








一、如图,在一根半径为r,足够长的圆柱上密绕导线,每一匝导线几乎是一个椭圆形,半长轴为r/cosθ,在x−z平面内,半短轴为r.在x−y平面内,在沿轴线方向,单位长度匝数为n,导线中通电流为I,足够长.(1)计算轴线上一点沿轴线方向的磁场B z;(2)计算柱形内一点的磁场(B x,B y,B z)中的B x;(3)接上,求其中的B y;(4)计算在柱形外一点(ρ,φ),其中ρ>r,的磁场(Bρ,Bφ,B z)中的Bρ;(5)接(4),求其中的Bφ;(6)接(4),求其中的B z;(7)有一个圆环,半径为a>r,中垂线为z轴,计算通过圆环的磁的磁通量ϕ;(8)上一问中的圆环以恒定的速度向z轴以v0运动.设圆环电阻均匀、稳定时电势分布为u(φ).求u(φ)−u(o),其中φ为圆心到环上矢量与x轴夹角.提示:把电流环视为磁偶极,整体视为均匀磁化棒,把磁化率分解为沿z轴和x−y平面.注意,算内部磁场会因此差一个常数.二、如图,AB间距为l,高度一样.光滑轻绳长2l,连在AB两点.一个质量为m的小环穿过绳子,绳子一直保持在竖直平面内.(1)求小环在最低点的小振动频率(2)把小环换成一个质量为m,半径为r≪l的均匀圆盘,盘和绳之间纯滚动.求圆盘在最低点的振动频率.三、相对论三个质点,如图以相同大小的速度v=0.6c运动,c为光速,在S系中的t=0时刻时,分别位于(0,0),(l,0),(l,l),为方便计算,令l=10l.y.(l.y.指光年).A在此时发出一短束激光,使其能与C相遇.不考虑质点相碰.(1)求S系中激光束与C相遇的时刻t1;(2)求在A系中,激光发射方向与x x方向之间的夹角的余弦值cosθ′;(3)A系与S系采用标准对时方式,即A与原点重合时,两个参考系各自将自己参考系中的时间调至时刻,求在A的参考系中,激光束与C相遇的时刻t′1;(4)A系中,A到坐标原点时,AC之间的距离l′AC;(5)A系中,相继与B、C相遇的时间间隔t′2;(6)若以C接收激光束的时刻为起点,C的参考系中测量AB相遇的时刻t′′3为多少?四、空间中以面心立方堆积分排着无穷个结点(左图是一个边长为的立方体重复单元,顶点和面心是结点),相邻点(间距√2l/2)之间连接有电阻为r的导线.右图为1个结点和相邻结点之间的连接情况.(1)计算无穷网络中相邻结点(如A、B)之间的等效电阻R AB/r;(2)接上一问,若剪去AB之间直接相连的电阻,求AB之间等效电阻R′AB/r;(3)记网络中次近邻点(如AC)之间等效电阻为R AC,再次近邻间(如AD)电阻为R AD,再次近邻间(如AE)电阻为R AE,求x=(2R AC+4R AD+R AE)/r.五、鹏鹏老师在湖边观察落日,当湖面完全静止的时候倒影几乎是一个光点,但是湖面有波浪的时候,倒影几乎总是一个长轴指向太阳方向的椭圆.我们将建立一个简易的模型解释这个现象.取一阶小量近似.先建立湖面的模型,以平静湖面上能进入人眼的光线的入射点为原点,竖直向上为z轴,平面中指向太阳为y轴,建立立体直角坐标架.设水波振幅足够小,在(x,y)附近的水面可以写为z(x,y)=A cos(k x x+k y y−ωt),其中k2x+k2y=(2πλ)2,A≪λ,计算中取A=0.1m,λ=10m,对于不同x,y处,(k x,k y)波矢大小几乎不变,但方向会随机分布,即在(x,y)附近,水面可以视为一小块平面镜,不同地方的平面镜方向会随机分布.(1)取t=0时刻,用k x,A,φ表示在(x,y)附近的水面的单位法向量(n x,n y,n z)中的n x (2)接(1),求n y;(3)接(1),求n z;(4)考虑不同地方水面k x,k y,φ的随机分布,水面法向量分布在n x∼n x+dn x,n y∼n y+dn y 的概率为dp=f(n x,n y)dn x dn y,用A,λ表达f(n x,n y).(5)再建立光路模型,将阳光视为以θ角入射的平行光,在人的视野中以视角为坐标轴,水平方向偏角为ξ,向上偏角为η,平静湖面倒影为原点,建立坐标架.将水面视为局域的镜面.计算法向为(n x1,n y1,n z1),n x1,n y1≪1的水面对应的反射光对应人眼中的视角(ξ0,η0)中的ξ0,用n x1,n y1,θ表示;(6)接(5),求η0;(7)接(5)在视角ξ∼ξ+dξ,η∼η+dη范围内,有反射光线的概率为dp=g(ξ,η)dξdη,其中ξ,η≪1,用ξ,η,A,λ,θ表达g(ξ,η).六、如图,一个宽为λr的轻质粗糙水杯,正放在一个半径为r的固定圆柱上.(1)杯中有高度为ηr的冰,求能使体系稳定平衡在正立位置的最大高度η1;(2)杯中有高度为ηr的水,求能使体系稳定平衡在正立位置的最大高度η2;(3)接(2),求(2)中有解的条件中,λ的非零临界值λc七、如图,两条光滑的电阻电感均不计的足够长的水平导轨间距为l.空间中有竖直向下的磁场B,一根质量为m,等效电感为L的金属杆搭在导轨上,初态静止.电路中有一个充电压为λU0的电容C和两个阈值电压为U0的理想二极管. 求闭合开关足够长时间之后,金属杆的末态速度.八、如图,一个质量为M=Nm的一端封闭的一维钢管中有N个质量为m的钢球.钢管初态静止在光滑地面上,所有的碰撞都是弹性的,钢球的初速度沿管方向,不考虑摩擦.(1)N=4,钢球初态速度大小v0,一半向左,一半向右,求末态钢管稳定速度v f1/v0;(2)接上一问,令N→∞,求末态钢管稳定速度v f2/v0;(3)接上一问,令N→∞,把钢球换为hν=m0c2的光子,令光子被钢管弹性反射,求末态钢管稳定速度v f3/c.。



10th International Physics Olympiad1977, Hradec Kr´alov´e, Czechoslovakia Problem 1.The compression ratio of a four-stroke internal combustion engine is The engine draws in air and gaseous fuel at a temperature 27o C at a pressure 1 atm = 100 kPa. Compression follows an adiabatic process from point 1 to point 2, see Fig. 1. The pressure in the cylinder is doubled during the mixture ignition (2–3). The hot exhaust gas expands adiabatically to the volume V2 pushing the piston downwards (3–4). Then the exhaust valve opens and the pressure gets back to the initial value of 1 atm. All processes in the cylinder are supposed to be ideal. The Poisson constant (i.e. the ratioof specific heats C p=C V ) for the mixture and exhaust gas is (Thecompression ratio is the ratio of the volume of the cylinder when the piston is at the bottom to the volume when the piston is at the top.)a) Which processes run between the points 0–1, 2–3, 4–1, 1–0?b) Determine the pressure and the temperature in the states 1, 2, 3 and 4.c) Find the thermal efficiency of the cycle.d) Discuss obtained results. Are they realistic?Solution: a) The description of the processes between particular points is the following:0–1 : intake stroke isobaric and isothermal process1–2 : compression of the mixture adiabatic process2–3 : mixture ignition isochoric process3–4 : expansion of the exhaust gas adiabatic process4–1 : exhaust isochoric process1–0 : exhaust isobaric processLet us denote the initial volume of the cylinder before induction at the point 0 by V1, after induction at the point 1 by V2 and the temperatures at the particular points by T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4.b) The equations for particular processes are as follows.0–1 : The fuel-air mixture is drawn into the cylinder at the temperature of T0 = T1 = 300 K and a pressure of p0 = p1 = 0:10 MPa.1–2 : Since the compression is very fast, one can suppose the process to be adiabatic. Hence:From the first equation one obtainsand by the dividing of both equations we arrive after a straightforward calculation atFor given values,, p1 = 0:10 MPa, T1= 300 K we have p2= 2:34 MPa and T2 = 738 K(t2 = 465o C).2–3 : Because the process is isochoric and p3 = 2p2 holds true, we can writec) Thermal efficiency of the engine is defined as the proportion of the heat supplied that is converted to net work. The exhaust gas does work on the piston during the expansion 3–4, on the other hand, the work is done on the mixture during the compression 1–2. No work is done by/on the gas during the processes 2–3 and 4–1. The heat is supplied to the gas during the process 2–3.The net work done by 1 mol of the gas isd) Actually, the real pV -diagram of the cycle is smooth, without the sharp angles. Since the gas is not ideal, the real efficiency would be lower than the calculated one. Problem 2.Dipping the frame in a soap solution, the soap forms a rectangle film of length b andheight h. White light falls on the film at an angle (measured with respect to thenormal direction). The reflected light displays a green color of wavelengtha) Find out if it is possible to determine the mass of the soap film using the laboratory scales which has calibration accuracy of 0.1 mg.b) What color does the thinnest possible soap film display being seen from the perpendicular direction? Derive the related equations.b) If the light falls at the angle of 30o then the film seen from the perpendicular direction cannot be colored. It would appear dark.Problem 3.An electron gun T emits electrons accelerated by a potential difference U in a vacuum in the direction of the line a as shown in Fig. 2. The target M is placed at a distance d from the electron gun in such a way that the line segment connecting the points T andM and the line a subtend the angle as shown in Fig. 2. Find the magneticinduction B of the uniform magnetic fieldSolution: a) If a uniform magnetic field is perpendicular to the initial direction of motion of an electron beam, the electrons will be deflected by a force that is always perpendicular to their velocity and to the magnetic field. Consequently, the beam will be deflected into a circular trajectory. The origin of the centripetal force is the Lorentz force, sob) If a uniform magnetic field is neither perpendicular nor parallel to the initial direction of motion of an electron beam, the electrons will be deflected into a helical trajectory. Namely, the motion of electrons will be composed of an uniform motion on a circle in the plane perpendicular to the magnetic field and of an uniformrectilinear motion in the direction of the magnetic field. The component of theinitial velocity , which is perpendicular to the magnetic field (see Fig. 4), willmanifest itself at the Lorentz force and during the motion will rotate uniformly aroundthe line parallel to the magnetic field. The component parallel to the magneticfield will remainHence we can calculate the radius of the circular trajectory。



Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 20102010年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛Part-1 (Total 6 Problems) 卷-1(共6题)(9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 02-19-2010)Math hints 数学提示: 111n n x dx x n +=∫+, ()322213A x =−−∫Q1 Solve the following short problems. (11 points)题1 解下列各题。

(11分)(i) Nucleus-A of mass M A and kinetic energy E 0 (<<M A c 2) collides with nucleus-B(mass M B ) at rest. After collision nucleus-A moves at 90° relative to its initialvelocity with kinetic energy E 1. Find the kinetic energy that has been converted tonuclear energy in the process. (Both nuclei can be viewed as free particles.) (2points) 质量为M A 的原子核-A ,初始动能E 0 (<<M A c 2),与初始静止的原子核-B (质量M B )碰撞。

碰撞后原子核-A 以与初始速度成90°的方向飞出,动能为E 1。



)(2分)(ii) Find the resistance and the capacitance between twoconcentric spherical conductor shells of radii a and b (> a ).The space between the shells is filled with medium withdielectric constant ε and conductivity σ. (2 points)两同心圆壳导体,半径分别为a 、b (> a )。



Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 20152015 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST香港科技大学高等研究院赞助Part-1 (Total 5 Problems) 卷-1(共5题)(9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 25 February, 2015)Numerical answers should be given to 3 significant figures.数字答案请给三位有效数字。

1. Retrograde Motion of Mars (9 points) 火星的逆行运动 (9分)In the history of astronomy, the phenomenon of the retrograde motion played an important role. Suppose we observe the position of Mars at midnight every night for many nights. Using distant stars and constellations as the background, we will find that Mars moves from West to East most of the time. However, there are periods of time that Mars is observed to move in opposite direction, as shown in the figure. The orbital period of Mars is 1.88 y. Assume that the orbits of Earth and Mars are circular, and the tilting of Earth ’s axis can be ignored.在天文史上,行星的逆行运动扮演了重要的角色。



2010级物理奥赛班选拔试卷2010.11.12 刘玮 制卷考试时间: 2.5小时 试卷分:选择、填空和计算,共32题,总200分 一、 选择题:(题后给的选项中可能有一个或多个选项是正确的,请将正确的选项填在题后的答案卷中。


共100分)1.平直公路上甲、乙两辆相同汽车速度相等,在同时制动后均做匀减速运动,甲经3s 停止,共前进了36m ,乙经1.5s 停止,乙车前进的距离为 ( )A.9mB.18mC.36mD.27m2.根据右图中所示情景,以下判断正确的是( )A.甲船可能向右运动,乙船可能向右运动B.甲船可能向左运动,乙船可能向左运动C.甲船可能静止,乙船可能静止D.甲船可能向左运动,乙船可能向右运动.3.A 、B 两汽车同时从甲地驶往乙地.A 车在全程1/3路程内以高速V 1行驶,在全程1/3路程内以中速V 2行驶,在其余1/3路程内以低速V 3行驶;B 车在全程1/3时间内以高速V 1行驶,在全程1/3时间内以中速V 2行驶,在其余1/3时间内以低速V 3行驶,则( )A.A 车先到达乙地B. B 车先到达乙地C.两车同时到达乙地D.无法判断4. 如右上图所示,一点光源S 通过平面镜MN 成像,光源不动,平面镜以速度V 沿OS 方向向S 运动,则光源的像S ‟(图中未画出来)将会( )A .以速率V 平行于OS 向右运动B .以速率V 垂直于0S 向下运动C .以速率2V 沿S ‟S 连线向S 运动 D .以速率V 沿S ‟S 连线向S 运动5.如右上图所示,P 字形发光物经透镜L 在毛玻璃光屏M 上 成一实像,观察者处于E 处,他看到屏M 上的像的形状为( ) A .q B .p C .d D .b6.关于物体受到的重力与重力加速度g ,下列说法正确的是 ( ) A.世界各地的每一个国家,相同重量的物体,质量也一定相同 B.如果地球自转速度减小,海水将向地球两极涌流C.“竖直向下”的重力方向,就是“垂直水平面向下”D.从地球表面越往地心,重力加速度越小7.如图所示,四个完全相同的弹簧都处于水平位置,它们的右端受到大小皆为F的拉力作用,而左端的情况各不相同:①中弹簧的左端固定在墙上,②中弹簧的左端受大小也为F 的拉力作用,③中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在光滑的桌面上滑动,④中弹簧的左端拴一小物块,物块在有摩擦的桌面上滑动。



第十届华杯赛总决赛二试试题及解答解答题(共6题,每题10分,写出解答过程)1.如右图,四边形ABCD中,对角线AC和BD 交于O点。





他们按次序围成圆圈做游戏,从第一名小朋友开始给第二名小朋友2块糖果,第二名小朋友给第三名小朋友4块糖果,…,即每一名小朋友总是将前面传来的糖果再加上自己的2块传给下一名小朋友,当游戏进行到某一名小朋友收到上一名小朋友传来的糖果但无法按规定给出糖果时,有两名相邻小朋友的糖果数的比是13∶1,问最多有多少名小朋友?1. OC的长是.2.其中纯循环小数有801个.3. 原式=.4.共有三个三位数满足条件,它们是:132,264,396.5. 360最多能表示为9个互不相等的非零自然数的平方之和,表达式是:.6.最多有25名小朋友.1.【解】△AOB与△COB等高,所以△AOB的面积∶△COB的面积=AO∶OC,又△AOD与△COD等高,所以△AOD的面积∶△COD的面积=AO∶OC,△ABD=△AOB+△AOD,△CBD=△COB+△COD所以△ABD的面积∶△CBD的面积=AO∶OC,已知△ABD的面积∶△CBD的面积=3∶5所以AO∶OC=3∶5,OC=AO,AO=1,OC=.2.【解】凡是分母的质因素仅含2和5的,化成小数后为有限小数,凡是分母的质因素不含2和5的,化成小数后为有限小数后为纯循环小数,所以本题实际上是问从2到2005的2004个数中,不含质因数2或5的共有多少个.这2004个数中,含质因数2的有2004÷2=1002个,含质因数5的有2005÷5=401个,既含2又含5的有2000÷10=200个,所以可以化成纯循环小数的有2004-1002-401+200=801个.3.【解】原式==×()=4.【解】即求满足a×100+b×10+c=(a+b+c)×10×2+(a +b+c)×2=22×(a+b+c)的a、b、c.上式为:100a+10b+c=22a+22b+22c,也即:78a-12b-21c=0因为12×9+21×9=297,297÷78<4,所以a仅可能为1、2、3,如果a=1,即78=12b+21c,c=,c只需用1、2、3试验,经验证b=3,c=2符合条件;如果a=2,即156=12b+21c,c=,经验证b=6,c=4,符合条件;如果a=3,即234=12b+21c,c=,经验证b=9,c=6,符合条件.所以,共有三个三位数满足条件,它们是:132,264,396. 5.【解】将1到18的平方列表:要想得到尽量多的数的平方和,尽量取较小的数,从开始:=385,已经大于360了,刚好比360大25=,所以360最多可以表示为9个互不相等的非零自然数的平方和,即:360=6.【解】设有n名小朋友,共传k圈(最后一名传k-1圈),中断时各人手中糖数为a. 先研究a的取值,0中断(最后一名手中无糖可传)时,=2nk-2,=0,=2n-4;1中断(最后一名手中只有一块糖)时,=2nk-1,=1,=2n-3.分六种情况讨论:(1)0中断,∶=13∶1,即=,显然无解.(2)0中断,∶=13∶1,即==> 26n-52=2nk-2 => n(13-k)=25,可得n=25,k=12(n=5,k=8舍去)(3)0中断,∶=13∶1,即==> 26nk-26=2n-4 =>n (13k-1)=11,无整数解.(4)1中断,,∶=13∶1,即==> 2nk-1=13 => nk =7,可得n=7,k=1(n=1,k=7舍去)(5)1中断,∶=13∶1,即==> 26n-39=2nk-1 =>n (13-k)=19,可得n=19,k=12(6)1中断,∶=13∶1,即==> 26nk-13=2n-3 =>n (13k-1)=5,无整数解.由以上分析可得,最多有25位小朋友.。


求在香港的地球磁场方向(以东、南、西、北和水平面为基准)。(2 分)
A horizontal electric wire of 10 meters in length carrying 100 A of current is in the north-south direction. Find the magnetic force on the wire. (You need to recall roughly the strength of Earth magnetic field on Earth surface.) (3 points)
如下图所示,一点光源在玻璃内,与光轴的距离为 y,与玻璃平面的距离为 T。玻璃的折射率 为 nG。一透明塑料平凸透镜折射率为 n,厚度为 d,凸面的曲率半径为 R,与玻璃的距离为 t。
Determine the width of the air gap t so that the light from the point source forms a parallel beam after passing through the lens. (3 points) 若点光源的光经过透镜后成为平行光束,求 t 的表达式。(3 分) Find the maximum thickness of the lens dmax such that it is still possible to adjust the width of the air gap to produce a parallel beam. (1 point) 当 d 大于 dmax 时,无论怎样调节 t 都无法得到平行光束,求 dmax 的表达式。(1 分) Find the angle between the parallel beam and the optical axis. (3 points) 求平行光束与光轴的夹角。(3 分) If d is allowed to change by a small amount d, and R is allowed to change by R, find the angular change . (2 points) 若 d 改变一小值d,R 改变一小值R,求夹角的变化。(2 分) d t nG y T n



3 L 5
(b) 取点 D 为重力势能零点,则小球从 B 摆动到 D 的过程中机械能守恒,有
mg L R2 R2 cos
1 2 mv D ; 2
v m D T mg cos , 其中 T 0 R2 R2 cos v D sin t R2 sin v D cos t 1 2 gt , 2
【题 6】(26 分)
如图所示,长度为 2 l 重量为 P 的均质杆 AB 放在半圆形的半径为 r 的光滑槽内 ( r l 2r )。
试 (i) (6 分) 绘出 AB 杆的受力图; (ii) (8 分) 求 AB 杆平衡时与直径 CD 的夹角,及 A、D 两点的约束反力 NA、ND。 (用参量 l, r 及 P 表示。)
m mB m mB B X l cos , Y l sin B A l cos , A l sin M M
2. (12 分) (a) 设碰撞后两球速度为 u1, u2. 由动量守恒定律,
mv ( mv) mu1 mu 2 u1 u 2 u



c1 = c3 =
解:可能存在三种不同的终态: (a)只有冰;( b)冰水共存;
m3 c3 t3
m2 c2 t2 m1 c1 t1
( a)冰温度升高,但没有熔化,达到某一(负)温度
t a;
c 3 m3(t a- t 3)=( c1 m1+ c2 m2)( t 12-t a )+ m2L
a AB
mA g = 0.6g = 5.88N
mA mB
绳中的张力为: T/ = mAg- mA×0.6g = 1.176N
【题 2】在质量为 m1 的铜量热器中装有质量为 m2 的水,共同的温度为 t 12;一块质量为
m3、温度为 t 3 的冰投入量热器中(如右图所示) 。试求出在各种可
能情形下的最终温度。计算中 t3 取负值。铜的比热 0.1kcal/kg · 0C,水的比热 c2=1kcal/kg · 0C,冰的比热 0.5 kcal/kg · 0C,冰的熔解热 L=80kcal/kg 。
代入数据可得 a= 0.3317 g= 3.25m/s 2 S= 13.01 N F= 0.196 N
讨论:系统开始运动的条件是 a> 0。把 a> 0 代入( 1)式,得出倾角的极限
α 1 为:
tan 1
m2 m1 m2
α1=3049 / 单从圆柱体来看, α 1=0; 单从木块来看, α 1= tg -1 μ = 11019/ 如果绳子没有拉紧,则两物体分开运动,将
优秀学习资料 欢迎下载
第1届 ( 1967 年于波兰的华沙) 【题1】质量 M= 0.2kg 的小球静置于垂直柱上,柱高 以速度 0= 500m/s 飞行的子弹水平地穿过球心。球落在 距离柱 s= 20m 的地面上。问子弹落在地面何处?子弹动 能中有多少转换为热能? 解:在所有碰撞情况下,系统的总动量均保持不变:
















火车的行驶时间t可以通过已知的路程和初速度计算得出,即t = S/v0。

综上所述,火车所行驶的路程和时间分别为S和t,其中S为火车在水平行驶的过程中所经过的路程,t为火车行驶的时间,且S = v0 * t。



向心力Fc与向心加速度ac的关系为Fc = mac,其中m为小球的质量,ac为向心加速度。



Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 20142014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST香港科技大学高等研究院赞助Part-1 (Total 6 Problems) 卷-1(共6 题)(9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 6 February, 2014)1. Sunset Twice a Day (6 points) 一天两观日落 (6分)Presently the tallest tower in the world is Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Its height is 828 m. An Internet news article reported that one can watch sunset twice in one day with this tower.杜拜的哈利法塔是现时世界上最高的建筑,高度为828米。


(a) What is the time range of sunset between the bottom and the top of the tower? Give youranswer in minutes. Parameters: Earth’s radius = 6400 km. Distance between Sun and Earth =1.5 ⨯ 1011 m. (3 points)试求塔底和塔顶之间日落时间的范围。


参数:地球半径 = 6400公里。

太阳和地球之间的距离 = 1.5 ⨯ 1011米。

(3分)(b) Burj Khalifa also has the world’s third fastest elevator (lift) with a speed of v = 10 m/s.Immediately before the elevator starts moving upwards at the speed v from the bottom of the tower, a tourist in the elevator views the sunset. When he reaches the observatory at the height of 452 m, he found that the Sun has risen. Calculate the inclination angle of the Sun above the horizon. Give your answer in degrees. (3 points)哈里发塔还拥有世界第三快的电梯,速度可达v = 10 m/s 。

泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛试题及答案 test solution

泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛试题及答案 test solution

pressure, denoted as dr(������, ������) and d������(������, ������) respectively. Express the change in
dr(������, ������) and d������(������, ������) in terms containing the gradient ������������/������������. Assume that
Hence ;< ������ = 1 Þ ������ = 89:.
When a pressure wave propagates vertically in the atmosphere, the particles will experience small vertical displacements. Let ������(������, ������) denote the vertical displacement of the gas particles at time ������ whose undisturbed position is ������. 当压力波在大气中垂直传播时,粒子将经历细小的垂直位移。设������(������, ������)为气体粒子在 時間������時的垂直位移,������为其不受干扰时的位置。
Problem 1: Oscillations of the Sun (22 points) 太阳的振荡(22 分)
The sun is made of compressible gas. It can oscillate in a variety of ways. Investigating these oscillations has provided rich information on the interior of the Sun. In this problem we study two kinds of waves: pressure waves and gravity waves. 太阳的成份是可压缩气体。它可以以各种方式振荡。研究这些振荡提供了有关太阳内



第十届全国初中物理知识竞赛试题注意事项:1. 首先填写所在地区、学校和姓名。

2. 用蓝色或黑色钢笔、圆珠笔书写。

3. 本试卷共有七个大题。

4. 答卷时间:2000年3月26日(星期日)上午9:30~11:10。



摩托车做飞跃障碍物的表演时为了减少向前翻车的危险,下列说法中正确的是:[ ]应该前轮先着地;B. 应该后轮先着地;C. 应该前后轮同时着地;D. 哪个车轮先着地与翻车的危险没有关系。

2. 下列有关激光应用的说法中,错误的是:[ ]A. 利用激光进行室内照明;B. 利用激光进行通信;C. 利用激光加工坚硬的材料;D. 利用激光进行长距离测距。

3. 从地面上看,通信用的地球同步卫星是静止不动的。

它运行一周所用的时间是:[ ]A. 24小时;B. 23小时56分;C. 24小时4分;D. 24小时56分。

4. 小红家的电表允许通过的最大电流是10安,她家有4个标有“220V、60W”的灯泡,1个标有“220V、1000W”的热水器,1台制冷时耗电为140瓦的电冰箱和1台耗电为80瓦的电视机,则:[ ]A. 所有用电器可以同时使用;B. 除热水器外其他用电器可以同时使用;C. 关闭电视机后其他用电器可以同时使用;D. 电冰箱制冷时,其他用电器不能同时使用。

5. 我们能够分辨钢琴和小提琴的声音,这是因为它们发出声音的:[ ]A. 音调不同;B. 音色不同;C. 响度不同;D. 频率不同。

6. 将筷子竖直插入装水的玻璃杯内,从俯视图中的P点沿水平方向看到的应该是下面哪个图中的情形?7. 一个鸡蛋的质量、课本中一张纸的厚度、一块橡皮从桌上落到地面所用的时间,大约分别为:[ ]A. 60克、0.8毫米、0.5秒;B. 10克、80微米、5秒;C. 60克、80微米、0.5秒;D. 10克、0.8毫米、5秒。



Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 20132013年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST香港科技大学高等研究院赞助Part-1 (Total 5 Problems) 卷-1(共5题)(9:00 am – 12:00 pm, Feb. 15, 2013)Q1 (9 points)A bead of mass m and initial speed v 0 hits a uniform thin rod of mass m and lengthL perpendicularly at one end, which initially rests on a horizontal plane.a) If the other end of the rod is fixed on a hinge which allows the rod to rotatefreely in the horizontal plane, and the bead stays on the rod after collision, find the mechanicalenergy loss due to the collision.b) If the rod is free to move on the plane and the bead stays on the rod after collision, find themechanical energy loss due to the collision.c) The rod is free to move on the plane. The collision is elastic. The velocity of the bead isperpendicular to the rod right after the collision. Find the angular speed of the rod, and the speeds ofthe bead and the center of mass of the rod.第一题 (9分)一质量为m 的小球以初速度0v 垂直撞击一个质量同为m 长度为L 的均匀细杆端点。

2017年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛试题及答案 test 2_solution

2017年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛试题及答案 test 2_solution

2 points 2分
The de Broglie wavelength of the particle is
������dB =
ℎ ������������
(1 point)
The characteristic de Broglie wavelength is estimated by replacing the velocity by the characteristic velocity vmp as
Recent development of trapping and cooling ultracold atoms (e.g. Sodium, Rubidium and Lithium atoms) paved the way for the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation of atomic gases in ultracold temperature (Nobel prize in physics 2001), which had been theoretically predicted by Bose and Einstein in 1924. Several different cooling techniques have been employed to achieve ultracold temperature around 10-100 nK (note 1 nK = 10−9 K). For example, the hot Rubidium atoms prepared at 400 K are cooled down to ~1mK through the Laser cooling techniques (Nobel prize in physics in 1997). Such cold atoms prepared by laser cooling technique are typically loaded into the external trap (produced by either magnetic or optical fields) for further cooling as shown below.



第一届泛珠三角物理奥林匹克竞赛(2005年1月29日上午)题1(5分) 光滑平面上有两条长度均为2 l 、而质量为m 的均匀蠕虫A 和B 。

它们的起始位置如图所示,蠕虫A 的质心位于x -y 坐标(0, 0)。

蠕虫B 开始慢慢从A 身上爬过,爬时两虫的身体轴线始终保持夹角θ。

试用参量l , θ 表示:当蠕虫B 爬过A 后,两蠕虫各个质心位置的坐标。

题2(13分)一体积为 0.001m 3 的空气泡和一质量和体积与空气泡相同的钢瓶从水下2.0 km 深处放出。



空气在水面的密度为1.21 kg/m 3,大气压为1.0 x 105N/m 2。

(提示: ⎪⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛++=+⎰a b x dx ba βαβαββαln 1 )(a) 求气泡到水面时体积。

(3分)(b)求在深度 h (h < 2.0 km)时气泡和钢瓶净得的能量的表达式。

(7分) (c) 用该表达式求气泡和钢瓶到达水面时的速度。

(3分)题3(12分)一质量为0.5M 的人站在一以角速度ω旋转的厚度质量均匀,质量为0.5M ,半径为R 的圆台上。


该人离圆台中心距离为r (< R ) ,并带有10颗质量为0.01M 的石子。

(a) 求整个系统的总角动量。


石子扔出时相对于他的速度为v ,方向与径向成夹角ϑ.(b) 求当他扔了一石子后圆台的角速度, 并找出使角速度减少最多的夹角m ax ϑ。

(4分) (c) 求当他以m ax ϑ扔光石子后圆台的角速度。

(答案可用多项式表达) (4分)题4(8分)一均匀长竿长度为L ,质量为M ,在一半径为R (>0.5L )的光滑半球面内处于静止状态。

(a) 求竿在其平衡位置附近作小幅振荡的频率。

(4分) (b) 已知小幅振荡时长竿偏离水平线最大偏角为m ax θ。

长竿在最大偏角和水平时球面对竿端的力的强度的差可写成2max θαMg N =∆。












图10-12.一光学系统如图10-2所示,A 为物平面,垂直于光轴,L 为会聚透镜,M 为与光轴成45°角的平面镜。

P 为像面,垂直于经平面镜反射后的光轴。


设物为A 面上的一个“上”字(如图10-3),试在图10-3中实像面P 上画出像的形状。

三、半径为R 、质量为M 1的均匀圆球与一质量为M 2的重物分别用细绳AD 和ACE 悬挂于同一点A ,并处于平衡,如图10-4所示。



Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 20072007年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛Part-1 (Total 7 Problems) 卷-1(共7题)(9:30 am – 12:30 pm, 02-26-2007)Q.1 (3 points) 题1(3分)An airplane is initially rising up at speed v 0 at an angle θ to the horizon. Find the trajectory of the plane such that weightless condition can be achieved in the plane.一架飞机以与水平面成θ 角的初速度v 0上升。


Q.2 (6 points) 题2(6分)As shown, two identical weights are fixed on the two ends of a uniform rigid rod oflength L . The upper weight is restricted to move on a smooth horizontal rail and therod is free to swing along the rail. The masses of the weights and the rod are equal.Find the small angle vibration frequency of the system.如图所示,两个质量为m 的重块分别固定在一根长度为L 质量为m以沿光滑的水平轨道滑行,杆可沿轨道方向自由摆动。


Q.3 (6 points) 题3(6分)(a) A disc shaped medium block of radius R and thickness d (<<R )is uniformly magnetized with magnetization to the disc plane. Find the magnetic field at point-O on thecentral axis of the disk and at a distance h 一半径为R ,厚度为d (<< R )的圆盘形均匀磁化介质,磁化强度为。



第十届华杯赛决赛试题及解答一、填空〔每题10分,共80分〕1.下表中每一列为同一年在不同历法中的年号,请完成下表:公元历200519851910希伯莱历5746伊斯兰历1332印度历19272.计算:① 18.3×0.25+5.3÷0.4-7.13 = ( );②= ( )。


如果它们满足等式ab+c=2005,那么a+b+c=( )。





8.图2中,ABCD是长方形,E,F分别是AB,DA的中点,G是BF和DE 的交点,四边形BCDG的面积是40平方厘米,那么ABCD的面积是〔〕平方厘米。



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放射性碳年龄测定法是考古学上用来估计有机物料(如木材和皮革)年龄的技术。它的根据,在 于 14C 原子在大气中,浓度恒常处于每 1012 粒碳原子中(包括所有同位素)有 1.3 粒 14C 原子。 但是,生物死亡后,14C 不能得到补充,并因衰变逐渐降低,半衰期为 5730 年。这放射性衰变 可以写成以下形式:
的平均速度为 u ( y ) 。

2014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛
Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2014
(a) Suppose the interface is at a height y. What is the average x component of the momentum at height y + y? (1 point) 假设界面高度为y。在高度y + y的动量,其平均x分量是多少?(1分) (b) An incident molecule arrives at height y. The y component of its velocity is vy. What is y of the height where the molecule experiences the collision last time? (1 point) 一分子入射到高度y。其速度的y分量为vy。分子上一次遇到碰撞的高度的y是什么?(1分) (c) Compared with the average x component of the momentum of the gas molecules at the interface, what is the average extra x-momentum carried by the incident molecules of a given vy when it arrives at height y? (1 point) 当给定vy的入射分子到达高度y时,它的平均额外x-动量是什么(与界面上的气体分子动量的 平均 x 分量相比)? (1分) (d) The gas contains n molecules per unit volume. What is the rate of x-momentum transfer through an area A? Hence find an approximate expression for the viscosity of the fluid according to the kinetic theory of gases. How does the viscosity depend on temperature? (4 points) 气体单位体积含有n粒分子。通过面积A的x-动量,传递率是什么?试根据气体运动理论,由
当不均匀的力施加到流体中,流速在不同的位置将是不同的。对于粘性流体,当相邻的两层流体 以不同速度流动时,摩擦力便会存在。如下图所示,流体的粘度由下式定义:
F du dy A
where F is the frictional force experienced by the fluid at an interface of area A in the x direction, u is the x component of the velocity and du/dy is the velocity gradient. In this problem, we will analyze the viscosity using the kinetic theory of gases. 其中F是流体在x方向、面积为A的界面上的摩擦力, u是方向的速度,du/dy是速度梯度。在这问
2014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛
Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2014
(b) We can determine the age of the tomb if we know the number N of 14C atoms from the 50 grams of carbon. There is no way to directly count the number of 14C atoms, but we detect a total of 935 electrons emitted from the 50 grams of carbon in 10 minutes. How old is the tomb? (3 points) 要估算古墓的年代,我们需要知道该 50 克碳中 14C 原子的数目 N。我们无法直接数算 14C 原 子的数目,但我们发现 50 克碳在 10 分钟内放射了共 935 粒电子。古墓的年龄是多少?(3
14 6
14 7
N e

(a) Suppose we obtain 50 grams of carbon from a piece of wood dated back to a prehistoric tomb. Using the carbon average atomic mass of 2 10-26 kg, calculate the number N0 of 14C atoms when the wood was still part of a living tree. (1 point) 假设我们从史前古墓的一块木头得到 50 克碳。已知碳的平均原子质量为 2 10-26 千克,试计 算木材仍是活树一部分时, 14C 原子的数目 N0。(1 分)
太阳上升了。试计算太阳在地平线以上的仰角。答案请以度为单位。(3 分)
2. Radiocarbon Dating (5 points) 放射性碳年龄测定法 (5 分) Radiocarbon dating is a technique used in archeology to estimate the age of organic materials, such as wood and leather. It uses the fact that the density of 14C atoms in the atmosphere is constantly around 1.3 atoms of 14C in every 1012 atoms of all isotopes of carbon. However, when an organism dies, 14C cannot be replenished and decreases due to decay with a half-life of 5730 years. The radioactive decay can be written in the following form:
(a) What is the time range of sunset between the bottom and the top of the tower? Give your answer in minutes. Parameters: Earth’s radius = 6400 km. Distance between Sun and Earth = 1.5 1011 m. (3 points) 试求塔底和塔顶之间日落时间的范围。答案请以分钟为单位。参数:地球半径 = 6400 公里。 太阳和地球之间的距离 = 1.5 1011 米。(3 分) (b) Burj Khalifa also has the world’s third fastest elevator (lift) with a speed of v = 10 m/s. Immediately before the elevator starts moving upwards at the speed v from the bottom of the tower, a tourist in the elevator views the sunset. When he reaches the observatory at the height of 452 m, he found that the Sun has risen. Calculate the inclination angle of the Sun above the horizon. Give your answer in degrees. (3 points) 哈里发塔还拥有世界第三快的电梯,速度可达 v = 10 m/s。有电梯内的游客,在电梯从塔底开 始上升前一瞬看到日落,其后电梯以速度 v 上升。当他到达在 452 米高度的观景台时,发现
(c) An archaeologist claims that he/she discovered a fossil plant with an age of 2 108 years using the method of radiocarbon dating. A scientist says that this result is nonsense. Which side will you stand on? Please explain your reasons. (1 point) 某考古学家声称,他/她利用放射性碳年龄测定法,发现年代为 2 108 年的化石植物。某科
2014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛
Panics Olympiad 2014
Pan Pearl River Delta Physics Olympiad 2014 2014 年泛珠三角及中华名校物理奥林匹克邀请赛 Sponsored by Institute for Advanced Study, HKUST 香港科技大学高等研究院赞助 Part-1 (Total 6 Problems) 卷-1(共6 题) (9:00 am – 12:00 pm, 6 February, 2014) 1. Sunset Twice a Day (6 points) 一天两观日落 (6 分) Presently the tallest tower in the world is Burj Khalifa in Dubai. Its height is 828 m. An Internet news article reported that one can watch sunset twice in one day with this tower. 杜拜的哈利法塔是现时世界上最高的建筑,高度为 828 米。互联网上有新闻文章报导,可以利用