在介绍完后,你要向考官主动打一下招呼,说一声“你好!”或“How do you do?”及“I am John, very glad to meet you here”。
海员英语面试164条(船长、大副、二副、三副适用)1、W h a t i s D P A i n I S M c o d e?D P A s t a n d s f o r D e s i g n a t e d P e r s o n(s)A s h o r e.H i s r e s p o n s i b i l i t y i n c l u d e s m o n i t o r i n g s a f e t y,p o l l u t i o n p r e v e n t i o n a s p e c t s o n t h eb e h a l f o f s h i p o w n e r.2、W h a t i s N C R i n I S M c o d e?N C R i s N o n-c o n f o r m i t y R e p o r t S h i p p i n g c o m p a n i e s n e e d t o e s t a b l i s h p r o c e d u r e s t o e n s u r e t h e s h i p f u l l y c o m p l i e s w i t h I S M p r o v i s i o n s.I f n o n-c o n f o r m i t y i s f o u n d,N C R s h o u l d b e s u b m i t t e d a s s o o n a s p o s s i b l e.3、W h e r e i s G o o d H o p e C a p e l o c a t e d?I t i s l o c a t e d i n t h e s o u t h e a s t c o a s t o f S o u t h A f r i c a.T h e s h i p w i l l m e e t i t t o t r a n s i t f r o m t h e I n d i a n O c e a n t o t h e A t l a n t i c O c e a n a n d v i c e v e r s a.4、C o u l d y o u l i s t o f n a m e e q u i p m e n t c o m p o n e n t o n b o a r d?M y p l e a s u r e,s i r!F o r e x a m p l e:w i n d l a s s,s t e e r i n g g e a r,m a i n e n g i n e, a u x i l i a r y e n g i n e,c r a n e,d e r r i c k,c a r g o h o l d s,h a t c h c o v e r,l i n e, p a i n t s,s e x t a n t,b i n o c u l a r,p i l o t l a d d e r,l i f e b u o y,l i f e j a c k e t, f i r e-f i g h t a p p l i a n c e,l i f e s i g n a l,n a v i g a t i o n l i g h t,s i r e n,a c c o m m o d a t i o n l a d d e r,t o r c h,s e a r c h l i g h t,a n d s o o n.5、W h o t a k e s c a r e o f d o c u m e n t s o n b o a r d?C a p t a i n,o r a s e n i o r o f f i c e r n o m i n a t e d b y t h e c a p t a i n.6、W h o k e e p s t h e M a s t e r k e y?T h e C h i e f O f f i c e r k e e p s t h e M a s t e r k e y.I n a d d i t i o n,h e k e e p s p a s s k e y a n d a c c o m m o d a t i o n k e y.大副不仅保存万能钥匙,而且还要保存走廊钥匙、生活区的房间钥匙等等。
船员英语英文面试-三副1. Could you give me a brief description of yourself?你可以做一个简短的自我介绍吗?My name is Hexi. I am 32 years old. I'm married and have a child.(I am single) I come from Dalian, a beautiful city near the sea. I like reading and playing football.I am a third officer now. I have experience in managing bulk carriers, oil tankers, and container ship.我的名字叫何西,今年32岁,我已经结婚了,并且有一个孩子(我是单身)。
2 .Please tell us about a favorite port where your ship has called.请谈一下你船曾经挂靠过的最喜欢的港口。
Shanghai Port is my favorite port.We called at there in 2018. The port is very big and the city is beautiful. Shanghai is famous in China and in the world. It has more than 80 berths in the port. Many container ships call at this port. Shanghai is famous for seafood and tall buildings. Many foreigners live in Shanghai. It is a modern port.上海港是我最喜欢的港口,2018年我们挂靠在那儿。
What experience do you have for this kind of job?你有过和这种工作相关经历吗?Here is a copy of resume. Please have a look.这是我简历,请您过目。
How long have you been at your present place of employment?你目前工作干多久?I have fifteen years experience in the education field.我在教育领域有15年工作经验。
I am looking for a job more suitable to my talents and that can satisfy my desire to be constantly challenged.我正在寻找一份工作,不仅能够更多地发挥我才能,而且又能满足自己不断寻求挑战愿望。
What salary expectations do you have?你期望薪水是多少?What kind of salary did you have in mind?你想要薪水是多少?Nothing less than six figures.不少于六位数。
Tell me about your educational background.告诉我你教育背景。
I graduated form Harvard with honors.我从哈佛大学毕业,成绩优异。
Why do you feel youre qualified for this job?为什么觉得自己适合这份工作?Ive worked in this profession for the past few years and Im well-known in the industry.我在这个领域已经工作好几年,在此行业中也是很有知名度。
船东英语口语面试Part 11.Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old.I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family, my wife and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years.我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.我持有某某证书。
Interview materialsGeneral question:1. Please briefly introduce yourself (as a deck / engine cadet) to us. Or tell us something about yourself.2. Please tell me what major you had in the marine university/college/school?3. What courses (subjects) have you learned during your studies there?Which courses do you like most? Why?4. Why do you want to be a sailor? Are you willing work hard? How long do you want to be a s ailor? Do you have any friend as a seaman? What do you know about seaman’s life?5. What other plans do you have for the coming 5 or 6 years?6. Do you think that sailing is a very ideal job for you? Could your brother follow your ste p?7. If Capt(CE) scold you? Will you fight back? Why?8. Have you got a girlfriend? If you have, will you miss your girlfriendwhen you work on board for a whole year?9. When do you want to get married?10. Do you have hobbies? What hobbies do you like best, why?11. Which country do you like best?12. what do you think is most important thing on-board ship? Second? Third? (safety)13. If you work on board for one year, will you be very home sick? Do you get a seasick?14. Please name some types of vessels in the world. What types ship do you like to join? Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker?15. Do you teachers talk English? Do they use English to have lesson?16. If you have a leave, how long do you want to stay home?17. What food do you like? There no Chinese foods in board, how do you feel?18. What will you do in your spare / free time? What kind of leisure activilies do you do?19. If you are asked to do a lot of jobs on board, will you have some complaint?20. In your opinion, how can you get along well with other in the work team?21. Do you know our company? How do you know? What do you know?22. How many departments are there in a vessel, and what are they?23. As far as you know, what equipments are there in the bridge/ deck/ engine department? Wh at positions are there on board?24. Tell me the whole name of the following anonyms: IMO, STCW78/ 95, SOLA74, ARPA, RADAR, GMDSS, MARPOL 73/ 78, IOPP, GPS, ISM.25. Have you ever worked on board the training vessel, and with whom did you work together o n board the training vessel? How many people were there in your ship? What did you do there?26. Can you use English computer? Can you rend / write / listen English? How long have you l earnt English?27. Why are you elder than your classmate? How do you think of your classmate?28.What is lifejacket? Lifeboat?29. Can you tell me where is bridge? Bow? Astern? Middle?30.How many kinds of Alarm do you know?31.What skills do you offer,that are most relevant in this job? / What skills would you like to develop in this job?32.What motivates you to do this job? /What interest you most about this job? What interests you less?Question for engine cadet:1. Why do you select to be engineer then not be officer? How many years do you plan to be Ch ief engineer?2. What is main engine? What are subsidiary engines? Tell me the name of some auxiliary engi nes.3. Tell me how the fresh water is produced through the fresh water generator?4. If you work as a 3rd engineer, what are your duty hours?5. What are the rough differences between the diesel oil and fuel oil?6. Tell me how about oily water separator and how to treat bilge water.7. Do you know Tanker? How much do you know Tanker? any different in engine room?。
JOB INTERVIEW QUESTIONSDirections: Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering the following questions, first as an interviewer. Then as an interviewee. Give medium-length answers. Be specific and positive.在面试中遇到答不上来的问题。
你可以说:“I am sorry,but I really have no idea about your question.If possible,could you give me hints to the answer to the question?”待人家给了一些启示或暗示而你仍然不能回答时,就不要让人家提供更多的暗示或提示了,而应该大大方方地告诉人家:“I am sorry ,I can not get the answer to your question.”至于一般常识性问题,不需太多思考就可以回答了;而对于比较复杂的问题,首先一定要仔细倾听,把问题的内容理顺一下,这在英语面试中特别重要。
你可以说:“I am sorry. I haven’t got your idea. But if possible, I would like to think about it for a short moment and then I would give you my answer.”如果考官询问船员太多个人隐私方面的问题,应试者不要鲁莽拒绝,而要稍微客气一些。
1. What are the responsibilities of the First Engineer on board a ship?The First Engineer is under the leadership of the Chief Engineer. He is responsible for the following.(1) Day-to-day running of the Engine room.(2) Management of the Engine department personnel.(3) Safety matters in the Engine room.(4) All maintenance and repair jobs on board ship(5) The main engine and its auxiliary equipment, steering gears, emergency equipments in engine room, etc.(6) Making and implementing the PMS (Planned Maintenance System)(7) Requisition for, receipt and control of spare parts and stores(8) Supervision of the jobs of engine crew.(9) Keeping watch from 0400 to 0800 and from 1600 to 2000 except for UMS operation.2. What is your emergency position on the Muster List on your last vessel?I control and operate the main engine except for the abandon-ship and fire in engine room emergency situations.3. Can you describe an emergency situation you ever encountered on board ships?No, I have never met any emergency situation before now.4. Which machineries and space parts should be under your charge?I should be responsible for the main engine, the service pumps for main engine, steering gear, accommodation air condition, provision of refrigerator and the emergency equipments. I should also prepare maintenance reports, fuel oil and lubrication oil samples analysis, inventory report of spare parts, store and spare parts requisitions, etc.5. Describe the procedure to start a fresh water generator, boiler, emergency generator?In case of fresh water generator:(1) Check the valves to make sure that they are in the normal position(2) Open the sea water valves of condenser and supply sea water to heating chamber(3) Start the sea water ejector pump to draw out the vacuum until the heating chamber vacuum reaches 93% (about 700 mmHg)(4) Open the water heating valves and keep the heating chamber temperature around 45 degrees Centigrade(5) When the condensed water reaches a certain level, start the distilled water pump, and keep its pressure no less than 0.2MPa.(6) Start chemical liquid feed pump.In case of automatic boiler:(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time to raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Confirm the boiler water supply pumps are in “Auto” condition(4) Switch on the power supply(5) Put the boiler control switch in “Auto” condition(6) Automatically start the boiler, close the air vent valve while the boiler steam pressure reaches 0.02 MPa.(7) Confirm the boiler can auto stop while it pressure reaches “high limit” (e.g. 0.7MPa)In case of manual boiler(1) Check the water level to make sure there is normal volume of water inside and put the feed water pump in “Auto” position(2) Open the vent valve on top of the boiler (if it is first time raise pressure from cold condition)(3) Put the draft fan in “Manual” position, and make preventive blow to avoid any possible explosion(4) Put the fuel oil pump in “Manual” position(5) Ignite fire by pressing the manual button, if the fire “On”, put valve(6) When the steam pressure reaches to 0.1MPa, close the air vent valve(7) After making sure that everything is in order, the normal burning can be done to make the steam pressure reach required levelIn case of emergency generator(1) Check the lube oil level in the crankcase and fuel oil level in the tank all in normal level(2) Check to see if there is any leakage(3) Check the air pressure if the generator is the air-started model; or check the battery voltage to see whether it is normal if the generator is of the battery start model(4) Also make sure there aren’t any obstacles around the machine.(5) Put the test switch in “Manual” position, and manually start it after maki ng sure that above-mentioned items in order(6) If you use “Auto test” model, or “Black out” model to test the emergency generator, you must inform bridge duty officer and Chief Engineer. And you cannot carry it until you get the permit from both of them. Otherwise, you must wait(7) “Auto test” must be carried out once every month. “Blackout” test must be carried out once every 3 months6. When the main engine cannot started by the compressed air, what are the possible causes? There may be the following causes(1) Air pressure is too low(2) The turning gear is still engaged(3) There may be operational fault(4) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(5) No fuel oil due to the fact that the fuel valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(6) Relative locked due to some safety device actions(7) Air distributor timing has been wrongEtc.7. When main engine stops after running a while, what are the possible causes?The following reasons may lead to the problem:(1) Some of the high injection pumps are sticked(2) There is no fuel oil because valve is not open or the fuel pump is not running(3) Lube oil pressure is too low, or control air pressure is too low8. What is the purpose of taking lube oil samples for analysis?By analyzing the lube oil sample, we want to know whether the lube oil meets the stipulated standards in viscosity, TBN (total base number), flash point, water contents, mechanic impurities etc.. If impurities (i.e. metals) are found, it means something wrong with the bearing and crankshaft. If the viscosity is lower than the standard, it may mean that fuel oil may have leaked into the lube oil system. Too much fuel oil in the lube oil system can lower the flash point of the lube and also may lead to possible explosion. The important figure is TBN. If the TBN is lower than the standard, itmeans the loss of the anti-acid ability and this will lead to the moving parts corrosive in the near future.9. What are the things you need to take note during the handover (before you sign off)?The outgoing First Engineer shall prepare a set of handover notes for the incoming First Engineer and shall ask the incoming First Engineer be familiar with the note contents. One copy of the handover notes with their signatures shall be given to the Chief Engineer for file. In general the handover procedure shall include the following(1) A tour of the engine room, with view of the engines, documents and equipments(2) Discussion on current and future engine and machine’s operation problems, spare part requirement(3) Information on the maintenance work and program(4) Dry dock repair list, if there if any(5) Discussion on the junior engineers or crew’s capacity and personalities(6) Survey status and requirements(7) Store and status of the ship’s safety equipment and machines(8) Current status of the ship’s safety equipments and machines(9) Safety and environment protection procedures and any special requirement by the company and in some areas in the world(10) Disciplinary procedures and management practice in the Engine department(11) Any other matters that the outgoing First Engineer thinks necessary and importantAfter the handover, the two First Engineers should sign all the Handover Checklist as evidence and for files.大管轮也是船上特别是轮机部非常重要的职位,所以交接班非常重要。
Englis h For Interv iewedbyShip’sowner1 . Couldyou introd uce yourse lf?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x yearsold. I hold a xxx certif icate. I have experi enced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a comput er system for manage ment(mainte nance). I suppos e that my Englis h is good enough for work. I am marrie d(single). Thereare 3 people in my family, my daught er and my son.我的名字叫X XX。
2.Wheredid you gradua te from?您是那里毕业的?I gradua ted from XXX univer sity(colleg e, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on boardten years.我在船上工作十年了。
4.Whichcompan y have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。
Typical questions in ship-owners interview1. Could you introduce yourself?My name is x.x.x. I am xx years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx.I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 4 people in my family, my wife, daughter and my son.2.Where did you graduate from?I graduated from XXX university (college, school,institute).3.How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for ten years.4.Which company have you served (worked for)?I have served xxx.xxxx.(COSCO, Maersk Line, Sinotrans Container Lines Co., Ltd. , China Shipping Container Lines Co., Ltd. , YML…)5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate.6. How many harbors have you ever been to?(Singapore, Hong Kong, Manila, Kobe, Tokyo, New York, new Castle, Antwerp, Rotterdam, Bangkok, Hamburg…)7. Which countries have you ever been to?(Japan, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, India, Italy, Spain, Germany, Korea…)8. What is your marital status?9. What nationality are you?10. What’s the name of your last ship?11. How old is the ship? When was the ship built?12. Where do the crew members come from?13. What’s the trading area of your last vessel?(Ocean-going, world widely, globally, fixed route.)14. Have you ever worked on chemical tankers or oil tankers?15.What ports did you often call at?16. What port do you prefer? What port do you dislike?17. How many countries have you ever been to? Which country do you like best?18. Which company did you serve?19. What kind of ship have you worked on?Questions on Certificates and Sea Experience20. Do you have a Duty Watch Certificate issued by the MSA?Yes, I have./ no, I haven’t.21. How long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 13 years.注意thirteen与thirty读音的区别22. When were you born?I was born in 1990. (nineteen ninety)23. Have you served as chief engineer (second engineer, third engineer, fourth engineer…)? Yes, I have served as chief engineer for several years./ no, I am sorry, even though I hold the chief engineer’s certificate, I have nev er served as chief engineer.CREW ON BOARD (DECK)船长MASTER/ CAPTAIN 大副CHIEF OFFICER/ MA TE二副SECOND OFFICER/ MATE 三副THIRD OFFICER/ MATE水手长BOSUN 木匠CARPENTER一水 A.B =ABLE SEAMAN 二水O.S =ORDINARY SEAMAN 甲板实习生DECK CADETCREW ON BOARD (ENGINE)轮机长CHIEF ENGINEER 大管轮SECOND ENGINEER二管轮THIRD ENGINEER 三管轮FOURTH ENGINEER铜匠FITTER 加油长/机工长NO.1 OILER机工MOTORMAN 加油/一机OILER抹油/清洁工/二机WIPER 轮机实习生ENGINE CADET电机员ELECTRICAL ENGINEER 电工ELECTRICIANCREW ON BOARD (SERVICE)大厨CHIEF COOK 水手厨CREW COOK大台(服务生)STEW ARD 二台(服务生)M/B MESS BOY24. What position do you apply for?/ what job are you applying for?I am applying for the position of …25. Do you have a passport? Do you have a seaman’s book?Yes, I have a seaman’s book./ no, I don’t have a passport.26. What education degree do you have now?I have an associate’s degree (专科).Post doctorate degree博士后, doctorate degree博士, master’s degr ee硕士, scholar’s /bachelor’s degree学士, associate’s degree专科, ### of technology工科, ### of art文科, ### of science理科.27. Do you smoke or drink?I am a smoker, but not a chain smoker. I don’t like to drink. Sometimes I drink a little beer. I believe that my s moking and drinking won’t become harmful to the safety of the ship and watchkeeping in any case.28. May I have your resume?Here you are./ sorry, I didn’t bring it.29. Is it difficult for you to work on a multinational crew ship?No, I don’t think so. In fact, I’d like to work on board a ship with multinational crew, since I can learn different cultures and communicate with them in English.Questions for student interviewees30.Why do you choose navigation as your career?Well, I like this job, since I have a chance to travel around the world and I will earn money to reward my parents as well.31. Why do you choose Jiangsu Maritime Institute?Well, I like Jiangsu, because I think Jiangsu has a rich resources of education, besides, teachers and facilities here are at the top.32. What is your favorite course? What is your least favorite course and why?Main engine is my favorite course, while electronic technology is not my favorite.Main courses船用柴油机Marine Diesel Engine 船舶辅机Marine Auxiliary Machinery船舶管理Ship Management 船舶电气Marine Electrization机械维护与修理Shi p’s Maintenance and Repair 轮机英语Marine Engineering English 轮机自动化Marine Machinery Automation33. Did you attend any activities during college life? If you did, do you think it is significant? Yes, I did. I like those activities, because I got a chance to exercise my abilities in those activities. In the future, I need to specialize in abilities of seamanship, leadership, cooperation and so on. And I also make friends by doing so.34. Are you satisfied with your study records? If you are not, how will you do if you have another chance?Well, I am satisfied with my study in my university./ no, I am not satisfied. I learned to balance the relationship between activities and study. On the other hand, I also practised my social skills. If I got another chance, I would work harder.35. Did you have a part time job? If you did, what have you learned?Sorry, I haven’t. /yes, I did. I learned to cherish money and respect my parents.36. Could you introduce your hometown? What is your hometown famous for?Yes, I could. My hometown is Dalian. It is located in the south of Liaodong peninsula. There are more than 5 million people there. It is famous for apples and seafood. Dalian is also one of the largest ports in china. In summer, I often swim at the beach. To sum up, I like my hometown.37. What is your favorite sport?I like football/soccer, because it is the most popular sport all over the world, I suppose.38. Do you like playing Mahjong? Why or why not?No, I don’t like it. It is time consuming.39. Why do you choose our company?Many positive reasons, one of them is that your company is well managed.40. What is your impression on my company?Sir, it is attractive. It is well managed. I think I will try my best to serve here.41. How will you plan your future?I will serve my job until I am promoted to chief engineer, and after that, I will still serve as chief engineer for several years.42. Have you passed the Competency Exam for fourth engineer?Yes, I have passed the first four courses, and I am confident that I will pass the last three courses in January./ Sorry, except for Marine Engineering English, I passed the other six subjects.43. Have you passed CET-4 or CET-6? What score did you get?I got 460 score in CET-4, and I think I have passed.44. What kind of web-sites do you often surf?I often surf some navigation web-sites such as . / I am interested in news web-sites such as .45. Do you have a girlfriend? Does she agree that you will work on board if you have to?Yes, I have. She supports me to be a seafarer. /No, I haven’t. But if I had, she should support me. Otherwise, I won’t fall in love with her.46. Why do you want to be a seafarer?I like to travel and collect stamps/coins. It is a good chance for me to achieve those. I will also make money for my family.47. Are the youngest son in your family? Are you independent enough?No, I am not. I am the eldest. / yes, I am the youngest, but I am not the family sun. I take good care of myself in college.48. If you feel homesick, what will do on board?Well, I will make phone call to my family or try to communicate with other crewmembers to release this pain.49. If I employ you, how much would you expect to earn?Well, you are the boss. I think you can arrange fairly according to your rules. But I can earn my salary with vim, vigor and vitality as well as my talent.50. Do you know your blood type?I know. It is type A/B/AB/O. / Sorry, I don’t know, since I’ve never checked it at the hospital.51. How did you find out my company?I was introduced by the senior crew. I browsed on the net and knew your company. I also know your company is one of the largest oil companies in the world.52. Will you consider immigrating to the united states when you find the states to be a beautiful country?No, of course not. I think China is the best.53. What color are your shoes?Oh, they are black.54. Do you get seasick? If you are seasick, will you continue your career? How will you release yourself?I tried to go on board and I didn’t feel seasick./ yes, I have felt that way. I suppose that I won’t stop when I feel seasick. I try to concentrate on other things, such as watchkeeping at work, chatting with crewmembers after work, and I also take some anti-seasick medicines. I don’t think it is a problem.55. If you find the food was not delicious, what would you do?I would try to adapt to the style. Since the others can eat it, I can also eat it.56. How long will you be a seafarer?Well, it’s hard to say. But I think I can work on board until I am promoted to chief engineer.。
船东面试应对指南一、Record of Service资历篇1. Nice to meet you! It's very nice to meet you! Glad to meet you! I'm very glad to meet you!Pleased to meet you! I'm pleased to meet you! A pleasure to meet you!注:上述用语可以选一使用,用礼貌的初次见面用语可以给船东良好的第一印象。
2.问:What's your name?Your name?I wonder what your name is.Could you tell me what your name is?答:I am ×××. 或My name is ×××.3.问:How long have you ever worked on board? 答:I have ever worked on board for ××years.4.问:Which company did you serve? Which company did you work for?答:I have served for ××.5.问:Where are you from? 答:I am from ×××.6.问:Are you married? 答:Yes, I am. 或No, I am still single.7.问:How many people are there in your family?答:There are ××people in my family. My wife, son(daughter) and I.8.问:Which certificate do you have now? Which certificate do you hold now?答:I have ×××certificate.或I am holding ×××certificate.或I am the holder of ×××certificate.注:主要证书如下:master certificate, chief mate certificate, second mate certificate, third mate certificate, first class radio electronic certificate, second class radio electronic certificate,9.问:What kinds of ship have you worked on?答:I have worked on many ships. Like ×××ship, ×××ship, and so on.注:一般做过多种类船的船员竞争成功率高。
船员面对船东面试实用英语Practical English for seafares interviened by shipowners一.资历测试1,nice to meet you! It is very nice to meet you ! glad to meet you .i am very glad to meet you .pleased to meet you. It is pleasure to meet you.Answer:加too eg.glad to meet you too2what is your name ?your name? may I know you name? could you tell me what is your name ?A I am or my name is ….(first name last name)3 how long have you worked on board?I have worked on board for 1 year.4 which company have you served?/which company have you worked for ?I have served …..5where are you from? I am from ……..6 are you married ? yes I am .no I am still single.7 how many people are there in your family?There are … peoples in my family .my wife ,son, daughter and I8what certificate do you have now?I have ….. certificate /I hold … certificate.(captain chief second officer)9what kinds of ship have you worked on ?I have worked on many ships .like ….ships.(oil tanker bulk carrier general cargo ship)10how many countries have y ou been to?I have been to many other countries .for example japan Russia India and so on.11 how old are you ? what is you age ? I am 18 years old .12 when were you born? I was born ……1965 nineteen sixty-five13 where did you graduate from? I graduated from GMC.14 have you served as ……?Yes I have served ….several years /i have served as …for a short time /no I am sorry ,even though I hold ….. certificate ,I have never served as it .16how many harbours have you been to?Many harbours ,for shanghai ……….and so on .17 what education degree do you have now? junior college.20 are you satisfied with you study record?Yes I think I am excellent.21could you introduce youself?My name is ,.... I am ......years old .i am from dalian .i graduated from .. (i)have …..certificate. I have worked on board for ….. years.22what position are you applying for ?I am applying for the captains position .24 my name is ….. I am …..years old ,I hold a ……certificate ,I have worke in oil tanker ,general cargo ship.i suppose that my English is good enough for work , I am married ,there are 3 people in my family my wife my daughter and I .27 what did you study in the maritime college?I majored in mavigation ,it includes the following subjects, collision avoidance,maritime English,and so on .工作经验特种船舶知识3can you tell me something about you last ship?I was in a ………named ……. ……GT .the minimum safe manning is 21 ,thecaptain was Chinese ,the ship is 10 years.7 do you smoke or drink?Yes ,I am smoker ,but not a chain smoker , I do not like to drink ,sometimes I drink a little beer ,smoking and dringing can affect the safety of ship.8 what chart did you use on you last board? BA chart11 it is a ocean-going vessel. We often visited north American ports .,european ports .south American ports and so on ?第三章驾驶常识测试1what safety measures must born in mind when mooring or unmooring operations at fore or aft?Wear helmet .gloves according to safety procedures made by the ship ,the chief officer and the second officer instruct the sailors all the time ,keep contact with bridge ,report situations to .fishing boat nearby ,other vessels or other conditions and so on.2 before entering an enclosed space .such as ballast tank ,what action will you tale.Prepare tools .test of oxygen and so on .communication means should be available between operators inside and watchman outside and so on .operators shouls wear protective clothing .working boots lifeline .also a markplate “dangerous operation in progress”should be established at the entrance.9SOPEP stands for shipboard oil pollution emergency plan.10How often do you have a safety meeting?According to the SMS on my last board ,it takes place every month .on arrival and departure from the port the ship will have a safety meeting.23what can be used as means of alerting in a lifeboat or liferaft?EPIRB SART two way VHF fire rocket.24what are some requirements to survire in lifeboat?Watchman inside and outside should be changed frequently ,all persons must wear warm clothes to prevent loss of body temperature.航海知识1how many departments are there on board?Deck department and engine department2 STCW 95 stands for STANDARDS of TRAINING CERTIFICATION and WATCHKEEPING for seafarers 19955 the biggest canals are the PANAMA canal the SUEZ canal and the KIEL canal6 could you list of the names of equipment on board?My pleasure sir for example steering geer ,main engineer,pilot ladder lifebuoy lifejacket fire-fighting equipment life signal mavegation light search light and so on.19 what maritime publications are available for your vessel?who takes care of them?Many publications are available for our vessel. Such as port to entry ,admiralty sailing directions admiralty lists of light and fog .admiralty lists of radio signals .admiralty tide taboes ,admiralty notices to mariners,the second officer takes care of them31 GMDSS stands for global maritime distress and safety system法律规章知识1 SOLAS stans for the safety of life at sea .2MARPOL means prevention of pollution from ships3 ISM international safe management4 the follouing information is usually required by the captain at noon.the position of the ship.the daily average speed,the total distance sailed,the general average speed.the distance to go to the next port ,the ETA.。
⼤管轮船东英⽂⾯试试题及参考答案1.WHAT IS THE 2E’S RESPONSIBILITY?A: To help C/E, receive orders, lead andsupervise other engineers and crewTo operate and maintain the main engine and associated machineriesPersonally supervise the operation/maintenance works for all plate typeheat exchangers Tocarry out watch keeping in E/RTo carry out work plants and toolbox meetingTo manage lubricating oilTo help C/E manage ship stores and carry out material requisitionTo prepare repair works requestsTo manage the pms2. WHATWILL YOU CHECKING BEFORE START A COMPLETE OVERHAULLED G/E? A: Check all suction valves and exhaustvalves head clearanceCheck all oil and cooling water drain line was air vent and closedCheck flywheel turning device is gear out positionCheck the valves of fuel oil, cooling water, lub oil, starting air linewas opened and do not have anyleakageCheck cyl liner inside have water or oil by open indicator cocks and setstart/stop lever in stop position and hold start switch pressing 2-3 seconds toeffect air running3.WHAT IS THE PROCEDURE FOR PREPARE THE SHIP DRY DOCKING?A: First we should be confirming this dry docking is for intermediatesurvey or for special survey (5 years interval). If for intermediate survey weonly prepare the items due time already or nearly 2-3 years from last dry docking,if for special survey we need prepare all items due time already or nearly 5years from last dry docking according CMS (continuous machinery survey) of PMS After we confirmed machinery items according PMS we can prepare therepair specification and send to company approve before 6-9 months of drydockingWhen company approved the repairspecification, according those repair items we can raise up MR before 3-6months of dry docking4. OWSOPERATING PROCEDURE AND HOW TO DISCHARGE BILGE WATER O/B ACCORDING MARPOL ANNEXI?A: First theOWS be operated only with the approval of C/E and the o/b v/v shall be always closedand locked when not in operationSecond the bilge shall be discharged o/b accordance with MARPOL Annex Iregulation 15, the ship is proceeding enroute, any discharge of oily waterautomatically stopped when oil content exceeds 15ppmThird disposal bilge shall be recorded in oil record book (part 1) andsigned by c/e and master and retention oil record book is 3 yearsFourth when approved by c/e ,OWS shall be operated by followingprocedures, before operation 2/e should becheck 15ppm alarm, check oil content meter, check o/b v/v closed and locked,check ship route and position. when operation 2/eshould be check operation condition and control system, check indication shownwith fresh water, establish circulating line and operate bilge pumps, open o/b v/v when oil content is below 15ppm,during operation OWS theODM shall be under automatic operation, no operationallowed if there is no day light hours.Remark: ANNEXI-prevention oil pollution >50nm ANNEX II-noxious liquid ANNEXIII-harmful substance ANNEX IV-sewage ANNEX V-garbage only food waste>12nm ANNEX VI-air pollutionSpecial areas: Mediterranean Sea, BalticSea, black sea, red sea, North Sea, gulf area ,Antarctic area,Omanarea,etcetera.5.HOW TO CHECK MAIN BEARING CLEARANCE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stop M/E and shut off main starting airv/v and starting air distributorEngage turning gearJust stopping engine, while L.O pp still running, check oil comes fromcrosshead bearing and guide shoes conditionTurncrankthrow to a suitable position and stop L.O ppCheck top clearance with a feeler gauge, the clearance is measured atboth fore and aft part of the bearing, if increase of clearance since previousreading larger than 0.05mm the bearing should be open up inspection, mainbearing top clearance max 0.85mm, min 0.55mmCheck bearing edges with feeler, check bearing metal fragments in theoil pan, large thick pieces will be found during crankcase inspection and smallthin pieces can enter the filter6.WHAT IS THE MAIN ENGINE PISTON TAKEOUT PROCEDURE?carryout tool box meeting and risk assessmentA: Stopped engine, block startingmechanism, shut off starting air, engage turning gear, shut off cooling water,fuel oil and L.OTurncrosshead down for enough to access to the piston rod stuffing box and pistonrod screws. Loosen stuffing box flange innermost screws and piston rod screws.Mount two distance pieces on the piston rod food to protect lower scraper ringand to guide stuffing box, dismount cylinder cover.Turn crosshead towards TDC, checkingstuffing box lands correctly on the distance pieces, turn to TDC, the top ofpiston now is free of cylinder linerClean lifting groove of piston crown andmount the lifting tool--fit two fixed claws of tool into lifting groove ofpiston and then fit the third adjustable claw and tightenLift piston out of cylinder liner7.Why an M/E can not start and what will you do?A: M/E fails to turnby air: staring air pressure too low- check and start air compressor,V/v on starting air receiver closed-open, v/v to starting airdistributor closed-open,Main starting v/v locked in closed position –open, turning gear engaged-disengage turning gear, control selectors arewrongly set-correct setting, control air system no pressure-check pressurenormally 7 bar clean filter, starting air v/v in cylinder cover defective-replace or O/H v/v M/E turns on starting airbut stops run on fuel oil: puncture v/v not air ventafter all replaced orO/H-air vent puncture v/v, shut down of engine-checkpressure and temp, reset alarm, sluggish in the manoeuvring gear-lubricate themanoeuvring gear, ensure the fuel pumps, rod connections and bearings aremovable, faulty adjustment of manoeuvring gear-check fuel pump index, governorair booster not supply oil pressure to governor during starting airperiod-check governor function, the preset speed setting pressure to governoris too low or too short- the pressure shall be setting between 1.6-2.0 bar andmaintained about 6sec, fault in governor-check governor oil prs, check limitingfunctions correctly adjusted and etc8.WHAT DO YOU CHECK IF M/E ALL CYL EXH. TEMP. HIGH?A: Scavenge air temp high due to air coolerdirty or cooling water not enough or cooling water high tempFouled air and gas passages due to T/C dirtyHeavy load or rough seaFuel quality not goodWrong position of camshaft, check chain tension9.WHAT DO YOU CHECK WHEN CARRY OUT SCAVENGE SPACE INSPECTION? carryout tool box meeting and risk assessment,enclosed space permite,toxic gas checksuch as O2,H2S,CO,BENEZEA: Inspect piston, rings and cylinder wallby piston is nearest BDC, check piston ring micro-seizure, scratched, sticking,breakage, carbon deposit conditionCheck total clearance between piston rings and ring groovesTo reduce risk of scavenge box fire, remove any oil sludge and carbondeposits in scavenge air box andreceiverCheck oil sludge drain pipe chock or not10.HOW DO YOU DETECT SCAVENGE SPACE FIRE, AND IF FIRE WHATS YOUR ACTION?A: DETECT:Exhaust temp increase of affected cylinder, scavenge air box fire detector alarm will coming setpoint 80 °C, rpm slow down 120 °CT/C may surgeSmoke out from T/C airinlet filter when surgingThe scavenge air box somuch hotterViolent blow-by willcause from scavenge box drain cockACTION:ask Bridgefor permission to stop engineStop F.O and L.O oilsupplyOpen the fireextinguishing steam v/v and neighborhood cyl. steam v/v to prevent firespreading Do not open scavengeair box before the fire extinguished and cooled down to below 100 °C Remove all sludge anddry deposits and clean piston rod cyl linerRetighten staybolts of scavenge air box11.DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER EXPERIENCE ABOUT IGG, M/E AND TURBINE PP ?A:YES,Sir.I had many experience about IGG and M.E cyl cover O/H and cooling jacket O/H 12.NCR---120RPM---10965BHPMCR---127RPM----12900BHP max.continous ratingMIN---32RPMCRITICAL---47—58RPM13.During SIRE inspection the OWS fail,howto do?A:Showthe test log to inspector and explain to him this is abrupt突然的condition,ask him to give few hours try tomodify the deficiency,and report to company.14.If the oiler wrong recorded the enginelog book ,how to do?A:Sir ,Our engine log book always record byengineers,because this is C/E’S log book,only engineers are permitted torecord.15.How to managament GE connecting rod bolt?A:By thetechnical sup. advises the connecting rod bolts should be renewed per 10,000hrsWhen renew connecting rod studs ,we shouldbe tightening 2 times,the first time without bearings tighten and check theupper and lower studs distance are similar ,also make the marking on the studand nut, the second time re-tighten nut ,ensure the marking on the stud and nutsame before.After GE O/H ,when 200hrs runningcomplete,retigten all connecting rod bolts as maker’s instruction manual16.DO you know MEremote control system?A:THE ME remote control system includingreversing,starting,stopping electrically-pneumatically,speed settingelectrically with a micro-computer from bridge by operating a single telegraphtransmitterIn control room ,ME contolled by telegraphreceiver for reversing,by maneuvering handle for starting,stopping,speedsettingAlso including safety syetem toautomatically slow down or shut down ME when abnormal condotion17.How to start ME on bridge control?A By putting telegraph in the A/H or A/S and startingair distributor change-over to A/H or A/S position,the reversing singal airwill give to reversing mechanismswhen the starting air is supplied,thereversing mechanisms change-over into A/H or A/S position after the ME rotationwhen ME speed reachesthe ignition level,the starting fuel is supplied,the starting air is cutoff,and change-over into fuel runningafter a preset timesince chang into fuel running,starting fuel setting of governor is released andME speed increased or decreased by telegraph transmitter position.18.After dry docking ship goes to sea trailwhat should be attention?A Checksea chest can fully closed and have leaky or not,all sea water and coolingfresh water line need air vent.19 When use M/E hydraulic tool what shouldattention?A Beforeuse the tool, we should air bleed the hydraulic jacket and make sure no have anyleaky on the connector side, for loosen the tight nut ,first we fully screw onthe hydraulic jacket and then need loosen half or one turn otherwise thehydraulic jacket will be stick on the stud when the tighten nut was loosed20 when ship receive bunker,which toxic gasshould be checked?AH2S<5ppm/8hrs BENZENE<1ppm/8hrs21 what will you do when oil companyinspection?A order all duty oilers to clean and painttheir cleaning area,to remove any leaky water,oil stainB orderall engineers to test logbook item such as em’cy equipment,fire fightingequipment,life save equipment and record on the log book, electrical engineertogether with charge engineeralso need test machinery safty alarm such as M/Eoil mist detector,M/E fuel oil leaky alarm,oily water seperator 15ppmalarm,bilge well high level alarm,A/E fuel oil leaky alarm,BOILER high water level,low and low low water levelalarmC OILRECORD BOOK should be correct record and sign by C/E and MASTER,E/R fire dampertest ,PMS update don’t have overdue item22 what is MARPOL convention?A MARPOLconvention is prevention pollution from ships23 what is PSC,what equipment in engine roomis usually inspected during PSC?A PSCmeans port state control, it aims to ensure safety of life at sea and marine pollutionprevention from ships,for engine department the main inspected itemsinclude:em’cyGE,S/G,em’cy fire pump,oily water separator and so on.24 If IGG oxygen content high,how to do?A we canincrease setting of “fuel capacity control set point”to decrease oxygencontent,also we can check the bubble have or not in oxygen analyser,maybesample gas pipe chock or filter dirty25 what we will be check the ship outsidehull during a dry docking?A wewill check overboard v/v condition especially the seachest,ICCP system,shiphull and propeller fouling condition by the marine life and corrosion conditionalso we check stern tube sealing sysytem26 How to check ME combustion condition?A we canjudge ME combustion condition via ME performance ,ME exhaust temp,ME exhaustcolor27 If a cooling water high temp alarmactived when only one GE running during your duty ,how to do?A I willquickly go to stop some not important heavy load equipments such as A/C,Ref’,ERfan to reduce GE load,and then start another GE,check the reason of alarm28 If ME Lub oil low pressure alarm activtedduring your duty ,what will you do and what the harmful to ME of this alarm?A ifship is sailing condition,we can stop it any time ,I will inform bridge to stopship,and check the reason ,maybe L.O Auto filter dirty inlet and outlet differpressure high we need clean filter or change to manual side using,L.O lineleaky,we neeed find out and remedy itif shipis manuevering condition,can not stop anytime,we need change Auto filter tomanual side ,if another reason such as pump fail change to st/by pump,if lub oilline leaky or other definciency can not remedy under a running engine we shouldinform bridge to anchorage ship and remedy the defincince ASAP29 At least how many hours rest per weekunder STCW convention,if some special condition less than regular how to do?A atleast 77 rest hours per week,if special condition ,anyway we will neverre⽅法。
English For Interviewed by Ship’s owner1 . Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我简介好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a computer system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(single). There are 3 people in my family,my daughter and my son.我名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业?I graduated from XXX university(college,school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years.我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您当前持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate,or I hold xxx certificate,or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。
面试问题高级船员 interview senior officer
Not OK
Needs Improvement
What is a "standard" and a "procedure"?
SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Have you been involved in any ship casualty, including pollution incident? (If yes, give details on a separate sheet). Do you have a disciplinary or claims case pending against you by previous employer(s) or any statutory authority? (If yes, give details on a separate sheet). Has your STCW Certificate (from national or other state administration) ever been suspended or revoked? (If yes, give details on a separate sheet). What is the "ISM Code"? Can you briefly describe its requirements? What is "SMC and DOC". What are their implications? What is meant by "Company Objectives and Policies? How will you identify these? What is "DPA"? What is his function? What is "SMS"? How will it help you to perform your duties? What is Master's Overriding Authority? You have chosen to exercise your overriding authority. What will you then do? How do you motivate and make the crew/officers aware of safety, environmental pollution precautions & other policies? How do you ensure that the Company's policies are implemented on board? What is an "Audit" - Internal and External?
(一)1.What's your date of birth?May 1st, 1988 was my birthday.2.What's your seaman's book number?L3699283.Where are you from?I'm from Jiangsu, China.4.What's your captain's nationality?Chinese, I think.5.What do you think is the most important thing on board?Safety.6.Which ports do you often call at?New York, London, Hamburg and so on.7.What is your favorite TV program?CCTV 5 Sports. /CCTV News.8.What is your favorite Web site?Sohu. /Yahoo. /Sina. /Baidu. /Google.9.What is your favorite day of the week? Why?Saturday. I can have a good sleep.10.What is your favorite kind of movie?Action film. /Horror film. /Comedy film. /Tragedy fi lm.11.What is your favorite kind of music?Classical music. /Popular music. /Rock and roll music.12.What is your favorite magazine?Readers. /Times. /Forum.13.What is the population of your hometown?More than 5 million people.14.What is the population of your country?1,300,000,000 (One point three billion people.)15.What is the best thing about your hometown?Dishes. /Food.16.What is the worst thing about your hometown?Traffic density. /Dirty environment.17.What'your home town like?It looks like a beautiful garden.18.Do you have many disasters in your country which are cau sed by weather?Yes. For instance, earthquake, typhoon, flooding, etc .19.What sports do you like to watch on TV?Basketball. /Soccer. /Swimming.20.What do you think is the most popular sport in the worl d?Basketball. /Soccer. /Swimming.2.Please say something about yourself.a ) Your name, age, rank, working experiences, hobbies.b ) Your daily work.c ) Your spare time activities.┏(^ω^)=☞My name is …I'm …years old. I'm from …N ow I'm studying in Jiangsu Maritime Institute. I major in n avigation. I will graduate next year. I have a wide range of interests. I like collecting stamps, and I can learn muc h knowledge from it. I like playing basketball and listening to music, too. But I don't like playing football and watc hing TV. I have many friends.3.Please say something about your family.a ) Members of your family.b ) Their occupations.c ) Their hobbies and characteristics.┏(^ω^)=☞My name is …I'm …years old. I'm from …T here are …people in my family. They are …My grandmothe r is over …years old, but she is very healthy. My fathe r is a …he is …years old. My mother is a …she is …(years old). They work very hard. I'm studying in Jian gsu Maritime Institute now. We love each other. We live a happy life.4.Your favorite port you have called at.a ) A simple introduction of the port.b ) Reasons why you like it.c ) Anything special about it.┏(^ω^)=☞I have called at Shanghai Harbor and I like it very much. Shanghai is a large seaport. It lies at the m outh of the Huangpu River on the east coast of China which connects to the Yangtze River. Everyday a number of ships with imported and exported goods come in and out of Shang hai Harbor. Large vessels of 50 thousand tonnages can enter it freely, and the annual shipping volume of Shanghai Harb or has reached about 440 million tons. There are a lot of stevedoring areas and the port has been equipped with diff erent kinds of advanced loading and unloading facilities. Sha nghai Harbor is playing an important part in our nation's s hipping industry.5.Please say something about your responsibilities on board.a ) Your position on board.b ) Your daily work on board.c ) Your duties on board.┏(^ω^)=☞I work as a third officer on M. V. Utopia. I do plenty of work on board. During navigation, I stand watc hes on the bridge and maneuver the ship. In port, I keep deck watches. At the anchorage, I take anchor watches. Besid es, I take charge of the fire-fighting and life-saving appli ances and keep them in normal condition. I am also responsi ble for signaling equipment, the International Code Signal fl ags and other flags, and for maintaining and accounting for all training publications and training aids.(二)1.Describe the responsibilities as a watch officer while the ship at anchor.a ) Regular operations for anchor watch.b ) Emergency handling in case of dragging.c ) Conclusion.While at anchor, the watch officer must keep a close anchor watch, particularly at the periods of maximum current. Bear ings must be checked frequently to detect dragging of the a nchor. Bearings of the ship's position at anchor will be pl otted on the charts and recorded in the deck log. When anc hor is dragging, let go another anchor at once. We can als o engine or let go more cables to increase the holding pow er, or heave away the anchor and then let go anchor again.2.Describe the proper way of using VHF.a ) How to operate VHF set proper.b ) General rules of using VHF.c ) Rules of using VHF Channel 16.Before using VHF, make sure your call is really necessary a nd switch VHF to the correct channel. Don't interrupt anothe r station's transmissions. Before speaking, check whether the transmit switch is on. Push the button to speak and relea se it to listen. Speak slowly and clearly. Always follow th e recommended VHF procedures. Channel 16is mainly used for d istress, safety and urgency, and it is used for calling cha nnel when you do not know other station's working channel. Distress calls have absolute priority over all other communic ations.3.Describe the procedures before arrival at a port.a ) The preparations from the bridge.b ) The preparations from the engine room.c ) The preparations from the deck.Before arriving at a port, the ship has to communicate with the port and pilot station by VHF, inform her ETA and ge t the necessary information about draft restrictions, fairway speed, pilotage, weather report, depths of water, tides, et c. Call master onto the bridge to give instructions and mon itor the operation of the ship. The engine room prepares to change oil and supply power. The deck crew members are at their different stations, testing the mooring machinery, moo ring lines and checking the pressure on fire main, etc. Sta nd by anchor and mooring lines.4.Describe the procedures before leaving a port.a ) The preparations from the bridge.b ) The preparations from the engine room.c ) The preparations from the deck.Before leaving a port, first decide whether the ship needs tug assistance and make necessary arrangements. Get informatio n on the weather, tides and the movements of the nearby ve ssels. Switch on gyro compass and repeaters, check the headi ngs of magnetic compass and repeaters, turn on and test the navigational aids, ensure deck power, telescope and binocula rs available and make arrangements for pilot's embarkation or disembarkation. The engine room prepares to change oil and supply power. The deck crew members are at their different stations preparing for leaving harbor. Test telegraph and e nsure main engines ready. Stand by for letting go all lines and heaving away anchor, etc.5.Describe the procedures of pilotage.a ) The general procedures for pilot request.b ) The preparations for receiving the pilot.c ) The general rules for pilotage.Pilotage at most of the ports in the world is compulsory. Before the ship's arrival, the captain communicates the pilot station by VHF. When you need a pilot, hoist flag "G". A n order for a pilot should be made beforehand. The job to take the pilot on and off the ship is done by the third officer or the duty sailor. They are responsible for the safety of the pilot. A pilot ladder, a heaving line, a lif ebuoy, a safety net, manropes, and lights should be prepared beforehand. The vessel should report the following to the pilot station, such as the ship's name, call sign, nationali ty, types of ship, total number of persons on board, presen t position, ETA at pilot station, intended route, etc. The pilot station should confirm the pilot boarding time and pos ition, the berthing time, etc. When the pilot has boarded, lower flag "G" and hoist flag "H".1.Have you ever studied SMS? What is SMS?A:Yes,I have studied SMS.SMS stands for a safety management system.你学过SMS吗?什么是SMS?是的,我学过,SMS是指安全管理体系2. Do you have ISM certificate?A: Yes, I am holding ISM certificate issued by你有ISM证书吗?是的,我有连云港船务公司签发的ISM证书4.What is DOC?A: DOC stands for “Documentation of compliance”.It is iss ued to a company.什么是DOCDOC是指符合证明,是签发给公司的。
海运操作英文面试自我介绍范文Hello, I'm excited to be here for this interview. My name is John, and I've been working in the maritimeindustry for over five years.My first exposure to shipping was through a summer internship, where I learned the basics of cargo handling and documentation. That experience sparked my interest in the intricate world of international logistics.I've since gained hands-on experience in coordinating shipments, liaising with shippers and receivers, and managing customs clearance. I pride myself on my ability to handle complex logistics challenges and ensure smooth sailing for our clients' cargo.One of my strengths is my ability to communicate effectively with people from diverse backgrounds. Whether it's negotiating with suppliers in Asia or collaborating with customs agents in Europe, I'm confident in my languageskills and cultural awareness.Outside of work, I enjoy staying up-to-date with industry trends and regulations. I believe continuous learning is crucial in this ever-changing field, so I invest in personal development opportunities to keep myself sharp.In summary, I'm a motivated, results-driven professional with a passion for shipping and logistics. I'm looking forward to bringing my expertise and enthusiasm to your team and contributing to its success. Thank you for considering me.。
货运英语面试题及答案1. What does the term "FOB" stand for in shipping?FOB stands for "Free On Board," which is a term used in shipping to indicate the point at which the responsibilityfor the goods passes from the seller to the buyer.2. Explain the difference between "LCL" and "FCL" in cargo shipping.LCL stands for "Less than Container Load," which refers to shipping goods that do not fill an entire container. FCL stands for "Full Container Load," which means the goods fill an entire shipping container.3. What is the role of a freight forwarder in the shipping process?A freight forwarder acts as an intermediary between the shipper and the carrier, organizing the logistics of moving goods from the point of origin to the final destination. They handle documentation, customs clearance, and other shipping requirements.4. How do you calculate the cubic capacity of a cargo?The cubic capacity of a cargo is calculated by multiplying the length, width, and height of the cargo. The formula is: Cubic Capacity = Length (m) x Width (m) x Height (m).5. What is the meaning of "ETA" and "ETD" in shipping terminology?ETA stands for "Estimated Time of Arrival," which is the expected date and time a shipment will arrive at its destination. ETD stands for "Estimated Time of Departure," which is the expected date and time a shipment will leave its point of origin.6. Describe the process of container stuffing.Container stuffing is the process of loading cargo into a shipping container. It involves placing the cargo carefully to maximize space, secure the items, and ensure the container is ready for transport.7. What are the common types of shipping documents?Common types of shipping documents include the Bill of Lading, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Certificate of Origin, and Insurance Policy.8. How does the Incoterms 2020 update affect international trade?The Incoterms 2020 update provides a set of international rules for the interpretation of trade terms in contracts for the sale of goods. It includes changes to existing terms and introduces new terms to reflect the current practices in international trade.9. What is the purpose of a Bill of Lading?A Bill of Lading is a legal document that serves as a contract of carriage between the shipper, carrier, and receiver. It lists the details of the cargo, the terms of the shipment, and acts as a receipt for the goods.10. Explain the term "Dead Freight" in shipping.Dead Freight refers to the cost incurred by a shipper or carrier when a container or vessel is not fully utilized, resulting in wasted space and reduced efficiency. It is the charge for the unused space.。
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English For Interviewed by Ship’s owner1. Could you introduce yourself?您做一下自我介绍好吗?My name is x.x.x. I am x.x years old. I hold a xxx certificate. I have experienced of xx. Xxx. Xxx. I can use a com puter system for management(maintenance). I suppose that my English is good enough for work. I am married(sin gle). There are 3 people in my family, my daughter and my son.我的名字叫XXX。
2.Where did you graduate from?您是那里毕业的?I graduated from XXX university(college, school).我毕业于某大学(某学院,某学校)3.How long have you worked on board?您在船上做多久了?I have worked on board ten years.我在船上工作十年了。
4.Which company have you served (worked for)?您在那个公司做过?I have served xxx.xxxx.我在某某公司做过。
5.What certificate (license) do you hold now?您现在持有什么证书?I have xxx certificate, or I hold xxx certificate, or I am the holder of xxx certificate. 我持有某某证书。
6.How long do you have the certificate of C/E(2/E,3/E….)?您持有轮机长证书多久了?I hold the xx certificate(xx years) in xxxx.我持有轮机长证书有某某年了,或在某某年我持有轮机长证书。
7. What kinds of ship have you worked on?您都做过那些类型的船?I have worked on many ships, like xxx ships, xxx ship and so on.我在许多船上工作过,像某某船,某某船,等等。
8.Which classification society is your ship registered with?您的船是在那个船级社注册的?DNV, OR NK, BV, LR, CCS…..9. Where was your last vessel’s trading area? Which ports have you called?你上一条船的航行区域?都到过那个港口?Ocean-going, world widely, globally,fixed route.远洋,全世界,全球,固定航线。
10.Have you served UMS?(UMS=Unmanned Machinery Space)您做过无人机舱船吗?Yes, I have served UMS, or No, I am sorry, I have not.时的,我作过无人机舱。
11.(How long) have you served as C/E, 2/E……?您轮机长有多长了?Yes, I have served as C/E several years(times)是的,我做轮机长有若干年了(若干次了)12.What kinds of main engine and generator engine have you worked on?您都做过那种类型的主机和发电机?Oh, several models, for instance, main engine: SUZER RND68, 6700KW; B&W5L45GA 3200KW; MAN KZ70/1 200 5300KW; B&W6L68GFCA 7570KW. Generator engine; YANMAR 6ML-HTS270KW……..13. Could you tell the power of (M/E) generator/engine which you have ever worked on?您能告诉我所做过的主机(发电柴油机)的功率吗?Ok, 6UEC52LS6500KW; (YANMAR 6ML-HTS270KW), on board ship M/V xxx.14. What type of engine did you have on your last ship?您上一次做的船是什么型号的柴油机?The vessel I worked on last time is a bulk carrier with SUZER RND68 engine.我上一次做的船是。
15.Have you worked any ship that caused damage in critical equipments?您做过的船发生过重大机损吗?No, I served my job cautiously, and my colleagues were also diligent. We kept the vessel in safe operation. If I wer e employed by your company. I were also serve my duty with diligence.没有,我工作是非常谨慎的,并且我的同事也是非常勤勉的。
16.Did you have a planned maintenance system(PMS) for your last ship?您上次做的船有计划维护体系吗?Yes, I observed instructions from the shipowner and the system was controlled and managed by computers.是的,我遵守船东的指示并且系统是由电脑控制和管理的。
17.The ISM Code required preventive maintenance schedules. How do you make your maintenance schedules? 安全管理规则要求做到预防性维护。
你如何作出预防性维护计划?According to the ISM Code, the preventive maintenance plan is made based on the ship’s“Planned Maintenance S ystem” and the machinery running hours records. This plan should be made on an annual basis(or a five-year basis ). Usually, the monthly maintenance schedules are made based on the annual preventive maintenance plan and the basic occasional maintenance work.根据ISM规则,预防维护计划是基于船舶的“PMS”和机械运转时间记录来制定的。
18.What is the purpose of the ISM Code? What is DPA in ISM Code?ISM 规则的目的是什么?ISM规则中DPA是什么意思?The purpose of this Code is to provide an international standard for the safe management and operation of ship’s of ships and for pollution prevention.DPA stands for Designated person(s) Ashore. His responsibility includes monitoring safety, pollution prevention as pects on behalf of the shipowner.ISM 规则的目的是提供针对船舶安全管理和操作以及防污染的一个国际标准。
19.What does DOC imply?DOC 表示什么?DOC stands for “Document of Compliance”. The marine shipping company should establish and maintain procedu res to control all documents and data which are relevant to the SMS. Each ship should carry on board all document ation relevant to that ship.DOC 表示符合文件。
20.What is SMC?SMC 表示什么?SMC means Safety management Certificate. It should be issued to a ship by the administration or an authorized or ganization.SMC是指安全管理证书.他是由船旗国指定的机构和组织对船舶签署的证书。