1 Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginative negative influences.2计算机会使人们丧失想象和创造力这一事实使我相信其是祸而非福。
2 The fact that computers deprive people of their imagination and creativity makes me believe that they are a curse rather than a blessing.3毫无疑问互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药然而情况并非总是如此。
3 It goes without saying that the eye-catching development of the Internet makes many people believe that it is cure-all solution. However, it is not always the case.4无可否认博物馆可以扮演一个教育的作用,因为它给公众提供一个好的机会去研究他们国家的历史和传统。
4 It cannot be denied that museums can play an educational role for the simple reason that they provide the public with a good opportuni ty to study their countries’ history and tradition.5许多人没能够意识到这样一个重要的事实语言的多样性将会极大的推动文化的发展。
TOEFL/GMAT/GRE写作绝佳300句--死了都要背!1.When asked about the ongoing uproar involving U.S. President Bill Clinton , most people say the affair involves a purely private matter . But many other people regard his actions as deplorable . I personally think the president committed impeachable offences .当被问及对现在有关美国总统比尔·克林顿的沸沸扬扬的议论有什么看法时,大多数人认为这种暧昧关系纯属私事。
2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some people think that use should be limited . Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles.涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。
3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China ' s cities . But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program .目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。
(教育话题;难度:★★★★)1.It is extremely important and inevitable to engage in various extra-curricularactivities for any student who desires to be well-rounded and versatile.2.古埃及文明和金字塔对我特别有吸引力。
(历史话题;难度:★★★)2.Ancient Egypt culture and pyramids are greatly interesting and fascinating tome.3.体育锻炼能够帮助一个感觉学习或生活压力沉重的人很好的放松。
(生活话题;难度:★★)3.Getting exercise can help the person who is particularly stressed aboutschool or life to relax easily.4.手机是一个对人类特别实用的发明。
(科技话题;难度:★★)4. An invention that would be exceptionally useful and beneficial for the human race would be the mobile phone.5.以牺牲健康为代价去达成极其乏味的工作是不值得的。
(工作话题;难度:★★★)5.It is not worthwhile to complete the exceedingly tedious and dull work at thesacrifice of your health.6.一个简单有效地方法去认识外国是看新闻或杂志。
(生活话题;难度:★★)6. Reading newspapers and magazines is a direct and simple yet magically effective method to learn about foreign countries.7.父亲母亲和老师之间的同样之处就在于他们都对孩子的行为,态度,和思想有很大的影响。
19. When it is struck, a tuning fork produces an 19. 音叉被敲击时,产生几乎纯质的音调,其音 almost pure tone, retaining its pitch over a long 量经久不衰。 period of time.
20. Although pecans are most plentiful in the 20. 虽然美洲山河桃树最集中于美国的东南部但 southeastern part of the United States, they are 是在北至俄亥俄州及伊利诺州也能看见它们。 found as far north as Ohio and Illinois.
17. Anthropology is a science in that 17. 人类学是一门科学,因为人类学家采用一整 anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and 套强有力的方法和技术来记录观测结果,而这样 techniques to document observations that can be 记录下来的观测结果是供他人核查的。 checked by others.
23. Over a very large number of trials, the 23. 在大量的实验中,某一事件发生的几率等于 probability of an event’s occurring is equal to 它不发生的几率。 the probability that it will not occur.
1. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草 原动物。
1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn.
1.Art serves to life the human spirit and to put us more in touch with our feelings, foibles, and fate – in short,with our own humanity. With a heightened sensitivity to the human condition, we become more others-oriented, less self-centered, more giving of ourselves. In other words, we become a more charitable society – more willing to give to those less fortunate than ourselves in the ways with which the speakers is concerned. The speaker might argue, of course, that we do a disservice to others when we lend a helping hand – by enabling them to depend on us to survive. However, at the heart of this specious argument lies a certain coldness and lack of compassion that, in my view, any society should seek to discourage. Besides, the argument leads inexorably to certain political, philosophical, and moral issues that this brief essay cannot begin to address.2.Another argument, and the one that I find most compelling, is an appeal to logic over emotion. It is ascientific fact that thousands of animal species become extinct every year. Many such extinctions are due to natural forces, while others are due to anthropogenic factors. In any event, it is far beyond our ability to save them all. By what standard, then, should we decide which species are worth saving and which ones are not? In my observation, we tend to favor animals with human-like physical characteristics and behaviors. This preference is understandable; after all, dolphins are far more endearing than bugs. But there is no logical justification for such a standard. Accordingly, what makes more sense is to decide based on our own economic self-interest. In other words, the more money and jobs it would cost to save a certain species, the lower priority we should place on doing so.3.Practicality also dictates what sort of art is produced today. Most new architecture today is driven byfunctionality, safety, and cost; very few architectural masterpieces find their way past the blueprint stage anymore. The content of today’s feature films and music is driven entirely by demographic considerations –that is, by pandering to the interests of 18 – 35 year olds, who account for most ticket and CD sales. And, the publishing industry today is driven by immediate concern to deliver viable products to the marketplace. The glut of how-to books in our bookstores today is evidence that publishers are pandering to our practicality as well. It is not that artists no longer create works of high artistic value and integrity. Independent record labels, filmmakers, and publishing houses abound today. It is just that the independents do not thrive, and they constitute a minuscule segment of the market. In the main, today’s real-estate developers, entertainment moguls, and publishing executives are concerned with practicality and profit, and not with artistic value and integrity.4.Consider how a cultural anthropologist’s knowledge about an ancient civilization is enhanced not only by theexpertise of the archeologist –who unearths evidence –but ultimately by the expertise of biochemists, geologists, linguists, and even astronomers. By analyzing the hair, nails, blood, and bones of mummified bodies, biochemists and forensic scientists can determine the life expectancy, general well-being, and common causes of death of the population. These experts can also ensure the proper preservation of evidence found at the archeological site. A geologist can help identify the source and age of the materials used for tools, weapons, and structures – thereby enabling the anthropologist, to extrapolate about the civilization’s economy, trades and work habits, lifestyles, extent of travel and mobility, and so forth. Linguists are needed to interpret hieroglyphics and extrapolate from found fragments of writings. And an astronomer can help explain the layout of an ancient city as well as the design, structure and position of monuments, tombs, and temples –since ancients often looked to the stars for guidance in building cities and structure.5.The speaker unfairly suggests that large cities serve as the primary breeding ground and sanctuaries for anation’s cultural traditions. Today a nation’s distinct cultural traditions – its folk art, crafts, traditional songs, customs and ceremonies – burgeon instead in small towns and rural regions. Admittedly, our cities do serve as our centers for “high art”; big cities are where we deposit, display, and boast the world’s preeminent art, architecture, and music. But big-city culture has little to do anymore with one nation’s distinct cultural traditions. After all, modern cities are essentially multicultural stew pots; accordingly, by assisting large citiesa government is actually helping to create a global culture as well to subsidize the traditions of other nations’cultures.6.One reason for my fundamental agreement with the speaker is that in order to gain the opportunity foreffective public leadership, a would-be leader must first gain and maintain political power. In the game of politics, complete forthrightness is a sign of vulnerability and naiveté, neither of which earn a politician respect among his or her opponents, and which those opponents will use to every advantage to defeat the politician. In my observation, some measure of pandering to the electorate is necessary to gain and maintain political leadership. For example, were all politicians to fully disclose every personal foible, character flaw, and detail concerning personal life, few honest politicians would ever be elected. While this view might seem cynical, personal scandals have in fact proven the undoing of many a political career; thus, I think this view is realistic.7.The chief reason why I generally agree with the statement has to do with the forces that motivate the media inthe first place. The media generally consist of profit-seeking entities, whose chief objective is to maximize profits for their shareholders or other owners. Moreover, our corporate culture has sanctioned this objective by codifying it as a fiduciary obligation of any corporate executive. For better or worse, in our society media viewers, readers, and listeners find information about the misfortunes and misdeeds of others, especially heroic public figures, far more compelling than information about their virtues and accomplishments. In short, we love a good scandal. One needs look no further than the newsstand, local television news broadcast, or talk show to find ample evidence that this is the case. Thus, in order to maximize profits the media are simply giving the pubic what they demand – scrutiny of heroic public figures that serves to diminish their reputation.8.Consider the goal of completing a marathon running race. If I need to reduce my working hours to train forthe race, thereby jeopardizing my job, or if I run a high risk of incurring a permanent injury by training enough to prepare adequately for the event, then perhaps my goal is not worth attaining. Yet if I am a physically challenged person with the goal of completing a highly-publicized marathon, risking financial hardship or long-term injury might be worthwhile, not only for my own personal satisfaction but also for the inspiration that attaining the goal would provide many others.9.On a societal level we determine the worthiness of our goals in much the same way – by competing interests.For instance, any thoughtful person would agree that reducing air and water pollution is a worthy societal goal;clean air and water reduce the burden on our health-care resources and improves the quality of life for everyone in society. Yet to attain this goal would we be justified in forcing entire industries out of business, thereby running the risk of economic paralysis and widespread unemployment? Or consider America’s intervention in Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait. Did you dual interest in a continuing flow of oil to the West and in deterring a potential threat against the security of the world justify our committing resources that could have been used instead for domestic social-welfare programs –or a myriad of other productive purposes? Both issues underscore the fact that the worthiness of a societal goal cannot be considered apart from the means and adverse consequences of attaining that goal.10.The growing documentary role of video is not limited to seminal events like those described above. Videosurveillance cameras are objective witnesses with perfect memories. Thus, they can play a vital evidentiary role in legal proceedings – such as those involving robbery, drug trafficking, police misconduct, motor vehicle violations, and even malpractice in a hospital operating room. Indeed, when even moving images are central to an event the video camera is superior to the written word. A written description of a hurricane, tornado, or volcanic eruption cannot convey its immediate power and awesome nature like a video record. A diary entry cannot “replay” that wedding reception, dance recital, or surprise birthday party as accurately or objectively as a video record. And a real-estate brochure cannot inform about the lighting, spaciousness, or general ambiance of a featured property nearly as effectively as a video.11.The statement is clearly accurate insofar as machines are tools of human minds. After all, would any machineeven exist unless a human being invented it? Of course not. Moreover, I would be hard-pressed to think of any machine that cannot be described as a tool. Even machines designed to entertain or amuse us –for example, toy robots, cars and video games, and novelty items – are in fact tools, which their inventors and promoters use for engaging in commerce and the business of entertainment and amusement. And, the claim that a machine can be an end in itself, without purpose or utilitarian function for humans whatsoever, is dubious at best, since I cannot conjure up even a single example of any such machine. Thus, when we develop any sort of machine we always have some sort of end in mind – a purpose for that machine.12.Besides helping students develop their own thoughtful value systems, educators should instill in studentscertain basic values upon which any democratic society depends; otherwise, our freedom to choose our own jobs and careers might not survive in the long term. These values include principles of fairness and equity upon which our system of laws is based, as well as the value of tolerance and respect when it comes to the viewpoints of others. It seems to me that these basic values can best be instilled at an early age in a classroom setting, where young students can work out their value systems as they interact with their peers. Moreover, as students grow into working adults, practicing the basic values of fairness and respect they learned as students serves them well in their jobs. At the workplace these values manifest themselves in a work er’s ability to cooperate, compromise, understand various viewpoints, and appreciate the rights and duties of coworkers, supervisors, and subordinates. This ability cannot help but serve any worker’s career goals, as well as enhancing overall workplace productivity.13.Another problem with the statement is that it undervalues other, equally important benefits of studying history.Learning about the courage and tenacity of history’s great explorers, leaders, and other achievers inspires us to similar accomplishments, or at least to face own fears as we travel through life. Learning about the mistakes of past societies helps us avoid repeating them. For instance, the world is slowly coming to learn by studying history that political states whose authority stems from suppression of individual freedoms invariably fall of their own oppressive weight. And, learning about on e’s cultural heritage, or roots, fosters a healthy sense of self and cultivates an interest in preserving art, literature, and other cultural artifacts – all of which serve to enrich society.14.On the other hand, many scientific discoveries have clearly “upset” conventional notions about the physicalworld and the universe. The notions of a sun-centered universe, that humans evolved from lower primate forms, and that time is relative to space and motion are all disquieting notions to any one whose belief system depends on contrary assumptions. And more recently, researchers have discovered that many behavioral traits are functions of individual neurological brain structure, determined at birth. This notion has “upset”many professionals in fields such as behavioral psychology, criminology, mental health, and law, whose work is predicated on the potion that undesirable human behavior can be changed – through various means of reform and behavior modification.15.Turning first to public architecture, one sees in ancient and Renaissance forms an impulse to transcend thehuman condition. Clearly, the most important architecture of these periods was built to honor deities and to propel humans into the afterlife. Consider, for example, the ancient pyramids and the great cathedrals of Europe, which rise upward toward the stars and heavens. During the Medieval period the most important architectural form was the castle, which reflected an overriding concern for military security and brute strength during a time of comparative anarchy. During the twentieth century it was first the steel-forged art deco forms and then the sky-scraping office building that dominated public architecture. These forms reflect modern, more mundane concerns for industrial and technological progress.16.Admittedly, these non-mainstream areas of inquiry address certain human needs, which mainstream scienceand other areas of intellectual inquiry inherently cannot. One such need involves our common experience as humans that we freely make our own choices and decisions in life and therefore carry some responsibility for their consequences. Faced with infinite choices, we experience uncertainty, insecurity, and confusion; and wefeel remorse, regret, and guilt when in retrospect our choices turn out to be poor ones. Understandably, to prevent these bad feelings many people try to shift the burden of making difficult choices and decisions to some nebulous authority outside themselves – by relying on the stars or on a tarot cards for guidance.17.Similarly, when it comes to science our wishes and desires ultimately yield to the stubbornness of facts – bywhich I mean empirical scientific evidence and the laws and principles of the physical world. Admittedly, in many cases it is difficult to distinguish between scientific “fact” and mere “theory”. History is replete with examples of what were considered at one time to be facts, but later disproved as incorrect theories. Yet it is telling that many such obsolete theories were based on the subjective inclinations, desires, and wishes of theorists and of the societies in which the theorists lived. For example, the notions of an Earth-centered universe and of linear time and space were both influenced by religious notions – that is, by human wishes and passions. As our factual knowledge increased such theories ultimately give way.18.On an individual level, we all engage in futile attempts to alter facts – by pretending that certain things are notthe way they are because they are inconsistent with our wishes or personal interests. Psychologists refer to this psychological defensive mechanism, which seems to be part of human nature, as “denial”. Consider curious pastimes such as mind-reading, psychic healing, rituals that purportedly impart immortality, and other such endeavors, which seems to transcend all cultures and periods of human history. Understandably, we would all like to have the ability to alter the physical world, including ourselves, as we see fit, or even to live forever by means of the sheer force of our will. Yet, not on iota of scientific evidence lends support to the claim that any human being has ever had any such ability.19.Aside from its utility in the arts, however, the exploration of emotions has little place in educational systems.The physical sciences and mathematics are purely products of reason and logic. Even in the so-called “soft”sciences, emotion should play no part. Consider, for example, the study of history, political science, or public policy, each of which is largely the study of how the concepts of fairness, equity, and justice work themselves out. It is tempting to think that students can best understand and learn to apply these concepts by tapping feelings such as compassion, empathy, sympathy, and indignation. Yet fairness, equity, and justice have little to do with feelings, and everything to do with reason. After all, emotions are subjective things. On the other hand, reason is objective and therefore facilitates communication, consensus, and peaceful compromise.20.In the long-term, however, the significance of image wanes considerably. The image of the Marlboro manultimately gave way to the truth about the health hazards of cigarette smoking. Popular musical acts with nothing truly innovative to offer musically eventually disappear from the music scene. And anyone who frequents yard sales knows that today’s best-selling books often become tomorrow’s pupil. Even in politics, I think history has a knack for peeling away image to focus on real accomplishments. I think history will remember Teddy Roosevelt, for example, primarily for building the Panama Canal and for establishing our National Park System – and not for his rough-and-ready wardrobe.。
The development of science and technology makes it sufficiently easy for people to acquire knowledge.越来越多的人意识到环境保护的重要性。
More and more people have become aware of the importance of environmentprotection.我认为在我们社区建工厂是不好的。
I believe it will spoil to build factories in our community.由于年龄的关系, 父母亲对孩子的了解有时还不如他们的同伴。
Because of the generation gap, parents occasionally know less about theirchildren than their companions do.若团队里的每个人都竭尽全力, 他们的工作效率会有很大提高。
If everybody in the team does his utmost, the team’s working efficiency wouldbe greatly improved.语言环境对外语学习的影响是很大的。
There are great influences of language environment on foreign language study. 我们要像保护自己的亲人那样保护野生动物。
We should protect wild animals as we protect our families and relatives. 我们从电视上学会了好多有用的东西。
We have learnt a lot from TV.我赞成政府花钱进行外太空探索.I am in favor of the government’s expense on the exploration of outer space. 如果人们愿意在太空探索上面多花一些钱, 人们就会在不久的将来更多地享受高科技给我们的生活带来的便利。
托福作文真题范文中英文In today's era of globalization, the importance of effective communication skills cannot be overstated. Thisis particularly true in the academic world, where students are often required to demonstrate their ability to convey complex ideas and arguments in a clear and concise manner. The TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) exam, a widely recognized measure of English proficiency, places a significant emphasis on writing skills. In this article, we will explore a TOEFL essay topic, analyze a sample essay in English, and then provide a high-quality Chinesetranslation and imitation.**The Topic:**Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television has a negative effect on society. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.**Sample Essay (English):**In the modern world, television has become a ubiquitous presence in our lives, shaping the way we perceive and interact with the world. While television undoubtedlyoffers numerous benefits, such as entertainment, education, and cultural exchange, I firmly believe that its negative impact on society outweighs these positives.Firstly, television often promotes unhealthy lifestyle habits. Many programs feature fast-paced action andexciting drama, encouraging viewers to lead sedentary lifestyles. This sedentary behavior can lead to a range of health issues, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Furthermore, the constant exposure to violence and sexual content on television can desensitize individuals, making them more tolerant of such behavior in real life.Secondly, television can have a negative impact on social interactions. With the rise of social media and streaming services, people are increasingly spending more time in front of screens, reducing face-to-face communication. This trend can erode the quality of relationships and community cohesion, leading to a more isolated and fragmented society.Lastly, television can contribute to the dumbing down of society. Many programs feature simplistic narratives andshallow discussions, discouraging critical thinking and encouraging passive consumption. This trend can have far-reaching consequences, eroding the intellectual capabilities of society and limiting its potential for innovation and progress.In conclusion, while television undoubtedly plays a role in our lives, its negative impact on society is significant. From promoting unhealthy lifestyle habits to eroding social interactions and intellectual capabilities, television poses a threat to the well-being of individuals and society at large.**中文翻译与仿写:****题目:**你是否同意以下观点:电视对社会有负面影响?使用具体的理由和例子来支持你的答案。
Yet men go on maintaining the fiction that there are many jobs women can’t do. Top-level political negotiation between countries, business and banking are almost entirely controlled by men, who jealously guard their so-called ‘rights’. Even in otherwise enlightened places like Switzerland women haven’t even been given the vote. This situation is preposterous! The arguments that men put forward to exclude women from these fields are all to familiar. Women, they say,, are unreliable and irrational. They depend too little on cool reasoning and too much on intuition and instinct to arrive at decisions. They are not even capable of thinking vlearly. Yet when women prove their abilities, men refuse to acknowledge them and give them their due. So much for a man’s ability to think clearly!
托福写作备考:50个翻译句子练习托福写作就是把我们想要表达的东西用英文表达出来,对于以中文为母语的我们来说,英语语言表达这一块会比较生疏,所以平时可以做一些句子的翻译练习,对我们托福写作有好处!下面小编给大家带来托福写作备考:50个翻译句子练习,来看看吧!托福写作备考:翻译句子练习11. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children.对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。
2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action.在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。
3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machines will be used, the more workers will be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become.恐惧在一些人当中出现了。
4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives.在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。
5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to communicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family.当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities and even their families.他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。
In the past decades, advanced medical technology makes a longer life expentancy than before possible.Advances in medical technoloyg ( have made) makes it possible for people to live longer than before ( in the past).In fact, we must( have to) admit( the fact) that the quality of life is as important as life itself. / equals life itself.24. spare no effort25. people believe that computer skills will enhance job opportunities or promotion opportunities.People believe that more working or promotion opportunities will be obtained by having computer skills.26. According to the information I have collected these years, the knowledge is not as useful as people expected.The information I’ve collected over last few years leads me to believe that this knowledge may be less useful than most people think.27. it is generally believed/ thought /accepted that no college or university ...28.This is a problem that matters life and death, which no nation can ignore.It is a matter of life and death—a matter no country can afford to ingore.29. I prefer the later one with serveral reasons as follows.For my part, I agree with the later opinion for the following reasons.30. it is important for me to look at the arguments on both sides.。
托福写作初级-翻译、词句替换练习题(含学生答案)课程1第一部分翻译下面的句子1.为了保护濒危物种(the endangered species),我们必须竭尽所能We must do everything to protect the endangered species.2.为了完成任务,我尝试了各种工具来修(repair)我的车I try every tours to repair my car in an effort to achieve the work.3.北朝鲜和美国重启双边会谈(restart bilateral talks),试图解决由来已久的(age-old)核问题(nuclear issue)North Korea and America restarted bilateral talks in an effort to solve the age-old nuclear issue.4.奥巴马的目标是提高(increase)中产阶级的可支配收入(disposable income)Obama’s goal is to increase disposable income.5.昨天老妈同意给我买车了,但是她没买My mother agreed to buy me a car yesterday, but she failed to do it.6.我的想法(idea)是去租一辆汽车My idea is to lease a car.7.为了通过SAT考试,提高我的词汇量很关键(essential)It’s essential to improve my number of words to pass SAT8.达到目标体重的方法之一是通过(through)身体锻炼(physical exercise)It’s one way to reach goal weight through physical exercise.9.解决空气污染的方法之一是发展公共交通(public transport)(两种写法)One way to reduce air pollution is to develop public transport.To develop public transport is a way to reduce air pollution.10.使用人工色素(artificial color)是使食物色彩丰富(colorful)的最常见方法(两种写法)It’s the most popular way to make food colorful to use artificial color.To use artificial color is the most popular way to make food colorful.11.修建地铁(metro)是降低交通堵塞(congestion)的最佳方法(两种写法)To make metro is the best way to reduce transport congestion.The best way to reduce transport congestion is to make metro.第二部分地道的替换词1.事实是:In factthe reality is that2.快乐:happiness,例句:America is about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness3.悲伤sadnessgrief4.私家车保有量:the ownership of private cars5.名人:Famous mancelebritie s6.领域:Place onSphere造句练习:1.残酷的(harsh)现实是她不爱我The harsh fact is she doesn’t love me.2.我的目标是追求快乐My goal is to look for happiness.3.我不得不掩藏我的悲伤(grieves)I have to cover my grieves.4.正在上涨的私家车保有量引发了一系列的交通问题An increasing number of the ownership of private cars causes some traffic problems.第三部分段落阅读及仿写Obviously, you can't make everyone happy all the time, and some of your actions are going to ruffle feathers. One way to figure out how to handle these situations is to imagine how you will describe what happened later, when the dust has cleared(主旨句). I'm reminded of a case a few years ago when a student come to me for advice. He was leading the campus-wide business competition and one team didn't show up for the final round of judging. Like all the teams that reach that stage of the competition, the team had been working on the project for seven months and had managed to(设法做到了)make it over a lot of hurdles (跨栏)to get to the finish line(目的). The team hadn't received the message about the presentation time, in part because it was posted late and in part because they weren't paying attention. The student came to ask my opinion(目的)was torn(撕裂)about what to do (该做什么). He felt there were two clear choices: he could hold fast to(坚持)the rules and disqualify the team, or he could be flexible and find another time for them to present their work.(目的)His gut reaction (直觉反应)was to stick to the rules. Everyone else had managed to show up, and it was going to be a burden to reschedule(目的). The only guidance I gave him was this: whatever he did, I hoped he would be pleased with his decision at a later date. I urged him to consider how he would describe this challenge if during a job interview he were asked how he handled an ambiguous situation. The delinquent team was subsequently allowed to present, and I realized afterward that thinking about how you want to tell the story in the future is a great way to assess your response to dilemmas in general. Craft the story now so you'll be proud to tell it later.(段尾总结,与主旨句呼应)地道表达:克服了很多困难:Try ones bestover a lot of hurdles到达终点/完成:achieveget to the finish line(面对两难的选择时)不知道该如何选择:be torn about what to do,其中torn是tear的过去时,这里做动词Don’t know how to choose坚持规则:hold fast to the rules, stick to the rulesObey the rules佳句仿写你可以为我找另一个时间来做演讲(give a lecture)You can give a lecture for me in another time.成为我们的一员,你将会非常自豪You’ll be proud of yourself to join us.我不知道该选哪个女孩I don’t know which girl to choose.课程21,很少有人能克服困难成功的戒了烟(quit smoking)。
托福句子翻译题1."We can usually learn much more from people whose views we share than frompeoplewhose views contradict our own; disagreement can cause stress and inhibitlearning."我们通常从和我们意见统一的人那里学到的东西比从和我们意见相悖的人那里学到的东西多的多意见分歧阻碍了学习。
2."Academic disciplines have become so specialized in recent years that scholars' ideasreachonly a narrow audience. Until scholars can reach a wider audience, their ideas willhave little use."今年来学术领域更加专业化以至于学者门的研究只作用于很小范围内的人群。
3."Governments must ensure that their major cities receive the financial support theyneed inorder to thrive, because it is primarily in cities that a nation's cultural traditions arepreserved and generated."10政府必须保证主要城市用于发展的财政支持因为国家的文化传统发源于并保留在这些主要城市。
4."A nation should require all its students to study the same national curriculum untiltheyenter college rather than allow schools in different parts of the nation to determine which academic courses to offer."5一个国家应该要求所有的学生在上大学前都学习相同的课程而不应该允许不同地区的学校擅自决定自己的教学领域。
托福写作备考之长句翻译练习1. It is inevitable for the old to have generation gap with their children. 对老年人来说,和他们的孩子有代沟是不可避免的。
2. It is sagacious that all relevant factors should be taken into account before taking any action. 在采取任何行动之前,应该考虑所有相关的因素,这是明智之举。
3. A fear has arisen among some people that the more machines will be used, the more workerswill be unemployed and the lower our living standard will become. 恐惧在一些人当中出现了。
4. Before airing my opinion, I will analyze the hot issue from diverse perspectives. 在表明观点之前,我将从不从的角度来分析这个热门话题。
5. As soon as a child becomes old enough to communicate with other children, he begins having friends, who sometimes influence him more rapidly than his family. 当一个孩子长到足以和其他人交流时,他便开始交朋友,这些朋友对他的影响有时比家庭更快6. They spend too much time in front of the television, ignoring their study, outdoor activities andeven their families. 他们在电视机前面花费了太多的时间,忽略了学习、户外活动,甚至他们的家庭。
? (教育话题;难度:★★★★)?1. It is extremely important and inevitable to engage in various extra-curricular activities for any student whod e s i r e s t o b e w e l l-r o u n d e d a n d v e r s a t i l e.?2.古埃及文明和金字塔对我非常有吸引力。
? (历史话题;难度:★★★)?2. Ancient Egypt culture and pyramids are greatly interesting and fascinating to me.?3.体育锻炼能够帮助一个感到学习或生活压力繁重的人很好的放松。
? (生活话题;难度:★★)?3. Getting exercise can help the person who is particularly stressed about school or life to relax easily.?4.手机是一个对人类特别有用的发明。
? (科技话题;难度:★★)?4. An invention that would be exceptionally useful and beneficial for the human race would be the mobile p h o n e.?5.以牺牲健康为代价去完成极其枯燥的工作是不值得的。
? (工作话题;难度:★★★)?5. It is not worthwhile to complete the exceedingly tedious and dull work at the sacrifice of your health.?6.一个简单有效地方法去了解国外是看新闻或杂志。
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托福写作翻译句子练习集团文件发布号:(9816-UATWW-MWUB-WUNN-INNUL-DQQTY-1. 旅游业不但给政府带来税收而且给很多人提供了就业机会。
2. 赌博不但对健康有害,而且会影响家庭和睦。
3. 打工不但能让学生赚零花钱,而且还能让他们学到人际交往的能力。
4. 现在很多学校的校服不但贵,而且还难看,质量不好。
5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,还要鼓励人们多使用公交车。
6. 老人们既不需要很多的钱,也不需要很大的房子,他们最需要的是子女的关心和照顾。
7. 我喜欢旅游,但是,我既没有钱,也没有时间。
8. 在老人院,老人既能够接受到医疗,又能够找到很多有共同话题,共同兴趣的的伙伴。
9. 缴税既是有有利于国家,也是有利于个人。
10. 打电脑游戏既浪费时间,又有害视力。
11. 打电脑游戏既能使人放松,又能锻炼大脑的灵活性,反映能力12. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。
13. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。
14. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。
15. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。
16. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。
17. 尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明飞机会造成灾难性的污染。
18. 没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。
19. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。
20. 我们应该不遗余力地保护我们的环境。
21. 现在,人们普遍认为22. 我同意后者,有如下理由:23. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。
24. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。
25. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。
26. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火车这样的交通工具相比的。
27. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:自行车的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。
28. 这个问题已经引起了广泛关注。
29. 很多人生活在这样的幻想之中。
30. 就我而言,我同意教育不应该随着毕业而结束的观点,有以下原因:31. 现在越来越多的人开始相信学习新的技术和知识能直接帮助他们获得工作就会或提升的机会。
32. 艺术资助对于很多发展中国家是个奢侈的做法。
(art funding, luxurious)33. 兴建体育场馆和剧院等会浪费政府有限的财政。
(stadium, theater, tight budget)34. 政府资助艺术家和音乐家的做法其实就是滥用纳税人的钱。
(taxpayer)35. 保护濒危的动物需要花费大量的公共资金,对于发展中国家而言,是个沉重的经济负担。
(endangered species, economic burden.)36. 电脑游戏太诱人了,以至于很多孩子都沉迷其中不能自拔。
(alluring abandon oneself to)37. 有些小孩缺乏自控和自律能力,整天沉迷于网络游戏和网上聊天。
(self-control, self-discipline)38. 有些小孩缺乏自律能力,整天沉迷于网络游戏和网上聊天。
(self-discipline, be addicted to)39. 减肥的最好方法就是减少摄入的热量,同时增加活动量。
(lose weight, the level of physical activity)40. 应该对私家车进行限制,因为汽车排放的有毒气体里含有许多的致癌物。
(emit, toxic gas, carcinogen)41. 体育锻炼有利于人们减压。
(physical exercise, mental strain)42. 过分沉迷于电脑游戏会导致近视和肥胖。
(overindulgence, myopia, obesity)43. 电视和互联网使人们与朋友疏远了,因为现在人们缺乏与朋友面对面的交流。
(alien ate…from…, face-to-face communication)44. 国际旅游业的发展可能导致国与国之间紧张关系的加剧。
(tension)45. 如果老人到敬老院住,他们会觉得自己没有价值了,被家人抛弃了,同时感到绝望。
(useless, desert)46. 通过旅游,有不同种族和政治背景的人会更加了解对方,从而消除误会和偏见,维护世界和平。
(remove misunderstanding and prejudice)47. 出国留学的好处包括:全球意识增强,语言学习,跨文化交际,独立性,自信心和适应性增强。
(global awareness, cross-cultural communication, adaptability)48. 许多人认为国际旅游对经济发展有积极作用,应鼓励地方政府发展国际旅游。
49. 就我而言,我坚定地认为国外旅游者的数量应得到限制,理由如下:50. 虽然科技带来了很多便利和效率,也同时带来了环境的恶化。
50句翻译练习的答案1. Gambling not only harms pe ople’s health but also damages family harmony.2. Taking part-time jobs not only enables students to earn pocket money/allowance but also learn interpersonal skills.3. The government should not only build/construct more roads but also encourage people to use public transport. pass4. The elderly neither need big houses nor much money. What they need is their children’s care and attention.5. Nowadays, many school uniforms are not only expensive/pricy but also ugly and poor-quality.6. I enjoy traveling, but I neither have money nor time.7. In nursing houses, the elderly can both receive medical care and find friends who have similar topics and hobbies with them.?8. Paying tax both benefits a country and individuals,because/for the government’s revenue is mainly used for public services, which is rewarding to everyone.?9. Playing computer games both wastes time and impairs eyesight.10. Playing computer games both enables people to relax and improve brain’s flexibility.12. According to a recent survey, there are four million pplwho die of smoking-related diseases.?13. No invention has received more praise and abuse than thatof the Internet.14. Many experts point out that sports conduce tohealth./physical fitness.15. There is no denying that air pollution is such aserious/severe problem that the government should takeeffective/strong measures to relieve it.Admittedly,?No one can deny that…undoubtedly15. Considering the severity of the problem, …In light of the…In view of…16. Despite the fact that this view is widely accepted, thereis little evidence that airplanes can cause=result in=give rise to disastrous pollution.aspect17. Actually, we must admit that life quality is as important as life itself.18. make every effort to do19. it is generally accepted that..20. I agree with the latter view/one for the following reasons. The reasons go as follows.21. This view is being questioned by an increasing number of ppl.22. Riding bicycles benefits people’s health, which relieves traffic jams considerably.23. Despite the fact that bicycles have many obvious advantages,they are not without their problems.24. Using bicycles contributes to people’s health and greatly reduces traffic jams.?25. Although bicycles have many obvious advantages, they are not without their problems.?26. For speed and comfort, bicycles cannot be compared with other means of transport such as trains or buses.?27. From the above discussion, we can safely draw the conclusion that the advantages of bicycles far outweigh their disadvantages and they will play an important role in modern society.28. This issue has aroused wide public concern.?29. Many people live under the illusion that….30. As for me/as far as I am concerned/For my part/from my perspective, I agree that education should not end with graduation for the following reasons.?31. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are beginning to believe that acquiring new techniques and knowledge can help them obtain more employment or promotion opportunities.?32. Art funding is a luxurious practice for many developing countries.?33. Building stadiums and theatres will waste the government’s tight budget.?34. Art funding is a waste of taxpayers’ money. (or the practice of art funding is…)35. Protecting endangered species requires huge amount ofpublic funds, which is a heavy economic burden to developing countries.?36. Computer games are so fascinating that many children are addicted to them. (用addicted吧。