lesson plan instructions
lesson planning教案模板
Lesson Plan TemplateLesson Title: [Insert Lesson Title Here]Grade Level: [Insert Grade Level Here]Subject: [Insert Subject Here]Duration: [Insert Duration Here]Objectives:Cognitive: [Insert specific learning objectives related to knowledge and understanding]Affective: [Insert specific learning objectives related to attitudes and feelings]Psychomotor: [Insert specific learning objectives related to physical skills]Materials Needed:[List all materials and resources needed for the lesson]Standards Addressed:[Insert relevant educational standards or benchmarks]Vocabulary:[List key vocabulary words and definitions]Introduction (5-10 minutes):Hook/Attention Grabber: [Describe an engaging activity or question to capture students’ interest]Objective Sharing: [Explain the lesson objectives to the students]Prior Knowledge Activation: [Discuss what students already know about the topic]• • • • • • • • •Instruction (15-20 minutes):Direct Instruction: [Provide detailed steps for teaching the content,including explanations, examples, and demonstrations]Guided Practice: [Describe activities where students practice new skills with teacher support]Check for Understanding: [List questions or formative assessments to gauge student comprehension]Independent Practice (10-15 minutes):[Describe activities where students practice skills independently]Closure (5-10 minutes):Summary: [Recap the main points of the lesson]Student Reflection: [Ask students to reflect on what they learned]Preview of Next Lesson: [Briefly introduce what will be covered in the next lesson]Assessment:Formative: [Describe how you will assess student understanding during the lesson]Summative: [Describe any end-of-lesson assessments, such as quizzes or projects]Differentiation:For Advanced Learners: [Describe how you will challenge advanced students]For Struggling Learners: [Describe how you will support students who need extra help]Extensions:[List additional activities or projects for students who finish early or want to explore the topic further]Reflection:[Space for teacher to reflect on the lesson’s effectiveness and areas for improvement]• • • • • • • • • • • • •Example Lesson PlanLesson Title: Introduction to PhotosynthesisGrade Level: 5th GradeSubject: ScienceDuration: 45 minutesObjectives:Cognitive: Students will understand the basic process ofphotosynthesis.Affective: Students will appreciate the importance of plants in the ecosystem.Psychomotor: Students will create a diagram of the photosynthesis process.Materials Needed:Whiteboard and markersChart paper and markersPhotosynthesis worksheetPlant samplesVideo on photosynthesisStandards Addressed:NGSS 5-LS1-1: Support an argument that plants get the materials they need for growth chiefly from air and water .Vocabulary:PhotosynthesisChlorophyllCarbon dioxideOxygenGlucose• • • • • • • • • • • • • •Introduction (5-10 minutes):Hook/Attention Grabber: Show a short video clip of plants growing in fast motion.Objective Sharing: Explain that today we will learn how plants make their own food through photosynthesis.Prior Knowledge Activation: Ask students what they know about how plants grow.Instruction (15-20 minutes):Direct Instruction: Explain the process of photosynthesis using a diagram on the whiteboard. Highlight the role of sunlight, water , and carbon dioxide.Guided Practice: Work through a photosynthesis worksheet as a class,filling in the blanks and labeling parts of the process.Check for Understanding: Ask students to explain the process in their own words and answer questions about the diagram.Independent Practice (10-15 minutes):Students will draw their own diagram of the photosynthesis process and label each part.Closure (5-10 minutes):Summary: Recap the main points of photosynthesis.Student Reflection: Ask students to share one new thing they learned about plants.Preview of Next Lesson: Introduce the next topic: the role of plants in the food chain.Assessment:Formative: Monitor student participation during guided practice and check for understanding.Summative: Review the diagrams students create for accuracy and completeness.Differentiation:For Advanced Learners: Provide additional reading material on the chemical equations involved in photosynthesis.• • • • • • • • • • • • •For Struggling Learners: Pair students with a buddy for the independent practice activity.Extensions:Research project on different types of plants and their photosynthesis processes.Reflection:[Teacher’s notes on what worked well and what could be improved for next time]• • •。
LESSON PLANByDateCONTENT: A lesson is an organized set of activities designed to present one manageable sized piece of your course. It is a written description to teach academic content. It determines the purpose, aim, and rational of your class time activity. You may have more than one lesson in a 50 minute lecture or lab. A lecture is just one teaching technique that you may use in a lesson.GOAL: The goal is to teach and demonstrate participants making a quality lesson plan which will help enhance and organize their teaching skills.OBJECTIVES: The participants will be able to1.Understand elements of lesson Plan2.Differentiate and choose the more effective instructional method3.Know the importance of critical thinking in lessons4.Know importance and usage of resource materials in a lesson5.Single out proper evaluation method to gauge the achieved goals6.Integrate and organize all objectives to design a lesson planINSTRUCTIONAL METHOD:•Lecture, Interactive session, group discussions, debate.TEACHING PROCEDURE:• A short lecture would be given by instructor on elements of lesson plan•Participants would be encouraged to pool in their concepts about various elements of lesson plan•Participants from various fields will contribute their understanding of elements of a lesson plan•The concepts and understandings would evolve after group discussions•Outcomes of group discussions would become open for debate•Each group expert in any field would present their lesson plan.MATERIALS/RESOURCES:•Multimedia presentations•White board presentations•Online dictionary & search enginesPRACTICE:•The participants in the end would design the lesson plan best suited to their field of specializationEV ALUATION:•The designed lesson plan would be debated openly about its effectiveness.OUTCOME:•Participants can design the Lesson Plan of their field of interest and can guide their department fellows for writing a lesson plan.REFERENCESLESSON TITLE: _____________________COURSE NAME: ______________DEPARTMENT: __________________________INSTRUCTOR’S NAME _____________________________TO START:•Decide on the signal for attention, e.g., .Good Morning. Let's get started or eyes on me.•Explain the rules and procedures, e.g. raising hands or not talking at once.CONTENT or OVERVIEW or SHORT DESCRIPTION:Write a brief overview (approximately 50 words) of your lesson that explains the content to the reader. Write the lesson description.Example: SOLAR ENERGY & HEATThis lesson is designed to explore different aspects of solar energy. The students have already been exposed to various forms of alternate energy sources and the reasons for their use. The students will build a solar hot box in order to test various colors and materials to find the maximum temperature that can be reached.GOALSThe purpose toward which an endeavor is directed. OR the end toward which effort is directed .A statement of general purpose and direction—it is the ultimate end result. The goal is the accomplishment toward which all of your effort is directed.something that somebody wants to achieve, e.g. One of my goals is to learn trigonometry. Example: SOLAR ENERGY AND HEATThe goal is to demonstrate to students that different colors and materials create various temperatures.DIFFERENCE BETWEEN GOALS AND OBJECTIVES •Goals – are long-term aims that you want to accomplish.Objectives – are concrete attainments that can be achieved by following a certain number of steps may be in short term and medium term.•Goals are intangible; objectives are tangible i.e. Goals are hard to quantify or put in a timeline, but objectives should be given a timeline to be more effective.•Goals are general intentions; objectives are precise.Goals are nebulous and you can’t definitively say you have accomplished one whereas the success of an objective can easily be measured.OBJECTIVES•An Objective is the object of one's endeavors. Objectives demonstrate how well the students have learned or understood the lesson presented.• A statement describing what the project will achieve.•Objectives are always measurable and should be: • Specific • Measurable • Attainable/achievable • Realistic • Time-bound (SMART)•Example: SOLAR ENERGY AND HEAT1.The student will review the basic needs for alternative energy sources.2.The students will be able to identify at least three different materials that willproduce maximum heat.3.The students will be able to identify at least three different colors that will producemaximum heat.•Example: Given a paragraph of ten sentences, the student will be able to identify ten rules of grammar which are used in its construction.Three main domains of Objectives:•Cognitive: What do you want your graduates to know (see next slide).•Affective: What do you want your graduates to think and care about. The Affective Domain includes objectives pertaining to attitudes, appreciations, values andemotions•Psychomotor: What do you want your graduates to be able to do. The Psychomotor Domain includes objectives that require basic motor skills and/or physicalmovement such as construct, kick or ski•Cognitive Domain: Bloom's Taxonomy Bloom's Taxonomy and Critical Thinking•Synthesis —create, combine : change, combine, compose, construct , create, design, find an unusual way, formulate, generate , invent, originate, plan, predict, pretend, produce, rearrange, reconstruct reorganize revise suggest•suppose, visualize.•Evaluation —appraise, value: appraise, choose, compare, conclude, decide , defend, evaluate, give your opinion, judge, justify, prioritize, rank, rate, select, support, value•Analysis —dissect, generalize : analyze, categorize, classify , compare, contrast, debate, deduct, determine the factors, diagnose, diagram, differentiate, dissect, distinguish , examine, infer , specify•Application —use, practice: apply , compute, conclude, construct, demonstrate , determine, draw, find out, give an example, illustrate , make, operate, show, solve, state a rule or principle , use•Comprehension -understanding: convert, describe , explain, interpret , paraphrase, put in order, restate ,retell in your words, rewrite , summarize , trace, translate •Knowledge/Remembering —recall: define, fill in the blank, identify, label, list, locate, match, memorize, name recall, spell, state, tell, underline.Element #4INSTRUCTIONAL METHOD/TECHNIQUE•The techniques you plan to use in your lessons depend on:•• the types of students you have and their previous knowledge•• your physical teaching environment and the available equipment and resources•• the type of learning you are aiming for.•Some of the possibilities are listed below.To convey information, use:•• lecture • field trips • discussion group • interviewing an expert • selected reading • case studies • demonstration by an expertTo provide balanced presentation of a controversial subject, use:•• discussion group • panel discussion • selected reading • simulation • debateTo involve people, use:•• discussion • written work • field trips • case studies • role playing • group work•• guided experienceTo teach a skill, use:•• demonstration by an expert • shop work • labs • guided experience • practice with feedback (coaching)To pool thoughts and ideas, use:•• discussion • brainstorming • group workTo reinforce memory, use:•• drill • memory aids • practice with feedback (coaching) • written work STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF V ARIOUS TECHNIQUESLectureSTRENGTHS: - presents factual material in direct, logical manner - contains experience which inspires - stimulates thinking to open discussion - useful for large groupsLIMITATIONS: - experts are not always good teachers - audience is passive - learning is difficult to gauge - communication in one wayLecture With DiscussionSTRENGTHS: - involves audience at least after the lecture - audience can question, clarify & challengeLIMITATIONS: - time may limit discussion period - quality is limited to quality of questions and discussionBrainstormingSTRENGTHS: - listening exercise that allows creative thinking for new ideas - encourages full participation because all ideas equally recorded - draws on group's knowledge and experience - spirit of congeniality is created - one idea can spark off other other ideasLIMITATIONS: - can be unfocused- needs to be limited to 5 - 7 minutes - people may have difficulty getting away from known reality - if not facilitated well, criticism and evaluation may occurVideotapesSTRENGTHS: - entertaining way of teaching content and raising issues - keep group'sattention - looks professional - stimulates discussionLIMITATIONS: - can raise too many issues to have a focused discussion - discussion may not have full participation - only as effective as following discussionClass DiscussionSTRENGTHS: - pools ideas and experiences from group - effective after a presentation, film or experience that needs to be analyzed - allows everyone to participate in an active processLIMITATIONS: - not practical with more that 20 people - few people can dominate - others may not participate - is time consuming - can get off the trackSmall Group DiscussionSTRENGTHS: - allows participation of everyone - people often more comfortable in small groups - can reach group consensusLIMITATIONS: - needs careful thought as to purpose of group - groups may get side trackedCase StudiesSTRENGTHS: - develops analytic and problem solving skills - allows for exploration of solutions for complex issues - allows student to apply new knowledge and skillsLIMITATIONS: - people may not see relevance to own situation - insufficient information can lead to inappropriate resultsElement #5TEACHING PROCEDURE or RESOURCESThe detailed procedure to teach the lesson would be mentioned here OR all resource materials used would be mentioned.Example: SOLAR ENERGY & HEAT1. Experiment with colors to determine which colors will absorb or reflect heat. Usecolored cellophane when they build their boxes.2. Experiment with materials to determine which materials will absorb or reflect heat. Useshoe boxes, foil, construction paper for the materials.3. Explain that a solar hot box differs from a solar collector only in the respect that the solarheat is collected and contained in the box is not purposely transferred. The heat from a solar collector is usually transferred from the collector by a heated air or water medium to another location.4. Students will build their own hot box using the colors and materials they choose.Students can work in pairs or alone to build their box and conduct the experiment.5. Explain that each hot box groups will go outside and complete a temperature experimentto determine the maximum temperature it will reach.6. Have each group set their experiment up with a thermometer on the inside.Element #6EV ALUATIONwhat the teacher can do to see if the what the teacher can do to see if the lesson was taught effectively: lesson was taught effectively: watching students work, assigning work, assigning application, activities, getting feedback, etc.Example: SOLAR ENERGY & HEATask the students to compose a paragraph addressing why solar energy might not be the answer to all the energy needs of the country.LEARNING TASK•Make groups consisting of members from similar departments .•Choose a topic which is familiar to all members but must relate to your discipline.•Design a lesson plan that best suites to the contents of the lecture.Element #7OUTCOMES:Learning outcomes are statements that describe significant and essential learning that learners have achieved and can reliably demonstrate at the end of a course or program-the essential & enduring knowledge, skills, & attitudes that constitute the integrated learning needed by a graduate of a course or program.Difference between Objectives and Outcomes: Objectives are intended results or consequences of instructions, curricula, programs, or activities. Outcomes are achieved results or consequences of what was learned i.e evidence that learning took place.Element #8REFERENCES:Show all references which are referred for the preparation of the lesson. It can have a chapter of a text book, or a research paper or lecture notes, websites, etc.。
少儿英语启蒙 英语游戏 lesson plan01-introduction 超详细教学步骤内容
Lesson 01Intro Lesson (Ages 3-7) General:Age: 3-7 years Time: 40 mins - 1 hourObjectives: Greetings, names, follow simple instructions, identify and recognize 3 colorsStructures: "Hello", "What's your name", "My name is...", "Goodbye", "Give me..."Target Vocab: red, blue, green, flower, stand up, sit down, hands up, hands down,jump, run, turn around, pass, touchYou will also need:•name tags for each student• a glove puppet• a small ball•crayons• 3 sheets of origami colored paper (red, green, blue)• 3 balloons (red, blue, green)•cushions (1 per student)•CD / Tape player / PC / Something to play the Hello and Goodbye songs on Your students will need:•colored crayons (or pencils)Lesson Procedure:Greetings Warm Up and Maintenance:1. GreetingsGreet the students by name as they enter the classroom and gesture for them to sit down. It's a good idea to have a cushion for each student (and parent if also taking part) as this makes sitting arrangements easy to organize. Try and arrange the cushions beforehand spaced out in a fan-shape around you.2. Name TagsName Tags Before class prepare some name tags (stickers or pin-on tags) with each student's name written on in lower case letters. Sit down with your students and lay out the name tags in front of you. Pick up each tag and call out the name. Try and encourage each student to put their hand up and say "yes". Hand over the tags andhelp to pin / stick on.In later lessons, once your students can recognize their written name, you can have them pick out their own name tags.New Learning and Practice:1.Play "Ball Pass" and say namesTake a soft ball and pass it to your nearest student, saying "Pass". Have each student pass the ball around the circle. Next, hold the ball and say your name. Have each student say their name as they pass the ball to each other. Make sure they pass, not throw, roll, etc. If a student doesn't pass make sure s/he does it again until done properly.2.Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activityYour students will love this. Get hold of a glove puppet (I use Cookie Monster bought from Toys 'R' Us) and put it in a bag before class. Bring out the bag, open it enough to see in and shout into the bag "Hello!". Then move your ear to the opening to listen - nothing. Go to each student and encourage them to shout "Hello" into the bag - each time nothing happens. Finally, get all the students together to shout "Hello!" at the same time. This time the puppet wakes up and jumps out of the bag! Then model the role play with the puppet:Introduce glove puppet - greetings and introductions activity Teacher:"Hello", What's your name?"Puppet:"My name is...".Then move onto the first student and say "Hello". Encourage him/her to say hello back. Let the students touch, cuddle and stroke the puppet. My puppet also likes to nibble their feet and arms. Next, the puppet asks each student: "What's your name?". If they are old enough try and encourage "My name is..." but for the really little ones (3 and under) just saying their name is fine. Finally, go around saying "Goodbye" and "See you" before going back into the bag and back to sleep.3.Sing the "Hello Song"Sing the "Hello Song" Sit in a circle and listen to the song (clap along or pat knees). Play it once more emphasizing "Hello". Your students will pick up the words surprisingly quickly.Alternatively, you can sing the "Hello, Hello" song following the tune of Frere Jacques: Hello, hello, Hello, hello,How are you? How are you?I'm fine, thank you, I'm fine, thank you,We're ok, We're ok.Lyrics for "The Hello Song"Hello, hello,How are you today?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Hello, hello,How are you today?I’m fine, thank you,And how about you?Gestures for "The Hello Song"These are quite straight forward. First time you play the song do the gestures and encourage everyone to do them with you.Wave as you sing the "Hello, hello" parts.Gesture to others as you sing "How are you today?"Point to yourself as you sing "I’m fine, thank you"Hand gesture towards another student as you sing "And how about you?".4. Do "Exercise Routine" activityTime for some action. Say the following and have the students follow your lead:Do "Exercise Routine" activity" Stand up (T stands and so does everyone else) "Hands up / hands down" (do 4 or 5 times)"Jump" (4 or 5 times)"Run! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)"Turn around! / Stop!" (4 or 5 times)finally "Sit down".5. Name writing practiceIn this lesson your students are going to practice writing their names. For really young ones, this may be their first time to do so - don't worry if their first effort is a scrawly mess - always encourage and praise.You will need to prepare a writing sheet for each student before class with their name written in dots for them to practice tracing their names .Prepare the sheets something like this:6. Do the Name Flower Craft activityDo the Name Flower Craft activityNow that everyone has had a chance to practice writing their name you can do the name craft activity.Before class print out the "Name Flower Craft" sheet and copy / cut out the flower shapes so that there are enough to give one to each student (do a few extra in case of emergencies!).Get each student to write their name on the line and then color in their flower. Students can now decorate the classroom by sticking their name flowers on the walls. Alternatively, have students make a name poster by sticking all of the name flowers onto one large piece of construction paper (I like to make a tree shape out of brown card for students to stick their flowers on).7.Teach Colors: red, blue, greenTeach Colors: red, blue, greenA great lesson to follow this one is the "Colors Lesson" (you can download it for free at our website). In this lesson you can start by teaching the first 3 colors (red, blue and green) and then in the next class you can continue with the other colors (yellow, pink, purple, orange).Origami paper is great for this, or just some colored paper/card cut into squares. Sit everyone in a circle and hold up the first colored paper and elicit the color (e.g. red). Chorus and practice saying the color. Do this for the rest of the colors.8.Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Play "Color Pass", "Color Touch" and "Color Hold Up"Now take each color and pass it to your nearest student. Say "red" as you pass red, etc. The students pass the colors round the circle. Next, lay the 3 colors in the middle of the circle. Say "Hands up". Students raise their hands. Then say "Touch.....red!" and the students should all try and touch the red colored paper. Do for all of the colors. Finally, give each student one of the colored papers. Say "Hold up....blue!" - the students holding the blue papers raise them into the air.NOTE: for these games you'll probably have to give lots of help and encouragement. For example, if one of your students doesn't hold up the colored paper when asked look at him/her and gesture what to do. If their mothers are with them have them help.9.Play "Find the Color"Now get each student to give you back their colored paper by saying "Give me (blue)". Collect all the colors. Then place the colored papers on the floor around the room. First model by saying "Touch blue". Then stand up, go to a blue paper, touch it and say "blue" and go back to your place. Now say to one student "(Miki), touch green" and that student should stand up, find the correct color and touch it. Get everyone to have at least one go. Finally, get students to stand up and give you back the colors as you say them (e.g. Paulo, give me red").10.Play "Balloon Kick"You need three balloons - a red, a blue and a green one. Take one balloon and elicit the color. Then chorus "(blue) balloon" x3. Now blow up the balloon (little kids love watching this) and tie the end. Pat the balloon to one student and encourage him/her to say its color as they catch it. Let the student pat it back to you and repeat the color with all students. Then do the same for the other 2 balloons. Finally, line the balloons up, have the students stand up and model the activity: "Ok, (your name) kick the (blue) balloon!", then run up to the (blue) balloon and kick it. Now instruct one student to kick a balloon, give loads of help and encouragement and then do with all the other students.Wrap Up:1.Assign Homework: "Color the Balloons"Hold up the homework worksheet and model coloring in the 3 balloon pictures (in red, blue and green). Elicit each color as you go. Give out the worksheets and say "Put your homework in your bags" and help them to do so - this is important as they will probablywant to start coloring them right away.2. Say Goodbye to glove puppetSay Goodbye to glove puppetTake out the bag again and get everyone to wake up the glove puppet by shouting its name into the bag (e.g. "Cookie Monster!"). Bring out the puppet and go through the same routine - go to each student and say hello, ask their name and the say goodbye / see you. Then put the puppet back in the bag (back to sleep).3.Sing "Goodbye Song"The "Goodbye Song" is a great way to sign off the class. Sit together in a circle and sing and clap along.。
关于lesson plan的笔记
一、什么是lesson planLesson plan,即课程教案,是指教师为一个教学单元所制定的详细教学计划。
Lesson plan起着指导教师教学、保证教学效果和提高教学质量的重要作用。
二、为什么lesson plan重要1. 有效组织教学过程Lesson plan能够帮助教师有效地组织教学过程,确保教学内容全面、系统地展开。
通过lesson plan,教师可以清楚地了解课程的目标和所需教学要点,有针对性地设计教学活动,从而提高教学效率。
2. 提高教学质量Lesson plan能够帮助教师对教学活动进行全面细致的规划和准备,使得教学过程更加科学合理、有条不紊。
通过lesson plan,教师可以合理安排教学时间和教学步骤,充分调动学生的学习积极性,提高教学效果。
3. 为教学评估提供依据Lesson plan中通常包含对教学内容的评价方式和标准,教师可以通过lesson plan对学生的学习情况进行评估。
三、如何制定lesson plan1. 确定课程目标制定lesson plan的第一步是确定课程目标。
2. 设计教学内容根据课程目标和学生的实际情况,教师需要设计教学内容。
3. 选择教学方法教学方法是实施lesson plan的关键环节。
4. 准备教学资源教学资源是lesson plan的重要组成部分,包括教材、教具、多媒体资料等。
M2U3lesson plan
整体设计纵向:年段-模块任务链呈现Vertical Task-chains: the connection between modules through textbooks横向:模块-单元任务链呈现Horizontal Task-chains: the link between units within the moduleProject:“A travel diary”To write a travel notes with “ First… Next… Then… Finally… There is/ are… It is… They are…We can…Don’t……mustn’t…”Learning objectives:1. To use adverbs to indicate sequences.2. To use the present continuous tense to describe actions taking place.3. To use adverbs to describe a certain action.4. To use modeled sentences to express obligations and prohibitions.5. To use the simple present tense to express simple truths.Unit 1WaterTask:“Water in life”To describe water in our daily lift with “First… Next…Then… Finally…”Learning objectives: 1.To use adverbs toindicate sequences.2.To use the presentcontinuous tense todescribe actions takingplace at the tiem ofspeaking.3.To use wh-questionsasking for specificinformation.4.To use formulaicexpressions in context.5.To identify thepronunciation of thesounds. Unit 2WindTask:“A diary in a windy day”To describe what people doin a windy day with adverbs.Learning objectives:1.To use adverbs todescribe manner.2.To use modeledsentences to describethe wind.3.To use modeledsentences to talk aboutweather conditions.4.To identify thepronunciation of thesounds.Unit 3FireTask:“A notice”To make a notice about thefire safety with “We must…We mustn’t…”Learning objectives:1.To use the key words incontext.2.To use modeledsentences to expressobligations andprohibitions.3.To use the simplepresent tense to expresssimple truths.4.To review thepronunciation of thesounds learnt in theprevious units.单元——课时子任务的整体设计Sub-task-chains: the link between periods within the unit.Lesson PlanModule 3 my favourite thingsUnit 1 drinks I like Book: Oxford English 1bTopic: Drinks I likePeriod: The 2nd periodTask: My favourite thingsObjectives:1.Students can know about the drinks.2.Students can find out people’s preferences.3.Students can express the preferences of the drinks Difficulty: To express the preferences correctly.Aids: Media, student book.Exercises for M4U1 WaterWater in the teapot Name___________Assignment for M4U1 WaterWater in the teapot Name___________Making the milk tea I have ____________________________ __________________________________. Now I can _____________________________. First, I boil ____________________________. Next, I ________________________________. Then, _________________________________. Finally, _______________________________. Mmm, it tastes __________________.Let’s enjoy the tea time.。
Lesson Plan
Follow the schedule or syllabus
Enjoy the class
Teaching Contents: Words: stool, around, tree, door, pick up, put down, bring back
At last, I’ll teach you a useful sentence. It’s…Remember, when you go back home. You have to say it everyday, if you have the autograph of your Dad or Mom, you can have one more point/star.
How will the chairs be arranged?
What instructions willIgive?
What happened if they don’t understand my instructions?
Be flexible and clear
Well prepared
5.Teaching Procedures
What activity will help the learners achieve the lesson objectives?
How will the activities link together to make a whole lesson?
How long is each activity last?
Teaching Aims: listen, speak, read.
中学英语教学法 Unit 8 Lesson Planning
New 5P
Presentation 3、Five-step teaching method Practice
这一步不仅仅包括每节课开始的复习 (Revision),而是包含一个单元的开始和 听、说、读、写活动的开始,有预热 (Warming-up)、导入(Lead-in)等活动, 起到启示、激活(学生原有图式,包括知识 和经验)、预测(学习的内容)等作用。目 的是激活学生已有的知识和经验,启发学生 开动脑筋,自主探究。
1. Why is lesson planning necessary? (P.52)
2. What are principles for good lesson planning ? ( P. 53~54 )
1.备课标: 教师在授课以前必须认真学习、钻研课标。
2.备教材: 要求教师对所教教材的语言材料精确掌握。
编写教案 (Teaching Plan ,Lesson Plan)
What is a lesson plan? (P.51)
▪ 教案就是教学的内容文本,也称课时计划,是教
师根据课标、教材和学生的实际情况,为实现课堂 教学目标而拟定的教学方案。
1、单元教学计划(单元名称、教学目标、课 时分配)
3)描述发展认知和思维能力方面目标的行为动词有: 区分、分类、比较、分析、归纳与概括、举例、推理、 判断、阐述(理由或给出;(原因)等。
4)描述情感态度与价值观方面目标的行为动词: 喜欢、乐于、有…的愿望、尊重、爱护、珍惜、 养成、敢于、辨别、欣赏等。
如:学生能在小组活动中积极与同伴合作,注 意聆听并理解他人;通过阅读故事和小组讨论 与交流,理解Mary送卡片和鲜花给妈妈的用 意,从而产生对亲人的感恩之情。
下面将介绍一些常见的英语教案中使用的英文术语:1. Lesson Plan (教案)Lesson Plan是指教师在教学前所制定的详细计划。
一个好的Lesson Plan能够帮助教师有效组织课堂教学。
2. Teaching Goals (教学目标)Teaching Goals是指教师在教学中想要达到的具体目标。
3. Classroom Management (课堂管理)Classroom Management是指教师在课堂上对学生行为、注意力和秩序进行管理的过程。
4. Differentiated Instruction (分层教学)Differentiated Instruction是指根据学生的不同学习需要和能力,采取不同的教学策略和方法进行教学。
5. Assessment (评估)Assessment是指对学生学习成果进行评价和反馈的过程。
6. Engaging Activities (引人入胜的活动)Engaging Activities是指吸引学生注意力、激发学习兴趣的各种教学活动。
Lesson plan教学计划
Computer PPT picture white papers
Teaching procedures
Warming up
Teachers’ activity
Students ’ activity
Design intention
Make a brief introduction ofbusiness letter.
answer the question about the 7 characteristic of business.
The purpose is to arouse the students’ interest of the study of business letter.
Also, this can form a better English learning surrounding for students.
Learning strategies
Self-study: The students are the dominant part of learning, who can finish their part with the help of dictionary or by themselves to some extent.
and grammar, they can’t speak or write that good.
teaching objective
By the end or the lesson,student should be able to:
1.Know the essential requirements for a good business letter.
Lesson Plan英语课堂活动——旅行计划travel plans
Lesson PlanThis English lesson plan helps reinforce vocabulary related to traveling by asking students to plan trips and excursions based on the profile of different groups of travelers. It is helpful to use local newspapers, especially newspapers that provide local events, to give students ideas of real places to visit. Most large cities have specialty newspapers that focus on local events and attractions available for free throughout the city.Instructions for TeachersThe lesson begins with students deciding which types of groups are going to take a trip. Based on which group of travelers are going, students then use resources to plan out a short stay in a specific city or area of the country. Of course, you can choose to have students focus on distant locations. If you are teaching English in another country, it's probably best to vary this and focus on traveling abroad to allow the use of English place names.Lesson Aims: Completing a small group task using the internet and other resources available in English, describing a travel destination and itinerary in detailActivity: Planning a short trip to a specific location based on different traveler typesLevel: IntermediateLesson PlanAs a class, discuss what types of locations, travel plans, etc. might be suitable for these different types of travelers:• A married couple on a honeymoon•Two friends who are attending college•Two business peopleAs a class, discuss which resources students can use to make travel plans. There are many travel websites online that offer all the necessary tools for scheduling a trip. If available, use a projector and walk through the process of finding round trip flight tickets and hotels on a travel site.Using the worksheet below, break students up into pairs or small groups (maximum of 4) assigning a pair of travelers to each group. Have students come up with detailed plans for each travel group. After each group has finished, have them present their travel plans to the entire class.Variation: To extend this activity, ask students to create a presentation using PowerPoint or another similar software application. Students should find photos and write up bullet points for each of the activities to include in the presentation.WorksheetPlan a Trip to ___________ for the Following Travel Groups:HoneymoonersMary and Tim have just married and are in the mood for a great honeymoon to celebrate their eternal love for each other. Make sure to include lots of romantic options and some excellent meals to mark this happy event.College FriendsAlan and Jeff are attending college together and are looking to have a wild week of fun and adventure. They love going to clubs and partying hard, but they don't have a lot of money to eat at fine restaurants.Cultured CouplesThe Andersons and the Smiths are married couples that have been friends for years. Their children are grown up and have their own families. Now, they enjoy traveling together and place a great deal ofemphasis on visiting sights of cultural significance. They also love going to concerts and eating fine food.Business PeopleThese business people are interested in opening up a new company at your chosen location. They need to find out about the area, meet local business people, and discuss their proposal with local government.Family with ChildrenThe McCarthur family has three children aged 2, 5, and 10. They love spending time outdoors and have a limited budget for eating out. They aren't interested in entertainment, but the parents like to take the children to important museums to help with their cultural education. Peter and DanPeter and Dan married a few years ago. They love to explore gay hot spots in cities they travel to, as well as do traditional sight-seeing tours. They are also gourmets who spend up to $500 on good meals, so they'd like to go to at least one top rated restaurant.Travel Planning SheetFill in the information to complete the vacation plans.TravelFlight:Dates / Times:Cost:HotelHow many nights?:Cost:Rental car yes/no?If yes, cost:Day 1Trips / Sightseeing for the day: Cost:Restaurants / Eating: Where?:Cost:Evening entertainment:What / Where?Cost:Day 2Trips / Sightseeing for the day: Cost:Restaurants / Eating: Where?:Cost:Evening entertainment:What / Where?Cost:Day 3Trips / Sightseeing for the day: Cost:Restaurants / Eating: Where?:Cost:Evening entertainment:What / Where?Cost:Add as many days as necessary to your travel planning sheet.。
lesson plan 课程设计教程
4.Linkage: The stages and the steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they are somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.
A.Macro Planning
• In a sense, macro planning is not writing lesson plans for specific lesson but rather familiarizing with the context in which language teaching is taking place. Macro planning involves the following:
II.Macro Planning Vs. Micro Planning
Ideally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and micro planning. The former is planning over time, for instance, the planning for a month,a term, or the whole course. The latter is planning for a specific lesson, which usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes. Of course, there is no clear cut difference between these two types of planning. Micro planning should be based on macro planning, and macro planning is apt to be modified as lessons go on.
Lesson Planning 上课准备工作
Lesson PlanningLesson planning refers to the amount and quality of preparation you do before class. It is your “map” to reach your day-to-day goals as well as your long-term goals both in what you teach, and for the improvement of your students. Effective lesson planning means being organized, drawing on the resources available to you, communicating well with your co-teacher and keeping a record of what you want to teach and how you want to teach it. Important Points to Remember1. The amount of preparation you do is obvious to everyone: not just your boss andco-teachers, but also, most importantly, your students. With good preparation, you can very clearly see where your students are weak and constantly review and improve.Watch their grades improve as a result of your efforts. Weak or little preparation will cause your major headaches in the classroom and will ultimately affect your ability to continue working as a teacher. A good preparation session is not hard to do, in fact, it is an easy habit to get into.2. With good preparation, you will develop as a teacher, think faster on your feet andkeep from burning our.3. We always encourage you to prepare at home. A relaxed environment is helpful forclear thinking.4. NEVER prepare between classes! You usually only have ten minutes, and thisprecious time should be reserved for gathering teaching materials, talking with your co-teacher, and “re-focusing” yourself and checking your attitude before going into the classroom. Do all of your preparation before your teaching day begins.5. Overprepare! This means preparing more than you can teach. Write down some extrapractice drills. Write down a few more activities. It’s much better to keep your class busy from start to finish and maybe miss an activity than to grope for something to do with remaining time.6. Share good ideas with co-teachers. If something works well, TELL PEOPLE!How to Plan Your LessonsThe most crucial step to success in the classroom is how you prepare and plan outside of class; lesson planning is also your key to growth and development as a teacher.●Factors should be considered for a new class:1.Personality2.Class Size3.Age4.Sex5.Seats●Factors should be considered for an old class:1.Books2.Contents3.Teaching Goals4.Methods5.PropertiesProcedurese in earlyObviously, as a new teacher, it will take you more time to prepare than it takes an experienced teacher. Even experienced teachers, however, when teaching an unfamiliar leveled on text item will have to spend more time preparing.2.Know the main points of the lesson.The most important and longest step of the preparation process.Read the syllabus and the unit you will be teaching carefully, what is the new vocabulary?What is the grammar point? What else is in the unit? What can/ should you review for this unit? What games/activities can you work into your class?3.Anticipate problemsAs you think about the main points of the lesson try to anticipate the problems your students may have with grammar, pronunciation or understanding meaning and plan specifically how you will assist your students.4.Take notes.Take notes on the answer to the questions in 2 above. Keeping a record of what you will do in ( and what you want to take into ) class is essential. It will help you to organize your thoughts and presentation, help you to be quicker on your feet, and give you a standing record of what you have done. Every teacher may develop his/her own format for lesson plans.5.Get your things and go.What teaching materials do you need? Cards? Dice? Now it’s time to get them. Take a last look at your plan. Organize your thoughts. Go into the classroom and keep your plan notes ina handy place in the classroom, where you can take a glance easily to keep yourself organized.。
下面是lesson plan的原则和组成部分:
1.符合教学目标:lesson plan应该与教育要求和学科标准相符合,明确教学目标,并能通过教学活动实现这些目标。
2.适应学生需求:lesson plan应该考虑学生的年龄、兴趣、学习风格和能力水平,针对学生的需求进行教学设计。
3.合理有序:lesson plan应该按照合理有序的结构进行编排,有助于教师组织教学活动并引导学生的学习。
4.多元化教学:lesson plan应该采用多种教学方法,培养学生的多样化能力,鼓励学生的参与和创造性思维。
5.反馈与评估:lesson plan应该包括对学生学习情况的反馈与评估,以便教师及时调整教学策略,帮助学生提高学习效果。
通过合理的设计和使用,lesson plan可以帮助教师高效地进行教学,确保课堂教学的质量和有效性。
安静写作业英语Certainly! Here's a lesson plan for "Quietly Doing Homeworkin English":Objective:Students will be able to independently complete their English homework in a quiet and focused manner.Materials Needed:- English homework assignments- Pencils and erasers- Quiet music (optional)- Whiteboard or blackboard for instructionsLesson Duration:45 minutesLesson Plan:1. Introduction (5 minutes)- Greet the class and explain the importance of a quiet environment for effective learning.- Discuss the benefits of doing homework quietly, such as better concentration and deeper understanding of the material.2. Setting the Environment (5 minutes)- Dim the lights if possible to create a calm atmosphere. - Play soft instrumental music in the background to help students relax (optional).- Remind students to put away any distractions, such as phones or other electronic devices.3. Instructions (5 minutes)- Write clear instructions on the board for the homework tasks.- Explain each task briefly and answer any questions students may have.4. Independent Work (20 minutes)- Allow students to begin their homework.- Walk around the classroom to offer assistance if needed, but encourage students to work independently.5. Check-In (5 minutes)- After 20 minutes, ask students to pause and check-in.- Give a brief overview of common mistakes or misunderstandings and clarify any confusion.6. Continued Work (10 minutes)- Let students continue working on their assignments.- Offer one-on-one assistance to those who need it.7. Wrap-Up (5 minutes)- As the time comes to an end, ask students to put away their materials.- Discuss the homework briefly, highlighting the key points and encouraging students to review their work at home.8. Exit Ticket (optional)- Have students write a short reflection on what theyfound most challenging and what strategies they used to stay focused.Homework:- Complete any remaining parts of the assignment for homework. - Prepare any questions or topics for discussion in the next class.Assessment:- Monitor students' focus and engagement during the independent work time.- Review the exit tickets for understanding and areas of improvement.Differentiation:- Provide additional resources or support for students who struggle with the material.- Challenge advanced students with additional tasks or questions to deepen their understanding.This lesson plan is designed to foster a quiet and productive homework environment, helping students to develop good study habits and improve their English skills.。
英语课听指令做动作教案Title: English Class Action Instruction Lesson PlanObjective: To provide a lesson plan for an English class where students will listen to instructions and perform corresponding actions.Target Audience: This lesson plan is suitable for students in primary or secondary school who are learning English as a second language.Materials Needed:- Whiteboard and markers- List of action verbs (e.g. jump, clap, run, etc.) - Timer- Music player and upbeat musicLesson Plan:1. Introduction (5 minutes)- Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: following instructions and performing actions in English.- Explain the importance of being able to understand and follow instructions in English, as it is a valuable skill in both academic and real-life situations.2. Warm-up (10 minutes)- Write a list of action verbs on the whiteboard (e.g. jump, clap, run, dance, etc.).- Ask the students to stand up and take turns choosing an action verb from the list and performing the action. Encourage the rest of the class to guess the verb based on the student's actions.3. Vocabulary Building (15 minutes)- Review the list of action verbs and ensure that all students understand the meaning of each verb.- Introduce any new action verbs that the students may not be familiar with, and provide examples of how each verb can be used in a sentence.4. Listening and Following Instructions (20 minutes)- Divide the class into small groups of 3-4 students.- Explain that you will be giving a series of instructions in English, and the students must listen carefully and perform the corresponding actions.- Example instructions: "Stand up and spin around three times," "Clap your hands five times," "Touch your toes," "Hop on one foot," etc.- Set a timer for each round of instructions and encourage the students to complete the actions within the given time.5. Music and Movement (15 minutes)- Play upbeat music and instruct the students to move around the classroom freely.- Call out different action verbs and ask the students to perform the corresponding actions while moving to the music.- This activity helps reinforce the vocabulary of action verbs and allows students to practice following instructions in a fun and interactive way.6. Reflection and Discussion (10 minutes)- Gather the students back together and ask them to reflect on the lesson.- Discuss any challenges they faced in understanding and following the instructions in English.- Encourage the students to share their thoughts on the importance of being able to follow instructions in a foreign language.7. Conclusion (5 minutes)- Summarize the key points of the lesson and emphasize the importance of listening and following instructions in English.- Thank the students for their participation and encourage them to continue practicing their English language skills.Additional Notes:- This lesson plan can be adapted for students at different proficiency levels by adjusting the complexity of the instructions and the vocabulary used.- It is important to create a supportive and encouraging environment where students feel comfortable participating and making mistakes as they learn to follow instructions in English.。
As an English teacher, creating a high-quality lesson plan is crucial to achieving your teaching goals and ensuring that your students have a positive learning experience. From outlining the learning objectives, to selecting the appropriate materials, to developing effective class activities, there are many essential elements that need to be considered when developing a successful lesson plan. So, in this article, we will explore some strategies and tips you can use to create a high-quality English lesson plan.1. Identify the learning objectivesBefore you start planning your lesson, you need to identify what you want your students to learn. This will help you to focus your efforts on the most important topics and ensure that your lesson is both relevant and effective. When identifying the learning objectives, you should consider what your students already know about the topic and what new information you want them to learn. You should also think about the skills you want your students to develop such as listening, speaking, reading or writing.2. Choose appropriate materialsYour lesson plan should include materials that are suitable for your students' age, ability, and interest level.Selecting a range of materials such as textbooks, audio and video resources, and worksheets can help to engage your students in the learning process and make it more enjoyablefor them. But remember to choose materials that are not only engaging but also align with your learning objectives andyour teaching philosophy.3. Create a clear and concise lesson planA clear and concise lesson plan is an essential component of high-quality teaching. Your lesson plan should be easy to understand and should provide clear guidance to your students on what they will be learning and how they will be assessed.It should also include a timeline of activities with clear instructions on how to complete each activity. And, of course, it should reflect your learning objectives.4. Include group activities and discussionsGroup activities and discussions are an effective way to encourage collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity among your students. Group activities can also help to builda sense of community in the classroom and improve student engagement. When planning group activities, you shouldconsider the size of the group, the abilities of the students, and the amount of time available for the activity.5. Implement effective assessment techniquesThe success of your lesson plan will depend on how well you assess your students' progress. There are many different approaches to assessment such as tests, quizzes, class participation, and homework assignments. However, whatever approach you choose, it should be aligned with your learning objectives and should provide meaningful feedback to both you and your students.6. Consider your teaching styleFinally, when planning your lesson, you should consider your teaching style and your strengths. This will help you to tailor your lesson plan to suit your teaching style and build on your strengths. Consider whether you prefer to use discussion-based activities, hands-on learning or a combination of both. Also, think about how you can integrate your personality, experience, and expertise into your lesson plan to create a unique and effective learning experience for your students.In conclusion, creating a high-quality English lesson plan requires careful planning and consideration of many essential components such as learning objectives, appropriatematerials, clear and concise instructions, group activities, effective assessment techniques, and your teaching style. By following these tips, you can create a lesson plan that engages your students, develops their skills and knowledge, and helps them achieve their learning objectives.。
初中英语展示课操作流程的Procedures for a Demonstration English Lesson in Middle SchoolPreparing for an English demonstration lesson in middle school requires thorough planning and organization to ensure a smooth and engaging learning experience for the students. As an English teacher, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of the lesson objectives, the target audience, and the resources required to deliver an effective and impactful lesson.The first step in the preparation process is to define the learning objectives for the demonstration lesson. These objectives should be aligned with the curriculum standards and the specific needs of the middle school students. The teacher should consider the language skills, knowledge, and proficiency levels of the students and design the lesson accordingly. The objectives may focus on developing students' reading comprehension, writing skills, vocabulary expansion, or improving their overall communicative competence in English.Once the learning objectives are established, the teacher should carefully select the content and materials for the lesson. This may involve choosing an appropriate text, such as a short story, an informative article, or a poem, that aligns with the lesson objectives and is engaging for the middle school audience. The teacher should also consider incorporating various multimedia resources, such as audio recordings, videos, or interactive activities, to enhance the lesson and cater to different learning styles.Lesson planning is a crucial step in the preparation process. The teacher should create a detailed lesson plan that outlines the sequence of activities, the time allocation for each section, and the specific strategies and techniques to be used. The lesson plan should include a clear introduction, a well-structured body, and a meaningful conclusion. The introduction should capture the students' attention, provide an overview of the lesson, and set the stage for the learning activities. The body of the lesson should involve a range of engaging and interactive tasks, such as group discussions, individual tasks, or collaborative projects, to reinforce the targeted language skills and knowledge. The conclusion should provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their learning, summarize the key takeaways, and receive feedback from the teacher.Effective classroom management is another essential aspect of a successful demonstration lesson. The teacher should establish clearexpectations and routines for the students, ensuring that the classroom environment is conducive to learning. This may involve setting up the physical space, managing transitions between activities, and maintaining a positive and inclusive atmosphere.During the actual delivery of the demonstration lesson, the teacher should demonstrate strong pedagogical skills and a deep understanding of the subject matter. The teacher should be able to effectively explain concepts, provide clear instructions, and guide the students through the learning activities. The teacher should also be prepared to address any questions or concerns that may arise from the students and be flexible in adapting the lesson plan if necessary.Throughout the lesson, the teacher should employ a variety of instructional strategies and techniques to cater to different learning preferences and maintain the students' engagement. This may include the use of visual aids, hands-on activities, collaborative learning, and differentiated instruction. The teacher should also provide opportunities for students to actively participate in the lesson, such as through discussions, presentations, or group work, to reinforce their understanding and application of the target language skills.Ongoing assessment and feedback are crucial components of a successful demonstration lesson. The teacher should incorporateformative assessment techniques throughout the lesson to gauge the students' comprehension and progress. This may involve asking probing questions, observing student work, or administering short quizzes. The teacher should provide timely and constructive feedback to the students, highlighting their strengths and areas for improvement, and offering guidance on how they can continue to develop their language skills.In conclusion, the preparation and delivery of a demonstration English lesson in middle school require careful planning, strong pedagogical skills, and a deep understanding of the target audience. By following the procedures outlined in this essay, teachers can create a engaging and impactful learning experience for their middle school students, fostering their language development and promoting their overall academic success.。
Unit 3 Lesson Planning 教案
Unit 3 Lesson PlanningIn this unit, we are going to look at one of the most important components of language teacher’s work, lesson planning. We will focus on the following:1.Why is lesson planning necessary?2.What are the principles for good lesson planning?3.What are macro planning and micro planning?4.What are the components of a lesson planning?1.Why is lesson planning necessary?1). Proper lesson planning is essential for both novice and experienced teachers. Although preparation does not guarantee successful lesson, walking into a classroom unprepared is often the beginning of a disastrous lesson.Besides, students immediately notice if the teacher is prepared or not. Unprepared teachers receive much less trust and cooperation from the students.How do language teachers benefit from proper lesson planning?1. A clear lesson plan makes the teacher aware of the aims and language contents of the lesson.2.It also helps the teacher distinguish the various stages of a lesson and to see the relationship between them so that the lesson can move smoothly from stage to another.3.The teacher can also think about how the students can be fully engaged in the lesson.4. When planning the lesson, the teacher also becomes aware of the teaching aids that are needed.5. Plans are also an aid to continuing improvement. After the lesson the teacher can add an evaluation to the plan, identifying those parts which went well and those which were less successful.2. Principles for good lesson planning1). V arietyIt means planning a number of different types of activities and where possible introducing students to a wide selection of materials so that learning is always interesting, motivating and never monotonous for the students.2). FlexibilityIt means planning to use a number of different methods and techniques rather than being a slave to one methodology. This will make teaching and learning more effective and more efficient.3). LearnabilityIt means the contents and tasks planned for the lesson should be within the learning capability of the students.4). LinkageIt means the stages and steps within each stage are planned in such a way that they somehow linked with one another. Language learning needs recycling and reinforcement.3. Macro planning vs. micro planningIdeally, lesson planning should be done at two levels: macro planning and micro planning. The former is planning over time, for instance, the planning for a month, a term, or the whole course. The latter is planning for a specific lesson, which usually lasts 40 or 50 minutes.Macro planning involves the following:A. knowing about the course: the teacher should know which language areas and language skills should be taught or practiced in the course, what materials and teaching aids are available, and what methods and techniques can be used.B. knowing about the institution: the teacher should know the institution’s arrangements regarding time, length, frequency of lessons, physical conditions of classrooms, and exam requirements.C. knowing about the learners: the teacher should acquire information about the students’ age range, sex ratio, social background, motivation, attitudes, interests, learning needs and other individual factors.D. knowing about the syllabus: the teacher should be clear about the purposes, requirements and targets specified in the syllabus.(National English Curriculum Standard)Much of macro planning is done prior to the commencement of course. However, macro planning is job that never really the ends until the end the course.Macro planning provides guidance for language teachers. However, most teachers have more confidence if they have kind of written plan for each lesson they teach.The advantage of a concrete teaching plan is that teachers can follow it in the class and check what they have done. This plan will be basis of a record of what has been covered in class, and will make it easier to make achievement teats later. The teaching plans will be good records for the entire course.4. Components of a lesson plan1). Teaching aims2). Language contents and skills3). Teaching stages and procedures1). Teaching aimsThe first in lesson planning is to decide the aims of a lesson, which include what language components to present, what communicative skills to practice, what activities to conduct and what materials and teaching aids to be used.2). Language contents and skillsIn language teaching, it is very important for the teacher to know exactly what language contents will be taught and what language skills will be practiced in the lesson. Language contents mean structures (grammar), vocabulary, functions, topics, and so on. Language skills are L, S, R and W.3). Teaching stages and proceduresAt the presentation stage, the teacher introduces new vocabulary and grammatical structures with reference to their contextualized use.At the practice stage, the lesson moves from controlled practice to the guided practice and further to the exploitation of the texts when necessary.At the production stage, the students are encouraged to use what they have learned and practiced to perform communicative tasks. At this last stage, the focus is on meaning rather than formal accuracy.Another model is pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading.This model is also often applied in listening lessons, which have pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening stages.In this model, the pre- stage involves preparation work, such as setting the scene (描述背景), warming up, or providing key information( such as key words).The while- stage involve activities or tasks that the students must perform while they are reading or listening.The post- stage provides a chance for students to obtain feedback on the performance at the while- stage. This may involve follow-up activities, in which students relate what they have read or heard to their own life and use the language spontaneously.Components of a lesson plan1. Contents2. Aims/Teaching aims/objectives3. Language focus4. Aids/Teaching aidsTeaching procedure(s)Homework/AssignmentsLayout of the blackboard。
教案本的英文翻译是什么Title: English Translation of "教案本"Introduction:In the field of education, lesson planning plays a crucial role in ensuring effective teaching and learning. A key component of lesson planning is the "教案本" (jiào àn běn) in Chinese, which refers to the document that outlines the objectives, content, teaching strategies, and assessment methods for a specific lesson or unit. In this article, we will explore the English translation of "教案本" and provide professional guidance on creating effective lesson plans.English Translation of "教案本":The English translation of "教案本" is commonly referred to as "Lesson Plan." A lesson plan serves as a comprehensive guide for teachers, providing a structured framework to deliver a lesson effectively. It outlines the learning objectives, instructional activities, and assessment methods to be used during the teaching process.Key Components of a Lesson Plan:1. Learning Objectives: Clearly state the specific goals and outcomes the students are expected to achieve by the end of the lesson.2. Prior Knowledge Activation: Engage students by connecting the new content to their existing knowledge and experiences.3. Instructional Activities: Present the content in a logical sequence, using a variety of teaching strategies such as lectures, discussions, group work,multimedia resources, and hands-on activities.4. Differentiation: Incorporate strategies to cater to the diverse learning needs of students, including modifications for students with special educational needs or English language learners.5. Assessment and Evaluation: Include formative and summative assessment methods to measure student understanding and progress. Provide opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning through quizzes, projects, presentations, or other appropriate means.6. Closure: Summarize the main points covered in the lesson and provide a conclusion that reinforces the learning objectives.7. Reflection: Encourage teachers to reflect on the effectiveness of the lesson and make necessary adjustments for future improvement.Guidelines for Creating Effective Lesson Plans:1. Align with Curriculum Standards: Ensure that the lesson plan aligns with the curriculum standards and learning objectives set by the educational institution or relevant authorities.2. Consider Student Engagement: Incorporate activities that actively engage students in the learning process, promoting critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity.3. Use Clear and Concise Language: Write the lesson plan using language that is easily understood by both teachers and other stakeholders who may review or implement the plan.4. Provide Sufficient Details: Include specific instructions for each activity, including estimated time, required materials, and any necessary preparation.5. Flexibility: Allow room for adjustments and modifications based on the students' progress and needs during the lesson.6. Incorporate Assessment Strategies: Integrate various assessment methods throughout the lesson to monitor student understanding and provide timely feedback.Conclusion:The "教案本" (Lesson Plan) serves as a valuable tool for teachers to effectively organize and deliver lessons. By following the guidelines and incorporating key components discussed above, educators can create well-structured and engaging lesson plans that facilitate meaningful learning experiences for students.。
制定教案英文翻译Title: Developing Lesson PlansIntroduction:Lesson plans serve as a roadmap for teachers, providing a structured framework to guide their instructional activities. As an expert in lesson planning, I will provide professional advice and guidance on developing effective lesson plans that align with the requirements of various educational stages. This article aims to offer a translated version of the guidelines for creating lesson plans.I. Lesson Plan Components:A. Objective(s): Clearly state the learning objectives that students are expected to achieve by the end of the lesson. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).B. Prior Knowledge: Assess students' prior knowledge related to the topic to determine appropriate instructional strategies and differentiate instruction accordingly.C. Materials and Resources: List all the materials, resources, and technology required for the lesson, ensuring their availability before the class.D. Introduction: Engage students' attention and activate their prior knowledge through an engaging introduction that connects the new topic to their existing knowledge.E. Instructional Strategies: Select appropriate teaching strategies, such as direct instruction, cooperative learning, or inquiry-based learning, based on the topicand the needs of the students.F. Differentiation: Incorporate strategies to accommodate diverse learners, including students with special needs, English language learners, and gifted students. Provide specific modifications and accommodations as necessary.G. Assessment: Determine how student learning will be assessed during and at the end of the lesson. Include formative and summative assessment strategies that align with the objectives.H. Closure: Summarize the key points covered in the lesson and provide opportunities for students to reflect on their learning.I. Extension Activities: Offer extension activities or assignments to provide opportunities for students to further explore the topic independently or collaboratively.II. Lesson Plan Format:A. Title: Provide a clear and concise title that reflects the content and objective of the lesson.B. Grade Level/Subject: Indicate the specific grade level and subject area for which the lesson is designed.C. Duration: State the estimated time required to complete the lesson.D. Learning Objectives: Translate the objectives into clear and measurable statements.E. Materials/Resources: Translate the list of required materials and resources.F. Procedure:1. Introduction: Translate the engaging introduction that captures students' attention.2. Instructional Strategies: Describe the teaching strategies to be employed, providing clear instructions for implementation.3. Assessment: Translate the assessment strategies and methods to evaluate student learning.4. Closure: Translate the closure section, emphasizing the importance of summarizing key points and allowing for student reflection.5. Extension Activities: Translate the extension activities to provide further exploration opportunities.Conclusion:Developing well-structured lesson plans is crucial for effective teaching and learning. By following the guidelines and format provided, teachers can create comprehensive and engaging lesson plans that cater to the needs of their students. Remember to adapt the lesson plans to suit the specific requirements and characteristics of each educational stage.。
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Final Project Instructions
You are required to create a detailed lesson outline of a45-60min foreign language lesson.This outline should have three components:
1.A beginning paragraph,providing background information of the target class,
including student information,size of the class,language level(beginners, intermediate,advanced),learning institution(middle/high school,university, vocational school,evening class),as well as teaching location and equipment;
For example:
This lesson plan is designed for an English class of40junior students in an urban middle school.The students are intermediate language learners,but their proficiency level varies.Available equipment for this class includes…….
2.A unique and detailed lesson plan following these requirements:
Formatted exactly according to the template.Note the spacing,margins,font,text enhancement,explicitness and tone of instruction in the lesson plan,and the variety of materials and activities in the supplemental materials.
Unit theme:“Driver’s Education”(i.e.road rules,driver’s safety,getting your license at the Department of Motor Vehicles[DMV],etc.)
A clear SWBAT objective
Skills:speaking,listening,reading,writing and/or pronunciation
Target form options:
o Past progressive tense verbs vs.simple past tense
o“Tens vs.teens”–pronunciation of the difference between seventeen and seventy;thirteen and thirty,etc.
o Explaining multiplication equations
o Street addresses–format/order,saying the building numbers,e.g.“2318Main Street”=“Twenty-three eighteen Main Street”
o Modal verbs(positive and negative)in question and answer format
Possible lesson topics:
o Describing a car accident:describing what you were doing when something happened,verbs(e.g.,hit,Crash,smash,dent,run into,rear-end,side-swipe,
tailgate,text,turn,slip,brake)and adverbs of time(e.g.,while,when)
o Safe driving in bad road conditions–e.g.,weather-related problems
o Driving economics:E.g.,Gas prices,price per gallon,dollars and cents,miles per gallon,speed limit(focus on language practice to explain solutions,more than
just computation practice)NB:Calculators can be used if needed
NO homework can be assigned;everything must be completed in class.
KEEP TECHNOLOGY TO THE MINIMUM!No PPT,No Video clips more than5min allowed.
Attach any and all supplemental materials for the lesson(e.g.student worksheets, answer keys,rubrics,etc.)Each activity should have an interesting and relevant name,not just“Activity1.”All pictures must be non-copyrighted,and must still be clear if printed in grayscale.All worksheets and supplements must be combined into ONE document file.
3.A concluding argument,presenting rationale for your choice and arrangement of
methods,techniques and types of activities.
Deadline for submission:July10th,Wednesday,12:00pm(noon)。