

高三一轮限时规范训练 选修1 第2讲 生物技术在食品加工中的应用

高三一轮限时规范训练 选修1 第2讲 生物技术在食品加工中的应用

高三一轮限时规范训练选修1第2讲生物技术在食品加工中的应用(时间:45分钟)A级基础演练1.(2013·东城区检测)下列关于果酒和果醋制作的叙述,不正确的是( )。



答案 C2.在果酒、果醋和腐乳制作中,都要防止微生物污染,下列有关叙述正确的是( )。




答案 B3.鸭梨醋饮属绿色健康饮品,既保存了鸭梨中的多种氨基酸、维生素、矿物质、有机酸等营养成分又兼具果醋醒酒护肝、助消化、降低血脂、软化血管等养生保健功能,深受广大消费者青睐。










4. 下列各句中,没有语病的一句是(3分)()A. 麦当劳店堂里宜人的温控环境和悦耳的轻音乐,使不少中国顾客把该场所作为闲聊、会友,甚至读书写作的好地方。

B. 打开莎士比亚戏剧集,如同打开百宝箱,使人眼花缭乱,处处迸发出智慧的火花,闪现着艺术的光芒。

C. 对于那些情节严重的犯了罪的干部,特别是占据重要职位的干部,我们必须依法给以严厉的法律制裁。

D. 苏通大桥建造的初衷是,拉近苏北、苏南的距离,进一步推动江苏省沿江开发战略的实施,具有十分重要的意义。



2013届高三限时训练(4)(45分钟)班级姓名得分一.语言基础知识1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都相同的一项是()(3分)A.稽首/无稽之谈辟谣/开天辟地偏裨/大有裨益B.芜杂/忤逆不孝沆瀣/浑身解数喟然/蔚然成风C.剽悍/虚无缥缈逡巡/怙恶不悛丰赡/高瞻远瞩D.愠色/意味蕴藉腼腆/暴殄天物荡漾/怏怏不乐2. 下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()(3分)A. 签署发贴子雍容华贵万事俱备,只欠东风B. 端详螺丝钉额手称庆兵来将挡,水来土掩C. 惊诧震慑力眼花瞭乱一言既出,驷马难追D. 延袭扫描仪不屈不饶知己知彼,百战不殆3. 在下面一段话空缺处依次填入成语,最恰当的一组是()(3分)季羡林先生在《八十述怀》中说:“我从来没有想到,我能活到八十岁,如今竟然活到了八十岁,然而又一点也没有八十岁的感觉。
















2013届高三限时训练(2)(时间:45分钟)班级姓名得分一.语言基础知识1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分)()A.辟.易/鞭辟.入里刹.那/名山古刹.解.数/跑马卖解.B.涤纶./羽扇纶.巾巷.道/万人空巷.着.迷/不着.边际C.露.白/不露.痕迹纤.尘/纤纤..细步亟.待/亟.来闻讯D.拾.级/拾.人牙慧款识./博闻强识.扛.活/力能扛.鼎2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是(3分)()A.厉行节约再接再厉变本加厉励精图治B.无事生非循规蹈矩事必躬亲委屈求全C.炫赫一时明火执仗拾人牙慧不肖子孙D.颐指气使遗人笑柄得不偿失浮想联翩3、下列各句中,加点的成语使用不正当的一项是(3分)()A. 女性作者的文笔,常以柔情似水、细腻委婉见长,虽非个个如此,但说大多数是这样,应该算是持平之论....。



D. 现在少数媒体放着有重要新闻价值的素材不去挖掘,反倒抓住某些明星的一点逸闻就笔走龙蛇....,这种做法真是令人费解。






江西省定南中学2013届高三语文强化训练题01 限时35分钟)介绍

江西省定南中学2013届高三语文强化训练题01 限时35分钟)介绍

定南中学2013届高三语文强化训练题1 限时35分钟班级姓名一、(12分,每小题3分)1. 下列各组词语中加点的字,读音都不相同的一组是()A.载.体/转载.讥诮./俊俏.哄.堂大笑/一哄.而散B.棱.角/菱.角伺.候/饲.养硕果累累..../白骨累累C.强.求/牵强.隽.永/镌.刻刚愎.自用/无裨.于事D.入殓./眼睑.纰.漏/霹.雳有恃.无恐/两山对峙.2.下列词语中,没有错别字的一组是()A.临摹煞车化妆品声名鹊起B.寒暄剧增拌脚石防患未然C.仓皇宣泄公积金一如继往D.厮打装璜候车室要言不烦3.下列句子中加点的词语使用正确的一项是()A.想当初,“芙蓉姐姐”以其夸张的造型风格成为网络媒体的焦点,曾几何时....,还是被杭州乞丐流浪者——“犀利哥”这样的新兴网络红人所替代,逐渐淡出了人们的视野。


C. 长征五号运载火箭的发射是一项精密、系统的工作,任何一个环节偶尔..出现的失误,都会造成不可估量的损失。






















2013届高三上学期限时训练数学(理)试题10本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 100分,考试时间50分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题共48分)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题8分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)4.已知结论:“在正ABC ∆中,BC 中点为D ,若ABC ∆内一点G 到各边的距离都相等,则2=GDAG”.若把该结论推广到空间,则有结论:“在棱长都相等的四面体 ABCD 中,若BCD ∆的中心为M ,四面体内部一点O 到四面体各面的距离都相等,则=OMAO【 】A .1B .2C .3D .45.下面进位制之间转化错误的是【 】A .101(2)=5(10)B .27(8)=212(3)C .119(10)=315(6)D .31(4)=62(2) 6.设,,(,0),a b c ∈-∞则111,,a b c b c a+++【 】 A .都不大于2- B .都不小于2-C .至少有一个不大于2-D .至少有一个不小于2-二、填空题 (本大题共4个小题,每小题8分,共32分)7.已知i iz+=+21_,则复数z =______ .8.下图是某算法的程序框图,则程序运行后输入的结果是_________. 9.在平面中ABC ∆的角C 的内角平分线CE 分∆ABC 面积所成的比AEC BEC S ACS BC∆∆=, 将这个结论类比到空间:在三棱锥A BCD -中,平面DEC 平分二面角A CDB --且与AB 交于E , 则类比的结论为______________.10. 如右图,如果执行右面的程序框图,若m n >,当输入正整数6=n ,那么输出的P 等于120,则输入的正整数m = .三、解答题(共20 分要求写出详细解答过程)11.(10分) 已知:23150sin 90sin 30sin 222=++ ; 23125sin 65sin 5sin 222=++ . 通过观察上述两等式的规律,请你写出对任意角度θ都成立的一般性的命题, 并给予证明.12.( 10分)已知递增等差数列}{n a 满足:11=a ,且421,,a a a 成等比数列. ①求数列}{n a 的通项公式n a ; ②若不等式12)211()211()211(21+≤-⋅⋅-⋅-n n a ma a a 对任意*N n ∈恒 成立,试猜想出实数m 的最小值,并证明.。



江苏省2013届高三英语限时训练第一节:单项填空1.It is reported that ____ audience of millions watched ____ wedding between Prince William and Kate on TV that day.A.a; an B. an; the C. the; the D. the; an 2.This is the first time that Apple has changed the size of the iPhone's display, ____ 3.5 inches since the original one was released in 2007.A.measured B.measures C.measure D.measuring 3.Word came that free souvenirs would be given to ____ comes first.A.no matter who B.whomever C.no matter whom D whoever 4.Professor James will give us a lecture on the Western culture, but when and where ___ yet.A.has not been decided B.have not been decidedC.are not decided D.had not been decided5.As is stressed in most of the literature on language teaching, language belongs to each of us, to the farmer____ to the professor.A.as good as B.as long as C.as much as D.as far as 6.—Jack, you seem to be in high spirits.—___? We have just won a football match 4-0.A.Guess what B.So what C.How come D.What if7.We all know that, ____, the situation will get worse.A.if not deal with carefully B.if it not dealt with carefullyC.if not carefully dealt with D.if is not carefully dealt with 8.Believe it or not, Higgs refuses to use the term "Higgs boson" himself because he thinks he does not ____the honor.A.hold B.obtain C.deserve D accept9.One thousand dollars a month is not a fortune to most people, but it will help cover my living .A.bills B.expenses C.prices D.charge 10.The news caused heated discussion online, with people __ the government ___ using the expensive project to build up its political image.A.accuse...of B.accuse...by C.accusing...by D.accusing...of 11.—Can I get out at noon?—No.Our school rules state that no student ___ be allowed out at noon, unless he has a request form.A.will B.shall C.must D.can12.Studies show that people who like sitting in the office for hours without a break are more__ to suffer from back problems.A.likely B.possible C.probable D.sure13.All the novels in the list, ___ otherwise stated, are all available in this library.A.as B.if C.although D.unless14.After he retired from office, Rogers____painting for a while but soon lost interest.A.took up B.kept to C.kept up D.took down15.My hometown is a common town, __ I think that can be found in every province in China.A.which B.what C.one D.that16.In the reading room, we found him __ at a desk, with his attention __ on a book.A.sitting; fixing B.to sit; fixed C.seating; fixing D.seated; fixed 17.—It smells great!—It's just green tea .Would you like ____?A.this B.one C.it D.some 18.Unsatisfied _____withthe payment, he took the job just to get some work experience.A.as was he B.as he was C.he was as D.was he as19.I am really grateful to Mr Smith, as without his help, I_____the entrance examination A.would not pass B.would not have passedC.could not be able to pass D.could not pass20.Y uan Longping is the scientist __ great contributions to solving food shortage in the world as well as in China a prize was awarded to him by the central government last year.A.for whom B.about whomC.for whose D.about whose第二节完型填空Make time for friendships.Nothing makes closeness disappear gradually 21 never talking to or seeing each other.22 some bonds of friendship may be strong enough to last long silences, most aren't.If you __23__ a person's friendship, make time for him or her, whether it's just a(n)24 phone call, an e-mail or a weekly get-together.On your computer at home or work, make a note to " call friends " 25 . Also make sure your friends' phone numbers are __26_ into your phone.Then call a friend when you have a spare 10 minutes.Remember: a true friend doesn't 27 when changes occur Nothing is 28 for new parents than to find that their single friends have left them because of the baby.A good friend is one who stays _29__ through it all - marriage, parenthood, new jobs, and any losses Make sure you aren't being a(n)__30 to a friend.Friendships disappear gradually if there i sn’t a _31_ between the give and the take.Be sensitive to how much your friend can and can't offer you 32__ it is time, energy or help ?and don't overstep the mark.And vice versa: friendships that make you feel tired also will not 33 .If a friendship is out of balance, talk the situation through.Be a good listener.It _34_ be the hardest thing in the world- simply to listen as he or she pours it all out or is 35 your advice or opinion.To be a better 36 , follow this advice: Maintain eye contact.Offer nods and murmurs to indicate that you 37 his or her point of view.Don't finish your friend's sentences.If you catch yourself planning your 38 while your friend is still talking, gently remind yourself to focus.Minimize the things that will 39 you focusing -don't write or read e-mails, open the mail or watch television while you're on the phone to your friend.He or she will hear the 40 of interest in your responses.21.A.more than B.rather than C.other than D.farther than 22.A.While B.As C.When D.If 23.A.dislike B.value C.envy D.appreciate 24.A.instructive B.warm C.occasional D.urgent25.A.regularly B.rarely C.carefully D.eventually 26.A.directed B.written C.constructed D.stored 27.A.take away B.look away C.run away D.keep away 28.A.happier B.sadder C.luckier D.stranger 29.A.slim B.calm C.true D.open 30.A.help B.burden C.pleasure D.threat 31.A.balance B.connection C.bond D.closeness 32.A.no wonder B.even if C.no matter whether D.only if 33.A.rise B.grow C.last D.decrease 34.A.can B.would C.might D.must 35.A.searching B.referring C.consulting D seeking 36.A.listener B.friend C.advisor D.talker 37.A.listen B.understand C.lose D.enjoy 38.A.future B.answer C.response D.praise 39.A.stop B.keep C.have D.make 40.A.display B.appearance C.indication D.lack第二节:阅读理解AI recently turned fifty, which is young for a tree, midlife for an elephant, and ancient for a sportsman.Fifty is a nice number for the states in the US or for a national speed limit but it is not a number that I was prepared to have hung on me.Fifty is supposed to be my father's age but now I am stuck with this number and everything it means.A few days ago, a friend tried to cheer me up by saying, "Fifty is what forty used to be " He had made an inspirational point.Am I over the hill? People keep telling me that the hill has been moved, and I keep telling them that the high-jump bar has dropped from the six feet I once easily cleared to the four feet that is impossible for me now.You're not getting older, you are getting better." says Dr.Joyce Brothers.This, however, is the kind of doctor who inspires a second opinion.And so, as I approach the day when I cannot even jump over the tennis net, I am moved to share some thoughts on aging with you.I am moved to show how aging feels to me physically and mentally.Getting older, of course, is obviously a better change than the one that brings you eulogies (悼词). In tact, a poet named Robert Browning considered it the best change of all: Grow old along with me!The best is yet to me.Whether or not Browning was right, most of my first fifty years have been golden ones so I will settle for what is ahead being as good as what has gone by.I find myself moving toward what is ahead with a curious blend (混合)of both fighting and accepting my aging, hoping that the philosopher was right when he said." Old is always fifteen years from now."41.The author seems to tell us in Paragraph 1 that____.A.time alone will tell B.time goes by quicklyC.time will show what is right D.time makes one forget the past 42.When the author turned fifty, people around him ____.A.tried to comfort him B.got inspiration with himC.were friendlier with him D.found him more talkative43.What does the writer mean by saying the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2?A.He has become older.B.He is not good at high jump any more.C.He feels sorry that he is not so good at high jump as before.D.He wants to make it known that he was once good at high jump.44.The author considers his fifty years of life ____A.peaceful B.ordinaryC.satisfactory D.regretful45.We can infer from the passage that____A.the old should led a simple life B.the old should face the fact of agingC.the old should take more exercise D.the old should fill themselves with curiosityBThe heat engine is certainly one of the most important devices that man ever invented.In its simplest meaning, the heat engine is a device that transforms heat energy into other forms of energy, such as mechanical and electrical energy.A great majority of the engines used today lie under the contributions that the heat engine made in the fields of industry, transportation, and the production of electricity gives us a deeper and more detailed look at the importance of heat engines.The head engine had a great role in the Industrial Revolution of the nineteenth century.Scientists developed machines, based on heat engines, which could increase the amount of goods produced, and at the same time, decrease the amount of time and money consumed.The manufactured goods became affordable to almost everyone, and they were not a luxury any more, After the introduction of the heat engine in the industrial field, the concept of mass production was first realized, and industry boomed as never before.Through history man has always tried to invent efficient means of transportation.However, it was not until the invention of the heat engine that this became possible.A new era replaced the old era of animal-powered transportation, an era whose characteristics were speed and comfort.The train was the first means of transportation that used the heat engine, and it introduced new horizons of long-distance travelling.However, it was another machine that replaced the horse as a personal means of transportation.It was called the car, and it also used the heat engine.The achievements of the car in a few decades wiped out centuries of horse transportation.Scientists realized the importance of electricity since the day it was discovered.Unfortunately, electricity was not available in nature for direct use.Scientists had to come up with ways of producing it.Here again, the heat engine was used to produce mechanical energy, which in turn can produce electricity.Today, many power-producing stations all over the world still use heat engines.They use coal or fuel oil to evaporate water, then the steam is used to turn a turbine which can produce electricity.In conclusion, heat engines proved to be one of the most important inventions.It is enough to observe the importance of industry, transportation, and electricity in our lives to know the importance of heat engines.Although the engines used today are quite different from the early ones, the same concept of changing heat into other kinds of energy is still used.46.What is the passage mainly about?A.The importance of electricity.B.The importance of heat energy.C.The importance of the heat engine.D.The importance of means of transportation.47.The underlined word "transforms" in Para.1 can be best replaced by _____.A.changes B.divides C.adapts D.breaks 48.Which of the following is TRUE after the scientist used heat engine in industry?A.Heat engines greatly promoted industry.B.More money and less time were spent in producing goods.C.Manufactured goods decreased a lot because of mass production.D.The invention of the heat engine resulted in the invention of electricity.49.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?A.The animal-powered transportation was slow but comfortable.B.The heat engine is the greatest invention ever in the history of industry.C.The car is a means of personal transportation that is based on the heat engine.D.Before the invention of the heat engine, the animal was the only means of transportation.CI was a fat kid who grew into an overweight adult.I was constantly laughed at for being heavier than the other kids, leaving me feeling shy.I tried several diets, but none worked, and I ended up gaining weight.Another factor contributing to my weight gain was my love for cooking, especially rich, high-fat desserts, which I enjoyed preparing and, of course, eating.When I finished high school at the age of 18, I weighed 215 pounds.Lacking the self-confidence to go to a new, faraway school, I decided to stay close to home instead of going away to college.I continued with my unhealthful eating habits and felt more miserable as the weight came on, but I did nothing about it except buy larger plus-size clothes.My turning point came 10 years later at a friend's New Year's Eve party when I was at my all-time highest weight of 330 pounds.I caught my reflection in a mirror and the truth hit me: I was overweight and unhealthy, and unless I did something about it now, I would only get bigger and unhappier.After leaving the party, I thought about my past weight-loss efforts and realized they didn't work because they required me to give up foods I loved.Then I would constantly think about food and binge, abandoning the diet altogether.If I took a common-sense approach and ate smaller portions of all foods, I would be able to satisfy my hunger and not feel deprived.My biggest challenge was finding a way to fit my passion for cooking into my healthier lifestyle.At first, I tried to stay away from the kitchen to prevent myself from thinking about food.The result: Food was all I thought about.There had to be some way to combine cooking with healthful eating.I found the solution after reading several low-fat cookbooks.With some trial and error, I could modify my favorite foods and make them low in fat, yet delicious.The pounds started coming off, and when I started exercising (usually cardio and weight training five times a week), they seemed to melt away.I didn't feel deprived, and I felt free to give my body the care and attention it deserved.I lost 165 pounds over the next two years.I had many ups and downs, but I was determined to go on.Another challenge to me was not to beat myself up if I ate something that was unhealthy and to take it as a sign to abandon my healthful habits.Instead, I vowed to start again and always keep my goal in mind.Thanks to losing weight and becoming fit I am in line with my body and myself.My dream is to help others realize the ease and benefits of low-fat cooking and eating.I've created and published a book of low-fat recipes(食谱)and run workshops and seminars(研讨会)onhealthful eating.Now that I know what I can achieve when I set my mind to it, my dreams are no longer out of reach.I have finally found myself.Work out ScheduleRunning, stair climbing, step aerobics or kickboxing: 60 minutes/5 times a weekWeight training: 30 minutes/3 times a weekMaintenance Tips1.Make exercise a priority.After you work out, you'll be more likely to eat healthfully.2.You don't have to miss out on enjoying your favorite foods to lose weight.Just enjoy them in smaller portions.3.Don't beat yourself up if you slip.Get back to your regular exercise and eating program as soon as you can and forgive yourself.Have you recently made fitness a priority?50.What factors contributed to the narrator's failure in losing her weight at first?A.Her laziness in starting exercising.B.Her unwillingness to abandon low-tat desserts.C.Her passion for cooking and unhealthy eating habits.D.Her lack of maintenance tips.51.What did the narrator do as she kept on gaining weight?A.She tried a few low-fat diets.B.She decided to stay away from home.C.She bought herself clothes of larger sizes.D.She could do nothing except that she felt deprived.52.The narrator's story tells us that _____.A.it is important to have a balanced dietB.cooking by oneself will make one healthyC.trial and error is important in learning cookingD.reading cookbooks will help to build up a good eating habit53.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A.She missed opportunity to attend college because of her shyness.B.She didn't attend the New Year's Eve party because of her weight.C.Her dream of becoming a beautiful girl came true after she lost weight.D.She didn't seriously consider losing her weight until she realized how fat she was.54.It can be concluded from the passage that _____.A.you will live a healthy life if you cook yourself every dayB.you will feel deprived if one fails to give attention to your bodyC.it is the most important thing for you to have some maintenance tips in order to keep fit D.being overweight can not only be bad for your health but also bring you much trouble in your lifeD"What's the most important thing you've done in your life?" The question was put to me during a presentation I gave to a group of lawyers.The answer came to me in an instant.It's not the one I gave, because the situation wasn't right.As a lawyer in the entertainment industry, I knew the audience wanted to hear some amusing stories about my work with well-known persons.But here's the true answer:The most important thing I've ever done occurred on October 8, 1990.I began the day playing tennis with an old friend I hadn't seen for a while.Between points we talked about what had been happening in each other's lives.He and his wife had just had a baby boy, who was keeping them up at night.While we were playing, a car came screaming up the road toward the courts.It was my friend's father, who shouted to my friend that his baby had stopped breathing and was being rushed to the hospital.In a flash my friend was in the car and gone, disappearing in a cloud of dust.For a moment I just stood there, paralyzed (呆若木鸡).Then I tried to figure out what I should do.Follow my friend to the hospital? There was nothing I could accomplish there, I convinced myself.My friend's son was in the care of doctors and nursed, and nothing I could do or say would affect the outcome.Be there for moral support? Well, maybe.But my friend and his wife both had large families, and I knew they'd be surrounded by relatives who would provide more than enough comfort and support, whatever happened.All I could do at the hospital, I decided, was get in the way.Also, I had planned a full day with my family, who were waiting for me to get home.So I decided to head back to my house and check in with my friend later, As I started my car, I realized that my friend had left his truck and keys at the courts, I now faced another problem.I couldn't leave the keys in the truck.So I decided to go to the hospitaland give him the keys.When I arrived, I was directed to a room where my friend and his wife were waiting.As I had thought, the room was filled with family members silently watching my friend comfort his wife.I went in and stood by the door, trying to decide what to do next.Soon a doctpr appeared.He approached my friend and his wife, and in a quiet voice told them that their son had died.For a long time the two held each other and cried, unaware of the rest of us standing around in pained silence.After they had calmed themselves, the doctor suggested they might want to spend a few moments with their son.My friend and his wife stood up and walked past their family.When they reached the door, my friend's wife saw me standing in the corner.She came over and hugged me and started to cry My friend hugged me, too, and said, "Thanks for being here."For the rest of that morning, I sat in the emergency room of that hospital and watched my friend and his wife hold the body of their infant son, and say goodbye.It's the most important thing I have ever done.The experience taught me two lessons.First: The most important thing I've ever done happened when I was completelyhelpless.None of the things I had learned in university, in three years of law school or in sixyears of legal practice were of any use in that situation.Something terrible was happening to people I cared about, and I was powerless to change the outcome.All I could do was stand by and watch it happen.And yet it was critical that I do just that -just be there when someone needed me.Second: The most important thing I've ever done almost didn't happen because of things I had learned in classrooms and professional life.Law school taught me how to take a set of facts, break them down and organize them.These skills are critical for lawyers.When people come to us for help, I almost forgot how to feel.Today I have no doubt that I should have leapt into my carwithout hesitation and followed my friend to the hospital.From that one experience I learned that the most important thing in life isn't the money you make, the status you attain or the honors you achieve.The most important thing in life is the kids' team you coach or the poem you write ?or the time when you're just somebody's friend.55.When he was asked about the most important thing he had done in life at a presentation, the author_______.A.felt it was not an interesting questionB.thought for a while and spoke his mindC.gave an answer from a lawyer's point of viewD.didn't give the real answer56.When he saw his friend rush to the hospital, the author could not decide whether to follow mainly because he thought ______.A.he had to stay with his familyB.his friend did not need his help at allC.he would not be of much helpD.the baby would be in the doctor's care57.It can be inferred from the author's description of the scene at the hospital that ____.A.he found that he was in the wayB.he regretted that he went too lateC.he would have felt guilty if he had not been thereD.his friend would have felt better if he had not been there58.In the story the author means to tell the reader that ____.A.you can certainly help a friend if you want toB.it is better to be there when someone needs youC.family and relatives can not take the place of friendsD.more people are a great comfort when one is in trouble59.The author learned from his own experience that ____.A.what is taught in school is usually of no useB.a lawyer cannot learn much in classroomsC.a lawyer should know people's feelings firstD.he needs to be able to feel as well as think logically60.We learn from the underlined sentence in the last paragraph that the author _____.A.is fond of writing poemsB.is going to coach the kid's teamC.is determined to make friends with everybodyD.is fully aware of the importance of being helpful to those in need第四节书面表达你校正在进行“英语读书月"活动。

高三一轮限时规范训练 必修1 3-1 酶、ATP

高三一轮限时规范训练 必修1 3-1 酶、ATP


正确的图解是( )。


答案 B2.(2013·苏锡常镇四市一调)地沟油是废弃的动植物油脂,利用生物酶技术可以将地沟油转化为生物柴油,最适用于该过程的酶是( )。


答案 C3.(原创题)北京师范大学贾宗超教授、郑积敏博士,在研究中发现了在同一蛋白的同一活性中心上行使相反功能的新机制,其研究成果首先公布在顶级专业期刊《Nature》上。

下列有关说法错误的是( )。



答案 C4.(2013·辽宁沈阳、大连第二次联考,1)下列有关酶的叙述正确的是( )。


答案 D5.(2013·衡阳六校联考)ATP是细胞内流通的能量“通货”。




以下是店铺为大家收集整理的高三语文限时训练练习题,希望对大家有所帮助!高三语文限时训练(一)1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全都正确的一组是( )A.刹那(shà) 倥偬(zǒng) 拗不过(niù) 翠堤春晓(dī)B.戏谑(xuè) 沏茶(qī) 闹别扭(biè) 蓦然回首(mò)C.噱头(xué) 谮言(jiàn) 揪辫子(jiū) 文以载道(zài)D.滂沱(pāng) 浸渍(zé) 压轴戏(zhòu) 折冲樽俎(zǔ)2.下列各句中,没有错别字的一句是( )A.这种善恶杂揉、明暗交织的人性,都具象在莎士比亚的戏剧中,莎士比亚希望从泥淖中拔擢卓越的品性来标明通往至善之途。




3.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是( )A.期待已久的《华尔街2:金钱永无眠》终于上映了,观众们拍手称快,既被电影的史诗般的气质所征服,又对演员的演技赞不绝口。



高三一轮限时规范训练 选修1 第3讲 生物技术在其他方面的应用

高三一轮限时规范训练 选修1 第3讲 生物技术在其他方面的应用

高三一轮限时规范训练选修1第3讲生物技术在其他方面的应用(时间:45分钟)A级基础演练1.(2013·南京名校阶段考试)提取胡萝卜素和提取玫瑰油时都需要加热,但用萃取法提取胡萝卜素时,采用的是水浴加热法,而用水蒸气蒸馏法提取玫瑰油时是直接加热,其原因是( )。



答案 D2.(2013·浙江四校调研)在菊花的组织培养操作完成了3~4 d后,观察同一温室中的外植体,发现有的瓶内外植体正常生长,有的瓶内外植体死亡,你认为外植体死亡的原因不可能是( )。


答案 A3.红细胞含有大量血红蛋白,我们可以选用猪、牛、羊或其他脊椎动物的血液来提取和分离血红蛋白。

下列对血红蛋白提取和分离的叙述,错误的是( )。


答案 B4.(2012·辽宁沈阳、大连第二次联考,39)请回答下列与菊花茎段组织培养实验操作有关的问题。


高三一轮限时规范训练 必修1 4-1 细胞的增殖

高三一轮限时规范训练 必修1 4-1 细胞的增殖

高三一轮限时规范训练必修1第四单元细胞的生命历程第1讲细胞的增殖(时间:45分钟)A级基础演练1.(2013·江西六校联考)下列对细胞分裂相关知识的叙述正确的是 ( )。


答案 A2.(2013·福建四地六校第一次联考,2)细胞有丝分裂完成后,平均分配到两个子细胞的物质是( )。

A.线粒体DNA B.细胞核DNAC.核糖体RNA D.叶绿体DNA解析细胞有丝分裂完成后,平均分配到两个子细胞的物质是细胞核中的DNA。

答案 B3.(2013·北京西城一模,1)下图为某种植物根尖细胞分裂过程中染色质与染色体规律性变化的模式图。

下列相关判断正确的是( )。


答案 C4.在植物细胞有丝分裂末期两个新细胞的形成方式如下图所示。



高三数学复习限时训练(01)1、 设集合{}R x x x x A ∈+≤-=,112)2(2,则集合*⋂N A 中有 个元素。

2、若()35cos =+απ且⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈ππα,2,则()απ-2sin =__________ 3、已知正项等比数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若137a S =,则等比数列{}n a 的公比等于_____4、 已知函数2()f x x x =-,若2(1)(2)f m f --<,则实数m 的取值范围是 .5、 已知直线1l :32+=x y ,直线2l 与直线1l 关于直线x y -=对称,则直线2l 的斜率为_______6、 已知函数xbe ax x f +=)(图象上在点)2,1(-P 处的切线与直线x y 3-=平行,则函数)(x f 的解析式为_____7、 已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为()21,n S a n a =++某三角形三边之比为234::a a a ,则该三角形最大角为 ____8、 已知直线0132=+++y x 与圆032-22=-+x y x 交于N M ,两点,则弦MN 的垂直平分线方程为__________9、 在锐角ABC ∆中,角A 、B 、C 的对边分别为a 、b 、c ,且满足(2)cos cos a c B b C -=. (1)求角B 的大小;(2)设(sin ,1),(3,cos2)m A n A ==,试m n ⋅ 求的取值范围.限时训练(01)参考答案1.72. 23-3.24. (1,1)-5. 0.56. 12.50.5x y x e +=--7. 1208. 3x-2y-3=09.(1)60B = , (2)17(2,]8高三数学复习限时训练(02)1、若复数2(3)(,()z a a i a R =--∈2007=2、若双曲线12222=-by a x 的两个焦点到一条准线的距离之比为3:2,则双曲线的离心率是___________3、已知点A 、B 、C 3=4=5=,则⋅+⋅+⋅的值是____.4、ABC ∆的三内角A ,B ,C 所对边长分别是c b a ,,,设向量),sin ,(C b a +=)sin sin ,3(A B c a -+=,若n m //,则角B 的大小为_____________5、已知:}2|1||{<-=x x A ,}11|{+<<-=m x x B ,若B x ∈成立的一个充分不必要条件是A x ∈ ,则实数m 的取值范围6、过点()0,4-作直线l 与圆0204222=--++y x y x 交于A 、B 两点,若AB=8,则直线l 的方程为______7、已知||1a = ,||2b = ,()a a b ⊥+,则a 与b 夹角的度数为 .8、若]2,0[πθ∈,且54sin =θ,则2tan θ= 9、已知向量a = (1,1),向量b 与向量a 的夹角为34π,且a ·b = -1.(1)求向量b ;(2)若向量b 与q =(1,0)的夹角为2π,向量p =2(cos ,2cos )2CA ,其中A ,C 为△ABC 的内角,且A + C =23π,求|b + p |的最小值.限时训练(02)参考答案12、53、 25-4、π655、),2(+∞ 6.、 020125=++y x 或4-=x7、23π 8、21 9、(1)b =(-1,0)或b =(-1,0).;(2)22高三数学复习限时训练(03)1、函数x x y 22-=的定义域为{}3,2,1,0,那么其值域为_____2、设复数1212,()z i z x i x =-=+∈R ,若12z z ⋅为实数,则x = .3、已知{}n a 为等差数列,且74321,0a a a -=-=,则公差d =4、有四个游戏盘,将它们水平放稳后,在上面扔一颗玻璃小球,若小球落在阴影部分,则可中奖,小明要想增加中奖机会,应选择的游戏盘的序号5、设命题014,::22>++∈∀<cx x R x q c c p 对和命题,若p 和q 有且仅有一个成立,则实数c 的取值范围是 6、1tan 2a =,则sin cos a a = 7、过定点P (1,2)的直线在x y 轴与轴正半轴上的截距分别为a b 、,则422a b +的最小值为 .8、设等比数列{}n a 中,前n 项和为n S ,已知38S =,67S =,则789a a a ++= .9、已知函数()ln f x x ax =-()a ∈R . (Ⅰ) 求函数()f x 的单调区间;(Ⅱ) 当a >0时,求函数()f x 在[1,2]上最小值.限时训练(03)参考答案1. {}0,1,3-2. 21-3. -124. (1)5. 121021<≤≤<-c c 或6. 527. 32 8.819. (Ⅰ) 1()f x a x '=-(0x >),①当a ≤ 0时,1()f x a x'=->0, 故函数()f x 增函数,即函数()f x 的单调增区间为(0,)+∞. ②当0a >时,令1()0f x a x '=-=,可得1x a=, 当10x a <<时,1()0ax f x x -'=>;当1x a>时,1()0ax f x x -'=<, 故函数()f x 的单调递增区间为1(0,]a,单调减区间是1[,)a +∞.(Ⅱ)①当11a≤,即1a ≥时,函数()f x 在区间[1,2]上是减函数,∴()f x 的最小值是(2)ln 22f a =-.②当12a ≥,即12a ≤时,函数()f x 在区间[1,2]上是增函数, ∴()f x 的最小值是(1)f a =-.③当112a <<,即112a <<时,函数()f x 在1[1,]a 上是增函数,在1[,2]a是减函数. 又(2)(1)ln 2f f a -=-,∴当1ln 22a <<时,最小值是(1)f a =-;当ln 21a ≤<时,最小值为(2)ln 22f a =-.综上可知,当0ln 2a <<时, 函数()f x 的最小值是min ()f x a =;当l n2a ≥时,函数()f x 的最小值是min ()ln 2f x =.高三数学复习限时训练(04)1、=︒+︒-︒570sin 2135cos 315sin 。



2013届高三上学期限时训练数学(文)试题2本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 100分,考试时间50分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题8分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)6.设,,l m n 是三条不同的直线,,,αβγ是三个不同的平面,以下四个命题: ①若γα⊥,γβ⊥,则//αβ;PABCDOM②若α⊂m ,α⊂n ,//m β,//n β,则//αβ; ③若//αβ,α⊂l ,则//l β;④若m β⊂,n 是l 在β内的射影,m l ⊥,则m n ⊥;⑤若,//m m n α⊂,则//n α;其中真命题的个数为 【 】 A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 二、填空题 (本大题共4个小题,每小题8分,共32分)7. 若一个球的体积为43π,则它的内接正方体的表面积是_______ _. 8.如图,一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面直径..和它们的高都与一个球的直径相等,这时 圆柱、圆锥、球的体积之比为 .9、在正三棱锥ABC P -中,D 为PA 的中点,O 为ABC ∆的中心,给出下列四个结论:①OD ∥平面PBC ; ②OD ⊥PA ; ③OD ⊥BC ; ④OD PA 2=. 其中正确结论的序号是 .10.如图所示,是一个由三根细铁杆PA ,PB ,PC 组成的支架, 三根铁杆的两两夹角都是︒60,一个半径为1的球放在支架上, 则球心到P 的距离为____________三、解答题(共20 分要求写出详细解答过程) 11. (本题满分10分)如图,在棱长为2的正方体1111-D C B A ABCD 中,E 、F 分别是BD 、1BB 的中点. ①求证:EF ∥平面CD B A 11; ②求证:EF ⊥1AD .12.(满分10分)棱锥ABCD P -的四条侧棱长相等,底面ABCD 为正方形,O 为对角线AC 和BD 的交点,M 为PB 的中点. 求证:①PD ∥面ACM ;②PO⊥面ABCD;③面ACM⊥面BPD. .。

高三一轮限时规范训练 必修3 1-1 人体的内环境与稳态

高三一轮限时规范训练 必修3 1-1 人体的内环境与稳态

高三一轮限时规范训练必修三第1讲人体的内环境与稳态(时间:45分钟)A级基础演练1.(2013·南京四校联考)下列对内环境稳态实质的描述是( )。



答案 C2.(2013·潍坊、东营、淄博、滨州四市联考)以下关于动物内环境和稳态的叙述,错误的是( )。


答案 D3.下图所示为人体体液相关组成及各成分间的关系,请依次填出①~⑤相关内容( )。




答案 B4.毛细血管壁细胞和毛细淋巴管壁细胞生活的内环境分别是( )。

山西省忻州市2013届高三数学上学期限时训练试题24 理 (无答案)新人教A版

山西省忻州市2013届高三数学上学期限时训练试题24 理 (无答案)新人教A版

忻州实验中学2013届高三上学期限时训练数学(理)试题24 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分 100分,考试时间50分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共48分)一、选择题(本大题共6小题,每小题8分,共48分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的)4.下列在曲线sin 2()cos sin x y θθθθ=⎧⎨=+⎩为参数上的点是【 】 A .)2,-21( B .)3(2, C .)3(1, D .)21,43(-5.参数方程22sin 1cos 2x y θθ⎧=+⎨=-+⎩(θ为参数)化成普通方程是【 】 A.240x y -+= B.240x y +-=C.[]240,2,3x y x -+=∈ D.[]240,2,3x y x +-=∈6.直线45395x t y t ⎧=⎪⎪⎨⎪=-+⎪⎩(t 为参数)与圆2cos 2sin x y θθ=⎧⎨=⎩(θ为参数)的位置关系是【 】A.相离 B.相切 C.过圆心 D.相交不过圆心二、填空题 (本大题共4个小题,每小题8分,共32分)7.已知点M 的直角坐标()5,1,0M ,则它的柱坐标为 ____ .8.在直角坐标系x o y 中,已知曲线C 的参数方程是2cos 22sin x y θθ=+⎧⎨=⎩(θ是 参数),若以O 为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴,则曲线C 的极坐标方程 可写为 .9.若直线b x y +=与曲线⎩⎨⎧==θθsin cos y x θ(为参数,且)22πθπ≤≤-有两个不同的交点,则实数b 的取值范围是__________.10、若直线l的极坐标方程为cos()4πρθ-=,圆C :cos sin x y θθ=⎧⎨=⎩(θ为参数) 上的点到直线l 的距离为d ,则d 的最大值为 .三、解答题(共20 分要求写出详细解答过程)11.(10分)在极坐标系中,从极点O 作直线与另一直线:cos 4l ρθ=相交于点M , 在OM 上取一点P ,使12=⋅OP OM .①求点P 的轨迹方程; ②设R 为l 上任意一点,试求RP 的最小值.12.(10分)在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,直线l 的参数方程为23(24x t t y t=--⎧⎨=-⎩为参数),它与曲线C :1-)2-(22=x y 交于A 、B 两点. ①求AB 的长;②在以O 为极点,x 轴的正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,设点P 的极坐标为 3)4π,求点P 到线段AB 中点M 的距离.。

江西省定南中学2013届高三文科语文晨练1 限时30分钟

江西省定南中学2013届高三文科语文晨练1 限时30分钟

定南中学2013届高三文科语文晨练1班级姓名一、(18分,每小题3分)1.下列词语中,加点的字读音全都正确的一组是()A.发轫.(rèn)熨.帖(yù)泄露.(lòu)转弯抹.角(mò)B.湍.急(tuān)蛰.伏(zhé)脂.肪(zhī)掎.角之势(jī)C.监.生(jiàn)澎湃.(pài)伛偻.(lóu)顺蔓.摸瓜(wàn)D.栈.道(zhàn)瓦菲.(fēi)狙.击(zǔ)半身不遂.(suí)2.下列词语中,书写规范正确的一组是()A.沧桑妥贴谂知头昏脑涨 B.寒暄树阴余晖哄堂大笑C.编纂炫丽缔造安土重迁 D.执著合龙刹时千金市骨3.下列各句中,加点的熟语使用不恰当...的一项是()A.对于消防工作,我们一定要曲突徙薪....,切不可事到临头才手忙脚乱,导致灾祸的发生。









2013届高三限时训练(3)(45分钟)班级姓名得分一.语言基础知识1.下列词语中加点的字,每对读音都不相同的一组是(3分)()A.弄.堂/玩弄.打烊./佯.装包扎./驻扎.弱冠./沐猴而冠.B. 创.刊/惩创.攒.动/积攒.皮革./病革.扛.活/力能扛鼎.C. 哺.育/果脯.跻.身/侪.辈鱼鳔./保镖.遭殃./怏怏..不乐D. 阆.苑/稂.莠毗.连/纰缪.札.记/轧.钢裨.将/大有裨.益2.下列词语中,字形和加点的字读音全都正确的一项是(3分)()A. 活性炭韬光养晦冗.(rǒng)长唾.(chuí)手可得B. 谐奏曲咄咄逼人怆.(chuàng)然怙恶不悛.(qǔn)C. 威慑力暇不掩瑜攫.(jué)取恪.(kè)尽职守D. 笑眯眯按图索骥荒谬.(miù) 返璞.(pú)归真3、下列各句中,加点的成语使用不恰当的一项是(3分)()A.李政道和杨振宁二人之间的纷争,旁人绝难置喙,也不可能以息事宁人....的方式解决,最终还是必须断一个是非曲直的。








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A.阳春白雪 B.通常 C.迥异 D.高高在上






































__________________________________________________________________ 14、王孝椿准备6月16日在阳光饭店为爸爸过70岁生日,想请爸爸的老战友刘妙山夫妇那天中午12点来一起吃饭。










