



商业银行信息科技风险管理指引商业银行信息科技风险管理指引1.引言1.1 目的1.2 背景1.3 范围1.4 参考文献2.概述2.1 风险管理定义2.2 信息科技风险管理的重要性2.3 信息科技风险管理的目标3.风险识别与评估3.1 风险识别的方法3.2 风险评估的过程3.3 风险评估的工具和技术3.4 风险评估的结果4.风险监测与控制4.1 风险监测的目标4.2 风险监测的方法4.3 风险控制的原则4.4 风险控制的措施5.风险应对与应急5.1 应对风险的策略5.2 应急响应的准备工作5.3 应急响应的流程5.4 应急响应的演练6.风险监督与纠正6.1 风险监督的目的6.2 风险监督的方法6.3 风险纠正的流程6.4 风险纠正的效果评估7.信息科技风险管理的组织架构7.1 职责分工7.2 相关部门的合作与协调7.3 资源投入与调配8.员工培训与意识8.1 培训计划与内容8.2 培训方式与工具8.3 培训效果的评估8.4 员工风险意识的培养附件:附件1:风险识别与评估工具使用手册附件2:风险监测与控制流程图附件4:风险监督与纠正报告示例法律名词及注释:1.信息安全法:指中华人民共和国国家安全法。




















Guidelines on Operational Risk Management of CommercialBanksChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 Pursuant to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Commercial Banks as well as other applicable laws and regulations, the Guidelines are formulated so as to enhance the operational risk management of commercial banks.Article 2 The Guidelines apply to domestic commercial banks, wholly foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign joint venture banks incorporated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.Article 3 The operational risk in the Guidelines refers to the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and IT system, or from external events. It includes legal risk but excludes strategic and reputational risk.Article 4 The China Banking Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CBRC”) supervises and regulates the operationalrisk management of commercial banks and evaluates the effectiveness thereof under its authority by law.Chapter II Operational Risk ManagementArticle 5 Commercial banks should, in line with the Guidelines, set up an operational risk management system suitable to their own business nature, scale and complexity to effectively identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigate operational risk. This system can be in any form, but should comprise at least the following basic elements:1)oversight and control by the board of directors;2)roles and responsibilities of senior management;3)appropriate organizational structure;4)operational risk management policies, methods, and procedures;and5)requirements on making capital provisions for operational risk.Article 6 The board of directors in a commercial bank should treat operational risk as a major risk and charge the ultimate responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of operational risk management. The responsibilities of the board shall include:1) developing strategies and general policies for bank-wideoperational risk management that are aligned with the bank’sstrategic goals;2) reviewing and approving the senior management’s functions,authorization and reporting arrangement with regard to operational risk management so as to ensure the effectiveness of the bank’s decision-making system in operational risk management and ensure that the operational risk facing thebank’s operations is controlled within its endurance capacity; 3) reviewing regularly the operational risk reports submitted by thesenior management; fully understanding the bank’s overall operational risk management and the effectiveness of the senior management in handling material operational risk events; and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of daily operationalrisk management;4) ensuring that the senior management takes necessary measuresto effectively identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigateoperational risk;5) ensuring that the bank’s operational risk m anagement system iseffectively audited and overseen by internal audit department;and6) having in place an appropriate reward-punishment system so asto effectively promote the development of operational risk management system in the bank as a whole.Article 7 The senior management in a commercial bank isresponsible for implementing the operational risk management strategies, general policies and running the system approved by theboard. It shall:1) be ultimately responsible to the board regarding daily operationalrisk management;2) lay out and regularly review the operational risk managementpolicies, procedures and detailed processes in accordance with the strategies and general policies developed by the board, and oversee the implementation thereof, and submitting to the board reports on overall operational risk management in a regularmanner;3) sufficiently understand the overall situation of the bank’soperational risk management, particularly the events or programswith material operational risk;4) Clearly define each department’s responsibilities in operationalrisk management as well as the reporting line, frequency andcontents; urge each department to really charge its responsibilities in a bid to ensure the sound performance of theoperational risk management system;5) equip operational risk management with appropriate resources,including but not limited to providing necessary funds, setting up necessary positions with eligible staff, offering training courses to operational risk management personnel, delegating authorizaion to the said personnel to fulfill their duties, etc.; and6) make promptly checks and revision on the operational riskmanagement system so as to effectively respond to operational risk events brought about by the changes of internal procedures, products, business activities, IT system, staff, external events orother factors.Article 8 Commercial banks should designate a certain department to be responsible for the construction and implementation of operational risk management system. This department should be independent from others in order to ensure the system’s consistency and effectiveness. Its responsibilities shall mainly include:1) drafting operational risk management policies, procedures andspecific processes and submitting them to the senior management and the board for review and approval;2) assisting other departments to identify, assess, monitor andcontrol/mitigate operational risk;3) working out methods to identify, assess, mitigate (includinginternal controls) and monitor operational risks, formulating bank-wide reporting processes of operational risk and organizingthe implementation thereof;4) putting in place basic criteria for operational risk control over thebank, and guiding and coordinating the operational riskmanagement;5) providing each department with trainings on operational riskmanagement, and helping them improve operational risk management capacity and fulfill their own duties;6) regularly checking and analyzing the practices of operational riskmanagement in business departments and other departments;7) regularly submitting operational risk reports to seniormanagement; and8) ensuring that the operational risk management system andmeasures are observed.Article 9 The relevant departments in a commercial bank should be directly responsible for operational risk management. Majorresponsibilities include:1) appointing designated staff to take charge of operational riskmanagement, including observing operational risk management policies, procedures and specific processes;2) following the assessment methods for operational riskmanagement to identify and assess the operational risks in the departments, and to have in place an effective on-going procedure to monitor, control/mitigate and report operational risks, thenorganize the implementation thereof;3) fully considering the requirements on operational riskmanagement and internal control when making department specific business processes and related business policies, with a view to ensuring operational risk management personnel at alllevels participate in the course of reviewing and approvingimportant procedures, controls and policies, thus making these aligned with the bank’s general policy on operational riskmanagement; and4) monitoring key risk indicators and regularly reporting their owndepartment’s operational risk management situation to thedepartment which takes charge of or take the leading role in operational risk management of the whole bank.Article 10 The legal office, compliance office, IT office, security office, and human resource office in a commercial bank should, besides properly managing their own operational risks, provide relevant resources and assistance within their strength and respective responsibilities to other departments for the purpose of operationalrisk management.Article 11 The internal audit department in a commercial bank does not directly take charge of or participate in other departments’ operational risk management, but it should regularly check and evaluate how well the bank’s operational risk management system operates, supervise the implementation of operational riskmanagement policies, independently evaluate the bank’s newoperational risk management policies, processes and specific procedures, and report to the board of directors the evaluation results of operational risk management system.A commercial bank with high business complexity and large scale is encouraged to entrust intermediary agencies to audit and evaluate its operational risk management system on a regular basis.Article 12 A commercial bank should have in place bank-wide operational risk management policies that are commensurate with its nature, scale, complexity and risk profile. Main contents include:1) definition of operational risk;2) appropriate organizational structure, authorization andresponsibilities with regard to operational risk management;3) procedures to identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigateoperational risks;4) reporting procedures of operational risk, including reportingresponsibilities, path and frequency, and other specificrequirements on other departments; and5) requirements on promptly assessing operational risks associatedwith existing and newly-developed important products, business practices, procedures, IT system, human resource management,external factors and changes thereof.Article 13 A commercial bank should choose appropriate approaches to manage operational risks, which may include: assessment of operational risk and internal control, loss event reporting and data collection, monitoring of key risk indicators, risk assessment regarding new products and business practices, testing and audit of internal control, and operational risk reporting.Article 14 A commercial bank with high business complexity and large scale should adopt more sophisticated risk management methods (e.g. quantitative methods) to assess each department’s operational risk, collect operational risk loss data, and make arrangements according to the characteristics of operational riskassociated with each line of business.Article 15 A commercial bank should develop effective processes to regularly monitor and report operational risk status and material losses. As to risks with increasing loss potential, early-warning system of operational risk should be put in place so as to take timely controls to mitigate risk and reduce the occurrence and severity ofloss events.Article 16 Material operational risk events should be reported to the board, senior management and appropriate management personnel according to the bank’s operational risk management policies.Article 17 A commercial bank should enhance internal control for effective operational risk management. Related internal controlsshould at least include:1) clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each departmentand making proper separation among relevant functions so as toavoid potential conflicts of interests;2) closely watching how well specified risk limit or authorization isobserved;3) monitoring the records of access to and use of the bank’s assets;4) ensuring the staff are appropriately trained and eligible for theirpositions;5) identifying the business activities or products that do not generatereasonable prospective returns or that contain potential risks;6) regularly reviewing and checking up transactions and accounts;7) putting in place a system for the heads and the staff in keypositions to have job rotation and compulsory leaves and setting up a mechanism of off-job auditing as well;8) working out a code of conduct to regulate on-job and off-jobbehavior particularly for the staff in important positions or atsensitive links;9) establishing an incentive and protection system to encouragestaff to report violations on a real-name basis;10) setting up a dual-appraisal system to investigate and solve bankfraudulent cases as well as make punishments in a timely andproper manner;11) having in place an information disclosure system for the bankcase investigation; and12) e stablishing an incentive-restrictive mechanism with regard to themanagement and control of operational risk at front line.Article 18 A commercial bank should establish and gradually improve the operational risk management information system (MIS) so as to effectively identify, assess, monitor, control and report operational risks. The system should at least record and store the date about operational risk losses and events, support self-assessment on operational risk and control measures, monitor key risk indicators, and provide relevant information contained in operational riskreports.Article 19 To ensure business continuation, a commercial bank should develop a scheme for emergency response that matches their business scale and complexity, make a back-up arrangement for service recovery, and regularly check and test the catastrophe recovery function and business continuation mechanism so as to make sure that these actions can go in operation properly in the event of catastrophe and severe business disruption.Article 20 A commercial bank should develop risk management policies with regard to outsourcing practices in order to make sure that outsourcing is subject to rigorous contracts and service agreements which clearly specify the obligations of involved parties.Article 21 A commercial bank may purchase insurance and enter into contract with a third party, and consider it a way to mitigate operational risk. But they should by no means neglect the importanceof controls.A commercial bank that mitigates operational risks by means ofinsurance should formulate written policies and proceduresaccordingly.Article 22 A commercial bank should make adequate capitalprovisions for the operational risk it undertakes as per the requirements of CBRC on capital adequacy of commercial banks.Chapter III Supervision of Operational RiskArticle 23 Commercial banks should submit to the CBRC their operational risk management policies and processes for filing. They should submit operational risk related reports to the CBRC or its local offices as per regulations. Banks that entrust intermediary agencies to audit their operational risk management system should also submit audit reports to the CBRC or its local offices.Article 24 Commercial banks should promptly report to the CBRC or its local offices about the following material operational risk events ifany:1) banking crimes in which more than RMB300,000 is robbed from acommercial bank or cash truck or stolen from a banking financial institution; bank fraud or other cases involving an amount of morethan RMB10 million;2) events that result in serious damage or loss of the bank’simportant data, books, blank vouchers, or business disruption for over three hours in two or more provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities), or business disruption for over six hours in one province (autonomous region/municipality) and severelyaffect the bank’s normal operations;3) confidential information being stolen, sold, leaked or lost that mayaffect financial stability and lead to economic disorder;4) senior executives severely violating applicable regulations;5) accident or natural catastrophe caused by force majeure, resultingin immediate economic loss of more than RMB10 million;6) other operational risk events that may result in a loss of more than1‰ of the bank’s net capital; and7) other material events as specified by the CBRC.Article 25 The CBRC should regularly check and assess the operational risk management policies, processes and practices of commercial banks. Main items to be checked and assessed include:1) effectiveness of the bank’s operational risk managementprocesses;2) the bank’s approaches to monitor and report operational risks,including key operational risk indicators and operational risk lossdata;3) the bank’s measures to timely and effectively handle operationalrisk events and weak links;4) the bank’s procedures of internal control, reviewing and auditingwithin its operational risk management processes;5) the quality and comprehensiveness of the bank’s catastropherecovery and business continuation plans;6) adequacy level of capital provisions for operational risks; and7) other aspects of operational risk management.Article 26 As to the operational risk management problems discovered by the CBRC during supervision, the commercial bank should submit correction plan and take correction actions within thespecified time limit.When a material operational risk event occurs, if the commercial bank fails to adopt effective correction measures within the specified time limit, the CBRC should take appropriate regulatory actions in line withlaws and regulations.Chapter IV Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 27 This Guidelines may apply to other banking institutions including policy banks, financial asset management companies, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, rural cooperative banks, trust and investment companies, finance firms, financial leasing companies, automobile financial companies, money brokers, and postsavings institutions.Article 28 Banking institutions without the board of directors should have their operating decision-making bodies perform theresponsibilities of the board with regard to operational riskmanagement specified herein.Article 29 Branches set up by foreign banks within the territory of People’s Republic of China should follow the operational risk management policies and processes developed by their head offices, report to the CBRC or its local offices about material operational risk events, and accept the supervision of the CBRC. Where their head offices do not lay out operational risk management policies andprocesses, such branches should comply with the Guidelines.Article 30 Relevant terms mentioned herein are defined in theAppendix.Article 31 The Guidelines shall become effective as of the date ofpromulgation.Appendix: Definitions of Relevant Terms1.Operational risk eventsOperational risk events refer to the operational events resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and IT system, or from external factors, which bring about financial losses or affect the bank’s reputation, clients and staff. Specific events include: internal fraud, external fraud, employment practices and workplace safety, clients, products & business practices, damages to physical assets, business disruption and system failures, execution, delivery & process management (see Annex 7 – Detailed Loss Event Type Classification of The International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework or the New Basel Capital Accord).2.self-assessment on risk, key risk indicatorsTools used by commercial banks to identify and assess operationalrisks.1) self-assessment on riskSelf-assessment on risk is a tool for operational risk management by commercial banks to identify and assess the control measures and appropriateness and effectiveness thereof with regard to potential operational risk and their own business practices.2) Key Risk IndicatorKey risk indicators refer to the statistical indicators that represent the changes in a certain area of risk and can be monitored on a regular basis. These indicators can be used to monitor various risks and control measures that may result in loss events and to function as early-warning indicators for risk changes (so that senior management can take timely actions accordingly). Examples of specific indicators: loss ratio per RMB100 million asset, number of banking crimes per 10,000 people, ratio of the cases with each involving a cash value of RMB1 million, number of transactions unconfirmed beyond a certaintime limit, percentage of failed transactions, staff turnover, number of client complaints, frequency and severity of errors and omissions, etc.3.Legal RiskLegal risk includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) the contract signed by a commercial bank violating laws or administrative regulations and therefore being probably cancelled or confirmed invalid according to law; 2) the bank being sued or in arbitration because of its breach of contract, infringement or other reasons and held liable for compensation according to law; 3) the bank’s business practices violating laws or administrative regulations and therefore being held liable administratively or criminally.。



商业银行信息科技风险管理指引商业银行信息科技风险管理指引1、引言1.1 目的1.2 范围1.3 定义2、风险管理框架2.1 风险识别和评估2.1.1 信息系统漏洞评估2.1.2 安全事件监测和响应2.2 风险治理与策略2.2.1 监督与审查机制2.2.2 风险管理策略的制定与更新2.3 风险控制与监测2.3.1 访问控制管理2.3.2 风险评估与监测工具2.4 风险通报与沟通2.4.1 内部风险通报机制2.4.2 外部风险信息共享3、风险识别与评估3.1 业务风险3.1.1 客户信息安全风险3.1.2 交易运营风险3.2 技术风险3.2.1 网络安全风险3.2.2 数据管理风险3.3 外部环境风险3.3.1 法律法规风险3.3.2 自然灾害风险4、风险治理与策略4.1 信息安全组织与责任4.1.1 信息安全管理组织架构 4.1.2 信息安全责任分工4.2 风险管理策略4.2.1 信息安全目标与指标 4.2.2 风险管理流程4.3 内部控制与合规要求4.3.1 内部控制流程与制度4.3.2 合规性要求与监督5、风险控制与监测5.1 访问控制与身份认证5.1.1 用户权限管理5.1.2 口令与密钥管理5.2 安全事件与漏洞监测5.2.1 安全事件响应流程 5.2.2 漏洞评估与修复5.3 备份与恢复5.3.1 数据备份策略5.3.2 灾难恢复计划6、风险通报与沟通6.1 内部风险通报6.1.1 内部风险报告机制6.1.2 内部风险沟通会议6.2 外部风险信息共享6.2.1 外部风险信息收集与分析6.2.2 合作伙伴与监管机构沟通附件:- 附件1:信息安全管理组织架构图- 附件2:风险评估工具使用指南法律名词及注释:1、信息安全:指对信息资源进行保护,确保其机密性、完整性和可用性的一系列措施和手段。

























记录和存储与操作风险损失相关的 数据和操作风险事件信息 支持操作风险和控制措施的自我评 估
©2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. All rights reserved.
应急和业务连续方案——第二章第十九条 第二章第十九条 应急和业务连续方案
制定与其业 务规模和复 杂性相适应 的应急和业 务连续方案
建立恢复服 务和保证业 务连续运行 的备用机制
定期检查、 测试其灾难 恢复和业务 连续机制
©2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. All rights reserved.
外包业务——第二章第二十条 第二章第二十条 外包业务
定期检查评估 管理体系运作 情况,监督政 策执行情况, 对新出台政策、 程序和具体的 操作规程进行 独立评估,向 董事会报告
©2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. All rights reserved.
操作风险管理政策——第二章第十二条 第二章第十二条 操作风险管理政策
©2010 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. All rights reserved.
职责分工——第二章第六 七/八/九/十/十一条 第二章第六/七 八 九 十 十一条 职责分工 第二章第六
高级管 董事会 理层
操作风 险管理 部门
负责全行操 作风险管理 体系的建立 和实施
相关部 门
支持配 合部门
内审部 门
委托社会中 介机构对其 操作风险管 理体系定期 进行审计和 评价










































(二) 审查批准信息科技战略,确保其与银行的总体业务战略和重大策略相一致。


(三)掌握主要的信息科技风险,确定可接受的风险级别,确保相关风险能够被识别、计量、监测和控制.(四) 规范职业道德行为和廉洁标准,增强内部文化建设,提高全体人员对信息科技风险管理重要性的认识。























银监会《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》1. 引言中国银监会发布的《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》适用于商业银行的信息技术风险管理工作。


2. 指引内容《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》的主要内容包括以下几个方面:2.1 风险管理的基本原则商业银行信息科技风险管理应当遵循风险管理的基本原则,包括风险识别、风险评估、风险控制、风险监测和风险应对等方面。

2.2 风险管理的组织商业银行应当设立信息科技风险管理部门或者具有风险管理职责的部门,负责信息科技风险管理工作的组织和执行。


2.3 风险管理的制度商业银行应当建立健全的信息科技风险管理制度,包括风险管理政策、规程、流程、制度和标准等方面。


2.4 风险管理的流程商业银行应当建立风险管理的流程,包括风险识别和评估的流程、风险控制和应对的流程、风险监测和反馈的流程等方面。


2.5 风险管理的工具和方法商业银行应当建立风险管理的工具和方法,包括风险管理信息系统、风险评估模型、风险控制技术和手段等方面。


2.6 风险管理的评估商业银行应当对风险管理工作进行评估,包括风险识别和评估、风险控制和应对、风险监测和反馈等方面。






中国银监会关于印发《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》的通知--------------------------------------------------------------------------------中国银行业监督管理委员会文件银监发〔2009 〕19 号中国银监会关于印发《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》的通知各银监局,各政策性银行、国有商业银行、股份制商业银行、金融资产管理公司,邮政储蓄银行,各省级农村信用联社,银监会直接监管的信托公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司,中央国债登记结算公司:现将《商业银行信息科技风险管理指引》印发给你们,请认真执行。
































第四条本指引所称信息科技风险,是指信息科技在商业银行运用过程中,由于自然因素、人为因素、技术漏洞和管理缺陷产一2 一生的操作、法律和声誉等风险。








(五)设立一个由来自高级管理层、信息科技部门和主要业务- 3 一部门的代表组成的专门信息科技管理委员会,负责监督各项职责的落实,定期向董事会和高级管理层汇报信息科技战略规划的执行、信息科技预算和实际支出、信息科技的整体状况。



风险管理程序英文版1.0 PurposeThe purpose of this procedure is to provide for a system and instructions, and to assign responsibilities for identifying and evaluating risks.2.0 ScopeThis procedure applies to risks related to the QMS.3.0 Procedure3.1 The need for risk identification is determined on the basis of information and trendsregarding the performance and effectiveness of the QMS. In particular:●Regulatory requirements●Product safety requirements and considerations●Product and service nonconformities●Process problems and nonconformities●Supplier quality performance records●Reject and scrap rates●Field service records●On time delivery performance●Production equipment maintenance records●Customer feedback and complaints●Quality management system audit records●Data loss/corruption incidents, network outages, etc.3.2 Risks are identified and evaluated when quality performance data indicates that there are trends of decreasing quality capability and/or effectiveness of the qualitymanagement system. For example: increasing incidence of product nonconformity; excessive equipment problems; or increasing number of audit findings against the same quality system process or department.3.3 Initiating risk management projects3.3.1 Risks are identified, evaluated and addressed in DaMei Risk Management module; within a framework of a Risk Management Project.3.3.2 Risk management projects may be proposed by any organizational unit and any employee in the company. Requests for initiating a risk management project are submitted to Management representative or General manager, as appropriate. Only Management representative and General manager have the authority to initiate, or approve the initiation of risk management projects. This is to prioritize and direct resources where risk control is most urgent.4.0 Risk management project4.1 Risk management projects are initiated in DaMei Risk Management module using electronic form EF-380-1 Risk Project.4.2 When initiating a new project, select in form EF-380-1 the risk assessment method that will be used for the project:1) Hazard Evaluation: This is a method for evaluating hazards and related harms, rather than estimating the actual risks. The method is based on evaluating hazardous situations and associated harms (risk cases), and existing controls that reduce the likelihood of the hazardous situation occurring and/or reduce the severity of the harm. The evaluation results in a decisionwhether additional controls need to be implemented to further reduce risk. Although no a full fledged risk analysis, it is an excellent method for demonstrating 'risk based thinking' without going into formal and complex risk analysis studies. This method should not be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.2) Risk Matrix Analysis: This is a structured, formal method for assessing risks using a riskmatrix. The risk matrix for the project is defined using a template provided in formEF-380-01 (click the Risk Matrix tab in the form). This method is often referred to in technical literature as a Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PHA). It is a top-down approach, using a list of known hazards as input for the risk analysis. The risk matrix method is the most flexible and versatile, as it can be applied to any product, process or system, and does not require detailed knowledge about the system to be analyzed. Where appropriate, the risk matrix Analysis method should be used when evaluating risks related to the safety of medical devices.Other Method: Select this item when some other risk assessment method will be used, for example: Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA), Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), etc.4.3 Risk management projects are periodically reviewed to ensure that they remain relevant and up to date. Review dates are scheduled, and the review are documented in form EF-380-1 in the 'Reviews' block.5.0 Hazards5.1 Hazards are conditions, circumstances, practices or other'things' that can be a source of harm or loss. Hazards do not cause harms; they just make harms possible. Hazards are usually constant, i.e., they are always there, unless the hazard is completely removed.5.2 For each risk management project identify all relevant hazards and enter them into DaMei Risk Management module (select the project and enter hazards into the 'Hazards' grid).。



商业银行信息科技风险管理指引第一章总则第一条为加强商业银行信息科技风险管理,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》,以及国家信息安全相关要求和有关法律法规,制定本指引.个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二条本指引适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立地法人商业银行、政策性银行、农村合作银行、城市信用社、农村信用社、村镇银行、贷款公司、金融资产管理公司、信托公司、财务公司、金融租赁公司、汽车金融公司、货币经纪公司等其他银行业金融机构参照执个人收集整理勿做商业用途行.第三条本指引所称信息科技是指计算机、通信、微电子和软件工程等现代信息技术,在商业银行业务交易处理、经营管理和内部控制等方面地应用,并包括进行信息科技治理,建立完整地管理组织架构,制订完善地管理制度和流程. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四条本指引所称信息科技风险,是指信息科技在商业银行运用过程中,由于自然因素、人为因素、技术漏洞和管理缺陷产生地操作、法律和声誉等风险. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第五条信息科技风险管理地目标是通过建立有效地机制,实现对商业银行信息科技风险地识别、计量、监测和控制,促进商业银行安全、持续、稳健运行,推动业务创新,提高信息技术使用水平,增强核心竞争力和可持续发展能力. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二章信息科技治理第六条商业银行法定代表人是本机构信息科技风险管理地第一责任人,负责组织本指引贯彻落实.第七条商业银行地董事会应履行以下信息科技管理职责:(一)遵守并贯彻执行国家有关信息科技管理地法律、法规和技术标准,落实中国银行业监督管理委员会(以下简称银监会)相关监管要求.个人收集整理勿做商业用途(二)审查批准信息科技战略,确保其与银行地总体业务战略和重大策略相一致.评估信息科技及其风险管理工作地总体效果和效率. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(三)掌握主要地信息科技风险,确定可接受地风险级别,确保相关风险能够被识别、计量、监测和控制.(四)规范职业道德行为和廉洁标准,增强内部文化建设,提高全体人员对信息科技风险管理重要性地认识.(五)设立一个由来自高级管理层、信息科技部门和主要业务部门地代表组成地专门信息科技管理委员会,负责监督各项职责地落实,定期向董事会和高级管理层汇报信息科技战略规划地执行、信息科技预算和实际支出、信息科技地整体状况. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(六)在建立良好地公司治理地基础上进行信息科技治理,形成分工合理、职责明确、相互制衡、报告关系清晰地信息科技治理组织结构. 加强信息科技专业队伍地建设,建立人才激励机制. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(七)确保内部审计部门进行独立有效地信息科技风险管理审计,对审计报告进行确认并落实整改.(八)每年审阅并向银监会及其派出机构报送信息科技风险管理地年度报告.(九)确保信息科技风险管理工作所需资金.(十)确保银行所有员工充分理解和遵守经其批准地信息科技风险管理制度和流程,并安排相关培训.(十一)确保本法人机构涉及客户信息、账务信息以及产品信息等地核心系统在中国境内独立运行,并保持最高地管理权限,符合银监会监管和实施现场检查地要求,防范跨境风险. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(十二)及时向银监会及其派出机构报告本机构发生地重大信息科技事故或突发事件,按相关预案快速响应.(十三)配合银监会及其派出机构做好信息科技风险监督检查工作,并按照监管意见进行整改.(十四)履行信息科技风险管理其他相关工作.第八条商业银行应设立首席信息官,直接向行长汇报,并参与决策. 首席信息官地职责包括:(一)直接参与本银行与信息科技运用有关地业务发展决策.(二)确保信息科技战略,尤其是信息系统开发战略,符合本银行地总体业务战略和信息科技风险管理策略.(三)负责建立一个切实有效地信息科技部门,承担本银行地信息科技职责. 确保其履行:信息科技预算和支出、信息科技策略、标准和流程、信息科技内部控制、专业化研发、信息科技项目发起和管理、信息系统和信息科技基础设施地运行、维护和升级、信息安全管理、灾难恢复计划、信息科技外包和信息系统退出等职责. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(四)确保信息科技风险管理地有效性,并使有关管理措施落实到相关地每一个内设机构和分支机构.(五)组织专业培训,提高人才队伍地专业技能.(六)履行信息科技风险管理其他相关工作.第九条商业银行应对信息科技部门内部管理职责进行明确地界定;各岗位地人员应具有相应地专业知识和技能,重要岗位应制定详细完整地工作手册并适时更新. 对相关人员应采取下列风险防范措施:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)验证个人信息,包括核验有效身份证件、学历证明、工作经历和专业资格证书等信息.(二)审核信息科技员工地道德品行,确保其具备相应地职业操守. (三)确保员工了解、遵守信息科技策略、指导原则、信息保密、授权使用信息系统、信息科技管理制度和流程等要求,并同员工签订相关协议. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(四)评估关键岗位信息科技员工流失带来地风险,做好安排候补员工和岗位接替计划等防范措施;在员工岗位发生变化后及时变更相关信息. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十条商业银行应设立或指派一个特定部门负责信息科技风险管理工作,并直接向首席信息官或首席风险官(风险管理委员会)报告工作.该部门应为信息科技突发事件应急响应小组地成员之一,负责协调制定有关信息科技风险管理策略,尤其是在涉及信息安全、业务连续性计划和合规性风险等方面,为业务部门和信息科技部门提供建议及相关合规性信息,实施持续信息科技风险评估,跟踪整改意见地落实,监控信息安全威胁和不合规事件地发生. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十一条商业银行应在内部审计部门设立专门地信息科技风险审计岗位,负责信息科技审计制度和流程地实施,制订和执行信息科技审计计划,对信息科技整个生命周期和重大事件等进行审计. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十二条商业银行应按照知识产权相关法律法规,制定本机构信息科技知识产权保护策略和制度,并使所有员工充分理解并遵照执行. 确保购买和使用合法地软硬件产品,禁止侵权盗版;采取有效措施保护本机构自主知识产权. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十三条商业银行应依据有关法律法规地要求,规范和及时披露信息科技风险状况.第三章信息科技风险管理第十四条商业银行应制定符合银行总体业务规划地信息科技战略、信息科技运行计划和信息科技风险评估计划,确保配置足够人力、财力资源,维持稳定、安全地信息科技环境. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十五条商业银行应制定全面地信息科技风险管理策略,包括但不限于下述领域:(一)信息分级与保护.(二)信息系统开发、测试和维护.(三)信息科技运行和维护.(四)访问控制.(五)物理安全.(六)人员安全.(七)业务连续性计划与应急处置.第十六条商业银行应制定持续地风险识别和评估流程,确定信息科技中存在隐患地区域,评价风险对其业务地潜在影响,对风险进行排序,并确定风险防范措施及所需资源地优先级别(包括外包供应商、产品供应商和服务商). 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第十七条商业银行应依据信息科技风险管理策略和风险评估结果,实施全面地风险防范措施. 防范措施应包括:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)制定明确地信息科技风险管理制度、技术标准和操作规程等,定期进行更新和公示.(二)确定潜在风险区域,并对这些区域进行详细和独立地监控,实现风险最小化. 建立适当地控制框架,以便于检查和平衡风险;定义每个业务级别地控制内容,包括:个人收集整理勿做商业用途1.最高权限用户地审查.2.控制对数据和系统地物理和逻辑访问.3.访问授权以“必需知道”和“最小授权”为原则.个人收集整理勿做商业用途4.审批和授权.5.验证和调节.第十八条商业银行应建立持续地信息科技风险计量和监测机制,其中应包括:(一)建立信息科技项目实施前及实施后地评价机制.(二)建立定期检查系统性能地程序和标准.(三)建立信息科技服务投诉和事故处理地报告机制.(四)建立内部审计、外部审计和监管发现问题地整改处理机制. (五)安排供应商和业务部门对服务水平协议地完成情况进行定期审查. (六)定期评估新技术发展可能造成地影响和已使用软件面临地新威胁. (七)定期进行运行环境下操作风险和管理控制地检查.(八)定期进行信息科技外包项目地风险状况评价.第十九条中资商业银行在境外设立地机构及境内地外资商业银行,应当遵守境内外监管机构关于信息科技风险管理地要求,并防范因监管差异所造成地风险. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四章信息安全第二十条商业银行信息科技部门负责建立和实施信息分类和保护体系,商业银行应使所有员工都了解信息安全地重要性,并组织提供必要地培训,让员工充分了解其职责范围内地信息保护流程. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二十一条商业银行信息科技部门应落实信息安全管理职能. 该职能应包括建立信息安全计划和保持长效地管理机制,提高全体员工信息安全意识,就安全问题向其他部门提供建议,并定期向信息科技管理委员会提交本银行信息安全评估报告. 信息安全管理机制应包括信息安全标准、策略、实施计划和持续维护计划. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途信息安全策略应涉及以下领域:(一)安全制度管理.(二)信息安全组织管理.(三)资产管理.(四)人员安全管理.(五)物理与环境安全管理.(六)通信与运营管理.(七)访问控制管理.(八)系统开发与维护管理.(九)信息安全事故管理.(十)业务连续性管理.(十一)合规性管理.第二十二条商业银行应建立有效管理用户认证和访问控制地流程. 用户对数据和系统地访问必须选择与信息访问级别相匹配地认证机制,并且确保其在信息系统内地活动只限于相关业务能合法开展所要求地最低限度. 用户调动到新地工作岗位或离开商业银行时,应在系统中及时检查、更新或注销用户身份. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二十三条商业银行应确保设立物理安全保护区域,包括计算机中心或数个人收集整理勿做商业用途据中心、存储机密信息或放置网络设备等重要信息科技设备地区域,明确相应地职责,采取必要地预防、检测和恢复控制措施. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二十四条商业银行应根据信息安全级别,将网络划分为不同地逻辑安全域(以下简称为域). 应该对下列安全因素进行评估,并根据安全级别定义和评估结果实施有效地安全控制,如对每个域和整个网络进行物理或逻辑分区、实现网络内容过滤、逻辑访问控制、传输加密、网络监控、记录活动日志等.个人收集整理勿做商业用途( 一) 域内应用程序和用户组地重要程度.)各种通讯渠道进入域地访问点.(二)域内配置地网络设备和应用程序使用地网络协议(三(四)性能要求或标准.(五)域地性质,如生产域或测试域、内部域或外部域.)不同域之间地连通性.(六(七)域地可信程度.第二十五条商业银行应通过以下措施,确保所有计算机操作系统和系统软件地安全:(一)制定每种类型操作系统地基本安全要求,确保所有系统满足基本安全要求.(二)明确定义包括终端用户、系统开发人员、系统测试人员、计算机操作人员、系统管理员和用户管理员等不同用户组地访问权限. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(三)制定最高权限系统账户地审批、验证和监控流程,并确保最高权限用户地操作日志被记录和监察.(四)要求技术人员定期检查可用地安全补丁,并报告补丁管理状态. (五)在系统日志中记录不成功地登录、重要系统文件地访问、对用户账户地修改等有关重要事项,手动或自动监控系统出现地任何异常事件,定期汇报监控情况. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二十六条商业银行应通过以下措施,确保所有信息系统地安全:(一)明确定义终端用户和信息科技技术人员在信息系统安全中地角色和职责.(二)针对信息系统地重要性和敏感程度,采取有效地身份验证方法. (三)加强职责划分,对关键或敏感岗位进行双重控制.(四)在关键地接合点进行输入验证或输出核对.(五)采取安全地方式处理保密信息地输入和输出,防止信息泄露或被盗取、篡改.(六)确保系统按预先定义地方式处理例外情况,当系统被迫终止时向用户提供必要信息.(七)以书面或电子格式保存审计痕迹.(八)要求用户管理员监控和审查未成功地登录和用户账户地修改. 第二十七条商业银行应制定相关策略和流程,管理所有生产系统地活动日志,以支持有效地审核、安全取证分析和预防欺诈. 日志可以在软件地不同层次、不同地计算机和网络设备上完成,日志划分为两大类:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)交易日志. 交易日志由应用软件和数据库管理系统产生,内容包括用户登录尝试、数据修改、错误信息等. 交易日志应按照国家会计准则要求予以保存. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途个人收集整理勿做商业用途(二)系统日志. 系统日志由操作系统、数据库管理系统、防火墙、入侵检测系统和路由器等生成,内容包括管理登录尝试、系统事件、网络事件、错误信息等. 系统日志保存期限按系统地风险等级确定,但不能少于一年.个人收集整理勿做商业用途商业银行应保证交易日志和系统日志中包含足够地内容,以便完成有效地内部控制、解决系统故障和满足审计需要;应采取适当措施保证所有日志同步计时,并确保其完整性.在例外情况发生后应及时复查系统日志. 交易日志或系统日志地复查频率和保存周期应由信息科技部门和有关业务部门共同决定,并报信息科技管理委员会批准. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第二十八条商业银行应采取加密技术,防范涉密信息在传输、处理、存储过程中出现泄露或被篡改地风险,并建立密码设备管理制度,以确保:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)使用符合国家要求地加密技术和加密设备.(二)管理、使用密码设备地员工经过专业培训和严格审查.(三)加密强度满足信息机密性地要求.(四)制定并落实有效地管理流程,尤其是密钥和证书生命周期管理.第二十九条商业银行应配备切实有效地系统,确保所有终端用户设备地安全,并定期对所有设备进行安全检查,包括台式个人计算机(PC)、便携式计算机、柜员终端、自动柜员机(ATM)、存折打印机、读卡器、销售终端(POS)和个人数字助理(PDA)等. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十条商业银行应制定相关制度和流程,严格管理客户信息地采集、处理、存贮、传输、分发、备份、恢复、清理和销毁. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十一条商业银行应对所有员工进行必要地培训,使其充分掌握信息科技风险管理制度和流程,了解违反规定地后果,并对违反安全规定地行为采取零容忍政策. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第五章信息系统开发、测试和维护第三十二条商业银行应有能力对信息系统进行需求分析、规划、采购、开发、测试、部署、维护、升级和报废,制定制度和流程,管理信息科技项目地优先排序、立项、审批和控制. 项目实施部门应定期向信息科技管理委员会提交重大信息科技项目地进度报告,由其进行审核,进度报告应当包括计划地重大变更、关键人员或供应商地变更以及主要费用支出情况. 应在信息系统投产后一定时期内,组织对系统地后评价,并根据评价结果及时对系统功能进行调整和优化. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十三条商业银行应认识到信息科技项目相关地风险,包括潜在地各种操作风险、财务损失风险和因无效项目规划或不适当地项目管理控制产生地机会成本,并采取适当地项目管理方法,控制信息科技项目相关地风险. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十四条商业银行应采取适当地系统开发方法,控制信息系统地生命周期. 典型地系统生命周期包括系统分析、设计、开发或外购、测试、试运行、部署、维护和退出.所采用地系统开发方法应符合信息科技项目地规模、性质和复杂度. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十五条商业银行应制定相关控制信息系统变更地制度和流程,确保系个人收集整理勿做商业用途统地可靠性、完整性和可维护性,其中应包括以下要求:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)生产系统与开发系统、测试系统有效隔离.(二)生产系统与开发系统、测试系统地管理职能相分离.(三)除得到管理层批准执行紧急修复任务外,禁止应用程序开发和维护人员进入生产系统,且所有地紧急修复活动都应立即进行记录和审核. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途(四)将完成开发和测试环境地程序或系统配置变更应用到生产系统时,应得到信息科技部门和业务部门地联合批准,并对变更进行及时记录和定期复查. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十六条商业银行应制定并落实相关制度、标准和流程,确保信息系统开发、测试、维护过程中数据地完整性、保密性和可用性. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十七条商业银行应建立并完善有效地问题管理流程,以确保全面地追踪、分析和解决信息系统问题,并对问题进行记录、分类和索引;如需供应商提供支持服务或技术援助,应向相关人员提供所需地合同和相关信息,并将过程记录在案;对完成紧急恢复起至关重要作用地任务和指令集,应有清晰地描述和说明,并通知相关人员. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第三十八条商业银行应制定相关制度和流程,控制系统升级过程. 当设备达到预期使用寿命或性能不能满足业务需求,基础软件(操作系统、数据库管理系统、中间件)或应用软件必须升级时,应及时进行系统升级,并将该类升级活动纳入信息科技项目,接受相关地管理和控制,包括用户验收测试. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第六章信息科技运行第三十九条商业银行在选择数据中心地地理位置时,应充分考虑环境威胁(如是否接近自然灾害多发区、危险或有害设施、繁忙或主要公路),采取物理控制措施,监控对信息处理设备运行构成威胁地环境状况,并防止因意外断电或供电干扰影响数据中心地正常运行. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十条商业银行应严格控制第三方人员(如服务供应商)进入安全区域,如确需进入应得到适当地批准,其活动也应受到监控;针对长期或临时聘用地技术人员和承包商,尤其是从事敏感性技术相关工作地人员,应制定严格地审查程序,包括身份验证和背景调查. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十一条商业银行应将信息科技运行与系统开发和维护分离,确保信息科技部门内部地岗位制约;对数据中心地岗位和职责做出明确规定. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十二条商业银行应按照有关法律法规要求保存交易记录,采取必要地程序和技术,确保存档数据地完整性,满足安全保存和可恢复要求. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十三条商业银行应制定详尽地信息科技运行操作说明. 如在信息科技运行手册中说明计算机操作人员地任务、工作日程、执行步骤,以及生产与开发环境中数据、软件地现场及非现场备份流程和要求(即备份地频率、范围和保留周期). 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十四条商业银行应建立事故管理及处置机制,及时响应信息系统运行事故,逐级向相关地信息科技管理人员报告事故地发生,并进行记录、分析和跟个人收集整理勿做商业用途踪,直到完成彻底地处置和根本原因分析. 商业银行应建立服务台,为用户提供相关技术问题地在线支持,并将问题提交给相关信息科技部门进行调查和解决. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十五条商业银行应建立服务水平管理相关地制度和流程,对信息科技运行服务水平进行考核.第四十六条商业银行应建立连续监控信息系统性能地相关程序,及时、完整地报告例外情况;该程序应提供预警功能,在例外情况对系统性能造成影响前对其进行识别和修正. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十七条商业银行应制定容量规划,以适应由于外部环境变化产生地业务发展和交易量增长. 容量规划应涵盖生产系统、备份系统及相关设备.个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十八条商业银行应及时进行维护和适当地系统升级,以确保与技术相关服务地连续可用性,并完整保存记录(包括疑似和实际地故障、预防性和补救性维护记录),以确保有效维护设备和设施.个人收集整理勿做商业用途第四十九条商业银行应制定有效地变更管理流程,以确保生产环境地完整性和可靠性. 包括紧急变更在内地所有变更都应记入日志,由信息科技部门和业务部门共同审核签字,并事先进行备份,以便必要时可以恢复原来地系统版本和数据文件. 紧急变更成功后,应通过正常地验收测试和变更管理流程,采用恰当地修正以取代紧急变更. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第七章业务连续性管理第五十条商业银行应根据自身业务地性质、规模和复杂程度制定适当地业务连续性规划,以确保在出现无法预见地中断时,系统仍能持续运行并提供服务;定期对规划进行更新和演练,以保证其有效性. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第五十一条商业银行应评估因意外事件导致其业务运行中断地可能性及其影响,包括评估可能由下述原因导致地破坏:个人收集整理勿做商业用途(一)内外部资源地故障或缺失(如人员、系统或其他资产). (二)信息丢失或受损.(三)外部事件(如战争、地震或台风等).第五十二条商业银行应采取系统恢复和双机热备处理等措施降低业务中断地可能性,并通过应急安排和保险等方式降低影响. 个人收集整理勿做商业用途第五十三条商业银行应建立维持其运营连续性策略地文档,并制定对策略地充分性和有效性进行检查和沟通地计划. 其中包括:个人收集整理勿做商业用途。



商业银行信息科技风险管理指引第一章 总则 第一条 为加强商业银行信息科技风险管理,根据《中华人民共和国银行业监督管理法》、《中华人民共和国商业银行法》、《中华人民共和国外资银行管理条例》,以及国家信息安全相关要求和有关法律法规,制定本指引。

第二条 本指引适用于在中华人民共和国境内依法设立的法人商业银行。


第三条 本指引所称信息科技是指计算机、通信、微电子和软件工程等现代信息技术,在商业银行业务交易处理、经营管理和内部控制等方面的应用,并包括进行信息科技治理,建立完整的管理组织架构,制订完善的管理制度和流程。

第四条 本指引所称信息科技风险,是指信息科技在商业银行运用过程中,由于自然因素、人为因素、技术漏洞和管理缺陷产生的操作、法律和声誉等风险。

第五条 信息科技风险管理的目标是通过建立有效的机制,实现对商业银行信息科技风险的识别、计量、监测和控制,促进商业银行安全、持续、稳健运行,推动业务创新,提高信息技术使用水平,增强核心竞争力和可持续发展能力。

第二章 信息科技治理 第六条 商业银行法定代表人是本机构信息科技风险管理的第一责任人,负责组织本指引的贯彻落实。

第七条 商业银行的董事会应履行以下信息科技管理职责: (一) 遵守并贯彻执行国家有关信息科技管理的法律、法规和技术标准,落实中国银行业监督管理委员会(以下简称银监会)相关监管要求。

(二) 审查批准信息科技战略,确保其与银行的总体业务战略和重大策略相一致。


(三) 掌握主要的信息科技风险,确定可接受的风险级别,确保相关风险能够被识别、计量、监测和控制。

(四) 规范职业道德行为和廉洁标准,增强内部文化建设,提高全体人员对信息科技风险管理重要性的认识。



Guidelines on Operational Risk Management of CommercialBanksChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 Pursuant to the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision, the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Commercial Banks as well as other applicable laws and regulations, the Guidelines are formulated so as to enhance the operational risk management of commercial banks.Article 2 The Guidelines apply to domestic commercial banks, wholly foreign-funded banks and Chinese-foreign joint venture banks incorporated within the territory of the People’s Republic of China.Article 3 The operational risk in the Guidelines refers to the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and IT system, or from external events. It includes legal risk but excludes strategic and reputational risk.Article 4 The China Banking Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CBRC”) supervises and regulates the operationalrisk management of commercial banks and evaluates the effectiveness thereof under its authority by law.Chapter II Operational Risk ManagementArticle 5 Commercial banks should, in line with the Guidelines, set up an operational risk management system suitable to their own business nature, scale and complexity to effectively identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigate operational risk. This system can be in any form, but should comprise at least the following basic elements:1)oversight and control by the board of directors;2)roles and responsibilities of senior management;3)appropriate organizational structure;4)operational risk management policies, methods, and procedures;and5)requirements on making capital provisions for operational risk.Article 6 The board of directors in a commercial bank should treat operational risk as a major risk and charge the ultimate responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of operational risk management. The responsibilities of the board shall include:1) developing strategies and general policies for bank-wideoperational risk management that are aligned with the bank’sstrategic goals;2) reviewing and approving the senior management’s functions,authorization and reporting arrangement with regard to operational risk management so as to ensure the effectiveness of the bank’s decision-making system in operational risk management and ensure that the operational risk facing thebank’s operations is controlled within its endurance capacity; 3) reviewing regularly the operational risk reports submitted by thesenior management; fully understanding the bank’s overall operational risk management and the effectiveness of the senior management in handling material operational risk events; and monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of daily operationalrisk management;4) ensuring that the senior management takes necessary measuresto effectively identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigateoperational risk;5) ensuring that the bank’s operational risk m anagement system iseffectively audited and overseen by internal audit department;and6) having in place an appropriate reward-punishment system so asto effectively promote the development of operational risk management system in the bank as a whole.Article 7 The senior management in a commercial bank isresponsible for implementing the operational risk management strategies, general policies and running the system approved by theboard. It shall:1) be ultimately responsible to the board regarding daily operationalrisk management;2) lay out and regularly review the operational risk managementpolicies, procedures and detailed processes in accordance with the strategies and general policies developed by the board, and oversee the implementation thereof, and submitting to the board reports on overall operational risk management in a regularmanner;3) sufficiently understand the overall situation of the bank’soperational risk management, particularly the events or programswith material operational risk;4) Clearly define each department’s responsibilities in operationalrisk management as well as the reporting line, frequency andcontents; urge each department to really charge its responsibilities in a bid to ensure the sound performance of theoperational risk management system;5) equip operational risk management with appropriate resources,including but not limited to providing necessary funds, setting up necessary positions with eligible staff, offering training courses to operational risk management personnel, delegating authorizaion to the said personnel to fulfill their duties, etc.; and6) make promptly checks and revision on the operational riskmanagement system so as to effectively respond to operational risk events brought about by the changes of internal procedures, products, business activities, IT system, staff, external events orother factors.Article 8 Commercial banks should designate a certain department to be responsible for the construction and implementation of operational risk management system. This department should be independent from others in order to ensure the system’s consistency and effectiveness. Its responsibilities shall mainly include:1) drafting operational risk management policies, procedures andspecific processes and submitting them to the senior management and the board for review and approval;2) assisting other departments to identify, assess, monitor andcontrol/mitigate operational risk;3) working out methods to identify, assess, mitigate (includinginternal controls) and monitor operational risks, formulating bank-wide reporting processes of operational risk and organizingthe implementation thereof;4) putting in place basic criteria for operational risk control over thebank, and guiding and coordinating the operational riskmanagement;5) providing each department with trainings on operational riskmanagement, and helping them improve operational risk management capacity and fulfill their own duties;6) regularly checking and analyzing the practices of operational riskmanagement in business departments and other departments;7) regularly submitting operational risk reports to seniormanagement; and8) ensuring that the operational risk management system andmeasures are observed.Article 9 The relevant departments in a commercial bank should be directly responsible for operational risk management. Majorresponsibilities include:1) appointing designated staff to take charge of operational riskmanagement, including observing operational risk management policies, procedures and specific processes;2) following the assessment methods for operational riskmanagement to identify and assess the operational risks in the departments, and to have in place an effective on-going procedure to monitor, control/mitigate and report operational risks, thenorganize the implementation thereof;3) fully considering the requirements on operational riskmanagement and internal control when making department specific business processes and related business policies, with a view to ensuring operational risk management personnel at alllevels participate in the course of reviewing and approvingimportant procedures, controls and policies, thus making these aligned with the bank’s general policy on operational riskmanagement; and4) monitoring key risk indicators and regularly reporting their owndepartment’s operational risk management situation to thedepartment which takes charge of or take the leading role in operational risk management of the whole bank.Article 10 The legal office, compliance office, IT office, security office, and human resource office in a commercial bank should, besides properly managing their own operational risks, provide relevant resources and assistance within their strength and respective responsibilities to other departments for the purpose of operationalrisk management.Article 11 The internal audit department in a commercial bank does not directly take charge of or participate in other departments’ operational risk management, but it should regularly check and evaluate how well the bank’s operational risk management system operates, supervise the implementation of operational riskmanagement policies, independently evaluate the bank’s newoperational risk management policies, processes and specific procedures, and report to the board of directors the evaluation results of operational risk management system.A commercial bank with high business complexity and large scale is encouraged to entrust intermediary agencies to audit and evaluate its operational risk management system on a regular basis.Article 12 A commercial bank should have in place bank-wide operational risk management policies that are commensurate with its nature, scale, complexity and risk profile. Main contents include:1) definition of operational risk;2) appropriate organizational structure, authorization andresponsibilities with regard to operational risk management;3) procedures to identify, assess, monitor and control/mitigateoperational risks;4) reporting procedures of operational risk, including reportingresponsibilities, path and frequency, and other specificrequirements on other departments; and5) requirements on promptly assessing operational risks associatedwith existing and newly-developed important products, business practices, procedures, IT system, human resource management,external factors and changes thereof.Article 13 A commercial bank should choose appropriate approaches to manage operational risks, which may include: assessment of operational risk and internal control, loss event reporting and data collection, monitoring of key risk indicators, risk assessment regarding new products and business practices, testing and audit of internal control, and operational risk reporting.Article 14 A commercial bank with high business complexity and large scale should adopt more sophisticated risk management methods (e.g. quantitative methods) to assess each department’s operational risk, collect operational risk loss data, and make arrangements according to the characteristics of operational riskassociated with each line of business.Article 15 A commercial bank should develop effective processes to regularly monitor and report operational risk status and material losses. As to risks with increasing loss potential, early-warning system of operational risk should be put in place so as to take timely controls to mitigate risk and reduce the occurrence and severity ofloss events.Article 16 Material operational risk events should be reported to the board, senior management and appropriate management personnel according to the bank’s operational risk management policies.Article 17 A commercial bank should enhance internal control for effective operational risk management. Related internal controlsshould at least include:1) clearly defining the roles and responsibilities of each departmentand making proper separation among relevant functions so as toavoid potential conflicts of interests;2) closely watching how well specified risk limit or authorization isobserved;3) monitoring the records of access to and use of the bank’s assets;4) ensuring the staff are appropriately trained and eligible for theirpositions;5) identifying the business activities or products that do not generatereasonable prospective returns or that contain potential risks;6) regularly reviewing and checking up transactions and accounts;7) putting in place a system for the heads and the staff in keypositions to have job rotation and compulsory leaves and setting up a mechanism of off-job auditing as well;8) working out a code of conduct to regulate on-job and off-jobbehavior particularly for the staff in important positions or atsensitive links;9) establishing an incentive and protection system to encouragestaff to report violations on a real-name basis;10) setting up a dual-appraisal system to investigate and solve bankfraudulent cases as well as make punishments in a timely andproper manner;11) having in place an information disclosure system for the bankcase investigation; and12) e stablishing an incentive-restrictive mechanism with regard to themanagement and control of operational risk at front line.Article 18 A commercial bank should establish and gradually improve the operational risk management information system (MIS) so as to effectively identify, assess, monitor, control and report operational risks. The system should at least record and store the date about operational risk losses and events, support self-assessment on operational risk and control measures, monitor key risk indicators, and provide relevant information contained in operational riskreports.Article 19 To ensure business continuation, a commercial bank should develop a scheme for emergency response that matches their business scale and complexity, make a back-up arrangement for service recovery, and regularly check and test the catastrophe recovery function and business continuation mechanism so as to make sure that these actions can go in operation properly in the event of catastrophe and severe business disruption.Article 20 A commercial bank should develop risk management policies with regard to outsourcing practices in order to make sure that outsourcing is subject to rigorous contracts and service agreements which clearly specify the obligations of involved parties.Article 21 A commercial bank may purchase insurance and enter into contract with a third party, and consider it a way to mitigate operational risk. But they should by no means neglect the importanceof controls.A commercial bank that mitigates operational risks by means ofinsurance should formulate written policies and proceduresaccordingly.Article 22 A commercial bank should make adequate capitalprovisions for the operational risk it undertakes as per the requirements of CBRC on capital adequacy of commercial banks.Chapter III Supervision of Operational RiskArticle 23 Commercial banks should submit to the CBRC their operational risk management policies and processes for filing. They should submit operational risk related reports to the CBRC or its local offices as per regulations. Banks that entrust intermediary agencies to audit their operational risk management system should also submit audit reports to the CBRC or its local offices.Article 24 Commercial banks should promptly report to the CBRC or its local offices about the following material operational risk events ifany:1) banking crimes in which more than RMB300,000 is robbed from acommercial bank or cash truck or stolen from a banking financial institution; bank fraud or other cases involving an amount of morethan RMB10 million;2) events that result in serious damage or loss of the bank’simportant data, books, blank vouchers, or business disruption for over three hours in two or more provinces (autonomous regions/municipalities), or business disruption for over six hours in one province (autonomous region/municipality) and severelyaffect the bank’s normal operations;3) confidential information being stolen, sold, leaked or lost that mayaffect financial stability and lead to economic disorder;4) senior executives severely violating applicable regulations;5) accident or natural catastrophe caused by force majeure, resultingin immediate economic loss of more than RMB10 million;6) other operational risk events that may result in a loss of more than1‰ of the bank’s net capital; and7) other material events as specified by the CBRC.Article 25 The CBRC should regularly check and assess the operational risk management policies, processes and practices of commercial banks. Main items to be checked and assessed include:1) effectiveness of the bank’s operational risk managementprocesses;2) the bank’s approaches to monitor and report operational risks,including key operational risk indicators and operational risk lossdata;3) the bank’s measures to timely and effectively handle operationalrisk events and weak links;4) the bank’s procedures of internal control, reviewing and auditingwithin its operational risk management processes;5) the quality and comprehensiveness of the bank’s catastropherecovery and business continuation plans;6) adequacy level of capital provisions for operational risks; and7) other aspects of operational risk management.Article 26 As to the operational risk management problems discovered by the CBRC during supervision, the commercial bank should submit correction plan and take correction actions within thespecified time limit.When a material operational risk event occurs, if the commercial bank fails to adopt effective correction measures within the specified time limit, the CBRC should take appropriate regulatory actions in line withlaws and regulations.Chapter IV Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 27 This Guidelines may apply to other banking institutions including policy banks, financial asset management companies, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, rural cooperative banks, trust and investment companies, finance firms, financial leasing companies, automobile financial companies, money brokers, and postsavings institutions.Article 28 Banking institutions without the board of directors should have their operating decision-making bodies perform theresponsibilities of the board with regard to operational riskmanagement specified herein.Article 29 Branches set up by foreign banks within the territory of People’s Republic of China should follow the operational risk management policies and processes developed by their head offices, report to the CBRC or its local offices about material operational risk events, and accept the supervision of the CBRC. Where their head offices do not lay out operational risk management policies andprocesses, such branches should comply with the Guidelines.Article 30 Relevant terms mentioned herein are defined in theAppendix.Article 31 The Guidelines shall become effective as of the date ofpromulgation.Appendix: Definitions of Relevant Terms1.Operational risk eventsOperational risk events refer to the operational events resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and IT system, or from external factors, which bring about financial losses or affect the bank’s reputation, clients and staff. Specific events include: internal fraud, external fraud, employment practices and workplace safety, clients, products & business practices, damages to physical assets, business disruption and system failures, execution, delivery & process management (see Annex 7 – Detailed Loss Event Type Classification of The International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards: A Revised Framework or the New Basel Capital Accord).2.self-assessment on risk, key risk indicatorsTools used by commercial banks to identify and assess operationalrisks.1) self-assessment on riskSelf-assessment on risk is a tool for operational risk management by commercial banks to identify and assess the control measures and appropriateness and effectiveness thereof with regard to potential operational risk and their own business practices.2) Key Risk IndicatorKey risk indicators refer to the statistical indicators that represent the changes in a certain area of risk and can be monitored on a regular basis. These indicators can be used to monitor various risks and control measures that may result in loss events and to function as early-warning indicators for risk changes (so that senior management can take timely actions accordingly). Examples of specific indicators: loss ratio per RMB100 million asset, number of banking crimes per 10,000 people, ratio of the cases with each involving a cash value of RMB1 million, number of transactions unconfirmed beyond a certaintime limit, percentage of failed transactions, staff turnover, number of client complaints, frequency and severity of errors and omissions, etc.3.Legal RiskLegal risk includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1) the contract signed by a commercial bank violating laws or administrative regulations and therefore being probably cancelled or confirmed invalid according to law; 2) the bank being sued or in arbitration because of its breach of contract, infringement or other reasons and held liable for compensation according to law; 3) the bank’s business practices violating laws or administrative regulations and therefore being held liable administratively or criminally.。

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Commercial Banks ' Information TechnologyChapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1. Pursuant to the Law of the People 's Republic of China on Banking Regulation and Supervision, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administration of Foreign-funded Banks, and other applicable laws and regulations, the Guidelines on the Risk Management of Commercial Banks' Information Technology (hereinafter referred to as the Guidelines) is formulated.Article 2. The Guidelines apply to all the commercial banks legally incorporated within the territory of the People's Republic of China.The Guidelines may apply to other banking institutions including policy banks, rural cooperative banks, urban credit cooperatives, rural credit cooperatives, village banks, loan companies, financial asset management companies, trust and investment companies, finance firms, financial leasing companies, automobile financial companies and money brokers. Article 3. The term “information technology ” stated in theGuidelines shall refer to the system built with computer,communication and software technologies, and employed by commercial banks to handle business transactions, operation management,and internal communication, collaborative work and controls. The term also include IT governance, IT organization structure and IT policies and procedures.Article 4. The risk of information technology refers to the operational risk, legal risk and reputation risk that are caused by natural factor, human factor, technological loopholes or management deficiencies when using information technology.Article 5. The objective of information system risk management is to establish an effective mechanism that can identify, measure, monitor, and control the risks of commercial banks' information system, ensure data integrity, availability, confidentiality and consistency, provide the relevant early warning, and thereby enable commercial banks' business innovations, uplift their capability in utilizing information technology, improve their core competitiveness and capacityfor sustainable development.Chapter II IT governanceArticle 6. The legal representative of commercial bank should be responsible to ensure compliance of this guideline.The board of directors of commercial banksArticle 7.should have the following responsibilities with respect to the management of information systems:(1)Implementing and complying with the national laws, regulations and technical standards pertaining to the management of information systems, as well as the regulatory requirements set by the China Banking Regulatory Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “CBRC”);(2)Periodically reviewing the alignment of IT strategy with the overall business strategies and significant policies of the bank, assessing the overall effectiveness and efficiencyof the IT organization.(3)Approving IT risk management strategies and policies, understanding the major IT risks involved, setting acceptable levels for these risks, and ensuring the implementation of the measures necessary to identify, measure, monitor and control these risks.(4)Setting high ethical and integrity standards, and establishing a culture within the bank that emphasizes and demonstrates to all levels of personnel the importance of IT risk management.(5)Establishing an IT steering committee which consists ofrepresentatives from senior management, the IT organization, and major business units, to oversee these responsibilities and report the effectiveness of strategic IT planning, the IT budget and actual expenditure, and the overall IT performance to the board of directors and senior management periodically.(6)Establishing IT governance structure, proper segregation of duty, clear role and responsibility, maintaining check and balances and clear reporting relationship. Strengthening IT professional staff by developing incentive program.(7)Ensuring that there is an effective internal audit of the IT risk management carried out by operationally independent, well-trained and qualified staff. The internal audit report should be submitted directly to the IT audit committee;(8)Submitting an annual report to the CBRC and its local offices on information system risk management that has been reviewed and approved by the board of directors ;(9)Ensuring the appropriating funding necessary for IT risk management works;(10)Ensuring that all employees of the bank fully understand and adhere to the IT risk management policies and procedures approved by the board of directors and the senior management,and are provided with pertinent training.(11)Ensuring customer information, financial information, product information and core banking system of the legalentity are held independently within the territory, and complying with the regulatory on-site examination requirements of CBRC and guarding against cross-border risk.(12)Reporting in a timely manner to the CBRC and its local offices any serious incident of information systems or unexpected event, and quickly respond to it in accordance with the contingency plan;(13)Cooperating with the CBRC and its local offices in the supervisory inspection of the risk management of information systems, and ensure that supervisory opinions are followed up; and(14)Performing other related IT risk management tasks. Article 8. The head of the IT organization, commonlyknown as the Chief Information Officer (CIO) should report directly to the president. Roles and responsibilities of the CIO should include the following:(1)Playing a direct role in key decisions for the business development involving the use of IT in the bank;(2)The CIO should ensure that information systems meet theneeds of the bank, and IT strategies, in particularinformation system development strategies, comply with the overall business strategies and IT risk management policies of the bank;(3)The CIO should also be responsible for the establishment of an effective and efficient IT organization to carry out the IT functions of the bank. These include the IT budget and expenditure, IT risk management, IT policies, standards and procedures, IT internal controls, professional development, IT project initiatives, IT project management,information system maintenance and upgrade, IT operations, IT infrastructure, Information security, disaster recovery plan (DRP), IT outsourcing, and information system retirement;(4)Ensuring the effectiveness of IT risk management throughout the organization including all branches.(5)Organizing professional trainings to improve technical proficiency of staff.(6)Performing other related IT risk management tasks. Article 9. Commercial banks should ensure that a clear definition of the IT organization structure and documentation of all job descriptions of important positions are always in place and updated in a timely manner. Staff in each positionshould meet relevant requirements on professional skills and knowledge. The following risk mitigation measures should be incorporated in the management program of related staff:(1)V erification of personal information including confirmationof personal identification issued by government, academic credentials, prior work experience, professionalqualifications;(2)E nsuring that IT staff can meet the required professionalethics by checking character reference;(3)S igning of agreements with employees about understanding ofIT policies and guidelines, non-disclosure of confidential information, authorized use of information systems, andadherence to IT policies and procedures; and(4)E valuation of the risk of losing key IT personnel,especially during major IT development stage or in a period of unstable IT operations, and the relevant risk mitigation measures such as staff backup arrangement and staffsuccession plan.Article 10. Commercial banks should establish or designate a particular department for IT risk management. It should report directly to the CIO and the Chief Risk Officer (or risk management committee), serve as a member of the IT incidentresponse team, and be responsible for coordinating the establishment of policies regarding IT risk management, especially the areas of information security, BCP, and compliance with the CBRC regulations, advising the business departments and IT department in implementing these policies, providing relevant compliance information, conducting on-going assessment of IT risks, and ensuring the follow-up of remediation advice, monitoring and escalating managementof IT threats and non-compliance events.Article 11. Commercial banks should establish a special IT audit role and responsibility within internal audit function, which should put in place IT audit policies and procedures, develop and execute IT audit plan.Article 12. Commercial banks should put in place policies and procedures to protect intellectual property rights according to laws regarding intellectual properties, ensure purchase of legitimate software and hardware, prevention of the use of pirated software, and the protection of the proprietary rights of IT products developed by the bank, and ensure that these are fully understood and complied by all employees.Article 13. Commercial banks should, in accordance withrelevant laws and regulations, disclose the risk profile of their IT normatively and timely.Chapter III IT Risk ManagementArticle 14. Commercial banks should formulate an IT strategy that aligns with the overall business plan of the bank, IT risk assessment plan and an IT operational plan that can ensure adequate financial resources and human resources to maintain a stable and secure IT environment.Article 15. Commercial banks should put in place a comprehensive set of IT risk management policies that include the following areas:(1)Information security classification policy(2)System development, testing and maintenance policy(3)IT operation and maintenance policy(4)Access control policy(5)Physical security policy(6)Personnel security policy(7)Business Continuity Planning and Crisis andEmergency Management procedureArticle 16. Commercial banks should maintain an ongoing risk identification and assessment process that allows the bank to pinpoint the areas of concern in its information systems,assess the potential impact of the risks on its business, rank the risks, and prioritize mitigation actions and the necessary resources (including outsourcing vendors, product vendors and service vendors).Article 17. Commercial banks should implement a comprehensive set of risk mitigation measures complying with the IT risk managementpolicies and commensurate with the risk assessmentof the bank. These mitigation measures should include:(1)A set of clearly documented IT risk policies,technical standards, and operational procedures,which should be communicated to the staff frequentlyand kept up to date in a timely manner;(2)Areas of potential conflicts of interest should beidentified, minimized, and subject to careful,independent monitoring. Also it requires that anappropriate control structure is set up tofacilitate checks and balances, with controlactivities defined at every business level, whichshould include:- Top level reviews;- Controls over physical and logical access to data and system;- Access granted on “ need to know ” and “ minimum- A system of approvals and authorizations; and- A system of verification and reconciliation.Article 18. Commercial banks should put in place a set of ongoing risk measurement and monitoring mechanisms, which should include(1) Pre and post-implementation review of IT projects;(2) Benchmarks for periodic review of systemperformance;(3) Reports of incidents and complaints about ITservices;(4) Reports of internal audit, external audit, andissues identified by CBRC; and(5) Arrangement with vendors and business units forperiodic review of service level agreements (SLAs).(6) The possible impact of new development of technologyand new threats to software deployed.(7) Timely review of operational risk and managementcontrols in operation area.(8) Assess the risk profile on IT outsourcing projectsperiodically.Chinese commercial banks operating offshore andthe foreign commercial banks in China shouldauthorization basis;Article 19.comply with the relevant regulatory requirements on information systems in and outside the People 's Republic of China.Chapter IV Information SecurityArticle 20. Information technology department of commercial banks should oversee the establishment of an information classification and protection scheme. All employees of the bank should be made aware of the importance of ensuring information confidentiality and provided with thenecessary training to fully understand the information protection procedures within theirresponsibilities.Article 21. Commercial banks should put in place an information security management function to develop and maintain an ongoing information security management program, promote information security awareness, advise other IT functions on security issues, serve as the leader of IT incident response team, and report the evaluation of the information security of the bank to the IT steering committee periodically. The Information security management program should include Information security standards, strategy, an implementation plan, and an ongoing maintenance plan. Information security policy should include the following areas:(1)IT security policy management(2)Organization information security(3)Asset management(4)Personnel security(5)Physical and environment security(6)Communication and operation security(7)Access control and authentication(8)Acquirement, development and maintenance ofinformation system(9)Information security event management(10)Business continuity management(11)ComplianceArticle 22. Commercial banks should have an effective process to manage user authentication and access control. Access to data and system should be strictly limited to authorized individuals whose identity is clearly established, and their activities in the information systems should be limited to the minimum required for their legitimate business use. Appropriate user authentication mechanism commensurate with the classification of information to be accessed should be selected. Timely review and removal of user identity from the system should be implemented when user transfers to a new jobor leave the commercial bank.Article 23. Commercial banks should ensure all physical security zones, such as computer centers or data centers, network closets, areas containing confidential information or critical IT equipment, and respective accountabilities are clearly defined, and appropriate preventive, detective, and recuperative controls are put in place.Article 24. Commercial banks should divide their networks into logical security domains (hereinafter referred to as the “domain” ) with different levels of security. The following security factors have to be assessed in order to define and implement effective security controls, such as physical or logical segregation of network, network filtering, logical access control, traffic encryption, network monitoring,activity log, etc., for each domain and the whole network.(1)criticality of the applications and user groupswithin the domain;(2)Access points to the domain through variouscommunication channels;(3)Network protocols and ports used by the applicationsand network equipment deployed within the domain;(4)Performance requirement or benchmark;(5)Nature of the domain, . production or testing,internal or external;(6)Connectivity between various domains; and(7)Trustworthiness of the domain.Article 25. Commercial banks should secure the operating system and system software of all computer systems by(1)Developing baseline security requirement for eachoperating system and ensuring all systems meet thebaseline security requirement;(2)Clearly defining a set of access privileges fordifferent groups of users, namely, end-users, systemdevelopment staff, computer operators, and systemadministrators and user administrators;(3)Setting up a system of approval, verification, andmonitoring procedures for using the highestprivileged system accounts;(4)Requiring technical staff to review availablesecurity patches, and report the patch statusperiodically; and(5)Requiring technical staff to include important itemssuch as unsuccessful logins, access to criticalsystem files, changes madeto user accounts, etc. insystem logs, monitors the systems for any abnormalevent manually or automatically, and report themonitoring periodically.Article 26. Commercial banks should ensure the security of all the application systems by(1) Clearly defining the roles and responsibilities ofend-users and IT staff regarding the applicationsecurity;(2) Implementing a robust authentication methodcommensurate with the criticality the applicationand sensibilityof(3 ) Enforcing segregation ofdutiesand dualcontrol over critical or sensitivefunctions;(4 ) Requiring verification ofinputorreconciliationofoutput at critical junctures;(5)Requiring the input and output of confidentialinformation are handled in a secure manner toprevent theft, tampering, intentional leakage, or inadvertent leakage;(6)Ensuring system can handle exceptions in apredefined way and provide meaningful messagetousers when the system is forced to terminate; and(7)Maintaining audit trail in either paper orelectronic format.(8)Requiring user administrator to monitor and reviewunsuccessful logins and changes to users accounts. Article 27. Commercial banks should have a set of policies and procedures controlling the logging of activities in all production systems to support effective auditing, security forensic analysis, and fraud prevention. Logging can be implemented in different layers of software and on different computer and networking equipment, which falls into two broad categories:(1)Transaction journals. They are generated byapplication software and database managementsystem,and contain authentication attempts, modification todata, error messages, etc. Transaction journalsshould be kept according to the national accountingpolicy.(2)System logs. They are generated by operatingsystems, database management system, firewalls,intrusion detection systems, and routers, etc., andcontain authentication attempts, system events,network events, error messages, etc. System logsshould be kept for a period scaled to the riskclassification, but no less than one year.Banks should ensure that sufficient items be included in the logs to facilitate effective internal controls, system troubleshooting, and auditing while taking appropriate measures to ensure time synchronization on all logs.Sufficient disk space should be allocated to prevent logs from being overwritten. System logs should be reviewed for any exception. The review frequency and retention period for transaction logs or database logs should be determined jointly by IT organization and pertinent business lines, and approved by the IT steering committee.Article 28. Commercial banks should have the capacity to employ encryption technologies to mitigate the risk of losing confidential information in the information systems or during its transmission. Appropriate management processes of the encryption facilities should be put in place to ensure that(1) Encryption facilities in use should meet nationalsecurity standards or requirements;(2) Staff in charge of encryption facilities are welltrained and screened;(3)Encryption strength is adequate to protect theconfidentiality of the information; and(4)Effective and efficient key management procedures,especially key lifecycle managementand certificatelifecycle management, are in place.Article 29. Commercial banks should put in place an effective and efficient system of securing all end-user computing equipment which include desktop personal computers (PCs), portable PCs, teller terminals, automatic teller machines (ATMs), passbook printers, debit or credit card readers, point of sale (POS) terminals, personal digital assistant (PDAs), etc and conduct periodic security checks on all equipments.Article 30. Commercial banks should put in place a set of policies and procedures to govern the collection, processing, storage, transmission, dissemination, and disposal of customer information.Article 31. All employees, including contract staff, should be provided with the necessary trainings to fully understand these policies procedures and the consequences of their violation. Commercial banks should adopt a zero tolerancepolicy against security violation.Chapter V Application System Development, Testing and MaintenanceArticle 32. Commercial banks should have the capability to identify, plan, acquire, develop, test, deploy, maintain, upgrade, and retire information systems. Policies and procedures should be in place to govern the initiation, prioritization, approval, and control of IT projects. Progress reports of major IT projects should be submitted to and reviewed by the IT steering committee periodically. Decisions involving significant change of schedule, change of key personnel, change of vendors, and major expenditures should be included in the progress report.Article 33. Commercial banks should recognize the risks associated with IT projects, which include the possibilities of incurring various kinds of operational risk, financial losses, and opportunity costs stemming from ineffectiveproject planning or inadequate project managementcontrols of the bank. Therefore, appropriate project management methodologies should be adopted and implemented to control the risks associated with IT projects.Article 34. Commercial banks should adopt and implement a system development methodology to control the life cycle of Information systems. The typical phases of system life cycle include system analysis, design, development or acquisition,testing, trial run, deployment, maintenance, and retirement. The system development methodology to be used should be commensurate with the size, nature, and complexity of the IT project, and, generally speaking, should facilitate the management of the following risks.Article 35. Commercial banks should ensure system reliability, integrity, and maintainability by controlling system changes with a set of policies and procedures, which should include the following elements.(1) Ensure that production systems are separated fromdevelopment or testing systems;(2) Separating the duties of managing production systemsand managing development or testing systems;(3)Prohibiting application development and maintenancestaff from accessing production system under normalcircumstances unless managementapproval is grantedto perform emergency repair, and all emergencyrepair activities should be recorded and reviewedpromptly;(4)Promoting changes of program or system configurationfrom development and testing systems to productionsystems should be jointly approved by ITorganizationand business departments, properly documented, andreviewed periodically.Commercial banks should have in place a set of policies, standards, and procedures to ensure data integrity, confidentiality, and availability. These policies should be in accordance with data integrity amid IT development procedure. Commercial banks should ensure thatInformation system problems could be tracked, analyzed, and resolved systematically through an effective problemProblems should be documented, categorized, and indexed. Support servicesor technical assistance from vendors, if necessary, should also be documented. Contacts and relevant contract information should be made readily available to the employees concerned. Accountability and line of commandshould be delineated clearly and communicated to all employees concerned, which is of utmost importance to performing emergency repair.Article 38. Commercial banks should have a set of policies and procedures controlling the process of system upgrade. System upgrade is needed when the hardware reaches its lifespan or runs out of capacity, the underpinning software, namely, operating system, database managementsystem, middleware, has Article 36. Article 37. management process.to be upgraded, or the application software has to be upgraded. The system upgrade should be treated as a project and managed by all pertinent project management controls including user acceptance testing.Chapter VI IT OperationsArticle 39. Commercial banks should consider fully the environmental threats . proximity to natural disaster zones, dangerous or hazardous facilities or busy/major roads) when selecting the locations of their data centers. Physical and environmental controls should be implemented to monitor environmental conditions could affect adversely the operation of information processing facilities. Equipment facilities should be protected from power failures and electrical supply interference.Article 40. In controlling access by third-party personnel service providers) to secured areas, proper approval of access should be enforced and their activities should be closely monitored. It is important that proper screening procedures including verification and background checks, especially for sensitive technology-related jobs, are developed for permanent and temporary technical staff and contractors.Commercial banks should separate IT operations or Article 41.computer center operations from system development andmaintenance to ensure segregation of duties within theIT organization. The commercial banks should documentthe roles and responsibilities of data center functions. Article 42. Commercial banks are required to retain transactional records in compliance with the national accounting policy. Procedures and technology are needed to be put in place to ensure the integrity, safekeeping andretrieval requirements of the archived data.Article 43. Commercial banks should detail operational instructions such as computer operator tasks, job scheduling and execution in the IT operations manual. The IT operations manual should also cover the procedures and requirements for on-site and off-site backup of data and software in both the production and development environments . frequency, scope and retention periods of back-up).Article 44. Commercial banks should have in place a problem management and processing system to respond promptly to IT operations incidents, to escalate reported incidents to relevant IT management staff and to record, analyze and keep tracks of all these incidents until rectification of the incidents with root cause analysis completed. A helpdesk function should be set up to provide front-line support tousers on all technology-related problems and to direct the problems to relevant IT functions for investigation and resolution.Article 45. Commercial banks should establish service level agreement and assess the IT service level standard attained. Article 46. Commercial banks should implement a process to ensure that the performance of application systems is continuously monitored and exceptions are reported in a timely and comprehensive manner. The performance monitoring process should include forecasting capability to enable exceptions to be identified and corrected before they affect system performance.Article 47. Commercial banks should carry out capacity plan to cater for business growth and transaction increases due to changes of economic conditions. Capacity plan should be extended to cover back-up systems and related facilities in addition to the production environment.Article 48. Commercial banks should ensure the continued availability of technology related services with timely maintenance and appropriate system upgrades. Proper record keeping (including suspected and actual faults and preventive and corrective maintenance records) is necessary for effective。
