14. The Republic of Ireland became independent in the year____. A. 1918 C. 1945 B. 1920 D. 1949
15. The English Civil War is also
called ____.
A. the Puritan Revolution B. the second Magna Carta
英国:1066年诺曼征服、英法百年 战争、英国内战、北爱尔兰
美国:独立战争、南北战争 加拿大:魁北克问题
英国:《大宪章》(Great Charter) 《权利法案》(The Bill of Rights) 《英爱条约》(Anglo-Irish Treaty) 《维坦基条约》(Treaty of Waitangi)
A. 200BC
C. AD55
B. 55BC
D. AD410
5. Education is compulsory for all between the ages of ____ and
____ in Great Britain except in North Ireland.
A. 4, 16 C. 5, 16 B. 4, 18 D. 5, 18
22. Of all the symbols, which are considered to represent fertility and new life and are most frequently associated with Easter? A. The pumpkin and turkey B. The lamb and beef C. The spring peas and potatoes D. The egg and rabbit
一、加拿大的历史溯源The origin of Canada加拿大的历史是从印第安和爱斯基摩等原住民的历史开始的,10世纪以后,西欧的足迹才开始踏上这片土地。
The history of Canada started with the aborigine of the Indians and Eskimos.Since the 10th century,the footprints of the Western civilization have started to brand on this new land.The first vistors are a gang of pirates after which , the Europeans have started their expedition and explorations which has been enduring to the contemporary times.16世纪。
\In the 16th century,the French dreamed of discovering and having control over more and more territories as well as widening their trading realm to let their religious belief being accepted all over the world.16 世纪沦为法、英殖民地,1756—1763年期间,英、法在加拿大爆发“七年战争”,法国战败,而1763年的巴黎和约使加拿大正式成为英属殖民地。
英语国家概况 加拿大 学生版
Chapter 1 A Panoramic View of Canada加拿大国土面积约998万平方公里,是仅次于俄罗斯的世界第二大国。
I. A Geographical SurveyWith an area of 9,984,670 square kilometers, Canada is a huge country, second in size only to Russia and slightly larger than China. Yet approximately, it has only 35 million people, which is less than half the population of the United Kingdom. Situated in northern half of the North America, Canada extends from the Great Lakes1in the south to the majestic Rocky Mountains2in the west, and the bleak Arctic Islands in the far north.Map of Canada1. Provinces and TerritoriesJust as the United States is a federation of states, Canada is a federation of provinces. It is now made up of ten provinces — Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and British Columbia —and three territories —Nunavut, the Northwest Territories, and the Yukon Territory. Each area has its own provincial flag.1五大湖是位于加拿大与美国交界处的5个大型淡水湖泊,按面积从大到小分别为:苏必利尔湖、休伦湖、密歇根湖、伊利湖和安大略湖。
1. 历史与政治:加拿大的历史可以追溯到几千年前的原住民部落,后来被欧洲的探险家和殖民者所控制。
2. 地理与自然景观:加拿大是一个地理上多样化的国家,有广袤的草原、崇山峻岭、森林和湖泊。
3. 经济与产业:加拿大是世界上最发达的国家之一,拥有高度发达的经济体系。
4. 文化与人民:加拿大是一个多元文化的国家,拥有来自世界各地的移民。
5. 教育与医疗:加拿大拥有世界上一些最好的教育和医疗系统。
6. 旅游与景点:加拿大有许多令人惊叹的旅游景点,吸引着世界各地的游客。
全导12章 第四节 美洲主要客源国
全国导游基础知识 第十二章 中国港澳台地区和主要旅游客源国概况
Байду номын сангаас
加拿大人的生活习性包含着英、法、美三国人的综 合特点。他们视枫叶为国宝,把枫叶喻为友谊的象 征,他们还偏爱白雪,视白雪为吉样的象征。加拿 大人请客吃饭一般都会在家里,礼貌的做法可以给 女主人带些小礼物或鲜花,忌送白色的百合花,因 百合花主要用于悼念死者。忌讳数字”13”和“星 期五”。忌称人“老”“白”“胖,年长者被称为 “高龄公民”、养老院称为“保育院”。加拿大的 特产有印第安人和因纽特人的手工艺品、枫糖浆、 冰酒、熏鲑鱼等。
全国导游基础知识 第十二章 中国港澳台地区和主要旅游客源国概况
多伦多是安大略省省会城市,位于加拿大心脏地带,接近美 国东部工业发达地区,是加拿大最大的城市,面积7125平方 公里,人口约279万(截至2014年)。多伦多还是加拿大的经济 中心,也是世界最大的金融中心之一。多伦多是世界上最具 多元文化的城市,当地居民来自100多个民族,讲140多种不 同的语言。多伦多的主要景点有国家电视塔、皇家安大略博 物馆、卡萨罗玛城堡、安大略艺术馆、加登纳陶瓷艺术博物 馆等。多伦多国家电视发射塔是多伦多市的标志性建筑。位 于加拿大和美国的尼亚加拉瀑布是世界第一大跨国瀑布,距 离多伦多1个多小时车程,位于加拿大境内的“马蹄瀑布”气 势最大、最为惊险,是世界著名的奇观。
全国导游基础知识 第十二章 中国港澳台地区和主要旅游客源国概况
加拿大人口约3502.5万(截至2013年),因其丰富的自 然资源和高度发达的科技,加拿大成为世界上拥有最 高生活品质、社会最富裕、经济最发达的国家之一。 资源工业、初级制造业和农业是国民经济的主要支柱 。加拿大是世界上最大的钻石生产国之一,也是全球 最重要的教育枢纽之一,每年吸引来自世界各地的留 学生。加拿大的货币是加拿大元。
A Briefing of CanadaCanada is located in the north of North America.It occupying forty one percent of the continent.Canada is the world's second largest country(9,984,670 k㎡) . It extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.Canada has a small population ,which is only thirty-three million one hundred and forty-three hundred (2008),and more over 70% people live in near the southern of the United States. The population growth rate is moderate,although the positive growth rate is chiefly due to immigration.Canada has a liberal immigration policy that goes to great lengths to accept refugees and asylum seekers from around the world.Canada is the multicultural society which results from the diversity of its people.English and French are the two important languages spoken in Canada with diversity of people.Such as the United States of America which has turned into an ethic melting pot,for Canada not only contains a variety of cultures but promotes and preserves them.Many laws are set up to protect the various cultures from becoming extinct.Canada has taken action to stop racism.The Canadian government was the first to manage a campaign commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.Canada helps the rest of the world unite and experience a variety of different ethnic backgrounds trying to eliminate racism.The living standard in Canada is very high.The welfare state has developed a wide range of health and social services intended to promote health and well-being.The ownership at home in Canada is in its most unaffordable state since the "housing recession "in 1990.The constitutional arrangement for education in Canada is a provincial responsibility because there is no Department of Education at the federal level and no integrated national system of education,either.Canada is a multi-ethnic country.Therefore,it has colorful and interesting wedding customs.Most Canadians are Catholic or Protestant and their wedding practice is similar to other Western Christian countries.But in the northern part ofCanada ,the Eskimo area,"bride theft" of the age-old custom has been popular with Eskimos.Canadians love sports.The widespread sports are ice hockey,golf baseball,swimming,basketball and tennis.Universities in Canada have self-contained field and facilities,which can provide for not only the professional teams,but also for students.All above are just the general situation of Canada.Now I want to indicate the relationship between Canada and America.Canada common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. They share the world's longest undefended border, co-operate on military campaigns and exercises, and are each other's largest trading partner.When Canada was under the British colonial rule, its foreign relations were controlled by the British government.Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established in 1909,the foreign policy was still influenced by the United Kingdom.In 2003,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was separated from the Diplomatic and International Trade Department and functioned as an independent department,which aimed to promote cooperation between Canada and countries.In order to maintain its development and prosperity ,Canada has taken positive attitude in the international and regional affairs.Canada has contributed a lot to promote North-South dialogue,world peace and stability and to assist the poor.In the Canadian value the world order is ruled by law not by the military force.Like the United States, Canada is one of the most religiously divers countries in the world.Canada has no official church ,"God "is mentioned in the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,but no specified.Religious pluralisms an important part of the Canadian worship.Relations between Canada and the United States have spanned more than two centuries. This includes a shared British colonial heritage, warfare during the 1770s and 1812, and the eventual development of one of the most successful international relationships in the modern world. Each is the other's chief economic partner andlarge-scale tourism and migration between the two nations has increased the similarities.The most serious breach in the relationship was the War of 1812, which saw an American invasion of then British North America and counter-invasions from British-Canadian forces. The border was demilitarized after the war and apart from minor raids has remained peaceful. Canada and the United States of America officially established diplomatic relations in 1927,nevertheless two countries have contracts with each other long before.After its independence,the United States of America once attempted to invade the British North America but was defeated by the British Canadian forces.After that the borders between two countries have remained peaceful despite of minor conflict.After the Second World War,the rise of the United States of America in the world makes the Canadian economic,political and diplomatic focus shift from the United Kingdom to the United States.Military collaboration began during World War II and continued throughout the Cold War on both a bilateral basis and through NATO. A high volume of trade and migration between the United States and Canada has generated closer ties, especially after the signing of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994.The bilateral relationship is extremely important for both countries.Currently Canada and the United States are the primary trade partners for each other.Canada's economy heavily relies on the United States.They have signed more than one hundred and ninety cooperative agreements involving border,military defense, tariff,labour arbitration,education,environmental protection,fishery and forest protection.Canada also carries out multilateral cooperation with the United States under NATO,APEC,and OAS(Organization of America States).Although two countries have common long-term interests,there are minor conflicts because they are so close to each other.Their repeated trade disputes in fishery and forestry have always existed and Canada's grain export to the United States is charged a dumping duty.The close relationship between Canada and the United States is like brothers.They may quarrel sometimes,but their relationship is tooimportant to be seriously damaged by disagreement over short-term issues.Canada and the United States are currently the world's largest trading partners,share the world's longest unmilitarized border,and have significant interoperability within the defence sphere. Recent difficulties have included repeated trade disputes, environmental concerns, Canadian concern for the future of oil exports, and issues of illegal immigration and the threat of terrorism.The foreign policies of the neighbours have been closely aligned since the Cold War and after. Canada has disagreed with American policies regarding the Vietnam War, the status of Cuba, the Iraq War, Missile Defense, and the War on Terrorism. A serious diplomatic debate is whether the Northwest Passage is in international waters or under Canadian jurisdiction.There are close cultural ties between modern day Canada and the United States, advanced in large part because both nations predominately speak English. There are also historical ties between the respective Francophone populations. Pop culture has depicted and parodied the efforts of both nations to solidify their cultural uniqueness-- primarily by Canada, as its population is roughly one tenth that of the United States'-- to deter international perception that Americans and Canadians are virtually identical. Canada remains Americans' favorite foreign nation according to a recent Gallup poll.Nevertheless there remain Canadian fears of being overwhelmed by its neighbour, which is ten times larger in terms of population and economy. James Tagg reports that Canadian university students have a profound fear that "Canadian culture, and likely Canadian sovereignty, will be overwhelmed."The two economies have increasingly merged since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1994.From the above,Canada and the United States of America have the long-time friendly relationship.But Canada just like dances with wolves,and must independent rather than depend on America.References1,《大陆的分界:美国与加拿大的价值与制度》,西摩.马丁.利普森,鲁特埃奇出版公司,1990年(Seymour Martin Lipeset,Continental Divide:the Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada ,Routledge,1990)2,《加拿大社会》,鲁迪.芬威克,美国加拿大研究学会,1989年(Rudy Fenwick,Canada Society,The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States,1989)3,《加拿大文化与现代论》,高鉴国,沈阳辽海出版社,1999年4,《英语国家概况》,隋铭才,高等教育出版社,2009年5,.。
Where is Canada located?
Canada is the second largest country in the world and occupies nearly all of North America north of latitude 49° north and east of longitude 141° west. It has an area of 9,984,670 sq km, which is about three fifths of that of Russia but a little larger than that of China. It is bounded on the north by the Arctic Ocean; on the northeast by Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, which separate it from Greenland; on the east by the Atlantic Ocean; on the south by the United States; and on the west by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska. Canada is composed of ten provinces
1. National lag of Canada, also known as the Maple Leaf, is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11The national flag of Canada pointed red maple leaf. Its adoption in 1965 marked the first time a national flag had been officially adopted in Canada to replace the Union Flag (of the UK). The flag made its first appearance on February 15, 1965; the date is now celebrated annually as National Flag
英语国家概况(An Overview ofEnglishSpeaking Countries)一、英国(United Kingdom)1. 地理位置:英国位于欧洲大陆的西北边缘,由大不列颠岛、北爱尔兰和若干小岛组成。
2. 首都:伦敦(London),是英国的政治、经济、文化和交通中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约6600万,其中英格兰占最大比例。
5. 国旗:英国国旗被称为“米字旗”,由蓝、白、红三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:英国是世界上发达国家之一,拥有强大的金融、工业和科技实力。
7. 教育体系:英国教育体系享誉世界,牛津、剑桥等世界知名学府坐落于此。
8. 文化特色:英国有着丰富的历史文化底蕴,如莎士比亚、牛顿、披头士乐队等均诞生于此。
二、美国(United States of America)1. 地理位置:美国位于北美洲,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,南接墨西哥湾和加勒比海,北邻加拿大。
2. 首都:华盛顿特区(Washington, D.C.),是美国政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语4. 人口:约3.3亿,是世界上第三人口大国。
5. 国旗:美国国旗被称为“星条旗”,由红、白、蓝三种颜色组成。
6. 经济:美国是全球最大的经济体,拥有强大的科技创新能力和金融市场。
7. 教育体系:美国教育资源丰富,世界顶尖大学如哈佛、斯坦福等均位于此。
8. 文化特色:美国文化多元化,涵盖了欧洲、亚洲、非洲等多种文化元素。
三、加拿大(Canada)1. 地理位置:加拿大位于北美洲北部,东临大西洋,西濒太平洋,北接北冰洋,南邻美国。
2. 首都:渥太华(Ottawa),是加拿大的政治中心。
3. 官方语言:英语和法语4. 人口:约3800万,是世界上面积第二大国家。
5. 国旗:加拿大国旗被称为“枫叶旗”,由红、白两色组成。
6. 经济:加拿大经济发达,资源丰富,特别是石油、天然气和矿产资源。
1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
7% of Canada’s land mass is covered with over 2 million lakes, the largest being the Northwest Territories’ Great Bear Lake4.
An estimated 14% of the world’s fresh water supply is located in Canada4.
Canada has 10 provinces; British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland & Labrador, and 3 territories; Yukon, Northwest territories, Nunavut6. The capital city is Ottawa, in Ontario11.
Land & Climate
Canada is the second largest country in the world, with over 3,851,877 square miles of land2 varying in climate from permafrost in the north to four distinct seasons of spring, summer, fall, and winter nearer the equator3.
加 拿 大
加拿大人在正 式场合穿着考 究,如上班、 去教堂、赴宴 和观看演出等 ,男士一般穿 西装,女士为 裙装。在非正 式场合,加拿 大人穿着比较 随便。
加拿大人的饮食 重视菜肴的营养 和质量,注重食 品的新鲜。口味 清淡,偏爱甜味 。主食以米饭为
鸡肉、鸡蛋、沙 丁鱼、野味和西 红柿、洋葱、土 豆、黄瓜等蔬菜
加拿大政体为联邦议会制。英国 女王是加拿大的国家元首,但只 履行礼仪性的职责,其任命总督 代表她常驻加拿大,总督由加拿 大总理提名,英女王任命。加拿 大实行“三权分立”,立法、行 政、司法大权分别由议会、总理 和法院行使。加拿大实行内阁制 ,由众议院中占多数席位的政党 组阁,其领袖任总理,总理为政 府首脑。
加拿大人在去 世后,要为逝 者整理遗容, 然后才让亲朋 好友向遗体告 别。一般在报 纸上刊登讣告 。葬礼要在教 堂举行,由神 父主持做弥撒
1、元旦 2、冬季狂欢节 3、枫糖节 4.加拿大日
1879年将每年的 7月1日定为节日 。最初被称为“加
拿大忌打破玻璃制 品,忌打翻盐罐。
旅游业是加拿大经济的重要组成部分。据世界旅游组 织统计,加拿大的旅游收入在世界上排名第九。国际 旅游成为加拿大第五大创汇行业。加拿大的旅游业十 分发达,每年5~9月是加拿大的旅游旺季。加拿大出国 旅游者80%以上是去美国,其次是欧洲、南美和亚洲 国家。出境旅游客源主要来自相对富裕的安大略、魁 北克、不列颠哥伦比亚三省。此外,加拿大人口老龄 化的趋势有利于出境旅游市场的进一步发展,老年人 正逐渐成为加拿大出境休闲旅游的主力军。
A Briefing of CanadaCanada is located in the north of North America.It occupying forty one percent of the continent.Canada is the world's second largest country(9,984,670 k㎡) . It extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean.Canada has a small population ,which is only thirty-three million one hundred and forty-three hundred (2008),and more over 70% people live in near the southern of the United States. The population growth rate is moderate,although the positive growth rate is chiefly due to immigration.Canada has a liberal immigration policy that goes to great lengths to accept refugees and asylum seekers from around the world.Canada is the multicultural society which results from the diversity of its people.English and French are the two important languages spoken in Canada with diversity of people.Such as the United States of America which has turned into an ethic melting pot,for Canada not only contains a variety of cultures but promotes and preserves them.Many laws are set up to protect the various cultures from becoming extinct.Canada has taken action to stop racism.The Canadian government was the first to manage a campaign commemorating the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.Canada helps the rest of the world unite and experience a variety of different ethnic backgrounds trying to eliminate racism.The living standard in Canada is very high.The welfare state has developed a wide range of health and social services intended to promote health and well-being.The ownership at home in Canada is in its most unaffordable state since the "housing recession "in 1990.The constitutional arrangement for education in Canada is a provincial responsibility because there is no Department of Education at the federal level and no integrated national system of education,either.Canada is a multi-ethnic country.Therefore,it has colorful and interesting wedding customs.Most Canadians are Catholic or Protestant and their weddingpractice is similar to other Western Christian countries.But in the northern part of Canada ,the Eskimo area,"bride theft" of the age-old custom has been popular with Eskimos.Canadians love sports.The widespread sports are ice hockey,golf baseball,swimming,basketball and tennis.Universities in Canada have self-contained field and facilities,which can provide for not only the professional teams,but also for students.All above are just the general situation of Canada.Now I want to indicate the relationship between Canada and America.Canada common border with the United States to the south and northwest is the longest in the world. They share the world's longest undefended border, co-operate on military campaigns and exercises, and are each other's largest trading partner.When Canada was under the British colonial rule, its foreign relations were controlled by the British government.Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was established in 1909,the foreign policy was still influenced by the United Kingdom.In 2003,the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was separated from the Diplomatic and International Trade Department and functioned as an independent department,which aimed to promote cooperation between Canada and countries.In order to maintain its development and prosperity ,Canada has taken positive attitude in the international and regional affairs.Canada has contributed a lot to promote North-South dialogue,world peace and stability and to assist the poor.In the Canadian value the world order is ruled by law not by the military force.Like the United States, Canada is one of the most religiously divers countries in the world.Canada has no official church ,"God "is mentioned in the preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms,but no specified.Religious pluralisms an important part of the Canadian worship.Relations between Canada and the United States have spanned more than two centuries. This includes a shared British colonial heritage, warfare during the 1770s and 1812, and the eventual development of one of the most successful internationalrelationships in the modern world. Each is the other's chief economic partner and large-scale tourism and migration between the two nations has increased the similarities.The most serious breach in the relationship was the War of 1812, which saw an American invasion of then British North America and counter-invasions from British-Canadian forces. The border was demilitarized after the war and apart from minor raids has remained peaceful. Canada and the United States of America officially established diplomatic relations in 1927,nevertheless two countries have contracts with each other long before.After its independence,the United States of America once attempted to invade the British North America but was defeated by the British Canadian forces.After that the borders between two countries have remained peaceful despite of minor conflict.After the Second World War,the rise of the United States of America in the world makes the Canadian economic,political and diplomatic focus shift from the United Kingdom to the United States.Military collaboration began during World War II and continued throughout the Cold War on both a bilateral basis and through NATO. A high volume of trade and migration between the United States and Canada has generated closer ties, especially after the signing of North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in 1994.The bilateral relationship is extremely important for both countries.Currently Canada and the United States are the primary trade partners for each other.Canada's economy heavily relies on the United States.They have signed more than one hundred and ninety cooperative agreements involving border,military defense, tariff,labour arbitration,education,environmental protection,fishery and forest protection.Canada also carries out multilateral cooperation with the United States under NATO,APEC,and OAS(Organization of America States).Although two countries have common long-term interests,there are minor conflicts because they are so close to each other.Their repeated trade disputes in fishery and forestry have always existed and Canada's grain export to the United States is charged a dumping duty.The close relationship between Canada and theUnited States is like brothers.They may quarrel sometimes,but their relationship is too important to be seriously damaged by disagreement over short-term issues.Canada and the United States are currently the world's largest trading partners,share the world's longest unmilitarized border,and have significant interoperability within the defence sphere. Recent difficulties have included repeated trade disputes, environmental concerns, Canadian concern for the future of oil exports, and issues of illegal immigration and the threat of terrorism.The foreign policies of the neighbours have been closely aligned since the Cold War and after. Canada has disagreed with American policies regarding the Vietnam War, the status of Cuba, the Iraq War, Missile Defense, and the War on Terrorism. A serious diplomatic debate is whether the Northwest Passage is in international waters or under Canadian jurisdiction.There are close cultural ties between modern day Canada and the United States, advanced in large part because both nations predominately speak English. There are also historical ties between the respective Francophone populations. Pop culture has depicted and parodied the efforts of both nations to solidify their cultural uniqueness-- primarily by Canada, as its population is roughly one tenth that of the United States'-- to deter international perception that Americans and Canadians are virtually identical. Canada remains Americans' favorite foreign nation according to a recent Gallup poll.Nevertheless there remain Canadian fears of being overwhelmed by its neighbour, which is ten times larger in terms of population and economy. James Tagg reports that Canadian university students have a profound fear that "Canadian culture, and likely Canadian sovereignty, will be overwhelmed."The two economies have increasingly merged since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1994.From the above,Canada and the United States of America have the long-time friendly relationship.But Canada just like dances with wolves,and must independent rather than depend on America.References1,《大陆的分界:美国与加拿大的价值与制度》,西摩.马丁.利普森,鲁特埃奇出版公司,1990年(Seymour Martin Lipeset,Continental Divide:the Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada ,Routledge,1990)2,《加拿大社会》,鲁迪.芬威克,美国加拿大研究学会,1989年(Rudy Fenwick,Canada Society,The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States,1989)3,《加拿大文化与现代论》,高鉴国,沈阳辽海出版社,1999年4,《英语国家概况》,隋铭才,高等教育出版社,2009年5,.。
1、Canada , located in the northernmost North America, is one of the commonwealth countries.
It is known as the "maple leaf country" reputation.
Canada is a highly developed capitalist country.
加拿大的官方标志包括枫叶、 海狸和加拿大的马。在过去 的几十年里,这个国家许多 官方的符号已经改变了许多, 如加拿大的国旗。为了使更 加加拿大化,他们不再强调 或者删除引用英国的。
Canadian art
The arts have flourished in Canada since the 20th century, and especially since the end of World War II in 1945 The works of most early Canadian painters followed European trends. A group of landscape painters called the Group of Seven developed the first distinctly Canadian style of painting. All these artists painted large, brilliantly coloured scenes of the Canadian wilderness. Canadian sculpture has been enriched by the walrus ivory and soapstone carvings by the Inuit artists. These carvings show objects and activities from the daily life of the Inuit.
Canadian literature is often divided into French and English-language literature, which are rooted in the literary traditions of France and Britain, respectively. Canada’s literature, whether written in English or French, often reflects the Canadian perspective on nature, frontier life, and Canada’s position in the world, Canadian identity is closely tied to its literature. Canadian literature is often categorised by region or province; by the status of the author
Just a
few Symbols of Canada
National Flag of Canada
The Maple Tree
Canada is the 10th largest exporter of oil and the 3rd largest exporter of natural gas in the world17. Canada is the largest foreign supplier of energy to the United States, including; oil, gas, uranium, and also electric power8.
7% of Canada’s land mass is covered with over 2 million lakes, the largest being the Northwest Territories’ Great Bear Lake4.
An estimated 14% of the world’s fresh water supply is located in Canada4.
Queen Elizabeth II
Governor General: David
The economy in Canada is the 9th strongest17 in the world8. The substantial growth of the manufacturing, mining, and service sectors in Canada since World War II has revamped the nation from a primarily rural economy into one predominantly industrial and urban8.
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Vancouver (温哥华)
is a coastal harbor city(沿海港口城市) in Canada.
Rank among(跻身于) the topten of the world's most livable cities for five straight years.
The seven years' war begins and burst.
In 1763, a paper signed the treaty of Paris (巴黎合约) September the British invasion marks the In formal end of 1759, the British and French for seven Quebec city, Montreal, the second year years‘ of war. alsoto fall into the hand of thethe British. According the provisions (条款 ) of treaty of Paris, the new France in one hundred and fifty become a part of the British north American colonies.
The rise of the new French and British north American development produced a sharp contradictions (矛盾), British and French settlers has been conducted for control of the north American continent.
Mackenzie River(马更些河)
Nelson River(纳尔逊河)
The St. Lawrence River(圣劳伦斯河)
The Yukon river (育空河)
Let’s see the country’s national flag.
• 加拿大的国旗由红、白两色组成。中间的白底色表示广 阔无垠的国土,其间的红色枫叶表示居住在这片富饶土 地上勤劳勇敢的加拿大人民。两侧的红色长方形分别代 表大西洋和太平洋。
As the French fur traders followed, new France became a base of fur trade. These fur traders also continued to south, rapidly expanded its sphere of influence.(迅速扩大影响范围)
Ⅰ、The geographical location Ⅱ、The British conquest and results Ⅲ、The general characteristics(mountains、 rivers、climate) Ⅳ、The cities Ⅴ、The national flag、symbol and other national things Ⅵ、The economy、politics and culture Ⅶ、The people
Fisheries and fur trade profits was like a magnet(磁铁) which attracted a large number of French people came to this continent, and gradually constructed some residences(建造住宅) in the St. Lawrence river basin.
The National Anthem (国歌)is Oh Canada. The National beast is beaver(海狸). The National tree is maple.
Since World War II the development of Canada‘s manufacturing, mining, and service sectors has led to the creation of an affluent(富裕 的) society. Services now account for 66% of the GDP, while industry accoun ts for 31%. Tourism and financial serv ices represent some of Canada's most important industries within the service sector.
The National symbol
加拿大的国徽制定于1921年,为一盾形 图案。盾面上绘有雄狮、苏格兰王狮、 马身狮尾独角兽、百合花、枫叶和代表 爱尔兰的金竖琴。国徽的最上部是镶有 宝石的圣爱德华金色王冠,象征英国女 王是加拿大国家元首。它的下部绘有头 戴王冠的雄狮和金色头盔,这是为了纪 念第一次世界大战中加拿大部队所作出 的巨大牺牲。盾徽的中部分别有金竖琴 和百合花,在它们的下方有3枚红枫叶。 左侧绘有金狮和英国国旗,象征着加拿 大为英联邦成员国;右侧绘有马身狮尾 独角兽和百合花旗,象征与法国的关系。 在盾徽下方,爱尔兰白花酢浆草和法国 红色百合花拱托着蓝色的饰带上写着 “从大海到大海”(拉丁语A MARI USQUE AD MARE )的加拿大格言,表达了加拿大 在地理上幅员辽阔的特征。
The transformation of the economic system
The consolidation of the Catholic’ status(天主教地位的巩固 The changing structure of the population
Eastern Canada for hilly(丘陵) area, the southern border with the United States is the great lakes and St. Lawrence area, flat, basin(盆地). Western cordillera(科迪勒 拉) mountain is the highest in Canada.
The main climate in Canada is Temperate continental climate. (温带大陆性气候)
In winter, temperatures fall below freezing point throughout most of Canada.
During the summer,most of southern provinces often experience high levels of humidity(湿度) and temperatures.
The queen let the couple go to Canada.
Years later, Rone became the governor of Canada and built the first railway for Canada. People called the beautiful lake with the princess’s name to commemorate(纪念)their achievement.
This is "the British conquest" in the history of Canada.
The British conquest about the original French Canadian influences in many aspects: The reform of political system
The majestic(庄严的)Canadian Rockies are the Canadian segment(段;部分) of the North American Rocky mountains.
They are a visitor’s wonderland and the playground for western Canadian.
The capital:
Ottawa (渥太华)
is the capital of Canada, the fourth largest city in the country.
Is the provincial capital(省会) of Ontario and the largest city in Canada.
The best season to travel is May to It’s a haven September each year.
for hikers and walkers.
World Heritage Site(世界遗产 地) that consists of beautiful mountain landscapes, lakes, canyons(峡谷), waterfalls, and so on.
The Other cities:
Waterloo (滑铁卢) The majority of its population is student.
It’s the world’s most livable city.
Means clear flow water.
At the same time, another European colonial powers -- Britain actively expanded in the north American Atlantic coast, on the basis of the New England expansion is the 13 colonies along the shore.