Fuzzy Chapter 04



Composition of fuzzy relations
Compositional rule of inference
Computing, soft
Conditional possibility distribution
Inference, composition based
Inference, individual-rule based
Inference engine, Dienes-Rescher
Inference engine, Lukasiewicz
Extension principle
Feedforward network
Fuzzifier, Gaussian
Fuzzifier, singleton
Fuzzifier, triangular
Intersection, fuzzy Dubois-Prade class
Intersection Yager class
Interval analysis
Interval-valued function



320COGNITION AND EMOTION,2000,14(3),313±Fuzzy logical model of bimodal emotion perception: Comment on``The perception of emotions by ear and by eye’’by de Gelder and VroomenDominic W.Massaro and Michael M.CohenUniversity of California,Santa Cruz,CA,USADe Gelder and Vroomen(this issue)studied how emotions are perceived from informationgiven by the face and the voice.Emotions in the face and the voice were presented under both unimodal and bimodal conditions.When partici-pants identi®ed the affect,they were in¯uenced by information from both modalities.This result occurred even when they were instructed to base their judgement on just one of the modalities.These experiments and results provide an independent replication of similar studies published in Massaro (1998).Given this opportunityfor a new set of tests,the fuzzy logical model of perception(FLMP)was t to the new results provided by de Gelder and Vroomen.Of central interest is the nature of the bimodal performance as a function of the unimodal performance.The FLMP gave a good t of perfor-mance.The description reveals that,although information differences exist across different instruction conditions,the information processing involved in pattern recognition appears to be the same and well-described by the FLMP.The in¯uence of facial information on speech perception has gained prominence in cognitive psychology beginning with the classic study of McGurk and MacDonald(1976).De Gelder and Vroomen(this issue)used these ndings as a model for their studies of emotion perception.They asked participants to identify an emotion(e.g.,happy or sad)given a photograph and/or an auditory spoken sentence.They found that theiridenti®cation judgements were in¯uenced by both sources of information,2000Psychology Press Ltd/journals/pp/02699931.html314MASSARO AND COHENeven when they were instructed to base their judgement on just one of the sources.These results are particularly valuable to us because they represent an independent test of our theoretical framework by researchers other than ourselves.We use their results to test the fuzzy logical model of perception (FLMP),which to date has survived a number of empirical tests(Massaro, 1998;Massaro&Stork,1998).The FLMP provides an account of perception and pattern recognition in a wide variety of domains.Within the FLMP,perceptual recognition is viewed as having available multiple sources of information supporting the identi®cation and interpretation of the environmental input.The assump-tions central to the model are:(1)each source of information is evaluated to give the continuous degree to which that source speci®es various alter-natives;(2)the sources of information are evaluated independently of one another;(3)the sources are integrated to provide an overall degree of support for each alternative;and(4)perceptual identi®cation and inter-pretation follows the relative degree of support among the alternatives. Figure1illustrates the stages of processing in the model.The paradigm that we have developed permits us to determine how one source of information is processed and integrated with other sources of information.The results also inform us about which of the many poten-tially functional cues are actually used by human observers(Campbell& Massaro,1997;Massaro,1987,chapter1;Massaro&Friedman,1990). The systematic variation of properties of the signal combined with the quantitative test of models of speech perception enables the investigator to test the psychological validity of different cues.This paradigm has alreadyFigure1.Schematic representation of the three processes involved in perceptual recognition. The three processes are shown to proceed left to right in time to illustrate their necessarily successive but overlapping processing.These processes make use of prototypes stored in long-term memory.The sources of information are represented by upper-case letters.Auditory information is represented by A i and visual information by V j.The evaluation process trans-forms these sources of information into psychological(or fuzzy truth,Zadeh,1965)values (indicated by lower-case letters a i and v j).These sources are then integrated to give an overall degree of support,s k,for each speech alternative,k.The decision operation maps the outputs of integration into some response alternative,R k.The response can take the form of a discretedecision or a rating of the degree to which the alternative is likely.BIMODAL EMOTION PERCEPTION:COMMENT315 proven to be effective in the study of audible,visible,and bimodal speech perception(Massaro,1987,1998).Thus,our research strategy not only addresses how different sources of information are evaluated and integrated,but can uncover what sources of information are actually used. We believe that the research paradigm confronts both the important psy-chophysical question of the nature of information and the process question of how the information is transformed and mapped into behaviour.Many independent tests point to the viability of the FLMP as a general description of pattern recognition.The FLMP is centred around a universal law of how people integrate multiple sources of information.This law and its relation-ship to other laws are presented in detail in Massaro(1998).The assumptions of the FLMP are testable because they are expressed in quantitative form.One is the idea that sources of information are evaluated independently of one another.Independence of sources is motivated by the principle of category-conditional independence(Massaro&Stork,1998): It is not possible to predict the evaluation of one source on the basis of the evaluation of another,so the independent evaluation of both sources is necessary to make an optimal category judgement.Sources are thus kept separate at evaluation,they are then integrated to achieve perception and interpretation.Multiplicative integration yields a measure of total support for a given category identi®cation.This operation,implemented in the model,allows the combination of two imperfect sources of information to yield better performance than would be possible using either source by itself.However, the output of integration is an absolute measure of support;it must be relativised,due to the observed factor of relative in¯uence(the in¯uence of one source increases as other sources become less in¯uential,i.e.,more ambiguous).Relativisation is effected through a decision stage,which divides the support for one category by the summed support for all other categories.An important empirical claim about this algorithm is that although information may vary from one perceptual situation to the next,the manner of combining this informationÐinformation proces-singÐis invariant.With our algorithm,we thus propose an invariant law of pattern recognition describing how continuously perceived(fuzzy) information is processed to achieve perception of a category.Given this framework,one emerging feature of the FLMP is the division of perception into the twin levels of information and information proces-sing.The sources of information from the auditory and visual channels make contact with the perceiver at the evaluation stage of processing.The reduction in uncertainty effected by each source is de®ned as information. In the t of the FLMP,for example,the parameter values indicating the degree of support from each modality correspond to information.These parameter values represent how informative each source of information is.316MASSARO AND COHENInformation processing refers to how the sources of information are processed.In the FLMP,this processing is described by the evaluation, integration,and decision stages.Within this framework,we can ask what information differences exist among individuals and across different pattern-recognition situations.Similarly,we can ask whether differences in information processing occur.For example,we can look for differences in both information and information processing when participants are given different instructions in a pattern-recognition task.In their rst experiment,de Gelder and Vroomen asked participants to identify the person as happy or sad.The stimuli were manipulated in an expanded factorial design with an11-step visual continuum between happy and sad and an auditory sentence that was read in either a happy or sad voice.Thus,there were112bimodal conditions,11visual-alone condi-tions,and2auditory-alone conditions,for a total of35unique stimulus conditions.The participants were instructed to watch the screen and to listen to the voice on each trial.The FLMP was t to the average results by estimating free parameters for the11levels of visual information and2levels of auditory information. Figure2gives the observed and predicted results.As can be seen in theFigure2.The points give the observed proportion of sad identi®cations in the auditory-alone,the factorial auditory-visual,and the visual-alone conditions as a function of theauditory and visual stimuli.The lines are the predictions of the FLMP.gure,the FLMP gives a good description of the average results with a root mean square deviation (RMSD)of.022.Table 1gives the parameter values.The same design was used in the second experiment except that the two auditory-alone trials were omitted.Observers were told to judge the face and to ignore the voice.The FLMP was t to these new results by estimating a new set of free parameters for the 11levels of visual information and 2levels of auditory information.Figure 3gives the observed and predicted BIMODAL EMOTION PERCEPTION:COMMENT317TABLE 1Parameter values for the 11levels of the face and 2levels of the voice forExperiment 1(use both modalities)and Experiment 2(ignore the voice)Figure 3.The points give the observed proportion of sad identi®cations in the factorial auditory-visual and the visual-alone conditions as a function of the auditory and visual stimuli.The lines are the predictions of the FLMP.results.As can be seen in the gure,the FLMP gives a good description of the average results with a RMSD of.027.Table 1gives the parameter values.Comparison of the parameter values across the two experiments in Table 1allows us to test the hypothesis that there are information differences in the two different instruction conditions.As can be seen in the table,the parameter values for the happy and sad voice are made much more neutral (closer to .5)in the situation in which participants were instructed to ignore the voice than in the situation in which they were told to use both modalities.The parameter values for the face were mostly similar across the two conditions.Thus,the FLMP is capable of describing the results by simply assuming that the information from the voice was attenuated when participants were instructed to ignore it.The good t of the FLMP in both instruction conditions,however,indicates that the two sources are integrated in the same manner regardless of instructions.In the third experiment aimed at having observers judge the voice and to ignore the face,a 7-step auditory sentence continuum was made between happy and afraid.The visual stimuli were happy and fearful photographs of the speaker of the sentences.For some reason the auditory-alone stimuli were not presented.Thus,there were only 7214experimental conditions.The FLMP was t to the average results by estimating free parameters for the 7levels of auditory infor-mation and 2levels of visual information.Figure 4gives the observed and predicted results.As can be seen in the gure,the FLMP gives a good description of the average results with an RMSD of .023.Table 2gives the parameter values.Although a direct comparison between this experiment and Experiment 1is not justi®ed because of the different stimuli that were used,we can observe that the in¯uence of the face was much smaller when participants were instructed to ignore it.Tables 1and 2show that the parameter values for the prototypical emotions were much attenuated in Experiment 3relative to Experiment 1.318MASSARO ANDCOHENTABLE 2Parameter values for the 7levels of the voice and2levels of the face for Experiment 3In conclusion,we were successful in testing the FLMP against a new set of data from a new set of investigators.The framework and model provide a parsimonious account of several experimental manipulations.The dis-tinction between information and information processing is a powerful concept and reveals how instructional differences can modulate perfor-mance in the task.This outcome replicates the ndings in Massaro (1998,chapter 8)and adds to the body of results supporting a universal principle for pattern recognition.Manuscript received 11March 1999REFERENCESCampbell,C.S.,&Massaro,D.W .(1997).Visible speech perception:In¯uence of spatialquantization.Perception ,26,627±644.Massaro,D.W .(1987).Speech perception by ear and eye:A paradigm for psychological inquiry .Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum.Massaro,D.W .(1998).Perceiving talking faces:From speech perception to a behavioral prin-ciple .Cambridge,MA:MIT Press.BIMODAL EMOTION PERCEPTION:COMMENT 319Figure 4.The points give the observed proportion of afraid identi®cations in factorial auditory-visual conditions as a function of the auditory and visual stimuli.The lines are the predictions of the FLMP.320MASSARO AND COHENMassaro,D.W.,&Friedman,D.(1990).Models of integration given multiple sources of information.Psychological Review,97,225±252.Massaro,D.W.,&Stork,D.G.(1998).Speech recognition and sensory integration.American Scientist,86,236±244.McGurk,H.,&MacDonald,J.(1976).Hearing lips and seeing voices.Nature,264,746±748. Zadeh,L.A.(1965).Fuzzy rmation and Control,8,338±353.。



Here we deal with Syntax that studies how words are combined to form phrases, clauses, etc. As we know, every language has its particular ways to form correct clauses, phrases and other syntactic units. Therefore we can define syntax as the ‘study of the structure of phrases, clauses and sentences’. By defining Grammar we may say that it is the overall pattern of a language that clearly includes the basic subfield of linguistics such as Morphology, Syntax and certainly other features.
Brazil defeated Germany.
Germany defeated Brazil.
However, sometimes a change of word order has no effect on meaning:
The Chief Justice swore in the new President.
The little young red cat.
The red little young cat
Joseph gave a rose to Edith.
Edith a rose Joseph gave.



In this paper, we negative the main result that an Erceg pseudo-metric is a pointwise pseudo-metric in [1], point out the wrong reasons in the process of its proof, and further put forward the new conclusion that a pointwise pseudo-metric is an Erceg pseudo-metric, but the converse is not true.
可表示 M 中 way-below( )关于它的元的定向上确界[7]。其它未声明概念与符号请参考文[8]。
2. 反例
文[1]中,梁基华教授证明了:如果 p 是点式 Erceg 伪度量, ∀a, b ∈ M , 令 d ( a, b ) = p ( b, a ) ,那么 p 是 点式伪度量,但这个结果是错误的。
本文中 L 表示一个具有逆序对合对应“ˊ” 的完全分配格。 e ∈ L − {0} 被叫一个分子,当且仅当对
∧ xa′ d ( x, b ) = ∧ yb′ d ( y, a ) .
p, q ∈ LX , e ≤ p ∨ q 蕴含 e ≤ p 或 e ≤ q , LX 的全部分子集记为 M 。 M 是一个连续偏序集,即 M 中每个元
p ( b, x ) < r ,所以有
= Dr ( a ) ≤ a′ / b′ ⇔ Dr ( b ) ≤
因 此 p ( a, c ) =
ecb a
∨ ∧ p ( b, e )

智能控制基础-第3章 模糊建模和模糊辨识

智能控制基础-第3章 模糊建模和模糊辨识

智能控制 基础
3.2 模糊系统的通用近似特性
p j ( x ) i1 Aij ( xi ) M
j 1
i 1
Aij ( xi
称为模糊基函数(Fuzzy Basis Function,FBF),而式(3-6) 称为模糊系统的模糊基函数展开式。模糊基函数具有下列特点:
(1) 每条规则对应一个基函数; (2) 基函数是输入向量x的函数。一旦输入变量的模糊集合个数 及隶属函数确定,模糊基函数也就确定了;
( ( x ) ( x )) j 11 j2 1 i1
Chapter 5 Perspectives on Fuzzy Control
智能控制 基础
3.2 模糊系统的通用近似特性
k1 k2
f1( x )
f2( x )
z zj1 j2 12
既然每条规则都推导出了一个精确输出,Tsukamoto 模糊模型通过加权平均的方法把每条规则的输出集成起来 ,这样就避免了耗时的解模糊过程。
Chapter 5 Perspectives on Fuzzy Control
智能控制 基础
j1 1 j2 1
k1 k2
i 1
( x ) ( x )) A1ji1
( ( x ) ( x )) j 11 j2 1 i1



Fuzzy systems are one of several possibilities in the area of nonlinear system identification Other universal approximators in nonlinear system identification
l 1
ˆ (t ) Y T W (t ) y
ˆ y (t ) y (t ) e (t ) Y T W (t ) e (t )
where e(t) is the prediction error that is assumed to have zero mean and variance σ2.
Neural networks Wavelets Fourier series Volterra kernels …
The advantages of the use of fuzzy systems is their capacity:
to interact and to extract linguistic information from input–output data to describe the dynamics of the system in local regions described by the rules.
The capacity to handle linguistic information adds an extra dimension to the identification and modeling.
The validation process will be based not only on quantitative criteria (定量标准) but also on qualitative criteria (定性标准)



analysis is best.The chapter then moves into detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to run each analysis. The coverage of these procedures is,necessarily,a bit more detailed than the other sections because most users will not be familiar with the specific features of each test.Finally,Chapter15includes four different out-standing laboratory exercises that use JWatcher to teach students:(1)how to develop their own ethogram and score behavior,(2)the differences between time sampling and continuous recordings, (3)how to conduct sequential analysis,and(4)how to use both sequential analysis and basic analysis to refine research questions from initial pilot data.These exercises use video clips downloadable from the JWatcher website free of charge and would be excellent teaching tools in the classroom.This manual is a vast improvement over the Version0.9Manual available on the JWatcher website, which only covers some basic guidelines for running the software,explains what the individual file types do,and indicates how to analyze results.The online manual has no coverage of the complex sequential analysis functions of JWatcher1.0.In summary,this book is a necessity for users at all experience levels who wish to quantify behavior using an event recorder.JWatcher software is free of charge and this manual is affordable enough that several copies could be purchased for use in one’s research laboratory.The money from the sale of the manual is used to support further development of the software so that the future versions of the program can be offered free of charge.Theodore StankowichOrganismic&Evolutionary BiologyUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst Morrill Science Center South,611N.Pleasant Street,Amherst,MA01003E-mail:Advance Access publication February14,2008doi:10.1093/icb/icn005An Introduction to Nervous Systems. Ralph J.Greenspan,editor.Woodbury,NY:Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press,2007. 172pp.ISBN978-0-87969-0(hardcover)$65.00,ISBN 978-0-87969-821-8(paper)$45.00.Over the past30years,there have been several iterations of books aimed at capturing in brief the essence of the organization and function of the nervous system.Not uncommonly,they extract general princi-ples that would be more fully explored in a compre-hensive text but do not otherwise deviate significantly from the traditional form and content of presentation. This one does.Ralph Greenspan is an established neuroscientist who has pioneered novel research to explore basic and cognitive aspects of nervous system function using the fruit fly as a model system.As he states in the Preface of this book,the Neurocience Institute,of which he is a staff scientist,aims to be a provocative academy,to“push the envelope.”That philosophy is clearly conveyed in the creative,non-traditional style of presentation in this special book. The title of the book,“An Introduction to Nervous Systems,”is a bit misleading.A more accurate title, although cumbersome,would be something like “An Introduction to Nervous Systems through Exam-ination of Some Invertebrate Models.”The book uses select examples from invertebrate nervous systems to convey some fundamental principles that apply in some respects to the organization and function of thenervous system in general.In the final,short chapter—“Are All Brains Alike?Are All Brains Different?”—theauthor writes“Perhaps all nervous systems make useof common general strategies.Anatomical disparitiesmay mask underlying functional similarities in thetasks performed by various circuits.”At first glance,it is surprising that nowhere in thetext are there descriptions of what has been learnedabout ion channels and membrane potentials from classical studies of squid giant axons;of neuralnetwork properties from studies of the crustacean stomatogastric ganglion;of nervous system develop-ment from experiments on fruit fly nerve cord or nematode worms;of sensory signaling and receptionfrom the moth or cricket;or of insect social structure,for example.The author’s enthusiasm for Drosophila,which represents his main research subject,is reflectedin a substantial fraction of the book.Moreover,thereis little or no discussion of how the principles described are employed in mammals.Surveying thebreadth of the neurobiology landscape seems not to bethe primary purpose of this book.Rather,it describesselect examples that highlight what studies of“simple”invertebrate nervous systems have taught us.The taleslink organization of the nervous system to the organism’s behavior,for which invertebrates haveproven to be especially valuable.In a modern, molecular,mammalian research universe,the rich439 Downloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023history of fundamental contributions of invertebrates to neuroscience may too often be overlooked.It is especially in this respect that the book is a welcome contribution to the neurobiological literature.In the introduction to Chapter4—“Modulation,The Spice of Neural Life”—the author writes:“The capabilities of invertebrates have traditionally been underesti-mated.Perhaps this is because they are not warm and fuzzy...For whatever reason,it has taken us an inordinately long time to realize that even the simplest animals have the capacity for modifying their behavior by adjusting the activities of their nervous systems. Perhaps this is a fundamental,inseparable property of nervous systems.”Despite the fact that the book deviates from a traditional style,in its own way it follows a rather traditional sequence,e.g.,membrane potentials,then chemical signaling and sensing,then neural circuits,then neuromodulation,then biological clocks,then higher,or cognitive,function.There is a lot to like in this book,not only in its fascinating content but in the style of presentation. Ralph Greenspan weaves a tapestry about the molecular,cellular and network origins of function and behavior,and the implications for speciation, using a variety of invertebrate models.The images he creates are expressed as interesting,often humorous, readable stories about what some nervous systems do, how they do it,and how that has evolved using some basic principles in novel ways.Each chapter begins with a relevant quote or poem from a literary or scientific giant that sets the stage and tone for the often poetic introduction and description that follows. The stories themselves—about swimming in Paramecium and jellyfish,light detection by barnacles, decision making by marine snails,circadian rhythms, flying,and mating—are fascinating because they are set in a context of understanding the generation and modulation of behavior and,in some cases,the impact on ecology and evolution.Although the author states in the Preface that the book is intended for the neurobiology novice posses-sing a basic introductory knowledge of biology,this reviewer believes that it would be more appropriate for an individual with an introductory neurobiological background.For example,in the very first chapter, one quickly discovers that understanding“simple”systems can be quite complex.In particular,students new to neurobiology often struggle with concepts underlying the generation of membrane potentials and the relationship of voltage and current,yet the text and figures require some understanding of these topics.In this respect,the Glossary at the end of the book seems uneven,defining some very basic biological terms yet not defining“receptor potential,”for example,which is named but not explained in the caption of Figure3.10.Not to quibble,but this reviewer and two other neuroscientists who scanned the book question some statements or generalizations proposed,particularly in the Introduction(“What are Brains For”?).For example,on page1it states“When it comes to brains,size unquestionably matters.”While that is no doubt true,it may be the organization of cells,i.e.the way they interact,that is more relevant.If it is size that is so important,then one should note that about three quarters of cells in mammalian brain are glial cells, not neurons,some potentially capable of modulating chemical signaling at up to100,000synapses,yet their contributions are not mentioned(see below). Furthermore,spinal cords also possess much of the organization and cellular interactions,e.g.,integrating sensory input and generating motor output,yet we view their capabilities as somewhat lacking in comparison with brain.What might be the funda-mental differences between invertebrate and verte-brate nervous systems and between brain and spinal cord that yield unique aspects of functional compe-tence?Or,are they as different as we imagine them to be,particularly in comparing function in invertebrates versus vertebrates?These are some interesting questions—not found in a typical comprehensive text—that might be explored a bit further in the Introduction and perhaps elsewhere in the book.In addition,on page2,the author writes“Chemical sensing is almost certainly the original sense...,”yet mechanically gated ion channels that could sense changes in flow or pressure in the ambient environ-ment are universal and also have been identified in prokaryotic organisms.Also,on page4,the author writes“And because none of us wants to submit to being experimented upon...we study animals.”Yet, there is a substantial and rapidly growing literature that provides insights on the organization and function of human brain from studies of living persons—for example from functional MRI or stimulation/recording of brain of awake epileptic patients—or of postmortem tissue samples.There are several other aspects of the book in its current form that would benefit from revision in a second edition.First,the emphasis is on how invertebrate nervous systems inform on nervous systems in general,but it is not clear in many cases to what extent the general organization of the behaviors is similar in invertebrates and vertebrates or whether similar molecules or mechanisms are used for different purposes.Does evolution mix and match bits and pieces of behavioral components that moves behavior in new directions?One also wonders whether440Book ReviewsDownloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023there are good examples of invertebrate nervous systems and behaviors that do not translate well to a mammalian equivalent.Second,the book has a traditional neurocentric focus—and some inverte-brates indeed have few glial cells—yet in the past couple of decades it has become abundantly clear from studies of mammalian systems that interactions of neurons with glia play vital roles in regulation of neural function,development and blood flow.Third, some of the figures could benefit from greater clarity or correction of the illustration or of the explanation in the caption,including citing the source link that is listed in the Bibliography at the end of the book.In addition,the Preface could note the location of the relevant Bibliography,currently organized by chapters but separate from them.It should be noted that the author also recently co-edited a much more compre-hensive(800pages),related book(“Invertebrate Neurobiology”)with Geoffrey North.In summary,this is an excellent book for gaining an appreciation for the links between form-function and behavior in the nervous system from invertebrate model systems and one that is interesting and enjoyable to read.It should be particularly valuable in inspiring budding or established life scientists to read more on the subject or even to become engaged in the pursuit of elucidating fundamental principles of neurobiology and behavior.It should stimulate broad questions about nervous systems and behavior. From a pedagogical perspective,I could imagine it being assigned as a short text in a general course on neurobiology and behavior or in a specialized neurobiology course that focuses on invertebrates or as a supplement to a more comprehensive text.Robert M.GrossfeldDepartment of Zoology NC State University,Raleigh,NC27695E-mail:*************************Advance Access publication February15,2008doi:10.1093/icb/icn004Rodent Societies–An Ecological and Evolutionary Perspective.Jerry O.Wolff and Paul W.Sherman,editors. Chicago,IL:University of Chicago Press,2007.610pp. ISBN0-226-90536-5(cloth),$125.00and ISBN0-226-90537-3(paper),$49.00.As the editors point out in the first sentence of the first chapter,“The Rodentia is the largest order of mammals consisting of more than2000species and comprising44%of all mammals.”This breadth makes the task of compiling a definitive and comprehensive anthology on rodent societies a nearly impossible task,but the result is undoubtedly the most exhaustive and progressive analysis of rodent social behavior to date.Deftly edited by Jerry Wolff and Paul Sherman,this well-organized book,consisting of41chapters from61contributors is,without doubt,a significant compendium of more than50years of research.That being said,only a true rodent lover is likely to love this book.Its creation was prompted by the success of the two volumes within this series that preceded it:Primate Societies and Cetacean Societies(published by University of Chicago Press).Thus,the scope and format of Rodent Societies is in many ways similar to that of the previous two volumes.The text is organized into nine sections,beginning with a succinct,but satisfying,overview of rodent evolutionary history and proceeding through sexual behavior,life histories and behavior,behavioral development,social behavior, antipredator behavior,comparative socioecology,con-servation and disease,and a final concluding sectionwritten by the editors on potential directions for future research.Each chapter concludes with a summary thatbriefly reviews the material,identifies caveats,and frequently suggests strategies for future research.The chapters are written by some of the most productiveand well-known scholars in the field but,as expected ina multi-authored work,the quality is uneven.Some chapters do a better job than others of achieving thestated goal to“synthesize and integrate the currentstate of knowledge about the social behavior of rodents”and to“provide ecological and evolutionary contexts for understanding rodent societies.”However,it generally succeeds in combining ideasand strategies from a wide range of disciplines to generate new theoretical and experimental paradigmsfor exploring rodent social behavior.Despite this,itfeels outdated in many places.Much of the work citedin the text is not new,with the majority of citationsdating before2000and a substantial number datingbefore1985.Even the photographs,all in black andwhite,are fairly old and some date back to the1950s.Some of the illustrations are even hand-drawn.Thismakes the book feel like historical retrospective rathera breakthrough collaborative of evolutionary and behavioral biology.441 Downloaded from https:///icb/article/48/3/439/627027 by Guangxi University of Nationalities user on 18 September 2023。



模糊控制考核论文姓名:郑鑫学号:1409814011 班级:149641 题目:模糊控制的理论与发展概述摘要模糊控制理论是以模糊数学为基础,用语言规则表示方法和先进的计算机技术,由模糊推理进行决策的一种高级控制策。





关键词:模糊控制;模糊控制器;现状及展望Abstract Fuzzy control theory is based on fuzzy mathematics, using language rule representation and advanced computer technology, it is a high-level control strategy which can make decision by the fuzzy reasoning. Fuzzy control is a computer numerical contro which based fuzzy set theory, fuzzy linguistic variables and fuzzy logic, it has become the effective form of intelligent control especially in the form of fuzzy control and neural networks, genetic algorithms and chaos theory and other new integration of disciplines, which is showing its great potential. Fuzzy control is essentially a nonlinear control, and subordinates intelligent control areas. A major feature of fuzzy control is both a systematic theory and a large number of the application background.This article introduces simply the concept and application of fuzzy control and introduces detailly the design of the fuzzy controller. It contains the principles of fuzzy control system, the classification of fuzzy controller and its design elements.Key words: Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy Controller; Status and Prospects.引言传统的常规PID控制方式是根据被控制对象的数学模型建立,虽然它的控制精度可以很高,但对于多变量且具有强耦合性的时变系统表现出很大的误差。



中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire《哈利波特与火焰杯》Chapter FourBack to The Burrow第4章回到陋居By twelve o'clock next day, Harry's trunk was packed with his school things, and all his most prized possessions - the Invisibility Cl oak he had inherited from his father, the broomstick he had got from Sirius, the enchanted map of Hogwarts he had been given by Fred and George Weasl ey last year. He had emptied his hiding place und er the loose fl oorboard of all food, d oubl e-checked every nook and cranny of his bedroom for forgotten spellbooks or quills, and taken d own the chart on the wall counting the days d own to September the first, on which he liked to cross off the days remaining until his return to Hogwarts.第二天中午十二点钟的时候,哈利准备带到学校去的箱子已经收拾好了,里面装满了他上学用的东西和所有他最珍贵的宝贝──从父亲那里继承来的隐形衣、小天狼星送给他的飞天扫帚,还有去年弗雷德和乔治˙韦斯莱孪生兄弟送给他的带魔法的霍格沃茨活点地图。

fuzzy control 外文翻译

fuzzy control 外文翻译

C H A P T E R2Fuzzy Control:The BasicsA few strong instincts and a few plain rules sufficeus.–Ralph Waldo Emerson2.1OverviewThe primary goal of control engineering is to distill and apply knowledge about how to control a process so that the resulting control system will reliably and safely achieve high-performance operation.In this chapter we show how fuzzy logic provides a methodology for representing and implementing our knowledge about how best to control a process.We begin in Section2.2with a“gentle”(tutorial)introduction,where we focus on the construction and basic mechanics of operation of a two-input one-output fuzzy controller with the most commonly used fuzzy operations.Building on our understanding of the two-input one-output fuzzy controller,in Section2.3we pro-vide a mathematical characterization of general fuzzy systems with many inputs and outputs,and general fuzzification,inference,and defuzzification strategies.In Section2.4we illustrate some typical steps in the fuzzy control design process via a simple inverted pendulum control problem.We explain how to write a computer program that will simulate the actions of a fuzzy controller in Section2.5.More-over,we discuss various issues encountered in implementing fuzzy controllers in Section2.6.Then,in Chapter3,after providing an overview of some design methodologies for fuzzy controllers and computer-aided design(CAD)packages for fuzzy system construction,we present several design case studies for fuzzy control systems.It is these case studies that the reader willfind most useful in learning thefiner2324Chapter2/Fuzzy Control:The Basicspoints about the fuzzy controller’s operation and design.Indeed,the best way toreally learn fuzzy control is to design your own fuzzy controller for one of theplants studied in this or the next chapter,and simulate the fuzzy control system toevaluate its performance.Initially,we recommend coding this fuzzy controller in ahigh-level language such as C,Matlab,or ter,after you have acquiredafirm understanding of the fuzzy controller’s operation,you can take shortcuts byusing a(or designing your own)CAD package for fuzzy control systems.After completing this chapter,the reader should be able to design and simulatea fuzzy control system.This will move the reader a long way toward implementationof fuzzy controllers since we provide pointers on how to overcome certain practicalproblems encountered in fuzzy control system design and implementation(e.g.,coding the fuzzy controller to operate in real-time,even with large rule-bases).This chapter provides a foundation on which the remainder of the book rests.After our case studies in direct fuzzy controller design in Chapter3,we will usethe basic definition of the fuzzy control system and study its fundamental dynamicproperties,including stability,in Chapter 4.We will use the same plants,andothers,to illustrate the techniques for fuzzy identification,fuzzy adaptive control,and fuzzy supervisory control in Chapters5,6,and7,respectively.It is thereforeimportant for the reader to have afirm grasp of the concepts in this and the nextchapter before moving on to these more advanced chapters.Before skipping any sections or chapters of this book,we recommend that the reader study the chapter summaries at the end of each chapter.In these summarieswe will highlight all the major concepts,approaches,and techniques that are coveredin the chapter.These summaries also serve to remind the reader what should belearned in each chapter.2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial IntroductionA block diagram of a fuzzy control system is shown in Figure2.1.The fuzzy con-troller1is composed of the following four elements:1.A rule-base(a set of If-Then rules),which contains a fuzzy logic quantificationof the expert’s linguistic description of how to achieve good control.2.An inference mechanism(also called an“inference engine”or“fuzzy inference”module),which emulates the expert’s decision making in interpreting and ap-plying knowledge about how best to control the plant.3.A fuzzification interface,which converts controller inputs into information thatthe inference mechanism can easily use to activate and apply rules.4.A defuzzification interface,which converts the conclusions of the inferencemechanism into actual inputs for the process.1.Sometimes a fuzzy controller is called a“fuzzy logic controller”(FLC)or even a“fuzzylinguistic controller”since,as we will see,it uses fuzzy logic in the quantification of linguisticdescriptions.In this book we will avoid these phrases and simply use“fuzzy controller.”2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction 25FIGURE 2.1Fuzzy controller.We introduce each of the components of the fuzzy controller for a simple prob-lem of balancing an inverted pendulum on a cart,as shown in Figure 2.2.Here,y denotes the angle that the pendulum makes with the vertical (in radians),l is the half-pendulum length (in meters),and u is the force input that moves the cart (in Newtons).We will use r to denote the desired angular position of the pendulum.The goal is to balance the pendulum in the upright position (i.e.,r =0)when it initially starts with some nonzero angle offthe vertical (i.e.,y =0).This is a very simple and academic nonlinear control problem,and many good techniques already existfor its solution.Indeed,for this standard configuration,a simple PID controller works well even in implementation.In the remainder of this section,we will use the inverted pendulum as a con-venient problem to illustrate the design and basic mechanics of the operation of a fuzzy control system.We will also use this problem in Section 2.4to discuss much more general issues in fuzzy control system design that the reader will find useful for more challenging applications (e.g.,the ones in the next chapter).FIGURE 2.2Inverted pendulumon a cart.26Chapter2/Fuzzy Control:The Basics2.2.1Choosing Fuzzy Controller Inputs and OutputsConsider a human-in-the-loop whose responsibility is to control the pendulum,asshown in Figure2.3.The fuzzy controller is to be designed to automate how ahuman expert who is successful at this task would control the system.First,theexpert tells us(the designers of the fuzzy controller)what information she or hewill use as inputs to the decision-making process.Suppose that for the invertedpendulum,the expert(this could be you!)says that she or he will usee(t)=r(t)−y(t)andde(t)dtas the variables on which to base decisions.Certainly,there are many other choices(e.g.,the integral of the error e could also be used)but this choice makes goodintuitive sense.Next,we must identify the controlled variable.For the invertedpendulum,we are allowed to control only the force that moves the cart,so thechoice here is simple.FIGURE2.3Human controlling aninverted pendulum on a cart.For more complex applications,the choice of the inputs to the controller and outputs of the controller(inputs to the plant)can be more difficult.Essentially,youwant to make sure that the controller will have the proper information availableto be able to make good decisions and have proper control inputs to be able tosteer the system in the directions needed to be able to achieve high-performanceoperation.Practically speaking,access to information and the ability to effectivelycontrol the system often cost money.If the designer believes that proper informationis not available for making control decisions,he or she may have to invest in anothersensor that can provide a measurement of another system variable.Alternatively,the designer may implement somefiltering or other processing of the plant outputs.In addition,if the designer determines that the current actuators will not allowfor the precise control of the process,he or she may need to invest in designingand implementing an actuator that can properly affect the process.Hence,while insome academic problems you may be given the plant inputs and outputs,in manypractical situations you may have someflexibility in their choice.These choices2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction27 affect what information is available for making on-line decisions about the controlof a process and hence affect how we design a fuzzy controller.Once the fuzzy controller inputs and outputs are chosen,you must determinewhat the reference inputs are.For the inverted pendulum,the choice of the referenceinput r=0is clear.In some situations,however,you may want to choose r assome nonzero constant to balance the pendulum in the off-vertical position.To dothis,the controller must maintain the cart at a constant acceleration so that the pendulum will not fall.After all the inputs and outputs are defined for the fuzzy controller,we canspecify the fuzzy control system.The fuzzy control system for the inverted pendu-lum,with our choice of inputs and outputs,is shown in Figure2.4.Now,within this framework we seek to obtain a description of how to control the process.We see thenthat the choice of the inputs and outputs of the controller places certain constraintson the remainder of the fuzzy control design process.If the proper information isnot provided to the fuzzy controller,there will be little hope for being able to designa good rule-base or inference mechanism.Moreover,even if the proper informationis available to make control decisions,this will be of little use if the controller isnot able to properly affect the process variables via the process inputs.It must be understood that the choice of the controller inputs and outputs is a fundamentally important part of the control design process.We will revisit this issue several times throughout the remainder of this chapter(and book).FIGURE2.4Fuzzy controller for an inverted pendulum on a cart.2.2.2Putting Control Knowledge into Rule-BasesSuppose that the human expert shown in Figure2.3provides a description of howbest to control the plant in some natural language(e.g.,English).We seek to takethis“linguistic”description and load it into the fuzzy controller,as indicated bythe arrow in Figure2.4.28Chapter2/Fuzzy Control:The BasicsLinguistic DescriptionsThe linguistic description provided by the expert can generally be broken intoseveral parts.There will be“linguistic variables”that describe each of the time-varying fuzzy controller inputs and outputs.For the inverted pendulum,“error”describes e(t)“change-in-error”describes ddt e(t)“force”describes u(t)Note that we use quotes to emphasize that certain words or phrases are linguistic descriptions,and that we have added the time index to,for example,e(t),to em-phasize that generally e varies with time.There are many possible choices for the linguistic descriptions for variables.Some designers like to choose them so that they are quite descriptive for documentation purposes.However,this can sometimes lead to long descriptions.Others seek to keep the linguistic descriptions as short as pos-sible(e.g.,using“e(t)”as the linguistic variable for e(t)),yet accurate enough so that they adequately represent the variables.Regardless,the choice of the linguistic variable has no impact on the way that the fuzzy controller operates;it is simply a notation that helps to facilitate the construction of the fuzzy controller via fuzzy logic.Just as e(t)takes on a value of,for example,0.1at t=2(e(2)=0.1),linguistic variables assume“linguistic values.”That is,the values that linguistic variables take on over time change dynamically.Suppose for the pendulum example that “error,”“change-in-error,”and“force”take on the following values:“neglarge”“negsmall”“zero”“possmall”“poslarge”Note that we are using“negsmall”as an abbreviation for“negative small in size”and so on for the other variables.Such abbreviations help keep the linguistic de-scriptions short yet precise.For an even shorter description we could use integers:“−2”to represent“neglarge”“−1”to represent“negsmall”“0”to represent“zero”“1”to represent“possmall”“2”to represent“poslarge”This is a particularly appealing choice for the linguistic values since the descriptions are short and nicely represent that the variable we are concerned with has a numeric quality.We are not,for example,associating“−1”with any particular number of radians of error;the use of the numbers for linguistic descriptions simply quantifies the sign of the error(in the usual way)and indicates the size in relation to the2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction29 other linguistic values.We shallfind the use of this type of linguistic value quite convenient and hence will give it the special name,“linguistic-numeric value.”The linguistic variables and values provide a language for the expert to expressher or his ideas about the control decision-making process in the context of the framework established by our choice of fuzzy controller inputs and outputs.Recallthat for the inverted pendulum r=0and e=r−y so thate=−yandd dt e=−ddtysince ddt r=0.First,we will study how we can quantify certain dynamic behaviorswith linguistics.In the next subsection we will study how to quantify knowledge about how to control the pendulum using linguistic descriptions.For the inverted pendulum each of the following statements quantifies a different configuration of the pendulum(refer back to Figure2.2on page25):•The statement“error is poslarge”can represent the situation where the pendulum is at a significant angle to the left of the vertical.•The statement“error is negsmall”can represent the situation where the pendulum is just slightly to the right of the vertical,but not too close to the vertical to justify quantifying it as“zero”and not too far away to justify quantifying it as “neglarge.”•The statement“error is zero”can represent the situation where the pendulum is very near the vertical position(a linguistic quantification is not precise,hence we are willing to accept any value of the error around e(t)=0as being quantified linguistically by“zero”since this can be considered a better quantification than “possmall”or“negsmall”).•The statement“error is poslarge and change-in-error is possmall”can representthe situation where the pendulum is to the left of the vertical and,since ddt y<0,the pendulum is moving away from the upright position(note that in this case the pendulum is moving counterclockwise).•The statement“error is negsmall and change-in-error is possmall”can represent the situation where the pendulum is slightly to the right of the vertical and,sinced dt y<0,the pendulum is moving toward the upright position(note that in thiscase the pendulum is also moving counterclockwise).It is important for the reader to study each of the cases above to understand how the expert’s linguistics quantify the dynamics of the pendulum(actually,each partially quantifies the pendulum’s state).30Chapter2/Fuzzy Control:The BasicsOverall,we see that to quantify the dynamics of the process we need to have a good understanding of the physics of the underlying process we are trying to control.While for the pendulum problem,the task of coming to a good understanding ofthe dynamics is relatively easy,this is not the case for many physical processes.Quantifying the process dynamics with linguistics is not always easy,and certainlya better understanding of the process dynamics generally leads to a better linguisticquantification.Often,this will naturally lead to a better fuzzy controller providedthat you can adequately measure the system dynamics so that the fuzzy controllercan make the right decisions at the proper time.RulesNext,we will use the above linguistic quantification to specify a set of rules(arule-base)that captures the expert’s knowledge about how to control the plant.Inparticular,for the inverted pendulum in the three positions shown in Figure2.5,we have the following rules(notice that we drop the quotes since the whole rule islinguistic):1.If error is neglarge and change-in-error is neglarge Then force is poslargeThis rule quantifies the situation in Figure2.5(a)where the pendulum has alarge positive angle and is moving clockwise;hence it is clear that we shouldapply a strong positive force(to the right)so that we can try to start thependulum moving in the proper direction.2.If error is zero and change-in-error is possmall Then force is negsmallThis rule quantifies the situation in Figure2.5(b)where the pendulum hasnearly a zero angle with the vertical(a linguistic quantification of zero does notimply that e(t)=0exactly)and is moving counterclockwise;hence we shouldapply a small negative force(to the left)to counteract the movement so that itmoves toward zero(a positive force could result in the pendulum overshootingthe desired position).3.If error is poslarge and change-in-error is negsmall Then force is negsmallThis rule quantifies the situation in Figure2.5(c)where the pendulum is far tothe left of the vertical and is moving clockwise;hence we should apply a smallnegative force(to the left)to assist the movement,but not a big one since thependulum is already moving in the proper direction.Each of the three rules listed above is a“linguistic rule”since it is formed solely from linguistic variables and values.Since linguistic values are not preciserepresentations of the underlying quantities that they describe,linguistic rules arenot precise either.They are simply abstract ideas about how to achieve good controlthat could mean somewhat different things to different people.They are,however,at2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction31(a)(b)(c)FIGURE2.5Inverted pendulum in various positions.a level of abstraction that humans are often comfortable with in terms of specifyinghow to control a process.The general form of the linguistic rules listed above isIf premise Then consequentAs you can see from the three rules listed above,the premises(which are sometimescalled“antecedents”)are associated with the fuzzy controller inputs and are onthe left-hand-side of the rules.The consequents(sometimes called“actions”)are associated with the fuzzy controller outputs and are on the right-hand-side of therules.Notice that each premise(or consequent)can be composed of the conjunctionof several“terms”(e.g.,in rule3above“error is poslarge and change-in-error is negsmall”is a premise that is the conjunction of two terms).The number of fuzzy controller inputs and outputs places an upper limit on the number of elementsin the premises and consequents.Note that there does not need to be a premise (consequent)term for each input(output)in each rule,although often there is.Rule-BasesUsing the above approach,we could continue to write down rules for the pendulumproblem for all possible cases(the reader should do this for practice,at least fora few more rules).Note that since we only specify afinite number of linguisticvariables and linguistic values,there is only afinite number of possible rules.Forthe pendulum problem,with two inputs andfive linguistic values for each of these,there are at most52=25possible rules(all possible combinations of premiselinguistic values for two inputs).A convenient way to list all possible rules for the case where there are not toomany inputs to the fuzzy controller(less than or equal to two or three)is to use atabular representation.A tabular representation of one possible set of rules for theinverted pendulum is shown in Table2.1.Notice that the body of the table lists thelinguistic-numeric consequents of the rules,and the left column and top row of thetable contain the linguistic-numeric premise terms.Then,for instance,the(2,−1)position(where the“2”represents the row having“2”for a numeric-linguistic valueand the“−1”represents the column having“−1”for a numeric-linguistic value)has a−1(“negsmall”)in the body of the table and represents the rule32Chapter2/Fuzzy Control:The BasicsIf error is poslarge and change-in-error is negsmall Then force is negsmall which is rule3above.Table2.1represents abstract knowledge that the expert hasabout how to control the pendulum given the error and its derivative as inputs.TABLE2.1Rule Table for the Inverted Pendulum“force”“change-in-error”˙eu−2−1012−222210“error”−12210−1e0210−1−2110−1−2−220−1−2−2−2The reader should convince him-or herself that the other rules are also valid and take special note of the pattern of rule consequents that appears in the body of thetable:Notice the diagonal of zeros and viewing the body of the table as a matrixwe see that it has a certain symmetry to it.This symmetry that emerges whenthe rules are tabulated is no accident and is actually a representation of abstractknowledge about how to control the pendulum;it arises due to a symmetry in thesystem’s dynamics.We will actually see later that similar patterns will be foundwhen constructing rule-bases for more challenging applications,and we will showhow to exploit this symmetry in implementing fuzzy controllers.2.2.3Fuzzy Quantification of KnowledgeUp to this point we have only quantified,in an abstract way,the knowledge thatthe human expert has about how to control the plant.Next,we will show how touse fuzzy logic to fully quantify the meaning of linguistic descriptions so that wemay automate,in the fuzzy controller,the control rules specified by the expert.Membership FunctionsFirst,we quantify the meaning of the linguistic values using“membership func-tions.”Consider,for example,Figure2.6.This is a plot of a functionμversus e(t)that takes on special meaning.The functionμquantifies the certainty2that e(t)can be classified linguistically as“possmall.”To understand the way that a mem-bership function works,it is best to perform a case analysis where we show how tointerpret it for various values of e(t):2.The reader should not confuse the term“certainty”with“probability”or“likelihood.”Themembership function is not a probability density function,and there is no underlying probabilityspace.By“certainty”we mean“degree of truth.”The membership function does not quantifyrandom behavior;it simply makes more accurate(less fuzzy)the meaning of linguisticdescriptions.2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction33•If e(t)=−π/2thenμ(−π/2)=0,indicating that we are certain that e(t)=−π/2is not“possmall.”•If e(t)=π/8thenμ(π/8)=0.5,indicating that we are halfway certain thate(t)=π/8is“possmall”(we are only halfway certain since it could also be“zero”with some degree of certainty—this value is in a“gray area”in terms oflinguistic interpretation).•If e(t)=π/4thenμ(π/4)=1.0,indicating that we are absolutely certain thate(t)=π/4is what we mean by“possmall.”•If e(t)=πthenμ(π)=0,indicating that we are certain that e(t)=πis not “possmall”(actually,it is“poslarge”).FIGURE2.6Membership function forlinguistic value“possmall.”The membership function quantifies,in a continuous manner,whether values ofe(t)belong to(are members of)the set of values that are“possmall,”and hence itquantifies the meaning of the linguistic statement“error is possmall.”This is why itis called a membership function.It is important to recognize that the membershipfunction in Figure2.6is only one possible definition of the meaning of“error is possmall”;you could use a bell-shaped function,a trapezoid,or many others.For instance,consider the membership functions shown in Figure2.7.For some application someone may be able to argue that we are absolutely certain that anyvalue of e(t)nearπ4is still“possmall”and only when you get sufficiently far fromπ4do we lose our confidence that it is“possmall.”One way to characterize this un-derstanding of the meaning of“possmall”is via the trapezoid-shaped membership function in Figure2.7(a).For other applications you may think of membership in the set of“possmall”values as being dictated by the Gaussian-shaped member-ship function(not to be confused with the Gaussian probability density function) shown in Figure2.7(b).For still other applications you may not readily acceptvalues far away fromπ4as being“possmall,”so you may use the membership func-tion in Figure2.7(c)to represent this.Finally,while we often think of symmetric characterizations of the meaning of linguistic values,we are not restricted to these34Chapter 2/Fuzzy Control:The Basicssymmetric representations.For instance,in Figure 2.7(d)we represent that we be-lieve that as e (t )moves to the left of π4we are very quick to reduce our confidencethat it is “possmall,”but if we move to the right of π4our confidence that e (t )is“possmall,”diminishes at a slower rate.(a) Trapezoid.(b) Gaussian.(c) Sharp peak.(d) Skewed triangle.FIGURE 2.7A few membership function choices for representing “error ispossmall.”In summary,we see that depending on the application and the designer (ex-pert),many different choices of membership functions are possible.We will further discuss other ways to define membership functions in Section 2.3.2on page 55.It is important to note here,however,that for the most part the definition of a member-ship function is subjective rather than objective.That is,we simply quantify it in a manner that makes sense to us,but others may quantify it in a different manner.The set of values that is described by μas being “positive small”is called a “fuzzy set.”Let A denote this fuzzy set.Notice that from Figure 2.6we are absolutely certain that e (t )=π4is an element of A ,but we are less certain thate (t )=π16is an element of A .Membership in the set,as specified by the membership function,is fuzzy;hence we use the term “fuzzy set.”We will give a more precise description of a fuzzy set in Section 2.3.2on page 55.A “crisp”(as contrasted to “fuzzy”)quantification of “possmall”can also be specified,but via the membership function shown in Figure 2.8.This membership function is simply an alternative representation for the interval on the real line π/8≤e (t )≤3π/8,and it indicates that this interval of numbers represents “poss-mall.”Clearly,this characterization of crisp sets is simply another way to represent a normal interval (set)of real numbers.While the vertical axis in Figure 2.6represents certainty,the horizontal axis is also given a special name.It is called the “universe of discourse”for the input e (t )since it provides the range of values of e (t )that can be quantified with linguistics2.2Fuzzy Control:A Tutorial Introduction35FIGURE2.8Membership function for acrisp set.and fuzzy sets.In conventional terminology,a universe of discourse for an input oroutput of a fuzzy system is simply the range of values the inputs and outputs cantake on.Now that we know how to specify the meaning of a linguistic value via a mem-bership function(and hence a fuzzy set),we can easily specify the membershipfunctions for all15linguistic values(five for each input andfive for the output)of our inverted pendulum example.See Figure2.9for one choice of membership functions.Notice that(for our later convenience)we list both the linguistic values andthe linguistic-numeric values associated with each membership function.Hence,we see that the membership function in Figure2.6for“possmall”is embeddedamong several others that describe other sizes of values(so that,for instance,the membership function to the right of the one for“possmall”is the one that represents“error is poslarge”).Note that other similarly shaped membership functions makesense(e.g.,bell-shaped membership functions).We will discuss the multitude ofchoices that are possible for membership functions in Section2.3.2on page55.The membership functions at the outer edges in Figure2.9deserve specialattention.For the inputs e(t)and ddt e(t)we see that the outermost membershipfunctions“saturate”at a value of one.This makes intuitive sense as at some point the human expert would just group all large values together in a linguistic de-scription such as“poslarge.”The membership functions at the outermost edges appropriately characterize this phenomenon since they characterize“greater than”(for the right side)and“less than”(for the left side).Study Figure2.9and convince yourself of this.For the output u,the membership functions at the outermost edges cannot be saturated for the fuzzy system to be properly defined(more details on this point will be provided in Section2.2.6on page44and Section2.3.5on page65).The basic reason for this is that in decision-making processes of the type we study,we seek to take actions that specify an exact value for the process input.We do not generally indicate to a process actuator,“any value bigger than,say,10,is acceptable.”It is important to have a clear picture in your mind of how the values of the membership functions change as,for example,e(t)changes its value over time. For instance,as e(t)changes from−π/2toπ/2we see that various membership。



中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban《哈利波特与阿兹卡班囚徒》Chapter FourThe Leaky Cauldron第4章破釜酒吧It took Harry several days to get used to his strange new freed om. Never before had he been abl e to get up whenever he want or eat whatever he fancied. He coul d even go wherever he liked, as l ong as it was in Diagon All ey, and as this l ong cobbl ed street was packed with the most fascinating wizarding shops in the worl d, Harry felt no d esire to break his word to Fudge and stray back into the Muggl e worl d.过了几天,哈利才习惯了这种从未体验过的奇特的自由。




Harry ate breakfast each morning in the Leaky Caul dron, where he liked watching the other guests: funny little witches from the country, up for a day's shopping; venerabl e-l ooking wizards arguing over the latest article in Transfiguration Today; wild-l ooking warlocks, raucous dwarfs and, once, what l ooked suspiciously like a hag, who ord ered a plate of raw liver from behind a thick wooll en balaclava.哈利每天早晨在破釜酒吧吃早饭,他喜欢打量其他的顾客:从乡下来的怪模怪样的小个子女巫,大清早出来买东西;看上去弱不禁风的男巫,为《今日变形术》上的最新文章展开辩论;不修边幅的巫师;吵吵闹闹的小矮人……一次,还有一个活像老巫婆的人,裹在一件厚厚的带巴拉克拉瓦盔式帽的羊毛大衣里,要了一盘生肝。

Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control and Observation

Fuzzy Sliding Mode Control and Observation
And secondly, the research work of this book was motivated by the demand from practical applications. Because of the complexity of practical applications, different control schemes should be applied for dynamic systems with different characteristics. Normally, it is difficult to employ a generalised design procedure to deal with the control of a complex dynamic system. It is the authors’ belief that taking the advantages of the known properties of a dynamic system and injecting human experience with conventional control theory in the controller design will produce more desirable results.
Chapter 1. The literature survey covers the integration of artificial intelligence and the conventional control theory to tackle the problems of the control of nonlinear complex systems.



英语学术论文常用句型beginning1. in this paper, we focus on the need for2. this paper proceeds as follow.3. the structure of the paper is as follows.4. in this paper, we shall first briefly introduce fuzzy sets and related concepts5. to begin with we will provide a brief background on theintroduction1. this will be followed by a description of the fuzzy nature of the problem anda detailed presentation of how the required membership functions are defined.2. details on xx and xx are discussed in later sections.3. in the next section, after a statement of the basic problem, various situations involving possibility knowledge are investigated: first, an entirely possibility model is proposed; then the cases of a fuzzy service time with stochastic arrivals and non fuzzy service rule is studied; lastly, fuzzy service rule are considered. review1. this review is followed by an introduction.2. a brief summary of some of the relevant concepts in xxx and xxx is presented in section 2.3. in the next section, a brief review of the .... is given.4. in the next section, a short review of ... is given with special regard to ...5. section 2 reviews relevant research related to xx.body1. section 1 defines the notion of robustness, and argues for its importance.2. section 1 devoted to the basic aspects of the flc decision making logic.3. section 2 gives the background of the problem which includes xxx4. section 2 discusses some problems with and approaches to, natural language understanding.5. section 2 explains how flexibility which often ... can be expressed in terms of fuzzy time window6. section 3 discusses the aspects of fuzzy set theory that are used in the ...7. section 3 describes the system itself in a general way, including the ….. and also discusses how to evaluate system performance.8. section 3 describes a new measure of xx.9. section 3 demonstrates the use of fuzzy possibility theory in the analysis of xx.10. section 3 is a fine description of fuzzy formulation of human decision.11. section 3, is developed to the modeling and processing of fuzzy decision rules12. the main idea of the flc is described in section 3 while section 4 describes the xx strategies.13. section 3 and 4 show experimental studies for verifying the proposed model.14. section 4 discusses a previous fuzzy set based approach to cost variance investigation.15. section 4 gives a specific example of xxx.16. section 4 is the experimental study to make a fuzzy model of memory process.17. section 4 contains a discussion of the implication of the results of section 2 and 3.18. section 4 applies this fuzzy measure to the analysis of xx and illustrate its use on experimental data.19. section 5 presents the primary results of the paper: a fuzzy set model ..20. section 5 contains some conclusions plus some ideas for further work.21. section 6 illustrates the model with an example.22. various ways of justification and the reasons for their choice are discussed very briefly in section 2.23. in section 2 are presented the block diagram expression of a whole model of human dm system24. in section 2 we shall list a collection of basic assumptions which a ... scheme must satisfy.25. in section 2 of this paper, we present representation and uniqueness theorems for the fundamental measurement of fuzziness when the domain of discourse is order dense.26. in section 3, we describe the preliminary results of an empirical study currently in progress to verify the measurement model and to construct membership functions.27. in section 5 is analyzed the inference process through the two kinds of inference experiments...this section1. in this section, the characteristics and environment under which mrp is designed are described.2. we will provide in this section basic terminologies and notations which are necessary for the understanding of subsequent results.next section3. however, it is cumbersome for this purpose and in practical applications the formulae were rearranged and simplified as discussed in the next section.5. we can interpret the results of experiments i and ii as in the following sections.6. the next section summarizes the method in a from that is useful for arguments based on xxsummary1. this paper concludes with a discussion of future research consideration in section5.2. section 5 summarizes the results of this investigation.3. section 5 gives the conclusions and future directions of research.4. section 7 provides a summary and a discussion of some extensions of the paper.5. finally, conclusions and future work are summarized6. the basic questions posed above are then discussed and conclusions are drawn.7. section 7 is the conclusion of the paper.chapter 0. abstract1. a basic problem in the design of xx is presented by the choice of a xx rate for the measurement of experimental variables.3. this paper describes a system for the analysis of the xx.4. the method involves the construction of xx from fuzzy relations.5. the procedure is useful in analyzing how groups reach a decision.6. the technique used is to employ a newly developed and versatile xx algorithm.7. the usefulness of xx is also considered.8. a brief methodology used in xx is discussed.9. the analysis is useful in xx and xx problem.10. a model is developed for a xx analysis using fuzzy matrices.12. the use of the method is discussed and an example is given.13. results of an experimental applications of this xx analysis procedure are given to illustrate the proposed technique.14. this paper analyses problems in15. this paper outlines the functions carried out by ...16. this paper includes an illustration of the ...17. this paper provides an overview and information useful for approaching18. emphasis is placed on the construction of a criterion function by which the xx in achieving a hierarchical system of objectives are evaluated.19. the main emphasis is placed on the problem of xx20. our proposed model is verified through experimental study.21. the experimental results reveal interesting examples of fuzzy phases of: xx, xxchapter 1. introductiontime1. over the course of the past 30 years, .. has emerged form intuitive2. technological revolutions have recently hit the industrial world3. the advent of ... systems for has had a significant impact on the4. the development of ... is explored5. during the past decade, the theory of fuzzy sets has developed in a variety of directions6.the concept of xx was investigated quite intensively in recent years7. there has been a turning point in ... methodology in accordance with the advent of ...8. a major concern in ... today is to continue to improve...10. at the time of this writing, there is still no standard way of xx11. although a lot of effort is being spent on improving these weaknesses, the efficient and effective method has yet to be developed.12. the pioneer work can be traced to xx [1965].objective / goal / purpose1. the purpose of the inference engine can be outlined as follows:3. the paper concerns the development of a xx4. the scope of this research lies in5. the main theme of the paper is the application of rule based decision making.6. these objectives are to be met with such thoroughness and confidence as to permit ...7. the objectives of the ... operations study are as follows:8. the primary purpose/consideration/objective of9. the ultimate goal of this concept is to provide10. the main objective of such a ... system is to11. the aim of this paper is to provide methods to construct such probability distribution.12. in order to achieve these objectives, an xx must meet the following requirements:13. in order to take advantage of their similarity15. in this trial, the objective is to generate...16. for the sake of concentrating on ... research issues17. a major goal of this report is to extend the utilization of a recently developed procedure for the xx.18. for an illustrative purpose, four well known or problems are studied in presence of fuzzy data: xx.19. a major thrust of the paper is to discuss approaches and strategies for structuring ..methods20. this illustration points out the need to specify21. the ultimate goal is both descriptive and prescriptive.22. chapter 2. literature review23. a wealth of information is to be found in the statistics literature, for example, regarding xx24. a considerable amount of research has been done .. during the last decade25. a great number of studies report on the treatment of uncertainties associated with xx.26. there is considerable amount of literature on planning27. however, these studies do not provide much attention to uncertainty in xx.28. since then, the subject has been extensively explored and it is still under investigation as well inmethodological aspects as in concrete applications.29. many research studies have been carried out on this topic.30. problem of xx draws recently more and more attention of system analysis.31. attempts to resolve this dilemma have resulted in the development of33. most of the methods developed so far are deterministic and /or probabilistic in nature.34. the central issue in all these studies is to35. the problem of xx has been studied by other investigators, however, these studies have been based upon classical statistical approaches.36. applied ... techniques to37. characterized the ... system as38. developed an algorithm to39. developed a system called ... which40. uses an iterative algorithm to deduce41. emphasized the need to42. identifies six key issues surrounding high technology44. much work has been reported recently in these filed45. proposed/presented/state that/described/illustrated/indicated/has shown / showed/address/highlights46. point out that the problem of47. a study on ...was done / developed by []48. previous work, such as [] and [], deal only with49. the approach taken by [] is50. the system developed by [] consists51. a paper relevant to this research was published by []52. []s model requires consideration of...53. [] model draws attention to evolution in human development54. []s model focuses on...55. little research has been conducted in applying ... to56. the published information that is relevant to this research...篇二:国际学术会议常用语(英语)学术会议常用表达1. 有关会议的一般信息(1)名称conference academic conference annual meeting/symposium/conferenceinternational conference forum, international forumsymposium workshop(2)日期dates/important dates/key dates(3)地点location/venue conference location/venue(4)主题issues/themes/(main)topics/scope of conference topic of interestsconference themes/topics2.论文征稿、提交与录用call for abstract/proposal/paperpaper deadline deadline for abstract/full paper/proposal submission submission deadline deadline extended date for mortification of acceptance paper acceptance/rejection will be informed by…deadline for authors notificationcamera ready version deadline3. 会议注册deadline/closing date for registration registration fees and itemstelegraphic transfer onlyregistration form official invitation letter bank transferregistration informationpayment bank draft/check4. 会议进程及内容conference schedule/program preliminary conference program5. 会议具体细节opening question and answertheme/paper presentation closing6.学术会议的问答讨论环节口语学术报告之后的问答讨论环节(question and answer session)是同行之间交流的良好机会,双方可以针对报告中的具体问题进行探讨(1)答问的方式与技巧回答讨论环节可以让报告人通过互动及时地获得信息反馈并可以把在讨论中或得的建设性建议用于下一步的工作,因此对科研工作有很大的促进作用。


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中英文对照学习版Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets《哈利˙波特与密室》Chapter FourAt Flourish and Blotts第4章在丽痕书店Life a The Burrow was as different as possibl e from life in Privet Drive. The Dursl eys like everything neat and ord ered; the Weasl eys' house burst with the strange and unexpected. Harry got a shock the first time he l ooked in the mirror over the kitchen mantelpiece and it shouted, ‘Tuck your shirt in, scruffy!' The ghoul in the attic howl ed and dropped pipes whenever he felt things were getting too quiet, and small expl osions from Fred and George's bedroom were consid ered perfectly normal. What Harry found most unusual about life at Ron's, however, wasn't the talking mirror or the clanking ghoul: it was the fact that everybody there seemed to like him.陋居的生活和女贞路的生活有着天壤之别。


Reactive Navigation for Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using the Neuro-fuzzy Techniques

Reactive Navigation for Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using the Neuro-fuzzy Techniques

Reactive Navigation for Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using the Neuro-fuzzy TechniquesJin Cao, Xiaoqun Liao and Ernest HallCenter for Robotics Research, ML 72University of CincinnatiCincinnati, OH 45221ABSTRACTA Neuro-fuzzy control method for navigation of an Autonomous Guided Vehicle (AGV) robot is described. Robot navigation is defined as the guiding of a mobile robot to a desired destination or along a desired path in an environment characterized by a terrain and a set of distinct objects, such as obstacles and landmarks. The autonomous navigate ability and road following precision are mainly influenced by its control strategy and real-time control performance. Neural network and fuzzy logic control techniques can improve real-time control performance for mobile robot due to its high robustness and error-tolerance ability. For a mobile robot to navigate automatically and rapidly, an important factor is to identify and classify mobile robots’ currently perceptual environment. In this paper, a new approach of the current perceptual environment feature identification and classification, which are based on the analysis of the classifying neural network and the Neuro-fuzzy algorithm, is presented. The significance of this work lies in the development of a new method for mobile robot navigation.Keywords: mobile robot, navigation, neuro-fuzzy, neural network, fuzzy logic1. INTRODUCTIONThe general theory for mobile robotics navigation is based on a simple premise. For mobile robot to operate it must sense the known world, be able to plan its operations and then act based on this model. This theory of operation has become known as SMPA (Sense, Map, Plan, and Act).SMPA was accepted as the normal theory until around 1984 when a number of people started to think about the more general problem of organizing intelligence. There was a requirement that intelligence be reactive to dynamic aspects of the unknown environments, that a mobile robot operate on time scales similar to those of animals and humans, and that intelligence be able to generate robust behavior in the face of uncertain sensors, unpredictable environments, an a changing world. This led to the development of the theory of reactive navigation by using Artificial Intelligence (AI).Reactive Navigation differs from Planed Navigation in that, while a mission is assigned or a goal location is known, the robot does not plan its path but rather navigate itself by reacting to its immediate environment in real time.There are various approaches to Reactive Navigation, but the main concerned issue for all developer is that robust autonomous performance can be achieved by using minimal computational capabilities, as opposed to the enormous computational requirements of path planning techniques.Designers of Reactive Navigation systems oppose the traditional robotics and Artificial Intelligence (AI) philosophy: that a robot must have a "brain", where it retains a representation of the world. Furthermore, they discard the idea that there are three basic steps for the robot to achieve its "intelligent" task: perception, world modeling and action. Robots based on this paradigm spend an excessive time in creating a world model before acting on it. Reactive methods seek to eliminate the intermediate step of world modeling.Based on the above thinking, reactive methods share a number of important features. First, sensors are tightly coupled to Actuators through fairly simple computational mechanisms. Second, complexity is managed by decomposing the problem according to tasks rather than functions. Then, reactive systems tend to evolve as layered systems. This is where most disagreement occurs between the different researchers.The autonomous mobile robot, the Bearcat II as shown in Figure 1., which has been used in this research, was designed by 99’ UC Robot Team for the 1999 Automated Unmanned Vehicle Society competition (AUVS) sponsored by the Autonomous Unmanned Vehicle Society, the U.S. Army TACOM, United Defense, the Society of Automotive Engineers, Fanuc Robotics and others. The vehicle is constructed of an aluminum frame designed to hold the controller, obstacle avoidance, vision sensing, vehicle power system, and drivecomponents. Two independently drivenDC motors are used for vehiclepropulsion as well as for vehiclesteering. Also, all the subsystem levelcomponents have been chosen to bemodular in design and independent interms of configuration so as to increaseadaptability and flexibility. This enablesreplacing of existing components withmore sophisticated or suitable ones, asthey become available.Figure 1. The Bearcat II mobile robotThe navigation system takes range data as input, processes it in order to find regions that can safely drive over, and generates commands for steering the vehicle based on thedistributions of these untraversable regions. The system is set up as a reactive system in that it outputs steering commands frequently instead of planning long trajectories ahead. Alessandro [1], M. Delgado et al, [2] gave an excellent discussion of how fuzzy computation techniques have been used in the mobile robot to address some of the difficult issues of autonomous navigation. D. Kontoravdis et al [3] present a fuzzy neural approach for the mobile robot navigation in their paper. 1999 UC Robot Team [4] describes the overall design of the UC mobile robot.The purpose of this paper is to describe a Neuro-fuzzy control method for the navigation of an AGV robot. An overall system design and development is presented in the Section 2. The Neuro-fuzzy computation and it’s application for mobile robot navigation are discussed in the Section 3. The conclusion and further work are given in the Section 4.2. SYSTEM DESIGNThe system that is to be controlled is an electrically propelled mobile vehicle named Bearcat II, which is a sophisticated, computer controlled, and intelligent system. The adaptive capabilities of a mobile robot depend on the fundamental analytical and architectural designs of the sensor systems used. The mobile robot provides an excellent test bed for investigations into generic vision guided robot control since it is similar to an automobile and is a multi-input, multi-output system. The major components of the robot are: vision guidance system, steering control system, obstacle avoidance system, speed control, safety and braking system, power unit and the supervisor control PC.By autonomous robot navigation we mean the ability of a robot to move purposefully and without human intervention in environments that have not been specifically engineered for it. Autonomous navigation requires a number of heterogeneous capabilities, including the ability to execute elementary goal-achieving actions, like reaching a given location; to reach in real time to unexpected events, like the sudden appearance of an obstacle; to determine the robot’s position; and to adapt to changes in the environment.Figure 2 is a brief description on the design and development of the navigation system of the mobile robot.Visual Sensor SystemVisual information is converted to electrical signals by the use of visual sensors. The most commonly used visual sensors are cameras. Despite the fact that these cameras posses undesirable characteristics, such as noise and distortion that frequently necessitate readjustments, they are used because of their ease of availability and reasonable cost. Vision sensors are critically dependent on ambient lighting conditions and their scene analysis and registration procedures can be complex and time-consuming.Figure 2. The mobile robot navigation systemThe Control Of Mobile RobotThe control of mobile robots by means of sensory information is a fundamental problem in robotics. As shown in Figure 3, the robot is controlled by selecting desired angularvelocity for each of two driving wheels. One castor wheel in the rear part of the robot can turn freely and thus does not determine the robot’s movements.The purpose of the vision guidance system is to obtain information from the changing environment of the obstacle course, which is usually bounded by solid as well as dashed lines. Two JVC CCD cameras are used for following the left and right lines. Only one line is followed at a time.Left CameraJVC Right CameraJVCMAXIMVideo Switch ISCANLogic Controller Galil Controller A/D Converter PID ControllerD/A Converter LeftAmplifierRightAmplifierVision Tracking - +- +Left MotorRight MotorFigure 3. The mobile robot motionThe ISCAN image-tracking device is used for image processing. This device can find the centroid of the brightest or darkest region in a computer controlled window and returns the X and Y coordinates of its centroid.3. NEURO-FUZZY TECHNOLOGYNeural networks and fuzzy systems (or neuro-fuzzy systems), in various forms, have been of much interest recently, particularly for the control of nonlinear processes.A neural net can incorporate fuzziness in various ways:The inputs can be fuzzy. Any garden-variety backprop net is fuzzy in this sense, and it seems rather silly to call a net "fuzzy" solely on this basis, although Fuzzy ART(Carpenter and Grossberg 1996) has no other fuzzy characteristics.The outputs can be fuzzy. Again, any garden-variety backprop net is fuzzy in this sense. But competitive learning nets ordinarily produce crisp outputs, so forcompetitive learning methods, having fuzzy output is a meaningful distinction. For example, fuzzy c-means clustering (Bezdek 1981) is meaningfully different from (crisp) k-means. Fuzzy ART does not have fuzzy outputs.The net can be interpretable as an adaptive fuzzy system. For example, Gaussian RBF nets and B-spline regression models (Dierckx 1995, van Rijckevorsal 1988) are fuzzysystems with adaptive weights (Brown and Harris 1994) and can legitimately be called Neuro-fuzzy systems.The net can be a conventional NN architecture that operates on fuzzy numbers instead of real numbers (Lippe, Feuring and Mischke 1995).Fuzzy constraints can provide external knowledge (Lampinen and Selonen 1996). l rV lV r V t X c S3.1. Fuzzy Set Definition for the Navigation SystemBy defining the steer angel of the mobile robot is from –30 degree to 30 degree. The fuzzy sets could be defined as follows:(a) The robot current angle with respected to the line direction: (Input Variable: AG)Fuzzy setAG_2AG_1AG AG1AG2DescriptionLefter Left Middle Right Righter Variation Range -30~-10-20~0-10~100~2010~30(b) The robot offset with respect to the centerline: (Input Variable: OS) Suppose the road has a width of 3 meters, and we study the right-camera tracking system. So, the vehicle should keep its center from the right line for a distance of 1.5 meter.Fuzzy setOS_2OS_1OS OS1OS2DescriptionLefter Left Middle Right Righter Variation Range2.2~3 1.5~3 1.4~1.60~1.50~0.83.2. Input Membership3.3. A Neuro-fuzzy Hybrid SystemNeuro-fuzzy systems combine the advantages of fuzzy systems, which deal with explicit knowledge which can be explained and understood, and neural networks which deal with implicit knowledge which can be acquired by learning. Neural network learning provides a good way to adjust the expert’s knowledge and automatically generate additional fuzzy rules and membership functions, to meet certain specifications and reduce design tie and costs. On the other hand, fuzzy logic enhances the generalization capability of a neural -30-20-10010203000. Angel : AGD e g r e e o f m e m b e r s h i p lefter left middle right righter 00.51 1.52 2.5300. Offset: OS D e g r e e o f m e m b e r s h i p righte r right middle left lefternetwork system by providing more reliable output when extrapolation is needed beyond the limits of the training data.3.4. The Neuro-fuzzy ArchitectureThe Neuro-fuzzy system consists of the various components of a traditional fuzzy system, except that each stage is performed by a layer of hidden neurons, and neural network learning capability is provided to enhance the system knowledge.Figure 4. The schematic of a Neuro-fuzzy System architecture3.5. The implementation of Fuzzy RulesFigure 5. shows a simple case of Neuro-fuzzy system for mobile robot navigation. A set of navigation rules is employed in the system.For the Right Camera Line Tracking:Rule 1: IF Offset is RIGHT and Angle is POSITIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is ZERO Rule 2: IF Offset is RIGHT and Angle is ZERO THEN the Steer_Angle is LEFTRule 3: IF Offset is RIGHT and Angle is NEGATIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is LEFT Rule 4: IF Offset is CENTER and Angle is POSITIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is RIGHT Rule 5: IF Offset is CENTER and Angle is ZERO THEN the Steer_Angle is ZERORule 6: IF Offset is CENTER and Angle is NEGATIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is LEFT Rule 7: IF Offset is LEFT and Angle is POSITIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is RIGHT Rule 8: IF Offset is LEFT and Angle is ZERO THEN the Steer_Angle is RIGHTRule 9: IF Offset is LEFT and Angle is NEGATIVE THEN the Steer_Angle is ZERO The value at the end of each rule represents the initial weight of the rule, and will be adjusted to its appropriate level at the end of training. All the rules lead to three different subjects, which is the steer direction for the mobile robot. Then three output nodes are needed. They are TURN RIGHT, GO STRAIGHT and TURN LEFT correspondingly.Input Data FuzzificationLayer Fuzzy Rule Layer Defuzzification Layer Output DataFigure 5. Neuro-fuzzy Architecture3.6. Training for Neuro-fuzzy SystemThe weight for each neural node is configured with an initial value specified by system experts, and then further tuned by using a training algorithm. A backpropagation algorithm is employed in this research as follows:Step 1: Present an input data sample, compute the corresponding outputStep 2: Compute the error between the output(s) and the actual target(s)Step 3: The connection weights and membership functions are adjustedStep 4: At a fixed number of epochs, delete useless rule and membership function nodes,and add in new onesStep 5: IF Error > Tolerance THEN goto Step 1 ELSE stop.When the error level drops to below the user-specified tolerance, the final interconnection weights reflect the changes in the initial fuzzy rules and membership functions. If the resulting weight of a rule is close to zero, the rule can be safely removed from the rule base, since it is insignificant compared to others. Also, the shape and position of the membership functions in the Fuzzification and Defuzzification Layers can be fine tuned by adjusting the parameters of the neurons in these layers, during the training process.Input If X is A Grade Weights Rules Weightsof Rules Then Y is B Weights Output Offset RightCenterLeftAngel PositiveZeroNegative 0.50-0.501515Rule 1Rule 91.01.0 1.01.0Right Zero Left 0.60.5Turn Right Go straight Turn Left ..Rule 24. CONCLUSION AND FURTHER WORKThe neuro-fuzzy system offers the precision and learning capability of neural networks, and yet are easy to understand like fuzzy system. Explicit knowledge acquired from experts can be easily incorporated into the navigation system, and implicit knowledge can be learned from training samples to enhance the accuracy of the output. A basic case is studied in this paper. Furthermore, the modified and new rules can be extracted from a properly trained neuro-fuzzy system, to explain how the results are derived. Some new technologies can be developed on the Bearcat II test bed to improve the learning speed, adjust learning and momentum rates, etc.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis work has been a continual learning experience and could not have been completed without the devoted work and contributions of the previous team members especially: Tayib Samu, KalyanChakravarthi Kolli, Krishnamohan Kola and Wen-chuan Chiang. The authors would like to thank the following staff personnel for their technical assistance: Ming Cao, Karthikeyan Kumaraguru, Sameer Parasnis, Nathan Mundhenk, Sampath Kanakaraju, Satish Shanmugasundaram, Thyagarajan Ramesh and Yan Mu. The vehicle has been sponsored in part by several generous contributions and we thank our current and past sponsors: GE, Futaba, SME Chapter 21, American Showa, Planet Products Corp., SO&A of UC, R.O.V. Technologies, and others.REFERENCES[1] Alessandro Saffiotti, “Autonomous Robot Navigation”, Handbook of Fuzzy Computation, E. Ruspini, P. Bonissone and W. Pedrycz, Eds., Oxford University Press, 1998.[2] M. Delgado, A. Gomez Skarmeta, H. Martinez Barbera, P. Garcia Lopez, "Fuzzy Range Sensor Filtering for Reactive Autonomous Robots", 5th International Conference on Soft Computing (IIZUKA'98), Iizuka, JAPAN, Oct 1998.[3] D. Kontoravdis, A Likas, K. Blekas and A. Stafylopatis, “A Fuzzy Neural Network Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Navigation”, Proc. EURISCON `94, Malaga, Spain, Aug. 1994.[4] Karthikeyan Kumaraguru et al, “Design of a Mobile Robot Kit: Bearcat II”, The 1999 UC Robot Team, Center for Robotics Research, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 1999.[5] NIBS Pte Ltd Technical Report TR-960308, NIBS Inc., “NeuroFuzzy Computing”, NewWave Intelligent Business Systems, .sg/~midaz/.[6] Ming Cao and Ernest Hall, “Fuzzy Logic Control for an Automated Guided Vehicle”, SPIE international conference, November, Boston, 1998.[7] Jin Cao and Ernest Hall, "Sensor Fusion for the Navigation of Autonomous Guided Vehicle Using Neural Networks", SPIE international conference, November, Boston, 1998.[8] Jin Cao, Wen-chuan Chiang, T. Nathan Mundhenka and Ernest L. Hall, "Path Planning for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Sonar Map and Neural Network", SPIE international conference, November, Boston, 1998.[9] Scott Pawlikowski, “Development of a Fuzzy Logic Speed and Steering Control System”, Thesis of University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 1999.[10] General Electric, EV-1 SCR Control Manual, Charlottesville, Virginia 1986.[11] Galil Inc, DMC-1000 Technical Reference Guide Ver 1.1, Sunnyvale, California 1993.[12] Reliance Electric, Electro-Craft BDC-12 Instruction Manual, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 1993.。



Content(Key words & terms for chapter 1) 2(Key words & terms for chapter 2) 4(Key words & terms for chapter 3) 6(Key words & terms for chapter 4) 8(Key words & terms for chapter 5) 10(Key words & terms for chapter 6) 12(Key words & terms for chapter 7) 14(Key words & terms for chapter 8) 17(Key words & terms for chapter 1)application software: 应用软件basic application: 基本应用软件communication device: 通讯设备compact disc(CD): 紧凑格式盘computer competency: 计算机技能connectivity: 连通, 连通性data: 数据database file: 数据库文件desktop computer: 台式计算机device driver: 设备驱动程序digital versatile (video) disc: DVD, 数字式通用盘document file: 文档文件end user: 终端用户floppy disk: 软盘handheld computer: 手提电脑hard disk: 硬盘hardware: 硬件information: 信息information system: 信息系统information technology: IT, 信息技术input device: 输入设备Internet: 互联网keyboard: 键盘mainframe computer: 大型机memory: 内存microcomputer: 微型计算机microprocessor: 微处理器midrange computer: 中型机minicomputer: 小型机modem (modulator & demodulator): 调制解调器monitor: 监视器mouse: 鼠标network: 网络notebook computer: 笔记本电脑operating system (OS): 操作系统optical disk: 光盘output device: 输出设备palm computer: 掌上电脑personal digital assistant(PDA): 个人数字化助理presentation file: 演示文稿primary storage: 主存printer: 打印机procedures: 过程/用户文档program: 程序random access memory(RAM): 可读写内存/随机存储器secondary storage: 辅助存储器service program: 服务程序software: 软件special-purpose application: 专用应用软件supercomputer: 超级计算机system software: 系统软件system unit: 系统单元tablet PC: 带手写板的笔记本电脑utility: 工具软件Web: 网wireless revolution: 无线(通讯)革命(Key words & terms for chapter 2)address: 地址Advance Research Project Agency Network (ARPANET): 高级研究项目代理网络applets: Java程序attachment: 附件auction house site: 拍卖网站browser: 浏览器business-to-business (B2B): 商家对商家business-to-consumer (B2C): 商家对消费者cable: 电缆carder: 信用卡盗用者Center for European Nuclear Research (CERN): 欧洲核能源研究中心computer virus: 计算机病毒consumer-to-consumer (C2C): 消费者对消费者dial-up: 拨号digital cash: 电子货币directory search: 目录搜索domain name: 域名downloading: 下载DSL: 美国网络公司e-commerce:电子商务e-learning: 网络学习electronic commerce: 电子商务electronic mail: 电子邮件e-mail: 电子邮件file transfer protocol (FTP): 文件传输协议filter: 过滤器friend: 好友header: 邮件头hit: 点击Hyperlink: 超文本链接Hypertext Markup language (HTML): 超文本标记语言instant messaging (IM): 即时消息Internet: 互联网Internet security suite: 网络安全包Internet Service Provider (ISP) : 网络服务供应商Java: 一种高级语言keyword search: 关键词搜索link: 链接location: 位置(地址)message: 消息metasearch engine: 元搜索引擎national service provider: 国家网络服务中心online: 在线online banking: 网络银行online shopping: 网络购物online stock trading: 网上股票交易person-to-person auction site: 个人对个人拍卖网站plug-in: 插件protocol: 协议search engine: 搜索引擎search service: 搜索服务signature line: 落款social networking: 社会网络spam: 垃圾邮件spam blocker:垃圾邮件拦截器specialized search engine: 专用搜索引擎spider: 代理程序subject: 主题surf: (网上)冲浪top-level domain: 顶层域名Uniform resource locator (URL): 统一资源定位universal instant messenger:通用即时消息软件uploading: 上载Web: 万维网Web auction: 网上拍卖Web-based application:网络应用软件Web-based services:Web 服务Web master:网管Web page: 网页Web utility: 网络工具wireless modem: 无线modemwireless service provider: 无线网络服务中心(Key words & terms for chapter 3)analytical graph: 分析图application software: 应用软件AutoContent wizard: 内容提示向导basic application: 通用软件bulleted list: 带标注段落business suite: 商用套件button:按钮cell: 单元格character effect: 文字效果chart: 图表column:列,栏computer trainer:计算机培训师contextual tab: 文本标签database:数据库database management system (DBMS):数据库管理系统database manager:数据库管理系统design template:设计模板dialog box:对话框document:文本editing:编辑field:域find and replace:查找替换font:字体font size:字号form:表format:格式formula:公式function:函数galleries:图片库grammar checker:语法检查器graphical user interface (GUI):图形用户界面home software:家用版软件home suite:家用套件icons:图标integrated package:集成软件包label:标签master slide:主幻灯片menu:菜单menu bar:菜单栏numbered list:编号序列numeric entry:数字栏personal software:个人版软件personal suite:个人套件pointer:指针presentation graphic:演示图形productivity suite:商用套件query:查询range:一组连续的单元格recalculation:再计算record:记录relational database:关系数据库report:报表ribbons:ribbon 功能区row:行sheet:工作表slide:幻灯片software suite:套装软件sort:排序specialized applications:专用软件specialized suite:专用软件套件speech recognition:语音识别spelling checker:拼写检查器spread sheet:电子表格system software:系统软件table:表格text entry:文本栏thesaurus:辞典toolbar:工具栏user interface:用户界面utility suite:工具套件what-if analysis:推测分析window:窗口word processor:文字处理器word wrap:文字回环/自动换行workbook file:工作表文件worksheet:工作表,电子表格(Key words & terms for chapter 4) animation: 动画artificial intelligence:人工智能artificial reality:虚拟现实audio editing software:声音编辑软件bitmap image:位图图像blog:博客button:按钮clip art:剪贴画desktop publisher:桌面排版软件desktop publishing program:桌面排版软件drawing program:绘画软件expert systems:专家系统flash:动画制作软件fuzzy logic:模糊逻辑graphical map:网页设计结构图graphics suite:图形包HTML editor:HTML编辑软件illustration program: 绘图软件image editors:图像编辑软件image gallery:图像收藏immersive experience:沉浸式体验industrial robot:工业机器人interactivity:交互性knowledge base:知识库knowledge-based system:知识系统link:链接mobile robot:移动机器人Morphing:图像渐变效果multimedia:多媒体multimedia authoring program:多媒体制作软件page layout program: 排版软件perception system robot:感知系统机器人photo editors:照片编辑器pixel:象素raster image:光栅图像robot:机器人robotics:机器人学stock photographs:库存图片story board:网页设计脚本vector :向量/矢量vector illustration:矢量插画vector image:矢量图video editing software:视频编辑软件virtual environment:虚拟环境virtual reality:虚拟现实virtual reality modeling language (VRML):虚拟现实建模语言virtual reality wall:虚拟现实墙VR:虚拟现实Web authoring:网页制作Web authoring programs:网页制作软件Web page editor:网页编辑软件(Key words & terms for chapter 5)Add Printer Wizard: 打印机添加程序antivirus utility :防病毒工具backup:备份backup program:备份软件Boot Camp:BC 软件(使苹果机可使用Windows系统)booting:启动cold boot:冷启动computer support specialist:计算机系统维护专家Dashboard Widgets:苹果机软件包desktop:台式机desktop operating system :桌面操作系统device driver:设备驱动程序diagnostic utility:诊断工具dialog box:对话框Disk cleanup:磁盘清理Disk defragmenter:磁盘碎片整理工具embedded operating system:嵌入式操作系统file:文件file compression program:文件压缩工具folder:文件夹fragmented:碎化graphical user interface (GUI):图形用户界面Help:帮助icon:图标language translator:翻译程序Leopard:苹果机软件LinuxMac OSMac OS Xmenu:菜单multitasking:多任务network operating system (NOS) : 网络操作系统network server:网络服务器One Button Checkup:一种系统工具软件operating system:操作系统platform:平台pointer:指针sectors:扇区software environment:软件环境Spotlight:苹果机软件stand-alone operating system:个人操作系统system software:系统软件tracks:磁道troubleshooting program:故障诊断软件uninstall utility:卸载工具UNIX:一种网络操作系统user interface:用户界面utility:工具软件utility suite:工具软件包virus:病毒warm boot:热启动window:窗口WindowsWindows Add Printer Wizard: Windows打印机添加程序Windows Update: Windows升级程序Windows XP(Key words & terms for chapter 6)AC adapter:交流适配器accelerated graphics port (AGP):加速图形端口analog:模拟信号Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):算术逻辑单元arithmetic operation:算术运算ASCII:一种八位键盘符号编码binary coding scheme:二进制编码方案binary system:二进制系统bit:二进制位bus:总线bus line:总线bus width:总线宽度byte:字节cable:电缆cache memory:高速缓冲存储器carrier package:载体Central Processing Unit(CPU):中央处理器chip:芯片clock speed:时钟速度complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS):互补金属氧化半导体computer technician:计算机技术人员control unit:控制单元coprocessor: 协处理器desktop system unit:台式机系统单元digital:数字式dial-core chip:双核芯片EBCDIC:一种八位键盘符号编码expansion bus:扩展总线expansion card:扩展卡expansion slot:扩展槽FireWire bus:火线总线FireWire port:火线端口flash memory:闪存graphics card:图形卡graphics coprocessor:图形协处理器handheld computer system unit:掌上型计算机系统单元industry standard architecture(ISA):工业标准体系结构Infrared Data Association (IrDA):红外线传输器标准组织integrated circuit:集成电路laptop:膝上型计算机logical operation:逻辑运算memory:内存microprocessor:微处理器modem card: modem卡motherboard:主板Musical Interface Digital Interface (Music Instrument Data Interface, MIDI):乐器数字界面network adapter card:网络适配卡network interface card (NIC):网络接口卡notebook system unit:笔记本电脑系统单元parallel port:并行端口parallel processing:并行处理PC card: PC卡PCI Express : 快速PCIperipheral component interconnect (PCI) :外围设备连接端口Personal digital assistant (PDA):个人数字化助理Plug and Play:即插即用port:端口power supply unit:供电单元processor:处理器random-access memory (RAM):可读写内存read-only memory (ROM):只读内存RFID tag:RFID 标签semiconductor:半导体serial port:串行端口silicon chip:硅芯片slot:插槽smart card:智能卡socket:插口sound card:声卡system board:系统板system bus:系统总线system cabinet:机箱system clock:系统时钟system unit:系统单元tablet PC system unit: tablet PC 系统单元TV tuner card:电视调协卡unicode:十六位字符编码universal serial bus (USB):通用串行总线universal serial bus (USB) port:通用串行总线端口virtual memory:虚拟内存word:字(Key words & terms for chapter 7)active matrix monitor:主动矩阵监视器bar code:条形码bar code reader: 条形码读码器bar code scanner:条形码扫描仪cathode ray tube monitor (CRT):阴极射线管监视器clarity:清晰度combination key:组合键cordless mouse:无线鼠标data projector:数字投影仪digital camera:数字相机digital media player: 数字媒体播放器digital music player: 数字音乐播放器digital video camera:数字摄像机display screen: 显示屏dot-matrix printer:点阵式打印机dot pitch:点距dots-per-inch (dpi):每英寸点数dual-scan monitor:整体扫描显示器dumb terminal:哑终端e-book:电子图书ergonomic keyboard: 保健键盘fax (facsimile) machine:传真机flat-panel monitor:平板显示器flatbed scanner:平板式扫描仪flexible keyboard: 便携式键盘handwriting recognition software: 手写识别软件Headphones:耳机high-definition television (HDTV):高清电视ink-jet printer:喷墨式打印机intelligent terminal:智能终端Internet telephone:网络电话Internet telephony:网络电话传输IP Telephony:网络电话传输joystick:游戏杆keyboard:键盘laser printer:激光打印机light pen:光笔liquid crystal display (LCD):液晶显示器magnetic card reader: 磁卡读卡机Magnetic-ink character recognition (MICR):磁墨符号识别mechanical mouse:机械鼠标monitor:监视器mouse:鼠标mouse pointer:鼠标指针multifunction device (MFD):多功能设备network terminal:网络终端numeric keypad:数字键区optical character recognition (OCR):光学符号识别optical-mark recognition (OMR):光学标记识别optical mouse:光电鼠标optical scanner:光学扫描仪passive-matrix monitor:被动矩阵监视器PDA keyboard: PDA键盘personal laser printer:个人激光打印机photo printer:照片打印机pixel (picture element):象素pixel pitch: 象素点距platform scanner:平板扫描仪plotter:绘图仪pointing stick: 点击杆portable printer: 便携式打印机portable scanner: 便携式扫描仪printer:打印机radio frequency card reader: 无线电频卡读卡机radio frequency identification (RFID):无线电频识别refresh rate:刷新率resolution:分辨率roller ball:滚动球shared laser printer: 共享式激光打印机speakers:扬声器stylus: 尖笔(用于输入)technical writer: 技术文档制作者telephony:电话学,电话传输terminal:终端thermal printer:热感式打印机thin client:网络终端thin film transistor monitor (TFT):主动矩阵显示器toggle key:触发键touch pad:触摸板touch screen:触摸屏trackball:轨迹球traditional keyboard: 传统键盘Universal Product Code (UPC):通用产品代码voice-over IP (VoIP):网络电话传输voice recognition system:语音识别系统wand reader:条形码识别器WebCam:网络摄像机wheel button: (鼠标)滚轮wireless mouse:无线鼠标(Key words & terms for chapter 8)access speed: 读写速度Blu-Ray (BR): 蓝光capacity: 容量CD (compact disc): 紧凑格式盘CD-R (CD-recordable): 可写CD(一次)CD-ROM (compact disc-read only memory): 只读CDCD-ROM jukebox: CD-ROM光盘库CD-RW (compact disc rewritable): 可擦写CD(多次)cylinder: 柱面density: 密度direct access: 直接读写disk caching: 磁盘高速缓冲DVD (digital versatile disc or digital video disc): 数字式通用盘DVD player: DVD播放器DVD-R or DVD+R (DVD recordable): 一次性刻录格式DVD-RAM (DVD-random-access memory):可读写DVDDVD-ROM (digital versatile disc-read only memory): 只读DVD DVD-RW or DVD+RW (DVD rewritable): 可擦写DVD enterprise storage system: 大型存储系统Erasable optical disk: 可擦写光盘file compression: 文件压缩file decompression: 文件解压file server: 文件服务器flash memory card: 闪存卡floppy disk: 软盘floppy disk cartridge: 大容量软盘floppy disk drive (FDD): 软盘驱动器hard disk: 硬盘hard-disk cartridge: 移动式硬盘hard-disk pack: 硬盘盘组HD DVD (high-definition DVD): 高清DVDhead crash: 读写头损坏hi def (high definition): 高清internal hard disk: 内置式硬盘Internet hard drive:在线存储器label: 标签land: 平面magnetic tape: 磁带magnetic tape reel: 磁带卷magnetic tape streamer: 流式磁带mass storage: 海量存储mass storage devices: 海量存储设备media: 介质optical disk: 光盘optical disk drive: 光盘驱动器organizational Internet storage: 高速网络存储PC Card hard disk: PC卡式硬盘pit: 光盘凹陷处primary storage: 主存RAID system: 冗余阵列盘系统redundant arrays of inexpensive disks (RAID): 冗余阵列盘secondary storage: 辅助存储器secondary storage device: 辅助存储设备sector: 扇区sequential access: 顺序读写shutter: 磁盘读写口software engineer: 软件工程师solid-state storage: 固态存储器storage devices: 存储设备tape cartridge: 磁带盒tape library:磁带库track: 磁道USB drive: USB驱动器write-protection notch: 写保护口。

Fuzzy stochastic goal programming problems

Fuzzy stochastic goal programming problems

Continuous OptimizationFuzzy stochastic goal programming problemsNguyen Van Hop*Room 816,CT5,DN2,Khu Do Thi Moi Dinh Cong,Hoang Mai District,Hanoi,VietnamReceived 3December 2004;accepted 14September 2005Available online 28November 2005AbstractIn this paper,we present a model to measure attainment value of fuzzy stochastic goals.Then,the new measure is used to de-randomize and de-fuzzify the fuzzy stochastic goal programming problem and obtain a standard linear pro-gram (LP).A numerical example is provided to illustrate the proposed method.Ó2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Keywords:Fuzzy random variables;Fuzzy stochastic goal programming;Attainment value1.IntroductionSolving fuzzy stochastic optimization problems has attracted more attention in recent years.Stochastic and fuzzy aspects are combined to provide an efficient tool to describe real-life problems where uncertainty and imprecision of information co-occur.However,this kind of combination creates a great challenge for the researcher to find an efficient solution method to deal with both fuzzy and stochastic terms.The general strategy is to de-fuzzify and/or de-randomize fuzzy random variables to convert the problem into a deter-ministic problem.The first direction is to perform the conversions (de-fuzzify,de-randomize)in a sequential manner (Luhandjula,1996,2004;Luhandjula and Gupta,1996).The second way is to perform both actions at the same time by calculating the expected value of fuzzy random variables.(Liu,2001a,b;Liu and Liu,2002,2003).The obtained LP from Luhandjula Õs approaches can be solved directly by the traditional opti-mization packages such as LINGO,CPLEX.However,in some applications one has to deal with more than one objective function.In addition,the discrete process of fuzzy sets via a -levels in Luhandjula Õs approaches creates a quite large number of constraints and variables.Although Liu,and Mohan and Ngu-yen (2001)have considered the case of fuzzy stochastic multiple objectives problems,the obtained results0377-2217/$-see front matter Ó2005Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.ejor.2005.09.023*Fax:+6629869112.E-mail address:vanhop.nguyen@European Journal of Operational Research 176(2007)77–8678N.Van Hop/European Journal of Operational Research176(2007)77–86are still limited,especially for the case of fuzzy stochastic goal programming problems.Although the works of Liu proposed a simple expected value model of fuzzy random variables,the computation process of these expected values is quite complex and time consuming.The mix fuzzy stochastic programming(MFSP) problem,where fuzzy objectives/constraints and stochastic constraints are separated,is taken into account by Mohan and Nguyen(2001).Mohan and NguyenÕs approach converts the objectives and constraints into fuzzy sets to formulate the MFSP problem as a max-min-type deterministic single-objective optimization problem using Bellman-ZadehÕs min operator.The obtained deterministic is solved by an interactive pro-cedure.The more complex case of fuzzy random variables of fuzzy stochastic optimization problems has been neglected.In this paper,we present a method to solve the fuzzy stochastic goal programming problem in which the objectives/constraints coefficients and goals are fuzzy random variables.In real-life,fuzzy stochastic goal programming arises in several situations.Goals depend on decision-makersÕperspective and vary with time due to related factors.They are often stated as‘‘some what larger than goal g1with p1of achievement’’,‘‘substantially lesser than goal g2with probability of p2’’or‘‘around goal g3with p3% of time’’.These are fuzzy stochastic goals.The other parameters,the right-hand-sides(RHSs)and coef-ficients of objectives and constraints,could also be fuzzy random variables due to the fact that they depend on many factors.Thus,they are difficult to determine at exact values.Moreover,the factors arefluctuating due to uncertain environment make these parameters varying.These circumstances often happen in long-term planning,development strategies(Luhandjula and Gupta,1996);engineering design (Shih and Wangsawidjaja,1996),andfinancial modeling(Zmeskal,2005),in which the described condi-tions(goals,objectives,constraints,coefficients)cannot be determined precisely and certainly.An illus-trated example of fuzzy stochastic goal programming could be the case of the production planning problem.Two objectives of minimizing total cost and of production output should be achieved at least at an estimated level.The goals of these objectives may be stated as‘‘substantially lesser than$100,000 with probability of90%’’and‘‘some what larger than20,000units with95%of achievement’’.These goals can be expressed as fuzzy stochastic variables because total cost includes costs due to inventory holding, materials,and operation cost;and production output depends on process parameters(cutting speeds,feed rates,etc.)and equipment running time which arefluctuating and hard to estimate precisely.In addition, resources available,demand,and constraintsÕcoefficients can be modeled as fuzzy random variables because the vague perceptions with hard statistical data in several environment conditions such as sea-sonal factors,market prices,and suppliers.Another example is in the case of preventive maintenance. Equipment breaks down from time to time,causing a loss in production output.To reduce the break-downs,preventive maintenance can be performed.Preventive works include inspection,repair,and/or replacement of components if necessary.This work costs money in terms of materials,wages,and loss of production due to downtime for preventive work.This downtime is uncertain due to the complexity of inspection,repair,and replacement jobs.The problem is to determine the preventive frequency which minimizes the downtime due to breakdowns and down time due to preventive maintenance and their asso-ciated costs.Here,the running time of the equipment is also an uncertainty in real situations.Therefore, we would rather consider these times and their associated costs as fuzzy random variables.Hence,the goals set for such objectives can also be expressed as fuzzy random variables,say,‘‘downtime due to breakdown is about2hours within95%of planning horizon’’,‘‘downtime due to preventive maintenance is some what less than0.5hour within95%of planning horizon’’.These are the examples that motivate us to propose a new model for solving fuzzy stochastic goal problems in this paper by expressing the attain-ment values of fuzzy stochastic goals.The paper is organized as follows.First,some important results of fuzzy random variable are summarized as a foundation of our development.Then,the attainment model is developed in Section3.Section4will utilize the attainment value to convert the fuzzy stochastic goal programming problem into the traditional LP.A numerical example is also provided to illustrate the pro-posed method.Finally,the paper is concluded in Section5.2.Fuzzy random variableIn this section,we will summarize some important concepts and results of fuzzy random variables as a basis for our development.There are several types of definition of fuzzy random variable.Here,we restrict our attention to the results of Luhandjula(1996)for the definition of fuzzy random variable and its characteristics.Definition1(Luhandjula,1996).Consider a probability spaceðX;I;PÞ,A fuzzy random variable on this space is a fuzzy set-valued mapping:e X:X!FðRÞw!e X wsuch that for any Borel set B and for every a2(0,1)e XÀ1aðBÞ¼f w2X j e X a w&B g2Ið1Þwhere F0ðRÞand e X a w stand for the set of fuzzy numbers with compact supports and the a-level set of the fuzzy set e X w;respectively.Theorem1(Luhandjula,1996).e X is a fuzzy random variable if and only if given w2X,e X a w is a random interval"a2(0,1].3.Fuzzy random variable goal attainment valuesDefinition2.The lower-side attainment index of fuzzy random variable e P to fuzzy random variable e Q;e P6e Q is defined asDðe P;e QÞ¼Z1max f0;sup f s2R:~P wðsÞP a gÀinf f r2R:e Q wðrÞP a gg d að2ÞThe lower-side attainment index Dðe P;e QÞis measured as the areas of fuzzy random variable e P overlapping to fuzzy random variable e Q,if e P6e Q,see Fig.1.This area is a nonnegative value.In this area,e P¼e Q.An extension of Dðe P;e QÞmeasure is the new concept of both-side attainment value V is introduced in the following definition.Definition3.The both-side attainment index of fuzzy random variable e P to fuzzy random variable e Q is defined as follows:N.Van Hop/European Journal of Operational Research176(2007)77–8679V ðe P;e Q Þ¼max f 0;min ðD ðe P ;e Q Þ;D ðe Q ;e P ÞÞg ð3ÞHere,V could be understood as the matching degree between two fuzzy numbers.If e P6e Q ,then we have sup f s 2R :~Pw ðs ÞP a g <sup f r 2R :e Q w ðr ÞP a g and inf f s 2R :~P w ðs ÞP a g <inf f r 2R :e Q w ðr ÞP a g .Thus,D ðe P;e Q Þ<D ðe Q ;e P Þand V ðe P ;e Q Þ¼D ðe P ;e Q Þ.Otherwise,if e P P e Q ,D ðe P ;e Q Þ>D ðe Q ;e P Þand V ðe P;e Q Þ¼D ðe Q ;e P Þ.To facilitate our presentation,let T be a collection of triangular fuzzy numbers (T -numbers)with the following membership functionT ¼f ~t ;~t ¼ðt ;a ;b Þ;a ;b P 0g and l ~t ðx Þ¼max 0;1Àt ÀxÀÁ;if x 6t1;if a ¼0;b ¼0;t ¼x max 0;1Àx Àt b ÀÁ;if x >t 0;otherwise8>>><>>>:where the scalars a ;b P 0ða ;b 2R Þare called the left and right spreads,respectively.For any a 2(0,1],letP l a ðw Þ¼inf f x 2R j ~P w ðx ÞP a g and P u a ðw Þ¼sup f x 2R j ~P w ðx ÞP a gandQ l a ðw Þ¼inf f x 2R j e Q w ðx ÞP a g and Q u a ðw Þ¼sup f x 2R j e Q w ðx ÞP a gIt is clear that the a -cut of the fuzzy sets e Pw ,e Q w are e P a w ¼½P l a ðw Þ;P u aðw Þ ;e Q a w¼½Q l a ðw Þ;Q u a ðw Þ By Theorem 1,these intervals are random intervals.If e Pw ,e Q w are T -numbers that can be represented as e Pw ¼ðu ðw Þ;a ðw Þ;b ðw ÞÞ,e Q w ¼ðv ðw Þ;c ðw Þ;d ðw ÞÞ2T ,the a -cut of e P w ,e Q w and the lower-side attainment index of e P to e Q at a -level are (see Fig.1and definition of T -numbers)e P a w ¼½P l a ðw Þ;P u a ðw Þ ¼½u ðw ÞÀa ðw Þð1Àa Þ;u ðw Þþb ðw Þð1Àa Þ e Q a w¼½Q l a ðw Þ;Q u a ðw Þ ¼½v ðw ÞÀc ðw Þð1Àa Þ;v ðw Þþc ðw Þð1Àa Þ D ðe P;e Q Þa¼max f 0;P u aðw ÞÀQ l aðw Þg From these definitions,we have the following result:Proposition 1.Consider two triangular fuzzy random numbers e P,e Q such that e P 6e Q ,the average lower-side attainment index of e Pto e Q is D ðe P;e Q Þ¼u ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw Þ2ð4ÞProofD ðe P ;e Q Þa¼max f 0;P u a ðw ÞÀQ l a ðw Þg ¼max f 0;ðu ðw ÞÀv ðw ÞÞþðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞð1Àa Þg )D ðe P ;e Q Þ¼Z 1max f 0;ðu ðw ÞÀv ðw ÞÞþðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞð1Àa Þg d a()D ðe P ;e Q Þ¼Z k ü1Àv ðw ÞÀu ðw Þb ðw Þþc ðw Þ½ðu ðw ÞÀv ðw ÞÞþðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞð1Àa Þ d a80N.Van Hop /European Journal of Operational Research 176(2007)77–86)D ðe P;e Q Þ¼1k ÃZk ýðu ðw ÞÀv ðw ÞÞþðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞð1Àa Þ d a()D ðe P ;e Q Þ¼1k Ãðu ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞa Àðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞa 22 !k Ã()D ðe P ;e Q Þ¼1k Ãðu ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞk ÃÀðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞk Ã22 !()D ðe P;e Q Þ¼u ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÀðb ðw Þþc ðw ÞÞ2þðv ðw ÞÀu ðw ÞÞ2ÃFrom (3)and (4),the average both-side attainment index of e Pto e Q is defined as V ðe P;e Q Þ¼max 0;min u ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw Þ;v ðw ÞÀu ðw Þþa ðw Þþd ðw Þ&'&'ð5ÞFrom (5)we derive the following resultProposition 2.Let e P;e Q ;0<k ðw Þ;w 2X .Then V ðe P ;e Q ÞP k ðw Þð6ÞiffD ðe P;e Q Þ¼u ðw ÞÀv ðw Þþb ðw Þþc ðw Þ2P k ðw Þð7a ÞD ðe Q;e P Þ¼v ðw ÞÀu ðw Þþa ðw Þþd ðw Þ2P k ðw Þð7b ÞProof.The proof follows immediately from (5).h4.Fuzzy stochastic goal programmingConsider the following fuzzy stochastic goal program ðP1Þð~c k Þw x ;ð~gk Þw ;k ¼1;l ð8Þs.t.X n j ¼1ð~a ij Þw x j 6ð~b i Þwð9Þx j P 0;w 2X ;i ¼1;2;...;m ;j ¼1;2;...;n ;k ¼1;2;...;lwhere A ,b are m ·n and m ·1matrices of constraint coefficients,ð~c k Þw is 1·n matrix of fuzzy random coefficients,and ð~gi Þw are given fuzzy random goals required to maximally satisfy from both sides,i.e.if ð~c k Þw x 6ð~g k Þw ,the lower attainment values should be maximized;otherwise,if ð~c k Þw x P ð~gk Þw ,the upper attainment values should be maximized.From such meaning,the problem (P1)is reformulated as follows:N.Van Hop /European Journal of Operational Research 176(2007)77–8681ðP2ÞMax k1ðwÞs.t.VX nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j;ð~g kÞw!P k1ðwÞð10ÞX n j¼1ð~a ijÞwx j6ð~b iÞwð11Þx j P0;w2X;i¼1;2;...;m;j¼1;2;...;n;k¼1;2;...;lHere,the additional set of constraints(10)expresses that the average both-side attainment should be max-imized.We continue to apply the lower-side attainment index to the constructive constraints because we always want to minimize the achievement of the Left-Hand-Side(LHS)to the Right-Hand-Side(RHS) to avoid any violation of constructive constraints(11).Applying the results of Proposition2,we have:ðP3ÞMax½k1ðwÞÀk2ðwÞs.t.DX nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j;ð~gkÞw!P k1ðwÞð12ÞDð~g kÞw ;X nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j!P k1ðwÞð13ÞDX nj¼1ð~a ijÞwx j;ð~b iÞw!6k2ðwÞð14Þx j P0;w2X;i¼1;2;...;m;j¼1;2;...;n;k¼1;2;...;lThe stochastic programming problem(P3)can be solved by many techniques.One of the recommended methods is theflexible programming approach reviewed by Luhandjula and Gupta(1996).To simplify our presentation,we continue our stream of transformations to convert(P3)to a deterministic linear pro-gram.Here the objective function of(P3)is put into the formk1ðwÞÀk2ðwÞP k0Then,the(P3)is converted to the following form:ðP4ÞMax k0s.t.k1ðwÞÀk2ðwÞP k0ð15ÞDX nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j;ð~g kÞw!P k1ðwÞð16ÞDð~g kÞw ;X nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j!P k1ðwÞð17ÞDX nj¼1ð~a ijÞwx j;ð~b iÞw!6k2ðwÞð18Þx j P0;w2X;i¼1;2;...;m;j¼1;2;...;n;k¼1;2;...;l82N.Van Hop/European Journal of Operational Research176(2007)77–86The two-stage programming approach is often used to solve(P4)by assigning a penalty cost for any vio-lation of inequalities.Let p0,p k and p i be unit penalty cost of the violation between LHS and RHS of(15)–(18)constraints,respectively.(P4)is equivalent to the following problemðP5ÞMax k0ÀE½p0y0ðwÞ ÀEX lk¼1pkyþkðwÞþX lk¼1pkyÀkðwÞþX mi¼1piu iðwÞ"#()s.t.yðwÞ¼k0À½k1ðwÞÀk2ðwÞ ð19ÞyÀk ðwÞ¼k1ðwÞÀDX nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j;ð~g kÞw!ð20Þyþk ðwÞ¼k1ðwÞÀDð~g kÞw;X nj¼1ð~c jkÞwx j!ð21Þu iðwÞ¼DX nj¼1ð~a ijÞwx j;ð~b iÞw!Àk2ðwÞ;i¼1;mð22Þx j;yðwÞ;y kðwÞ;u iðwÞ;k1ðwÞ;k2ðwÞP0;w2X;i¼1;2;...;m;j¼1;2;...;n;k¼1;2;...;lwhere E denotes the mathematical expectation.The remaining issue of(P5)is the size of the obtained problem.Actually,the size of the problem depends on m,n,l and the size of X.Sine the number of goals l is countable in practice,thus,the main concern is the size of X.If X includes countable discrete events w,the size of the problem does not increase so much. Otherwise,if the size of X is large,the expected values are used to estimate the violation in constraints (19)–(22).In this case,the size of the problem is reasonable.Therefore,the size issue is handled. Example.Consider the following fuzzy stochastic goal programming problem~z1ðwÞ¼~c11ðwÞx1þ~c21ðwÞx2;~g1ðwÞ~z2ðwÞ¼~c12ðwÞx1þ~c22ðwÞx2;~g2ðwÞs.t.e A x6~ bx P0;w2Xwhereð~ c;~ g;~ A;~ bÞ¼ð~c w1;~g w1;~A w1;~b w1Þ¼~3~4~2~3!;f10~9!;~1~1~2~1!;~3~4!()ð~c w2;~g w2;~A w2;~b w2Þ¼~2~1~4~3!;~8f11!;~1~3~1~2!;~5~4!() 8>>>>><>>>>>:;pðw1Þ¼0:25;pðw2Þ¼0:75;X¼ðw1;w2Þand~m denotes a triangular fuzzy number with the following membership functionN.Van Hop/European Journal of Operational Research176(2007)77–8683l~ m ðxÞ¼0;x6mÀ1xÀðmÀ1Þ;ðmÀ1Þ<x6mÀxþðmþ1Þ;m6x<ðmþ1Þ0;ðmþ1Þ6x8>>><>>>:Suppose p0=p k=2,p i=3,the program(P5)corresponding to this example is thenMax k0À½0:5y01þ1:5y02 Àð0:5yÀ11þ0:5yÀ21þ1:5yÀ12þ1:5yÀ22Þþð0:5yþ11þ0:5yþ21þ1:5yþ12þ1:5yþ22Þþð0:75u11þ0:75u21þ2:25u12þ2:25u22Þ2643758 ><>:9 >=>;s.t.y01¼k0Àðk11Àk21Þy02¼k0Àðk12Àk22ÞyÀ11¼k11ÀDð~3x1þ~4x2;f10ÞyÀ21¼k11ÀDð~2x1þ~3x2;~9ÞyÀ12¼k12ÀDð~2x1þ~1x2;~8ÞyÀ22¼k12ÀDð~4x1þ~3x2;f11Þyþ11¼k11ÀDðf10;~3x1þ~4x2Þyþ21¼k11ÀDð~9;~2x1þ~3x2Þyþ12¼k12ÀDð~8;~2x1þ~1x2Þyþ22¼k12ÀDðf11;~4x1þ~3x2Þu11¼Dð~1x1þ~1x2;~3ÞÀk21 u21¼Dð~2x1þ~1x2;~4ÞÀk21 u12¼Dð~1x1þ~3x2;~5ÞÀk22 u22¼Dð~1x1þ~2x2;~4ÞÀk22x j;y0h ¼y0ðw hÞ;yÆkh¼yÆkðw hÞ;u ih¼u iðw hÞ;k1h¼k1ðw hÞ;k2h¼k2ðw hÞP0i¼1;2;j¼1;2;k¼1;2;h¼1;2 Applying(4)we haveMax k0À½0:5y01þ1:5y02 Àð0:5yÀ11þ0:5yÀ21þ0:5yþ11þ0:5yþ21þ1:5yÀ12þ1:5yÀ22þ1:5yþ12þ1:5yþ22Þþð0:75u11þ0:75u21þ2:25u12þ2:25u22Þ!&'s.t.y01¼k0Àðk11Àk21Þy02¼k0Àðk12Àk22ÞyÀ11¼k11À12ð3x1þ4x2À10þ4x1þ5x2þ9Þyþ11¼k11À12ð10À3x1À4x2þ11þ2x1þ3x2ÞyÀ21¼k11À12ð2x1þ3x2À9þ3x1þ4x2þ10Þ84N.Van Hop/European Journal of Operational Research176(2007)77–86yþ21¼k11À12ð9À2x1À3x2þ10þ3x1þ4x2ÞyÀ12¼k12À12ð2x1þ1x2À8þ3x1þ2x2þ7Þyþ12¼k12À12ð8À2x1À1x2þ9þx1þ0ÞyÀ22¼k12À12ð4x1þ3x2À11þ5x1þ4x2þ10Þyþ22¼k12À12ð11À4x1À3x2þ12þ3x1þ2x2Þu11¼12ðx1þx2À3þ2x1þ2x2þ2ÞÀk21u21¼12ð2x1þx2À4þ3x1þ2x2þ3ÞÀk21u12¼12ðx1þ3x2À5þ2x1þ4x2þ4ÞÀk22u22¼12ðx1þ2x2À4þ2x1þ3x2þ3ÞÀk22x j;y0h ¼y0ðw hÞ;yÀkh¼yÀkðw hÞ;yþkh¼yþkðw hÞ;u ih¼u iðw hÞ;k1h¼k1ðw hÞ;k2h¼k2ðw hÞP0i¼1;2;j¼1;2;k¼1;2;h¼1;2The solution for this problem is x1=2.4,x2=0.5.ConclusionIn this paper,we consider a general case of the fuzzy stochastic goal programming problem where objec-tive/constraint coefficients and goals are fuzzy random variables.A new model to express the attainment values of fuzzy random variables has been proposed to convert the problem into an LP that is easily solved by the standard optimization packages.Our consideration has extended LuhandjulaÕs work to the goal pro-gramming approach of fuzzy stochastic optimization streamline by developing a different approach.The proposed approach is also more efficient than the existing approaches because our obtained model is the LP model(compared with the complexity of computation of expected value of LiuÕs models)with smaller number of constraints and variables(compared with the LP model of Luhandjula).ReferencesLiu,B.,2001a.Fuzzy random dependent-chance programming.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems9(5),721–726.Liu,B.,2001b.Fuzzy random chance-constrained programming.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems9(5),713–720.Liu,B.,Liu,Y.K.,2002.Expected value of fuzzy variable and fuzzy expected value models.IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 10(4),445–450.Liu,Y.K.,Liu,B.,2003.A class of fuzzy random optimization:Expected value rmation Sciences155,89–102. 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0 z
2. Centroid method
z =

∫ µ ( z ) ⋅ z dz
∫ µ ( z ) dz
3. Weighted average method:
z =

∑ µ (z ) ⋅ z
∑ µ (z )
z × 0.5 + z × 0.3 z = 0.5 + 0.3
∗ 1 2
4. Mean max membership:
z = sup { z ∈ Z µ ( z ) = hgt (C )}
∗ z∈Z CK k
µ(x) 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10
z∗ =
a+b 2
5. Center of sums:
z =

∫ z ∑ µ ( z ) dz
z k =1 Ck
∫ ∑ µ ( z ) dz
Z k =1 Ck
µ(x) 1 0.5 0 2 4 6 8 10
defuzzification step
6. Center of largest area:
R 0 .9
1 0 = 0 0 0
1 1 R = 0 0 0
1 1 0 0 1
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1 1
1. ( R ∪ S )λ = Rλ ∪ Sλ 2. ( R ∩ S )λ = Rλ ∩ Sλ 3. ( R )λ ≠ Rλ 4.
~ ~
2.(A∩B) = A ∩B
~ ~λλ来自λ3.(A) ≠ A except for a valueof λ = 0.5
4. For any λ ≤α, where0 ≤α ≤1,itistruethat A ⊆ A ,whereA = X
α λ
λ-cut(or α-cut) for fuzzy relation
µ A ( y ) ≥ min[ µ A ( x), µ A ( z )]
Nonconvex fuzzy: x,y,z in fuzzy A,
∃ y , if x<y<z implies
that µ A ( y ) < min[ µ A ( x ), µ A ( z )] If A and B are both convex, then A∩B is also convex Defuzzification to crisp sets λ-cut(or α-cut)
Rλ = {( x, y ) | µ R ( x, y ) ≥ λ}
1 0.8 R= 0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.2 1 0.4 0 0.9 0.4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0.5 0.9 0 0.5 1 0.8 0
1 0 R1 = 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1
z =

∫ µ ( z ) zdz
∫ µ ( z ) dz
7. First (or last) of maxima: First, the largest height in the union (denoted hgt(Ck)) is determined,
hgt (C ) = supµ ( z )
Aλ = {x | µ A ( x) > λ}
Ex.1 A: discrete fuzzy set, using Zadeh’s notation, defined on
universe X={a,b,c,d,e,f}.
1 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.01 0 A= + + + + + a b c d e f
For any λ ≤ α , 0 ≤ α ≤ 1, then Rα ⊆ Rλ .
Defuzzification to scalars
C = ∪C = C
k i =1 i
1. Max membership principle:
µ ( z ) ≥ µ ( z)
∗ C C
for all z ∈Z
µ(x) 1
Then A1={a} A0.9={a,b} A0.6={a,b,c} A0.3={a,b,c,d} A0+={a,b,c,d,e} A0=X λ-cut(or α-cut) sets obey the following four very special properties:
1.(A∪B) = A ∪B
Chap.4 Membership Functions
Features of the membership function
Fig.4.1 Core, support, and boundary
Fig. 4.2 normal (a) and subnormal (b) Core: µ A ( x ) = 1 Support: µ A ( x) > 0 Boundary: 1 > µ A ( x) > 0 Normal fuzzy: µ A ( x) = 1, at least one element x in fuzzy A. Subnormal fuzzy: µ A ( x) < 1, for all x in A. Convex fuzzy: x,y,z in fuzzy A, x<y<z implies that
k z∈Z CK
Then the first of the maxima is found,
z = inf { z ∈ Z µ ( z) = hgt (C )}
∗ z∈Z CK k
An alternative to this method is called the last of maxima, and it is given by