1) 18th,March,2004 或18March,2004(英式)
2) March18th,2004 或March18,2004 (美式)
2)月份必须用英文拼出或采用公认的简写,即January (Jan.), February (Feb.),March(Mar.),April(Apr.),May,June,July,August(Aug.),September(Sept.),October( Oct.),November(Nov.),December(Dec.);
萨缪尔森经济学Economics第十八版 18th 课后概念、习题答案4
C H A P T E R 4A p p l i c a t i o n s o fS u p p l y a n d D e m a n dCHAPTER OVERVIEW AND TEACHING TIPSIn Chapter 3 you explained the laws of supply and demand, and you familiarized students with the effects of changes in supply and demand. This leads naturally to the related question, “By how much?” How large are the responses to changes in the market, and on what does this responsiveness depend? This chapter introduces students to the concept of elasticity and exposes them to two types of elasticities: price elasticity of demand and price elasticity of supply. These concepts are difficult for students, particularly for those who have math anxiety. Emphasize the importance of percent- age changes in the numerator and denominator of the elasticity equations, and distinguish between price elasticity of demand and the slope of the demand curve. Do not hesitate to spend class time working through examples that illustratethe relationships between the price elasticity of demand and supply, and the demand and supply curves.The final section of the chapter provides students with the opportunity to apply market analysis and elasticity concepts in the arena of public policy-making. Distinguish carefully between the party who writes the check to the gov- ernment for a tax and the party who bears the economic burden of taxation. Just because taxes are often “paid” to the government by sellers does not mean that the sellers actually experience reduced incomes when new taxes are imposed. Price ceilings and price floors describe another type of government intervention into the operation of markets.LEARNING OBJECTIVES1. Define the term price elasticity of demand.2. Discuss the factors that determine whether price elasticity of demand is elastic, unitary-elastic, orinelastic, and compare consumer behavior in the short run and the long run. Describe elastic and inelastic regions that exist along any demand curve.3. Calculate price elasticity of demand using a method of averages, ant interpret your result.4. Explain, using diagrams, the relationship between total revenue and price elasticity of demand.5. Define the term price elasticity of supply.6. Discuss the factors that determine whether price elasticity of supply is elastic, unitary-elastic, orinelastic, and compare consumer behavior in the short run and the long run.7. Calculate price elasticity of supply using a method of averages, and interpret your result.8. Apply supply, demand, and elasticity concepts to the following situations and markets: (a) agriculture markets, (b)gasoline taxes, (c) minimum wages, and (d) energy price controls.SUGGESTED ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS IN THE TEXT1. A good harvest shifts a fairly inelastic supply curve to the right. Equilibrium moves down alonga relatively inelastic demand curve to support a (much) lower price, and hence lower farm revenues.2. More price elastic: perfume and ice cream because they are closer to luxuries than necessities; chocolate icecream and automobiles because there are more substitutes for these goods than there are for ice cream and automobile tires, respectively.3. Demand would be inelastic, with E D = .5.4. Assume that demand and supply both show some price elasticity.a. Output and price up along supply curve (demand-curve shift), assuming apartments are normal goods.b. Output down and price (paid by renters) up along demand curve (supply shift).c. If this price is below equilibrium (which makes sense if the policy is to have an impact), this is a price ceiling,established to protect buyers. A shortage of apartments will result, with quantity demanded greater than quantity supplied.1516 C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND d. Output up and price down along demand curve (supply shift).e. Output down and price up along demand curve (supply shift).5. According to the text, a 10% increase in the minimum wage would decrease employment of teenagers between 1and 3 percent. The impact on the adult population is even smaller. Thus, income for teenagers and adults would rise. Thus, if I had to make a decision on increasing the minimum wage, and if raising wages for low-wage workers were important to me, I would certainly vote to increase the minimum.6. Minimum wages can increase the quantity of labor supplied and decrease the quantity of labor demanded. Abind- ing minimum wage therefore creates a surplus of labor. Price ceilings can have the opposite effect. A legal maximum interest rate can lead to a shortage of loanable funds, with lenders willing to supply fewer funds than demanders would like to borrow. See Figure 4-1 for an illustration of the impact of a minimum wage on the marketfor unskilled workers when the demand is relatively elastic for those workers. Area B is lost due to the minimumwage, area A is gained, resulting in smaller earnings overall.Figure 4-1 7. The $2000 tariff on imported automobiles will act like a tax in that market, shifting the supply curve to the left by the amount of the tariff and resulting in lower quantities exchanged at a higher price. This will encourage con- sumers to substitute into autos produced by domestic firms, increasing the demand for those cars. The price and quantity exchanged of autos produced by domestic firms will rise, resulting in greater revenues for domestic automakers. 8. a. Supply down by 5 percent with elasticity of 0.05 means that price must increase by 100 percent. b. Elasticity is a ratio of percentages; it is thus unitless. c. Supply down by 50 percent means that price must increase by 100 percent to keep the price elasticity equal to 0.5. Crime should increase if addicts steal to feed their habits. A successful rehab program would shift demand in; quantity would fall by 50 percent and price would stay the same (the shifts would match). d. This policy would shift the supply of pork to the left, raising market prices. If, as argued in this chapter, the demand for agriculture products is inelastic, higher prices will result in higher farm incomes. e. The income rectangle is larger after the minimum wage is increased. This tells us that the price elasticity of demand for unskilled workers if very low; changes in the wage have little impact on the quantity of these laborers demanded. 9. a. See diagram. Figure 4-2C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND 17b. The vacancy rate will fall, there will be a shortage of apartments at the ceiling price.Figure 4-3c. The government might subsidize landlords in order to provide higher compensation for apartments.d. Rent controls limit the amount of compensation that landlords can receive for their property. This limits theirwillingness to maintain property, thus giving rise to the concerns of the European critic.10. The demand curve is given by P = 6.56 -.08Q, the supply curve is perfectly elastic at a price of $2.40 and then at aprice of $2.80. See diagram. The appropriate constant elasticity demand curve is Q = 87.2P-59.Figure 4-4DISCUSSION QUESTIONS1. Define the term elasticity. How does this concept help to explain the general shape and slope of a demand curve?2. True or false: The price elasticity of demand changes as price changes along a linear demand curve.Carefully explain your answer.3. If price elasticity of demand changes along a demand curve, how can we say that a demandcurve is relatively elastic or inelastic? Explain.4. It is easy to understand why a large harvest of corn should lower the per unit price. Explain how that could actuallylower the total receipts farmers get from the corn harvest.5. Oil prices increased more than tenfold between 1973 and 1981 as a result of strategies employed by OPEC, an inter-national cartel. Are you surprised that even the richest societies chose to conserve their oil and related energy products? How might people conserve and economize when gasoline, heating fuels, and electricity have become more expensive per unit? How might the increase in gasoline prices in summer 2000 affect behavior?6. “Any demand curve is almost certain to have both an elastic and an inelastic range.” Can you give an exception? Isit realistic through the range of all prices and quantities?7. How does the introduction of the time element affect price elasticities of supply and demand?18 C HAPTER 4: A PPLICATIONS OF S UPPLY AND D EMAND 8. “Knowing how to calculate the slope of a straight line enables you to calculate the elasticity for any point on anycurve.” Discuss the relationship between price elasticity of demand and the slope of the demand curve.9. What is the difference between the price elasticity of demand and the price elasticity of supply?10. Governments interested in maximizing their total revenue have often taxed products like salt, tobacco, andalcohol. What does this suggest about the elasticity of demand for these goods? Why would they be good targets for taxation?11. Evaluate the following charge: If the government grants an industry a subsidy of $1 per unit and the price does notfall by the full $1, then the industry is cheating the consumer.12. Under what circumstances might black markets arise? What can be done about them? Are black markets necessari-ly bad?13. Suppose the government wishes to set a lower bound on the price of wheat. Compare and contrast the methods itcan use to achieve this goal with respect to the what, how, and for whom questions.14. Many economists are against minimum-wage laws. Discuss why a legal minimum wage set above equilibriummay lead to unemployment. How do the price elasticities of demand and supply help to determine the extent of this unemployment? Can people who earn lower wages be helped in ways that will not lead to unemployment?(Think about both sides of the market as you answer this question.)15. According to some estimates, the total revenues from the sale of pornography in Denmark declined by 25 percent inthe year immediately following the liberalization of the censorship laws. From this evidence, some sociologists have determined that legalizing this type of activity reduces the demand for it. Do you agree?Why or why not? What effects on the supply side might be deduced?16. What factors are likely to make demand for a commodity either elastic or inelastic? What factorsare likely to influence elasticity of supply?17. How do you think a minimum-wage law might affect the market for unskilled labor? For skilled labor?ESSAY QUESTIONS1. The Brazilian government used to destroy a substantial portion of its coffee harvest to increase its revenue fromcoffee exports. What conditions are essential to make this type of policy economically beneficial for the country? 2. A witness in a recent congressional hearing argued that consumers budgeted a fixed amount of expenditure for theproducts of his industry. Assuming his statements to be correct, what is the elasticity of demand for the industry’s products? Why?3. On a straight-line demand curve, point out the ranges where demand is elastic, inelastic, and unitary elastic.Why does the elasticity vary along a straight-line demand curve? Draw a graph that relates these regions to the slope of a total revenue curve.4. Consider two markets, the apple market and the orange market. Draw a supply-and-demanddiagram for each market. Indicate the equilibrium price and quantity of P0 and Q0, respectively.a. If there were an outbreak of an apple disease, illustrate the new equilibrium price and quantity in the applemarket by P1, Q1.b. How might this affect the orange market? Show these effects on your diagram.Redraw the original diagram for the apple market. Now suppose the government wishes to encourage the production of apples and gives the producers of apples a subsidy of x dollars per apple.c. Indicate the new equilibrium price and quantity in the apple market by P2, and Q2, respectively.d. Explain whether the equilibrium price will increase or decrease by more or less than the amount of the subsidyper apple.e. Shade in the total subsidy the government will pay to the apple industry each period.f. Describe how this subsidy will be shared between consumers and producers.5. The supply and demand curves for wheat are very inelastic. Those for sugar are very elastic. If a sales tax of $1per unit is put on each of these goods, in which case will the incidence fall largely on the consumer and in which case largely on the producer? In which case is the revenue raised by the tax higher? Use diagrams to illustrate your answers.6. Elasticity is the same as slope. Comment on the validity of this statement.7. Explain the relationship between the elasticity of demand and revenue of a business.。
the 18th Communist Party of China National Congress
"Good day, ladies, gentlemen, and friends. Sorry to have kept you waiting. I am very happy to meet with you, friends of the press.Yesterday, the 18th CPC [Communist Party of China] National Congress victoriously concluded.During these days, friends of the press have made lots of coverage on the congress and conveyed China's voice in abundance to every country around the world. Everyone has been very dedicated, professional and hardworking. For this, on behalf of the Secretariat of the 18th Party Congress, I would like to express sincere gratitude to you.Just now, we have conducted the first plenary meeting of the 18th CPC Central Committee and elected the new central leadership organisation during the meeting. The plenary meeting election has produced seven Standing Committee members of the Political Bureau and elected me as the CPC General Secretary.People's yearning for a good and beautiful life is the goal for us to strive for”Here, let me introduce to you my colleagues, the other six Standing Committee members.They are: Comrade Li Keqiang, Comrade Zhang Dejiang, Comrade Yu Zhengsheng, Comrade Liu Yunshan, Comrade Wang Qishan, and Comrade Zhang Gaoli.Comrade Li Keqiang served as a Standing Committee member of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee while other comrades served as members of the Political Bureau of the 17th CPC Central Committee. You have known them well.Here, on behalf of the members of the new central leadership organisation, I sincerely thank all comrades of the party for their trust in us. We will live up to the great trust placed on and the mission assigned to us.The great trust of all members of the party and the expectations of people of all ethnic groups around the country are not only a tremendous encouragement to our doing the work well, but also a heavy burden on our shoulders.This great responsibility is the responsibility to our nation. Our nation is a great nation.During the civilisation and development process of more than 5,000 years, the Chinese nation has made an indelible contribution to the civilisation and advancement of mankind.In the modern era, our nation experienced constant hardship and difficulties. The Chinese nation reached the most dangerous period. Since then, countless people withlofty ideals to realise the great revival of the Chinese nation rose to resist and fight, but failed one time after another.Since the founding of the CPC, we have united and led the people to advance and struggle tenaciously, transforming the impoverished and backward Old China into the New China that has become prosperous and strong gradually. The great revival of the Chinese nation has demonstrated unprecedented bright prospects.Our responsibility is to rally and lead the whole party and all of China's ethnic groups and continue to emancipate our way of thinking, insist on reform and opening up”Our responsibility is to unite and lead people of the entire party and of all ethnic groups around the country while accepting the baton of history and continuing to work for realising the great revival of the Chinese nation in order to let the Chinese nation stand more firmly and powerfully among all nations around the world and make a greater contribution to mankind.This great responsibility is the responsibility to the people. Our people are a great people. During the long process of history, by relying on our own diligence, courage and wisdom, Chinese people have opened up a good and beautiful home where all ethnic groups live in harmony and fostered an excellent culture that never fades.Our people love life and expect better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment.They hope that their children can grow up better, work better and live better. People's yearning for a good and beautiful life is the goal for us to strive for.Every bit of happiness in the world has to be created by diligent work and labour. Our responsibility is to rally and lead the whole party and all of China's ethnic groups and continue to emancipate our way of thinking, insist on reform and opening up, further unleash and develop social productive forces, work hard to resolve the difficulties faced by the masses in both production and life, and steadfastly take the road of common prosperity.This is a major responsibility towards the party. Our party is a political party that serves the people wholeheartedly. The party has led the people in scoring accomplishments that capture the attention of the world. We have every reason to be proud. However, we are proud but not complacent, and we will never rest on our laurels.In the new situation, our party faces many severe challenges, and there are many pressing problems within the party that need to be resolved, especially problems such as corruption and bribe-taking by some party members and cadres, being out of touchwith the people, placing undue emphasis on formality and bureaucracy must be addressed with great effort.The whole party must be vigilant.The metal itself must be hard to be turned into iron. Our responsibility is to work with all comrades in the party to be resolute in ensuring that the party supervises its own conduct; enforces strict discipline; effectively deals with the prominent issues within the party; earnestly improves the party's work style and maintains close ties with the people. So that our party will always be the firm leadership core for advancing the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.It is the people who create history. The masses are the real heroes. Our strength comes from the people and masses. We deeply understand that the capability of any individual is limited, but as long as we unite as one, there is no difficulty that we cannot overcome. Individuals have limited time in work, but there is no limit in serving the people wholeheartedly.Our responsibility is weightier than Mount Tai, and our journey ahead is long and arduous. We must always be of one heart and mind with the people; share weal and woe with the people; make concerted and hard effort with the people; attend to our duties day and night with diligence; and strive to deliver a satisfactory answer sheet to history and the people.Friends from the press, China needs to learn more about the world, and the world also needs to learn more about China. I hope you will continue to make more efforts and contributions to deepening the mutual understanding between China and the countries of the world.Thank you everybody!"。
男生18岁祝福语简短英文As an 18-year-old boy, you are entering a new stage of life filled with excitement, challenges, and opportunities. It's a time to celebrate your achievements and look forward to the future with hope and determination. As you embark on this journey, it's important to surround yourself with positive energy and blessings from those around you. Here are some short and meaningful blessings in English that you can share with your friends, family, and loved ones as you mark this special milestone in your life.1. May your 18th birthday be the beginning of a wonderful adventure filled with love, joy, and success. Happy birthday!2. Wishing you all the best as you step into adulthood. May you have the courage to pursue your dreams and the wisdom to make the right choices.3. Congratulations on turning 18! May this year bring you closer to your goals and aspirations, and may you always find happiness in everything you do.4. As you celebrate your 18th birthday, remember that the future is yours to shape. May you have the strength to overcome challenges and the resilience to bounce back from setbacks.5. Happy 18th birthday! May you always have the confidence to follow your heart and the determination to reach for the stars.6. Wishing you a year filled with new experiences, exciting opportunities, and unforgettable memories. Happy 18th birthday!7. May this special day mark the beginning of a bright and promising future for you. Happy 18th birthday!8. Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone. May the year ahead be filled with love, laughter, and endless possibilities.9. Happy 18th birthday! May you always have the courage to pursue your passions and the strength to overcome any obstacles that come your way.10. As you turn 18, may you embrace the journey ahead with open arms and a fearless spirit. Wishing you a year of growth, happiness, and fulfillment.11. On your 18th birthday, may you be surrounded by the love of family and friends, and may you always have the support and encouragement to chase your dreams.12. Happy birthday! May the coming year be a time of discovery, self-expression, and personal growth as you navigate the path to adulthood.13. Wishing you a year of endless possibilities and new beginnings as you celebrate your 18th birthday. Cheers to the adventures that lie ahead!14. May your 18th birthday be the start of a remarkable journey filled with love, laughter, and unforgettable moments. Happy birthday!15. Congratulations on turning 18! May this year be a time of self-discovery, empowerment, and boundless potential.These simple yet heartfelt blessings are a reminder that you are surrounded by love and support as you embrace the next chapter of your life. As you celebrate your 18th birthday, may you be filled with optimism, determination, and a sense of purpose. Here's to the beginning of an incredible journey and the endless possibilities that await you. Happy 18th birthday!。
给十八岁自己生日寄语英语1. Happy 18th birthday! May this new chapter of your life be filled with joy, success, and unforgettable memories.2. Cheers to turning 18 and stepping into adulthood! Wishing you a year of personal growth and self-discovery.3. Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone! Remember to enjoy the journey and embrace new experiences.4. Happy birthday to the wonderful person you have become. May your 18th year be filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities.5. As you turn 18, may all your dreams and aspirations come true. Always believe in yourself and never stop chasing your goals.6. Welcome to adulthood! May you navigate through life with resilience, curiosity, and a determination to never give up.7. Happy 18th birthday! Enjoy this newfound freedom and make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.8. Wishing you a year filled with adventure, growth, and new beginnings. Happy birthday!9. Here's to the start of an exciting new chapter! May the coming year bring you success, love, and fulfillment in all your endeavors.10. Happy birthday to a future world changer! Make the most of your 18th year and leave a positive impact on the world.11. Happy 18th birthday, may you always stay true to yourself andembrace the person you are becoming.12. Congratulations on turning 18! Never forget to follow your dreams and believe in your limitless potential.13. As you enter adulthood, may you always stay young at heart and never lose your sense of wonder and curiosity.14. Happy 18th birthday! Keep challenging yourself, pushing boundaries, and carving your own path in life.15. Wishing you a year filled with moments that take your breath away and memories that last a lifetime. Happy birthday!16. Turning 18 is just the beginning of an incredible journey. Embrace every moment, learn from every experience, and grow into the best version of yourself.17. Happy 18th birthday! May you always find the strength to overcome obstacles, the courage to chase your dreams, and the wisdom to make the right choices.18. Congratulations on your 18th birthday. Remember to cherish each day, as the best is yet to come.19. Happy birthday, my dear 18-year-old self. May you always stay true to your values, follow your passions, and shine your light upon the world.20. Welcome to the world of adults! Remember to live with purpose, love fiercely, and never lose sight of the person you aim to become.。
交换生想庆祝18岁生日英语作文My Super Special 18th Birthday!Hi! My name is Jamie and I'm an exchange student from America living with a host family in England. I just turned 18 years old and it was the best birthday ever!In my home country, turning 18 is a really big deal. It means you are finally an adult! You can vote, go to nightclubs, get tattoos, and do all sorts of grown-up things. So for my 18th, I really wanted to celebrate in a big way.At first, I wasn't sure if we would do anything special since I'm away from my real family. But my amazing host parents, Carol and David, said we would make it a day to remember. Yay!The celebrations started first thing in the morning. When I came downstairs for breakfast, the whole kitchen was decorated with colorful balloons, streamers, and a big 'Happy 18th Birthday' banner. Carol had made my favorite breakfast of pancakes, sausages, and hash browns. And David gave me a card with super cute puppies on it and £50 insid e! That's a lot of money.After breakfast, we went on a trip to London to do some fun tourist stuff. We took lots of silly pictures in front of Big Ben,rode the London Eye ferris wheel, and explored the amazing British Museum. There were so many cool ancient artifacts and gemstones. I felt just like a real explorer!The best part was going to see a musical in the afternoon. We got tickets to Wicked and it was the most incredible show. The singing, dancing, costumes, and special effects were out of this world. The leading witches were so talented. I had chills during "Defying Gravity" when Elphaba flew up into the air! A few times I even cried I was so amazed. Theatre is one of my biggest passions, so this was the perfect birthday treat.After the show, we had supper at a nice Italian restaurant near Covent Garden. We started with garlic bread, then I had spaghetti bolognese for my main. It was so yummy, I ate every single bite! For dessert, the waiter brought out a big triple chocolate cake with sparkler candles on top. I loved blowing them all out and making a wish. I can't say what I wished for or it won't come true!When we got back to my host family's house that night, some of my new friends were there to surprise me. We ordered pizza, had a dance party in the living room, and they gave me some fun birthday gifts - makeup, books, snacks, and clothes. Itwas so nice to celebrate my special day with both my host family and friends.As I went to bed that night, I thought about what an incredible 18th birthday I had. Even though I'm so far away from my family back home, I felt so loved, supported, and lucky to have my host parents and friends in England. Turning 18 and becoming an official adult should be celebrated. And celebrating it with an English cultural experience I'll never forget made it even more special.I'll always have amazing memories of my 18th birthday in London. Getting to experience the city, a big theatre show, wonderful food, and being surrounded by people who care about me. It doesn't get much better than that! This was a birthday for the books and I'm so grateful. Being an exchange student is the best.I can't wait to see what other adventures await me here in England before I head back home. Maybe for my 19th next year we can take a trip to Scotland or Ireland? A girl can dream! For now, I'm just going to soak up every minute, keep working hard in school, and enjoy this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Let the adult years begin!。
The Journey to Adulthood: Celebrating the18th BirthdayAs the sun cast its warm glow over the bustling city, a special celebration was in full swing. It was a day marked by joy, excitement, and a sense of newfound freedom - the 18th birthday, a rite of passage into adulthood.The atmosphere was electric with anticipation asfriends and family gathered under a canopy of colorful balloons and streamers. The birthday girl, her face etched with a nervous yet excited smile, stood at the center of the celebration, her eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces.The celebration began with a heartfelt speech from the birthday girl's mother. Her voice trembled with pride as she spoke about the journey her daughter had taken from a tiny babe to a confident young woman. She reminded the gathered crowd that this was not just a celebration of a birthday, but a milestone in the girl's life, marking her transition into a new phase of responsibility and independence.The room erupted into cheers as the birthday girl stepped forward to make her speech. She talked about the lessons she had learned over the years, the challenges she had faced, and the dreams she had for the future. Her voice was strong and confident, a testament to the woman she was becoming.As the evening progressed, the celebration turned into a festive gathering. Games and dances filled the air with laughter and joy. The birthday girl, surrounded by her loved ones, looked radiant in her newfound freedom.But amidst the celebration, there was a deeper meaning to this day. It marked a time of transition, a time to look back on the past with gratitude and to look forward to the future with hope and excitement. It was a time to embrace the responsibilities that come with adulthood, while still holding onto the joy and innocence of childhood.As the clock struck midnight, the room erupted into a chorus of "Happy Birthday". The birthday girl, her face lit up by the glow of the candles, made a silent wish, then blew out the candles, symbolizing the end of one chapter and the beginning of a new one.The celebration ended with a sense of jubilation and anticipation. The birthday girl, now a woman, looked aheadto the future with newfound confidence and determination. She knew that with each passing day, she would continue to grow and learn, and with each new challenge, she would become stronger and wiser.This was not just a celebration of a birthday, but a celebration of life, growth, and the promise of a bright future. As the partygoers bid farewell to the evening, they did so with smiles and hugs, knowing that this special day would forever hold a place in their hearts.**走向成年:庆祝18岁生日**当太阳洒下温暖的光辉,照亮繁忙的城市时,一场特别的庆祝活动正在热烈进行。
哥哥的18岁生日作文英语My Brother's 18th Birthday。
My brother's 18th birthday is a special day that marksa significant milestone in his life. As he enters adulthood, it is a time for celebration and reflection on the yearsthat have passed. I have known my brother for as long as I can remember, and I have watched him grow from a young boy into the man he is today.On his 18th birthday, I want to take a moment toreflect on the person my brother has become. He is kind, caring, and always willing to lend a helping hand to thosein need. He has a strong sense of responsibility and a work ethic that is unmatched. I am proud to call him my brother, and I am grateful for the love and support he has always shown me.As my brother celebrates this milestone birthday, Iwant to remind him of all the wonderful qualities that makehim who he is. He is intelligent, funny, and always willing to put others before himself. He has a passion for life and a drive to succeed that is truly inspiring. I know that he will go on to accomplish great things in the years to come, and I am excited to see where life takes him.On his 18th birthday, I want to wish my brother all the happiness and success in the world. I hope that hecontinues to grow and thrive in all aspects of his life,and that he never loses sight of the person he is deep down.I am grateful to have him as my brother, and I look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with him in the years to come.Happy 18th birthday, dear brother. May this year befilled with joy, love, and endless possibilities. I loveyou more than words can express, and I am so proud to call you my brother. Here's to many more years of laughter, love, and unforgettable memories. Cheers to you on your special day!。
质量作用定律是18th 世纪最重要的物理定律之一,它被视为古典物理的创始祖,它的发现和开发为现代物理学提供了基础。
Isaac Newton 提出了质量作用定律,它又叫作牛顿第二定律,很多物理定律和理论的建立的基础就是它。
③内容:质量作用定律简要表述为:F=ma,即物体的力 F 与它的质量m以及方向上的加速度a成正比。
18th的英文全称是什么18th表示的是一个英文日期,日历上有的日子,它的全称是什么?下面是店铺给大家整理的18th的英文全称是什么,供大家参阅!18th的英文全称是什么eighteentheighteenth的英语用法eighteenth ['ei'ti:nθ]adj.第十八的十八分之一的n. 1.第十八(个) 2.十八分之一,1/18 3.月的第十八日—adj.第十八eighteenth的英语例句1. The eighteenth-century Admiralty had few coercive powers over its officers.18世纪的英国海军部对其军官没有什么强制力。
2. Their lives interconnect with those of celebrated figures of the late eighteenth-century.他们的生活与18世纪晚期的名人联系在一起。
3. Such disputes multiplied in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.这类纠纷在18和19世纪大量增多。
4. We got engaged on my eighteenth birthday.在我18岁生日那天我们订婚了。
5. The siege is now in its eighteenth day.围困今天已经进入第18天了。
6. the architecture of the eighteenth century十八世纪的建筑风格7. This a facsimile edition of an eighteenth century book.这是一本18世纪书籍的复制版.8. In the mid-eighteenth century the production of food far outstripped the rise in population.18世纪中叶食物的产量远远超过人口的增长。
十八英文祝福小作文英文:Today is my 18th birthday, and I feel so blessed to have reached this milestone. As I reflect on the past 18 years, I am grateful for all the experiences and people who have shaped me into the person I am today.I want to thank my parents for their unwavering love and support throughout my life. They have always been there for me, offering guidance and encouragement when I neededit most. I am also grateful for my friends, who have stood by me through thick and thin. Their laughter, kindness, and companionship have made my life richer and more fulfilling.As I enter adulthood, I know that there will be challenges ahead. But I am excited to embrace them and see where life takes me. I am confident that with the love and support of my family and friends, I can overcome any obstacle that comes my way.中文:今天是我的18岁生日,我感到非常幸运能够达到这个里程碑。
男生18岁祝福语简短英文As an 18-year-old boy, you are at a crucial stage of your life, full of dreams and hopes for the future. It is a time when you are transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, and it is important to have the support and encouragement of those around you. Sending a heartfelt and sincere blessing to a young man on his 18th birthday is a meaningful way to show your care and support. Here are some short and sweet English blessings that you can use to express your best wishes to the young man in your life.1. Happy 18th birthday! May this special day mark the beginning of a wonderful journey filled with love, success, and happiness.2. As you turn 18, may you have the courage to chase your dreams and the strengthto overcome any obstacles that come your way. Wishing you a bright and promising future ahead.3. Congratulations on reaching this important milestone! May your 18th birthday be the start of an amazing adventure, and may you always have the courage to follow your heart.4. On your 18th birthday, I wish you the wisdom to make the right choices, the determination to pursue your goals, and the joy of discovering your true potential. Here's to a bright and fulfilling future!5. Happy 18th birthday! May this year be filled with exciting opportunities, meaningful experiences, and unforgettable memories. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter of your life.6. As you celebrate your 18th birthday, may you be surrounded by love, joy, and positivity. May your journey ahead be filled with success, happiness, and endless possibilities.7. Turning 18 is a significant milestone, and I hope this special day brings you an abundance of blessings, love, and laughter. Here's to a future that is as bright and promising as you are.8. On your 18th birthday, may you be blessed with the courage to pursue your passions, the resilience to overcome challenges, and the wisdom to make the most of every opportunity that comes your way.9. Happy 18th birthday! May this year be a time of growth, learning, and self-discovery. Wishing you the strength to embrace change and the confidence to create the life you envision for yourself.10. As you enter adulthood, may you be guided by your dreams, inspired by your ambitions, and empowered by your own potential. Here's to an extraordinary 18th birthday and a future filled with endless possibilities.In conclusion, reaching the age of 18 is a significant milestone in a young man's life, and it is important to celebrate this occasion with love, support, and encouragement. By sending a heartfelt and sincere blessing, you can show the young man in your life that you believe in his potential and are excited to see what the future holds for him. May these short and sweet English blessings bring joy and inspiration to the 18-year-old as he embarks on this new chapter of his life. Cheers to a bright and promising future ahead!。
西方艺术流派时间分类●14-18世纪1.国际哥德风格(International Gothic)2.文艺复兴 (Early) (14th)3.风格主义 (16th)4.巴洛克艺术 (17th)5.洛可可(18th)●19世纪1.新古典主义2.浪漫主义3.批判现实主义4.巴比松派5.前拉斐尔派6.学院艺术7.印象派8.后印象派9.新印象派10.Chromoluminarism11.点描派风格(Pointillism)12.Cloisonnism13.那比派风格(Les Nabis)14.综合主义(Synthetism)15.象征主义16.哈德逊河派(Hudson River School)●20世纪1.现代艺术2.立体主义3.表现主义4.抽象表现派5.抽象艺术6.Neue Künstlervereinigung München7.蓝骑士(Der Blaue Reiter)8.Die Brücke9.达达主义10.野兽派11.新野兽派12.新艺术运动13.包豪斯14.荷兰风格派运动15.装饰艺术运动16.普普艺术17.未来主义18.至上主义19.超现实主义20.色面派(Color Field)21.极简主义22.装置艺术23.Lyrical Abstraction24.后现代主义25.概念艺术26.地景艺术(Land art)27.行为艺术28.录影艺术(Video art)29.新表现主义(Neo-expressionism)30.Outsider Art31.低眉艺术(Lowbrow)32.New media art33.年轻英国艺术家派(Young British Artists)34.反概念主义35.Systems art●21世纪1.Relational art2.Videogame art3.哲学星座原型批判美学●●●(资料素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。
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Freytag's Triangle
Falling action Rising action
major character character Protagonist Minor
Elizabeth's astonishment was beyond expression. She stared, coloured, doubted, and was silent. This he considered sufficient encouragement, and the avowal of all that he felt and had long felt for her immediately fos of fiction elements of fiction Daniel Defoe Prose satire Jonathan Swift
Fiction (types of fiction)
Flash fiction (1000 words) Short story Novelette (7,500 --- 17,499) Novella (17,500 --- 40,000) Novel
direct characterization: the author develop the personality of the characters through direct statement. indirect characterization: a. the character’s physical appearance b. the character’s thoughts, words and actions c. the comments from other characters
Setting: place; time Functions of setting: 1. a background for action 2. setting as antagonist 3. as means of creating appropriate atmosphere 4. as a means to tell the reader the mind of the character 5. as a means of reinforcing theme
Classical poet
Alexander Pope (1688---1744) (heroic couplets)
Sentimental poet
a. Sympathy for the misery of others; b. Finding pleasure in the wild nature
(16th century)
17th century’s British Literature
(17th century)
(1798 --- 1832)
(18th century)
(1930’s --1918)
The subject of the poem is the Fall of Man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Middle Ages
(5 --- 15th Century)
Cultural progress
Coffee houses
Overseas expansion
British Indian Empire
Enlightenment Movement
a. An intellectual movement sprouting in Britain and getting flourished in France.
Point of view (The perspective from which the story is told)
First person; (I, we )
Second person (You) third person (he ,she, they)
… He had a dark face, with stern features and a heavy brow; his eyes and gathered eyebrows looked ireful and thwarted just now; he was past youth, but had not reached middle-age; perhaps he might be thirty-five.
A satire is a criticism of an event, an individual or a group in a witty but sharp manner. It is always in verse or prose.
Jonathan Swift (1667 --- 1745)
(1918 --- 1945)
Contemporary Literature
(1945 ---
Chapter IV
British literature in 18th century
British literature in 18th century
Social background Enlightenment Literary achievements Fiction
Zweig (Austria)
Letter from an Unknown Woman
Theme and style
Theme: the main idea of the story.
Style: tone and language of the author
diction, sentence structure sympathetic, serious, humorous, ironic.
Fiction (elements of fiction)
plot character setting point of view theme language and style
Conflict External Conflict: human vs. human; human vs. nature; human vs. society Internal Conflict: human vs. self
British literature in 17th century Political and religious turmoil John Donne metaphysical poet conceit the Flea; Holy sonnet 10
John Milton
Part I: A Voyage to Lilliput
Part II: A Voyage to Brobdingnag
Part III: A Voyage to Laputa
Part IV: A Voyage to the Country of the Houyhnhnms
Style of Swift
心较比干多一窍,病如西子胜三分 一双丹凤三角眼,两湾柳叶吊稍眉。粉面含春 威不露,丹唇未启笑先闻。 “一个是美人灯,吹口气就倒了;一个是拿定了 主意, 事不关己不开口, 一问摇头三不知” “人有聚就有散,聚时欢喜,到散时岂不更清冷?既 清冷则生伤感,所以倒不如不聚的好.比如那花开 时让人爱慕,谢时则更添惆怅,所以倒是不开的 好.... ”
French Revolution (1789 --- 1793)
American Revolution (1775 --- 1783)
b. Belief: Reason or rationality, equality, freedom (Age of Reason) c. Neoclassicism: In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as Neoclassicism. Neoclassicists emphasize order, logic, restrained emotion, accuracy and grace.
Thomas Gray (1716 --- 1771)
prose satirist
Jonathan Swift (1667 --- 1745)
Literary criticism
Samuel Johnson (1709 --- 1784)
Henry Fielding (1707 --- 1754)
Prose is a form of language which applies ordinary grammatical structure and natural flow of speech rather than rhythmic structure (as in traditional poetry).
Social background