selectingDebug Halt.To examine the program code, expand the Projects tree at the left of the workspace, then expand the led.pjt and Source subitems. Double click on led.c to see its contents. You should something like this:LED Example DescriptionProgram execution starts at the beginning of main(). The first call is to DSK5510_init() which initializes the Board Support Library (BSL). The BSL is a library designed specifically to make it easier to use the components on the DSK board. DSK5510_init() should be called before any other BSL functions. You can recognize BSL calls easily because they all start with the prefix DSK5510. The BSL programming interface is described fully in the BSL section of this help file. The BSL functions are included as a library calleddsk5510bslx.lib.The LED example demonstrates use of the LED and DIP switch BSL modules. Each has its own initialization function that must be called before other functions in the module. The DSK5510_LED_toggle() call toggles the state of LED #0. A software delay loop:/* Spin in a software delay loop for about 200ms */for (delay = 0; delay < 3000000; delay++);introduces a roughly 200 millisecond display before toggling the LED again. This delay loop is responsible for controlling the speed of the blinking LED,.The DSK5510_DIP_get() function reads the state of LED #3. If the switch is pressed down, the call will return 0, prompting the call to DSK5510_LED_on() to turn LED #3 on. If the switch is up, the opposite will occur and DSK5510_LED_off() will be called to turn the LED off. Since all of this code is in a while loop with no termination condition, the program will run forever unless you halt it with Code Composer.Making Simple ChangesIn order to become familiar with Code Composer, this example will take a quick walk through the steps involved in making simple changes to the example. One of the easiest changes to make is to make the LED blink at a higher rate.View the source for the Blink0() function call. The delay variable contains a value that represents the number of milliseconds to wait inside the while() loop between LED transitions. Change the statement: /* Spin in a software delay loop for about 200ms */for (delay = 0; delay < 3000000; delay++);to:/* Spin in a software delay loop for about 100ms */for (delay = 0; delay < 1500000; delay++);You should change the loop termination count from 3000000 (3 million) to 1500000 (1.5 million) to cut the delay in half, increasing the LED blink rate by a factor of 2. The termination count is not an exact number, it is simply an estimate of how many times the DSP can execute the loop in a certain amount of time.To try out your new changes you must first:1)Save the program code that was just modified. Select File Save.2)Re-compile your program. Every time you make changes to your code you must re-compile the sourcecode to generate a new executable file. Select Project Build. Wait for the build to complete before continuing.3)Load the new led.out executable file. Select File Load Program then select led.out in the led\Debugdirectory in the file browser.4)Select the Debug Run. LED #0 will start blinking faster than before.5)When you are satisfied that the changes you’ve made have actually made the LED blink faster, stop theprogram by selecting Debug Halt.Introduction to DSP/BIOSEven though the LED example may seem simple, it is built on top of TI’s DSP/BIOS, a real-time multitasking kernel. One of the features of the Code Composer development environment is its close integration with DSP/BIOS which allows users to easily add functionality to their code that typically requires a considerable amount of effort with other tools. All of the DSK specific examples use DSP/BIOS.DSP/BIOS programs are organized such that logically independent parts of a program are executed as independent tasks and threads. In the context of an application like a mobile phone, one task could be assigned to listening for wireless communication transfers, another assigned to wait for user input, another to periodically check the battery level and so on rather than have a single task try to do all of these things at once. In addition to basic task scheduling, DSP/BIOS also includes components that allow communication and synchronization between tasks and devices.Using the BIOS Configuration ToolThe ledprd example is a separate example that is performs the exact same function as the led example using the DSP/BIOS scheduler to run a periodic thread every 200ms instead of using the software delay loop. Follow these instructions to load and run the ledprd example.1)Close the LED project you were working with previously by selecting Project Close. You should alsoclose any open files you have open in your workspace such as led.c and led.cdb to avoid confusion.Click on the X in the upper right hand corner of their windows to close them.2)Open the ledprd.pjt Code Composer project using Project Open and selecting ledprd.pjt. It is in thedirectory C:\CCStudio_v3.1\examples\dsk5510\bsl\ledprd.3)Load the ledprd.out executable file. Select File Load Program. It will open a file browser dialog.Select the ledprd.out file in the ledprd\Debug directory in the file browser and hit "Open" to load theexecutable file.4)Select the Debug Run option under the Debug menu. LED #0 will start blinking slowly.5)Move DIP switch #3 up and down, you will see LED #3 change with it.6)When you are satisfied that the program is indeed running correctly, stop the program by selectingDebug Halt.To examine the program code, expand the Projects tree at the left of the workspace, then expand the ledprd.pjt and Source subitems. Double click on ledprd.c to see its contents.You can see that only initialization is done in the main() function. When main() is finished, it returns back to the DSP/BIOS scheduler which takes over responsibility of finding more work to be done. In this case, blinkLED0() is defined as a periodic thread that is scheduled to run every 200ms. Advantages of this method are:•No time is wasted spinning in loops. Work is done when it is scheduled or a resource that work depends on becomes available.•Independent work can be separated into logical threads that are managed by DSP/BIOS, simplifying your code.To view the scheduler settings:1)Expand the "DSP/BIOS Config" entry in the project view. Double-click on the ledprd.cdb file to open itwith the BIOS configuration tool.2)Expand the "Scheduling" entry in the configuration tool view. This exposes groups of configurableparameters related to scheduling.3)Expand the PRD - Periodic Function Manager section to see a list of currently scheduled periodicthreads. There will be one scheduled entry called PRD_blinkLED0. Right click on it and selectProperties.You should see something like this:The function is the name of the thread containing the code to be run, in this case _blinkLED0. The leading underscore is required because blinkLED0() is a C function. Functions written in assembly do not need the underscore. The period is the period blinkLED0() should be called with in ticks. Each tick is equivalent to 1ms, so it will be run every 200ms. Hit cancel to exit out of the properties view.Adding a Second ThreadA second thread is included in the ledprd.c source file called blinkLED1(). It simply toggles LED #1. This section shows how to add it as a second thread that blinks LED #1 at a different rate than LED #0.1)Expand the Scheduling entry in the DSP/BIOS Configuration Tool and right click on PRD - PeriodicFunction Manager. Select the Insert PRD menu option. It will create a new scheduling entry called PRD0.2)Right click on PRD0 and select Properties. Change the period field to 100 and the function field to_blinkLED1. It will look like this when you are done:3)Hit OK to confirm the settings. Single click on PRD0 and the Configuration Tool will let you change thename. Change it to PRD_blinkLED1.4)Save the new DSP/BIOS configuration file. Select File Save.5)Re-compile your program. Select Project Build.6)Load the new led.out executable file. Select File Load Program then select ledprd.out in theledprd\Debug directory in the file browser.7)Select the Debug Run. LED #0 will be blinking as before but LED #1 will also be blinking at twice therate.8)When you are satisfied that both tasks are running, stop the program by selecting Debug Halt.What Next?The 5510 DSK has many components so it’s best to take some time to understand the system before doing serious development. A good way to start is to read the Hardware Overview to get a better picture of the platform then browse through the general Code Composer help to become more familiar with the development environment. The best all-around place to start looking for information about your DSK is the Key Features list.While Code Composer has the comfortable feel of development environments for a PC application, debugging an embedded system like the 5510 DSK is more complicated because you’re in total control of the system. It won’t do anything unless you tell it to. In this environment, the best way to have success with the 5510 DSK is to become intimately familiar with the TMS320VC5510 DSP itself.The DSK comes with a Board Support Library and several examples (see the Software Overview) that can jumpstart your development experience. The BSL contains functions that make using the on-board peripherals easier and the examples demonstrate the most important features of the DSP.After you’ve started developing, please check the 5510 DSK product page on the Spectrum Digital Web Site () for product updates, FAQs and more example code.Navigating the Help FileRemember these tips while navigating the help file:1)Use the BACK button on the help browser to go back to the previous topic you were looking at.2)Use the << and >> buttons to go back and forward to the next logical topic, like going to the next page ina book.。
系统参数l高性能、高速度32位l高档黑白双色液晶显示器(分辨率:192×64)l专用运动控制芯片(信号输出为:5V TTL)l通用可自定义输入/输出(16路光电隔离24V输入,8路继电器输出)l用户加工程序存储器(可存储20个程序)l最小数据单位0.001mml最大数据尺寸±99999.999mml最高脉冲输出频率150KHzl系统主要功能自动、手动、程序编辑、系统参数、自检、设置等安装形式l面板型安装结构。
8.5 TLC5510接口电路及程序设计
TLC5510 VHDL采样控制程序
TLC5510 VHDL采样控制程序
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity tlc5510 is port(clk :in std_logic; --系统时钟 oe :out std_logic; --TLC5510的输出使能/OE clk1:out std_logic; --TLC5510的转换时钟 din:in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --来自TLC5510的采样数据 dout:out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0));--FPGA数据输出 end tlc5510; architecture behav of tlc5510 is signal q:integer range 3 downto 0; begin
FPGA_IO1提供TLC5510工作时钟。 FPGA_IO2~9接收TLC5510的采样数据。 FPGA_IO10为TLC5510提供输出使能信号OE, 低电平有效。
元件 C1~C7 C8~C14 FB1、FB2、FB3 参数 0.01μF 47μF 铁氧体磁环
8.5 TLC5510接口电路及程序设计
TLC5510是CMOS、8位、20MSPS模拟/数字转换 器(ADC),它利用了半闪速结构。TLC5510用 单5V电源工作,消耗功率100mW(典型值),具有 内部采样和保持电路,具有高阻抗方式的并行口 以及内部基准电阻(内部基准电阻使用VDDA可以 产生标准的2V满度转换范围)。 与闪速转换器(flash converters)相比,半闪速 结构减少了功率损耗和晶片尺寸。通过在2步过程 (2-step process)中实现转换,可大大减少比较 器的数目。转换数据的等待时间为2.5个时钟。
5510模块能够监控发动机,显示操作情况内置全能的微处理器的模块具备如下功能特点:·图标LCD多种语言显示·发动机参数监测·功率测量·通讯能力(RS485或RS232包括GSM/SMS功能)·检查同步能力·自动同步能力·负载分配/控制能力·警报或不同功能范围所需的全配置式输入·使用继电器提供大范围的输出功能·前面板操作参数配置2.控制器外形结构与接线2.1详细尺寸注意:此控制器的机壳必须接大地,良好的低阻抗接地可以减小电力系统振荡和暂态过程对仪表的冲击.直流电源 -V E(12 O R 24 V D C )直流电源 +V E注意:10-18号端子是用户自定义输入端,6,7,8端子为自定义输出端,出厂前都已设置好,在没有专业人士指导下,请勿接线。
关于AD和msps默认分类 2009-08-31 09:06 阅读52 评论0字号:大中小关于AD的MSPS( Million Samples per Second)始终不是很理解,狠狠得从网上查了下,贴在下面:一、简明扼要转换速率(Conversion Rate)是指完成一次从模拟转换到数字的AD转换所需的时间的倒数。
积分型AD的转换时间是毫秒级属低速A D,逐次比较型AD是微秒级属中速AD,全并行/串并行型AD可达到纳秒级。
为了保证转换的正确完成,采样速率(Sample Rate)必须小于或等于转换速率。
常用单位是ksps和Msps,表示每秒采样千/百万次(kilo / Million Samples per Second)。
具体可以看看下面的资料,了解一下工作原理:1. AD转换器的分类下面简要介绍常用的几种类型的基本原理及特点:积分型、逐次逼近型、并行比较型/串并行型、∑-Δ调制型、电容阵列逐次比较型及压频变换型。
具体可以看看下面的资料,了解一下工作原理:1. AD转换器的分类下面简要介绍常用的几种类型的基本原理及特点:积分型、逐次逼近型、并行比较型/串并行型、∑-Δ调制型、电容阵列逐次比较型及压频变换型.1)积分型(如TLC7135)积分型AD工作原理是将输入电压转换成时间(脉冲宽度信号)或频率(脉冲频率),然后由定时器/计数器获得数字值。
由于转换速率极高,n位的转换需要2n—1个比较器,因此电路规模也极大,价格也高,只适用于视频AD转换器等速度特别高的领域.串并行比较型AD结构上介于并行型和逐次比较型之间,最典型的是由2个n/2位的并行型AD转换器配合DA转换器组成,用两次比较实行转换,所以称为Half flash(半快速)型。
还有分成三步或多步实现AD 转换的叫做分级(Multistep/Subrangling)型AD,而从转换时序角度又可称为流水线(Pipelined)型AD,现代的分级型AD中还加入了对多次转换结果作数字运算而修正特性等功能。
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