外籍家长调查问卷(六套)问卷一1. 您是哪个国家的家长?{回答}2. 您的孩子是在中国出生还是在您的国家出生?{回答}3. 您选择在中国教育孩子的原因是什么?{回答}4. 您对中国的教育系统有何看法?{回答}5. 您认为中文对您的孩子未来的发展有何影响?{回答}问卷二1. 您觉得您的孩子在与中国本地孩子交流时有什么困难?{回答}2. 您认为您的孩子对外国文化的了解程度如何?{回答}3. 您是否会鼓励您的孩子研究中国的传统文化?{回答}4. 您是否希望您的孩子继续留在中国接受教育?{回答}5. 您认为中国的教育体制在培养全面发展的学生方面有何优势?{回答}问卷三1. 您认为在中国接受教育与在您的国家接受教育相比,有何异同?{回答}2. 您对中国的教育资源是否满意?{回答}3. 您对您的孩子的学校安全有何担忧?{回答}4. 您对孩子性别平等教育的实施情况有何看法?{回答}5. 您是否与其他外籍家长分享经验或寻求支持?{回答}问卷四1. 您觉得您的孩子在学校和社区融入得如何?{回答}2. 您认为您的孩子对中国语言和文化的接受程度如何?{回答}3. 您对您孩子的学校提供的课外活动和社交机会是否满意?{回答}4. 您认为您的孩子在中国接受的教育是否会对其以后的研究和职业发展有所帮助?{回答}5. 您是否愿意推荐其他外籍家长将孩子送到中国接受教育?{回答}问卷五1. 您对您孩子的学校教师有何评价?{回答}2. 您是否与学校保持良好的沟通?{回答}3. 您对孩子在中国的学校的研究压力有何感受?{回答}4. 您是否愿意让您的孩子参加中国的标准化考试?{回答}5. 您对孩子在中国的教育学费是否满意?{回答}问卷六1. 您认为中国的教育体制在培养创造力和创新能力方面有何不足?{回答}2. 您是否希望您的孩子在未来进入中国的大学?{回答}3. 您是否打算在孩子完成教育后将其带回您的国家居住?{回答}4. 对于中国的教育改革,您有任何建议或期望吗?{回答}5. 对于外籍家长在中国教育体制中所遇到的问题,您认为有何解决办法?{回答}。
1=完全不符合 2=不太符合 3=有时符合 4=常常符合 5=完全符合
1=完全不符合 2=不太符合 3=有时符合 4=常常符合 5=完全符合
1=完全不符合 2=不太符合 3=有时符合 4=常常符合 5=完全符合。
2018 年度南京国际学校家长问卷调查评分汇总报表 - Nanjing ...
2018年度南京国际学校家长问卷调查评分汇总报表目的和方向平均评分89%1. 本人了解子女所在学校的使命、愿景与价值观。
95%2. 学校的使命包括关注全球共识的培养和尊重多样性。
96%3. 本人受邀参与学校使命、愿景或价值观的讨论和/或审阅。
76%4. 学校贯彻落实了其使命、前景及价值观。
88% 管理,领导和董事会平均评分88%1. 作为教育领导,校长对学生的教育和福利负有最终责任和义务。
91%2. 学校领导层采取的措施符合学校的使命与价值观。
89%3. 学校的教育计划已传达给家长。
78%4. 本人相信学校财务运作良好。
96%5. 本人相信学校财务运作的稳定性。
87%6. 本人子女所在学校的使命、愿景以及价值观对学校的决策有指导性作用。
90%7. 校长以及领导层了解跨文化教育的重要性。
85% 课程平均评分86%1. 学校提供让本人子女了解自己文化以及其他文化的课程。
84%2. 学校为本人子女提供多种语言教学课程。
83%3. 学校社区的文化多样性有助于丰富我子女的学习生活。
87%4. 学校提供的信息技术用以加强学生的学习。
93%5. 学校以负责任的态度帮助我的孩子学习使用信息技术(IT)和社交媒体。
83%6. 本人子女接受适当的挑战。
86%7. 本人子女的学业得到适当的辅导。
82%8. 本人子女的社交活动得到有效的支持。
89%9. 本人子女得到适当的情绪辅导。
86%10. 学校提供的课程满足本人子女的需求。
80%11. 学校提供的各种活动有助于孩子体验跨文化学习。
90%12. 学校的活动项目符合本人子女的兴趣。
85%教学和学习评估平均评分77%1. 我子女的学习需求得到学校的充分支持。
77%2. 本人子女从学校提供的课程与有效监督中受益匪浅。
78%3. 入校前已说明了我的孩子的独特能力和需求。
71%4. 学校提供的信息足够反映我子女的成绩和进步。
77%5. 我的子女积极投入学习。
84%6. 本人了解子女的分数或者评估成绩及其标准。
请您在填写问卷时如实回答,感谢您的合作和支持!个人信息1. 姓名:2. 孩子姓名:3. 学校名称:4. 年级:5. 联系6. 电子邮箱:问卷内容请回答以下问题,每个问题只选择一个最适合的答案。
1. 您认为自己在孩子的学校教育中的参与度如何?- 很高度参与- 适度参与- 参与但有限- 很少参与2. 您经常参加学校或班级组织的活动吗?- 经常参加- 偶尔参加- 很少参加- 从不参加3. 您与孩子的老师有定期交流沟通吗?- 非常经常- 有时交流- 很少交流- 从不交流4. 您是否参与过学校举办的家长会或家长培训?- 参与过多次- 参与过少次- 未参与过5. 您参与过为孩子提供学校支持和志愿服务吗?- 经常参与- 偶尔参与- 很少参与- 从不参与6. 您会帮助孩子完成作业和研究任务吗?- 经常帮助- 偶尔帮助- 很少帮助- 从不帮助7. 您认为家校合作对孩子学业的提升有何作用?- 非常重要- 一定程度上有帮助- 没有太大作用- 不清楚8. 您对学校教育目标和教学活动的了解程度如何?- 了解很详细- 了解一部分- 了解很少- 不了解9. 您对学校提供的家长参与机会是否满意?- 非常满意- 比较满意- 一般满意- 不太满意10. 您有什么建议或意见,可以帮助学校提升家长参与度和家校合作?隐私保护本问卷将保证您的个人信息和答案的隐私保密性。
PISA 2018(即国际学生评估计划)是一项全球性的教育评估项目,旨在评估15岁学生在阅读、数学和科学方面的素养水平。
以下是一个PISA 2018阅读素养样题的例子:
以上是对PISA 2018阅读素养样题的回答,从正面和负面两个
1. 您对学校综合素质评价的了解程度:
- 很了解
- 了解
- 一般
- 不了解
2. 学校对学生综合素质的评价方式是否透明公正:
- 非常透明公正
- 透明公正
- 一般
- 不透明公正
3. 您认为学校综合素质评价对学生的发展有积极影响吗:
- 非常积极影响
- 积极影响
- 一般
- 没有积极影响
4. 您是否认为学生综合素质评价可以更好地帮助您了解孩子的发展情况:
- 是
- 否
5. 您对学校综合素质评价的满意程度:
- 非常满意
- 满意
- 一般
- 不满意
6. 您对学校应该如何改进综合素质评价有何建议:
感谢您的参与!个人信息1. 您的姓名:2. 您的性别:- 男- 女3. 您的年龄:4. 您的联系方式(手机/邮箱):家庭信息5. 您的孩子数量:- 1个- 2个- 3个及以上6. 孩子的年龄分布:(请填写每个孩子的年龄,并用逗号隔开)- 例如:6,10,14信息技术应用情况7. 您对信息技术的了解程度如何?- 知之甚少- 一般了解- 有一定了解- 专业水平8. 您在日常生活中使用哪些信息技术设备或软件?(可多选)- 手机- 电脑/笔记本电脑- 平板电脑- 游戏机- 智能家居设备- 社交媒体(例如微信、微博等)- 其他(请注明):9. 您经常使用上述设备或软件的频率是?- 每天多次- 每天一次- 一周几次- 很少使用10. 您使用信息技术设备或软件的主要目的是?- 工作- 研究- 娱乐- 社交- 其他(请注明):孩子信息技术使用情况11. 您认为您的孩子对信息技术的应用能力如何?- 很差- 一般- 很好12. 您认为孩子在使用信息技术上的优点是什么?(可多选)- 提高研究效率和能力- 拓展知识和视野- 增强创造力和想象力- 促进沟通和交流能力- 其他(请注明):13. 您认为孩子在使用信息技术上的问题或负面影响是什么?(可多选)- 上瘾或过度依赖- 对研究或其他活动的干扰- 对眼睛或身体健康的影响- 隐私泄露或安全风险- 其他(请注明):孩子信息技术管理态度14. 您是否对孩子的信息技术使用进行管理?- 是- 否15. 您对孩子的信息技术使用管理的方式是?(可多选)- 限制使用时间- 控制访问内容- 提供指导和培训- 与孩子一起使用- 其他(请注明):16. 您对于孩子参与在线教育的态度是?- 支持并鼓励- 观望并逐步尝试- 不支持- 其他(请注明):谢谢您的参与!您的回答对于我们的研究非常重要。
pisa2018幸福感维度与指标(最新版)目录1.PISA 2018 幸福感维度与指标概述2.PISA 2018 幸福感的主要维度3.PISA 2018 幸福感的具体指标4.我国在 PISA 2018 幸福感维度的表现5.结论与建议正文【PISA 2018 幸福感维度与指标概述】PISA(Programme for International Student Assessment,国际学生评估项目)是经济合作与发展组织(OECD)发起的一项全球性的教育评估项目,旨在评估各国学生在阅读、数学和科学领域的素养。
在 PISA 2018 中,除了对学生的学科素养进行评估外,还对学生的幸福感进行了调查。
本篇文章将介绍 PISA 2018 幸福感的维度与指标。
【PISA 2018 幸福感的主要维度】PISA 2018 从多个维度对学生的幸福感进行了评估。
【PISA 2018 幸福感的具体指标】在每个维度下,PISA 2018 又设置了一系列具体的指标。
【我国在 PISA 2018 幸福感维度的表现】根据 PISA 2018 的评估结果,我国学生在幸福感维度上的表现整体较好。
STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PISA 2018MAIN SURVEY VERSIONCY7_201710_QST_MS_STQ_CBA_NoNotesOctober 2017In this questionnaire you will find questions about the following topics:You, your family, and your homeLanguage learning in schoolYour view on readingHow you think about your lifeYour schoolYour school schedule and learning timePlease read each question carefully and answer as accurately as you can.Please note that there are different answering formats throughout this questionnaire.In this questionnaire, there are no right or wrong answers. Your answers should be the ones that are right for yourself.You may ask for help if you do not understand something or are not sure how to answer a question.Some questions relate to reading.Please note that the forward button used to proceed to the next question is located at the bottom right hand corner of your screen. In some instances you may need to scroll down to the bottom of your screen to access this forward button.Your answers will be combined with others to make totals and averages in which no individual can be identified. All your answers will be kept confidential.ST001 What <grade> are you in?ST001Q01TA (Please select from the drop-down menu to answer the question.)01ST002Which one of the following <programmes> are you in?(Please select one response.)<Programme 1> 01 ST002Q01TA<Programme 2> 02 ST002Q01TA<Programme 3> 03 ST002Q01TA<Programme 4> 04 ST002Q01TA<Programme 5> 05 ST002Q01TA<Programme 6> 06 ST002Q01TAST003On what date were you born?(Please select the day, month, and year from the drop-down menusto answer the question.)ST003Q01TADay01ST003Q02TA Month01ST003Q03TA Year01Consistency check/soft reminder if day, month, or year is missing: “Please enter your complete birth date”.ST004Are you female or male?(Please select one response.)Female MaleST004Q01TA0102ST005What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your mother?If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.(Please select one response.)ST005Q01TA<ISCED level 3A> 01 ST005Q01TA<ISCED level 3B, 3C> 02 ST005Q01TA<ISCED level 2> 03 ST005Q01TA<ISCED level 1> 04 ST005Q01TA She did not complete <ISCED level 1> 05ST006Does your mother have any of the following qualifications?If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.(Please select one response in each row.)Yes NoST006Q01TA <ISCED level 6> 0102 ST006Q02TA <ISCED level 5A> 0102 ST006Q03TA <ISCED level 5B> 0102 ST006Q04TA <ISCED level 4> 0102ST007What is the <highest level of schooling> completed by your father?If you are not sure which response to choose, please ask the <test administrator> for help.(Please select one response.)ST007Q01TA <ISCED level 3A> 01 ST007Q01TA<ISCED level 3B, 3C> 02 ST007Q01TA<ISCED level 2> 03 ST007Q01TA<ISCED level 1> 04 ST007Q01TA He did not complete <ISCED level 1> 05ST008Does your father have any of the following qualifications?If you are not sure how to answer this question, please ask the <test administrator> for help.(Please select one response in each row.)Yes NoST008Q01TA <ISCED level 6> 0102 ST008Q02TA <ISCED level 5A> 0102 ST008Q03TA <ISCED level 5B> 0102 ST008Q04TA <ISCED level 4> 0102ST011Which of the following are in your home?(Please select one response in each row.)Yes No ST011Q01TA A desk to study at 0102 ST011Q02TA A room of your own0102 ST011Q03TA A quiet place to study0102 ST011Q04TA A computer you can use for school work 0102 ST011Q05TA Educational software 0102 ST011Q06TA A link to the Internet 0102 ST011Q07TA Classic literature (e.g. <Shakespeare>) 0102 ST011Q08TA Books of poetry 0102 ST011Q09TA Works of art (e.g. paintings) 0102 ST011Q10TA Books to help with your school work 0102 ST011Q11TA <Technical reference books> 0102 ST011Q12TA A dictionary 0102 ST011Q16NA Books on art, music, or design 0102 ST011Q17TA <Country-specific wealth item 1> 0102 ST011Q18TA <Country-specific wealth item 2> 0102 ST011Q19TA <Country-specific wealth item 3> 0102(Please select one response in each row.)None One Two Three or moreST012Q01TA Televisions 01020304 ST012Q02TA Cars 01020304 ST012Q03TA Rooms with a bath or shower 01020304ST012Q05NA <Cell phones> with Internet access (e.g.smartphones) 01020304ST012Q06NA Computers (desktop computer, portablelaptop, or notebook) 01020304ST012Q07NA <Tablet computers> (e.g. <iPad®>,<BlackBerry® PlayBook TM>) 01020304ST012Q08NA E-book readers (e.g. <Kindle TM>, <Kobo>,<Bookeen>)01020304ST012Q09NA Musical instruments (e.g. guitar, piano) 01020304There are usually about 40 books per metre of shelving. Do notinclude magazines, newspapers, or your schoolbooks.(Please select one response.)ST013Q01TA0-10 books 01 ST013Q01TA11-25 books 02 ST013Q01TA26-100 books 03 ST013Q01TA101-200 books 04 ST013Q01TA201-500 books 05 ST013Q01TA More than 500 books 06(If she is not working now, please tell us her last main job.)ST014Q01TA What is your mother’s main job?(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)Please type in the job title.__________________________01ST014Q02TA What does your mother do in her main job?(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work she does or did in that job._______________________________________________________________01(If he is not working now, please tell us his last main job.)ST015Q01TA What is your father’s main job?(e.g. school teacher, kitchen-hand, sales manager)Please type in the job title. __________________________01ST015Q02TA What does your father do in his main job?(e.g. teaches high school students, helps the cook prepare meals in a restaurant, manages a sales team)Please use a sentence to describe the kind of work he does or did in that job._______________________________________________________________01ST019In what country were you and your parents born?(Please select one response in each column.)You ST019AQ01TMotherST019BQ01TFatherST019CQ01T<Country A> 010101<Country B> 020202<Country C> 030303<Country D> 040404<…etc.> 050505Other country 060606 [This is a filter question that routes to ST021 for students not born in the country of test, and in the case of B-S-J-Z (China), for students not born in the province of test.]ST021 How old were you when you arrived in <country of test>?(Please select from the drop-down menu to answer the question. If you were less than 12 months old, please select “age 0-1” (age zero to one).)ST021Q01TA01age 0-1 1age 1 2age 2 3age 34age 45age 5 6age 6 7age 7 8age 8 9age 9 10age 10 11age 11 12age 1213age 13 14age 14 15age 1516age 16 17[This question depends the filter question, ST019. It is only administered to students who were not born in the country of test, and in the case of B-S-J-Z (China), the province of test.](Please choose from the drop-down menu to answer the question.)ST125Q01NA Years01Drop-down menu, offering answers “1 year or younger”, “2 years”, “3 years”, “4 years”, “5 years”, “6 years or older”, “I did not attend <ISCED 0>”, “I do not remember”.(Please choose from the drop-down menu to answer the question.)ST126Q01TA Years01Drop-down menu, offering answers “3 or younger”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9 or older”.ST127Have you ever repeated a <grade>?(Please select one response in each row.)No, never Yes, once Yes, twice or moreST127Q01TA At <ISCED 1> 010203 ST127Q02TA At <ISCED 2> 010203 ST127Q03TA At <ISCED 3> 010203ST022What language do you speak at home most of the time?(Please select one response.)ST022Q01TA <Language 1> 01 ST022Q01TA <Language 2> 02 ST022Q01TA <Language 3> 03 ST022Q01TA < …etc. > 04 ST022Q01TA Other language 05ST023Which language do you usually speak with the following people?(If "<test language>" is your "<heritage language>" please select "Notapplicable".)(Please select one response in each row.)Mostly my <heritage language> About equally oftenmy <heritagelanguage> and<test language>Mostly <testlanguage>Not applicableST023Q01TA My mother 01020304 ST023Q02TA My father 01020304ST023Q03TA My brother(s)and/or sister(s) 01020304ST023Q04TA My best friend 01020304 ST023Q05TA My schoolmates 01020304ST097 How often do these things happen in your <test language lessons>?(Please select one response in each row.)EverylessonMostlessonsSomelessonsNever orhardly everST097Q01TA Students don’t listen to what theteacher says. 01020304ST097Q02TA There is noise and disorder. 01020304ST097Q03TA The teacher has to wait a longtime for students to quiet down. 01020304ST097Q04TA Students cannot work well. 01020304ST097Q05TA Students don’t start working for along time after the lesson begins. 01020304ST100How often do these things happen in your <test language lessons>?(Please select one response in each row.)Every lesson Most lessons Some lessons Never orhardly everST100Q01TA The teacher shows an interestin every student’s learning. 01020304ST100Q02TA The teacher gives extra helpwhen students need it. 01020304ST100Q03TA The teacher helps studentswith their learning. 01020304ST100Q04TA The teacher continuesteaching until the studentsunderstand.01020304ST102How often do these things happen in your <test language lessons>?(Please select one response in each row.)Every lessonMostlessonsSomelessonsNever orhardly everST102Q01TA The teacher sets clear goals for our learning. 01020304ST102Q02TA The teacher asks questions to check whetherwe have understood what was taught. 01020304ST102Q03TA At the beginning of a lesson, the teacherpresents a short summary of the previouslesson.01020304ST102Q04TA The teacher tells us what we have to learn. 01020304ST211 Thinking of your past two <test language lessons>: how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements? (Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agreeST211Q01HA The teacher made me feelconfident in my ability to dowell in the course.01020304ST211Q02HA The teacher listened to my viewon how to do things. 01020304ST211Q03HA I felt that my teacherunderstood me. 01020304lessons>?(Please select one response in each row.)Never or almost neverSomelessonsManylessonsEvery lessonor almostevery lessonST212Q01HA The teacher adapts the lesson to myclass’s needs and knowledge. 01020304ST212Q02HA The teacher provides individual helpwhen a student has difficultiesunderstanding a topic or task.01020304ST212Q03HA The teacher changes the structure of thelesson on a topic that most studentsfind difficult to understand.01020304lessons>?(Please select one response in each row.)Never or almost neverSomelessonsManylessonsEvery lessonor almostevery lessonST104Q02NA The teacher gives mefeedback on my strengths inthis subject.01020304ST104Q03NA The teacher tells me in whichareas I can still improve. 01020304ST104Q04NA The teacher tells me how Ican improve my performance. 01020304ST213 Thinking of your past two <test language lessons>: how much do you disagree or agree with the following statements?(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agreeST213Q01HA It was clear to me that the teacherliked teaching us. 01020304ST213Q02HA The enthusiasm of the teacherinspired me. 01020304ST213Q03HA It was clear that the teacher likesto deal with the topic of the lesson. 01020304ST213Q04HA The teacher showed enjoyment inteaching. 01020304ST150 During the last month, how often did you have to read the following types of texts for school (in the classroom or for homework)?(Please select one response in each row.)Many timesTwo orthree times Once Not at allST150Q01IA Texts that include diagrams or maps 01020304 ST150Q02IA Fiction (e.g., novels, short stories) 01020304 ST150Q03IA Texts that include tables or graphs 01020304 ST150Q04HA Digital texts including links 01020304ST152In your <test language lessons>, how often does thefollowing occur?(Please select one response in each row.)Never or hardly ever In somelessonsIn mostlessonsIn alllessonsST152Q05IA The teacher encourages studentsto express their opinion about atext.01020304ST152Q06IA The teacher helps students relatethe stories they read to their lives. 01020304ST152Q07IA The teacher shows students howthe information in texts builds onwhat they already know.01020304ST152Q08IA The teacher poses questions thatmotivate students to participateactively.01020304ST154During <this academic year>, how many pages was the longest piece of text you had to read for your <test language lessons>?(Please select one response.)ST154Q01HA One page or less 01 ST154Q01HA Between 2 and 10 pages 02 ST154Q01HA Between 11 and 50 pages 03 ST154Q01HA Between 51 and 100 pages 04 ST154Q01HA Between 101 and 500 pages 05 ST154Q01HA More than 500 pages 06ST153 During <this academic year>, when you have to read a book or a chapter from a book for your <test language lessons>, does the teacher usually ask you to do the following tasks in the classroom or for homework? (Please select one response in each row.)Yes NoST153Q01HA Write a summary of the book or the chapter 0102ST153Q02HA List and write a short description of the maincharacters 0102ST153Q03HA Discuss in small groups with other students who readthe same book or chapter 0102ST153Q04HA Give your personal thoughts about the book or thechapter (e.g. did you like it and if so, why?) 0102ST153Q05HA Answer questions about the book or the chapter 0102ST153Q06HA Compare the content of the book or the chapter withyour own experience 0102ST153Q08HA Compare the book with other books or texts on asimilar topic 0102ST153Q09HA Select a passage you liked or disliked and explain why 0102 ST153Q10HA Write a text related to what you have read 0102This question refers to your entire school experience, betweenwhen you started <grade 1 of ISCED 1> and today.ST158At school, have you ever been taught the following things?(Please select one response in each row.)Yes NoST158Q01HA How to use keywords when using a search engine suchas <Google©>, <Yahoo©>, etc. 0102ST158Q02HA How to decide whether to trust information from theInternet 0102ST158Q03HA How to compare different web pages and decide whatinformation is more relevant for your school work 0102ST158Q04HA To understand the consequences of makinginformation publicly available online on<Facebook©>, <Instagram©>, etc.0102ST158Q05HA How to use the short description below the links in thelist of results of a search 0102ST158Q06HA How to detect whether the information is subjective orbiased 0102ST158Q07HAHow to detect phishing or spam emails 0102ST160 How much do you agree or disagree with these statements about reading?(Please take into account diverse kinds of reading material, such as books, magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, emails…)(Please select one response in each row.)Stronglydisagree Disagree AgreeStronglyAgreeST160Q01IA I read only if I have to. 01020304ST160Q02IA Reading is one of my favouritehobbies. 01020304ST160Q03IA I like talking about books withother people. 01020304ST160Q04IA For me, reading is a waste of time. 01020304ST160Q05IA I read only to get information that Ineed. 01020304ST167 How often do you read these materials because you want to?(Please take into account reading on paper and on digital devices.)(Please select one response in each row.)Never or almost neverA fewtimes ayearAboutonce amonthSeveraltimes amonthSeveraltimes aweekST167Q01IA Magazines 010******* ST167Q02IA Comic books 010*******ST167Q03IA Fiction (novels, narratives,stories) 010*******ST167Q04IA Non-fiction books(informational, documentary) 010*******ST167Q05IA Newspapers 010*******ST168 Which of the following statements best describes how you read books (on any topic)?(Please select one response.)ST168Q01HA I rarely or never read books.01ST168Q01HA I read books more often in paper format.02ST168Q01HA I read books more often on digital devices (e.g. e-reader, tablet, smartphone, computer). 03ST168Q01HA I read books equally often in paper format and ondigital devices. 04ST175 About how much time do you usually spend reading for enjoyment?(Please take into account diverse kinds of reading, such as books,magazines, newspapers, websites, blogs, emails…)(Please select one response.)ST175Q01IA I do not read for enjoyment 01ST175Q01IA30 minutes or less a day 02ST175Q01IA More than 30 minutes to less than 60minutes a day 03ST175Q01IA 1 to 2 hours a day 04 ST175Q01IA More than 2 hours a day 05ST176 How often are you involved in the following reading activities?(Please select one response in each row. If you don’t know what the activity is, please select “I don’t know what it is.”)I don’tknowwhat itisNeveroralmostneverSeveraltimes amonthSeveraltimes aweekSeveraltimes adayST176Q01IA Reading emails 010*******ST176Q02IA <Chat on line> (e.g. <Whatsapp®>,<Messenger®>) 010*******ST176Q03IA Reading online news 010*******ST176Q05IA Searching information online tolearn about a particular topic 010*******ST176Q06IA Taking part in online groupdiscussions or forums 010*******ST176Q07IA Searching for practical informationonline (e.g. schedules, events, tips,recipes)010*******ST161 How much do you agree with the following statements?(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree AgreeStronglyagreeST161Q01HA I am a good reader. 01020304ST161Q02HA I am able to understand difficulttexts. 01020304ST161Q03HA I read fluently. 01020304ST161Q06HA I have always had difficulty withreading. 01020304ST161Q07HA I have to read a text several timesbefore completely understanding it. 01020304ST161Q08HA I find it difficult to answerquestions about a text. 01020304In the PISA test you took before the break, you had to read several textsand answer reading comprehension questions.ST163How do you feel about these reading tasks?(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree AgreeStronglyagreeST163Q02HA There were many words I could notunderstand. 01020304ST163Q03HA Many texts were too difficult forme. 01020304ST163Q04HA I was lost when I had to navigatebetween different pages. 01020304Introduction for reading metacognitionYOUR STRATEGIES IN READING AND UNDERSTANDING TEXTS There are several strategies to read texts. Some of them are more useful or appropriate than others, depending on the kind of reading task. The next questions present three different reading tasks, followed by a list of “strategies”. We want to know your opinion about the usefulness of these strategies for the different reading tasks.Think about the usefulness of each of the strategies in relation to the given reading task only. Some strategies may be useful for one reading task but not for another.Give a score between 1 and 6 to every strategy. A score of 1 means you think it is not a useful strategy at all for this reading task. A score of 6 means you think it is a very useful strategy for this reading task.You can use the same score more than once if you think two or more strategies are similarly useful, but please select only one response in each row.Reading task: You have to understand and remember theinformation in a text.ST164How do you rate the usefulness of the following strategies for understanding and memorising the text?(Please select one response in each row.)Not useful atallVery useful(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)ST164Q01IA I concentrate on the parts of thetext that are easy to understand.010*********ST164Q02IA I quickly read through the texttwice.010*********ST164Q03IA After reading the text, I discussits content with other people.010*********ST164Q04IA I underline important parts of thetext.010*********ST164Q05IA I summarise the text in my ownwords.010*********ST164Q06IA I read the text aloud to anotherperson. 010*********Reading task: You have just read a long and rather difficult two-page text about fluctuations in the water level of a lake in Africa. You have to write a summary.ST165How do you rate the usefulness of the following strategies for writing a summary of this two-page text?(Please select one response in each row.)Not useful atallVery useful(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)ST165Q01IA I write a summary. Then I check that eachparagraph is covered in the summary,because the content of each paragraphshould be included.010*********ST165Q02IA I try to copy out accurately as manysentences as possible. 010*********ST165Q03IA Before writing the summary, I read the textas many times as possible. 010*********ST165Q04IA I carefully check whether the mostimportant facts in the text are representedin the summary.010*********ST165Q05IA I read through the text, underlining themost important sentences. Then I writethem in my own words as a summary.010*********Reading Task: You have received a message in your inbox from a well-known mobile phone operator telling you that you are one of the winners of a smartphone. The sender asks you to click on the link to fill out a form with your data so they can send you the smartphone.ST166 In your opinion, how appropriate are the following strategies in reaction to this email?(Please select one response in each row.)Not appropriateat allVery appropriate(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)ST166Q01HA Answer the email and ask for moreinformation about the smartphone 010*********ST166Q02HA Check the sender’s email address 010*********ST166Q03HA Click on the link to fill out the form assoon as possible 010*********ST166Q04HA Delete the email without clicking on thelink 010*********ST166Q05HA Check the website of the mobile phoneoperator to see whether the smartphoneoffer is mentioned010*********ST016 The following question asks how satisfied you feel about your life, on a scale from “0” to “10”. Zero means you feel ‘not at all satisfied’ and “10” means ‘completely satisfied’.Overall, how satisfied are you with your life as a whole these days?ST016Q01NA(Please move the slider to the appropriate number.)01 Slider bar: parking position, range 0-10 (not at all satisfied, completely satisfied), step = 1.ST036Thinking about your school: to what extent do you agree with the following statements?(Please select one response in each row.)StronglyagreeAgree DisagreeStronglydisagreeST036Q05TA Trying hard at school willhelp me get a good job. 01020304ST036Q06TA Trying hard at school willhelp me get into a good<college>.01020304ST036Q08TA Trying hard at school isimportant. 01020304ST225 Which of the following do you expect to complete?(Please select all that apply.)ST225Q01HA<ISCED level 2> 01 ST225Q02HA<ISCED level 3B or C> 01 ST225Q03HA<ISCED level 3A> 01 ST225Q04HA<ISCED level 4> 01 ST225Q05HA<ISCED level 5B> 01 ST225Q06HA<ISCED level 5A or 6> 01ST114 What kind of job do you expect to have when you are about 30 years old?ST114Q01TA(Please type in the job title.)_________________________01ST181 How much do you agree with the following statements about yourself?(Please select one response in each row.)StronglydisagreeDisagree AgreeStronglyagreeST181Q02HA I enjoy working in situations involvingcompetition with others. 01020304ST181Q03HA It is important for me to perform better thanother people on a task. 01020304ST181Q04HA I try harder when I’m in competition withother people. 01020304。
2018国际PISA最新教育测试出炉我们需要培养孩子什么?针对15岁青少年基础教育阶段的评估,经济合作与发展组织(OECD)统筹的国际学生评估项目PISA(Programme for international Student Assessment),每三年发布一次。
2018国际PISA最新教育测试出炉359.png最新PISA测试结果这一次,OCED将焦点重新投注于科学素养的同时,提出增加一项新的测试项目——全球胜任力(global competence)。
OECD 教育主管 Andreas Schleicher 解释,以前大家要查阅信息,可翻查百科全书,信息是真实可信;但在今日,懂得分辨信息真假是重要的技能。
1. 请简要介绍您的孩子,包括年龄、性别和就读学校。
2. 您是否认为您的孩子有研究困难?如果是,请描述一下他们的表现。
3. 您是否曾向专业人士(如教师、医生、心理咨询师)寻求过帮助?如果是,请说明您采取了什么行动以帮助您的孩子。
4. 您认为导致您的孩子研究困难的可能因素有哪些?请勾选适用的选项:
- 研究方法不当
- 注意力问题
- 内在研究障碍(如发展障碍、研究障碍)
- 情绪问题(如焦虑、抑郁)
- 学校环境对研究的干扰
- 其他(请说明)
5. 您是否愿意与学校、专业人士合作,以制定个性化的研究支持计划帮助您的孩子?如果是,请说明原因。
6. 您是否认为您的孩子需要更多关于研究困难的教育和支持资源?如果是,请说明您期望得到的具体帮助。
7. 您是否愿意更多了解儿童研究困难,以更好地帮助您的孩子应对困难?如果是,请说明您期望得到的信息形式(例如讲座、手册、在线资源等)。
如果接到老师类似的“投诉”,你一般会怎样教育孩子?○严厉批评、处罚○找孩子谈话,对孩子约法三章○孩子爱动爱闹属正常情况,不管他(她) ○其他_10。
你依赖他 们需要他们的关心和爱护:同时,对自己的看法,也会影响到你与他们之间的交往。
为了更好的了解中学生与重要他人的相互关系,请你仔细回答以下问题,你的回答 将作为科学研究所用,你的任何信息都作为个人隐私得到保护,不会向任何人遗漏,请放心作答!年龄: 年级: 性别:⑴男 (2)女父母是否外出务工 ⑴是 (2)否 (选“是”请回答下面两个问题,选"否” 请跳过)谁在外务工:(1)爸爸 (2)妈妈 (3)父母均在外务工你与父母分别时间:(1)1 -3个月(2)3-6个月(3)半年到一年(4)一年以 "1" •根本不是这样“2" •很少是这样"3”・有时是这样"4" •经常是这样"5"- 总是这样请阅读每一个句子,并选择与你最相符合的,然后画圈。
L 我母亲尊重我的情感。
12 3 4 52. 我认为我的母亲是称职的母亲。
1 2 33. 我真希望我的母亲是另外的人。
1 2 34. 我母亲很认可我现在的样子。
1 2 3 4 4 4 4 2 3 4 5 我很容易为母亲感到难过。
12345 我有很多不开心,但母亲知道的很少。
12 3 4 5 当讨论事情的时候,母亲会很在乎我的观点。
12 3 4 5 我母亲信任我的判断。
12 3 4 5 我母亲有她自己的烦恼,所以我不会拿自己的烦恼去烦她。
12345 我母亲帮助我更好的了解自己。
12345 我把自己的烦恼告诉我的母亲。
12345 我很生气我母亲。
12 3 4 5 我没有得到母亲很多的注意。
12345 我母亲帮我一起讨论我的困难012345 我母亲理解我。
12 3 4 5 当我为某事情生气时,我母亲试图理解我。
12 3 4 5 我信任我的母亲。
12 3 4 5 我母亲不了解这些天我都经历了些什么.I 2 3 4 55. 对我在意的事悄,我喜欢听取我母亲的意见。
PISA2018 ICT熟悉度问卷
ICT FAMILIARITY QUESTIONNAIRE FOR PISA 2018 (INTERNATIONAL OPTION)MAIN SURVEY VERSIONCY7_201710_QST_MS_ICQ_NoNotesOctober 2017In the following questions, you will be asked about different aspects related to digital media and digital devices, including desktop computers, portable laptops, notebooks, smartphones, tablet computers, cell phones without Internet access, game consoles, and Internet-connected television.IC001Are any of these devices available for you to use at home?(Please select one response in each row.)Yes, and Iuse itYes, but Idon’t use it NoIC001Q01TA Desktop computer 010203 IC001Q02TA Portable laptop, or notebook 010203IC001Q03TA <Tablet computer> (e.g. <iPad®>,<BlackBerry® PlayBook TM>) 010203IC001Q04TA Internet connection 010203IC001Q05TA <Video games console>, e.g. <Sony®PlayStation®> 010203IC001Q06TA <Cell phone> (without Internet access) 010203 IC001Q07TA <Cell phone> (with Internet access) 010203IC001Q08TA Portable music player (Mp3/Mp4player, iPod® or similar) 010203IC001Q09TA Printer 010203 IC001Q10TA USB (memory) stick 010203IC001Q11TA <ebook reader>, e.g. <Amazon®Kindle TM> 010203IC009Are any of these devices available for you to use at school?(Please select one response in each row.)Yes, and Iuse itYes, but Idon’t use itNoIC009Q01TA Desktop computer 010203 IC009Q02TA Portable laptop or notebook 010203IC009Q03TA <Tablet computer> (e.g. <iPad®>,<BlackBerry® PlayBook TM>) 010203IC009Q05NA Internet connected school computers 010203IC009Q06NA Internet connection via wirelessnetwork 010203IC009Q07NA Storage space for school-related data,e.g. a folder for own documents 010203IC009Q08TA USB (memory) stick 010203IC009Q09TA <ebook reader>, e.g. <Amazon®Kindle TM> 010203IC009Q10NA Data projector, e.g. for slidepresentations 010203IC009Q11NA Interactive whiteboard, e.g.<SmartBoard®> 010203IC002How old were you when you first used a digital device?(Please think of different kinds of digital devices such as for exampledesktop computers, portable laptops, notebooks, smartphones, tabletcomputers, cell phones without Internet access, game consoles, orInternet-connected television.)(Please select one response.)IC002Q01HA06 3 years old or younger 01IC002Q01HA074-6 years old 02IC002Q01NA027-9 years old03IC002Q01NA0310-12 years old04IC002Q01NA0413 years old or older05IC002Q01NA05I have never used a digital device until today06If the student selects “I have never used a digital device until today”, th equestionnaire will terminate as the proceeding questions will not be relevant to thestudent.IC004How old were you when you first accessed the Internet?(Please select one response.)IC004Q01HA06 3 years old or younger 01IC004Q01HA074-6 years old 02IC004Q01TA027-9 years old03IC004Q01TA0310-12 years old04IC004Q01TA0413 years old or older05IC004Q01TA05I have never accessed the Internet06 This is a filter question. If a student responds “6”, I have never accessed the Internet, IC005, IC006, IC007 are not applicable and students will proceed with IC150.IC005 During a typical weekday, for how long do you use the Internet at school?(Please select one response.)IC005Q01TA01No time 01 IC005Q01TA021-30 minutes per day02 IC005Q01TA0331-60 minutes per day03 IC005Q01TA04Between 1 hour and 2 hours per day04 IC005Q01TA05Between 2 hours and 4 hours per day05 IC005Q01TA06Between 4 hours and 6 hours per day06 IC005Q01TA07More than 6 hours per day07IC006 During a typical weekday, for how long do you use the Internet outside of school?(Please select one response.)IC006Q01TA01No time 01 IC006Q01TA021-30 minutes per day02 IC006Q01TA0331-60 minutes per day03 IC006Q01TA04Between 1 hour and 2 hours per day04 IC006Q01TA05Between 2 hours and 4 hours per day05 IC006Q01TA06Between 4 hours and 6 hours per day06 IC006Q01TA07More than 6 hours per day07IC007 On a typical weekend day, for how long do you use the Internet outside of school?(Please select one response.)IC007Q01TA01No time 01 IC007Q01TA021-30 minutes per day02 IC007Q01TA0331-60 minutes per day03 IC007Q01TA04Between 1 hour and 2 hours per day04 IC007Q01TA05Between 2 hours and 4 hours per day05 IC007Q01TA06Between 4 hours and 6 hours per day06 IC007Q01TA07More than 6 hours per day07IC150In a typical school week, how much time do you spend using digital devices during classroom lessons? (Please select one response in each row.)No time1 – 30minutes aweek31 – 60minutesa weekMore than60 minutesa weekI do notstudy thissubjectIC150Q01HA <Test languagelessons> 010*******IC150Q02HA<Mathematics> 010******* IC150Q03HA <Science> 010*******IC150Q04HA <Foreignlanguage> 010*******IC150Q05HA <Social sciences> 010******* IC150Q06HA Music 010******* IC150Q07HA Sports 010******* IC150Q08HA <Performing arts> 010******* IC150Q09HA <Visual arts> 010*******IC151In a typical school week, how much time do you spend using digital devices outside of classroom lessons (regardless whether at home or in school) for the following subjects? (Please select one response in each row.)No time1 – 30minutes aweek31 – 60minutes aweekMorethan 60minutes aweekI do notstudy thissubjectIC151Q01HA <Test languagelessons> 010*******IC151Q02HA<Mathematics> 010******* IC151Q03HA <Science> 010*******IC151Q04HA <Foreignlanguage> 010*******IC151Q05HA <Social sciences> 010******* IC151Q06HA Music 010******* IC151Q07HA Sports 010******* IC151Q08HA <Performing arts> 010******* IC151Q09HA <Visual arts> 010*******IC152Within the last month, has a digital device been used for learning or teaching during lessons in the following subjects?(Please select one response in each row.)Yes, both theteacher andstudents useditYes, butonlystudentsused itYes, butonly theteacherused itNoI do notstudy thissubjectIC152Q01HA <Test languagelessons> 010*******IC152Q02HA<Mathematics> 010******* IC152Q03HA <Science> 010*******IC152Q04HA <Foreignlanguage> 010*******IC152Q05HA <Social sciences> 010******* IC152Q06HA Music 010******* IC152Q07HA Sports 010******* IC152Q08HA <Performing arts> 010******* IC152Q09HA <Visual arts> 010*******IC008How often do you use digital devices for the following activities outside of school?(Please select one response in each row.)Never or hardly ever OnceortwiceamonthOnceortwicea weekAlmosteverydayEverydayIC008Q01TA Playing one-player games. 010******* IC008Q02TA Playing collaborative online games. 010******* IC008Q03TA Using email. 010******* IC008Q04TA <Chatting online> (e.g. <MSN®>). 010*******IC008Q05TA Participating in social networks(e.g. <Facebook>, <MySpace>). 010*******IC008Q07NA Playing online games via socialnetworks (e.g. <Farmville®>, <TheSims Social>).010*******IC008Q08TA Browsing the Internet for fun (suchas watching videos, e.g.<YouTube™>).010*******IC008Q09TA Reading news on the Internet (e.g.current affairs). 010*******IC008Q10TA Obtaining practical informationfrom the Internet (e.g. locations,dates of events).010*******IC008Q11TA Downloading music, films, gamesor software from the internet. 010*******IC008Q12TA Uploading your own createdcontents for sharing (e.g. music,poetry, videos, computerprograms).010*******IC008Q13NA Downloading new apps on a mobiledevice. 010*******activities outside of school? (Please select one response in each row.)Never or hardly everOnceortwice amonthOnceortwice aweekAlmosteverydayEverydayIC010Q01TA Browsing the Internet forschoolwork (e.g. for preparingan essay or presentation).010*******IC010Q02NA Browsing the Internet to followup lessons, e.g. for findingexplanations.010*******IC010Q03TA Using email for communicationwith other students aboutschoolwork.010*******IC010Q04TA Using email for communicationwith teachers and submission ofhomework or other schoolwork.010*******IC010Q05NA Using social networks forcommunication with otherstudents about schoolwork (e.g.<Facebook>, <MySpace>).010*******IC010Q06NA Using social networks forcommunication with teachers(e.g. <Facebook>, <MySpace>).010*******IC010Q07TA Downloading, uploading orbrowsing material from myschool’s website (e.g. timetableor course materials).010*******IC010Q08TA Checking the school’s websitefor announcements, e.g. absenceof teachers.010*******IC010Q09NA Doing homework on a computer. 010*******IC010Q10NA Doing homework on a mobiledevice. 010*******IC010Q11HA Using learning apps or learningwebsites on a computer. 010*******IC010Q12HA Using learning apps or learningwebsites on a mobile device. 010*******activities at school?(Please select one response in each row.)Never or hardly everOnceortwice amonthOnceortwice aweekAlmosteverydayEverydayIC011Q01TA <Chatting online> at school. 010******* IC011Q02TA Using email at school. 010*******IC011Q03TA Browsing the Internet forschoolwork. 010*******IC011Q04TA Downloading, uploading orbrowsing material from theschool’s website (e.g.<intranet>).010*******IC011Q05TA Posting my work on theschool’s website.010*******IC011Q06TA Playing simulations at school. 010*******IC011Q07TA Practicing and drilling, such asfor foreign language learningor mathematics.010*******IC011Q08TA Doing homework on a schoolcomputer. 010*******IC011Q09TA Using school computers forgroup work andcommunication with otherstudents.010*******IC011Q010HA Using learning apps or learningwebsites. 010*******IC013digital devices: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?(Please think of different kinds of digital devices such as forexample desktop computers, portable laptops, notebooks,smartphones, tablet computers, cell phones without internet access,game consoles, or internet-connected television)(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree AgreeStronglyagreeIC013Q01NA I forget about time when I'm usingdigital devices. 01020304IC013Q04NA The Internet is a great resource forobtaining information I am interestedin (e.g. news, sports, dictionary).01020304IC013Q05NA It is very useful to have socialnetworks on the Internet. 01020304IC013Q11NA I am really excited discovering newdigital devices or applications. 01020304IC013Q12NA I really feel bad if no Internetconnection is possible. 01020304IC013Q13NA I like using digital devices. 01020304IC014digital devices: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?(Please think of different kinds of digital devices such as forexample desktop computers, portable laptops, notebooks,smartphones, tablet computers, cell phones without internet access,game consoles, or internet-connected television)(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree AgreeStronglyagreeIC014Q03NA I feel comfortable using digitaldevices that I am less familiar with. 01020304IC014Q04NA If my friends and relatives want tobuy new digital devices orapplications, I can give themadvice.01020304IC014Q06NA I feel comfortable using my digitaldevices at home. 01020304IC014Q08NA When I come across problems withdigital devices, I think I can solvethem.01020304IC014Q09NA If my friends and relatives have aproblem with digital devices, I canhelp them.01020304IC015digital devices: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?(Please select one response in each row.)Strongly disagree Disagree AgreeStronglyagreeIC015Q02NA If I need new software, I install itby myself. 01020304IC015Q03NA I read information about digitaldevices to be independent. 01020304IC015Q05NA I use digital devices as I want to usethem. 01020304IC015Q07NA If I have a problem with digitaldevices I start to solve it on myown.01020304IC015Q09NA If I need a new application, Ichoose it by myself. 01020304IC016Thinking about your experience with digital media and digital devices: to what extent do you disagree or agree with the following statements?(Please select one response in each row.)StronglydisagreeDisagree AgreeStronglyagreeIC016Q01NA To learn something new aboutdigital devices, I like to talk aboutthem with my friends.01020304IC016Q02NA I like to exchange solutions toproblems with digital devices withothers on the Internet.01020304IC016Q04NA I like to meet friends and playcomputer and video games withthem.01020304IC016Q05NA I like to share information aboutdigital devices with my friends. 01020304IC016Q07NA I learn a lot about digital media bydiscussing with my friends andrelatives.01020304ST169Which of the following statements best describes how you read the news (e.g. politics, culture, sport, local news)? (Please select one response.)ST169Q01HA I do not follow the news at all. 01ST169Q01HA I only watch or listen to the news (e.g. radio, television,podcasts). 02ST169Q01HA I read the news more often on digital devices (e.g. tablet,smartphone, computer). 03ST169Q01HA I read the news more often on paper (e.g. newspapers,magazines). 04ST169Q01HA I read the news equally often in paper format and on digitaldevices. 05CY7_201710_QST_MS_ICQ_NoNotesThank you very much for your co-operation in completing this questionnaire!21。
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What is this questionnaire about? <The student who brought this questionnaire home> was selected to participate in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), a research study which mainly focuses on the reading literacy of students who are 15 years old, but which also includes an assessment of mathematics and science. The study is organised by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and it surveys students from about 80 different countries. In the PISA study, students are asked to answer questions concerning scientific, mathematical and reading literacy, as well as global competence, and to provide information on their background, beliefs and opinions on issues that generally relate to schooling and their careers. As part of the study, we are also surveying students’ parents on a number of similar topics including: Information about the student and the family Your child’s school Your child’s educational pathway Background information The information you provide will be extremely valuable in building up a picture of how literacy develops in students and what influences its development. Who should complete this questionnaire? This questionnaire should be completed by a parent (or jointly by both parents) or other <primary caregiver> of the student. To make the wording of the questions simple, <the student who brought this questionnaire home> is often referred to as ‘your child’. We ask you to respond to all the questions you feel comfortable answering. There are no right or wrong answers and we assure you that your responses to this questionnaire will be kept confidential.
(Please select all that apply.)
Mother or other female guardian
Father or other male guardian
School Name Student ID Student Name (optional) Date of Birth
<Language of test> <ISO code>
Family name
/ Day
Given name
PA003Q01TA PA003Q02TA PA003Q03TA PA003Q04HA PA003Q05IA PA003Q06IA PA003Q07IA
More information on the PISA study can be found on the Internet at /
Who will complete this questionnaire?
OECD Programme for International Student Assessment 2018
Date of Test (Field Trial PISA 2018)