2018年9月8日和9日托福考试写作机经预测 雷哥托福
1. Rather than help their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children do their homework independently.2. Do you agree that it is better to work for business owned by someone else than to work for the business of one’s own family3. A city wants to help teachers of its high school students (age14-18) improve their teaching. It is considering two plans:1) Choose a small group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach effectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for other teachers in school.2) Provide additional training in teaching effectively for high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually.4. Students aged 13-18 are taught different subjects by different teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would benefit young students to be taught by different teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not?5. Which of the following summer arrangements is better for a 16-17 year old student of grade eleven?1) Get ready for some of the major courses they want to study in College2) Led by the teacher to visit museums or historical sites, and then write paper6. High school teachers (teachers of students ages 14-18) spend most of class time lecturing (speaking) while the students listen and take notes. Other high school teachers spend most of class time on discussion and projects that students are highly involved in and exchange their ideas. Which of these two approaches do you think is more effective for student learning and why?7. Parents give their children weekly money to buy whatever they want. Some people think this can cause bad habits and ideas about money in children. Others think the opposite. What's your opinion?8. If your friend wants to reduce living expenses, which one would you suggest?1) Find a roommate that can share the living expenses.2) Buy the new technology products (cell phone) less frequently9. Students should arrive school early in the morning. Recently some students need to arrive school at the early time in the morning. Some people think that starting school day early is a good approach to support learning, while other people think that starting school day at the later time is a good approach to support learning."10.High school students should be required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subjects at a time.11. In times of economic crisis, in which field do you think the government can cut financial support?1)Art2)Science research3)Parks and public gardens12. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting that from your peers."13. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is better for the older to take risks and explore new things than young people."14.People who develop different skills are more successful than people who develop one skill.15. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Primary school should consider spend more time on teaching young student technology (like computer) than teaching music and art15.Some teenagers take part in all kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support?16.High school students should take at least a year off to work or travel before they begin to study in university."18. Students in a university club want to help others, but they can only choose one project a year, which one of the following is the best?1)help those students in a nearby primary school with reading and mathematics;2)help people who cannot afford to build or rent a home to build a house;3)visit and assist elderly people with daily tasks.19.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to have facilities rather than hire more teachers.20. Some believes that spending more time be far away from the people we care about, because it is necessary for people to understand the importance of relationship of people we care about, while others think being away from people we care about can damage our relationships with them.文章来源:雷哥托福。
9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem? What effects does the phenomenon lead to? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.8月25For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people say that children should go to school as young as possible, while others believe that children should go to school of at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.8月18In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?Some people think schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree?8月11Some animals have came to extinction. There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of thenegative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月28Some people think that news media have become much more influential in people’s lives today and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do youagree or disagree?7月21In some countries, students studying in university live with their family, whereas in others countries,students choose to study in another city. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages? Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lackbasic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What doyou think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it?(问题类)7月7Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources(e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?People have different views on how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think that governments should build more train and subway lines, while others think that building more and wider roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6月30Large shopping centers and supermarkets become more popular than small market. Do you think this development is positive or negative?An increasing number of people are changing their career during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development?6月23Some people think the lifestyles changing rapidly has affecting their family relationships. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Give your opinion.More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?6月2Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Many people today prefer to socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?5月19Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.。
第一部分:图表描述范文一:Pie ChartsThe given pie charts illustrate the reasons why people in a particular country chose to travel abroad in the year2017. The information is divided into two categories:personal and business travel.According to the charts,personal travel accounted for the majority,with73%of respondents citing this as their reason for going abroad.Within this category,the main motivation for traveling was to'relax and take a break'at 39%.Visiting family and friends,as well as exploring new cultures,were also popular reasons at22%and12% respectively.On the other hand,only27%of the respondents traveled for business purposes.In terms of business travel,'attending conferences and meetings'was the most common reason at15%,closely followed by'visiting clients and partners'at12%.'Training and professional development'and'international assignments' accounted for8%and7%respectively.Overall,the pie charts demonstrate that the majority of people traveled abroad for personal reasons,mainly to relax and explore new cultures.However,a significant portion also traveled for business purposes,attending conferences and visiting clients.第二部分:图表分析范文二:Line GraphsThe given line graphs compare the average monthly household spending on three different categories in the United Kingdom from2010to2015.The first graph shows the trends in spending on food and drink,with a slight increase from around£200in2010to approximately£250in2015.Despite minor fluctuations,the overall trend shows a steady rise during the period.The second graph displays the changes in spending on clothing and footwear.It demonstrates a more significant increase,starting at around£100in2010and rising to nearly£150in2015.Like the previous graph,it shows some fluctuations,but the overall trend is upward.Finally,the third graph presents the variations in household spending on recreation and culture.It exhibits a similar pattern to the previous graphs,with an initialfigure of approximately£100in2010,which steadily increases to reach nearly£125in2015.In conclusion,the line graphs show that household spending on food and drink,clothing and footwear,as well as recreation and culture,all experienced an upward trend from 2010to2015.This reflects an overall increase in the average monthly expenditure in these areas.第三部分:图表讨论范文三:Bar ChartsThe provided bar charts compare the age distribution of the population in two countries:Country A and Country B.The data is categorized into five different age groups:0-14,15-24,25-64,65-79,and80+.In Country A,the age group with the highest percentageis25-64,representing over50%of the population.The0-14age group comprises around25%of the population,while the remaining three age groups each account for less than10%.On the other hand,in Country B,the age groupdistribution is more evenly spread.The25-64age group still holds the majority,but it is followed closely by the0-14 age group,both at around30%.The15-24and65-79age groups both make up approximately15%of the population,while the 80+age group has the smallest percentage at around10%.Overall,the bar charts reveal that the population age distribution in Country A is more concentrated in theworking-age group(25-64),while Country B has a more balanced distribution across all age groups,particularly with a larger portion of young people(0-14).第四部分:图表总结范文四:TableThe provided table presents the percentage of households in a particular country who own different types of electronic devices in the year2018.According to the table,the highest ownership percentage is for mobile phones,with a staggering98%of households having this device.It is followed by televisions,which are present in92%of puters,both desktops and laptops,have relatively lower ownership rates at75%and68% respectively.Other devices included in the table are tablets,with55% ownership,while gaming consoles and smart speakers have the lowest ownership percentages,both at32%.In conclusion,the table demonstrates that mobile phones and televisions are the most commonly owned electronic devices in households,with computers,tablets,gamingconsoles,and smart speakers following behind in terms of ownership rates.本文为您提供的剑桥雅思18写作范文履行了任务要求,采用准确、生动、简洁的语言表达,并且没有出现与主题无关的内容。
1.考题分布内容:社会类(8/20),教育类(3/20),环境类(3/20),政府类(2/20),科技类(2/20),犯罪类(1/20),媒体类(1/20)形式:Argumentation(18/20),Report(2/20)2.具体题目2018年雅思写作A类考题回忆(大作文)2018.1.6大陆区Inmanycountries,moreandmorepeoplebuyawiderrangeofhouseholdgoodsliketelevi sion,microwaveovenandricecooker.Doyouthinkthisisapositiveornegativedevelopm ent?亚太区Somepeoplethinkthatitismorebeneficialtotakepartinsportswhichareplayedinteams,l ikefootball.Whileotherpeoplethinkthattakingpartinindividualsportsisbetter,likeswi mming.Discussbothviewsandgiveyourownopinion.2018.1.13大陆区Somepeoplethinkemployersshouldnotbeconcernedabouttheiremployees'wayofdre ssbutonlythequalityoftheirwork.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Peoplewholiveinbigcitiesarefacedwithmoreandmoreproblems.Whataretheproblem s?Shouldthegovernmentencouragepeoplemovetosuburb?2018.1.18大陆区Lectureswereusedinthepastasanoldwayofteachingalargenumberofstudents.Asnewt echnologyisnowavailableforeducation,somepeoplesuggestthatthereisnojustificatio nforlectures.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?2018.1.20大陆区Todaypeoplearesurroundedbyadvertising.Thisbothaffectswhatpeoplethinkisimport antandisanegativeimpactonpeople'slives.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Astechnologydevelops,onlinebusinessmeetingsandbusinesstrainingincreasinglyris e.Dotheadvantagesoutweighthedisadvantages?2018.2.1大陆区Figuresshowthatsomecountrieshaveanever-increasingproportionofpopulationwho areaged15orevenyounger.Whatdoyouthinkthecurrentandfutureeffectsitmayhavein thosecountries?2018.2.3大陆区Therestorationofoldbuildingsinmajorcitiesintheworldcostsenormousgovernmentex penditures.Thismoneyshouldbebetterusedinnewhousingandroaddevelopment.Tow hatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Somepeoplethinkthattheonlywaytoimprovesafetyofourroadsistogivemuchstricterp unishmentsondrivingoffenses.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?2018.2.10大陆区Ithasbeensaidthatpeoplewhoreadforpleasurecanhavemoredevelopedimaginations andbetterlanguageskillsthanpeoplewhoprefertowatchTV.Towhatextenddoyouagre eordisagree?亚太区Thetraditionofeatingmealswithfamiliestogetherisdisappearing.Why?Whateffectson thefamilyandsociety?2018.2.24大陆区Ascountriesdevelop,moreandmorepeoplebuyandusetheircars.Doyouthinktheadvan tagesofthistrendforindividualsoutweighitsdisadvantageforenvironment?亚太区Foremployers,formalacademicqualificationsismoreimportantthanlifeexperience.Wh y?Isitapositiveornegativetrend?2018.3.3大陆区Inmanycountries,prisonisthecommonsolutiontotheproblemofcrime.However,anoth ereffectivewayistoprovidepeoplewithbetterconditionsothattheywillnotbecomecrim inals.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Somepeoplethinkthenewlybuilthousesshouldbeassameastheoldhousestyleinlocalar eas.Othersarguethatlocalauthoritiesshouldallowpeopletobuildhousesintheirownsty les.Discussbothviewsandgiveyouropinion.2018.3.10大陆区Oneofthebestwaystosolvetheworld'senvironmentalproblemsistoincreasethecostoff uelandallvehicles.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Whendesigningbuildings,peopleshouldconsidertheintendeduseratherthanoutward appearance.Doyouagreeordisagree?2018.3.15大陆区Somecountriesspendalotofmoneypreparingcompetitorstotakepartinmajorcompeti tionssuchasOlympicGamesorfootballWorldCup.Somepeoplesaythatitwouldbebette rtospendthismoneyencouragingchildrentotakeupforsportsfromayoungage.Towhat extentdoyouagreeordisagree?2018.3.24大陆区Somepeoplebelievethatnewspaperisthebestwaytolearnaboutnews.Whileothersbeli evethatmoreeffectivewayisthroughothermedia.Discussbothviewsandgiveyouropini on.亚太区Somepeoplethinkthatmuseumsandartgalleriesshouldconcentrateontheworksofthei rowncountriesinsteadoftheworksofartfromotherpartsoftheworld.Towhatextentdoy ouagreeordisagree?2018.4.7大陆区Somepeoplethinkthatthemostimportantthingaboutbeingrichisthatitgivestheopport unitytohelpotherpeople.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Somepeoplethinkthegovernmentshouldnotspendmoneyonartandculturalactivities, whileothersthinkthatgovernment'sfundsontheseartistsbenefitthepopulationandthe cultures.Discussbothviewsandgiveyouropinion.2018.4.14大陆区Governmentsshouldmakepeopleresponsibleforlookingaftertheirownlocalenvironm ent.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Intoday'sworldofadvancedscienceandtechnology,westillgreatlyvalueourartistssuch asmusicians,paintersandwriters.Whatcanartstellusaboutlifethatscienceandtechnolo gycannot?2018.4.21大陆区Peopletodaycanshop,workandcommunicatewithothersviatheinternet.Theydonotne edtodothesefacttoface.Isitapositiveornegativedevelopment?亚太区Organizedtourtoremotecommunityandothercountriesisbecomingmoreandmorepo pular.Isitapositiveornegativedevelopmentforthelocalpeopleandenvironment? 2018.4.26大陆区Insomecountries,thereareincreasingnumberofparentschoosingtoeducatetheirchildr enathomeinsteadofsendingthemtoschool.Doyouthinktheadvantagesofhomeeduca tionoutweighthedisadvantages?亚太区Itismoreimportanttospendpublicmoneyonpromotingahealthylifestyleinordertopre ventillnessthantospenditontreatmentofpeoplewhoarealreadyill.Towhatextentdoyo uagreeordisagree?2018.5.5大陆区Trafficandhousingprobleminmajorcitiescouldbesolvedbymovinglargecompaniesan dfactoriesandtheiremployeestothecountryside.Towhatextentdoyouagreeordisagre e?亚太区Somepeopleconsiderthathistoryisoflitterornousetous.Othersbelievethatstudyinghis toryhelpsustoknowthepresent.Discussbothviewsandgiveyourownopinion. 2018.5.12大陆区Somepeoplebelievethatarts,suchaspaintingandmusic,donotdirectlyimprovethequal itiesofpeople'slife,sogovernmentsshouldspendmoneyonotherthings.Towhatextent doyouagreeordisagree?亚太区Somepeoplethinkthatalargeamountoftimeandmoneyisspentontheprotectionofwild animals,andthatthismoneycouldbebetterspentonthehumanpopulation.Towhatexte ntdoyouagreeordisagreewiththisopinion?2018.5.19大陆区Inmanycountries,peopleliketoeatawidevarietyoffoodthatcanbegrowninotherareas. Asaresult,peopleeatmorefoodproducedinotherregionsthanlocalfood.Dotheadvanta gesofthistrendoutweighitsdisadvantages?亚太区Somepeoplebelievethattherangeoftechnologyavailabletoindividualsisincreasingthe gapbetweentherichpeopleandthepoorpeople.Othersthinkthishasanoppositeeffect. Discussbothviewsandgiveyourownopinion.2018.5.24大陆区Childrenarefacingmorepressuresfromacademic,socialandcommercialperspectives. Whatarethecausesofthesepressuresandwhatmeasuresshouldbetakentoreducethes epressures?亚太区Themediashouldincludemorestorieswhichreportgoodnews.Towhatextentdoyouagr eeordisagree?3.审题技巧点由于2018年大作文特征为题干中的单词较简单,没有生词难词,但限定词出现的次数比较多,易导致偏题、跑题。
英语考试作文8日雅思大作文写作真题范文解析:社会资源浪费问题2018年9月8日的雅思大作文终于考到了环保类话题,Nowadays people are living in a “ thrown-away”society where they use things for a short time and then throw away. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?探讨社会中出现的一次性社会(浪费型社会)的形成原因及影响。
题目问题要求阐述导致“ thrown-away” society 的原因以及该现象导致的问题。
文章结构 P1:改写现象并写出承接句。
雅思大作文高分话题表达two contributing factors can be identified 两个促成(该现象)的理由可以被证实it is precisely because of…正因为。
would do sth rather than…宁愿做。
brand new 崭新的be exposed to 被暴露在。
之下glamorous 富有魅力的dump 丢弃decompose 分解landfill 垃圾填埋法materially abundant but spiritually barren 物质丰富但是精神贫瘠be discouraged from 被阻止。
雅思9 test 2小作文
雅思9 test 2小作文英文回答:The topic of the IELTS Writing Task 2 is about the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad. Studying abroad has become increasingly popular in recent years, and it offers many advantages. Firstly, studying abroad allows students to experience a new culture and broaden their horizons. Living in a foreign country exposes students to different customs, traditions, and ways of thinking, which can help them develop a global perspective and become more open-minded individuals. Secondly, studying abroad provides students with the opportunity to improve their language skills. Immersion in a foreign language environment forces students to communicate in the target language on a daily basis, which can significantly enhance their language proficiency. Lastly, studying abroad can also enhance career prospects. Employers often value candidates who have international experience, as it demonstrates adaptability, cultural awareness, and independence.However, there are also some drawbacks to studying abroad. Firstly, homesickness can be a major issue for many students. Being away from family and friends can be emotionally challenging, especially in the beginning. Students may feel lonely and isolated, and this can affect their overall well-being and academic performance. Secondly, studying abroad can be financially burdensome. Tuition fees, accommodation, and living expenses in a foreign country can be expensive, and not all students have the financial means to support themselves. Lastly, studying abroad may also create a sense of disconnection from one's own culture and identity. Students may struggle with the clash of valuesand norms between their home country and the host country, which can lead to a sense of identity crisis.中文回答:关于留学的好处和坏处是雅思写作任务2的主题。
2018 雅思作文真经考题
2018.01.06小作文:地图变迁大作文:in many countries today, people buy a range of household goods (television, microwave oven and rice cookers ). Is it a positive or negative development?(科技)2018.01.13小作文:饼图动态大作文:employers should not be concerned about the way their employees dress at work. They should only care about the quality of their work. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(社会)2018.01.18小作文:柱状动态大作文:lectures were used to be a way to teach large numbers of students, but with the technology available for education, there is no longer justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (教育+科技)2018.01.20小作文:线图动态大作文:people are surrounded by advertising. This both affects what people think is important and has a negative impact on people’s lives. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(媒体)2018.02.01小作文:混合(线+柱)大作文:figures show that in some countries, there is an increasing proportion of population aged 15 or younger. What do you think the current and future effects it may have in those countries?(社会)2018.02.03小作文:柱静大作文:the restoration of old buildings in major cities throughout the world often involves numerous government expenditure. This money will bring more benefits if it is used to provide new housing or road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(政府)2018.02.10小作文:线大作文:some people think that people who prefer read for pleasure will have better imagination and language skills than people who like watching TV. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(教育)2018.02.24小作文:表格静.大作文:As countries develop, more and more people buy and use private cars. Do the advantages of this trend for individual outweigh disadvantages for the environment? (科技)2018.03.03小作文:饼静(age/gender/best selling types)大作文:in most countries, prison is the most common solution for the problem of crime. However, the more effective solution is to provide people with better education so that they do not become criminals. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(犯罪)2018.03.10小作文:柱动静(snow depth)大作文:some people think that one of the best ways to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuels for cars and other vehicles.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?(社会)2018.03.15小作文:柱静(gender house task)大作文:some countries spend a lot of money preparing competitors to take part in majorcompetitions such as olympic games or football world cup. Some people say that it would be better to spend this money encouraging children to take up sports at a young age. To what extent do youagree or disagree?(社会)2018.03.24小作文:线大作文:some people think newspapers are the best way to read news, while others think it is more effective to use other media. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.04.07小作文:地图变迁大作文:some people think the most important thing about being rich is that give person an opportunity to help other people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.04.14小作文:表格大作文:governments should make people responsible for looking after their own local environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.04.21小作文:线大作文:in modern world, it’s possible to shop, work and communicate with people via internet and without any face-to-face contact with others. is this a positive or negative development?2018.04.26小作文:组合(表大作文:some parents think that they can teach their children at home rather than sending to the school. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2018.05.05小作文:线大作文:traffic and housing problems can be solved by moving large companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.05.12小作文:饼动态大作文:some people say arts, such as music and painting, cannot directly improve the quantity ofpeople’s life, so the government should spent money on other areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.05.18小作文:流程美国考驾照大作文:in many countries, people like to eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in otherareas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do the advantages of this trend outweigh its disadvantages?2018.05.24小作文:动态柱+表大作文:children are experiencing the increasing educational, social and commercial pressures. What are the causes? What measures can be taken to reduce them?2018.06.02小作文:地图大作文:many people today prefer socializing online to spending time with friends on local community. Do advantages outweigh the disadvantages?2018.06.07小作文:静表格大作文:today many young people change their jobs or careers every few years.What do you think are the reasons for this?Do you think the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?2018.06.23小作文:地图大作文:more and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items.What are the reasons?Do you think it is a positive or negative development?2018.06.30小作文:动态柱大作文:an increasing number of people are changing careers during their working life.What are the reasons?Is it a positive or negative development for society?2018.07.07小作文:静柱大作文:people have different views on government how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think it can be solved by building more train and subway lines, while others think that building more roadsand widening existing roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.07.19小作文:静柱大作文:these days an increasing number of people in many cities know little about their neighborsand do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solution can you suggest?2018.07.21小作文:流程大作文:some businesses find that new employees finishing their education lack basicinterpersonal ability such as working with others as a part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem? How to solve this problem?2018.07.28小作文:静柱大作文:some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, and it is often arguedthat these are the best people to talk to teenagers about the dangers of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.02小作文:动线大作文:some people say modern children’s games do not develop a wide range of skills, whiletraditional games can be much better for developing such skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.11.小作文:动柱大作文:nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this canhave negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.18小作文:map大作文:some people think that schools should stop teaching students by using books, becausestudents find them boring and that children can learn from films, tv, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.08.25小作文:动表格大作文:some people think young children should get formal study at school as early as possible.However, others believe that children should not go to school until 7 years old.Discuss.2018.09.08小作文:动表格+饼大作文:nowadays, people are living in a “thrown-away ” society where they use things for a short time and then throw away. What cause this and what problem it may lead to?2018.09.13小作文:动线大作文:Some people think that scientific research is a waste of time and money. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?2018.09.15小作文:柱动大作文:in many countries nowadays, more and more women have full-time jobs as men, so thereis logic that men and women should share the housework tasks equally. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.09.29小作文:柱大作文:group/ team activities can teach more important skills for life than those activities which are played alone. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.10. 11小作文:线大作文: students from rural areas often find it difficult to access the university education. Somepeople think that it should become easier for them to access higher education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?condense2018.10. 13小作文:地图大作文:in many countries women are allowed to take maternity leave from their jobs during the first months after the birth of their baby. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?2018.10. 20小作文:静柱大作文:reports show that it is increasingly expensive to keep museums open to the public. Find the best way to fund them (government business or individuals)2018.10. 27小作文:地图大作文:some people think that young people should spend more of their free time at home withtheir families, and spend less time entertaining outside. Others disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.2018.11.01小作文:动柱大作文:public transport should be funded by the government so that it can be free for the people to use it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2018.11.03小作文:静表格大作文:it is shown that many criminals have a low level of education. Some people argue that thebest way to reduce crime is to educate criminals in prison to help them find jobs when they leave prison. Do you agree or disagree?2018.11.10小作文:表格大作文:some employers are giving increased importance to employing people with good socialskills in addition to good qualifications. Do you agree or disagree social skills are as important as good qualification for success in their jobs?2018.11.17小作文:线大作文:the qualities a person needs to become truly successful cannot be learned at a university or similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2018.12.01小作文:柱大作文:some people believe that spending money on developing technology for spaceexploration is unjustifiable, there are more beneficial ways to spend money. To what extent do you agree or disagree?。
2018年雅思写作真题回顾-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN9月8In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education. There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?Nowadays people always throw old things away. What causes this problem What effects does the phenomenon lead to Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.8月25For school children, their teachers have more influence on their intelligence and social development than their parents. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people say that children should go to school as young as possible, while others believe that children should go to school of at least 7 years old. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.8月18In modern society, it is possible to go shopping, work and communicate via the Internet without face-to-face contact with one another. To what extent do you think this is a positive or negative development?Some people think schools should stop teaching students by using books, because students find them boring and that children can learn from films, TV, video games and computer instead. To what extent do you agree?8月11Some animals have came to extinction. There is no reason of protecting them. Do you agree or disagree?Nowadays a large amount of advertising aiming at children should be banned because of the negative effects. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月28Some people think that news media have become much more influential in people’s lives today and that this is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later, some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?7月21In some countries, students studying in university live with their family, whereas in others countries, students choose to study in another city. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?Some businesses find that when new employees join them after finishing their education, they lack basic interpersonal skills such as the ability to work with their colleagues as part of a team. What do you think are the causes of this problem and what measures could be taken to solve it(问题类) 7月7Students in school or university learn more from classes of teachers than other resources(e.g. Internet or TV), do you agree or disagree?People have different views on how to reduce traffic congestion. Some think that governments should build more train and subway lines, while others think that building more and wider roads will reduce traffic congestion. Discuss both views and give your opinion.6月30Large shopping centers and supermarkets become more popular than small market. Do you think this development is positive or negative?An increasing number of people are changing their career during their working time. What causes this trend and is it a positive or negative development?6月23Some people think the lifestyles changing rapidly has affecting their family relationships. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Give your opinion.More and more people want to buy famous brands of clothes, cars and other items. What are the reasons Do you think it is a positive or negative development6月2Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree?Many people today prefer to socializing online to spending time with friends in local community. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?5月19Some people believe that the range of technology available to individuals is increasing the gap between the rich people and the poor people. Others think this has an opposite effect. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.。
英语考试作文-2018雅思写作用词进阶之路 小词可堪大用
让我们来看一篇雅思写作考官范文的用词:It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parents and teachers be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?One important stage in a child’s growth is certainly the development of a conscience, which is linked to the ability to tell right from wrong. This skill comes with time and good parenting, and my conviction is that punishment does not have much of a role to play in this. Therefore I have to disagreealmost entirely with the given statement.To some extent the question depends on the age of the child. To punish a very young child is both wrong and foolish, as an infant will not understand what is happening or why he or she is being punished. Once the age of reason is reached however, a child can be rewarded for good behavior and discouraged from bad. This kind but firm approach will achieve more than harsh punishments, which might entail many negative consequences unintended by the parents.To help a child learn the difference between right and wrong, teachers and parents should firstly provide good role modelling in their own behavior. After that, if sanctions are needed, the punishment should not be of a physical nature, as that merely sends the message that it is acceptable for larger people to hit smaller ones – an outcome which may well result in the child starting to bully others. Nor should the punishment be in any way cruel.Rather, teachers and parents can use a variety of methods to discipline their young charges, such as detention, withdrawal of privileges, and time-out. Making the punishment fit the crime as a useful notion, which would see children being made to pick up rubbish they have dropped, clean up graffitithey have drawn, or apologise to someone they have hurt. In these days responsibility is developed in the child, which leads to much better future behavior than does punishment.这篇文章是雅思写作教育类的一个话题,其中的关键词就是learn the difference between right and wrong,punishment 等,这类大词在写文章过程中往往需要找到同义词进行替换,增加我们表达的多样性,避免重复率太高。
countries to learn the “international language – English". It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it.Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?There is no debate that being in a real English language environment will help anyone to master the language in the fastest and most effective way and many international students prefer to go to English-speaking countries to study and learn the international language. I agree that this is a good way, yet students can learn English in other useful ways and those can be even better than the first approach.Being in an English speaking country helps students learn English in many ways. Firstly, the surroundings and environment influence our learning. We are forced to speak, read write, and slowly we start even thinking in English since we have to. Secondly, quick learning of the language can become a strong motivation because, in turn, we will get quickfeedback that lets us find what we learn really benefits us in life and education. This inspires us to continue to learn more. It’s a positive reinforcement Learning builds on progressively. The initial learning serves as the basis for further learning. Thirdly, in an English-speaking country, you will be learning from the life and culture which is not present off that land.However, in this age of cross-culture communication and Internet, learning English in an English-speaking country is not the only way. The English language learning opportunities are available in many countries. Nowadays people are able to find various ways of learning the English language in their home country that are highly effective and productive. Watching English movies, television, listening to English music and browsing Internet can open up a vast plethora of English materials. For instance, one can make use of the vast storage of materials (video, sound, graphics, etc.) on the Internet to facilitate language study. Sometimes non-English speaking students may need a different approach for learning English. The principle of “different students, different teaching”, by the famous saying by Chinese guru Confucius, maintains that different teaching approaches are useful for different segments of students. The way a foreign student learns alanguage is quite different from those of an English native speaker. For example, a foreign student higher level; however, it is unnecessary for a native speaker. Last but not the least, on some occasions, students may find teachers in their own countries do a better job in figuring out their exact weak points and the remedies for them. A teacher of a non-English country understands the basic of a student and can combine both the native language and English to make the study plan and this might be more helpful than a native English teacher's approach of studying.In conclusion, I believe studying English in English-speaking country is a good way but in many cases, the other ways can be proven to be more efficient than being in an English speaking country.2、Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way people live?3、World history suggests that violence and conflict were more evident under male leadership than under female leadership. So, for peace to prevail, female leadership can be considered as a better option than male leadership.4、People remember special gifts or presents that they receive. Why?Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.5、It is said that "Not everything that is learned is contained in books".Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?6、Some people think that instead of preventing climate change,we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?7、7These days, people in many cities know little about their neighbors and do not have a sense of community. What do you think are the causes and what solutions can you suggest?8、Nowadays, more and more foreign students are going to English-Speaking countries to learn the “internation al language –English". It is undoubtedly true that studying English in an English-speaking country is the best way, but it is not the only way to learn it.Do you agree or disagree with the above statement?9、Many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just asgood as women at parenting.Give reasons for your answers and provide relevant example and experience you might have.10、Shops should not be allowed to sell any food and drinks which are proved to be scientifically harmful for people's health. Do you agree or disagree?。
2018年9月8日托福考试听力机经预测 雷哥托福
重复2016年6月25日老题lecture1--computer science旧的设计理念,新的设计理念,以前看速度,现在看是不是用户友好体现了达芬奇的一些思想。
lecture2--Maori totem古代的Maori会把自己祖宗和自己的技能成就纹在身上,和建筑上的艺术作品差不多。
lecture3--hibernation动物冬眠对医学的benefit,如何keep muscle tissue,recovery,stroke 治疗lecture4--earth crustearth crust有变,然后地裂导致热水涌出,海洋水涌入,温度很高并且会产生有毒物质,被这种水影响的水域还是有动物生存,然后举了两个例子,一个是south水域,一个是Pacific水域,然后讲了两片海生存的动物。
(图表暂缺)The following chart shows the amount of tea and coffee (in tonnes) imported by Canada, the UK, the USA and Germany.2018/01/20The graphs show the number of yearly visits (in millions) from France and North America to the U.K., for holiday and business reasons.2018/02/01The graphs show the changes of temperature in Canberra and Brisbaneand the average number of days with rainfall in the two cities.2018/02/03The graph below gives information about the common activities children of different ages in the United States do as part of their bedtime routines.2018/02/10The graph shows the size of ozone layer hole in Antarctic and the production of three kinds of ozone-damaging gases from 1980 to 2000.2018/02/24The table below shows the percentage of government spending in education and training and participants between 18 and 24 year olds infive European countries in 2002.2018/03/03The following charts illustrate the information about players of electronic games in South Korea in 2003.The chart below shows the average snow depth in Canada during the 6 months. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.2018/03/15The charts below show the percentage and exact time (weekly)males and females spent on house tasks in 2010 of a country.The graphs below show the performance of the trains in a train company in October and November in 2008.2018/04/07The plans below show the South Wing of Walton Museum in 2008 and 2012 after it was redeveloped. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant.2018/04/14The table gives information of 5 types of product exported from HongKong in 2009 and 2010.2018/04/21The graph below shows the number of new homes built in a particularregion in the UK from 2010 and the number predicted for 2020.2018/04/26The table and bar chart give the information about the UK cruise passengers in 1995 and 2003.2018/05/05The graph below shows the average heights of men from four countries between 1775 and 1975.2018/05/12The charts show the total water use in different sectors in Sydney, Australia in 1997 and 2007.2018/05/19The diagram below shows the process of applying for American driving license.2018/05/24The chart and table show the population size and life expectancy of three countries.2018/06/02The maps below show the layouts of the museum in 1998 and 2008.The table below shows the use of water by four different countries.2018/06/23The maps show the campus layout now and a plan for development.2018/06/30The chart below shows the percentage of males and females who were overweight in Australia between 1980 and 2010.2018/07/07The chart below compares the resources used to make 10,000 paper cups and polystyrene cups.The chart below shows the average class size in six countries in 2006, and compares them with world average class size.2018/07/21The diagram above shows the process of recycled paper production.The chart below shows the percentage of boys and girls who participate in different sports activities in 2010.2018/08/02The graph below shows the production of main fuels in UK between 1968 and 2000.The chart shows the percentage of the total world population in four countries in 1950, 2002 and 2050.2018/08/18The maps show the riverside park in 2010 and riverside park now.2018/08/25This table provides information about the daily production of petroleum measured in barrels in four African nations from 2000 to 2004.2018/09/08The table and charts below give information on total value of fish imports to the U.S. and sources of fish imports to the U.S. from 1998 to 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/09/13The tabl e and graph bel ow show the number of cinema visits in Australia from 1994 to 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where rel evant.2018/09/15The chart shows the changes in the percentage of households with cars in a European country between 1971 and 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/09/29The graph bel ow shows percentages of different types of household waste, which were recycl ed in one city between 1992 and 20012. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/10/11The graph bel ow shows the percentage of househol ds with different kinds of technology in the UK from 1997 to 2001. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features,and make comparisons where relevant. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.2018/10/13The diagram shows how an office building looks at present and the plan for its future development. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisonswhere relevant.2018/10/20The chart shows how people are satisfied with three different hospitals. Summarize the information by selecting and reportingthe main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/10/27The graph shows the development of a particular college campus from 1975 to 2002 and the proposed devel opment of 2022. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/11/01The chart bel ow shows the average time that 16-22-year ol ds spent on playing video games in four different countries between 1992 and 2002. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/11/03The tabl e bel ow shows the percentage of water used in three sectors in 6 different countries in 2003. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.The tabl e bel ow shows the number of people having private cars in every 1000 people in six countries in 2009, 2010 and 2011. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.(六个国家分别是Monaco, New Zealand, The United States, Singapore, Thailand 和Australia, 表格待补充)2018/11/17The graph below shows the production in the forest industry in a European county. The production is respectively related to timber, pulp and paper during the years between 1980 and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.The chart bel ow shows the percentage of people who can drive to various services in 15 minutes or less in one region in the UK. The chart compares the people living in urban areas and living in rural areas. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/08The pie chart and tabl e below show the information about tourist from different regions and countries going to a holiday resort in Australia. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/13The diagram bel ow shows the process to make green tea, black tea and small leaf black tea through few simple steps. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features. Make comparisons where relevant.2018/12/15The charts bel ow show the distribution of empl oyment among agriculture, services, industries in three countries in 1980 and the projections of distribution in 2020. Summarize the information by sel ecting and reporting the main features. Makecomparisons where relevant.。
一、问题背景和分析剑桥雅思18的写作任务是一篇图表作文,题目为:“The table below shows the percentage of children in different age groups who walk to school in the UK from 1995 to 2015.” 通过对表格数据的分析,我们可以发现:1.总体趋势:从1995年到2015年,各个年龄段步行上学的孩子比例普遍下降。
2018年专八试卷核对试卷一PAKl K THANSLATiO^ Trurthk/iv the “皿川曲 part u>f rhe ic.rf frtm (r hitfestr intf* Frf 剧汕 Write叭川 x/afs^n /MF A V.s fJ /: f( \HEET 1HHEE 觀沁丈学F5■耐码使我们的内心町以达剽这柑的:想:荐癖、敏聽相走感•生适丕姐童血龙華书■蛤技们從供广川以迖對 神比现实里是好的境界巴印幣驭血的朮⑷能比我0」规沁從中晖小芒--1,无比空『凤实中的天姜孟: 览实中從有完羌的爱惯.但在节甲仃氷山的(栄'j- tn 勺祝葵佇』唧(汐町殴与朱fflui • 会弥补找«M 实生活中所存件的不2018TEM8作文:追求完美好还是不好ps :作文为材料作文,两则材料,材料主题为“追求完美好还是不好”1. formal innovation2. rapport3. atte nding sect ion4. writing long papers5. high nu mbers6. being filmed7. comparable questio ns8. a n atural order9. figure out10. se nsitive11. repeat ing12.i ntegrate into13.lo gical or n atural14. edit ing[20 MINI15.fu ndame ntal eleme nts听力:1.The in itial letters of an easy-to-remember phrase2.[A] he's made up his mind to cha nge some of his passwords.3.in truders are patie nt eno ugh to compute.4.[D] The US takes up the leadi ng edge of tech no logy.5.[A] Why not to write dow n passwords on no tebooks6.[D] the developme nt of gen etic tests is out of people's expectati on.7.[C] misgivi ng.8.[A] improve self-discipline of the industry.9.[D] Alie nated.10.stre ngthe n its supervisi on with in limits.阅读:11.[C] they are lack ing in skills required by certa in jobs.12.[A] was a pion eer in the welfare state of Great Brita in.13.the frailties of huma n n ature.14.[D] appeara nee.15.[C] the pursuit of econo mic ben efit16.[A] was a famous tragic actor in his town.17.She was a girl of frail and weak body.18.the actresses were not available the n.19.[A] Domi nant.20.[D] was in agreeme nt with.21.[C] frow ns upo n22.[A] ben efited from the oppositi on party's bill.23.[D] Joh n McCain supports the bill due to his political sta ndpo int.24.deceitful阅读回答问题:25.Proposals should be directed to the journal office.26.The an alogy rests on the market economy 。
2018 年9月雅思考试大小作文题解析及优秀范文
2018 年9月雅思考试大小作文题解析及优秀范文小作文题范文:The table and line chart compare the proportions of movie watchers in different age groups and how the average number of cinema visits had changed throughout the years from 1994 to 2002.上图的表格和线图比较了不同年龄层的电影观察者的比例,以及从1994 年到2002 年的平均影院访问次数是如何变化的。
Generally, cinema attendance followed an upward trend. Starting from 67%, the figure rose and plateaued at 72% in the remaining years except 2000 when a dip could be noticed. Meanwhile, the number of cinema visits stood at 10.3 initially. After rising, it peaked at 11.2 before declining and had leveled off around 8.3 until 2002.整体上,电影院的出席率呈上升趋势。
从67% 开始,在剩下的几年里,这个数字上升了72%,除了2000 年的时候,人们可能会注意到这一点。
在上升后,它在11.2 点达到顶峰,然后下降,直到2002 年才稳定下来。
In 1994, teenagers and young adults between 14 and 24 years old were the dominant movie-going audience, visiting roughly 10.3 cinemas. This was immediately followed by adults aged from 25 to 49 years old while the least number came from seniors who were over 50 years old. A similar trend could be seen in the following years. After some fluctuation, eventually all age groups visited less than 10 cinemas.1994 年,14 岁至24 岁的青少年和年轻人成为电影的主要观众,参观了大约10 个电影院。
2018年英语专八作文范文英文回答:In the face of the rapid development of science and technology, the role of the internet has becomeincreasingly prominent in our lives. It has not only revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, and work but has also brought about profound changes in the way we as individuals interact with society. While the internet has undoubtedly opened up a wealth of opportunities and conveniences, it has also presented us with a number of challenges that we must address in order to harness itsfull potential.One of the most significant challenges posed by the internet is the issue of digital inequality. With the rapid proliferation of digital technologies, there exists a growing divide between those who have access to these technologies and those who do not. This digital divide can lead to significant disparities in terms of education,employment, and overall quality of life. It is imperative that we work to ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status, have equal access to the internet and the opportunities it offers.Another major challenge posed by the internet is the threat to privacy and data security. The vast amount of personal data that we share online makes us vulnerable to a range of threats, including identity theft, fraud, and surveillance. It is essential that we take steps to protect our privacy and ensure that our personal data is handled responsibly. This includes educating ourselves about the privacy risks associated with using the internet, advocating for strong data protection laws, and using privacy-enhancing technologies.Furthermore, the internet has also raised important questions about the nature of truth and the spread of misinformation. In the age of social media and instant communication, it is more difficult than ever to discern between fact and fiction. This can have a corrosive effect on our societies, eroding trust and making it difficult tohave informed discussions and make sound decisions. It is important that we develop critical thinking skills, learn how to evaluate information critically, and support organizations that work to combat misinformation.In addition to these challenges, the internet has also presented us with a number of opportunities that we should embrace. One of the most significant opportunities is the potential for the internet to foster greater global interconnectedness and collaboration. The ability to communicate and share information with people from all over the world has opened up new possibilities for cultural exchange, scientific research, and economic development. We should strive to harness the power of the internet to build bridges between people and promote understanding and cooperation.Another important opportunity presented by the internet is the potential for it to enhance education and lifelong learning. Access to vast amounts of information and educational resources online has made it possible for people to learn at their own pace and on their own terms.We should continue to invest in online learning platforms and resources to make education more accessible and affordable for everyone.Finally, the internet also offers significant opportunities for innovation and economic growth. The development of new technologies and business models that leverage the power of the internet can drive economicgrowth and create new jobs. We should encourage innovation and support entrepreneurs who are using the internet to create new products, services, and solutions.In order to fully harness the potential of the internet, we need to address the challenges it presents while embracing the opportunities it offers. This requires a concerted effort from governments, businesses, civilsociety organizations, and individuals. By working together, we can create a digital world that is inclusive, equitable, and empowering for all.中文回答:互联网的挑战与机遇。
1. Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable and there are some other better methods. Discuss and give your own opinion.2. more and more people buy and use their own car.do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals overweigh the disadvantages for environment?3. In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life? Is it positive or negative?4. In the past, people store knowledge in the books. Nowadays people store knowledge on the internet. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?5. Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training that is beneficial to society. Do you agree or disagree?6. Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others, however, believethat it is a waste of money since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.7. Many people fail to achieve a balance between work and other parts of life. What causes the situation? How to overcome this problem?8. Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting in quality. Do you agree or disagree?9. People throw things away and buy new ones instead of repairing them and using again. What do you think may be the reasons for this? What problems might this cause in society?10. The quality of life in big cities is decreasing. What are the causes and what actions should be taken to solve this problem?。
1、邀请目的On behalf of…, I have the honor to invite you to…It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to…It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to…We should be very grateful if you could…2、活动安排There will be a dinner party to be held at the Beijing Hotel on Sunday, October 10th, at eight o’clock. Will y ou and Mrs. Smith come and join us?I hope that you have no previous engagement and can join us for the English Evening at 7:00 p.m. on February 1st.3、期盼回复We are looking forward to seeing you.I do hope that you will be able to come.We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company.【高分热文】Dear Mr. Williams,I am writing on behalf of(代表) the English Department to invite you to give a lecture in our college.We know that you are an expert on American literature. As English majors, our students would like to know something about American literature.We would be very grateful(感激、感谢) if you couldgive a talk on “Contemporary American Literature” to students of the English Department on Saturday, June 4. If this subject does not suit(适合) you, any other similar topic would be welcomed as well.We have already had several very interesting talks from somedistinguished(尊贵的,知名的) visitors from various countries and we look forward early to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom.Yours truly,Li Ming【精彩译文】尊敬的威廉先生,我代表英语系给您写信,邀请您来我校开一次讲座。
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goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
2.People are buying more and more products from famous brands such as clothes, cars, and other items. What are the reasons for this? Do you think it's a positive or a negative development?
3.Some scientists think it is very soon that computers will be more intelligent than human. Some people think it is a positive development, while others think it is a negative development. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
4.In some countries, students pay their college or university fees, while in some others, government pays for them. Do you think the advantages that government pays the money outweigh the disadvantages?
5.The restoration of old buildings in major cities in the world spends numerous government expenditures. This money should be used in new housing and road development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
6.Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?
7.Many young people leave school with a negative attitude. What are the reasons? How can we encourage young people to study?
8.Children are committing more crimes. What are the causes? How to punish them?
9.It is better for people to be unemployed than people to be employed but they do not enjoy. Do you agree or disagree?
10.An American writer think that tomorrow is more important. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
11.In modern life it is unnecessary to teach children the skill of handwriting, do you agree or disagree?
12.International travel make people prejudiced more than board-mind, why? How to improve the understanding of countries they visit?
13.There is an increasing amount of anti-social behaviour and lack of respect for others. What are the causes of this problem and what are your solutions?
14.Some people think all lawbreakers should be put into prison, others believe that there are better alternatives.
Discuss and give your opinion.
15.The quality of life in big cities is decreasing. What are the causes and what actions should be taken to solve this problem?。