Gutenberg-Richter Law for Internetquakes
Google 的十大信条(世界最大的搜索引擎)
Google 的十大信条(世界最大的搜索引擎)Google 联合创始人拉里·佩奇 (Larry Page) 说过,“完美的搜索引擎应做到确解用户之意,切返用户之需”。
Google 推出搜索服务之初,您可能已惊喜地发现输入搜索查询后就能迅速得到正确答案。
Google 之所以取得成功,正是因为我们当时能比其他搜索引擎更快更好地找到合适的结果。
(2009 年 9 月)1:以用户为中心,其他一切水到渠成。
创建伊始,Google 就以尽可能提供最佳的用户体验为中心任务。
搜索是 Google 的事业。
查尔斯·埃德温·贝克(C. Edwin Baker,1947- ),C. Edwin Baker (May 28, 1947 –December 8, 2009),是美国宾州大学Nicholas F. Gallicchio讲座教授,专精宪法、传播法、大众传媒法。
除本书外,另著有Human Liberty and Freedom of Speech(Oxford 1989),Advertising and a Democratic Press(Princeton 1994),Media Concentration and Democracy:Why Ownership Matters(Cambridge 2007)等书。
他的见解也经由中华民国大法官林子仪在专论言论自由与新闻自由的著作中所引用,因此他的见解是较新、被引入华文圈较早、又具有代表性的见解,其个人资料请见:/cf/faculty/ebaker/目录∙•纪念美国最著名的言论自由学者C.Edwin Baker教授∙•《媒体、市场与民主》∙•著作∙•参考文献纪念美国最著名的言论自由学者C.Edwin Baker教授回目录译自美国宾夕法尼亚大学法学院网站。
英文网址:ttp:///blogs/news/archives/2009/12/penn_law_professor_c_edwin_ bak.htmlAlex Kreit: "He was as fine a teacher as he was a scholar."Alex Kreit:“他是个像他的学问一样出色的教师”。
First Amendment Center: "Ed was a modern-day gadfly, albeit one who wore wide-rimmed glasses that allowed him to see things that many of the rest of us could not."宪法第一修正案中心:尽管带着宽框眼睛使他看到了我们中的许多人都看不到的事物,Ed依然是个现代的牛虻。
哈特(Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart,1907 –1992)与富勒(Lon Luvois Fuller,1902 –1978)之争引子:二十世纪的两场法学大战一、时代背景1、二战结束,清算二战和第三帝国法哲学遗产,从拉班德的国家学到拉德布鲁赫的法哲学2、拉德布鲁赫的自然法转向:不可容忍公式,公民不服从3、战后法庭:告密者案(审判四人帮,电影《朗读者》)4、阿伦特(Alendt)“平庸的恶”(《耶路撒冷的艾希曼》)5、怨毒的告密者案:1951年,《哈佛法律评论》摘要报道了一个德国法院裁决的告密者案:被告决定摆脱她的丈夫——一个长期服役的德国士兵,丈夫在探亲期间向她表达了对希特勒的不满。
[3]1005报道最后提到了拉德布鲁赫1946年著名的文章《法律的不法与超法律的法》,该文被法律实证主义者解释为标志着拉德布鲁赫从实证主义向自然法的转向,在其中他提出了一个类似“恶法非法”的拉德布鲁赫公式:通常情况下法的安定性应居于首位,即便法律不善也不能动摇安定性,但如果安定性与正义的冲突达到了“不能容忍”的程度,法律已经沦为“非正当法”(false law,unrichtigesRecht),法律就必须向正义屈服。
美国总统布什日前宣布,有“互联网之父”美誉的罗伯特-卡恩(Robert Kahn)和温顿-科夫(Vint Cerf)将被授予“总统自由勋章”,颁奖仪式将于11月9日在白宫举行。
法律不是网外之地英语作文The law is often perceived as a distant and complex realm, a world of its own that operates independently from the daily lives of ordinary individuals. However, this misconception could not be further from the truth. The law is an integral part of our society, shaping and influencing every aspect of our lives, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed. It is not a separate entity but rather a reflection of the values, norms, and expectations that we as a collective have deemed essential for the functioning of our communities.At its core, the law is a set of rules and regulations that govern our behavior and interactions with one another. These rules are not arbitrary but rather the result of careful deliberation and consideration by lawmakers, legal scholars, and the public at large. They are designed to protect our rights, ensure fairness, and maintain order in society. Without the law, our world would descend into chaos, where the strong would exploit the weak, and the vulnerable would be left without recourse.One of the most important aspects of the law is its ability to provide a framework for resolving disputes and conflicts. When individuals or groups have a disagreement, the law offers a structured process for addressing and adjudicating those issues. This process is essential for maintaining social cohesion and preventing the escalation of conflicts into violence or other forms of harm.For example, if two neighbors have a dispute over the boundary of their property, the law provides a clear set of procedures for determining the rightful owner and resolving the conflict. Without this legal framework, the dispute could quickly spiral out of control, leading to confrontations, property damage, or even physical altercations. By providing a neutral and impartial system for resolving such issues, the law helps to preserve the peace and stability of our communities.Moreover, the law plays a crucial role in protecting the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals. From the right to free speech and freedom of religion to the right to due process and equal protection under the law, the legal system ensures that our basic human rights are safeguarded. This is particularly important in a diverse and pluralistic society, where the rights of minority groups or marginalized communities may be at risk of being overlooked or violated.Consider the case of civil rights movements throughout history. The legal system has been instrumental in securing and defending the rights of marginalized groups, such as racial minorities, women, and LGBTQ+ individuals. Through landmark court decisions, legislation, and the enforcement of laws, the legal system has helped to dismantle discriminatory practices, ensure equal access to opportunities, and promote social justice.Without the law, these hard-won rights and protections would be vulnerable to erosion or outright denial. The law serves as a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority, ensuring that the voices and experiences of all members of society are heard and respected.Furthermore, the law plays a crucial role in shaping the economic and social fabric of our society. From regulating the financial sector to enforcing consumer protection laws, the legal system helps to maintain a fair and functioning market economy. It also sets the parameters for how businesses operate, ensuring that they adhere to ethical and sustainable practices.In the realm of social policy, the law is equally influential. Laws governing education, healthcare, and social welfare programs have a direct impact on the quality of life and opportunities available to citizens. The legal system can be used to address issues of inequality, poverty, and access to essential services, helping to create a morejust and equitable society.It is important to recognize that the law is not a static or immutable entity. It is constantly evolving and adapting to the changing needs and values of society. As new challenges and issues arise, the legal system must respond with new laws, regulations, and interpretations to address these emerging concerns.This dynamic nature of the law is a testament to its relevance and importance in our lives. The law is not a separate realm but rather an integral part of the fabric of our society, shaping and responding to the complex realities we face. By understanding and engaging with the law, we can become more active and informed citizens, able to participate in the ongoing process of shaping the world we live in.In conclusion, the law is not a place outside the net but rather a fundamental component of our social, economic, and political systems. It is a tool for protecting our rights, resolving conflicts, and promoting the common good. By recognizing the centrality of the law in our lives, we can better appreciate its significance and work towards ensuring that it continues to serve the needs of all members of society.。
Chaos… of a dripping faucet - University of Roches
commented much shorter writes differences of time (only important data)
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CompDutAeTrAlagArNesAuLltYsSinISm: isSsoedurdcroepssof Error
Logistic Map: Comparing Successive Drops
The “Spectrum” of Drop Frequency
Time(sec) # Drops
DROPPER A (1.9 mm) 21.41 DROPS/SEC
Logistic Map: Comparing Successive Drops
DROPPER B (0.45 mm) 11.10 DROPS/SEC
Logistic Map: Comparing Successive Drops
The “Spectrum” of Drop Frequency
Time(sec) # Drops
Dan Allan and
Adam Bublitz
Consequence of trying to fix missed data
rewrote the LabView vi
Old Code
有关“辩论:网络加强了人际关系”的资料英文回答:The internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and interact with each other. In the past, we were limited to face-to-face interactions, letters, and phone calls. Today, we can connect with people from all over the world with just a few clicks.This has had a profound impact on our relationships. On the one hand, the internet has made it easier than ever to stay connected with friends and family who live far away. We can share photos, videos, and updates about our lives in real-time. We can also video chat, which is the next best thing to being there in person.On the other hand, some people argue that the internet is actually weakening our relationships. They say that we are spending too much time online and not enough time interacting with people face-to-face. They also worry thatthe internet is creating a culture of isolation and loneliness.So, does the internet strengthen or weaken relationships? The answer is likely somewhere in between. The internet can be a powerful tool for staying connected with loved ones, but it is important to use it in moderation. We need to make sure that we are not spending so much time online that we are neglecting our real-world relationships.Here are some specific examples of how the internet has strengthened my relationships:I have been able to stay in touch with friends who have moved away.I have met new people from all over the world who share my interests.I have been able to reconnect with old friends from school.I have been able to learn new things and share my knowledge with others.Here are some specific examples of how the internet has weakened my relationships:I have sometimes spent too much time online and neglected my real-world relationships.I have sometimes gotten into arguments with people online.I have sometimes felt isolated and lonely when I have been spending too much time online.Overall, I believe that the internet has had a positive impact on my relationships. It has allowed me to stay connected with loved ones, meet new people, and learn new things. However, it is important to use the internet in moderation and to make sure that it does not interfere with our real-world relationships.中文回答:互联网彻底改变了我们交流和互动的方式。
1 7 年以前 ,当那些令人景仰 90 的l先驱们沉浸于计算技术的 T
美妙 绝 伦 时 ,算 法 在 为 数 不 多
句 引语 和两 个 实例 来藐 视这
种不负责任的 ” 论 ”吧。 悖
在 MI T那本颇 有分量 的
《 法 导论 》 第 二版 中 ,作者 算
的程序 员心 中 ,也许就和克洛
算法的重要性 这真有讨论的必要 吗?
— —
作为旁观者 ( K A A潜水员 ) 我看过 , 许 多有关算法重要性的 网上 口水 战。说 实话 ,我一直都不觉得这件事真有讨论 的必要 , 直到有一天 , 我读到了这样一 条 有关算法的 ” 悖论 : 因为算法很重要 , 以, 所 在我们想要 设计或封装某种高水平的算法之前 . 总已 经有人把类似 的事情做得很好很好了: 于
了:由此可知 ,算法一点儿也不重要 。
这 则 “ 论 出 自一 位 经 常 帮 别 人 扣 悖
分 招人喜欢 的事 。 幸好 , 我是一个不太愿
意 关心 或追 随 ” 流 ” 论 的程 序 员 . 主 舆 又
上 ” 重新发明轮子 ” 的大高 帽的网友 , 或 许我们可 以把它看做 “ 轮子 帮” 的看家本
代 ) , 法仍 足 以与 其 他 蓬 勃 兴 起 的 平 台) ; 1 : 分庭抗 礼。 但 在网络时代的 中国 ,算法却陷入 了颇 为 尴尬的境地 :有关算法重要性的话题竟
然 成 了展 开 B S 战 的最 好 诱 因 ” 法 B论 算 无 用论 ” 然 被 用 做 了 网络 ” 家 ” 赖 居 砖 们 以出 名 的 金 宇招 牌 : 主 流 技 术 媒体 中 , 在
都有这样一种思维定式 : 计算机 的处理速度越来越快 . 程序员 不需要也不应当绞尽脑汁以提高代码的运 行效率 而是应把更多的精力放在架构设 计 和过 程管理方面 :当业务量成倍增加 时 .程 序员要做的第一件事不是优化代 码.而是 申请更多、更好的硬件设备。 客观地说 这样的想法有一定的道
• 种类:发明专利、实用新型、外观设计 • 特点:专有性、地域性、时间性 • 三性:新颖性、创造性、实用性 • 不授予专利权的技术领域
• 科学发现 • 智力活动规则和方法 • 疾病的诊断和治疗方法 • 动物和植物品种 • 用原子核变换方法获得的物质
• “中国国内拥有自主知识产权核心技术的企业仅 为万分之三,99%的企业没有申请专利,60% 的企业没有自己的商标。” (2006年)
• 中国的外贸总额已居世界第三,但自主创新的 高技术产品在对外贸易中所占份额仅为2%。
• 我国出口DVD大约一台40美元,可是要交专利 使用费21美元;我国的药品90%仍离不开国外 的专利;我国的数控机床70%都是国外专利; 我国汽车90%都是合资企业或者是国外品牌。
• 知识产权的地域性:也称区域性,主要是指由于具体 的各项知识产权都是由各国国内法确认的,所以知识 产权的法律保护是有一定地域限制的,超出确认国法 律的管辖范围,知识产权可能不会当然地受到法律保 护。
• 知识产权的时间性:也称期限性,主要是指法律对知 识产权专有权的保护是有一定期限的,超过法律规定 的保护时间,某项智力成果上的知识产权就不存在了
• 2007年3月在欧洲市场上,海信与博世—西门子家用 电器集团谈判索回“HiSense”商标时,博西开出了 让海信无法接受的“转让”价格4000万欧元(合4亿 多元人民币)。
• 天津飞鸽集团的飞鸽牌自行车商标在印度尼西亚被 抢注
• 在我国被列为“国宝级”保护的一得阁墨汁,已经 被日本抢先注册
• 红星二锅头在欧盟被抢注
• 一、概念 • 二、专利的种类 • 三、专利的特点 • 四、授予专利的条件 • 五、专利法与专利制度 • 六、我国专利法不授予专利权的技术领域 • 七、专利审查制度 • 八、专利法保护的主体 • 九、专利协作组织
法律不是网外之地英语作文In the age of information, the internet has become an indispensable part of our daily lives, connectingindividuals across the globe and facilitating the exchangeof ideas, information, and culture. However, this vastdigital landscape is not without its challenges,particularly when it comes to the enforcement of laws and regulations. The internet is often mistakenly perceived asa lawless zone, where individuals can operate with impunity, free from the constraints of traditional legal systems.This perception is not only incorrect but also dangerous,as it undermines the fundamental principles of justice and order that are essential for a functioning society.Firstly, it is important to recognize that the internet is not a separate, detached realm that exists apart fromthe physical world. Rather, it is a virtual extension ofour real-world environments, populated by real people who engage in real activities. As such, the internet is subject to the same legal principles and regulations that governour offline lives. The laws that prohibit fraud, harassment,and the dissemination of false information in the physical world apply equally to the internet.Moreover, the internet is not a lawless zone because it is actively policed by a range of institutions and individuals. Governments, law enforcement agencies, and private organizations all play a role in ensuring that the internet remains a safe and secure space for all users. These entities enforce laws and regulations through a variety of means, including investigations, prosecutions, and the removal of illegal content.In addition, the internet's inherent transparency and interconnectedness make it particularly vulnerable to scrutiny and enforcement. Every action taken online leaves a digital trail that can be traced and analyzed. This makes it possible for authorities to identify and pursue individuals who violate the law, even if they operate anonymously or from remote locations.Despite these facts, the perception that the internetis a lawless zone persists. This perception is often fueled by the anonymity and distance that the internet affords, as well as the rapid pace of technological innovation, whichcan outstrip the ability of legal systems to adapt and respond. However, it is crucial that we reject this false narrative and instead embrace the reality that the internet is a regulated space, subject to the same legal principles that govern our offline lives.The failure to recognize the internet as a law-governed space has serious consequences. It undermines the trust and security that are essential for the internet to function effectively as a platform for communication and collaboration. It also opens the door to exploitation and abuse, as individuals and organizations may feel emboldened to engage in illegal or unethical behavior without fear of reprisal.In conclusion, the internet is not a lawless zone. Itis a regulated space that is subject to the same legal principles and regulations that govern our offline lives. The perception that the internet is a lawless frontier is not only incorrect but also dangerous, as it undermines the fundamental principles of justice and order that are essential for a functioning society. As we continue to navigate the ever-expanding digital landscape, it iscrucial that we maintain a robust legal framework that ensures the internet remains a safe, secure, and lawful space for all.**网络并非法外之地**在信息时代,互联网已成为我们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分,连接着全球各地的个体,促进着思想、信息和文化的交流。
关于吉姆克劳法的书吉姆·克劳法(Jim Crow)是美国历史上一系列种族隔离法律、政策和社会实践的代称。
关于吉姆·克劳法时代的书籍有很多,以下是其中一些经典的著作:1. "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness" by Michelle Alexander - 这本书探讨了美国现代刑事司法系统如何延续吉姆·克劳法的种族隔离遗产,通过大规模监禁非裔美国人来剥夺其权益。
2. "Jim Crow's Children: The Broken Promise of the Brown Decision" by Peter Irons - 本书回顾了吉姆·克劳法时代,并讲述了布朗诉教育局案后种族隔离在教育领域的延续情况。
3. "At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance" by Danielle L. McGuire - 这本书探讨了吉姆·克劳法时代黑人妇女被强奸的现象,以及他们的抵抗和反击。
4. "A Class of Their Own: Black Teachers in the Segregated South" by Adam Fairclough - 本书描述了吉姆·克劳法时代非裔美国教师在南方种族隔离的学校中所扮演的重要角色。
刘允 博士 谷歌全球副总裁
互联网的无限规模论 相关性与选择性并举 个性化已不再是选择 网络终端的极端智能 科学与艺术不再分家
扬声器 摄像头 屏幕 GPS芯片 麦克风
声音 眼睛 皮肤 位置
刘允 谷歌全球副总裁
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
1、战鼓一响,法律无声。——英国 2、任何法律的根本;不,不成文法本 身就是 讲道理 ……法 律,也 ----即 明示道 理。— —爱·科 克
3、法律是最保险的头盔。——爱·科 克 4、一个国家如果纲纪不正,其国风一 定颓败 。—— 塞内加 5、法律不能使人人平等,但是在法律 面前人 人是平 等的。 ——波 洛克
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课表 听音乐 做大头贴 心情马桶 按照自己的需要设计自己的小工具 按照自己的爱好设计主页风格
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。 ——德 谟克利 特 67、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。常复杂,用户往往无法清 楚和正确地用一个关键词来描述自己的搜索需 要,因此谷歌搜索百宝箱根据搜索查询的不同 出发点,提供不同的搜索工具,让用户决定自 己真正想要的搜索结果。
时光隧道:时光隧道是一个关键词的历史大 事记,它根据已经提取的所有网页内容的时 间属性,将所有信息按照时间重新排序并呈 现在用户面前。
神奇罗盘:神奇罗盘是一个会联想的搜索工 具,它通过联想功能,从一个关键词拓展到 更丰富的信息,使得搜索工具变成探索工具。
时间限制:时间限制为用户提供特定时间段 内的搜索结果。
通过自定义搜索,您可以借助 Google 强大功 能实现适合自己网站的自定义搜索功能。 搜索一个或多个网站或者特定网页 将搜索框和搜索结果放入您自己的网站 自定义搜索结果的外观,使之符合您网站的风
46、法律有权打破平静。——马·格林 47、在一千磅法律里,没有一盎司仁 爱。— —英国
48、法律一多,公正就少。——托·富 勒 49、犯罪总是以惩罚相补偿;只有处 罚才能 使犯罪 得到偿 还。— —达雷 尔
50、弱者比强者更能得到法律的保护 。—— 威·厄尔
万青翠 王少博 饶平 高月淑 陈佳佳 雷谦 李萍 夏海渊 杨勇 查丽 杨静
事件的具体经过如何?谷歌又是如何回应政府的指控?Justice Department Hits Google With Antitrust LawsuitBy Brent Kendall and Rob CopelandThe Justice Department filed a long-expected antitrust lawsuit alleging that Google uses anticompetitive tactics to preserve a monopoly for its flagship search engine and related advertising business.The government alleged that Google uses billions of dollars collected from advertisements on its platform to pay for mobile-phone manufacturers, carriers and browsers to maintain Google as their preset, default search engine, creating a self-reinforcing cycle of dominance.The upshot is that Google has pole position in search on hundreds of millions of devices in the U.S., with little opportunity for any other company to make inroads, the government said.Kent Walker, Google’s chief legal officer, said in a statement that the lawsuit was deeply flawed. “People use Google because they choose to—not because they’re forced to or because they can' t find alternatives.”Mr. Walker said that, if successful, the lawsuit would result in higher prices for consumers because Google would have to raise the cost of its mobile software and hardware.Google’s defense against critics of all stripes has long been rooted in the fact that its services are largely offered to consumers at little or no cost, undercutting the traditional antitrust argument centered on potential price harms to those who use a product.【词汇过关】请写出下面文单词在文章中的中文意思。
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Gutenberg-Richter Law for InternetquakesSumiyoshi Abe1 and Norikazu Suzuki21Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8571, Japan2College of Science and Technology, Nihon University, Chiba 274-8501, JapanThe Internet is a complex system, which has intricate tangle, connection diversity, self-organization, and cluster and hierarchical structures. It is of current general interest to understand scale free properties of the Internet. Recently, several intriguing power-law distributions were reported for connectivity (1), the number of links (2) and web pages (3) in the World-Wide Web. These scale free properties are essential in order that the network is resilient and robust to random errors, breakdowns, and attacks (4).To identify new properties of the Internet, we have performed a series of Ping experiments. Ping signals are emitted one after another from a local computer with a fixed time interval of 1s and make the round trip between the local computer and a destination host (i.e., the site accessed) through a number of routers. The resulting collection of round-trip times defines a time series, which shows the temporal behavior of the network. The Internet time series thus obtained is found to be highlynonstationary and to have two separate time scales: one is the user’s long time scale (typically ~1hour) and the other is a short time scale (~100ms) associated with sudden drastic changes of the temporal pattern, referred to here as “Internetquakes”. This nomenclature is chosen because of the fact that earthquakes exhibit identical temporal behavior: that is, external driving or energy injection may last for many years and the relaxation requires a few seconds or minutes.Here, we present experimental evidence that the Gutenberg-Richter law (5) holds also for Internetquakes. This discovery confirms the scale free nature of the Internet.The Gutenberg-Richter scaling law is an empirical law, which states that thelogarithm of the cumulative frequency N(>m)of earthquakes with magnitude largerthan m is proportional to the magnitude: log10N(>m)=a−bm, where a and b are positive constant. In seismology, magnitude is traditionally expressed in terms of theseismic moment M as m=11.5log10M−c with c a constant close to 10, which leads tothe moment-frequency scaling N(>m)~M−b/1.5. Observations show that b~1.In the case of the Internet, “magnitude” µof an Internetquake is the logarithm ofround-trip time τ: µ=log10τ+γ, where the constant γcan simply be set equal to zero. In other words, the round-trip time corresponds to the seismic moment.Following extensive tests, we have ascertained that there certainly exists a universal Gutenberg-Richter-type scaling behavior between the moment τ and the cumulative frequency ν(>µ): ν(>µ)~τ−β.In Fig. 1A, we present a small portion of a typical example of observed long time series data of round-trip time. The nonstationary behavior can clearly be observed. The larger the value of the round-trip time is, the more the network is congested. In Fig. 1B, we present the semi-log plot of magnitude and the cumulative frequency ν(>µ). A clear scaling regime is recognized there. Through other extensive tests as well as the present one, the exponent βis found so far to range between 1 and 6.In conclusion, we have discovered the Gutenberg-Richter law for Internetquakes, thus demonstrating the scale free nature of the Internet. This suggests that, as complex systems, both earthquakes and the Internet share common features. In fact, according to our recent preliminary analysis, the Omori law, for the temporal pattern of aftershocks, is also valid for Internetquakes. An important point arising from this result is that the study of Internetquakes can shed new light on the study of earthquakes, with the obvious advantage that experiments on the former are much easier to perform than on the latter.References1. A.-L. Barabási, R. Albert, Science286, 509 (1999).2. R. Albert, H. Jeong, A.-L. Barabási, Nature401, 130 (1999).3. B. A. Huberman, L. A. Adamic, Nature401, 131 (1999).4. Y. Tu, Nature406, 353 (2000).5. B. Gutenberg, C. F. Richter, Ann. Geofis. 9, 1 (1956).Figure captionFig. 1A A small portion of an observed long Internet time series. From the local host computer, (, to the destination host, (, through 16 routers. The whole time series was measured continuously between 18:49 on 1 May, 2002 and 18:30 on 23 May, 2002. The total number of data values taken is 1648451.Fig. 1B The semi-log plot of magnitude and the cumulative frequency. An Internetquake is defined in such a way that its magnitude is smaller than the thresholdvalue µth =log10τth. Here, τthis taken to be τth=1×103ms. The threshold allowsone to distinguish the Internetquakes from isolated large fluctuations.A10020030040050060005000100001500020000250003000035000time (s)r o u n d -t r i p t i m e τ (m s )BFig. 1。