10 The Trial That rocked the World
The Trial That Rocked the World 2021/4/7
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Part II.
Paras 10-44: the trial
Paras 10-15: the first day of the trial
Paras 16-25: the second day of the trial
Part III(45-48) The Post-Trial Happenings
The Trial That Rocked the World 2021/4/7
14 of 13
Part I(1-9) Introduction
Pp(1-2) Opening Scene
Pp(3-9) Flashback
The Trial that Rocked the World
18 September 2013 By: Ma Qiao
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The Scopes Trial
OnWJuhlya1t 0c,apenoypoleuhTtaehdleltaffkrioersnmtodtnhaaeyc…airtcmuos saptmhoesrpeh?ere.
The first day…
2 of 13
3 of 13
The Scopes Trial
The first day…
Judges of the Monkey Trial The first day…
4 of 13
The local minister to open the session with prayer.
My questions:
How many legal terms do you know? How much do you know about the author?
Why dose the author say this trial shocked the
My viewpoint:
Trinity三位一体: the Holy Father, the Holy Son
and the Holy Spirit/Ghost, with Jesus Christ as its incarnation化身.
Genesis 《圣经· 创世纪》
1st day: Day & Night
Christian Fundamentalists (【宗】原教旨主义者
(相信《圣经》所记载的传统的基督教信仰, 反 对较为近代的教义) and others who believe literally in the biblical story of creation choose to reject evolutionary theory because it contradicts the book of Genesis, which describes how God created the world and all its plants and animal life in six days. Many such people maintain that the Earth is relatively young—perhaps 6,000 to 8,000 years old—and that humans and all the world's species have remained unchanged since their recent creation by a divine hand.
Unit 13大不列颠望洋兴叹然而,如今英国的这一至关重要的产业正面临着空前严重的危机。
波兰人之所以倾向于英国是因为受到英国为他们提供2 800万英镑的资助款这一厚赠以及英国造船商将负责为他们筹集所有的贷款这一承诺的引诱。
高英课文 the trial that rock the world背景及美国司法体制介绍
Good morning, ladies and gentimen .Thank you very much for your participation in this presentation .Today’s presentation mainly deal with our text book ,lessonten__The trial that rocked the world .First, let us have a look at the author John Scopes.This article is written by John Thomas Scopes (August 3, 1900 – October 21, 1970).John Scopes (1900~1970) came to Tennessee fresh out of college. In the spring of 1925, he had just completed his first year as science teacher and part-time football coach at the high school in the little town of Dayton. In that year of 1925, he violated a state law by teaching the theory of evolution in a Tennessee high school. 约翰斯各普斯(1900-1970)1925年24岁的斯各普斯从肯尼亚大学毕业,任田纳西州代顿镇中学的生物老师和橄榄球队教练。
1925年他由于教授达尔文的进化论而受到指控The trial began on July 10, 1925 and ended with Scopes guilty and $100 fine 。
高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world
怒发冲冠,凭栏处,萧萧雨歇。抬望眼仰天长啸, 壮怀激烈。(岳飞《满江红》)
自春来,惨绿愁红,芳心事事可可。(柳永《定风 波》)
fundamentalist movement
a clash between the fundamentalists and the modernists. The fundamentalists: a literal interpretation of the Old Testament
When, where, why, who
The first day of the trial
The judge called for a local minister to open the session with prayer, and the trial got under way.
The climax of the trial
The trial was resumed outside under the maples. Darrow sprang his trump card by calling Bryan as a witness for the defence.
The climax of the trial
Transferred epithet
Franklin Roosevelt listened with bright-eyed smiling attention, saying nothing, and applauding heartily with the rest. 富兰克林 · 罗斯福目光炯炯,满脸笑容,聚精会神地 听着;他没说什么,只是跟大伙儿开心地鼓掌喝彩。 相思枕上的长夜,怎样的厌厌难尽啊!(闻一多 《红豆》)
Unit 10 rubbish 教师
Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World(New Words for teachers)Packed 1) Crowded to capacity: a packed theater.一个挤满了人的剧院2)Compressed:ground covered with wet, heavily packed leaves.地面盖满了湿的、被重重压缩了的叶子Filled with. Often used in combination [常用来构成复合词]充满...的, 塞满了...的a thrill-packed television series.一部充满了紧张感的电视系列剧1. Sweltering [‘swelt☯ri☠]adj. Oppressively hot and humid闷热的,2. Counsel [‘kauns☯ l]n. The act of exchanging opinions and ideas; consultation. 讨论,3. Prosecution [,pr si’kju:☞☯ n] n. 原告;控方;控告人The prosecution is / are coming into court.原告一方正在走进法庭。
A famous lawyer has been asked to appear for the prosecution.原告方面请了一位著名律师出庭。
进行;执行;实行;从事These scholars went abroad for the prosecution of their studies. 这些学者出国进行研究。
4. silver-tongued [`silv☯ `t✈☠d]adj. Having the power of fluent and persuasive speech; . 雄辩的5. orator [‘ r☯t☯ ]n. An eloquent and skilled public speaker演说者,The orator delivered his speech effectively.演说家深刻有力地发表了演说6. nominee [n mi’ni:]n. One who has been nominated to an office or for a candidacy被提名的人,7. testify [‘testifai]v. To make a declaration of truth证明,Her tears testified her grief.她的眼泪证明了她的悲伤8. jury [‘d✞u☯ri]n. A body of persons sworn to judge and give a verdict on a given matter,especially a body of persons summoned by law and sworn to hear and hand down a verdict upon a case presented in court. [律] 陪审团,10.erupt [i’r✈pt]vt. To become violently active: The volcano erupted after years of dormancy.喷出vi. To emerge violently from restraint or limits; explode爆发My neighbor erupted in anger over the noise.噪声使我的邻居勃然大怒Violence erupted after the football match. (喻)足球赛后发生了暴力行为11. coach [k☯ut☞]n. 1) A large, closed, four-wheeled carriage with an elevated exterior seat for the driver; a stagecoach.四轮大马车,2) A motorbus. 长途汽车, 3)A person who trains or directs athletes or athletic teams教练Our football coach trains the team12. clash [kl✌☞]. To come into conflict; be in opposition: 冲突,To collide with a loud, harsh, usually metallic noisev.(使)发出撞击声,13. Fundamentalism[f✈nd☯’ment☯lizm]n.An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in 1920 in opposition to Liberalism and secularism. 正统派基督教,14.violate [‘vai☯leit] vt. To break or disregard (a law or promise, for example).违犯,15. legality [li’g✌liti]n. The state or quality of being legal; lawfulness合法,16. indict [in’dait]vt. To make a formal accusation against a party by the findings of a jury, especially a grand jury. 起诉, 控告,17.anticipate [✌n’tisipeit]vt. To feel or realize beforehand; foresee.预期,To look forward to, especially with pleasure; expect期望,18. snowball [‘sn☯◆b :l]n. A mass of soft, wet snow packed into a ball that can be thrown, asin play雪球v.打雪仗, To grow rapidly in significance, importance, or size: (使)迅速增长19.prosecute [‘pr sikju:t] vi.告发, 起诉, 作检察官20. festoon [fes’tu:n]n. A string or garland, as of leaves or flowers, suspended in a loop or curve between two points. 花彩vt.结彩于,21.sprout [spraut] To emerge and develop rapidly很快地生长[发展]22.rickety [‘rikiti]adj., Likely to break or fall apart; shaky.摇摆的23.evangelist [i’v✌nd✞ilist]n. One who practices evangelism, especially a Protestant preacher or missionary. 福音传道者evangelism Zealous preaching and dissemination of the gospel, as through missionary work.:热心地宣讲和传播福音,如通过传教士的工作24.exhort [ig’z :t]v. To urge by strong, often stirring argument, admonition, advice, or appeal劝诫, 忠告The general exhorted his men to fight well.将军鼓励他的士兵好好作战25.passerby [pa:s☯’ba i]n. A person who passes by, especially casually or by chance过路人, 行人A passerby told me the time.26.infidel [‘infid☯ l]adj.n. One who has no religious beliefs无信仰者, An unbeliever with respect to a particular religion, especially Christianity or Islam异教徒,27. florid [‘fl rid]adj. Very ornate; flowery:华丽的, Flushed with rosy color; ruddy.红润的28. mountaineer [,mau nti’ni☯ ]n. A native or inhabitant of a mountainous area山地人, One who climbs mountains for sport登山运动员v.登山29.paunchy [`p :nt☞I, ]adj. The belly, especially a protuding one; a potbelly大肚子的30. attorney [☯ ’t☯ :ni]n.<美>律师, A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings. (业务或法律事务上的)代理人31.shrewd [☞ru:d]adj. Characterized by keen awareness, sharp intelligence, and often a sense of the practical精明“He was too shrewd to go along with them upon a road which could lead only to their overthrow”.“他太精明了,和他们一块不会走上一条只能导致他们下台的道路”(J·A·弗劳德)shrew: A woman with a violent, scolding, or nagging temperament;32.magnetic [m✌g’netik]adj., Having an unusual power or ability to attract有吸引力的a magnetic personality.有魅力的个性magnetic eyes迷人的眼睛‘magnet33. steep [sti:p]adj. Having a sharp inclination; precipitous险峻的, a steep hill陡峭的山The steep rock seems to be growing at an angle.这块陡直的岩石似乎在以一定角度生长。
震惊世界的审判The Trail That Rocked the World
have your dictionary on hand / within reach / at hand when you study.
be on hand at 12 sharp.
Please I
have a great deal of important work on hand.
VI. Detailed Study:
All his old friends will be on hand / present to see Jack receive the medal of honour.
I want you to be at hand / near during my interview with the boss of the company.
III. Background Knowledge: 1. Religions
the Deity, the Divinity, Holy One, Jehovah, the Lord, Providence, the Almighty, the Creator and etc. There is only one God in heaven. But the belief in God has developed three religious sections: Christianity, Judaism and Islam.
VI. Detailed Study:
11. on hand: available, present,
reach: the distance one can reach
hand: near in time or place
Lesson 10 The Trail That Rocked the World110
III. Background Knowledge:
Roman Catholic Protestant Orthodox Eastern Church
the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit/Ghost, with Jesus Christ as its incarnation.
The post office is close at hand.
VI. Detailed Study:
12. reassure: comfort and make free from fear, stop worrying often by saying sth. kind or friendly
All his old friends will be on hand / present to see Jack receive the medal of honour.
I want you to be at hand / near during my interview with the boss of the company.
VI. Detailed Study:
cf: FORBID is more direct and familiar, while PROHIBIT is more formal or official; they do not widely differ in their essential implications. to forbid a child to leave the house
VI. Detailed Study:
高级英语第一册 Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World
Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World震撼世界的审判John Scopes 约翰•司科普斯01. A buzz ran through the crowd as I took my place in the packed court on that sweltering July day in 1925. The counsel for my defence was the famous criminal lawyer Clarence Darrow. Leading counsel for the prosecution was William Jennings Bryan, the silver-tongued orator , three times Democratic nominee for President of the United States, and leader of the fundamentalist movement that had brought about my trial.在一九二五年七月的那个酷热日子里,当我在挤得水泄不通的法庭里就位时,人群中响起一阵嘁嘁喳喳的议论声。
Language Points — Para. 1 (cf: 对比)1. buzz: [bʌz] a noise of a low hum, low confused whisper 低语,(蜂等)嗡嗡叫2. sweltering: very hot, causing unpleasantness, torrid['tɔ:rid], sultry['sʌltri] 闷热的,热得发昏的;酷热3. counsel: ['kaunsəl] a group of one or more lawyers (barristers['bæristə]) acting for someone in a court of law律师、辩护人eg: The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain his point.法官要求律师辩解他的观点。
高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world
1.(尤指出庭)作证 testify against / for sb testify to /about sth e.g. She refused to testify against her husband. 她拒绝出庭作证指控丈夫。 2.证实;证明 e.g. Too many young people are unable to write or spell well ,as employers will testify. 写作和拼写不好的年轻人太多了,这一点雇主都会证明。 3.testify to sth 作为某事的证明;表面;说明 e.g. The film testifies to the courage of ordinary people during the war. 这部电影表明老百姓在战争期间的英勇行为。
州公开讲授了,尽管那条曾判我有罪的法令仍未废 除。
The oratorical storm that Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malo ne blew up in the little court in Dayton swept like a fresh wind th rough the schools and legislative offices of the United States, br inging in its wake a new climate of intellectual and academic fre edom that has grown with the passing years.由克拉伦斯达罗和 达德雷费尔德马隆在戴顿镇的小小法庭上掀起的那些辩论风暴犹 如一股清风吹遍了美国的学校和立法机关,随之而来的是日渐增 长的思想自由和学术自由的新气象。
高级英语第一册Unit10 The trial that rocked the world
Verb1、 ~(to sb)(for sth)呼吁,吁请,恳求 Eg.Police have appealed for witness to come forward警方呼吁证人挺身而出。 2、~(to sb)有吸引力,有感染力,引起兴趣 Eg the design has to appeal to all ages and social groups 设计的要雅俗共赏,老少皆宜 3、~(to sb/sth)(against sth)上诉,申诉 Eg.the company is appealing against the ruling 公司正对判决提出申诉
Homicide 杀人罪 attempted murder 谋杀未遂 Infanticide 杀婴 assault and battery 殴打,侵犯人身罪 kidnapping, abduction 诱拐,拐骗 Highjacking 劫持(飞机) Piracy 海盗罪,盗版 Rape 强奸罪
larceny盗窃罪 armed robbery持械抢劫 burglary入室行窃 smuggling, contraband走私罪 swindle诈骗罪 embezzlement贪污公款罪 bribery, suborning行贿,受贿 fraud欺诈
The Trial That Rocked the World By John Scopes
Lesson 10 (23—26段)
Dudley Field Malone popped up(突然出现;跳 起来)to reply. “Mr. Bryan is not the only one who has the right to speak for the Bible, ” he observed. 达德雷•费尔德•马隆跳起来反驳布莱恩。“布 莱恩可不是唯一有资格为《圣经》辩护的 人,”他说
高级英语10_The Trial That Rocked the World
Background Knowledge
1, the author John, Scopes, a high school science teacher in Dayton, Tennessee who , by teaching evolution, was accused of breaking the law. He was the defendant in the case. As the last surviving principal in this trial, he decided to write a story describing the highlights of the trial, which is popularly known as the “monkey trial ” He died in 1979.
Background Knowledge:
• Bible: – Name of the Christian Scriptures, the Old Testament and the New Testament. – Old Testament: Christian name for the Hebrew Bible, the first portion of the Christian Bible • Genesis(《创世纪》): first book of the Old Testament which tells the origin of the world and of man
Background Knowledge
• Bible – New Testament: the distinctive Christian portion of the Bible • Gospel《福音》: Greek word for good news. the first four books of the New Testament. • Bible – Fundamentalism(基督教基本主义): conservative religious movement. Its aim is to maintain word for word interpretations of the Bible. Nowadays this word can apply to other religions.
张汉熙《高级英语(1)》(修订本)学习指南(The Trial That Rocked the Wo
Unit 10 The Trial That Rocked the World一、词汇短语1. sweltering [5sweltEriN] adj. oppressively hot and humid; sultry酷热的,热得发昏的:We were sweltering in our winter clothes.我们穿着冬衣热得够呛。
2. counsel [5kaunsEl]n. a lawyer or group of lawyers giving legal advice andespecially conducting a case in court辩护律师,法律顾问3. sliver-tongued [5silvE5tQN]adj. eloquent; persuasive口才好的,雄辩的:asilver-tongued lawyer能言善辩的律师4. orator [5CrEtE] n. an eloquent and skilled public speaker演讲家,雄辩家:He isknown as a gifted orator.众所周知,他是一位天才演说家。
5. nominee [nCmi5ni:]n. one who has been nominated to an office or for acandidacy被提名者,被任命者:the Democratic nominee for thePresidency民主党提名的总统候选人6. testify [5testifai]v. to make a declaration of truth or fact under oath; submittestimony作证:The witnesses testified before a grand jury.目击证人在陪审团面前作证。
7. jury [5dVuEri] n. a group of 12 ordinary people who listen to the details of a casein court and decide whether someone is guilty or not陪审团8. erupt [i5rQpt] v. burst forth or out, as from some restraint爆发,迸发,喷出:Thewisdom of Chinese people will erupt like a volcano.中国人的智慧会像火山一样爆发出来。
高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world
n. 目标;物体;客体;宾语 vt. 提出„作为反对的理由 vi. 反对;拒绝 1.Our object is to further cement trade relations. 我们的目标是进一步巩固贸易关系。 2.I objected that he was too young for the job.
defeat vt. 击败,战胜;挫败;使„失败 n. 失败;战胜 To defeat terror, and not flinch. 要战胜恐怖,而不是退缩。
“victorious defeat”胜利的失败
矛盾修辞法(Oxymoron)是一种修辞手段,它是用两种不 相调和,甚至截然相反的词语来形容一件事物,起到一 种强烈的修辞效果,使得所表达的语义更强烈。
at all / in heaven / in hell / under heaven
The judge used his gavel(n小木槌) to quell(v平息) hubbub(n喧哗 吵闹声)and adjourned (vt使„中止) court until next day. 法官敲响小木槌止住了喧哗声,随即宣布休庭,次日再审。
go out (情感等)集注;向往;充满同情
go out短语意义集锦
–1.外出,出去 –2.出国,移居(国外): –3.参加社交活动,出外交际(或娱乐) –4.出版;发刊;公布;(电台、电视台)广播 –5.(灯、火等)熄灭;(发动机等)停止运转: –6.过时,不再流行:7.(年、月等)结束,过去: 1976年阴郁地过去。 –8.支出,花掉: –9.[委婉语]过世;消逝: –10.(潮水等)退去:
Dudley Field Malone called my conviction(定罪) a “victorious defeat.” 达德雷.费尔德.马隆称这次庭审结果对我来说是一次"胜 利的败仗"。 • conviction • n. 定罪;确信;证明有罪;确信,坚定的信仰 • By conviction, he is no moderate. • 在信念上,他不是温和派。 • victorious • adj. 胜利的;凯旋的 • There is a reason why the word has changed in meaning and has ceased to signify the victorious general. • 如今,这个单词的意义已经改变,不再表示胜利的将军, 这就存在了一个为什么的原因。
高级英语第一册 Unit10 The trial that rocked the world 背景介绍
Part III(45-48) The Post-Trial Happenings
The Trial That Rocked the World 2020/1/2
14 of 13
Part I(1-9) Introduction
Pp(1-2) Opening Scene
Pp(3-9) Flashback
5 of 13
Darrow got up to make his opening statement.
6 of 13
Byran rose to address the jury. The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must have come from below.
Paras 26-28: outside the court while adjourning
Paras 29-44: the climax and verdict of the trial
The Trial That Rocked the World 2020/1/2
16 of 13
Defense lawyer
preliminary sparring over legalities; what John Scopes is here for?
The prosecutor
The second day (16-43)
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In the evening the poor wounded boy was taken to that experienced doctor, who by applying some poisonous concoction of crushed leaves to his left eye, succeeded in blinding him! He is very generous indeed.
--- a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms are combined to produce an epigrammatic effect. Forms: 1) adj. +n. sick health True Lies painful pleasure loyal deceit
4) n.+n.
a love-hate relationship a life-and-death struggle a fire-water state 5) adv. + p.p changelessly changing deliciously aching 6) p.p + n. speaking silence loving hate
2. the whole for the part The birds are singing to welcome the smiling year. The TV is out of order. 3. material for the thing made Nowadays more and more people have a liking for cotton. At dinner, I would have some grape.
Forms: 1. descriptive adj. I spoke to them in hesitant French. 2. compound adj. People listened with open-mouthed astonishment. 3. descriptive noun The United States has now set up a loneliness industry.
I despise its very vastness and power. It has the poorest millionaires, the littlest great men, the haughtiest beggars, the plainest beauties, the lowest skyscrapers, the dolefulest pleasures of any town I ever saw.
2. homonyms
We must all hang together, or we shall all hang separately. ---What do lawyers do when they die? ---Lie still. Why is an empty purse always the same? ---Because there is never any change in it.
Synecdoche / Metonymy
1. The poor fellow had five mouths to feed. 2. He has a big mouth.
--- a cutting remark, a verbal sneer. Sarcasm pretends to disguise its meaning, but does not intend to be misunderstood. Laws are like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.
The whole piece is written in the form of self account with coherence. From the beginning about the description of the atmosphere in the court, to the description of the verbal battle between the prosecution and the defence, and to the end of the trial, a sense of fervour, merriment and sarcasm is felt throughout the whole piece. Even the description of the activities by different people outside the little court is so vivid, vigorous and lively. The writecal devices to enhance the vividness of the language in conveying the message.
---when a part is substituted for the whole or the whole is substituted for a part 1. a part for the whole More hands are needed at harvest time. Walls have ears.
2) adj. + adj. (+n.)
bitter-sweet memories poor rich guys a cold warm embrace an honest unscrupulous merchant 3) adv. + adj. falsely true conspicuously absent a wisely stupid idea a mercifully fatal blow
This text describes the highlights of the trial, which is popularly known as the “monkey trial”. The defendant, John Scopes, who was a high school science teacher in Dayton, Tennessee, was accused of breaking the law by teaching evolution. In the court, the counsel for his defence, the famous lawyer Clarence Darrow and Dudley Field Malone launched a verbal attack on the prosecution headed by William Jennings Bryan, who was the mouthpiece of the fundamentalists. Though at last John Scopes was convicted guilty, the battle Darrow and Malone fought in the little court drew the attention of the people all over the country. It brought changes in the U.S. and pave the way for the spreading of the concept that people should be allowed to express their ideas freely.
Figure of speech:
Pun: a play on words, the use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations, or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect.
---instance of being made fun of. It implies laughter mingled with contempt. They‟ll be wanderin‟ in any time now, sir,-with Old Grape „n‟ Guts leadin‟ the pack. Bryan mopped his bald dome in silence.
7) v. + adv.
shine darkly die merrily 8) p.p + n. a vanquished victor a disillusioned hopeful 9) n. + of + n. the feather of lead sickness of health
Learn to use oxymoron
4. present participle They prolonged the clasp for the photographers, exchanging smiling words. 5. past participles An awed hush fell upon the bystanders. 6. prep. The Grapes of Wrath