部编版语文五年级下册 期中检测调研卷(含答案)
(8分)pínɡ zhànɡ qīn fàn nán kān zhuā ěr náo sāidùjìshǎnɡ shí qí dǎo xīn jīnɡ dǎn zhàn二、选择题。
(6分)1.下列各组词语中,字音、字形完全正确的一项是( )。
A.窈.窕(yǎo) 倭.(wō)瓜赏识瞑目B.涟漪.(yī) 附庸.(yōng) 相貌难勘C.困窘.(jiǒng) 擒.(qíng)拿碗碟怔住D.薄.弱(bó) 虬.(yá)枝胁骨哗笑2.下列成语书写完全正确的一项是()A.养尊处忧手忙脚乱心惊胆战爱憎分明B.悦悦欲试自相矛盾踉踉跄跄面不改色C.半信半疑一声不吭情不自禁神机妙算D.粉身碎骨肃然起敬马革裹尸手急眼快3.下面句中标点符号使用有误的一项是( )A.或曰:“以子之矛陷子之盾,何如?”B.周瑜疑惑起来,说:“到了第三天,看他怎么办!”C.我家有一个大花园,这花园里蜜蜂、蝴蝶、蜻蜓、蚂蚱、样样都有。
4.下列句子中,没有语病的一项是( )A.他对自己能否考上理想的学校充满信心。
5.下列表述错误的一项是( )A.“但在五指中,(大拇指)却是最肯吃苦的。
部编版语文五年级下册 期末质量监测卷 附答案 (5)
部编版语文五年级下册期末测试卷(二)时间:90分钟满分:100分第一部分积累与运用(32分)1.[易错]下列加点字的读音全部正确的一项是( )。
(2分) A.监督.(dū) 哗.笑(huā) 顽劣.(liè) 憎.恶(zēnɡ)B.喉.咙(hóu) 徘徊.(huái) 伤疤.(bā) 清澈.(cè)C.踌躇.(zhù) 放肆.(sì) 附庸.(yōng) 镌.刻(juān)D.窈.窕(yǎo) 涟漪.(yī) 困窘.(jiǒng) 薄.弱(bó) 2.[易错]下列词语中有错别字的一组是( )。
(2分)A.钮扣遮掩崭新B.摔跤粉刷衔接C.呐喊瞄准侵犯D.发怔芝麻损失3.“人而无信,不知其可也”中“信”的意思是( )。
(2分) A.相信 B.信用C.消息D.信件4.将下面句子合并为一句话,恰当的关联词是( )。
(2分) 猴子显然知道大家拿它取乐。
A.不但……还……B.因为……所以……C.即使……也……D.一边……一边……5.填入下面句子横线处的词语,正确的一组是( )。
(2分)(1) 外祖父________回到自己的祖国。
(2) 我们不能辜负师长对我们的________。
(3) 蜻蜓飞得那么快,别________追上它。
A.指望渴望期望B.期望渴望指望C.渴望指望期望D.渴望期望指望6.对下面广告词中的错别字修改有误的一项是( )。
(2分) A.某热水器广告词:随心所浴——“浴”改为“裕”B.某摩托车广告词:骑乐无穷——“骑”改为“其”C.某洗衣机广告词:闲妻良母——“闲”改为“贤”D.某止咳药广告词:咳不容缓——“咳”改为“刻”7.下面歇后语中不带四大名著里人物名字的一项是( )。
(2分)A.梁山泊的军师——无(吴)用B.孔夫子搬家——尽是输(书)C.董卓进京——来者不善D.猪八戒照镜子——里外不是人8.下列句子没有语病的一项是( )(2分)A.爷爷在汽车边站定,慈祥地望着前来送行的乡亲们。
汉字,所以不要去转换个以上的汉字。 怎么样做自己的补丁也不难吧,情人节要到了,把右软 键刷上你的名字,然后左软键写上情人的名字(左软键用 电话快捷键)。再刷个修改软键试样
补丁,当中是颗心的那种,你想表达的意思不用说已经 都很露骨和肉麻啦 后记:第一次在宝典里发文章,邮差大哥多给面子。在 这里要感谢YOUNET论坛的:fsclub;a
c;找东西;神游故国对我的指导和帮助。同时还要感谢东 北网的coollang;RainMoon和boyleven,文中一些资料都 出自他们之手。最后祝小的机油天天快乐
wjgftrvy 回收手机触摸屏
窗口,看一下它给出的路径,回到WINDOWS,把UNISIE 这个程序拷贝到这个路径下,再到DOS下,输入UNISIE+ 空格+你要转换的字,回车,is conversde
to后面就是转换好的能认识的string了。如果你的电脑在 DOS下不方便输入中文(和我一样)还可以用另一个方法: 新建一个TXT文本,里面内容写上“unisie空格你要
的 Unisie 字串生成工具,转换你想要加在右软键上的字。 先下载Unisie 这个软件(下载链结 sjpdbbsdispbbsasp?BoardID=&reply
ID=&id=&star=&skin=),注意是Unisie 并不是可运行的程序。 方法一:在电脑开始菜单的运行中填入“COMMAND”然 后按确定,这时会出现MS-DOS
个可以自定义的字串,适用于所有使用了字串ID的地方,。 字串ID 为 AA 到 A ,共个。也就是说你刷了这个补丁后可 以自己DIY字串了。 第二步,用 Coollang
(1)、系统类1、加钱密技:add_money 40000 (最多加四万)2、自动获胜密技:如果你是攻方请用 auto_win attacker (其中 attacker表示进攻)如果你是守方请用 auto_win defender (其中 defender表示防守)3、加人口密技:add_population C-0701-b-XvChang 4000(此句表示给许昌城加四千人口,人口一次最多加四千,其中蓝色代码可参考附件的城市代码)4、迅速完成城市建筑:process_cq C-0701-b-XvChang(此句表示马上完成许昌城中的建筑,其中蓝色代码可参考附件的城市代码)5、在战略地图中显示当前鼠标所在位置的坐标:show_cursorstat(此句是为了配合下面这条命令而使用的)6、在战略地图中移动人物到特定坐标:move_character lvlingqi 48,46(此句的意思是,把吕玲琦移到坐标为48,46的地方,其中蓝色代码可参考附件的人物代码) 7、在城市里招兵:create_unit C-0701-b-XvChang “Huben” 3 9 3 3(此句的意思是,给许昌城招3队9经验3级武器3级防具的虎贲兵)(其中蓝色代码处可参考附件的城市代码也可以是人物代码)(其中紫色代码的引号不可省,表示兵种,可以参考附件的兵种代码)(最后一处的四组数据分别为数量经验武器等级防具等级)8、战争迷雾开/关:toggle_fow(1)、武将类1、将卫人数提高密技: (选中你的将军,让将军的脚下变成绿色如图,也就是表示你的将军当前被选中,再输入下面密技)give_trait this ZhuGeLiang1100 3give_trait this ZhuGeLiang1200 32、增加将军统率:效果是統帥+1 仁義+3 威望+3 士氣+3。
同样也要选中将军give_trait this QinWang 33、增加将军智略:同样也要像上面一样选中将军give_trait this Jn2000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,这里是加智略从一级到八级)give_trait this Jn2001 1 (最后一位数可以是1-2的任意一个,这里是加智略从九级到十级)4、增加将军体力:同样也要像上面一样选中将军give_trait this Jn1000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,这里是加体力从一级到八级)give_trait this Jn1001 1 (最后一位数可以是1-7的任意一个,这里是加体力从九级到十五级)5、增加将军统帅:同样也要像上面一样选中将军give_trait this Jn3000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,这里是加统帅从一级到八级)give_trait this Jn3001 1 (最后一位数可以是1-2的任意一个,这里是加统帅从九级到十级)6、增加将军攻击:同样也要像上面一样选中将军give_trait this Jn4000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,这里是加攻击从一级到八级)give_trait this Jn4001 1 (最后一位数可以是1-2的任意一个,这里是加攻击从九级到十级)7、增加将军防卫:同样也要像上面一样选中将军give_trait this Jn5000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,这里是加防卫从一级到八级)give_trait this Jn5001 1 (最后一位数可以是1-2的任意一个,这里是加防卫从九级到十级)注:give_trait是给予人物技能密籍,后面所带的技能可以使用附件中的技能列表8、给指定人物随从宝物:give_ancillary this 4ma-001(密技的意思是,给当前人物一匹赤兔马)(其中蓝色代码入可以参考附件中的宝物列表,抢手的宝物最好在第一回合就给予人物) 注:所有的“this"这个词,也可以使用附件中的人物代码最后两个秘籍要活学活用,不能死,因为,商贾,外交官,水军都可以使用这两个密技(1)、商人外交类1、商人give_trait this JnmerchantA1000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,商业技能一级到八级)商业技能加到最高级,看看哪个蛋疼的敢兼并你give_ancillary this suanpan (给商人买个算盘哈)2、外交官give_trait this JnDiplomatA1000 1 (最后一位数可以是1-9的任意一个,外交技能一级到八级)give_trait this JnDiplomatB3100 3 (让外交官有三级反论技巧)give_trait this JnDiplomatB2100 3 (让外交官有三级论破技巧 )give_trait this JnDiplomatB1100 3 (让外交官有三级诱引技巧 )其实这些技能好像没啥用,图个心里痛快。
新增题库公布D 编码违例法C 位填充下面不是组帧方法的是( )B 块填充A 字节填充C 流控制D 路由B 错误控制以下不属于网络体系结构中每层都必须考虑的问题是()A 编址问题A计算机网络是管理分布式处理系统资源和控制分布式程序以下对计算机网络描述正确的是( )C.逻辑结构面向用户的组织机构属于( )。
A. 虚拟结构 B.实际结构A. 一般应用软件; B.核心系统软件; C.用户应用在计算机系统中,操作系统是_____ 。
A.前者为动态的,后者为静态的; B.前者存 进程和程序的一个本质区别是_______。
A.高级调度; B.中级调度; C.作业调在一般操作系统中必不可少的调度是_____。
A.先入先出法; B.银行家算法; C.优先级算法避免死锁的一个著名的算法是_____。
A.执行时不可中断 原语是一种特殊的系统调用命令,它的特点是( )。
A.特殊 B .普通 C.目录文件在UNIX中,通常把设备作为( )文件来处理。
C、回收A、解决碎片问题B、便于多作业共享内存可重定位内存的分区分配目的为____ 。
磁带适用于存放( )文件。
A.随机 B.索引 C.串联 D.顺序A.随机存取存储器B.只读存储器C.主存储以下哪种存储器不属于存储器按存取方式分类( )A.卡诺图化简法B.代数化简法C.表格化简法D.韦以下哪种不属于逻辑函数的化简方法( )ODD(a)是用来判别a( ) A.是质数 B.是整数 C.是奇数 D.是偶数A.数据线B.地址线C.电源线D.信号线总线的组成不包括()C 交换机D 路由器下面设备中是物理层使用的设备是( )B 桥A 中继器C 半双工协议D 停—等协议B 单工协议A 全双工协议滑动窗口协议是( )CDA 差分曼彻斯特编码以太网使用的数据编码技术是( )B 曼彻斯特编码A) 地址传递 B) 单在调用函数时,如果实参是简单变量,它与对应形参之间的数据传递方式是s[0]=k; k=i nt k=3, s[2];执行下面的程序段后,变量k中的值为A) 不定值 B) 33 C) 30 D) 10C) C语言中可处理的文件类型是( )A) 文本文件和数据文件 B)文本文件和二进制文件A) input x,y,z x、y、z被定义为int型变量,若从键盘给x、y、z输入数据,正确的输入语句是若有以下函数调用语句: fun(a+b,(x,y),fun(n+k,d,(a,b)));在此函数调用语句中实参的个数A) 552 B) 264 C) 144 D) -264设 int a=12,则执行完语句 a+=a-=a*a后,a的值是d ouble x=1,42,y=5.2;则以下u nsigned long w=5;设有如下的变量定义:i nt i =8,k ,a,b ;C) char s[10]="test"; D) in以下定义语句中,错误的是A) int a[]={1,2}; B) char *a[3];A) signed short int B) unsigned lo 以下选项中不属于C语言的类型的是_______.p rintf("%d%d%d%d\{ int a[4][4]={{1,3,5},{2,4,6},{3,5,7}};m ain()以下程序的输出结果是A) 1 B) 3d o { printf("%3d",x-=2);} while(!(--x));以下程序段的输出结果是i nt x=3;i f (m++>5 pr{ int m=5;以下程序输出结果是A、7B、6C、5D、4m ain ( ){ int i;f or(i=1;i<6以下程序的输出结果是A) #*#*# B) ##### C) ***** D) *#*#*m ain( )请读程序: #include<stdio.h> void fun(float *pl, float *p2, float{ …… }A)则以下叙述中正确的是t为int类型,进人下面的循环之前,t的值为0w hile( t=l )(C) 1 (D) 2(A) 0 (B) -1若a=5,b=3,c=4,逻辑表达式!(a+b)&&!c的值为____则以下正确的叙述是A) 以下两处的*p含*p=r;d ouble r=99, *p=&r;若有以下定义和语句:m ain(){ int a=1下列程序执行后的输出结果是#define MA(x) x*(x-1)A) 6 B) 8 C) 10 D) 12{ struct cmplx { int x; int y; } cnum[2]={m ain()A) 0 B) 1 C) 3 D) 6下面程序的输出是则表达式z=2*(N+Y(5));的值为_______A、34#define Y(n)((N+1)*n)#define N 2有以下宏定义A) 是无限循环 B) 循环次数不定f or (x=0,y=0;(y!=123)&&(x<4);x++)在for循环结构中____填上请 按指定的顺序在题后的相应序号后下面函数swap_p的功能是完成交换两个指针的操作。
dū zhàn jiān gù bǎng wén xiōng táng(1)胜:A. B.优美的景物或境界 C.能够承担或承受①石猴喜不自胜,急抽身往外便走。
() 客官告示官府旅馆钱铺顾客郎中服务员印信钱庄伙计医生5.把下列词语补充完整,并完成练习。
(8分)①神机__算②请__自误③喜不自__ ④抓耳挠__ ⑤拱伏无__ ⑥序__排班(1)将词语补充完整。
(12分)1.下列对句子运用的修辞手法判断错误的一项是( )。
(15分) 1.下列说法有误的一项是( )。
Approximating Dynamic Global Illumination in Image SpaceTobias RitschelThorsten Grosch Hans-Peter SeidelMPIInformatikFigure 1:We generalize screen-space ambient occlusion (SSAO)to directional occlusion (SSDO)and one additional diffuse indirect bounce of light.This scene contains 537k polygons and runs at 20.4fps at 1600×1200pixels.Both geometry and lighting can be fully dynamic.AbstractPhysically plausible illumination at real-time framerates is often achieved using approximations.One popular example is ambient occlusion (AO),for which very simple and efficient implementations are used extensively in production.Recent methods approximate AO between nearby geometry in screen space (SSAO).The key observation described in this paper is,that screen-space occlusion methods can be used to compute many more types of effects than just occlusion,such as directional shadows and indirect color bleeding.The proposed generalization has only a small overhead compared to classic SSAO,approximates direct and one-bounce light transport in screen space,can be combined with other methods that simulate transport for macro structures and is visually equivalent to SSAO in the worst case without introducing new artifacts.Since our method works in screen space,it does not depend on the geometric complex-ity.Plausible directional occlusion and indirect lighting effects can be displayed for large and fully dynamic scenes at real-time frame rates.CR Categories:I.3.7[COMPUTER GRAPHICS]:Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism;I.3.3[COMPUTER GRAPH-ICS]:Color,Shading,Shadowing and TextureKeywords:radiosity,global illumination,constant time1IntroductionReal-time global illumination is still an unsolved problem for large and dynamic scenes.Currently,sufficient frame rates are only achieved through approximations.One such approximation is ambi-ent occlusion (AO),which is often used in feature films and computergames,because of its high speed and simple implementation.How-ever,AO decouples visibility and illumination,allowing only fora coarse approximation of the actual illumination.AO typically displays darkening of cavities,but all directional information of the incoming light is ignored.We extend recent developments in screen-space AO towards a more realistic illumination we call screen-space directional occlusion (SSDO).The present work explains,how SSDO•accounts for the direction of the incoming light,•includes one bounce of indirect illumination,•complements standard,object-based global illumination and •requires only minor additional computation time.This paper is structured as follows:First,we review existing work in Section 2.In Section 3we describe our generalizations of ambient occlusion for the illumination of meso-structures.Section 4explains extensions to improve the visual quality.In Section 5the integration of our method into a complete global illumination simulation is de-scribed.We present our results in Section 6,we discuss in Section 7before concluding in Section 8.2Previous WorkApproximating physically plausible illumination at real-time frame-rates has recently received much attention.Ambient occlusion (AO)[Cook and Torrance 1981][Zhukov et al .1998]is used in production extensively [Landis 2002]because of its speed,simplicity and ease of implementation.While physically correct illumination computes the integral over a product of visibility and illumination for every direction,AO computes a product of two individual integrals:one for visibility and one for illumination.For static scenes,AO allows to pre-compute visibility and store it as a scalar field over the sur-face (using vertices or textures).Combining static AO and dynamic lighting using a simple multiplication gives perceptually plausible[Langer and B ¨ulthoff 2000]results at high framerates.To account for dynamic scenes,Kontkanen et al.[2005]introduced AO Fields,which allow rigid translation and rotation of objects and specialized solutions for animated characters exist [Kontkanen and Aila 2006].Deforming surfaces and bounces of indirect light are addressed by Bunnell [2005]using a set of disks to approximate the geometry.A more robust version was presented by Hoberock and Jia [2007],which was further extended to point-based ambient occlusion and interreflections by Christensen [2008].Mendez et al.[2006]com-pute simple color bleeding effects using the average albedo of the surrounding geometry.These methods either use a discretization of the surface or rely on ray-tracing,which both do not scale well to the amount of dynamic geometry used in current interactive applications like games.fore,instead of computing occlusion over surfaces,recent approximate AO in screen space (SSAO)[Shanmugam and 2007;Mittring 2007;Bavoil et al .2008;Filion and 2008].The popularity of SSAO is due to its simple tation and high performance:It is output-sensitive,applied post-process,requires no additional data (e.g.surface spatial acceleration structures for visibility like BVH,shadow maps)and works with many types of geometry (e.g.placement /normal maps,vertex /geometry shaders,raycasting).Image-space methods can also be used to simulate subsurface scattering [Mertens et al .2005].At the time,SSAO is an approximation with many limitations,that apply to this work,as we will detail in the following sections.AO is a coarse approximation to general light transport as PRT [Lehtinen and Kautz 2003],which also supports occlusion (DO)and interreflections.Pre-computation store high amounts of data in a compressed form,often spatial or directional resolution.Our approach allows to both very small surface details and all angular resolutions:AO,all-frequency image-based lighting and sharp shadows point lights.While PRT works well with distant lighting and geometry of low to moderate complexity,its adaptation to plications can remain involved,while SSAO is of simplicity.In summary,our work takes advantage of information that is already computed during the SSAO process [Shanmugam and Arikan 2007]to approximate two significant effects which contribute to the realism of the results:Directional occlusion and indirect bounces ,both in real-time,which was previously impossible for dynamic,high-resolution geometry.3Near-field Light Transport in Image SpaceTo compute light transport in image space,our method uses a frame-buffer with positions and normals [Segovia et al .2006]as input,and outputs a framebuffer with illuminated pixels using two rendering passes:One for direct light and another one for indirect bounces .Direct Lighting using DO Standard SSAO illuminates a pixel by first computing an average visibility value from a set of neighboring pixels.This occlusion value is then multiplied with the unoccluded illumination from all incoming directions.We propose to remove this decoupling of occlusion and illumination in the following way:For every pixel at 3D position P with normal n ,the direct radi-ance L dir is computed from N sampling directions ωi ,uniformly distributed over the hemisphere,each covering a solid angle of ∆ω=2π/N :L dir (P )=N i =1ρπL in (ωi )V (ωi )cos θi ∆ω.Each sample computes the product of incoming radiance L in ,vis-ibility V and the diffuse BRDF ρ/π.We assume that L in can beefficiently computed from point lights or an environment map.To avoid the use of ray-tracing to compute the visibility V ,we approxi-mate occluders in screen space instead.For every sample,we take a step of random length λi ∈[0...r max ]from P in direction ωi ,where r max is a user-defined radius.This results in a set of sam-pling points P +λi ωi ,located in a hemisphere,centered at P ,and oriented around n .Since we generated the sampling points as 3D positions in the local frame around P ,some of them will be above and some of them will be below the surface.In our approximate visibility test,all the sampling points below the surface of the nearby illuminated from direction C.Right:For indirect light,a small patch is placed on the surface for each occluder and the direct light stored in the framebuffer is used as sender radiance.with N =4sampling points A,B,C and D:The points A,B and Dare below the surface,therefore they are classified as occluders for P ,while sample C is above the surface and classified as visible .To test if a sampling point is below the surface,the sampling points are back-projected to the image.Now,the 3D position can be read from the position buffer and the point can be projected onto the surface (red arrows).A sampling point is classified as below the surface if its distance to the viewer decreases by this projection to the surface.In the example in Fig.2,the samples A,B and D are below the sur-face because they move towards the viewer,while sample C moves away from the viewer.In contrast to SSAO,we do not compute the illumination from all samples,but only from the visible directions (Sample C).Including this directional information can improve the result significantly,especially in case of incoming illumination with different colors from different directions.As shown in Fig.3,we can correctly display the resulting colored shadows,whereas SSAO simply displays a grey shadow at each location.Indirect BouncesTo include one indirect bounce of light,thedirect light stored in the framebuffer from the previous pass can be used:For each sampling point which is treated as an occluder (A,B,D),the corresponding pixel color L pixel is used as the sender radi-ance of a small patch,oriented at the surface (see Fig.2right).We consider the sender normal here to avoid color bleeding from back-facing sender patches.The additional radiance from the surroundingFigure3:The top row shows the difference between no AO,standard SSAO,our method with directional occlusion(SSDO)and one additional bounce.In this scene an environment map and an additional point light with a shadow map are used for illumination.The insets in the bottom row show the differences in detail.With SSDO,red and blue shadows are visible,whereas AO shadows are completely grey(bottom left).The images on the bottom right show the indirect bounce.Note the yellow light,bouncing from the box to the ground.The effect of dynamic lighting is seen best in the supplemental video.geometry can be approximated asL ind(P)=Ni=1ρπL pixel(1−V(ωi))A s cosθsicosθrid2iwhere d i is the distance between P and occluder i(d i is clamped to1to avoid singularity problems),θsi andθriare the angles betweenthe sender/receiver normal and the transmittance direction.A s isthe area associated to a sender patch.As an inital value for thepatch area we assume aflat surface inside the hemisphere.So thebase circle is subdivided into N regions,each covering an area ofA s=πr2max/N.Depending on the slope distribution inside the hemisphere,the actual value can be higher,so we use this parameterto control the strength of the color bleeding manually.In the examplein Fig.2,no indirect lighting contribution is calculated for patch A,because it is back-facing.Patch C is in the negative half-space ofP,so it does not contribute,too.Patches B and D are senders forindirect light towards P.Fig.3shows bounces of indirect light. Implementation Details Note,that classic SSAO[Shanmugam and Arikan2007]has similar steps and computational costs.Ourmethod requires more computation to evaluate the shading model,but a similar visibility test.In our examples,we use additionalsamples for known important light sources(e.g.the sun),applyingshadow maps that capture shadows from distant geometry insteadof screen-space visibility.We use an M×N-texture to store Msets of N pre-computed low-discrepancy samplesλiωi.At runtime,every pixel uses one out of the M sets.In afinal pass we apply ageometry-sensitive blur[Segovia et al.2006]to remove the noisewhich is introduced by this reduction of samples per pixel.4Multiple Pixel ValuesSince we are working in screen space,not every blocker or sourceof indirect light is visible.Fig.4shows an example where the colorbleeding is smoothly fading out when the source of indirect illumi-nation becomes occluded.There are no visually disturbing artifacts,as shown in the accompanying video,but the results are biased.For a less biased solution,we present two approaches overcoming such limitations:Depth peeling and additional cameras.Figure4:Four frames from an animation.In thefirst frame light is bounced from the yellow surface to thefloor(see arrow).While the yellow surface becomes smaller in screen space the effect fades out smoothly.Single-depth Limitations The blocker test described in the pre-vious section is an approximation,since only thefirst depth value is known and information about occluded geometry is lost in a sin-gle framebuffer.Sampling points can therefore be misclassified,as shown in Fig.5(left).In certain situations,we can miss a gap of incoming light or classify a blocked direction as visible.While a missed blocker(sample B)can be corrected by simply increasing the number of samples for this direction,the gap at sample A(and the indirect light coming from the vicinity of A)can not be detected from the single viewpoint,because we have no information about the scene behind thefirst depth value z1.Depth Peeling When using depth peeling[Everitt2001],thefirst n depth values are stored after n render passes for each pixel in the framebuffer.This allows us to improve the blocker test,since we have more information about the structure of our scene.Instead of just testing if a sampling point is behind thefirst depth value z1, we additionally test if the sampling point is in front of the second depth value z2.When using two-manifold geometry,thefirst and second depth value correspond to a front-and a backface of a solid object,so a sampling point between the two faces must be inside this object(see Fig.5right).To reconstruct all shadows for scenes with higher depth complexity,all pairs of consecutive depthis closer to the viewer.Sample B is above the surface,but the corresponding direction is blocked,so P is incorrectly illuminated from this direction.Solutions (right):Using depth peeling with two layers,sample A is classified as visible,because it is not between the first and second depth value.When using more samples for the direction of B,the occluder can be found.values (third and forth depth value and soon)must be evaluated in the same way [Lischinski and Rappoport 1998].Fig.6shows screen-space shadows of a point light.For a single point light,the N samples are uniformly distributed on a line segment of length r max ,directed towards the light source.Since there is no information about the actual width of the blocker from a single depth buffer,the shape of the shadow depends on r max .A correct shadow can only be displayed with depth peeling (avg.overhead +30%).In addition to the visibility,color bleeding effects from backfacing or occluded geometry can be displayed with multiple layers,since we can compute the direct lighting for each depth layer.Figure 6:Screen-space shadows for different values of r max .Additional CamerasDepth peeling removes many problems re-lated to SSDO.Alternatively,different camera positions can be used instead of different depth layers to view hidden regions.Beside gaining information about offscreen blockers,a different camera po-sition can be especially useful for polygons which are viewed under a grazing angle .These polygons cannot faithfully be reproduced,so color bleeding from such polygons vanishes.When using an additional camera,these sources of indirect light can become visi-ble.The best-possible viewpoint for an additional camera would be completely different from the viewer camera,e.g.rotated about 90degrees around the object center to view the grazing-angle polygons from the front.However,this introduces the problem of occlusion:In a typical scene many of the polygons visible in the viewer camera will be occluded byother objects in the additional camera view.Ofthis can be solved by using depth peeling for the additional as well.A faster solution would be a large value for the near plane,adjusted to the sample radius r max ,but this is hard control for the whole image.As a compromise,we used four cameras with a standard depth buffer,all directed to the center-of-interest as the viewer camera.The relative position an additional camera to the viewer camera is set manually with displacement vector.To adapt to the scene size,each vector is scaled with the radius of the bounding sphere the scene.Figure 7:Comparing occlusion (top)and bounces (bottom)of a single view (left,49.2fps)with multiple views (middle,31.5fps).Multiple views allow surfaces occluded in the framebuffer to con-tribute shadows or bounces to unoccluded ing multiple views,occluded objects still cast a shadow that is missed by a single view (top right).An occluded pink column behind a white column bounces light that is missed using a single view (lower right).Using an additional camera can display color bleeding from oc-cluded regions,offscreen objects and grazing-angle polygons (Fig.7(bottom)).We use framebuffers with a lower resolution for the ad-ditional cameras.Therefore,memory usage and fillrate remains unaffected.The drawback of this extension is that vertex transfor-mation time grows linearly with the number of cameras.For a scene with simple geometry (e.g.Fig.7),the average overhead using four cameras is +58%while for large scenes (e.g.Fig.12,1M polygons)it is +160%.When using an alternative method like iso-surface raycasting or point rendering,the number of rays resp.points per view can also be kept constant,giving multiple views the same performance as a single view.5Integration in Global IlluminationWe believe that screen-space approaches can improve the results of global illumination simulations in case of complex geometry.To avoid a time-consuming solution with the original geometry,the basic idea is to first compute the global illumination on a coarse rep-resentation of the geometry.Then,the lighting details can quickly be added in screen space at runtime.We demonstrate this idea for the two cases of 1.Environment Map Illumination and 2.Instant Radiosity [Keller 1997],where indirect light is computed from a re-flective shadow map [Dachsbacher and Stamminger 2005],resulting in a set of virtual point lights (VPLs).In contrast to our previous application (Sec.3),we now compute all occlusions instead of only the small-scale shadows.Therefore,the indirect illumination is com-puted from each VPL and the indirect visibility is computedshadow map for each VPL.When using shadow mapping,a fied,sampled representation of the scene (the depth map)is for visibility queries.Additionally,a depth bias must be added the depth values in the shadow map to avoid wrong While this removes the self-occlusion artifacts,shadows of surface details and contact shadows are lost,especially when light source illuminates from a grazing angle.These contact ows are perceptually important,without them,objects seem to over the ground.Instead of applying high-resolution shadow in combination withsophisticated methods to eliminate the problems,we can use our screen-space approach to reconstruct shadows of the small details and the contact shadows.Shadow Mapping and Depth BiasShadow Mapping 1978]generates a depth texture from the point of view of the source and compares the depth values stored in the texture the real distance to the light source to decide whether a point in shadow or not.Since each texel stores the depth value of pixel center,we can think of a texel as a small patch,located on surface of the geometry (see Fig.8).The orientation of the is parallel to the light source,so the upper half of each patch above the surface.Since this part is closer to the light than the surface,self-occlusion artifacts appear (Fig.9left).To remove artifact,the patches must be moved completely below the The standard solution for this is to add a depth bias b =p 2·tan (α),where p is the size of one patch in world coordinates and αis the angle between the light direction and the surface normal (see Fig.8).The patch size p can be computed from the distance to the light,the texture resolution and the opening angle of the spot.Screen Space Shadow CorrectionFig.8shows that we willnot be able to display shadows of small details,e.g.at a point P ,with a shadow map.Therefore we test each framebuffer pixel,which is not occluded from the shadow map,for missing shadows in screen space .Since we know the amount of bias b we introduced,the basic idea is to place a few samples in this undefined region.More precisely,we place a user-defined number of samples on a line segment between P and P +b ·l ,where l is a unit vector pointing to the light source.For each of the sampling points we perform the same occlusion test as described in Section 3and 4.If one of the sampling points is classified as an occluder for P ,we draw a shadow at the corresponding pixel in the framebuffer.In this way,we adapt our shadow precision to the precision of the visible occluders:As soon as an occluder becomes visible in screen space,we can detect its shadow in screen space.Occluders smaller than the framebuffer resolution will not throw a shadow.Fig.9shows how contact shadows can be filled in screen space.Global IlluminationFig.10shows how SSDO can be used fornatural illumination.Here,an environment map is represented by a set of point lights with a shadow map for each light.Note the lost shadows of small details due to shadow mapping which can be seamlessly recovered in screen space.For each shadow map,8samples were used to detect occluders in screen space.Multiplying a simple ambient occlusion term on top of the image would not recover such illumination details correctly [Stewart and Langer 1997].Fig.11shows the integration of our method into an Instant Radiosity simulation.Again,missing contact shadows can be added in screen space.A related problem with Instant Radiosity is,that clamping must be used to avoid singularity artifacts for receivers close to a VPL.We can add such bounces of light in screen space for nearby geometry,as shown in Fig.12.Although our estimated formfactor has a singularity too,the local density of samples is much higherFigure 9:Shadows from small occluders (1024×768framebuffer,1024×1024depth map),from left to right:Without depth bias,self-shadowing artifacts are visible.Classic depth bias removes the wrong self-occlusion,but shadows at contact points disappear (218fps).Screen-space visibility removes depth bias using a single depth buffer (16samples,103fps)or depth peeling (8samples,73fps).than the density of the VPLs.This idea of correction in screen space can be further extended to any type of illumination which is represented from VPLs,e.g.illumination from area lights and all other approaches to visibility having a limited resolution r max [Lehtinen and Kautz 2003;Ren et al.2006;Ritschel et al.2008].6ResultsIn the following we present our results,rendered with a 3GHz CPU and an NVIDIA GeForce 8800GTX.PerformanceOur method works completely in image space,therefore we can display directional occlusion and indirect bounces for large scenes at real-time framerates.Table 1shows the timing values for the factory scene (Fig.1,537k polygons)using a single camera and a single depth layer.Without depth peeling or addi-tional cameras,including directional occlusion adds only a modest amount of overhead to SSAO:+3.6%for DO and +31.1%for DO with one bounce.While adding DO effects incurs a negligible over-head,an additional diffuse bounce requires a little more computation time.We assume that the shader is bound by bandwidth and not by computation.Figure10:Depth bias in this natural illumination rendering (512×512,54.0fps)is removed using SSDO combined with shadow mapping(25.2fps).We use256VPLs with a512×512depth mapeach.Figure11:Instant Radiosity with screen-space shadow correction. Shadows of small details,like the toes,are lost due to the depth bias. These small shadows can be restored in image space.Time-Quality Tradeoff Including depth peeling and additional cameras results in an overhead of30%−160%for our test scenes (2depth layers or4cameras).The use of these extensions is a time-quality tradeoff.For environment map illumination,we observed good results without them,since illumination comes from many directions and most of the visible errors are hidden.Fig.13shows a comparison of our(unextended)method with a ground truth path tracing image,generated with PBRT[Pharr and Humphreys2004].Animated Scenes Since our method operates completely in im-age space,animated scenes can be displayed without any restric-tions.The accompanying video shows moving colored blocks and animated objects without temporalflickering.7Discussion7.1PerceptionAdding bounces and DO improves the perception of meso-structures, bridging geometry and material in a consistently lit way.One prob-lem with classic AO is,that lighting is completely ignored:ev-erything in an occluder’s vicinity is darkened equally,even if the lighting is not isotropic.In many scenarios,like skylights(Fig.1and 3),lighting is smooth but still has a strong directional component. Using classical AO under varying illumination introduces objec-tionable artifacts since the contact shadows remain static while the underlying shading changes.This results in an impression of dirt, because a change in reflectivity(dust,dirt,patina)is theperceptually Figure12:Instant Radiosity with shadow correction and an addi-tional indirect bounce in screen space.Note the additional contact shadows and the color bleeding effects.The indirect light is slightly scaled here to make the additional effects more visible.Table1:Typical frame rates,using an Nvidia Geforce8800GTX. For SSAO we use a single pre-filtered environment map lookup instead of one environment lookup per sample for DO.Overhead is relative to SSAO alone.The frame rate for pure rendering without any occlusion is124fps at1600×1200.M is set to4×4.Resolution SamplesTime costsSSAO SSDO+1Bouncefps fps+%fps+% 1024×768N=881. 2.640.530.2 1200×960N=837.737.50.525.532.4N=1625.423.67.114.722.2 1600×1200N=824.824.2 2.415.935.9N=1616.815. plausible explanation for such equal darkening under varying illumination.With proper DO,details in the meso-structure cast appropriate miniature shadows(softness,size,direction,color)that relate to the macro-illumination,as illustrated in Fig.3.7.2QualityA screen-space approach approximates the geometry in3D spa-tial proximity of pixel p with a set of nearby pixels P in2D.This requires that the local geometry is sufficiently represented by the nearby pixels.By adjusting the radius r max of the hemisphere,shad-ows from receivers of varying distance can be ing a small radius results in shadows of only tiny,nearby cavities whereas larger shadows of even distant occluders can be displayed with a large hemisphere.Fig.14shows the effect of varying the size of r max.We use a smooth-step function to fade out shadows from blockers close to the border of the hemisphere to avoid cracks in the shadow if a large blocker is only partially inside the hemisphere. The radius is adjusted manually for each scene,finding a good value automatically is difficult.For a closed polygonal model,an inital value for r max can be found by computing the average distance between two local maxima in the geometry.With only a single depth layer,wrong shadows can appear at the edges of objects(an effect similar to depth darkening[Luft et al.2006])if a large value is chosen for r max.This happens because the frontmost object can be misclassified as an occluder,as shown in Fig.6left.While this effect enhances the appearance of still images,a sudden darkening around edges can be distracting for moving images(see the accompanying video).When reducing the radius,the width of the darkening around edges becomes smaller,but some real shadows disappear,too.Depth。
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l c 程∞ 目 … 一 一 … … … i | 帛谭 c }
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英语口语情景剧-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1主题:珍惜时间,学好英语人物:Andy Billy Carl Davis E角色定位:Andy;刻苦学习 Billy Carl D:沉迷游戏,忽视学习 E:旁白开场白Davis: As everyone knows, with the rapid development of society, English has already become an important subject. It is a very useful for many people to learn English well. However, in our university, there are many students addicted to playing all day long, ignore the English learning, learning can not be optimistic about the situation.please see the next act(众所周知,随着社会的快速发展,英语已经成为了一门重要的学科,学好英语对于许多人来说都是非常有用的。
但是,在我们的大学中,却有许多学生终日沉迷于玩耍中,忽视了英语学习,学习状况不容乐观,请看下一幕)场景一:(Billy Carl Davis三人玩三国杀,Andy作整理书包状)Billy: Slash!(杀)Carl: Missed!(闪)Billy :Pass!(过)Carl: It’s so beautiful.Archery Attack(好牌啊,万箭齐发)Billy : Missed!(闪)Davis: Missed!(闪)(Andy向外走,顺势回头)Andy Hi,Guys.What are you doing(嗨,伙计们,你们在干嘛Davis: This is ‘War within three kingdoms’. Would you like to come along(这是三国杀,要不要过来一起玩)Billy :C(齐声) Come here,baby!Andy:Sorry,it’s time to study.I must go away,My English homework hasn't been finished yet.(很抱歉,学习时间到了,我必须走了,我的英语作业还没写完呢)Davis: The English homeworkoh,no…Don’t be joking(英语作业哦,不,别开玩笑了)Andy :Whyboys,Don’t you think the English is very important(为什么,伙计们,你们不认为学习英语很重要麽)Billy : No, not to mention the English, I don't like English at all.(不,不要跟我提英语,我一点也不喜欢英语)Carl: The same to me. I was born in China, lived in China,maybe die in China.I don’t think I need the English(我也一样,我生在中国,活在中国,死在中国,不学英语,照样生活)Andy: I don’t think so.English is widely used throughout the world.We can find a good job in the furture if our English is well.(我不这么认为,英语在世界上被广泛应用,如果我们的英语足够好的话,将来我们可以找到一个好的工作)Billy : But you know, I saw the dull words and grammar to feel have a headache (但是你知道的,我一看到那些枯燥的单词和语法就感到头痛)Andy: So we should…Davis (打断ANDY的话) Please stop! (对BD说) Let us continue to, leave him alone.(请停下,让我们继续,不要管他)(Billy Carl配合Davis作相应表情)Andy:(作无奈状)Ok,OK..have a good time!!场景二:(Andy作学习状,Billy :玩手机Carl Davis聚一旁三国杀)Billy : (玩手机时发现神奇动物在哪里海报)How is impossible!! Hey C、Davis, This is my favorite series of movies。
你会对他说 _____①小刚,不能扔石头,会砸伤人的,课间活动要注意安全。
HSK6 Lesson25 草船借箭
叮嘱 dīngzhǔ
算数 suàn shù
逼迫 bīpò
响亮 xiǎngliàng 她回答问题声音特别响亮。
表示尽量……。在这个格式中,“A”可以是动词、形容词, 也可以是带有动词、形容词的短语,两个“A”所代表的词语相同。 多用于口语。例如:
2. 我大概了解了一下,没几个人参与这件事。 。
3. 要完成这项艰巨的工作,差不多得三个月。 。
4. 我粗略地算了算,一个月得花不少钱呢。 。
练习 选择合适的词语填空
武器 wǔqìΒιβλιοθήκη 人民解放军全面更新了武器装备。
当务之急 dāngwùzhījí 现在当务之急是解决住宿问题。
chéngbàn 中国承办了2008年的北京奥运会。
委托 wěituō
练习 选择合适的词语填空
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Task 1If someone is visiting your country, what food will you introduce to the visitor and why? Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.【答案1】I would offer to take this foreign tourist to the most popular local restaurant in my city and recommend this wonderful Chinese cuisine,which is called “kung pao chicken”(即宫爆鸡丁,在清末民初既已闻名海外,名称现仍保留罗马拼音), diced chicken fried with chili and peanuts. Actually this is the most popular Chinese dish; you can Cud it in every Chinese restaurant, big or small. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games even made it to the top of the official menu to cater to the myriad tastes of international guest. But I have another reason to recommend “kung pao chicken”, which has something to do with a cooking contest I won when I was in college.. I spent days researching and experimenting with methods to improve ways to make the perfect “kung pao chicken” and finally I was able to impress the judges. So to recommend “kung pao chicken” also means a opportunity to boast ibis particular experience in front of the foreign guest and hopefully win his/her praise.【答案2】Personally, I will introduce fried chicken to any visitor in China because it tastes completely different from any fried chicken one can get at a Western fast food restaurant even though it’s also a kind of fried chicken. For example, at least ten spices are used to marinate the chicken before frying and therefore the taste of Chinese fried chicken is very rich. In addition, Chinese fried chicken is usually sold on the streets or in the night market rather than in restaurants, which is an interesting way for a visitor in China to experience our street food culture. For these reasons, I find it most interesting to introduce Chinese fried chicken to foreign visitors in China.可以根据自己的习惯,把以上两个答案加以融合,或者模仿上面的示范讲讲自己最喜欢的中国食品。
Task 21. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Teachers should require students to participate discussions during the class and why? Please use specific reasons and examples in your answer.In my opinion, teachers should require students to participate in class discussions because everyone needs to learn to both express themselves and listen to other people’s thoughts in order to improve themselves. For example, in my country students simply have to memorize everything in the textbooks if they want to do well in school. As a result, most college students in my country are still struggling with communicating their ideas to others and presenting themselves in public. However, last summer I attended a seminar led by a British professor for a week and I found myself able to express myself and integrate other people’s ideas to my own within such a short time. Therefore, I believe students,participation in class discussions is necessary.2. Some people prefer to live in the noisy downtown with easy access to the shopping center, library, restaurants, and public transportation while others prefer to live in the quiet suburbs far away from the city center. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.【答案1】Personally, I prefer to live in a quiet place in the suburbs. Growing up in Shanghai, where most neighborhoods are noisy, I have always wanted to move to the suburbs and live in quietness even if it’s far from restaurants and public transportation. Because I work in the city and my work environment is very fast-paced and stressful, living in a quiet place would make me feel relaxed and liberated from the busy world. For me, maintaining a distance between where I live and where I work is able to stop my mind from thinking about work after I leave the office every day. For these reasons I would choose to live in the quiet suburbs even if they’re less convenient than the city.【答案2】If I had to choose between living in a quiet area that is far away from shops and public transportation or living in a noisy area that is close to these conveniences, I would definitely choose living in the quiet area. First, living in a quieter and more peaceful area is very important to me. After the stress of school or work, it is pleasant to leave the noise and activity behind for a little while. The quietness allows my body, mind, and spirit to relax. Second, living away from shops and public transportation usually means the area is less crowed. I like living where there are fewer people even if it is less convenient. I can always walk or cycle to the places I need to get to.Task 31.阅读:学校的新政策就是晚上十点以后不准大声喧哗“quiet hour”。