

mpu6050中文数据手册 STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5

mpu6050中文数据手册 STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5

mpu6050中文数据手册STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5导读:就爱阅读网友为您分享以下“STM32F103CDE_DS_中文数据手册_V5”的资讯,希望对您有所帮助,感谢您对92to 的支持!STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册55.1电气特性测试条件除非特别说明,所有电压的都以VSS为基准。

5.1.1 最小和最大数值除非特别说明,在生产线上通过对100%的产品在环境温度TA=25°C和TA=TAmax下执行的测试(TAmax与选定的温度范围匹配),所有最小和最大值将在最坏的环境温度、供电电压和时钟频率条件下得到保证。


5.1.2 典型数值除非特别说明,典型数据是基于TA=25°C和VDD=3.3V(2V ≤ VDD ≤ 3.3V电压范围)。



5.1.3 典型曲线除非特别说明,典型曲线仅用于设计指导而未经测试。

5.1.4 负载电容测量引脚参数时的负载条件示于图10中。

图10引脚的负载条件5.1.5 引脚输入电压引脚上输入电压的测量方式示于图11中。

图11引脚输入电压参照2009年3月STM32F103xCDE数据手册英文第5版(本译文仅供参考,如有翻译错误,请以英文原稿为准)29/87STM32F103xC, STM32F103xD, STM32F103xE数据手册5.1.6 供电方案图12供电方案注:上图中的4.7μF电容必须连接到VDD3。






2. Gyro Config寄存器(陀螺仪配置):用于配置陀螺仪的量程和滤波器。


3. Accelerometer Config寄存器(加速度计配置):用于配置加速度计的量程和滤波器。
















当连接到三轴磁强计时,mpu-60x0提供一个完整的9轴运动融合输出到它的主I2C或SPI 端口(SPI仅在mpu-6000上可用)。

1感测范围MPU-6000(6050)的角速度全格感测范围为±250、±500、±1000与±2000°/sec (dps),可准确追踪快速与慢速动作,并且,用户可程式控制的加速器全格感测范围为±2g、±4g±8g与±16g。


MPU-6000可在不同电压下工作,VDD供电电压介为2.5V±5%、3.0V±5%或3.3V±5%,逻辑接口VDDIO供电为1.8V ±5%(MPU6000仅用VDD)。



2应用运动感测游戏现实增强电子稳像(EIS: Electronic Image Stabilization) 光学稳像(OIS: Optical Image Stabilization) 行人导航器“零触控”手势用户接口姿势快捷方式认证车轮力传感器3市场智能型手机平板装置设备手持型游戏产品游戏机3D遥控器可携式导航设备4特征以数字输出6轴或9轴的旋转矩阵、四元数(quaternion)、欧拉角格式(Euler Angle forma)的融合演算数据。

具有131 LSBs/°/sec 敏感度与全格感测范围为±250、±500、±1000与±2000°/sec 的3轴角速度感测器(陀螺仪)。


数据线拉低 延时
写入数据0x6b,0x00.让芯片开始工作 设置陀螺仪采样率。写入0x19,0x07
设置滤波器频率。写入0x1A,0x06 设置陀螺仪测量范围。写入0x1B,0x18
角速度=采样值-偏移值 加速度=采样值-偏移值
1.定义数组 2将得到的数据分开成一位一位的 3打开段选。 4选择数据放入 5关闭段选 6打开位选 7选择数码管位数 8关闭位选
• 这里主要采用四元角姿态解算。详见链接
mpu6050的使用工作源自理• 该芯片分有陀螺仪和加速度计的功能。 • 陀螺仪可以采集物体转动的角速度信号,通过ad转换成数字信
号采集回来。通过通信传输给单片机。 • 加速度计则是采集物体的加速度信号,并传输回来。
开始 串口初始化 芯片初始化
读取数据 处理数据 送入显示
时钟线拉高 延时
数据线拉高 延时










二、MPU6050模块的软件配置```#include <Wire.h>#include <MPU6050.h>void setuWire.begin(;mpu.initialize(;```三、读取MPU6050的数据一旦完成了初始化,就可以读取MPU6050的数据了。


可以通过以下代码读取这些数据:```int16_t ax, ay, az; //加速度原始数据int16_t gx, gy, gz; //角速度原始数据void loompu.getAcceleration(&ax, &ay, &az);mpu.getRotation(&gx, &gy, &gz);```四、处理MPU6050的数据在读取了MPU6050的原始数据后,可以根据需要进行进一步处理。










1.硬件准备:-MPU6050模块- Arduino主控板-杜邦线-电阻(10kΩ)先将杜邦线连接到MPU6050模块上。



2.软件准备:- MPU6050库(可在Arduino库管理器中)打开Arduino IDE并创建一个新的项目。





```cpp#include <Wire.h>#include <MPU6050.h>int16_t accel_x, accel_y, accel_z;int16_t gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;void setuWire.begin(;mpu.initialize(;Serial.begin(9600);}```4.数据读取:在loop函数中,使用mpu.getMotion6函数读取加速度计和陀螺仪的数据。


```cppvoid loompu.getMotion6(&accel_x, &accel_y, &accel_z, &gyro_x, &gyro_y, &gyro_z);Serial.print("Accel: ");Serial.print(accel_x);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(accel_y);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(accel_z);Serial.print("Gyro: ");Serial.print(gyro_x);Serial.print(" ");Serial.print(gyro_y);Serial.print(" ");Serial.println(gyro_z);delay(100); // 数据读取延迟}```5.数据解释:加速度计和陀螺仪的值是原始数据,单位为每个轴的原始计数。


2 性能参数
1、电压:3V~6V 2、电流:<10mA 3、体积:15.24mm X 15.24mm X 2mm
4、焊盘间距:上下 100mil(2.54mm),左右 600mil(15.24mm) 5、测量维度:加速度:3 维,角速度:3 维,姿态角:3 维 6、量程:加速度:± 16g,角速度:± 2000°/s。 7、分辨率:加速度:6.1e-5g,角速度:7.6e-3°/s。 8、稳定性:加速度:0.01g,角速度 0.05°/s。 9、姿态测量稳定度:0.01°。 10、数据输出频率 100Hz(波特率 115200)/20Hz(波特率 9600)。 11、数据接口:串口(TTL 电平),I2C(直接连 MPU6050,无姿态输出) 10、波特率 115200kps/9600kps。
Re_buf[counter]=UDR;//不同单片机略有差异 if(counter==0&&Re_buf[0]!=0x55) return; //第 0 号数据不是帧头,跳过
5.3 数据解析示例代码:
double a[3],w[3],Angle[3],T; void DecodeIMUData(unsigned char chrTemp[]) {
switch(chrTemp[1]) { case 0x51:
1.模块上电以后需先保持静止,模块内部的 MCU 会在模块静止的时候进行自动校准(消
除陀螺零漂),校准以后 Z 轴的角度会重新初始化为 0,Z 轴角度输出为 0 时,可视为自动
2.出厂默认设置使用串口,波特率 115200,帧率 100Hz。配置可通过上位机软件配置,



三轴加速度传感器MPU-6050(2013-01-17 16:25:07)转载▼分类:常识积累MPU-60X0 对陀螺仪和加速度计分别用了三个16 位的ADC,将其测量的模拟量转化为可输出的数字量。



引脚说明:VDD 供电电压为2.5V±5%、3.0V±5%、3.3V±5%;VDDIO 为1.8V± 5%内建振荡器在工作温度范围内仅有±1%频率变化。

可选外部时钟输入32.768kHz 或19.2MHz 找出几个重要的寄存器:1)Register 25 – Sample Rate Divider (SMPRT_DIV)1)SMPLRT_DIV 8位无符号值,通过该值将陀螺仪输出分频,得到采样频率该寄存器指定陀螺仪输出率的分频,用来产生MPU-60X0的采样率。


采样率的计算公式采样率= 陀螺仪的输出率/ (1 + SMPLRT_DIV)当数字低通滤波器没有使能的时候,陀螺仪的输出平路等于8KHZ,反之等于1KHZ。

2)Register 26 – Configuration (CONFIG)1)EXT_SYNC_SET 3位无符号值,配置帧同步引脚的采样2)DLPF_CFG 3位无符号值,配置数字低通滤波器该寄存器为陀螺仪和加速度计配置外部帧同步(FSYNC)引脚采样和数字低通滤波器(DLPF)。

MPU6050 DMP官方使用手册

MPU6050 DMP官方使用手册

InvenSense Inc.1197Borregas Ave.,Sunnyvale,CA 94089U.S.A.Tel:+1(408)988-7339Fax:+1(408)988-8104Website: Doc :SW-EMD-REL-5.1.1Doc Rev :1.0Date :12/14/2012A printed copy of this document isNOT UNDER REVISION CONTROL unless it is dated and stamped in red ink as,“REVISION CONTROLLED COPY.”This information furnished by InvenSense is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by InvenSense for its use, or for any infringements or patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. S pecifications are subject to change without notice. Certain intellectual property owned by InvenSense and described in this document is patent protected. No license is granted by Implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of InvenSense. This is an unpublished work protected under the United States copyright laws. This work contains proprietary and confidential information of InvenS ense Inc. Use, disclosure or reproduction without the express written authorization of InvenS ense Inc. is prohibited.Trademarks that are registered trademarks are the property of their respective companies.This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. InvenSense sensors should not be used or sold for the development, storing, production and utilization of any conventional or mass-destructive weapons or any other weapons or life threatening applications, as well as to be used in any other life critical applications such as medical, transportation, aerospace, nuclear, undersea, power, disaster and crime prevention equipment.Copyright ©2010InvenSense Corporation.Embedded Motion Driver v5.1.1APIs SpecificationChapter1Purpose and ScopeThis document is a guide to all of the functions available in the InvenSense Embedded Motion Driver(eMD),and corresponds with Embedded Motion Driver Release v5.1.1.The eMD contains the code for configuring the InvenSense devices and using the DMP hardware features.All of the source code is in ANSI C and can be compiled in C or C++environments.All functions available in the eMD are described in this document,including all parameters involved in the function calls.For more information on how to use these functions in a specific application,refer to InvenSense Application Notes.Chapter2About this documentThis document is automatically generated from the sourcefiles using Doxygen’s output format in the L A T E X.Heading, footer,and general document format are customized from the standard header template provided by Doxygen.The document is subdivided in the various sections,each describing the main source Modules composing the eMD and implementing specific features.Every section starts with a brief description and an overview of the functions composing the module.Each of those functions is also fully documented in the analogous"Function Documentation"section.Clicking on the function prototype will lead to the portion of text full documentating it.This Embedded Motion Driver Functional Specification is best viewed in a PDF viewer,as it provides text hyper-links and bookmarks on the left-hand side for ease of browsing.There is an Alphabetical Index of the modules and their functions available at the bottom of this document.Chapter3Module Index3.1ModulesHere is a list of all modules:Sensor Driver Layer (3)2Module IndexGenerated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by DoxygenChapter4Module Documentation4.1Sensor Driver LayerHardware drivers to communicate with sensors via I2C. Files•file inv_mpu.cAn I2C-based driver for Invensense gyroscopes.•file inv_mpu_dmp_android.cDMP image and interface functions.Functions•int dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat(unsigned char enable) Generate6-axis quaternions from the DMP.•int dmp_enable_feature(unsigned short mask)Enable DMP features.•int dmp_enable_gyro_cal(unsigned char enable)Calibrate the gyro data in the DMP.•int dmp_enable_lp_quat(unsigned char enable)Generate3-axis quaternions from the DMP.4Module Documentation•int dmp_enable_no_motion_detection(unsigned char enable)Detect accel-based no motion events.•int dmp_get_fifo_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Get DMP output rate.•int dmp_get_pedometer_step_count(unsigned long∗count)Get current step count.•int dmp_get_pedometer_walk_time(unsigned long∗time)Get duration of walking time.•int dmp_load_android_firmware(void)Load the DMP with this image.•int dmp_read_fifo(short∗gyro,short∗accel,long∗quat,unsigned long ∗timestamp,short∗sensors,unsigned char∗more)Get one packet from the FIFO.•int dmp_register_android_orient_cb(void(∗func)(unsigned char))Register a function to be executed on a android orientation event.•int dmp_register_no_motion_cb(void(∗func)(void))Register a function to be executed on a no motion event.•int dmp_register_tap_cb(void(∗func)(unsigned char,unsigned char)) Register a function to be executed on a tap event.•int dmp_set_accel_bias(long∗bias)Push accel biases to the DMP.•int dmp_set_fifo_rate(unsigned short rate)Set DMP output rate.•int dmp_set_gyro_bias(long∗bias)Push gyro biases to the DMP.•int dmp_set_interrupt_mode(unsigned char mode)Specify when a DMP interrupt should occur.•int dmp_set_no_motion_thresh(unsigned long thresh_mg)Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer5Set no motion threshold.•int dmp_set_no_motion_time(unsigned short time_ms)Set no motion delay.•int dmp_set_orientation(unsigned short orient)Push gyro and accel orientation to the DMP.•int dmp_set_pedometer_step_count(unsigned long count)Overwrite current step count.•int dmp_set_pedometer_walk_time(unsigned long time)Overwrite current walk time.•int dmp_set_shake_reject_thresh(long sf,unsigned short thresh)Set shake rejection threshold.•int dmp_set_shake_reject_time(unsigned short time)Set shake rejection time.•int dmp_set_shake_reject_timeout(unsigned short time)Set shake rejection timeout.•int dmp_set_tap_axes(unsigned char axis)Set which axes will register a tap.•int dmp_set_tap_count(unsigned char min_taps)Set minimum number of taps needed for an interrupt.•int dmp_set_tap_thresh(unsigned char axis,unsigned short thresh)Set tap threshold for a specific axis.•int dmp_set_tap_time(unsigned short time)Set length between valid taps.•int dmp_set_tap_time_multi(unsigned short time)Set max time between taps to register as a multi-tap.•int mpu_configure_fifo(unsigned char sensors)Select which sensors are pushed to FIFO.•int mpu_get_accel_fsr(unsigned char∗fsr)Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen6Module Documentation Get the accel full-scale range.•int mpu_get_accel_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp)Read raw accel data directly from the registers.•int mpu_get_accel_sens(unsigned short∗sens)Get accel sensitivity scale factor.•int mpu_get_compass_fsr(unsigned short∗fsr)Get the compass full-scale range.•int mpu_get_compass_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp)Read raw compass data.•int mpu_get_compass_sample_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Get compass sampling rate.•int mpu_get_dmp_state(unsigned char∗enabled)Get DMP state.•int mpu_get_fifo_config(unsigned char∗sensors)Get current FIFO configuration.•int mpu_get_gyro_fsr(unsigned short∗fsr)Get the gyro full-scale range.•int mpu_get_gyro_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp)Read raw gyro data directly from the registers.•int mpu_get_gyro_sens(float∗sens)Get gyro sensitivity scale factor.•int mpu_get_int_status(short∗status)Read the MPU interrupt status registers.•int mpu_get_lpf(unsigned short∗lpf)Get the current DLPF setting.•int mpu_get_power_state(unsigned char∗power_on)Get current power state.•int mpu_get_sample_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer7Get sampling rate.•int mpu_get_temperature(long∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp)Read temperature data directly from the registers.•int mpu_init(struct int_param_s∗int_param)Initialize hardware.•int mpu_load_firmware(unsigned short length,const unsigned char∗firmware, unsigned short start_addr,unsigned short sample_rate)Load and verify DMP image.•int mpu_lp_accel_mode(unsigned char rate)Enter low-power accel-only mode.•int mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(unsigned short thresh,unsigned char time,un-signed char lpa_freq)Enters LP accel motion interrupt mode.•int mpu_read_fifo(short∗gyro,short∗accel,unsigned long∗timestamp,un-signed char∗sensors,unsigned char∗more)Get one packet from the FIFO.•int mpu_read_fifo_stream(unsigned short length,unsigned char∗data,unsigned char∗more)Get one unparsed packet from the FIFO.•int mpu_read_mem(unsigned short mem_addr,unsigned short length,unsigned char∗data)Read from the DMP memory.•int mpu_read_reg(unsigned char reg,unsigned char∗data)Read from a single register.•int mpu_reg_dump(void)Register dump for testing.•int mpu_reset_fifo(void)Reset FIFO read/write pointers.•int mpu_run_self_test(long∗gyro,long∗accel)Trigger gyro/accel/compass self-test.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen8Module Documentation•int mpu_set_accel_bias(const long∗accel_bias)Push biases to the accel bias registers.•int mpu_set_accel_fsr(unsigned char fsr)Set the accel full-scale range.•int mpu_set_bypass(unsigned char bypass_on)Set device to bypass mode.•int mpu_set_compass_sample_rate(unsigned short rate)Set compass sampling rate.•int mpu_set_dmp_state(unsigned char enable)Enable/disable DMP support.•int mpu_set_gyro_fsr(unsigned short fsr)Set the gyro full-scale range.•int mpu_set_int_latched(unsigned char enable)Enable latched interrupts.•int mpu_set_int_level(unsigned char active_low)Set interrupt level.•int mpu_set_lpf(unsigned short lpf)Set digital low passfilter.•int mpu_set_sample_rate(unsigned short rate)Set sampling rate.•int mpu_set_sensors(unsigned char sensors)Turn specific sensors on/off.•int mpu_write_mem(unsigned short mem_addr,unsigned short length,unsigned char∗data)Write to the DMP memory.4.1.1Detailed DescriptionHardware drivers to communicate with sensors via I2C.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer9 4.1.2Function Documentation4.1.2.1int dmp_enable_6x_lp_quat(unsigned char enable)Generate6-axis quaternions from the DMP.In this driver,the3-axis and6-axis DMP quaternion features are mutually exclusive.Parameters:enable1to enable6-axis quaternion.Returns:0if successful. dmp_enable_feature(unsigned short mask)Enable DMP features.The following#define’s are used in the input mask:DMP_FEATURE_TAPDMP_FEATURE_ANDROID_ORIENTDMP_FEATURE_LP_QUATDMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUATDMP_FEATURE_GYRO_CALDMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_ACCELDMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_GYRONOTE:DMP_FEATURE_LP_QUAT and DMP_FEATURE_6X_LP_QUAT are mutu-ally exclusive.NOTE:DMP_FEATURE_SEND_RAW_GYRO and DMP_FEATURE_SEND_-CAL_GYRO are also mutually exclusive.Parameters:mask Mask of features to enable.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen10Module Documentation dmp_enable_gyro_cal(unsigned char enable)Calibrate the gyro data in the DMP.After eight seconds of no motion,the DMP will compute gyro biases and subtract them from the quaternion output.If dmp_enable_feature is called with DMP_FEATURE_-SEND_CAL_GYRO,the biases will also be subtracted from the gyro output. Parameters:enable1to enable gyro calibration.Returns:0if successful. dmp_enable_lp_quat(unsigned char enable)Generate3-axis quaternions from the DMP.In this driver,the3-axis and6-axis DMP quaternion features are mutually exclusive. Parameters:enable1to enable3-axis quaternion.Returns:0if successful. dmp_enable_no_motion_detection(unsigned char enable)Detect accel-based no motion events.Parameters:enable1to enable accel-based no motion detection.Returns:0if successful. dmp_get_fifo_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Get DMP output rate.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer11Parameters:rate Currentfifo rate(Hz).Returns:0if successful. dmp_get_pedometer_step_count(unsigned long∗count)Get current step count.Parameters:count Number of steps detected.Returns:0if successful. dmp_get_pedometer_walk_time(unsigned long∗time)Get duration of walking time.Parameters:time Walk time in milliseconds.Returns:0if successful. dmp_load_android_firmware(void)Load the DMP with this image.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen12Module Documentation dmp_read_fifo(short∗gyro,short∗accel,long∗quat,unsignedlong∗timestamp,short∗sensors,unsigned char∗more)Get one packet from the FIFO.If sensors does not contain a particular sensor,disregard the data returned to that pointer.sensors can contain a combination of the followingflags:INV_X_GYRO,INV_Y_GYRO,INV_Z_GYROINV_XYZ_GYROINV_XYZ_ACCELINV_WXYZ_QUATIf the FIFO has no new data,sensors will be zero.If the FIFO is disabled,sensors will be zero and this function will return a non-zero error code.Parameters:gyro Gyro data in hardware units.accel Accel data in hardware units.quat3-axis quaternion data in hardware units.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.sensors Mask of sensors read from FIFO.more Number of remaining packets.Returns:0if successful. dmp_register_android_orient_cb(void(∗)(unsigned char)func) Register a function to be executed on a android orientation event.Parameters:func Callback function.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer13 dmp_register_no_motion_cb(void(∗)(void)func)Register a function to be executed on a no motion event.Parameters:func Callback function.Returns:0if successful. dmp_register_tap_cb(void(∗)(unsigned char,unsigned char)func) Register a function to be executed on a tap event.The tap direction is represented by one of the following:TAP_X_UPTAP_X_DOWNTAP_Y_UPTAP_Y_DOWNTAP_Z_UPTAP_Z_DOWNParameters:func Callback function.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_accel_bias(long∗bias)Push accel biases to the DMP.These biases will be removed from the DMP6-axis quaternion.Parameters:bias Accel biases in q16.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen14Module Documentation dmp_set_fifo_rate(unsigned short rate)Set DMP output rate.Only used when DMP is on.Parameters:rate Desiredfifo rate(Hz).Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_gyro_bias(long∗bias)Push gyro biases to the DMP.Because the gyro integration is handled in the DMP,any gyro biases calculated by the MPL should be pushed down to DMP memory to remove3-axis quaternion drift. NOTE:If the DMP-based gyro calibration is enabled,the DMP will overwrite the biases written to this location once a new one is computed.Parameters:bias Gyro biases in q16.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_interrupt_mode(unsigned char mode)Specify when a DMP interrupt should occur.A DMP interrupt can be configured to trigger on either of the two conditions below:a.One FIFO period has elapsed(set by mpu_set_sample_rate).b.A tap event has been detected.Parameters:mode DMP_INT_GESTURE or DMP_INT_CONTINUOUS.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer15 dmp_set_no_motion_thresh(unsigned long thresh_mg)Set no motion threshold.The DMP detects no motion when linear acceleration in each accel axis is below this threshold.Parameters:thresh_mg Threshold in milli-gs,q16.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_no_motion_time(unsigned short time_ms)Set no motion delay.This function sets how long the device must be in no motion before a no motion event is reported.Parameters:time_ms Delay in milliseconds.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_orientation(unsigned short orient)Push gyro and accel orientation to the DMP.The orientation is represented here as the output of inv_orientation_matrix_to_-scalar.Parameters:orient Gyro and accel orientation in body frame.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen16Module Documentation dmp_set_pedometer_step_count(unsigned long count)Overwrite current step count.W ARNING:This function writes to DMP memory and could potentially encounter a race condition if called while the pedometer is enabled.Parameters:count New step count.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_pedometer_walk_time(unsigned long time)Overwrite current walk time.W ARNING:This function writes to DMP memory and could potentially encounter a race condition if called while the pedometer is enabled.Parameters:time New walk time in milliseconds. dmp_set_shake_reject_thresh(long sf,unsigned short thresh)Set shake rejection threshold.If the DMP detects a gyro sample larger than thresh,taps are rejected. Parameters:sf Gyro scale factor.thresh Gyro threshold in dps.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_shake_reject_time(unsigned short time)Set shake rejection time.Sets the length of time that the gyro must be outside of the threshold set by gyro_-set_shake_reject_thresh before taps are rejected.A mandatory60ms is added to this parameter.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer17Parameters:time Time in milliseconds.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_shake_reject_timeout(unsigned short time)Set shake rejection timeout.Sets the length of time after a shake rejection that the gyro must stay inside of the threshold before taps can be detected again.A mandatory60ms is added to this pa-rameter.Parameters:time Time in milliseconds.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_tap_axes(unsigned char axis)Set which axes will register a tap.Parameters:axis1,2,and4for XYZ,respectively.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_tap_count(unsigned char min_taps)Set minimum number of taps needed for an interrupt.Parameters:min_taps Minimum consecutive taps(1-4).Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen18Module Documentation dmp_set_tap_thresh(unsigned char axis,unsigned short thresh) Set tap threshold for a specific axis.Parameters:axis1,2,and4for XYZ accel,respectively.thresh Tap threshold,in mg/ms.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_tap_time(unsigned short time)Set length between valid taps.Parameters:time Milliseconds between taps.Returns:0if successful. dmp_set_tap_time_multi(unsigned short time)Set max time between taps to register as a multi-tap.Parameters:time Max milliseconds between taps.Returns:0if successful. mpu_configure_fifo(unsigned char sensors)Select which sensors are pushed to FIFO.sensors can contain a combination of the followingflags:INV_X_GYRO,INV_Y_GYRO,INV_Z_GYROINV_XYZ_GYROINV_XYZ_ACCELGenerated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer19Parameters:sensors Mask of sensors to push to FIFO.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_accel_fsr(unsigned char∗fsr)Get the accel full-scale range.Parameters:fsr Current full-scale range.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_accel_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp) Read raw accel data directly from the registers.Parameters:data Raw data in hardware units.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.Null if not needed.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_accel_sens(unsigned short∗sens)Get accel sensitivity scale factor.Parameters:sens Conversion from hardware units to g’s.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen20Module Documentation mpu_get_compass_fsr(unsigned short∗fsr)Get the compass full-scale range.Parameters:fsr Current full-scale range.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_compass_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp) Read raw compass data.Parameters:data Raw data in hardware units.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.Null if not needed.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_compass_sample_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Get compass sampling rate.Parameters:rate Current compass sampling rate(Hz).Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_dmp_state(unsigned char∗enabled)Get DMP state.Parameters:enabled1if enabled.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer21 mpu_get_fifo_config(unsigned char∗sensors)Get current FIFO configuration.sensors can contain a combination of the followingflags:INV_X_GYRO,INV_Y_GYRO,INV_Z_GYROINV_XYZ_GYROINV_XYZ_ACCELParameters:sensors Mask of sensors in FIFO.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_gyro_fsr(unsigned short∗fsr)Get the gyro full-scale range.Parameters:fsr Current full-scale range.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_gyro_reg(short∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp)Read raw gyro data directly from the registers.Parameters:data Raw data in hardware units.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.Null if not needed.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen22Module Documentation mpu_get_gyro_sens(float∗sens)Get gyro sensitivity scale factor.Parameters:sens Conversion from hardware units to dps.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_int_status(short∗status)Read the MPU interrupt status registers.Parameters:status Mask of interrupt bits.Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_lpf(unsigned short∗lpf)Get the current DLPF setting.Parameters:lpf Current LPF setting.0if successful. mpu_get_power_state(unsigned char∗power_on)Get current power state.Parameters:power_on1if turned on,0if suspended.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer23 mpu_get_sample_rate(unsigned short∗rate)Get sampling rate.Parameters:rate Current sampling rate(Hz).Returns:0if successful. mpu_get_temperature(long∗data,unsigned long∗timestamp) Read temperature data directly from the registers.Parameters:data Data in q16format.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.Null if not needed.Returns:0if successful. mpu_init(struct int_param_s∗int_param)Initialize hardware.Initial configuration:Gyro FSR:+/-2000DPSAccel FSR+/-2GDLPF:42HzFIFO rate:50HzClock source:Gyro PLLFIFO:Disabled.Data ready interrupt:Disabled,active low,unlatched.Parameters:int_param Platform-specific parameters to interrupt API.Returns:0if successful.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen24Module Documentation mpu_load_firmware(unsigned short length,const unsigned char∗firmware,unsigned short start_addr,unsigned short sample_rate) Load and verify DMP image.Parameters:length Length of DMP image.firmware DMP code.start_addr Starting address of DMP code memory.sample_rate Fixed sampling rate used when DMP is enabled.Returns:0if successful. mpu_lp_accel_mode(unsigned char rate)Enter low-power accel-only mode.In low-power accel mode,the chip goes to sleep and only wakes up to sample the accelerometer at one of the following frequencies:MPU6050:1.25Hz,5Hz,20Hz,40HzMPU6500:1.25Hz,2.5Hz,5Hz,10Hz,20Hz,40Hz,80Hz,160Hz,320Hz,640HzIf the requested rate is not one listed above,the device will be set to the next highest rate.Requesting a rate above the maximum supported frequency will result in an error. To select a fractional wake-up frequency,round down the value passed to rate.Parameters:rate Minimum sampling rate,or zero to disable LP accel mode.Returns:0if successful. mpu_lp_motion_interrupt(unsigned short thresh,unsigned chartime,unsigned char lpa_freq)Enters LP accel motion interrupt mode.The behavior of this feature is very different between the MPU6050and the MPU6500. Each chip’s version of this feature is explained below.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen4.1Sensor Driver Layer25MPU6050:When this mode isfirst enabled,the hardware captures a single accel sample,and subsequent samples are compared with this one to determine if the device is in motion. Therefore,whenever this"locked"sample needs to be changed,this function must be called again.The hardware motion threshold can be between32mg and8160mg in32mg increments. Low-power accel mode supports the following frequencies:1.25Hz,5Hz,20Hz,40HzMPU6500:Unlike the MPU6050version,the hardware does not"lock in"a reference sample.The hardware monitors the accel data and detects any large change over a short period of time.The hardware motion threshold can be between4mg and1020mg in4mg increments. MPU6500Low-power accel mode supports the following frequencies:1.25Hz,2.5Hz,5Hz,10Hz,20Hz,40Hz,80Hz,160Hz,320Hz,640HzNOTES:The driver will round down thresh to the nearest supported value if an unsupported threshold is selected.To select a fractional wake-up frequency,round down the value passed to lpa_freq. The MPU6500does not support a delay parameter.If this function is used for the MPU6500,the value passed to time will be ignored.To disable this mode,set lpa_freq to zero.The driver will restore the previous config-uration.Parameters:thresh Motion threshold in mg.time Duration in milliseconds that the accel data must exceed thresh before mo-tion is reported.lpa_freq Minimum sampling rate,or zero to disable.Returns:0if successful. mpu_read_fifo(short∗gyro,short∗accel,unsigned long∗timestamp,unsigned char∗sensors,unsigned char∗more)Get one packet from the FIFO.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen26Module Documentation If sensors does not contain a particular sensor,disregard the data returned to that pointer.sensors can contain a combination of the followingflags:INV_X_GYRO,INV_Y_GYRO,INV_Z_GYROINV_XYZ_GYROINV_XYZ_ACCELIf the FIFO has no new data,sensors will be zero.If the FIFO is disabled,sensors will be zero and this function will return a non-zero error code.Parameters:gyro Gyro data in hardware units.accel Accel data in hardware units.timestamp Timestamp in milliseconds.sensors Mask of sensors read from FIFO.more Number of remaining packets.Returns:0if successful. mpu_read_fifo_stream(unsigned short length,unsigned char∗data,unsigned char∗more)Get one unparsed packet from the FIFO.This function should be used if the packet is to be parsed elsewhere.Parameters:length Length of one FIFO FIFO packet.more Number of remaining packets. mpu_read_mem(unsigned short mem_addr,unsigned short length,unsigned char∗data)Read from the DMP memory.This function prevents I2C reads past the bank boundaries.The DMP memory is only accessible when the chip is awake.Generated on Fri Dec1411:17:092012for MotionDriver by Doxygen。



仅翻译了有用部分——By LeeDy.Li2013.1.7《MPU-6000/MPU-6050产品说明书》1.版本更新2.应用范围3.产品简介MPU-60X0是全球首例9轴运动处理传感器。

它集成了3轴MEMS陀螺仪,3轴MEMS 加速度计,以及一个可扩展的数字运动处理器DMP(Digital Motion Processor),可用I2C 接口连接一个第三方的数字传感器,比如磁力计。















看看陀螺仪原理。另外 GYRO 也一样,分别是 X,Y,Z 轴的角速度。
现在就会问?获得了这个寄存器的值怎么个用法?那到底怎么用呢??让强大的后宫 告诉你,朕有后宫三千......
我举个例子,有没有小时候玩过陀螺,青龙白虎......我假如在陀螺的中间插一根棍子, 那根棍子在陀螺旋转的时候会跟着转,这个时候,当陀螺向左转时,GYRO_ZOUT=65513, GYRO_ZOUT=0,GYRO_ZOUT=0,这个值是我乱取的,不过大概是这个范围,速度越快 会 在 65536 的 基 础 上 减 小 的 更 多 , 不 过 不 会 减 到 65536/2 。 当 陀 螺 向 右 转 时 , GYRO_ZOUT=57,GYRO_ZOUT=0,GYRO_ZOUT=0,速度越快会在 0 的基础上增加的更 多,不过不会加到 65536/2。 怎么样,陀螺仪角速度是不是明白了???爽不爽
下面给一份代码 主控是 STM32 的 直接复制粘贴可以使用,功能是小车走直线,自
一..H 文件
#ifndef __MPU6050_H
#define __MPU6050_H
//SCL=1; //SDA=1;
} void I2C_Start(void) {
GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_11);//SDA GPIO_SetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_12);//SCL //SDA = 1; //SCL = 1; delay_us(5); GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_11);//SDA // SDA = 0; delay_us(5); // SCL = 0; GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOB,GPIO_Pin_12);//SCL









MPU6050初始化配置:借鉴网上资料,有关MPU6050的基本配置的几个寄存器为:寄存器25 –Sample Rate Divider (SMPRT_DIV):配置陀螺仪输出分频寄存器26 –Configuration (CONFIG):配置数字低通滤波器寄存器27 –Gyroscope Configuration (GYRO_CONFIG):配置陀螺仪满量程寄存器28 –Accelerometer Configuration (ACCEL_CONFIG):加速度满量程寄存器107 –Power Management 1 (PWR_MGMT_1):配置模式、时钟注意:第一步:解除休眠,进入工作模式,一定要延时等待上百毫秒,否则初始化不成功。




举例如下:i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_PWR_MGMT_1,0x00); //解除休眠delay_ms(200); /*解除休眠后的延时要上百毫秒,否则初始化不成功*/ //另一个程序并没有设置延时i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_PWR_MGMT_1,0x03); //选时钟i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_CONFIG,0x03); //加速度44hz滤波,陀螺仪42hz滤波i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_SMPLRT_DIV,0x00); //陀螺仪采样率,1khz效果不错i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_GYRO_CONFIG,0x18); //陀螺仪最大量程+-2000度每秒i2cWrite(devAddr,MPU6050_RA_ACCEL_CONFIG,0x08); //加速度度最大量程+-4G。





米思奇(Mithun Chakravarthy)是一位专业的工程师,有着丰富的MPU6050用法经验。





米思奇能够编写支持各种微控制器平台的代码,例如Arduino、Raspberry Pi等。











adafruit mpu6050 6轴加速度计和陀螺仪 学习指南说明书

adafruit mpu6050 6轴加速度计和陀螺仪 学习指南说明书

MPU6050 6-axis Accelerometer and GyroCreated by Bryan SiepertLast updated on 2019-11-06 09:51:47 PM UTCOverviewThe MPU-6050 is a popular six axis accelerometer and gyroscope (gyro) that has all the info you need on how things are shakin' and spinnin' . With six axes of sensing and 16-bit measurements, you'll have everything you need to give your robot friend a sense of balance, using the MPU-6050 as its inner ear.This combination of gyroscopes and accelerometers is commonly referred to as an I nertial M easurement U nit or IMU. Not so long ago IMUs were the size of a breadbox ( cost upwards of $50,000! While you're not going to be using it to guide your mars rocket, the MPU-6050 is several orders of magnitude smaller and a bargain at a price three orders of magnitude less! Now you can add telemetry to your water rocket ( some waterproofing).As with all Adafruit breakouts, we've done the work to make the MPU-6050 super easy to use. We've put it on a breakout board with the required support circuitry and connectors to make it easy to work with. And of course we've added SparkFun Qwiic ( compatible STEMMA QT ( JST SH connectors that allow you to get going without needing to solder. Just use a STEMMA QT adapter cable (, plug itinto your favorite micro or Blinka supported SBC and you're ready to rock!"What is a sensor without a driver?" you might say. To that I would reply "Who cares, we got some for you right here". Be it Arduino, CircuitPython or Python on a computer (single board or even multi-board! (, we'vegot you covered.- this is the power pin. Since the sensor chip uses 3 VDC, we have included a voltage regulator on board that will take 3-5VDC and safely convert it down. To power the board, give it the same power as the logic level of your microcontroller - e.g. for a 5V microcontroller like Arduino, use 5V- this is the 3.3V output from the voltage regulator, you can grab up to 100mA from this if you likeClick the Manage Libraries ... menu item, search for Adafruit MPU6050, and select the Adafruit MPU6050 library and click Install:Then follow the same process for the Adafruit BusIO library.Lastly find and install the Adafruit Unified Sensor libraryBasic Reading ExampleOpen up File -> Examples -> Adafruit MPU6050 -> basic_readings and upload to your Arduino wired up to the sensor. One you've uploaded the sketch to your board open up the Serial Monitor (Tools->Serial Monitor) at 115200 baud. You should see the acceleration, rotation measurements, and temperature being printed like so:Give the sensor a wiggle or a spin and watch how the measurements change! Basic Readings Example Code// Basic demo for accelerometer readings from Adafruit MPU6050#include <Adafruit_MPU6050.h>#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>#include <Wire.h>Adafruit_MPU6050 mpu;void setup(void) {Serial.begin(115200);while (!Serial)delay(10); // will pause Zero, Leonardo, etc until serial console opens Serial.println("Adafruit MPU6050 test!");// Try to initialize!if (!mpu.begin()) {Serial.println("Failed to find MPU6050 chip");while (1) {delay(10);}}Serial.println("MPU6050 Found!");mpu.setAccelerometerRange(MPU6050_RANGE_8_G);Serial.print("Accelerometer range set to: ");switch (mpu.getAccelerometerRange()) {case MPU6050_RANGE_2_G:Serial.println("+-2G");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_4_G:Serial.println("+-4G");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_8_G:Serial.println("+-8G");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_16_G:Serial.println("+-16G");break;}mpu.setGyroRange(MPU6050_RANGE_500_DEG);Serial.print("Gyro range set to: ");switch (mpu.getGyroRange()) {case MPU6050_RANGE_250_DEG:Serial.println("+- 250 deg/s");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_500_DEG:Serial.println("+- 500 deg/s");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_1000_DEG:Serial.println("+- 1000 deg/s");break;case MPU6050_RANGE_2000_DEG:Serial.println("+- 2000 deg/s");Serial.println("+- 2000 deg/s");break;}mpu.setFilterBandwidth(MPU6050_BAND_21_HZ); Serial.print("Filter bandwidth set to: ");switch (mpu.getFilterBandwidth()) {case MPU6050_BAND_260_HZ:Serial.println("260 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_184_HZ:Serial.println("184 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_94_HZ:Serial.println("94 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_44_HZ:Serial.println("44 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_21_HZ:Serial.println("21 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_10_HZ:Serial.println("10 Hz");break;case MPU6050_BAND_5_HZ:Serial.println("5 Hz");break;}Serial.println("");delay(100);}void loop() {/* Take a new reading */;/* Get new sensor events with the readings */ sensors_event_t a, g, temp;mpu.getEvent(&a, &g, &temp);/* Print out the values */Serial.print("Acceleration X: ");Serial.print(a.acceleration.x);Serial.print(", Y: ");Serial.print(a.acceleration.y);Serial.print(", Z: ");Serial.print(a.acceleration.z);Serial.println(" m/s^2");Serial.print("Rotation X: ");Serial.print(g.gyro.x);Serial.print(", Y: ");Serial.print(g.gyro.y);Serial.print(", Z: ");Serial.print(g.gyro.z);Serial.println(" deg/s");Serial.print("Temperature: ");Serial.print("Temperature: "); Serial.print(temp.temperature); Serial.println(" degC");Serial.println("");delay(500);}Arduino DocsArduino Docs ( Computer WiringNow you're ready to read values from the sensor using these properties:That's all there is to it! Go forth and imbue your robot friends with the gift of being able to maybe not fall down all theimport timeimport boardimport busioimport adafruit_mpu6050i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)mpu = adafruit_mpu6050.MPU6050(i2c)while True:print("Acceleration: X:%.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f m/s^2"%(mpu.acceleration)) print("Gyro X:%.2f, Y: %.2f, Z: %.2f degrees/s"%(mpu.gyro))print("Temperature: %.2f C"%mpu.temperature)print("")time.sleep(1)Python DocsPython Docs (。



1.//技术文档未公布的寄存器主要用于官方DMP操作2.#define MPU6050_RA_XG_OFFS_TC 0x00 //[bit7] PWR_MODE, [6:1] XG_OFFS_TC, [bit 0]OTP_BNK_VLD3.#define MPU6050_RA_YG_OFFS_TC 0x01 //[7] PWR_MODE, [6:1] YG_OFFS_TC, [0] OTP_BNK_VLD4.//bit7的定义,当设置为1,辅助I2C总线高电平是VDD。

当设置为0,辅助I2C总线高电平是VLOGIC5.6.#define MPU6050_RA_ZG_OFFS_TC 0x02 //[7] PWR_MODE, [6:1] ZG_OFFS_TC, [0] OTP_BNK_VLD7.#define MPU6050_RA_X_FINE_GAIN 0x03 //[7:0] X_FINE_GAIN8.#define MPU6050_RA_Y_FINE_GAIN 0x04 //[7:0] Y_FINE_GAIN9.#define MPU6050_RA_Z_FINE_GAIN 0x05 //[7:0] Z_FINE_GAIN10.11.#define MPU6050_RA_XA_OFFS_H 0x06 //[15:0] XA_OFFS 两个寄存器合在一起12.#define MPU6050_RA_XA_OFFS_L_TC 0x0713.14.#define MPU6050_RA_YA_OFFS_H 0x08 //[15:0] YA_OFFS 两个寄存器合在一起15.#define MPU6050_RA_YA_OFFS_L_TC 0x0916.17.#define MPU6050_RA_ZA_OFFS_H 0x0A //[15:0] ZA_OFFS 两个寄存器合在一起18.#define MPU6050_RA_ZA_OFFS_L_TC 0x0B19.20.#define MPU6050_RA_XG_OFFS_USRH 0x13 //[15:0] XG_OFFS_USR 两个寄存器合在一起21.#define MPU6050_RA_XG_OFFS_USRL 0x1422.23.#define MPU6050_RA_YG_OFFS_USRH 0x15 //[15:0] YG_OFFS_USR 两个寄存器合在一起24.#define MPU6050_RA_YG_OFFS_USRL 0x1625.26.#define MPU6050_RA_ZG_OFFS_USRH 0x17 //[15:0] ZG_OFFS_USR 两个寄存器合在一起27.#define MPU6050_RA_ZG_OFFS_USRL 0x1828.29./*陀螺仪的采样频率*/30./*传感器的寄存器输出,FIFO输出,DMP采样、运动检测、31.*零运动检测和自由落体检测都是基于采样率。



高精度 6 轴惯性导航模块说明书1产品概述此六轴模块采用高精度的陀螺加速度计MPU6050,通过处理器读取MPU6050 的测量数据然后通过串口输出,免去了用户自己去开发MPU6050 复杂的I2C 协议,同时精心的PCB 布局和工艺保证了MPU6050 收到外接的干扰最小,测量的精度最高。

2性能参数1、电压:3V~6V2、电流:<10mA3、体积:17.8mm X 17.8mm 重量:1.1g4、焊盘间距:上下100mil(2.54mm),左右600mil(15.24mm)5、测量维度:加速度:3 维,角速度:3 维,姿态角:3 维6、量程:加速度:± 16g,角速度:± 2000°/s。





11、数据接口:串口(TTL 电平),I2C(直接连MPU6050,无姿态输出)10、波特率115200kps/9600kps。

3引脚说明:44.1与计算机与计算机连接,需要USB 转TTL 电平的串口模块。

推荐以下USB 转串口模块。

USB 串口模块连接6050 模块的方法是:USB 串口模块的+5V,TXD,RXD,GND 接6050 模块的VCC,RX,TX,GND。

注意TXD 和RXD 的交叉。

4.2 连单片机4.3MCU 连单片机并输出调试信息。

通常情况下,MCU 的串口资源比较紧张,有的单片机只有一个串口,而且调试的时候需要通过串口输出调试信息,这时可以将MCU 的TX 引脚连接到USB 转串口模块的RX 上,6050 模块的TX 接到MCU 的RX 引脚上,这样MCU 既可以收到6050 模块的数据,又可以输出调试信息了。





玩MPU6050的步骤:1.学习I2C ,I2C 就是MPU6050传送数据到单片机的一种协议,类似于USB ,当然USB 还是比较有难度的。



1.2IIC 简介IIC 可以去看下我们野火相关的教程,在这里只是简单地介绍下,先看下我们的书或者教程,从EEPROM 里面写入和读取数据,因为EEPROM 写入和读取数据也是根据I2C 协议来的。

I2C 有分软件和硬件,软件就你通过对I2C 的时钟线和数据线,可能你不知道时钟线和数据线,那还是先去学I2C 的基础教程。

软件模拟I2C 就是根据下面的图然后再适当的时候给时钟线和数据线高低,具体可以看I2C 的协议见图1-1。

图1-1IIC 起始字节时序图这部分学习的诀窍就是:先写下I2C通讯的一个环节就好了,比如起始字节,其他的也是大同小异,直接上网找例程就好了,想要用软件模拟出全部的时序当然也可以。




图1-2MPU6050模块正面图1-3MPU6050模块背面管脚名称说明VCC 3.3-5V(内部有稳压芯片)GND地线SCL MPU6050作为从机时IIC时钟线SDA MPU6050作为从机时IIC数据线XCL MPU6050作为主机时IIC时钟线XDA MPU6050作为主机时IIC数据线AD0地址管脚,该管脚决定了IIC地址的最低一位INT中断引脚这里重点讲解AD0的作用,I2C通讯中从机是要有地址的,以区别多个从机。

合嵌盘古 MPU6050陀螺仪模块规格书

合嵌盘古 MPU6050陀螺仪模块规格书






合嵌盘古Gyroscope-601陀螺仪模块通过串口输出的加速度值数据如下所示:aX=0X66 +0.0gaY=0Xfff3 -0.0gaZ= 0Xe8b +0.9ggX=0Xffc6 -0.43dpsgY=0X2d +0.34dpsgZ= 0Xff7b -1.01dps其中:aX、aY、aZ分别表示三轴加速度值,gX、gY、gZ分别表示三轴角速度值。

其中 aX=0X66 +0.0g 中的0X66表示传感器测量到的16进制加速度值, +0.0g表示根据加速度传感器芯片的数据转换规则转换成的物体运动的加速度值。

其中 gX=0Xffc6 -0.43dps 中的0X ffc6表示传感器测量到的16进制角速度值,-0.43dps表示根据加速度传感器芯片的数据转换规则转换成的物体运动的角速度值。

陀螺仪模块的电气参数:工作电压: +5V工作电流: ≤50mA陀螺仪模块的技术参数:测量方向:三轴全方向自检测: 支持传感器模块的自检测加速度值测量范围: ≤±16g角速度最大测量范围: ≤±2000°/sec最高灵敏度:≤131 LSB/(º/s)数据输出率:最大8KHz抗震动的最大忍受度:≤1000g联系Q Q: 1094606988加速度模块研发生产商:安徽合嵌电子科技有限公司地址:滁州市花园西路82号1栋302#网址:应用汽车运动及汽车转弯碰撞检测、轮船运动及转弯碰撞检测、运动物体检测、电子稳像、光学稳像、 行人导航器、 “零触控”手势用户接口、 姿势快捷方式 、认证市场智能型手机 平板装置设备 手持型游戏产品 游戏机 3D遥控器 可携式导航设备。

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高精度 6 轴惯性导航模块说明书
此六轴模块采用高精度的陀螺加速度计MPU6050,通过处理器读取MPU6050 的测量数据然后通过串口输出,免去了用户自己去开发MPU6050 复杂的I2C 协议,同时精心的PCB 布局和工艺保证了MPU6050 收到外接的干扰最小,测量的精度最高。

3、体积:17.8mm X 17.8mm 重量:1.1g
5、测量维度:加速度:3 维,角速度:3 维,姿态角:3 维
6、量程:加速度:± 16g,角速度:± 2000°/s。





(TTL 电平),I2C(直接连MPU6050,无姿态输出)

与计算机连接,需要USB 转TTL 电平的串口模块。

推荐以下USB 转串口模块。

USB 串口模块连接6050 模块的方法是:USB 串口模块的+5V,TXD,RXD,GND 接6050 模块的VCC,RX,TX,GND。

注意TXD 和RXD 的交叉。

4.2 连单片机
4.3MCU 连单片机并输出调试信息。

通常情况下,MCU 的串口资源比较紧张,有的单片机只有一个串口,而且调试的时候需要通过串口输出调试信息,这时可以将MCU 的TX 引脚连接到USB 转串口模块的RX 上,
6050 模块的TX 接到MCU 的RX 引脚上,这样MCU 既可以收到6050 模块的数据,又可以输出调试信息了。

只是MCU 无法输出串口指令给6050 模块了,不过模块的配置都是可以掉电保存的,而且校准可以再上电后第三秒钟自动执行,通常情况下不用发送任何指令即可工作。

4.4 用上位机监视模块与单片机的通信。

如果需要在MCU 接受6050 模块的输出数据的同时,用上位机监视当前的数据,可以将USB 转串口模块的RX 接到模块的TX 引脚上,并共地即可。

电平:TTL 电平(非RS232 电平,若将模块错接到RS232 电平可能造成模块损坏)波特率:115200/9600,停止位1,校验位0。

1.模块上电以后需先保持静止,模块内部的MCU 会在模块静止的时候进行自动校准(消除陀螺零漂),校准以后Z 轴的角度会重新初始化为0,Z 轴角度输出为0 时,可视为自动校准完成的信号。



5.2 模块至上位机:
模块发送至上位机每帧数据分为3 个数据包,分别为加速度包,角速度包和角度包,3个数据包顺序输出。

波特率115200 时每隔10ms 输出 1 帧数据,波特率9600 时每隔50ms 输出一帧数据。

a x=((AxH<<8)|AxL)/32768*16g(g 为重力加速度,可取9.8m/s2)
a y=((AyH<<8)|AyL)/32768*16g(g 为重力加速度,可取9.8m/s2)
a z=((AzH<<8)|AzL)/32768*16g(g 为重力加速度,可取9.8m/s2) 温度计算公式:T=((TH<<8)|TL) /340+36.53 ℃
w x=((wxH<<8)|wxL)/32768*2000(°/s)
w y=((wyH<<8)|wyL)/32768*2000(°/s)
w z=((wzH<<8)|wzL)/32768*2000(°/s) 温度计算公式:
T=((TH<<8)|TL) /340+36.53 ℃
滚转角(x 轴)Roll=((RollH<<8)|RollL)/32768*180(°) 俯仰角(y
轴)Pitch=((PitchH<<8)|PitchL)/32768*180(°) 偏航角(z 轴)
Yaw=((YawH<<8)|YawL)/32768*180(°) 温度计算公式:
T=((TH<<8)|TL) /340+36.53 ℃

欧拉角表示姿态时的坐标系旋转顺序定义为为 z-y-x,即先绕z轴转,再绕y轴转,再绕x轴转。







角度初始化用于让Z 轴的角度数据归零。



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