Backlund transformations for integrable lattice equations
w T C方法,扩展齐次平衡法,可积系统, B{icklund变换,Miura变换
With the development of science,non-linear phenomena appear in the natu-
ral sciences,engineering technology and many other areas,then the correspond- ing non.1inear models are complicated.Non-linear equations,describing the above models,become an important research topic.There are many methods to solve non—linear partial differential equations,one of which is B{icklund trans- formation.On one hand,this approach could construct a new solution from the known solution,and obtain Multi—soliton solutions of the original equation by repeated application.On the other hand,the solution of another equation could be deduced from the one of known equation via the approach.Thus B/icklund transformation is an effective method to solve partial differential equations.
曼哈顿计划对于项目管理理论发展的意义英语The Manhattan Project was a groundbreaking scientific research and development project during World War II that resulted in the creation of the first atomic bombs. It had a profound impact on the field of project management theory and practice.曼哈顿计划是二战期间一项开创性的科学研究与发展项目,导致第一颗原子弹的诞生。
One important aspect of the Manhattan Project was its sheer scale and complexity. The project involved thousands of scientists, engineers, and support staff working across multiple sites in secret, requiring careful coordination and management. This massive undertaking demonstrated the importance of effective project planning, resource allocation, and communication in achieving a common goal.曼哈顿计划一个重要的方面是其庞大的规模和复杂性。
二、关联理论与口译背景介绍关联理论是由D. Sperber和D. Wilson提出的,强调了语境与信息期待在交际中的重要性。
As a high school student, Ive always found myself in a lovehate relationship with mathematics. Its a subject that has both fascinated and frustrated me in equal measure. The beauty of math lies in its precision and logic, yet the complexity of its problems often leaves me feeling like Im lost in a maze without a map.My journey with math started in elementary school, where the basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division were introduced. I remember feeling a sense of accomplishment as I mastered these fundamental skills. However, as I progressed to middle school, the introduction of algebra and geometry added a layer of complexity that I hadnt anticipated. The abstract nature of variables and the visual challenges of geometric proofs were a stark contrast to the straightforward arithmetic I had grown comfortable with.Entering high school, the difficulty ramped up even further. The world of calculus, trigonometry, and advanced algebra opened up, and with it came a whole new set of challenges. I found myself struggling to grasp the concepts of derivatives and integrals, which seemed to defy the logic I had come to rely on. The abstract nature of these topics made it difficult for me to visualize the problems, and as a result, I often felt overwhelmed.One of the most significant obstacles I faced was the fear of failure. The pressure to perform well in math, not just for my own satisfaction but also to meet the expectations of my teachers and parents, weighed heavily on me. This fear often led to anxiety, which in turn affected my ability to concentrate and solve problems effectively.To overcome these difficulties, I realized that I needed to change my approach to learning math. I started by breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. This allowed me to tackle each piece individually, making the overall problem seem less daunting. I also sought help from my teachers and classmates, who were often more than willing to explain concepts that I found challenging.Moreover, I began to appreciate the beauty of math by exploring its applications in reallife situations. From the physics of a bouncing ball to the economics of supply and demand, I discovered that math is not just a collection of abstract formulas but a powerful tool for understanding the world around us.One of the turning points in my relationship with math was when I participated in a math competition. The experience was both exhilarating and humbling. It pushed me to think creatively and work collaboratively with my peers to solve complex problems. Although we didnt win, the process of working through those challenges and learning from my mistakes was incredibly rewarding.As I continued to engage with math, I started to notice patterns and connections between different concepts. This realization helped me to build a more solid foundation in the subject and made learning new material less intimidating. I also began to appreciate the importance of practice and perseverance. Just like learning a new language or a musical instrument, mastering math requires consistent effort and patience.In conclusion, my experience with math has been a journey of ups and downs. It has taught me the value of resilience, curiosity, and the importance of seeking help when needed. While I still encounter challenges, I no longer view them as insurmountable obstacles but rather as opportunities for growth and learning. Math, with all its complexities, has become a subject that I respect and, in many ways, enjoy.。
第38卷第1期2024年1月兰州文理学院学报(自然科学版)J o u r n a l o fL a n z h o uU n i v e r s i t y ofA r t s a n dS c i e n c e (N a t u r a l S c i e n c e s )V o l .38N o .1J a n .2024收稿日期:2023G05G15基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(11761044)作者简介:仁世杰(1995G),男,甘肃庄浪人,助教,硕士,研究方向为孤立子理论及其应用.E Gm a i l :487450395@q q.c o m.㊀㊀文章编号:2095G6991(2024)01G0039G05一类耦合非线性薛定谔方程组的求解仁世杰1,李永军2,张㊀娟3(1.兰州城市学院信息工程学院,甘肃兰州730070;2.兰州城市学院电子工程学院,甘肃兰州730070;3.宁夏师范学院数学与计算机科学学院,宁夏固原756000)摘要:在可积条件c (t )=(γ2(t ))2=1(C 1t +C 2)2,γ1(t )=γ2(t )=1C 1t +C 2ìîíïïïï下,利用特殊变换法和S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法,得到了双芯光纤变系数线性耦合薛定谔方程组i ∂∂t u (x ,t )+i ∂∂x u (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2u (x ,t )+γ1(t )u (x ,t )2u (x ,t )+㊀㊀c (t )v (x ,t )=0,i ∂∂t v (x ,t )+i ∂∂x v (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2v (x ,t )+γ2(t )v (x ,t )2v (x ,t )+㊀㊀c (t )u (x ,t )=0ìîíïïïïïï的精确解.其中:C i (i =1,2)是常数;γi (t )(i =1,2)是第i 个纤芯的非线性参数;c (t )是两个纤芯之间的线性耦合参数.关键词:双芯光纤;线性耦合;薛定谔方程;可积;S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法中图分类号:O 175.29㊀㊀㊀文献标志码:AS o l v i n g aC l a s s o fC o u p l e dN o n l i n e a r S c h r öd i n g e rE qu a t i o n s R E N S h i Gj i e 1,L IY o n g Gju n 2,Z HA N GJ u a n 3(1.S c h o o l o f I n f o r m a t i o nE n g i n e e r i n g ,L a n z h o uC i t y U n i v e r s i t y,L a n z h o u730070,C h i n a ;2.S c h o o l o fE l e c t r o n i cE n g i n e e r i n g ,L a n z h o uC i t y U n i v e r s i t y,L a n z h o u730070,C h i n a ;3.S c h o o l o fM a t h e m a t i c s a n dC o m p u t e r S c i e n c e ,N i n g x i aN o r m a lU n i v e r s i t y,G u y u a n756000,N i n gx i a ,C h i n a )A b s t r a c t :I n t h i s p a p e r ,t h e e x a c t s o l u t i o n s o f t h e l i n e a r l y c o u p l e d n o n l i n e a r S c h r öd i n g e r E qu a Gt i o n G r o u p i ∂∂t u (x ,t )+i ∂∂x u (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2u (x ,t )+γ1(t )u (x ,t )2u (x ,t )+㊀㊀c (t )v (x ,t )=0i ∂∂t v (x ,t )+i ∂∂x v (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2v (x ,t )+γ2(t )v (x ,t )2v (x ,t )+㊀㊀c (t )u (x ,t )=0ìîíïïïïïïïïw i t h v a r i a b l e c o e f f i c i e n t s o f t w o Gc o r e f i b e r a r e c a l c u l a t e db y s p e c i a l t r a n s f o r m a t i o nm e t h o d a n dm e t h o du n Gd e r i n t e g r a b l e c o n d i t i o n c (t )=(γ2(t ))2=1(C 1t +C 2)2γ1(t )=γ2(t )=1C 1t +C 2ìîíïïïïa m o n g wh i c h C i (i =1,2)i s t h e c o n Gs t a n t ,γi (t )i s t h e n o n l i n e a r p a r a m e t e r s o f t h e i Gt h c o r e a n d c (t )i s t h e l i n e a r c o u p l i n g p a r a m e Gt e r sb e t w e e n t h e t w o c o r e s .K e y wo r d s :t w o Gc o r e f i b e r ;l i n e a r c o u p l i n g ;S c h r öd i n g e r e q u a t i o n ;i n t e g r a b l e ;S i n e Gc o s i n em e t h o d 0㊀引言双芯光纤耦合方程是一类数学与物理领域研究的热点方程,它描述了光纤中光孤子是光波在传播过程中色散效应与非线性压缩效应相平衡的结果.因为光孤立子通信具有高码率㊁长距离和大容量的优点,可以构成超高速传输系统,所以光孤立子及其在通信中的应用研究具有重要的研究价值.文献[1]研究了变系数线性耦合的非线性薛定谔方程组:i ∂∂t u (x ,t )+i ∂∂x β11u (x ,t )-㊀β122∂2∂t 2u (x ,t )+γ1(t )u (x ,t )2㊀u (x ,t )+c v (x ,t )+δa u (x ,t )=0,i ∂∂t v (x ,t )+i ∂∂x β21v (x ,t )-㊀β222(t )∂2∂t2v (x ,t )+γ2(t )v (x ,t )2㊀v (x ,t )+c (t )u (x ,t )-δav (x ,t )=0.ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïïïï(1)其中:βj 1(j =1,2)是第j 个纤芯的群速度参数;βj 2(j =1,2)是第j 个纤芯的色散参数;γi (i =1,2)是非线性参数;c 是两个纤芯之间的线性耦合参数;δa 是两个纤芯的相速度参数.对于方程组(1),文献[1]针对非线性定向耦合器中光学明孤子的相互作用动力学进行了广泛的数值研究,考虑群速度失配,相速度失配,以及群速度色散和有效模面积的差异等因素的影响,主要使用数值方法研究了在均匀白躁声形式下的谐波无穷小扰动作用下亮孤子的稳定性.求解此类方程学有以下方法:I S T 方法[2G3],齐次平衡法[4G5],B äc k l u n d 变换方法[6G7],S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法[8G9]等.本文研究的是变系数的线性耦合非线性薛定谔方程组,方程组为i ∂∂t u (x ,t )+i ∂∂x u (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2u (x ,t )+㊀γ1(t )u (x ,t )2u (x ,t )+㊀c (t )v (x ,t )=0,i ∂∂t v (x ,t )+i ∂∂x v (x ,t )-∂2∂t 2v (x ,t )+㊀γ2(t )v (x ,t )2v (x ,t )+㊀c (t )u (x ,t )=0.ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïï(2)通过P a i n l e v é检验,得到当非线性参数和耦合参数满足:c (t )=(γ2(t ))2=1(C 1t +C 2)2,γ1(t )=γ2(t )=1C 1t +C 2ìîíïïïï(3)时,方程组(2)是P a i n l e v é可积的.本文在条件(3)基础上,首先利用S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法求解方程组的特殊精确解,然后选取满足方程的特定参数,并给出图像,所涉及的计算均由M a pl e 完成.1㊀预备知识S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法是求解非线性数学物理方程的有效方法,主要用于可积系统的求解.本节简单地介绍S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法.考虑非线性偏微分方程组i ∂∂T U (X ,T )-α∂2∂X 2U (X ,T )+㊀㊀βU (X ,T )2U (X ,T )+㊀㊀μV (X ,T )=0,i ∂∂T V (X ,T )-α∂2∂X 2V (X ,T )+㊀㊀βV (X ,T )2V (X ,T )+㊀㊀μU (X ,T )=0.ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïï(4)假设方程组(4)的解具有如下形式:U (X ,T )=r 1(X ,T )e i (ωT +k X ),V (X ,T )=r 2(X ,T )e i (ωT +k X ).{(5)将(5)代入方程组(4),得-α∂2∂X2r 1(X ,T )+i ∂∂T r 1(X ,T )-㊀㊀2i αk ∂2∂X2r 1(X ,T )+β(r 1(X ,T ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)r 1(X ,T )+μr 2(X ,T )=0,-α∂2∂X 2r 2(X ,T )+i ∂∂T r 2(X ,T )-㊀㊀2i αk ∂2∂X 2r 2(X ,T )+β(r 2(X ,T ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)r 2(X ,T )+μr 1(X ,T )=0.ìîíïïïïïïïïïïïïïï(6)分离(6)中实部和虚部,则式(6)等价于虚部为0:式(7),实部为0:式(8).04㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀兰州文理学院学报(自然科学版)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第38卷∂∂T r 1(X ,T )-2αk ∂2∂X2r 1(X ,T )=0,∂∂T r 2(X ,T )-2αk ∂2∂X 2r 2(X ,T )=0.ìîíïïïï(7)-α∂2∂X 2r 1(X ,T )+β(r 1(X ,T ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)r 1(X ,T )+μr 2(X ,T )=0,-α∂2∂X2r 2(X ,T )+β(r 2(X ,T ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)r 2(X ,T )+μr 1(X ,T )=0.ìîíïïïïïïïï(8)求解(7)可得r 1(X ,T )=F 1(ξ),r 2(X ,T )=F 2(ξ).{(9)其中ξ=2T αk +X2αk,F i (ξ)(i =1,2)为任意函数,其具体形式根据F i (ξ)(i =1,2)满足的条件确定.将(9)代入(8)得-14αk 2∂2∂ξ2F 1(ξ)+β(F 1(ξ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)F 1(ξ)+μF 2(ξ)=0,-14αk 2∂2∂ξ2F 2(ξ)+β(F 2(ξ))3+㊀㊀(αk 2-ω)F 2(ξ)+μF 1(ξ)=0.ìîíïïïïïïïï(10)在方程组(10)中,假设F i (ξ)(i =1,2)有如下形式:F i (ξ)=E i s i n (h (ξ))+G i c o s (h (ξ))+H i (i =1,2),(11)其中E i ,G i 和H i (i =1,2)是待定常数,同时h (ξ)满足常微分方程:d h (ξ)d ξ=A s i n (h (ξ))+B c o s (h (ξ))+E ,(12)其中A ,B 和E 是待定常数.再将(11),(12)代入(10)中,整理得到关于s i n (h (ξ)),c o s (h (ξ))的多项式,令其系数为零,得到关于E 1,E 2,G 1,G 2,H 1,H 2,A ,B ,E ,k 和ω的代数方程组.将得到的解带回(12)中,再利用文献[10]中介绍的S i n e GG o r d o n 方程(12)的解,可以得到方程组(4)的解.2㊀方程组的求解本节使用S i n e Gc o s i n e 方法和特殊变换求方程组(2)的一组精确解.定义下列函数:T (t )=-1t ,b (x ,t )=-12ln (2t ),a (x ,t )=-(t -x )24t,X (x ,t )=x 2t .ìîíïïïïïïïïïï(13)方程(2)可经过变换:㊀u (x ,t )=U (X (x ,t ),T (t ))e i a (x ,t )+b (t ),v (x ,t )=V (X (x ,t ),T (t ))e i a (x ,t )+b (t ){(14)转化为方程(4).故先求解方程(4)得到方程的解U (X ,T ),V (X ,T ),然后再通过变换(14)就可以得到原方程组(2)的解.由第一节求解方程组(4)可以得到E 1,E 2,G 1,G 2,H 1,H 2,A ,B ,E ,k ,ω的代数方程组,令D 1=4H 1α2k 4-4H 1αk 2ω+4H 2αk 2μ+2A E E 1-B E G 1,D 2=4H 2α2k 4+4H 1αk 2μ-4H 2αk 2ω+2A E E 2-B E G 2,D 3=4E 2α2k 4+4E 1αk 2μ-4E 2αk 2ω+A 2E 2-A B G 2+E 2E 2,D 4=4G 1αk 2μ-4G 2αk 2ω+2A 2G 2+3A B E 2-B 2G 2+E 2G 2,则代数方程组有如下表示,-24Ε1G 1H 1αβk 2+3A E G 1+3B E E 1=0,(15)12E 12H 1αβk 2-12G 12H 1αβk 2-3A E E 1+3B E G 1=0,(16)12E 12G 1αβk 2-4G 13αβk 2-2A 2G 1-4A B E 1+2B 2G 1=0,(17)4E 13αβk 2-12E 1G 12αβk 2-2A 2E 1+4A B G 1+2B 2E 1=0,(18)㊀-12E 12H 1αβk 2-4H 13αβk 2+D 1=0,(19)-4G 1αk 2ω+4G 2αk 2μ+2A 2G 1+3AB E 1-B 2G 1+E 2G 1+4=0,(20)-24E 2G 2H 2αβk 2+3A E G 2+3B E E 2=0,(21)12E 22H 2αβk 2-12G 22H 2αβk 2-3A E E 2+3B E G 2=0,(22)12E 22G 2αβk 2-4G 22αβk 2-2A 2G 2-4A B E 2+2B 2G 2=0,(23)4E 23αβk 2-12E 2G 22αβk 2-14第1期仁世杰等:一类耦合非线性薛定谔方程组的求解2A 2E 2+4A B G 2+2B 2E 2=0,(24)-12E 22H 2αβk 2-4H 23αβk 2+D 2=0,(25)-4E 23αβk 2-12E 2H 22αβk 2+D 3=0,(26)-12E 22G 2αβk 2-12G 2H 22αβk 2+4G 2α2k 4+D 4=0.(27)求解方程组(15)-(27),选取其中一组非平凡解:A =33B ,B =B ,E =0,E 1=E 2,E 2=E 2,H 1=0,H 2=0,G 1=-33E 2,G 2=-33E 2,k =-B 2E 22αβ,ω=-8E 42β2-6E 22βμ+3B 26E 22β.ìîíïïïïïïïï(28)将(28)代入方程(12),得d h (ξ)d ξ=33B s i n (h (ξ))+B c o s (h (ξ)).(29)求解微分方程(29),得h (ξ)=2a r c t a n 3(1+e 233B ξ)-3+e 233B ξéëêêùûúú.(30)取特定例子如下:取定常数μ=10,β=-1,α=1,B =-1,E 2=3,将(30)代入方程组(11),得F 1(ξ)=F 2(ξ)=3s i n2a r c t a n 3(1+e 233B ξ)-3+e 233B ξéëêêùûúú{}-3c o s2a r c t a n 3(1+e 233B ξ)-3+e 233B ξéëêêùûúú{}.(31)相应F 2i (ξ)(i =1,2)的图像如图1所示,特别地,当待定系数αβ<0时,发现F 2i (ξ)(i =1,2)的能量凹陷,即为暗孤立子解.根据(5)和(28)可知U (X ,T )=V (X ,T ).当常数确定后,则k =-26,ω=39718,ξ=T +26X .(32)由此U (X ,T ),V (X ,T )表示为U (X ,T )=V (X ,T )={3s i n2a r c t a n 31+e -233(T +26X )()-3+e-233(T +26X )éëêêùûúú{}-3c o s2a r c t a n 31+e -233(T +26X )()-3+e-233(T +26X )éëêêùûúú{}}e I (39718T -26X ).(33)图1㊀F 2i (ξ)的图像㊀㊀限制自变量的范围,得到U (X ,T )2图像,如图2所示.图2㊀U (X ,T )2的图像从图2发现U (X ,T )2的能量凹陷,即为暗孤立子解.将(13)代入(33)中,令D (x ,t )=e -I (9x 2+9t 2+32x -18t x +794)+18t l n (2t )36t,u (x ,t ),v (x ,t )表示为u (x ,t )=v (x ,t )={3s i n2a r c t a n 3(1+e -32x -436t )-3+e -32x -436t éëêêùûúú{}-24㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀兰州文理学院学报(自然科学版)㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第38卷3c o s2a r c t a n 31+e -32x -436t ()-3+e-32x -436t éëêêùûúú{}}D (x ,t).(34)限制自变量的范围,得到u (x ,t )2图像如图3所示.图3㊀u (x ,t )2的图像㊀㊀从图3可以发现u (x ,t )2的部分能量突起,即为亮孤立子解.3㊀结语本文主要研究的是一类薛定谔方程组在可积条件下,通过特殊变换法和S i n e Gc o s i n e 求解其精确解,然后给定待定的常数,确定方程组精确解的图像.本文的目标方程可进行适当地调整,若将部分常系数改为变量系数,那么可积条件将会发生变化,同时可使用上述方法求方程的精确解.参考文献:[1]G O V I N D A R A J A N A ,A R UMU G AM M ,U T HA Y A GK UMA R A.I n t e r a c t i o nd y n a m i c so fb r i gh ts o l i t i o n s i n L i n e a r l y c o u p l e d a s y mm e t r i c s y s t e m s [J ].O p t Q u a n tE l e c t r o n ,2016,48(12):563.[2]G A R D N E R C S ,G R E E N EJ M ,K R U S K A L M D ,e ta l .M e t h o d f o r s o l v i n g t h eK o r t e w e g Gd eV r i e s e q u a t i o n [J ].P h y sR e v ,1967,19:1095G1097.[3]郭玉翠.非线性偏微分方程引论[M ].北京:清华大学出版社,2008.[4]F A N E G ,Z HA N G H Q.N e we x c e pt s o l u t i o n s t oa s y s t e mo fc o u p l e de q u a t i o n s [J ].P h y Le t t A ,1998,245:389G392.[5]WA N G M L .E x a c ts o l u t i o n sf o rac o m po u n d K d v GB u r g e r s e q u a t i o n [J ].P h ys L e t t A ,1996,213:279G287.[6]M I U R A M R.B a c k l u n dt r a n s f o r m a t i o n [M ].B e r l i n :S p r i n g e r GV e r l a g,1978.[7]C A O X F .B äc k l u n 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Mooney-Rivilin压缩杆模型的精确解及其动力学性质王婧【摘要】利用动力系统理论中的积分分支法研究Mooney-Rivilin压缩杆模型的行波解,获得了包括尖孤子解、爆破波解、周期波解、亮孤子解和暗孤子解等各种精确行波解.进一步讨论了这些精确行波解随时间演化的动力学行为,并利用Maple 软件绘出了具有代表性的精确行波解随时间演化的坐标图形.与现有文献的结果相比,本文所获得的精确解比较新颖.【期刊名称】《玉溪师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2017(033)012【总页数】6页(P15-20)【关键词】积分分支法;精确行进波;孤立波解;尖孤子解【作者】王婧【作者单位】重庆师范大学数学科学学院,重庆 401331【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ330自然科学中的许多非线性问题,都可以用非线性偏微分方程和发展方程来建模,且非线性偏微分方程和发展方程的解可以用来解释模型的某些物理现象,特别是质点随时间演化的各种动力学行为和动力学性质.有时为了能够更加精准地了解模型所代表的事物内在变化的规律,我们就要去求其相应模型的精确解.目前,在精确求解非线性偏微分方程和发展方程方面已获得的一些有效的方法,如:反散射变换[1,2]、达布变换[3,4]、双线性方法和多元线性方法[5,6]、齐次平衡法[7~9]、Lie 群法[10,11]、平面动力系统分支理论[12]等.在文献[13,14]中,Rui等在平面动力系统分支理论[12]的基础上,提出了一个比较简化的方法叫做积分分支方法,该方法与平面动力系统分支理论中方法相比,绕开了相对复杂的平面像图分析过程,采取因式分解技巧与直接积分相结合的方法来获得非线性偏微分方程和发展方程的各种精确行波解并进一步讨论解的各种动力学行为和动力学性质,以此来解释模型所代表的问题中各种非线性物理现象.本文将利用积分分支法与因式分解相结合的方法来调查下列非线性Mooney-Rivilin压缩杆模型ut-uxxt+3uux-λ(2uxuxx+uuxxx)+βux=0(1)的各种精确解,并进一步讨论它们的动力学行为和动力学性质.方程(1)是戴辉辉从可压缩的超弹性材料中导出的弹性杆模型,又称Mooney-Rivilin压缩杆模型,其中u=u(x,t),而参数λ为材料参数依赖于预应力,γ为一常数[15].特别地,当λ=1时,方程(1)就可约化成著名的潜水波模型Camassa-Holm方程,曾经被许多研究人员研究过.同样,这个可压缩的超弹性杆模型(1)也被很多研究人员研究过它的行波的间断和爆破现象,详细报道见文献[16]中所引用的大量文献.2 模型的精确行波解及动力学性质为了获得方程(1)的各种精确行波解,我们做下列行波变换u(x,t)=φ(ξ),ξ=lx-ct(2)其中l为波数,c为波速度,二者均为非零实常数.将(2)式代入(1)式后整理得:(βl-c)φ′+cl2φ‴+3lφφ′-2λl3φ′φ″-λl3φφ‴=0,(3)其中φ′=dφ/dξ将(3)式积分一次得:g+(βl-c)φ-0.5λl3(φ′)2+(cl2-λl3φ)φ″+1.5lφ2=0,(4)其中g为积分常数.当φ≠c/(λl)时,方程(4)化为φ″=[g+(βl-c)φ-0.5λl3(φ′)2+1.5lφ2]/(λl3φ-cl2).(5)令φ′≡dφ/dξ=y,则方程(5)可化为下列平面动力系统:dφ/dξ=y,dy/dξ=[g+(βl-c)φ-0.5λl3y2+1.5lφ2]/(λl3φ-cl2),(6)系统(6)是一个奇异系统,因为当φ=c/(λl)时,dy/dξ无定义,由此我们称φ=c/(λl)为系统(6)的奇异直线.显然当φ=c/(λl)时,系统(6)与方程(4)不等价,然而,φ=c/(λl)也是方程(4)的一个解(一个常数解).为了获得与方程(4)完全等价的平面动力系统,我们做下列尺度变换dξ=(λl3φ-cl2)dτ,(7)其中τ为参数.则系统(6)在变换(7)下被化成一个规则的二维平面动力系统:=y(λl3φφ-0.5λl3y2+1.5lφ2.(8)显然无论变量φ如何变化,系统(8)始终与方程(4)等价.通过简单计算后不难发现系统(6)和(8)具有相同的首次积分,即0.5lφ3+0.5(βl-c)φ2-0.5λl3y2φ+0.5cl2y2+gφ=h,(9)其中h为新的积分常数.记函数H(φ,y)=0.5lφ3+0.5(βl-c)φ2-0.5λl3y2φ+0.5cl2y2+gφ=h.(10)容易验证函数H(φ,y)满足∂H/∂φ=dy/dτ,∂H/∂y=-dφ/dτ所以系统(8)是一个哈密顿系统,满足哈密顿守恒律.显然O(0,0)原点始终是系统(8)的其中一个平衡点.利用(10)式,不难计算出原点的Hamilton量为h0=H(0,0)=0.根据积分常数和哈密顿量是否为零的情况,下面讨论方程(1)的精确行波解.首先,由方程(9)可解得(11)情形1 当两个积分常数g=0,h=0时,将(11)式代入系统(8)的第一式后化成=±dτ(12)在计算的过程中,为方便起见,记(12)式等号右边的正负号为ε,那么在不同的参数条件下积分(12)后换回变量u,并将积分所得的结果分别代入变换式(7)中再次积分后联立u和ξ两式,我们便得到下列方程(1)的12种参数形式的精确行波解:(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)(23)(24)在以上这些参数形式的精确行波解中,解(13)(14)(15)为孤立波解,解(17)(18)(20)为周期波解,解(23)和(24)为有理解.为了直观地显示以上解的动力学行为,以其中部分解为例画出其坐标图,见图1.图1 参数条件g=0,h=0下各种参数型精确行波解的坐标图情形2 当g≠0,h=0,λ>0时,将(11)式代入(7)式和(8)式的第一个式子可得φ(25)其中φ3=c/(λl),φ4=0.当积分常数满足g=(c-βl)2/(8l)条件且c=λβl/(λ-2)时,则有φ1,2=c/(λl),那么(25)式可化成(26)完成(26)式的积分后换回变量,我们获得方程(1)的一个显函数形式的精确行波解:(27)当积分常数满足g=(c-βl)2/8l条件,但c≠λβl/(λ-2)时,则仅有φ1=φ2=(c-βl)/2l,那么(26)可化为φ(28)完成(30)式的积分后换回变量,我们获得方程(1)的一个隐函数形式的精确行波解:(29)为了直观地显示精确行波解(27)和(29)的动力学行为,我们画出了它们的坐标图,如图2所示.情形3 当积分常数g≠0,h≠0时,将(11)式直接代入(8)式中的第一个式子化简可得(30)(a)在特定的参数条件下(30)式可分解为φ(31)图2 由解(27)和(29)定义的U型波当φ1>φ2>φ3≥0>φ,完成(31)式积分后换回相应变量,可获得方程(1)的一种隐函数形式的解:其中为第三类椭圆积分函数且式中其他参数为(b)在特定的参数条件下,(30)又可以分解为φ(33)其中φ1>φ2≥φ>φ3>0.类似地,完成(33)式的积分后换回相应变量,我们得到方程(1)的另一个隐函数形式的精确行波解:(34)其中为第三类椭圆积分函数且式中其他参数为该文由芮伟国教授指导完成.参考文献:[1]V.E.Zakharov and A.B.Shabat,Exact theory of two-dimensional self-focusing and one dimensional self-modulation of waves in nonlinear media[J].JETP,1972(34):62-69.[2]C.S.Garder,J.M.Greene,M.D.Kruskal,R.M.Mirura,Method for solving the Korteweg-de -Vries equation[J].Physical Review Letters,1967(19):1095-1097.[3]C.S.Garder,J.M.Greene,M.D.Kruskal,R.M.Mirura,Korteweg-de Vries equation and generalizations[J].VI.Methods for exactsolution,Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics,1974,27(1):97-133.[4]V.B.Matveev,M.A.Salle,Darboux transformations andSolitons[M].Berlin:Springer,1991.[5]I.T.Habibullin, Backlund transformation and integrable initial-boundary value problems[J].Mathematical notes of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR,1991,49(4):418-423.[6]R.Hirota,Exact solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equation for multiple collisions of solitons[J].Physical Review Letters,1971(27):1192-1194. 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商鞅变法英语故事1Long ago in ancient China, there was a remarkable event known as Shang Yang's Reform. Shang Yang, a visionary and courageous figure, set out on a challenging journey to transform the state of Qin. He ventured deep into the folk, observing the lives and hardships of the common people. With a keen eye and a compassionate heart, he understood the problems plaguing the land.He devised a series of bold and innovative measures. But oh, the path was not smooth! He faced countless obstacles and fierce opposition. How could he persist in the face of such adversity? It was his unwavering belief and determination that drove him forward.He encountered skeptical officials who were reluctant to change. "Why should we risk the established order?" they questioned. But Shang Yang was not deterred. He passionately explained the potential benefits and the necessity of reform.With time, his efforts began to bear fruit. The economy flourished, the military grew stronger, and the state of Qin rose to new heights. Wasn't this a remarkable achievement?Shang Yang's Reform was not just a set of policies; it was a testament to the power of vision and perseverance. It taught us that with courage andwisdom, great changes can be brought about, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. What an inspiring story it is!2Long ago in ancient China, there was a remarkable man named Shang Yang. The state of Qin was in a state of stagnation and needed a radical change. In the court, Shang Yang stood firm against the conservative forces. "How can we remain trapped in the old ways when progress is needed?" he exclaimed. "Must we ignore the potential for growth and development?" His voice was passionate and determined.The debate was intense. The conservatives argued for the status quo, but Shang Yang persisted with his vision. "Do we not dare to take risks for a better future? Are we so afraid of change?" he questioned forcefully. Eventually, his arguments prevailed, and the reform began.After the reform, the lives of the people of Qin changed dramatically. The fields were more productive, and trade flourished. "Look at how our lives have improved!" the people exclaimed with joy. "This is the power of innovation and change!"The story of Shang Yang's reform teaches us that with courage and vision, great changes can be achieved. We should not be afraid to challenge the old and embrace the new. Isn't it the key to a prosperous future? Let us always remember this and strive for progress and innovation!When I first heard about Shang Yang's Reform in history class, I was simply amazed by its boldness and vision. I couldn't help but wonder how such a grand plan could be conceived and implemented in ancient times.As I delved deeper into the story, I was increasingly astonished. Shang Yang's determination to bring about change was unwavering! How could he have the courage to challenge the established order and push forward with such radical reforms? The measures he took, such as abolishing the hereditary system and rewarding farming and weaving, were truly revolutionary.I recall the passionate explanations of our history teacher, who vividly described the impact of these reforms on the society of that time. It was as if I could see the scenes of people's lives being transformed before my eyes.But why did such a brilliant reform encounter so many obstacles and resistances? Was it because people were afraid of change or because the interests of some were being threatened? This makes me think deeply about the complexity of historical progress.Shang Yang's Reform was not just a simple event in history. It teaches us that change often requires great courage and wisdom. It also makes us reflect on how we should face and drive change in our own times. What a profound lesson from the past!Once upon a time in ancient China, there was a remarkable event known as Shang Yang's Reform. This reform brought about profound changes that had a tremendous impact on the social structure!Shang Yang abolished the hereditary noble system and established a system that rewarded military merit. Oh, what a bold move this was! Previously, noble positions were passed down through families regardless of merit. But now, those who fought bravely and achieved military success were given honors and positions. This led to a significant shift in the social hierarchy. Common people had the opportunity to rise through their efforts and bravery. Wasn't this a revolutionary change?Another crucial aspect was the implementation of the county system. Shang Yang's decision to establish this system centralized power in the hands of the central government. How amazing it was! Before this reform, local powers held significant influence and often acted independently. With the county system, the central government could exert more control and governance, ensuring greater unity and stability.Shang Yang's Reform was not an easy task. It faced numerous obstacles and opposition. But his determination and vision pushed through these difficulties. The changes he brought were not just superficial but reached deep into the fabric of society.In conclusion, Shang Yang's Reform was a turning point in Chinesehistory. It questioned the old order and created new possibilities. It made us wonder how much one person's ideas and actions could shape a nation's future!5In the ancient times of China, there occurred a remarkable event known as Shang Yang's Reform. This reform was a bold and courageous attempt to transform the society of that era. Shang Yang's ideas were revolutionary and his determination unwavering! How could such a reform come about? It was due to the deep-seated problems and the urgent need for change in the society at that time.The reform brought about significant changes in various aspects. It restructured the political system, strengthened the centralization of power, and promoted economic development through measures like land reform and the encouragement of agriculture. But, was it all smooth sailing? No! There were numerous obstacles and resistances.Despite the challenges, Shang Yang persisted. But in the end, his fate was tragic. However, his reform left an indelible mark on history.What can we learn from this? Firstly, determination and courage are essential for any reform. Secondly, a comprehensive understanding of the social situation is crucial. Also, we should be prepared for possible setbacks and resistances.When we look at today's social reforms, there are similarities. We alsoneed to address various problems and find effective solutions. Are we as brave and determined as Shang Yang? Can we learn from history and create a better future? The answer lies in our actions and choices!。
( ]桑 巴特 .奢侈 与资本 主义 ( .王燕平等译 .上海人 民出版社 , 00 3. 9 M] 20 .22
[0 1 ]伊 ・ 拉卡托斯.科学研究纲领方法论 [ .兰征译 .上海译文 出版社 ,18 .3 M] 96 . [1 1 ]约翰 ・ 科廷汉.理性主义 [ .江恰译.沈 阳:辽宁教育 出版社 ,19 .5 M] 98 . [2 [4 [6 1 ] 1 ] 1 ]M ・ 克莱因.数学 :确定性 的丧失 [ .李宏魁译.长沙 :湖南科学技术 出版社 ,19 .2 ,3 0 M] 9 7 2 ,5 [7 1 ]托马斯 ・ 库恩 .科学革命 的结构 [ .金吾伦等译.北京大学 出版社 ,20 .11 M] 04 0 . [8 [0 1 ] 2 ]怀特海.科学与近代世界 ( .何钦译.商务印书馆 ,1 5 .2 , 0 M] 99 1 2 . [ 9 马尔 库塞 .单 向度 的人 [ .张峰等译 .重庆 出版社 ,2 0 .14 1] M] 01 2 . 【1 2 ]张奠基 .二十世纪数学史话 【 .北京 :知识 出版社 ,18 .17 M] 94 2 . [ 2 M ・ 莱因.古 今数学思想史 ( 1 ) [ .张理京等译.上海科学技术出版社 ,17 .2 1 2] 克 第 册 M] 99 5 . [3 2 ]文德尔班.哲学史教程 ( 下册) [ .罗达仁译.商务 印书馆 ,19 .33—34 M] 93 5 5. [4 2 ]霍克海默 ,阿道尔诺.启蒙辩证 法 [ .洪 佩郁等译 .重庆 出版社 ,19 .5 M] 90 .
(4 ・ c・ 31 S F・ 密尔松.普通法的历史基础 ( .李显冬等译 .中国大百科全书出版社 ,19.7 . M] 99 2
[5 3 ]罗杰 ・ 科特威尔.法律社会学导论 [ .潘大松等译 .北京 :华夏 出版社 ,18 .17 M] 99 7.
托福阅读tpo54全套解析阅读-1 (2)原文 (2)译文 (4)题目 (5)答案 (9)背景知识 (10)阅读-2 (10)原文 (10)译文 (12)题目 (13)答案 (18)背景知识 (20)阅读-3 (25)原文 (26)译文 (27)题目 (28)答案 (33)背景知识 (35)阅读-1原文The Commercialization of Lumber①In nineteenth-century America, practically everything that was built involved wood.Pine was especially attractive for building purposes.It is durable and strong, yet soft enough to be easily worked with even the simplest of hand tools.It also floats nicely on water, which allowed it to be transported to distant markets across the nation.The central and northern reaches of the Great Lakes states—Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota—all contained extensive pine forests as well as many large rivers for floating logs into the Great Lakes, from where they were transported nationwide.②By 1860, the settlement of the American West along with timber shortages in the East converged with ever-widening impact on the pine forests of the Great Lakes states. Over the next 30 years, lumbering became a full-fledged enterprise in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Newly formed lumbering corporations bought up huge tracts of pineland and set about systematically cutting the trees. Both the colonists and the later industrialists saw timber as a commodity, but the latter group adopted a far more thorough and calculating approach to removing trees. In this sense, what happened between 1860 and 1890 represented a significant break with the past. No longer were farmers in search of extra income the main source for shingles, firewood, and other wood products. By the 1870s, farmers and city dwellers alike purchased forest products from large manufacturingcompanies located in the Great Lakes states rather than chopping wood themselves or buying it locally.③The commercialization of lumbering was in part the product of technological change. The early, thick saw blades tended to waste a large quantity of wood, with perhaps as much as a third of the log left behind on the floor as sawdust or scrap. In the 1870s, however, the British-invented band saw, with its thinner blade, became standard issue in the Great Lakes states' lumber factories.Meanwhile, the rise of steam-powered mills streamlined production by allowing for the more efficient, centralized, and continuous cutting of lumber. Steam helped to automate a variety of tasks, from cutting to the carrying away of waste. Mills also employed steam to heat log ponds, preventing them from freezing and making possible year-round lumber production.④For industrial lumbering to succeed, a way had to be found to neutralize the effects of the seasons on production. Traditionally, cutting took place in the winter, when snow and ice made it easier to drag logs on sleds or sleighs to the banks of streams. Once the streams and lakes thawed, workers rafted the logs to mills, where they were cut into lumber in the summer. If nature did not cooperate—if the winter proved dry and warm, if the spring thaw was delayed—production would suffer. To counter the effects of climate on lumber production, loggers experimented with a variety of techniques for transporting trees out of the woods. In the 1870s, loggers in the Great Lakes states began sprinkling water on sleigh roads, giving them an artificial ice coating to facilitate travel. The ice reduced the friction and allowed workers to move larger and heavier loads.⑤But all the sprinkling in the world would not save a logger from the threat of a warm winter. Without snow the sleigh roads turned to mud. In the 1870s, a set of snowless winters left lumber companies to ponder ways of liberating themselves from the seasons. Railroads were one possibility.At first, the remoteness of the pine forests discouraged common carriers from laying track.But increasing lumber prices in the late 1870s combined with periodic warm, dry winters compelled loggers to turn to iron rails. By 1887, 89 logging railroads crisscrossed Michigan, transforming logging from a winter activity into a year-round one.⑥Once the logs arrived at a river, the trip downstream to a mill could be a long and tortuous one.Logjams (buildups of logs that prevent logs from moving downstream) were common—at times stretching for 10 miles—and became even more frequent as pressure on the northern Midwest pinelands increased in the 1860s. To help keep the logs moving efficiently, barriers called booms (essentially a chain of floating logs) were constructed to control the direction of the timber. By the 1870s, lumber companies existed in all the major logging areas of the northern Midwest.译文木材的商业化①在19世纪的美国,几乎所有建筑材料都含有木材。
ABEmory Jensen是一名10岁的四年级学生,当穿梭在一场艺术展时,她用手指划过一面挂满艺术品的墙。
盲校项目的负责人Kate Borg说:“这些学生中的大多数可能从来没有去过艺术馆或真正去体验过艺术是什么。
“我抑制不住自己的眼泪,”“dreamscapes”经理Andrea Silva说。
In the realm of fashion,trends are the driving force that propels the industry forward. The English phrase leading the trend encapsulates the idea of being at the forefront of these everevolving styles and influences.Heres a detailed English essay on the subject:Leading the Trend:The Power of Fashion InnovationFashion is an everchanging landscape,where creativity and innovation are the lifeblood of its progression.Those who lead the trend are the visionaries who not only shape the present but also predict and create the future of style.This essay delves into the essence of trendsetting and the impact it has on society and culture.The Role of Pioneers in FashionTrendsetting is not merely about creating a new dress or accessory its about revolutionizing the way people perceive and interact with fashion.Pioneers in the industry,such as Coco Chanel,Yves Saint Laurent,and Alexander McQueen,have not only designed iconic pieces but have also challenged societal norms and expectations. Chanels introduction of womens trousers,Saint Laurents Le Smoking suit,and McQueens avantgarde runway shows are testaments to their ability to lead and redefine trends.Innovation as a Catalyst for ChangeInnovation in fashion is a catalyst for change,pushing the boundaries of what is considered wearable and acceptable.It is through innovative design that we see the fusion of technology and textiles,the exploration of sustainable materials,and the reinterpretation of cultural motifs.For instance,the rise of digital fashion and the use of 3D printing in creating unique garments exemplify how innovation can lead the trend and open new avenues for expression.The Influence of Cultural and Social MovementsFashion trends are often reflections of the cultural and social movements of their time. The1960s mod movement,the punk era of the1970s,and the grunge trend of the1990s were all responses to societal shifts and were led by designers who understood the pulse of the times.Today,we see a similar trend with the rise of body positivity and genderneutral fashion,which are led by designers who advocate for inclusivity and diversity.The Role of Media and TechnologyThe advent of social media and digital platforms has democratized fashion,allowing for a more inclusive dialogue on trends.Influencers,bloggers,and everyday individuals now have the power to shape and lead trends,challenging the traditional gatekeepers of the industry.The rise of streetwear and the impact of digital natives on high fashion are prime examples of how technology has amplified the voices of trendsetting individuals.Sustainability and the Future of FashionAs the world becomes more conscious of its environmental footprint,sustainability has become a key factor in trendsetting.Designers who lead the trend in this arena are those who prioritize ecofriendly materials,ethical production methods,and longlasting designs. This shift towards sustainability is not just a trend but a necessary evolution for the fashion industry,ensuring its longevity and relevance.ConclusionLeading the trend in fashion is an art that requires a deep understanding of culture,a keen eye for innovation,and a commitment to pushing boundaries.It is a dynamic process that is influenced by societal changes,technological advancements,and the everpresent quest for selfexpression.As we look to the future,it is the designers and trendsetters who will continue to shape our wardrobes and,in doing so,our world.This essay highlights the multifaceted nature of trendsetting in fashion,emphasizing the importance of innovation,cultural relevance,and sustainability in shaping the industrys trajectory.。
In the contemporary world,the role of technology and innovation is paramount. Here is a detailed essay on the subject:Introduction:The essence of human progress has always been intertwined with the development of technology and the spirit of innovation.From the invention of the wheel to the creation of the internet,each leap in technological advancement has marked a significant shift in the way we live,work,and communicate.The Impact of Technology:Technology has revolutionized various sectors,including healthcare,education, transportation,and communication.For instance,medical technology has enabled the development of advanced diagnostic tools and treatments,improving patient outcomes and extending life expectancy.In education,digital platforms and online learning have made knowledge accessible to a global audience,breaking geographical barriers. Innovation as a Catalyst:Innovation is the driving force behind technological progress.It is the process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.Innovations such as smartphones,electric cars,and renewable energy technologies have not only created new markets but have also spurred economic growth and job creation.The Role of Research and Development:Investment in research and development RD is crucial for fostering innovation. Governments and private sectors alike must allocate resources to support RD activities in various fields.This not only leads to the creation of new technologies but also encourages a culture of creativity and problemsolving.Challenges and Ethical Considerations:While technology and innovation bring numerous benefits,they also present challenges. Issues such as privacy,cybersecurity,and the digital divide are pressing concerns that need to be addressed.Moreover,ethical considerations must guide the development and application of new technologies to ensure they are used responsibly and for the greater good.The Future of Technology and Innovation:Looking ahead,the integration of artificial intelligence,machine learning,and quantum computing is expected to bring about unprecedented changes.These technologies hold the potential to solve complex problems,from climate change to personalized medicine,but they also require careful stewardship to navigate the ethical and societal implications. Conclusion:In conclusion,technology and innovation are the cornerstones of modern society.They have the power to transform lives,economies,and the world at large.It is imperative that we continue to invest in and support these areas,while also ensuring that we address the challenges and ethical dilemmas they present.By doing so,we can harness the full potential of technology and innovation for the benefit of all.。
曼哈顿计划对于项目管理理论发展的意义英语The Manhattan Project and its Significance to the Development of Project Management TheoryIntroductionThe Manhattan Project was a research and development project during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. The project was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. The Manhattan Project is considered one of the most significant scientific and engineering achievements of the 20th century. In addition to its impact on history, the Manhattan Project also played a crucial role in the development of project management theory. This paper explores the significance of the Manhattan Project to the evolution of project management theory.Historical BackgroundThe Manhattan Project was officially authorized by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1942 with the goal of developing an atomic bomb before the Axis powers. The project involved over 130,000 people working in various locations across the United States, including Los Alamos, New Mexico, and Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The project was characterized by its immense scaleand complexity, as well as the need for secrecy and tight deadlines.Lessons Learned from the Manhattan ProjectThe Manhattan Project presented numerous challenges that required innovative solutions in project management. One of the key lessons learned from the project was the importance of effective planning and coordination. Given the urgency of the project and the need to achieve specific milestones, project managers had to develop detailed schedules and allocate resources efficiently. The project also highlighted the significance of risk management and the need to anticipate and address potential obstacles before they arose.Furthermore, the Manhattan Project emphasized the importance of communication and collaboration in project management. The project involved scientists, engineers, and military personnel from different backgrounds working together towards a common goal. Effective communication channels were essential to ensure that everyone was aligned on the project objectives and progress. The project also demonstrated the importance of leadership in project management, with key figures such as J. Robert Oppenheimer and Leslie Groves providing direction and motivation to the team.Impact on Project Management TheoryThe Manhattan Project had a profound impact on the development of project management theory. The project highlighted the need for a systematic approach to managing complex projects, which led to the emergence of new project management methodologies and tools. For example, the critical path method (CPM) and program evaluation and review technique (PERT) were developed in response to the challenges faced during the Manhattan Project.Additionally, the Manhattan Project contributed to the recognition of project management as a distinct discipline. Prior to the project, project management was often considered a secondary function within organizations, with little formal training or recognition. The success of the Manhattan Project demonstrated the value of project management skills in achieving strategic objectives and paved the way for the professionalization of project management.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Manhattan Project was a groundbreaking endeavor that not only changed the course of history but also shaped the development of project management theory. The project highlighted the importance of effective planning,communication, and leadership in managing complex projects. The lessons learned from the Manhattan Project have had a lasting impact on the field of project management and continue to influence modern project management practices. By studying the history of the Manhattan Project, project managers can gain valuable insights into how to successfully navigate the challenges of large-scale projects and drive innovation in project management theory.。
附录 1:翻译原文High-Order Solutions and GeneralizedDarbouxTransformations of Derivative Nonlinear Schr o dinger quationsBy Boling Guo, Liming Ling, and Q. P . LiuAbstractBy means of certain limit technique, two kinds of generalized Darboux transformations are constructed for the derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations (DNLS). These transformations are shown to lead to two solution formulas for DNLS in terms of determinants. As applications, several different types of high-order solutions are calculated for this equation.1. IntroductionThe derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equations (DNLS) [1, 2]()20,t xx xiu u i u u++= (1)has many physical applications, especially in space plasma physics and nonlinear optics. It well describes small-amplitude nonlinear Alfv´en waves in a low-β plasma, propagating strictly parallel or at a small angle to the ambient magnetic field. It was shown that the DNLS also models large-amplitude magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in a high-β plasma propagating at an arbitrary angle to the ambient magnetic field. In nonlinear optics, the modified nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations [3], which is gauge equivalent to DNLS, arisesin the theory of ultrashort femtosecond nonlinear pulses in optical fibres, when the spectralwidth of the pulses becomes comparable with the carrier frequency and the effect of self-steepening of the pulse should be taken into account.High-order solitons describe the interaction between N solitons of equal amplitude but having a particular chirp [4]. In the terminology of inverse scattering transformation (IST), they correspond to multiple-pole solitons. In the case of the Korteweg-de Vries equation (KdV), the poles must be simple, that is the reason why high-order nonsingular solitons do not exist. Indeed we could obtain multiple-pole solutions by Darboux transformation (DT), such as positon solutions [5]. The high-order solitons for nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations (NLS) had been studied by many authors [4, 6, 7]. To the best of our knowledge, the high-order solitons of DNLS have never been reported. The aim of this paper is to show that such solutions may be obtained by so-called generalized Darboux transformations (gDT).Recently, the rogue wave phenomenon [8], which “appears fr om nowhere and disappears without a trace,” has been a subject of extensive study. Those waves, also known as freak, monster, or giant waves, are characterized with large amplitudes and often appear on the sea surface. One of the possible ways to explain the rogue waves is the rogue wave solutions and modulation instability and there is a series of works done by Akhmediev’s group [9–11]. Different approaches have been proposed to construct the generalized rogue wave solutions of NLS, for example, the algebro-geometric method is adopted by Dubard et al. [12, 13], Ohta and Yang work in the framework of Hirota bilinear method [14] while the present authors use the gDT as a tool [15]. In the IST terminology, the high-order rogue wave corresponds to multiple-pole solution at the branch points of the spectrum in the non-vanishing background [16]. The first-order rogue wave for DNLS was obtained by Xu and coworkers recently [17]. However, the high-order rogue waves had never been studied. We will tackle this problem by constructing gDT.The DT [18, 19], which does not need to do the inverse spectral analysis, provides a direct way to solve the Lax pair equations algebraically. However, there is a defect that classical DT cannot be iterated at the same spectral parameter. This defect makes itimpossible to construct the high-order rogue wave solutions by DT directly. Thus, we must modify the DT method. In this work, we extend the DT by the limit technique, so that it may be iterated at the same spectral parameter. The modified transformation is referred as gDT. The inverse scattering method was used to study DNLS with vanishing background (VBC) and non-vanishing background (NVBC) [3, 20–23]. The N-bright soliton formula for DNLS was established by Nakamura and Chen by the Hirota bilinear method [24] and the DT for DNLS was constructed by Imai [25] and Steudel [26] (see also [17]). One key aim of this work is the construction of the gDT and based on it, the high-order soliton solutions and rogue waves are obtained. In addition to above two kinds of solutions, new N-solitons and high-order rational solutions are also found.The organization of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, we provide a rigorous proof for elementary DT of Kaup-Newell system (KN). Furthermore, based on the elementary DT, we construct for KN the binary DT, which is referred as the DT-II while the elementary DT is referred as DT-I. We also iterate these DT’s and work out the N -fold DT’s both for DT-I and DT-II, and consider two different kinds of reductions of the DT of the KN to the DNLS. In Section 3, the generalized DT-I and DT-II are constructed in detail by the limit technique. In Section 4, we consider the applications of the gDT and calculate various high-order solutions, which include high-order bright solitons with the VBC, and high-order rogue wave solutions. Final section concludes the paper and offers some discussions.2. Darboux transformation for DNLSLet us start with the following system —KN system [27]()()220,0,t xx xt xx xiu u i u v iv v i v u ++=-+-= (2)which may be written as the compatibility condition[],0,t x U V U V -+= (3)of the linear system or Lax pair,x U Φ=Φ (4a),t V Φ=Φ (4b)where23333324321221,,x iiiiU Q V Q Q Q Q σσσσζζζζζζζ=-+=-+-+-with3100,.010u Q v σ⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭⎝⎭These Equations (2) are reduced to the DNLS (1) for v u *=. For convenience, we introduce the following adjoint linear system for (4),,x U -ψ=ψ (5a).t V -ψ=ψ (5b)2.1. DT-IIn the following, we first consider the DT of the unreduced linear system (4). Generally speaking, DT is a special gauge transformation which keeps the form of Lax pair invariant. The explicit steps for constructing DT in 1+1 dimensional integrable system are as following: first, we consider the gauge transformation[]101,D D D ζ=+where 1D and 0D are unknown matrices which do not depend on 0ζ. Then imposing that D[1] is a DT we have[][][][][]()()[]()[]()1111,det 11det 1,x xD D U U D D Tr U U D +==-where U[1] represents the transformed U matrix. After some analysis, we find the following elementary DT (eDT) for (4):[]()1111111111110112,,,10TTD P P σσζζζσσ⎛⎫ΦΦ=+-== ⎪ΦΦ⎝⎭(6) where ()111,TϕφΦ=is a special solution for linear system (4) at 1ζζ=, and 11TσΦ is a special solution for adjoint linear system (5) at 1ζζ=-. Here we point out that this DT for DNLS was first derived by Imai [25]. With the help of the DT, Steudel [26] and Xu et al. [17] calculated various solutions for DNLS. Next, we give a rigorous proof that the above transformation does qualify as a DT.THEOREM 1. With 1 and D[1] defined above, [1] = D[1] solves[][][][][][]111,111x t U V Φ=ΦΦ=Φwhere[][][]311111,12111,12,x iU Q Q Q P σσσζσσζζ=-+=-and .[][][][][]2333343222111111.x iiiVQ Q Q Q σσσζζζζζ=-+-+-Namely, []1D qualifies as a Darboux matrix. Correspondingly, []11D - is a Darboux matrix for the adjoint Lax system. Proof : To begin with, we notice[]111111211.D I P ζσζζζζ-⎛⎫=+ ⎪+-⎝⎭What we need to do is to verify[][][][][]11,11111,x U D D D UD --=+ (7)[][][][][]11,11111.x V D D D VD --=+ (8)Firstweconsider(7). The residue for function()[][][][][]111,11111x F D D D UD U ζ--≡+-at 1ζζ=is()()()()()111111,1111Re 2x s F I P P I P U P ζζζσζσ⎡⎤=--+-⎣⎦()111111111120,TT I Pσζσσσ⎡⎤Φ=--Φ=⎢⎥ΦΦ⎣⎦where we used the relation [][][][]()11,1111x xD D D D --=-.Similarly, the residue offunction ()1F ζ at 1ζζ=- is.()()()()()111111,1111Re 2x s F I P P I P U P ζζζσζσ-⎡⎤=--+--⎣⎦()111111111120.T TxI P ζσσσσ⎡⎤Φ=-Φ=⎢⎥ΦΦ⎣⎦ Due to[][]321111,U Q σζζ=-+and[]11111,112,x Q Q P σσζσσ=- (9)the function ()[]11F D ζ is equal to zero at 0ζ=. Thus the function ()1F ζis analytic at 0ζ=. It is easy to see that ()10F ζ→ at ζ→∞. Therefore the equality (7) is valid. Now we turn to the time evolution part (8). We introduce a matrix[][]32143222111i i V Q V V σζζζζ=-+++, so that ()[][][][][]112,11111t F D D D VD V ζ--≡+-.Proceeding similarly as above, it is found that ()2F ζ is analytic at 1ζζ±, 0 and tends to zero as ζ→∞, thus ()20F ζ≡.In the following, we show [][]11V V =,Because of the compatibility condition[]()[]()11xttx D D Φ=Φ, we have[][][][]111,10.t x U V U V ⎡⎤-+=⎣⎦(10)Identifying terms of O(ζ ) in (10), we have[]32,0,V σ= (11)[][][]312,,121,x V V Q Q σ⎡⎤=+⎣⎦ (12)[]12,1,,x Q V V ⎡⎤=⎣⎦ (13)From (11), we have 20offV =, where 2off V denotes the off-diagonal part of 2V .Similarly, we have[][]133211,2offx iVi Q Q V σσ⎡⎤=-⎣⎦ (14)through (12). Substituting (14) into (13) and solving it yields []()2231.V iQ f t σ=-+Letting 10ζ=, one can readily obtain 22113V i Q σσσ=-. Therefore we have ()0f t =.Moreover,[][]31311x V Q iQ σ=-.Similar argument could show that []11D -does qualify as a Darboux matrix for the adjoint Lax system. Thus the proof is completed.Remark 1. In addition to (9) there is a different representation for []1Q[]()()()11113111121222,iQ I P Q I P I P σσσσσζ=--+- (15)which appeared in papers [17, 26]. We will use (9) rather than (15), since the former is more compact.To derive the N-fold DT for this elementary DT (6), which is referred as DT-I, we rewrite it as111111[1].D ϕζζφφζζϕ⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪=⎪- ⎪⎝⎭Assuming N different solutions (),Ti i i ϕφΦ=of (4) at ()1,2,,i i N ζζ==are given, wemay havePROPOSITION 1. [17, 25, 26] The N-fold DT for DT-I can be represented as[][][]1110011,0N kNN k kN k k D D N D N D αζσσζβ-=⎛⎫=-=+⎪⎝⎭∑ (16) where i α are determined by the following equations2122101212222-1201222-1,21,2l l l i i i l i i l i i i i l l l i i i l i i l i i i i when N l when N l αϕαζφαζφαζϕζφαϕαζφαζϕαζφζϕ-+---⎧++++=-=+⎨++++=-=⎩ ;.1,2,,.i N = and ()(),,1,2,,.i i j j i j N βαϕφ=↔=The transformation between the fields is the following: (i) when 21N l =+[]()()[]()()()()det det ,,det det j j j j xB B u N v v N u A A ϕφϕφ⎡⎤↔⎡⎤⎢⎥=--=-+⎢⎥⎢⎥↔⎣⎦⎣⎦(17) where()()()()12122221222212,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.T TT T TTN N l l l i i i i i i i i i i l l l i i i i i i i i i i A A A A B B B B A B ϕζφζϕζφζϕϕζφζϕζφζφ----====(ii) when 2N l =[]()()[]()()()()det det ,,det det j j j j xxD D u N u v N v C C ϕφϕφ⎡⎤↔⎡⎤⎢⎥=-=+⎢⎥⎢⎥↔⎣⎦⎣⎦(18)where()()()()121223222123222,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.T TT TT TN N l l l i i i i i i i ii i l l l i i i i i iii i iC C C CD D D D C D ϕζφζφζϕζφϕζφζφζϕζϕ-----====2.2. DT-IIIn this section,we will showthat the so-called dressing-Backlund transformation [28, 29], denoted by DT-II in this paper, may be constructed from above DT-I. For convenience, we rewrite []1D and []11D - as following[][]111111122111111111,1.D D ϕφζζζζφϕφϕζζζζζζϕφ-⎛⎫⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪==⎪ ⎪-- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(19) Suppose another solution ()111=,x ψψ for the adjoint system (5) at 1ζζ= is given, then[][]111111D ζξ-=ψ=ψis a new solution for adjoint system [][][]()1,1,1U V ψ at 1ζζ=.It is easy to see that []111Tσψ is a special solution for Lax pair [][][]()1,1,1U V Φ at1ζζ=-. Therefore, we could construct the second step DT D[2] by the seed solution[]111Tσψ . By direct calculations, removing the overall factor 221ζξ-, we have the DT-II[]223311111101,,02A A T I A ασσξζβζξζξ⎛⎫-=+-=Φψ ⎪-+⎝⎭(20) where111111111100,.00ξζαβζξ--⎛⎫⎛⎫=ψΦ=ψΦ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Furthermore, we have[]2213311111101,.02B BT I B βσσζξαζζζζ-⎛⎫-=+-=Φψ ⎪-+⎝⎭(21)The transformation between Q and new potential function Q is()33.x Q Q A A σσ=+- (22)Above discussion indicates that []1T , namely the DT-II, is indeed a two-fold DT for[]1D in the case of DNLS. We remark that for the two component DNLS the analogy of DT-II exists [30] while the corresponding DT-I has not been constructed.In what follows, we consider the iteration of the DT-II. Assume that we have N distinct solutions ()(),Ti i i i μϕφΦ=of (4) at i ζμ= and N distinct solutions ()(),i i i i x νψψ= of (5) at i ζν=. Similar to DT-I, we work with DT-II and have the following proposition PROPOSITION 2. The N-fold DT for the DT-II could be written as the following form[][][]33111,N i i N i ii C C T T N T N T I σσζνζν=⎛⎫=-=+- ⎪-+⎝⎭∑ (23) and[][][]111133111.Ni i Ni ii D D TT N T N T I σσζμζμ----=⎛⎫=-=+- ⎪-+⎝⎭∑ (24)Proof : We calculate the residues for both sides of (23)()()333131113331313311Re ,Re .iiN N N ii N i N i i N N N i i N i N i i s T A A A A I A I s T A A A A I A I ζνζνσσσσννννννννσσσσσσνννννννν==-⎛⎫⎛⎫=+-+- ⎪⎪-+-+⎝⎭⎝⎭⎛⎫⎛⎫=-+-+- ⎪⎪---+---+⎝⎭⎝⎭Because of ()()33Re Re iiN N s T s T ζνζνσσ==-=-, Equation (23) is valid. Similarly,(24) can be proved.The N-fold DT-II N T allows us to find the transformations between the fields ,u v and[][],u N v N , which are given belowTHEOREM 2. The N-fold DT-II N T induces the following transformations for the fields[][]11det det 2,2,det det x xM N u N u v N v M N ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ (25) where()()33,,,,i ji jij ij ij N NN Nj ij ii j i j ij j i j i M M N N M N σμνμνσμνμν⨯⨯ψΦψΦ===-+-⎡⎤ψΦψΦ=-+⎢⎥+-⎢⎥⎣⎦1112111112112122222122221112121212,.00N N N N N N NNN N N NNN N NM M M N N N x M M M N N N x M N M M M N N N x ψψψφφφϕϕϕ⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪⎪ ⎪== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭Proof : Since N T (23) is the N-fold DT of (4), we have[],.N x N N T T U U N T +=It follows that[][]331.Ni i x j Q N Q C C σσ==+-∑Thus, we need to calculate the explicit forms for i C . Proposition 2 gives()Re ii N C s T ζμ==, and implies that 'i C s are the matrices of rank one. Thus we mayassume i ii C x y =. Similarly we may set i i i D ων=.On the one hand, because of 1N N T T I -=, we have10,ll Ny T ζν-== (26)where the fact that the residue of 1N N T T - at l ζν= equals to zero is taken account of. On the other hand, we have10.l NlT ζν-=ψ=Noticing that the rank of 1N l T ζν-=is 1, we may obtain.l l y =ψNow substituting l y into (26) leads to()3310,1,2,,.N i i l i i ll i l il i x x l N σσμνμν=⎛ψΦψΦ⎫Φ+-== ⎪-+⎝⎭∑ (27)Solving (27) gives us[][]112121112122,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.N N N N x x x Mx x x N ϕϕϕφφφ--⎡⎤=⎣⎦⎡⎤=⎣⎦where subscripts 1 and 2 stand the first and second rows, respectively. Finally, the relations between the fields can be represented as[][][][]121112121112det 2,,,2,det det 2,,,2.det N xN N xN M u N u M u M x x N v N v N v N x ψψϕϕϕψφφφ--⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎛⎫⎢⎥⎢⎥=+=- ⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎝⎭⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎛⎫⎢⎥⎢⎥=-=+ ⎪⎢⎥⎢⎥⎝⎭⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦This completes the proof.2.3. ReductionsSo far we have been working with the DTs for the general Lax problem (4) and certain solution formulae have been given for the system (2). However our main task is to construct solutions for DNLS (1), therefore we have to study reduction problem. It is easy to see that two reductions v u *= and v u *=- are simply related [26], so we mayconsider either of them. For the DT-I, let us assume v u *= or †Q Q =-, where †denotes the complex conjugation and matrix transpose. To implement the reduction, we need to choose the seed solutions properly. Indeed, assuming111,i ζϕφ*∈=, (28)then []1Q , defined by (9), satisfies the reduction relation [][]†11Q Q =-. The DT (6) with the reduction condition (28) may be employed to construct bright or dark solitons of DNLS with the nonvanishing background.Let us now turn to the reduction of the DT-II. Assuming †Q Q =- and()()111111,,,,x ξζψϕφ***== (29)(22) yields †Q Q =-.To iterate the reduced DT-I and DT-II, we must verify that they keep the reduction conditions (28) and (29). The latter merely depends on the symmetry of Equation (4), thus it holds automatically. For the former (28) we claim thatProposition 3. Both DT []1D and []1T keep the reduction condition (28) invariant. Proof : Direct calculations.Due to above analysis, both DT-I and DT-II may be reduced to find solutions for DNLS. However, the DT-I under (28) is conveniently used to construct the N-dark or bright soliton solutions of DNLS with NVBC, while DT-II with (29) may be properly adopted to represent the N-bright solitons and N-breathers of DNLS.3. Generalized Darboux transformationsIn t his section, we construct the corresponding gDT’s associated with []1D and []1T . We will follow the approach proposed for the nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations in [15]. Indeed, while both DT-I and DT-II considered above are degenerate at 1ζζ= in the sense that [][]1111110D T ζζζζ==Φ=Φ=, we may work with[][]()111101lim,D ζζεεε=+→ΦΦ=or[][]()111101l i m,T ζζεεε=+→ΦΦ= which serves the seed solution for doing the next step transformation.3.1. gDT-ITo construct the gDT associated with DT-I, we assume that n solutions (),Ti i ϕφ aregiven for the Lax pair at ()1,2,,i i n ζζ==. First, we have the elementary DT[]11011111.D ϕζζφφζζϕ⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪=⎪- ⎪⎝⎭As observed earlier, by virtue of the limit process, we find that[][][]()()1011111110111lim D ζζεεσϕζεϕφζεεφ=→+⎛⎫+⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭⎝⎭[]()()()()11011111111d D d ζζζζϕζϕζσφζφζζ==⎛⎫⎛⎫=+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭is a nontrivial solution for Lax pair (4) with []1u u = and []1v v = at 1ζζ=, which may lead to the next step transformation[][][][][]111111111111.D ϕζζφφζζϕ⎛⎫- ⎪⎪=⎪ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭This process may be continued and we have the following theorem THEOREM 3. Let(),Ti i ϕφbe the solutions of Lax pair at ()1,2,,i i n ζζ== andassume that DT-I possesses mi order zeros at 1ζζ=. Then we have the following gDT-I: [][][][][][]111110111,nm m N n n nD D D D DD D--= (30) where[][][][][]11111,,j i i j ni j i i j i ii j i N m D ϕζζφφζζϕ---=-⎛⎫- ⎪⎪== ⎪ ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭∑ and[][][][]1011101,,!i j j j l i i i i l j i i i i i d l d ζζϕϕϕϕφφζφφ-----==⎛⎫⎛⎫Ω⎛⎫⎛⎫== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭∑ (31) and[][][][][][]11201011,1;,,0.k i i k i j m k k l i i i k i i lif M M M M M D if δζζσδδ--==⎧=⎪Ω==⎨=⎪∑⎩∑Proof : To construct the gDT-I, we start with the elementary DT[]11011111.D ϕζζφφζζϕ⎛⎫- ⎪ ⎪= ⎪- ⎪⎝⎭By means of the nontrivial solutions [][]()111,1ϕφ, we may do the next step oftransformation []11D . Taking account of the given seeds (),Ti i ϕφ, we perform thefollowing limit[][][][][][][][]()()11101101110lim ,i j m j i i i ii i jj i i i D D D D D D ζζεεϕϕζεφζεεφ--=+→⎡⎤⎛⎫+⎛⎫⎣⎦= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪+⎝⎭⎝⎭which yields the formulae presented in above theorem. This completes the proof.To have a compact determinant representation for the gDT-I, we may take the limit directly on the N-fold DT-I (16). It follows from (17) and (18) that the transformations between the fields are: (i)When 21N l =+[]()()[]()()()()det det ,,det det j j j j xxB B u N v v N u A A ϕφϕφ⎡⎤↔⎡⎤⎢⎥=--=-+⎢⎥⎢⎥↔⎣⎦⎣⎦(32)where()()1111111111,,,,,,,,,1!1!n n m m T TT TT Tn n n m m n d d d d A A A A A A A d m d d m d ζζζζ----⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭()()1111111111,,,,,,,,,1!1!n n m m T TTT TTnn n m m n d d d d B B B B B B B d m d d m d ζζζζ----⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭and ,i i A B are the same as (17). (ii) When2N l =[]()()[]()()()()d e t d e t ,,det det j j j j xxD D u N u v N v C C ϕφϕφ⎡⎤↔⎡⎤⎢⎥=-=+⎢⎥⎢⎥↔⎣⎦⎣⎦(33)where()()1111111111,,,,,,,,,1!1!n n m m T TTT TTnn n m m n d d d d C C C C C C C d m d d m d ζζζζ----⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭()()1111111111,,,,,,,,,1!1!n n m m T T TT TT nn n m m n d d d d D D D D D D D d m d d m d ζζζζ----⎛⎫= ⎪ ⎪--⎝⎭and ,i i C D are the same as (18).Thus, we complete the construction of gDT-I for (4), which could be considered as a generalization for DT studied in [17, 25, 26].3.2. gDT-IIIn this subsection, we consider the generalization for DT-II. To this end, we assume that n solutions ()(),Ti i i ζμϕφΦ== are given for the Lax pair (4) at i μμ= and n solutions()(),i i i x ζνψψ== are given for the adjoint Lax pair (5) at ()1,,i i n μμ==THEOREM 4. Let i Φ be the solutions of Lax pair (4) at i ζμ= and i ψ be the solutions of adjoint Lax pair (5) at ()1,,i i n ζν==,1,rii mN ==∑assume that DT-II possesses mi order zeros at i ζμ=± and inverse of DT-II possessesi m order zeros at i ζν=±. Then we have the following gDT-II[][][][]()[]()()[]()1111001111111011011,i i m m N n nm m NnnT T TT T TT T T T ---------== (34)where[][][][]()[][]13333,,jjjjj ji i i i i i i ii iA AB B T I T I σσσσζνζνζμζμ-=+-=+--+-+[][][][][][][][][][]22220,200,20j j j j iiii i i j i j j j jiiiii i j i A B ανμββμνα⎛⎫-=Φψ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎛⎫-=Φψ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭[]()[][][]()[][]1100,,00j j j j j j iiii i i i i i i νμαβμν--⎛⎫⎛⎫=ψΦ=ψΦ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭and[]()[][][][]10101011,!,ij i j ljj i iij li j m l i i ld j l d M M M M μμδμ--==--=ΩΦ=Φ-Ω=∑∑∑[]()0,!ij ljj l i i j l i d d j l ννμ--==Λψ=ψ-∑[][][][]1101011,ji j m l iilN N N N δ--=Λ=∑∑[][][][]2233221,2;2,1;,,0.ij i i ij j j j i i i ii i ij ji i if A A M if T if ζμδμνμσσδμνδ=⎧=⎪-⎪⎪+-⎪==⎨-⎪⎪=⎪⎪⎩[][][][]()22332211,2;2,1;,0.i ji i ij j j j i i i i i i ij ji i if B B N if T if ζνδνμνσσδνμδ-=⎧=⎪-⎪⎪+-⎪==⎨-⎪⎪=⎪⎪⎩Proof : Noting that the DT-II is given (20) and using the limit technique, we could obtain special solutions for new Lax pair (4) [][][]()1,1,1U V Φ at i ζμ= and adjoint Lax pair (5) [][][]()1,1,1U V ψ at i ζν=, that is,[][]()[]()[]()[][]()1111110111101111110011111011111110lim,lim,T dT S d T d T R d ζμδμμδζμζνδννδζνμδμδμνδνδν=+=→=-=+-=→=Φ+Φ==Φ+Φψ+ψ==ψ+ψwhere1131311313112222111122,.A A B B S R μσσνσσμννμ+-+-==-- Therefore, we may continue to construct for the new system the DT-II T [2][][][][]()[][]111111131331311111111,.A B A B T I T I σσσσζνζνζμζμ-=+-=+--+-+Generally, taking account of the given seeds i Φ and i ψ, we perform the following limit[][][][][]()()[]()[]()[]()[]()[]()11001101111110011lim,lim ,i i i i m j i i j i i i j m j i iji i i jT T T T T T T T ζμδδζνδδμδδνδδ--=+→------=+→Φ=Φ+⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭ψ=ψ+ and mathematical induction leads to gDT-II (34). This completes the proof. Due to above proposition, the transformations between the fields are[][]()112102,i m n j i x i j u N u A -==⎡⎤=+⎣⎦∑∑ (35)[][]()121102,.i m n j i x i j v N v A -==⎡⎤=-⎣⎦∑∑ (36)As before, the formulas (35) and (36) could be rewritten in terms of determinants, that is,[]()()[]()()11det det 2,2.det det x xP Q u N u v N v P Q ⎛⎫⎛⎫=-=+ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ (37) where[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]11121111121212222212221121212,,0r rr r r r rr r r r rr rP P P P P P P P P P P P P P p P P P P P ψψψϕϕϕ⎛⎫⎪⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪==⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭with()()[][]()1111,1,,,1!1,,,1!,i i jj j ik lTm i i i i m i m j j j im j ijij klm m m m P P ννμμψψψψννϕϕϕϕμμ--=--=⎛⎫∂∂= ⎪ ⎪∂-∂⎝⎭⎛⎫∂∂⎪= ⎪∂-∂⎝⎭=[]()()()()()()2311,11!1!i jk l ij i j i j klk l P k l μμνννσμνμνμμνμν+---==ψΦψΦ⎛⎫∂=- ⎪--∂∂+-⎝⎭and[][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]11121111121212222212221121212,,0r rr r r r rr r r r rr rQ Q Q x Q Q Q Q Q Q x Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q x Q Q Q φφφ⎛⎫ ⎪⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪==⎪⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎪⎝⎭with()()11111,,,1!1,,,1!i i ij j jTm i i i i m i m j j j im j x x x x m m ννμμννφφφφμμ--=--=⎛⎫∂∂= ⎪⎪∂-∂⎝⎭⎛⎫∂∂⎪= ⎪∂-∂⎝⎭[][](),,k lijijklm m Q Q =[]()()()()()()2311,11!1!i jk l ij i j i j klk l Q k l μμνννσμνμνμμνμν+---==ψΦψΦ⎛⎫∂=-+ ⎪--∂∂+-⎝⎭According to above theorems, it is not difficult to see that the reductions (28) and (29) are still valid for gDT-I and gDT-II. For the gDT-II, to reduce system (4) to DNLS, we must set i i μν*=.4. High-order solutions for DNLSIntegrable nonlinear partial differential equations are well known for their richness of solutions. To construct those solutions, a number of approaches have been proposed including I ST, Dressing method, Hirota’s bilinear theory and Darboux (B¨acklund) method, etc.While classical DT is known to be a convenient tool to construct N-soliton solutions, it may not be directly used to obtain the high-order solutions, which correspond to multiple poles of the reflection coefficient in the IST terminology (see [6] and the references there). We will show in this section that the gDT derived above can be applied to obtain various solutions for DNLS. Indeed, apart from the high-order solutions, a kind of new N-soliton solutions will also appear. In Section 4.1, we consider the solutions with the VBC. In particular, N-rational solitons, high-order rational solitons and high-order solitons are worked out. In Section 4.2, we construct the high-order solutions with NVBC which include the high-order rational solutions with NVBC and high-order rogue wave solutions.4.1. Solutions with VBCApplying DT-I to vacuum, we may obtain three kinds of solutions, namely plane wave solutions, N-phase solutions (periodic solutions) and N-soliton solutions (see [17]). Additionally, if we take limit of the soliton solutions, we can find rational solutions [17, 27].In this section, we consider the N-rational solutions first. As we pointed out, the rational solitons are the limit cases to the soliton solutions. The different behaviours of the high-order rational solitons and high-order solitons are indicated.In the first two cases, gDT-I will be used, while for the case 3, it is more convenient to use the gDT-II since the spectral parameters need to be conjugated with each other.Case 1: N-rational solutionsWe first consider the rational solitons and their higher order analogies. For the seedsolution 0u =, the special solution for Lax pair (4) with the reduction u ν*= is()()222222,i x t ci x t c e e ζζζζϕφ-----++++⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭(38)where c is a complex constant, which will be taken as a polynomial function of ζ so that the high-order solutions with free parameters may be constructed. To obtain the N-rational solitons, we introduce vectors()()2222221,,,,,,,,,,N N N N y z ϕζφζϕζϕϕζφζϕζφ---==and define the matrices()()()()11111111,,N N N N y z y z Y Z y z y z ⎛⎫⎛⎫⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪== ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭where,i i i c c y y ζζ=== and ,i ii c c z z ζζ===, the superscript (1) represents the first-order。
206科技资讯 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION①基金项目:2019年度黑龙江省哲学社会科学研究规划一般项目《东北抗战英文文献翻译与研究》(项目编号:19DJB012);2019牡丹江师范学院教学改革项目《基于全过程交互的英语翻译课程教学改革与研究》(项目编号:19-XJ21018);2019牡丹江师范学院学位与研究生教育教学改革研究项目《面向东北抗联英语文献翻译的翻译硕士人才培养实践研究》(项目编号:MSY-YJG-2018YB017);2019牡丹江师范学院科技创新项目《东北抗联英文文献翻译与研究》(项目编号:kjcx2019-01mdjnu )。
DOI:10.16661/ki.1672-3791.2003-4856-2462从德里达的解构主义浅析京华烟云①王钰 张林影(牡丹江师范学院应用英语学院 黑龙江牡丹江 157011)摘 要:翻译一可了解、吸收外来成果,二能介绍、传播本土文化;对于中华民族悠久的历史传统来说,通过翻译可让西方打开了解中国的大门,从多角度重新认识中国。
关键词:德里达 解构主义翻译观 《京华烟云》 林语堂 译者主体性中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2020)08(b)-0206-03An Analysis of Moment in Peking from Derrida's DeconstructionismWANG Yu ZHANG Linying(College of Applied English of Mudanjiang Normal College, Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province, 157011China)Abstract: Translation can not only understand and absorb foreign achievements, but also introduce and spread the local culture. For the long historical tradition of the Chinese nation, translation can allow the West know about China from multiple perspectives. With the rise of Western translation theories in the second half of the 20th century, the theories were gradually introduced into China where the Chinese translation community began to gradually accept and learn. The emergence of deconstructionism was a shock for linguists in the 20th century. The theory about it is different from the "framework" and "structure" that people believed before. It emphasizes "uncertainty" and "f low". The rise of Derrida's deconstructionism not only means that translation theory has reached a new level, but also the concept of "translator's subjectivity" enters the stage. The rise of deconstructionism provides a solid guarantee for the study of contemporary translation theory and its application in translation practice.Key Words: Derrida; Deconstructional perspective of translation; Moment in peking; Lin yutang; Translator subjectivity1 德里达及其解构主义翻译观1.1 德里达的哲学思想德里达也深受索绪尔的影响,对结构主义语言学也进行了深入的研究,其对于结构主义语言学和现象学两个学科的理解与研究:他认为可以打破传统意义上对形而上学的认识,不再求助于一种固定牢靠的基础,而创造出一种能从“游戏”所产生的焦虑与不安全感中实解放出来的不可能实现的概念(这里的游戏指的是围绕着结构的其他相关理论与学科);德里达在研究不同理论以及对历史思考的基础之上,转向结构主义,但同其他学者不同,德里达对于“后结构主义”想表示的不是对于结构主义偏见的简单的倒转,他注重的是意义、深度而不是表面结构上的平衡,尽管无论是在当时还是现今,仍然有很多人对于德里达的解构主义的理解仅仅是简单的反对结构主义。
The past few years have seen a remarkable transformation in our class,a metamorphosis that has not only altered the physical landscape but also the very essence of our collective spirit.As we navigate through the corridors of change,it is essential to document the evolution that has taken place,capturing the essence of our growth and the shifts in our dynamics.The Physical TransformationOur classroom,once a simple space adorned with basic furniture and a chalkboard,has undergone a facelift.The walls,once a plain canvas,are now a vibrant display of our collective achievements and creativity.Posters of inspirational quotes,artwork created by our peers,and a bulletin board that chronicles our academic and extracurricular accomplishments have turned our learning environment into a testament to our collective journey.The introduction of modern technology has been a gamechanger.Smartboards have replaced the traditional chalkboards,and each desk is equipped with a tablet that connects us to a wealth of digital resources.This integration of technology has not only made learning more interactive but has also bridged the gap between the classroom and the world beyond.The Academic EvolutionAcademically,our class has seen a shift from a teachercentric model to a more studentdriven approach.The pedagogical landscape has evolved to encourage critical thinking,collaboration,and selfdirected learning.Group projects and presentations have become the norm,fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect among students. The curriculum has also been diversified to cater to a range of interests and learning styles.Elective subjects and extracurricular activities have been introduced,allowing us to explore our passions and develop a wellrounded skill set.This holistic approach to education has not only broadened our horizons but has also prepared us for the challenges of the future.The Social DynamicsSocially,our class has become a microcosm of the larger society,reflecting the diversity and complexity of human relationships.The changes have brought about a greater sense of empathy and understanding among us.We have learned to celebrate our differences and value the unique perspectives each individual brings to the table.Bullying and discrimination,once a silent plague,have been actively addressed through awareness campaigns and peer mentorship programs.The class has become a safe space where everyone feels heard and respected,regardless of their background or beliefs.The Emotional GrowthOn a more personal level,the changes have been profound.We have grown from being a group of individuals to a cohesive unit,bound by a shared sense of purpose and belonging.The challenges we have faced together have strengthened our resolve and taught us the importance of resilience and perseverance.The support system within the class has been instrumental in our emotional growth. Teachers and peers alike have been there for us during our moments of doubt and triumph,providing guidance and encouragement.This nurturing environment has allowed us to flourish,not just academically,but emotionally as well.The Future OutlookAs we look to the future,the changes in our class are a beacon of hope,a testament to the power of education and community.We are not just preparing for exams or careers we are preparing for life.The skills we have acquired and the values we have embraced will serve us well as we step into the world,ready to make our mark.In conclusion,the transformation of our class is a story of growth,of adaptation,and of resilience.It is a narrative that will continue to unfold,with each of us playing a vital role in shaping the future.As we move forward,we carry with us the lessons learned and the memories made,a legacy that will endure long after we have left the confines of our classroom.。
关于北京共识的英文著作The Beijing Consensus is a term that has gained significant attention in recent years. It refers to a set of ideas and principles that are said to guide China's approach to development and governance, and that have been proposed as an alternative to the Washington Consensus, which has been dominant in international development discourse for several decades. The Beijing Consensus is often associated with China's rapid economic growth and development in recent years, and has been the subject of much debate and discussion among academics, policymakers, and development practitioners.In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the Beijing Consensus and its implications for global development and governance. Many scholars and policymakers have sought to better understand the key principles and ideas that underpin the Beijing Consensus, and to explore its potential relevance for other countries and regions. In response to this growing interest, a number of English-language books have been published that seek to analyze and explain the Beijing Consensus and its implications.One such book is "The Beijing Consensus: Legitimizing Authoritarianism in Our Time" by Stefan Halper. In this book, Halper argues that the Beijing Consensus represents a new and potentially powerful model of governance that is based on authoritarian principles and that challenges the democratic values and institutions that have traditionally been promoted by the West. He explores the key features of the Beijing Consensus, including its emphasis on state-led development, economic nationalism, and political stability, and considers the implications of this model for global governance and development.Another important book on the Beijing Consensus is "China's Silent Army: The Pioneers, Traders, Fixers and Workers Who Are Remaking the World in Beijing's Image" by Juan Pablo Cardenal and Heriberto Araújo. This book explores the ways in which China's economic and political influence is spreading around the world, and the implications of this for global development and governance. Cardenal and Araújo argue that China's growing presence and influence in the global economy is reshaping theinternational order and challenging the dominance of Western powers, and they examine the implications of this for the future of global governance.Overall, the Beijing Consensus is a complex and multifaceted concept that has important implications for global development and governance. The English-language books that have been published on the Beijing Consensus provide valuable insights and analysis into this important and evolving phenomenon, and help to shed light on the implications of China's rise for the international system. As the Beijing Consensus continues to attract attention and debate, it is likely that more books and research will be published on this topic, further contributing to our understanding of this important and controversial concept.。
D(t)Al+h3(t、B2( ) +h( (B(t(D(t) +h5(t(D2(t) 一 0,
BD(t) +h6(t(D2(t) 一 0,
C(D(t) +2B( (E(t( h(t) + h4( (D(t(E(t) 一 0,
D(D(t) 一 0 ,
D(t)E( 一 0 ,
0.4 -
图1 参数t=1.
u = 2H1 [ln(1 + 犲1 + 犲2 + f+f2+A12 )狓
Petviashviii 方程(2)约化为常系数的(2 + 1)维Kadomtsev-Petviashviii方程(1),并对方程(1)的解作逆映射
Dt) 一 C1 ,
E(t) 一 C2 ,
G(t 一 2c2 h3 (t h6 (t dtdt—
Jh (t)dt — C2 jh4 (t)dt + C5 ,
T(t) 一 C h ( )dz + c
1.美国版权结算中心及其版权解决方案:期刊转型不可忽略的保值增值途径 [J], 高雪山;钟紫红
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a r X i v :0801.1998v 1 [n l i n .S I ] 14 J a n 2008B¨a cklund transformations for integrable lattice equationsJames Atkinson Department of Applied Mathematics,University of Leeds,Leeds LS29JT,UK E-mail:james@ Abstract.We give new B¨a cklund transformations (BTs)for some known integrable (in the sense of being multidimensionally consistent)quadrilateral lattice equations.As opposed to the natural auto-BT inherent in every such equation,these BTs are of two other kinds.Specifically,it is found that some equations admit additional auto-BTs (with B¨a cklund parameter),whilst some pairs of apparently distinct equations admit a BT which connects them.1.Introduction Multidimensional consistency [1,2]is the essence of integrability found in examples of lattice equations which arise as the superposition principle for B¨a cklund transformations (BTs).This property is deep enough to capture fully the integrability of a system,but manageable enough to be successfully employed in attempts to construct and classify integrable lattice equations [3,4,5,6].In the present article,relationships between known examples of multidimensionally consistent equations are established.These relationships are similar in spirit to the notion of multidimensional consistency.However,rather than an equation beingconsistent with copies of itself,distinct equations are consistent with each other.This consistency is equivalent to the existence of a particular kind of BT,and it is this latter point of view we adopt because it lends more in the way of intuition to the systems discussed.The sense in which we use the term BT throughout this article,is for an overdetermined system in two variables which constitutes a transformation between solutions of the two equations that emerge as the compatibility constraints.The term auto-BT will be used to describe the case where the emerging equations coincide.We refer to a free parameter of an auto-BT as a B¨a cklund parameter if transformations with different values of the parameter commute (in the sense that a superposition principle exists -examples will be given).2.The degenerate cases of Adler’s equationA scalar multidimensionally consistent lattice equation of particular significance was found by Adler[7]as the superposition principle for BTs of the Krichever-Novikov equation[8,9].We write Adler’s equation in the following way,p(u u+ u u)−q(u u+ u u)=Qp−P qp)(u u+ u u)−(q−1q−q4(p−1q)), Q2:p(u− u)( u− u)−q(u− u)( u− u)=pq(q−p)(u+ u+ u+ u−p2+pq−q2),Q1δ:p(u− u)( u− u)−q(u− u)( u− u)=δ2pq(q−p),A2:(p−1q)(u u+ u u)=(p p)(1+u u u u),A1δ:p(u+ u)( u+ u)−q(u+ u)( u+ u)=δ2pq(p−q),H3δ:p(u u+ u u)−q(u u+ u u)=δ(q2−p2),H2:(u− u)( u− u)=(p−q)(u+ u+ u+ u+p+q), H1:(u− u)( u− u)=(p−q),(2)where it appears,δis a constant parameter of the equation.The equations in the list (2)are all degenerate sub cases of the equation(1).Table1contains the details of these degenerations.To clarify the meaning of the entries in this table we include an example here.Let us make the substitutionsu→ǫu,p→ǫp,q→ǫqin(1)and consider the leading term in the small-ǫexpansion of the resulting expression. For this calculation it is necessary to write the parameters P and Q as a series inǫ,P=±(1−ǫ212(k+1/k)q2+...),Eq k P2iǫ−4ǫ2p )2(p+112uǫ2p2p2−ǫ4ǫk1+O(ǫ2)A2−4ǫ2ǫ(p−1−1p)(p−1ǫk−1+O(ǫ2) H3δ√12p12u1−ǫ2−14p−2ǫ2+ǫ4p−ǫ6p+O(ǫ10)H1k2p√2√Eq SP (pr−1r)(u v+ u v)=(p−1A2 Q1δA1δQ30H3δQ11H2 Table2.Each equation,Eq,admits the given auto-BT(with B¨a cklund parameter r).The equation SP emerges as the superposition principle for solutions of Eq related bythis BT.It turns out that the converse associations also hold(see main text).an overdetermined system for v.This is resolved( v= v)if u is chosen to satisfy the equation Q11throughout the lattice,moreover,v which then emerges in the solution of (3)also satisfies Q11.We say that the solutions u and v of Q11are related by the BT (3)and for convenience writeu r∼v.(4) Here r is the parameter present in(3),this is a free parameter of the transformation. The relation(4)is symmetric because(3)is invariant under the interchange u↔v.Transformations(3)with different choices of the parameter r commute in the sense that a superposition principle exists.That is,given a solution u(n,m)of Q11,suppose we compute other solutions u(n,m)andu,u,u s∼˙u,˙u r∼u andu)(u+˙u+˙u−u+u=u(l+1,k),˙u=u(l,k+1) and˙(7)forms a BT,with B¨a cklund parameter p,between solutions u(l,k)and u(l,k)of the equation(6)(i.e.,constitutes an auto-BT for H2).This BT commutes with its counterpart with B¨a cklund parameter q(which relates solutions u(l,k)and u(l,k)of (6)),the superposition principle in this case is exactly the equation Q11.As described for this example,all the BTs given in table2establish a kind of duality between a particular pair of equations,specifically,one equation emerges as the superposition principle for BTs that relate solutions of the other.This can be compared to the natural auto-BT of a multidimensionally consistent equation,for which the superposition principle coincides with the equation itself.4.B¨a cklund transformations between distinct equationsTable3lists BTs that connect particular pairs of equations from the list(2).To be precise about the meaning of the entries in this table we again give an example.Consider the system of equations2u u=v+ v+p,(8)2u u=v+ v+q.This system is compatible in v if the variable u satisfies the equation H1.Given such u, it can be verified that v which emerges in the solution of(8)then satisfies the equation H2.Conversely,if v satisfies H2then solving(8)yields u which satisfies H1.In this way the system(8)constitutes a BT between the equations H1and H2,which corresponds to thefifth entry in table3(where we give only one equation from the pair(8),the other being implicit).Eq in u Eq in vp)uv+ u v−p(u v+ u v)=(p−14(u− u)(v− v)=p(v+ v−2u u)+p2(u+ u+p)(u− u)(v− v)=p(u u−δ2)pu u−uv− u v=δ2u u=v+ v+p(u+ u)(v+ v)=p(u u+δ2)(u+ u)(v− v)=p(u− u)u+ u=2pv v+δp2(u+ u)v v=p(1−δ2 u)The BT(8)can be explained as a non-symmetric degeneration of the natural auto-BT for the equation H2,which is defined by the system(u− v)( u−v)=(p−r)(u+ u+v+ v+p+r),(u− v)( u−v)=(q−r)(u+ u+v+ v+q+r)(9)(r is the B¨a cklund parameter).Now,the substitution u→1ǫu in the equationH2leads to the equation H1in the limitǫ−→0.This substitution in the system(9) together with the particular choice r=−1The equation(15)is a rank-2version of the lattice Schwarzian Boussinesq equation which was given originally as a second order scalar equation in[14](a second-order scalar equation can be recovered from(14)or(15)by elimination of one of the variables from the two-component system,by second order here we mean a lattice equation on a square nine point stencil).The BT(13)naturally generalises a scalar BT given in[16]which connects the lattice modified and Schwarzian Korteweg-de Vries equations.(Note,when transformed to a BT between equations from the list(2)this becomes a non-autonomous BT,a type of BT not considered in the present article.)5.DiscussionIn the preceding sections we have given systems of equations which may be written generically in the formf p(u, u,v, v)=0,(16)f q(u, u,v, v)=0,and that constitute a BT between a lattice equation in u=u(n,m)and a possibly different lattice equation in v=v(n,m),sayQ pq(u, u, u, u)=0,(17)Q∗pq(v, v, v, v)=0.(18) (Here we suppose that u and v are scalarfields and f,Q and Q∗are polynomials of degree1in which the coefficients are functions of the lattice parameters.)In this generic (scalar)case it can be deduced(by considering an initial value problem on the cube) that the multidimensional consistency of(17)implies the multidimensional consistency of(18).Furthermore,when(17)and(18)are multidimensionally consistent,the BT(16) commutes with the natural auto-BTs for these equations,the superposition principle being the equationf r(u,v)=0.(19) Here u andv are solutions of(18)related by its natural auto-BT(also with B¨a cklund parameter r),andfinally,u and v respectively by the BT(16).We remark that not all lattice equations(17),(18)which arise in this way are multidimensionally consistent.Consider the following example(which involves2-component lattice parameters),p1u u=v+ v+p2,(20)q1u u=v+ v+q2.This system constitutes a BT between the equationsp1(u u+ u u)−q1(u u+ u u)=2(p2−q2),p21(v+ v)( v+ v)−q21(v+ v)( v+ v)=p22q21−q22p21.(21)The equations(21)are multidimensionally consistent if and only if the components of the lattice parameters are connected by the relationsa+bp21+cp2=0,a+bq21+cq2=0,(22) for some constants a,b and c not all equal to zero.(The solution of(22)yields thefifth and eighth entries in table3.)On the other hand,when(16)constitutes an auto-BT, so that Q∗=Q,we have found no counterexamples to the conjecture that the equation defined by Q is multidimensionally consistent.6.Concluding remarksThe B¨a cklund transformations(BTs)given in this article establish new relationships between equations within the classification of Adler,Bobenko and Suris(ABS)[3]. Alternative auto-BTs turn out to establish a kind of duality between some pairs of equations.Transformations connecting other pairs of equations are of practical significance,for example allowing for soliton solutions to be found for one equation from those of the other(cf.[17]).New BTs have also been established for integrable lattice equations which lie outside the classification of ABS.In particular we give a BT between systems of rank-2where only a few examples of multidimensionally consistent equations are known. AcknowledgmentsThe author was supported by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council(EPSRC)and is indebted to Frank Nijhofffor his continued guidance. 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