



ABV101............Accumulator Bleed-Down Valve......................MV15-MV17 CDP161............Double P.O. Check Valves..................................LH85-LH86 CDPH103..........Double P.O. Check Valves..................................LH83-LH84 CP044P............Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH46-LH48 CP074P............Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH49-LH51 CP084P............Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH52-LH54 CPC101P..........Pilot-to-Close Check Valves...............................LH64-LH66 CPC161P..........Pilot-to-Close Check Valves...............................LH67-LH69 CPD084P..........Double P.O. Check Valves..................................LH80-LH82 CPH064P..........Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH55-LH57 CPH104P..........Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH58-LH60 CPH124P..........Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH61-LH63 CS041B............Shuttle Valves....................................................LH87-LH89 CSH101B..........Shuttle Valves....................................................LH90-LH92 CSP161............Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH78-LH79 CSPH103..........Single P.O. Check Valves...................................LH76-LH77 CV041P............Check Valves.........................................................LH1-LH3 CV081P &091P.................Check Valves.........................................................LH4-LH6 CV082P............Check Valves.........................................................LH7-LH9 CV101P............Check Valves.....................................................LH10-LH12 CV102P............Check Valves.....................................................LH13-LH15 CV103P............Check Valves.....................................................LH16-LH18 CVH061P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH25-LH27 CVH071P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH28-LH30 CVH081P &091P.................Check Valves.....................................................LH31-LH33 CVH103P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH34-LH36 CVH084P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH37-LH39 CVH104P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH40-LH42 CVH121P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH43-LH45 CVH161P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH19-LH21 CVH201P..........Check Valves.....................................................LH22-LH24 CVO101P..........Vent-to-Open Check Valves...............................LH70-LH72 CVO161P..........Vent-to-Open Check Valves...............................LH73-LH75 DF083...............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont...........PV1-PV4 DF092C............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont...........PV5-PV8 DF092N............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont.........PV9-PV12 DF102C............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont.......PV13-PV16 DF102N............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont.......PV17-PV20 DF102P............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont.......PV21-PV23 DF122...............Sol. Operated, P.C. Proportional Flow Cont.......PV24-PV27 DF161C............Solenoid Operated, Throttle Valves....................PV28-PV31 DF201C............Solenoid Operated, Throttle Valves....................PV32-PV35 DH082..............Pilot Operated, 2-Way Valves............................DC22-DC24 DH103..............Pilot Operated, Directional Valves......................DC25-DC28 DL081..............Manual, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves.....................DC1-DC3 DL101..............Manual, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves.....................DC4-DC6 DL102..............Manual, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.......................DC7-DC9 DL103..............Manual, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves...................DC10-DC12 DL104..............Manual, Spool-Type, 4-Way Valves...................DC13-DC15 DM103.............Manual, Rotary, 3-Way Valves...........................DC16-DC18 DM104.............Manual, Rotary, 4-Way Valves...........................DC19-DC21 DPR083B..........Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV36-PV39 DPR083C..........Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV40-PV43 DPR083C30......Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV44-PV47 DPR083N.........Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV48-PV51 DPR103C..........Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV52-PV55DPR104C10......Sol. Operated, Proportional Pres. Reducing......PV56-PV59 DS085..............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way, 3-Pos.............DC127-DC130 DS086C6Mand 096............Sol., Bi-Directional, Poppet-Type, 2-Way.......DC148-DC151 DS105..............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way, 3-Pos.............DC131-DC134 DS161..............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC56-DC59 DS162..............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.................DC84-DC87 DS123B............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.............DC104-DC106 DS163..............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.............DC107-DC110 DS201..............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC60-DC63 DS083BP3........Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 3-Way Valves...............DC64-DC67 DSH08D1C.......Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...........DC139-DC141 DSH08D6C.......Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...........DC145-DC147 DSH081 & 091.Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC36-DC39 DSH082 & 092.Solenoid, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.................DC72-DC75 DSH083............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.................DC92-DC95 DSH084............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way Valves.............DC115-DC118 DSH085............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way, 3-Pos.............DC135-DC138 DSH101............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC44-DC47 DSH102............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.................DC80-DC83 DSH103............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.............DC100-DC103 DSH104............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way Valves.............DC123-DC126 DSH106C6........Sol., Bi-Directional, Poppet-Type, 2-Way.......DC156-DC159 DSH121............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC52-DC55 DSL08D6C........Sol., Bi-Directional, Poppet-Type, 2-Way.......DC142-DC144 DSL080DC........Soft Seat, Direct Act., Poppet-Type, 2-Way.......DC29-DC31 DSL081 & 091.Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC32-DC35 DSL082 & 092.Solenoid, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.................DC68-DC71 DSL083............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.................DC88-DC91 DSL084............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way Valves.............DC111-DC114 DSL101............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC40-DC43 DSL102............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 2-Way Valves.................DC76-DC79 DSL103............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 3-Way Valves.................DC96-DC99 DSL104............Solenoid, Spool-Type, 4-Way Valves.............DC119-DC122 DSL106C6........Sol., Bi-Directional, Poppet-Type, 2-Way.......DC152-DC155 DSL121............Solenoid, Poppet-Type, 2-Way Valves...............DC48-DC51 EHVC................Electrohydraulic Valve Controller.......................PV92-PV99 ERV091C..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV60-PV63 ERV091N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV64-PV67 ERV092N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV68-PV71 ERV101C..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV72-PV75 ERV101N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV76-PV79 ERV102N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV80-PV83 ERV121N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV84-PV87 ERV161N..........Solenoid Operated, Proportional P.C.................PV88-PV91 FA101...............Pressure Compensated Flow Control................VC16-VC18 FC101...............Pressure Compensated Flow Control................VC22-VC24 FCP101.............Priority-Type, P.C. Valves...................................VC38-VC40 FCPH121..........Priority-Type, P.C. Valves...................................VC41-VC43 FCR101............Restrictive-Type, P.C. Valves..............................VC29-VC31 FCR121............Restrictive-Type, P.C. Valves..............................VC32-VC34 FCR161............Restrictive-Type, P.C. Valves..............................VC35-VC37 FDC101............Flow Divider/Combiner Valves...........................VC19-VC21 FL101...............Filter Cartridge.....................................................MV7-MV9 FP101...............Priority-Type, P.C. Flow Control Valves..............VC47-VC50 FPR101............Priority-Type, P.C. Flow Control Valves..............VC51-VC53 FR101...............Restrictive-Type, P.C. Flow Control Valves.........VC44-VC46FV101 & 102 .... Flow Control Valves ........................................... VC25-VC28 HLSVH101........Hi-Lo Unloading Valve.....................................MV10-MV12 HP101..............Hand Pump.....................................................MV13-MV14 NV102..............Needle Valves........................................................VC7-VC9 NV161..............Needle Valves....................................................VC10-VC12 NV162..............Needle Valves....................................................VC13-VC15 NVH081............Needle Valves........................................................VC1-VC3 NVH101............Needle Valves........................................................VC4-VC6 Offer of Sale............................................................................................TI15 P10-2*.............Cavity Plugs................................................................MV19 PDS101............Pressure Sensing..............................................PC67-PC69 PDS161............Pressure Sensing..............................................PC70-PC72 PMK101...........Panel Mount Kit..........................................................MV18 PN 812724.......Block Off Plate............................................................MV20 PR103..............Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves.................PC91-PC93 PRCH101..........Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves With.........................PC79-PC81PRH081............P.O. Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves..........PC73-PC75 PRH082............P.O. Pressure Reducing Valves..........................PC94-PC96 PRH101............P.O. Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves..........PC76-PC78 PRH102............P.O. Pressure Reducing Valves..........................PC97-PC99 PRH121............P.O. Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves..........PC82-PC84 PRH121V..........P.O. Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves..........PC85-PC87 PRH122............P.O. Pressure Reducing Valves......................PC100-PC102 PRH161............P.O. Pressure Reducing/Relieving Valves..........PC88-PC90 PRH162............P.O. Pressure Reducing Valves......................PC103-PC105PRS102............Pressure Reducing Spool Valves...................PC106-PC108PRS162............Pressure Reducing Spool Valves...................PC109-PC111 RAH081 & 091.P.O. Relief Valves...............................................PC49-PC51 RAH101............P.O. Relief Valves...............................................PC52-PC54 RAH101V..........P.O. Ventable Relief Valves................................PC55-PC57 RAH121............P.O. Relief Valves...............................................PC58-PC60 RAH161............P.O. Relief Valves...............................................PC61-PC63 RAH201............P.O. Relief Valves...............................................PC64-PC66 RASPH21.........Subplate/Relief Valve...........................................MV1-MV3 RASPH31.........Subplate/Relief Valve...........................................MV4-MV6 RD042..............Direct Acting Relief Valves.....................................PC7-PC9 RD072..............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC13-PC15 RD102..............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC19-PC21 RD163..............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC31-PC33 RDH062............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC10-PC12 RDH081............Direct Acting Relief Valves.....................................PC1-PC3 RDH082............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC16-PC18 RDH083............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC22-PC24 RDH101............Direct Acting Relief Valves.....................................PC4-PC6 RDH103............Direct Acting Relief Valves.................................PC25-PC27 RDH104............Differential Relief Valves With..........................................PC34-PC36 RDCH103.........Direct Acting Relief Valves With..........................................PC28-PC30PC139-PC141 SVCH101..........Sequence Valves w/Free Rev. Flow Check.....PC118-PC120 SVH081............Sequence Valves............................................PC112-PC114 SVH082............P.O. Sequence Valves....................................PC127-PC129 SVH101............Sequence Valves............................................PC115-PC117 SVH102............P.O. Sequence Valves....................................PC130-PC132 SVH121............Sequence Valves............................................PC121-PC12308 & 09............Coils 1/2″ I.D..........................................................CL1-CL2 DF102P &DPR104C10......Coils 1/2″ I.D..........................................................CL3-CL4 10, 12,16 & 20............Coils 5/8″ I.D..........................................................CL5-CL6 12 & 16............Coils 1″ I.D.............................................................CL7-CL8 08 & 09............Unicoils 1/2″ I.D...................................................CL9-CL10 10 & 12............Unicoils 5/8″ I.D.................................................CL11-CL12 08 & 09............Waterproof Coils 1/2″ I.D............................................CL13 10 & 12............Waterproof Coils 5/8″ I.D............................................CL14 Installation Data.........................................................................................TI1 04.....................Two and Three Way Cavity Details..................................TI206.....................Two and Three Way Cavity Details..................................TI307.....................Two and Three Way Cavity Details..................................TI408.....................Two, Three and Four Way Cavity Details...................TI5-TI609.....................Two Way Cavity Detail....................................................TI710.....................Two, Three and Four Way Cavity Details...................TI8-TI9 12.....................Two, Three and Four Way Cavity Details...............TI10-TI11 16.....................Two, Three and Four Way Cavity Details...............TI12-TI13 20.....................Two Way Cavity Detail..................................................TI14 B04-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.........................VB1-VB2 B04-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies.......................VB3-VB4 B06-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.........................VB5-VB6 B06-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies.......................VB7-VB8 B07-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.......................VB9-VB10 B07-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB11-VB12 B08-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB13-VB14 B08-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB15-VB16 B08-4**...........Single Function, Four Step Bodies.....................VB17-VB18 B09-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB19-VB20 B10-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB21-VB22 B10-2T**.........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB23-VB24 B10-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB25-VB26 B10-3L**.........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB27-VB28 B10-4**...........Single Function, Four Step Bodies.....................VB29-VB30 B12-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB31-VB32 B12-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB33-VB34 B12-4**...........Single Function, Four Step Bodies.....................VB35-VB36 B16-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB37-VB38 B16-3**...........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB39-VB40 B16-3S**.........Single Function, Three Step Bodies...................VB41-VB42 B20-2**...........Single Function, Two Step Bodies.....................VB43-VB44 Single Function BodiesCavity DetailsCartridge Valve CoilsSVH122............P.O. Sequence Valves....................................PC133-PC135 SVH161............Sequence Valves............................................PC124-PC126 SVH162............P.O. Sequence Valves....................................PC136-PC138 TR081..............Thermal Relief Valves....................................PC142-PC144 VF101...............Velocity Fuses....................................................VC54-VC56 XR101..............Cross-Over Relief Valves...................................PC37-PC39 XRDH101.........Cross-Over Relief Valves...................................PC40-PC42 XRDH102.........Dual Relief Valves w/Anti-Cavitation Checks......PC43-PC45 XRDH103.........Cross-Over Relief Valves...................................PC46-PC48。



BM 20 # (**) − * DS − 0.4 V (51)


⁞ Series Name: BM Series No.: 20
⁠ Shape Symbols B: With reinforcing metal fitting JC: Connector for conductivity testing
Contact resistance Maximum of 100 mø Insulation resistance Minimum of 25 mø
Left at temperature 40±2ç, humidity 90 to 95%, 96 hours
6. Temperature Cycles 7. Durability
■Product Number Structure
Refer to this page when determining product specifications by model types. Please place orders with part numbers listed in this catalog. The characteristics and specifications of the product described in this catalog are reference values. Please make sure to check the latest delivery specifications at the time of product use.
A space saving design that keeps the connector compact, but still maintains an adequate vacuum area (no less than 0.7mm wide). Depth DS: 2.3 mm DP: 1.78 mm


PWM Peak Controler 7500W type D rev01c Final Assembly 01
U512, , U514, U505
U508, U509
D3, D304, D307, D504
D303, D305
COSP05FB 6R8.33W5%1206 2R7.33W5%1206 10K.125W1%0805
22n630VMKP7.5 T50WFETD29 T16A400-5x20AL T3A15400-5x20
Q3, Q7, Q307, Q308, Q508 Q4, Q5, Q8, Q9, Q400, Q401, Q403, Q507, Q404, Q12
Q11 Q10, Q500 Q509
Q505 U300, U401
U407, U408, U504
Ic Operational Amplifier Lm833 SOIC Narrow body Ic dual gate driver FAN3224CMX SOIC-8 Pulse Width Modulator PFC type 1 rev.03a Final Assembly 01
Ic Comparator Lm339D
Ic Digital Isolator SI8441-C Ic Inverting Scmitt trigger 74AHC1G14 SOT353-1 Diode Signal Bas21 SOT-23 Diode Power 1n4006 Diode Zener 6V2 .225W 2% SOT-23

罗克韦尔自动化-2080-um002_-zh-e.pdf-Micro830、Micro850 和 M

罗克韦尔自动化-2080-um002_-zh-e.pdf-Micro830、Micro850 和 M

Micro830、Micro850 和 Micro870可编程控制器Micro810 控制器产品目录号 2080-LC10-12AWA、2080-LC10-12QWB、2080-LC10-12DWD、2080-LC10-12QBBMicro820 控制器产品目录号 2080-LC20-20AWB、2080-LC20-20AWBR、2080-LC20-20QWB、2080-LC20-20QWBR、2080-LC20-20QBB、2080-LC20-20QBBRMicro830 控制器产品目录号 2080-LC30-10QWB、2080-LC30-10QVB、2080-LC30-16AWB、2080-LC30-16QWB、2080-LC30-16QVB、2080-LC30-24QWB、2080-LC30-24QVB、2080-LC30-24QBB、2080-LC30-48AWB、2080-LC30-48QWB、2080-LC30-48QVB、2080-LC30-48QBBMicro850 控制器产品目录号 2080-LC50-24AWB、2080-L50E-24AWB、2080-LC50-24QWB、2080-L50E-24QWB、2080-LC50-24QVB、2080-L50E-24QVB、2080-LC50-24QBB、2080-L50E-24QBB、2080-LC50-48AWB、2080-L50E-48AWB、2080-LC50-48QWB、2080-L50E-48QWB、2080-LC50-48QWBK、2080-L50E-48QWBK、2080-LC50-48QVB、2080-L50E-48QVB、2080-LC50-48QBB、2080-L50E-48QBBMicro870 控制器产品目录号 2080-LC70-24AWB、2080-L70E-24AWB、2080-LC70-24QWB、2080-L70E-24QWB、2080-LC70-24QWBK、2080-L70E-24QWBK、2080-L70E-24QWBN、2080-LC70-24QBB、2080-L70E-24QBB、2080-LC70-24QBBK、2080-L70E-24QBBK、2080-L70E-24QBBN2罗克⻙尔⾃动化出版物2080-UM002M-ZH-E - 2022 年4 月Micro830、Micro850 和 Micro870 可编程控制器⽤⼾⼿册重要⽤⼾须知在安装、配置、操作或维护本产品之前,请阅读本文档以及“其他资源”章节所列的文档,了解关于安装、配置和操作该设备的信息。




ULN2003A电路是美国Texas Instruments公司和Sprague公司开发的高压大电流达林顿晶体管阵列电路,文中介绍了它的电路构成、特征参数及典型应用。

关键词:达林顿晶体管阵列驱动电路ULN2003 ULN2000系列ULN2800系列1 概述功率电子电路大多要求具有大电流输出能力,以便于驱动各种类型的负载。




因此,许多公司都生产高压大电流达林顿晶体管阵列产品,从而形成了各种系列产品,ULN2000、ULN2800系列就是美国Texas Instruments公司、美国Sprague公司开发的高压大电流达林顿晶体管阵列产品。



美国Texas Instruments公司、美国Sprague公司生产的ULN2003A 由7组达林顿晶体管阵列和相应的电阻网络以及钳位二极管网络构成,具有同时驱动7组负载的能力,为单片双极型大功率高速集成电路。





Eaton 263585Eaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB. PF7, 4 pole, In: 25 A, Icn: 10 kA, I ΔN: 0.1 A, Type AC, AC current sensitive, Partly surge-proof 250 A, residential and commercialGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller series xPole - PF6/7 RCCB263585PF7-25/4/01-DE401508263585580 mm 71 mm 70 mm 0.32 kg RoHS conformIEC/EN 61008Product NameCatalog Number Model Code EANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications25 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.7035-35 °CMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.DIN railQuick attachment with 2 latch positions for DIN-rail IEC/EN 6071525 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.0.1 A184 V AC - 440 V ACMeets the product standard's requirements.Non-delayedIS/SPE-1TE 101911Interlocking device500 A eaton-rcd-application-guide-br019003en-en-us.pdfeaton-xpole-pf7-rccb-catalog-ca019032en-en-us.pdf eaton-xpole-pf6-rccb-catalog-ca019034en-en-us.pdfDA-DC-03_PF7eaton-circuit-breaker-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-dimensions.jpg eaton-xpole-pf6/7-rccb-3d-drawing.jpgIL019140ZUeaton-xeffect-frcmm-rccb-wiring-diagram-002.jpgRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRAL-numberPermitted storage and transport temperature - min10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting MethodAmperage Rating10.2.5 LiftingRated fault current - maxTest circuit range10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Tripping timeFitted with:Rated residual making and breaking capacity Application notes Catalogs Certification reports DrawingsInstallation instructions Wiring diagramsFrequency rating50 Hz10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Fault current rating100 mATerminal protectionFinger and hand touch safe, DGUV VS3, EN 50274Special featuresMaximum operatingtemperature is 55 °C:Starting at 40 °C, the max.permissible continuouscurrent decreases by 3% forevery 1 °CTripping signal contact forsubsequent installation Z-NHK 248434Sensitivity typeAC current sensitiveAmbient operating temperature - max55 °CHeat dissipation per pole, current-dependent0 WClimatic proofing25-55 °C / 90-95% relative humidity according to IEC 60068-2Built-in depth69.5 mmShort-circuit rating63 A (max. admissible back-up fuse)FeaturesResidual current circuit breakerAdditional equipment possibleLifespan, electrical4000 operationsConnectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min1.5 mm²10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Number of polesFour-poleTerminal capacity (solid wire)1.5 mm² - 35 mm²Ambient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated short-circuit strength10 kA10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Used withKLV-TC-4 276241 (Compact enclosure) Z-FW/LP 248296 (Remote control and automatic switching device) Z-RC/AK-4TE 101062 (sealing cover set)Residual current circuit breakersPF7Type ACKLV-TC-4 276241 (Compact enclosure)Z-FW/LP 248296 (Remote control and automatic switching device)Z-RC/AK-4TE 101062 (sealing cover set)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent2.8 W10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent0 WApplicationResidual current circuitbreaker for residential andcommercial applicationsxPole - Switchgear forresidential and commercialapplications10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Voltage typeACTerminal capacity (stranded cable)16 mm² (2x)Leakage current typeACFrame45 mmBuilt-in width (number of units)70 mm (4 SU)Terminals (top and bottom)Open mouthed/lift terminalsHeat dissipation capacity0 WImpulse withstand currentPartly surge-proof 250 AWidth in number of modular spacings4Busbar material thickness0.8 mm - 2 mm10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical20000 operationsVoltage rating230 V AC / 400 V AC10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max35 mm²Degree of protectionIP20, IP40 with suitable enclosureIP20Rated short-time withstand current (Icw)10 kAAccessories requiredZ-HK 248432Pollution degree210.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min 1.5 mm²Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)4 kV10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max 16 mm²TypePF7Residual current circuitbreakersType AC10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Surge current capacity0.25 kAPermitted storage and transport temperature - maxEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia60 °C25 A gG/gL0.1 A400 V440 VAdmissible back-up fuse overload - max Rated fault current - min Rated operational voltage (Ue) - max Rated insulation voltage (Ui)。

CHI MEI PA-765B E56070 元件说明书

CHI MEI PA-765B E56070 元件说明书

•Component •元件UL file numberUL档案号Part number型号Remark备注Vendor供应商•FRONT CASE•前身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•TOP CASE•上身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•BOTTOM CASE•下身E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Batterycompartment•电池箱E207780 PC945(GG) QMFZ2 SABIC JAPAN L L C•Transformercover•火牛上盖E50075 LV2250V TEIJIN•TransformerHousing 火牛下盖E50075 LV2250V TEIJIN•Aux foam pad•Aux盖E257267 E50A-60 ZHI JIN•Side plate•侧盖E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Battery BayRubber Cover•电池箱盖E257267 E50A-60 ZHI JIN•batterydoors•电池盖E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•AAA batterycover•3A 电池门E56070 PA-765B CHI MEI•Light guide•导光片E54705 CL PMMA SUMIPEX•Frontcontrolpanel 显示压件E248280 PC+ABS Jacobson•Strainrelief•线卡E107293 6P-4 晋煜•Power cord •电源线E137516 SJTW ZJCZ 利源電業製品廠有限公司LEE YUEN ELECTRICAL MFY LTD. E143681 LY-13B ELBZ7•Lead wire •引线E244721 UL 1007 20AWGL=330mmAVLV2 惠州市远达电业五金制品有限公司HUI ZHOU YUEN DA ELECTRONIC & HARDWARECO.,LTDE329541 UL 1007 18AWGVH3.96-H-2PVH3.96-TL=186mmZPFW2 深圳艾格科技有限公司Shenzhen Aiger Technology Co.,LtdE330646 UL 1007#24 XH-TXH-4P L=140mmAVLV2 深圳市展旺连接器有限公司Shen Zhen Zhan Wang Linker CO.,LTDE330646 UL 1007#24 XH-TXH-2P L=260mmAVLV2E330646 UL 2547#28 PH-TPH-3P L=260mmAVLV2E330646 UL 2547#28 PH-TPH-3P L=220mmAVLV2E330646 UL 1185 22AWG XH-T XH-2P L=150mmAVLV2•Integralfuse •保险丝E340427 SFC0800A(800mA/250V FastActing Glass TubeFuse)JDYX 瑞卓电子(东莞)有限公司Dongguan Reomax Electronics Co., LTD•Fuse Holder •保险丝座E239034 H3(10A/250V)IZLT2 惠州市海牛電子有限公司HUIZHOU HINEW ELECTRIC APPLIANCE CO.,LTD.变压器材料清單/ MATERIAL LISTNO. MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Ul file MANUFACTURERS / SUPPLIERS1. 膠芯/Bobbin 最小0.71mm厚尼龍66 101(r9)一層minimum 0.71mm thick PA66101(r9) one layerUL:E41938 杜邦/E I Dupont De Nemours & Co Inc2 膠套/Shroud 最小0.50mm厚尼龍66 101(r9)一層minimum 0.50mm thick PA66101(r9) one layerUL:E41938 杜邦/E I Dupont De Nemours & Co Inc3 初級線圈PrimaryWinding 聚氨酯漆包線MW75C(130℃) 或Polyurethane Wire,MW75C(130℃)UL:E258125 河源天裕電子塑膠有限公司He Yuan Sky Wealth Electronic And PlasticCo Ltd.4 初級跨線絕緣Pri. windingcrossoverinsulation CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*2 層/Thickness:0.05mm*2 layersUL:E165111 靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD5 溫度保險Thermal Fuse Type: A4-F130 Deg.C ( 250V/2A)UL:E140847 雅寶電子有限公司/Aupo Electronics Inc.6 初級引線Primary Leads UL-1672 AWG #22 VW-1 300V105Deg.CUL:E191230UL:E189674UL:E211048UL:E214859恒輝(香港)發展有限公司Ever Bright (Hongkong) development CompanyLimited.深圳东聚Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & CableCo.,Ltd.琦富瑞Qifurui Electronics co阳泰氟电线电缆YANGTAI WIRE & CABLE CO LTD7 初級引線Primary Leads 聚氨酯漆包線MW75C(130℃) 或Polyurethane Wire,MW75C(130℃)or聚氨酯漆包線MW79C(155℃)Polyurethane Wire,MW79C(155℃)UL:E258125UL:E201757河源天裕電子塑膠有限公司He Yuan Sky Wealth Electronic And PlasticCo Ltd.太平洋電線電纜深圳公司Pacific ElectricWire&Cable(shenzhen)Co.,Ltd.8 次級引線SecondaryLeads UL-1015 AWG #20 VW-1 600V105Deg.CUL:E191230UL:E189674UL:E211048UL:E214859恒輝(香港)發展有限公司Ever Bright(Hongkong) development Company Limited.深圳东聚Shenzhen Dong Ju Wire & CableCo.,Ltd.琦富瑞Qifurui Electronics co阳泰氟电线电缆YANGTAI WIRE & CABLE CO LTD9 次級引線SecondaryLeads CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*3 層/UL:E165111 靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD.Thickness:0.05mm*3 layers聚酯膠片型號:MYLAR EL21 0.25mm厚PET film Type:MYLAR EL21 0.25mmThickUL:E93687 杜邦帝人/ Dupont Teijin Films U S L P10 外層絕緣Outinsulation CT25聚脂膠紙/CT-25 Polyestertape厚度:0.05mm*3 層/Thickness:0.05mm*3 layers聚酯膠片型號:MYLAR EL21 0.25mm厚PET film Type:MYLAR EL21 0.25mmThickUL:E165111UL:E93687靖江亞華壓敏黏膠有限公司Jingjiang Yahua Pressure Sensitive Glue COLTD.杜邦帝人/ Dupont Teijin Films U S L P11 鐵芯片LaminationCore EI-57 硅鋼片(H18 黑) 片厚0.50,疊厚35.3+/-0.5mmEI-57 silicon steel sheet(H18black), thickness:0.50mm,depth thickness:35.3+/-0.5mmN/A 東莞東駿電器有限公司Dongguan Dongjun Electrical Appliances Co.,Ltd.12 安裝架/Bracket 冷軋板鍍鋅Cold rolled Steel with Zinc-coatedN/A 東莞駿豐五金製品廠Dongguan JunFeng MetalManufactory13 屏蔽殼/Endbell 冷軋板鍍鋅Cold rolled Steel with Zinc-coatedN/A 東莞駿豐五金製品廠Dongguan JunFeng MetalManufactory14 次級連接器Secondaryconnector Housing: JS-1121-02 & Terminal:JS-1121-THousing: A3963H-2P & Terminal:A3963-TPUL: E113875UL: E326732喬訊電子有限公司Chyao shiunn electronicIndustrial Ltd.長江連接器有限公司ChangJiang Connectors CoLtd15 浸漬/Impregnation Insulating Varnish/絕緣油Type: 8562/C, class FUL:E200154 恒昌化學塗料公司HANG CHEUNG PETROCHEMICALLTD。


18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
400 bar
18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
2 bar
18~36 VDC




M18 X 1.5
20~30 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V











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SOURIAU ARINC 801 Termini和38999连接器产品介绍说明书

SOURIAU ARINC 801 Termini和38999连接器产品介绍说明书

ARINC 801 Fiber Optic ConnectorsARINC 801Termini and 38999 ConnectorsQuality and service100% SOURIAU components: termini,patchcord and connectors.The high density fiber optic connection made by SOURIAU using 1.25mm ferrules.Wide range of materialFrom composite, aluminum, to stainless steel material connectors in stock.A qualified technology Flight proven qualified ARINC 801 standard.Description• Screw coupling • Shell size from 11 to 25• Large number of layouts from 2 to 32 termini • Composite, aluminum, stainless steel material • Protected by cadmium, nickel, green zinc cobalt or black zinc nickel plating• Accessories and tools available (protective caps,backshells, etc… )Optical• Multimode insertion loss (IEC 61300-3-4 method B): Typical 0.3 dBMechanical• Endurance:Minimum 100 mating/unmating operations • Shock:300 g, 3ms as per TIA/EIA 455-14• Vibration:23.1 Grms as per TIA/EIA 455-11• Contact retention:68N, as per SAE AS 13441 method 2009.1 for 1.8mm cableEnvironmental• Salt spray:. Aluminum shell:Olive Drab Cadmium (W): 500 Hrs Nickel (F): 48 HrsBlack Zinc Nickel (Z): 500 Hrs . Composite shell:Olive Drab Cadmium (J): 2000 Hrs Nickel (M): 2000 HrsWithout plating (X): 2000 Hrs . Stainless steel shell:Passivated (K): 500 Hrs Nickel (S): 500 Hrs• Temperature range:. Thermal cycling 50 cycles between -55°C to +125°C as per TIA/EIA 455-3. Temperature life 1000 hours at 125°C as per TIA/EIA-455-4C• Humidity:10 cycles/24h, -25 to +65°C, 90% RH as per TIA/EIA 455-5• Altitude immersionPressure equivalent to 50,000 ft (15,200 m)Technical featuresNote: All dimensions are in millimeters (mm)Termini8.13 Max.12.3 Max. after crimping14.2 Min. forward positionØ2.25 M a Ø3.40 M a Ø2.75 M a Protective capFerruleOrdering informationSOURIAU ARINC 801 TerminiARC1G18TAFiber type:G: Multimode fiber 50/125μm or 62.5/125μmE: Singlemode fiber 9/125μm - consult us for availability Cable type and diameter:09T: Ø 900μm fiber cable - non waterproof18T: Ø 1.6mm to Ø 2.2mm fiber cable, tight structure 18L: Ø 1.6mm to Ø 2.2mm fiber cable, loose structure Contact version indexConnectorOrdering information8D Connector8D5U25F32BNShell type:0: Square flange receptacle (male insert only) 5: Plug (female insert only) 7: Jam nut receptacle (male insert only) U: ARINC 801 optical connectorShell size: 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25 Material and plating:Aluminum:W: Olive green cadmium F: NickelZ: Zinc Nickel Stainless steel: K: Passivated S: NickelComposite:J: Olive green cadmium M: NickelX: Without platingLayout: See below Insert gender:A: Male B: FemaleOrientation: N, A, B, C, D, ELayoutsSleeve holder front view* Please consult us for availability.SOURIAU offers a wide range of cables, from cost efficient to high performance aeronautical cables.Select your optical fiber’s properties. Temperature range can be critical for your applications.If you need any help on a criteria selection, please contact us.* 1st value @850nm for multimode cable, 2nd value @1300nm for multimode (respectivly 1300nm and 1550nm for singlemode)Consult us for other harsh environment cables.1 Select CableOrdering informationPatchcord LengthPatchcord Cable/Terminus Combination CodePatchcord - Your optical patchcord in 3 steps!W D S A R I N C 801W U S E N 03 © C o p y r i g h t S O U R I A U J u l y 2020 - S O U R I A U i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k .A l l i n f o r m a t i o n i n t h i s d o c u m e n t p r e s e n t s o n l y g e n e r a l p a r t i c u l a r s a n d s h a l l n o t f o r m p a r t o f a n y c o n t r a c t . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d t o S O U R I A U f o r c h a n g e s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i fi c a t i o n o r p u b l i c a n n o u n c e m e n t . A n y d u p l i c a t i o n i s p r o h i b i t e d , u n l e s s a p p r o v e d i n w r i t i n g .Tooling and accessories2 Select Termini End 1 & 2 according to your selected cable,and get your finalPatchcord Cable/Terminus Combination CodeMost common cables with most common contacts - For other combinations please consult us.All contacts are UPC polished otherwise specified.M81969/14-03ARINC 801 adaptor for LC polishing and measuringLC Adaptor + ARINC 801 termini= LC compatible interfacePart Number: ALC1 (contact us for availability)For further information contact us at technical.emear @ (Europe - Asia - Africa)technical.americas @ (North America)or visit our web site 。


NO.160 NO.170 NO.180 NO.232 NO.1900 NO.18
NO.261 NO.262 NO.263 NO.650
NO.670 NO.5400 NO.5500 NO.950B NO.970B
NO.RES-910 NO.920 NO.RES-102 NO.103 NO.104 NO.105 NO.RSD-903
NO.RCW-307 NO.RCW-309 NO.RCW-311 NO.RCW-314
NO.RCW-317 NO.RCW-320
NO.RDG-220 NO.RDG-250A NO.RD-100R NO.RD-130RJ
NO.RR-127 NO.RR-127J NO.RR-950T NO.RAH-220QC
NO.REA-S05~S35 NO.REA-P0000~P1 NO.REA-T3~T10 NO.REA-H07~H32
NO.REA-N18~N25 NO.RU-900 NO.901
NO.181 NO.191
NO.161 NO.161-4
NO.RS-150 NO.RS-170 NO.RS-200 NO.RML150 NO.RD-125
NO.RCA-150 NO.RCA-200 NO.RCA-250 NO.RJP-528 NO.RWC-100
NO.RGL-006 NO.RGL-010 NO.RGL-012 NO.RMC-008
NO.207 NO.204-W NO.205-W
NO.50 NO.88 NO.624 NO.627 NO.637

UL61058-1 WKKY2_06109

UL61058-1 WKKY2_06109

Subject 61058-1Date: June 1, 2009TO: Subscribers to UL’s Recognition Service for Appliance Switches – WKKY2 SUBJECT: Request for Comments - Proposed Revisions to Follow-Up InspectionInstructions (FUII) for Appliance Switches (WKKY2)UL is seeking comments on proposed revisions to the Follow Up Inspection Instructions (FUII) for the category Appliance Switches (WKKY2).The proposed revisions address the test sequence, conditions and equipment used for testing at the manufacturing location under UL’s Follow Up Program (Part III B of the FUII). The intention is to simplify the required test sequences and allow the use of the actuation equipment and test conditions consistent with and as permitted in the present Special Use Switches FUII (WOYR2). Attached is a complete copy of the revised FUII. With the exception of Part III, it is the same as the existing FUII (minor editorial changes). Part III has been completely reformatted. The following are the significant changes to Part III for which comments are being sought (page and clause references are to this part of the FUII):Page 24, Table 7 – Test Sequence: The test sequence has been simplified and includes required testing for both mechanical and electronic switches.Table 7 –Test SequenceReferenceSwitch ratingsexcept hp and TV TVHp &Specific MotorB3a Oven Preconditioning Oven Preconditioning Oven PreconditioningB3c.i Overload Overload -x-B3c.ii -x- -x- Overcurrent/OverloadB3d Endurance Endurance EnduranceB3e Temperature Rise Temperature Rise Temperature RiseB3f Dielectric Strength Dielectric Strength Dielectric StrengthB3g -x- Continued Endurance -x-B3h -x- Repeat Dielectric-x-B3i Visual Examination Visual Examination Visual ExaminationPage 24, III.B3a. Oven Preconditioning – Thermal Stress: Switches with (T ratings) ambient temperature ratings above 55C will be preconditioned instead of cycling testing at the specified ambient. The preconditioning enables subsequent testing to be completed at room ambient and with existing actuation equipment. A heating cabinet (oven), capable of continuously holding the T-rating temperature (+/- 5C tolerance), is required.Page 24, III.B3bi. Cycling Ambient Conditions: Cycling tests (overload or overcurrent and endurance) are conducted at room ambient of 25C (+/-10C).Page 25, III.B3bii. Cycling On and Off Times: Cycling times are clarified (on / off periods described) and are based on the standard according to the maximum amp value. There are a few exceptions for Horsepower (hp) and lamp loads and specific conditions. This may require adjustment of cycling rates of actuation equipment.Page 25, B3biii. Cycling Frequency Representation: This allows laboratories that do not have 50 Hz supplies to complete follow-up testing using 60 Hz with the current increased by 120 percent.Page 25, III.B3c.i Overload (Increased Voltage): The overload test method is described. This test requires the voltage supply to be adjusted to either 115% or 110%, depending on the switch construction. The method represents present practice.Page 25, III.B3c.ii Overcurrent/Overload (Hp or Specific Motor Testing only): The overcurrent test method is descri bed and is applicable only for horsepower or Specific Motor ratings. The test is similar to the present Hp “overload.” The method represents present practice.Page 25, III.B3d. Endurance: The method has been simplified such that cycling is completed for the total number of cycles indicated without the need to change to speed of actuation, voltage or temperature (see III.B3bi). The open circuit voltage should not be greater than 10% of the closed circuit voltage. The closed circuit voltage shall not be less than the rated voltage and not exceed 105% of the rating when under load (current not lower than the ampere rating and power factor not higher than required by the rating).Page 26, B3e. Temperature Rise: The temperature rise test method has not ch anged. However compliance will reflect the proposed change to the standard allowing either a 30K or 55K temperature rise. The manufacturer determines whether the switch will be rated for North American standards (30K rise) or IEC standards (55K rise) or both (30K rise). This decision is documented as part of the Recognition (Appendix FS).Page 26, B3f. Dielectric Strength: The required dielectric strength test voltage has been relocated to Appendix FS.Page 27, C1. Annual Testing for Hp Ratings: Manufacturers that do not have the equipment necessary to test Hp ratings have the option of testing at UL. This is present practice, however, the test sequence for annual testing was changed to be consistent with Table 7.IMPACT OF PROPOSALThe anticipated impact of the proposal is that manufacturers will be able to revert to substantially using their present actuation equipment for factory Follow-Up testing for both WKKY2 and WOYR2 (UL1054 and UL61058-1, respectively). However, this proposal may require manufacturers to acquire an oven for preconditioning of samples.These changes affect Follow-Up testing only. They reflect the goal of counter-checking continuing compliance using established factory testing equipment. For this purpose, the changes are expected to establish and correlate continuing compliance with the original compliance determination during Recognition type-testing. However, the revisions to the FUII do not changethe methods or required equipment for type-testing conducted at UL laboratories or those of others under Witness Testing or other Data Acceptance Programs.PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATEUL proposes that the revised Follow-up Inspection Instructions become effective upon publication. REQUEST FOR COMMENTS ON PROPOSALPlease provide the following:1. Your comments concerning the proposed FUII for WKKY22. Your comments concerning the proposed Effective Date schedule, should the proposal be adopted.For ease of review, please note that the attached proposal uses standardized wording and format that applies consistently among many product categories that UL encounters. UL requests that your comments focus only on the proposed new or revised requirements and not on the document formatting.Your written comments should be sent to the attention of Ian McDonald at UL’s San Jose Office by July 1, 2009. Comments may be sent by mail, fax or e-mail (see signature block below). Unless specifically requested to do so, UL will not acknowledge comments indicating concurrence with this proposal.Thank you for your time in reviewing this proposal.UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INCReviewed by:Ian McDonald Tom BlewittPrincipal Engineer (PDE) Managing Engineer (PDE)Switches and Appliance Controls455 East Trimble Rd.San Jose, CA 95127 USAV: 408-754-6707Fax: 408-689-6707e-mail: ian.mcdonald@Subject: 61058-11,2005MarchIssued:Revised: May 22, 2009SWITCHES FOR APPLIANCES UL61058-1(WKKY2, WKKY3, WKKY8, WKKY9)FOLLOW-UP AND INSPECTION INSTRUCTIONS (FUII)COPYRIGHT © 2009 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.TABLE OF CONTENTS Page General 2 Scope 2 Glossary 2 Foreword 2 I. Manufacturer’s Follow-Up Program 3 I.DD –LL General Responsibility of Manufacturer 3 I.A. Responsibility (sampling, testing, measurements, cycling equipment, inspection equipment, calibration)5 I.B. Establishing Switch Families (families, switch constructions, ratings, contacts, visual aids) 6I.C. Establishing Production "Groups" (Group I, Group II, Group III, Sampling periods, Annual production)8TABLE 1 Group I Production8 TABLE 2 Manufacturer’s Testing Schedule9 I.D. Sampling (Initiation of Inspection, Reduced, Normal, and Tightened Inspection, Changing Sampling program, Corrective action, Special Investigation, multiple ratedswitches)10 TABLE 3 - MANUFACTURER’S SAMPLING PROGRAM 11 TABLE 4 - MANUFACTURER'S NORMAL SAMPLING FREQUENCY+12 I.E. Record Keeping Requirements (Test records, Families and Production Groups, Calibration)15 II. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE FIELD REPRESENTATIVE (General, Removal of markings, Special instructions, Visit schedule, Counter check visit, Audit Visit, Records and Documentation, Lot control, Factory Production, horse power ratings, Sampling, witnessing, non-conforming testresults)16 11.A (MM-OO)Examination of specimens, records and test schedules. 1611.PP VN reporting guidelines16 11.B Scheduling of inspections and Countercheck visit 18 II.C. Sampling of switch specimens from production20 II.L1 – L7 Examination of specimens and visits22 III. TEST PROGRAM MANUFACTURER’S AND REEPRESENTATIVE’S RESPONSIBILITIES (Detailed examination, Follow-up tests) 23 III.B. Follow-Up Tests23 III.B1. General Instructions23 Table 7 Follow-up Test Sequence24 III.B2. General Test Methods24 III.B3. SPECIFIC TEST METHODS (Oven Preconditioning, Overload / Overcurrent, Endurance, Temperature Rise, Dielectric Strength, Visual Examination)24 ANNUAL TESTING (Horsepower ratings, Sealing compound)26Flow Chart 28ScopeA. These instructions cover (mechanical or electronic) switches for appliances actuated by human contact. The standard reference (UL61058-1) may at times be abbreviated and referred to as UL61058.1. Voltage - direct current or alternating current (or both).2. Electrical ratings - Load rating maximums 63A, 600V (if applicable up to 2hp motor rating).3. Factory wiring – Unless specifically described in the procedure switchesare intended for factory (not field wiring) other than replacement oforiginal equipment.GeneralB. As a part of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL's) follow-up inspection, it is required that a Field Representative periodically visit the factory and select, for test or examination or both, samples of production made since the last inspection visit of the products covered.C. The Follow-Up Service Procedure covering the product is loaned to the manufacturer and constitutes the basis on which the product is judged for compliance with the applicable requirements.D. GlossaryFor the purpose of this document the following definitions apply.ACTUATING MEMBER - The part of the operating mechanism that extends outside the body of the switch and is intended to be exposed to contact by the operator.ACTUATOR - The part of the operating mechanism that is inside the body of the switch and which, in most cases, is not intended to be exposed to contact by the operator.BASE CONFIGURATION - Structure of internal contacts, number of position, base and actuator.FAMILY - A collection of switches produced at the same location which are similar in construction such that the construction and performance of one is representative of the remaining members of the collection.LOT – The quantity of switches manufactured at the same assembly location with identical production variables (such as switches made with the same equipment, materials and in the same work shift). Smaller LOTs may be designated by the manufacturer.PRODUCTION GROUP - A collection of families grouped together into one of three groups based on relative production for sampling purposes.TELEVISION SWITCH - A switch intended for use as a supply-circuit control switch in appliances with high inrush loads such as audiovisual appliances. FOREWORDIt is anticipated that the majority of switch manufacturers will have a program of production control containing at least the elements described herein and that the concepts of families and groups will be applicable. However, in the event that a manufacturer operates his program of tests and examination in a different manner, the program may be submitted to determine its equivalency to the following required program. A program found to be equivalent will be described in the Procedure.I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAMDD. Restrict the use of markings that reference UL (either directly by use of the name, an abbreviation of it, or the UL symbol, or indirectly by means of agreed upon markings that are understood to indicate acceptance by UL) to those products that are found by the manufacturer's own inspection to comply with the Follow-Up Service Procedure description. The use of such markings is further limited by the agreements that have been executed by the subscriber and UL.EE. Confine the markings referencing UL as indicated in Paragraph DD, to the location or locations authorized in these instructions or the Follow-Up Service Procedure.FF. During hours in which the factory is in operation, permit the Field Representative with free access to any portion of the premises where the product or components thereof are being fabricated, processed, finished or stored, and to the test areas when testing is required in this document. The Field Representative shall be permitted to inspect and witness prescribed tests, prior to shipment, any product bearing or intended to bear markings referencing UL as indicated in Paragraph DD. If product disassembly is required, it shall be undertaken by the manufacturer. Tests required, as part of this Procedure, shall be conducted by the manufacturer.GG. Provide, at a convenient location, all required test equipment andfacilities and any required personnel for conducting all tests and product disassembly that are to be performed at the factory. These shall be available when needed so that the inspection work can proceed without undue delay.HH. Perform a root cause analysis of nonconforming test results reported by UL in order to determine and implement appropriate corrective actions. Upon request, the manufacturer shall submit the findings of their analysis and action plan for review and/or monitoring by UL. For those cases involving questionable test and measuring equipment, the manufacturer shall evaluate and document the effects of the equipment on previous inspections or tests. The manufacturer shall evaluate if the equipment condition could havesignificantly affected previous inspection or test results and take corrective action as appropriate. The equipment in question shall be removed from service by segregation or prominent labeling and marking.II. Conduct any tests as specified in these Follow-Up and Inspection Instructions under Manufacturer’s Test Program.JJ. Record Keeping – See Paragraph I.E1I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued)KK. Determine that all test and measuring instruments required as part of the Follow-Up Services Procedure or used by UL Field Representatives in the conduct of inspection activity at the factory are calibrated in accordancewith UL’s published calibration requirements for manufacturers. The published document is titled, “UL Calibration Requirements: Equipment Used for UL/C-UL/ULC Mark Follow-Up Services”, and is available on UL’s website at the following address, "/fieldservices/requirements.html". Manufacturers that do not have internet access may obtain the current version from their local UL Customer Service representative in the same manner asother requests for requirements.LL. Where so specified by these Follow-Up and Inspection Instructions, forward samples selected by the Field Representative to the specified UL TestOffice(s) for Follow-Up Tests, within five working days of the Field Representative’s inspection visit. Packaging and shipment of the samples are the responsibility of the manufacturer.I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued)A. ResponsibilityA1. The manufacturer shall perform all follow-up tests and provide test equipment suitable for the tests described. If the test equipment is not located at the manufacturing site, an alternate program may be submitted for review by Conformity Assessment Services to determine its equivalency to the program described in these Instructions. An alternate program for testing at a remote location shall include these minimum requirements:A1a) Sampling and testing of each switch family shall proceed as described in these instructions.A1b) Shipment of switches of each family shall be held until acceptable test results of sampled switches representing those families are verified by the Field Representative.A1c) Selection of switch samples from each family shall represent production lot based on the time frame of production and the previous tests.A1d) Testing of switches shall be completed and the results communicated to the location where the switches are shipped from no later than 3 weeksfrom the date the switches were selected. Detailed description of anyalternate testing program will be included in the Follow-up ServiceProcedure for each manufacturing site.A2. Measurements - For the measurement of voltage, current and wattage, any standard instrument of reasonable accuracy (±2%) may be used. Current readings need be made only at the beginning and the end of tests. It is recommended that a shorting switch be installed to protect ammeters in case any switch malfunctions under test. It is preferable that voltmeters remain connected during the tests.A3. Cycling Equipment - Automatic equipment shall be used for all cycling unless specifically instructed to use “high speed” manual actuation. The automatic cycling equipment shall comply with the test methods in this FUII, for speed of actuation, operations per minute and thermal conditions. The automatic test equipment shall have provision for testing at least three samples simultaneously unless specifically authorized in the procedure. The number of cycles completed shall be indicated using automatic counters actuated by monitoring electrical connection of the switch to the load. Equipment interaction with the switch actuator will attempt to replicate normal use and minimize distorting forces.A4. Inspection - The condition and function of equipment, meters, calibration, documentation, and witnessing test methods shall be rechecked by the Field Representative at intervals not exceeding 12 months. The manufacturer shall maintain records as required by this document, and shall make them available upon request, to the Field Representative. It will be necessary to retain records from the preceding 12 months (see subsection II.A.1).A5. Calibration - see paragraph KK.I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued)B. Establishing Switch FamiliesB1. Switches are to be collected into families as defined in the glossary.All switches within a family must employ the same electrical rating, similar base configuration and number of poles. The base configuration includes the internal contacts, number of positions, base and actuator. Baseconfigurations are determined, during the new work investigation, and documented in the procedure Appendix FS. External parts, such as terminals and actuating members may differ within a family.Exception No. 1: Poles - Single-, double-, and multiple-pole switches may be included in the same family provided the switches have the same rating and base configuration.Exception No. 2: Cycles - Switches that are the same except for their Recognized endurance ratings may be placed in the same family.Exception No. 3: Contact Construction - Switches that employ the same basic contact construction, except for the diameter, thickness or material of the contacts, and/or the electrical rating, may be included in the same family provided the switches have the same base configuration and number of poles. See item 2.e. below.B2. The following guidelines are to be followed to select switches representative of all others in the family. Variations from the following are acceptable to allow sampling of all production lines and/or in cases when the most critical construction is not available.B2a. Single/Double-Throw; Normally Open/Closed - If both single throw andincluded in the same family, the tests are to be conducted on an as available basis.B2b. Different Number of Poles - If single-pole, two-pole, and multiple-pole switches are covered in the same family, each is to be sampled in the approximate proportion of its production to the overall production of the family. See sampling guideline discussed in item e below.B2c. Different Endurance Ratings - If switches having different endurance ratings are included in the same family, each is to be sampled in the approximate proportion of their production to overall production of the family. See sampling guideline discussed in item e below.B2d. Same Contacts but Different Electrical Rating - If the family includes similar ratings, any switch can be tested for the maximum rating of the family.I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued) B2e. Different Contacts and Different Ratings - If the family includesdifferent contacts and different ratings, each different contact is to be sampled each quarter in approximate proportion of its production to the production of the family. Each contact construction is to be tested at its maximum eligible rating. Example: Consider a switch family that includes three sizes of contacts and four ratings, as follows: Contact Size 1 - May be rated 1 ampere, 125 volt ac or 2 amperes, 125 volt ac. Contact Size 2 - Rated 3 amperes, 125-250 volt ac. Contact Size 3 - Rated 5 amperes, 125-250 volt ac. Assume production for the family in the period is estimated to be: Contact Size 1 - 50,000 Contact Size 2 - 20,000 Contact Size 3 - 30,000Total= 100,000The required sampling for a Group I or II family, (see section I. C. “Establishing Production Groups”), is to be determined in accordance with Table 3, Normal Sampling Level. In this case, 12 samples are to be selected from the family based on the 100,000 production quantity. These twelve are to be subjected to the complete test sequence. The contacts are to be sampled in the approximate proportion, as indicated below. Contact Size Production Quantity Number of Complete Tests 1 50,000 6 2 20,000 3 3 30,000 3 Totals 100,000 12 Each contact is to be tested at its marked rating, except Contact Size 1 is always to be tested at 2 amperes, 125 volt ac (rather than at its alternate lower rating of 1 ampere, 125 volt ac). The required sampling for a Group III family is to consist of three (3) samples of each size contact, with each sample being subjected to complete tests. Contact Size 1 is always to be tested at 2 amperes, 125 volt ac. B3. UL's Conformity Assessment Services shall assign switches to families based on the examination of the switches and their meeting the above criteria. The family breakdown will be included in the manufacturer's Follow-Up Procedure. B4. Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer shall subject all families of switches to the appropriate sequence of tests as outlined in Section III. B5. Where a family is composed of different actuating members, the manufacturer shall maintain visual aids so that the Field Representative can readily determine which switch actuating members have been tested in the past.I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued) C. Establishing Production "Groups" C1. For sampling purposes, the manufacturer shall distribute his families into one, two, or three "Groups" in accordance with Table 1 and the following criteria: C1a. Group I - Regularly Sampled Families - All high volume switches for appliances families shall be placed into this group. The percentage of total production represented by Group I shall not be less than 75%, except when the manufacturer has Groups I and III only, in which case it shall not be less than 90% (see Table 1). Any family, which individually represents 5% or more of the total annual production, must be placed in Group I. Each family in Group I shall be sampled during each sampling period it is manufactured in accordance with Table 3 (see subsection I.D. -- Manufacturer's Sampling). TABLE 1 GROUP I PRODUCTION Families Distributed Into: (Group Combinations)Minimum Percent of Total Production Group I Families I -100% I and II -75% I, II, and III -75% I and III -90% C1b. Group II - Rotationally Sampled Families - Where a manufacturer feels that the low production of some families does not warrant their inclusion in Group I, these families may be tested on a rotational basis and included in Group II. For example, if a manufacturer produces several high volume families, each individually representing 5% or more of total production, these would appear in Group I. If he also produces several other families whose production is below 5% of total production, these families may be placed into Group II. The percentage of total production represented by Group II shall never be more than 25%. A family, which individually represents 0.5% or more of the total annual production, must be placed in Group I or II; if the production of any Group II family rises above 5% of total annual production, it shall be placed into Group I. Each Group II family shall be sampled at least one period per year in accordance with Table 3, provided it is manufactured during that year. If a manufacturer desires to spread the testing throughout the year, samples may be selected from 1/4 of the Group II families in production during each sampling period (quarter).I. MANUFACTURER'S FOLLOW-UP PROGRAM (continued)C1c. Group III - Periodically Sampled Families - Where the production of certain families is so low that the manufacturer feels they do not fit into either Group I or II, these families may be placed into Group III and subjected to periodic testing and examination. For example, if the manufacturer discussed under Group II also produces several low running families, each representing less than 0.5% of total production, these families may be placed in Group III. The percentage of total production represented by Group III shall never be more than 10%. If the production of any Group III family rises above 0.5% of total annual production, it shall immediately be placed into Group I or II, depending upon how high production has risen. Three (3) switches from each Group III family being sampled shall undergo the complete test sequence. Each Group III family shall be sampled at least one time per year, provided it is manufactured that year. If the manufacturer desires to spread the testing throughout the year, samples may be selected from 1/4 of the Group III families in production during each sampling period (quarter). C1d. Table 2 is an example of a manufacturer's testing schedule utilizing the group concept. TABLE 2 MANUFACTURER'S TESTING SCHEDULE Portion of Group Tested Per 3-Month Sampling Period January-February- March April-May- June July- August-September October-November-December #GROUP I – High-Volume Families All All All All #GROUP II -Moderate-Volume Families 1/4 * 1/4 * 1/4 * 1/4 * ##GROUP III – Low-Volume Families 1/4 * 1/4 * 1/4 * 1/4 * # Samples selected from each family being tested in accordance with Manufacturer's Sampling Program (see Table 3). ## Three (3) switches chosen from each family being tested and subjected to complete test sequence. * This is a suggested distribution. C1d.1. The manufacturer shall submit to the Field Representative the annual production for each family. It will be the responsibility of the manufacturer to keep the grouping up to date with respect to new families and changes in annual production levels at least twice a year. During each sampling period, the manufacturer would test all the families in the groups or portions of groups as indicated in Table 2. For example, during the January-February-March period, all of the families in Group I, approximately 1/4 of the families in Group II, and approximately 1/4 of the families in Group III would be tested. The Group I and II families would be sampled in accordance with the Manufacturer's Sampling Program (Table 3). The Group III family would be tested in accordance with the instructions appearing in subsection I.D.2.。

A4 系列压料、自动抬压脚分组件说明书

A4 系列压料、自动抬压脚分组件说明书

5零件手册Parts ManualA4 系列 A4 Series14. 压料、自动抬压脚分组件/Presser Presser Bar Bar ,Auto Auto Lifter Lifter Components公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description压脚扳手螺钉SM9/64"x40 L=11Screw SM9/64"x40 L=11压脚扳手螺钉垫圈Washer 压脚扳手Hand lifter O 型圈Rubber ring 压脚扳手凸轮分部件Hand lifter cam asm.前杠杆螺纹销Screw 螺纹销橡胶垫圈(厚)Washer (H )抬压脚前杠杆分部件Lift front lever component 抬压脚拉杆Knee lifter pull rod 5. 送料分组件/Feed Feed Mechanism Mechanism ComponentsGB/T896-1986挡圈 5Snap ring Main Shaft & Thread Take-up Components压脚升降板Lifting plate序号NO.公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 Number抬压脚拉杆螺钉SM3/16"x32Hinge Screw SM3/16"x32Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description后杠杆轴位螺钉SM15/64"x28Hinge screw SM15/64"x28111405015倒送料连杆Reverse feed connecting rod 11. 机壳、外装分组件/Machine Frame & Miscellaneous Cover Components抬压脚后杠杆Knee lifter back lever 11305015倒送料连杆(-7)Reverse feed connecting rod(-7)1挑线连杆销 (厚料)Thread take-up connecting rod pin (抬压脚顶杆Knee lifter connecting rod 211426021倒送料连杆销Connecting rod pin 1公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description挑线连杆销Thread take-up connecting rod pin 松线导管上支架Wire release bracket upper 11326011倒送料连杆销(-7)Connecting rod pin(-7)1上轮螺钉 SM15/64"x28 L=15Screw SM15/64"x28 L=15松线导管压板Wire release press plate 3101S11005螺钉 SM9/64"x40 L=6Screw SM9/64"x40 L=66101S11001后窗板螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=9Screw SM3/16"×28 L=9挑线连杆(厚料)Thread take-up connecting rod (H)油管压板螺钉SM3/16"x28 L=7Screw SM3/16"x28 L=7410101053送料调节器Feed regulator 110122003面板调节孔螺塞Rubber plug 挑线连杆Thread take-up connecting rod 松线导管压板螺钉M4x8Screw M4x8511403043送料调节器轴套Feed regulator bushing 113837002商标牌Head card GB/T896-1986挡圈Snap ring 抬压脚前杠杆组件Knee lifter lever asm 6101S11023送料调节器轴端螺钉SM3/16"x28 L=6.5Screw SM3/16"x28 L=6.51302591面板(喷漆)Face plate asm 垫片washer713826005标盘螺柱Feed regulator stud 113813005左线钩Thread guide left 针杆曲柄护板Needle bar crank protecting plate 810122016送料调节螺钉O形圈Rubber ring 1101S11007右线钩螺钉SM11/64"×40 L=6Screw SM11/64"×40 L=6挑线杆分组件Thread take-up lever asm.913811008固定表盘Fixing dial plate 113822006面板垫Face plate gasket 挑线杆组件(厚料)Thread take-up lever asm.(H )13811008固定表盘(-7)Fixing dial plate(-7)1101S11027防油板螺钉SM1/8"×44 L=3.4Screw SM1/8"×44 L=3.4挑线杆滚针轴承Needle bearing 13811013固定表盘(H-M )Fixing dial plate(H-M)110412007面部防油板Face oil shield asm.挑线曲柄分部件Thread take-up crank 10H05018GB/T896-1986挡圈3.5Snap ring 3.5111412082面部防油板(厚料)Face oil shield asm.(H)挑线曲柄分部件(厚料)Thread take-up crank (H )1113811009标盘按钮Dial plate button 110122013针杆上衬套孔塞Rubber plug 挑线曲柄分部件(H-M )Thread take-up crank (H-M )1213827002按钮复位簧Spring110122005挑线连杆销螺孔塞Rubber plug 针杆连杆Needle bar connecting rod 1313812010上限位片Upper limit patch 110122004针杆曲柄螺孔塞Rubber plug挑线曲柄螺钉(左旋)Screw141381100700标盘旋钮组件Knob component 1101S11004挑线杆护罩螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=7Screw SM3/16"×28 L=7针杆曲柄紧固螺钉 SM9/32"x28 L=16Screw SM9/32"x28 L=1615101S11022送料距旋钮螺钉SM3/16"x28 L=18Screw SM3/16"x28 L=181********挑线杆防护罩Thread take-up lever cover 针杆曲柄定位螺钉SM9/32"x28 L=16Screw SM9/32"x28 L=16101S11004挑线杆护罩螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=7Screw SM3/16"×28 L=7针杆曲柄Needle bar crank 13512004三孔线勾3-hole thread guide 针杆曲柄(厚料)Needle bar crank (H )10122005挑线连杆销螺孔塞Rubber plug送料轴挡圈螺钉SM1/4"x40 L=6Screw SM1/4"x40 L=6114S11015割线刀螺钉SM9/64"×40 L=6Screw SM9/64"×40 L=6上轴前轴套组件Main shaft bushing front 11419001割线刀Knife 夹线器螺钉SM15/64"x28 L=7Screw SM15/64"x28 L=720722002油塞Rubber plug 主轴中轴套Main shaft bushing mid 13822001操作屏孔塞Rubber plug 上轴中套挡圈螺钉Screw13822007后窗板垫Side plate gasket 上轴挡圈Main shaft thrust collar 302592后窗板(喷漆)Side plate挡圈20Snap ring 20101S11001后窗板螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=9Screw SM3/16"×28 L=9送料偏心轮 Feed eccentric cam 13811031一体机电控罩壳(鲍麦克斯)Electronic control box 送料偏心轮(厚料)Feed eccentric cam (H)W01009GB/T97.1-1985垫圈 5Washer 5送料偏心轮(H-M)Feed eccentric cam (H-M)114S13001直驱电机螺钉M5×20Screw M5×20送料偏心轮盖板Cover plate 114S30001螺栓(内六角)M5×25Screw M5×25送料偏心轮盖板(H-M)Cover plate(H-M)13833010一体机电控组件(琦星)Electronic control box(Q)送料偏心轮螺钉 SM1/4"x40 L=13Screw SM1/4"x40 L=1313833013一体机电控组件(鲍麦克斯)Electronic control box 护针片螺钉 SM9/64"x40 L=5Screw SM9/64"x40 L=510122006送料调节器孔塞Rubber plug 上轴后轴套The rear axle sleeve 10122007下轴工艺孔塞Rubber plug 上轴后套挡油油封Oil seal 138S05001操作面板螺钉ScrewGB/T894.1-1986挡圈15Snap ring 1513833012一体机电控面板组件(琦星)Control panel(Q)上轴Main shaft 13833015一体机电控面板组件(鲍麦克斯)Control panel 手轮贴条Handwheel lable 101S12001底板支柱Machine head stud 螺钉Screw 13822002装饰条Decorative article 手轮(喷漆)Handwheel 101S11004螺钉Screw电机罩壳组件(配琦星)Motor cover asm(Q)1381300400小夹线器组件Thread tension asm.电机罩壳组件(配鲍麦克斯)Motor cover asm138S16019小夹线器螺母Thread tension nut 电机光栅组件(配鲍麦)Motor grating sensor asm 11227001小夹线弹簧Thread tension spring6`12. 机头附件(1)-线架组件/Machine Head Accessories(1)-Thread Stand Components公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description8. 润滑、油量检测组件/Oil Oil Lublication 、Oil Oil Measuring Measuring Components20131019线架杆顶防护橡皮Spool rest rod rubber cap 公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 S04050 十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓 M5 L=16 Screw M5 L=16 W01047垫圈M5Washer M5油窗Oil sight window N01034 螺母 M5Nut M510122019油窗O形圈Rubber ring 13831022上线架过线杆 Spool rest arm upper 上轴供油管Main shaft oil tube 10113011过线圈(内)Thread guide ring 112S30005油泵连接螺柱Oil pump connecting stud 10113010过线圈(外) Thread guide ring 11329010开口挡圈10Snap ring 1013831019线架杆上节Spool rest rod upper 6. 切线装置部件/Thread Trimmer Components供油管Hook oil tube13831021线架杆接头 Spool rest rod joint 10112020油泵安装板Oil pump installing base 13831020线架杆下节Spool rest rod lower 序号NO.公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 NumberW03002弹垫Spring washer10122106橡胶垫圈Spool rest rod rubber ring 209S12001压脚螺钉SM11/64"×40 L=10.5Screw SM11/64"×40 L=10.5W01048垫圈M16Washer M161113S15002定刀调节螺钉SM1/8"x44 L=9.5Screw SM1/8"x44 L=9.5110103022油泵体衬套Oil pump bushing N02008六角薄螺母 M16Spool rest rod nut M16211319001定刀Secant knife 1101S30007柱塞螺钉Plunger Screw 10. 绕线器组件/ Bobbin ComponentsS04051十字槽凹穴六角头螺栓 M5Spool rest arm lower screw M53113S17001螺钉SM9/64"x40Screw SM9/64"x40110127013柱塞簧Plunger spring N01034 螺母 M5Nut M5411312003护针片Needle guard patch 110122018回油柱塞Plunger 公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 W03002弹簧垫圈 5Spring washer 55201S11009螺钉SM9/64"x40 L=5.5Screw SM9/64"x40 L=5.5110120001油泵体Oil pump 6113S11001螺钉SM11/64"x40 L=12Screw SM11/64"x40 L=122油泵螺钉Screw1383103900绕线器组件Bobbin winder asm.油泵叶轮Oil pump impeller 114S11008螺钉M4x6Screw M4x6油泵叶轮托板Oil pump impeller cover GB/T97.1 垫圈4Washer油泵盖Lubricating oil pump cover 10113030压线控制板Thread press control plate 101S30006螺钉Screw10111120绕线衬垫Winding pad 1012000100油泵分部件Lubricating oil pump component 13831101绕线器装置主座Bobbin winder bed116S30003抬牙叉固定螺钉SM15/64"×28 L=14.5Screw SM15/64"×28 L=14.5GB/T 896-1986 开口挡圈5Snap ring 10136001供油管接头Rubber joint 10127061复位板拉簧Spring13812110调节板Regulating plate 10110030绕线凸轮Bobbin winder cam S09045螺钉Screw1380510600绕线器连杆组件Bobbin winder connecting rod 13827103满线复位簧spring 10127060弹簧Spring GB/T 896-1986开口挡圈4Snap ring13802111绕线器主轴Bobbin winder mian shaft 13802026绕线凸轮轴Bobbin winder cam shaft S09103绕线轮螺钉Screw13831102绕线轮Bobbin winder wheel O01110O 型圈Ring 11422062密封垫Washer114S11003螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=10Screw SM3/16"×28 L=101381300600底线夹线器Bobbin thread tension asm.13811004夹线螺母Thread tension nut 11427006小夹线弹簧Spring10112005夹线板Thread tension disk 11413022夹线过线板Thread tension guide plate 112S13004夹线螺钉Screw114S16001螺母SM11/64"×40Nut SM11/64"×4012. 机头附件(2)/Machine Head Accessories(2)公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 1011203100机头连接钩部件 Hinge component10122060机头连接钩座 Head connecting rubber cushion 10117021机针(14#)Needle (14#)10117022机针DP×5#21(厚料)Needle (H)101S30010 机头连接钩座钉 Nail 10118003梭心 Bobbin机头支柱 Machine head rest pin 20731047螺丝刀(大)Screw driver10131003螺丝刀(中) Screw driver,medium9. 自动倒送料开关、感应抬压脚组件/Automatic Automatic Reverse Reverse Feed Feed ComponentsNO.公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 NumberS05254GB/T70.1-2000螺钉M2.5×4Screw M2.5×411383004600下感应探头Lower sensor1201S11012螺钉SM9/64"×40 L=7.7Screw SM9/64"×40 L=7.7113813022过线压板Screw M4x8113822030橡皮塞(单孔)Rubber plug1101S11004挑线杆护罩螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=7Screw SM3/16"×28 L=711403003600双开关组件Auto reverse feed switch asm 1116S30003抬牙叉固定螺钉SM15/64"×28 L=14.5Screw SM15/64"×28 L=14.52W02004GB/T93-1987弹垫M6Spring washer M621011628005抬牙叉固定螺钉垫圈Washer2杰克缝纫机股份有限公司杰克缝纫机全球销量遥遥领先1383003400自动倒送料电磁铁Auto reverse feed solenoid 111. 油盘、膝抬压脚分组件/Oil Ceservoir,Knee Lifter Components1383003500自动倒送料电磁铁(-7)Auto reverse feed solenoid(-7)11211326005销子Pin 1序号NO.公司件号 Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 Description数量 Number110122022油盘座垫Oil reservoir rubber cushion 1213801020油盘Oil Reservoir 1公司地址(Address of Company):310111005抬压脚顶杆Knee lifter push rod 1台州市椒江区机场南路15号410122020油盘垫Oil Reservoir gasket 1No.15 Rd Airport South,Jiaojiang District Taizhou City,Zhejiang,P.R.C 7. 自动抬压脚组件/Auto Lifter Components510122021O 型圈Rubber ring1邮编( Zip Code ):3180006101S11028排油孔螺钉SM5/16"×24 L=7Screw SM5/16"×24 L=72国内销售部(Domestic Trade Department):Part NO.名称 PartName零件描述 710131001油盘磁铁Oil reservoir magnet 1电话(TEL):0086-0576-******** 88177789810122023油盘支架Oil reservoir rubber cushion 1传真(FAX):0086-0576-********销子Pin 910112027抬压脚双向曲柄Knee lifter crank 1国贸部(International Trade Department):开口销 GB/T91 2×14Cotter pin电话(TEL):0086-0576-******** 88177774电磁铁接头Solenoid connector 传真(FAX):0086-0576-********法兰螺母M8Flange nuts M8服务热线:400-8876858电磁铁组件Solenoid asm.2018.12后窗板螺钉SM3/16"×28 L=9screw SM3/16"×28 L=9资料如有更改,恕不另行通知,以实物为准。

G7125-250 品牌:Belimo,类型:商品说明书

G7125-250 品牌:Belimo,类型:商品说明书

•••••Type overviewTypeDN G7125-250125Technical dataFunctional dataValve size [mm]5" [125]Fluidchilled or hot water, up to 60% glycol Fluid Temp Range (water)32...350°F [0...176°C]Body Pressure Rating ANSI Class 250, up to 280 psi below 350°F Flow characteristic linearServicing repack/rebuild kits available Rangeability Sv 50:1Flow Pattern 3-way Mixing Leakage rateANSI Class III Controllable flow range stem up - open B – AB Cv280MaterialsValve body Cast iron - ASTM A126 Class B Valve plug bronze Stem stainless steelStem seal NLP EPDM (no lip packing)SeatStainless steel AISI 316Pipe connection250 lb flanged Suitable actuatorsNon-Spring RVB(X)Electrical fail-safe(2*GKB(X))Safety notesWARNING: This product can expose you to lead which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm. For more information go to The valve has been designed for use in stationary heating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems and must not be used outside the specified field of application, especially in aircraft or in any other airborne means of transport.Only authorized specialists may carry out installation. All applicable legal or institutional installation regulations must be complied during installation.The valve does not contain any parts that can be replaced or repaired by the user.When determining the flow rate characteristic of controlled devices, the recognised directives must be observed.DimensionsTypeDN WeightG7125-250125209.48 lb [95 kg]EVB, EVX, RVB, RVXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes16.6" [422]15.5" [394]28.0" [711]17.5" [445]5.5" [140]5.5" [140]82*GMB, 2*GMX, 2*GKB, 2*GKXA B C D E F Number of Bolt Holes15.1" [383]16.6" [422]30.0" [762]17.5" [445]5.0" [127]6.3" [160]8RVB24-3FootnotesOn/Off, Floating Point, Non-Spring Return, Linear, 24 VTechnical dataElectrical dataNominal voltageAC/DC 24 V Nominal voltage frequency 50/60 HzNominal voltage rangeAC 19.2...28.8 V / DC 21.6...28.8 V Power consumption in operation 6 W Power consumption in rest position 1.5 W Transformer sizing 11 VAElectrical Connection 18 GA plenum cable, 1 m, with 1/2" conduit connector, degree of protection NEMA 2 / IP54Overload Protection electronic throughout full stroke Electrical Protectionactuators are double insulated Functional dataActuating force motor 4500 N [1010 lbf]Position feedback U note No Feedback Direction of motion motor selectable with switchManual override 5 mm hex crank (3/16" Allen), supplied Stroke2" [50 mm]Running Time (Motor)90 s /Running time motor note constant, independent of load Noise level, motor 65 dB(A)Position indicationMechanical, with pointer Safety dataPower source ULClass 2 Supply Degree of protection IEC/EN IP54Degree of protection NEMA/UL NEMA 2Enclosure UL Enclosure Type 2Agency ListingcULus acc. to UL60730-1A/-2-14, CAN/CSA E60730-1:02, CE acc. to 2014/30/EU and 2014/35/EU Quality Standard ISO 9001Ambient humidity Max. 95% RH, non-condensing Ambient temperature -22...122°F [-30...50°C]Storage temperature -40...176°F [-40...80°C]Servicingmaintenance-free Weight Weight9.02 lb [4.1 kg]MaterialsHousing material Die cast aluminium and plastic casing† Use flexible metal conduit. Push the listed conduit fitting device over the actuator’s cable to butt against the enclosure. Screw in conduit connector. Jacket the actuators input wiring with listed flexible conduit. Properly terminate the conduit in a suitable junction box. Rated impulse Voltage 800V. Type of action 1. Control pollution degree 3.RVB24-3 AccessoriesElectrical accessories Description TypeBattery backup system, for non-spring return models NSV24 USBattery, 12 V, 1.2 Ah (two required)NSV-BAT Electrical installationINSTALLATION NOTES ArrayActuators may be connected in parallel. Power consumption and input impedance must beobserved.Actuators may also be powered by DC 24 V.Control signal may be pulsed from either the Hot (Source) or Common (Sink) 24 V line.For triac sink the common connection from the actuator must be connected to the hotconnection of the controller. Contact closures A & B also can be triacs. A & B should both beclosed for the triac source and open for triac sink.Actuators with plenum cable do not have numbers; use color codes instead.Meets cULus requirements without the need of an electrical ground connection.Warning! Live electrical components!During installation, testing, servicing and troubleshooting of this product, it may be necessaryto work with live electrical components. Have a qualified licensed electrician or other individualwho has been properly trained in handling live electrical components perform these tasks.Failure to follow all electrical safety precautions when exposed to live electrical componentscould result in death or serious injury.Wiring diagramsOn/Off Floating Point。

Furukawa OFS 200

Furukawa OFS 200

For Use With:200 µm ST and SMA Factory5 Termination Kits200 µm HCS ® Factory5 Fiber-Optic Cable ST and SMA Factory5 Crimp & Cleave ConnectorsCrimp & Cleave Termination Instructionsfor 200 µm Factory5 Cable with ST and SMA ConnectorsPlease Read FirstPlease make sure to READ and understand t ermination in-structions completely. Improper a ssembly will cause poor termination results and cause damage to termination kit com-ponents.Make sure you WEAR eye protection during the c leaving process. The bare fiber is sharp and may s plinter; handle very carefully. Make sure fiber is d isposed of properly, in a hard-sided container.OFS WARRANTS this t ermination kit to be free of defects for a period of 90 days from the date of purchase. Each kit is q ualified at our factory prior to shipment. OFS will, at their discretion, repair or replace any tools found to be defec-tive due to workmanship within the stated warranty period. (Excludes damage to the fiber stripper, cleave tool, and/or d iamond blade due to m isuse.)OFS recommends that all replacements or repairs be made at our manufacturing facility, except where specifically out-lined. Please C ONTACT the sales representative in your re-gion or call the factory for technical support:Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-5:00 pm EST.888-438-9936 [Toll free in the US and Canada]860-678-0371[International]Important Safety and Warranty Information888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | iContent Page Factory5 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents (1)Related Products and Accessories......................2-3 Factory5 ST and SMA Connectors (4)Termination InstructionsStep 1: Install strain relief boot (5)Step 2: Strip cable outer jacket ......................6-7 Step 3: Strip sub-unit outer jacket ....................8-9 Step 4: Strip fiber buffer..........................10-11 Step 5: Install cable anchor .. (12)Step 6: Install crimp sleeve .......................13-14 Step 7: Install ferrule . (15)Step 8: Crimp ferrule ............................16-18 Step 9: Cleave fiber .............................19-21 Step 10: Position strain relief boot ..................22-23 Diamond Cleave Tool Diagram .........................19Content Page Maintenance & Trouble Shooting GuideImportance of Cleave Tool Cleaning and Maintenance (24)Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (24)Diamond Blade Replacement Kit (24)Trouble Shooting Guide (25)Termination and Test Kits Available (26)Trademark Information.........................Back Cover Table of ContentsFinal AssemblyFiber StripperBrushProng ToolScissorsCrimp ToolCable StripperDiamond CleaveToolFactory5 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 12 ST and SMA Termination Kit Contents continuedCP01229-02...........200 µm Fiber Stripper (White Blade Insert)with Cleaning Brush and Prong ToolAP01225.........................................ScissorsK16248.....................Booklet: Importance of Cleave ToolCleaning and MaintenanceOther Items Required (not included in kit): Safety Glasses, Marker3888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Termination kit contentscontinues onto the next pagePart Numbers DescriptionBT01827...............................SMA Positioner Plate (use to convert an ST kit to an SMA kit)BT01900................................ST Positioner Plate (use to convert an SMA kit to an ST kit)P10188-03 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm ST Connectors P10188-05 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm SMA Connectors P10188-08 ........................Insertion Loss Test Kit for 200 µm ST, SMA, V-Pin, and F07 Connectors P16247 ...........................Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (Includes cleaning fluid and safe cleaning swabs)AT03290 ....................Diamond Blade Replacement KitNOTE:Only one component part replacement isrequired to convert an ST Termination Kit to its same size equivalent SMA TerminationKit and vice versa.Factory5 ST and SMA ConnectorsDescription Part NumbersSMA Connectors ..................................P18241ST Connectors ....................................P18242ST ConnectorBoot AnchorCrimp SleeveFerruleCapSMA ConnectorTermination InstructionsInstall Strain Relief Boot• S lide STRAIN RELIEF BOOT onto cable and move up andout of the way for easystripping.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 56 Termination InstructionsSTEP2Strip Cable Outer Jacket• M ark cable outer jacket 3/4 inchesfrom the end with a marker.• S elect the 3.2 hole on the Cable Jacket Strip Toolto strip Cable Outer Jacket31/4”888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 7• V erify proper strip length against the strip template shown below.• C arefully unravel the aramid braid with a pointed instrument.• W hen the yarns are unravelled,cut them as closely to the cable outer jacket as possible.Slide scissors or other pointed object in this direction, carefully unravelling as many yarns at a time as is manageable withoutc reating a knot.88 Termination Instructions• S trip jacket using the 1.6 hole using the CABLEJACKET STRIP TOOL, apply a quick-but-partialsqueezing action (fully compressing the handles willcause the tool to incorrectly snap onto the fiber, possiblybreaking it), release and removethe outer jacket.3/4”• V erify proper strip length against thestrip template shown on page 7.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 9Termination Instructions10NOTE:Be careful not to touch the HCS fiber coating once the fiber has been stripped. The coating will retain finger oils which can transfer to and damage the gripper pads in the cleaver during Step 9 in the termination process.STEP4Strip Fiber Buffer B efore you start:B e careful while handling the FIBER STRIPPER. Handle as a p recision device and do not strike on hard surfaces or drop.B e sure to clean blades frequently using small bristle brush sup-plied.IMPORTANT: Pull straight when stripping the fiber buffer. The HCS fiber cladding can be damaged if fiber is not pulled straight.• S eparate buffered fiber from yellow aramid yarn by pulling yarn back along the cable.NOTE:If unable to insert buffered fiber throughguide tube, trim tip of the fiber using scis-sors.NOTE:If a short length of cable is being termi-nated, wrap the cable around your hand to prevent fiber and aramid yarn from pulling out of cable.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 11• I nsert the buffered fiber through the guide tube of the fiber stripper until the sub unit outer jacket b ottoms out inside the tube.• H olding cable securely, squeeze handles to cut buffer and PULL STRAIGHT to remove buffer.• I nspect HCS cladding for damage from improper buffer stripping. (i.e. white dusty stripe)• V erify proper buffer strip length against the strip template shown on page 7.NOTE:If damage is visible cut off the damagedfiber and repeat the procedure from Step 2: Strip Cable Outer Jacket.A p p r o x ima t e ly 1/8”M a x im u m 1/4”Termination Instructions12Install Cable Anchor• P ull aramid yarn strands back over stripped fiber.• H olding aramid yarn and fiber at very top. Feed the fiber and the aramid yarn through the CABLE ANCHOR. Bottom out the anchor on the cable sub-unit outer jacket using a clockwise turning motion. (i.e. screw the anchor onto the cable outer jacket, if n ecessary)• P osition anchor in CRIMP TOOL,centering the rear end of the anchor in the crimp nest.• S queeze crimp tool handles together until it clicks, then releases.STEP5NOTE:Be careful not to touch the HCS fiber coat-ing once the fiber has been stripped. The coating will retain finger oils which can transfer to and damage the gripper pads in the cleaver during Step 9 in the terminationprocess.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 136Install Crimp Sleeve• D ivide the aramid yarn into approximately two equal halves.• F old both halves of the aramid yarn back over the cable an-chor. Be sure the fiber is centered in the cable anchor.• S lide the CRIMP SLEEVE over the cable anchor and aramid yarn until it bottoms out on the cable anchor.Step 6 continues onto the next pageCrimp from Step 5: Note position of aramid yarns in relation to this crimp. Maintain this position here and in Step 7.Termination Instructions14Install Crimp Sleeve continued• P osition the crimp sleeve in the CRIMP TOOL such that:• Squeeze crimp tool handles together.~ T he back edge of the crimp sleeve is aligned with the edge of the crimp nest.~ T he aramid yarn halves are positioned over thejaws.Crimp from Step 5: Note that the orientation of ar-amid yarns is maintained in relation to the jaws ofthe crimp tool.7Install Ferrule• F eed fiber through hole in rear of FERRULE.• S lide the ferrule for either SMA or ST connector down thefiber and into the crimp sleeve. Rotate to the o rientationshown below. Push the ferrule firmly until it bottoms out inthe crimp sleeve.SMA shown in illustrationKeyST shown in illustration888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 1516 Termination InstructionsSTEP8Crimp FerruleB efore you start:Make sure the ferrule is fully seated in the crimp sleeve.C heck to make sure the crimp die set is stamped properly for theconnector type, ‘SMA’ on one side and ‘ST’ on the other.P roper positioning of the connector in the die set is critical for aproper crimp location. Failure to crimp in the prescribed locationwill result in poor connector retention strength.C rimp dies can be reversed at the factory for left-handed opera-tors.SMA Connector• P osition the back of the SMA COUPLING NUT against the side of the crimp die set stamped‘SMA’ as shown.• R otate the SMA connector so that its l ocation dimple is oriented in the crimpdie set as shown.• S queeze CRIMP TOOL handles togetheruntil the tool releases.Step 8 continuesonto the next page17888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Termination Instructions18Crimp Ferrule continuedST Connector• P osition the back of the ST COUPLING NUT against the side of the crimp die set stamped ‘ST’.• R otate the ST connector so that its keyis oriented in the crimp die set as shown.• S queeze CRIMP TOOL handles together untilthe tool releases.KeywayKeywayTension SpringGripper PadsDiamond Blade & Anvil HousingPositioner PlateTrigger9Cleave Fiber B efore you start:Make sure the appropriate cleave tool positioner plate is beingused: SMA or STM ake sure the appropriate colored tension spring is being used: 200 µm = GREENR efer to diagram of the Cleave Tool.C areful while handling the Cleave Tool. Handle as a p recision de-vice and do not strike on hard surfaces or drop.K eep the cleave tool clean and free from oils, including naturally oc-curing finger oils. Gripper pads, diamond blade and anvil should be cleaned after every 50 cleaves. Use the OFS Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit — Part #P16247 - available separately.D o not use alcohol to clean the diamond blade or the gripper pads. Al-cohol will chemically react with the gripper pads and ruin them.D o not insert metal tools near the diamond blade, as it is fragile andmay chip.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | Step 9 continues onto the next page19Termination Instructions20NOTE:It is critical to fully insert the connector into the positioner plate. Failure to do so, may cause poor cleave quality and/or damage to the diamond blade.NOTE:Do not hold onto the connector during thecleave process. Doing so may cause poor cleave quality.STEP9Cleave Fiber continued• H olding the CLEAVING TOOL in a horizontal position, grip the handle while leaving your index finger free to actuate trig-ger.• P lace the ferrule into the hole of the positioner plate until it is fully inserted.• R elease the connector in the tool.• U sing index finger, slowly and gently depress trigger to perform the cleaveprocess. The cleave process is complete when the fiber snaps away from theconnector. Do not release trigger!• B efore releasing the trigger, remove the connector from the cleave tool andgrasp the top of the scrap fiber while releasing the trigger. Gently remove thescrap fiber while keeping it away from the diamond blade.• D ispose of scrap fiber safely in a hard-sided container.• I nstall protective cap onto connector to protect cleaved fiber surface.21888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 22 Termination InstructionsSTEP10Position Strain Relief Boot• U sing scissors, trim exposed aramid yarn as close to crimpsleeve as possible.• S lide strain relief boot onto connector (up to rear of couplingnut) to complete termination.888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 23Maintenance & Trouble Shooting GuideImportance of Cleave Tool Cleaningand MaintenanceThe Cleave Tool supplied with OFS’s Termination Kits con-tains movable parts, wear items, and a diamond blade that require regular maintenance, care, or replacement after useful life in order to perform satisfactorily. Damage and parts re-placement expense can result if recommended procedures are not followed.~T he diamond blade must be cleaned; the gripper pads must be cleaned, kept oil-free, and replaced after wear.~ The cleave-tool trigger must be depressed slowly.Cleave Tool Cleaning KitFor cleaning your cleave tool, please order the OFS Cleave Tool Cleaning Kit (part #P16247) which includes recom-mended cleaning fluid, swabs, and c omplete instructions. Diamond Blade Replacement KitFor replacing the diamond blade/anvil assembly, please order the Diamond Blade Replacement Kit (Part #AT03290.)The kit includes a new diamond blade, anvil, replacement screws, and complete instructions for performing this simple proce-dure at your facility.24Trouble Shooting Guide888 438 9936 (US & Canada) or 860 678 0371 | 2526 Termination and Test Kits AvailableOFS offers a specialized Termination Kit—and a ssociatedInsertion Loss Test Kit—for each type of Crimp &Cleave connector we support. These kits are availablein various combinations of sizes and/or connector types.Customer Relations at our factory can help you select thecorrect kit for your purposes.This document is for informational purposes only and is not intended to modify or supplement any OFS warranties or specifications relating to any of its products and services.Copyright © 2014 OFS Fitel, LLC.All Rights Reserved.081455 Darling Drive, Avon, CT 06001To learn more, please call or visit our website. Phone: 186****0371Toll Free: 188****9936Web: P18225 Rev. E Trademark Information:Manufactured in the USA by OFS.HCS is a registered trademark in the USA of OFS Fitel, LLC.。



M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, A-编码
M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, A-编码 ▶ 屏蔽
M12x1 插座 (母头), 系列 CN2 ▶ 插座, M12x1, 5-針, B-编码 ▶ 屏蔽
聚酯树脂 氟(石炭)橡胶(FKM)
技术性备注 ■ 规定的保护等级只适用于已安装和检查的状态。
额定电压 电流,最大值
电缆引线 可连接的电缆的最 小/最大直径
直线 180° 呈 90° 弯角
[mm] 4/8
外壳颜色 黑色

[kg] 0,028 0,027
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
3 4
1834484173 1834484174
额定电压 电流,最大值
电极数目 3
电缆引线 可连接的电缆的 最小/最大直径
直线 180°
呈 90° 弯角
-- / 4,5
产品代码 1834484173 1834484174
8941054324 8941054424
Fig. 1
4 2 3
电缆引线 直线 180°

Eaton Moeller Rapid Link - 速度控制器说明书

Eaton Moeller Rapid Link - 速度控制器说明书

Eaton 198575Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Speed controller, 5.6 A, 2.2 kW, Sensor input 4, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31 modules, HAN Q5, with manual override switch, with braking resistanceGeneral specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid Link Speed controller1985754015081964505157 mm 270 mm 220 mm 3.59 kg UL 61800-5-1 IEC/EN 61800-5-1 CE UL approval RoHSProduct NameCatalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog Notes 3 fixed speeds and 1 potentiometer speedcan be switched over from U/f to (vector) speed control Connection of supply voltage via adapter cable on round or flexible busbar junction Diagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface480 VIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.400 V AC, 3-phase480 V AC, 3-phaseMeets the product standard's requirements.2.2 kW500 VMeets the product standard's requirements.-40 °C380 VInternal DC linkManual override switchBreaking resistanceKey switch position HANDPTC thermistor monitoringControl unitSelector switch (Positions: REV - OFF - FWD)Key switch position AUTOBraking resistancePC connectionKey switch position OFF/RESETThermo-click with safe isolationIGBT inverterTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operation0 Hz Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-drivesConnectDA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-004.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-005.epsETN.RASP5-5400A31-512R100S1.edzIL034085ZUramo5_v20.dwgrasp5_v20.stpGeneration change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation Change RA-SP to RASP5Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RASP4 to RASP5DA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004514.pdfDA-DC-00004508.pdfMains voltage - max10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated operational voltage10.4 Clearances and creepage distancesOutput at quadratic load at rated output voltage - max Output voltage - max10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosures Ambient storage temperature - minMains voltage - minFitted with:Output frequency - minStarting current - max BrochureDisegnieCAD modelIstruzioni di installazione mCAD modelNote per l'applicazione Report di certificazione200 %, IH, max. starting current (High Overload), For 2 seconds every 20 seconds, Power sectionRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)10 kAAmbient operating temperature - max40 °CCommunication interfaceAS-InterfaceAssigned motor power at 115/120 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase3 HPOutput frequency - max500 HzSwitching frequency8 kHz, 4 - 32 kHz adjustable, fPWM, Power section, Main circuitFeaturesParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App) Parameterization: drivesConnectAmbient operating temperature - min-10 °CBraking current≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brakeNumber of HW-interfaces (serial TTY)10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Nominal output current I2N5.6 A10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Product categorySpeed controllerRadio interference classC2, C3: depending on the motor cable length, the connected load, and ambient conditions. External radio interference suppression filters (optional) may be necessary.C1: for conducted emissions onlyHeat dissipation capacity Pdiss0 WRated control voltage (Uc)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phase3 HPNumber of HW-interfaces (RS-422)Mains current distortion120 %ProtocolAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASI10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overvoltage categoryIIIDegree of protectionIP65NEMA 12Ambient storage temperature - max70 °CRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)2000 VConnectionPlug type: HAN Q5Overload currentAt 40 °CFor 60 s every 600 sFunctionsBrake chopper with braking resistance for dynamic braking 4-quadrant operation possible3 fixed speeds1 potentiometer speedOutput at linear load at rated output voltage - max2.2 kWMains voltage tolerance380 - 480 V (-10 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz)Leakage current at ground IPE - max3.5 mAConverter typeU converter10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.Supply frequency50/60 Hz10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Shock resistance15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftApplication in domestic and commercial area permittedYesNumber of inputs (analog)Number of phases (output)310.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.10.2.5 LiftingDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Number of HW-interfaces (RS-485)1Number of HW-interfaces (industrial ethernet)Efficiency98 % (η)System configuration typeAC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network)10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Switch-on threshold for the braking transistor765 VDCProtectionFinger and back-of-hand proof, Protection against direct contact (BGV A3, VBG4)Application in industrial area permittedYesClimatic proofing< 95 %, no condensationIn accordance with IEC/EN 5017810.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Overload current IL at 150% overload8.4 AInput current ILN at 150% overload5.3 ANumber of HW-interfaces (RS-232)Number of inputs (digital)4Current limitationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.5 - 5.6 A, motor, main circuitCable lengthC1 ≤ 1 m, maximum motor cable lengthC2 ≤ 5 m, maximum motor cable lengthC3 ≤ 25 m, maximum motor cable length10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Mounting positionVerticalMains switch-on frequencyMaximum of one time every 60 seconds10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid0 WElectromagnetic compatibility1st and 2nd environments (according to EN 61800-3)Resolution0.1 Hz (Frequency resolution, setpoint value)Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz3 HPRelative symmetric net voltage tolerance10 %Rated operational current (Ie)5.6 A at 150% overload (at an operating frequency of 8 kHz and an ambient air temperature of +40 °C)Number of outputs (analog)Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz, 3-phase2.2 kWNumber of HW-interfaces (USB)Operating modePM and LSPM motorsSynchronous reluctance motorsSensorless vector control (SLV)U/f controlBLDC motorsRated frequency - min45 HzDelay time< 10 ms, Off-delay< 10 ms, On-delayNumber of outputs (digital)Power consumption58 W10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Number of HW-interfaces (other)1Rated frequency - max66 HzVibrationResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Resistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)Type 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuit10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Braking torqueAdjustable to 100 % (I/Ie), DC - Main circuitRelative symmetric net frequency tolerance10 %10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.Number of HW-interfaces (parallel)Assigned motor power at 230/240 V, 60 Hz, 1-phase3 HPInterfacesNumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mASpecification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Number of phases (input)Eaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. Tutti i diritti riservati. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia336.6 W at 25% current and 0% speed 38.1 W at 25% current and 50% speed 42 W at 50% current and 0% speed 42.5 W at 50% current and 90% speed 44.2 W at 50% current and 50% speed 55.9 W at 100% current and 0% speed 58.3 W at 100% current and 90% speed 60.4 W at 100% current and 50% speed 0Above 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m Max. 2000 mHeat dissipation at current/speed Number of interfaces (PROFINET)Altitude。

Limitorque L120-10

Limitorque L120-10
2.2 Product Identification
The actuator unit nameplate is locate limit switch compartment. The nameplate contains the following information: • Limitorque name • Point of Manufacture • Unit Size • Order Number • Serial Number • Customer Tagging • CE Stamp
4.4 Torque Switch
4.4.1 Setting Torque Switch
4.4.2 Balancing Torque Switch
4.5 Geared Limit Switch
4.5.1 Setting Limit Switch
4.5.2 Setting Procedure (Refer to Figure 4.2)
notices could result in personal injury or death. a CAUTION: Directs the user’s attention to general precautions that, if not followed, could result in
2.3 Inspection and Recording
6.9.2 Declutch Assembly (L120-20/40) (Refer to Figure 6.3)
6.9.3 Install the Motor (Refer to Figure 5.2)



1 A 门电机YPVF2 ACR 电流控制调整电子板YPVF、VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX3 AD 模数电子板YPVF4 ALARM 警铃按钮GVF5 ALP 停电柜全梯种6 AM 电流表VFM(H)G、HVF7 AMP 增幅器NPX8 ATD 司机下行按钮全梯种9 ATT 司机开关全梯种10 ATU 司机上行按钮全梯种11 AVR 自动稳压电源YPVF、VFM(G)、HVF、NPX12 B951-CSD 轿顶电器箱数字显示电子板NPH13 B.CON 信号网转换电子板VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX14 BD 基极驱动VFM(H)G、HVF15 BDR 抱闸电阻VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX、G(G)VF16 BD-TR 基极驱动变压器VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX、G(H)VF17 BELL 警铃全梯种18 BGM 背景音乐装置VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX19 BSR 抱闸电阻VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX、G(G)VF20 BZ 蜂鸣器全梯种21 CAGE。


L 内指令应答信号灯YPVF22 CALL 对讲机呼叫按钮YPVF23 CAM 防止手动开门装置VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX24 CDS 关门减速开关VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX25 CFR CFC 制动器阻容组件YPVF26 CLN 轿厢串行通信电子板VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX27 CLOSE 关门按钮全梯种28 CLS 关门限位开关YPVF、G(H)VF29 CNV 整流器YPVF、VFM(G)、HVF、NPX30 CONTROL-1 AC100V电源保险丝YPVF31 CONTROL-2 多重回路电源保险丝YPVF32 CONTROL-3 光电装置电源保险丝YPVF33 COUNT 计数器全梯种34 CP 控制柜全梯种35 CP-FAN 大功率逆变器冷却分扇YPVF、VFM(G)、HVF、NPX36 CPI 轿内指示器全梯种37 CR 阻容组件YPVF38 CRS 阻容组件YPVF39 CRU2 阻容组件YPVF40 D1-D4 二极管YPVF41 D2 二极管桥堆YPVF42 DBR 制动电阻G(H)VF43 DCO 门停止VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX44 DIGITAL CPI 轿内数字式显示全梯种45 DLS 下终端限位开关全梯种46 DM1 电感线圈YPVF47 DM37 副安全触板短接开关G(H)VF48 DM 门电机G(H)VF49 M.MOTOR 门电机VFM(H)G、HVF、NPX50 DMC。

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