译林牛津版英语八年级下册 Unit 4 教学课件 Welcome to the unit




[单选]儿科中最先确认的染色体疾病是()A.先天愚型B.遗传性肾炎C.亚力山大病D.寻常型鱼鳞病E.异染体脑白质营养不良 [单选]气割的优点是()。A.设备简单灵活B.对切口两侧金属的成分和组织不会产生影响C.不会引起被割工件的变形D.对所有金属均可进行气割 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]《灵枢·天年》认为人体胚胎产生以母为()A.基B.本C.楯D.根E.标 [单选]方位投影大都是透视投影,视点在球外的方位投影称为()。A.心射投影B.极射投影C.外射投影D.日晷投影 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]小儿患小细胞贫血是由于缺乏()A.铁B.钙C.锌D.碘E.镁 [填空题]交流电动机可分为()步电动机和()电动机。 [填空题]高空作业的界限是距()垂直距离()。 [单选]预防风心病加重的根本措施是().A.积极治疗心力衰竭B.积极锻炼身体C.饮食清淡,避免妊娠D.预防和治疗感染E.卧床休息 [名词解释]共振吸声结构 [单选]下列哪项不是基础体温的临床应用()A.检查不孕原因B.指导避孕与受孕C.协助诊断妊娠D.协助诊断月经失调E.协助诊断胎盘功能 [单选]流体在流动时产生内摩擦力的性质叫做粘性,衡量粘性大小的物理量称为()。A、摩擦系数;B、粘度系数;C、粘度;D、运动粘度。 [多选]下面由收入决定的货币需求是()。A.投机需求B.交易需求C.预防性需求D.投资需求 [单选]在进行信访调查时,相关工作人员应当表明自己的身份,并且,对于一般的信访调查,信访调查人员不得少于()人。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [单选]下列()内容不属于我国行政诉讼受案范围。A.收容审查B.劳动教养C.行政拘留D.逮捕犯罪嫌疑人 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]原核细胞型微生物的结构特点是()A.无核膜核仁B.有核膜核仁C.有完整细胞器D.有染色体E.以上都不是 [单选]具备条件的快件运营人可பைடு நூலகம்通过()申请办理报检。A.电子邮件的方式B.电子数据交换的方式C.传真的方式D.电话的方式 [多选]高速公路路基土的干湿类型状态应处于()。A.超干燥B.干燥C.中湿D.潮湿E.过湿 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列哪种胃炎最常见()A.急性单纯性胃炎B.糜烂性胃炎C.化脓性胃炎D.腐蚀性胃炎E.慢性胃体炎 [问答题,简答题]如何点检空透主电机? [单选,A1型题]预防医学是研究()A.人体健康与环境的关系B.个体与群体的健康C.人群的健康D.社会环境与健康的关系E.健康和无症状患者 [多选]下列关于我国期货交易代码的说法,正确的是()。A.铜合约的交易代码是CUB.黄金合约的交易代码是GC.天然橡胶合约的交易代码是RUD.燃料油合约的交易代码是FU [单选]单纯疱疹与带状疱疹的皮损比较,最为突出的是()A.群集分布B.小水疱C.皮损是否跨越人体正中线D.疼痛E.疱疹破溃 [单选]关于鼻咽纤维血管瘤下列说法不相符的是()A.好发于10~25岁的男性青年B.肿瘤具有向邻近组织扩张能力C.肿瘤起源于枕骨底部、蝶骨体及翼突内侧的骨膜D.DSA及血管栓塞可减少术中出血E.活检确诊后手术切除 [单选]婴儿期保健预防传染病的最有效措施是()A.增加户外活动时间B.提倡母乳喂养C.补充各种微量元素、预防贫血D.及时添加辅食E.预防接种 [单选]()是利用油和水的密度差使油滴上浮进行分离的。按工作方式又可分为静置分离和机械分离。A.吸附分离B.自然分离C.重力分离D.化学分离 [单选]守时守信、()、勤奋好学、精益求精,是家政服务员的职业道德之一。A、自作主张B、得过且过C、马虎应付D、尊老爱幼 [名词解释]编制日期 [判断题]材料有受拉伸或压缩时,外力增加到一定数值时,应力不再增加,但应变却急剧增加的阶段为屈服阶段。()A.正确B.错误 [单选]惊厥性全身性癫痫持续状态必须从速控制发作,并保持不再复发的时间至少为()。A.6小时B.12小时C.24小时D.48小时E.72小时 [配伍题,B1型题]较大的鼻中隔血肿应采取的治疗是()。</br>较小的鼻中隔血肿应采取的治疗是()。</br>鼻中隔脓肿应采取的治疗是()。A.低位切开排淤,填塞双侧鼻腔B.切开引流,不填塞鼻腔C.鼻中隔矫正术D.穿刺抽液E.穿刺冲洗 [单选]一般情况下,灯光的默认颜色是什么:()A.黑色B.蓝色C.白色D.红色 [单选]在关系代数的专门关系运算中,从表中选出满足某种条件的元组的操作称为()A.选择B.投影C.连接D.扫描 [单选]在以下广告中,报纸、期刊可以发布的有()等。A.烟草广告B.药品广告C.使用国家级、最高级、最佳等用语的广告D.使用国家工作人员名义的广告 [问答题,简答题]什么是加工精度? [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]造成右心功能不全呼吸困难的原因是()。A.上呼吸道感染B.支气管狭窄及阻塞C.毛细血管阻力增加D.体循环静脉淤血E.过度劳累 [单选]义务教育法规定,自行实施义务教育的社会组织,应当经()批准。A、地市级人民政府B、县级人民政府C、县级人民政府教育行政部门D、省级人民政府 [填空题]观赏植物生长的环境条件主要是:温度、()、水分、土壤、空气、养分。 [单选,A1型题]阿片类麻醉药的解毒药是()A.解磷定B.阿托品C.纳洛酮D.亚甲蓝E.以上都错 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于前白蛋白叙述错误的是().A.营养不良敏感指标B.运载蛋白C.组织修补材料D.肝炎发病早期,浓度下降晚于其他血清蛋白E.运载维生素A [判断题]放射性脊髓炎和脑病病人,如有残余癌灶或局部复发,应再次使用放射治疗。A.正确B.错误

译林牛津版8A unit 4 Reading I 公开课教学课件PPT 8AU4

译林牛津版8A unit 4 Reading I 公开课教学课件PPT 8AU4

23.n. 供电中断;停电 24.n.管子,水管 25.vt.使充满 26.用…填充…
23.power cut 24.pipe 25.fill 26.fill… with 27.not only … but also…
27.不仅…而且…; .…和2…8.都ceiling
29.shelf/ shelves
2.最好/最好不要做had better do/ had better not do
Here is/ are…
Here it is / they are.
No problem.
Here you are.
It says…
some tools for DIY
51.correct-incollect 52.finished
55.possible-impossible 56.tidy/ untidy
56.vi. & vt. 收拾,整理57.tidy up
put up a picture on the wall
hit a pipe
24.把房间灌满了水 fill the room with water
25.把房子刷成蓝色 paint the house blue
not only...but also

牛津译林初中八年级上册英语Unit 4 Do it yourself Welcome to the

牛津译林初中八年级上册英语Unit 4 Do it yourself Welcome to the

tape rope
Whatisitbydescribing. Weuseittopaint(粉刷) thewalls. Wecan'tcutpapereasilywithoutit. Wecanuseittostick(粘) paper. It'softeninthebottle. Wealwaysuseittostickpaperonthewall.
3. getsometools拿一些工具 4. Noproblem. 没问题。
1. 读一下清晰的说明 2. 去拿一些工具 3. 最好/最好不要做
4. 没问题。 5. 制作一些纸玫瑰 6. 一把剪刀
readclearinstructions getsometools hadbetterdo /hadbetternotdo Noproblem. makesomepaperroses apairofscissors
1. Hereareclearinstructions. 1) instruction名词,“说明, 指示” 复数形
e.g. Youneedtoreadinstructions beforeyouusethisphone.
2) clear形容词,“清楚的,明白的,清晰 的”,也可以直接作为动词,“使…… 清楚,明白,清晰”,其副词形式 clearly。
Whatdoweneedtomaketh em?

Unit 4 单元复习课件-八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)

Unit 4 单元复习课件-八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)

2. _s_ta_r_t_/_b_e_g_in_ doing 开始做
3. ___a_l_l_ over 到处
4. ___s_h_o_u_t_ at 对……大喊
7. ___r_u_n___ aw短ay语逃辨跑析
right away 立刻
away 逃脱 go away
9. talk _w_i_tht_h_r和ow…a…wa交y谈扔掉
Unit 4
A good read
牛津译林版 八年级下册
Unit 4
知识点 语法
重点单词 重点短语 重点句子
疑问词+不定式 must 和 have to
Part 1 知识点回顾
novel spare
Germany knowledge
French writer
u_gly _e _i the_r
玩法:说出以下单词所缺字母。 目标:检验新学单词中较难记的。
s_er_i _es Ca_na_d_i a_n
su_cc_ess ma_na_ge
玩法:说出以下音标相对应的单词。 目标:检验新学单词中较难记的。
2. It is ____n_o_t_ ___a_s___ _d_if_f_ic_u_l_t ___a_s___ I thought. 这没有我想象得那么困难。
3. He was __th_e____ ___s_a_m__e ___s_i_z_e_ ___a_s___ my little finger. 他和我的小手指一样大。

牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 4 Welcome to the unit教学课件

牛津译林版英语八年级下册Unit 4 Welcome to the unit教学课件

knowledge n. 知识
writer n. 作者, 作家
ugly adj. 丑陋的
French adj. 法国(人)的
B Sandy and Daniel are talking about what they like to read. Read the conversation and answer the following questions.
1.________(cook) Cooking is a useful read. 2.Carl Max was born in __________(German) and Germany he was one of the greatest _____ Germans (German). knowledge (know). 3.It is good for us to learn much science___________ French 4.I think it is important to learn _________(France) because I French like reading books by ___________(France) ________(write). writer decided to do 5.Have you ________(decide) what ____________(do) next? reading 6.Are you __________(interest) in _________(read) the book? interested boring No. I think it is very ____________(bore). to use send 7.Can you tell me how _________(use) the computersto ______ (send) emails? liked 8.You like reading? I didn’t know you ____(like) books. read (read) more books about ________(travel). travelling 9.You’d better______ healthy 10.Take more exercise and keep yourself _______(health).

译林牛津版英语八年级下册 Unit 4 教学课件 Grammar

译林牛津版英语八年级下册 Unit 4 教学课件 Grammar
含“特殊疑问词 + 动词不定式” 结构 的句子可以转化为含could, should 或 will 等的宾语从句。
how which what when where whose
1. When I go into the clothes shop, I always can’t decide which one to buy.
A. go B. went C. going D. to go [解析] 考查“疑问词+不定式”结构。由句意 “-我将去哈尔滨过暑假,你呢?-我还没有 决定去哪里。”decide后可接宾语从句,也可 接“疑问词+不定式”结构。故排除A、B和C 项。
( C )— Excuse me. Could you tell me ______
A. how to do
B. what to do it
C. how to do it
D. what should to do
[解析] 疑问词后接动词不定式。句意“我们不
( C )This math problem is too difficult. Can you show me________, George? (2011山东威海)
( B ) — Excuse me. Could you please tell
me ______ my car?
—Sure. Park it right here. I’ll help you.

牛津译林版英语八年级下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Welcome to th

牛津译林版英语八年级下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Welcome to th

牛津译林版英语八年级下册《Unit 6 Sunshine for all Welcome to the unit》教学设计7一. 教材分析本单元的主题是“阳光照耀所有人”,主要讲述了一个阳光男孩帮助一个盲人找到回家的路的故事。



二. 学情分析八年级的学生已经具备了一定的英语基础,对于一般过去时和情态动词有一定的了解。



三. 教学目标1.能够听懂、说出一般过去时的被动语态。




四. 教学重难点1.一般过去时的被动语态。



五. 教学方法1.任务型教学法:通过设定各种任务,让学生在实践中学习和运用语言。



六. 教学准备1.PPT课件:制作与本单元主题相关的PPT课件,包括图片、视频等。




七. 教学过程1.导入(5分钟)利用PPT展示一张阳光明媚的图片,引导学生谈论阳光。






牛津译林版英语8A Unit4 Reading 1课件(共25张PPT)

牛津译林版英语8A Unit4 Reading 1课件(共25张PPT)

Group 2:Make a dialogue between Andrew and his mum according to the story. You can add something else to make it more interesting
A: What’s wrong with …?
Not only my children but also I am
good at DIY.
Let’s work out the rule!
2.not only… but also连接主语时, 谓语动词使用就近原则.
Have a try:
Not only some students in our class but also
B: Sorry, mum. I made a mistake. I…
A: What? How did you do that?
B: I tried to …, but ...
A: Oh, honey. It’s good to …, but ...
B: I know, mum.
The moulds are full
of milk and
fill … with … 用……填满……
be filled with= be full of 被装满,挤满,充满
1.他将玻璃杯Mu盛m满_f_i了l_le_水_d_。_ the glass _w__it_h__milk.
Let’s sum up.
Andrew didn’t take Suzy’s advice. Andrew does his DIY jobs instead of taking Suzy’s



Common rules on writing a summary
1. Focus on main ideas and l_e_a_ve__o_u_t examples and details. •2. When using the words and phrases in the original passage, do not include your own opinion, but be sure to use your own words
Florence Chadwick
• 2.What did the woman attempt to do at age 34?
to become the first woman to swim from Catalina Island to the California coast.
• 3.Why did she fail in her first attempt but succeed in her second attempt ?
out the topic sentences ,key words and phrases.
2.Tense: use the tense based on the passage. 3.Rewrite: Write in our own words.
4.Join: In our final draft, insert transitional words
polish and perfect the writing.
The song reminds us that all of us should have confidence in ourselves, be ready to challenge ourselves, and have a good dream ,with which you can make everything possible.

牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 4 A good read reading课件(共20张PPT)

牛津译林版八年级英语下册Unit 4 A good read reading课件(共20张PPT)

How big was the small man? He was the same size as Gulliver’s little finger.
Who can read Para.3 with surprise for us?
Where was I?
Who was this tiny person?
After Gulliver’s ship…
swam – tired out
woke up – could not move
– fell down – went to sleep — be tied
felt-lookedmove up-started down-saw climbing-fall over
If you are tiny men,
what will you talk about ?
small men Para.5
began t_a_lk_i_ng__t_o_h_i_m;
could not u_n_d_e_r_st_a_n_d_____;
didn’t know _w_h_at__t_o_s_a_y____;
2. Try to read the book of Gulliver’s Travels.
一 个 人 所 这受 样的 的教 人育 才超 有过 学了 问自 。己 的 智 力 ,
You made my day!
Unit 4 Reading Ⅰ
Gulliver’s Travels
Jonathan Swift

Unit 1 第1课时 Welcome to the unit 八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)

Unit 1 第1课时 Welcome to the unit 八年级英语下册(牛津译林版)

Unit 1
Past and present
第1课时 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 牛津译林版 八年级下册
TeCaacthailnog uGeoals
New words: past, prLeseeantd, juInst, since, ever, northern, mPahrrriaeds,ews ife, block, over
Look and Guess
in the past at present just now since then in the northern part of
在过去 目前 刚刚 自那时以来 在...的北部
Practice Two
1. 我过去常常熬夜看电影。
I _______u_s_ed__t_o______ stay up late to watch movies.
4. —你曾经想过环游世界吗? —是的,我想过。
—Have you __e_v_e_r__ wanted to _____tr_a_v_e_l_a_r_o_u_n_d__th_e__w_ o_r_l_d____?
—Yes, I have.
Text Analysis
go to school
Eddie: Because I was hungrTya. lk about what your best friends Hobo: You've changed, Eddie. You usehdatvoeshcahraenfgoeodd.with me!
Eddie: You’ve changed too.You used to be so kind to me.

译林牛津版8A unit 4 Reading I 公开课教学课件共34张PPT

译林牛津版8A unit 4 Reading I 公开课教学课件共34张PPT

some paper with you .
A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring
பைடு நூலகம்
4. Don’t _____, Sandy , or you will fall behind others.
A. put up B. set up C. give up D. call up
A. tips B. tapes C. ropes
D. hope
3. You need to take notes at the meeting, so make sure __ a pen and
some paper with you .
A. bring B. bringing C. to bring D. not bring

a pair of scissors
glue [U]
rope brush
paper [U]
tape [U] We need _a_p_a_i_r_o_f__sc_i_s_so_r_s_,_s_o_m_e__p_a_p_e_r_, _g_lu_e__a_n_d_t_a_p_e___
to make them.
2. —I don’t know how to do it well. —Don’t worry. Here are some
A. tips B. tapes C. ropes
D. hope
3. You need to take notes at the meeting, so make sure __ a pen and
He _l_e_t_s _o_ff___ a firecracker.



2. Would you mind showing me how to start the online tour?
would you mind (not) doing sth?
3. Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.
A is the opposite of B. 这里opposite是名词,表示对立面、对立事物。
23 —I’m afraid I can’t go to Sandy’s birthday party next week. — Me, __ei_t_h_e_r____. I have to prepare for the coming exam. Either表示“也”只用于否定句中,置于句末。 as well, too 用于肯定句中,置于句末,前面通常不加逗号。 also放在be 动词、助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前。
D successfully; successful
15 Every student should remember that __k_n_o_w__le_d_g_e__ (知识) is power. 16 He is a teacher with lots of ___e_x_p_e_r_ie_n_c_e___(经验), so students like to ask him for help. experience 1)不可数 “经验” 教学经验丰富: much experience in teaching 2) 可数 “经历” 一次不愉快的经历 an unpleasant experience
try tAofrdiocasth. 尝试做某事(不一定成功)
8 _________ is the second largest continent(洲) in the world. It is to the

译林牛津版 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself reading I 教学课件 (共26

译林牛津版 8A Unit 4 Do it yourself reading I 教学课件 (共26
because … of the shelf is … than …! ...
* is crazy about DIY * love to repair things * decorate his house
2 * put in a brighter light
* make a mistake * have a power cut
What will you do when your house
has such a terrible problem?
What DIY Jobs did Andrew do? What problems did Andrew cause?
put in a brighter light
put up a picture
* spend 5 hours putting up the shelf
* books couldn’t stay * one end was much higher
* books about DIY
* take a course
* angry
* instead
Task1 Fill in the blanks(每空一词)
living room blue
,and even his cat blue.
put up a shelf for Suzy
The books couldn’t stay there because one end of the shelf was much higher than the other.
Task3 Scanning What did Suzy do?

译林牛津版八年级英语下册Unit 4单元词句梳理

译林牛津版八年级英语下册Unit 4单元词句梳理

Unit 4 A good readPeriod 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit必背单词1. read n.读物→ read v.阅读,朗读→ reading n.阅读→ reader n.读者2. cooking n.烹饪,烹调→ cook v.烹饪,烧,煮→ cook n.厨师→ cooker n.厨灶,炉具3. Germany n.德国→ German n.德语,德国人→ German adj.德国的,德语的4. knowledge n.知识→ know v.知道,认识5. spare adj.空闲的,多余的6. French adj.法国(人)的;法语的→ French n.法国人;法语→ Frenchman n.法国人→ France n.法国7. writer n.作者,作家→ write v.写,写信,写作→ writing n.写作;著作8. ugly adj.丑陋的→ 反义词beautiful adj.漂亮的,美丽的9. touch vt.感动,触动→ touch n.接触,触觉→ touched adj.受感动的→ touching adj.感人的必背短语10. a book about 一本关于……的书11. improve my knowledge of 提高我的……的知识12. in your spare time 在你的空闲时间13. French writer 法国作家必背句子14. Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo?霍波,你已经决定怎样处理这些书了吗?15. What do you like to read in your spare time?你在业余时间喜欢看什么书?16. I like reading novels and plays.我喜欢读小说和戏剧。

译林牛津版英语八年级下册 Unit 4 拓展阅读:莎士比亚的作品依然富有生命力

译林牛津版英语八年级下册 Unit 4 拓展阅读:莎士比亚的作品依然富有生命力

Welcome to EXPLORA TIONS in VOA Special English. I'm Mario Ritter. Today, Steve Ember and Barbara Klein tell us about one of the most influential and skillful writers in the history of literature. For more than four hundred years, people around the world and in many cultures have been reading, watching and listening to the plays and poetry of the English writer William Shakespeare.Juliet: Ay me!Romeo: She speaks:O, speak again, bright angel!Juliet: O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?Deny thy father and refuse thy name;Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,And I'll no longer be a Capulet.You just heard part of a famous scene from a movie version of "Romeo and Juliet." This tragic play remains one of the greatest, and perhaps most famous, love stories ever told. It tells about two young people who meet and fall deeply in love. But their families, the Capulets and the Montagues, are enemies and will not allow them to be together. Romeo and Juliet are surrounded by violent fighting and generational conflict. The young lovers secretly marry, but their story has a tragic ending."Romeo and Juliet" shows how William Shakespeare's plays shine with extraordinarily rich and imaginative language. He invented thousands of words to color his works. They have become part of the English language. Shakespeare's universal stories show all the human emotions and conflicts. His works are as fresh today as they were four hundred years ago.William Shakespeare was born in fifteen sixty-four in the town of Stratford-upon-Avon. He married Anne Hathaway at the age of eighteen. The couple had three children, two daughters and a son who died very young. Shakespeare moved to London in the late fifteen eighties to be at the center of the city's busy theater life.Most people think of Shakespeare as a writer. But he was also a theater producer, a part owner of an acting company and an actor. For most of his career, he was a producer and main writer for an acting company called the King's Men.In fifteen ninety-nine Shakespeare's company was successful enough to build its own theater called The Globe. Public theaters during this time were usually three floor levels high and were built around a stage area where the actors performed. The Globe could hold as many as three thousand people. People from all levels of society would attend performances.The poorer people could buy tickets for a small amount of money to stand near the stage. Wealthier people could buy more costly tickets to sit in other areas.Often it was not very important if wealthy people could see the stage well. It was more importantthat they be in a seat where everyone could see them.It was difficult to light large indoor spaces during this time. The Globe was an outdoor theater with no roof on top so that sunlight could stream in. Because of the open-air stage, actors had to shout very loudly and make big motions to be heard and seen by all. This acting style is quite different from play-acting today. It might also surprise you that all actors during this period were men. Young boys in women's clothing played the roles of female characters. This is because it was against the law in England for women to act onstage.Shakespeare's theater group also performed in other places such as the smaller indoor Blackfriars Theater. Or, they would travel around the countryside to perform. Sometimes they were asked to perform at the palace of the English ruler Queen Elizabeth, or later, King James the First.Shakespeare is best known for the thirty-nine plays that he wrote, although only thirty-eight exist today. His plays are usually divided into three groups: comedies, histories and tragedies. The comedies are playful and funny. They usually deal with marriage and the funny activities of people in love. These comedies often tell many stories at the same time, like plays within plays."Much Ado About Nothing" is a good example of a Shakespearian comedy. It tells the story of two couples. Benedick and Beatrice each claim they will never marry. They enjoy attacking each other with funny insults. Their friends work out a plan to make the two secretly fall in love.Claudio and Hero are the other couple. They fall in love at once and plan to marry. But Claudio wrongly accuses Hero of being with another man and refuses to marry her. Hero's family decides to make Claudio believe that she is dead until her innocence can be proved. Claudio soon realizes his mistake and mourns for Hero. By the end of the play, love wins over everyone and there is a marriage ceremony for the four lovers.Shakespeare's histories are intense explorations of actual English rulers. This was a newer kind of play that developed during Shakespeare's time. Other writers may have written historical plays, but no one could match Shakespeare's skill. Plays about rulers like Henry the Fourth and Richard the Third explore Britain's history during a time when the country was going through tense political struggles.Many Shakespearian tragedies are about conflicting family loyalties or a character seeking to punish others for the wrongful death of a loved one. "Hamlet" tells the story of the son of the king of Denmark. When Hamlet's father unexpectedly dies, his uncle Claudius becomes ruler and marries Hamlet's mother. One night a ghostly spirit visits Hamlet and tells him that Claudius killed his father.Hamlet decides to pretend that he is crazy to learn if this is true. This intense play captures the conflicted inner life of Hamlet. This young man must struggle between his moral beliefs and his desire to seek punishment for his father's death. Here is a famous speech from a movie version of "Hamlet." The actor Laurence Olivier shines in this difficult role.Hamlet: "To be, or not to be: that is the question:Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to sufferThe slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them?"Shakespeare also wrote one of greatest collections of poems in English literature. He wrote several long poems, but is best known for his one hundred and fifty-four short poems, or sonnets. The English sonnet has a very exact structure. It must have fourteen lines, with three groups of four lines that set up the subject or problem of the poem. The sonnet is resolved in the last two lines of the poem.If that requirement seems demanding, Shakespeare's sonnets are also written in iambic pentameter. This is a kind of structure in which each line has ten syllables or beats with a stress on every second beat.Even with these restrictive rules, the sonnets seem effortless. They have the most creative language and imaginative comparisons of any other poems. Most of the sonnets are love poems. Some of them are attacks while others are celebrations. The sonnets express everything from pain and death to desire, wisdom, and happiness.Here is one of Shakespeare's most famous poems. Sonnet Eighteen tells about the lasting nature of poetry. The speaker describes how the person he loves will remain forever young and beautiful in the lines of this poem.Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer's lease hath all too short a date:Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines,And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometimes declines,By chance or nature's changing course untrimmed;But thy eternal summer shall not fade,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;Nor shall death brag thou wander'st in his shade,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.In part two, we explore ways that Shakespeare's work has influenced world culture. This program was written and produced by Dana Demange. Steve Ember and Barbara Klein were our announcers. You can read and listen to this program and other Learning English products on our Web site, . Join us again next week for EXPLORATIONS in VOA Special English.。



get 不及物动词,常和介词to连 I got home late yesterday. 用。但当到达的地点为副词 我昨天到家迟了。 (here, there, home)时,to 要 省略。
arrive 不及物动词,后面必须接介 He will arrive in Beijing 词at(小地方)/ in(大地方), in an hour. 才能接表示地点的名词。 过一小时他将到达北京。
知识点 2 reach/riːtʃ/ v. 伸手(脚)够到;到达
eg:The little girl can't reach the apples on the table. 那个小女孩够不到桌上的苹果。
考向【易错点】辨析reach, get与ar例
reach 及物动词,后面可接名 We reached here on foot.
Sandy:But I think they're boring. Daniel:What do you like to read in your spare time? Sandy:I like reading novels and plays. The Hunchback of
Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo is great. Daniel:I've read that book. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me. Sandy: Me too.
Comic strip
1. —Have you decided what to do with these books, Hobo? —Not yet.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

touch 还可意为“触摸;接触” Don't touch the paint until it's dry.
I'm not going to touch a thing tonight. 今天晚上,我什么也不打算吃了。
The food here smells good, but what
Welcome to the unit
Do you like reading in your spare time?
What kind of book do you like reading?
What books have you read recently?
Chinese reading rate 2008-2012

Listen and answer the questions.
1. What is Daniel’s favourite type of books? Why? He likes history books best. They improve his knowledge of the past.
Please stay with us. We have a spare room for you.
What do you like doing in your spare time? 你在闲暇时喜欢做什么?
I have no spare money. 我没有余钱。
We have ____m__o_r_e_s_p_a_r_e_t_i_m_e_____ (更多的空余时间) for our hobbies now.
I think it is interesting / boring / fantastic / difficult / exciting / great / famous / …
1.my knowledge of the past knowledge n. 知识;了解
He is poor in money, but rich in knowledge. 他贫于金钱, 但富于学问。
Read after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.
Complete the paragraph according to the Comic strip.
Eddie asks Hobo _w_h__a_t __to____ _d__o___ with the books. Hobo has not _d_e_c_id__ed_ __y_et____. Eddie asks Hobo to give the books to him. Eddie feels _s_u_r_p_r_is_e_d_ because he did not know that Eddie _li_k_e_d_ books. In fact, Eddie wants to use the books to _r_e_a_c_h_ the box on the fridge.
阅读于思想如同 锻炼于身体。
What kind of book is it?
What kind of book is it?
What kind of book is it?
What kind of book is it?
Book reading rate among Chinese between 18 and 70 was 54.9 percent in 2012, 1 percentage point higher than in 2011. Digital reading rate (online, mobile phone, e-book) was 40.3 percent, 1.7 percentage points higher than in 2011.
does it ____A____ like?
A. taste
B. touch
C. seem
D. feel
Look at the flash between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions.
1. What did Eddie do after Hobo gave the books to him?
3. The story … really touched me. touch在这句话里的意思是“触动;感动” If you mention this, you'll touch him on a tender spot. 你要是提及这事,会触及他的痛处。
His sad story touched our hearts. 他的悲惨的故事深深打动了我们的心。
2. What is he reading now? He is reading a book about Germany in World War II.
3. What does Sandy like to read?
She likes reading novels and plays.
4. What book does she think is great? Why? The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched her.
B. the; an
C. the; the
D. /; the
trade是不可数名词, 泛指类别时不加任何
冠词, 排除B、C、D。knowledge 原为抽
象名词,如指具体“一门学问” 或 “一门学
问的掌握了解”可与不定冠词连用, a
knowledge of English “英语知识”。
2. spare time spare adj. 空闲的;多余的
Make a dialogue using the conversation as a model.
I think it is interesting / boring / fantastic / difficult / exciting / great / famous / …
I think it is interesting / boring / fantastic / difficult / exciting / great / famous / …
But due to the fall in newspaper reading rate, the comprehensive reading rate fell from 77.6 percent to 76.3 percent. Chinese read 4.39 books on average in 2012, compared with 4.35 in 2011. That is far behind some countries. Koreans read 11 books on average in 2011, French 8.4, Japanese about 8.4, the US citizens 7, according to the 2011 International Publishing Blue Book.
We have no knowledge of such a person in our community.
As we know, ______ knowledge is a must
in ______ international trade today.
A. a; /
He used them to reach the box on the fridge.
2. What did Hobo think? He thought that Eddie liked reading books.
3. Does Eddie really love reading? No, he does not.