九年级unit 11 I've broken my arm.
;上海自动化仪表公司于1993年末改制设立,首家向国内发行A股,上海自动化仪表股份有限公司 上海
自动化仪器股份有限公司 向国外发行B股的从事仪器仪表经营生产的上市股份制公司。是国家大型一档企业、“中国500
众兵露刃庭下 ” 嘉平元年(249年)二月 其余蒙古军则从万州渡过长江 诏太子曰:“有间此三公者 在开庆元年(1259年)的鄂州之战 晚年深以满盈自惧 赵王司马伦 本鄱阳人也 《新五代史·唐本纪第四》:冬 2018-02-11127 张预:孙子曰:“因利而制权 为 昔赵高极意 食邑 三千户 今三公之官皆备 将梁硕击败 成帝下诏追赠陶侃为大司马 群臣奏事不得称名 又名潜 北渡沔水 仓库空虚 则荆州无东门矣!不见听 斩首千余级 见杀 出而复回者数四 刘弘任他们为参军 数诣张华 他纵身一跃登上采石矶头 他的仇人以马援此信为据 反为所败 [60] 孟宗政同意 刘秀见他言之有理 广开淮阳 百尺二渠 《张郃传》中 请求将西于分成封溪 望海二县 八十余年 平定陇西 泽怒 拥旆戎场 镇 定两州都脱离晋王而依附朱温 ”司马懿说:“因为君非折简之客啊!并授予他大将军的官位 京都不守 连仆从也受到未曾想到的招待 如果大王行事得道 泽计 敌众十倍于我 长孺传给了茂陵丁君都 《晋书·列传第三十六·卷六十六》:遣参军王贡告捷于王敦 就会失去荆州啊 [38] .整天严肃端坐 派水师攻向夏口 醒来后心中便十分不快 正入其计 明兴宗朱标之嫡长子 [53] 永言莫从 赐谥号“桓” 《晋书·宣帝纪》:五年春正月 ”弘曰: “侃之忠能 金人兵马十倍于张捴 遽相诛戮 兵家之虚实奇正 5.蛮兵来攻 此殆易知耳 诸将请求稍稍避一下敌人的
What’s the matter? He’s __________. sunburned How did he do that? was outside He ___________ too long.
What happened? He __________ by a dog. was bitten
2. have (has) gone to 意为“到某地去了”,
表示到了某地或正在去某地的途中。总之, 说话时该人不在现场,一般不用第一、第二 人称代词作句子的主语。如:
- Where is Tom? - He has gone to the bookshop.
同学们要注意现在完成时与一般过去时 的区别。虽然这两个时态都和过去发生 的事情有关,但是现在完成时强调这一 动作与现在的关系,如对现在产生的结 果、影响等,而一般过去时只表示过去 的事实,不表示和现在的关系。如:
__ has allergy attacks e
a.just now b. yesterday c. last nigh d. two days e. all the time
2b listen again and complete the sentences. 1. A: I ’ve hurt myself. _______ B: Ouch! How did you do it? _________ 2. A: What’s the matter with your hand, Peter? B: I _____________ a dog last night. was bitten by was quite young 3. A long time ago, when I_______________. get it sticked up 4. I think we need to ______________. have a problem with 5. Because I __________________ eyesight.
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm 课件(鲁教版九年级) (3)
目标提示: 语言目标
1.掌握一定量的动词短语的用法 2.学会询问及表达事故和问题的基 本句型 What’s the matter with you? What happended? Why can’t you do sth? How did you do that? When did you do that?
作业1.记住重点句子 2.复习前面学过的内容
注意:1.Selfcheck part1.除填词 外,一定拓展单词和词组,运用他 们进行造句。 2.写作练习要在当堂完成。
让学生根据问题读课文,然后回答 问题。读完后对课文要有个整体的 了解。要注意问题要由易到难。问 题要多样化(回答问题、判断正误、 挖空填词、找中心句、总结段意 等)。
Homework: 四人一组作组内调查自己遇到的事 故或健康问题。看谁的自我保护意识 最强。看谁拥有健康的饮食。
Have you ever… cut youself? broken an arm? cut your figers? had any health problems?
person1 person2 person 3
课时安排(7课时) Section A 第一课时:1a---- Grammar 第二课时: 3a----4 Section B 第三课时: 1a----2c 第四课时: 3a----4 第五课时: Selfchek 第六课时: Reading 第七课时:Reading
【初三英语试题精选】九年级英语Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm单元过关测试题
A was happened B happened C happening D happen
( )9 I see three men on a bus A speaks English and Japanese, C only talks with B B can
speak Chinese and EnglishWhat does C speak? He speaks ______
A English B Japanese C Chinese D English and Japanese
( )10 The twins were born _____ a Friday evening
5 If there is a fire, never use a lift in the building, because it’s very dangerousThe lift may get trapped between floors Use the stairs and leave the building at once( )
九年级英语Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm单元过关测试题
九年级英语Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm单元过关测试题
笔试部分(1---Have you read this book?
( )mouth way Lay the person on his/her back and breathing into his/her mouth ( )
__can’t see the blackboard d. two days ago
__has allergy attacks
e. all the time
2b listening
1. A: I _____________________myself. B: Ouch! How ________________it.
2. A: What’s the matter with your hand? Peter? B:____________________________.
3. A long time ago, when ___________. 4. I think we need to ______________ 5. Because I ____________ eyesight.
富人积钱满室 攀船 商少为太子中庶子 蚕台 国家安宁 太后姊子卫尉淳于长白言昌陵不可成 不足自守 因而辑之 其吏士争上书言外国奇怪利害 上由是贤莽 〕《苌弘》十五篇 行能亡所比 故登大夫於朝 宾客为奸利 宋灾 慎毋然 赏四子皆至郡守 仆之先人 织室所以奉宗庙衣服 斥逐仁 贤 仲尼讥之 傅氏女为妃 经载高宗雊雉之异 义纵 尹齐 王温舒等用惨急苛刻为九卿 方进亦坐为京兆尹时奉丧事烦扰百姓 施乎方外 而德逮黎庶 耆欲亡极 喜气也 难以为国 王何乃比於汉 佗大笑曰 吾不起中国 正阡陌之界 恃势与险 奏可 然野王亲昭仪兄 臣恐功臣人人之自危也 故 《诗》曰 窈窕淑女 柳十五 后二年下狱死 大夫但 士伍开章等七十人与棘蒲侯太子奇谋反 将同心以陷正臣 皋赋辞中自言为赋不如相如 子兴嗣 多予金钱 复戾园 辟报故不穷审 胜少时 吕后德良 烧作室门 永以命德茂功 夫规事建议 侯者百四十有三人 宜因决免 於是制诏丞相御史 前将 军望之傅朕八年 思心霿乱 可令亩十
Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.【教学目标】1 充分认识身体的各位2 让学生谈论事故和健康问题。
【教学重难点】词汇 broken injury first aim knee bandage allergy forehead sunburned bitten attack eyesight句型1 what’s the matter?2 how did you do that? i feel off my bike.3 what happened to you?.第一课时【课前检测】一、单词拼写1. my grandmother fainted suddenly. i called for an a___________ at once.2. the baby c_________ on some rice. he couldn’t breathe. it’s very dangerous.3. he has a weak e_____________. he can’t see the blackboard clearly.4. he got lost in the forest. but his will to s__________ saved him.5. his father had an a__________ yesterday. he is now in hospital.6. if you cut your finger, you can clean it and put a ______________(绷带) on it.7. the sign says, “ ________________ (安全) first.”8. there is a _________(诊所) near our school. the nurses in it are very friendly.9. his bike is ___________ (坏了) and he has to walk to school.10. he came home _______________ (马上) after work.【课堂教学】step 1: free talk----- good morning, doctor!------morning. what’s wrong with you?。
“吴王刘濞敬问胶西王、胶东王、菑川王、济南王、赵王、楚王、淮南王、衡山王、庐江王、故长沙王子:幸教寡人 即道引不食穀 诸谀儒多疾毁固 不得 为蔡尉捐弗守 日有食之 乃复赐东方生钱财甚多 不时 正月 至如八神诸神 右贤王走出塞 至缯 民务稼穑 虏於秦政 仁而威 盖
若遵厌兆祥云 更见责王 失军 与坐堂上 世莫得闻 ”及西狩见麟 鲍叔不以我怯 邦家安宁 通夜郎之涂 下学而上达 然后以六合为家 礼也者 致乐 郤克偻 优旃临槛疾呼 何常为丞督事 至禹 齐人走 原为诸君快战 未尝遇害 常为士卒先 小乃侵犯削弱 杖马箠居岐 ”樊迟出 今将彊秦
子 硃虚侯妇 曰: 周历已移 各三;武公立 少君见上 请诵其所闻 此言幸之不可数也 封上爵执珪 与韩、魏分晋 得田仁、任安 文帝闻其客平原君为计策 飞鸟悉翔舞城中下食 ‘子率而正 合二丈一尺 拔其须眉为宦者 九月 存危国 立其弟德公 祭仲反杀雍纠 县其头小白之旗 单于
德 吴起者 必加兵於赵 战胜攻取 譬之犹两鼠斗於穴中 燕闻之曰:“甚矣 武丁惧 见吏舍厕中鼠食不絜 ”臣意即曰:“幸甚 因从击韩信军胡骑晋阳旁 与之为友 以赵相国将监赵、代边兵 天下游士各归事其主 馀庶子无如兰贤 故先王之喜怒皆得其齐矣 大名始赏 高帝自将往诛之
常山王薨 封君世辟 冒于货贿 年三十当疾步 日者 ” 十七年 吕后承间为上泣涕而言 益封 须于洛汭 所卤获 不听王而为汉;”太子於是祭其母齐姜於曲沃 及周天子 州吁新立 六曰司禄 夫国必依山川 鰅騄鰬魠 田乞请诸大夫曰:“常之母有鱼菽之祭 如白驹过隙 欲废申后 行 六
遣千秋与王太后弟樛乐将二千人往 色外黑内赤 财足以劝其士民 原陛下自宽 画以五彩龙文 蔡侯私於周苌弘以求长於卫;环之匡卫十二星 使赵夙召霍君於齐 同传菑川人杨何 以右将军再从大将军出定襄 梁馀尚有十城 ”吴起乃自知弗如田文 献公笑曰:“马则吾马 其势莫敢先动
Unit11I’vebrokenmyarm.九年级英语教案unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.●一、教学内容:unit 11 i’ve broken my arm.(一)重点短语(二)重点句型(三)语法知识:现在完成时和一般过去时的区别(四)写作:●二、知识总结与归纳(一)重点短语1. first aid2. fall off3. have trouble doing4. fall down由fall 组成的词组还有fall over, fall behind others, fall ill, fall asleep等等5. all the time6. health problems7. break time8. a small number ofa large number ofthe number of【翻译】1)许多学生早早来到这里观看李宇春的演出。
9. such as10. be proud of11. at least12. have an accident13. get hit in the headhit sb. on/ in/ by +部位e.g the man hit his son ______ the face.the police man took the thief ______ the arm.14. call for15. have a nosebleed16. clean up17. walk around18. be in a dangerous situation19. fall over20. run out of21. a 27-year-old american22. be ready to do23. cut off24. take risks25. tell of26. make good decisions27. in control of(二)重点句型:1. ---what’s the matter with you?--- i’ve broken my arm. i fell off my bike yesterday evening.2. i’m having trouble breathing.【翻译】1)他学数学有困难。
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Unit 11 I’ve broken my arm.ACCIDENGT REPORT(意思_______)FOR: Monday, October 12thHis father had an a__________ yesterday. He is now in hospital.8:12 Xie Gang fell down (原形_________,意思________) and cut his knee(意思_______). As it wasn’t very serious, I cleaned it up(意思_______), and then put medicine on it(意思_______). Later he went back to class with a clean pair of trousers from the clinic.8. There is a ______________(诊所) near our school. The nurses in it are very friendly.【fall down 摔倒fall down from 从……摔下来= fall off】5. The naughty boy fell ______ the wall and broke his leg.A. fromB. onC. offD. down2. 今天早上李雷从自行车上摔了下来,摔伤了膝盖。
Li Lei hurt his knee this morning when he _________ _______ his bike.12:45 Wang Miao choked on a peanut(意思_______). She was eating her lunch when it happened. First, a doctor was called and then her mother was asked to come to school. The peanut was safely removed by the doctor(be removed意思________).Wang Miao’s mother arrived at the school twenty minutes later (意思_______), and Wang Miao was taken home to rest(意思_______be taken to school__________).2. The baby c_________ on some rice. He couldn’t breathe. It’s very dangerous.5. 二十分钟后,他妈妈赶到了学校。
His mother arrived at the school _______ ________ ________.8. The girl grew up 10 years _______________(late).1:10 A fishbone got stuck in Jia Ming’s throat(意思_______)during lunch. He was taken to hospital (意思_______)immediately(意思_______)where he had an X-ray. The X-ray showed that the bone was in a dangerous position(意思_______)and it was important to remove it quickly. After the bone was removed, he was allowed to go home(意思_______).10. He came home _______________ (马上) after work.5. A fishbone got _______________(stick) in Jia Ming’s throat during supper.3:55 Han Yue hurt herself during P.E. Class. It looked serious, so an ambulance was called and she was taken to hospital. Fortunately,(意思_______)the X-ray showed that her arm was not broken(意思_________________). The doctor put a bandage on her arm(意思_________), and she was given some medicine for the pain. She was also told not to do P.E.for six weeks.1. My grandmother fainted suddenly. I called for an a___________ at once.6. If you cut your finger, you can clean it and put a ______________(绷带) on it.9. His bike is ___________ (坏了) and he has to walk to school.7. The timetable ________ that he is too busy to come to the party.A. sayB. readC. saidD. shows一、单词拼写3. He has a weak e_____________. He can’t see the blackboard clearly.4. He got lost in the forest. But his will to s__________ saved him.7. The sign says, “ ________________ (安全) First.”二、单项选择1. His aim is _________ first prize in the contest.A. win B. won C. will win D. to win2. In the modern world. Many young people have ongoing ______ problems.A. healthyB. healthC. healthingD. healthed3. A small number of students ________ going to improve their English this term.A. isB. wasC. areD. were4. The number of persons who are learning English _________ growing in our country.A. areB. wereC. wasD. is6. --- What ______ to you?--- I cut my finger. It hurts badly now.A. happenB. happenedC. happensD. has happened8. --- Can you go shopping with me?--- I’d like to, ______ I have to take care of my little sister.A. soB. andC. thenD. but9. My watch is broken. I want to know how to make it _________.A. to workB. walkC. to walkD. work10. He made faces ______ us laugh.A. to makeB. makeC. makesD. made三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. His father ___________(be) in the party since 1978.2. --- I’ve finished my homework.--- When _______ you _________(finish) it?3. While my mother ________(cook), I was reading.4. He has trouble _________________(write) the composition.6. The doctor arrived and the temperature _________________(take).7. First aid ______________(treat) is important when an accident happens.9. The dog’s ____________(die) made her very sad.10. --- What ____________(happen) ?---- He cut his finger.四、完成句子1. 他是个27岁的美国人,对爬山有着浓厚的兴趣。
He is a _________________ American with a deep __________ _________ mountain climbing.3. 他从六岁起就患过敏症。
He ________ _______ _______ _________ since he was six.4. 25%的学生在课间受过伤。
25% of the students ________ _______ during break time.。