



于鱼肌 肉分离蛋 白的制备能显著提高产率 ,使废水 中蛋 白质 的含 量大 大 降低 ,从而 减少 了废水 处理 成 本 J 。此外 ,前 期研究 发 现 ,在 功 能性 方 面 用该
收稿 1 : 0 1 0 — 0 3期 2 1 — 1 1
基金项 目: 辽宁省海洋与渔业厅科研 计划项 目 (0 9 3 201 ) 作者简介:傅润泽 (9 8 ,男 ,硕士研究生。E m i uu z@16 cm 1 8 一) — al rne 2 .o :f 通信作者 :刘俊荣 ( 9 3 ),女 ,教授 ,博士。E m i jno g l . d. n 16 - - a :l rn@do e u c l u u
第 2 卷第 6期 6
20I1 I 年 2月
大 连
海 洋

学 学 报
V0 . 6 No 6 12 . De c.20 I l
文章编 号:0 5 18 (0 1 0 - 5 9 0 29 - 3 8 2 1 )6 03 - 5
典 的低 值鱼 蛋 白的有效 利 用途径 ,但 二者 都有一 定 的局 限性 。鱼粉 的局 限性在 于其 功 能性差 ,只 能用
方 法分 离 的鱼蛋 白也有 明显 的优势 - 。 9 J
鲢为中国淡水养殖 四大鱼类之一 ,虽然 易饲 养、生长快 、成本低 ,但其肉薄、鱼刺多,风味不 及其它淡水鱼 ,在市场上不很受欢迎 ,是典型的低 值水产品。本研究中,作者采用酸碱处理法分别对 鲢普通肉和血合肉进行加工处理 , 得到普通 肉分离 蛋 白 (slt ria u c r e ,I 一 ) 和 I a dod r m sl po i MP 1 o e ny e tn 血合 肉分离蛋 白 (s a ddr m s e r e ,I P I le a uc o i M ot k l p tn 2 ,并 对 处理过 程 中所 表 现 出来 的鲢 肌 肉蛋 白质 )



价键作用力、二级结构和微观 结构与 p H 密切相 关;p H 从7 . 0 降到 5 . 0 ,静 电斥力减小 、 疏水相互作用增大、分子问 氢键增大 , 是0 【 一 螺旋含量减 小、D 一 折叠含量增多 以 及凝胶微观 结构 变得无序 、孔径减小 的原 因。
关键词 :肌原 纤维蛋 白凝胶 ;静 电;疏水 ;氢键; 二级结构;粒径;微观结构
ZHANG Xi n g, YANG Yu Li ng , M A Yun , WANG J i n g Yu
f C o l l e g e o fF o o d S c i e n c e a n d E n g i n e e r i n g , N a n j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f Fi n a n e e a n d E c o n o mi c s / C o l l a b o r a t i v e I n n o v a t i o n C e n t e r f o r
并通过分析 酰胺带 I 最大峰 的波数计算蛋 白和凝胶的二级结构含量;用粒度仪 测定肌原纤维蛋 白粒径 大小和分布情
况;用扫描电镜观察凝胶微观结构 。【 结果 】p H由 7 . 0降至 5 . 0 ,肌原纤维蛋 白热诱导凝胶的 Z e t a电位值从一 1 7 . 8 7
显著 变化到一 0 . 2 6 3( 尸 < 0 . 0 5 ) ,表 明 肌 原纤维蛋 白凝胶分子表面所带负电荷急剧减少 ,静 电斥力显著减弱; 归一化
中 国农业科学
2 0 1 7 , 5 0 ( 3 ) : 5 6 4 . 5 7 3
S c i e n t i a Ag r i c u l t u r a S i n i c a


p r o t e i n wa s t h e ma x i mum . Un d e r t h i s pr e s s u r e,wi t h t h e d we l l t i me i n c r e a s i n g,t h e d e g r e e o f h y d r o l y s i s
ZH AN G Y i n gf i
Ab s t r a c t C h i c k e n b r e a s t w a s t a k e n a s t h e r a w ma t e i r a l a n d i t w a s t r e a t e d b y d i f f e r e n t p r e s s u r e s
f r a g me n t s .
Ke y wo r ds p r e s s u r e;my o ib f r i l ;d e g r e e o f h y d r o l y s i s;s u l f h y d r y l e f f e c t
超 高 压技术 , 把 液体 或气 体加 压 到 I O O MP a以上
a l s o wa s i n c r e a s i n g . Af te r p r e s s ur e t r e a t me nt ,i t wa s b e n e i f c i a l t o f o m r h i g h mo l e c u l a r we i g h t pe p t i d e
酶解 , 通过测定其水解度 、 巯 基含 量 及 肽 分 子 量 分 布 , 来研 究超 高压 对 肌 原 纤 维 酶 解 特 性 的 影 响 。 结 果 表 明 : 在 压



及理化特性的影响[J]. 食品科学, 2019,
lead to the aggregation of MPs in aqueous solutions, thereby affecting its solubility and stability. The solubility and stability of MPs
remained quite good after 4 cycles of HPH treatment. Therefore, the aqueous solubility of MPs can be controlled by selecting the
appropriate cycles of HPH treatment, which will provide a new idea for its application in food processing.
Keywords: myofibrillar proteins; high pressure homogenization; solubility; stability; non-thermal processing
40(15): 127-134. DOI:10.7506/spkx1002-6630-20180911-111.
LI Yufeng, XUE Siwen, CHEN Xing, et al. Changes in structure and physicochemical properties of myofibrillar proteins



























在水中,pH值是通过自由氢离子(H +)和氢氧离子(OH-)的浓度计算而得。


















纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13 解释说明以及概述1. 引言1.1 概述纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13是一种重要的生物分子,它在许多生理和病理过程中发挥着关键的作用。



1.2 文章结构本文将按以下结构展开对纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的探讨:第二节将对纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的定义和特点进行详细介绍。




1.3 目的通过撰写本文,旨在全面了解纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的概念、形成机制、特点和重要性。





以上就是对文章“1. 引言”部分内容的详细清晰撰写。

2. 纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的定义和特点:2.1 纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的概念纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13是指在纤维蛋白(Fibrinogen)或纤维蛋白原(Fibrinogen precursor)降解过程中产生的一种分子。


这一分子通常由D段、E段和Bb fragment等部分组成。

2.2 纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13的形成机制纤维蛋白(原)降解产物13在凝血级联反应中起着关键作用。






























Abstract: This study determined the effect of temperature (25, 15, and 4 ℃) and pH (5.2, 5.8, and 6.4) on dephosphorylation
of myofibrillar protein, aiming to provide a theoretical basis for improving meat quality. Myofibrillar protein from
dephosphorylation, which caused no loss of activity. Increasing temperature and pH in a certain range could promote the
dephosphorylation ability of AP, thereby decreasing the phosphorylation level of myofibrillar protein and making the reaction
sequential fluorescence staining of the gels using Pro-Q Diamond and SYPRO Ruby. Moreover, AP activity was measured
by a commercial kit. The results demonstrated that at pH 5.8 and 6.4, the phosphorylation level of myofibrillar protein in
start earlier. These findings can be important for improving meat quality and provide a new idea for meat preservation.






中国农业科学 2010,43(1):164-170 Scientia Agricultura Sinica doi: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2010.01.019收稿日期:2009-05-22;接受日期:2009-07-22 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(30771526)作者简介:费 英,硕士研究生。

Tel :025-********;Fax :025-********;E-mail :feifeifeishaoye @ 。


Tel :025-********;Fax :025-********;E-mail :ghzhou@ pH 对肌原纤维蛋白二级结构及其热诱导凝胶特性的影响费 英1,韩敏义1,2,杨凌寒1,周光宏1,徐幸莲1,彭增起1(1南京农业大学食品科技学院/农业部农畜产品加工与质量控制重点开放实验室,南京 210095;2河北科技大学生物科学与工程学院,石家庄 050018)摘要:【目的】研究pH 对猪肉肌原纤维蛋白二级结构α-螺旋及其热诱导凝胶硬度、保水性及微观结构的影响。

【方法】采用圆二色谱(circular dichroism, CD)测定不同pH 下,猪肉肌原纤维蛋白α-螺旋含量的变化;用物性测试仪测定相应pH 下肌原纤维蛋白热诱导凝胶的硬度,用离心法测定其保水性,同时利用扫描电镜拍摄其微观结构。

【结果】随着pH 偏离肌原纤维蛋白等电点(pI)向中性范围靠近,其α-螺旋含量及其热诱导凝胶的保水性都逐渐增大;而凝胶硬度在pH 6.0时达最大值;在远离等电点的中性条件下,肌原纤维蛋白凝胶具有较高有序性的微观结构,而且结构均匀,酸性条件下凝胶的微观结构有序性低,不均匀,且存在聚合物。


关键词:猪肉肌原纤维蛋白;pH;α-螺旋;硬度;保水性;微观结构Studies on the Secondary Structure and Heat-Induced Gelation ofPork Myofibrillar Proteins as Affected by pHFEI Ying 1, HAN Min-yi 1,2, YANG Ling-han 1, ZHOU Guang-hong 1, XU Xing-lian 1, PENG Zeng-qi 1(1Key Laboratory of Meat Processing and Quality Control, Ministry of Education/College of Food Science and Technology, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095; 2College of Bioscience and Bioengineering, Hebei University of Science and Technology,Shijiazhuang 050018)Abstract: 【Objective 】 The objective is to study the effect of pH on the secondary structure, α-helix of pork myofibrillar protein, and the hardness, water holding capacity (WHC) and microstructure of its heat-induced gel. 【Method 】 The α-helix of pork myofibrillar protein under different pH were measured by circular dichroism (CD), and the hardness, WHC and microstructure of the heat-induced gel were determined by texture analyzer, centrifugation method and scanning electron microscope (SEM), respectively. 【Result 】 The α-helix of pork myofibrillar protein and WHC of its heat-induced gel increased with pH away from pI, the hardness reached its maximum when pH was 6.0, the gel had a uniform and orderly microstructure in neutral, while it had disorderly and uneven microstructure with polymer in the acidic. 【Conclusion 】 The α-helix of myofibrillar protein is positive correlated with the WHC of its heat-induced gelation, and the gel has an orderly microstructure with more α-helix, while rough microstructure with less α-helix.Key words: pork myofibrillar protein; pH; α-helix; hardness; water holding capacity; microstructure0 引言【研究意义】肌原纤维蛋白是肌肉中具有重要生物学功能的盐溶性蛋白,主要是由肌球蛋白、肌动蛋白、肌动球蛋白和调节蛋白(原肌球蛋白、肌钙蛋白)等形成的结构蛋白质群,其热诱导凝胶对肉制品的功1期费英等:pH对肌原纤维蛋白二级结构及其热诱导凝胶特性的影响 165能特性如硬度、保水性、质地等有着十分密切的关系[1]。



超高压对肌原纤维蛋白酶解特性的影响张颖利【摘要】以鸡胸肉为原材料,在不同的压力大小及保压时间处理下,对从鸡胸肉中提取的肌原纤维蛋白进行酶解,通过测定其水解度、巯基含量及肽分子量分布,来研究超高压对肌原纤维酶解特性的影响.结果表明:在压力为100MPa条件下,肌原纤维蛋白的水解度最大;且在此压力下,随着保压时间的增加水解度也随之增大;压力处理过后,有利于大分子量肽段的形成.【期刊名称】《肉类工业》【年(卷),期】2017(000)006【总页数】5页(P37-41)【关键词】压力;肌原纤维;水解度;巯基;影响【作者】张颖利【作者单位】双汇集团技术中心河南漯河 462002【正文语种】中文超高压技术,把液体或气体加压到100MPa以上的技术称为“超高压技术”(ultra-high pressure, 简称UHP)[1]。










, 结果与讨论
造成粘度的下降。 由因素间互作关系的系数差异显著性检验
二次回归正交旋转设计及试验数据回归系 分析可知,蛋白质浓度与离子浓度间有显著的
数差异 显 著 性 分 析 见 表 , 和 表 *。由 表 * 可 知,蛋 白 质 浓 度 与 粘 度 呈 线 性 正 相 关(" ! =+=’),可见蛋白质浓度在 <!’<67/68 范 围 内,粘度随着蛋白质浓度的增加而增加。这主
’,+5>(’) <+:’(9’) =+*> >+G
< >+=*(9’) >+*5(’) =+>* <+;
: >+=*(9’) >+*5(’) =+*> :+=
> >+=*(9’) <+:’(9’) =+>* G+G
; >+=*(9’) <+:’(9’) =+*> G+,
5 ’<+==(’+:;,) :+<=(=) =+<< ’,+:
,$3 % K>0@A@S:DI0@A@<DV,UD<=@<>9?NK*N?EH=FDGE8@
@GG@CE?DGG<DS@A?ED<91@DAC@<E9>AGHACE>DA9I"<D"@<Q E>@?DG 0@9E9A=G>?8"<DE@>A[K]*KVDD= R@C8ADI, !)-%,!-:3%!!3%3 , K>0@A@SCDI0@A@<DV,R@W9=9J,UD<=@<>9?NK*OGQ












































生物胺类化合物(Biogenic amines)是一类产生于生物组织中的有机化合物,它们通常是一些芳香胺和脂肪胺,包括酪胺、组胺、花生四烯酸、肾上腺素、去甲肾上腺素、血清素等,它们在许多情况下都是强烈的神经递质,可影响我们的情绪、觉醒等方面。




















蛋白质的等电点(pI,isoelectric point)是指在某一特定pH值下,蛋白质在水溶液中呈现电中性状态的pH值。



















pH调节法诱导兔肉肌原纤维蛋白性质变化的研究余娱乐;贺稚非;李洪军【期刊名称】《食品与发酵工业》【年(卷),期】2018(044)005【摘要】pH调节法(pH-shifting)是一种简单、高效的蛋白提取方法,可用于植物或动物分离蛋白的制备.实验以兔肉为原料,研究pH调节法对兔肉功能性蛋白肌原纤维蛋白性质的影响.实验结果表明,pH调节法无论酸法(pH 3.0~5.5)还是碱法(pH 12.0~5.5)均会诱导兔肉肌原纤维蛋白性质发生一定变化.酸碱处理后蛋白溶解性降低,浊度增大.蛋白乳化活性/乳化稳定性下降,总巯基含量减少,表面疏水性增大,但活性巯基含量无显著变化.pH调节还导致肌原纤维蛋白凝胶强度、凝胶持水性降低,凝胶白度变化不大.2种处理条件下,酸法pH 3.0~5.5处理的肌原纤维蛋白变性程度较小,更适合制备兔肉分离蛋白.【总页数】6页(P90-95)【作者】余娱乐;贺稚非;李洪军【作者单位】西南大学食品科学学院,重庆北碚,400716;西南大学食品科学学院,重庆北碚,400716; 重庆市特色食品工程技术研究中心,重庆北碚,400716;西南大学食品科学学院,重庆北碚,400716; 重庆市特色食品工程技术研究中心,重庆北碚,400716【正文语种】中文【相关文献】1.pH调节法制备兔肉分离蛋白及其性质研究 [J], 余娱乐;贺稚非;李洪军2.解冻后兔肉待加工过程中肌原纤维蛋白功能性质的变化 [J], 林静;张斌斌;王晓君;尚永彪3.低场NMR研究pH对肌原纤维蛋白热诱导凝胶的影响 [J], 韩敏义;费英;徐幸莲;周光宏4.血清白蛋白的构象研究:Ⅳ.pH诱导HSA构象变化的光谱研究 [J], 梁宏;宋仲容5.红藻氨酸诱导癫痫发作大鼠海马EphA5受体及其配体ephrinA3基因表达变化的研究 [J], 余璐;郑金瓯;梁志坚;吴原因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。

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Research ArticleEffect of Ultimate pH on Postmortem Myofibrillar Protein Degradation and Meat Quality Characteristics of Chinese Yellow Crossbreed CattlePeng Li,1,2Tiantian Wang,1Yanwei Mao,1Yimin Zhang,1Lebao Niu,1Rongrong Liang,1Lixian Zhu,1and Xin Luo11Department of Food Science and Engineering,Shandong Agricultural University,Tai’a n,Shandong271018,China2Department of Food Science and Engineering,Qingdao Agricultural University,Qingdao,Shandong266109,ChinaCorrespondence should be addressed to Xin Luo;luoxin@Received6March2014;Revised15July2014;Accepted21July2014;Published13August2014Academic Editor:Francisco P.PeixotoCopyright©2014Peng Li et al.This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,which permits unrestricted use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original work is properly cited.This paper describes the complex effects of postmortem ultimate pH(pHu)on Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle quality during postmortem ageing and provides an explanation of how pHu affects beef tenderness.High pHu beef had the highest initial tenderness(P<0.05)compared with other groups at1day postmortem.Intermediate and low pHu beef had similar initial WBSF at 1day postmortem,but intermediate pHu beef had slower tenderization rate than low pHu beef(P<0.05).Purge loss,cooking loss, L∗,a∗,and b∗values decreased with increasing pHu during ageing(P<0.05).Myofibril fragmentation index(MFI)was higher in high pHu beef than intermediate and low pHu beef throughout ageing(P<0.05).Protein degradation studies found that desmin and troponin-T appeared degraded within0.5h postmortem for high and low pHu beef,compared to>2days for intermediate pHu beef.Overall,Chinese Y ellow crossbred cattle tenderness is related to pHu,which may be affected by proteolytic enzymatic activity.Therefore,pHu may be used to predict beef tenderness and other quality characteristics during postmortem ageing.To achieve consistent tenderness,different ageing times should be used,depending on pHu.1.IntroductionTenderness has been identified as one of the most important characteristics that determine the consumer eating satisfac-tion of beef[1].Variability in the meat tenderness is the most critical quality problem facing the beef industry.Variable ten-derness is a limiting factor for product acceptability,causing a reduction in beef consumption.Consumers are concerned with uniform in the tenderness of beef and would probably pay a higher price for beef as long as it has satisfactory tenderness[2].Tenderness and rate of tenderization depend on many intrinsic(species,animal age,type of muscle,and muscle location)and extrinsic factors(preslaughter stress,slaughter conditions,and postslaughter handling)of the animal and on their interaction.Beef tenderness has long been associated with pHu,with meat that achieves high pHu(>6.2)and low pHu(<5.8)being acceptably tender after appropriate ageing time[3].Ultimate pH(pHu)can also markedly affect other meat quality parameters,including colour,water-holding capacity,and shelf life.Thus,pHu has been widely used as an indicator of potential meat quality[1,4].Additionally, the rate of tenderization is related with pHu;high pHu meat tenderises more rapidly than low pHu meat during ageing [5,6].pHu variation is often associated with postmortem mus-cle glycogen content and metabolism,which is affected by many factors including psychological stress,animal diet, season,transport,and lairage times,thus affecting initial meat shear force values and rate of tenderization[7].Although many factors influencing pHu values have been discussed, no single factor can explain more than50%of the variation in pHu.Thus,the inconsistencies in meat quality due to variation in pHu will continue to pose a problem to meat processors until the exact relationship between all the factors is understood.Hindawi Publishing Corporatione Scientific World JournalVolume 2014, Article ID 174253, 8 pages /10.1155/2014/174253Meat tenderness may be influenced by the breakdown of myofibrillar structure protein due to postmortem proteolytic activity.Much research has been focused on determining the contribution of various myofibrillar proteins to meat tenderness.It has been consistently reported that tender meat has faster and more extensive degradation of desmin, troponin-T,nebulin,and titin,compared with tough meat.By monitoring the degradation of these proteins during ageing, researchers have attempted to determine a suitable ageing time to obtain acceptable tenderness[8,9].At present,little information is available concerning the effects of pHu on beef quality and myofibrillar protein degradation in Chinese cattle.Y ellow Cattle is the most common Chinese breed,accounting for approximately80% of the national herd and crossbreeds predominate in com-mercial trade[10].The inconsistent tenderness of beef is a severe problem in Chinese Y ellow cattle,resulting in greater uncertainty in producing consistent high-value chilled beef. Tenderness of meat from Chinese Y ellow crossbred cattle may be improved by extending ageing time[10],but much energy and time may be wasted if all carcasses are given extended ageing,when some carcasses may have good tenderness without extended ageing.This paper describes the complex effects of pHu on beef quality characteristics from Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle during postmortem aging and provides an explanation of how pHu affects beef tenderness and rate of tenderisation.2.Materials and Methods2.1.Animals,Experimental Design,and Treatments.Thirty Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle[Luxi(Chinese native Y ellow cattle)×Limousine;Limousine has a lower input than the crossbreed,about24months old and of mean live weight450.4±48.3kg(mean±SD)]were selected from a commercial feedlot(Shandong Xinlv Food Ltd.,China).The cattle were kept in lairage overnight and stunned by electrical stunning prior to slaughter.The carcasses were transferred to a chilling room(2±2∘C)within30min postmortem. About10g of Longissimus dorsi(LD)muscle samples was cut from the same side of each carcass at0.5,3,6,12,and 24h postmortem,snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen,and stored at−80∘C until analysed.At24h postmortem,the pHu of LD was measured using a portable pH meter(SenvenGo,Mettler Toledo,Switzerland)and LD was removed from each carcass. Based on pHu,the muscles were segregated into three groups: high(pH>6.2,n=4),intermediate(pH5.8–6.2,n=7), and low(pH<5.8,n=19)pHu beef.Each of the LD muscles was cut into five segments,vacuum-packaged in polyethylene bags,weighted,and continuously stored in incubators with air temperature of4±1∘C.Then,all the samples were stored for1,3,5,7,and9d postmortem.2.2.Sampling and MeasurementsPurge Loss(PL).At24h postmortem,samples were weighed and then vacuum packaged.Purge loss during vacuum storage was determined by weighing samples after storage.Before weighing the samples,they were dried with paper towels.Purge loss was expressed as percentage of weight loss. Color Measurement.After purge loss measurement,samples were exposed in the air for30min before measurement.Meat color of the samples was measured using a colorimeter(SP62, X-Rite Inc.,Gryndville,MI,USA)with an8mm diameter measuring aperture,illuminant D65,and CIE L∗a∗b∗color scale.Color coordinate values were recorded as L∗lightness, a∗redness,and b∗yellowness values.Cooking Loss(CL).The samples after measurements of PL and color were weighed,placed individually in plastic bags, and immersed in a water bath at80∘C until they reached an internal temperature of75∘C.The temperature was monitored using thermocouples inserted in the center of the samples. After cooking,the samples were chilled at room temper-ature and then stored in a refrigerator overnight,surface dried,and weighed again.CL was determined by expressing cooked sample weight as a percentage of precooked samples weight.Tenderness.After measurements of CL,the same muscles were used for the determination of Warner-Bratzler shear force(WBSF).Shear force measurements were performed as described previously by Luo et al.[11].Six cores(1.25cm diameter)were excised,parallel to the longitudinal orienta-tion of the muscle fibers.The cores were sheared once using a texture analysis machine(TA-XT2i Stable Micro System, Godalming,England)with a HDP/BSW blade.The average of readings for the cores(1.25cm diameter)from the same sample was the WBSF value(kg).Myofibril Fragmentation Index.Myofibril fragmentation index(MFI)was determined using a slightly modified version of the procedure of Culler et al.[12].Small samples were taken from muscles at1,3,5,7,and9d postmortem,immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen,and stored at−80∘C until analysis. The frozen samples were minced in a cutter,after all visible fat and connective tissue had been removed.Four grams of minced meat was homogenized for30s in40mL of0.02M potassium phosphate buffer(pH7.0)containing100mM KCl, 1mM EGTA,1mM MgCl2,and1mM NaN3at about4∘C using a mixer.After centrifugation at1000×g for15min the supernatant was discarded.The sediment was resuspended in40mL buffer,stirred,and centrifuged and the supernatant discarded.The sediment was resuspended in10mL buffer and filtered through a polyethylene strainer to remove connective tissue and fat.An additional10mL of the buffer was used to facilitate the passage of myofibrils through the strainer. Determination of the protein concentration of the suspension was done by the biuret method[13].Then,the suspension was diluted with buffer to0.5±0.05mg/mL protein concentration. MFI is the value of absorbance of the myofibrillar suspension, measured at540nm multiplied by200.Gel Electrophoresis and Western Blotting.The myofibrillar protein fraction was separated using a modification of the method described by Sikes et al.[14].Four-gram samplefrom each muscle stored at−80∘C was knife-minced and homogenized with40mL of extraction buffer(50mM Tris-HCl,pH7.0,100mM KCl,and5mM EDTA)for2min.The sample was then centrifuged at1000×g for15min at4∘C,the supernatant was discarded and the pellet was resuspended in20mL of extraction buffer.The pellet was washed a further four times by suspending in20mL of extraction buffer and sedimenting at1000×g for15min at4∘stly, the pellet(myofibrillar protein fraction)was resuspended in20mL of extraction buffer.Protein concentration of the myofibrillar protein faction was determined by using the biuret method.The samples were diluted to2mg/mL in tracking dye(62.5mM Tris-HCl(pH6.8),10%glycerol,2% SDS,5%2-mercaptoethanol,and0.02%bromophenol blue)in preparation for SDS-PAGE.All samples were immediately denatured in a water bath at95∘C for5min,cooled,and then stored at−20∘C until further analysis.SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis and western blotting were performed as previously described[8,9]with some modi-fications.Denatured myofibril protein(40μg)samples were loaded on12.5%SDS-polyacrylamide resolving gels with an acrylamide:bisacrylamide weight ratio of37.5:1.The gel was run in25mM Tris-HCl containing192mM glycine,1mM EDTA,and1%SDS at a constant current of20mA for6h. Prestained Multicolor Broad Range Protein Marker(Tiangen, Beijing,China;245kDa to11kDa)was used as the molecular weight marker of SDS-PAGE.After SDS-PAGE,gels were equilibrated for30min at room temperature in transfer buffer (25mM Tris,192mM glycine,and15%vol/vol methanol).Following SDS-PAGE,proteins were transferred onto Immobilon-P PVDF membranes(Millipore,IPVH00010) and blocked by incubating the membrane with5%nonfat dry milk powder diluted with PBST(0.08M Na2HPO4, 0.02M NaH2PO4,0.1M NaCl,and0.1%Tween)overnight at4∘C.Membranes were then washed three times with PBST and incubated with the chosen primary antibody for 1h at room temperature.Primary(monoclonal)antibodies from mouse,including antibodies to desmin(Sigma,D1033) and troponin-T(Sigma,T6277),were diluted to1:1000in PBST.After incubation with primary antibody,membranes were washed three times with PBST for10min each time. Subsequently,membranes were incubated with the secondary antibody(1:4000,goat anti-mouse IgG alkaline phosphatase-conjugated secondary antibody,Sigma,A3562)in PBST for 2h at room temperature,and the membrane was washed three times with PBST for10min each time.Alkaline phos-phatase staining was performed with BCIP/NBT Alkaline Phosphatase Colour Development Kit(Beyotime)according to manufacturer’s instructions.2.3.Statistical Analysis.The effects of pHu and ageing time on WBSF and MFI were evaluated using the analysis of variance. The mathematical model for PL,CL,L∗,a∗,and b∗included fixed effect due to pHu,ageing time,and pHu×ageing. When significant,differences between means were tested by the least significant difference(LSD)procedure.Statistical significance was set at P<0.05.All figures were plotted using SigmaPlot software(version12.0,Systat,San Jose,CA,USA).Ageing time (d)Shearforce(kg)2468101214HILFigure1:Effect of ultimate pH(pHu)and ageing time on shear force value of M.Longissimus dorsi from Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle,stored at4∘C.Table values are pHu group means±standard deviation(SD).(H=high pHu group,meat pH> 6.2;I= intermediate pHu group,pH5.8–6.2;L=low pHu group,pH< 5.8).Different letters at the same ageing time indicate significant differences(P<0.05).Statistical analyses were performed with SPSS19.0software (SPSS Science,Chicago,IL,USA).3.Results and Discussion3.1.Tenderness.The Warner-Bratzler shear force(WBSF) changes caused by the effects of pHu and ageing time(during 9days postmortem)are presented in Figure1,which showed that tenderness and rate of tenderization were related with pHu.pHu and ageing time both affected(P<0.05)the WBSF of LD.High pHu beef was lower WBSF,achieving good tenderness[15]at1day postmortem and remained more tender(P<0.05)than low and intermediate pHu meat during the ageing period.Results showed that the WBSF values were not different(P≥0.05)between low and intermediate pHu meat at1day postmortem.But during ageing period,the WBSF of intermediate pHu meat decreased more slowly than low pHu meat(P<0.05).Our findings are similar to previous research that has demonstrated that high pHu meat is consistently more tender than low and intermediate pHu meat even after extended ageing time and that tenderisation was delayed in meat with intermediate pHu[4,16].But with regard to ageing time, our results differ from some other results[17],possibly due to different cattle breeds and ageing conditions among the studies.3.2.Myofibrillar Fragmentation Index.The relationship between pHu and MFI is shown in Figure2.MFI significantly increased among the three pHu groups from1to9d postmortem(P<0.05).During ageing,high pHu groupAgeing time (d)M F I20406080100120H I LFigure 2:Effect of pHu and ageing time on myofibril fragmentation index of M.Longissimus dorsi samples from Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle stored at 4∘C.(H =high pHu group,meat pH >6.2;I =intermediate pHu group,pH 5.8–6.2;L =low pHu group,pH <5.8).Different letters at the same ageing time indicate significant differences (P <0.05).had the highest MFI (P <0.05)compared with the low and intermediate pHu groups.The intermediate pHu group had the lowest MFI and the differences were significant (P <0.05)from day 5compared with the low pHu group.In general,meat tenderization is mainly due to ultra-structural changes that weaken the integrity of the myofibers in the muscle tissue [18].The MFI has been shown to be a good indicator of the extent of muscle myofibrillar protein degradation under postmortem conditions,and the MFI increase is the result of rupture of myofibrils in the I-band of the sarcomere during postmortem storage [19].Many studies indicate that MFI is related to meat pH and ageing time at a specified time postmortem,which is consistent with meat tenderisation.MFI is strongly correlated with WBSF and postmortem sensory tenderness [7].Our measurements revealed that at 24h postmortem high pHu group had a higher postmortem proteolytic activity compared to others [20].To some extent,these results may explain why the beef from the high pHu group had better initial tenderness.3.3.Water Holding Capacity.The effects of pHu and ageing time on purge loss and cooking loss of LD muscle is presented in Table 1.Both pHu and ageing time significantly affected the purge loss (P <0.001).Purge loss of all the pHu groups increased as ageing time was extended (P <0.05).Purge loss was significantly lower for the high pHu samples than for the other two groups (P <0.05).During the ageing period,the trend for intermediate pHu beef was in between those groups.This result is in agreement with the results of previous reports,showing that the extent of the pH decrease is a key factor influencing meat quality [21].Moreover,less cooking loss wasobserved in the high pHu group than the intermediate and low pHu beef (P <0.05)at all ageing periods.All groups had no difference in percentage of cooking loss throughout 9days of postmortem ageing (P ≥0.05).This result is similar to previous reports [22],which stated that muscle pH affected cooking loss and was not affected by ageing time.3.4.Meat Color.Each colour variable was affected by the pHu group and ageing time (P <0.001).An interaction (P <0.001)was also observed between ageing time and pHu after ageing (Table 1).At longer ageing times,L ∗,a ∗,and b ∗increased consistently (P <0.05).The meat from the high pHu group (pH >6.2)was darker,with lower meat surface L ∗,a ∗,and b ∗values than meat from the other pH groups (P <0.05).There are two explanations in the literature for dark color of high pH meat:(1)due to less light scattering,so that less light is reflected [23],and (2)due to high mitochondrial oxygen consumption in high pH meat,favoring formation of dark deoxymyoglobin [24,25].Both mechanisms may be involved in the dark color of meat samples from the high pHu group in this study.Li et al.[10]reported that L ∗value is correlated with WHC of muscles.Meat with intermediate pHu values seemed to have more rapid linear increase in a ∗values during storage than samples from the low or high pHu groups.In high pHu meat,a ∗values were the highest (17.4)at day 3(P <0.05)but decreased to 12.8by 9days ageing.3.5.Degradation of Desmin and Troponin-T in the Three pHu Groups.Desmin degradation pattern of the beef samples from three different pHu groups in the western blot analysis is shown in Figure 3.From 0.5h to day 3postmortem,intact desmin (54kDa)as well as 50,47,41,39,and 34kDa degradation products were present in abundance in the high pHu beef.But from day 5postmortem,intact desmin as well as 50,47,and 41kDa degradation products decreased greatly,while a 39kDa product increased at longer storage times.The degradation pattern of desmin in low pHu beef developed more slowly than in high pHu beef,where a 39kDa degradation product did not appear until day 3and no 34kDa product was observed (Figure 3).Compared to the high or low pHu beef,the intermediate pHu beef degraded much slower,with almost no disappearance of desmin (54kDa)during ageing (Figure 3).A representative immunoreactive troponin-T bands blot is shown in Figure 4.Bands 1and 2(molecular weight 42and 40kDa)likely represented isoforms of intact troponin-T,which is consistent with previous research [26].The remaining bands (3and 4,5and 6,7,and 8,molecular weight 38,36,34,32-,30,and 28kDa separately)were likely degradation products or a combination of intact isoforms and degradation products.From 0.5h postmortem,intact troponin-T isoforms of Bands 1and 2began decreasing and degradation products Bands 3and 4increased during ageing in both high and low pHu beef.Furthermore,in high pHu beef,there was also distinct appearance of degradation product Bands 7(30kDa)and 8(28kDa)from 0.5h postmortem,and the intensity increased noticeably from day 3postmortem,along with Bands 5and 6appearing clearly.High pHu12463879105(a)Intermediate pHu12345678910M and 363kDa3548(b)Low pHu21536410987(c)Figure 3:Representative Western blot of desmin and degradation products.Each lane was loaded with 40μg of protein.M is the molecular weight nes 1to 10represent the variability in desmin degradation from high,intermediate,and low pHu beef held at 4∘C for 0.5h,3h,6h,12h,24h,2d,3d,5d,7d,and 9d postmortem.Band 1=54kDa,Bands 2and 3=50and 47kDa,Band 4=41kDa,Band 5=39kDa,and Band 6=34kDa.High pHuM1234567891025kDa35kDa48kDa 20kDa(a)Intermediate pHu14329876510(b)Low pHu32541689107(c)Figure 4:Representative Western blot of troponin-T and degradation products.Each lane was loaded with 40μg of protein.M is the molecular weight nes 1to 10represent the variability in troponin-T degradation from high,intermediate,and low pHu beef aged at 4∘C for 0.5h,3h,6h,12h,24h,2d,3d,5d,7d,and 9d postmortem.Bands 1and 2=42and 40kDa,Bands 3and 4=38and 36kDa,Bands 5and 6=34and 32kDa,Band 7=30kDa,and Band 8=28kDa.However,in low pHu beef,intact troponins Bands 1and 2were present.Degradation Bands 5,6,7,and 8increased markedly from day 2postmortem.Among the degradation products,Band 7(30kDa)increased markedly during ageing.In contrast to high and low pHu beef,breakdown of intact troponin-T in the intermediate pHu beef was delayed,with breakdown product Bands 3and 5and 6appearing after 3days postmortem and in smaller quantities (Figure 4).Desmin is important to the ultrastructure of muscle as it is a constituent of costameres and intermediate filaments that anchor myofibrils sarcolemma and link adjacent myofibrils to each other at the Z-disk level,respectively.The postmortemTable1:Effect of ultimate pH(pHu)and ageing time on purge loss(PL),cooking loss(CL),and meat color of M.Longissimus dorsi in Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle(means±SEM).pHu groupAgeing timeSEMSignificance1d3d5d7d9d pHu Time pHu×TimePL%H0.58cB0.64bC0.84bC 1.02bC 1.67aCI0.88cB 1.15cB 1.70bB 2.09abB 2.24aB0.08∗∗∗∗∗∗NS L 1.45cA 1.83cA 2.40bA 2.74bA 3.31aACL%H16.0515.8117.5916.8317.64I22.68A20.97A23.70A23.63A25.10A 5.75∗∗∗NS NS L25.33A22.54A25.73A25.49A27.6AL∗H32.13cC35.63bC37.31aC35.24bB35.43bCI37.49dB39.15cB40.80bB43.38bA44.74aB 4.42∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗L41.51cA43.01bA43.40bA43.95aA46.16aAa∗H13.31cC17.39a16.89abC15.93bC12.79cCI14.83dB16.44c16.72bcB17.28bB19.61aA 2.87∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗L17.41A16.13c17.68aA17.85bA16.41bBb∗H 3.97bC 5.42a 4.83aC 4.65aB 3.15bBI 5.13cB 5.66c 6.73bB8.56aA8.44aA 1.53∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗L7.35bA 5.98b7.60bA8.64aA8.70aANS:not significant;∗∗∗P<0.001.a,b,c,d=P<0.05in rows(ageing time effect).A,B,C=P<0.05in columns(pHu effect).degradation of desmin has been found to be concomitant with meat tenderization[27].By determining the difference in the postmortem muscle proteolysis among the three different pHu groups in this study,we found postmortem degradation of desmin was faster in high pHu beef than others,and the intermediate pHu beef had the slowest degra-dation,indicating that the rate and extent of myofibrillar protein degradation vary with muscle pHu.These results are partly supported by a previous study on postmortem bull LD where desmin disappeared faster in high pHu than in low pHu.In this study,it was readily apparent that there were some different degradation products between high and low pHu beef.In high pHu beef,desmin degradation fragments clearly resulted in the accumulation of a high molecular weight fragment(39kDa).Furthermore,in low pHu beef desmin was effectively degraded,but no clear electrophoretic fragments appeared,rather,a progressive disappearance of the initial desmin band(54kDa)and the appearance of a continuous smear of degradation products was observed (Figure3).An explanation for the observed phenomenon is possibly the differences in calpains and cathepsin B activities at the extremes of postmortem muscle pH.Troponin-T is well known to be degraded mainly into the approximately30kDa products during postmortem ageing. Many researchers have repeatedly shown that a30kDa degra-dation product of troponin-T increases with muscle ageing and is associated with tenderization.For example,Lametsch et al.[18]recently reported that,at24h postmortem,the30 kDa band is present in tender bovine muscle and yet is not detected in tough bovine muscle.Results of this study showed that in high pHu beef the troponin-T degradation process started immediately after slaughter,with the clear appearance of a30kDa product.In the low pHu group,the degradation pattern seemed to be similar to that of the high pHu beef.Troponin-T related fragments with38and36kDa bands were detected within24h postmortem.Thereafter,the degradation products increased noticeably with ageing,but the30kDa did not become clear until day2postmortem.In intermediate pHu beef,troponin-T degradation was much slower,with only very weak degradation visible within24h postmortem, and almost no disappearance of intact troponin-T until day3 postmortem,and decreasing very slowly for the remainder of the storage period.These findings were similar to the results reported by Baron et al.[28],who found that troponin-T breakdown products began to appear between2and3day postmortem.Many reports have indicated that postmortem degra-dation of muscle proteins not only affects meat tenderness [29],but also determines the amount of purge loss during ageing and cooking.Pearce et al.[30]found that a high level of desmin degradation is associated with increasing WHC during postmortem ageing.The present study also found that intermediate pHu(pH5.8–6.2)was related to limited degradation of desmin and troponin-T,which may explain why the high pHu meat had better WHC.This study also found that the protein degradation intensity was affected by postmortem muscle pHu,which may partly explain why intermediate pHu beef tenderization rate during ageing was slower than for high(>6.2)or low(<5.8)pH groups.These results are consistent with previous research showing that nebulin and titin degradation was slowest at pHu6.0–6.3[27], corresponding to the intermediate pH group in this study.4.ConclusionThis study indicates that pHu is an important factor to affect the quality of Chinese Y ellow crossbreed cattle,especially for tenderness,including initial tenderness and tendernesschanges during the postmortem conversion of muscle to meat.The inconsistency of tenderness among the different pHu groups may be due to the low level of postmortem proteolysis at intermediate pH ranges(5.8–6.2).The rapid tenderisation of high(pH>6.2)and low pHu beef(pH< 5.8)was likely due to the early postmortem degradation of cytoskeletal proteins such as desmin and troponin-T,possibly due to the immediate activation ofμ-calpain at high pH, and cathepsins at low pH.Tenderisation of intermediate pHu meat was the slowest,possibly due to limited proteinase activities during the first days of ageing.Conflict of InterestsThe authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. 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