


Sorry, Rebecca, but this is it for me.
You'll find another piano player.
Bye. Take care of yourself.
Why don't you wait out in the lobby.
Here's your share. Twenty...thirty...forty...and five.
Forty-five. Good thing I have a day job.
But, Steve, we're getting lots of calls...We're playing at a wedding next week...
I want to spend my weekends with my wife, not at weddings for people I don't know.
Listen, I need to change.
There's a ladies' room over there.
I'll be right back.
Hi, Jessica.

Chapter 1 Good Is the Enemy of Great

Chapter 1 Good Is the Enemy of Great
15 year cumulative stock returns at or below the genre stack market, punctuated y a transition point, then cumulative returns at least three times the market over the next 15 yrs. Such companies as: Boeing, Coca-Cola, GE, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Motorola, Pepsi, Procter & Gamble, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney
Phase 3: Inside the Black Box
10.5 people years thousands of articles and interview transcripts millions of bytes of computer data
Essentially, the team sought to build a theory from the ground up, which could identify ways of building and sustaining greatness. “The dogs that did not bark” were ways in which stereotypical ideas of successful companies were not portrayed in the 11 good to great companies.
Year - Year
1974-1989 1982-1997 1984-1999 1980-1995 1972-1987 1973-1988 1975-1990 1964-1979 1973-1988 1975-1990 1983-1998


Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 1 General Introduction On the UK and the USA
Identify the following pictures, and say what you know about them. Tell about the location of the UK and the USA and their capital cities, and give as much information as you can.
General Information on the UK and the USA
Objectives Starter Teaching Points Lesson Review Case Study Supplementary Reading
Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 1 General Introduction On the UK and the USA
Panorama of the circular Reading Room
The centre of the museum
Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 1 General Introduction On th Statue of Liberty
Unit One General Introduction---Lesson 1 General Introduction On the UK and the USA
USA’s Capitol Building The United States Capitol is the capitol building that serves as the seat of government for the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government. It is located in Washington, D.C., on top of Capitol Hill at the east end of the National Mall.

chapter 1 Colonization of North America

chapter 1 Colonization of North America
Survey of British & AmHistory Part Two Introduction of Geography , population and the formation of the Union Part Three The Constitution and the Government & The Amendments Part Four Education Part Five Immigration and Ethnicity Part Six Family and Personal Relationships & Work Part Seven Domestic Economy & Social welfare Part Eight Political Parties and Interest Groups Part Nine The Print Media & The Electronic Media Part Ten Leisure and Recreation &Tourism and Holidays Part Eleven American and the World & Belief and Religion
(2) Amerigo Vespucci:
① the importance: He was for a time regarded as the discoverer of the new land because he wrote many letters in which the new continents were described in great detail and the letters were most quickly published and widely spread. Although he was not the discoverer of the new continents, but it was he who first confirmed the fact that a new continent rather than Asia had been discovered. ②the origin of the “America”: A false impression was created that it was Vespucci rather than Columbus who first discovered the New World, and so in 1507 the New World was named after him, the Latin form of his Christian name, Amerigo.

A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌 CHAPTER 1

A Christmas Carol 圣诞颂歌 CHAPTER 1
Scrooge was a mean man who made his employees work harder than most employers. He was as hard as a stone. He loved money and only money. He could not get enough of it. And he never gave any of it away. He was the least generous of men. He was so mean that he would not spend any money to heat the office. It was ice cold in winter. There was even ice on his hair. And as a man, he was as cold inside as he was outside. Wherever he went, he took this coldness with him. There was no wind colder than Scrooge.

USACO 2019.1月铜组Bronze竞赛真题(中文)

USACO 2019.1月铜组Bronze竞赛真题(中文)

USACO2019J ANUARY C ONTEST,B RONZEP ROBLEM1.S HELL G AME为了消磨时光,奶牛Bessie和她的朋友Elsie喜欢玩一种她们在农业展览会上看到的游戏。







输入格式(文件名输入的第一行包含一个整数$N$,为交换的次数($1\leq N\leq100$)。


所有这三个数均为1、2、3之一,并且$a\neq b$。


输入样例:3121321131输出样例:2在这个例子中,Elsie 最多可以获得2分。




供题:Brian DeanUSACO2019J ANUARY C ONTEST,B RONZEP ROBLEM2.S LEEPY C OW S ORTINGFarmer John正在尝试将他的$N$头奶牛($1\leq N\leq100$),方便起见编号为$1\dots N$,在她们前往牧草地吃早餐之前排好顺序。

英美概况USA chapter 1 Brief Introduction to the United

英美概况USA chapter 1 Brief Introduction to the United
An Outline of the UK and the USA
Brief Introduction National Flag
•Stripes: 13 horizontal stripes of red alternating with white representing the original thirteen colonies •Stars: a blue rectangle bearing 50 small, white, five-pointed stars arranged in nine offset horizontal rows of six stars alternating with rows of five stars, representing the 50 U.S. states •Nicknames: the stars and stripes, Old Glory, the American flag, and the star-spangled banner
— These precision machines look like toys.
An Outline of the UK and the USA
Brief Introduction An Outline of the UKIntroduction
Area: 9372614 square km Coastline: 22680 km From east to west : about 4500 km From north to south: about 2700 km Lowest sea-level: -86m (Death Valley) Highest sea-level: 6193m Mt. Mckinley

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

美英报刊阅读教程Lesson 1 课文

【Lesson 1 Good News about Racial ProgressThe remaining divisions in American society shouldnot blind us to a half-century of dramatic changeBy Abigail and Stephan ThernstromIn the Perrywood community of Upper Marlboro, Md.1, near Washington, D.C., homes cost between $160,000 and $400,000. The lawns are green and the amenities appealing—including a basketball court.Low-income teen-agers from Washington started coming there. The teens were black, and they were not welcomed. The homeowners’ association hired off-duty police as security, and they would ask the ballplayers whether they “belonged” in the area. The association’ s newsletter noted the “eyesore” at the basketball court.But the story has a surprising twist: many of the homeowners were black t oo. “We started having problems with the young men, and unfortunately they are our people,” one resident told a re porter from the Washington Post. “But what can you do?”The homeowners didn’t care about the race of the basketball players. They were outsiders—in truders. As another resident remarked, “People who don’t live here might not care about things the way we do. Seeing all the new houses going up, someone might be tempted.”It’s a t elling story. Lots of Americans think that almost all blacks live in inner cities. Not true. Today many blacks own homes in suburban neighborhoods—not just around Washington, but outside Atlanta, Denver and other cities as well.That’s not the only common misconception Americans have ab out race. For some of the misinformation, the media are to blame. A reporter in The Wall Street Journal, for instance, writes that the economic gap between whites and blacks has widened. He offers no evidence. The picture drawn of racial relations is even bleaker. In one poll, for instance, 85 percent of blacks, but only 34 percent of whites, agreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. That racially divided response made headline news. Blacks and whites, media accounts would have us believe, are still separate and hostile. Division is a constant theme, racism another.To be sure, racism has not disappeared, and race relations could —and probably will —improve. But the serious inequality that remains is less a function of racism than of the racial gap in levels of educational attainment, single parenthood and crime. The bad news has been exaggerated, and the good news neglected. Consider these three trends:A black middle class has arrived. Andrew Young recalls the day he was mistaken for a valet at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York City. It was an infuriating case of mistaken identity for a man who was then U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.But it wasn’t so long ago that most blacks were servants—or their equivalent. On the eve ofWorld War II, a trivial five percent of black men were engaged in white-collar work of any kind, and six out of ten African-American women were employed as domestics.In 1940 there were only 1,000 practicing African-American lawyers; by 1995 there were over 32,000, about four percent of all attorneys.Today almost three-quarters of African-American families have incomes above the government poverty line. Many are in the middle class, according to one useful index—earning double the government poverty level; in 1995 this was $30,910 for a two-parent family with two children and $40,728 for a two-parent family with four children. Only one black family in 100 enjoyed a middle-class income in 1940; by 1995 it was 49 in 100. And more than 40 percent of black households also own their homes. That’ s a huge change.The typical white family still earns a lot more than the black family because it is more likely to collect two paychecks. But if we look only at married couples—much of the middle class—the white-black income gap shrinks to 13 percent. Much of that gap can be explained by the smaller percentage of blacks with college degrees, which boost wages, and the greater concentration of blacks in the South, where wages tend to be lower.Blacks are moving to the suburbs. Following the urban riots of the mid-1960s, the presiden­tial Kerner Commission14 concluded that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segrega­tion”—black central cities and whites outside the core. That segregation might well blow the country apart, it said.It’ s true that whites have continued to leave inner cities for the suburbs, but so, too, have blacks. The number of black suburban dwellers in the last generation has almost tripled to 10.6 million. In 1970 metropolitan Atlanta, for example, 27 percent of blacks lived in the suburbs with 85 percent of whites. By 1990, 64 percent of blacks and 94 percent of whites resided there.This is not phony integration, with blacks moving from one all-black neighborhood into another. Most of the movement has brought African-Americans into neighborhoods much less black15 than those they left behind, thus increasing integration. By 1994 six in ten whites reported that they lived in neighborhoods with blacks.Residential patterns do remain closely connected to race. However, neighborhoods have become more racially mixed, and residential segregation has been decreasing.Bigotry has declined. Before World Was ft, Gunnar Myrdal16 roamed the South researching An American Dilemma, the now-classic book that documented17 the chasm betwe en the nation’s ideals and its racial practices, hi one small Southern city, he kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” an African-American who was principal of a black high school. No one seemed to know who he was. After he finally found Smith, Myrdal was told that he should have just asked for “Jim.” That’ s how great was white aversion to dignifying African-Americans with “Mr.” Or “Mrs.”Bigotry was not just a Southern problem. A national survey in the 1940s asked whether “Ne-groes shoul d have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job.” A majority of whites said that “white people should have the first chance at any kind of job.”19. Such a question would not even be asked today. Except for a lunatic fringe18, no whites would sign on to such a notion.1920. In 1964 less than one in five whites reported having a black friend. By 1989 more than two out of three did. And more than eight often African -Americans had a white friend.21. What about the last taboo?20 In 1963 ten percent of whites approved of black-white dating; by 1994 it was 65 percent. Interracial marriages? Four percent of whites said it was okay in 1958; by 1994 the figure had climbed more than elevenfold, to 45 percent. These surveys measure opinion, but behavior has also changed. In 1963 less than one percent of marriages by African- Americans were racially mixed. By 1993, 12 percent were.22. Today black Americans can climb the ladder to the top.21 Ann M. Fudge is already there; she’s in charge of manufacturing, promotion and sales at the $2.7-billion Maxwell House Coffee and Post Cereals divisions of Kraft Foods.22 So are Kenneth Chenault, president and chief operating officer at American Express23 and Richard D. Parsons, president of Time Warner, Inc.24 After the 1988 Demo-cratic Convention25, the Rev. Jesse Jackson26 talked about his chances of making it to the White House. “I may not get there,” he said “But it is possible for our children to get there now.”23. Even that seems too pessimistic. Consider how things have improved since Colin and Alma Powell27 packed their belongings into a V olkswagen28 and left Fort Devens, Mass., for Fort Bragg, N. C. “I remember passing Woodbridgc, Va.,” General Powell wrote in his autobiogra phy, “and not finding even a gas-station bathroom that we were allowed to use.” That was in 1962. In 1996 reliable polls suggest he could have been elected President.24. Progress over the last half-century has been dramatic. As Corctta Scott King wrote not long ago, the ideals for which her husband Martin Luther King Jr. died, have become “deeply embedded in the very fabric of America29.”From Reader’s Digest, March, 1998V. Analysis of Content1. According to the author, ___________A. racism has disappeared in AmericaB. little progress has been made in race relationsC. media reports have exaggerated the racial gapD. media accounts have made people believe that the gap between blacks and whites has become narrower2. What the Kerner Commi ssion meant by “accelerating segregation” was that __________A. more and more whites and blacks were forced to live and work separatelyB. more and more blacks lived in the central cities, and whites outside the coreC. more and more whites lived in the central cities, and blacks outside the coreD. nowadays more and more blacks begin to live in the suburbs3. The last taboo in the article is about ____________.A. political status of America’s minority peopleB. economic status of America’ s minori ty peopleC. racial integrationD. interracial marriages4. Gunnar Myrdal kept asking whites how he could find “Mr. Jim Smith,” but no one seemed to know who he was, because _____________.A. there was not such a person called Jim SmithB. Jim Smith was not famousC. the whites didn ‘t know Jim SmithD. the white people considered that a black man did not deserve the title of “Mr.”5. In the author’s opinion, _A. few black Americans can climb the ladder to the topB. Jesse Jackson’ s words in th is article seemed too pessimisticC. Colin Powell could never have been elected PresidentD. blacks can never become America’ s PresidentVI. Questions on the Article1. Why were those low-income teen-agers who came to the Perrywood community consid-ered to be “the eyesore”?2. What is the surprising twist of the story?3. According to this article, what has caused much of the white-black income gap?4. Why did the presidential Kerner Commission conclude that the nation’ s future was menaced by “accelerating segregation”?5. Why wouldn’t questions as “Should negroes have as good a chance as white people to get any kind of job?” be asked today?Topics for Discussion1. Can you tell briefly the dramatic progress in the status of America’ s minority p eople over the last half-century?2. Do you think the article is unbiased? What do you think of the author s view on the African-Americans?1. amenity: n. A. The quality of being pleasant or attractive; agreeableness. 怡人:使人愉快或吸引人的性质;使人愉快 B. A feature that increases attractiveness or value, especially of a piece of real estate or a geographic location.生活福利设施;便利设施:能够增加吸引力或价值的事物,特别是不动产或地理位置⊙ We enjoy all the -ties of home life. 我们享受家庭生活的一切乐趣。



USACO2021Dec.铜组USACO2021DecemberContest,Bronze题解T1 Lonely Photo题⽬Farmer John has recently acquired N new cows (3≤N≤5×105), each of whose breed is either Guernsey or Holstein.The cows are currently standing in a line, and Farmer John wants take a photo of every sequence of three or more consecutive cows. However, he doesn't want to take a photo in which there is exactly one cow whose breed is Guernsey or exactly one cow whose breed is Holstein --- he reckons this singular cow would feel isolated and self-conscious. After taking a photo of every sequence of three or more cows, he throws out all of these so-called "lonely" photos, in which there is exactly one Guernsey or exactly one Holstein.Given the lineup of cows, please help Farmer John determine how many lonely photos he will throw out. Two photos are different if they start or end at different cows in the lineup.Farmer John 最近购⼊了 N 头新的奶⽜(3≤N≤5×105),每头奶⽜的品种是更赛⽜(Guernsey)或荷斯坦⽜(Holstein)之⼀。

US History Notes Chapter 1 美国历史笔记(英文版)第一章

US History Notes Chapter 1 美国历史笔记(英文版)第一章

Chapter 1: The European arrived America (Aug 25)-The Columbian Voyages1. Intending to discover an oceanic passage to Asia, in 1492 ChristopherColumbus instead mistakenly discovered the Americas. –five yearsafter Columbus Portugal try to go India by the route around Africa. Slaves,goods for trades which were they for. 80000 miles away for the whole globaltrip.2. 1A1-1A3 pp. 1-6 –a group of Mexico, Tanios people found Native Mexicofirst. They saw many naked wild people on this land and drew some maps sentback. Amerigo Vespucci’s maps are very accurate. Map of Amerigo. Juan Gines de Sepulveda talked with Emperor Charles V in the debate. Description: They are organization, friendly, help in culture.-What differences does Sepulveda emphasize between Europeans(especially Spaniards) and the Indians? On what grounds does heassert the superiority of European culture?-How are his views of the Indians different from those of Sepulveda?What ideas did the two debaters share?3. The papal divide (1494) the treaty of Tordesillas, promulgated byPope Alexander VI, drew a line dividing all claims to land in theAmericas between Portugal and Spain . Until the arrival of the Spanishand Portuguese in the America.- Caribbean Experiments (Aug 27)•Columbus’s secon d voyage to the New World established the first Spanish Colony in the Americas (in present-day Santo Domingo)•Tainos were the first indigenous people to meet the Spaniards•Great Antilles in 1520In the west, Indians explored by Columbus, most of inhabitants, as shown in map is Tainos. Columbus’s knowledge that Marco Polo found 7400islands- Spanish Dominance•Within a single generation after the death of Columbus. Spain had conquered most of the New World•Spain as motivated by religion, nationalist pride, and dreams of personal enrichment•The Spanish Entrodos in North America- The Great Dying•Spanish contacts with the natives of the Caribbean, Central Mexico, and Peru in the early 16th Century triggered a biological epidemic of smallpox in which some 6 million•The Caribbean ExchangeImported animals from Europe (cattle, goats, pigs, etc.) devastated thefragile environment of the New WorldVarious plants (especially weeds) imported accidentally from EuropeCorn, potato, tomato, pepper, pineapple, chocolate ═ coffee, pig, cow,sheep- Silver Sugar and their Consequences•Silver and gold was found abundantly in the New World, especially in South America•Native labor was coerced into mining the metals for the Spanish•Sugar production grew at an alarming rate, due to the changing tastes of Europeans•African slaves were deemed the best labor to produce the sugar-Religious conflict during the era of reconnaissance •Martin Luther’s Protestant Reformation•John Calvin’s Calvinism•Henry VIII and the Anglican Church•England challenges SpainEngland was the slowest European power to begin expansion to the New WorldThey were initially motivated by the need to expand fishing areas and find new sources of woodThey rift between England and Spain centered on religion (Catholic v.Protestant)England defeated the Spanish Armanda in 1588- The Westward Fever•The opportunities of the New World began to permeate all levels of English society in the 1580s•England’s first effort at colonization occurred in Ireland•England’s first at tempts at American colonization were weak and unprofitable•Roanoke 1585-1590- Anticipating North America•Early English settlers had vague ideas about the nature of the American natives, some true some false•Some saw Indians as savage predator- The Middle Passage (Aug 30)•Also known as the Atlantic Passage, transferred slaves to the New World in four to eight weeks on board sailing vessels•Conditions were incredibly bad and many Africans died during the forced journey.。



1. People face tradeoffs.
To get one thing, we usually have to give up another thing.
Guns v. butter Food v. clothing Leisure time v. work Efficiency v. equity
8. The standard of living depends on a country’s production.
9. Prices rise when the government prints too much money.
10. Society faces a short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment.
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
2. The cost of something is what you give up to get it.
Decisions require comparing costs and benefits of alternatives.
up to get it. 3. Rational people think at the margin. 4. People respond to incentives.
Harcourt, Inc. items and derived items copyright © 2001 by Harcourt, Inc.
A household and an economy face many decisions:

USACO 2019 US Open铜组Bronze竞赛真题(中文)

USACO 2019 US Open铜组Bronze竞赛真题(中文)

USACO2019US O PEN C ONTEST,B RONZEP ROBLEM1.B UCKET B RIGADE农场上起火了,奶牛们正在紧急赶去灭火!农场可以用一个像这样的$10\times10$的字符方阵来描述:................................B......................R.............................L..............字符'B'表示正着火的牛棚。











输入样例:................................B......................R.............................L..............输出样例:7在这个例子中,以下是一个可行的方案,使用了最小数量的奶牛(7):................................B.........C........R....C.........C.........L..............供题:Brian DeanUSACO2019US O PEN C ONTEST,B RONZEP ROBLEM2.M ILK F ACTORY牛奶生意正红红火火!Farmer John的牛奶加工厂内有$N$个加工站,编号为$1\ldotsN$($1\leq N\leq100$),以及$N-1$条通道,每条连接某两个加工站。



英语阅读白牙1~8章每章概括Chapter 1:In the first chapter of "White Fang," the story is set in the wild and harsh environment of the Yukon, Canada. The readers are introduced to a she-wolf and her pack of wolves and their struggle for survival in the wilderness. The chapter portrays the cruel and unforgiving nature of the wild and foreshadows the challenges that lie ahead for the protagonist, White Fang.Chapter 2:Chapter 2 of "White Fang" continues to depict the harshness of the wilderness as the she-wolf and her pack search for food. Meanwhile, a group of Native Americans, the Indians, are introduced, as they venture into the wilderness to hunt and gather supplies. The chapter also introduces One Eye, a fierce and dominating male wolf who later becomes a significant character in the story.Chapter 3:In Chapter 3, the narrative shifts to focus on the humans in the story. We meet the character of Bill and his companions, who are on a journey through the wilderness with sled dogs, seeking for gold. During their journey, they come across the Indian camp and witness the brutality of the Indians towards their dogs. The chapter also introduces the sled dog team, which includes the character, Gray Beaver.Chapter 4:Chapter 4 delves into the character of Gray Beaver, a Native American chief, who becomes a central figure in White Fang's life.Gray Beaver purchases White Fang from the Indians and brings him back to his camp. The chapter explores the initial relationship between White Fang and Gray Beaver, as the wolf pup gradually learns to adapt to life among humans.Chapter 5:In Chapter 5, new challenges arise for White Fang as he learns to navigate the complexities of living in Gray Beaver's camp. White Fang faces abuse and mistreatment from other dogs and humans, including the cruel and sadistic figure of Beauty Smith. Despite the hardships, White Fang's instincts and intelligence allow him to survive and understand the human world.Chapter 6:Chapter 6 revolves around White Fang's encounters with different characters in the camp, including three men, Weedon Scott and his comrades. Weedon Scott stands out as a kind-hearted man who treats White Fang with genuine affection and respect, forming a bond with the wolf. The chapter emphasizes the positive influence Weedon Scott has on shaping White Fang's behavior and character. Chapter 7:Chapter 7 explores White Fang's transformation from a wild and aggressive creature into a more civilized and loyal companion. Under Weedon Scott's guidance, White Fang becomes more obedient and protective. The chapter also introduces a subplot involving a lynx that White Fang confronts and defeats, showcasing his growing strength and capability as a wolf. Chapter 8:Chapter 8 focuses on the theme of loyalty, particularly White Fang's unwavering loyalty towards Weedon Scott. The chapter narrates events that lead to White Fang's separation from Scott and his return to the wild. However, White Fang's loyalty compels him to return to Scott's aid when his life is in danger, showcasing the deep bond they have formed. The chapter ends on a hopeful note as White Fang is reunited with Scott once again.。



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神奇校车第一集中英文剧本 Gets Lost in Space

神奇校车第一集中英文剧本 Gets Lost in Space

Gets Lost in SpacePlease hand me that, would you菲碧谢谢你递给我ok,Ralphie好,拉菲It’s going to be a model of the solar system.Neat, Janet?这将是一个太阳系的模型,漂亮吗,珍娜?I hate to tell you, cousin Arnold(其实)我不想告诉你的,阿诺表哥but when my class built one, the sun was so huge,we had to hang it from the flagpole!但我们班做的那个太阳是那么的大,我们不得不把它挂到旗杆上And you had all nine planets?你们的模型九大行星都有?That's right, Keesha!姬莎你说得很对Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter,水星、金星、地球、火星、木星、Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.土星、天王星、海王星、冥王星MY class already studied the solar system.不是自夸,我们班早就学过太阳系了l betcha your class didn't learn about theALlENS that live on the planets.这么厉害,不过住在太阳系的外星人你一定没见过For your information, Ralphie,拉菲让我告诉你Earth is the ONLY planet that can support life as far as we know.以我所知地球是唯一有生物的星球And how far do you know?你说得好像你知道很多事似的Really far, 'cause I got straight A's on all my tests.我真的知道很多事,我全部测验都得A... and this proves it.我有证据证明的lf you already know so much Janet, why did you come to visit our class? 如果你真的懂得那么多事,那为什么要到我们班来呢?Because Arnold told me all about your field trips, Dorothy Ann.原因很简单,因为阿诺告诉我,你们实地考察的事了What did he say?他说了些什么?That they were, and I quote, ''highly unusual''.听他说,很不寻常And you know what I said? ''Prove it!''你知不知道我当时怎么回答他?拿证明啊She's really nice once you get to know her.你们跟她熟了之后,就知道她没什么了Good morning, class. Have you all met Arnold's cousin, Janet? 各位同学,大家早上好,你们见过阿诺的表姐珍娜吗? Yes, Ms. Frizzle.菲苏老师见过了MY teacher doesn't dress like that.我的老师就不会穿成这样了That's nothing. Sometimes The Friz looks totally outrageous. 小意思了,有时她穿得更“出位”吓你一跳Well, since we're lucky enough to have a guest today,各位既然今天这么热闹我们有客人来l'd say it's a perfect time for a field trip!这样最好就是去做实地考察了All right! To the bus!好,我们一起上校车了Hey, Cuz.. now's your chance to prove it...表弟,你证明的机会到了l wonder where we're going today.不知道今天我们去哪里呢?lnside a rotting log? Been there.To the bottom of the ocean? Done that...腐烂的树木内部去过了,海底探险我们也去过了We're going to the planetarium!Hardly unusual, Arnold.我们去天文馆?阿诺这样就叫很不寻常?The Friz taking us on a NORMAL field trip?老师带我们做“正常”的实地考察?Believe me, THAT'S unusual.那的确是,很不寻常Hmmm, how odd. It’s closed for the day.很奇怪,今天休息Closed?休息?ell, looks like we'll have to go back to school.没法参观,看来我们要回学校了Oh no...不要Some field trip, Arnold. You know what?阿诺真是很扫兴,告诉你MY teacher would have called ahead because MY teacher plans ahead. 如果我的老师去参观,一定会先打电话预约,My teacher never makes mistakes.我的老师从来不会出错的MY teacher is a zillion times better than--我的老师好过她几百万倍NOBODY... is better than Ms. Frizzle.珍娜,没一个老师好得过菲苏老师Oh yeah? Prove it!是吗?证明啊Stop the bus ,Ms. Frizzle老师停车啊Yes, Arnold?阿诺什么事?lsn't there... you know... some place ELSE... you could take us?菲苏老师可不可以,带我们去其他地方参观呢?You mean another planetarium?你是说去另外一间天文馆?Well, sort of, but bigger.类似的了,不过要大一点的Bigger?大一点?You know, the Big One!你明白的,很大那种ARNOLD! Why didn't I think of that?是啊,怎么我会这么糊涂想不起来呢?T-minus five and counting...four...3...2...1 ...Blast off!好了开始倒数,四三二一,我们起飞What's happening?发生什么事?FlELD TRlP!我们去实地考察nto outer space Highly unusual!!!你们是指去外太空?那就真是很不寻常了Welcome to outer space, class.各位同学欢迎来到外太空The only planetarium open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.... 唯一一间全天廿四小时开放,不休息的天文馆And how are all my astronauts doing?各位小太空人你们好吗?We're weightless!我们轻飘飘的We're in trouble!我们有麻烦了No, Arnold, we're in orbit around the earth!我们在地球周围的轨道上Let's see now. We're just about... there!让我看看,我们应该在那里Wonderful! Let the tour begin!....太好了,我们正式开始行程了We're coming up to the sun.我们就快到太阳了Look how HUGE it is!!看看他多大Class, are you all wearing your specialheavy-duty sunblock 8,000 sun-goggles?各位同学,你们都戴好特制的八千度防晒太阳镜没有?l wonder how many Earths would fit in the sun.不知道这个太阳可以装得下多少个地球呢?Over a million!... Hold onto your goggles.超过一百万个,戴牢你们的眼镜So, class, we've travelled from Earth, around the sun, 各位同学,我们从地球绕过太阳and are now on our way to Mercury!跟着就会去到水星了The closest planet to the sun!是最近太阳的行星When I tell my class they're going to be SO jealous! 让我们班同学知道他们一定会很妒忌我的Wow, we're landing?!我们降落了Of course.没错是的Told you, Janet!我都说过了We hardly weigh anything compared to my old planet, Earth! 比起地球,这里完全没有重量轻飘飘的l wonder if that means there's less gravity pulling on us here. 因为这里的地心吸力没那么大呢?Exactly, Keesha! ... Good thinking...姬莎没错是的,你很聪明Come along, class, follow the bouncing lizard!This way, please.各位同学,跟着小蜥继续跳吧,过来这边Bet I can jump higher than you, Dorothy Ann!黛丽安不如我们比比看谁跳得高You're on!没问题l won first place in my class' jumping contest.Here's my blue ribbon to prove it.我在我们班是跳高冠军,我有蓝丝带证明Wait'll I tell my classI won the jumping contest on Mercury too!迟些我会告诉我的同学知道我在水星跳高比赛赢了But you know what they're gonna say?但是你猜他们会说什么呢?What?什么?Prove it!你证明一下How on Earth... I mean... How'm I going toprove I was on Mercury?现在怎么办呢?怎么证明自己去过水星呢?Man, the aliens on Mercury sure make big footprints. 看看,水星的外星人,他们的脚印真是大啊Nothing can live on Mercury, Ralphie.没有生物可以在水星生存的,It’s too hot and dry during the day.这里白天太热太干了and according to my research, it's REALLY freezing at night.根据我对水星的研究,这里的夜晚相反就很冷And day or night, there's no air,还有这里无论白天还是夜晚都没有空气which makes it extremely difficult to breathe!呼吸极之困难Well, SOMETHlNG had to make tracks this big.是什么,这么大的?Something did, Ralphie -- meteorites.这些印是陨石造成的Meteorites are pieces of stone or iron that fall from space. 陨石就是从太空堕落的石块或者铁块Come along, class.来同学们lf the ones that HlT the planet are called meteoRITES,是的,击中星球的碎片就叫做陨石what do you call the ones that miss?那撞不中那些叫什么呀?What?什么?Meteor-wrongs“滚”石啊What are you doing, janet, watch it!珍娜,你在做什么?小心我啊Eureka! My very own meteorite!我找到了,是属于我的陨石When I show this to my class, it'll PROVE lwas on Mercury!我拿这块石会去给我们班的同学看,不就证明我去过水星了Oh, Janet...珍娜We're now approaching...各位同学坐稳了,跟着我们去…Venus! The second planet from the sun!金星第二个最接近太阳的行星l can't wait! I can't wait! I can't wait!很心急很紧张快点去Cool! Venus has clouds just like Earth.厉害,金星跟地球一样有云的These clouds are pretty!这些云好漂亮l better sit down, I guess.我看我还是坐下好了Come along class.各位同学下车了Hey, I feel like I weigh the same here as I doon Earth!我发觉这里跟地球一样是有重量的That's because Venus is about the same size as Earth 那是因为金星的体积跟地球很相似and has about the same gravity.连地心吸力也差不多Come on Arnold.走吧阿诺Check out those weird clouds.大家看看这里的云多怪Oh, good - a little rain will cool the place down.好啊,下小雨感觉更凉爽Except that's not rainwater in those clouds,Wanda. It’s sulphuric acid.不过这些不是云里面的雨水,这些是硫酸Sulphuric Acid?老师你说是硫酸?It’s a deadly poison.它含有致命毒性的We're perfectly safe as long as we keep our space suits on. 不过只要我们穿着太空衣就会很安全的l like rocks, but this is ridiculous.我虽然喜欢石头,但是这么做太荒谬了Do you have to have all of these?不用拿这么多会去吧?Absolutely! lf this doesn't prove I was onVenus, nothing will!当然要了,那就证明我曾经来过金星了We're now passing through the orbit of thethird planet which is... Earth!我们现在经过第三个行星轨道,就是地球Look -- it's so beautiful. On my old planet,there's air we can breathe...看看我们的地球多漂亮,在地球呼吸得到空气And it's not too hot or not too cold.又不会觉得太热,又不会觉得太冷The only one that supports life...还是唯一有生物生存的地方And coming up is Mars, the fourth planet.Right, Ms. Frizzle?跟着是第四个行星,也就是火星,是不是老师?Very good, Janet. You certainly do know your planets. 珍娜你说得没错,你果然对星球很熟悉l got straight A's on all my reports你们看我全部测验都得AWe know! We know! Enough already!知道了,知道了,你已经说过了Ah, here we are, class. Take a look at Mars!How magnificent!知道了,知道了,你已经说过了lt looks like the whole place is rusting.这里周围都好像生锈似的No wonder it's called ''the red planet''.怪不得这里又叫“红色星球”了As you can see, the soil here is coloured by red dust which has iron in it.你们看见了,这里的泥土含有铁质,它们全部是红尘Look at those iceburg.你们看看那些冰山lce climbing, anyone?有没有人想爬冰山?All right! Waycool! Great!好No thanks. Too cold. Too slippery.别搞我,这么冷,而且又这么滑Too right! Who wants to waste time climbing up an old ice cap anyway!说得对我也不会浪费时间去爬冰山那么蠢Come on, Cuz -- we've got work to do!走了,表弟,我们有好多事要做No, thanks, janet. l'd stay at home if I knew we gotta do this.珍娜不要,我早知今天就留在家里了We've made it to the top!我们终于爬到山顶了l wonder if Mars could've been another Earth if it had water and weren't so cold... 如果火星的水不是这么冷,不知会不会变成地球呢?Maybe, but as I always say,可能吧,不过正如我经常说的Mars is the best place for ice cream.火星是吃霜淇淋最好的地方lce cream? Where?哪里有霜淇淋吃?Here! lCE CREAM!!这里,霜淇淋Let's go!我们跳lCE CREAM!!霜淇淋That's the last ice block.这块是最后一块了Great! Now for some red dust.好了,你现在去取红尘On Earth, I had simple little chores.Emptying waste baskets, feeding the fish, clearing the table... 在地球我也是做简单家务,倒垃圾、喂鱼、擦桌子The only thing is, we've been to Mercury,Venus and Mars so far and we haven't seen a single...我们已经去过水星、金星和火星,不过都没见过一个…ALlEN!外星人ell it we surrender!跟他说我们投降了Hi, guys. Which way's the bus?各位,校车在哪里?Arnold!阿诺Aww... I knew it was him the whole time.我早就知道是阿诺了Stop it!别笑了Mars ice and dust ... enough to prove we were on Mars.火星的冰和尘土,足够能证明我来过火星了No need to thank me.你们不用感谢我l don't think there's much chance of that, Janet.我想他们一定不会感谢你珍娜Look! A flying potato!看看,会飞的马铃薯That's no potato. It’s an asteroid, Ralphie拉菲那些不是马铃薯是小行星a hunk of space rock, smaller than a moon but bigger than a meteorite.它们是一大片,小过月亮但是大过陨石的太空石块It’s part of the ''asteroid belt'',它是小行星带的一部份a ring of asteroids which divides our solar system into the inner and outer planets. 一个将太阳系分隔成内外星球的环Hey! / What happened? / What's going on?干什么?发生什么事?l gotta have an asteroid!小行星,我要收集一块,我很快的等我一下Watch out!小心What was that?是什么?What happened?发生什么事?What's going on?干什么?No worries, kids, let's figure out where we are now.各位同学不用怕,只是发生了很小的意外,让我看看我们现在在哪里?The map! It’s gone!地图,不见了We're LOST lN SPACE!!我们在太空迷路了We're LOST lN SPACE!!我们在太空迷路了As I always say, there's nothing a good space mechanic can't fix. Wrench. 正如我经常说的,一个出色的太空机械工人什么都会,扳手Wrench.扳手Pliers.钳子Asteroid... I mean pliers!是小行星…我是说钳子Screwdriver.镙丝刀An asteroid. Perfect proof.小行星,最佳证据Ms. Frizzle, we've got half of the map now!老师,有了半版地图了Good! One more adjustment...好极了,再调整一下,就有整版了MS. FRlZZLE? MS. FRlZZLE?菲苏老师,菲苏老师Keep your claw on that button, Liz. You've given me the most WONDERFUL idea. 小蜥全靠你按那个按钮,我要走了Um... bad news ...Janet, we're not only LOST lN SPACE...坏消息,珍娜,我们不只在太空迷路We're lost in space WlTHOUT A TEACHER而且还不见了菲苏老师What are we going to do? What are we going to do?那怎么办呢?我们现在究竟怎么做才好?Ms. Frizzle to class. Ms. Frizzle to class.Come in.老师呼叫同学,老师呼叫同学,请通话No reason to panic. l'd never leave you. I’m right here!你们不用怕,我不会离开你们,我在这里l'll give you a hint. I’m headed for one of the outer planets. 我会给提示你们,我正去其中一个星球But that's the half of the map we DON'T have!但是我们没了半版地图Good! You can fill it in as you go along!放心,我们可以一路走一路补回来You've got a navigator who knows the neighborhood.你们有一个熟识这里的领航员We do?有吗?Of course! Janet!当然啦,是珍娜l wonder if Ms Frizzle is down there...不知老师是不是在下面呢?Wow! Which planet is that?是什么星球?One of the gas giants.是巨大气体星球之一What is that red blotch?那块红班是什么?It’s a storm, thousands of miles wide.是风暴,它有超过千哩那么宽And the only planet with a big red spot is Jupiter. 唯一有大块红班的星球就只有木星Jupiter - the fifth planet.木星,是第五个星球All right, Janet! Way to go!好了珍娜我们出发了Now, if I could just get some of that red spot... 等我下去取些红班来做证据it will prove l'd been to Jupiter那就证明我来过木星了Ms. Frizzle to bus. Ms. Frizzle to bus. Over.老师呼叫校车,老师呼叫校车,请通话Jupiter lS the largest planet... but don't worry, Carlos, because I’m not on it!木星是最大的星球,不过卡路你不用担心,我不在那里Then where are you?那你在哪里?l've got to have some of that red spot!!我一定要取些红班来做证据We're out of control!我们失控了Janet! Pull up! Pull up!珍娜,升高,升高It’s all yours, Ralphie.拉菲就交给你了Janet!珍娜Chill out, guys. lf you visit Jupiter, you gotta have proof, right?大家镇定点,既然来到木星当然要取些证据了是不是?l knew I should have stayed home today.早知今天就留在家里不上学了Ms. Frizzle to class! Ms. Frizzle to class! Come in, please!老师呼叫同学,老师呼叫同学,请通话Ms. Frizzle, Janet almost got us...菲苏老师,珍娜差点拖累我们…l got them some of Jupiter's red spot!我终于都取到木星的红班了Did you say red hot? You're not even warm yet! 你说热呼呼的红色?你们还不够暖啊?The outer planet I’m on is very cold and dark. 我身处的星球就刚刚相反很冷很黑The COLDER you get, the W ARMER you'll be to finding me.你们越冷,就越快找到我了Oh great, now it's a riddle! Off we go again!糟了,要猜谜语,我们又要出发了Hey look--another planet.看看,是另一个星球It’s beautiful!好漂亮But where are we?我们在哪里?It’s got to be Saturn.一定是土星There's no other gas giant with such beautiful rings.它是没有其他有气体的星球,而且环境是很漂亮Saturn, the sixth planet.土星,是第六个行星Well, it must be cold down there because Saturn is pretty far away from the sun. 下面一定很冷,因为土星离太阳很远所以会很冷But Ms. Frizzle said cold and DARK.但是老师说它那里又冷又黑lt could be very, very dark on Saturn...土星可能很黑很黑的,下去不就知道了Oh no you don't. You just want to grab more stuff.你就想,你又想下去拣东西罢啦Hey, I’m just trying to help.我也是想帮忙lf you wanna play Let's-Find-Ms Frizzle-Without-A-Map for the rest of your life, 难到你想下半生也看着半版地图去找老师吗?that's fine with me.你们这样是不切实际的Janet's right. Ms. Frizzle could be on Saturn,couldn't she....?珍娜说得对,老师可能在土星也不一定,下去看看Okay, Arnold, but it's your job to keep your crazy cousin under control.好了阿诺不过你要负责看牢你这个表姐珍娜才行Ms. Frizzle to bus. Over.老师呼叫同学,老师呼叫同学,请通话Liz and I can't wait to show you all the stars we can see out here...小蜥跟我都很心急很想让你们看看,我在这里见到的星星Ah, it's so beautiful.真是好漂亮Come back! What about a hint?别走,提示呢?She just gave us a hint, Ralphie.菲苏老师已经给了提示我们了She did?有吗?Yeah, she can see the stars.有啊,她说她见到星星Which means she can't be on Saturn.那就是她不会在土星She could never see the stars through all those storms and clouds. 这里这么多风暴和云怎么会看到星星呢?Planet #7 coming up.我们向第七个行星进发That must be Uranus.那个一定是天王星You can tell by its tilted, faint,天王星外表歪歪斜斜朦朦胧胧grey rings and its blue-green gases.有个灰环和蓝绿色气体一看就知道See, Cuz, Uranus doesn't do a thing for me.看见了表弟,我对天王星都没兴趣So you can get off of me, Okay?你别坐着我,走开吧Sorry, Janet, but I have to stay on top of the situation.不好意思表姐,不过我要高度戒备,我怕你搞事The Friz couldn't see the stars through thoseclouds either.这么多云老师不会见到星星的No way she's on Uranus.老师没可能在天王星To the next planet!去下一个行星了W AlT! I need proof!等等,我要去收集证据And we need Ms. Frizzle! Step on it, Wanda! 我们要去找菲苏老师,云达我们出发了,别动Neptune! Please! We gotta stop at Neptune! It’s my favourite planet!海王星,我们一定要在海王星停,它是我最喜欢的星球The eighth planet, Neptune.第八个行星,海王星Looks like another planet's surrounded by gases.又是一个让气体包围的星球And it's blue.是蓝色的Blue! My favourite color!蓝色,是我最喜欢的颜色orget it, Janet. Ms. Frizzle couldn't see the stars from down there.算了吧珍娜,菲苏老师不会在下面看到星星的Go, Wanda!走吧,云达No不要Now where do we go?我们现在去哪里?She's not on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune...现在老师不是木星、土星、天王星和海王星That means there's only ONE planet left.那就是剩下一个星球有机会了Which one?哪个?l'll tell you - after you get off of me!!你起来,别再坐着我,我就告诉你Right. Listen carefully.好了,听清楚了,Ms. Frizzle is on the farthest planet from the sun...PLUTO!! 菲苏老师在离太阳最远的星球上,冥王星To Pluto!!去冥王星Pluto's cold and dark all right.冥王星真是又冷又黑And clear. They've GOT to be here!还很清晰,他们一定在这里Look!看看There they are!他们在那里YAY!好啊Good work! We knew you'd find us, right, Liz?做得很好,早知道你们会找到我的了,是不是?You sure can see stars from here. I wonder where the sun is...这里真的看到星星,不知道太阳在哪里呢?See that tiny star over there?见不见到那个很小的星星?Uh huh.见到Well, that's it.就在那里THAT'S the sun?那个就是太阳?No wonder Pluto's so cold and dark. Look how far away the sun is! 怪不得那么冷冻那么黑了,原来离太阳那么远So the colder we got, the warmer we got to finding you.所以,老师你告诉我们,我们越冷就越快找到你lt was a good hint, if I do say so myself...各位同学老师给的提示是不是很好呢?l got enough stuff for ALL of us to prove we made it to Pluto!我已经收集好证据,证明我曾经来过冥王星了Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go!那我们还等什么?走吧Are you kidding?你不是开玩笑吧?There's no room in there.里面已经没位子了All right. Be that way!好了,那就这样吧There's no way I’m going home without my stuff不让我带这些东西走,我不回家There's no way I’m going home without you表姐你不走我也不走It’s PROOF! Nobody will believe me without it!没证据,就没人会相信我说的话l'll believe you. They'll believe you.我会相信你的,他们也会相信你的Janet! You want PROOF! l'll give you PROOF!珍娜,你要证据,我就给你证据There's proof of what'll happen to you if you stay here with your stuff我证明给你看,如果你留在这里会变成怎么样Arnold.... no.....阿诺不要Oh CU-U-U-UZ!!表弟Back to Earth! And step on it!回地球,快点走Thanks, Janet.谢谢珍娜Arnold, it's the least I can do. lf it weren't foryou, l'd still be on Pluto with all my stuff.不用客气要不是有你,我还跟那些东西留在冥王星不知到会怎么样l don't need to prove anything. That was THE most amazing field trip ever. 我不需要任何证据了,这次是一次很奇妙的实地考察You know it. I know it. lf no one else believes me,你们知道,我也知道,如果其他人不信,that's their problem!那是他们的问题Right on!没错,是的Way to go, Janet说得好珍娜You said it!没错Attention all students.各位同学注意We've just learned that scientists have madetheir first contact with an alien from outer space.我们收到消息,科学家跟外星人进行了第一次接触An alien!有外星人Ralphie was right!拉菲说的没错Oh my!真好The alien, claiming to be from Pluto, has called to complain about... 自称来自冥王星的外星人投诉a pile of litter that was recently dumped on his planet.最近有一大堆垃圾,无故放置在他们的星球Ralphie拉菲As I always say, class... you're out of this world.正如我经常都说,有很多事情是出乎意料之外的ls it the magic school bus?是不是神奇校车?ls it the magic school bus?是不是神奇校车?ls it the magic school bus?是不是神奇校车?ls it the magic school bus?是不是神奇校车?ls it the magic school bus?是不是神奇校车?stay tune with us and be a smart kid坐神奇校车,一起当小博士Hello. ''Magic School Bus''.哪位?“神奇校车”Don't you mean ''The Twilight Zone''?怎么这里不是“灵异地带”吗?That show had more science FlCTlON than fact.这个节目讲的事情科幻多于事实We realize a school bus would make a lousy space craft...那是因为我们觉得一辆校车变成太空船很有趣l'll give you that one, but only because you call it a MAGlC school bus. 别怪我,我见你管它叫神奇校车,我才这么说But there's no way any spacecraft could visit all nine planets in a day. 没有一艘太空船可以在一天之内去到全部九个行星的lf we did it in real time, you'd be grown up by the time we got to Pluto. 如果在现实世界,我们去到冥王星的时候,你都长大了Speaking of Pluto,说起冥王星,scientists don't REALLY know what its surface is like.科学家不知道它的外表是怎么样的?You're right. Until one of you kids grows up to be an astronomeror an astronaut and figures out what Pluto is like说得对,但是在你们这些小朋友长大成为天文学家或者太空人之前we have to guess.我们唯有猜测了,这些是幻想Also, Pluto right now isn't the ninth planet from the sun. Until 1999,还有,直至1999年冥王星不是离太阳的第九个行星it's temporarily inside Neptune's orbit.它是在海王星的轨道上Right again!你又对了What about those funny looking sun goggles?还有那些外表奇怪的太阳镜l happen to know you should never lookdirectly at the sun. Hurts your eyes.就算带上都不可以直接看太阳会受伤的You're one bright kid!你真是个聪明的小朋友So how come some of the time the kids were floating around in the bus? 那为什么有时候那些小朋友会在校车里面飘浮呢?Well, when the bus was coasting with therocket engines off, they were weightless, like astronauts.是因为当他们去到外太空就会好像太空人那样,进入无重状态Oh yeah. So how come they were able to walk around in the bus sometime?是吗?那为什么他们有时又可以在校车上走来走去呢?Uhhhh.. Well, will you?ahh? believe an artificial gravity geoscopic confabulator?如果告诉你我们有一部人造仿真重力装置,你信不信?Aha, aha, aha. No way.不可能OK. You got me. We just fudged it.你赢了,的确是虚构的And don't think I didn't notice that you had all the planets lined up in a neat little row. 还有,你们出发去九大行星路径是成一条直线的Oh that. Well, it's true that planets are very rarely all lined up like that.这个…的确九大行星是很少会像这样排成一条直线的Yeah. Like almost never.是从都没试过But it's so much easier to keep track of them all that way.但是这样显示出来,你们就会容易记住了,是不是?You wouldn't want us to have forgotten one, would you?And another thing - if an astronaut ever DOESmake it to Pluto, she'd better not take her helmet off.还有一件事,万一太空人真的去到冥王星,记得别去掉头盔You think she'd end up with more than a cold, huh?你不是怕他们会冻坏吧?She'd end up a block of ice - or worse!我怕他们会变成冰,甚至更差Which reminds me why I called in the first place.我想起打电话来的目的了Yes?是吗?I’m STILL waiting for someone to get that pile of litter off my planet! 我还等人来我的星球搬走那些垃圾THE END。

USACO 2024年1月白金组试题

USACO 2024年1月白金组试题

USACO2024J ANUARY C ONTEST,P LATINUM P ROBLEM 1.I SLAND V ACATIONBessie 正在一个N(2≤N≤104)座岛组成的岛屿网络中度假,编号为1…N,由M座双向通行的桥连接,每座桥连接两座岛(N−1≤M≤3/2(N−1))。


















输入样例:23 20 10 1111111121 32 36 5500000004 0 0 0 0 01 51 34 55 61 2输出样例:0 888888896 111111112500000004 166666668 166666668 83333334 0 83333334在第一个测试用例中,p3≡1/9(mod109+7)。

Bessie 有1/9的概率在岛3结束(经过路径1→3),8/9的概率在岛2结束(经过路径1→3→2)。






第一章概要第一章起始于主角尼克·卡拉维(Nick Carraway)的叙述。

他作为一名股票经纪人,搬到纽约市的西埃格港(West Egg),住在一个名为“盖茨比”的豪宅附近。

尼克的表兄黛西·布坎南(Daisy Buchanan)与她的丈夫汤姆·布坎南(Tom Buchanan)住在东埃格港(East Egg)的豪宅中。





















1."阶段性打斗"的理论建构与案例应用——以《杀死比尔》为例 [J], 王昊阳; 林嘉颖
2.《资本论》第一卷“第二版跋”与马克思经济思想史的研究——纪念马克思《资本论》第一卷发表150周年 [J], 顾海良
3.中美电影《功夫》和《杀死比尔2》中武术元素对比及其文化探源 [J], 陈维文;徐梓娟
4.电影《杀死比尔》的章回叙事特征阐释 [J], 李瑶
5.看昆汀不按牌理出的第一张黑桃ACE 《杀死比尔:第一卷》 [J], Mr.Olympia 因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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USACO 1.1.1 Your Ride Is Here (ride)
北极天南星2005-12-22 00:26:00查看评论

先读入两个串,然后用ord函数装成ASCII码,然后-64就是它对应的编号,求出它的乘积mod 47的余数。



USACO 1.1.2 Greedy Gift Givers (gift1)
北极天南星2005-12-22 00:30:50查看评论

用数组incom outcom记录每个人的收入和支出,记录每个人的名字,对于送礼人i,找到他要送给的人j,
inc(incom[j],outcom[i] div n),其中n是要送的人数,最后inc(incom[i],outcom[i] mod n)

USACO 1.2.1 Broken Necklace (beads)
北极天南星2005-12-22 00:41:49查看评论



我们只要求出bl,br,rl,rr,那么结果就是max(max(bl[i],rl[i])+max(br[i+1],rr[i+1])) (1<=i<=2*n-1)。

如果necklace[i]='b', bl[i]=bl[i-1]+1,rl[i]=0;


USACO 1.2.2 Prime Palindromes (pprime)
北极天南星2005-12-22 13:53:03查看评论




若l是奇数,那么从小到大枚举(l+1) div 2位的数,然后复制翻转生成一个回文数;
若l是偶数,那么从小到达枚举l div 2位的数,然后复制翻转生成一个回文数。


USACO 1.2.3 Name That Number (namenum)
北极天南星2005-12-22 22:37:36查看评论


USACO 1.3.1 Mixing Milk (milk)
北极天南星2005-12-25 13:59:32查看评论




USACO 1.3.2 Barn Repair (barn1)
北极天南星2005-12-25 14:06:00查看评论




USACO 1.3.3 What Time Is It? (clock)
北极天南星2005-12-25 18:13:13查看评论


USACO 1.4.1 Checker Challenge (checker)
北极天南星2005-12-27 18:09:51查看评论



如果n是奇数,先在中间行和中间列放子,并且位置都不超过半数(<n div 2),且中间行>中间列,这样每搜索出一种方案,把它对称旋转后一共有8中方案,因为中间行和中间列的的不出现重复,所以8种方案不重复。





USACO 1.4.2 Superprime Rib (sprime)
北极天南星2005-12-27 22:55:29查看评论



USACO 1.4.3 Number Triangles (numtri)
北极天南星2005-12-27 22:58:37查看评论
