


第43卷第3期2 0 2 1年5月浙江体育科学Zhejiang Sport Science V o l.43, N o.3M a y. 20 21文章编号:1004-3624(2021)03-0090-03•武术.少林武术套路术语国际化标准研制的参考与借鉴—中英文版《传统少林武术套路集成》刍评焦丹,贺玲玲(河南工业大学,河南郑州450000)摘要:2008年出版的《传统少林武术套路集成(套装上下卷)》(A C o m p e n d iu m o f SFaolin—style T ra d itio n a l M a rtia lA r ts),是我国首部全面系统记栽少林武术套路招式的英文版专著。


关键词:武术套路;传统少林武术;武术译介;术语中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:AA Book Review on A Compendium of Shaolin—Style Traditional Martial ArtsJ IA O Dan?H E Lin-lin(H enan University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450000, China)Abstract:T h e book A C om pendium o f Shaolin—style T ra d itio n a l M a rtia l A rts published i n2008, is the fE n g lis h version system atically tra n sla tin g on form s and m ovem ents o f Shaolin—style tra d itio n a l m a rtia l a rts.core o f tra d itio n a l B u d d h ism,C o n fu cia nism,and T a o is m,the a u th o r,L iu H a ich a o,enjoyed the title o f Shaolin—style tra d itio n a l m a rtia l arts m aster made an overall statem ent on tactics,strategy,v irtu e,and m orale o f S ha o lin—style m a r till a rts.In te g ra tin g to g eth e r w ith m a rtia l arts,Chinese tra d itio n a lm e d ic a l th e o ry,and p h ilosophy,thebook made a detailed explanation on shaolin—style m a rtia l arts form s,w h ic h is positioned as ta n t representative w o rks on academic th e o ry and teaching practice o f Chinese m a rtia l a rts.W h a t s m o r e,this hugew o rk is translated fro m Chinese in to E n g lish professionally fo r the dissem ination o f Chinese m a r till arts to the othercountries as a h ig h—q u a lity te x tb o o k frie n d ly accepted b y the amateurs at home and abroad,inclu d in g the m a rtia l artsresearchers.Key words:M a r t ill A rts F o rm;Shaolin—style T ra d itio n a l M a rtia l A r t s;M a rtia l A rts T ra n s la tio n W o rk0 前 言武术术语是反映武术基本理论和技术实践要旨的概念和用语,是构成专业领域学术规范和学术对话的基本单位,内容至少包含技术类术语与理论类术语两个方面(刘韬光,郭玉成,2016)。

abstract PPT文稿

abstract PPT文稿
V. Abstract
--some definitions

An abstract is a condensed version of a longer piece of writing that highlights the major points covered, concisely describes the content and scope of the writing , and identify the project’s objective , its methodology and its findings , conclusion, or intended results.
Guiding the reading of longer documents. It is also an important measure to retrieve papers and promote the international scitech exchange.
When writing a book proposal When writing a proposal for a Book Chapter

1.2 Evaluative Abstract
Main points in questions:
1. What would you usually do in evaluative abstract? A: I would include my own comments and reactions --- my thoughts and feelings regarding the material and presentation of the material. 2. Evaluative abstract is usually used in book review. (True or False)



离散傅里叶变换的算术傅里叶变换算法张宪超1,武继刚1,蒋增荣2,陈国良1(1.中国科技大学计算机科学与技术系,合肥230027;2.国防科技大学系统工程与数学系,长沙410073)摘要:离散傅里叶变换(DFT)在数字信号处理等许多领域中起着重要作用.本文采用一种新的傅里叶分析技术—算术傅里叶变换(AFT)来计算DFT.这种算法的乘法计算量仅为0(N);算法的计算过程简单,公式一致,克服了任意长度DFT传统快速算法(FFT)程序复杂、子进程多等缺点;算法易于并行,尤其适合VLSI设计;对于含较大素因子,特别是素数长度的DFT,其速度比传统的FFT方法快;算法为任意长度DFT的快速计算开辟了新的思路和途径.关键词:离散傅里叶变换(DFT);算术傅里叶变换(AFT);快速傅里叶变换(FFT)中图分类号:TN917文献标识码:A文章编号:0372-2112(2000)05-0105-03An Algorithm for Computing DFT Using Arithmetic Fourier TransformZHANG Xian-chao1,WU Ji-gang1,JIANG Zeng-rong2,CHEN Guo-iiang1(1.Dept.of CompUter Science&Technology,Unio.of Science&Technology of China,Hefei230027,China;2.Dept.of System Engineering&Mathematics,National Unio.of Defense Technology,Changsha410073,China)Abstract:The Discrete Fourier Transform(DFT)piays an important roie in digitai signai processing and many other fieids.In this paper,a new Fourier anaiysis technigue caiied the arithmetic Fourier transform(AFT)is used to compute DFT.This aigorithm needs oniy0(N)muitipiications.The process of the aigorithm is simpie and it has a unified formuia,which overcomes the disadvantage of the traditionai fast method that has a compieX program containing too many subroutines.The aigorithm can be easiiy performed in paraiiei,especiaiiy suitabie for VLSI designing.For a DFT at a iength that contains big prime factors,especiaiiy for a DFT at a prime iength,it is faster than the traditionai FFT method.The aigorithm opens up a new approach for the fast computation of DFT.Key words:discrete Fourier transform(DFT);arithmetic Fourier transform(AFT);fast Fourier transform(FFT)!引言离散傅里叶变换(DFT)在数字信号处理等许多领域中起着重要作用.但DFT的计算量很大(N点DFT需0(N2)乘法和加法).因此,DFT的快速计算问题非常重要.1965年,Cooiey 和Tukey开创了快速傅里叶变换(FFT)方法,使N点DFT的计算量从0(N2)降到0(N iog N),开辟了DFT的快速计算时代.但FFT的计算仍较复杂,且对不同长度的DFT其计算公式不一致,致使任意长DFT的FFT程序非常复杂,包含大量子进程.1988年,Tufts和Sadasiv[1]提出了一种用莫比乌斯反演公式(Mibius inversion formuia)计算连续函数的傅立叶系数的方法并命名为算术傅立叶变换(AFT).AFT有许多良好的性质:其乘法量仅为0(N);算法简单,并行性好,尤其适合VLSI设计.因此很快得到广泛关注,并在数字图像处理等领域得到应用.AFT已成为继FFT后一种新的重要的傅立叶分析技术[2~5].根据DFT和连续函数的傅立叶系数的关系,可以用AFT 计算DFT.这种方法保持了AFT的良好性质,且具有公式一致性.大量实验表明,同直接计算相比,AFT方法可以将DFT的计算时间减少90%,对含较大素因子,特别是其长度本身为素数的DFT,它的速度比传统的FFT快.从而它为DFT快速计算开辟了新的途径."算术傅立叶变换本文采用文[3]中的算法.设A(t)为周期为T的函数,它的傅立叶级数只含有限项,即:A(t)=a0+!Nn=1a n cos2!f0t+!Nn=1b n sin2!f0t(1)其中:f0=1/T,a0=1T"TA(t)dt.令:B(2n,!)=12n!2n-1m=0(-1)m A(m2nT+!T),-1<!<1(2)则傅立叶系数a n和b n可以由下列公式计算:a n=![N/n]l=1,3,5,…U(l)B(2nl,0)b n=![N/n]l=1,3,5,…U(l)(-1)(l-1)/2B(2n,14nl),n=1,…,N(3)第5期2000年5月电子学报ACTA ELECTR0NICA SINICAVoi.28No.5May2000其中:!(l )=I ,(-I )r ,0{,l =I l =p I p 2…p r 3p 使p 2\l为莫比乌斯(M bioLS )函数.这就是AFT ,其计算量为:加法:N 2+[N /2]+[N /3]+…+I -2N ;乘法:2N.AFT 需要函数大量的不均匀样本点,而在实际应用中,若计算函数前N 个傅立叶系数,根据奈奎斯特(NygLiSt )抽样定律,只需在函数的一个周期内均匀抽取2N 个样本点.这时可以用零次插值解决样本不一致问题.文献[2、3]已作了详细的分析,本文不再重复.3DFT 的AFT 算法3.1DFT 的定义及性质定义1设X I 为一长度为N 的序列,它的DFT 定义为:Y I =Z N-II =0X I w II ,I =0,I ,…,N -I ;w =e -i 2!/N(4)性质1用记号X I 、=、Y I 表示序列Y I 为序列X I 的DFT ,G I 、=、H I ,则:pX I +gG I 、=、pY I +gH I (5)因此,一个复序列的DFT 可以用两个实序列的DFT 计算.故本文只讨论实序列DFT 的计算问题.性质2设X I 为一实序列,X I 、=、Y I ,则:Re Y I =Re Y N -I ,Im Y I =-Im Y N -I (Re Y I 和Im Y I 分别代表Y I 的实部和虚部)(6)因此,对N 点实序列DFT ,只需计算:Re Y I 和Im Y I (I =0,…,「N /2).3.2DFT 的AFT 算法离散序列的DFT 和连续函数的傅立叶系数有着密切的联系.事实上,若序列X I 是一段区间[0,T ]上的函数A (t )经过离散化后得到的,再设A (t )的傅立叶级数只含前N /2项,即:A (t )=a 0+Z「N /2-II =Ia I coS2!f 0t +Z「N /2-II =I6I Sin2!f 0t(7)则DFT Y I 和傅立叶系数的关系为:Re Y I =「N /2a I /2Im Y I =「N /26I /{2,I =0,…,「N /2(8)式(7)中函数代表的是一种截频信号.对一般函数,式(8)中的“=”要改为“匀”[7].因此,序列X I 的DFT 可以通过函数A (t )的傅里叶系数计算.对于一般给定序列X I ,注意到在任意一个区间上,经过离散后能得到序列X I 的函数有无穷多个.对所有这些插值函数,公式(8)都近似地满足(仅式(7)中的函数精确地满足式(8))[7].AFT 的零次插值实现实质上就是用这些插值函数中的零次插值函数代替原来的函数进行计算的.而从AFT 的零次插值实现方法可知,用AFT 计算傅里叶系数,实际上参与计算的只是函数经离散化后得到的序列,而不必知道函数本身.因此,我们可以任取一个区间,在这个区间上,把序列X算(8)中的“傅里叶系数”,再通过式(8),就可以计算出序列的DFT .算法描述如下(采用[0,I ]区间):for I =I to 「N /2for m =0to 2I -IB (2I ,0):=B (2I ,0)+(-I )mX[Nm /2I +0.5]B (2I ,I /4I ):=B (2I ,I /4I )+(-I )mX[Nm /2I +N /4I +0.5]endforB (2I ,0):=B (2I ,0)/2I B (2I ,I /4I ):=B (2I ,I /4I )/2I endforfor =0to N -I a 0:=a 0+X ( )/N for I =I to 「N /2for I =I to[「N /2/I ]by 2a I :=a I +!(I )B (2II ,0)6I :=6I +!(I )(-I )(K -I )/2B (2II ,I /4II )endforRe Y I :=「N /2a I /2Re Y N -I :=Re Y I Im Y I :=「N /2a I /2Im Y N -I :=-Im Y I endfor endfor图IDFT 的AFT 算法程序AFT 方法的误差主要是由零次插值引起的,大量实验表明,同FFT 相比,其误差是可以接受的(部分实验结果见附录).4算法的性能4.1算法的程序DFT 的AFT 算法具有公式一致性,且公式简单,因此算法的程序也很简单(图I ).图2DFT 的AFT 算法进程示意为便于比较,不妨看一下FFT 的流程.图3FFT 算法进程示意可以看出,FFT 的程序中包含大量子进程,且这些子程序都较复杂.其中素数长度DFT 的FFT 算法程序尤其复杂.因此,任意长DFT 的FFT 算法其程序是非常复杂的.4.2算法的计算效率AFT 方法把DFT 的乘法计算量从0(N 2)降到0(N ),它2电子学报2000年计算时间减少90%.当DFT的长度!为2的幂时,FFT比AFT 方法快"对一般长度的DFT,当!含较大素因子时,AFT方法比FFT快;当!的因子都较小时,AFT方法不如FFT快.当DFT长度!本身为一较大素数时,AFT方法比FFT快"附录中给出部分实验结果以便比较"特别指出,对素数长度DFT,FFT的计算过程非常复杂,很难在实际中应用.而AFT方法算法简单,提供了较好的素数长度DFT快速算法"表1是两种算法计算效率较详细的比较"表1长度52191197114832417FFT效率67.30%68.03%72.50%71.23%76.22% AFT方法效率91.39#91.78#91.63#91.81#91.83# 4.3算法的并行性AFT具有良好的并行性,尤其适合VLSI设计,已有许多VLSI设计方案被提出,并在数字图像处理等领域得到应用.DFT的AFT算法继承了AFT优点,同样具有良好的并行性"5结论和展望本文采用算术傅里叶变换(AFT)计算DFT.这种方法把AFT的各种优点引入DFT的计算中来,开辟了DFT快速计算的新途径.把AFT方法同FFT结合起来,还可以进一步提高DFT的计算速度"参考文献[1] D.W.Tufts and G.Sadasiv.The arithmetic Fourier transform.IEEE ASSP Mag,Jan.1988:13~17[2]I.S.Reed,D.W.Tufts,Xiao Yu,T.K.Troung,M.T.Shih and X.Yin.Fourier anaiysis and signai processing by use of Mobius inversion for-muiar.IEEE Trans.Acoust.Speech Speech Processing,Mar,1990,38(3):458~470[3]I.S.Reed,Ming Tang Shih,T.K.Truong,R.Hendon and D.W.Tufts.A VLSI architecture for simpiified arithmetic fourier transform aigo-rithm.IEEE Trans.Signai Processing,May,1993,40(5):1122~1132[4]H.Park and V.K.Prasanna.Moduiar VLSI architectures for computing the arithmetic fourier transform.IEEE.Signai Processing,June,1993,41(6):2236~2246[5]Lovine.F.P,Tantaratanas.Some aiternate reaiizations of the arithmetic Fourier transform.Conference on Signai,system and Computers,1993,(Cat,93,CH3312-6):310~314[6]蒋增荣,曾泳泓,余品能.快速算法.长沙:国防科技大学出版社,1993[7]E.0.布赖姆.快速傅立叶变换.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1976附录:较详细的实验结果(机型:586微机,主频:166MHz单位:秒)2的幂长度长度AFT方法基-2FFT直接算法2560.005160.002400.115120.018600.004400.4410240.075800.01100 1.81素数长度长度AFT方法FFT直接算法5210.03790.14390.449710.13400.4400 1.6014830.3103 1.0904 3.7924170.8206 2.389910.75任意长度长度因子分解AFT方法FFT直接算法13462!6370.270.44 3.1429862!1483 1.26 2.1414.8235793!1193 1.81 1.9222.1646374637 3.0821.4237.4755742!3!929 4.45 2.4752.2964364!1609 5.94 3.5772.6278933!3!8778.96 1.92105.49最大相对误差长度AFT方法FFT1024实部 2.1939>10-2 2.3328>10-2虚部 2.1938>10-29.9342>10-2 2048实部 4.2212>10-3 1.1967>10-2虚部 6.1257>10-3 4.9385>10-2 4096实部 2.3697>10-3 6.0592>10-3虚部 2.0422>10-3 2.4615>10-3张宪超1971年生"1994年、1998年分别获国防科技大学学士、硕士学位"现在中国科技大学攻读博士学位"主要研究方向为信号处理的快速、并行计算等"武继刚1963年生"烟台大学副教授,现在中国科技大学攻读博士学位"主要研究方向为算法设计和分析等"3第5期张宪超:离散傅里叶变换的算术傅里叶变换算法。



AbstractofthesisTHESISABSTRACTWRITINGHerewetalkabouttheabstractasafinishedproduct,anecessary partofyourfinalsubmission,butwealsotalkaboutitasausefulworkin gtool.Moststudentsregardtheabstractasoneofthelastthings-alongwithacknowledgements,titlepageandthelike-thattheyaregoingtowrite.Indeed,thefinalversionoftheabstractwill needtobewrittenafteryouhavefinishedreadingyourthesisforthela sttime.However,ifyouthinkaboutwhatithastocontain,yourealizeth attheabstractisreallyaminithesis.Bothhavetoanswerthefollowings pecificquestions:Whatwasdone?Whywasitdone?Howwasitdone?Whatwasfound?Whatisthesignificanceofthefindings?Therefore,anabstractwrittenatdifferentstagesofyourworkwill helpyoutocarryashortversionofyourthesisinyourhead.Thiswillfoc usyourthinkingonwhatitisyouarereallydoing,helpyoutoseetherel evanceofwhatyouarecurrentlyworkingonwithinthebiggerpicture,andhelptokeepthelinkswhichwilleventuallyunifyyourthesis.Proce ssTheactualprocessofwritinganabstractwillforceyoutojustifyandcl earlystateyouraims,toshowhowyourmethodologyfitstheaims,tohi ghlightthemajorfindingsandtodeterminethesignificanceofwhaty ouhavedone.Thebeautyofitisthatyoucantalkaboutthisinveryshort paragraphsandseeifthewholeworks.Butwhenyoudoallofthesethin gsinseparatechaptersyoucaneasilylosethethreadornotmakeitexpl icitenough.Ifyouhavetroublewritinganabstractatthesedifferentst ages,thenthiscouldshowthatthepartswithwhichyouarehavingapr oblemarenotwellconceptualizedyet.Weoftenhearthatwritingana bstractcan''tbedoneuntiltheresultsareknownandanalyzed.Butthe pointwearestressingisthatitisaworkingtoolthatwillhelptogetyout here.Beforeyouknowwhatyou''vefound,youhavetohavesomeexp ectationofwhatyouaregoingtofindasthisexpectationispartofwhati sleadingyoutoinvestigatetheproblem.Inwritingyourabstractatdiff erentstages,anypartyouhaven''tdoneyoucouldwordasaprediction .Forexample,atonestageyoucouldwrite,"Theanalysisisexpectedto showthat…".Then,atthenextstage,youwouldbeabletowrite"Thean alysisshowedthat…."or"Contrarytoexpectation,theanalysisshowe dthat…..".Thefinal,finishedabstracthastobeasgoodasyoucanmake it.Itisthefirstthingyourreaderwillturntoandthereforecontrolswhat thefirstimpressionofyourworkwillbe.Theabstracthastobeshort-nomorethanabout700words;tosaywhatwasdoneandwhy,howitwasdone,themajorthingsth atwerefound,andwhatisthesignificanceofthefindings(rememberi ngthatthethesiscouldhavecontributedtomethodologyandtheory aswell).Inshort,theabstracthastobeabletostandaloneandbeundersto odseparatelyfromthethesisitself.FormatofanAbstract:Between150-200wordsinlength,abstractstellwhatthetopicis,howitwillbediscuss ed,brieflyexemplify,andpointtotheconclusion(thegoalofyourpap er).WhatdoIkeepinmindwhenwritingmyabstract?Topic:Statewhatthepaperisaboutandhowittiesinwiththetopic oftheconferenceorsectionyouareapplyingto(1-2sentences)Argument:Statewhatitisyouaregoingtoshowinyourtalkandho w(1sentence)Exemplification:Illustratethisanalyticalmethodbriefly(2-3sentences)Goal:Tellwhatyouwillconcludewith--whatyouhopetoshowGoodploystomakesureyouhavesummedupwhatyouaredoing:Giveabstracttootherstoreadandaskthemwhattheythinkthepa perisaboutandwhatthepointis.Havesomeoneunderline2-3keywordsorphrasesinyourabstract.Checkagainstyourownpredet erminedkeywordselections.Takethetitleseriously--rememberthatitmuchcatchtheinterestofpotentialattendeesandti einexplicitlytotheconferenceorsectionPlanyour6-7pagetalkatthesametimeyouwriteyourabstract.Writethelongerpaper(15to25pages)forpublicationnolatertha nimmediatelyaftergivingthetalk.Applyfortravelfundsifaccepted!摘要的写作?1摘要的概念和作用摘要又称概要、内容提要。



2004年8月系统工程理论与实践第8期 文章编号:100026788(2004)0820111207企业环境绩效与经济绩效关系的理论研究与模型构建秦 颖1,武春友1,翟鲁宁2(1.大连理工大学管理学院,辽宁大连116024;2.山东省科技厅,山东济南255000)摘要: 通过联立方程模型把环境绩效和经济绩效结合在一起,并借鉴意大利、荷兰及我国某地区造纸行业的数据进行了实证研究,发现这种方法可以验证环境绩效与经济绩效之间的关系,研究结果比较支持传统学派的观点,但这并不表明修正学派的观点没有价值,只是因为本文只针对一个特殊的行业造纸业,而且考察的只是企业短期的经济绩效,如果考虑环境污染给社会带来的外部成本,那么结果可能相反Λ关键词: 经济绩效;环境绩效;联立方程中图分类号: X32 文献标识码: A T he T heo retical Study of the R elati on sh i p betw eenthe Environm en tal and Econom ic Perfo rm anceof F irm and M odel Con structQ I N Y ing1,W U Chun2you1,ZHA I L u2n ing2(1.Schoo l ofM anagem en t,D alian U n iversity of T echno logy,D alian116024,Ch ina;2.D epartm en t of Science and T echn2 o logy of Sandong P ro rince,J i’nan255000,Ch ina)Abstract: W e try to research emp irically and illu strate the relati on sh i p betw een the environm en tal andeconom ic perfo rm ance of firm th rough bu ilding the si m u ltaneou s equati on s and adop ting the datas of theEu ropean som e coun try and Ch inese som e regi on paper indu stry.F indings fit better w ith traditi onalistreason ing abou t the relati on sh i p,w h ich p redicts the relati on sh i p to be un ifo rm ly negative.Key words: econom ic perfo rm ance;environm en tal perfo rm ance;si m u ltaneou s equati on s1 引言 随着环境问题的日益突出,环境管理在企业中的地位日渐升高,但许多企业实践者和管理学者对环境管理与企业的经济绩效之间的关系到底怎样,观点不一Λ比较典型的观点有两种:以波特等人为代表的修正学派认为对企业进行严格的环境法规管理能改进企业的竞争力,环境绩效与经济绩效正相关,而以Pal m er et a l(1995)等人为代表的传统学派,认为波特等人的观点是建立在假设企业为了改善环境绩效忽视利润机会以及在目前体制下能够产生有效的环境规章制度的前提下,这是不太现实,他们认为环境管理会增加企业的产品或服务成本,降低企业的绩效Λ这两个不同的观点表明了环境绩效与企业经济绩效的关系不同Λ本文站在两种观点的理论基础上,利用联立方程系统把环境绩效和经济绩效统一于一个框架下,利用这一模型实测两者的关系,希望为两种观点找到有力的注脚Λ2 理论背景及其分析关于环境与企业经济绩效的关系,1994年W ally和W h ite head等传统学派认为企业的竞争力与企收稿日期:2003209211资助项目:国家博士点基金(20010140021) 作者简介:秦颖(1968-),女,博士研究生,山东理工大学副教授,主要从事环境管理、战略管理的研究;武春友(1945 -),男,博士生导师,主要从事生态经济、技术经济与管理方面的研究业环境绩效之间存在冲突,例如在一些特殊的产业层次上,如果一个企业总的制造成本中相关的环境成本远远高于其他企业,尤其是像那些采掘业及生产型企业处于产业链的上游,产生的环境影响与它们产品活动的附加值不成比例Λ因此,环境成本会大大降低企业的边际利润,最终企业面对的往往是竞争劣势[1]Λ正因为如此,企业往往把末端治理技术作为主要的污染控制和环境改善的方法,把环境投资作为企业的额外成本Λ学术界和管理界认为改善环境绩效是竞争优势的潜在源泉,也就是近几年才有的观点,以波特为代表的修正学派认为,环境绩效是一个企业竞争优势的潜在因素,它能导致更有效的运作过程,例如由环境管理引起的生产力改善,相关成本的降低,新市场的机会等Λ他们认为由环境引起的成本不仅仅包括显性成本,如税收成本及管制成本;同时还包括一些隐性成本,如果不考虑环境相关成本,企业在顾客和雇员心目中的形象会遭到破坏从而引起的销售下降、雇员士气低落、社区对周围化学物品危害担忧等,都可能减弱企业的应允能力,以及丧失竞争机会引起机会成本损失等;相反企业在保护环境方面的优良表现或良好的社会形象可以增加产品销售和市场份额,比竞争对手更迅速地得到新产品的环保许可,使企业抢先将产品打入市场Λ另外,还有一些可能被雇员、顾客和社区以及其他风险承担者认为道德上不适当的做法引致的无形成本等[2]Λ在这种情况下,严格的环境规章制度及环境管理措施刺激企业不得不去研制新技术开发新产品来应对高成本的污染代价,而技术开发与引进和产品的革新导致较低的生产成本,从而加强了资源利用率;同时,会优先获得进入市场的准入券Λ因此,从动态的长期的观点看,围绕着环境管理的企业革新能力可能是一个公司竞争优势的关键所在,它将与企业传统的竞争优势因素并驾齐驱Λ正如迈克尔.波特(M ichael Po rter )指出的,有效的产品和制造工艺是对环境要求日益严格下富有创造性的及时反映,这些公司在全球范围内环境标准要求日趋严格的将来相对那些反应迟钝的对手更具竞争优势[3]Λ以上两种对立的观点分别在图1中有所表示.(a)(b ) 环境绩效:一个污染物排放量和投入或环境评价的集成指标 经济绩效:一个独立的财政比率或者一个财政比率的集成指标或者股市业绩的评价Λ图1 传统学派(a )与修政学派(b )的观点图1(a )传统学派认为降低污染提高了产品的边际成本,降低了边际净效益,高的环境绩效与低的经济绩效相对立,反之亦然Λ相反,修正学派认为环境绩效与经济绩效的关系是倒立的U 形曲线,环境绩效与经济绩效的关系有一个最佳的契合点[4]Λ修正学派认为严格的环境规则将转变为长期的竞争优势,尽管环境规则有经济成本,但合理的构筑环境标准能激发企业的革新能力,从而抵消了用在环境控制上的成本,环境保护不是零和游戏,一体化的环境规章制度能综合地解决空气、水污染及废物排放问题,而不是头疼医头,脚疼医脚Λ因此,围绕环境的革新能产生竞争优势,从而提高整个社会的福利[5]Λ波特代表的修正学派的观点近几年在理论上面临着挑战,Si m p son 和B radfo rd 在1996年指出严格的环境规章制度仅仅在很特殊的情况下才能诱发革新,不可能产生竞争优势Λ然而,关于对波特学说的实证研究和可能的驳斥,1998年Rom stad 指出,假设规章制度有效是很有必要的,因为,假如没有这个有效条件,波特学说的实证反驳就会从无效制度的高成本入手,而不是对经济绩效直接的消极影响Λ因此,传统211系统工程理论与实践2004年8月图2 环境与经济绩效相互作用的框架学派对波特学说的反驳采取的证据应该谨慎对待,因为在不同的地区不同的国家情况有所不同Λ另外,波特等人关于环境成本降低引起的技术与产品的市场转移导致竞争优势一说,Rom stad 认为不具有普遍的可转移性,因为技术具有可接受性和可选择性,条件不同的国家有不同的情况,不一定具有普遍可适用性,因此,不能构成企业竞争优势的关键因素Λ基于以上两个观点,W agner (2000)提出了一个环境与经济绩效相互作用的框架,认为两者在一定因素下相互作用[6]Λ本文也就是基于W agner 的这一框架构建了联立方程模型Λ3 模型的构建及其因素分析3.1 环境绩效因素的分析为了评估环境绩效,本文拟选择SO 2排放量、NO R 排放量和COD 排放量三个污染因子,这三个测量因子根据企业产出进行了标准化处理Λ这三个独立的环境绩效指标集成在一个目录(I ND EX )下,以下谈到环境绩效指标变量均以I ND EX 表示Λ本文为准确而方便地计算环境绩效用I ND EX 的对数形式L og (I ND EX ).估算I ND EX 的原则是参考一组数据中最好的绩效,即每单位产出中的最少污染排放量;I ND EX 中包含k 个不同的独立环境绩效指标(因子),即SO 2、NO R 、COD 等排放量Λ每个生产单位i 的具体排放量用V k 表示:Vki =企业i 中变量k 的绝对排放量 企业i 的单位产量.(1)V km in =m in{V ki i ∈1,2,…,n }.(2)注:V k m in 是V ki 的最小值,这个变量很容易识别,不需要特别计算ΖC k i =V k m in V k i Φ1, 0ΦC ki Φ1.(3)注:C k i 为变量V k i 对企业i 的I ND EX 贡献率,当贡献率等于1时表明这个考察变量绩效最好,其他的变量必须小于1,但是总是大于0Ζ为优先的计算每个企业的index ,有必要对C k i 在独立变量中的不均一性进行调整,否则,一些因子的权重会远比其他一些因子的权重高出很多,影响计算结果的公允性,因此引进了一个调整因子A dj k ,对I ND EX 进行调整:A d j k =m ax j =1,2,…,k[m edian (C k)] m edian (C k )Ε1.(4)I ND EX i =1K 6kj =1C kiA d j k1K 6kn =1A d j k.(5)在这个公式中,调整后的C k i 的总和除以变量k ,IN D EX i 的取值小于或等于1Ζ以上环境指标的统计描述见表1[7].3.2 经济绩效的因素分析为了计算经济绩效,引进了以下变量指标销售利润率(RO S ),股东权益比率(RO E )和净资产收益率(RO CE )ΛRO S =税前利润(损失) 销售收入;RO E =税前利润 普通股资金;RO CE =息前税前所得 净资产Λ还引入了其他虚拟变量,如分别用来评价环境绩效和经济绩效的企业所在国家、公司规模,它们在环境绩效回归方程中作为自变量;此外,在经济绩效回归方程中的一些可控变量如资产周转率、负债对权益比率等作为因变量也包含进去Λ描述统计概括见表1Λ311第8期企业环境绩效与经济绩效关系的理论研究与模型构建表1变量均值标准差最小值最大值净资产收益率0.10530.1666-0.36411.043股东权益比率0.10430.2400-0.86010.7951销售利润率0.04570.0793-0.14710.2540 SO23.399310.2012051.9481 NO x0.36463.0960026.4546 COD9.285112.84450.290280.057I ND EX0.13300.31860.00070.9886 L og(I ND EX)-4.46132.1315-7.3214-0.0115企业规模负债2权益比率0.73973.44150.81671.61810.11001.21744.01907.5643资产周转率1.14960.85160.37925.62493.3 联立方程组模型的构建就关系路径而言,环境绩效与经济绩效的相互关系完全可以通过联立方程系统的结构关系的评价来说明Λ所谓联立方程组是由多个相互联系的单位方程构成的,尤其是其中的结构式方程是在一定的经济理论基础上建立的,能够反映经济变量之间的结构形式的一类联立方程式[8]Λ本文的模型包含G个内生理论关系(g=1,…,G)和K个外生变量Λ这些数据汇集在一起组成N T 观测值Λ此外,需要说明的是,因为log(I ND EX)的分布比I ND EX的分布更整齐,故用log(I ND EX)代替I ND EXΛ方程的完整系统如下:GN T×1 y1y2y G=GN T×6g=1,2,…,G(M g+k g)W10 00W2 000…W G6g=1,2,…,G(M g+k g×1)∆1∆2∆G+GN T×1Ε1Ε2ΕG式中:GN T×1指的是矩阵由G行1列组成,同样GN T×6g=1,2,…,G(M g+k g)指的是G行与6g=1,2,…,G(M g+ k g)列组成的矩阵Ζ其中,8≡E(ΕΕ′)=6 I N T,Ε≡[Ε1,…,ΕG]′;矩阵6的元素是(Ρ2g,h),g,h=1,2,…,G;矩阵6的结构考虑了这些方程扰动项之间的相关性Ζ在方程的右边的N T×(M g+k g)中的矩阵W g表示M g 个内生变量和k g个外生变量Ζ这个系统用的是多阶段最小二乘法(T SL S)求解[9]Λ为了满足有序条件约束,要求排除一些外生变量至少和内生变量的数目相等(Greene,2000)Ζ这些被省略的因素对因变量的作用就反映在随机扰动项中Ζ本系统中的G=2两个方程,一个是有关经济绩效指标的(RO CE,RO S o r RO E);另一个有关环境绩效指标log(I ND EX)的,整个有三个独立系统被评价Λ在每个系统中有四个内生变量包括两个线性项和它们的平方项;每个系统中的外生变量包括企业规模、偿债能力、资产周转率、企业所在国家和子部门等虚拟变量,为了满足有序条件(决定从经济方程中排除所在国虚拟变量,从环境方程中排除了部门虚拟变量Λ)Λ4 结果分析首先看一下经济方程的各个指标,附表1的分析结果表明,分别在Α=10%或Α=5%的水平上时,环境绩效对于净资产收益率有正的显著影响,但对其他的经济绩效变量没有显著效果Λ图3就是通过联立方程求解得到的净资产收益率与环境绩效指标的对数(())之间的关系,是一条型的曲线Λ然而411系统工程理论与实践2004年8月上升部分不是很强劲,因为观测样本太少,下降的部分表明一阶导数是负的,二级导数是正的Λ调查的结果似乎与传统学派的推理比较一致Λ上升的部分说明净资产收益率随着环境绩效的增大而增大,从这一点看,比较迎合波特的观点,从长期动态的观点看环境绩效对经济发展是有利的Λ 图3 通过联立方程得到的关于净资产收益率和L og (I ND EX )之间的关系企业的规模对经济绩效的三个变量都没有多大影响Λ在净资产收益率方程中的长期偿债率在5%的水平上有明显的显著性,而在其他经济方程中是不显著的,资产周转率在净资产收益率方程中10%的水平上有显著的负影响,在销售利润率方程中在5%的水平上有显著的正影响Λ看一下环境方程的结果,任何经济绩效变量和环境绩效(I ND EX )的对数值之间没有显著关系Λ企业规模对环境绩效也没什么影响,企业所在国别有影响,如在系统中意大利企业的log (I ND EX )对销售利润率有明显的正的影响(5%水平),而中国企业的log (I ND EX )对净资产收益率(10%水平)有着明显的负面影响Λ从环境的观点看,荷兰和中国的企业环境绩效稍差,而意大利的环境绩效稍好一些Λ附表1中,用F 检验系统中的每个方程的显著性表明,当Α=5%在所有的系统中环境方程具有显著性,而净资产收益率和log (I ND EX )方程在Α=10%的水平上时有显著性Λ经济方程只对销售利润率有显著性[10]Λ5 结论与建议在早期许多的案例研究中表明环境绩效与经济绩效呈现适度的正相关,或者偏高的环境绩效至少对企业的财务或者股市没有负面的影响[11](参见B ennett et al ,1999;D ay ,1998;W agner ,2000,2001)Λ这个结论对“修正学派”的观点提供了支持Λ如图1(b ).这个实证研究有两个创新点在以前的关于环境绩效与经济绩效之间关系的多变量研究中没有涉及到Λ第一,这个研究主要针对特殊行业造纸业;第二用了联立方程框架Λ这篇文章中介绍的第一个创新是相关性因为它考虑了子部门的影响,以前的许多研究中只考虑了行业的影响,但没有考虑子部门的影响Λ在经济方程中不同的子部门作为虚拟变量加以考虑Λ第二个创新点是没有简单的假设环境绩效与经济绩效是相互独立的,因此,环境绩效与经济绩效的相互影响通过三个联立方程系统来处理Λ于是发现结果与“传统学派”的观点较一致Λ本文研究的主要目的是间接地解释Po rter 的学说(Po ter ,1991;Po ter and van der L inde ,1995;E sty and Po ter ,1998).虽然本文通过联立方程方程分析的结果与传统学派的观点比较一致,但这并不表明,Po ter 等人代表的修正学派的观点就是错误的,因为这篇论文的分析只针对一个特殊的行业造纸业,而且论文考察的只是企业短期的经济绩效而且传统学派根本没有考虑环境污染给社会带来的外部成本[12]Λ其实,A lberch t (1998)已经在其他的行业发现了相反的结果Λ这篇论文的主要目的在于想通过联立方程这种模型,来验证分析环境绩效与经济绩效之间关系的有效性Λ至于两者之间存在什么关系,必须经过长期的观察,对多个行业的进行测试才能得出相对合理的结论Λ同时后续研究需关注中国企业的环境绩效,因为目前可用资料欠缺,所以调研没有大规模展开,希望中国政府有关部门和企业建立有关环境绩效方面的数据库,以便于进一步研究Λ参考文献:[1] W alley N ,W h itehead B .It’s no t easy being green [J ].H arvard Bu siness R eview ,M ay 2June 1994:46-52.[2] A lb rech t J .Environm en tal co sts and competitiveness [EB OL ].a p roduct 2specific test of the Po ter hypo thesis ,w o rk ing paper at H ttp : www .ssrn 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S分别与L og(I ND EX)的联立方程的估计结果A1:净资产收益率(ROCE)和log(I ND EX)净资产收益率L og(I ND EX)方程变量相关系数标准差相关系数标准差L og(I ND EX)0.09140.0545--L og(I ND EX)的平方0.01810.0084--净资产收益率(ROCE)--51.649438.2323ROCE的平方---54.238541.4976企业规模-0.14230.1138-6.32244.9631企业规模的平方0.02960.02690.93280.923负债对权益比率0.05640.0241--资产周转率-0.06940.0416--意大利---0.301115.2966荷兰---3.19192.7302中国---3.23232.6543实际观测数5151F2检验.1.2341.7731续附表1 A2:股东权益比率(RO E)和log(I ND EX)方程变量股东权益比率L og(I ND EX)相关系数标准差相关系数标准差L og(I ND EX)0.02430.0649--L og(I ND EX)的平方0.00370.0093--股东权益比率--15.6714.4732RO E的平方--4.06986.9357企业规模0.0830.1273-3.43217.5529企业规模的平方-0.00940.03200.41011.3669负债对权益比率0.02030.0237--资产周转率-0.02010.0364--意大利--2.25965.9312荷 兰---0.53734.2460中 国---0.44324.113实际观测数5757F2检验1.20635.6446A3:销售利率(RO S)和log(I ND EX)应变量方程变量销售利率L og(I ND EX)相关系数标准差相关系数标准差L og(I ND EX)-0.00890.0175--L og(I ND EX)的平方-0.00060.0025--销售利率--13.120410.005RO S的平方---81.0583251.6915企业规模0.00690.0347-0.70531.5067企业规模的平方-0.00170.00840.02961.314负债对权益比率-0.00020.007--资产周转率-0.03290.0131--意大利--3.83075.9312荷 兰---0.53734.2460中 国---0.44324.113实际观测数5757F2检验4.06811.1917注:粗体和斜体字分别在5%和10%的显著性水平.711第8期企业环境绩效与经济绩效关系的理论研究与模型构建。




・人才培养・自我效能培养:提高大学生就业能力新途径蔡明俐,张晓明(华中科技大学教育科学研究院,湖北武汉 430074)摘要:针对当前大学生就业存在的问题和解决方法的局限性,介绍了心理学中自我效能理论的主要内容及其在职业活动中的重要作用。


关键词:自我效能;大学生就业;自我效能培养中图分类号:G 645 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100428154(2006)022*******Capacity Cu ltivati on R elated to Em p loym en t of Co llege Studen tCA IM ing 2li ,ZHAN G X iao 2m ing(Institu te of E d uca tion ,H uaz hong U n iversity of S cience and T echnology ,W uhan 430074,Ch ina )Abstract :W ith regards to the current p roblem s in students’emp loym ent and its so luti ons ,th is paper introducesthe theo ry of self 2efficacy in p sycho logy and its i m po rtance in j ob hunting of co llege students.It p ropo ses m eans of so lving emp loym ent p roblem s from the angle of i m p roving the self 2efficacy of co llege students and analyzes the w ays to cultivate co llege students’self 2efficacy in educati on p ractice .Key words :self 2efficacy ;emp loym ent of co llege students ;self 2efficacy cultivati on 一、自我效能理论内涵自我效能是由美国社会学习理论创始人、心理学家班杜拉在他的社会认知理论研究中提出的概念。



Analysis of abstractAn abstract is a complete but concise statement that describes a larger work. Components of abstract are different from the discipline. The two most important reasons of abstracts are selection and indexing. Selection means that abstracts allow readers who may be interested in the long work to quickly decide whether this paper is worth their time to read it. Also, indexing means that many online databases use abstracts to index larger works. Therefore, the abstract is gaining tractions among us.There are two types of abstracts: Descriptive and Informative. A descriptive abstract outlines the topics covered in the paper. It makes no judgments about the work, nor does it provide results or conclusions of the research. The majority of abstracts are informative. An informative abstract includes the information that can be found in a descriptive abstract (purpose, methods, scope) but also includes the results and conclusions of the research and the recommendations of the author.From what I have mentioned above, the examples I choose (list of examples attached) can be divided into two: example 1 is a descriptive abstract, while the rests are all informative abstracts.The structure of a descriptive abstract may only include two parts like the example1: background and outline of the work. Usually, outline of the work likes a table of contents in paragraph form. Although descriptive abstracts are usually very short –100 words or less, it’s enough to know the structure of the whole work. Just li ke a miniature of the paper, it’s brief and complete.Example2~6 show the phenomenon that most abstracts are informative. An informative abstract often includes four parts: background, research question, method and conclusion. The background of an informative abstract is to answer the question that why do you want to do the research. Like example 2‖ Many practices aimed at cultivating multicultural competence in educational and organizational settings assume that multicultural experience fosters creativity‖, Is the assumption true? Or when and how does multicultural experience enhances creativity? With background of the topic, we will feel more comfortable to accept the conception of the work. The research question is the question the author trying to answer and the topic of the work. What problem you attempt to solve will determine whether this paper is worth the readers’ time.Like example 3‖This article investigates the possessions and activities that consumers love and their role in the construction of a coherent identity narrative‖, the question that example3 want to answer is the roles of loved objects and activities in the construction of a coherent identity narrative. The method of an informativeabstract is to answer the question that how do you get answers to your research question? While look at the list of examples, we’ll find that not all abstract show the approaches used in their work. The conclusion of an abstract is the work’s finding and value. Like example5 ―In an experiment, we show that vis ual personification—pictures in an ad that metaphorically represent a product as engaged in some kind of human behavior—can trigger anthropomorphism. Such personification, when embedded in an ad, appears to lead to more positive emotions, more positive attributions of brand personality, and greater brand liking. Implications for advertisers are discussed‖. From these words, we clearly know the final conclusion that visual personification can trigger anthropomorphism and personification in ads lead to positive effects.From the list of examples, we conclude that the language of abstract is brief and concise. Due to the limit of space, the abstract must be written the essential information in as simple terms as possible. Also, the work should be conveyed in as few words as possible with an assumption that it covers all the main point of the paper, that’s to say, the abstract should be complete. What’s more, the abstract ought to be reader-oriented, that’s means it should be written to serve reader in saving the ir time and energy.Here are some examples from the papers I have read recently:Example 1: Susan Fournier , Claudio Alvarez, Brands as relationship partners: Warmth, competence, and in-between, Journal of Consumer Psychology, October 2011.Background:The dialogue between social perception and consumer–brand relationship theories opens new opportunities for studying brands.Outline of the work:To advance branding research in the spirit of interdisciplinary inquiry, we propose to (1) investigate the process of anthropomorphism through which brands are imbued with intentional agency; (2) integrate the role of consumers not only as perceivers but also as relationship agents;(3) consider important defining dimensions of consumer–brand relationships beyond warmth and competence, including power and excitement; and (4) articulate the dynamics governing warmth (intentions) and competency (ability) judgments to yield prescriptive guidance for developing popular and admired brands.Example 2:Angela Ka-yee Leung, William W. Maddux ,Adam D. Galinsky, Chi-yue Chiu. Multicultural Experience Enhances Creativity:The When and How, American Psychologist, April 2008.Background:Many practices aimed at cultivating multicultural competence in educational and organizational settings (e.g., exchange programs, diversity education in college, diversity management at work) assume that multicultural experience fosters creativity.Research Question:In line with this assumption, the research reported in this article is the first to empirically demonstrate that exposure to multiple cultures in and of itself can enhance creativity.Conclusions:Overall, the authors found that extensiveness of multicultural experiences was positively related to both creative performance (insight learning, remote association, and idea generation) and creativity-supporting cognitive processes(retrieval of unconventional knowledge, recruitment of ideas from unfamiliar cultures for creative idea expansion). Furthermore, their studies showed that the serendipitous creative benefits resulting from multicultural experiences may depend on the extent to which individuals open themselves to foreign cultures, and that creativity is facilitated in contexts that deemphasize the need for firm answers or existential concerns.The authors discuss the implications of their findings for promoting creativity in increasingly global learning and work environments. Example 3: Aaron C. Ahuvia, Beyond the Extended Self: Loved Objects and Consumers’ Identity Narratives, Journal of Consumer Research, June 2005.Research Question:This article investigates the possessions and activities that consumers love and their role in the construction of a coherent identity narrative.Method:interviewConclusions: In the face of social forces pushing toward identity fragmentation, interviews reveal three different strategies, labeled ―demarcating,‖ ―compromising,‖ and ―synthesizing‖ solutions, for creating a coherent self-narrative.Findings are compared to Belk’s ―Possessions and the Extended Self.‖ Most claims from Belk are supported, but the notion of a core versus extended self is critiqued as a potentially confusing metaphor.The roles of loved objects and activities in structuring social relationships and in consumer well-being are also explored.Example 4:Nicolas Kervyn , Susan T. Fiske, Chris Malone, Brands as intentional agents framework: How perceived intentions and ability can map brand perception, Journal of Consumer Psychology, September 2011.Background:Building on the Stereotype Content Model, this paper introduces and tests the Brands as Intentional Agents Framework.A growing body of researchsuggests that consumers have relationships with brands that resemble relations between people.……Brands as Intentional Agents Framework is based on a well-established social perception approach: the Stereotype Content Model.Research Question:We propose that consumers perceive brands in the same way they perceive people. This approach allows us to explore how social perception theories and processes can predict brand purchase interest and loyalty.Conclusions: Two studies support the Brands as Intentional Agents Framework prediction that consumers assess a brand's perceived intentions and ability and that these perceptions elicit distinct emotions and drive differential brand behaviors.The research shows that human social interaction relationships translate to consumer–brand interactions in ways that are useful to inform brand positioning and brand communications.Example 5: Marjorie Delbaere, Edward F. McQuarrie, and Barbara J. Phillips, Personification in Advertising:Using a Visual Metaphor to Trigger Anthropomorphism, Journal of Advertising, Spring 2011.Background:All forms of personification draw on anthropomorphism, the propensity to attribute human characteristics to objects.Method:experiment,Conclusions: In an experiment, we show that visual personification—pictures in an ad that metaphorically represent a product as engaged in some kind of human behavior—can trigger anthropomorphism. Such personification, when embedded in an ad, appears to lead to more positive emotions, more positive attributions of brand personality, and greater brand liking. Implications for advertisers are discussed. Example 6:Marina Puzakova, Hyokjin Kwak,Joseph F. Rocereto, When Humanizing Brands Goes Wrong: The Detrimental Effect of Brand Anthropomorphization Amid Product Wrongdoings, Journal of Marketing, May 2013.Background:The brand relationship literature shows that the humanizing of brands and products generates more favorable consumer attitudes and thus enhances brand performance.Research Question:However, the authors propose negative downstream consequences of brand humanization; that is, the anthropomorphization of a brand can negatively affect consumers' brand evaluations when the brand faces negative publicity caused by product wrongdoings.Conclusions: They find that consumers who believe in personality stability (i.e., entity theorists) view anthropomorphized brands that undergo negative publicity less favorably than nonanthropomorphized brands. In contrast, consumers who advocate personality malleability (i.e.,incremental theorists) are less likely to devalue an anthropomorphized brand from a single instance of negative publicity.Finally, the authors explore three firm response strategies (i.e., denial,apology, and compensation) that can affect the evaluations of anthropomorphized brands for consumers with different implicit theory perspectives. They find that entity theorists have more difficulty in combating the adverse effects of brand anthropomorphization than incremental theorists. Furthermore, they demonstrate that compensation (vs. denial or apology) is the only effective response among entity theorists.。










abstract 规则:1:抽象类可以没有抽象方法,但是有抽象方法的类必须定义为抽象类,如果一个子类继承一个抽象类,子类没有实现父类的所有抽象方法,那么子类也要定义为抽象类,否则的话编译会出错的。









在接口里面定义的方法默认就是public absti-act的,变量默认就是public staticfinal的。




Abstract1 StructureThe structure and content of the Abstract have changed in recent decades. Before on-line publication databases such as the Science Citation Index, the Abstract was printed at the top of a research article and its function was mainly to encourage the reader to continue reading the article and to facilitate that reading by providing a brief preview. The reader and the writer didn’t consider the Abstract of a research article as an independent unit because it was not normally read without reference to the article itself.The Internet has influenced the way that science research is communicated and the way that scientists access published research. Abstract databases allow scientists to search and scan the scientific literature and then decide which research articles they want to read in detail. Some readers simply want to know what is going on in their research area and may not be interested in the details; others may want to know details but are only interested in research articles which are directly relevant to their own research. However, if readers are going to actually read your research article, the Abstract now needs to persuade them to obtain a copy of it, not just encourage them to keep reading a paper theyhave already accessed.Abstracts compete for attention in on-line databases. Many more people will read the title than the Abstract, and many more will read the Abstract than the whole paper. This means that however ‘good’ and wellwritten the Abstract is, it needs to have independent validity. It should make sense as a standalone, self-contained description of the research article, and readers should be able to understand the key points and results of the research even if they never see the whole article. The Abstract, in this sense, is a representation of the research article.Why does the unit on Abstracts come at the end of this book rather than at the beginning?In the first place, the style and the length of the Abstract depend on where you plan to submit it and that decision may be taken late in — or even after —the writing process. However, the most important reason for putting this unit on Abstracts at the end of the book is that you are in a better position to create an Abstract after you have finished writing the other sections of your paper. The content of the Abstract is derived from the rest of the article, not the other way around. Although you should not simply cut and paste whole sentences from the body of the article, the Abstract does not contain material which is not already in the paper. Thismeans that you don’t need to create completely new sentences; once you have decided what should go in the Abstract you can select material, including parts of sentences and phrases, from the relevant sections of the paper and adapt or modify them to meet the demands of an Abstract. This also means that the Abstract is easier to write than the rest of the paper!Does every Abstract follow the same model?No, and the title of the Abstract reflects this. Some are called Summary, some are called Background, some are called Abstract and others have no title at all. Most Abstracts are results-focused and there are basic similarities in all Abstracts, but there are two quite distinct models. The first model is similar to a summary, and is very structured. It deals with all the main subsections of the research article and can even have subtitles such as Background/Method/Results/Conclusions. The second model is more common, and focuses primarily on one or two aspect of the study, usually — but not always — the method and the results. Both models will be discussed here. Note that the models for an Abstract described here are appropriate for articles, papers, theses etc. Abstracts for conferences may not follow either of these models.How do I know which model to choose?This decision is based on the type of research you have done and theGuide for Authors of the journal where you want to publish your research. The decision is normally determined by the journal rather than the author. If the choice is yours, then generally speaking, the more narrow and specified your research topic, the less likely you are to use the summary format. This is because in a narrow research field, most readers already know the background. The word limit set by each journal also has a significant effect on the structure and therefore also on the content of the Abstract.So as you can see, when we come to ask our three questions:How do I start the Abstract? What type of sentence should I begin with? What type of information should be in the Abstract, and in what order? How do I end this section?You already know a lot about what the Abstract should include and in what order.Here are examples of both models.Remember that Model 2 Abstracts are more common than Model 1. Start by reading the Abstract below, which is an example of a structured Abstract using the summary format (Model 1). The title of the paper is: Physical properties of petroleum reservoir fluids derived from acoustic measurements. Don’t worry if you have diffi culty understanding terms such as bubble point. Just try to get a general understanding at this stage and familiarise yourself with the structure.MODEL 1Abstract: The speed of sound in a fluid is determined by, and therefore an indicator of, the thermodynamic properties of that fluid. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of an ultrasonic超声波cell to determine crude oil properties, in particular oil density. An ultrasonic cell was constructed to measure the speed of sound and tested in a crude oil sample. The speed of sound was measured at temperatures between 260 and 411 K at pressures up to 75 MPs.The measurements were shown to lead to an accurate determination of the bubble point沸点of the oil. This indicates that there is a possibility of obtaining fluid density from sound speed measurements and suggests that it is possible to measure sound absorption with an ultrasonic cell to determine oil viscosity黏度.Now look at an example of the second, more common, type of Abstract. The title of this paper is: Effect of polymer coatings on drug release.MODEL 2Abstract: This study investigated the use of a novel water-soluble polymer blend as a coating to control drug release. It was found that using a blend of methylcellulose甲基纤维素and a water-soluble copolymer 共聚物significantly slowed the release rate of ibuprofen布洛芬compounds in vitro and allowed for a more consistent release rate of 10–20% per hour.2 Grammar and Writing SkillsBecause the Abstract is derived from the rest of the article, most of the grammar and writing skills have already been covered in previous units. The use of VERB TENSE, however, is very important in the Abstract. This section also deals with the LENGTH and LANGUAGE of the Abstract.2.1 Verb tenseVerb tense is especially important in the Abstract because the strict word limit means that you may need to omit phrases that tell the reader whose work you are referring to, or what you think about your results. In this case, these can be achieved by careful and accurate use of verb tense.Remember that the tense you use in a sentence may be grammatically correct —and therefore no editor or proofreader will notice it or draw your attention to it — but if you have not chosen the appropriate tense the sentence will not mean what you wanted it to mean and it will not have the effect you hoped it would have.The gap/problem is normally in the Present Simple tense,for example: The main problem, however, is…We examine why these models have diffi culty with…However, this assumption is not valid when…This is complicated复杂的,难懂的by…However, this assessment cannot be based so lely on…Although it is known theoretically that…When you are referring to what the paper itself does or what is actually in the paper itself, use the Present Simple tense, for example:论文中实际有什么,研究得到了什么结果This paper presents a new methodology for…In th is paper we apply…This study reports an improved design for…In this paper we extend an existing approach to…We consider a novel system of…The implications for learning algorithms are discussed…New numerical results are presented here for…When you are referring to your methodology, or what you did during the research period, it is common to use the Past Simple tense,也有可能是一般现在时for example:Two catalysts催化剂were examined in order to…Samples were prepared for electron microscopy using…A crystalliser was constructed using…The effect of pH was investigated by means of…The data obtained were evaluated using…A pe rmeameter was used to investigate…It is also possible to use the Present Simple tense to talk about your methodology, especially when you are referring to calculations计算or equations方程式which can be found in the paper itself:Numerical examples are ana lysed in detail…The calculated wavelengths are compared to…Several models are created using…The accuracy is evaluated by…A detailed comparison is made between…The method is illustrated on blends of homopolymers…Results can be expressed in either the Present Simple tense, for example: We find that oxygen reduction may occur up to 20 microns from the interface…No dilation was observed…This was consistent with…Organised fibers were found after 6 weeks…These profiles were affected by…This f inding correlated with…But be aware that the sentence may use two different tenses. Even if the first part of the sentence is in the Past Simple tense (We found/It was found etc.) you can decide to put the finding/result itself or the implication of the result in the Present Simple tense if you believe it is strong enough to be considered as a fact or truth:The experiments demonstrated there are two matrices…It was found that proteins are produced from…The results demonstrated that the morphology i s different…This image suggested that there is a direct relationship between…Some of the reasons behind that choice are discussed in the unit on Introductions (Section 1.2.1) and the unit on Results (Section 3.4.2). In addition to the reasons given there, it is worth noting that the Abstract tends to present the contents of the paper in fairly direct way, not only because of the word limits imposed by editors, but also to engage the attention of the reader. This influences the decision to use the Present Simple for the results or the implications, even though those implications may have been stated in the Past Simple in the article itself.Achievements can be expressed in the Present Perfect tense, as in theDiscussion/Conclusion:We have obtained ac curate quantitative LIF measurements…This investigation has revealed that…We have devised a strategy which allows…We have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach by…A novel material has been produced which…Three-dimensional FE predictions h ave confirmed that… Considerable insight has been gained concerning…The model consistently underpredicts…The ratio shifts towards…We show that this theory also applies to…The most accurate readings are obtained from…We find that this does not vary…These examples illustrate that overpotential is better described in terms of…Or, more commonly, in the Past Simple tense, for example: The Y-type was found to produce…The hydrocarbons showed a marked increase in…and also in the Present Simple tense:This process can successfully be combined with…The framework described here is both simple and universal…The value of our approach lies in…This provides a powerful tool for…This novel film is mechanically robust and is able to…The algorithm p resented here ensures that…Applications are normally stated in the Present Simple tense:This process is suitable for the production of…This framework can be used to evaluate…This approach can be applied to…This demonstrates potential for general applicability to…These profiles may serve as a predictor for…This framework can be used to evaluate…2.2 LengthThe Abstract usually has a strict word limit. Most are between 80– 150 words and are written as a single paragraph. Even longer Abstracts (150–250 words) are usually written as a single paragraph. Don’t submit an Abstract that is over the word limit or it may be cut by an editor in a way that does not represent your work appropriately. For your first draft, don’t worry too much about the word limit. Once you have decided which of the two Abstract models you will use, start by including whatever you think is important, and then gradually remove words, phrases and evensentences that are not essential.2.3 Language不用太专业,尽量少用缩略词,需要Think of the search phrases and keywords that people looking for your work might use. Make sure that those exact words or phrases appear in your Abstract, so that they will turn up at the top of a search result listing. The Abstract is sometimes written in a slightly less technical way than the article itself in order to attract a wider audience. This may mean that some of your readers do not know a particular technical term or acronym 首字母缩写that you want to include. To solve this problem, you can use the acronym, abbreviation缩写词or technical term in the Abstract but you should first say what it means or stands for. For example: Granules颗粒of hydroxyapatite (HA)羟磷灰石were implanted.3 Build a Model3.1 sample analysisYou are now ready to build a model of the Abstract by writing a short description of what the writer is doing in each sentence in the space provided below. This should be very easy, because all the components of the Abstract have occurred in previous subsections. As before, the Key is on the next page.GUIDELINESThis time you will need to build two models, to cover the two types of Abstracts. You should only need to spend 10–20 minutes on this task, because the sentenc e types are familiar to you from previous units. Don’t forget that your models are only useful if they can be transferred to other Abstracts, so don’t include content words or you won’t be able to use the models to generate your own Abstract.Remember that one way to find out what the writer is doing in a sentence, rather than what s/he is saying, is to imagine that your computer has accidentally deleted it. What changes for you, as a reader, when it disappears? If you press another key on the computer and the sentence comes back, how does that affect the way you respond to the information?As mentioned in previous sections, another way to figure out what the writer is doing is to look at the grammar and vocabulary clues. What is the tense of the main verb? What is that tense normally used for? Is it the same tense as in the previous sentence? If not, why has the writer changed the tense? What words has the writer chosen to use?Model Analysis—AbstractMODEL 1KeyIn Sentence 1 ‘Th e speed of sound in a fluid is determined by, and therefore an indicator of, the thermodynamic properties of that fluid.’the writer provides background factual information.In Sentence 2 ‘Th e aim of this study was to investigate the use of an ultrasonic cell to determine crude oil properties, in particular oil density.’ the writer combines the method, the general aim and the specific aim ofthe study in one sentence.In Sentences 3 and 4 ‘An ultrasonic cell was constructed to meas ure the speed of sound and tested in a crude oil sample. 4 The speed of sound was measured at temperatures between 260 and 411 K at pressures up to 75 MPs.’ the writer summarises the methodology and provides details.In Sentence 5 ‘Th e measurements were shown to lead to an accurate determination of the bubble point of the oil.’ the writer indicates the achievement of the study.In Sentence 6 ‘Th is indicates that there is a possibility of obtaining fluid density from sound speed measurements and suggests that it is possible to measure sound absorption with an ultrasonic cell to determine oil viscosity.’ the writer presents the implications of the study.Model 2KeyIn Sentence 1 ‘Th is paper reports the use of a novel water-soluble polymer blend as a coatin g to control drug release.’ the writer combines what the paper does (This paper reports), the method or materials used (water-soluble polymer blend), the contribution (novel) and the aim of thestudy (to control drug release).In Sentence 2 ‘It was found that using a blend of methylcellulose and a water-soluble copolymer significantly slowed the release rate of ibuprofen compounds in vitro and allowed for a more consistent release rate of 10–20% per hour.’ the writer refers to the method in more detail and provides numerical details of the results.3.2 The modelHere are the sentence descriptions we have collected:MODEL1MODEL 2Rather than construct two different models, the model description given in the box below will include both types of Abstracts. We can streamline the sentence types we have collected so that the model has five basic components.The more structured type, Model 1, typically includes the first four components in the box below in approximately the order presented; in this type of Abstract, each component tends to occur separately. These structured Abstracts occasionally include the fifth component, LIMITATIONS and/or FUTURE WORK.Model 2 selects just two or three of the components and tends to combine components in a single sentence where possible. The components generally include RESULTS and/or ACHIEVEMENTS and frequently METHODOLOGY, but this depends on the research area and the level of specificity. A wider research focus may require BACKGROUND or AIM in the Abstract. In Model 2, the order of components is very flexible indeed — the only pattern that is generally METHODOLOGY tends to come before RESULTS.Model5.4.2 Vocabulary for the Abstract 1. BACKGROUNDAIMPROBLEMWHAT THE PAPER DOESNote: It is also possible to use many of these verbs with it or, i.e. In this paper it is shown/argued that… or in the passive, i.e. A framework is presented…2. METHODOLOGY/MATERIALS3. RESULTSACHIEVEMENT/CONTRIBUTIONIMPLICATIONSYou can find more in Unit 3, Section 3.4.2, as well as examples of how these are used, but remember not to use the weaker forms such as seem to suggest or tend to be related to in the Abstract.4. APPLICATIONS5. LIMITATIONS and FUTURE WORKLimitations and future work are rarely mentioned in an Abstract and then only briefly.。



What is an abstract?
An abstract is a stand-alone statement that briefly conveys the essential information of a paper, article, document or book; presents the objective, methods, results, and conclusions of a research project; has a brief, non-repetitive style.
Informative abstracts资料性摘要
The informative abstract, also known as the complete abstract, is a compendious summary of a paper's substance including its background, purpose, methodology, results, and conclusion. Usually between 100 and 200 words, the informative abstract summarizes the paper's structure, its major topics and key points. A format for scientific short reports that is similar to an informative abstract has been proposed in recent years. Informative abstracts may be viewed as standalone documents.




目前,中药材 的有效期尚无明确的标准。

中药受温度、湿度、日光、空气、霉菌、害虫及包装容器等储存条件和环境因素的影响,容易产生 腐败、潮解、虫蛀、变色、泛油、气味散失、风化及霉变等一系列问题,导致质量不稳定,会在一定程度上影响其临床疗效(1)。

国 内对中药材及其饮片有效期的研究不是很多,因此,本文对中 药饮片有效期的研究现状进行了概括,对中药饮片有效期研究采用的常用方法进行了综述,以期为后期的中药饮片有效期研 究工作奠定基础,从根本上保证药品的质量和用药安全。

1中药饮片有效期研究现状中药饮片按药物来源可分为植物类、动物类和矿物类等 类别。

植物药根据科属来源多样、生长年限长短不一、采收季节不同、不同的入药部位及其本身的特点,储存条件不一致, 有效期也不尽相同。

根据所采用药物部位的不同,对已有研•综述!中药饮片有效期的研究现状及研究方法!沈芳雪!,谢瑞芳护,周疗(上海中医药大学附属龙华医院药剂科,上海200032)中图分类号 R932文献标志码 A文章编号 1672-2124( 2019) 06-0765-04DOI 10. 14009/j.—/. 1672-2124. 2019. 06. 037摘 要 中药饮片的有效期一直没有明确的标准#本文按照根、根茎、花、全草、果实和种子等药用部位,对中药饮片有效期的研 究现状进行了概括'对中药饮片有效期研究采用的常用方法进行了综述,主要有传统经验法、恒温法和留样观察法及电子鼻技术 等,以期为后期的中药饮片有效期研究工作奠定基础#关键词 中药饮片'有效期'研究方法Research Status and Methods of Validity Period of Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces !SHEN Fangxue , XIE Ruifang , ZHOU Xin ( Dept, of Pharmacy , Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Univesity of Traditionai Chinese Medicine , Shanghai 200032, China )ABSTRACT Thera is no cleaa standard foa the validity peaod of traditionai Chinese medicine decoction pieces. Inthie papes , according to the root , rhizome , fowes , whole grass , fait and seed and other medicinai parte , the aseahstatue of the validity of Chinese herbai decoction pieces was summarized. The common methods used in the study of thevalidity period of traditionai Chinese medicine decoction pieces wera reviewed , including traditionai experience method , constant temperatura method , sampie retention observation method and eectronio nose technology , se as t 。



Many journals require abstracts to have a structured content, based on the full manuscript (i.e. Background (or Objectives) / Methods / Results / Conclusions), and there is normally a limited word count (for example a maximum of 200 words).
A medical writer, working with doctors, scientists, and other subject matter experts, creates documents that effectively and clearly describe research results, product use, and other medical information. The medical writer also makes sure the documents comply with regulatory, journal, or other guidelines in terms of content, format and structure.
--Outline & Major Term and Expression By Shirley Young, FLS


effective way to produce feedback for presenters, assessors and
educators. Results also revealed a very positive students’ attitude towards
the instructional format. The learning effect concerning assessment was
stated in the paper.
References to the literature must not be
cited in the tract (except in rare
instances, such as modification of a
previously published method).

Most or all of the Abstract should be
written in the past tense, because it refers
to work done.
The Abstract should never give any
information or conclusion that is not
yet poisonous gasses and particles that remain in houses or cars, including
heavy metal and radioactive materials. And a survey was conducted on
attitudes towards smoking in 1,500 households across the United States. It



AbstractThis report summarizes the teaching approach developed by a Native-Speaker Teacher (NST) and the Japanese Teachers of English (JTEs) at Miyake Junior High School over a three year period. In the first year, the teachers developed a “process approach” to teaching English. Thisapproach focuses on developing practical communication ability through meaning-focused practice tasks first, then reinforcing this growing ability with grammar and vocabulary work. After creating appropriate curriculum aims and deciding on what types of tasks to use, the teachers implemented the approach starting with the first graders and continuing over a two-year period (April 2003-March 2006). Classroom data and a student survey confirmed that the process approach successfully developed the students’ communicative ability. The report concludes by recommending the process approach form the framework further improvement of English education in Japan.Developing Communicative Ability Through a Process ApproachTable of Contents I. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………..1 II. The Process Approach…………..…………………………………………………...2 III. Implementing the Process Approach…………….………………………………….8 IV. Evaluation of Student Progress………………………………………..…………...13 V. Conclusion…………………………………………………………………………..16 Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………….17 Appendix A. A Listening Task …………………….……………………………………………...18 B. A Speaking Task.……………….……………………………………………….…...21 C. A Reading Task….…….…………………………………………………………….22 D. A Writing Task….….……………………………………………………………..…24 E. Vocabulary Tasks..……………….………………………………………………......25 F. A Pera-pera Points Card……………………………………………………………...29I. Introduction In March 2003, the Ministry of Education’s Action Plan to Cultivate “Japanese with English Abilities” called for the widespread reform of English education in Japan. Recognizingthe failure of the current education system to create sufficient English ability, the Plan outlined a number of measures to foster real English communication ability. One of these measures was theplacement of native-speaker teachers (NST) as full-time English teachers in Japanese junior high schools. Previously, native-speakers had been only used as Assistant Language Teachers (ALT). ALTs rotate to several different schools and might visit a single class only two or three times a year. The NST, however, works as a regular teacher at a single school. The NST teaches a single groupof students throughout the year, and, just like other teachers, attends faculty meetings, is responsible for student discipline, has various duties as part of kyoumu bunsho, and manages club activities. In Fukuoka City, the first NST was placed at Miyake Junior High School for three years (April 2003-March 2006).. When the NST arrived at Miyake, it quickly became clear that he could not simply be “added on” to the existing English curriculum. Not only would this fail to take full advantage of ahaving a native-speaker teacher, but without a new teaching approach there would be little progress towards developing communication ability. The English teachers at Miyake, therefore, worked together to create a new teaching approach called the “process approach.” This approach wasdesigned to take full-advantage of a native-speaker teacher and to foster the student’s communicative ability. During the first year, the NST taught the third graders. The teachers puttogether the initial outline of the approach, and experimented with various task types. In the second year, the NST moved into the first grade and the teachers implemented the approach. During the third year, the NST moved up to the second grade and the teachers continued to use the same approach with the same group of students. During this two year period, various adjustments to the approach were made and data on the students’ abilities was collected and evaluated. This report presents the results of this research. Section two describes the general outline 1of the process approach.Section three describes in more detail the types of tasks used and the Section four of the report presents some data on the developmentteaching techniques employed. of the students’ abilities.In the appendix, several different example tasks are presented.II. The Process Approach Language learning requires both knowledge building and skill development. Knowledgeconsists of different aspects of grammatical form and vocabulary, while skills are the ability to use and understand English in a variety of situations. Students gain knowledge through traditionalinstructional methods such as teacher explanation, drills, exercises, and tests. Skills, on the other hand, must be developed through communicative practice. The “process approach” to teachingEnglish used at Miyake aims to both build knowledge and develop communicative skills. In this section, the process approach will be described and contrasted with the more traditional “product-oriented” approach to teaching. Traditionally, junior high school English lessons are heavily focused on grammatical knowledge. A series of grammatical forms are introduced in order of increasing complexity, andthese forms are illustrated through the situations presented in the textbook. In a typical lesson, the Japanese Teacher of English (JTE) takes a single grammar point as “Today’s Goal.” The lessonproceeds in a linear fashion through teacher explanation, a practice activity, and achievement of the goal. Fig. 1: A Traditional Lesson Today’s Goal Teacher Explanation Activity GoalToday’s Goal might be something like “Learn the use of going to ~.” The teacher explains the meaning and form of the grammar point, usually referring to the textbook dialogue for examples of use. Finally, the students do a practice activity. This activity may be a grammar and translation Once the activity isexercise or a communicative activity based around the grammar point.complete, the teacher considers that the students have learned the grammar point and achieved the 2goal.In subsequent lessons, the teacher introduces more difficult grammar points that build onthis knowledge. In the terminology of applied linguistics, this way of teaching is called a product approach because it is focused on the goal or “product” of teaching. vocabulary point being taught. The product is the grammar orAccording to this view, students learn a language by gathering Once the students have built up enoughtogether enough “products” or bits of knowledge.language knowledge, it is assumed that they will have gained the ability to use and understand English. However, as stated above, language learning requires both knowledge and skill development. Students do not simply need to “know” about the use of “going to ~,” but they need Knowledge alone does not become abilitythe ability to use it in a communicative situation.without communicative skill practice. As the Action Plan states: In order to be able to “make use of English” it is necessary not only to have a knowledge of grammar and vocabulary but also to use English for the purpose of actual communication. Thus in English classes, instruction mainly based on grammar and translation or teacher-centered classes are not recommended. Through the repetition of activities making use of English as a means of communication, the learning of vocabulary and grammar should be enhanced, and communication abilities in “listening,” “speaking,” “reading,” and “writing” should be fostered. Similarly, the Ministry of Education’s 2003 Course of Study for Lower Secondary School emphasizes the development of “practical speaking abilities” rather than the grammar-focused teaching. In contrast to the product approach, which focuses on knowledge, an alternative called the “process approach” concentrates on developing communicative abilities. on the different activities or “processes” students do in class. This approach focusesMost lesson time is used forskill-practice tasks, and the teacher’s role is that of a coach. Rather than lesson goals, there are a series of long-term aims for each skill area. The students’ ability develops slowly, and there arebackslides and uneven progress towards the aim. 3In a typical lesson, the teacher coaches the students through a practice task that aims to develop a certain skill area. A cycle of practice and coaching is repeated several times as theteacher tries to push the students to higher levels of performance: Fig. 2: A Process Lesson AimPractice TaskAbilityCoaching For example, an aim might be “Improve listening ability.” The practice task could be a listening CD and a worksheet with questions. In the lesson, the students listen to the CD several times. The InAfter each listening, the teacher gives hints and advice about how to complete the task. listening is repeated several times until most students complete the worksheet to satisfaction. subsequent lessons, similar listening tasks are repeated. increased as the students’ ability improves over time.The difficultly level of the tasks is slowlyIn the process approach, language learning is viewed as a process of helping the students develop language skills. Rather than building up a base of knowledge in the hope that this leads tocommunicative ability, the process approach develops communicative ability through practice tasks. Unlike a product-oriented approach, the teacher cannot say that at the end of a lesson students will have learned x grammar point or y vocabulary. He can only say what skills were practiced.Furthermore, in many cases there will be no concrete evidence of skill development after a single lesson. term. Instead, each practice session contributes to growing communicative ability over the long In this view, learning English is similar to learning to play a sport. The ability to playbasketball, for instance, can only be developed by doing the same drills and scrimmages over and over, day after day. A key difference between the product and process approaches is the difference between goals and aims. In the product approach, goals are either reached or not reached. Students either 4learn the use of “going to ~” or they do not. In the process approach, there are several long-term aims which the students come closer and closer to through continual practice. point where the students “reach” the aim. There is never aAt the level of classroom tasks, this means that studentsare not expected to achieve perfect understanding of input language or perfect language production. Rather understanding grows from partial to fuller – but never complete – understanding with practice. Language production improves along a similar path, but there is never a point where the To continue the analogy to basketball, there is never a pointstudents “achieve” productive ability.where a player gains the ability to play basketball. Rather, ability must be continually maintained and improved through practice. A “pure” process approach deals only with developing communication ability. Grammarand vocabulary knowledge are assumed to develop naturally in the course of communication practice. However, as linguistic researchers Lightbrown and Spada write, recent research suggests that a combined approach in which there is both communication practice and a knowledge building component is the most effective way to teach English. Therefore, the approach developed at Miyake includes both these elements: Fig. 2. A Combined ApproachListening Speaking Reading Coaching Writing PracticeAbilityGrammar VocabularyCommunication TasksLesson CycleAbility Reinforcement Each taskAs Figure 2 shows, this combined approach begins with communication tasks.is focused on a particular skill area, listening, speaking, reading, or writing. In each lesson, the teacher coaches the students through practice tasks for one or two different skill areas. 5 Similartasks are repeated several times, with the teacher attempting to push the students to higher levels of performance in an ongoing cycle of practice and coaching. As the students’ communicative ability grows, it is reinforced with grammar and vocabulary tasks which aim to build the students’ language knowledge. described earlier. The grammar tasks resemble the traditional product-oriented lessonsIn this scheme, however, such grammar-focused lessons are merely one part of alarger approach aimed at both skill development and knowledge building. It is important to note that the communication tasks are meaning-focused. not aim to teach a particular grammar point. emphasized. The tasks doRather, understanding or communicating content is StudentsFor example, here is one problem that was used as part of a reading task.must choose the correct answer, A, B, C, or D: Lin lives in New York City. Sometimes she sees famous people near her home. She tells all her friends at work. Her friends live in New Jersey, and they don’t often see famous people. Not many famous people A. live in New Jersey. B. go to work. C. live in New York. D. have friends in New York.The correct answer is A.To understand this problem, students need to know certain grammar andvocabulary. However, the answer depends not on figuring out the correct grammar or word, but on imagining the situation being described. grammatical form. While the language used in the tasks was often simplified, the teachers did not try to artificially limit the grammar or vocabulary used. their dictionaries. The students could check unknown words in Thus, this task is focused on real communication, notThe teachers briefly explained unknown grammar only if it was necessary tounderstand the meaning being communicated. This stands in contrast to the way communication activities are often used in product approach lessons. In such tasks, the language used is often However, in real There is oftenartificially limited to include only the grammar point being taught in the lesson.communication a variety of grammatical forms are used depending on the content. more than one correct way to say things.Moreover, saying something interesting and worthwhile 6usually requires the use of many different grammatical forms and vocabulary.Tasks that aim topractice the use of a single grammar point tend to become form-focused drills rather than communication activities. The combined approach worked well at Miyake because it took advantage of the strengths of both the NST and the JTE. tasks. The NST mainly took responsibility for teaching the communicationAs a native-speaker, it was relatively easier for the NST to create such tasks and coach the Since the tasks are content focused, the teacher does not always know in advance what The NST can judge instantly whether such Further, since thestudents.kind of grammar or vocabulary students may produce.utterances are correct or not, while the JTE may have difficulty doing so.communication tasks do not require detailed grammar explanations, the NST was able to conduct these lessons all in English. on a daily basis. This gave the students opportunities to listen to and speak in EnglishThe JTE, on the other hand, took responsibility for teaching the grammar tasks.These classes were conducted in Japanese, since it was important that the students gain a clear understanding of the grammar points. Both teachers shared responsibility for teaching vocabulary.Approximately two-thirds of class time was used for NST-led communication lessons, with the remaining one-third devoted to JTE-led grammar lessons. During the course of implementing this approach over two years, it became clear that although it was easier for the NST to teach the communication tasks, there was no reason in principle that a JTE could not do so as well. In fact, the JTEs teaching the other grades at Miyake began using similar communication tasks on their own. Moreover, after the students moved to thethird grade and the NST transferred to a different school, the JTEs continued to teach the communication tasks on their own. The process approach, in other words, represents a new wayof teaching English that can be used, whether the teacher is a native-speaker or not. Another issue that was dealt with was how the textbook fits into this approach. Teachers are, of course, required to use the official textbook. However, at Miyake the view was taken thatrather than narrowly “teaching the textbook,” the aim was to improve the students’ English ability. To that end, the textbook was made to fit into the overall approach, not the other way around. The 7grammar points and words from the textbook were used as the basis for the grammar and vocabulary tasks. Also, a few readings or dialogues from the textbook were adopted for However, the textbook could not provide the quantity and quality ofcommunication tasks.communication tasks needed for the process approach to be successful. The teachers themselves used other sources to create many of the most interesting and successful tasks. This section has described in detail the process-oriented approach that was developed and implemented at Miyake over three years. The approach works to develop both the knowledge andcommunication skills necessary to use English. Skill focused communication tasks are taught through a cycle of coaching and practice. As the students’ communication ability begins to In the nextdevelop, it is reinforced with knowledge-focused grammar and vocabulary tasks.section, the tasks themselves and the process of coaching will be looked at in more detail.III. Implementing the Process Approach To implement the process approach on a practical level, a number of questions had to be answered. What kinds of curriculum aims should be targeted? tasks are appropriate? How can the tasks be taught effectively? What kinds of communication This section will describe howthese questions were answered. The first source for curriculum aims was the 2003 Course of Study. This document setsout general objectives and contents for each major skill area, as well as a detailed grammar syllabus. However, the skill objectives are quite general, and the Course of Study grants freedom to individual schools to establish their own curriculum “in an appropriate manner” for their situation. A second source for aims was the Action Plan to Cultivate Japanese with English Abilities. It states: On graduation from a junior high school, students can conduct basic communication…English language abilities for graduates should be on the third level of the Society for Testing English Proficiency (STEP) on average. This represents a large leap above the current level of Japanese students. 8 Even at Miyake, whichreceived a special achievement award for the number of students who pass the STEP test (also called Eiken), only about 25% of students pass the third level by the time they graduate. Thus, achieving the third level on average requires a dramatic improvement over the current situation.Taking these factors into consideration, the teachers at Miyake set out the following aims: Table 1. Aims for Junior High School EnglishListening Upon graduation from junior high school, students will have the ability to understand and respond appropriately to basic, everyday English spoken at normal speed withnatural pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm.Speaking Upon graduation from junior high school, students will have the ability to express a variety of information in basic English, and will have developed an awareness ofproper pronunciation, intonation, and rhythm in speech.Reading Upon graduation from junior high school, students will have the ability to comprehend both the general gist and important details of a moderately lengthy essayor story.Writing Upon graduation from junior high school, students will have the ability to express a variety of information in moderately lengthy written passages.Grammar Upon graduation from junior high school, students will know all grammatical items defined in the 2003 Course of Study.Vocabulary Upon graduation from junior high school, students will know approximately 2,000 words receptively and productively. Of those 1,200 words will be knownproductively.With these aims in mind, the teachers developed different tasks for each area. Table 2 on the following page summarizes the different tasks used. The teachers created tasks using a variety of materials, including the official textbook, foreign-published textbooks, original material written by the NST, and texts and pictures adapted from the Internet and other sources. The attached appendix shows some example tasks.Table 2: Task TypesListening Tasks (1) Answer questions based on a listening passage.(2) Respond appropriately to classroom instructions and explanations.Speaking Tasks (1)Use Classroom English in appropriate situations.(2)Perform conversational role-plays in pairs or with the teacher.(3)Respond to informational questions about a picture, text, or listening passage.(4)Give reasons and explanations for an answer.Reading Tasks (1) Answer informational or opinion questions about an essay or short story.(2) Develop dictionary skills.Writing Tasks (1)Answer informational questions about a picture, text, or listening passage.(2)Explain own opinion, feelings, or experiences in a short essay.Grammar Tasks (1) Translation drills.(2) Transformation drills.(3) Write sentences given informational or textual prompts.Vocabulary Tasks (1) Read the word and say it.(2) Write the word when heard in context or given a Japanese prompt.(4) Complete a sentence with the word.(5) Write an original sentence using the word.One of the problems encountered in developing these materials was determining task difficulty. Nunan, a specialist on the development of communication tasks, lists a number of factors which affect task difficulty:z Length and complexity of task inputz Input presented in sequence or out of sequencez Length and complexity of required outputz Amount of unknown vocabularyz Familiarity of contentz Presence or absence of visual aidsThe type of input affected task difficulty. Long essays were more difficult that shorter readings, very fast and complex listening texts more difficult than slower, less dense ones. The type and length of output required also made the task more or less difficult. For example, two line dialogues were easier than four line ones, oral answers were easier than written ones, and multiple-choice or true/false questions were easier than those requiring full sentence answers. Input with a high percentage of unknown vocabulary was very difficult. If the students couldrelate the contents of the task to something they already knew about, it was easier to complete. Visual aids also made tasks less difficult. Taking these factors into account, the teachers attempted to sequence tasks in order of gradually increasing difficulty. However, because of the variety of factors affecting difficulty, some tasks proved more difficult than expected and vice versa.The next important question that had to be dealt with was how to teach the communication tasks. Unlike traditional lessons, the tasks required the teacher to take the role of a “coach” rather than a lecturer or explainer. Whitmore, an expert on “performance coaching,” writes that “coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance.” According to Whitmore, students naturally have a lot of ability, but this ability is blocked by self-doubt. The goal of coaching is to remove this self-doubt and give the students the confidence to trust their own abilities and enable them to learn on their own. In order to do this, the “skillful coach,” he writes, “rarely prescribes or provides solutions.” Rather, the coach turns problems back to the students:Table 3. Coaching ResponsesStudent TeacherWhat’s the answer? What do you think?How do you say this word? Can you try to say it?What does this word mean? Check your dictionary.This is too difficult. I can’t do it! Let me show you how to start...(student has made a mistake) Did you notice this key word?Giving the students the answer merely makes them dependent on the teacher. By forcing the students to try to figure out the answer on their own, even if they fail, the teacher enables them to become independent learners. An important tool here is the dictionary. Students were required to bring an English-Japanese dictionary to class and encouraged to bring a Japanese-English one as well. In this way, students could look up the meaning of unknown words and tackle difficult texts without the aid of the teacher.Giving appropriate feedback was another important part of building the students’ self-confidence. When the students succeed in completing a difficult task, giving the right amount of praise can solidify their newly-found self-confidence and motivate them to try the next task. Apoint system, called “Pera-pera Points” was used to concretely reward the students when they succeeded. A point card can be seen in the appendix. For example, students who performed a role-play in front of the class correctly were given one point each, but students who performed the role-play very well, with good pronunciation, intonation, expression, etc., were given two points each. The points were only given when the students volunteered to speak or used English with the teachers without prompting. In this way, the students were reward for acting on their own initiative, rather than the teacher forcing them to speak, thus increasing their self-confidence and independence. Students kept track of their points, and at the end of each term one boy and one girl were chosen as Pera-pera Points Champions and given an award in the all-class assembly.In addition, to Pera-pera Points, oral praise was also carefully graded in such a way to motivate the students to come up with better and better answers. Table 4 gives some examples of the way the teacher’s response was modulated.Table 4. Praising and FeedbackStudent’s Answer Teacher’s ResponseCompletely unrelated ...Completely incorrect No, no.Close incorrect Hmm…So-so correct Ah…ok, but…Close correct That’s right. Good.Good answer Yes, very good!Finally, at the end of each lesson, students were encouraged to reflect on their efforts by filling out a Class Record Sheet. Students recorded what skills were practiced in each lesson, then they gave themselves a self-grade and wrote a comment about the lesson. As can be seen in Figure 3, some students wrote their cards all in English. The Class Record helped the students to feel that learning English depended on their own efforts. This student, for example, notices what areas are difficult for him and where he should direct his efforts in the future. “Word’s accent is very difficult! I should practice accent…” he wrote in one case. The Class Record also showed the students in a graphic way that English is a long-term process of gradual improvement.Fig 3. A Class Record SheetThis section has described how the process approach was implemented over the two-year experimental period. After determining appropriate aims, the teachers developed a variety of different task types. When teaching the communication tasks, the teacher’s role was that of a coach. As a coach, the teacher worked to give students the self-confidence to complete the tasks on their own. In the next section the students’ progress over two years will be evaluated.IV. Evaluation of Student ProgressIn this section, the progress of the experimental group of students over two years of instruction through the process approach will be evaluated using data from classroom tasks and a student survey.Throughout the two year experimental period, the students’ daily classroom work was carefully tracked and evaluated. This data shows that students were consistently able to successfully complete very challenging tasks. The following table shows the results for tasks completed by the students during their second year.。



Data-Oriented TranslationArjen Poutsma Department of Computational Linguistics University of Amsterdamthe Netherlandspoutsma@wins.uva.nlAbstractIn this article,we present a statistical approach to machine translation that is based on Data-Oriented Parsing:Data-Oriented Translation(DOT).In DOT, we use linked subtree pairs for creating a derivation of a source sentence.Each linked subtree pair has a certain probability,and consists of two trees:one in the source language and one in the target lan-guage.When a derivation has been formed with these subtree pairs,we can create a translation from this derivation.Since there are typically many dif-ferent derivations of the same sentence in the source language,there can be as many different translations for it.The probability of a translation can be calcu-lated as the total probability of all the derivations that form this translation.We give the computa-tional aspects for this model,show that we can con-vert each subtree pair into a productive rewrite rule, and that the most probable translation can be com-puted by means of Monte Carlo disambiguation.Fi-nally,we discuss some pilot experiments with the Verbmobil corpus.1IntroductionThe Data-Oriented Parsing model has been pre-sented as a promising paradigm for natural language processing(Scha,1990;Bod,1995;Bod,1998). It has been shown that DOP has the ability to lo-cate syntactic and semantic dependencies,both of which are quite important for machine translation. We hope that,by basing our model on DOP,we can inherit these advantages,thus obtaining a new and interesting way to perform machine translation.In section2,we describe this novel model by identifying its parameters.In section3,we describe its computational aspects;in section4,we discuss some pilot experiments with this model;andfinally, in section5,we give some issues open for future research.2The Data-Oriented Translation Model In this section,we will give the instantiation of a model that uses DOP for MT purposes,which we will call Data-Oriented Translation(DOT).1This model is largely based on DOP1(Bod,1998,chapt.2).In DOT,we use linked subtree pairs as combi-national fragments.2Each linked subtree pair has a certain probability,and consists of a tree in the source language and a tree in the target language. By combining these fragments to form an an analy-sis of the source sentence,we automatically gener-ate a translation,i.e.we form a derivation of both source sentence and target sentence.Since there are typically many different derivations which con-tain the same source sentence,there can be equally many different translations for it.The probability of a translation can be calculated as the total probabil-ity of all the derivations that form this translation. The model presented here is capable of translat-ing between two languages only.This limitation is by no means a property of the model itself,but is chosen for simplicity and readability reasons only. The following parameters should be specified fora DOP-like approach to MT:1.the representations of sentences that are as-sumed,2.the fragments of these representations that canbe used for generating new representations, 3.the operator that is used to combine the frag-ments to form a translation,andS NPlikes NP AnneVPV`aNP3Links cannot occur at the terminal level,since we map between semantic equivalent parts on the level of syntactic categories.2.2FragmentsLikewise,we will use linked subtrees as our frag-ments.Given a pair of linked trees T s T t,a linked subtree pair of T s T t consists of two connected and linked subgraphs t s t t of T s T t such that:1.for every pair of linked nodes in t s t t,it holdsthat:(a)both nodes in t s t t have either zerodaughter nodes,or(b)both nodes have all the daughter nodes ofthe corresponding nodes in T s T tand2.every non-linked node in either t s(or t t)has allthe daughter nodes of the corresponding node in T s(T t),and3.both t s and t t consist of more than one node. This definition has a number of consequences. First of all,it is more restrictive than the DOP1def-inition for subtrees,thus resulting in a smaller or equal amount of subtrees per tree.Secondly,it de-fines a possible pair of linked subtrees.Typically, there are many pairs of linked subtrees for each set of linked trees.Thirdly,the linked tree pair itself is also a valid linked subtree pair.Finally,accord-ing to this definition,all the linked subtree pairs are semantic equivalents,since the semantic daughter nodes of the original tree are removed or retained si-multaneously(clause1).The nodes for which a se-mantic equivalent does not exist are always retained (clause2).We can now define the bag of linked subtree pairs,which we will use as a grammar.Given a corpus of linked trees C,the bag of linked subtree pairs of C is the bag in which linked subtree pairs occur exactly as often as they can be identified in C.4Figure2show the bag of linked subtree pairs for the linked tree pair T s T t.2.3Composition operatorIn DOT,we use the leftmost substitution opera-tor for forming combinations of grammar rules. The composition of the linked tree pair t s t t andSNPlikesNPAnne VPV`a NP likesNP Anne VPV`a NP SNPlikesNP SNPVPV`a NP likesNP SNPVPV`a NP NPCharlesNPAnne Figure 2:The bag of linked subtree pairs of T s T tu s u t ,written as t s t t u s u t ,is defined iffthe label of the leftmost nonterminal linked frontier node and the label of its linked counterpart are iden-tical to the labels of the root nodes of u s u t .If this composition is defined,it yields a copy of t s t t ,in which a copy of u s has been substituted on t s ’s left-most nonterminal linked frontier node,and a copy of u t has been substituted on the node’s linked coun-terpart.The composition operation is illustrated in figure 3.Given a bag of linked subtree pairs B ,a se-quence of compositions t s 1t t 1t s N t t N ,with t s i t t i B yielding a tree pair T s T t without non-terminal leaves is called a derivation D of T s T t .2.4Probability calculationTo compute the probability of the target composi-tion,we make the same statistical assumptions as in DOP1with regard to independence and representa-tion of the subtrees (Bod,1998,p.16).The probability of selecting a subtree pair t s t t is calculated by dividing the frequency of the sub-tree pair in the bag by the number of subtrees that have the same root node labels in this bag.In other words,let t s t t be the number of times the sub-tree pair t s t t occurs in the bag of subtree pairs,and r t be the root node categories of t ,then the probability assigned to t s t t isP t s t tt s t tSNP VPVplaˆıtPPPAnneNPAnneVPVplaˆıtPPPAnne Figure3:The composition operationThe justification of this last equation is quite triv-ial.As in any statistical MT system,we wish tochoose the target sentence w t so as to maximizeP w t w s(Brown et al.,1990,p.79).If we take the sum over all possible derivations that were formedfrom w s and derive w t,we can rewrite this as equa-tion4,as seen below.Since both w s and w t arecontained in D ws w t ,we can remove them both andarrive at equation5,which—as we maximize over w t—is equivalent to equation3above.maxw tP w t w smax w t∑D w s wtP w t D w s w t w s(4)max w t∑D w s wtP D ws w t(5)3Computational AspectsWhen translating using the DOT model,we can dis-tinguish between three computational stages:1.parsing:the formation of a derivation forest,2.translation:the transfer of the derivation for-est from the source language to the target lan-guage,3.disambiguation:the selection of the mostprobable translation from the derivation forest.3.1ParsingIn DOT,every subtree pair t s t t can be seen as a productive rewrite rule:root t s root t t frontier t s frontier t t,where all linkage in the frontier nodes is retained.The linked non-terminals in the yield constitute the symbol pairs to which new rules(subtree pairs)are applied.For instance,the rightmost subtree pair infigure3can be rewritten as S S Anne likes NP NP plaˆıt`a Anne This rule can then be combined with rules that have the root pair NP NP,and so on.If we only consider the left-side part of this rule, we can use algorithms that exist for context-free grammars,so that we can parse a sentence of n words with a time complexity which is polynomial in n.These algorithms give as output a chart-like derivation forest(Sima’an et al.,1994),which con-tains the tree pairs of all the derivations that can be formed.3.2TranslationSince every tree pair in the derivation forest contains a tree for the target language,the translation of this forest is trivial.3.3DisambiguationIn order to select the most probable translation,it is not efficient to compare all translations,since there can be exponentially many of them.Furthermore, it has been shown that the Viterbi algorithm cannot be used to make the most probable selection from a DOP-like derivation forest(Sima’an,1996). Instead,we use a random selection method to generate derivations from the target derivation forest,otherwise known as Monte Carlo sam-pling(Bod,1998,p.46–49).In this method, the random choices of derivations are based on the probabilities of the underlying subderivations.If we generate a large number of samples,we can esti-mate the most probable translation as the translation which results most often.The most probable trans-lation can be estimated as accurately as desired by making the number of random samples sufficiently large.4Pilot ExperimentsIn order to test the DOT-model,we did some pi-lot experiments with a small part of the Verbmo-bil corpus.This corpus consists of transliterated spoken appointment dialogues in German,English,and Japanese.We only used the German and En-glish datasets,which were aligned at sentence level, and syntactically annotated using different annota-tion schemes.5Naturally,the tree pairs in the corpus did not con-tain any links,so—in order to make it useful for DOT—we had to analyze each tree pair,and place links where necessary.We also corrected tree pairs that were not aligned correctly.Figure4shows an example of a corrected and linked tree from our cor-rection of the Verbmobil corpus.We used a blind testing method,dividing the266 trees of our corpus into an85%training set of226 tree pairs,and a15%test set of40tree pairs.We carried out three experiments,in both directions, each using a different split of training and test set. The226training set tree pairs were converted into fragments(i.e.subtree pairs),and were enriched with their corpus probabilities.The40sentences from the test set served as input sentences:they were translated with the fragments from the train-ing set using a bottom-up chart parser,and disam-biguated by the Monte Carlo algorithm.The most probable translations were estimated from probabil-ity distributions of1500sampled derivations,which accounts for a standard deviationσ0013.Fi-nally,we compared the resulting translations with the original translation as given in the test set.We also fed the test sentences into another MT-system: AltaVista’s Babelfish,which is based on Systran.6 4.1EvaluationIn a manner similar to(Brown et al.,1990,p.83), we assigned each of the resulting sentences a cate-gory according to the following criteria.If the pro-duced sentence was exactly the same as the actual Verbmobil translation,we assigned it the exact cat-egory.If it was a legitimate translation of the source sentence but in different words,we assigned it the alternate category.If it made sense as a sentence, but could not be interpreted as a valid translation of the source sentence,we assigned it the wrong cat-egory.If the translation only yielded a part of the source sentence,we assigned it the partial category: either partial exact if it was a part of the actual Verb-mobil translation,or partial alternate if it was part of an alternate translation.Finally,if no translationS LKwir NXdannSMDweVPVBitADVPMax.Size IncorrectExact Alternate Exact Alternate 1126318.92%18.92%2273332.43% 5.41%3822832.43% 5.41%41419232.43% 5.41%52214732.43% 5.41%62703932.43% 5.41%∞3347932.43% 5.41%8.11%37.84%0%0%Table1:Results of English to German translation experimentsEnglish to German experiment were much higher than Systran’s(32%versus Systran’s19%);vice-versa it was much lower(13%versus Systran’s 21%).Since the German grammar is more complex than the English grammar,this result could be ex-pected.It is simpler to map a complex grammar to a simpler than vice-versa.The partial translations,which are quite useful for forming the basis of a post-edited,manual trans-lation,varied around38%in our English to Ger-man experiments,and around55%when translating from German to English.Systran is incapable of forming partial translations.As can be seen from the tables,we experimented with the maximum depth of the tree pairs used.We expected that the performance of the model would increase when we used deeper subtree pairs,since deeper structures allow for more complex struc-tures,and therefore better translations.Our exper-iments showed,however,that there was very little increase of performance as we increased the maxi-mum tree depth.A possible explanation is that the trees in our corpus contained a lot of lexical context (i.e.terminals)at very small tree depths.Instead of varying the maximum tree depth,we should ex-periment with varying the maximum tree width.We plan to perform such experiments in the future.5Future workThough thefindings presented in this article cover the most important issues regarding DOT,there are still some topics open for future research.As we stated in the previous section,we wish to see whether DOT’s performance increases as we vary the maximum width of a tree.In the experiments it became clear that DOT lacks a large lexicon,thus resulting in less alternate trans-lations than Systran.By using an external lexicon, we can form a part-of-speech sequences from the source sentence,and use this sequence as input for DOT.The resulting target part-of-speech sequence can then be reformed into a target sentence.The experiments discussed in this article are pilot experiments,and do not account for much.In order tofind more about DOT and its(dis)abilities,more experiments on larger corpora are required.6ConclusionIn this article,we have presented a new approach to machine translation:the Data-Oriented Translation model.This method uses linked subtree pairs for creating a derivation of a sentence.Each subtree-pair consists of two trees:one in the source lan-guage and one in the target ing these subtree pairs,we can form a derivation of a given source sentence,which can then be used to form a target sentence.The probability of a translation canCorpus Categorical accuracyCorrect Partial Depth Ungr.Wrong15.38% 2.56%41.03%15.38%12.82%7.69%35.90%17.95%12.82%10.26%38.46%17.95%15.38%7.69%35.90%17.95%15.38% 5.13%35.90%17.95%15.38% 5.13%38.46%17.95%15.38%7.69%38.46%17.95%Systran20.51%41.03%。



第25卷 第12期2005年12月北京理工大学学报T ran sacti on s of Beijing In stitu te of T echno logyV o l .25 N o.12D ec .2005 文章编号:100120645(2005)1221057205W i ndows 虚拟磁盘与路径容错谭毓安, 曹元大, 张雪兰, 王 佐(北京理工大学信息科学技术学院计算机科学工程系,北京 100081)摘 要:为提高系统的可用性,在W indow s 内核中加入冗余路径驱动程序实现路径容错功能Ζ在W indow s 环境下构造了虚拟总线及虚拟磁盘设备,使路径故障后虚拟设备不会被删除,保障了上层应用的持续运行Ζ在同一个内核驱动程序中集成了总线驱动和磁盘过滤两种功能,节约了驱动程序占用的内核空间Ζ通过加入虚拟磁盘,在保持W indow s 即插即用功能及设备层次的同时实现了设备的持续性Ζ关键词:容错;虚拟磁盘;总线驱动程序;过滤驱动程序中图分类号:T P 30218 文献标识码:AV irtual D isks and Fault Toleran t Paths i n W i ndowsTAN Yu 2an , CAO Yuan 2da , ZHAN G Xue 2lan , W AN G Zuo(D epartm en t of Compu ter Science and Engineering ,Schoo l of Info rm ati on Science and T echno logy ,Beijing In stitu teof T echno logy ,Beijing 100081,Ch ina )Abstract :A redundan t p ath driver fo r W indow s is i m p lem en ted to to lerate the p ath failu res and i m p rove the system availab ility .V irtual bu s device ob jects and disk device ob jects are registered and kep t p ersisten tly even w hen the p ath fails ,to p reven t the upp er app licati on s from being in ter 2rup ted .T he bu s device driver and disk filter driver is in tegrated to si m p lify the i m p lem en tati on and save the con sum ed kernel sp aces.T h rough the in troducti on of virtual disk s ,the device p er 2sistency is ach ieved in the p lug and p lay environm en t ,and the sto rage h ierarch ical device tree is no t changed .Key words :fau lt to lerance ;virtual disk ;bu s device driver ;filter driver收稿日期:20050205基金项目:国家部委预研项目(41325081)作者简介:谭毓安(1972-),男,博士,副教授,E 2m ail :victo rtan @yeah .net Λ 为提高主机及存储设备的可用性,采用高可用性软件、集群软件及磁盘阵列、内存校验纠错等容错技术[1~3],对于连接主机和存储设备的I O 路径,在硬件上实现冗余配置,在软件上采用了分层结构设计冗余路径驱动程序Λ通过对磁盘设备的输入 输出(I O )请求进行过滤处理,当路径出现故障时,I O 请求失败后由驱动程序进行I O 请求的重试实现路径容错ΛW indow s 2000,W indow s 2003及XP 操作系统支持硬件设备的即插即用Λ当I O 路径出现故障时,即插即用管理器就删除这些“丢失的”磁盘设备及分区设备,以及建立在分区设备之上的卷设备和盘符Λ这样,应用程序就不能继续使用这些设备,不能实现路径容错的功能Λ因此,SPD 驱动程序必须处理系统的即插即用请求,在路径故障时维持应用程序所使用的磁盘设备不被删除,保障上层应用的持续运行Λ1 设备持续性问题111 设备的层次关系图1为一个简化的冗余路径系统Λ主机通过PC I 总线上的两个HBA 连接到同一个LU N 上,LU N 具有2条路径Λ图1 冗余路径F ig .1 R edundant path s每一个设备都有对应的总线驱动程序和功能驱动程序Λ总线驱动程序为总线上的每个设备创建物理设备对象(p hysical device ob ject ,PDO ),功能驱动程序又为每个PDO 创建功能设备对象(functi on 2al device ob ject ,FDO )Λ在执行读写或即插即用等操作时,内核向各个相关驱动程序发送I O 请求包(inp u t ou tp u t request p acket ,I R P )Λ图2 磁盘设备的层次关系F ig .2 H ierarchy of disk device objects冗余路径环境下设备对象的层次如图2所示[4]ΛPnp 管理器为PC I 总线创建了一个PDO PC I _BU S ,其功能驱动程序为p ci.sys .p ci .sys 为每一个HBA 分别创建了PDO HBA 1和PDO HBA 2Λ同样,scsi po rt .sys (或sto rpo rt .sys )又创建了FDO HBA 1和FDO HBA 2ΛHBA 查找总线上所连接的磁盘(LU N ),创建了磁盘设备PDO D ISK1和PDO D ISK2Λ磁盘设备的功能驱动程序为disk .sys ,创建了FDO D ISK1和FDO D ISK2Λ在这个树型结构中,FDO HBA 1与PDO D ISK1,FDO HBA 2与PDO D I SK2构成了父子关系,FDO HBA 是父设备,PDO D I SK 是子设备Λsto rpo rt .sys 是W indow s 2003中scsi po rt .sys 的升级版本,具有更高的I O 吞吐能力Λ112 路径故障时磁盘设备被删除在图2中,内核为LU N 创建了2个磁盘设备Λ路径驱动程序必须选择其中的一个作为呈现设备,允许在这个设备上进一步创建分区设备和卷设备,供上层程序使用Λ而对另一个设备,则不允许上层程序直接访问Λ这里指定呈现设备为FDO D I SK1,在LU N 上建立N T FS 文件系统,并给它分配一个盘符X :,应用程序使用该盘符来引用文件系统上的文件ΛPnp 管理器定期枚举系统中的所有设备Λ枚举磁盘设备时,向FDO HBA 发送查询设备关系(query device relati on ,QDR )的Pnp 请求ΛHBA 驱动程序返回当前连接到该HBA 的所有磁盘设备的PDO D ISK 列表Λ当I O 路径出现故障,如光纤电缆被断开时,即插即用管理器通过HBA 枚举不到磁盘设备,就会删除那些“丢失的”磁盘设备及分区设备,以及建立在分区设备之上的卷设备和盘符Λ路径恢复后,HBA 驱动程序创建新的磁盘设备,并要求Pnp 管理器重新枚举设备Λ如果FDO D ISK2所属的路径发生故障,PDO D ISK2和FDO D ISK2被删除,应用程序能继续访问LU N ;而一旦FDO D ISK1所属的路径发生故障,PDO D ISK1和FDO D ISK1被删除,分区设备和盘符也随之被删除,应用程序访问不到LU N 及其盘符X :和文件系统,不能实现路径容错功能Λ2 两种传统的解决方案211 截获Q D R冗余路径驱动程序SPD 截获FDO HBA 对QDR 请求的处理,避免Pnp 管理器在路径故障时删除磁盘设备[5,6]ΛHBA 驱动程序枚举不到某个磁盘设备时,磁盘设备“丢失”,SPD 修改HBA 驱动程序返回的磁盘设备列表,将“丢失的”磁盘设备加入到列表中Λ这样,在FDO D I SK1的路径发生故障时,Pnp 管理器察觉不到磁盘设备已经“丢失”,分区设备和盘符不会被删除Λ系统发送给FDO D ISK1的I R P 请求由SPD 转发到FDO D ISK2执行,从而实现路径容错功能Λ实现这种方法只需要一个驱动程序,而且不需8501北京理工大学学报第25卷 要修改和扩充其他驱动程序Λ然而它仅适用于采用scsi po rt .sys 的系统,与sto rpo rt .sys 不兼容Λ路径出现故障时,PDO D ISK1不会被删除Λscsi po rt .sys 在路径恢复时不会创建新的磁盘设备,PDO D ISK1回到正常状态;而sto rpo rt .sys 在路径恢复时会创建新的磁盘设备PDO D ISK3,磁盘设备PDO D I SK1和PDO D ISK3占用相同的硬件地址,Pnp 管理器检测出冲突后,进入死机蓝屏状态(b lue screen of death ),系统不能继续工作Λ212 M P I OM icro soft 的M P I O 采用了虚拟磁盘的思想[4,7],设计了新的总线驱动程序m p i o .sys ,为系统中的每一个LU N 创建一个虚拟磁盘,如图3所示Λ为HBA 设计了一个过滤驱动程序m p sfilter .sys ,将HBA 的子设备的类型从disk 改为m p dev ,由一个新的功能驱动程序m p dev .sys 管理Λ这样,分区设备、卷设备及盘符就会建立于虚拟磁盘设备FDO VD I SK 上,而不是FDO D I SK1上,供上层使用ΛFDO VD I SK 作为LU N 的呈现设备Λ图中的阴影部分代表M P I O 对设备层次的改变Λ图3 M P I O 虚拟磁盘及设备层次F ig .3 H ierarchy of M P I O virtual disk devices当FDO VD I SK 收到上层的I R P 请求后,交给FDO D ISK1或FDO D ISK2执行ΛFDO VD I SK 不依赖于具体的I O 路径,当任何一条路径发生故障时,Pnp 管理器会删除一个FDO D I SK ,而FDO VD I SK 继续存在,I R P 请求也可以继续执行Λ当路径恢复时,会重新创建新的PDO D ISK 和FDO D ISK Λ这种方法允许Pnp 管理器随路径状态的变化动态地创建和删除磁盘设备,适用于scsi po rt .sys 和sto rpo rt .sys Λ然而,这种方法的实现过于复杂,虚拟磁盘的创建和模拟需要由3个驱动程序m p i o .sys ,m p sfilter .sys ,m p dev .sys 完成Λ尤其在W in 2dow s 操作系统源程序没有全面开放的情况下实现难度更高Λ作者使用集成驱动程序实现虚拟磁盘的方法,对原有的冗余路径驱动程序(sp d .sys )进行了扩展,使用一个驱动程序即可完成虚拟磁盘的创建和模拟Λ它既适用于scsi po rt .sys 和sto rpo rt .sys ,也不需要修改磁盘设备的类型及磁盘驱动程序Λ3 集成驱动程序的设计采用集成驱动程序实现的设备层次如图4所示Λ一方面,sp d .sys 作为总线驱动程序,提供了一个虚拟总线,创建FDO VBU S 和PDO VD ISK ;另一方面,它又是一个磁盘过滤驱动程序,对磁盘设备的I O 请求进行截获处理,创建F i D O VD ISK 、F i D O D I SK1和F i 2DO D ISK2ΛF i D O 代表filter device ob ject Λ图中的阴影部分代表集成驱动程序对设备层次的改变Λ图4 采用SPD 集成驱动程序的设备层次F ig .4 H ierarchy of SPD integrated device driver311 总线驱动程序PDO ROO T 由Pnp 管理器创建,是设备枚举的出发点Λ编写sp d .inf ,将sp d .sys 指定为总线驱动程序,在系统启动时以系统设备的形式自动加载,并创建FDO VBU S Λ随后,sp d .sys 为每一个LU N 创建一个PDO VD I SK Λ为了枚举FDO VBU S 所代表的总线上的设备,Pnp 管理器向FDO VBU S 发送QDR 请求,sp d .sys 返回一9501 第12期谭毓安等:W indow s 虚拟磁盘与路径容错个列表,其中包括由它所创建的所有PDO VD ISKΛ然后,Pnp管理器向每一个PDO VD ISK发送Pnp 请求,以获得它们的硬件标识符(B u s Q uery2H ard2 w are I D s)、设备标识符(B u s Q ueryD evice I D s)、兼容标识符(B u s Q ueryCom p atib le I D s)及实例标识符(B u s Q uery In stance I D)Λ为了使Pnp管理器将这些PDO当作磁盘设备处理,sp d.sys在响应这些Pnp 请求时,将它们的硬件标识符设置为L″SCS I GenD isk 0″(L代表U n icode形式),兼容标识符设置为L″SCS I D isk RAW 0″Λ这样,Pnp管理器就选择disk.sys作为这些PDO的功能驱动程序,并为PDO创建相应的FDO VD ISKΛ312 磁盘过滤驱动程序sp d.sys作为总线驱动程序,创建了虚拟磁盘PDO VD I SK及FDO VD ISK,然而这两个设备是虚拟的, FDO VD I SK下层的PDO VD I SK并不是由HBA驱动程序创建的,disk.sys不能像普通磁盘设备那样,将上层程序发送给FDO VD I SK的读写请求交给PDO VD I SK去处理Λ此外,还需要向上层屏蔽实际的磁盘设备,使上层程序不能直接发送读写请求到FDO D ISK1和FDO D ISK2Λ为此,将sp d.sys作为磁盘过滤驱动程序,截获对FDO VD ISK、FDO D I SK1和FDO D ISK2的I R P请求Λ将″sp d.sys″字符串加入到注册表中磁盘设备类的U pp erF ilters键作为上层驱动程序Λ在disk.sys 为磁盘设备创建了FDO后,调用sp d.sys的入口函数A ddD evice(),由sp d.sys创建过滤设备对象F i2 DO VD I SK、F i D O D ISK1或F i D O D I SK2Λ系统对磁盘设备的I R P请求首先被发送给这些F i D O,由sp d.sys进行统一处理Λsp d.sys收到系统上层的I R P请求后,检查I R P中的设备对象和I R P请求类型Λ①当设备对象为F i D O VD I SK并且该I R P是读写请求时,sp d.sys将这些请求转交给FDO D I SK1或FDO D I SK2执行Λ执行返回后,sp d.sys检查执行结果Λ若执行成功,将I R P 请求直接返回上层;若执行失败,则在另一个FDO D ISK上重新执行这个I R P请求,直到I R P请求执行成功或达到规定的超时值为止Λ②设备对象为F i D O VD ISK,但该I R P不是读写请求时,将该I R P直接交给下层的FDO VD I SKΛ③设备对象为F i D O D I SK1或F i D O D ISK2,而且是QDR请求时,为了阻止系统在F i D O D ISK1或F i D O D ISK2上建立分区,sp d.sys将I R P 标记为失败后直接返回Λ这样,只有F i D O VD I SK之上才能创建分区设备、卷设备等,上层程序也只能使用F i D O VD I SK和FDO VD I SK访问LU NΛFDO D I SK1和FDO D ISK2作为F i2 DO VD I SK的2条备选路径Λ在路径故障时,该路径对应的磁盘PDO,FDO,F i D O被Pnp管理器删除, sp d.sys从备选路径中删除该磁盘的FDO;而路径恢复时,重新为该磁盘建立PDO,FDO,F i D O,sp d. sys将该磁盘的FDO重新加入到备选路径中Λ在LU N重新启动情况下,可能出现2条路径同时故障而导致备选路径为空Λ这时,sp d.sys将I O请求保持一定的时间,只有在超时后才将F i2 DO VD I SK的所有I O请求标记为失败Λ若在规定的时间内有1条路径恢复正常(如LU N启动完成),则I O请求能够继续执行Λ313 虚拟磁盘的动态配置在系统启动时,根据配置可自动创建虚拟磁盘,虚拟磁盘配置还可在系统运行时动态地创建和删除Λ删除虚拟磁盘时,向FDO VBU S发送i octl命令,要求它删除该虚拟磁盘的PDO VD ISK;创建虚拟磁盘时,同样是向FDO VBU S发送i octl命令,要求它创建PDO VD ISK. FDO VBU S调用I o InvalidateD eviceR elati on s(),通知Pnp管理器磁盘设备已发生变化Λ4 集成驱动程序的实现411 实现方法与其他两种冗余路径方案的比较见表1ΛM P I O 和本文中均采用了虚拟磁盘实现路径容错,LU N的呈现设备不再依附于某一个具体路径,在路径故障时不会影响上层程序对LU N的访问Λ截获QDR方法对即插即用的支持不充分,与sto rpo rt.sys不兼表1 与其他方案的比较Tab.1 Co m par ision with other solution s方法呈现设备支持sto rpo rt.sys驱动程序数私有接口过滤驱动程序集成驱动程序F i D O D I SK是1无磁盘设备(spd.sys) M P I O F i D O VD I SK是3有HBA设备(mp sfilter.sys)截获QDR F i D O D I SK否1无HBA、磁盘设备(spd.sys) 0601北京理工大学学报第25卷 容,在使用路径容错时必须放弃sto rpo rt的高I O 处理能力Λ在M P I O中,总线驱动、磁盘功能驱动、HBA过滤由3个驱动程序分别实现,还修改了标准的磁盘驱动程序disk.sys,标准磁盘设备也不再由disk. sys驱动,而改为m p dev.sysΛ在m p i o.sys和m p s2 filter.sys之间必须采用其私有接口,由m p sfilter. sys向m p i o.sys报告LU N的路径Λ因此,为实现虚拟磁盘及路径冗余,M P I O对设备层次进行了较大的改动,实现过程复杂Λ由同一个驱动程序实现总线驱动和磁盘过滤两部分功能,不需要实现驱动程序之间的私有接口,disk.sys及下层的设备层次保持不变Λ集成驱动程序sp d.sys所占空间为54144B,而3个M P I O驱动程序(版本号为1114)还需要为M P I O编写设备特殊模块(device sp ecific m odu le, D S M),共需要122880BΛ集成驱动程序节约了内核空间Λ412 I O吞吐能力使用I om eter测试程序在W indow s2003及SU N Sto rEdge3510磁盘阵列下进行测试,M P I O 的负载均衡采用轮转模式(round b in)Λ对顺序读、顺序写、随机读、随机写等4种测试模式,分别选取8种I O块大小(1,2,4,8,16,64,256kB,1M B),分别测试2条路径下负载均衡对吞吐能力的提高比率,取8种I O块测试结果的平均值如表2所示Λ表2 I O吞吐能力的测试结果Tab.2 Test results of I O throughput%测试模式顺序读顺序写随机读随机写平均值集成驱动程序7011754133211191914641129 M P I O40126916664156-415727148 M P I O在随机读的测试中指标较好,而其他3项测试较差Λ集成驱动程序4项测试的平均值比M P I O高13181%Λ5 结 论所实现的驱动程序集成了总线驱动与磁盘过滤两种功能,在W indow s即插即用环境下实现了路径冗余Λ与M P I O相比,减少了驱动程序个数,设备层次保持不变Λ该方法还可应用于总线驱动程序与功能驱动程序的集成,采用同一个驱动程序处理总线及总线上挂接的设备Λ参考文献:[1] Chen P,L ee E,Gib son G.RA I D:H igh2perfo r2m ance,reliab le secondary sto rage[J].A C M Compu t2ing Su rveys,1994,2(26):145-188.[2] J iM inw en,V eitch A,W ilkes J.Seneca:R emo te m ir2ro ring done w rite[Z].U SEN I X T echn ical Confer2ence,San A n ton i o,2003.[3] Gabber E,Fellin J,F laster M.StarF ish:H igh ly2availab le b lock sto rage[Z].U SEN I X T echn ical Con2ference,San A n ton i o,2003.[4] N aik D.In side w indow s sto rage[M].L ebanon:Pear2son Educati on Inc.,2004.[5] T an Yu’an,Cao Yuanda.D esign and i m p lem en tati onof a RD P device driver fo r w indow s2000[J].Jou rnalof Beijing In istitue of T echno logy,2003,12(3):260-264.[6] 谭毓安.存储区域网络冗余路径的研究[D].北京:北京理工大学信息科学技术学院计算机科学工程系,2004.T an Yu’an.R esearch on redundan t path s of sto ragearea netw o rk[D].Beijing:D epartem en t of Compu terScience and Engineeing,Beijing In istitue of T echno lo2gy,2004.(in Ch inese)[7] M icro soft Co rp.M icro soft sto rage techno logies2m u lti2path I O[EB OL].h ttp:∥www.m icro w indow sserversystem sto rage techno logies mp i odefau lt.m spx,2004201212 2004212205.1601 第12期谭毓安等:W indow s虚拟磁盘与路径容错。


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1998年7月系统工程理论与实践第7期 M IS需求分析的层次分析法α金海卫(杭州商学院计算机与信息工程系,310035)摘要 M IS是一个复杂的计算机应用系统。

在M IS需求分析时,对系统作适当的分解,有利于控制系统的复杂性。

本文提出了一种M IS需求分析的层次方法,规定了各个层次的划分原则,建立了相应的规格说明工具,并用实例说明之。

关键词 管理信息系统 需求分析 对象 层次方法T he H ierarch ical M ethodof the R equ irem en t A nalysis on the M ISJ in H ai w ei(H angzhou Institute of Comm erce D epartm ent of Computer and Info r m ati on Engineering,310035)Abstract T he M IS is a comp lex system.In the requirem ent analysis on the M IS,de2compo siti on the system p roperlly is advantageous to contro lling the comp lexity of thesystem.T h is paper puts fo r w ard the h ierarch ical m ethod of the requirem ent analysis onthe M IS and p rovides the decompo sing p rinci p les of the each h ierarchy and buildes thetoo l of the specificati on and illustrates by an examp le.Keywords M IS;requirem ent analysis;objects;h ierarch ical m ethod1 引言需求分析是M IS开发的第一阶段。



灭多威肟的气相色谱分析王永昌周仕胜邢艳美(济宁化工实验厂,272131)摘要以5 %S E - 30 + FFA P/ Gas Chro m Q( 150 - 180μm) 为固定相,对灭多威肟进行气相色谱分析,在选定的气相色谱条件下,其最小检测限量为6 . 0 ×10 - 10g ,方法的标准偏差为0 . 35 。

变异系数为0 . 45 % ,回收率为99 . 86 % ,适于灭多威肟的分析。

关键词灭多威肟气相色谱分析G a s Chrom atogra phic Determinat ion of Methomyl Oxi meW a n g Y on g cha n g Zhou S his h en g X i n g Y a n m e i(J ining Chemical Ex perimental Plant ,272131)Abstract A met h o d was develop ed fo r t h e det er minatio n of met h o m yl o x ime by gas chro m atograp h y o n 5 % (SE - 30 +F F A P) / gas Ch ro m Q .In t h e co n d itio n of t h is p ap er ,t h e det ectio n limit s was 6 . 0 ×10 - 10 g. The standard deviatio n was0 . 35 and t h e coefficient of variatio n was 0 . 45 %. The recover y was 99 . 86 %. This is a usef u l met h o d of analysis of met h o m yl o x ime.K ey w ords met h o m yl o x ime ,gas chro m atograp h y ,analysis灭多威肟又称1 - 甲硫基乙醛肟, 是一种颇有经济价值的化工产品中间体,可用于制造氨基甲酸酯类杀虫剂, 诸如灭多威及其他类似物1 。



职称英语考试/备考辅导2016职称英语词汇A开头:abstract是什么意思及用法adj.1. 抽象的2. 抽象派的n.1. 抽象,抽象概念,抽象性2. 抽象派艺术作品3. 摘要,梗概及物动词:1. 提取,抽取2. 做…的摘要词形变化:副词:abstractly;名词:abstractness;时态:abstracted,abstracting,abstracts。



英语句子AN ABSTRACT OF “FORMAT”关于版式的摘要The abstract shall state briefly the maintechnical points of the invention or utility model.摘要应当简要说明发明或者实用新型的技术要点。

No one could doubt his ability to learn abstract knowledge.没有人怀疑他对于抽象知识的理解能力。

He stammered confusedly and took himself away, for the moment abstracted, serious, lost in thought他狼狈不堪,结结巴巴的说了几句,就告辞去了,一时心情恍惚,一本正经,想得出神。

The more absolutistic philosophers dwell on so high a level of abstraction that they never even try to come down更加趋向于绝对论的哲学家都是处于一种抽象的高度,以致他们从来就不想从那儿走下来。

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A. Albano
M. Capaccioli
Hale Waihona Puke M.E. Occhiuto
(+) and R. Orsini
(*) Dipartimento di Informatica, (+) Systems & Management S.p.A.,
C.SO Italia, 40, 56100 Pisa, Italy V.10 S. Pierino 4, 56100 Pisa, Italy
Abstract of Semantic Data mechanisms The abstraction classification and generalModels - aggregation, ization - are considered the basic features to be supported by conceptual languages, i.e., programming languages with high-level constructs for applications. database This paper shows that also languages should conceptual provide a modularization mechanism as another feature to achieve a more adequate database modeling capability. Such a mechanism is required to organize structural and procedural aspects of a complex schema in smaller, interrelates units. A proposal is presented in the framework of Galileo, a strongly-typed, interactive, conceptual language designed specifically for database applications.
This work was supported in part by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Progetto Finalizzato and in part Obiettivo DATAID, Informatica, by Minister0 della Pubblica Istruzione.
tions, are to represent explicitly intended naturally and directly certain types of realA survey and analysis of the world information. motivations for this new generation of data models is reported in (McLeod 82). Well known examples of languages are TAXIS conceptual (Mylopoulos 801, DIAL (Hammer 80), and ADAPLEX (Smith 81). Still, an important open problem in conceptual language design is which features should be integrated into a programming language to achieve capabilities. For adequate database modeling different opinions exist on the use of instance, data types and on which features a programming language should have to support the basic abstraction mechanisms of Semantic Data Models, classification and generalizai.e., aggregation, tion (Albano 83c, Brodie 80, 81). Examples of these different trends are: TAXIS, a programming language based on a procedural semantic network formalism; DIAL, which has evolved from SDM (Hammer 81), and ADAPLEX, based on programming languages with data types extended by a class RM/T (Codd 79) and SHM (Smith 79), construct; proposed to extend the relational model outside the framework of a specific programming language. There is, however, another issue that deserves more attention (Wang 77, Mylopoulos 81): which features are needed to organize structural and procedural aspects of a complex schema in conceptually meaningful, interrelated smaller, This requirement is motivated by the units. following considerations:
Proposals exist in the literature addressing some of the previous issues, but none of them casts context of a specific solution in the the conceptual language. The possibility of organizing complex schema in parts has been considered for relational databaASTRAL (Amble 79). ASTRAL's module ses in mechanism is used to organize a relational schema hierarchically, so that if a module A is below a module B, everything exported from B can be imported in A. Other proposals have been given in the area of Artificial Intelligence, but for different purposes. The problem of interest here is the modeling of hypothetical worlds and belief spaces: "context", or "spaces", are organized hierarchically in PLANNER-like languages, as in ASTRAL, but data are not shared because contexts evolve indipendently (Montangero 78). An interesting use of these mechanisms appears in (Abrial 75). In Abrial's proposal, a global 74, Hendrix context is provided where data are stored New contexts can then be created permanently. with the possibility of specifying whether they are permanent or temporary. Database updates in a can be reflected in higher contexts context specified by the user. In (Hendrix 75) spaces have been proposed as an extension of contexts, in that they can be structured into an acyclic graph rather then a tree. View mechanisms are usually present in DBMSs. Relational systems are more powerful than those based on the DBTG proposal because a view is more general than a subschema, in that any relation derivable by an expression can be queried as if it were a relation of a view. This possibility is also present in some relational database programin which update operations may be ming languages, included in a module definition (Rowe 79, Shopiro 79, Wasserman 79). Among conceptual languages, a by ADAPLEX, with similar approach is adopted modeling while TAXIS and DIAL modules view, and "port" provide, respectively, the "script" mechanisms to model interaction with the user. These mechanisms restrict the objects accessible, but are not used in modeling views. The purpose of this paper is to propose a mechanism for conceptual modeling. structuring The presentation will be centered around Galileo, a strongly typed, interactive, programming lana brief guage (Albano 85a). In the next section is given. overview of the language Section 3 describes the notion of environment in Galileo and Section 4 contains examples showing how