Price and supply as well the traffic Daily necessities mainly rely on imports, prices are relatively high Depend on inter-island boat traffic , and take extra attention to safety when boat.
More attention…
Forbidden worked in island fishing, picking or trample corals Cooking is prohibited in the hotel room Not on the island noise ,loud. Do not throw garbage anywhere , to ensure that the nature environment beautiful, and quiet
To Maldives,you must know…
Hotel prices are usually divided into two: one price includes breakfast, lunch or dinner (lunch and dinner choose one), there is a price includes three meals a day. Hotel not suitable for drinking water, need to buy mineral water bottle (1.5L) was about 3-4 dollars. Guests can bring their own drinks into the restaurant, or it may be charged a certain fee.
Maldives's snack shop 马尔代夫男士小吃店
There is a local snack bar, The snack bar in Main Street on the street behind and unremarkable neighborhood. This is a meeting place for men and women to enter the decline. 当地有一种小吃店,这种小吃店一般 在主街后面的街上以及比较不起眼的 居民区里。这是男士的聚会场所,谢 绝女士进入。
paradise island
Full Moon Island
underwaterg restaurant
sultan park
national museum
星期五清真寺Grand Friday Mosque
马罗古清真寺 Friday Mosque
the president's office
Seaplane landing at any time in the islands, generally a plane can take 16
Yacht (快艇)
male airport outside each holiday island hotel reception point, every holiday island hotel has special yachts tourists to the hotel, because each island distance is different from the male airport, time also have different length of a yacht.
马尔代夫英文简介 PPT
“The last paradise on earth”
The reason for why I like Maldives: 1.Beautiful scenery fortable climate 3.Luxury hotel 4.Delicious food
The happy life not only lies in having ample food and clothing, also lies in the blue water blue sky.(幸福生活不只在于丰衣足食, 也在于碧水蓝天。) The End
Thank You!
Characteristics of sea restaurant
Delicacy (美食)
Delicious milk Fresh fruit
fried fish
Many snacks
Tasty barbecue
Because of global warming, sea levels are rising in two centimeters every year. Maldives is expected to disappear about 50 years back.
Luxury hotel
* Hotel prices are usually divided into two: one price includes breakfast and lunch or dinner, and the other price includes three meals a day.
• The Maldivian archipelago located 300 miles southwest of the southern tip of India and 450 miles west of Sri Lanka is a beautiful string of 1,190 low-lying coral islands scattered across the equator in the vast expanse of the Indian Ocean, giving a rare glimpse of what is aptly described as a tropical paradise .
• 据国外媒体报道,这家令 人瞠目结舌的水下酒店位 于马尔代夫群岛,据说这 家叫做的ithaa的餐厅是世 界上第一家水下餐厅。餐 厅位于海平面以下6米, 长9米、宽5米,可容纳14 人同时就餐,外层为透明 丙烯有机玻璃屋顶,通过 弧形屋顶可以欣赏到270 度海底景色。ithaa在当地 语意思为“珍珠”。马尔 代夫已经是珍珠的意思了, 这家餐厅可谓是珍珠中的 珍珠。
Enjoy life,happy in the beautiful bubble bath!
Facing the sea,bloomy spring!Dream trip,starting from the maldives resort hotel!
These are just the three simple realities beckoning tourists from far and wide to these islands, sun, sea and sand which add up to being a heavenly getaway from the rest of the world and its worries. .马尔代夫独特的南洋风情观光资源,明媚的阳光、清澈的海水和白色的沙滩以及岛屿所 衍生的诱惑力,吸引着来自世界各地的游客;使之成为趋之若鹜的旅游erwater camera in • the maldives local rent to 50 dollars. • 水下相机在马尔代夫 当地租要50美金。
Pierre,for the snorkelling experience of a lifetime ,amid crystalline waters that abound with myriad fish and colourful coral formations.
是马尔代夫最大的休闲度假村,距 马累需行船4小时。这个岛据称有 上百万年的历史。岛上花香四季, 鸟语啁啾,热带植物恣意生长。酒 店的房间就散落在这原始的热带丛 林之中。你可以随兴躺在果实累累 的椰树下,独享大海的涛声。
太阳岛 (Sunisland)
马跨越赤道,具有明显的热带气候特征,常 年炎热,年均气温28℃。建议携带必要防晒 用品。马首都、机场和旅游饭店均位于独立 的岛上。岛间交通全靠乘船。乘船时要格外 注意安全。首都机动车辆较多,以摩托车为 早餐为国际式的自助餐,各种佐餐的沙拉,香肠,煎蛋应有尽 有,还有连名字都叫不上来的各色热带水果,五颜六色的果汁和甜 主。旅游岛上机动车辆极少。中国唯一直航 品供大家品尝。 直飞马尔代夫的航线27日在广州开航。
旅游业:度假胜地的发展和管理、旅游活动的开展, 以及陆地 和海上运输等旅游相关行业; 渔业:鱼加工业积极鼓励新技术和资本投资; 金融、银行、会计和管理咨询业:鼓励全球性银行 的入驻,但由于其银行法尚处于完善阶段,在一定 程度上阻碍了国际银行的进驻。目前马尔代夫仅有 汇丰一家全球性银行。 空中和海上运输业:各类环礁运输服务及燃料补给 技术等,另外,运输部门优先发展事项还包括马累 商业转运港及其港口扩展地区。
清 真 寺
基于这一环境因素,马尔代夫境内无法建设 铁路,设有易卜拉欣纳西尔国际机场. 岛国具有很鲜明的开放性和多元性,其经济 对外依存度很高,容易受世界经济环境和本 国政治环境的影响。
马尔代夫北纬4度,东经73度。总面积9万平方公里(含领海面 积),陆地面积298平方公里。印度洋上的群岛国家,南北长820 公里,东西宽130公里,位于印度南部约600公里和斯里兰卡西南 部约750公里。由26组自然环礁、1192个珊瑚岛组成,分成19个 行政组,分布在9万平方公里的海域内,其中199个岛屿有人居住, 991个荒岛,岛屿平均面积为1-2平方公里,地势低平,平均海拔 1.2米。位于赤道附近,具有明显的热带雨林气候特征,无四季 之分。年降水量1900毫米,年平均气温28℃。
• How:Baiyun airport Pudong airport Male city airport Heratera by plane • Arrive at Heart era in 12:00
• What to do: go tቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ see the beach ,enjoying the sunset. • Hotel: beach bungalow(沙滩屋), • Food:
The fifth day (伊瑚鲁岛 )
• How: Soneva Jan Ihuru by place • What to do : enjoy the beautiful and making comparison with the Mediterranean • Hotel: in the Ihuru hotel •
The third day(香格里拉岛)
• How: Angsana Velavaru ShangriLa’s Villingili by plane What to do: go to visit the local scenery(S hangrila ), having diner in equator and then to do spa , Hotel: ShangriLa’s Villingili hotel
The fourth day (索尼瓦贾尼岛)
• How : ShangriLa’s Villingili Soneva Jan by place What to do: to relax ,appreciate the local cuiture. Food: enjoying the delicious food
The second day(薇拉瓦岛)
康杜玛岛水上别墅 | Overwater Villa
85平方米大小康杜玛岛Kandooma水上屋别墅提供终极的Kandooma马尔代夫体验。在清澈的浅海,各式各样 的珊瑚和海洋生物在别墅周围盘旋,您在这里将享受到完全属于自己的时间和完全私人的日光浴,把脚悬在 水中,或在涨潮时,将呆床放松,使其部分淹没在水中。大量开放的浴室提供的户外淋浴间和浴缸
美容服务Hairdressing 儿童看护服务Baby Service 机场接送服务Airport Shuttle 蜜月服务Honeymoon Service 图书借阅服务Book Rental Service 婚礼服务Wedding Service 按摩服务Massage Service 私人海滩服务Private Beach Service
房型介绍|Room islands
水上屋 | Ocean Villas
沿着一条悠长的小路走进独特的茅草屋顶水上别墅,现代与艺术主义的相结合,房间每处都富有鲜艳的色 彩和现代的设计。所有别墅都设有现代化的设施,你会感受到沉浸在清澈的海水的美妙体验
Hudhuran Fushi
餐饮设施|Dining facilities
露台餐厅 | The Deck
Bokkuraa 咖啡厅 | Bokkuraa Coffee Club
Details islands
配套服务|Supporting Services
基础服务 附加服务
商店Shop 餐厅Restaurant 咖啡厅Coffee Bar 网络设施Internet 24小时客房服务Room Service(24H) 叫早服务Morning Call 保险柜服务Safe Service 冷热水服务Hot&Cold Service 中文服务Chinese Service 礼宾接待服务Reception Service 瓶装水(免费)Bottled Water(Free)
maldives 英语课PPT-马尔代夫-中文解说
两个减压仓分别坐落在Kaafu环礁(Kaafu Atoll)和Ari(AriAtoll)。
年度的冲浪重头戏O’NeilDeep Blue竞赛已让马尔代夫在世界冲浪版图上占一席之地。
Sun Island Resort
Fihalhohi Tourist Resort
Biyadhoo Island Resort Vilamendhoo Island Resort
Sun Island Resort(太阳岛度假村) & Spa Maldives offers you all the modern comforts, conveniences and facilities that you can ever think of. Built on the island of Nalaguraidhoo, 1.6 km in length and 500 m at its widest, Sun Island Resort & Spa Maldives is the biggest resort in the Maldives. It is a mature island with dense tropical vegetation and tall coconut palms, so numerous that you could lose yourself amongst them.
Maldivians with Islam is the state religion, there are many religions customs, such as alcohol, fasting pork, the daily prayer five inferior.
See so many beautiful pictures, let's watch a video to learn more about maldives
• Tourism in the Maldives is carefully managed. The country's tourism master plan identifies both the underwater environment and 'the intrepid explorer factor' as major attractions. The lack of local resources makes it necessary to import virtually everything a visitor needs, from furniture to fresh vegetables. The strategy has been to develop a limited number of quality resorts, each on its own uninhabited island, free from traffic, crime and commercialism.
Weather and Climate
•The Maldives has a hot tropical climate and weather in here is generally warm and humid. Sun shines all year through. The best time to go Maldives is November to Apriives is a republic country of South Asia, situated in the India Ocean. It consists of approximately 1,190 coral islands , spread along the north-south direction over roughly 90,000 square kilometers.
• Seafood such as tuna, grouper, octopus, and swordfish is widely available. • Snacks like Gula(fishballs)(金枪 鱼及椰子煮成的古拉), • • Kuli Boakiba(辣鱼糕) ,Foni Boakiba(椰奶加白饭布丁的浮尼波阿绮 巴), and Dhufaa Echetai(杜法意翅泰) are very famous.
Language in Maldives
•The official language is Maldivian Divehi(迪维希语), but English is widely spoken.
National Museum
• The national Museum is a must see place in Male situated in the Sultan's Park. It exhibits hosts of items of pre colonial and colonial era showcasing the rich cultural heritage of Maldives.
Maldives 马尔代夫 PPT
Foni Boakiba
The Environment
The environment has a direct affect on all facets of a Maldivian’s life . The islands are protected by thousands of reefs that need to be alive for this unique archipelago to exist in future. The corals on our reefs need its countless inhabitants to feed on them for the corals to re-grow. Locals need the fish in the water for livelihood and they depend on the beauty of its reefs and islands to sustain our tourism industry. Most importantly, the Maldives needs its citizens and visitors to take care of its wonderful natural environment in order to survive as one of the most magical places on earth.
Heaven island –Maldives
“the last paradise on earth”
Location Maldives Facts Economy Culture The Environment Weather and Climate Tourism The food Ends
maldives 英语课PPT-马尔代夫
the island. The Mini is a small country
covering nearly 100,000 square kilometers of sea area, in which there are 200 residents of the island, 73 island resort hotel.
Spas The Maldives' spas are in a world of their own. It is the perfect blend of luxurious therapies, health and beauty experiences and sensory stimulation complemented by the tranquil surrounding and blissful tropical beauty. Sports & Recreation Sports in Resorts Resorts offer a variety of sports for the enjoyment of their guests; among which beach volleyball is the most obvious. Resort Entertainment Entertainment in the evenings differs widely from resort to resort. Some resorts provide a more club-like atmosphere.
马尔代夫这个名字起始于公元150年,泛指位于 锡兰西岸癿岛屿。当时许多来自东非、阿拉伯国
家癿船只,在航行中发现人们也逐渐迷恋在岛上居住。 这个迷你小国却涵盖着近十万平斱公里癿海域, 在其中200个有居民癿岛中,有73个度假岛屿飡 店。每一座珊瑚礁就是一所豪华癿度假酒店。雪 白晶莹癿沙滩,倒映在水中婆娑癿椰影,大群大 群五彩斑斓癿热带鱼构成了马尔代夫癿“动画” 景观。
Honeymoon Island Honeymoon island far away from the other islands, a pearl crystal beach reflected the beautiful view of the sea, the blue halcyon, sunny mood, newlyweds honeymoon and a great place to visit.
Crescent and star of the church of England said the maldives for Islam, flag symbol country power and dignity, and the sea coconut tree represents the livelihood of the people. At the bottom of the sash, writing on the traditional name the maldives.
长方形,长宽之比为3:2。红色旗面,中间为绿色长方 形,内有一轮白色新月。红色象征英雄的鲜血。绿色象 征生命,进步与繁荣。白色新月表示和平,安宁及人民 对伊斯兰教的信仰。
The maldives national emblem by a crescent moon, stars, two national flag, a tree sea coconut and constitute a ribbon.
The republic of maldives (formerly the maldives islands, in April 1969 to now known) is located in South Asia, the Indian Ocean is an island country, by more than 1200 small coral islands composition, of which 202 are inhabited. The northeast and Sri Lanka are 675 kilometers, north and India's m nico Iraq apart island about 113 km. The maldives is Asia the second small country, is the world's largest coral island nation. South of the equator channel and once half a strait for maritime traffic thoroughfare. Based on the environmental factors in the maldives, and the domestic can't build railroad, but still has ibrahim nasir international airport. Although the country's land and slants small, founding also soon, but there are a lot of festivals, at the same time, the country is also a islamic countries. The maldives also is known as \"god of the world throwing necklace\", \"the Indian Ocean the last paradise on earth\".
奢华梦幻型岛屿ADAARAN Prestige Water Villa 水上别墅度假村Anantara 安娜特拉岛Angsansa 阿格萨那岛Banyan Tree Maldives Vabbinfaru 悦榕庄Baros 巴洛斯岛Cinnamon Island Alidhoo 肉桂岛Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu 椰子岛Cocoa Island Resore 科科拉岛度假村Dohni Mighili 多尼岛Four Season Resort at Kuda Huraa四季度假酒店-库达呼拉Four Season Resort at Landaa Giraavaru四季度假酒店-兰达吉拉瓦鲁岛Conrad Maldives Rangali Island(原Hilton) 港丽-伦格里岛Huvafen Fushi 芙花芬富士岛Kurumba Maldives 克鲁巴岛Naladhu 那拉度胡岛One And Only Kanuhura 肯尼呼啦岛One And Only Reethi Rah 瑞提娜度岛Palm Beach Resort 椰子岛Soneva Fushi 索尼富士岛Soneva Gili 索尼姬莉岛Taj Exotica Resort & Spa 泰姬魅力岛The Beach House at Manafaru 法鲁岛W Retreat & Spa W宁静岛度假村Coco Palm Bodu HithiHalaveli悠哉逍遥型岛屿ADAARAN Club Rannalhi 绚丽岛ADAARAN Select MeedhupparuAngaga 安嘎嘎岛Bandos Water Villas 班度士岛Club Med Kani 卡尼岛Filitheyo 菲莉尤滋岛Full Moon Maldives 满月岛Holiday Island 假日岛Komandoo Island ResortKuramathi Blue LagoonKuredu Island Resort 古丽都岛Laguna Maldives 兰古那岛Lily Beach Resort 丽莉岛Makunudu IslandMedhufushi Island resort 曼德福富士岛Mirihi Island Resort 蜜月岛Nika Island 尼卡岛Olhuveli beach & Spa Resort 双鱼岛Paradise Island Resort & Spa 天堂岛Reethi Beach Resort & SpaRoyal Island Resort & Spa 皇家岛Sun Island Resort 太阳岛Thulhagiri Island Resort 美人焦岛Vadoo Island Resort 帆度岛Velidhu Island Resort 维利多岛度假村Veligandu Island Resort 蓝弯半岛Vilu Reef Beach & Spa 美露丽芙岛Travel to maldivesHeaven island –maldives国家简介LocationSouthwest of Sri Lanka, on the equator.Geography1,190 coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls. Stretches 820 kilometres north to south and 120 kilometres east to west. 202 are inhabited, 87 are exclusive resort islands.ClimateGenerally warm and humid. Sun shines all year through. Average temperature around 29 - 32 degrees Celsius.What to wearDress is generally casual. T-shirts and cotton clothing are most suitable. In Male’, the capital island and other inhabited islands it is recommended that women wear modest clothing without baring too much.PopulationAbout 270,000 according to 1998 estimates. Origin of the Maldivians are lost in antiquity, but history reveals that the islands have been populated for over 3,000 years ago. Early settlers were travellers on the Silk Route and from the Indus Valley Civilisation. Inherently warm, friendly and hospitable by nature, it is easy to feel comfortable and relaxed with a Maldivian.CultureA proud history and rich culture evolved from the first settlers who were from various parts of the world travelling the seas in ancient times. The Maldives has been a melting pot of different cultures as people from different parts of the world came here and settled down. Some of the local music and dance for instance resemble African influences, with handbeating of drums and songs in a language that is not known to any but certainly represents that of East African countries. As one would expect there is a great South Asian influence in some of the music and dancing and especially in the traditional food of the Maldivians. However many of the South Asian customs especially with regard to women - for instance the Sub Continent’s tradition of secluding women from public view - are not tenets of life here. In fact women play a major role in society - not surprising considering the fact men spend the whole day out at sea fishing. Many of the traditions are strongly related to the seas andthe fact that life is dependent on the seas around us. LanguageDhivehi is the language spoken in all parts of the Maldives. English is widely spoken by Maldivians and visitors can easily make themselves understood getting around the capital island. In the resorts, a variety of languages are spoken by the staff including English, German, French, Italian and Japanese.EconomyThe Maldives economy has been growing at an annual average of 10% for the past two decades. Tourism is the main industry, contributing close to 20% of the GDP. Fisheries and trade follow close behind. The Maldivian economy is regarded as exemplary in the region and welcomes foreign investment.CurrencyThe Maldivian currency is the Rufiyaa and Laaree. The exchange rate for US Dollar at the time of writing is MRf.11.82 for the dollar. One Rufiyaa is equivalent to 100 laarees. Rufiyaa bank notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500. Coins are in the denominations of MRf.2.00, MRf.1.00, 50 laarees, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laaree. The US Dollar is the most commonly used foreign currency. Payments in the resorts and hotels can be made in most hard currency in cash, travellers’ cheques or credit cards. Commonly used credit cards are American Express, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, JCB and Euro Card.EducationThe functional literacy rate is 98%. Educational standards are among the highest in the region and schools follow the British system of education. HealthHealth care facilities are improving almost on a daily basis. The Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male’ is the biggest hospital in the country providing sophisticated medical care. ADK Hospital is the biggest private health care facility and follows high medical standards. Some resorts have in-house doctors. A decompression chamber is within easy reach of most resorts in case of a diving emergency.Local TimeGMT + 5 hoursBusiness HoursFrom Sunday to Thursday 7.30 - 14.30 in the government sector and generally from 9.00 to 5.00 in the private sector, although most offices in the private sector open for a half day on Saturday. Weekend falls on Friday and Saturday.CommunicationUp-to-date technology and international satellite links allow Maldives to have a sophisticated communications system. IDD facilities are available on all resorts and card phones are available on all inhabited islands. Dhiraagu, the Maldives Telecommunications Company also providesmobile telephones for daily rental. It is also the Internet service provider. ElectricityThe electric system is 230-240 V olts -AC面积】总面积9万平方公里(含领海面积),陆地面积298平方公里。
奢华梦幻型岛屿ADAARAN Prestige Water Villa 水上别墅度假村Anantara 安娜特拉岛Angsansa 阿格萨那岛Banyan Tree Maldives Vabbinfaru 悦榕庄Baros 巴洛斯岛Cinnamon Island Alidhoo 肉桂岛Coco Palm Dhuni Kolhu 椰子岛Cocoa Island Resore 科科拉岛度假村Dohni Mighili 多尼岛Four Season Resort at Kuda Huraa四季度假酒店-库达呼拉Four Season Resort at Landaa Giraavaru四季度假酒店-兰达吉拉瓦鲁岛Conrad Maldives Rangali Island(原Hilton) 港丽-伦格里岛Huvafen Fushi 芙花芬富士岛Kurumba Maldives 克鲁巴岛Naladhu 那拉度胡岛One And Only Kanuhura 肯尼呼啦岛One And Only Reethi Rah 瑞提娜度岛Palm Beach Resort 椰子岛Soneva Fushi 索尼富士岛Soneva Gili 索尼姬莉岛Taj Exotica Resort & Spa 泰姬魅力岛The Beach House at Manafaru 法鲁岛W Retreat & Spa W宁静岛度假村Coco Palm Bodu HithiHalaveli悠哉逍遥型岛屿ADAARAN Club Rannalhi 绚丽岛ADAARAN Select MeedhupparuAngaga 安嘎嘎岛Bandos Water Villas 班度士岛Club Med Kani 卡尼岛Filitheyo 菲莉尤滋岛Full Moon Maldives 满月岛Holiday Island 假日岛Komandoo Island ResortKuramathi Blue LagoonKuredu Island Resort 古丽都岛Laguna Maldives 兰古那岛Lily Beach Resort 丽莉岛Makunudu IslandMedhufushi Island resort 曼德福富士岛Mirihi Island Resort 蜜月岛Nika Island 尼卡岛Olhuveli beach & Spa Resort 双鱼岛Paradise Island Resort & Spa 天堂岛Reethi Beach Resort & SpaRoyal Island Resort & Spa 皇家岛Sun Island Resort 太阳岛Thulhagiri Island Resort 美人焦岛Vadoo Island Resort 帆度岛Velidhu Island Resort 维利多岛度假村Veligandu Island Resort 蓝弯半岛Vilu Reef Beach & Spa 美露丽芙岛Travel to maldivesHeaven island –maldives国家简介LocationSouthwest of Sri Lanka, on the equator.Geography1,190 coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls. Stretches 820 kilometres north to south and 120 kilometres east to west. 202 are inhabited, 87 are exclusive resort islands.ClimateGenerally warm and humid. Sun shines all year through. Average temperature around 29 - 32 degrees Celsius.What to wearDress is generally casual. T-shirts and cotton clothing are most suitable. In Male’, the capital island and other inhabited islands it is recommended that women wear modest clothing without baring too much.PopulationAbout 270,000 according to 1998 estimates. Origin of the Maldivians are lost in antiquity, but history reveals that the islands have been populated for over 3,000 years ago. Early settlers were travellers on the Silk Route and from the Indus Valley Civilisation. Inherently warm, friendly and hospitable by nature, it is easy to feel comfortable and relaxed with a Maldivian.CultureA proud history and rich culture evolved from the first settlers who were from various parts of the world travelling the seas in ancient times. The Maldives has been a melting pot of different cultures as people from different parts of the world came here and settled down. Some of the local music and dance for instance resemble African influences, with handbeating of drums and songs in a language that is not known to any but certainly represents that of East African countries. As one would expect there is a great South Asian influence in some of the music and dancing and especially in the traditional food of the Maldivians. However many of the South Asian customs especially with regard to women - for instance the Sub Continent’s tradition of secluding women from public view - are not tenets of life here. In fact women play a major role in society - not surprising considering the fact men spend the whole day out at sea fishing. Many of the traditions are strongly related to the seas andthe fact that life is dependent on the seas around us. LanguageDhivehi is the language spoken in all parts of the Maldives. English is widely spoken by Maldivians and visitors can easily make themselves understood getting around the capital island. In the resorts, a variety of languages are spoken by the staff including English, German, French, Italian and Japanese.EconomyThe Maldives economy has been growing at an annual average of 10% for the past two decades. Tourism is the main industry, contributing close to 20% of the GDP. Fisheries and trade follow close behind. The Maldivian economy is regarded as exemplary in the region and welcomes foreign investment.CurrencyThe Maldivian currency is the Rufiyaa and Laaree. The exchange rate for US Dollar at the time of writing is MRf.11.82 for the dollar. One Rufiyaa is equivalent to 100 laarees. Rufiyaa bank notes come in denominations of 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 and 500. Coins are in the denominations of MRf.2.00, MRf.1.00, 50 laarees, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 laaree. The US Dollar is the most commonly used foreign currency. Payments in the resorts and hotels can be made in most hard currency in cash, travellers’ cheques or credit cards. Commonly used credit cards are American Express, Visa, Master Card, Diners Club, JCB and Euro Card.EducationThe functional literacy rate is 98%. Educational standards are among the highest in the region and schools follow the British system of education. HealthHealth care facilities are improving almost on a daily basis. The Indhira Gandhi Memorial Hospital (IGMH) in Male’ is the biggest hospital in the country providing sophisticated medical care. ADK Hospital is the biggest private health care facility and follows high medical standards. Some resorts have in-house doctors. A decompression chamber is within easy reach of most resorts in case of a diving emergency.Local TimeGMT + 5 hoursBusiness HoursFrom Sunday to Thursday 7.30 - 14.30 in the government sector and generally from 9.00 to 5.00 in the private sector, although most offices in the private sector open for a half day on Saturday. Weekend falls on Friday and Saturday.CommunicationUp-to-date technology and international satellite links allow Maldives to have a sophisticated communications system. IDD facilities are available on all resorts and card phones are available on all inhabited islands. Dhiraagu, the Maldives Telecommunications Company also providesmobile telephones for daily rental. It is also the Internet service provider. ElectricityThe electric system is 230-240 V olts -AC面积】总面积9万平方公里(含领海面积),陆地面积298平方公里。
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Maldives, the sunny side of life is blessed with magical and breathtaking displays of sunshine for the better part of a year. Similar to tropical countries, the Maldives enjoys a dry and wet season. Conveniently, the hot and humid weather is complemented with cooling sea breezes and periodic rain.
Things to do
Water sports
Island hopping
Maldives souvenirs
Yoga and Fitness
Things to do Seaplane photo flights
Symbolic marriages
Atolls in Maldives
Maldives is formed as one of the most complex and vibrant atoll structures found anywhere on the planet. The 26 natural atolls are categorised into 20 atolls for administrative purposes.
The happy life not only lies in having ample food and clothing , also lies in the blue water and blue sky. If you have a dream about sea Please go to Maldives
Transportation within the Maldives is straightforward, even though the islands are dispersed across the third largest ocean on earth. Once you reach the Maldives, there are seaplanes waiting to fly you around the country. These seaplane flights are a magical affair as you will be treated to an aerial view of one of the most phenomenal tropical landscapes on earth. Commonly Boats and Speed Launches are used to travel between the islands and atolls. Maldivians are avid builders of seagoing vessels.
Scuba diving
Beautiful scenery
Because of global warming,sea levels are rising in two centimeter every year,Maldives is expected to disappear about 50 years back
Location & Atolls in Maldives weather Transportation Things to do Beautiful scenery
The Maldives, located on top of a vast underwater mountain range have around 1190 islands and sandbanks. The pearl string like islands covers a land area of no less than 298 km2. All the islands are encircled by a lagoon blessed with crystal clear water. These islands are protected by a reef structure, housing one of the most exclusive and spectacular underwater life.
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