普华永道——3nd shortlist of comp(all)-mixed 020403(Brand)



























Par面:这一块大概在20分钟左右,说实话面之前还是挺紧张的,见到笑眯眯的par 后心里稍微放松了些。






普华永道——final propoal2 final

普华永道——final propoal2 final
For SRF Limited Internal Review Only
SRF Limited
China Market Study
Final proposal
April 12 2002
SRF Limited: Final Proposal
SRF Limited (SRF) is planning to expand its business and capture a share of the refrigerants’ (HCFC /Refrigerant 22, HFC/Refrigerant 134a) market in China and it also plans to acquire or form a business alliance with a local manufacturer / distributor.
To help SRF assess current and near future conditions and dynamics in China’s refrigerant market in regard to the following: • Potential market size / demand • Market segments • Main customers • Competitive landscape • Distribution structure • Macro economics / trends Identify a shortlist of companies for SRF’s acquisition and business alliance purposes in China
analyze feedback ascertaining whether we will be able to get the information we need.



Application for EmploymentA.General information (Please complete in block capitals) Surname:First name(s):Chinese name on Chinese ID, if applicable(中文名, 请与身份证信息保持一致):Nationality: Mobile: Email: Permanent Residence(PR) holder: yes (issued country): no B.Your application detailsDate Applied: Position applied :From which channel you learn about this position?Internal Referral, please specify staff name: Recruitment Agency, please specify:Other job website, please specify: PwC websiteOthers, please specify:Please number (in order of preference) your preferred work location:ChengduIf others, please specify:Please number (in order of preference)your preferred Line of Service:Assurance, please specify:Internal Firm ServicesBusiness unit/Industry group preference:Have you applied for any PwC position before? If yes, please provide: (1) the detailed channel:Internal Referral, please specify staff name: Recruitment Agency, please specify:Other job website, please specify: PwC websiteOthers, please specify:(2) details of the position applied:Date (mm/yyyy): Applied Line of Service:Position: Outcome of the Application:Possible commencement date: Restrictions to travel: Yes No Current Salary: x months + bonus: + others: currency: Expected Salary : x months + bonus: + others: currency: Do you know anyone working at PwC? 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Candidates may be required to produce medical proof of their disability)J.Independence and objectivityBy serving as auditors of financial statements and providing other types of professional services, the firm, its partners and staff commit themselves to professional standards of objectivity, integrity and independence. Partners and staff should conduct their business and personal affairs so as to avoid the impairment, or even the appearance of impairment, of the objectivity of PwC’s professional work. In this regard, the PwC Independence Policy sets out restrictions for partners and staff in the areas of individual financial interests as well as personal and business relationships. All partners and staff should take steps to ensure that their independence is maintained at all times (including disposing of restricted financial interests or exiting from conflicting relationships where necessary)K.Personal Information Collection Statement (PICS)The personal data collected in this application form will be used by PricewaterhouseCoopers China and Hong Kong to assess your suitability to assume the job duties of the position for which you have applied and to determine preliminary remuneration, bonus payment, and benefits package to be discussed with you subject to selection for the position. The data collected will also be used to process your application and facilitate employment procedures as well as incidental matters relating to your application. Personal data on the application form are regarded as mandatory for selection purposes. Failure to provide these data may influence the processing and outcome of your application. It is our policy to retain the personal data of unsuccessful applicants for future recruitment purposes for a period of two years. When there are vacancies in our associate firms during that period we may transfer your application to them for consideration of employment. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have a right to request access to, and to request correction of your personal data in relation to your application. If you wish to exercise these rights, please send email to assurance.hr.hk@.You may contact Human Resources Department or refer to for details of PricewaterhouseCoopers’ Recruitment Privacy Commitment.L.DeclarationI confirm that the information contained in this application and my resume, and any other document that I provide to PwC China and Hong Kong in connection with my application for employment, and my personal interviews, are accurate and complete.I confirm that I am providing permission for PwC China and Hong Kong and its representatives to contact the referees I have provided in order to undertake reference checking in association with this application. 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“For Your Converience” :代买礼品或杂货, 代替因维修或送货而不得不呆在家中的员工。大 部分服务是免费的,其余的最多只需花费5美元。
“Personal Survival Series”计划,帮助员工 缓解生活和工作中的压力。
PricewaterhouseCoopers职业管理中心给咨询人 员们提供了谈论PwC之内或之外的工作机会的场所。
‫ ﻸ‬4、5月是诸多企业召开董事会高峰期,3月底解决归属 问题,安达信中国的客户就可不必更换会计师事务所。
‫ ﻸ‬普华永道显然是个选择。该公司在中国香港和内地拥 有约3500名员工,是目前当地规模最大的会计师事务 所,对安达信的小队伍来说很相配。
IBM 收 购 由来
‫ ﻸ‬2000年,美国证券交易委员会(SEC)前主 席列维特(Arthur Levitt)强烈 要求五大会计师事务所剥离管理咨询业务。

普 企业文化 业务介绍 职工 最新消息 公司在中国
发展历 程
‫ ﻸ‬PriucewaterhouseCoopers普华永道国际会计 公司,是由六大会计事务所中规模最小但声望 最高的Price Waterhouse(普华)与Coopers & Lybrand(永道)成功合并组成的。于1998 年1月1日公司更名为PricewaterhouseCoopers。
企业文 化
➢雇员相当年轻,在24到35岁之间;这里的 气氛相当轻松;员工们喜欢在下班后一起 出去喝一杯;
➢经常举办活动或联欢会,工作量很大,但 你却有自由干自己想干的事,甚至可以在 工作时间做。


普华永道的五道关.txt精神失常的疯子不可怕,可怕的是精神正常的疯子!普华永道招聘的五道关作者/转载者: simon jiang 发表时间:2004-5-3 18:44:47
12月初的一个平平常常的下午,广州宜安广场18楼普华永道广州办事处的一间会议室里,12个年轻人正围桌而坐,用英语互相交谈讨论着。他们在分析一桩谋杀案,目的是找出凶手。在会议室的一角,两个普华永道的业务经理正襟危坐,一言不发地听着他们的讨论。 12个人是来普华永道参加面试的应届毕业生。“这样的面试很独特,我完全没有料到他们会用这样的面试方法,”昝思思是其中的面试者之一,即将从广州外语外贸大学毕业的她,已经是第四次踏进普华的办公楼——普华永道为每一个应聘者都设置了五道关卡,只有在这五道关上都有出色表现的应素质。”普华永道合伙人之一杜源申说,“我们对人才的要求是五个必备素质:优秀的英语表达能力、熟练的电脑操作能力、优秀的领导能力、团队合作精神和沟通能力。” 为了招收到优秀的人才,杜每年的十月份都要到中山大学和暨南大学为普华做宣传。每年他都会遇到同样的情形———听者云集,人山人海。 从申请到首次面试 如今已经是普华永道广州代表处审计员的黄文珊,去年10月份的时候也挤在了人群中听了一回杜源申的演讲。 黄说,审计专业毕业的人,没有不知道普华永道的,普华永道也是毕业生们、特别是审计财会等专业的毕业生们梦寐以求的“五大”会计行之首。然而要进入普华永道却必须过关斩将———从每年的11月上旬到12月上旬短短的一个月时间里,应聘者需要历经大大小小五个关。 从今年应聘者的一组数字可以看到过关斩将的淘汰率——普华永道自从今年在10月份做了招聘演讲以后,到11月5日的截止日一共收到900份应聘简历,而最后能被录用的,不过60人左右而已,录取率不到7%。 普华永道的招聘体系非常规范。每年的9月份,普华永道中国区会召开一个统一的招聘会议,专门讨



6.2 笔试真题& 详解真题1(问答):1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a freely convertible currency? Do you think China will allow the RMB to freely float on the international market in the next 5 years?2. What must China do to improve the confidence of foreign investors and create a stable and open market economy?3. Comment on Chinese consumer confidence in internet-based commerce.4. Can Shanghai ever truly become the financial center to rival Hong Kong? If so, when and how?5. The EXPO 2010 is coming to Shanghai. What is the long term viability of the costly buildings and infrastructure at this venue?6. How can the employment market in cities like Shanghai and Beijing accommodate the increasing numbers of migrant workers relocating there?7. 如何吸引外资来建立一个稳定开放的市场经济?真题2(作文):技术进步:1. The computer is widely used in modern society. What are the disadvantages if one cannot use the computer? What should the government do?2. 你认为你的大学为学生购置电脑和买书充实图书馆那个更加可取?3. 有关是不是该在学校使用电脑和计算器4. 你是否同意下述观点:技术能使学生们掌握更多信息并学习更快。



CIMC Market Due-diligenceMarket DemandGlobal marketThe demand in international container market is heavily depend on three factors:➢Impact of international trade and international shipping marketGlobal growth is now projected at 2.6% in 2001,0.6% points lower than expected in the May 2001 World Economic Outlook,and a decline of over 2% points from the unusually rapid pace in 2000. In response, global trade will sharply decline to 4%,2.7% points lower than previous prediction.Previous predictions from International Statistics Institution shows a 8% raise in international trade this year , a 2 % fall from previous year; the increase in international shipping container throughput was 10% in 2000, reached 67 million TEU(Twentyfoot Equivalent Unit), and the increase in 2001 is forecasted to be 7%.Hinted by the above statistics, the increase in the demand for containers in world trade and international shipping may much lower than the previous year.➢Renewal of old containersStatistics showed, world total TEU of containers was 13 million by the end of 1999. Usually the renewal demand is 1.3 millions TEU counted on a basis of a 10% annual renewal.However, due to continuously drop on container price over the years, numerous containers were renewed under service period and the proportion of new container keeps rising, therefore, the actual demand will be far below that number.➢Expanding of loading capacityForecasted by British Shipping Institute, the total shipping capacity of the world container liners will rise from 4.8 million TEU in 2000 to 5.32 million TEU by the end of 2001.This year marksthe highest increase in shipping capacity in recent years. Thus, the demand for containers of the new container ships will reach 0.7 million TEU in 2001, a slight increase than previous year.Domestic Market➢Domestic economic growth➢Total container volume in coastal ports➢Sales volume of container➢Product structure➢Price and marginCIMC➢Growth rate of CIMC➢Structure of container productsInterview SummarySummary of industry interview➢Comments on products and service provided be CIMC➢Confidence on shipping industry in a long-term view➢Key points of industry prospect。

普华永道-Technology Forecast 2003-2005

普华永道-Technology Forecast 2003-2005

Technology Forecast: 2003–2005HighlightsTechnology Forecast: 2003–2005 is the latest in a series that the PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Technology Centre has published annually for more than a dozen years. This year’s book provides in-depth coverage of enterprise applications and enabling software and forecasts significant developments in those areas over the next three years. It also contains information of particular interest to senior executives, including CFO Perspectives for each of the chapters and a chapter on business reporting and XBRL.As the pace of business quickens, companies must eliminate information lag and make more timely decisions. Business intelligence technologies—business activity monitoring, event notification, and digital dashboards—provide executives with real-time information about the status of key business processes, including their relations with customers and suppliers. New business integration technologies, including increased use of XML-based Web services, are making end-to-end automation of business processes easier to accomplish. Meanwhile, the incorporation of analytic capabilities into virtually all enterprise applica-tions, as well as advances in knowledge management and collaborative technologies, increase the speed and effectiveness of decision-making.Technology Forecast: 2003–2005 discusses these and other changes under way in enterprise IT. It is divided into three sections, each highlighting a different area of enterprise software, that together comprise ten chapters providing detailed coverage of specific technologies and applications:•Enterprise Applications contains chapters on enterprise suites, including enterprise suite architec-tures, supply chain event and performance management, and enterprise resource planning; cus-tomer-facing applications; and business intelligence and enterprise analytics, including real-time business intelligence and business activity monitoring.•Information Management comprises chapters on enterprise content management; knowledgemanagement and e-learning; and collaborative technologies.•Enabling Software includes chapters on XML and Web services; component frameworks, including J2EE and Microsoft .Net; application and portal servers; and business integration technologies,including business process modeling, monitoring, and management.In addition, the book features interviews with three leading figures in IT:•Vivek Ranadivé—Founder, chairman and CEO of TIBCO Software. A recognized industry leader, Ranadivé was selected by InfoWorld as one of the top ten technology innovators in 2002. He was also recognized by Ernst & Young as a 2002 software entrepreneur of the year. His book The Power of Now: How Winning Companies Sense and Respond to Change Using Real-Time Technology (McGraw-Hill, 1999) has been widely used as a business school textbook.•Tony Scott—CTO for General Motors’ Information Systems and Services organization, where he is responsible for defining the enterprise architecture and standards across all of GM’s global business.His work at GM has included the development of its employee portal and wireless strategy, and he directs the company’s involvement in IT standards bodies and technology consortium organiza-tions.•Ronald Weissman—A venture partner with Apax Partners, a leading international private equity and venture capital firm with offices throughout Europe, the United States, Israel, and Japan. Apax man-ages more than $12 billion on behalf of major institutional investors in the United States and abroad.His focus is on U.S. and international opportunities in enterprise and infrastructure software and on Apax portfolio company development.Technology Forecast: 2003–2005Contentsix LIST OF FIGURESxi LIST OF TABLESxiii LIST OF SIDEBARS1PERSPECTIVES3INTRODUCTION17BUSINESS PROCESSES & IT33BUSINESS REPORTING & XBRL53INTERVIEW WITH VIVEK RANADIVÉ63INTERVIEW WITH TONY SCOTT73INTERVIEW WITH RONALD WEISSMAN83ENTERPRISE APPLICATIONS85ENTERPRISE SUITES133CUSTOMER-FACING APPLICATIONS169BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE211INFORMATION MANAGEMENT213KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT255ENTERPRISE CONTENT MANAGEMENT299COLLABORATION333ENABLING SOFTWARE335BUSINESS INTEGRATION TECHNOLOGIES375XML & WEB SERVICES407APPLICATION & PORTAL SERVERS429COMPONENT FRAMEWORKS467INDEXTechnology Forecast: 2003–2005FormatTechnology Forecast: 2002–2005 is a publication of the PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Technology Centre.It is prepared with the assistance of a variety of subject-matter experts. Working from authors’ drafts,PricewaterhouseCoopers practice units worldwide collaborate in an extensive editorial review process to produce the final text. Our contributors are recognized in the Acknowledgments section.The content of the technology chapters is organized into the following sections:•Executive Summary —A brief overview of the chapter’s contents.•Technology —Basic background information covering the technology’s development, the way it works, and basic terminology. Recent major events and trends also are discussed.•Market Overview —A summary of market growth, including projections for the forecast period, and of key vendors and their market shares.•Forecast —Forecasts for the progress of the technology over the next one to three years (the “forecast period”).In addition, each chapter contains a CFO Perspective section that considers the business case for the technology under discussion. Several chapters also discuss best practices for using that technology.The index makes it easy to locate discussions of specific topics, products, and companies. It also defines the acronyms used in the text. Lists of figures, tables, and sidebars in the book follow the main table of contents.Each section of the book begins with a table of contents for the chapters in that section. These are easily identified by the color stripe along the edge of the page.Cross-reference iconCross-reference to otherTechnology ForecastpublicationsExplanation iconTechnology Forecast: 2003–2005Interviewee Perspectives“Closed-loop integration gives you the tools to get your finger on the pulse of yourorganization, on end-to-end business processes—for example, the entire cash-to-cashcycle. Lack of visibility into these steps in the cycle can cost money and cause additionaldelays between investment and revenue.... Closed-loop systems let you integrate,measure, and analyze at every step in the process. You can see relevant information inreal time, model and simulate changes, take action, and improve how you run yourbusiness. This ability to run your business faster and smarter is the future of business.”“The common fallacy is thinking that, with Web services, you do not need to doanything—that application integration and business integration will be automatic. The software industry has been through this before. We heard that with Java; people said, ‘Now you can all go home and stop writing software.’ We heard that with CORBA, and now we are hearing that with Web services and XML. The truth is that having a Web service is a little bit like allowing people to stand on their front porches and scream, ‘Apples!’ Now you have everyone out there yelling, ‘Apples! Apples! Apples!’ But are you buying apples? Are you selling apples? Are you making apple pie? Are you trying to sell apple cider?”—Vivek Ranadivé, chairman and CEO of TIBCO Software “When I addressed the Enterprise Software Roundtable, a group of CEOs and CTOs ofsoftware companies, in 2002, I asked them, “For how many of your core products is thedefault installation the one you would recommend your customers use?” Not a hand inthe audience went up. Then I asked them, “What if GM sold you a car that you had totake to a mechanic to assemble and tune before you could even drive it off the lot?”I don’t think the software industry is sustainable as it is, without some greater movementtowards self-configuration, self-tuning, like the autonomic computing initiatives thatIBM has been pursuing.”“If I look back on my career, in general, it was in a world where people had to wait around for computers to do things.... Now, instead of people waiting around for computers, I am seeing a lot more of the reverse, which is computers waiting for people to make decisions. So I think the next big opportunity for us is helping people speed up their decision-making. This is computer assisted, but it is beyond what we typically think of as decision support: it includes decision automation, it includes workflow, it includes collaboration, it includes getting people to be more efficient at the things they personally do in a large organization. As a result, I see collaborative sciences, collaborative technologies, and new networking technologies such as wireless as the next big field of opportunity.”—Tony Scott, CTO for General Motors’ Information Systems and Services organization“One constant in the history of computing has been the development of greater andgreater levels of abstraction in order to cope with the greater complexity that we ask oursystems to manage.... Policy-based computing takes abstraction to the next logical level:management by goals and best practices. Policies can range from those relating to ITgoals all the way to business-focused policies such as how we respond when a businesspartner is late with a shipment of critical parts. Our first efforts at policy-basedcomputing are addressing the management of IT assets and physical systems. Over time,this will extend to applications, data, and business processes.”“...[T]he survival of startups necessitates that they find defensible markets not dominated by the major players or that they offer deeper functionality than that provided by generic product vendors. Some startups do this by embedding market-specific domain knowledge into their products via specialized analytics, dashboards, and reports. This means that the product is ready, out of the box, to offer market-specific solutions and requires less customization than generic products. In this way, young companies can build closer relations with customers by offering greater market insight and value.”—Ronald Weissman, venture partner, Apax PartnersTechnology Forecast: 2003–2005Ordering InformationTechnology Forecast: 2003–2005 is available in both print and electronic formats. Clients of PricewaterhouseCoopers may be able to obtain a copy from their engagement contact.The book (order #TC-01-14) can be purchased for US$99 by calling +1-800-654-3387 (U.S. calls only) or +1-314-997-2540, or by sending a fax request to +1-314-997-1351. To place an order for the publication on the Web, go to /tech-forecast/order. American Express, MasterCard, and Visa are accepted, and payment by check can be arranged.The CD-ROM enclosed with the book contains the text in Adobe Acrobat format and includes an index for full-text search. It is licensed for use by only one individual. Multiuser licenses are available; for more infor-mation, call +1-650-470-6730.INTERNAL PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS ORDERSPartners and staff of PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) can request copies of Technology Forecast: 2003–2005 through the PwC Global Publications Lotus Notes database (request document #TC-01-14). Partners and staff who do not have access to the publications database can order books by sending a Lotus Notes message to NAC Distribution @Americas-US.■ About the Global Technology CentreThe PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Technology Centre, located in Menlo Park, California, provides PricewaterhouseCoopers engagement teams and their clients with analysis and evaluation of current and emerging information technologies. The Centre, part of PwC’s Global Thought Leadership organization, has a staff of researchers, technology analysts, and advisors with extensive experience in advanced applications of existing technologies and knowledge of the potential uses of emerging technologies. The Centre provides information and services that give our firm and our clients a competitive edge in the marketplace.Using the research embodied in Technology Forecast, Paths to Value (a new model for understanding value creation in early-stage companies), and other original thought leadership publications as references, Technology Centre staff deliver on-site presentations on technology trends to clients of Pricewaterhouse-Coopers around the world. These presentations supplement our executive seminars and consulting services, which focus on IT and business strategy issues.The Centre also provides technology due-diligence and competitive analysis of industry trends and infor-mation, computer, and communications technologies. Similar services are provided to European clients by Menlo Park Europe, a London-based group of technology analysts who work closely with the Global Technology Centre. These services reduce uncertainty and allow our clients to better gauge the level of risk associated with a specific investment.About the cover: The cover image, Nodes, created by Richard D. Eberly, Technology Forecast staff illustrator, represents an abstract view of the universe of information. The gridlike structure depicts the connections between different nodes of information, which are shown floating in space. Each node displays several facets or surfaces, reflecting the fact that information appears to have different shapes when viewed from different perspectives. Some of the nodes appear to be close to the viewer, while others recede into the background at varying distances. As the amount of information available through company networks and the Internet grows exponentially, tools for navigating information may use visual metaphors similar to this image.Nodes started out as a group of two-dimensional profiles (geometric shapes) that were created with Adobe Illustrator. The profiles were then imported into Form-Z, where extrusion and sweep tools were used to create three-dimensional models, and the nodes were moved to different planes to give the appearance of depth. The 3D models were finally imported into Electric Image Universe, where the scene was rendered by adding lights and surface textures and by adjusting the perspective (camera angle).Other Technology Forecast PublicationsFor information about ordering these publications, please see “Ordering Information” on the previous page, or visit our Web site, /tech-forecast/order.■ Special Offer: “Emerging Patterns of Internet Computing”Technology Forecast: 2002–2004, Volume 2: Emerging Patterns of Internet Computing complements Technol-ogy Forecast: 2003–2005 by covering additional topics, including grid computing, computing as a utility, pervasive computing, and self-managing systems. It also discusses the ongoing innovations in micropro-cessors, servers, storage, communications, and other areas that will eventually provide a scalable world-wide infrastructure based on commodity technologies. The book is divided into three major sections:•Processors & Platforms contains chapters on semiconductors; embedded processors; traditional computing platforms and the operating systems that run on them; storage; displays; and emerging platforms, including mobile handheld devices, consumer Internet access devices, and telematics.•Communications comprises chapters on telecommunications services, including the transitioncurrently under way to widespread use of Voice-over-IP; wireless communications, including 2.5G and 3G cellular systems and 802.11 wireless LANs; wireline communications, including Resilient Packet Rings and metropolitan area Ethernet; and Internet technologies, including quality of service and session initiation protocol (SIP).•Web Application Management includes chapters on Website performance and availability and on system management.There are also interviews with four leading figures in IT: Judy Estrin, president and CEO of Packet Design; Prof. Leonard Kleinrock of UCLA's Computer Science department; Dr. Richard F. Rashid, senior vice president of research at Microsoft; and Dr. Irving Wladawsky-Berger, vice president for technology and strategy in IBM's Server Group.Technology Forecast: 2002–2004, Volume 2 is available at the discounted price of $40. (Special order code INC0113.)■ Special Offer: “Navigating the Future of Software”Technology Forecast: 2002–2004, Volume 1: Navigating the Future of Software includes extensive material on software topics not covered in Technology Forecast: 2003-2005, including commerce servers, mobile Internet, personalization, Website analysis, online merchandising, peer-to-peer computing, digital rights management, and enterprise software architectures. The book also explains the fundamentals of e-procurement, enterprise resource planning, and supply chain management applications. This material serves as a foundation for the updated coverage of these application areas found in Technology Forecast: 2003-2005.Technology Forecast: 2002–2004, Volume 1 is available at the discounted price of $40. (Special order code INC0113.)■ Prepublication Announcement: “Information Security”Information Security: Meeting the Challenge of Internet Computing will be published during the third quarter of 2003. It will complement the Technology Forecast: 2003–2005 by providing detailed coverage of the new security requirements resulting from the widespread adoption of Internet-based computing and e-commerce: identity management, intrusion detection, transactional entitlements, information and software integrity, XML-based transaction security, and compliance with regulations governing customer privacy. It will also cover the basic building blocks of security, including public and private key cryptog-raphy, public key infrastructure, network firewalls, and biometrics.To receive information about Information Security via e-mail when it is published, contact us via e-mail at technology.forecast.circulation@, or send a fax to +1-314-997-1351 with your e-mail address.Praise for Past Editions of the Technology Forecast“The PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology Forecast is a must-read for those involved in the alignment of business strategy and IT trends. It offers a high-quality source of insight on technology, which we use as input to Reuters’ own Technology Foresight activities.”—– Mike Sayers, CTO, Reuters“The report’s content, layout and quality of writing are so strong that it will appeal to just about everyone. The PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology Forecast is a ‘must have’ publication for anyone involved in technology management or education.”—– Paul Christ, Ph.D., Professor, Technology and Electronic Commerce Program, West Chester University“It is not just quantity but quality that distinguishes this text from others. [The Technology Forecast] is impressive in terms of both breadth and depth. What I like best about it is that the writers—about 25 contributors with support from 30 reviewers and a large advisory board—go beyond description and move into analysis.”—– Andrew C. Gross, Professor, Marketing and International Business Program, Cleveland State University“The PricewaterhouseCoopers Technology Forecast is the most lucid, complete and accurate description of current and forthcoming technologies I have seen. For the areas I am familiar with, I cross-check what I think I know, and the Forecast always yields nuggets. For the areas I’m not familiar with, it’s a great tutorial and forecast. The writing and production are both first-rate. It’s a joy to read.”—– Steve Crocker, former CTO, CyberCash; former CEO, Longitude Systems“The Technology Forecast publications have been the cornerstone information source for the last two in-house technology conferences. We distribute the Forecast to our nontechnology product developers to provide them an in-depth, readable and understandable analysis of the critical trends and new develop-ments in the use of technology. It is well-written, thoroughly researched, and it provides the appropriate level of comprehensiveness for our audience.”—– Steven P. Daitch, Senior Vice President, West Group PricewaterhouseCoopers Global Technology Centre68 Willow RoadMenlo Park, CA 94025USA+1-650-470-6730/tech-forecast© 2003 PricewaterhouseCoopers. All rights reserved.“PricewaterhouseCoopers” refers to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each of which is a separate and independent legal entity.TC-01-14P (v1.0)。



1.建议采用三年的销售平均增长率替代销售收入增长率, 用三年的利润平均增长率替代利润增长率
1.可从制造业中选取特色行业,独立反映(如: 信息产业)

2.母子公司均设立在浦东的, 以母公司合并财务数据为准; 若母公司不在浦东,以子公司为准。

2.建议加强模型建立的理论依据, 进一步明确综合实力所指涵义

2.PwC预先给定权数比率, 再由专家最终确定或请专家与相关行业中企业人员共同确定。

普华永道——SRF's comments (total)

普华永道——SRF's comments (total)
SRF’s comments (total)
Executive Summery
Give demand figures rounded off to the nearest hundred as these are only estimates and will have variation with actual figures. The executive summary should be more powerful and should give some more qualitative inputs on the distribution set up of manufacturers.
1. Numbers will be wrapped up according to requirements 2. Distribution will be inserted in summary 3. All of the key points have been listed into the summary, so it should be powerful enough for the reviewers Try to improve the evecutive summary. The idea is that some one should get a good idea from the executive summary without going thru the full report. We will try to make the summary clearer to understand. OK 1. As for this point, re-fillers brands are more popular in the replacement market, whereas manufacturers’ brands in OEM market. Pls see slide 49 for some sense on this point 2. It is more appropriate to assess re-fillers’ brands and manufacturers’ brands separately because their focus markets are different I agree that re-filler brands do not play a role in OEMs. I am only referring to the replacement market where manufacturers brand are also present. We just want a reassessment of brand strengths (manufacturers and re-fillers) in the replacement market.



Oral Test1.Please introduce yourself briefly. You may tell us something like: where you grow up, where you study, what your hobbies are, and what your future plan is.2.Please describe a change that happens in your life. You may tell us something like: what it was about, how did it change your life?3.You are the team leader of a project. In a meeting, you make a suggestion but fail to gain support from others. How will you deal with such situation? Why is such communication ability important?4.你最喜欢的课程,哪个老师教的,为什么喜欢?5.你最想为你的community做的一件事6.describe a challenge you encountered7.an example of your ability of making decisions under pressure8.描述一本你看过的书,讲了什么,你喜欢它哪点,不喜欢它哪点。

9.do you think China's membership of WTO will benefit China or not (大意)10.举例说明学习某种语言时遇到的困难,你是怎么做的11.study at home by using technology and in traditional schools ,which do you like? Why?12.问对今后改善环境是W Optimistic13.technology如何改变你的生活。



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本报告于 2023 年 02 月 17 日 生成
2 / 13
1.3.2 重点项目
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青岛城投新能源集团 有限公司
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Yanzhoucoal Goup Co.Ltd
Sichuan Changhong Electric Group Corporation Chinapanda Electric Group Co.Ltd TCL Holdings Co.Ltd Tianjin Bohai Chemical Industry Group Corporation Shanghai General Electronics Group Co.Ltd Chunlan Group Company
Machinery/Equipments/Meters 上海汽车工业(集团)总公司 Metal/Non-metal 本溪钢铁(集团)有限责任公司 Transportation/Warehousing General Metal/Non-metal Electric Power Producing/Supplying(adj) Metal/Non-metal Medicine/Biology Exploration/Mining Electronics/Electrical Equipments Electronics/Electrical Equipments Electronics/Electrical Equipments Petroleum/Chemicals Electronics/Electrical Equipments Electronics/Electrical Equipments 中国船舶工业集团公司 黑龙江北大荒农垦集团总公司 山西太原钢铁(集团)公司 中国广东核电集团有限公司 攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司 上海医药(集团)总公司 兖矿集团有限公司 四川长虹电子集团公司 熊猫电子集团有限公司 TCL集团有限公司 天津渤海化工集团公司 上海广电(集团)有限公司 春兰集团(公司)
English Name
国家电力公司 中国电信集团公司 中国移动通信集团公司 上海宝钢集团公司 广东省电力集团公司 中国远洋运输(集团)总公司 中国联合通信有限公司 中国第一汽车集团公司 中国海洋石油总公司 上海电气(集团)总公司 鞍山钢铁集团公司 东风汽车公司 首钢总公司 广州铁路(集团)公司 武汉钢铁(集团)公司 State Power corporation of China China Telecommunications Corporation (CHINA TELECOM) China Mobile Comuunication Corporation Shanghai Baosteel Group Corporation Power Corporation of Guangdong Province China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company China United Telecommunications Corporation FAW Group Corporation of China China National Offshore Oil Corporation Shanghai Electric (Group) Corporation Anshan Iron and Steel Group Corporation DongFeng Motor Corporation ShouGang Group Guangdong Railroad (Group) Corporation Wuhan Steel (Group) Corporation 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.30 3.70 4.80 3.50 4.20 3.80 3.80 3.60 4.00 4.00 3.10 3.20 4.50 2.30 2.80 1.10 1.90 2.50 2.10 4.00 3.50 4.50 3.30 4.30 1.80 3.90 4.30 3.50 3.90 3.90 3.60 2.80 4.30 4.10 3.90 3.40 3.10 2.60 3.00 2.60 2.60 2.40 3.80 2.00 2.40 3.60 2.00 2.10 2.00 2.40 2.00 4.10 4.10 4.10 2.60 2.50 4.10 3.80 4.00 4.00 3.95 3.25 4.55 3.80 4.05 3.60 3.45 3.10 3.50 3.30 2.85 2.80 4.15 2.15 2.60 2.35 1.95 2.30 2.05 3.20 2.75 4.30 3.70 4.20 2.20 3.20 4.20
Shanghai Motor Indu Nhomakorabeatry (Group) Corporation
BenGang (Group) Co.Ltd China Shipping Industry Group Corporation (CSSC) Heilongjiang Beidahuang Agricultural Group Corporation Shanxi Taiyuan Iron &Steel (Group) Corporation Guangdong Nuclear Electric Power Group Co.Ltd of China Panzhihua Iron & Steel (Group) Corporation Shanghai Medicine (Group) Corporation
3rd shortlist of SOE (Brand)
Total Total Grand Scores (f) Scores (s) Average Ranks
Industry Weight Electric Power Producing/Supplying(adj) Information Technology Information Technology Metal/Non-metal Electric Power Producing/Supplying(adj) Transportation/Warehousing Information Technology Machinery/Equipments/Meters Exploration/Mining Electronics/Electrical Equipments Metal/Non-metal Machinery/Equipments/Meters Metal/Non-metal Transportation/Warehousing Metal/Non-metal