Lifetime measurement of the ^3P_2 metastable state of strontium atoms


Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET)荧光共振能量转移(FRET)

• chemical attachment of synthetic dyes
Absorption / Emission (a.u.)
a typical synthetic chromophore: tetramethylrhodamine
Absorption Emission
400 450 500 550 600 650 700 wavelength (nm)
• extinction coefficient: ~100,000 Molar-1 cm-1 • fluorescence quantum yield: ~50% • triplet quantum yield <1% • available in reactive forms (to attach to amines,
fluorophore *Donor-Acceptor의 Energy transfer는 거리에 의해 효율이 결정 (~10nm)
Spectral properties of involved chromophore
Efficiency of Energy Transfer = E = kT/(kT + kf + k’) kT = rate of transfer of excitation energy kf = rate of fluorescence k’ = sum of the rates of all other deexcitation
fluorescence experiments 4. Some applications & examples


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( ) 献 提 供 有 良性 及 恶 性 病 变 的 平 均 表 观 扩 1文
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散系数(p a n iuince c n, D ) ap r t f s o f i tA C 及标准差 文献 1 R “,详 见表 1 e df o i e 0 。根据纳入 文献 的DWI] 手 描 (t d r e it n S ) 2病 变经金标准( 理) s n add vai , D 。() a o 病 证 的b 值范 围将数据分为三组 ,详见表2 ,4 ,3 。 实。() 3设计 良好 的前瞻性或 回顾性研 究 。() 4文献提 22M ea . t分析
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1 文献检 索与 筛查 范围 . 1 检 索 数 据 库 包 括 Pub d、 M dl n m e e i e、
混 杂偏倚 的影响 。我们根据 纳入文献 的D 扫描 的 WI 值范 围将数据 分为 I( - 4 0s 0 0 / ) I 5 0 mm。、 I(0 - S r g r ik pi eLn 、E ee ir VI n lsve、O D、万 方 、维普数据 b 库 、中 国生物 医学文 献数 据库( B C Mds) 中 国学 7 0s m i 及 c 0 / I (0 -10 s a r I 80 0 0/ ) I mm 三组 ,分别计算各 术 期刊 网全 文 数据 库 ( NKI。检索 语 种 为汉 语和 组 的 平 均 A 值 的S C ) DC MD。 用 Me C l 件 进 行M e da软 c t a 英语 。检 索在2 0 年 1 0 2 月至2 1年2 0 2 月公 开发表 的文 分析 ,如果S MD (5 / (of e c tra 不包括 9 %C ) c n d nei ev 1 i n ) “ ”,则P 00 , 0 < . 可认 为差异有统计学 意义 _ 5 1 ] 。根据 献 。 中文 检 索 词 包括 :软 组 织肿 瘤 、骨 骼 肿 瘤 、 骨肌 肿 瘤 、磁 共 振 、扩 散 加 权 成 像 。英 文 检 索 词 C hnS oe’ 经验法则:如果S MD值是0 ,则影响 因素具 . 2



Which Fluorescence Lifetime System is Best for You?Why Measure Lifetimes?The information from a steady-state scan (a plot of fluorescence intensity versus wavelength) represents the averaged behavior of what occurs during the entire scan. Fluorescence itself, how-ever, occurs on the nanosecond timescale. There-fore, if you could take snapshots at that speed, you would learn much more about the mecha-nisms that lead to chemical or biochemical proc-esses—hence the appeal of lifetime spectro-fluorometers.For example, among the experiments possi-ble with lifetime instruments include: •Determination of the environment that the sample molecules inhabit, e.g., viscosity, pH, temperature, polarity, salvation, etc. •Uncovering the size and shape of the sample molecules, and the distances between differ-ent parts of the molecules.•Learning about the contributions of each component in a mixture of sample mole-cules, through time-resolved spectra of over-lapping emissions.How to Measure Fluorescence LifetimesThere are two complementary techniques of lifetime measurement: the time domain and the frequency domain.In the time domain (Fig.1), a short pulse of light excites the sample, and the subsequent fluo-rescence emission is recorded as a function of time. This usually occurs on the nanosecond timescale.In the frequency domain (Fig. 2), the sample is excited by a modulated source of light. The fluorescence emitted by the sample has a similar waveform, but is modulated and phase-shifted from the excitation curve. Both modulation (M) and phase-shift (φ) are determined by the life-time of the sample emission; that lifetime can be calculated from the observed modulation and phase-shift.Both of these domains yield equivalent data. But, as we shall see, each method has advantages for measurement under certain conditions. This Application Note examines the time and fre-quency domains in more detail, in order to help you decide more easily which technique suits your sample conditions.Fig. 1. Actual pulsed light-source (gray) and sample response (black), showing the grad-ual decay of fluorescence intensity with time.A single-exponential fit (dotted) gives a life-time of 1.309 ± 0.003 ns.Fig. 2. Excitation (black) and sample re-sponse (gray), illustrating the phase-angle shift (φ) and demodulation ratio (M).SPEX® Fluorescence GroupF-10Fluorescence Decay LawBoth the time- and frequency-domain meth-ods take advantage of the fluorescence decay law , which is based on first-order kinetics. The decay law postulates that if a population of mole-cules is instantaneously excited when photons are absorbed, then the excited population—and hence the fluorescence intensity as a function of time, I (t )—gradually decays to the ground state. Decay kinetics can be described byταte t I −=)(where α is the intensity at time t = 0, t is the time after the absorption, and τ is the lifetime, that is, when the fraction of the population of molecules in the excited state (and the fluorescence inten-sity) has decreased by a factor of 1/e, or ~37%. Note that before absorption, I (t ) = 0.This fluorescence decay law implies that all excited molecules exist in a homogenous envi-ronment, as is true for many single-exponential fluorescence lifetime standards in solution 1,2. Apart from such standards, however, single-ex-ponential decays are usually a real-life exception, because most populations of excited molecules do not exist in homogeneous environments, and can be influenced by various factors, including the presence of quenchers , energy-transfer proc-esses among members of the population, and dif-ferent rates of molecular rotation. Hence, in most instances, multi-exponential or non-exponential forms of the decay-law equation must be applied.Time DomainTime-domain measurements are based on the assumption that, when photons are absorbed, the molecules can be excited in an infinitely brief moment. This idea is commonly known as the delta or δ-pulse . The δ-pulse idea is used to in-terpret data obtained with real pulsed light-sources with measurable pulse-widths. In prac-tice, the time-dependent profile of the light-pulse is reconvolved with the decay-law function. Re-convolution assumes that the δ-pulses are con-tinuous functions, so that the observed decay is the convolution integral of the decays from all δ-pulses initiated during the finite pulse-width 3.Fig. 3. Time-Correlated Single-Photon-Counting fluorometer. A pulsed light Source excites the Sample repetitively. The sample emission is observed by a Detector, while the excitation flashes are detected by a syn-chronization module (SYNC). A constant-fraction discriminator (CFD) responds to only the first photon detected (small ar-rows)—independent of its amplitude—from the detector. This first photon from sample emission is the stop signal for the Time-to-Amplitude Converter (TAC). The excitation pulses trigger the start signals. The Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) records repetitive start-stop signals of the single-photon events from the TAC, to generate a histo-gram of photon counts as a function of time-channel units. The lifetime is calculated from this histogram.There are many ways to record time-domain data, such as streak cameras, boxcar integrators,19202122232425262728TIME, CHANNELSCumulative histogramMonochroma-Sample chamberand so forth. Most agree, however, that the method of single-photon counting is, by far, su-perior.T ime-C orrelated S ingle-P hoton C ounting (TCSPC) measurements are shown in Fig. 3. TCSPC uses a pulsed light-source and a circuit to detect single-photon events at a detector. In a repetitive series of many start-stop signals from the circuitry, a binned histogram in time chan-nels of single-photon counts is gradually gener-ated.TCSPC relies on a principle of Poissonian statistics, that only one photon can be counted at a time and in any one channel, to avoid skewing the time-dependent statistics in photon-pile-up. Pile-up thus limits the data-acquisition rate of TCSPC to a few (typically 1–2) percent of the repetition rate. In practice, the single-photon limit is not a major hindrance because the pile-up limit can be monitored during the experiment, and decay times with sufficient photon counts in can be obtained in seconds to minutes with repe-tition rates in the MHz range. In addition, the Poissonian nature of the statistics allows the data to be rigorously analyzed.Frequency DomainThe fluorescence decay parameters in the de-cay law’s impulse function may be obtained based on the relation of a sinusoidally modulated excitation beam to the fluorescence emission re-sponse (Fig. 2). The emission occurs at the same frequency as the excitation. Because of the loss of electron energy (Stokes’ shift) between exci-tation and emission, the emission waveform is demodulated and phase-shifted in comparison to the excitation. Thus the demodulation ratio (M) and phase-angle shift (φ) constitute two separate observable parameters that are both directly re-lated, via a Fourier transformation4, to the initial fluorescence intensity, α, and lifetime, τ, for a population of fluorophores.Frequency-domain measurements are best performed using M ulti-F requency C ross-C orre-lation phase-and-modulation (MFCC), shown in Fig. 4. A modulated beam excites the sample. The fluorescence emission is detected by a P ho-to M ultiplier T ube (PMT) modulated at the same base radio-frequency as the master plus a low cross-correlation frequency (a few Hz). The base-frequency signals are filtered to reveal the cross-correlation frequency signal, which con-tains all the same demodulation (M) and phase-angle shift (φ) information as the fluorescence emission.Fig. 4. Multi-Frequency Cross-Correlation fluorometer. An unmodulated light Source emits a spectrum of continuous-wave light. The excitation monochromator (Excit. Mono.) selects an excitation wavelength. An amplified (Amp 1) master synthesizer (Mas-ter) drives the Pockels cell (Pockels) at a base frequency, Rf, which modulates the excitation beam. The modulated beam ex-cites the Sample, causing the sample to emit modulated fluorescence also at the base Rf. An emission monochromator (Emis. Mono.) selects one wavelength of modulated fluorescence. The photomultiplier tube (PMT) is modulated by an amplified (Amp 2) slave synthesizer (Slave) at the base Rf plus a low-frequency cross-correla-tion note (∆f). The sample emission at Rf cancels the slave Rf+∆f frequencies to yield the ∆f signal containing the same phase-an-gle shift (φ) and demodulation ratio (M) as the Rf fluorescence.SampleExcit.AMPLITUDE∆fUsually the sample is scanned over a range (10–16) of frequencies because of the intrinsic limitations of resolving mixtures using only one frequency. In theory, for a single-exponential emitter, one should observe the same lifetime using the observed φ and M at any given fre-quency4,5. However, for mixtures of components, φ is biased towards the faster decay components and M is weighted toward the slower compo-nents. Hence, resolving separate fluorescence lifetime parameters for mixtures requires a range of frequencies to be statistically valid. On the other hand, the MFCC technique is not con-strained by the Poissonian single-photon detec-tion limits of TCSPC. Therefore, rapid acquisi-tion at a high signal-to-noise ratio to resolve complex mixtures is possible.Which Method is Best for Your Sample?In principle, both methods can yield identical results for a wide variety of experimental sam-ples and conditions. A user may choose one Spex®-IBH fluorescence lifetime instrument method over the other for a variety of reasons: The frequency domain, for example, is compatible with a strong, tunable continuous-wave xenon excitation source that seamlessly covers a wide spectral range. With the frequency domain, lifetimes as short as 10 picoseconds can be measured with a continuous source, tunable from the UV to the near-IR. All other conditions being equal, frequency domain is usually faster than time domain.Time-domain instruments have no conti-nuously tunable, pulsed source from the UV to IR, so the choice of excitation wavelength is more limited. Because of pulse-width, lifetimes are usually limited to no shorter than just under a nanosecond with a flash lamp, though they can operate at picosecond timeframes with inexpen-sive diode sources. On the other hand, TCSPC is compatible with precise and inexpensive pulsed light-emitting diodes and diode-laser sources. The single-photon detection method is preferred when photon emission is too weak for fre-quency-domain detection. There is a sacrifice in available wavelengths for UV excitation, impor-tant for some biological samples, when the flash lamp is used, and may be inconvenient and slow.Most important for you, Jobin Yvon, uniting Spex® and IBH, now offers both time- and fre-quency-domain instruments to optimize your re-search time and effort. The choice is yours. Copyright © 2004 Jobin Yvon, Inc.1 R.A. Lampert, et al., Anal. Chem.,55:68–73, 1983.2 J.R. Lakowicz, et al., J. Fluor., 1(2):87–93, 1991.3 G. Hungerford and D.J.S. Birch, Meas. Sci. Tech., 7:121–135, 1996.4 D.M. Jameson and T.L. Hazlett, Biophysical and Bio-chemical Aspects of Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Plenum Press, New York, pp. 105–133, 1991.5 E. Gratton, et al., Ann. Rev. Biophys. Bioeng., 13:105–124, 1984.In the USA:Jobin Yvon Inc.3880 Park Avenue, Edison, NJ 08820 In France: Japan: +81 (0) 3 58230140 Tel:+1-732-494-8660 16-18, rue du Canal China: +86 (0) 10 6849 2216 Fax: +1-732-549-5157 91165 Longjumeau cedex Germany: +49 (0) 89 462317-0 E-Mail: info@ Tel: +33 (0) 1 64 54 13 00 Italy: +39 0 2 576047621-800-533-5946Fax: +33 (0) 1 69 09 93 19 U.K.: +44 (0) 8204 8142。





在这个⽅程组中有很多的问题存在:y=a+bx+u (1)m=a1x+u1 (2)y=a2x+b2m+u2 (3)很显然(1)式中⾄少遗漏了中介变量m,则导致严重内⽣性问题,内⽣性导致b的估计是有偏的,b都估计不对,何谈后⾯的因果效应和机制分析的识别?且不说有没有考虑三个⼦⽅程的内⽣性问题了!令⼈悲哀和⽆免,其实只需要基本的初等计量经济学知识!本推⽂将介绍在因果分析框架下中介分析模型。

此外,管理学的调节效应其实就是规范实证经济学⾥⾯的交互项模型,即相关异质性因果效应分析:即将开幕的STATA前沿培训精讲:带异质性处理效应的双向固定效应估计|从精确断点、模糊断点估计的实际操作|弱⼯具变量稳健推断异质性分析、机制分析的内容可选择学习:即将开班 | 结构模型、Stata实证前沿、Python数据挖掘暑假⼯作坊当然,⽐较合理地机制分析是基于理论框架的科学分析,这也可以在以上暑假⼯作坊课程中的结构估计部分学习之,其也提供⽂本分析的内容。

欢迎咨询!Causal mediation analysisRaymond Hicks,Niehaus Center for Globalization and GovernancePrinceton University,Princeton, NJ,rhicks@Dustin Tingley,Department of Government,Harvard UniversityCambridge, MA,dtingley@Abstract. Estimating the mechanisms that connect explanatory variables with the explained variable, also known as “mediation analysis,” is central to a variety of social-science fields, especially psychology, and incre epidemiology.Recent work on the statistical methodology behind mediation analysis points to limitations in earlier methods. We implement in Stata computational approaches based on recent developments in the sta analysis. In particular, we provide functions for the correct calculation of causal mediation effects using several different types of parametric models, as well as the calculation of sensitivity analyses for violations to the required for interpreting mediation results causally.摘要:估计解释变量与被解释变量之间的联系机制,也被称为“中介分析”,是各种社会科学领域的核⼼,尤其是⼼理学,并逐渐成为流⾏病学等领域的核⼼。

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系统评价Meta分析方法学质量的评价工具AMSTAR一、本文概述Overview of this article本文旨在探讨和评价《系统评价Meta分析方法学质量的评价工具AMSTAR》这篇文章,深入解析AMSTAR(A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews)这一评价工具在系统评价和Meta分析中的应用和重要性。


This article aims to explore and evaluate the AMSTAR (A Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews) evaluation tool for the quality of meta-analysis methodology, and to provide an in-depth analysis of its application and importance in system evaluation and meta-analysis. We will provide a comprehensive introduction to AMSTAR from its background, purpose, methods, results, and discussion, in order for readers to better understand and master this evaluation tool.我们将简要介绍系统评价和Meta分析在医学研究中的重要性,以及为什么需要对这些方法学质量进行评价。


We will briefly introduce the importance of system evaluation and meta-analysis in medical research, as well as why it is necessary to evaluate the quality of these methodologies. Next, we will provide a detailed introduction to the development background, theoretical basis, and construction process of AMSTAR, so that readers can understand the origin and basis of this evaluation tool.在方法部分,我们将详细介绍AMSTAR的具体内容、评分标准和评价方法,包括各个条目的定义、评分依据以及如何运用AMSTAR对系统评价和Meta分析进行质量评价。



212 众所周知,微量元素与人的各种生理活动有着密切的关系,有的元素甚至是人体组织细胞的构成成分,如钙、钠、钾等等。

然而一项专门的调查表明1 , 钙是中国居民膳食中缺乏最明显的营养素,有5110 %~6716 %的城乡人口每日摄入量不足推荐标准的1/ 2 。

而鱼卵中的钙含量很高,达到37812 ~127612μg/ g 干重, 其中含量最高的是黄鳝127612μg/ g 干重,可作为动物饲料很好的添加剂,其次是鲫鱼、比目鱼和鲳鱼的卵。

所有的鱼卵的钙含量都高于牛肉, 是人们很好的天然补钙剂。

同一调查表明, 缺铁性贫血是我国各人群中普遍存在的问题。

本研究测定结果表明, 鱼卵中也含有丰富的铁,其中含铁最高的3 种鱼都是淡水鱼(泥鳅> 鲑鱼> 鳊鱼) ,其含铁量远高于牛肉和鸡蛋。


鱼卵中锌的含量低于牛肉, 但大多数鱼卵中锌的含量是鸡蛋的2~3 倍。

泥鳅和黄鳝生活在较接近泥土的水域,在其卵中测到了较高的锰元素含量( 泥鳅1116μg/ g 干重,黄鳝4108μg/ g 干重) ,而大多数鱼卵的含量都与牛肉、鸡蛋接近。

在所测的12 种鱼卵中, 除泥鳅外, 均未测出铅的含量,这对鱼卵的进一步开发利用无疑是十分有利的。


参考文献葛可佑, 常素英, 中国居民微量营养素的摄入, 营养学报, 1999 , 21 ( 1) :127 。

孔祥瑞,必须微量元素的营养的生理及临床意义,人民卫生出版社, 1982 ,北京:42 。

永少章,井村伸正,微量元素在癌治疗中的应用,外国医学( 肿瘤分册) ,1991 ,2 :106 。

1究证实2 3,锌可以治疗组织创伤和促进溃疡愈合。

白血2病和各种肉瘤患者, 锌含量明显偏低。




时间分辨荧光寿命英文缩写Time-resolved fluorescence lifetime (TRFL) is a technique used in spectroscopy to measure the decay time of fluorescence after excitation. It provides valuable information about the molecular environment and interactions of fluorophores. TRFL measurements are commonly used in various scientific fields, such as biology, chemistry, material science, and medical diagnostics.The most commonly used method for TRFL measurements is time-correlated single photon counting (TCSPC). In TCSPC, a pulsed laser is used to excite the sample, and the resulting fluorescence emission is collected and detected using a photon-counting detector. The detector records the arrival time of each emitted photon relative to the excitation pulse, and this information is used to build a decay curve. The decay curve represents the fluorescence intensity as a function of time, and the fluorescence lifetime can be derived from the decay curve.The fluorescence lifetime is the average time that a fluorophore spends in the excited state before returning to the ground state. It is determined by various factors, including the molecular structure, solvent environment, and the presence of other molecules that can quench or enhance the fluorescence. By measuring the fluorescence lifetime, researchers can obtain valuable information about the structure and dynamics of molecules, as well as their interactions with other molecules.TRFL measurements have been widely used in the study of biological systems. For example, in fluorescence microscopy, TRFL can be used to differentiate between different fluorophoresin a sample based on their fluorescence lifetimes. This allows for the simultaneous detection of multiple fluorophores with overlapping emission spectra. TRFL can also be used to study protein-protein interactions, DNA-protein interactions, and membrane dynamics in living cells.In the field of chemistry, TRFL can be used to study the kinetics and mechanisms of chemical reactions. By monitoring changes in fluorescence lifetime during a reaction, researchers can gain insights into reaction intermediates and transition states. TRFL can also be used to study the properties of nanomaterials, such as quantum dots and nanoparticles, as well as the behavior of dyes and sensors.In medical diagnostics, TRFL has been used in various applications, such as drug discovery, clinical diagnostics, and imaging. For example, TRFL-based assays can be used to detect and quantify specific biomarkers in clinical samples, such as blood or urine, for disease diagnosis and monitoring. TRFL imaging techniques, such as fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM), can provide high-resolution images of biological samples, allowing for the visualization of molecular interactions and spatial localization of fluorophores.In summary, TRFL is a powerful technique for studying the fluorescence properties of molecules. It provides valuable information about the molecular environment, interactions, and dynamics. TRFL has applications in various scientific fields, including biology, chemistry, material science, and medicaldiagnostics, and it continues to contribute to advancements in these areas.。



质量单位的作文题目英文回答:Unit of Measurement.Measurement is an essential aspect of our daily lives. It helps us understand and quantify the world around us. One important aspect of measurement is the use of units. Units provide a standardized way of expressing quantities and allow for easy comparison and communication.There are various systems of units used around the world, such as the metric system, the imperial system, and the US customary system. Each system has its own set of units for measuring different quantities.In the metric system, the basic unit of length is the meter, while the basic unit of mass is the kilogram. Other commonly used metric units include the centimeter, millimeter, gram, and tonne. The metric system is widelyused in most countries and is known for its simplicity and ease of use.On the other hand, the imperial system, which is primarily used in the United States, uses units such as inches, feet, pounds, and ounces. The US customary system, which is a variation of the imperial system, is used for everyday measurements in the United States, such as cooking and construction.Units of measurement are also used in various fields, such as science, engineering, and medicine. For example, in physics, the unit of force is the newton, while in chemistry, the unit of volume is the liter. In medicine, units such as milligrams and milliliters are used to measure medication dosages.Units of measurement are important because they provide a common language for expressing quantities. They allow for accurate and precise communication, which is crucial in fields where precision is necessary. For example, in construction, using the wrong unit of measurement can leadto costly mistakes. Similarly, in scientific research, using inconsistent units can lead to inaccurate results.In addition to the standard units, there are also derived units, which are combinations of the base units. For example, the unit of speed is meters per second, which is derived from the base units of length and time. Derived units are used to express quantities that are derived from other quantities.In conclusion, units of measurement are essential for quantifying and understanding the world around us. They provide a standardized way of expressing quantities and allow for accurate communication. Whether it's measuring length, mass, time, or any other quantity, units help us make sense of the world.中文回答:质量单位。

Instruction manual.pdf_1693225695.0476854说明书

Instruction manual.pdf_1693225695.0476854说明书

I. M EASUREMENT OF DC AND AC VOLTAGE AND CURRENT , MEASUREMENTUNCERTAINTY AND ERRORS.M ESUREMENT OF THE PARAMETERS OF DIODES ANDTRANSISTORSTheory:Theory of errors and uncertainty in the measurement. Uncertainty of type A ,type B and C. Definitions of the instrument precision by the producers. Principle of multimeters. Measurement of DC and AC voltage and current. Connection of the multimeter to the tested circuit. Measurement of the effective value of the voltage and current- definitions & principles. Measurement of the effective value alternating voltage/current with or without superimposed direct voltage/current. Shape coefficient, crest factor. Testing of diodes and transistors using the multimeter Principle of the digital frequency measurement. Exercises:1) Get acquainted with Agilent 33220A waveform generator. Set the appropriate load value according tothe resistor used (Utility > Output Setup> Load> 50Ω). ATTENTION: The generator output must be matched to the load impedance for all laboratory tasks.2) Set the generator for harmonic signal output of 2Vpp amplitude and 100 Hz frequency (setting of thegenerator, not measured value on the voltmeter). Connect the rectifier to loaded output according to the schematic. Measure the rectified voltage by available multimeters (using DC mode). Read at least10 measured values. Estimate measurement uncertainty of type A. Estimate the measurementuncertainty of type B based by parameters from datasheets. Determine overall uncertainty of your measurements (type).3) Generate a harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw tooth and at least one of embedded arbitrarysignals with arbitrary amplitude from the range 1-5 V and frequency from the range 50-300 Hz with the offset equal to zero. Measure voltages for all shapes using both a TRMS voltmeter and simple multimeter with diode rectifier. Explain why the multimeter readings differ for every waveform and amplitude. Use a multimeter also for frequency measurement of every waveform.4) Repeat task 3 for harmonic, rectangular, triangular, saw-tooth waveform with DC offset set to 1V.Measure the output voltage of the generator by TRMS voltmeter in both AC and DC mode. What is the total dissipated power on the resistor load and what is the effective value of the voltage? Hint -Parceval´s theorem.5) Generate a harmonic signal with amplitude 1V and frequency of 5Hz. What is measured by themultimeter? Gradually adjust the frequency 10, 50, 200, 1k, 10k, 25k, 100k, 500kHz and 1MHz. What is measured by the multimeter? Try to explain the multimeter behavior.6) Set the generator for rectangular pulses of 100 Hz repeating frequency and pulse width of 100 s. Setthe low voltage level to 0V. The high level (pulse amplitude) set gradually to 0.02V, 0.2V, 2V. How does the measured rms value change for different peak values of the signal? What voltage value is shown by the multimeter? Is its variation consistent with the changes of the pulse amplitude?Compare your measurement results acquired with other types of multimeters.7) Repeat task 4 for AC and DC current through the load. How can you calculate total power dissipatedon the resistor load from the measured current and resistor’s value? Compare results with those of the task 4.8) Test available diodes using a multimeter and assess whether they passed. What does thismeasurement tell us about the measured diode? Measure also the Graetz bridge9) Measure PN junctions and h21E of available transistors in the active and inverse mode. Comparemeasured results with datasheet values.10) Switch the multimeter to frequency measurement mode. Set the generator to an arbitrary harmonicwaveform of frequency within kHz range. Gradually rise the amplitude from minimum up to 5V.Observe the measured frequency and determine an amplitude threshold, where multimeter starts to measure correctly. Try to explain the results and behavior of the multimerter in frequency measurement mode.Instruments‘ manuals:Multimeter UT 803Multimeter Agilent 34410AMultimeter Agilent 34405AMultimeter Metex 3640Multimeter METEX 3850DGenerator Agilent 33220AStudy materials:Agilent multimeter simulation installation filesWebsite simulating the function of selected instruments -。



专利名称:MEASUREMENT METHOD ANDMEASUREMENT SYSTEM FOR MEASURINGBIREFRINGENCE发明人:Damian FIOLKA,Marc ROHE申请号:US13237000申请日:20110920公开号:US20120092669A1公开日:20120419专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method measuring the birefringence of an object. A measurement beam having a defined input polarization state is generated, the measurement beam beingdirected onto the object. Polarization properties of the measurement beam after interaction with the object are detected in order to generate polarization measurement values representing an output polarization state of the measurement beam after interaction with the object. The input polarization state of the measurement beam is modulated into at least four different measurement states in accordance with a periodic modulation function of an angle parameter α, and the polarization measurement values associated with the at least four measurement states are processed to form a measurement function dependent on the angle parameter α. A two-wave portion of the measurement function is determined and analysed in order to derive at least one birefringence parameter describing the birefringence, preferably by double Fourier transformation of the measurement function.申请人:Damian FIOLKA,Marc ROHE地址:Oberkochen DE,Aalen DE国籍:DE,DE更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Megger DET2 3高级大地测试仪说明书

Megger DET2 3高级大地测试仪说明书

DESCRIPTIONThe Megger® DET2/3 automatic ground test instrumentis robust, compact and designed to measure ground electrode resistance and soil resistivity. It provides a full range of test methods and excels at the four terminal method of measurement, which eliminates the resistance of the current circuit from the measurement.The DET2/3 is a reliable instrument for use on large or more complex ground systems, which include communications ground systems and difficult test environments. It canbe used to test in accordance with BS 7430 (earthing/ grounding), BS-EN-62305 (lightning protection), IEEE Standard 81, and railway applications.Soil resistivity measurements are used to establishthe optimum electrode design and site, as well as archaeological and geological investigations.The DET2/3 is housed in a dual case design, which includes a tough outer case to protect the tester from knocks/drops and an inner fire retardant case.FEATURESHigh accuracy earth (ground) measurementsThe DET2/3 provides accurate 1 mΩ resolution measurements of ground electrode resistance.With its microprocessor controlled system, it provides a flexible and ‘user-friendly’ approach to ground tests by the provision of excellent error detection capabilities and full test information shown on a large color display.T est frequency, test current and filtering can be quickly and easily adjusted so that adverse conditions, which can influence the test, can be overcome.A wide band of test current frequencies, with a resolution of 0.5 Hz, can be used to eliminate errors caused by noise in the ground.The DET2/3 also includes an automatic frequency selection feature that scans for frequencies with the lowest noise level and then runs a test at that frequency. The selected test current frequency, test current level and the increased filtering option are stored in memory for use in subsequent tests.Continuity measurements and bonding§Single resistance range: One fully automatic range from0.01 Ω to 1.0 kΩ§Display: Three digit display§Accuracy: ±3% (±2 digits)§Bi-directional tests: Option for automatic bi-directional tests without the need to reconnect leads§Short circuit current: 200 mA continuity test currents§Lead null: Lead resistance compensation (NULL) operates with a lead resistance up to 10 Ωs ofresistanceHigh resolution of 1 mΩ, ideal for large ground systemsVersatile test modesHigh accuracy for ground electrode grid and soil resistivity testsR echargeable battery power that can last all day with a fast re-charge (up to 10 hours)Robust instrument with IP65 protectionAutomatic test frequency selection, with filters and high current featuresDiagnostic trace displayData storage - 900,000 pointsLarge color display that shows numeric and graphical resultsTrace display and data storageUtilizing the latest processors, the DET2/3 can provide a live trace of its measurements, which graphically shows the amount of noise from the system under test - a powerful diagnostic tool for anyone doing ground testing.Use of the latest processors and a large internal memory allows for immediate calculations of resistivity (Wenner or Schlumberger method) and the ability to save a complete day’s worth of test results.T est result data can bedownloaded directlythrough a USB flash drive orstraight to a Windows PCrunning PowerDB™ software.Weatherproof and ruggedThe DET2/3 is sealed to IP54 standard, which provides weatherproofing during operation (case lid open).When the case lid is closed, its protection standard is toIP65 (water and dust damage).The case is made of a tough and light copolymer polypropylene, which can withstand the rough and tumble of outdoor use.Portable powerAn internal Li-ion battery provides for a full day of tests. The Li-ion battery has a fast recharge facility that allows a dead battery to provide an afternoon of tests, if charged during a lunch break.The DET2/3 can also operate from a standard 12 V DC battery supply.SPECIFICATIONS2, 3 and 4 pole resistance measurementsRange 0.001 Ω to 20.00 kΩ auto range Display 4-digit displayAccuracy±0.5 % of reading ±2 digitsat 23 °C ±2 °COperational uncertainty±2 % of reading, ±2 digits(meets IEC61557 operationaluncertainty requirement withreadings over 10 mΩ) whenspike resistances are below100 Ω ±5% of reading±2 digits ±10 mΩ(meets IEC61557 operationaluncertainty requirement withreadings over 10 mΩ)Test standards BS 7430 (Grounding)BS 62305 (Lightning)BS50122 (Railway)IEEE Standard 81Test frequency10 Hz to 200 Hz in steps of0.5 HzTest current50 mA max.Maximum output voltage Less than 50 V rmsMaximum interference Up to 50 V pk to pk3 and4 pole ART (selective) resistance measurementsRange 0.01 Ω to 10.00 kΩ auto range Accuracy ±5 % of reading ±3 digits at23 °C ±2 °CStakeless resistance measurementRange0.01 Ω to 200 ΩAccuracy ±7 % accuracy, ±3 digits at 128Hz ContinuityRange0.01 Ω to 1 kΩ (3 digits)Accuracy ±3 % (±2 digits)Test Current 12 V, 205 mALead Null < 10 ΩLeakage currentRange 0.00 A to 2.00 AAccuracy ±5% (±3 digits)Instrument specificationsDisplay 5.25 inch QWVGA, daylightviewable backlit colorOperating temperature and humidity+14 to +104 °F (-10 to +40 °C)90 % RH max at +104 °F (+40 °C) Storage temperature-4 to + 140 °F (-20 to +60 °C)IP rating IP54 operational (lid open),IP65 storage (lid closed) Measurement rating CAT IV 300 VMeasurement output rating50 V, 50 mA ac (switching dc) Power supply Internal Li-ion battery orexternal 12-18 V, 65 W, DC supply Battery life Up to 10 hrs useBattery charging time Fast recharge to 50%,3 hrs for 100%Safety Meets IEC 61010EMC Meets IEC 61326Dimensions L12.4 x W 11.2 x H 7.1 in.(L 315 x W 285 x H 181 mm) Weight9.9 lb (4.5 kg)Data download To PC through USB 2.0Data storage On board 500 record storage providing 900,000 data points downloadable as *.txt USB type A Data download to USB driveUSB type B Data download to PCSecondary measurement displayNoise, voltage and currentResistivity calculation Wenner: PE = 2 π a RWSchlumberger:PE = π b (b+a) RaTest modes Internally set 2P, 3P,ART (Selective), 4P,Stakeless (clamp) modesAux inputs MCC1010, MVC1010RoHS compliant YesACCESSORIESMCC1010 and MVC1010§For Stakeless tests§For Attached Rod T echnique (ART) testsCable reels with spike§T erminal adapter Detachable retro-fit for C1, P1, P2, C2 connectors§Sturdy handle and a smooth unwind and wind action§Cable ‘feed through’§100 ft, 165 ft, or 330 ft (30 m, 50 m or 100 m) cables §Attachable 12 in. (30 cm) ground spike§Spike can be hammered into the ground§Unique daisy-chain feature to create longer lengthsContinuity test cables and clips§ 1.4 m cables§ 2 wire connection cable* Supplied with reelsSALES OFFICEMegger USA -Valley Forge Corporate Center2621 Van Buren Avenue, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 19403, USAT. 1-866-254-0962F. 1-610-676-8610DET23_DS_US_V02ISO 9001The word ‘Megger’ is a registered trademarkORDERING INFORMATIONItem (Qty) Order Code DET2/3 Ground tester 1008-949 DET2/3 Ground tester, 165 ft (50 m) kit* 1008-969 DET2/3 Ground tester, 330 ft (100 m) kit* 1008-989 *Kits above include clamps and continuity leadsOptional accessoriesTwo ground stakes, 12 in. long (30 cm long) 6220-804 Cable reel kit ETK30 1010-176 Cable reel kit ETK50 1010-177 Cable reel kit ETK100 1010-178 Cable reel kit ETK50C 1010-179 Cable reel kit ETK100C 1010-180Optional accessories, continued Order Code Clamp MCC1010 1010-516 Clamp MVC1010 1010-518 Accessory bag 1010-854 12 V DC power lead 6231-584 Battery 1002-552 Power supply 1010-793 Terminal adapter, detachable retro-fit forC1, P1, P2, C2 connectors 6220-803。



时间流逝为主题,写一个作文提纲英文回答:The Relentless Passage of Time.Time, the enigmatic entity that governs the unfolding of existence, has been an enduring subject of human contemplation. Its ceaseless flow, both a source of wonder and a constant companion, prompts us to reflect on our own lives and question the nature of our transient existence.The Perception of Time.How does our perception of time change throughout our lives?Why do some moments seem to stretch out endlessly while others pass by in a blur?What role does memory and experience play in shapingour experience of time?The Measurement of Time.From sundials to atomic clocks, how have humans attempted to quantify and measure the passage of time?How have technological advancements influenced our understanding of time?Are there cultures or belief systems that conceive of time in non-linear or cyclical ways?The Impact of Time on Human Existence.How does the concept of time influence our decisions and actions?What is the relationship between mortality and our perception of time?How does the passage of time shape our hopes, dreams,and regrets?Time and the Cosmic Order.Is time a fundamental aspect of the universe, or an illusion created by our human consciousness?What does scientific research reveal about the nature and origins of time?How do different cultures and religions view the role of time in the cosmic scheme?中文回答:时间的流逝。

Lifetime estimation device, lifetime estimation me

Lifetime estimation device, lifetime estimation me

专利名称:Lifetime estimation device, lifetimeestimation method, and abnormalitydetection method of secondary battery发明人:Toshiyuki Isa,Akihiro Chida,Ryota Tajima申请号:US16761289申请日:20181107公开号:US11340306B2公开日:20220524专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An object is to predict a deterioration state of a secondary battery even in an environment where temperature and a charging voltage change. A lifetime estimationdevice of the secondary battery includes a measuring unit for measuring the capacity of the secondary battery in the full charging state; a temperature sensing unit for sensing the ambient temperature of the secondary battery; and a storage unit for storing a table of a proportional coefficient corresponding to temperature in advance, and a predicted deterioration line of the secondary battery is calculated with the use of a nonlinear regression equation approximated to a measured deterioration line obtained by the measuring unit. The lifetime estimation device may construct a lifetime estimation system with the use of a neural network.申请人:SEMICONDUCTOR ENERGY LABORATORY CO., LTD.地址:Atsugi JP国籍:JP代理机构:Nixon Peabody LLP代理人:Jeffrey L. Costellia更多信息请下载全文后查看。





Metaor = R^2 / (1 R^2) (n p 1) / p.









Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton

Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton

a r X i v :h e p -e x /0003023v 1 16 M a r 2000EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCHCERN-EP/2000-XXXFebruary 7,2008Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau LeptonThe L3Collaboration Abstract The tau lepton lifetime is measured with the L3detector at LEP using the complete data taken at centre-of-mass energies around the Z pole resulting in ττ=293.2±2.0(stat)±1.5(syst)fs.The comparison of this result with the muon lifetime supports lepton universality of the weak charged current at the level of six per mille.Assuming lepton universality,the value of the strong coupling constant,αs is found to be αs (m 2τ)=0.319±0.015(exp)±0.014(theory).Submitted to Phys.Lett.B1IntroductionIn the Standard Electroweak Model [1],thecouplingsofthe leptonic chargedandneutral currentsto thegauge bosons are independent of the lepton generation.Measurements of the lifetime,ττ,and the leptonic branching fractions,B (τ→ℓ¯νℓντ),of the tau lepton provide a test of this universality hypothesis for the charged current.The leptonic width of the tau lepton [2],Γ(τ→ℓ¯νℓντ)≡B(τ→ℓ¯νℓντ)m W 4m 5τm τ 5τµπ+5.2023(αs π)3+(78+d 3)(αs 1)An N -prong tau lepton decay indicates a decay with N charged particles in the final state.Detector(SMD)[12],a Time Expansion Chamber(TEC)and a Z-chamber.The SMD is made of two concentric layers of double-sided silicon detectors,placed at about6and8cm from the beam line.Each layer provides a two-dimensional position measurement,with a resolution of 7and14µm for normally incident tracks,in the directions perpendicular and parallel to the beam direction,denoted as(x,y)and z coordinates,respectively.The TEC consists of two coaxial cylindrical drift chambers with12inner and24outer sectors.The sensitive region is between10and45cm in the radial direction,with62anode wires having a spatial resolu-tion of approximately50µm in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis.The Z-chamber, which is situated just outside the TEC,provides a coordinate measurement along the beam axis direction.3Event SampleFor this measurement data collected in1994and1995are used,which correspond to an inte-grated luminosity of49pb−1and31pb−1,respectively.For efficiency and background estimates,Monte Carlo events are generated using the pro-grams KORALZ[13]for e+e−→µ+µ−(γ)and e+e−→τ+τ−(γ),BHAGENE[14]for e+e−→e+e−(γ),DIAG36[15]for e+e−→e+e−f¯f,where f¯f is e+e−,µ+µ−,τ+τ−or q¯q,and JETSET[16] for e+e−→q¯q(γ).The Monte Carlo events are passed through a full detector simulation based on the GEANT program[17],which takes into account the effects of energy loss,multiple scattering,showering and small time dependent detector inefficiencies.These events are recon-structed with the same program used for the data.The number of Monte Carlo events in each process is about ten times larger than the corresponding data sample.Tau lepton pairs originating from Z decays are characterised by two low multiplicity,highly collimated jets in the detector.The selection of e+e−→τ+τ−(γ)events is described in detail in Ref.[18];here only a general outline is given.In order to have high-quality reconstruction of the tracks,events are accepted within afiducial volume defined by|cosθt|<0.72,where the polar angleθt is given by the thrust axis of the event with respect to the electron beam direction.The events must have at least two jets,and the number of tracks in each jet must be less than four.The background from e+e−→e+e−(γ)events is reduced by requiring the total energy deposited in the electromagnetic calorimeter to be less than75%of the centre-of-mass energy.To reduce background from e+e−→µ+µ−(γ)the sum of the absolute momenta measured in the muon spectrometer must be less than70%of the centre-of-mass energy.If muons are not reconstructed in the muon chambers they are identified by an energy deposit in the calorimeters which is characteristic of a minimum ionising particle.If this is the case for one jet,the opposite jet is required to exhibit a hadronic signature.This rejects dimuon as well as cosmic-ray events.The cosmic-ray background is further reduced by requiring a scintillation counter hit within5ns of the beam crossing.In addition,the distance of closest approach to the interaction point measured by the muon chambers must be less than two standard deviations of the resolution.Following this procedure,29679and13294events are selected from the data collected in 1994and1995,respectively.The selection efficiency in thefiducial volume is estimated to be 76%.The purity of the tau pair sample is98%.4TrackingFor this measurement a high quality of the track reconstruction is essential.A prerequisite is the control of the alignment between SMD and TEC and the drift time to drift distance calibration for the TEC.These calibrations,alignments and the estimation of resolution functions are performed with a clean sample of Bhabha and dimuon events,where tracks are known to originate from a common vertex.Particular effort is invested in the individual alignment of each sensor of the SMD and in the calibration of the boundaries of the TEC sectors.The procedure is described in detail in Ref.[19].The performance of the track reconstruction is estimated from the distance between the two tracks at the vertex projected into the(x,y) plane.This quantity,called miss distance,is independent of the size and position of the e+e−interaction region.The distributions of miss distance for Bhabha and dimuon events collected during1994and1995are shown in Figure1.A Gaussian function isfitted to both distributions, from which an intrinsic resolutionσint=33µm and31µm is estimated for1994and1995, respectively.To guarantee good tracks for the analysis,the following cuts are made:•Number of hits in the TEC≥30.This ensures a good curvature measurement.•Number of SMD hits in the(x,y)plane≥1.This criterion selects tracks for which the error in the extrapolation to the vertex is well described byσint.•Transverse momentum,|p t|≥500MeV.Tracks with lower momenta have a larger un-certainty in the extrapolation to the vertex due to multiple Coulomb scattering in the SMD.•Probability,P(χ2),of the trackfit larger than1%.This requirement rejects badfits.5Decay Length MethodFor three-prong tau decays,the decay vertex of the tau is reconstructed and its distance to the centre of the interaction region is measured.The decay vertex is found from a minimisation with respect to the vertex coordinates(x v,y v)of the followingχ2:χ2=N tracki=1 δi(x v,y v)of an exponential E,describing the tau decay time using the average decay length L as a parameter,with a Gaussian resolution function R.The likelihood function is written as:L=N3pi=1(1−f B)·E⊗R+f B·B.(6)In this equation the product runs over the accepted three-prong tau decays N3p.The second term on the right hand side has been added to take into account background carrying noτlifetime information.The background fraction,f B,is estimated from Monte Carlo andfixed in thefit.The likelihood function B is evaluated from the convolution of a Dirac delta function with the experimental resolution function.Thefit minimises−log L.Average decay lengths of L =(2.245±0.037)mm and L =(2.265±0.051)mm are determined for data from1994and1995,respectively.The results of thefit are represented by the solid lines in Figure3.The tau lifetime and average decay length are related through the following expression:ττ=Las the quadratic sum of the intrinsic detector resolution,σint,the size of the interaction region, (σx,σy),and a momentum dependent multiple Coulomb scattering contribution,σms(p),σ2ip=σ2int+σ2x sin2φ+σ2y cos2φ+σ2ms(p),(8) whereφis the azimuthal angle in the plane perpendicular to the beam axis.The average values for the interaction region size are determined from Bhabha and dimuon data and listed in Table2.In contrast to the decay length method a more complicated function for the description of the tau decay is expected here,since for a one-prong tau decay the decay vertex is a priori not known.From a Monte Carlo study of the impact parameter distribution at generator level it is found that this function can be described in terms of three exponentials for positive and three exponentials for negative impact parameter valuesU(δ)=(1−W)3i=1f+iλ+i+W3 i=1f−iλ−i.(9)In this equation,W represents the fraction of negative impact parameter values,which originate from an imperfect reconstruction of the tauflight direction.The slopes of the exponentials,λi, contain the lifetime dependence of the distribution.As for the decay length method,the lifetime is extracted from an unbinned maximum like-lihoodfit to the observed distribution.The likelihood is now determined from the convolution of a double Gaussian resolution function,which is obtained from Bhabha and dimuon sam-ples,with the function of Eqn.(9).Thefit also accounts for background carrying no lifetime information.Figure4shows the impact parameter distributions from tau decays collected in 1994and1995.Impact parameters with a value in the range[−0.9,1.35]mm and an impact parameter error of less than250µm are accepted for the measurement.Thefit yields a tau lifetime ofττ=292.7±3.3fs andττ=295.0±4.9fs for the two data samples.The errors are statistical only.The method is checked on a Monte Carlo sample,from which the lifetime is determined in the same way as for the data.The difference between the input tau lifetime and the result of thefit is assigned as a systematic error due to the method.Systematic effects due to the uncertainty of the resolution function are estimated from a variation of its parameters according to their errors,with correlations taken into account.The beam spot size is varied according to its statistical errors.The change in the central value is assigned as a systematic uncertainty. The effect of the average SMD radial position uncertainty is treated in the same way as in the decay length analysis.The systematic effect due to the knowledge of the function U(δ) is evaluated by taking into account its statistical uncertainty and its dependence on the tau lifetime in the range from250to350fs.The uncertainty arising from the fraction of background events is estimated from a±50%variation of this fraction.The systematic error induced by the choice of thefit ranges is estimated from the combined data sample by a10%variation of their bounds.Table3summarises the systematic errors for the impact parameter method.The lifetime measurements from the58656one-prong decays from1994and1995are com-bined.The systematic error due to the resolution function is taken to be uncorrelated.For the other errors a100%correlation has been assumed.The result isττ=292.8±2.7(stat)±2.0(syst)fs.7DiscussionThe combination of the results obtained by the two methods with our previous ones[9]yieldsττ=293.2±2.0(stat)±1.5(syst)fs.(10) Correlations within the systematic errors are taken into account.This result supersedes all previous results[9,18].This value is in good agreement with the current world average[20].The measurements of the branching fractions,B(τ→e¯νeντ)=(17.806±0.129)%and B(τ→µ¯νµντ)=(17.341±0.129)%[21]together with this lifetime measurement and the muon lifetime[20]yield gτ/g e=0.996±0.006and gτ/gµ=0.996±0.006supporting the universality hypothesis.From the tau lifetime,the tau mass,the muon mass and muon lifetime,Rτis found to be Rτ=3.595±0.048.This corresponds toαs(m2τ)=0.319±0.015(exp)±0.014(theory).(11) Thefirst error is due to the errors of the tau lifetime and the CKM matrix elements[20]. The second error is the quadratic sum of the uncertainties resulting from the renormalisation scale,the term fourth order inαs,the electroweak corrections S EW,and the non-perturbative correction,δNP.The renormalisation scale uncertainty is estimated following Ref.[22]by a variation between0.4≤m2τ/µ2≤2.0and is the dominant contribution to the error.Other contributions to the theory error as discussed in Ref.[23]are not considered.This result is in good agreement with other measurements ofαs at the tau mass[20,24].The value ofαs(m2τ) is extrapolated to the Z mass using the renormalisation group equation[25]with the four loop calculation of the QCDβ-functions[26].The result,αs(m Z2)=0.1185±0.0019(exp)±0.0017(theory),is in good agreement with the current world average value[20]. AcknowledgmentsWe thank G.Altarelli and A.Kataev for discussions about the estimation of the theoretical uncertainty of Rτ.We wish to express our gratitude to the CERN accelerator divisions for the excellent performance of the LEP machine.We acknowledge the contributions of the engineers and technicians who have participated in the construction and maintenance of this experiment.References[1]S.Glashow,Nucl.Phys.22(1961)579;S.Weinberg,Phys.Rev.Lett.19(1967)1264;A.Salam,Elementary Particle Theory,edited by N.Svartholm(Almqvist and Wiksell,Stockholm,1968),p.367.(1968).[2]A.Sirlin,Nucl.Phys.B71(1973)29;W.Marciano and A.Sirlin,Phys.Rev.Lett.61(1988)1815.[3]S.G.Gorishny,A.L.Kataev and rin,Phys.Lett.B259(1991)144.[4]E.Braaten,S.Narison and A.Pich,Nucl.Phys.B373(1992)581.[5]A.L.Kataev and V.V.Starshenko,Mod.Phys.Lett.A10(1995)235.[6]N.Cabibbo,Phys.Rev.Lett.10(1963)531;M.Kobayashi and 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hm,1L.Boldizsar,13B.Borgia,35D.Bourilkov,48M.Bourquin,19S.Braccini,19J.G.Branson,39V.Brigljevic,48F.Brochu,4A.Buffini,16A.Buijs,44J.D.Burger,14W.J.Burger,32X.D.Cai,14 M.Campanelli,48M.Capell,14G.Cara Romeo,9G.Carlino,28A.M.Cartacci,16J.Casaus,25G.Castellini,16F.Cavallari,35 N.Cavallo,37C.Cecchi,32M.Cerrada,25F.Cesaroni,23M.Chamizo,19Y.H.Chang,50U.K.Chaturvedi,18M.Chemarin,24 A.Chen,50G.Chen,7G.M.Chen,7H.F.Chen,20H.S.Chen,7G.Chiefari,28L.Cifarelli,38F.Cindolo,9C.Civinini,16I.Clare,14R.Clare,14G.Coignet,4A.P.Colijn,2N.Colino,25S.Costantini,5F.Cotorobai,12B.Cozzoni, la Cruz,25 A.Csilling,13S.Cucciarelli,32T.S.Dai,14J.A.van Dalen,30R.D’Alessandro, Asmundis,28P.D´e glon,19A.Degr´e,4 K.Deiters,46D.della Volpe,28P.Denes,34F.DeNotaristefani,35A.De Salvo,48M.Diemoz,35D.van Dierendonck,2F.Di Lodovico,48C.Dionisi,35M.Dittmar,48A.Dominguez,39A.Doria,28M.T.Dova,18,♯D.Duchesneau,4D.Dufournaud,4P.Duinker,2I.Duran,40H.El Mamouni,24A.Engler,33F.J.Eppling,14F.C.Ern´e,2P.Extermann,19M.Fabre,46R.Faccini,35M.A.Falagan,25S.Falciano,35,17A.Favara,17J.Fay,24O.Fedin,36M.Felcini,48T.Ferguson,33F.Ferroni,35H.Fesefeldt,1E.Fiandrini,32J.H.Field,19F.Filthaut,17P.H.Fisher,14I.Fisk,39G.Forconi,14L.Fredj,19K.Freudenreich,48C.Furetta,26Yu.Galaktionov,27,14S.N.Ganguli,10P.Garcia-Abia,5M.Gataullin,31S.S.Gau,11S.Gentile,35,17N.Gheordanescu,12S.Giagu,35Z.F.Gong,20G.Grenier,24O.Grimm,48M.W.Gruenewald,8M.Guida,38 R.van Gulik,2V.K.Gupta,34A.Gurtu,10L.J.Gutay,45D.Haas,5A.Hasan,29D.Hatzifotiadou,9T.Hebbeker,8A.Herv´e,17 P.Hidas,13J.Hirschfelder,33H.Hofer,48G.Holzner,48H.Hoorani,33S.R.Hou,50Y.Hu,30I.Iashvili,47B.N.Jin,7L.W.Jones, Jong,2I.Josa-Mutuberr´ıa,25R.A.Khan,18M.Kaur,18,♦M.N.Kienzle-Focacci,19D.Kim,35J.K.Kim,42 J.Kirkby,17D.Kiss,13W.Kittel,30A.Klimentov,14,27A.C.K¨o nig,30A.Kopp,47V.Koutsenko,14,27M.Kr¨a ber,48R.W.Kraemer,33W.Krenz,1A.Kr¨u ger,47A.Kunin,14,dron de Guevara,ktineh,ndi,16ssila-Perini,48M.Lebeau,17A.Lebedev,14P.Lebrun,24P.Lecomte,48P.Lecoq,17P.Le Coultre,48H.J.Lee,8J.M.Le Goff,17R.Leiste,47E.Leonardi,35P.Levtchenko,36C.Li,20S.Likhoded,47C.H.Lin,50W.T.Lin,50F.L.Linde,2L.Lista,28Z.A.Liu,7W.Lohmann,47E.Longo,35Y.S.Lu,7K.L¨u belsmeyer,1C.Luci,17,35D.Luckey,14L.Lugnier,24L.Luminari,35W.Lustermann,48W.G.Ma,20M.Maity,10L.Malgeri,17A.Malinin,17C.Ma˜n a,25D.Mangeol,30J.Mans,34 P.Marchesini,48G.Marian,15J.P.Martin,24F.Marzano,35G.G.G.Massaro,2K.Mazumdar,10R.R.McNeil,6S.Mele,17 L.Merola,28M.Meschini,16W.J.Metzger,30M.von der Mey,1A.Mihul,cent,17G.Mirabelli,35J.Mnich,17G.B.Mohanty,10P.Molnar,8B.Monteleoni,16,†R.Moore,3T.Moulik,10G.S.Muanza,24F.Muheim,19A.J.M.Muijs,2M.Musy,35M.Napolitano,28F.Nessi-Tedaldi,48H.Newman,31T.Niessen,1A.Nisati,35H.Nowak,antini,35A.Oulianov,27C.Palomares,25D.Pandoulas,1S.Paoletti,35,17P.Paolucci,28R.Paramatti,35H.K.Park,33I.H.Park,42 G.Pascale,35G.Passaleva,17S.Patricelli,28T.Paul,11M.Pauluzzi,32C.Paus,17F.Pauss,48M.Pedace,35S.Pensotti,26D.Perret-Gallix,4B.Petersen,30D.Piccolo,28F.Pierella,9M.Pieri,16P.A.Pirou´e,34E.Pistolesi,26V.Plyaskin,27M.Pohl,19 V.Pojidaev,27,16H.Postema,14J.Pothier,17N.Produit,19D.O.Prokofiev,45D.Prokofiev,36J.Quartieri,38G.Rahal-Callot,48,17M.A.Rahaman,10P.Raics,15N.Raja,10R.Ramelli,48P.G.Rancoita,26A.Raspereza,47G.Raven,39 P.Razis,29D.Ren,48M.Rescigno,35S.Reucroft,11T.van Rhee,44S.Riemann,47K.Riles,3A.Robohm,48J.Rodin,43B.P.Roe,3L.Romero,25A.Rosca,8S.Rosier-Lees,4J.A.Rubio,17D.Ruschmeier,8H.Rykaczewski,48S.Saremi,6S.Sarkar,35J.Salicio,17E.Sanchez,17M.P.Sanders,30M.E.Sarakinos,21C.Sch¨a fer,17V.Schegelsky,36S.Schmidt-Kaerst,1 D.Schmitz,1H.Schopper,49D.J.Schotanus,30G.Schwering,1C.Sciacca,28D.Sciarrino,19A.Seganti,9L.Servoli,32S.Shevchenko,31N.Shivarov,41V.Shoutko,27E.Shumilov,27A.Shvorob,31T.Siedenburg,1D.Son,42B.Smith,33P.Spillantini,16M.Steuer,14D.P.Stickland,34A.Stone,6B.Stoyanov,41A.Straessner,1K.Sudhakar,10G.Sultanov,18L.Z.Sun,20H.Suter,48J.D.Swain,18Z.Szillasi,43,¶T.Sztaricskai,43,¶X.W.Tang,7L.Tauscher,5L.Taylor,11B.Tellili,24 C.Timmermans,30Samuel C.C.Ting,14S.M.Ting,14S.C.Tonwar,10J.T´o th,13C.Tully,17K.L.Tung,7Y.Uchida,14J.Ulbricht,48E.Valente,35G.Vesztergombi,13I.Vetlitsky,27D.Vicinanza,38G.Viertel,48S.Villa,11M.Vivargent,4S.Vlachos,5I.Vodopianov,36H.Vogel,33H.Vogt,47I.Vorobiev,27A.A.Vorobyov,36A.Vorvolakos,29M.Wadhwa,5W.Wallraff,1M.Wang,14X.L.Wang,20Z.M.Wang,20A.Weber,1M.Weber,1P.Wienemann,1H.Wilkens,30S.X.Wu,14 S.Wynhoff,17L.Xia,31Z.Z.Xu,20J.Yamamoto,3B.Z.Yang,20C.G.Yang,7H.J.Yang,7M.Yang,7J.B.Ye,20S.C.Yeh,51 An.Zalite,36Yu.Zalite,36Z.P.Zhang,20G.Y.Zhu,7R.Y.Zhu,31A.Zichichi,9,17,18F.Ziegler,47G.Zilizi,43,¶M.Z¨o ller.11I.Physikalisches Institut,RWTH,D-52056Aachen,FRG§III.Physikalisches Institut,RWTH,D-52056Aachen,FRG§2National Institute for High Energy Physics,NIKHEF,and University of Amsterdam,NL-1009DB Amsterdam, The Netherlands3University of Michigan,Ann Arbor,MI48109,USA4Laboratoire d’Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique des Particules,LAPP,IN2P3-CNRS,BP110,F-74941 Annecy-le-Vieux CEDEX,France5Institute of Physics,University of Basel,CH-4056Basel,Switzerland6Louisiana State University,Baton Rouge,LA70803,USA7Institute of High Energy Physics,IHEP,100039Beijing,China△8Humboldt University,D-10099Berlin,FRG§9University of Bologna and INFN-Sezione di Bologna,I-40126Bologna,Italy10Tata Institute of Fundamental Research,Bombay400005,India11Northeastern University,Boston,MA02115,USA12Institute of Atomic Physics and University of Bucharest,R-76900Bucharest,Romania13Central Research Institute for Physics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences,H-1525Budapest114,Hungary‡14Massachusetts Institute of Technology,Cambridge,MA02139,USA15KLTE-ATOMKI,H-4010Debrecen,Hungary¶16INFN Sezione di Firenze and University of Florence,I-50125Florence,Italy17European Laboratory for Particle Physics,CERN,CH-1211Geneva23,Switzerland18World Laboratory,FBLJA Project,CH-1211Geneva23,Switzerland19University of Geneva,CH-1211Geneva4,Switzerland20Chinese University of Science and Technology,USTC,Hefei,Anhui230029,China△21SEFT,Research Institute for High Energy Physics,P.O.Box9,SF-00014Helsinki,Finland22University of Lausanne,CH-1015Lausanne,Switzerland23INFN-Sezione di Lecce and Universit´a Degli Studi di Lecce,I-73100Lecce,Italy24Institut de Physique Nucl´e aire de Lyon,IN2P3-CNRS,Universit´e Claude Bernard,F-69622Villeurbanne,France 25Centro de Investigaciones Energ´e ticas,Medioambientales y Tecnolog´ıcas,CIEMAT,E-28040Madrid,Spain♭26INFN-Sezione di Milano,I-20133Milan,Italy27Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics,ITEP,Moscow,Russia28INFN-Sezione di Napoli and University of Naples,I-80125Naples,Italy29Department of Natural Sciences,University of Cyprus,Nicosia,Cyprus30University of Nijmegen and NIKHEF,NL-6525ED Nijmegen,The Netherlands31California Institute of Technology,Pasadena,CA91125,USA32INFN-Sezione di Perugia and Universit´a Degli Studi di Perugia,I-06100Perugia,Italy33Carnegie Mellon University,Pittsburgh,PA15213,USA34Princeton University,Princeton,NJ08544,USA35INFN-Sezione di Roma and University of Rome,“La Sapienza”,I-00185Rome,Italy36Nuclear Physics Institute,St.Petersburg,Russia37INFN-Sezione di Napoli and University of Potenza,I-85100Potenza,Italy38University and INFN,Salerno,I-84100Salerno,Italy39University of California,San Diego,CA92093, Fisica de Particulas Elementales, Santiago,E-15706Santiago de Compostela,Spain41Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,Central Lab.of Mechatronics and Instrumentation,BU-1113Sofia,Bulgaria42Laboratory of High Energy Physics,Kyungpook National University,702-701Taegu,Republic of Korea43University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa,AL35486,USA44Utrecht University and NIKHEF,NL-3584CB Utrecht,The Netherlands45Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN47907,USA46Paul Scherrer Institut,PSI,CH-5232Villigen,Switzerland47DESY,D-15738Zeuthen,FRG48Eidgen¨o ssische Technische Hochschule,ETH Z¨u rich,CH-8093Z¨u rich,Switzerland49University of Hamburg,D-22761Hamburg,FRG50National Central University,Chung-Li,Taiwan,China51Department of Physics,National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan,China§Supported by the German Bundesministerium f¨u r Bildung,Wissenschaft,Forschung und Technologie‡Supported by the Hungarian OTKA fund under contract numbers T019181,F023259and T024011.¶Also supported by the Hungarian OTKA fund under contract numbers T22238and T026178.♭Supported also by the Comisi´o n Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa.♯Also supported by CONICET and Universidad Nacional de La Plata,CC67,1900La Plata,Argentina.♦Also supported by Panjab University,Chandigarh-160014,India.△Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.†Deceased.Error Source(fs)19950. errors for the decay length methodσy(µm)118±1148±21994Method0.2Resolution function 1.5Beam spot size0.5SMD radius0.7Function U(δ) 1.3Background estimate0.5Fit rangeMiss distance/ √2 [mm ]N u m b e r o f E n t r i e s / 8 µmMiss distance/ √2 [mm ]N u m b e r o f e n t r i e s/ 8 µmMiss distance/ √2 [mm ]N u m b e r o f E n t r i e s / 8 µmMiss distance/ √2 [mm ]N u m b e r o f e nt r i e s / 8 µmFigure 1:Miss distance distributions from 1994(left)and 1995(right);Bhabha and dimuon events are shown in linear scale (upper)and logarithmic scale (lower).Dots are data and the solid line is the result of a fit with a Gaussian.Confidence levelN u m b e r o f e n t r i e s /0.041994199520040060000. 2:Confidence level,P (χ2),of the secondary vertex reconstruction.Decay length [mm ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 0.44 m mDecay length [mm ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s /0.44 m mDecay length [m m ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 0.44 m m1 101010Decay length [m m ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 0.44 m m 1 1010Figure 3:Decay length distributions from 1994(left)and 1995(right);Three-prong tau decaysare shown in linear scale (upper)and logarithmic scale (lower).The hatched areas represent the distributions of background events carrying no lifetime information.Impact Parameter [mm ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 44 µm200040006000Impact Parameter [mm ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 44 µm100020003000Impact Parameter [m m ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 44 µm110101010Impact Parameter [m m ]N u m b e r o f D e c a y s / 44 µm 1101010Figure 4:Impact parameter distributions from 1994(left)and 1995(right);One-prong taudecays are shown in linear scale (upper)and logarithmic scale (lower).The hatched areas represent the distributions of background events which carry no lifetime information.。

生命周期评价 第二章:支撑生命周期评价的定量与定性方法 作者:美国卡内基梅隆大学 H Scott Matthews教授

生命周期评价 第二章:支撑生命周期评价的定量与定性方法 作者:美国卡内基梅隆大学 H Scott Matthews教授
美国能源局,2003 年商业建筑能耗调查, 表 C14, “非商场建筑能源消耗与支出相对标准误 差,2003”. US Dept. of Energy, 2003 Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), Table C14. "Electricity Consumption and Expenditure Intensities for Non-Mall Buildings, 2003", 2006, /consumption/commercial/data/2003/pdf/c14.pdf, last accessed July 5, 2013.
大部分数据是定量的,亦即你会得到一份电子表格,里面包含了一些记录过程或活动 的数值,你对这些数据进行定量处理(例如求均值、筛选等)。然而,数据也可以是 定性的——你可能有一份过程的说明,告诉你一个机器如何整合投入,或者你可能只 是大致的知道一台机器相对比较老旧(你并不知道确切的生产日期)。能够融会运用 两方面的数据在进行生命周期评价时大有裨益。 当我们寻求建立一个框架来构建定量模型时,寻找数据不可避免的成为了一个挑战 (在生命周期评价中,寻找合适的数据会是一个经常性的挑战)。但更普遍的,我们 需要培养获取及记录所获数据的能力。当我们开展这一工作时,理解一手数据来源和 二手数据来源是很重要的。一手数据来源获取自数据采集机构,这些机构有时也会分 析数据并给出结论。因而这是一种确定的信息来源,这就是为什么你会想要找到它。 二手数据来源参考或再利用一手数据来源的信息。这些数据来源在使用信息时可能会 背离一手数据来源所陈述的目的与意向,因此可能引入偏差。所以,寻求一手数据来 源的信息是一种很好的做法,而不仅仅是寻求使用这些信息的二手数据来源。



nmn抗衰老功效,nmn细胞抗衰老,你一定要知道nmn抗衰老功效,nmn细胞抗衰老,你一定要知道!NMN有“逆转衰老”的效果,是因为 2020 年《Nature》发表文章中提出,辅酶 NAD+在人体中可以起到调节关键代谢过程、降低应激反应和逆转衰老的作用,而NMN是NAD+合成的前体物质,由于其分子量小,易于穿过细胞膜进入细胞内,并被细胞迅速吸收利用合成NAD+,以此来达到细胞抗老衰的效果!nmn逆转衰老的功效研究显示:2022年9月,日本科学家团队上的一项临床试验,阐述了参与者每天定量服用250mg的【日本W+NMN端立塔25000】,持续数月时间,所有人的生物年龄都出现了很大程度的逆转;其中一位70岁的参与者仅服用了一个月,其生物年龄就减少了7岁,身体各项指标水准均出现好转且趋于年轻化现象。

The data found a significant reversal in biological age for all; One 70-year-old participant took it for only one month, and his biological age decreased by 7 years, and all indicators of his body improved and tended to be younger.大部分人在使用【日本W+NMN端立塔25000】仅12天后,人体中的衰老细胞(僵尸细胞)便可减少18个百分比,而持续使用一年,这一比例可高达37个百分比。


(nmn抗衰老功效,nmn细胞抗衰老,你一定要知道!)After only 12 days of use of W+NMN Teletar 25000, the senescent cells (zombie cells) in the human body can be reduced by 18 percent, and this proportion can be as high as 37 percent after continuous use for one year.NMN之所以具备如此惊人的抗老效果,源自升级版日本W+NMN相较于传统NMN产品,专注于DNA、NMN和NAD+等相关生命科学领域的研究与开发,同时,具备端立塔唤醒因子技术;在修护细胞抗老衰方面有六大特点:1、能够促进消耗酶PARP(聚腺苷酸二磷酸核糖聚合酶)的作用:这种酶参与了DNA损伤的修复过程,减缓器官功能的衰退。

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a r X i v :p h y s i c s /0310074v 1 [p h y s i c s .a t o m -p h ] 16 O c t 2003APS/123-QEDLifetime Measurement of the 3P 2Metastable State of Strontium AtomsMasami Yasuda and Hidetoshi KatoriEngineering Research Institute,The University of Tokyo,Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113-8656,Japan(Dated:February 2,2008)We have measured the lifetime of the 5s 5p 3P 2metastable state of strontium atoms by magneto-optically trapping the decayed atoms to the ground state,which allowed sensitive detection of the rare decay events.We found that the blackbody radiation-induced decay was the dominant decay channel for the state at T =300K.The lifetime was determined to be 500+280−130s in the limit of zero temperature.PACS numbers:32.70.Cs,32.80.PjPrecision measurements require the isolation of the physical system under study from environmental pertur-bations.The long coherence time thus obtained can be exploited to carry out ultra-high resolution spectroscopy [1]or to create and control the macroscopic quantum co-herence in atomic systems,such as Bose-Einstein Con-densate (BEC)[2]and Cooper pairing [3].Further-more,the origin of environmental decoherence has re-cently attracted much attention in the context of quan-tum computation/communication,in which an entan-gled quantum system should maintain its internal and/or motional state coherence [4,5].The lower-lying 3P metastable states [6,7,8,9,10,11,12]of alkaline earth species are intriguing candidates for these studies.A long metastable lifetime may allow an optical spectroscopy at the 1mHz level [13],enabling one to realize an ultra-precise atomic clock.In addition,the possibilities of evaporatively cooling them to reach BEC are discussed theoretically [14,15].Laser-cooled and trapped atoms in ultra-high vac-uum condition offer an ideal sample for these stud-ies,as the collisional interactions with container walls or residual gases can be substantially removed.How-ever,in some cases,the radiation from the surrounding walls dramatically affects the evolution of the internal state coherences.The room-temperature blackbody radi-ation (BBR)has its intensity peak around a wavelength of 10µm.Such BBR manifests itself most in Rydberg states [16,17,18],where infrared transitions with large electric dipole moments can be found.However,be-cause of large energy differences,it hardly excites atoms in the lower-lying states.Its influence,therefore,has been rarely discussed in laser cooling and trapping.On the other hand,it is known that the BBR causes small but non-negligible ac Stark shifts in ultra-precise spec-troscopy [19,20].As for the 3P metastable state of heavier alkaline-earth atoms,the upper-lying 3D states are connected to the metastable state by electric dipole transitions with mid-infrared wavelength.Therefore,the excitation of the metastable state by the BBR may significantly alter its effective lifetime or introduce detectable blackbody shifts in precision spectroscopy.In this Letter,we study the in-fluence of the room-temperature BBR on the metastable state lifetime of Sr,which is recently predicted to beFIG.1:The relevant energy levels for 88Sr.The 1S 0−1P 1transition at λ=461nm is used for trapping and detection.The leak path through the 1D 2state is used for loading atoms into the 3P 2metastable state.The 3P 2→3S 1transition at λ=707nm and the 3P 0→3S 1transition at λ=679nm are used to transfer the 3P 2state population into the ground state.The upper-lying 3D states are connected to the 3P states by the electric dipole transitions at λ≈3µm.1050s [23].Because the lifetime is significantly longer than the collision-limited lifetime of tens of seconds that is realized in neutral atom traps at a vacuum pressure of 10−10torr [24],observing the survival of metastable atoms in such traps will not be practical [24,25].Instead of directly observing the decay of the metastable atoms by emitted photons [26],we monitored the occurrence of the rare decay events to the ground state by magneto-optically trapping the atoms on the 1S 0−1P 1transition.In this way,we used the magneto-optical trap (MOT)as a photon amplifier with a gain of 1010to detect the decay events with unit quantum efficiency [27,28].Figure 1shows the relevant energy levels for 88Sr.Three radiative decay channels from the metastable 5s 5p 3P 2state have been identified by Derevianko [23]:1)The M2transition to the ground state,2)Decay to the 3P 1state through the M1,E2,and M3transition,3)Decay to the3P0state through the E2transition,where E n or M n stands for an electric or a magnetic2n-pole transition.The theory suggests that the contribution of the channel3)is only0.1%[23].Therefore,99.9%of the population in the3P2statefinally relaxes to the1S0 ground state,as the atoms that decayed to the3P1state further decay to the1S0ground state in22µs.On this basis,we use the1S0state population to detect the decay of the3P2state.We measured the number of atoms N S(t)in the1S0 ground state by applying the MOT on the1S0−1P1tran-sition.The change of the atom number in the MOT is given by the rate equation,dN Pγp,(2)where we assumed N P(t)to be constant as the decay of the population in the3P2state with the collisional decay rate ofΓm≈(10s)−1is small enough in the time scale of interest.The metastable decay rateγr,therefore,can be determined by the ratio N S/N P of population dis-tributed in both of the states and the MOT decay rate γp.The number of atoms in the1S0ground state can be derived by observing the MOTfluorescence intensity of I S=ηN S,whereηis the photon counting rate per atom trapped in the MOT.Similarly,N P can be obtained by transferring the metastable state population into the ground state and measuring the MOTfluorescence in-tensity of I P=ηN P.By the ratio of thesefluorescence intensities,γr/γp(=I S/I P)is accurately determined re-gardless of the coefficientη.The apparatus for magneto-optically trapping stron-tium atoms is similar to that described in Ref.[29].The MOTfluorescence was collected by a lens with a solid angle of10−5and then sent to a photomultiplier tube (PMT).An interferencefilter was placed in front of the PMT to block except the461nm light.The output sig-nal was then sent to a multi-channel scaler.The two transitions,3P2→3S1and3P0→3S1(Fig.1),were used to pump the3P2metastable state population into the1S0 ground state.Wefirst loaded the MOT from an atomic beam on the 1S0−1P1transition for0.3s.In the mean time,the 3P2metastable state was populated via the weak branch-ing decay to the1D2state from the1P1state,which is indicates the photons scattered by the recaptured atoms in the ground state.At t=1s,the3P2metastable state population is pumped into the ground state.The peak intensity gives the number of atoms in the metastable state.The decaying slope gives the MOT lifetime,which isγ−1p=14.1ms.The inset shows the enlargedfigure around the peak.Thefluorescence intensity reaches its maximum in≈5ms.estimated to be10−5[30].About107atoms in the low-field-seeking state were thus accumulated in the mag-netic trap,which is formed by the quadrupole magnetic field used for the MOT.Thefield gradient was100G/cm along its axis of symmetry.At the typical peak density of≈109cm−3,two-body collisional loss rate is estimated to be much smaller than the collisional loss termΓc in Eq.(1),where we assumed an inelastic collisional loss rate of≈10−11cm3/s[14,15].We then turned offthe MOT lasers and closed the shutter that blocked both the atomic beam and the thermal radiation from the oven. We waited for0.3s so that all atoms except magnetically trapped metastable atoms diffused out of the trap region. After that,we turned on the MOT lasers again to cap-ture atoms that were radiatively decayed from the3P2 state and recorded thefluorescence intensity.At t=1s, we irradiated both of the pumping lasers to transfer the metastable state population into the1S0ground state and determined the number of atoms trapped in the3P2state by the MOTfluorescence intensity.Figure2shows a change offluorescence intensity aver-aged over102measurements,where the background level was subtracted by alternating the same procedure with and without loading atoms into the magnetic trap.The number of atoms in the1S0state at t=1s was de-termined by exponentially extrapolate the whole decay curve I S(t)of the MOTfluorescence to obtain I S(1)with better statistics.Thefluorescence decay in0<t<1s was mainly caused by the collisional atom loss in the mag-netic trap with the decay rateΓm=(6.6s)−1at the back-ground gas pressure of6.6×10−10torr.By transferring the metastable state population into the ground state at t=1s,thefluorescence intensity sharply rose up to its3 maximum in about5ms.We approximated I P(1)by thepeakfluorescence intensity shown in the inset of Fig.2.The signal then decayed double-exponentially,consistingof the MOT decay withγp=(14.1ms)−1due to thebranching loss and the much slower collisional decayΓmof the metastable atoms recaptured in the magnetic trap.The metastable state lifetime is calculated by applyingthe ratio N S/N P=I S(1)/I P(1)and the measured MOTdecay rateγp in Eq.(2).The measurement shown inFig.2gave an effective radiative lifetime ofγ−1r=104+8−7s,which is only one tenth of the theoretical lifetime[23].This shortening can be attributed to the BBR-induceddecay via the5s4d3D state as discussed later.However,before discussing the BBR-induced decay,we checked theother decay channels.The reduction of the lifetime may be caused by thefinestructure mixing of the metastable3P2state with the3P1or the1P1state in the presence of the trapping magneticfield.Assuming a magneticfield of10G,the magnet-ically induced decay rates are estimated to be0.1%ofthe natural decay rateγ0of the3P2state.Actually,wemeasured the metastable lifetime under various magneticfield gradient,however,the change of the lifetime waswithin the statistical errors of5%as expected.Second,due to collisions with background gases,atoms in themetastable state may be1)kicked out of the magnetictrap with the rateΓm or2)quenched into the groundstate withΓq.For the former issue,since we comparedthefluorescence intensity I S and I P just before and af-ter the population transfer,the collisional atom loss inthe transferring period ofτp=5ms may cause an er-ror.However its fraction is estimated to be as smallas1−e−Γmτp≈10−3.For the latter issue,the colli-sional quench to the ground state may cause pressure-dependent shortening of the metastable state lifetime.To check this influence,we increased the background gaspressure up to1.6×10−9torr and measured the lifetime.However,the change in the decay rate was well withinstatistical uncertainties.The rapid decay can be attributed to the metastablestate quenching due to the BBRfield that transfers atompopulation in the3P2state to the short-lived3P1state viathe3D states.By solving the coupled rate equations,thesteady-state value of the BBR-induced decay rateγB(T)is expressed as,7γB(T)=γD.(4)Ωbεb+Ωpεp4HereΩb is the solid angle covered by the chamber body andεb is its spectral emissivity atλ≈3µm.Like-wise we definedΩp andεp for the viewing ports,which fraction in the solid angle wasΩp/Ωb≈10−1.We used this effective photon occupation number¯n eff(T)to cal-culate the BBR-induced decay rate given by Eq.(3).We took the spectral emissivity of both objects asfitting pa-rameters so that the measured decay rateγr(T)should have a constant offsetγ0to the calculated BBR-induced decay rateγB(T)at each temperature.After the least squaresfitting,we obtain the metastable decay rate of γ0=(2.1±0.4)×10−3s−1and the spectral emissivities ofεb=1.6%andεp=88%for stainless steel and BK7 glass,respectively.The obtained emissivity for BK7glass showed fair agreement withε=96%derived from the in-dex of refraction n=1.48for BK7glass atλ≈3µm. Reference data for polished stainless steel,however,was not available.In the above discussion,we have not included the un-certainty of the3D state radiative lifetime,which gives coupling strength between the3P and3D states and thus significantly affects the BBR-induced decay rate.In Ref.[31],the observed radiative lifetime of the3D state is given asτD=2.9±0.2µs.This uncertainty brings an-other statistical error of±0.6×10−3s−1to the metastabledecay rate.Thus,wefinally obtain the metastable de-cay rateγ0=(2.0±0.7)×10−3s−1,or the metastable lifetime of500+280−130s.In summary,we have determined the lifetime of the5s5p3P2state of88Sr to be500+280−130s in the limit of zero temperature.Because the room-temperature BBR con-siderably shortens the metastable lifetime,care should be taken when dealing with the state to form a BEC [14,15]or any other applications that require long co-herence time.We,therefore,need to prepare cold envi-ronment to suppress thermal photons.For example,by just lowering the ambient temperature down to275K, the BBR-induced decay rate becomes comparable to its intrinsic decay rate.A straightforward comparison of the measured lifetime with the theory will be possible by fur-ther lowering the temperature down to217K,where the BBR quenching rate is expected to be1%of the natural decay rate.The authors thank K.Okamura and M.Takamoto for their technical support.This work was supported by the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)(12440110)from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.[1]R.J.Rafac et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.85,2462(2000).[2]J.R.Anglin and W.Ketterle,Nature416,211-218(2002).See also references therein.[3]K.M.O’Hara et al.,Science298,2179(2002).[4]C.Monroe et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.75,4714(1995).[5]O.Mandel et al.,/abs/cond-mat/0301169.[6]H.Katori,T.Ido,Y.Isoya,and M.Kuwata-Gonokami,inAtomic Physics17,edited by E.Arimondo,P.DeNatale,and M.Inguscio(AIP,Melville,NY,2001),p.382.[7]S.B.Nagel et al.,Phys.Rev.A67,011401(R)(2003).[8]D.Hansen,J.Mohr,and A.Hemmerich,Phys.Rev.A67,021401(R)(2003).[9]T.Loftus,J.R.Bochinski,and T.W.Mossberg,Phys.Rev.A66,013411(2002).[10]F.Ruschewitz et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,3173(1998).[11]G.Wilpers et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.89,230801(2002).[12]Th.Udem et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.86,4996(2001).[13]H.Katori,in Frequency Standards and Metrology,Pro-ceedings of the Sixth Symposium,edited by P.Gill(WorldScientific,Singapore,2002),p.323.[14]A.Derevianko et al.,Phys.Rev.Lett.90,063002(2003).[15]V.Kokoouline,R.Santra,and C.H.Greene,Phys.Rev.Lett.90,253201(2003).[16]T.F.Gallagher and W.E.Cooke,Phys.Rev.Lett.42,835(1979).[17]J.W.Farley and W.H.Wing,Phys.Rev.A23,2397(1981).[18]L.Hollberg and J.L.Hall,Phys.Rev.Lett.53,230(1984).[19]W.M.Itano,L.L.Lewis,and D.J.Wineland,Phys.Rev.A25,1233(1982).[20]A.Bauch and R.Schr¨o der,Phys.Rev.Lett.78,622(1997).[21]M.Walhout,U.Sterr,A.Witte,and S.L.Rolston,Opt.Lett.20,1192(1995).[22]X.Xu et al.,J.Opt.Soc.Am.B20,968(2003).[23]A.Derevianko,Phys.Rev.Lett.87,023002(2001).[24]H.Katori and F.Shimizu,Phys.Rev.Lett.70,3545(1993).[25]M.Zinner et al.,Phys.Rev.A67,010501(R)(2003).[26]M.Walhout,A.Witte,and S.L.Rolston,Phys.Rev.Lett.72,2843(1994).[27]W.Nagourney,J.Sandberg,and H.Dehmelt,Phys.Rev.Lett.56,2797(1986).[28]J.C.Bergquist,R.G.Hulet,W.M.Itano,and D.J.Wineland,Phys.Rev.Lett.57,1699(1986).[29]H.Katori,T.Ido,Y.Isoya,and M.Kuwata-Gonokami,Phys.Rev.Lett.82,1116(1999).[30]L.R.Hunter,W.A.Walker,and D.S.Weiss,Phys.Rev.Lett.56,823(1986).[31]ler,L.You,J.Cooper,and A.Gallagher,Phys.Rev.A46,1303(1992).[32]R.J.Chandos and R.E.Chandos,Appl.Opt.13,2142(1974).。
