
• 互联网连接全世界的电脑网络。
• The Internet connects computer networks all over the world.
• 搜索引擎帮助我们迅速而容易的找到信息。
• Search engines help us find information quickly and easily.
• Simon is teaching Anna how to read a map.
• 为了到达动物园,当你到交叉路口时左拐。
• To get to the zoo,turn left when you come to the crossroads.
• 当你到达路的拐角时,右拐你将看到一间旅 馆。穿过马路你将看到博物馆。
• 我们希望你能来。我们期盼在晚会上看到你。
• We hope you can come.We look forward to seeing you at the party.
• 你确定你知道如何去那儿吗?
• Are you sure that you know how to get there.
• 当格林小姐开始说一些事时,孩子们停下来仔细听, 变得安静。
start a campfire. • 第四个拐角处向右拐。 • Take the fourth turning on the right. • Turn right at the fourth turning. • 经过一间木屋,向左拐,沿着河边的小路走。 • Walk past the wooden house,turn left and walk
• He tries to open the door with a knife but fails.He tries again.It works.

Unit 3 句子翻译练习1.我们迫不及待地想骑车旅行了。
(can’t wait to do)2.我宁可待家里也不要去看电影。
(persuade, insist on)4.Tom一直梦想着做一次环球旅行。
(dream about, journey)5.这里的人们一直用这条河来运输人和物资。
(it’s fun…., beneath)7.自从他10年前离家出走,她就没有他的音讯了。
(ever since)8.我不并乎钓到多少鱼,我只是喜欢钓鱼时的宁静。
(care about, care for)9.他们决定第二天一大早就出发。
(determine )10.这次会议组织得很糟糕。
(change one’s mind)12.他坚持说自己没偷东西,坚持要求被释放。
(give in)14.在海拔高的地方,呼吸很困难。
(wool coat, change…for….)16.我将在下周三去美国,飞机在下午3点起飞。
1.We can’t wait to take a bike trip.2. I prefer to stay at home rather than go tothe movie.I prefer staying at home to going to the movie.3.She tried to persuade her husband to travelby plane ,but he insisted on going by train.4.Tom has been dreaming about making ajourney around the world.5.People here use the river to transport( for transporting ) people and goods. 6.I think it’s fun to climb the mountainbeneath the stars.7.She hasn’t heard from him ever since heleft home 10 years ago..I don’t care about how many fish I catch. What I care for is the peace while fishing.(I just care for the peace while fishing. )9.They determined to leave/set offearly the next morning.10.The meeting was badly organized.11.If one is always changing his mind, he willsucceed in nothing.12.He insisted (that) he hadn’t stolen anything and that he (should) be set free.13.She never gives in to difficulties.14.It’s hard to breathe at a high altitude.15.He wants to change his wool coat foryour jacket.16. I’m leaving for America next Wednesday, and the plane takes off at 3 pm.。


You cannot teach a man anything. You can only help him discover it within himself.你无法教会一个人任何事。
你只能帮助他自己去发现自我Each human being is born as something unique,something that never existed before. 每个人从生下来就是独一无二,前所未有的Each person is born with what he needs to win at life. 每个人的出生都是为了赢得生活 A normal person can see,hear,touch,taste,and think for himself. 一个普通的人能看,能听,能感觉,能品味,能思考人生Each has his own unique potentials----his capabilities and limitations.每个人都有自己独特的潜力----他的能力和局限Each can be an important,thinking,aware,and creatively productive person in his own right---a winner.每个人出生的一些独特的,前所未有之存在的东西。
The words"winner"and"lost"have many meanings. When we refer to a person as a winner, we do not mean one who defeats the other person by dominating and making him lose. Instead a winner is one who responds genuinely by being trustworthy, responsive,both as an individual and as a member of a society. A loser is one who fails to respond genuinely.的字眼是“赢家”和“迷失”有很多含义。

译林版八年级上册英语课文及翻译UNIT 3英中对照版UNIT 3Comic stripHobo, I have a problem.霍波,我有一个问题。
What's wrong Eddie?埃迪,怎么了?I'm getting fat. Look at my stomach.我变胖了。
You eat too much. Why not eat less and exercise more?你吃得太多了。
为什么不少吃点,多做锻炼?Maybe you're right.可能你说得对。
Good. I'll finish the food for you then.好的,那我就把你的食物给吃了。
Welcome to the unitMum, many of my classmates have problems.妈妈,我的很多同学都碰到了一些问题。
Really? How about you? Do you have any problems?真的吗?你呢?你碰到问题了吗?Yes. I do. Sometimes I feel sleepy in class.是的,我有。
Oh dear. You don't get enough sleep.宝贝,你睡眠不足。
What should I do then?那我该怎么办?Perhaps you should manage your time better and go to bed earlier.你应该好好地利用时间并早点儿上床睡觉。
OK. I'll try.好的,我试试。
ReadingDear Mr Friend.亲爱的弗兰德先生:I am Millie, and I am a Grade 9 student. I have a problem, and I do not know how I should deal with it.我叫米莉,是一名9年级的学生。

Unit 31.There are aways people who dream to make a(n) from gambling(赌博),even though they know the chances are slim(苗条的、微小的).总有一些人梦想着从赌博中发财,即使他们知道机会很渺茫。
young because he couldn’t work out easy mathematical(数学的) calculations(计算)在发明家托马斯·爱迪生小的时候,被视为是一个傻孩子,因为他连简单的数学运算都算不出来。
犯罪嫌疑人) for about two days before they finally caught him in a deserted warehouse(仓库).警察追赶抢劫嫌疑犯大约两天之后,他们终于在一个废弃的仓库里抓到了他。
运动、活动) to raise money for the girl who has caught a rare(rare) disease(疾病).地方报社开展了一个为患有稀有疾病的女孩捐款活动。
5.Rock climbing is attractive(有吸引力的) especially to young peoplebecause it is always with hardship(困难) and adventure.攀岩是具有吸引力的,尤其是对年轻人来说,因为它总是伴随着困难和冒险。
6.The face value(面值) of the bill(账单、钞票(内在的) value is nothing but that of a piece of paper.该票据面值为一美元,但其内在价值只是一张纸。
7.Having won several championships in international matches recently,hecurrently(目前among the world’s professional tennis players.在最近的国际比赛中赢得了几次冠军,他目前在世界上职业网球选手中排名第二。

Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the First Day1.你表妹每天怎样回家(how)2.我经常坐地铁去和我的朋友们打篮球(often)3.骑自行车去上学对于孩子们来说很健康.(it)4.因为我家太远了所以我不能走路去见你.(because)5.你需要乘船渡过那条河(take)Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the Second Day1.我每天早上都骑车去上学。
(take)5.从玛丽家去地铁站要花多久(long)Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the Third Day1.我住在离学校很远的地方,所以我只在周末时回家。
(两种by;take)Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the Fourth Day1.里克每天是怎样去学校的(how)2.戴夫很想知道斯考特住在哪里。
(where)3.我想知道你家距学校有多远.(from)4.麦克很想知道从他家到他外婆家有多远.(long)5.每天早上去学校需要花费我十五分钟.(take)Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the Fifth Day1. 对很多学生来说,学英语是很容易的。
(it)2. 这里没有桥,而且对于小船来说,河流太急了。
(there)3. 一个八岁的孩子,每个上学日都要穿过这条街道。
(cross)4. 我喜欢我的老师,她对我像妈妈一样。
(like)5. 上一所好的高中是我们的梦想。
(dream)Unit3 Everyday Exercise for the Sixth Day1、公交车之旅从来都不无聊,因为我总是跟我的同学们聊天。
unit 3大学综合英语3翻译

1. In the house where I grew up, it was our custom to leave the front door on the latch at night. I don't know if that was a local term or if it is universal; "on the latch" meant the door was closed but not locked. None of us carried keys; the last one in for the evening would close up, and that was it.小时候在家里,我们的前门总是夜不落锁。
R T 2. Those days are over. In rural areas as well as in cities, doors do not stay unlocked, even for part of an evening.那样的日子已经一去不复返了。
R T 3. Suburbs and country areas are, in many ways, even more vulnerable than well-patroled urban streets. Statistics show the crime rate rising more dramatically in those allegedly tranquil areas than in cities. At any rate, the era of leaving the front door on the latch is over.在许多方面,郊区和农村甚至比巡查严密的城市街道更易受到攻击。
8a 随堂反馈unti3juzifanyi

Unit 3 翻译句子1.我通常不乘校车去学校。
2.I usually don’t take the school bus to school.3.下个月,我爸爸要休假一个星期。
4.My father will have a week off next month.5.马克思不得不在医院待一个星期。
Max has to stay in hospital for a week.6.保罗今天有很多的时间踢足球。
Paul has lots of time for playing football.7.每天我帮助妈妈做半个小时的家务活。
Every day I help my mother do half an hour of housework.8.艾米的铅笔盒颜色和我的一样。
Amy’s pencil box is the same colour as mine.1.这是一所拥有网球场的漂亮学校。
This is a beautiful school with a tennis court.2.你应该做运动保持身体健康。
You should exercise to keep fit.3.我怎么样才能到达塔顶。
How can I get to the top of the tower?4.上个月他们乘船去青岛旅行了。
They took a boat trip to Qingdao last month.5.昨天早上我从公园旁边走过,看到很多人在做早操。
Yesterday morning walked past the park and saw many people doing morning exercises.6.当轮船路过歌剧院时,我们感到很兴奋。
When the ship went past the Opera House, we felt very excited.1.小朋友们再也不感到无聊了。
The kids didn’t feel bored any more.2.车停了,同学们迫不及待地上了车。
unit 3 课文翻译

8. “但是我和马克呆在一起已有两年多
了,”盖尔抱怨道。“我们俩一起经历 了许许多多的事情。我们彼此多次看到 对方最糟糕的一面。我可以肯定时间只 能证明我们是彼此深情相爱的。”
9. “你也许是对的。但我还是认为再等
10. 盖尔的父亲戴维——我还未见过他
的面——以知事莫若父的态度对待我们 的决定。他问的问题基本上和盖尔母亲 的问题相同:“干吗这么匆忙?这个马 克是什么人?他是什么公民身份?”当 他得知我办公民身份遇到了问题时,就 怀疑我是因为想留在美国而娶他女儿的。
人时,她遇到了一些阻力。她的母亲德博拉 过去一直赞成我们的关系,甚至还开过玩笑, 问我们打算何时结婚,这样她就可以抱外孙 了。但这次听到我们要结婚的消息时,她没 有向我们表示祝贺,反而劝盖尔想清楚自己 的决定是否正确。
6. “这么说我跟他约会没错,但是如果我跟
1. 我和盖尔计划举行一个不事张扬的
婚礼。在两年的相处中,我们的关系 经历了起伏,这是一对情侣在学着相 互了解、理解和尊重时常常出现的。 但在这整整两年间,我们坦诚地面对 彼此性格中的弱点和优点。
了我们的关系,还教会了我们要彼此宽 容、谅解和开诚布公。盖尔有时不明白 为何我和其他黑人如此关注种族问题, 而我感到吃惊的是,她好像忘记了美国 社会中种族也许我们的孩子会遇到一些问题。但谁
的孩子不会呢?可是有一样东西他们将会永 远拥有,那就是我们的爱。” 19. “那是理想主义的想法。人们对异族通婚 生下的孩子是会很残酷的。” 20. “爸爸,到时候我们自己会操心的。但是 假如我们在做什么事之前,就必须把所有的 疑难问题全部解决的话,那么我们几乎什么 都干不成了。” 21. “记住,你什么时候改变主意都不晚。”

高中英语译林版选修二课文翻译(原文+中文翻译)Unit 3 Helping people帮助他人ReadingThe United Nations--bringing people together联合国-把人们团结在一起In 1945, the world was on its knees. Cities lay in ruins, economies were destroyed, tens of millions of people were killed, and families across the globe were homeless and mourning the loss of loved ones. World War II, the deadliest human conflict of all time, had shattered people's lives everywhere. From the ashes of this utter destruction rose the organization that we now know as the United Nations (UN), offering hope to a world desperate for lasting peace and security. It is my privilege and pleasure to stand before you today and share with you a little bit about this wonderful organization.1945年,世界陷入了困境。
Unit 3 句子翻译

● Unit 3
1.直接的问题听上去不礼貌。你最好多花点时间导入你的请求。 1.Direct questions sound impolite. It ’s best for you to (You’d better) spend some time leading into your requests. 2.有礼貌地问路是有必要的。 .It’s necessary to ask for directions politely. 3.为了与其他人更好地交流,你要学会在不同的场合改变你的讲话方式。 You have to learn to change the way you speak in different situations so that you can communicate better with other people. 4.你能告诉我附近的厕所在哪?沿着中心大街走,然后在拐角处右转。 Can you tell me where the restroom nearby is?Walk along Central Street and turn right at the corner. 5.购物中心的职员建议惩罚那些意大利人。 The clerk of the mall suggests punishing those Italians.
6.在回家的路上,我经过了书店并冲进去买了不昂贵的邮票。 On my way home,I passed by the bookstore and rushed to buy inexpensive stamps 7,抱歉,发言人的邮件地址在地铁上。 Pardon me,the speaker’s mail address is on the underground\subway. 8 他们使用的表达可能取决
高考英语课文翻译新人教必修三 Unit 3(英汉对照)

高考英语课文翻译新人教必修三Unit 3(英汉对照)Wednesday, 21 June6月21日,星期三Today was my first day back in San Francisco after camping in the Redwood Forest and visiting the wine country of Napa Valley. I have to admit that it definitely feels good to be back in the city again. And what a city—a city that was able to rebuild itself after the earthquake that occurred in 1906. There are so many beautiful old buildings—many siting on top of big hills, offering great views of the city, the ocean, and the Golden Gate Bridge.在红杉林露营并参观了纳帕谷酒乡后,今天是我回到旧金山的第一天。
My hotel is near downtown, in the Mission District, one of the oldest parts of the city. Many of the people living here are from Mexico or Central America. This district used to be a poor area of town, but is now a centre for art, music, and food. In fact, an art movement called the “Mission School” started here. It’s influenced by graffiti art and comic art.I walked around looking at the street art for a few hours. It was quite modern and lively. Afterwards, I ate some delicious Mexican-Chinese noodles from a food truck. A real mix of cultures here!我住的旅馆靠近市中心,位于教会区,这是旧金山最古老的街区之一。
unit3 翻译句子2

天气怎么样? What’s the weather like?
地球为我们提供了什么? What does the Earth provide us with? 地球上有森林和河流,山脉和天地。 There are forests and rivers, mountains and fields. 有些地方非常热,有些地方非常冷。 Some places are very hot, and some are very cold. 有许多不同的植物。
There are many different plants.
This pollutes the Earth and kills animals and plants. 我们必须停止做这些事情。 We must stop doing these things. 为了未来而保护地球对 于我们来说是很重要的。 it is important for us to protect the Earth for our future.
Some animals live on the land. 有些动物居住在陆地上。 如今,有大量的(许多的)污染。 Today, there is a lot of pollution. 我们燃烧东西来制造能量。 We burn things to make energy. 这污染了空气。 This pollutes the air. 我们把我们的垃圾扔进了大海里,或是埋在了地下。 We put our rubbish into the sea and under the ground.
地球为我们提供空气,水和食物。 The Earth provide us with air, water and food.
新目标九年级上unit3 课文重点句子汉译英翻译

翻译练习Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are1.打扰一下,你能告诉我能样去书店吗?当然,沿着主街道走直到你通过中心街。
A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the bookstore?B: Sure, just go along Main Street until you pass Center Street.2. 超市在花店和书店之间The supermarket is between the flower store and the bookstore.尝试这些乘骑项目,我很兴奋。
excited to try the rides!3. 首先,你能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?Oh, could you tell me where the restrooms are at first?4. ----那边的乘骑项目怎么样?----看上去有点吓人。
How about that new ride over there? Alice: Oh ... it looks pretty scary.5. 如果你害怕,就大叫或者抓着我的手6. 起初我很害怕,大事大叫确实有用。
I was scared at first, but shouting really did help.7. 直到你尝试,不让你绝不会知道。
Y ou never know until you try something.8. 我建议去水上世界的水城饭馆。
I suggest W ater City Restaurant in W ater W orld.9. 那里一直都很忙,所以为了能得到位子我们要早一点去。
It’s always busy, so come a little earlier to get a table.10. 在他们去水城饭店的路上,爱丽丝和何卫经过了鲍勃的店On their way to W ater City Restaurant, Alice and He W eipass by11. 为什么我们不稍后再回到这里吃晚饭,让我们问一下乐队什么时候开演。
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1、—Mike 怎样去上学的?—他走路上学。
(2种表达)How does Mike go to school?
He walks to school.= He goes to school on foot.
I have three hundred and ninety-six yuan.
How far is it from your home to the hospital?
It’s about five kilometers (away).
How long does it take you to go to the park?
It’s about two hours and a half/two and a half hours.
It takes him four hours to finish his homework every day. sb.+ spend+sometime+on sth.
sb.+ spend+sometime+(in) doing sth
He spends four hours finishing his homework every day.
There are thousands of books.
What do you think of my new house?
=How do you like my new house?
For many students, it is easy to get to school.
There is a very wide street between our school and the supermarket.
He sits among the classmates.
There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly.
He helped an old man (to) go/walk across the street/road.
go/walk across= cross
I have an eighty-year-old grandmother/grandma.
= I have a grandmother of eighty years old.
She is afraid to ask the teacher questions.
= She is afraid of asking the teacher questions.
He is like a father to me.
Villagers left the village for Zhanjiang.
I think our dream can come true.
These students go on a ropeway to cross the river.
Many of them like playing football.
Let’s think about this question.
It is important for us to learn English well.
Yesterday he arrived at the train station on time.
1、How does Mike go to school?
He walks to school.= He goes to school on foot.
2、I have three hundred and ninety-six yuan.
3、How far is it from your home to the hospital?
It’s about five kilometers (away).
4、How long does it take you to go to the park?
It’s about two hours and a half/two and a half hours.
5、It takes him four hours to finish his homework every day.
6、There are thousands of books.
7、What do you think of my new house?
=How do you like my new house?
8、For many students, it is easy to get to school.
9、There is a very wide street between our school and the supermarket.
10、He sits among the classmates.
11、There is no bridge and the river runs too quickly.
12、He helped an old man (to) go/walk across the street/road.
go/walk across= cross
13、I have an eighty-year-old grandmother/grandma.
= I have a grandmother of eighty years old.
14、She is afraid to ask the teacher questions.
= She is afraid of asking the teacher questions.
15、He is like a father to me.
16、Villagers left the village for Zhanjiang.
17、I think our dream can come true.
18、These students go on a ropeway to cross the river.
19、Many of them like playing football.
20、Let’s think about this question.
21、It is important for us to learn English well.
22、Yesterday he arrived at the train station on time.。