
















()3、对于营销主体而言,环境及环境因素是不可控制的,所以我们无法通过营销环境的分析对其发展趋势和变化进行预测和实现判断.( )4、从广义上讲,网络用户是指连接在互联网上的法人用户和个人用户.()5、情绪动机是由外界环境因素的突然刺激而产生的好奇、兴奋、模仿等情感而激发的购买动机。


()6、病毒性营销是以传播病毒的方式开展营销,通过用户的口碑宣传网络,信息像病毒一样传播和扩散,利用快速复制的方式传向数以千计、数以万计的受众.( )7、动机是指推动人类进行活动的外部原动力,即激励人行动的原因.()8、无站点网络营销是指企业没有建立自己的网站,而是利用互联网上的资源(如电子邮件、邮件列表和新闻组等)开展的网络营销活动,属于高级的网络营销.()9、网络营销活动可以脱离一般营销环境而独立存在。































A.包装B.加工C.储存D.装卸9.:-)这个网络表情是表示()A.哭泣 B. 生气C.苦恼D.微笑10.关于“互联网+”,以下说法正确的是()。





50、在网站的主页制作时,填写关键字,用到的设置____标记 A、 Src B、 Meta C、 Details D、 Title 51、搜索引擎在引用网页关键字时,将要分析的栏目是____ A、 meta\title B、 font C、 scr D、 hef 52、将某个网站进行推广的方法,不包括____ A、 与其他网站进行互换链接的操作 B、 人工登录到搜索引擎的信息库中 C、 设置网站主页的 meta项和 title D、 更新网页 53、互换链接有两种方法____ A、 一种是网站直接与其他网站进行交换链接,另一种是通过注册登录上搜索引 擎 B、 一种是网站通过注册登录上搜索引擎,另一种是通过交换联盟实现交换链接 C、 一种是网站直接与其他网站进行交换链接,另一种是通过交换联盟实现交换 链接 D、 一种是网站直接与其他网站进行交换链接,另一种是门户网站广告 54、搜索引擎主要是通过来____增加自己的数据库(即索引)的。下列说法完整 的是 A、 Spider程序或用户提交的申请 B、 用户提交的申请 C、 Spider运行程序 D、 用户申请和人工游览 55、依靠用户提交注册信息并依赖搜索引擎的管理人员来增加索引伯数目,也称 作____
A、我们的沟通对象是谁 B、如何与我们的目标受众沟通 C、我们的沟通要达到什么样的目的 D、政府是否批准 7、____不是旗帜广告的制作技巧。 A、增加旗帜广告的吸引力 B、选用多媒体形式 C、选择最佳的位置 D、在广告上加上Click或“请点击”字样 8、下面____不是网络市场调研的优势。 A、网络调研的及时性和客观性 B、网络调研的便捷性和经济性 C、网络调研的生动性 D、网络调研的互动性 9、建立企业内部网可以不必考虑____。 A、企业的生产 B、建网的投资费用分析 C、网络人才的培养与招聘 D、企业内部网的建立必须有明确的目标 10、网络营销对传统营销冲击____。 A、营销竞争战略的影响 B、对企业跨国经营战略的影响 C、对营销组织的影响 D、对企业内部生产的影响 11、网络营销广告1994年发源于____。 A、美国息 C、数据库 D、数据库系统 24、网络商务信息限定了商务信息传递的媒体和途径,____属于网络商务信息的 范畴。 A、通过计算机网络传递的商务信息既计算机察知的符号系统。 B、一切商务信息,能够存储在计算机上,能由EMAIL传递。 C、由EMAIL、WEB页等传送的信息。 D、一切网络供应商、客户的商务信息。 25、我们当今的网络时代,网络信息的收集绝大部分是通过____获得的。 A、聊天程序 B、新闻组 C、搜索引擎 D、BBS 26、下列哪些说法是正确的:____ A、虽然网络系统提供了许多检索方法,但企业营销人员还是常被淹没在信息垃 圾之中。 B、在网络信息资源中,迅速地找到自己所需要地信息,不需要培训和经验积累。 C、网络商务信息,对于企业的战略管理、市场研究以及新产口都毫无作用。 D、自己地信息资料遗失后,不可以到原有地信息源中再次查找。 27、网络商务信息可以方便地从因特网下载到自己的计算机上管理,在原有地各 个网站上也有信息存储系统,可以到原有地信息源中再次查找。说明的是网络商 务信息的____。 A、实效性强 B、准确性高 C、便于存储 D、方便性 28、由于网络信息更新及时、传递速度快,只要信息收集者及时发现信息,就可 以保证信息的



市场营销案例参考答案话题一探寻一:各种各样的市场案例讨论:亚洲第一大网络零售商圈——淘宝网 1.淘宝网属于哪一类市场?淘宝网是虚拟的网上商品交易市场,属于无形的市场。


探寻二:市场是怎样形成的案例讨论:联合利华的“乡村攻略” 请讨论:联合利华是怎样赢得印度市场的?其做法的依据是什么?联合利华公司发现在印度乡村市场居住着高达%的印度人口,并且印度人头发总量比中国人还多居世界首位,占到环球居民头发总量的28%,在印度文化环境中,对头发的梳理保养成为大多数妇女唯一的奢侈,因而联合利华公司根据印度当地的习俗及购买能力,潜心研发出了融洗衣、洗发和洗澡于一身的“博润泽二合一”多功能廉价香皂,从而赢得了印度市场。



探寻四:哪些理念引领着营销活动案例分析:爱尔琴钟表公司的经营观念 1.爱尔琴钟表公司持有什么样的经营观念?爱尔琴钟表公司认为自己的产品质量好,顾客必然会找上门,这是一种典型的产品观念。

1 2.该经营观念与市场营销观念有什么区别?该观念是以产品为中心,依靠增加生产和各种推销手段,最终达到将产品销售出去来获得利润的目的;而市场营销观念则是以以消费者的需求为中心,加强市场调查和预测,生产适销对路的产品,开展整体营销活动,最终通过满足消费者需求来获得利润。




电子商务的未来趋势:预测电子商务行业的下一个风口!1. Introduction1.1 Overview:In recent years, the rapid growth of e-commerce has revolutionized the way businesses operate and consumers shop. With advancements in technology and changing consumer behavior, the e-commerce industry is constantly evolving. This article aims to explore the future trends of e-commerce and predict the next big wave in this industry.1.2 Article Structure:This article is divided into several sections to provide a comprehensive analysis of the future trends in e-commerce. It begins with an introduction in which we will provide an overview of the current state of e-commerce and its significance in today's market. The subsequent sections will delve deeper into the analysis of the present scenario, evaluate emerging technologies impacting e-commerce, examine changes in consumer behavior, and discuss opportunities and challenges faced by e-commerce in emerging markets. Finally, we will conclude with our predictions for the future development of this industry along with suggested strategies to mitigate risks.1.3 Objectives:The main objectives of this article are as follows:- To provide an understanding of the current landscape of e-commerce. - To analyze key trends shaping the e-commerce industry.- To explore emerging technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality in relation to their potential impact on e-commerce.- To assess how changes in consumer behavior are influencing the direction of e-commerce.- To evaluate opportunities and challenges faced by e-commerce players in emerging markets.- To forecast future trends and developments in e-commerce.- To offer insights and strategies for businesses to navigate potential risks associated with these trends.By exploring these aspects, this article aims to equip readers with valuable knowledge that can help them anticipate future shifts within the e-commerce industry and position themselves advantageously in a highly competitive marketplace.Note: The content provided above is a general outline for writing anintroduction section for your article titled "Future Trends in E-commerce: Predicting the Next Boom!" Feel free to modify and expand upon the provided information as per your requirements.2. 电子商务的现状分析2.1 当前电子商务市场情况当前的电子商务市场正在经历快速增长,并且在全球范围内取得了巨大的成功。



















































网络营销考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 网络营销的核心是()。

A. 产品B. 价格C. 顾客D. 渠道答案:C2. 以下哪项不是网络营销的4P理论中的要素?()。

A. 产品(Product)B. 价格(Price)C. 地点(Place)D. 人员(People)答案:D3. 网络营销中,通过电子邮件发送广告信息的方式被称为()。

A. 电子邮件营销B. 社交媒体营销C. 内容营销D. 搜索引擎营销答案:A4. 在网络营销中,SEO的全称是()。

A. Search Engine OptimizationB. Social Engine OptimizationC. Sales Engine OptimizationD. Security Engine Optimization答案:A5. 以下哪个指标用于衡量网络营销活动的效果?()。

A. 点击率(Click-Through Rate)B. 转化率(Conversion Rate)C. 打开率(Open Rate)D. 所有以上选项答案:D二、多项选择题1. 网络营销的优势包括()。

A. 覆盖面广B. 成本低C. 互动性强D. 可测量性高答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些是网络营销的常用工具?()。

A. 社交媒体平台B. 搜索引擎C. 电子邮件D. 网络广告答案:ABCD三、判断题1. 网络营销只适用于大型企业。

()答案:错误2. 内容营销是网络营销的一个重要组成部分。

()答案:正确3. 网络营销可以完全取代传统营销。

()答案:错误四、简答题1. 简述网络营销与传统营销的主要区别。



2. 描述网络营销中的病毒式营销策略。




步惊云外贸跟单教学系统软件3.0答案步惊云外贸跟单教学系统软件3.0答案: bcpc在线回答问题,做外贸跟单教学系统软件。







1. FTP海外网银产品管理系统步惊云 FTP海外网银产品管理系统,是一款非常实用的外贸软件,它能够帮助我们更好的管理我们的产品,管理我们的客户!这个软件的优势在于通过 FTP海外网银可以轻松管理我们的产品!那么如何管理呢?通过步惊云 FTP海外网银可以轻松完成以下功能。


在使用这个管理系统后,不仅能够方便我们企业内部员工做生意,而且还可以将我们的企业做大做强!步惊云 FTP海外网银产品管理系统功能全面升级!支持自定义产品管理,功能更强大!使用该系统能快速地帮助我们进行订单管理,快速地为自己做外贸订单定位海外市场!***。

适用于外贸企业,外贸个人!.该软件对我们企业来说有着非常重要的意义,我相信在我们企业和个人使用这款软件之后会为我们企业带来非常大的帮助!】2. RDF国际贸易电子商务系统步惊云外贸跟单平台是一款面向全球商务精英而设计,由步惊云研发的新型外贸软件。









正确答案:对4、多选某卖化妆品的公司打算在互联网上投放广告,有哪些渠道可以投放?()A.找广告联盟B.找广告代理C.找中国互联网信息中心D.直接找商务人正确答案:A, B, D5、单选网络营销广告的信息沟通运作模式中,下列()不是它的主体。


A.基于网站的网络营销B.无站点网络营销C.网络直复营销D.EDI无网站的网络营销正确答案:A, B8、判断题企业上网一定要先建立网站,没有这个基础网络营销无从谈起。

正确答案:错9、问答题 E.mail营销有哪些类型?正确答案:(1)按照是否经过用户许可分类,将E.mail营销分为许可E.mail营销和未经许可的E.mail营销(2)按照E.mail地址的所有权分类,分为内部列表和外部列表(3)按照营销计划分类,分为临时E.mail营销和长期E.mail营销(4)按照E.mail营销的功能分类,分为顾客关系E.mail营销、顾客服务E.mail营销、在线调查E.mail营销和产品促销E.mail营销等。













像 Facebook、Instagram、Twitter 等国际社交媒体在印尼拥有大量的用户,他们大多使用印度尼西亚语发布状态、评论和分享内容。

此外,印尼本土的社交媒体平台,如 Kaskus、Path 等,更是以印度尼西亚语为主要语言环境。
















A、在相关的类别.地点发布广B、对内容部分,要简明扼要C、写一个好标题D、考虑服务商的设备条件和技术力量配备正确答案:D3.1996年3月14日,国家新闻出版署发布了电子出版物暂行规定,加强对CD-ROM、CD-G(即)等电子出版物的保护( )A、图文光盘B、交互式光盘C、只读光盘D、照片光盘正确答案:A4.某企业把服装市场划分为“儿童”、“青年”和“中老年”三个市场,这里使用的市场环境因素是( )A、科技环境B、经济环境C、人口环境D、政治环境正确答案:C5.在Excel97中在下在的选项中,错误的是( )。


A、行为即是事件,事件就是行为B、行为是事件和动作的组合C、行为是Dreamweaver 预置的Javascript程序库D、使用过行为可以改变对象属性、打开浏览器和播放音乐等正确答案:A8.网上交易的安全性是由谁来保证的()A、信用卡中心B、认证中心C、厂家D、银行正确答案:B9.目前,在电子商务的定义中,“网络”是指()A、以因特网为主的计算机网络B、计算机网络C、因特网D、增值网络正确答案:A10.电子邮件法是属于按照( )对网上直接调查进行的分类。



1、腾讯QQ、微软MSN、阿里旺旺、网易泡泡、新浪UC、Yahoo 通都是即时通讯工具。

(1分)对错2、关于市场营销,下列哪个表述是错误的? (1分)现代市场营销学认为,推销是市场营销活动最重要的部分。




3、关于市场营销功能的表述,哪个是错误的? (1分)便利功能是指便利交换、便利物流的功能,包括资金融通、风险承担、信息沟通、产品标准化和分级。





(1分)产品策略、经营策略、投资策略、促销策略产品策略、交换策略、博弈策略、促销策略产品策略、优化策略、交易策略、促销策略产品策略、价格策略、渠道策略、促销策略5、下列关于网络营销的特点正确的是 (1分)滞后性、多媒体、整合性跨时空、个性化、高效性超前性、经济性、强制性成本高、交互式、技术性6、下列关于网络营销的内容正确的是 (1分)网络营销运营与管理、网上经营者行为分析、网络促销策略网上招聘、网上消费者行为分析、网络布线网上市场调查、网络营销策略制定、网上产品和服务策略网上价格营销策略、网上渠道策略、网上防伪认证7、防止网络采购暗箱操作的方法不包括()。


(2分)采购方式采购标准采购商单位性质遇上不可抗力因素的处理9、下面说法错误的是 (1分)利用数码放大原理进行的变焦,也就是真变焦一张合格的商品图片,千万注意不要失真,最好应同时附有参照物,便于买家直接理解商品的实际尺寸。























《电子商务与网络营销》期终考试试卷(A卷)1. Internet最初起源于()。


A.趋于层次B.趋于扁平化C.趋于垂直D.趋同化3. 下列选项中,属于电子商务时代生产模式的特点是( )。

A.服务业以更快的速度增长B.大规模生产C.动态贸易的出现D.个性化服务4. 如果在 站点买过书并再次访问该站点时,屏幕上将建议你购买几种你可能喜欢的书,这属于站点的()。

A.网站推B.销售个性化C.内容选择D.内容的更新5. 在网上输入关键字查询信息的方式属于()技术。

A.推送B.数据挖掘C.广播D.检索6 . 电子商务中大量使用EDI,其中文意思为:( )。

A.电子数据交换B.电子数据库C.电子数据系统D.增值网络7. 在自己的计算机上,可以登录到其它远程计算机上的服务是()。

A、SETB、EmailC、SSLD、Telnet8. 在电子商务分类中,C to C是指()。

A、消费者-消费者电子商务B、企业-企业电子商务C、企业-消费者电子商务D、企业内部电子商务9. 保护内部网安全的服务是()。


A、两个企业之间可以专线连接B、两个企业内部网之间可以物理连接C、专线成本太高D、专线是一直连通的11. 有一种结算工具是在塑料卡上嵌入了一个微处理器芯片,芯片里存储了大量关于使用者的信息,它比传统磁条卡更易于防止滥用,这种电子结算工具是:()。

A、信用卡B、电子支票C、贷记卡D、智能卡12. 与传统结算工具相比,电子结算的主要缺点是:()。

A、缺乏便利性B、缺乏安全性C、初期投入大,技术复杂D、不能进行小额结算13. 从查询角度看,WWW最大的缺点是:()。


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Vol.6, No.6 (2013), pp.187-194/10.14257/ijunesst.2013.6.6.17 E-Commerce or Internet Marketing: A Business Review fromIndian ContextD. K. GangeshwerDepartment of Mathematics, Bhilai Institute of Technology (BIT), Durg, (C.G),INDIAdgangeshwar@yahoo.co.inAbstractThis paper deals the conceptual knowledge of search engine marketing (SEM) or e-commerce, literature review, current and future aspects of e-commerce in Indian context. This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The present development would be a valuable addition to researcher and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs.Keywords: SEM, Online Marketing or E-commerce, Pay-per-click (PPC)1. IntroductionKhan and Mahapatra (2009) remarked that technology plays a vital role in improving the quality of services provided by the business units. One of the technologies which really brought information revolution in the society is Internet Technology and is rightly regarded as the third wave of revolution after agricultural and industrial revolution. The cutting edge for business today is e-Commerce. The effects of e-commerce are already appearing in all areas of business, from customer service to new product design. It facilitates new types of information based business processes for reaching and interacting with customers like online advertising and marketing, online order taking and online customer service etc. It can also reduce cost in managing orders and interacting with a wide range of suppliers and trading partners, areas that typically add significant overheads to the cost of products and services [Rajiv Rastogi]. Businesses are increasingly using the Internet for commercial activities. The ubiquitous nature of the Internet and its wide global access has made it an extremely effective mode of communication between businesses and customers [Rowley (2001)]. Thompson (2005) introduced that the growth of Internet technology has enormous potential as it reduces the costs of product and service delivery and extends geographical boundaries in bringing buyers and sellers together.Devendra et. al., (2012) defined that electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic system such as internet and other computer network. Intent is the technology for e-commerce as it offers easier ways to access companies and individuals at very low cost n order to carry out day-to-day business transactions. Search engine marketing (SEM) is a form of web advertising that companies use to promote their products and services on search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM is focused on the effective use of search engine advertisements (a.k.a., sponsored results, sponsored links) that appear on the SERP. SEM which allows firms to target consumers by placing ads on search engines has proven to be an effective audience acquisition strategy. Unlike traditional online advertising, advertisers pay only when users actually click on an ad when successfully implemented, SEM can generate steady traffic levels and tremendous return on investment (ROI).ISSN: 2005-4246 IJUNESSTVol.6, No.6 (2013)Boughton (2005) remarked that most online advertising campaigns have two main objectives: brand development and direct response. Selecting an appropriate marketing channel ultimately depends on which strategies will provide the greatest ROI. Firms that offer products and services through the Web clearly stand to gain from Internet advertising because their prospective customers are already online. Non web-based companies may choose online marketing in order to increase exposure and promote brand. SEM allows companies to closely track their ROI from an audience acquisition standpoint. SEM delivers ads to users who are already searching for the products or services that an advertiser is offering, meaning that theoretically, they are only receiving qualified traffic. Unlike traditional banner ads, advertisers are charged based on the number of clicks they receive, not on the number of impressions (number of times an ad appears). Furthermore, many marketing campaigns place a great deal of importance on branding. PPC ads can be very effective in terms of driving home a brand name because they appear alongside search results for thousands of different search terms. SEM is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of websites by increasing their visibility in SERP through optimization (both on-page and off-page) as well as through advertising (paid placements, contextual advertising, and paid inclusions) [Search Engine Land 2007].This paper deals the conceptual knowledge of search engine marketing or e-commerce, literature review, current and future aspects of e-commerce in Indian context. This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The present development would be a valuable addition to researcher and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs. The further research areas are; the quality of sponsored ad text, ad position, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PageRank, yellow pages, bid management etc.2. Literature ReviewLiterature on web theory is scant because it is a relatively a new area and the technologists at the forefront of Web design are typically not sufficiently academically inclined to formulate the relevant theories (Day, 1997). While previous research has examined Internet usage (Teo, Lim, & Lai, 1999), commercial websites (Gonzalez and Palacios, 2004), website design (Kim, Shaw, & Schneider, 2003), website effectiveness from the consumers’ perspective (Bell & Tang, 1998), pricing paid placements on search engine (Sen et. al., 2008), and bidding (Bernard and Simone, 2011). This form of online advertising emerged in 1998 [Fain and Pedersen 2006], rapidly has become the central business model of the major search engines [Jansen and Mullen 2008], and is one of the most rapidly growing segments of the online marketing area [SEMPO Research 2009] Search engine has become a necessity for people to surf the web [Hsien-Tsung Chang, 2011]. It is a simple user interface is designed. Any user simply fills in several fields and the system makes the decision about what to find, where to search and how to look at. The threshold of search is lowered. SEM is an internet marketing model aiming at promoting the ranking of websites in the search engine's search results page which can make a web site introduce into more web users and website traffic [iProspect 2008]. Li-Hsing HO et. al., (2011) explained about exploration of SEO technology applied in internet marketing, Kesharwani and Tiwari (2011) studied the importance of website quality towards the success or failure of any e-vendor. Khan and Mahapatra (2009) studied that the quality of internet banking (i-banking) services in India from customer’s perspective. Malhotra and Singh (2007) carried out a research to find the i-banking adoption by the banks in India. Thus, it is high time that India should act fast and decisively in order to use the growing electronic trade to our advantage.Vol.6, No.6 (2013)3. Types of E-CommerceWaghmare G.T. (2012) has defined the following types of e-commerce:(i) B2B E-Commerce: Companies doing business with each other such as manufacturersselling to distributors and wholesalers selling to retailers. Pricing is based on quantity of order and is often negotiable.(ii) B2C E-Commerce: Businesses selling to the general public typically through cataloesutilizing shopping cart software. By dollar volume, B2B takes the prize, however B2C is really what the average Joe has in mind with regards to ecommerce as a whole. for example .(iii) C2C E-Commerce: There are many sites offering free classifieds, auctions, andforums where individuals can buy and sell thanks to online payment systems like PayPal where people can send and receive money online with ease. eBay's auction service is a great example of where customer-to customer transactions take place every day.(iv) Others: G2G (Government-to-Government), G2E (Government-to-Employee), G2B(Government-to-Business), B2G (Business-to-Government).4. E-Commerce in IndiaThe shows that Asia has 44.8% internet users in the world distributed by world regions 2012 Q2.Waghmare (2012) pointed out that many countries in Asia are taking advantage of Ecommerce through opening of economies, which is essential for promoting competition and diffusion of Internet technologies. Large enough to have a critical mass of 10 to 20 million users to be able to make an impact on e-commerce and e-governance. In the next 3 to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70 million Internet users which will equal, if not surpass, many of the developed countries. Internet economy will then become more meaningful in India. With the rapid expansion of internet, Ecommerce, is set to play a very important role in the 21st century, the new opportunities that will be thrown open, will be accessible to both large corporations and small companies. A recent report by the 44.80%21.50%11.40% 10.40%7%3.70% 1% Internet Users in the World Distribution by World Regions Q22012Asia 44.8%Europe 21.5%North America 11.4%Lat Am 10.4%Africa 7%Middle East 3.7%Australia 1%Vol.6, No.6 (2013)Internet and Mobile Association of India (IMAI) reveals that India’ a e -commerce market is growing at an average rate of 70 percent annually, and has grown over 500 percent in the past three years alone [].Zia and Manish (2012) proposed that ecommerce revenues in India will increase by more than five times by 2016, jumping from US$1.6 billion in 2012 to US$8.8 billion in 2016 (As shown in Figure 1)Source: Forrester Research Online Retail Forecast 2011 to 2016Economic times (2013) stated that the next billion users will come from emerging markets, with at least a fourth from “India”. Half of those without net access now live in just 5 countries: India Indonesia, China, Pakistan & Bangladesh. Another newspaper Times of india (2013) written that leading online stores such as Indiatimes Shopping, Jabong and Myntra say that almost half, and in some cases more than half, of their sales now come from tier-II and tier-III towns and cities. E-commerce in the country grew 128 per cent year-on-year last year, with 25 per cent traffic coming from places outside the top 20 cities, it says.Shoppers in Metropolitan IndiaZia and Manish (2012) found that, currently, shoppers in metropolitan India are driving eCommerce: These consumers are primarily buying travel, consumer electronics, and books online. And although spending per online buyer remains low, some 59% of online consumers in metropolitan India already make purchases online at least monthly.Shoppers in non-metropolitan IndiaConsumers in nonmetropolitan areas will also help fuel growth; unlike online consumers in cities, they are more likely to shop online for goods that are unavailable at local stores. Zia and Manish (2012) estimated that eCommerce retailers in India are expanding their offerings to the online population outside metropolitan India and are investing heavily in the infrastructure to support these cities.10 Online apparel retailer is already seeing demand for its products outside metropolitan India: 50% of its sales are outside India’s 10 biggest cities. To widen their reach, for example, multiple retailers are building warehouses outside central locations; testing shipping options that work in rural areas; offering payment options like cash on delivery (COD) that provide options for the unbanked; and subsequently marketing these to semi-urban and rural consumers.Moreover, Aditya Kulkarni , Product Manager at Google (Jan 15, 2013) pointed out that India maybe behind the curve on the numbers, but they are growing fast, and whenthey reach the 200-300 million online shoppers, you can safely assume that there will at 024681020122016R e v e n u e (i n U S $ B i l l i o n ) Year Forecast: India Online Retail Revenues (B2B and B2C)Vol.6, No.6 (2013) least be as many e-Commerce players in India as there are in China. That is to say, there will be at least 10-20 successful, large and growing e-Commerce companies in India over the next few years!. I think the successful companies of tomorrow are going to look dif ferent from the ones that are on the top now. There’s going to be 100-200 million new e-Commerce customers that are going to be up for grabs in the next few years. Another way to look at it is that in 80% of the e-Commerce shoppers of 2016 still are available to be nabbed by e-Commerce sites. And they’re going to come from predominantly two categories. First, from Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities as the logistics and connectivity there improve and second, young people that get jobs/pocket-money and start shopping online5. Major Search Engines in the MarketBy distinct search engines, means that search engines, portals, and websites who have alliances and who solicit bids for paid placements from a single source are treated as one search engine. For instance, by successfully bidding for a paid link with Overture exposes a seller to traffic from several websites, including MSN, Yahoo!, AltaVista, InfoSpace, AlltheWeb and NetZero. There are various search engines by content/topic such as Baidu (Chinese, Japanese), Bing, Blekko, Google, Sogou (Chinese), (Chinese), Volunia, WireDoo, Yahoo!, Yandex (Russian), Yebol, and Yodao (Chinese). Among PPC providers, Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing, and Microsoft adCenter are the three largest network operators, and all three operate under a bid-based model.6. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet MarketingMelody and Robert (2001) remarked that the Internet can provide timely information to customers because of its ability for instant communication, and its availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week [Lane, 1996]. On-line marketing offers more choices and flexibility [Lamoureux, 1997] and, at the same time, eliminates huge inventories, storage costs, utilities, space rental, etc., [Avery, 1997]. People tend to associate Internet marketing with direct marketing because companies participating in online marketing usually shortened the supply chain [Edwards, et al., 1998] and reduced commission and operating costs. The ability to serve as both a transaction medium and a physical distribution medium for certain goods is a unique feature of Internet marketing. Such advantages can be best realized by companies that provide digital products/services such as software, music, news, consulting services, online ticketing and reservations, telemedicine, insurance, banking, stock brokerage, tax, and other financial service industries. Using the Internet as the distribution channel can reduce not only the delivery cost substantially, but also ensures instant delivery of products/services.Moreover, Ruckman (2012) suggested that Internet research becomes an increasingly important tool during the purchasing process; more marketers are seeing the advantages too. It’s a win-win situation. Marketing departments are investing more into online marketing today because it’s:∙Attractive to a significant segment of the demographics for most customer profiles. It can effectively reach the target customer.∙Faster and less expensive to conduct direct marketing campaigns∙Measurable, which means that successes are identifiable and repeatable∙Open 24-hours a day∙Cost-effective, in the long run.Disadvantages:There is no actual face-to-face contact involved in the Internet communication. For the types of products that rely heavily on building personal relationship between buyers and sellers such as the selling of life insurance, and the type of products that requires physicalVol.6, No.6 (2013)examination, Internet marketing maybe less appropriate. While internet marketing cannot allow prospective buyers to touch, or smell or taste or 'try on' the products, However a survey of consumers of cosmetics products shows that email marketing can be used to interest a consumer to visit a store to try a product or to speak with sales representatives[Martin at el (2003)]. Some of the disadvantages of e-Marketing are dependability on technology, Security, privacy issues, Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment, Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition, and worldwide competition through globalization.5. Top Motivators for Shopping OnlineTimes of India (February 12, 2013) has published that top motivators for shopping online which include cash back guarantee, cash on delivery, fast delivery, substantial discounts compared to retail, and access to branded products, while barriers include inability to touch and try products before purchase, fear of faulty products, apprehension of posting personal and financial details online and inability to bargain (See Figure 5.1).Figure 5.1. Top Motivator Factors for Shopping Online6. Conclusions and RecommendationsThis paper deals the conceptual knowledge of search engine marketing or e-commerce, literature review, current and future aspects of e-commerce in Indian context. This paper discussed about the top motivator factors of shopping online. The present development would be a valuable addition to researcher and academicians; and useful theory for practitioners, advertisers, and entrepreneurs. Some of the disadvantages of e-Marketing are dependability on technology, Security, privacy issues, Maintenance costs due to a constantly evolving environment, Higher transparency of pricing and increased price competition, and worldwide competition through globalization. While considering the aforesaid limitations; advertisers and end-users can effectively use this modern platform to make life easier and faster. In the next 3 to 5 years, India will have 30 to 70 million Internet users which will equal, if not surpass, many of the developed countries. Internet economy will then become more meaningful in India. With the rapid expansion of internet, Ecommerce, is set to play a very important role in the 21st century, the new opportunities that will be thrown open, will be accessible to both large corporations and Top Motivator Factors for shopping online Cash back guarantee Cash on deliveryFast deliverySubstantial discounts compared to retail Access to branded productsVol.6, No.6 (2013) small companies [Waghmare (2012)]. Karoor (2012) explained that Ecommerce encapsulates many of the dynamics of 21st century of India. The potential huge and wit and energy of the entrepreneurs in the sector is impressive. Online commerce in India is destined to grow both in revenue and geographic reach. The further research areas in ecommerce are; the quality of sponsored ad text, ad position, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), PageRank, yellow pages, and bid management etc.References[1] A. Kulkarni, Product Manager: http://yourstory.in/2013/01/indian-e-commerce-what-does-the-future-look-like/.[2]Avery, S. 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His areas of subjects are StatisticalQuality Control (SQC), Quantitative Techniques in Management,Optimization Methods, Research Methodology, and Econometricsand Decision Models. He has served as Sr. Business Analyst withBoonze Media Solution Pvt Ltd (BMS), Chennai for 4 years in thevarious fields of Search Engine Marketing (SEM), and SearchEngine Optimization (SEO). He has published half a dozenresearch papers in various national and international journals.。
