


1300 Henley CourtPullman, WA 99163509.334.6306PmodMIC™ Reference ManualRevised March 19, 2015This manual applies to the PmodMIC rev. BOverviewThe Digilent PmodMIC is a small microphone module with a digital interface. With Semiconductor® SA575 Low Voltage Compandor and Texas Instruments® ADCS7476 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter, you can capture your audio inputs with ease.Features include:∙Dynamic Range compressor∙12-bit ADC∙Condenser MicrophoneThe PmodMIC.1 Functional DescriptionThe PmodMIC is designed to digitally report to the host board whenever it detects any external noise. By sending a 12-bit digital value representative of frequency and volume of the noise, this number can be processed by the system board and have the received sound accurately reproduced through a speaker.The dynamic range compressor on the microphone module helps restrict incoming audio decibels by making the softer sounds louder and the louder sounds softer. The SA575 has its compressor rated for a unity gain level of 0.5 decibels meaning that incoming audio signals will have their decibel level decreased by half, bringing a signal with at -40dB to -20dB.2 Interfacing with the PmodThe PmodMIC communicates with the host board via the SPI protocol. The 12 bits of digital data are sent to the system board in 16 clock cycles with the most significant bit first. For the ADC7476, each bit is shifted out on each falling edge of the serial clock line after the chip select line is brought low with the first four bits as leading zeroesand the remaining 12 bits representing the 12 bits of data. The datasheet for the ADC7476 recommends that for faster microcontrollers or DSPs that the serial clock line is first brought to a high state before being brought low after the fall of the chip select line to ensure that the first bit is valid.2.1 Pinout Table DiagramPin Signal Description1 SS Chip Select2 NC Not Connected3 MISO Master-In-Slave-Out4 SCK Serial Clock5 GND Power Supply Ground6 VCC Power Supply (3.3V/5V)The PmodMIC is capable of converting up to 1 MSa per second of 12-bit data, making it an ideal Pmod to use in conjunction with the PmodI2Sfor an audio development application.Any external power applied to the PmodMIC must be within 3V and 5.5V to ensure that the on-board chips operate correctly; however, it is recommended that Pmod is operated at 3.3V.3 Physical DimensionsThe pins on the pin header are spaced 100 mil apart. The PCB is 1.1 inches long on the sides parallel to the pins on the pin header and 0.8 inches long on the sides perpendicular to the pin header.。





二、主要技术指标1. 精度2001+探针台在位置控制精度上具有出色表现,其定位精度可达0.01um,能够满足对微小尺寸器件的测试需求。


2. 稳定性2001+探针台采用了先进的控制技术,具有稳定性高、抗干扰能力强的特点。


3. 载具2001+探针台提供了多种载具接口,可适配不同规格、形状的被测样品。


4. 自动化2001+探针台支持自动化测试,可通过软件控制实现自动化运行、数据采集和分析。


5. 接口2001+探针台提供了丰富的接口,包括USB、RS232、LAN等,方便与各类测试设备或者上位机进行连接,实现数据共享和联合测试。

三、应用领域2001+探针台适用于多种测试场景,主要包括但不限于以下领域:1. 半导体器件测试:可用于晶体管、二极管、集成电路等器件的参数测试和特性分析。

2. 光电子器件测试:可用于激光二极管、光电探测器等器件的光电特性测试。

3. MEMS器件测试:可用于微型加速度计、陀螺仪等MEMS器件的性能评估和可靠性测试。

4. 电子元器件测试:可用于电容、电阻、电感等被动元件的性能测量。

5. 其他领域:也可用于其他需要高精度、高稳定性测试的领域。











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南京科达新控仪表有限公司 - i - 工程部目录本手册的定位本手册的构成本手册的标记第1章前言 1-1 DMC50和SLP-D50的关系1-2 ISaGRAF和SLP-D50的准备■ISaGRAF和SLP-D50的准备■CTRL摸件的准备■摸件地址的设定第2章作为简单的温度调节器使用2-1决定温度调节器的规格2-2新项目的作成■SLP-D50的启动■新项目的作成■通信设定2-3系统参数的设定■AI■AO■DI■DO2-4运算参数的设定■PID-A设定■PID-A参数2-5 AI设定参数的下载及监视■AI■参数的在线数据■AI状态的监视■AI状态的趋势监视2-6 ISaGRAF■ISaGRAF■追加的ISaGRAF■使用字典编辑器追加计数器型变量■字典编辑器的结束 2-5 ISaGRAF的程序编辑■FBD编辑的开始■FB南京科达新控仪表有限公司工程部 - ii -■程序的修改■FBD编辑的结束■新建程序的作成■报警输出FBD程序的编辑■报警输出FBD程序的修改2-8应用程序代码的生成■编译程序的选择设定■运行时间的选择设定■应用程序代码的生成 2-9应用程序的下载及监视■应用程序的下载■组监视的新建作成■组监视的开始和停止■组监视的趋势监视第3章温度调节器的功能追加3-1 8个SP的切换3-2根据AI进行PID组的自动切换3-3手动输出的变更南京科达新控仪表有限公司 - iii - 工程部本使用说明书的标记本使用说明书的标记如下所示。


Micrometer Digitronic outside large
Micrometer outside
Micrometer basic line outside sets
Micrometer outside low cost
Caliper Digitronic large workshop
Caliper vernier precision
Caliper Digitronic nib type workshop
Caliper vernier high precision
Caliper vernier iiper vernier precision welding
Caliper vernier large workshop
Caliper Digitronic precision welding
Micrometer Digitronic outside extra large
Micrometer outside quick setting (100 steps)
Micrometer Mechadigit outside basic digital
Quick tester outertest


270Ω 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 22µ IF IN VCC=3V 11 12
Version 2010
03 of 12
調頻用 (JTCV10.7M) 測試電路
JTCV 10.7MC1
- JTCV10.7M 系列 -------------------------------------- 03 05 09 11
陶瓷鑒頻器調頻用 - JT10.7M 系列 --------------------------------------------------- 陶瓷鑒頻器通訊系列 - JTC 系列 ----------------------------------------------------- 陶瓷鑒頻器通訊系列 - JTM 系列 -----------------------------------------------------
0.5±0.1 5.0±0.3
調頻用 (JT10.7M) 技術特性
JT10.7MG1 JT10.7MG3 JT10.7MG16 JT10.7MG18 JT10.7MG33 JT10.7MG80 JT10.7MG82 JT10.7MG92 JT10.7MC1
fo 點鑒頻輸出 fo 點失真度 鑒頻輸出 (mv) min (%) max 3 分貝帶寬(kHz) max
+ 100µ Ref
調頻用 (JT10.7M) 料號標識
JT10.7MG3 型號 中心頻率色碼 編碼


Caliper precision gear modul
Caliper vernier inside
Caliper vernier precision welding
Caliper vernier large workshop
Caliper Digitronic carbon fiber
Caliper Digitronic pointed jaw
Caliper Digitronic tube type
Caliper Digitronic with knife edge jaws
Caliper vernier precision miniature
Caliper Digitronic large workshop
Caliper vernier precision
Caliper Digitronic nib type workshop
Height gauges double column
Micrometer Mechadigit outside lght gauges digital double column

STM32L4系列基于Arm Cortex-M4核的低功耗MCU开发板数据简介说明书

STM32L4系列基于Arm Cortex-M4核的低功耗MCU开发板数据简介说明书

For further information contact your local STMicroelectronics sales office.July 2018DB3143 Rev 41/4B-L475E-IOT01ADiscovery kit for IoT node,multi-channel communication with STM32L4Data briefFeatures•Ultra-low-power STM32L4 Series MCUs based on Arm ® Cortex ®-M4 core with 1Mbyte of Flash memory and 128Kbytes of SRAM, in LQFP100 package •64-Mbit Quad-SPI (Macronix) Flash memory •Bluetooth ® V4.1 module (SPBTLE-RF)•Sub-GHz (868MHz or 915MHz)low-power-programmable RF module (SPSGRF-868 or SPSGRF-915)•802.11 b/g/n compliant Wi-Fi ® module from Inventek Systems (ISM43362-M3G-L44)•Dynamic NFC tag based on M24SR with its printed NFC antenna • 2 digital omnidirectional microphones (MP34DT01)•Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature (HTS221)•High-performance 3-axis magnetometer (LIS3MDL)•3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope (LSM6DSL)•260-1260hPa absolute digital output barometer (LPS22HB)•Time-of-Flight and gesture-detection sensor (VL53L0X)• 2 push-buttons (user and reset)•USB OTG FS with Micro-AB connector •Expansion connectors:–Arduino™ Uno V3–PMOD•Flexible power-supply options:–ST LINK USB V BUS or external sources •On-board ST-LINK/V2-1debugger/programmer with USBre-enumeration capability: mass storage, Virtual COM port and debug portPicture is not contractual.•Comprehensive free software HAL libraryincluding a variety of examples, as part of the STM32Cube M C U Package •Support of a wide choice of IntegratedDevelopment Environments (IDEs) including IAR ™, Keil ®, GCC-based IDEs, Arm ® Mbed Enabled ™•Arm ® Mbed ™online (see )Description B-L475E-IOT01A DescriptionThe B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit for IoT node allows users to develop applications withdirect connection to cloud servers.The Discovery kit enables a wide diversity of applications by exploiting low-powercommunication, multiway sensing and Arm® Cortex® -M4 core-based STM32L4 Seriesfeatures.The support for Arduino Uno V3 and PMOD connectivity provides unlimited expansioncapabilities with a large choice of specialized add-on boards.System requirements•Windows® OS (XP, 7, 8 and 10), Linux® or macOS®(a)•USB Type-A to Micro-B cableDevelopment toolchains•Keil® MDK-ARM(b)•IAR™ EWARM(b)•GCC-based IDEs including free SW4STM32 from AC6•Arm®(c) Mbed Enabled™ onlineDemonstration softwareThe demonstration software is preloaded in the STM32L475VG Flash memory for easydemonstration of the device peripherals in standalone mode. The latest versions of thedemonstration source code and associated documentation can be downloaded from the/x-cube-cloud webpage.a.macOS® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.b.On Windows® only.c.Arm and Mbed are registered trademarks or trademarks of Arm Limited (or its subsidiaries) in the US and orelsewhere.2/4DB3143 Rev 4DB3143 Rev 43/4B-L475E-IOT01A Laser considerationLaser considerationThe VL53L0X contains a laser emitter and corresponding drive circuitry. The laser output is designed to remain within Class 1 laser safety limits under all reasonably foreseeableconditions including single faults, in compliance with IEC 60825-1:2014 (third edition). The laser output will remain within Class 1 limits as long as STMicroelectronics recommended device settings are used and the operating conditions, specified in the STM32L4 Series datasheets, are respected. The laser output power must not be increased by any means and no optics should be used with the intention of focusing the laser beam. Figure 1 showsthe warning label for Class 1 laser products.Figure 1. Label for Class 1 laser productsOrdering informationTo order the B-L475E-IOT01A Discovery kit for IoT node, depending on the frequency of the Sub-GHz module, refer to Table 1.Revision historyTable 1. Ordering informationOrder code Sub-GHz operating frequencyB-L475E-IOT01A1915MHz B-L475E-IOT01A2868MHzTable 2. Document revision historyDate RevisionChanges02-Feb-20171Initial version.27-Mar-20172Updated Features and Description to add the PMOD connector.24-Apr-20173Added Section : Laser consideration to add Class 1 laser information.11-Jul-20184Updated the description of the Wi-Fi ® module in Features .B-L475E-IOT01AIMPORTANT NOTICE – PLEASE READ CAREFULLYSTMicroelectronics NV and its subsidiaries (“ST”) reserve the right to make changes, corrections, enhancements, modifications, and improvements to ST products and/or to this document at any time without notice. Purchasers should obtain the latest relevant information on ST products before placing orders. ST products are sold pursuant to ST’s terms and conditions of sale in place at the time of order acknowledgement.Purchasers are solely responsible for the choice, selection, and use of ST products and ST assumes no liability for application assistance or the design of Purchasers’ products.No license, express or implied, to any intellectual property right is granted by ST herein.Resale of ST products with provisions different from the information set forth herein shall void any warranty granted by ST for such product. ST and the ST logo are trademarks of ST. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.Information in this document supersedes and replaces information previously supplied in any prior versions of this document.© 2018 STMicroelectronics – All rights reserved4/4DB3143 Rev 4。



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控制器POWERTEC 伺服电机, 控制器ProControl 伺服电机, 控制器SAD 伺服电机, 控制器SBC 伺服电机, 控制器Seidel 伺服电机, 控制器SELCA 伺服电机, 控制器SEM 伺服电机, 控制器SERV AX 伺服电机, 控制器Servomac 伺服电机, 控制器Selema 伺服电机, 控制器SIEMENS 伺服电机, 控制器SMB 伺服电机, 控制器SSB 伺服电机, 控制器Stromag 伺服电机, 控制器Systec 伺服电机, 控制器Slo-Syn 伺服电机, 控制器Superior Electric 伺服电机, 控制器TDE MACNO 伺服电机, 控制器VICKERS 伺服电机, 控制器Warner Swasey 伺服电机, 控制器Winkelmann 伺服电机, 及控制器编码器:Anilam 编码器ASM 编码器Avtron 编码器Baumer 编码器Carlen 编码器Clifton 编码器COPI 编码器DRC 编码器DEUTSCHMANN 编码器,凸轮控制器DUNCAN 编码器ELAP 编码器ELGO 编码器Eltra 编码器EMETA 编码器EPC 编码器ESTERS 编码器EUCHNER 编码器FRABA 编码器FSG 编码器FSI 编码器Fork 编码器Gaebridge 编码器Givi Misure 编码器GURLEY 编码器HAROWE 编码器HENGSTLER 编码器HEIDENHAIN 编码器HUBNER 编码器Hohner 编码器IHI 编码器IMG 编码器INDUCODER 编码器Industrial Encoder 编码器IDEACOD 编码器Jahannes Hubner 编码器JENA 编码器Kubler 编码器KEP 编码器Lenord+Bauer 编码器Leine & Linde 编码器Lake Shore 编码器LIKA 编码器Litton 编码器LTN 编码器Micronor 编码器MTL 编码器Photocraft 编码器Quantum 编码器Red Lion 编码器RENCO 编码器RSF 编码器SAIET 编码器Solartron 编码器SCANCON 编码器SELET 编码器STEGMANN 编码器SUMTAK 编码器SIKO 编码器SERVOTECHNIK 编码器STROTER 编码器TEKEL 编码器THALHEIM 编码器, 测速电机Torque Systems 编码器TR 编码器T+R 编码器TWK 编码器US DIGITAL 编码器W+S 编码器WACHENDORFF 编码器测速电机:Baumuller 测速电机EW HOF 测速电机HORN 测速电机NORIS 测速电机Servo-Tek 测速电机Thalheim 测速电机液压,气动元件大全ACL 电磁阀Airpot 气缸AIRTEC 气动元件ALCON 电磁阀ARGUS 液压元件ARO 气动元件ARON 液压元件ASK 液压元件及仪表BERARMA 叶片泵BIERI 液压元件Boll & Kirch 过滤器BUCHER 液压元件CASAPPA 液压元件CHAR-L YNN 液压马达CONTINENTAL 液压元件CONCORDIA 气动元件CPOAC 气动元件DAIKIN 液压元件DELTROL 液压元件Dynamco 电磁阀EDI 液压元件EMG 伺服阀EPE 过滤器EUGEN SEITZ 电磁阀FABCO-AIR 气动元件FLUTEC 液压元件FUJI ENGINEERING 电磁阀FUJIKIN 电磁阀GPA 电磁阀HPI 液压元件HYDROTECHNIC 液压元件HYDRONORMA 电磁阀HYDROTECHNIK 液压元件HYDROPA 液压元件HTF 液压元件ITAYA 公司齿轮泵Integrated Hydraulics 液压元件KANEKO 电磁阀konan 气动元件KEIHIN 电磁阀KV 电磁阀LUCIFER 电磁阀MARZOCCHI 泵,马达MAAG 油泵MAC 电磁阀MAGNET SCHULTZ 电磁阀Micro Precision 液压马达NIPPON OIL PUMP (NOP) 油泵NIPPON GEROTOR CO., LTD 公司油泵NKE 气缸, 气动手指NOK 气动元件Peter Paul 电磁阀Phd 油缸RACINE 油泵RICKMEIER 泵阀ROSS 电磁阀SC HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING 气动马达SCEM 电磁阀Schrader Bellows 气动元件Skinner 电磁阀Sterling 液压元件STORZ 油缸STUCCHI 单向阀SUN 液压元件SUMITOMO 齿轮泵TOGNELLA 液压元件TACO 气动元件Trochoid 油泵UCC 过滤器VERSA 电磁阀V & B SERVOCOMANDI 液压气动元件V on Ruden 液压马达, 齿轮头WEKUPO 柱塞泵Walther 快速接头WAIRCOM 气动元件Wilkeson 气动元件WSI 液压马达, 齿轮箱工业电气,传感器大全AECO 接近开关ACi 工业开关, 传感器Acromag 自动化产品ACU-RITE 自动化产品ACS 传感器, 自动化元件AEP 压力开关, 压力变送器ALLEMANO 压力仪表ALTHEN 传感器ALTMANN 电位计American Sensors 传感器ANILAM 自动化产品ANTUNES 压力开关AROMANIKKI 流量开关ASAHI 自动化仪表ASI 接近开关等自动化元件ASO 安全自动化元件ASTECH 传感器atc 自动化元件atr 自动化元件ATHENA 温控器AUTOTRON 传感器AUTOTECH 自动化元件BARKSDALE 压力, 温度仪表BACO 安全自动化产品BECKHOFF 自动化产品BENDER 自动化产品BENEDIKT 开关BERNSTEIN 传感器BETA 传感器Binding Union 公司过程控制仪表BIRCHER 安全自动化产品BRAUN 速度仪表BRODERSEN 继电器BROSA 力传感器BROSE 自动化显示仪表, 电源BROYCE CONTROL 控制继电器, 计时器BST 控制产品BTI 安全开关BTR 工业继电器BUHLER 液位开关Cabur 自动化元件CAL 温控器CANAAN 计时器CAPTRON 传感器CAREL 温度仪表CDC 自动化元件CEDES 传感器Celduc 自动化产品CEWE 自动化仪表C-mac 自动化产品COMAT 工业控制继电器COMECO 过程控制, 自动化元件CONTINENTAL 固态继电器, I/O模块, 温控器CONTRINEX 传感器C.Thiim 工业控制继电器CTI 公司控制模块DA TALOGIC 光电开关, 传感器DA TALOGICDL 光电开关, 传感器DAIICHI 传感器DELTA 传感器(钢铁行业用)DESIN 公司过程控制仪表DIELL 传感器DIGITEC 自动化仪表Digitronic 自动化元件Dinel 传感器DISIBEINT 控制继电器di-soric 传感器DITEL 仪表DIVERSIFIED 自动化仪表DSE 光电位移传感器DUELCO 安全继电器DVT 传感器EBM 力传感器ECS 自动化仪表, 元件EGE 传感器Elan 安全开关ELAP 自动化产品ELB 自动化元件ELBO 自动化元件elco 自动化产品ELECTRO CAM 限位开关, 编码器ELEKTRA 开关ELGO 自动化产品Eliwell 自动化元件ELOBAU 接近开关, 光电开关ELOTECH 温度控制器ELTIME 自动化仪表ELTROTEC 传感器ELCTRO-SENSORS 传感器Enraf 液位仪表ERO 自动化仪表ESTERS 速度传感器等自动化仪表E-T-A 自动化产品EUROSWITCH 液位开关, 压力开关fae 光电开关, 自动化元件fanal 自动化元件fanox 继电器等自动化元件FARGO 计时器, 计数器, 接近开关FASE 自动化仪表FE (FEMA ELECTRONIC ) 自动化产品FIAMA 传感器, 自动化仪表FIBER 自动化产品FIESSLER 传感器FIFE 自动化产品FLINTEC 重量传感器FOTOSTAR 传感器FRER 自动化仪表FRIZLEN 自动化产品DA TEXEL 信号调节仪表GEMCO 位移传感器GENTRAN 压力传感器, 仪表GEORGIN 压力,温度仪表GO SWITCH 限位开关Guard Master 安全自动化产品HENIX 自动化产品HEMOMA TIK 液位开关HERGA 自动化元件HESCH 过程控制, 自动化元件HIQUEL 自动化产品HiTECH 液位仪表HSB 自动化元件HOFFMAN 自动化产品, 工业配件HONIGMANN 张力传感器HONSBERG 自动化仪表Hornel 自动化元件HUBA 压力仪表IME 自动化仪表IMO 工业电气, 自动化元件INFRA 传感器IPF 传感器ISSC 接近开关ITT 压力仪表italcoppie 温度仪表JAQUET 速度传感器JAY 传感器JM CONCEPT 自动化元件JOKAB 安全自动化产品KAMAN 传感器KANSAI 液位开关KEP 自动化产品Kiepe 限位开关, 安全开关KINAX 角位移传感器KLASCHKA 传感器LOCON 传感器LORENZ 力传感器LOV 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减速机OGURA 离合器OEMER 电机ORTLINGHAUS 离合器PERSKE 电机PIV 减速机REGGIANA 减速机REXNORD 减速机Rotor 电机SCHORCH 电机SEIPEE 电机SEIMEC 电机SESAME 齿轮电机SICEI 电机SICME 电机Slo-Syn 电机及控制器STROTER 减速机Superior 电机及控制器TEM 电机THRIGE 电机THOMSON MICRON 齿轮头TOSHIBA 电机US GEARMOTORS 减速机US MOTORS 电机V ARVEL 减速机VECTRON 变频器VOGEL 减速机WATT 减速机WEG 电机Wurges 振动电机ZAE 减速机轴承,离合器,电源大全AETNA 轴承AMERICAN ROLLER 轴承ANDREWS 轴承AURORA 轴承BARDEN 轴承BCA 轴承BOWER 轴承Browning 轴承齿轮箱减速机COOPER 轴承DODGE 轴承齿轮箱减速机FRDERAL 轴承HUB CITY 轴承齿轮箱减速机KAYDON 轴承KSK 轴承LINK BELT 轴承Martin 链轮等机械传动元件MB 轴承McGiLL 轴承MPB 轴承MRC 轴承NB 线性轴承NDH 轴承NICE 轴承RBC 轴承REXNORD 轴承sealMaster 轴承Schatz 轴承Schneeberger 线性轴承UNION TOOL 线性轴承Triangle 轴承离合器, 刹车:ASAHI 离合器BOSTON GEAR 公司离合器, 传动产品CAMCO 离合器, 刹车COMINTEC 离合器, 刹车DESCH 离合器, 刹车Dings 离合器, 刹车FORVE CONTROL 离合器, 刹车FORMSPRAG 离合器, 刹车GMN 离合器, 刹车GOIZPER 离合器, 刹车HORTON 离合器, 刹车Industrial Clutch 离合器, 刹车MORSE 离合器, 刹车NEXEN 离合器, 刹车OSAKI 离合器, 刹车REXNORD 离合器, 刹车SANYO 离合器, 制动器STEARNS 离合器, 刹车Stieber 离合器, 刹车STROMAG 离合器, 刹车Warner 离合器, 刹车Wichita 离合器, 刹车电源, 变压器:ACME 电源,变压器BLOCK 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WOOD 公司传动产品DUFF-NORTON 执行器, 旋转接头OHIO GEAR 齿轮箱OSAKA DENKI 焊接设备及变压器等附件。


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研祥集 团盛装参展2 0 年 中国国际信息通信展 览会 08
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2 0 年 l月 2 至 2 0 8 0 1 5日在 中 国 国 际展 览 中 心新 馆举 行 。该 展 会 是 国 内乃 至 亚 洲 规 模 最 大 、最 具 影 响力 的 信 息 通 信
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温 度 传 感 器 , 特 别 适 用 于 D R 内 存 D 3 模 组 .此 类 内存 被 广 泛应 用 于高 速 P C
和 笔记 本 电脑 ,环 境 控 制 系统 和工 业
C 69 AT 0 5遵 循 J EDE C规 范 J 24 C4 . 规 格 ,存 一 0 +1 5 温 度 区 间 误 差 2 ℃~ 2 。 为 ± ℃ .而 在 + 5C~ 9 o 一 温 度 3 7 o + 5C这

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©1996 Yamatake Corporation ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDigitronic TM、DCP TM和SDC TM是株式會社山武的註冊商標。

安全要求事項 (SAFETY REQUIREMENT)為避免觸電傷人的危險,請遵循此說明書中記載的所有安全注意事項。









機器的額定值AC100~240V(動作電源電壓:AC90~264V)供給電壓 :50/60Hz電源頻率 :以下消耗功率 :30VA環境條件・請勿在有可燃性液體或氣體的環境下使用,否則會破壞本產品的安全性。

0~50 ℃使用使用溫度範圍 :10~90%RH濕度範圍 :1.96m/s2 以下(10~60Hz X、Y、Z方向各2h)允許振動 :Ⅱ(IEC60364-4-443、IEC60664-1) 過電壓類別 :Category汚染度: Pollution degree 2機器的設置・機器操作人員請勿觸摸機器背面端子,請務必把本產品安裝在儀錶盤上。



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是只需将其中部分内容复制到 word 文档即可;当然也许这些经过修改的东西根本没法达成任务或无效率完成.因此这类似于"数字化"处理方式.第2种则与之截然相反,对方企图通过电脑进入你的思维空



MT-1233C MT-1233D 3-1 2数字万用表用户手册说明书

MT-1233C MT-1233D 3-1 2数字万用表用户手册说明书

MT-1233C/MT-1233D3-1/2 Digital MultimeterUser’s Manual1st Edition, 2020©2020 Copyright by Prokit’s Industries Co., Ltd.INTRODUCTIONWarningTo avoid electric shock or personal injury, read "Safety Information" and is Warning and Precautions" before using the Mete rSafety information⏹ This series meter Comply with IEC 1010-1 CAT I600V / CAT II 300V overvoltage standards. See specifications⏹ Use the Meter only as specified in this manual,otherwise the protection provided by the Meter may be impaired.⏹ In this manual a Warming identifies conditionsand actions that pose hazards to the user.⏹ A caution identifies conditions and actions thatmay damage the meter ort he equipment under test⏹ International symbols used on the Meter and inthis manual are explained TableTo avoid possible electric shock or personal injury, and to avoid possible damage to the meter or to the equipment under test, comply with the following practices:⏹ Do not use the meter if it is damaged. Before youuse the meter, inspect the case. Pay particularattention to the insulation surrounding theconnectors.⏹ Inspect the test leads for damaged insulation orexposed metal. Check the test leads for continuity.Replace damaged test leads before you use the meter.⏹ Do not use the meter if it operates abnormally.Protection may be impaired. When in doubt, have the meter serviced.⏹ Do not operate the meter around explosive gas,vapor, or dust.⏹ Do not apply more than the rated voltage, asmarked on the meter between terminals orbetween any terminal and earth ground.⏹ Before use, verify the meter's operation bymeasuring a known voltage.⏹ When measuring current, turn off circuit powerbefore connecting the meter in the circuit.⏹ When servicing the meter, use only specifiedreplacement parts. Do not use the Meter in amanner not specified by this manual or the safety features of the meter may be impaired.⏹ Use with caution when working above 30V ac rms,42V ac peak, or 60V dc. Such voltages pose ashock hazard.⏹ When using the probes, keep your fingers behindthe finger guards on the probes.⏹ Connect the common test lead before youconnect the live test lead. When you disconnect test leads, disconnect the live test lead first.⏹ Remove the test leads from the meter before youopen the battery door. Do not operate the meterwith the battery door or portions of the coverremoved or loosened.⏹ To avoid false readings, which could lead topossible⏹ Safety Compliance: IEC 61010-1, 2000 CAT I600V overvoltage standards Do not measurevoltages above 500V in Category installations Overvoltage installations categories per IEC61010-1, 2000: The meter is designed to protect against transients in these categories:CAT I From high-voltage low-energy sources,e.g., electric circuits or a copy machine CAT II From equipment supplied from the fixed installation, e.g., TVs, PCs, portable toolsand household appliancesCAT III From equipment in fixed equipmentinstallations, e.g. installation panels,feeders and short branch circuits, andlighting systems in large buildings. General specifications◆Maximum Voltage between any Terminal andEarth Ground: 1000V◆Measurement rata: updates 2-3/sec.◆Over range indication: "1' figure only in the display ◆Automatic negative polarity indication.◆The is displayed when the battery voltagedrops below the operating voltage◆operating temperature: 0℃~40℃, 0-75% RH.◆Storage temperature: -10℃~50℃, 0-75% RH.◆Power: Single standard 1.5V battery AAAx2◆Dimensions: 130L*72W*28H mm◆Weight approx: 130g (not including battery) FRONT PANEL DESCRIPTION1. LCD Display2. DATA HOLD button3. BACK LIGHT button4. FUNCTION AND RANGE SWITCHThis switch is used to select the function and desired range as well as to turn on the instrument. To extend the life of this battery, the switch should be in the "OFF" position when the instrument is not in use.5. “VΩmA" JACK6. "10A" JACK7. "COM" JACKSPECIFICATIONSAccuracies are guaranteed for 1 year, 23℃±5 ℃, less than 80%RH200mV range and 500V DC or 500V rms for all ranges.of a sine wave.FREQUENCY RANGE: 40Hz ~400Hz OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 500V DC or 500V rms for all ranges.range unused).MEASURING VOLTAGE DROP: 200mV OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 5 second maximum 220V rms.WARNING: DO NOT input any voltage at this range for safety!WARNING: DO NOT input any voltage at this range for safety!OVERLOAD PROTECTION: 5 seconds maximum 220Vrms.WARNING: DO NOT input any voltage at resistance range for safety!302range for safety!OPERATING INSTRUCTIONSWARNING✧ To avoid electrical shock hazard and/or damageof the Instrument, do not measure voltages that might exceed 600V above earth ground.✧ Before the use of instrument, inspect test leads,connectors and probes for cracks, breaks, cracks in the insulation.✧ Dangerous voltages may be present at the inputterminals and may not be displayed.✧ To avoid electrical shock or damage to the meterwhen measuring resistance or continuity in acircuit, make sure the power to the circuit isturned off and all capacitors are discharged.DC & AC VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT1. Connect red test lead to "VΩmA" jack, Black leadto "COM" jack.2. Set RANGE switch to desired VOLTAGE position,if the voltage to be measured is not known before hand, set switch to the highest range and reduce it until satisfactory reading is obtained.3. Connect test leads to device or circuit beingmeasured.4. Turn on power of the device or circuit beingmeasured voltage value will appear on DigitalDisplay along with the voltage polarity.DC CURRENT MEASUREMENT1. Red lead lo "VΩmA". Black lead to "COM”(formeasurements between 200mA and 10A connect red lead to "10A” jack with fully depressed.)2. RANGE switch to desired DCA position.3. Open the circuit to be measured and connectedtest leads INSERIES with the load in with current is to measure.4. Read current value on Digital Display.5. Additionally,"10A"function is designed forintermittent use only. Maximum contact time ofthe test leads with the circuit is 15 seconds with a minimum intermission time of seconds between tests.RESISTANCE MEASUREMENT1. Red lead to "VΩmA". Black lead to "COM".2. RANGE switch to desired OHM position.3. If the resistance being measured is connected toa circuit, turn off power and discharge allcapacitors before measurement.4. Connect test leads LO circuit being measured.5. Read resistance value on Digital Display. DIODE MEASUREMENT1. Red lead to "VΩmA", Black lead to "COM".2. RANGE switch to "' position.3. Connect the red test lead to the anode! of thediode to be measured and black test lead tocathode.4. The forward voltage drop in mV will be displayed.If the diode is reversed, figure "1" will be shown. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT(MT-1233C only)1. Connect the K type thermoelectric couple to"VΩmA" and "COM" jacks.2. RANGE switch to TEMP position.3. The display will read Temperature value ℃AUDIBLE CONTINUITY TEST1. Red lead to "VΩmA", Black lead to "COM".2. RANGE switch to “”position.3. Connect test leads to two points of circuit to betested. If the resistance is lower than 30Ω±20Ω, the buzzer will sound.TEST SIGNAL USE (MT-1233D only)1. RANGE switch to "”position.2. A test signal (50Hz) appears between "VΩmA"and "COM” jack, the output voltage is approx 3V p-p with about 50KΩ impedance.MAINTENANCEBeyond replacing batteries and fuses, do not attempt to repair or service your Meter unless you are qualified to do so and have the relevant calibration, performance test and service instruments. The recommended calibration cycle is 12 months.To clean the terminalsa) Push the Meter OFF and remove test leads.b) Shake out any dirt that may be in the terminals.c) Soak a new swab with isopropyl and work around the inside of each input terminald) Use a new swab to apply a light coat of fine machine oil to the inside of each terminal. FUSES TESTWarningTo avoid electric shock or injury, remove the test leads and any input signals before replacing the fuses1. Turn the rotary switch to 200mA position.2. Use a multimeter to measure resistance of"VΩmA" terminal or 10A terminal to COM terminal.✧ A good mA terminal or 10A terminal fuse isindicated by a reading between 0Ω and 10Ω.✧ If the display is overloaded, replace the fuse andtest again.If the display shows any other value, have the meterserviced. See "Service and Parts" later in this manual.BATTERY AND FUSE REPLACEMENT1) Battery and fuse replacement should only bedone after the test leads have been disconnected and power is off.2) Loosen screws with suitable screwdriver andremove case bottom.3) The meter is powered by 1.5V battery (AAAx2).Snap the battery connector leads to the terminals of a new battery and reinsert the battery into the case top. Dress the battery leads so that they will not be pinched between the case bottom andcase top.4) The meter is protected by fast action fuse500mA/250V, dimensions is ¢5*20mm.5) Replace the case bottom and reinstall the threescrews, never operate the meter unless the case bottom is fully dosed.ACCESSORIES⏹User’s manual⏹Set of test leads(CAT I 600V work)⏹K type thermoelectric couple (MT-1233C only) SERVICE AND PARTSIf the Meter fails, check the batteries and fuses first, and then review this manual to make sure that you are operating the Meter correctly一、概述MT-1233C/D儀錶是—種功能齊全,性能穩定,結構新穎,安全可靠的小型掌上型3 1/2位元數位萬用表,可用於測量交直流電壓、直流電流、電阻、二極體正向壓降,有些還可以測量溫度和線路通斷,是廣大用戶隨身攜帶的理想維修工具。

YAMATAKE SDC31数字温控器说明书(中文)

YAMATAKE SDC31数字温控器说明书(中文)

˙ 鍵操作概略 ɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾɾ
˙ PV 顯示 ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ
˙ SP 顯示 ɾɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ ɾ
-0"%&3 &/5
˙ 盤開孔圖
˔ 盤開孔尺寸



˛ ˛
˛ ˛
ᶃ 第一顯示部 :通常PV(Process Variable)顯示。 參數等顯示的場合,將顯示其項目。
ᶄ 第二顯示部 :SP(Set Point)顯示。 參數等顯示的場合,將顯示其內容。
ᶅ 模式LED SP/OUT :表示第二顯示部顯示的內容。 SP燈亮 :SP顯示中。 OUT燈亮 :MV(操作量)顯示中。 SP.OUT燈滅 :電機開度顯示中。 同時如下記所示顯示「SP斜坡動作中」、「手動狀態」。 SP閃爍 :表示SP斜坡動作中。 OUT閃爍 :表示手動狀態。 EV1~EV2 :事件輸出輸出爲ON時燈亮。 CLS(僅2G) :閉方向繼電器ON時燈亮。 OPN(僅2G) :開方向繼電器ON時燈亮。 OT(2G以外) :繼電器輸出(0D)繼電器ON時燈亮、繼電器OFF時燈滅。 電壓輸出(6D) 電壓輸出狀態時燈亮、未輸出狀態時燈滅。 電流輸出(5G) 常時燈亮。 REM :遠程設定輸入(RSP)選択時燈亮。 AT :自整定動作中時閃爍。 超調抑制控制學習中時燈亮。

潘基Panasonic LS-401-C2数字激光传感器说明书

潘基Panasonic LS-401-C2数字激光传感器说明书

※Photo may vary from actual product.Product Number LS-401-C2Part Number LS-401-C2Product Digital Laser Sensor Details Amplifier (Cable type)Product nameDigital Laser Sensor LS-400LS-401-C2 | Digital Laser Sensor LS-400Spec DetailAs of April 11, 2023Specifications and design of the products are subject to change without notice for the product improvement.ItemSpecificationsProduct Number LS-401-C2Part Number LS-401-C2Operation indicator Orange LED (lights up when output 1 and output 2 are ON)Laser emission indicatorGreen LED (lights up during laser emission)Ambient temperature-10 to +55 ℃ +14 to +131 ℉ (If 4 to 7 units are mounted close together:-10 to +50 ℃ +14 to +122 ℉ , if 8 to 16 units are mounted close together:-10 to +45 ℃ +14 to +113 ℉ )(No dew condensation or icing allowed),Storage: -20 to +70 ℃ -4 to +158 ℉Ambient humidity 35 to 85 % RH, Storage: 35 to 85 % RHVoltage withstandability1,000 V AC for one min.between all supply terminals connected together and enclosureInsulation resistance20 MOhm , or more, with 250 V DC megger between all supply terminals connected together and enclosureVibration resistance10 to 150 Hz frequency, 0.75 mm 0.030 in double amplitude in X, Y and Z directions for two hours eachShock resistance98 m/s 2 acceleration (10 G approx.) in X, Y and Z directions five times eachMaterialEnclosure: Heat-resistant ABS Transparent cover: Polycarbonate Push button switch: Acrylic Jog switch: ABSCable0.15 mm 2 5-core cabtyre cable, 2 m 6.562 ft long Weight Net weight: 65 g approx Gross weight: 75 g approxSupply voltage12 to 24 V DC plus or minus 10 % Ripple P-P 10 % or lessCurrent consumptionNormal operation: 950 mW or less (Current consumption 40 mA or less at 24 V supply voltage)ECO mode: 780 mW or less (Current consumption 33 mA or less at 24 V supply voltage)Outputs(Output 1, Output 2)NPN open-collector transistor- Maximum sink current: 100 mA (Note)- Applied voltage: 30 V DC or less (between output and 0 V)- Residual voltage: 1.5 V or less [at 100 mA (Note) sink current](Note) 50 mA if 5 to 8 connector type amplifiers are connected in cascade , and 25 mA if 9 to 16 connector type amplifiers are connected in cascade.Outputs(Output 1, Output 2):Output operationSelectable either Light-ON or Dark-ON, with jog switchProduct Number Part NumberProductDetails Product name ProductNumberPart NumberProductDetailsProductnameProductNumberPart NumberProductDetailsProductnameProduct Number Part NumberProductDetails Product name ProductNumberPart NumberProductDetailsProductnameProductNumberPart NumberProductDetailsProductnameProduct Number Part Number ProductNumberPart NumberProductNumberPart NumberOutputs(Output 1, Output 2):Short-circuit protectionIncorporatedResponse time 80 micro s or less (H-SP), 150 micro s or less (FAST), 500 micro s or less (STD), 4 ms or less (U-LG) selectable with jog switchExternal input(Laser emission halt Full-auto teaching / Limit teaching)NPN non-contact input- Signal conditionHigh: +5 V to +V DC or open, Low: 0 to +2 V DC (source current 0.5 mA or less)- Input impedance: 10 kOhm approx.Select indicator Yellow LED(lights up when either output 1 or output 2 is selected)MODE indicator RUN: Green LEDTEACH, L/D, TIMER, CUST, PRO: Yellow LEDDigital display 4 digit (green) + 4 digit (red) LED displaySensitivity setting Normal mode: 2-level teaching / Limit teaching / Full-auto teaching / Manual adjustmentWindow comparator mode: Teaching (1-level, 2-level, 3-level) / Manual adjustmentHysteresis mode: Teaching (1-level, 2-level, 3-level) / Manual adjustment Differential mode: 5-level settingsFine sensitivity adjustment function IncorporatedTimer function Incorporated with variable ON-delay / OFF-delay / ONE SHOT timer, switchable either effective or ineffective.Timer function:Time 1 to 9,999 msAutomatic Interference prevention function Incorporated[Up to four sets of sensor heads can be mounted close together. (However, disabled when in H-SP mode)]Cable extension Extension up to total 100 m 328.084 ft is possible with 0.3 mm 2, or more,cable. AccessoriesProduct Connector for amplifierProduct name ConnectorProductBank SelectionUnitDetails NPN inputProductnameBank SelectionUnit FX-CHProductBank SelectionUnitDetails PNP inputProductnameBank SelectionUnit FX-CHProduct Number Part NumberProductProduct name ProductNumberPart NumberProductProductnameProductNumberPart NumberProductProductname© Panasonic Industry Co., Ltd.。



POWERDENSITY功率密度计算POWER DENSITYRadio Frequency (RF) propagation is defined as the travel of electromagnetic waves through or along a medium. For RF propagation between approximately 100 MHz and 10 GHz, radio waves travel very much as they do in free space and travel in a direct line of sight. There is a very slight difference in the dielectric constants of space and air. The dielectric constant of space is one. The dielectric constant of air at sea level is 1.000536. In all but the highest precision calculations, the slight difference is neglected.From chapter 3, Antennas, an isotropic radiator is a theoretical, lossless, omnidirectional (spherical) antenna. That is, it radiates uniformly in all directions. The power of a transmitter that is radiated from an isotropic antenna will have a uniform power density (power per unit area) in all directions. The power density at any distance from an isotropic antenna is simply the transmitter power divided by the surface area of a sphere (4πR2) at that distance. The surface area of the sphere increases by the square of the radius, therefore the power density, P D, (watts/square meter) decreases by the square of the radius.[1]P t is either peak or average power depending on how PD is to be specified.Radars use directional antennas to channel most of the radiated power in a particular direction. The Gain (G) of an antenna is the ratio of power radiated in the desired direction as compared to the power radiated from an isotropic antenna, or:The power density at a distant point from a radar with an antenna gain of G t is the power density from an isotropic antenna multiplied by the radar antenna gain. Power density from radar, [2]Pt is either peak or average power depending on how PD is to be specified.Another commonly used term is effective radiated power (ERP), and is defined as: ERP = P t G tA receiving antenna captures a portion of this power determined by it's effective capture Area (A e). The received power available at the antenna terminals is the power density times the effective capture area (A e) of the receiving antenna.e.g. If the power density at a specified range is one microwatt per square meter and the antenna's effective capture area is onesquare meter then the power captured by the antenna is one microwatt.毫⽶波太赫兹功率计产品:sales@,135 **** ****.For a given receiver antenna size the capture area is constant no matter how far it is from the transmitter, as illustrated in Figure 1. Also notice from Figure 1 that the received signal power decreases by 1/4 (6 dB) as the distance doubles. This is due to the R2 term in the denominator of equation [2].Sample Power Density Calculation - Far Field (Refer to Section 3-5 for the definition of near field and far field)Calculate the power density at 100 feet for 100 watts transmitted through an antenna with a gain of 10.Given: P t = 100 watts G t = 10 (dimensionless ratio) R = 100 ftThis equation produces power density in watts per square range unit.For safety (radiation hazard) and EMI calculations, power density is usually expressed in milliwatts per square cm. That's nothing more than converting the power and range to the proper units.100 watts = 1 x 102 watts = 1 x 105 mW100 feet = 30.4785 meters = 3047.85 cm.However, antenna gain is almost always given in dB, not as a ratio. It's then often easier to express ERP in dBm.ERP (dBm) = P t (dBm) + G t (dB) = 50 + 10 = 60 dBmTo reduce calculations, the graph in Figure 2 can be used. It gives ERP in dBm, range in feet and power density in mW/cm2. Follow the scale A line for an ERP of 60 dBm to the point where it intersects the 100 foot range scale. Read the power density directly from the A-scale x-axis as 0.0086 mW/cm2 (confirming our earliercalculations).Figure 2. Power Density vs Range and ERPExample 2When antenna gain and power (or ERP) are given in dB and dBm, it's necessary to convert back to ratios in order to perform the calculation given in equation [2]. Use the same values as in example 1 except for antenna gain.Suppose the antenna gain is given as 15 dB: G t (dB) = 10 Log (G t)Follow the 65 dBm (extrapolated) ERP line and verify this result on the A-scale X-axis.Example 3 - Sample Real Life ProblemAssume we are trying to determine if a jammer will damage the circuitry of a missile carried onboard an aircraft and we cannot perform an actual measurement. Refer to the diagram at the right.Given the following:Jammer power: 500 W (P t = 500)Jammer line loss and antenna gain:3 dB (G t = 2)Missile antenna diameter: 10 inMissile antenna gain: UnknownMissile limiter protection (maximum antenna power input): 20 dBm (100mW) average and peak.The power density at the missile antenna caused by the jammer is computed as follows:The maximum input power actually received by the missile is either:P r = P D A e (if effective antenna area is known) orP r = P D G mλ / 4π (if missile antenna gain is known)To cover the case where the missile antenna gain is not known, first assume an aperture efficiency of 0.7 for the missile antenna (typical). Then:P r = P D Aη = 8.56 W/m2 (π)[ (10/2 in)(.0254 m/in)]2 (0.7) = 0.3 wattsDepending upon missile antenna efficiency, we can see that the power received will be about 3 times the maximum allowable and that either better limiter circuitry may be required in the missile or a new location is needed for the missile or jammer. Of course if the antenna efficiency is 0.23 or less, then the power will not damage the missile's receiver.If the missile gain were known to be 25 dB, then a more accurate calculation could be performed. Using the given gain of the missile (25 dB= numeric gain of 316), and assuming operation at 10 GHz (λ = .03m)P r = P D G mλ2 / 4π = 8.56 W/m (316)(.03) / 4π = .19 watts (still double the allowable tolerance。



1.触控MCU与触控IC的对比分析 [J], 王志东
2.手机和平板电脑触控市场大,汽车触控兴起,未来会有新型人机界面 [J], 迎九
4.潮元件:触控感测IC——受惠于终端应用广MEMS市场前景大好 [J], 林慧萍; 廖惠如
5.富创得科技与触控IC合作伙伴积极发展投射式电容触控技术 [J],



标准显示 显示行显示过程值
操作级 设定值 SP 在这里输入.通过逻辑量输入切换设定点 显示行显示 SP1 或 SP2.当使用斜坡功能时,显示 . 当使用计时器功能时, 显示计时器数值 或计时器起始值 . 使用 和▼键动态修改设定点,2 秒后设定被 自动接受.
参数级 在这里组态设定点,限制比较器限制值,调节器参数和斜坡斜率.
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
页 10
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
页 11
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
页 12
4 操作 4.1 显示和按键
型号 702040/41
输出 3
1.不适合带 2 个继电器输出(选项)的型号 702040/41
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
5.1 过程值输入
符号 说明
变送器/探头(过程值输入) 31 页
/显示小数点位置 31 页

页 20
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明
5.4 限制比较器(报警接点)
页 21
说明 限制比较器功能(IK1-IK8) 32 页 限制比较器回差 35 页 限制比较器限制值 36 页
5.5 斜坡功能
iTRON 系列紧凑型智能调节器操作说明



Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告赛密特思半导体技术(苏州)有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:赛密特思半导体技术(苏州)有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分赛密特思半导体技术(苏州)有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。

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