




I Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的内容,听两遍。(10分)


( )2. A.bed B.bad C.fat

( )3. A.Tuesday B.Thursday C.Sunday

( )4. A.thin B.thick C.third

( )5. A.run B.swim C.sing

II Listen and number.听录音,给图片编号,听两遍。(10分)

III Listen and tick or cross.听录音,判断正误,正确的画“T”错误的画“F”。听两遍(10分)

IV Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的句子的正确答语。听两遍。(10分)

( )1. A.I’m fine.B.I’m nine.C.It’s me.

( )2. A.It’s blue. B.It’s six. C.It’s mine.

( )3. A.I go to school. B.I went to the museum. C.I am late. ( )4. A.Yes,please. B.No,I can’t.C.Yes,here you are.

( )5. A.June 1st B.Oct. 1st C.Jan. 1st


V Look and write.


VI Read and choose.单项选择,从A,B,C三个选项中选出正确的答案。(10分) ( )1. Lucy is 42 kg.Kate is 46 kg.So Lucy is ______ than Kate.



C.fatter ( )2. She likes _______ to music. A.listens B.listen C.listening

( )3. --Where are you going this weekend? --I’m going to _______.


B.by plane


( )4. I like ______.Because it’s cool,I can fly kite.



C.spring ( )5. The National day is in ________.




( )6. Let’s _______.

A.to do homework

B.do homework

C.doing homework

( )7. We stay ______ home ______ Sundays.




( )8. Tom often ______ TV after school.




( )9. Can I have ______ ice cream,mum?




( )10. --_______ this your crayon? --Yes,_______.

A.Is,it is


C.Are,they are

VII Look and choose.选出不同类的一项。(10分)

VII Read and make sentences.连词成句。(10分)

1.go, usually, I, school, to, by, bus (.)

2.birthday, May, his, in, is (.)

3.looks, so, he, angry(.)

4.many, pencils, how, there, are (?)

5.pick, in,don’t, flowers,park, the (.)

IX.Read and choose.从B栏给A栏句子选出正确的答语。(10分)


( )1. What did you do yesterday? a.She feels happy.

( )2. Can you fly? b.Yes,I do.

( )3. Where did you go? C.130 yuan.

( )4. How does Anne feel? d.I went to the post office. ( )5. Do you have a puppet? e.Near the bank.

( )6. Did you go to school last night? f.She is young and strong. ( )7. How much is your T-shirt, g.It’s sunny.

( )8. What’s your English teacher like?h.I watched TV.

( )9. Where is the cinema? i.No,I can’t.

( )10. What’s the weather like?j.No,I didn’t.

X Read and tick.阅读判断。对的写“T”,错的写“F”。(10分)

Yesterday was Sunday.It was a fine day.The sun was shining.The sky was blue.Mike got up at six.He watered the flowers and did some exercises.Then he woke Helen up.An hour later,they went to the Beihai Park by taxi.The park is very beautiful.They had lunch on the grass.The they went boating.Mike rowed well,but Helen rowed faster than him.They rowed for a long time.They went back at 4:30.After they got home,they helped their mother with housework.They had a good time yesterday.

( )1. Yesterday was a sunny day.

( )2. Helen got up earlier than Mike.

( )3. Mike and Helen went to the Beihai Park by taxi.

( )4. Mike rowed as fast as Helen.

( )5. When they got home,they didn’t help their mother with housework.


睿源教育小升初龙班六年级英语秋季课程随堂测试 Name__________Score___________ 考试范围:新概念英语49-54课 一.根据汉语写出下列单词。(每词1分,共15分) 1.丈夫 2.季节 3.春季 4.学科 5.秋季 6.中国 7.二月 8.有趣的,有意思 9.七月10.羊肉 11.一起12.停留13.冬季14.十一月15.谈话 二.从A,B,C,D中选出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项。(每题1分,共10分) ()1.A.butcherB.husbandC.butterD.summer ()2.A.meatB.peaC.steakD.bean ()3.A.climateB.windyC.winterD.Brazil ()4.A.thinB.eitherC.southD.north ()5.A.cabbageB.AugustC.grapeD.Greece ()6.A.countryB.houseC.blouseD.hour ()7.A.snowB.brownC.flowerD.how ()8.A.warmB.MarchC.hardD.are ()9.A.minuteB.busyC.lettuceD.Autumn ()10.A.weatherB.pleasantC.eastD.heavy 三.单项选择。(每题1.5分,共15分) ()1.What___theclimate____inwinterhere? A.does;like B.is;likes C.is;like D.do;likes ()2.ThisisBen.He’sfrom____.He’s____. A.German;German B.German;Germany C.Germany;German D.Germany;Germany ()3.ItisoftenwetintheWestand____warmintheSouth. A.sometimes B.sometime C.sometimes D.sometime ()4.___yourbrother____toschoolbybus? A.Do;goes B.Does;go C.Do;go D.Does;goes ()5.Whichseason___Dan___best? A.does;like B.does;likes C.is;like D.is;likes ()6.Where___youfrom? A.do B.does C.are https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d17942707.html,e ()7.Isitcold____warminsummer? A.and B.---- C.or D.of ()8.Bob_____fromFrance. A.don’tcomes B.doesn’tcomes C.isnot https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d17942707.html,esnot ()9.Thesun____earlyand___lateinsummer. A.rise;sets B.rises;sets C.rise;set D.sets;rise ()10.It’salwayscoldinwinter,butSusan_____toschoolearlyinthemorning. 仅供个人学习参考


小升初模拟考试卷(一)(解析卷) 一、单选题(共10题;共20分) 1.选择出不同类的单词() A. feel B. happy C. bright 【答案】A 【考点】形容词,动词 【解析】【分析】根据所给的单词,选项A感觉,动词,选项B高兴的,形容词,选项C 明亮的,形容词.故选A. 【点评】本题考查了区分动词和形容词形式. 2.Where did you ________? A. went B. goes C. go 【答案】C 【考点】动词 【解析】【分析】句意: 你......哪里了? 这是疑问句, 句子中有助动词did, 谓语动词用动词原形, A选项是: 过去式, B选项是: 第三人称单数, C选项是: 动词原形。故答案为: C. 【点评】这是考查动词适当形式的题目。要掌握谓语动词和助动词的搭配格式。 3.She wrote a book about________. A. himself B. herself C. yourself 【答案】B 【考点】代词,一般过去时 【解析】【分析】句意:她写了一本关于自己的书。himself是he的反身代词,yourself是you 的反身代词,“she”对应的反身代词是herself。故选B。 【点评】本题主要考查反身代词辨析,需要平时区别记忆。 4.Where _____ you last month? A. was B. were C. are D. is 【答案】B 【考点】动词,一般过去时 【解析】【分析】句意:上个月你在哪儿?根据时间词last month“上个月”得知该句子是一般过去时,主语是第二人称you,因此be动词用were,故选B。 【点评】考查一般过去时中人称与数的一致性,注意平时的积累。 5.Bob's team played ________the Orange Team. A. with B. and C. to 【答案】A 【考点】介词,一般过去时 【解析】【分析】句意:鲍勃队和橙队比赛。A. 和---;B.并且;C.朝向。pl ay with“和---比赛”固定用法,选项A符合题意,故选A。 【点评】本题主要考查句子的理解和固定用法。


小升初英语必考题型 一、单词和语法 1、简单的词组利于:look at等在小升初英语试卷中经常出现; 2、情态动词用法如must之类是小升初英语的必考内容; 3、非谓语动词也是小升初英语的必考内容; 4、虚拟语气是小升初英语的必考内容。 二、完形填空 完形填空会全面考察孩子的英语知识体系,词汇、语法、词组搭配等。三、阅读题 一般小升初英语试卷会有四道阅读题,四篇阅读题中,最后一篇非常难,有的甚至达到了高考英语水平。但是,做阅读提有一些技巧,是可以强化的。四、英文奥数题 英文奥数题是孩子认为最难的题目,因为会出现很多孩子从来没有见过的生词,而且还要孩子有一些数学基础。一般数学成绩好的孩子,英语不咋地,那么这类题就成为了他们的难题。 五、摘要写作题 这类题型对于大多数孩子来说很简单,只要孩子了解一些基本的做题技巧,都能顺利通关。孩子在考试之前,可以学习新概念英语教材,以为小升初英语写作题是从新概念英语教材中的摘要写作部分借鉴而来的。 附口诀: 英语句子万万千,五大句型把线牵。 句型种类为动词,后接什么是关键; 系词后面接表语;vi独身无牵连; vt又可分三类,单宾双宾最常见, 还有宾语补足语;各种搭配记心间。 五种基本句型: 1.主语+系动词+表语 2.主语+不及物动词 3.主语+及物动词+宾语 4.主语+及物动词+宾语+宾语补足语 5.主语+及物动词+宾语1+宾语2 六、句型 1.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语。 前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示"另一人(物)也如此。"前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用"Neither/


小升初考前全真模拟测试 英语试题 一、单项选择 1.—________ do you tidy up your desk? —I tidy it up every week. A. When B. How often C. What 2.We finish class ________ 3:30 ________ the afternoon. A. at, in B. in, at C. at, on 3.— ? —He has a toothache. A. What's wrong with Sam B. What about Sam C. How are you, Sam 4.I usually get up at six o'clock. What ______you? A. are B. about C. of 5.You can go if you see the _________ light. A. yellow B. red C. green 6.—________ can you see the monkey? —In the tree. A.Who B.What C.Where 7.What ________ you have? A. are B. do C. does 8. walk on the grass. A. Can not B. Do not C. You not 9.—Can I help you? — A. Goodbye. B. Yes,please. C. Me too. 二、单词拼写 10.Today is Lucy's birthday. She is h________ a party with her friends. 11.My favourite season is________.


小升初英语模拟试题 Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】

2017年小升初模拟试题(二) 一.找出每组单词中与其它三个发音不同的一个,将其编号填入括号内。 ()1.A.bearB.pearC.fairD.hear ()2.A.makeB.haveC.actD.apple ()3.A.thenB.theyC.theseD.think (orndB.cousinC.mouthD.outside ()5.A.foodB.lookC.footD.good 二.根据首字母提示,将句子补充完整。 1.HowcanIgotothecinema?Tleftfromthehospital. 2.Ilikesbest.BecauseIcanfakite. 3.Mymotherworksinahospital.Sheisan. 4.Idon’tlikegrapes.Becausetheyares. 5.MissWhiteisfromUSA.ShespeakE. 6.NationalDayisonOfirst. 7.It’ssinthewindowinHarbin. 三.用所给的单词填空。 1.Myfatherstorybooks.Heisa(write). 2.Onehourago,Jim(be)intheschoolcanteen. 3.Mike(have)aheadacheyesterday. 4.I‘dlikesome(tomato)forlunch. 5.Johndoesn’t(like)apples,he(like)pears. 6.Carlisthe(heavy)inmyclass. 四.选择最佳答案。 ()1.doyougotothelibrary?-----Onceaweek. A.Howlong B.Howmany C.Howoften ()2.Theresomewateronthetable. A.is B.are C.isn’t ()3.Mybirthdaypartywillbe7o’clockSundayevening. A.at/on B.in/on C.at/in ()4.I’mgoodatchess. A.playing B.played C.play ()5.Youshouldeatbreakfastoryouwillbelate! A.slowly B.quick C.quickly ()6.-----Howdoyoudo- ---- A.T hesametoyou! B.Howdoyoudo? C.I’mfine.Thankyou! ()7.Todayisbirthday.Amyboughtapresentfor. A.H is,he B.her,her C.her,hers ()8.Mymothertold“Don’tdrinkcoke.” A.t oomany B.little C.toomuch



—She______ to music. A.listens B. listen C. listened ( ) 3. —What are you going to do tonight? —I_______TV. A.saw B.am going to watch C. watched ( ) 4.I like winter best ______I can play with snow. A. for B. so C.because ( ) 5.Did John_______football yesterday? A. play B. played C. plaied ( )6.-How many apples do you see?. -____________. A. I’m ten. B.I have twelve. C.I see fifteen. ( )7.-Where are you from? - . A. My name is Mike. B. I’m from Canada. C. I’m a boy. ( ) 8. --Is your birthday in May? --______. A.Yes, it is. B.Yes, they are. C.Yes, he is. ( ) 9.— ________did you go there? —I went there by plane. A. Who B. What C. How ( ) 10. Mike often ________ to school from Monday to Friday. A. go B. going C. goes 八、根据要求或提示写出完整句子。注意时态和单复数。(10分) 1. Miss Zhang teaches us English. (根据划线部分提问) ______________teaches you English? 2. They like swimming. (变为否定句) They ____________________ swimming. 3. He can play the piano. (变为一般疑问句)


冀教版英语小升初 冲刺测试卷 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 一、下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。(每题1分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. take B. game C. have ( ) 2. A. me B. be C. red ( ) 3. A. eye B. many C. goodbye ( ) 4. A. tea B. meat C. weather ( ) 5. A. warm B. garden C. party 二、选择题(每小题1分,共20分) ( ) 1.As soon as he _______, he _______ to his family. A. arrived; writes C. arrived; wrote B. arrived; written D. arrives; write ( ) 2.Mr. Black was late because he _______ his way. A. Losted B. lose C. Loses D. lost ( )3.---Are you ? ---Yes, I am. A. policeman B. a policeman C. policemen ( )4. ---What does your father do? --- . A. He is watching TV. B. He is fine. C. He is a worker.

( )5.How does she go to school? A. She goes to school by bus. B. She goes to school on bus. C. Yes, she does. ( ) 6.— Where is the morning paper? —I _______ it for you at once. A.get B.am getting C.to get D.will get ( ) 7.He _______ very upset this week, he _______ better next week. A.will be; is B.is; is C.will be; will be D.is; will be ( )8.He a big garden behind my house. many flowers in it. A. has, There is B. have, There are C. has, There are ( )9.There isn't milk in the cup. Would you like juice? A. some, any B. any, some C. any, any ( )10. We usually stay home Saturday afternoon. A. at…in B. at…on C. in…at ( ) 11.— What _______ you _______ last week? — I bought a bag. A. did; buy B. did; bought C. do; buy D. do; bought ( )12.—_______ he_______ his lunch? 一Yes, he did. A. Does; has B. Does; have C. Did; have D. Did; had ( )13.—Did the thieves _______ into the car?


模拟试卷(英语) 一、按要求写单词。(10分) 1. she _______ (宾格) 2. country _________ (复数) 3. close ________ (现在分词) 4. three __________ (序数词) 5. China ________ (形容词) 6. I _________ (名词性物主代词) 7. boy _______(复数) 8. swim _______ (现在分词) 9. photo _______ (复数) 10. mouse ________ (复数) 二、选择填空。(30分) 1. Look! Lucy is ______ a new red dress. She is beautiful today. A. with B. put on C. in D. wear 2. -- __________? -- My bike is broken. A. What is it B. What is wrong with you C. Where is it D. Whose is this 3. There are so many people in the shop. You must ________ your things. A. look at B. look after C. put away D. put on 4. I have two good pen friends. One is an American, ______ is in England. A. the other B. another one C. another D. other 5. -- _______ are his football clothes? -- Under the bed. A. Where B. Who C. Whose D. What 6. I can see ______ in Lucy's room. A. other thing B. any other thing C. some thing D. some other things 7. These are ______. You can buy a pair for your mother. A. woman sock B. women sock C. women socks D. woman socks 8. -- Thank you very much! -- ________. A. You're right B. All right C. You are welcome D. OK. 9. -- She must be in red.


人教版小升初英语模拟试题(笔试部分及参考答案) 一、下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。 (A )1. A. take B. bad C. have (B )2. A. fish B. find C. give ( A)3. A. me B. bed C. red (A )4. A. glue B. run C. us ( B)5. A. night B. ghost C. daughter 二. 找出下列英文单词所对应的中文意思。 (1B)underground A.电影院(6C)listen to the radio A 植物园 (2E)light train station B.地铁(7D)bad cold B 樱花 (3A)movie theatre C 博物馆(8E)play chess C听广播 (4C)museum D京剧(9A)botanical garden D 重感冒 (5D)Peking opera E轻轨站(10B)cherry blossom E 下棋 三.单项选择 1. He asked me ___C__ I would like a cup of tea. A. that B. what C. if 2. Be quiet! The babies _B_______. A. sleep B. are sleeping C. slept 3. Do you know ___B___ this word? A. what to spell B. how to spell C. to spell 4. The students couldn't help ___C___ when they heard the joke. A. to laugh B. laugh C. laughing 5. —— What day is today? —— It's __A____. A. Monday B. a fine day C. September 1st 6. If I __A__ you tomorrow, I will give you the receipt. A. see B. will see C. am seeing 7. Is the cat ___A_____ the door? No, it isn’t. It’s ________ the desk. A. behind, under B. in, on C. under, at D. over, behind


圭塘学府2011暑期小升初英语测试题 : : 一.听力题(20分) I.选出你所听到的词。(5分) ( )1. A. . B. C. D. ( )2. A. B. C. D. ( )3. A. B. C. D. ( )4. B. D. ( )5. A. B. C. .选出你听到的句子。(5分) ()6. A. a . B. a . C. a . ()7. . B. . C. . ()8. A. . B. . C. . ()9. A. ’s . B. ’s . C. ’s . ()10. A. . B. . C. . .听录音写出你所听到的词或数字。(10分) 1’s a . 2 81 _ _ _ . 3 ! 4 _ . 5 _ . 6’s a _ . 7 ? 二.选择题(30分) I 语音。从下面选出一个划线部分发音与其它四个选项不同的单词,将括号填在括号里。(10分)

( )1. C. ( )2. B. C. D. ( )3. A. B. C. D. ( )4. B. ( )5. B. C. D. . 词汇。根据句子的内容选出合适的单词,把序号填入括号中。(10分) ( )1. ? . A. B. C. D. ( )2. ? ’s . A. B. C. D. ( )3. ’s ? ’s .. A. B. C. D. ( )4. ! A. B. C. D. ( )5. ? I’m . B. C. ( )6. ’s ? . A. B. C. D. ( )7 . A. B. C. ( ) 8. , . . A. B. C. D. a ( ) 9. ? ’s . B. C. ( )10! ! B. C. D. . 句型。根据情景选出合适的句子。(10分) ( )1. ’m , . .


小升初英语模拟考试试卷参考答案 I.选出下列单词中不同类的一项,填序号即可。(每小题1分,共10分)()1.A.left B.right C.visit ()2.A.pear B.bear C.dog ()3.A.white B.puzzle C.yellow ()4.A.pilot B.scientist C.factory ()5.A.deep B.Friday C.Saturday ()6.A.twelve B.fine C.nine ()7. A.your B.yours C.theirs ()8. A.cinema B.hospital C.sad ()9. A.saw B.watch C.rode ()10. A.cleaning B.colder C.thinner II.单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题2分,共30分) ()11.---How are you? ---_______ A.I’m eight. B.Goodbye! C.Fine,thanks. ()12.He likes _____ stories. A.read B.reads C.reading ()13.My favourite food _____ fish. A.is B.an C.are ()14.My parents _____ busy last weekend. A.is B.was C.were

()15.There are four________ in a year. A.seasones B.seasons C.season ()16.What would you like ____ lunch? A.for B.in C.at ()17.He is ____ than me. A.big B.stronger C.tallest ()18.Look!______ old man is sitting on the chair. A.A B.An C.Some ()19.______ books on the desk? A.How many B.Which C.How much ()20.I have some ______. A.words book B.word books C.words books ()21.---Can you play ping-pong? ---No,______. A.I can’t B.you can’t C.you can ()22.Tom often goes to school _____ foot. A.by B.has C.on ()23.Go at a _____ light. A.green B.yellow C.red ()24.I am four cm _____ than you. A. taller B.stricter C.heavier ()25.We ____ have a farewell party next Sunday. A. are going B.do C.will


小升初英语模拟试题 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 一、选出下列每组单词中不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A. plant B. bus C. plane ( ) 2. A. excited B. piano C. sad ( ) 3. A. went B. want C. played ( ) 4. A. near B. far C. very ( ) 5. A. long B. fatter C. heavier 二、把下面的音标和相对应的单词连线。 1 2 3 4 5 A. today B. artist C. beautiful D. library E. water 三、单项选择。 ( ) 1. — Where’s the cinema? _____________. A. It’s near the school. B. It’s big. C. It’s under the table. ( ) 2. — What’s your ______ ? I like reading. A. job B. hobby C. name ( ) 3. Usually I _____ to school _____ foot. ['w ?:t ?] ['bju:t ?fl] [t?'de ?] [?ɑ:t?st] ['la ?br ?r ?]

A. goes; on B. go; on C. go; by ( ) 4. I’m going ______ a tree tomorrow. A. plant B. to plant C. plants ( ) 5. — When are you going to Hainan? I’m going _______. A. this holiday B. by plane C. yesterday ( ) 6. — You look very nice _____ the red dress. ___________. A. in; No, thanks. B. in; Thank you! C. on; thank you. ( ) 7. He _____ as ____ as his sister. A. play; good B. play; well C. plays; well ( ) 8. — Is that _____ sweater? No, it’s not _____ sweater. A. your; mine B. your; my C. you; my ( ) 9. Don’t sing here! My father is _______. A. sleeps B. sleep C. sleeping ( ) 10. Lily’s father is a _____. He _____ very well. A. cooker; cook B. cook; cooks C. cook; cooking 四、根据图片提示,补全短语。 1. — How do you go to school? — I go to school ____ _____. 2. We climbed Mt. Tianshan. And my father _____ ______ for me.


沪教版小升初分班考试英语模拟试题二 一、根据句意,将所缺单词补充完整,首字母已给出。 1. ----Be quiet please. The boy is s___________. ----Oh, sorry. We won't shout from now on. 2. ----What date is it today? ----It's the s_______ of August. We can enjoy Olympics in six days. 3.----Look! I have a new skirt today. ----How cute you look! Your skirt is more beautiful than m__________. 4.----What do you know about Yao Ming? ----He is one of the tallest basketball p_________ in the world. 5.----I can't learn English well. ----You don't read enough. You should do m_________ reading. 6.----Was he born in S___________? ----Yes. It's the ninth month of the year. And he likes autumn a lot. 7.----Sue's father is a policeman. How a ____________ her mother? ----She is a nurse. She works in that hospital. 8.----Tom is so glad today. He is talking with others h__________ all the time. ----He must have something great. Let's go and ask about it. 9.----What are you going to do this Sunday? ----I am going s________ with my friends. It must be fun to walk in shopping malls. 10.----I am very t_________. I can't walk any more. ----Let me help you. 二、选择填空: ( ) 1. More than ________ VIPs will come to Beijing for the Olympic Games. A. eight hundreds B. eight hundred C. eight hundred of D. eight hundreds of ( ) 2. I can see Eddie _________ his computer _______ the window. A. at; on B. on; at C. at; through D. on; by



张家港学慧家教网简介 张家港学慧家教网优势 张家港家教就选张家港学慧家教网,八年一对一个性化辅导经验的沉淀和积累,八年一对一个性化教育品牌的品质与保证,以提高学生学习成绩为终极目标,从学习兴趣、学习方法、学习效率等各方面进行全方位培养,专业的教育顾问、优秀的学科教师、耐心的陪读教师、细心的全职班主任、资深的教研备考专家、热情的心理辅导专家六位一体全程跟踪,用心服务! 张家港学慧家教网介绍 学慧家教网依托张家港等高校优秀大学生及各区重点一线名师,以优质的家教信息服务、强大的师资阵容、领先的教师认证管理系统,面向张家港广大学生和家长,力争打造张家港家教行业最权威、最专业、最贴心、最值得信赖的一对一家教品牌!本着诚实、守信、全心全意服务于广大学员和教员的精神,以独特的品牌文化内涵、多样化教育思路,制定一对一个性化教学计划,激发学生潜能,引导学生独特的创造力,灵活而快速的提高成绩,以正确心态轻松面对小升初、中高考,赢得了家长和学生的一致认可。 张家港英语家教辅导 学慧家教网高考英语家教特聘张家港在职一线英语教师为学生亲自辅导,针对高考英语年级阶段学习特征,结合学生自身特点、学习情况、接受程度等多方面为学生量身制定学习计划,在规定的课时范围内最大限度提升学生成绩上浮空间。 【辅导对象】:基础薄弱、补漏提升、拔高提优的高三学生 【教学模式】:教育顾问(全方位测评)+一线名师(一对一面授辅导)+陪读教师(帮助学生答疑解惑)+教研备考专家(把握命题趋势规律)+全职班主任(全程跟踪教学)+心理专家(适时疏导调节学生心理,创造学习“软环境”) 【教学团队】:张家港在职一线教师和专职教师 【教学质量】:学慧家教网帮助学生进行全方位测评,为学科“把脉”,量身打造学习计划。教研备考专家帮助学生把握命题趋势和规律,明确考试风向标。心理专家帮助学生适时疏导调节,打造良好应试心理素质。专职班主任全程跟踪学生的学习效果以及老师的教学质量,即时沟通,随时改进教学方案,确保教学目标的实现! 张家港学慧家教网高考英语家教教学内容 1、基础教学:对每一模块的数学基础知识,做系统的回顾与总结,指导学生对所学内容能按类别形成知识网络,清理考点,清理错解,清理题型,清理方法。每一模块精选典型试题进行点评,切实做到查缺补漏。 2、习题教学:引导学生领悟并思索解题过程中涉及的知识点,有无纵横联系,如何联系,使知识系统化、网络化和结构化,这样有利于学生对知识的巩固、综合、运用及解题能力的提高。 3、能力教学:通过一题多解,展示多种解题思路,提高学生的综合分析能力。通过多题一解,总结解题规律,引导学生对一道题目深入研究,透过现象,抓住本质,找出共同的规律,真正达到理解和运用。只有这样,学生才能



2018年小升初英语模拟试题 (试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 一、找出下列画线部分发音与所给词相同的单词写序号。(5分) ( )1.cat A.what B.map https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d17942707.html, ( )2.who A.no B.box C.soon ( )3.small A.short B.watch C.wall ( )4.colour A.pencil B.look C.school ( )5.what A.want https://www.360docs.net/doc/0d17942707.html, C.have 二、词组互译。(共15分,每小题1.5分) 1. 下周 ____________ 2. 小心 _______________ 2. 看电视 ___________ 4. 太大 ____________ 5. 滑冰 _____________ 6. get read for ___________ 7. too heavy ________ 8. by car _____________ 9. a pair of pants ________ 10. make lunch ______________ 三、选择填空。(30分) ( )1. The doctor is very tired ____ he is still working very hard. A. but B. if C. only D. when ( )2. ____ boy he is! A. What a good B. What good C. How good D. How a good ( )3. I must finish my homework first. Can I go there a little ____? A. early B. earlier C. late D. later


2018年小升初英语模拟考试试卷及答案 I.选出下列单词中不同类的一项,填序号即可。(每小题1分,共10分) ()1.A.l e f t B.r i g h t C.v i s i t ()2.A.p e a r B.b e a r C.d o g ()3.A.w h i t e B.p u z z l e C.y e l l o w ()4.A.p i l o t B.s c i e n t i s t C.f a c t o r y ()5.A.d e e p B.Fr i d a y C.Sa t u r d a y ()6.A.t w e l v e B.f i n e C.n i n e ()7. A.y o u r B.y o u r s C.t h e i r s ()8. A.c i n e m a B.h o sp i t a l C.sa d

()9. A. saw B. w a t c h C. r o d e ()1 0. A. c l e a n i n g B. c o l d e r C. t h i n n e r I I. 单项选择题,将序号填在括号内。(每小题 2 分, 共 3 0 分)()1 1. - - - H o w a r e y o u ? - - - _______ A. I’m e i g h t. B. G o o d b y e ! C. Fi n e,t h a n k s. ()1 2. H e l i k e s _____ s t o r i e s. A. r e a d B. r e a d s C. r e a d i n g ()1 3. M y f a v o u r i t e f o o d _____ f i sh. A. i s B. a n C. a r e ()1 4. M y p a r e n t s _____ b u sy l a s t w e e k e n d.


2019年上海市小升初模拟考试 英语试题与答案 (试卷满分100分,考试时间60分钟) 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(每小题1分,共5分) ()1. A. luck B. lucky C. like ()2. A. hobby B. copies C. copy ()3. A. other B. another C. others ()4. A. flute B. fruit C. foot ()5. A. winner B. winter C. what 二、听录音,按所听到的顺序为下列图片标号。(每空1分,共5分) 三、听录音,根据录音内容选择合适的答语。(每小题2分,共10分)()1. Who gives Damming a CD-ROM? A.Grandpa B. Grandmother C. Parents ()2. Can snakes hear music? A.Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t. C. Yes, it does. ()3. Do pandas eat for twelve hours a day? A.Yes, they do. B. No, they don’t. C. Yes, they can. ()4. Can monkeys climb trees very fast? A.Yes, they can. B. No, they can’t. C. Yes, they do. ()5. Why were you late for school today? A. I went to school this morning. B. I bought a book last night. C. Because I got up late this morning.
