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1.Lin Wei has no arms,but he plays________piano well with his feet. A.a B.an C./ D.the

2.No Car Day was first started by 34 cities in France________September 22.1998. A.on B.in C.for D.at

3.Alice began to travel all over the world in her early________. A.thirteen B.thirty C.thirties D.thirtieth

4.A ticket from Shanghai to Hangzhou________156 yuan for a fist-class seat of the highspeed train.

A.uses B.pays C.spends D.costs

5.Please remember that failure is the mother of________. A.study B.success C.work D.health

6.Which one means “No Turns”?

7.It is the first American movie of this kind ________I've seen. A.which B.that C.what D.when

8.A Disneyland Park________in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future.

A.builds B.has been built C.will built D.will be built

9.There is _______food left in the fridge. A.a bit B.a little bit C.a few D.a bit of 10.The coffee is wonderful! It doesn't taste like anything I ________before.

A.was having B.had ever had C.have D.have ever had

11.As we all know,Han Han________their idol(偶像)by many young people.

A.consider as B.is regarded as C.is thought out D.treated for

12.The lights in her office are off.She________be out. A.can't B.can C.must D.mustn't 13.Let's do it________.There is only one minute left. A.hardly B.slowly C.quickly D.politely

14.I am looking forward ________ you.

A.to hear from B.hear from C.hearing from D.to hearing from

15.—What do you think of the music,Larry? —It________wonderful. A.looks B.smells C.sounds D.tastes

16.After visiting Hainan Island, we flew _______ Beijing.

A. to

B. on

C. at

D. onto

17.Prof.Ji spoke so fast that ________ of us could catch his words.

A. nobody

B. none

C. no

D. anyone

18.A: Mum! _______ I go out and play tennis?

B: No, you ________. You haven't finished your homework yet!

A. Can, needn't

B. Must, can't

C. May, mustn't

D. Need, may not

19.In ancient times, people _________ on animal skins and bones.

A. write

B. wrote

C. writing

D. written

20.We don't like this game. It's __________.

A. fun B .interesting C. boring D. bored


Many thousands of years ago,there are no houses such as people live in today. Men sometimes

made their homes__21__so as to be safe from their__22__and wild animals;the leaves of the trees

would keep the rain and sun__23__.

In cold areas,ancient people used __24__their homes in caves. It was too cold and stormy to live

in trees there.

As years went on,men__25__more about living in comfort and safety.They__26__their trees and

caves and built houses of different materials__27__mud,wood or stones.

During the last hundred years,many new building materials and new methods of

building__28__.People now live comfortably in a variety of houses.

__29__design or materials are used,the buildings should be bright,airy and comfortable.Human

beings need sunlight and fresh,clean air in order to remain__30__.

21.A.in trees B.in rivers C.on the grass D.on the sand

22.A.friends B.neighbours C.parents D.enemies

23.A.in B.off C.down D.on

24.A.make B.to making C.to make D.to be made

25.A.saw B.watched C.learned D.recognized

26.A.came to B.went on C.arrived D.left

27.A.according to B.and so on C.such as D.for example

28.A.have been discovered B.has been discovered C.had discovered D.has discovered

29.A.No matter where B.No matter what C.No matter when D.No matter who

30.A.weak B.healthy C.happy D.active


31. Lizzy wants to get the ch________to work in this company.

32. Vicky, an overseas student, will work in this te________school for three years.

33. The girl’s ad________is R oom 206.

34.The boy is talking with the li________about how to borrow books.

35.Lizzy is very sk________in using chopstics.

36.Li Ying is a new em. ________at a foreign company.

37.Mr. Smith is the au________of this book.

38.It’s my honor to in________Hele n Waters to you.

39.It is said that Lucy is the mu ________friend of Lizzy and Tom..

40. Most Americans have little co________for rank or “title”.


41.receptionist A. come closer

42.overseas B. cooperative

43.delicious C. one of several divisions in a university,etc.

44.department D. abroad

45.expert E having pleasant smell or taste

46.seem F. a person with a special skill or knowledge from experience or training 47.approach G. a person employed in a hotel,etc. to receive guests
