
在自然主义小说中, 小说家感兴趣的另一个话 题便是性本能。自然主义小说家从生理学的角度来 解释男与女之间的互相吸 引。因此, 在自然主义小说 中很少有缠绵悱恻的浪漫爱情故事, 男人和女人因 为各自的性本能的驱动而走到一起, 人物的命运也 经常是悲惨的。在《嘉莉 妹妹》中, 在嘉莉身上体现了 人对于物质的贪求, 在杜洛埃和赫斯特伍德身上则
德莱塞幼年饱尝家庭贫困之苦, 深刻体会到贫 穷对人造成的影响。青年时期的记者经历又使他对 社会和人性有了深入的理 解。在人性的问题上, 他强 调人的生物性。他的长篇小说探讨的一个重要问题 是本能与动 机之间的关系问题。诚如他自 己所言, 从
他 开 始 文 学 生 涯 之 日 起 , 便 痛 下 决 心 要 琢 磨 透“ 这 个 叫 人 的 动 物 ”, [2]并 要 忠 实 的 描 绘 他 。 德 莱 塞 认 为 人 的 天 性 本 能 , 或 叫 欲 求 、自 然 冲 动 , 是 驱 使 人 行 为 的 动因, 人的一举一动与自身的机体组织有密切的关 系。他认为, 人的本能的力量十分强大, 是人所无法 控制的。在《嘉莉妹妹》中, 德莱塞 主要探讨了人的物 欲及性本能对人的命运的决定性影响。
二、嘉莉妹妹对物质享受的无尽 的追求
《嘉 莉 妹 妹》讲 述 了 乡 下 姑 娘 嘉 莉 为 了 改 变 自 己 的命运来到芝加 哥追求自己希望的幸福生活 。可是, 芝加哥的冷酷的现实使她的希望破了产。生存的压 力与对物质 的追求使她先后委身于两个 男人。后来, 她一步步地取得了自己渴望的物质成功, 成了纽约 百老汇的当红喜剧明星, 而她曾经的情人赫斯特伍 德则从显赫的酒吧经理的位置上跌落下来, 成了街 上的乞丐, 最后悲惨地死去。阅读这部小说, 我们很 容易注意到嘉莉在走向物质上的成功的过程中, 她 的不断升级的欲望起了重要的作用。

本科毕业论文题目浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的人物形象学院文学与新闻传播学院专业汉语言文学年级2011 级学号**********姓名汪琴红指导教师陈永兰成绩年月日目录摘要 (1)关键词 (1)Abstract (1)Key Words (1)一、嘉莉的美好形象 (2)(一)美丽单纯 (2)(二)热情而富于青春幻想 (4)(三)努力实现自我 (5)二、嘉莉性格的弊端 (7)(一)贪图物质享乐,爱慕虚荣 (7)(二)道德观念上的模糊与匮乏 (8)(三)观察能力与分析能力尚不成熟 (9)结语 ................................................................................................错误!未定义书签。
注释 . (11)参考文献 (12)浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的人物形象摘要:在德莱塞的长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》中,女主人公嘉莉表现出了独特的性格特征:一方面她美丽单纯、热情而富于青春幻想,努力实现自我;另一面她贪图物质享乐、爱慕虚荣,观察能力与分析能力尚不成熟,在道德观念方面的匮乏与模糊的性格缺陷也展露无疑。
关键词:《嘉莉妹妹》正面形象反面形象意识的觉醒Abstract:In Dreiser's novel "Sister Carrie", the heroine Carrie showed a unique character: on theone hand, her beautiful and pure, warm and full of youthful fantasies, and strive to realize the self; the other side she covet material enjoyment, vanity, ability and observation and analysis ability is not mature, the lack of moral concept and fuzzy character defects also showed no doubt. Her show a person really should have advantages and disadvantages, showing a new generation of female image. This paper further analyzes the above several aspects of the show on the Jail Li body charm of personality.Key Words:Conservatism, Sister Carrie, positive image, negative image, The awakening of consciousness故事发生在19世纪末的美国,当时新兴工商业城市相继崛起,大批的乡村人口涌进城市。


山西农业大学学报第27卷(第5期) 000020J.Shanxi Agric.Univ.No.5Vol.272007收稿日期:2007208228作者简介:王蓉(19752),女(汉),山西运城人,讲师,硕士,主要从事英语文化与语言的研究。
嘉莉妹妹的新女性形象分析王蓉(山西农业大学文理学院,山西太谷030801)摘 要:西奥多·德莱塞的第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》是美国文学史上一部具有划时代意义的优秀作品。
关键词:嘉莉妹妹;新女性;自我实现;独立;中图分类号:H315 文献标识码:A 文章编号:167128151(2007)0520054202An Analysis on the Im age of N ew Woman of Sister C arrie WANG Rong(College of A rts and S cience ,S hanx i A g ricultural Universit y ,T ai gu S hanx i 030801,China )Abstract :In the history of American literature ,Carrie Sister shaped by Theodore Dreiser was al 2ways a focus of controversy.Based on the emergence of new woman ,this paper analyse from dis 2tinct character ,strong will and independence to illustrate the new woman ’s image of Carrie.K ey w ords :Sister Carrie ;New woman ;Self -actualization ;Independence ; 西奥多·德莱塞是二十世纪美国第一位杰出的自然主义作家,他的第一部小说《嘉莉妹妹》(1990)是美国文学史上一部具有划时代意义的优秀作品。

关键词欲望本我自我超我需求一、引言西奥多・德莱塞(Theodore Dreiser,1871-1945)是20世纪美国文坛上一位杰出的作家,也是美国现代小说创作的先驱。


关键词:《嘉莉妹妹》嘉莉女性角色《嘉莉妹妹》是20世纪美国现实主义作家德莱塞(1871 -1945)创作的长篇小说,小说的背景是19世纪末20世纪初,美国在第二次工业革命推动下,工业总产量跃居世界第一,成为全球经济霸主,经济腾飞不可避免地带来意识形态的变化。

摇椅上的欲望——评德莱塞的《嘉莉妹妹》摘要:西奥多·德莱赛(1871- 1945)是二十世纪美国最重要的作家之一。
19世纪末期间的工厂产量, 现代城市的显著性消费创造了前所未有的财富。


An Analysis of the Personalities of Sister Carriein Sister Carrie《嘉莉妹妹》中嘉莉的性格分析摘要《嘉莉妹妹》是美国小说家西奥多·德莱塞的第一部长篇小说, 嘉莉妹妹是文中的主角,作品揭露出一位在现实社会生活中温柔,善良,美丽的社会乡村少女在资本主义社会环境中转变成为独立,自信,聪明,优雅,有内涵的新女性,刚开始嘉莉妹妹把自己的希望寄托在男性身上,结果自己遭受了两次欺骗,到后来她认识到只有通过自己的努力才能改变自己的命运。
关键词:嘉莉妹妹;性格分析;性格形成原因;作者写作目的AbstractSister Carrie is written by American Theodore Dreiser. Sister Carrie is leading role. In the works, Sister Carrie is described as a gentle, kind-hearted, beautiful, country girl, eventually; she turns into be a independent, confident, smart, elegant, new metropolis female. In the beginning, she puts her hope on male. Unfortunately she is deceived twice by men. In the end she appears on Broadway red throne through her hard efforts and becomes a new independent metropolis female.This article, aiming at the analysis of sister Carrie’s characters, introduces readers a new independent female who can’t rely hope on anybody only through her own efforts to achieve self-value and success. At first, a new female must obtain economical independence to gain personal independence, and win the respect of others. Owning to her efforts, Sister Carrie becomes a female with financial independence, confidence and inner beauty.Key Words: Sister Carrie; character analysis; cause of formation; the writer’s writing purposeContents摘要 (I)Abstract (II)1. Introduction (1)2. The Characters of Sister Carrie (1)2.1 Innocence and Simplicity (1)2.2 The Character of Sister Carrie after Her Coming into City (2)2.2.1 Her Diligence and Gumption (2)2.2.2 Her Romantism and Realism (3)2.2.3 Her Independence and Persistence (4)2.2.4 A Forceful Woman in Life (4)3. The Reasons of the Formation of Sister Carrie’s Later Personalities (5)3.1 Internal Causes (5)3.1.1 The Backgroud of Family (5)3.1.2 Rebellious Character (6)3.2 External Causes (6)3.2.1 The Background of Capitalism and Consumerism (6)3.2.2 The Influence of Individual Experience (7)4. Defects of Sister Carrie’s Personality (7)4.1 Her Vanity (7)4.2 The Lack of Rational Education (8)5. The Writer’s purpose (9)6. Conclusion (9)Bibliography (12)Acknowledgments (13)1. IntroductionSister Carrie is the first novel written by the American novelist Theodore Dreiser When the industrial and commercial cities have been rising, a large number of rural population have poured into the city. Carrie,eighteen years old, a smart and simple girl, in order to get rid of poverty, boards on a train to Chicago with only four U.S., hoping to have a better life. However, the harsh reality breaks her dream because of her unemployment and disease. In desperation, she becomes the mistress of the salesman Chas.H.Drouet, and then she comes across a hotel manager, G.W. Hurstwood who was attracted by her simple beauty. Hurstwood lures Carrie to New York, stealing the money of the hotel. In New York, because of Hurstwood’s deteriorating economy and unemployment, Carrie is forced to find job. Then she earns their living by hard work. Finally, owing to chance, she becomes a popular actress, squeezing into the high society and abandons poor Hurstwood. Carrie is famous for her persistence and effort. But she is not happy, even feels lonely.This paper is divided into six sections. The first chapter introduces the background of Sister Carrie. The second chapter reviews the characters of Sister Carrie. At first the personalities of Sister Carrie is analyzed in the rural areas, and then the characters of Sister Carrie is analyzed in the city. The third chapter analyses the reasons of Sister C arrie’s personality’s formation. The fourth chapter tells Sister C arrie’s defects of personality.The fifth chapter analyses the writer’s intention. In the last chapter the Sister C arrie’s characters are summarized.Duing to her complicated characteristic, a few questions need to be asked. What kind of person she is? What are the causing factors to the formation of her characters? What are defects in her personality and why does the author create such a character?2. The Characters of Sister Carrie2.1 Innocence and SimplicityIn the first place, she is a brave girl.“When Sister Carrie boarded the afternoontrain for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow leather snap purse, containing her ticket, scrap of paper with her sister’ s address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money,”(Theodore Dreiser,1981:1-2)from the paragraph, we can see she is a courageous girl. When Sister Carrie goes out alone with little money, she is only eighteen years old. In the second place, she is easy to be moved by heterosexual complaisance and sweet words at the train for Chicago. She encounters Drouet on the train for Chicago and after getting off the train, Drouet asks for taking the package for Carrie, she says, “Very kind of you.” and feels that it is really lucky to get such a complaisant care in a strange land. Besides, at the train she gives a heterosexual stranger her address after they communicate with each other after a while without the vigilanceIn conclusion, it can be seen that Sister Carrie is brave, innocent and simple.2.2 The Character of Sister Carrie after Her Coming into city2.2.1 Her Diligence and GumptionCarrie’s diligences are found expression in the work. She goes out to find a job the next day she arrives in Chicago. For running all day, she finally finds a job in a shoes factory with a payment of five point four dollars every week. Though having to work long hours in a poor working condition with a low pay, long working hours, poor working conditions, she endures that. Later because she wears thin clothes, she gets a cold and loses her job. If she does not find a job, her sister wants to ask her to go home. But she does not give up living in Chicago; finally she becomes the mistress of Drouet. And at that time, the Masonic which Drouet belonged to is performing a “fund-raising Play”. At the meantime, the play lacks of heroine. Drouet asks Carrie to have a try, so Carrie replies to try. From that moment Carrie practices painstakingly at home every day and then it is a good choice to get rid of privation. So she knows that if she wants to succeed, she has to work hard and finally Carrie performs this role successfully. This experience lays a solid foundation for her to success in the Broadway. Hurstwood lures Carrie to New York and they lives together. Carrie is a housewife in her first time, before Hurstwood loses his job and stays at home. Theenvironment is getting increasingly embarrassment; Carrie has to go out to look for a job to do. Although she is only a humble chorus actor in a choir, then she does not give up hope and makes an effort, eventually she becomes more and more popular, enjoying a prosperous life. Without her hard work, Carrie could not have been successful at last. Her gumption is expressed in the way how she improves herself. In Chicago, Carrie learns the conversations and manners of the people in graded society.2.2.2 Her Romantism and RealismHer romance is reflected in her illusion. Her romantic fantasy is that she will eventually get back as long as she works hard. Only in this way her hard work will not be wasted. After she finds a even low-paid job, she imagines that she will be happy. Her fantasy is that she has a nice future than before—live a happy life waiting for her “For the next day Carrie indulge d in the most high-flows peculation. Her fancy plunged recklessly into privileges and amusements which would have been much more becoming had she been cradled a child of fortune. With ready will and quick mental selection she scattered her illusion four-fifty per week with a swift and graceful hand. Indeed, as she sat in her rocking-chair these several evenings before going to bed and looked out upon the pleasantly lighted street, this money cleared for its prospective possessor the way to every joy and every bauble which the heart of woman may desire. I will have a fine time, she thought”(Theodore Dreiser,1981:1-3). But her fantasy is soon shattered, and in this competitive metropolis, it is very difficult for one without any experience to find a work. Earning four point five dollars salary per week and working in poor condition are almost unbearable for her. Besides she also needs to pay her sister and brother-in-law for food. The rest of salary is not enough to offer her necessaries. Moreover her job is lost, because she is ill for three days. Her romance is also reflected in her emotional fantasies. Her first fantasy is that Chas.H.Drouet will marry her after she becomes his mistress. When she comes cross Mr.G.W.Hurstwood and lives together with him. Her second fancy is that she and Hurstwood will have an ideal combination. But the Drouet does not really want to marry her, and then the Hurstwood just avoids his wife’s outrage and rudeness to find a safe haven. Finally her emotional illusions have been shattered totally. Althoughachieving fame and fortune, she still is not happy, even Hurstwood has returned his original beauty and glory, he could not allure her. She knows that these material substances are not happiness in her own present state. Fame is not everything. She has twice been deceived by men, so that she no longer holds the magic about life and love. Her romance is because she does not understand that social competition is brutal, sinister. What’s more she does not get the people’s hearts. Her reality is because life hones church she no longer easily believes a man. Only by own efforts to live the life you want.2.2.3 Her Independence and PersistenceCarrie’s independence is not spontaneous, but is forced out. She comes to Chicago to stay with her sister and brother-in-law’s home and ha s to look for a job by herself, and then when she gets a job, she must pay the meals for her sister. After she is unemployed, she is not welcomed; they propose her to return home. At that time Carrie encounters Drouet when she is in distress, and she takes him as the last straw, which makes her abandon relations to go alone. And breaking up with Drouet, she has to find a job again. Later she is lured to New York by Hurstwood, Carrie cannot stand with poor life, and Hurstwood cannot find jobs. Their life has a problem, so she goes out again to look for a job, and tries several times. And finally she becomes a famous actress in the Broadway in a small chorus. Her persistence is embodied in searching jobs. In a prosperous city, she cannot find job after running all day. But she doesn't give up. At that time, she is only an eighteen years old. Although feeling shy and ashamed, she is full of courage to have a try. Finally, she obtains job through her efforts. In the end she becomes a famous actor and gets success through her persistence.2.2.4 A Forceful Woman in LifeCarrie dares to face the difficulties of life, and takes an optimistic attitude to face the difficulties. When she arrives in Chicago, in order to adapt to living in a flourishing city, she begins to change her mind. She does not only simply abandon the lifestyle of her mother’s generation, but also makes efforts to adapt to the new way of life in modern America. At first the initial stage of herself-fashioning, when Carrielives with her sister Minnie, she begins to focus on self-fashioning. She separates from her sister Minnie, because her sister is a traditional woman who is busy with household chores every day and seems to have lost herself, and the thought of tradition life is what Carrie wants to abandon, so Carrie would like to choose a new way of life. Carrie earns money to buy beautiful clothes for her and wants to go entertainment. She knows what kinds of life she wants. When living into the apartment with Drouet, Carrie starts to model herself in ideal. In addition to cultivate her, Carrie pays attention to the behavior and wants to be more elegant as well as more temperament. As a result, she becomes a quite charming girl. At the same time, she walks in graceful footsteps, not so heavy, she is beautiful and elegant. Eventually Mrs. Vance introduces her cousin Armstrong to Carrie; Armstrong’s thoughts have influence on Carrie about having a great degree, which makes her pursue the spiritual world from the initial simple material desires to the pursuit of art. That makes Carrie begin to realize that the pursuit of material comfort is not enough; the pursuit of spirit is the most important to her.3.The Reasons of t he Formation of Sister Carrie’s Later Personalities 3.1 Internal Causes3.1.1 The Backgroud of FamilyOrigin often leaves imprint in one’s personality or inner world. Carrie’s extreme thirst for material and her lack of rational are found a little clue in her early life in Colombia. She is afraid of returning home. Her sympathy for the poor and downtrodden people, as well as fear about the fate dating back to her father’s life mixed with complex feelings of pity and shame. Therefore, she has to be persistent in finding a job and offer fundamental life by herself. Walking in the streets of the city, she sees the clothes shabby girl and despair of those pale and shabbily dressed men; she will bit her lip with standing. Although the principle is often nagging around her ears, but it can’t save herself from her strong fear of being likely to suffer that fate. So she wants to make her every effort to achieve her goal. Carrie’s mind can’t defuse thetension of painful memories from the childhood which is most clearly seen in her relationship with men. Carrie measures their value directly whether they offer her food, shelter, clothing and pleasure within the capacity of the external factors, which is call of her nature. She continuously obtains material substances from men when she is missing something. Unfortunately she always suffers pain. Finally she reaches her dream by her efforts and independence.3.1.2 Rebellious CharacterLeaving a tearful mother, Carrie boards on train to a strange and complicated big city. We could feel tne courage of an 18 years old young girl and the heart of the rebel. With a taste prosperity of Chicago, she soon begins to resist common lifestyle of the brother-in-law. Then, just as leaving her hometown in Wisconsin, Carrie once again escapes from the residence of a brother-in-law, matting her relationship with a man’s privacy. This is the strongest hint of rebel, and also leaves a clue that she doesn’t only actualize herself, but also becomes new metropolis female.3.2 External Causes3.2.1 The Background of Capitalism and ConsumerismThe background of the novel is based on the economic condition in nineteenth century early USA dominated by agriculture. The transition from agricultural economy depending on family to capitalist economy relying on operating capitalism mainly is based on the development of industry in nineteenth century. Working out of the family is more and more prevalent. Meanwhile women at the nearest large cities search for work, which reflects an international trend. Women start to work out of the family and pursue themselves. By 1890, the national labor consists of 17% women. Thanks to capitalism and consumerism background, the traditional idea that women should pay totally attention to husband and children converts to working out of family. Sister Carrie is one of women working out of the family.Capitalist economic development relies on the rapid transfer of products from producers to consumers. The most important social changes described in the novel is from the production to consumption. On the one hand the mass retail has wider implications; on the other hand customers benefit from low prices and a wide range ofoptions. In this way the consumers are related with consumption. Particularly, Sister Carrie is a potential consumer who desires to control her fate and reach her goal. She realizes that she needs to get her dream through hard effort. So capitalism background is an indispensable element for Carrie to model a new metropolis female.3.2.2 The Influence of Individual ExperienceChicago is a city full of hope, luck and rise. At the beginning of the novel author wants to preach a concept “the city is full of cunning deception, rather than any man in Chicago attracted heroines”. Carrie looks forward to Chicago “a huge magnet, attracting people full of hope and despair from all sides”. But in fact she suffers failure at first. In Chicago, she meets a salesman Drouet and falls in love with him. She wants to be his wife and waits for a long time. In the end, she is conscious of her innocence. Drouet just regards her as a mistress, besides, Drouet is dissolute. He can’t give Sister Carrie a good future. When she is confused, she comes across Hurstwood and is attracted by him. She falls in love again; unfortunately she is deceived by Hurstwood. When she lives with Hurstwood in New York,she goes out for hunting a job. Finally she leaves Hurstwood. Fortunately, she realizes her dream by herself, and becomes a famous actress. Her independence and effort can be dated back to her experience. It helps Carrie accomplish her success.4. Defects of Sister Carrie’s Personality4.1 Her VanityCarrie is a woman with strong vanity and desire for material which leads her to become a victim of the two men-Drouet and Hurstwood, which also contributes to her success in the future. She is always yearning for clothes and Jewelry, so when she goes to the department store to look for a job, Carrie is attracted by each item whether it is cheap trinkets, or expensive jewelry. Each piece is attracted to her. She wants to wear all the jewelry and desires to have them all. That delicate slippers and stockings, trimmed with beautiful trim skirts and petticoats, all every color of the lace, ribbons, combs, and flower package, what a wonderful thing if she can have them all. Herheart is filled with the desire of possessing them. Later she lives in New York with Hurstwood in some time and once the next door neighbor-Mrs. Vance invites her to the theater. Her vanity is revealed totally by the comparisons with Mrs. Vance. Carrie thinks she is pretty enough, but when compared with Mrs. Vance, she is not pretty at all. How could Mrs. Vance have so many cute little things? Carrie feels more uncomfortable when she goes on the street with Mrs. Vance, because it is filled with strong rich and flaunted atmosphere in the street, she thinks she is incompatible in this atmosphere. The fact is that that she could never have the bright appearance like Mrs.Vance’s, which makes she feel very pain. Later she vows that she would dress more gorgeously and come here again. At the same time, she is eager to dress gorgeously to show off in public place. Carrie’s vanity is manifested in her desire for goods and the comparisons with others, and is displayed in her pursuit of fame and fortune, too. Because her vanity makes her not satisfy her present status, so that she goes out of the circle of her own life, and ultimately, she obtains success and feels that she has been looked forward to.To sum up, Carrie is to adored materials to control her desire for pursuing fame and status. Fortunately she gains success.4.2 Lack of Rational EducationCarrie is often fallen by external environment, which, especially, is reflected in her emotional affairs. She is always easily controlled by men, partly because she makes every decision depending on someone’s ideas. Partly because she is lack of education, then it is an essential factor for her to master her fate. Lacking of knowledge leads to her weakness. There is none of family education in her childhood. The only way to consult is to listen to instruction of her father who carefully explains everything. When Carrie is not able to find correct direction from her experience, her conscience is her honest and knowledgeable adviser. Carrie is not educated; she does not have chance to learn knowledge from books that is a closed garden to her. She comes to the city in order to look for the greatest happiness in life.5. The Writer’s PurposeFrom the above analysis, it is obvious to see that Carrie is an hard-working, romantic and persistent woman who is fond of pursuing fame and vanity. Certainly, what is the purpose of the author to shape such a character? There are two reasons. Firstly, in order to highlight the characteristics of naturalism, the author writes Sister Carrie that is embodied the character of Naturalistic literary. One of the purposes of shaping figure in this works is to reflect naturalistic features. The natural feature is that people need to grasp every opportunity to work hard in a competitive society in order to success. On the contrary, the author models a loser-Hurstwood. He is no longer young and capable. Eventually he makes a choice to commit suicide. This is the naturalistic Portrayal. Secondly, when Theodore Dreiser creates Sister Carrie, Darwin’s theory of evolution and survival of the fittest theory are prevailing. Consumption ideology emphasizes people on costing and occupying things. The idea of possession weakens the traditional thrift, savings, and automation ethic. When Dreiser writes Sister Carrie, American women have begun to be affected by consumerism. They begin to challenge traditional moral standards. On the one hand, they no longer believe that the responsibility of women is to help husband and teach children. On the other hand, women should stay at home to do housework. On the contrary, women think they should have their job and earn money by themselves to enjoy life.6. ConclusionThrough hard work, Carrie is turned into a successful actress from an innocent village girl. During this process Sister Carrie is shaped to a new female character. Carrie is no longer manipulated by any man. On the contrary, with an independent career, she is independent in economic, which finally helps her become an independent woman, and realizes the independence of personality. Carrie becomes brave and mature through searching for job. Her success is accompanied by performance talent and her efforts, however in this process; her consciousness hasbeen awakened at the bottom of her heart. It is reviewed by the Dreiser in his book, It is a feature for a woman to be protected, supported and loved. But the power of women is suppressed by the tradition concept. Carrie is conscious of her acting abilities by chance, but she has been accustomed to live comfortably under the male protection so as to refuse to face up to own strengths. She does not fully display her talent until she is frustrated with men. For example, when she learns that Hurstwood cheats on her and then Drouet leaves her, eventually she decides to go out looking for a job. She has needs, but she is not amenable to be tricked or to be bribed by any men. She is going to support herself. This concept helps Carrie develop women’s self-awakening. Furthermore, Carrie finds job in the cinema. It is compared with former jobs, even though it is still not easy, she adds a lot of courage. Besides when Hurstwood is out of job, Carrie attempts to look for a job. Finally she decides to go to a play regardless of her husband’s objection. This job is twice as hard as the former, but Carrie gets a position in the chorus by her tenacity and courage .Her talent is soon recognized. Carrie begins to realize own strength in the promoting process. A man a little word, will not make her mind again. She knows men every well, which eventually creates the Sister Carrie’s image. She walks out of the small world of her family. She, among the public field, gains economic independence, which is a prerequisite for women to seek to further pursuit based on financial independence. Carrie once has previously relied on Drouet and Hurstwood to get happiness before obtaining self-reliance. She wants to marry Drouet who refuses her. Immediately, she changes her hopes on Hurstwood who turns out to be impossible. And she’s like an object, from one man to another man. Because Carrie is not economically independent, it is pointless to talk about personal independence. Eventually, Carrie becomes a famous actress and achieves her worth. She no longer needs to rely on anyone and she also gets honor. Obviously, Carrie achieves real personality independence after being economical independence.Sister Carrie eventually becomes a new woman; of course there are also limitations in her personality. However, she dares to pursue individual liberation; meanwhile she also actively seizes the opportunity to adapt to the social progress. Onthe contrary, compared with her sister-Minnie Vance , Hurstwood’s wife and other female characters, she can be regarded as a representative of the females.Bibliography[1] Matthaei,J.A. An Economic History of Women in America. New York:Schocken.1982:10-12.[2] Theodore Dreiser. Sister Carrie. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching andStudying Press , 1981 : 136.[3] Theodore Dreiser, Sister Carrie.The Pennsylvania Edition. New York: Penguin.1981:1-3.[4] Woolfolk,A. Educational Psychology.The United States of America: A Division ofSimon&Schuster,Inc.1993:50-52.[5] 霍顿,罗德. 美国文学思想背景[M]. 人民文学出版社,1991:2-5.[6] 方华文. 嘉莉妹妹[M].译林出版社:2011:7-9.[7] 蒋道超. 德莱塞研究[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2002 : 125.[8] 蒋道超. 德莱塞研究[M]. 上海: 上海外语教育出版社, 2002 : 222.[9] 史志康. 美国文学背景概观[M]. 上海外语教育出版社, 1998:24-26.[10] 王钢华. 嘉莉妹妹的欲望和驱动力[J].外国文学研究,2002,12(3):8.AcknowledgmentsFirstly, I would like to express my gratitude to all the people who helped me during the writing of this paper. Without their help, this thesis would have been impossible.I am extremely grateful to my tutor XXX for her valuable direction and suggestion, for her constant encouragement and generosity in spending her precious time on my paper.Special thanks go to the Anyang normal college humanistic management university where gives me the opportunity to study my favorite major English teaching. Therefore I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to all the respectful teachers who have taught me during my undergraduate study.Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear parents, for their encouragement and always supporting me to finish this thesis.。

自由女性的特点在《嘉莉妹妹》中,自由女性表现出以下几个主要特点: 1. 勇敢无畏:自由女性勇于追求内心真正的欲望和愿望,不受外界干扰和限制。
2. 独立个性:她们拥有独立思考和行动能力,在面对困境时能够坚守自己的原则。
3. 渴望解放:自由女性渴望解放身体、情感和精神上的束缚,追求真实而充实的生活。
以下是她们所面对的主要社会束缚:1. 传统价值观社会对于女性的期望往往停留在传统的角色定位上,如贤妻良母、顺从妻子等。
2. 家庭和婚姻的压力自由女性往往受到来自家庭和婚姻的压力,他们需要履行家庭责任,同时面临着对个人意志和追求的限制。
3. 社会道德标准社会对女性行为有着明确的道德标准和规范,任何与传统认知相背离的行为都可能受到谴责和歧视。
她们试图通过以下途径寻求自我解放:1. 自我表达自由女性试图通过自己独特的方式来表达自我的渴望和追求,在小说中,嘉莉用写作和思考来探索和表达她内心深处的自我。
2. 勇于挑战权威为了摆脱禁锢,自由女性常常勇于挑战传统的权威和规范,试图改变社会对女性角色的固有观念。
3. 构建人际关系小说中许多自由女性通过建立互助、理解和支持的人际关系,共同面对社会禁锢以及个人成长过程中所遇到的困境。

(潍坊学院, 山东 摘 潍坊 2 6 10 6 1 )
要: �嘉莉妹妹� 是美国著名的自然主义小说家西奥多 � 德莱赛的作品, 这是一部以欲
望为主题的小说.本文从社会对嘉莉的影响和嘉莉自身的原因两个方面探讨了嘉莉妹妹的无 穷无尽的欲望 . 关键词: 嘉莉妹妹; 欲望; 工业化; 消费主义 中图分类号: I 10 6 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 16 71- 42 88(2 0 0 9 ) 0 3- 0 10 5- 0 3 交通 ,五光十色的生活和唾手可得的就业机会吸 引了以前以家庭为中心的妇女, 以农场为中心的 村民以及一些小城镇居民. 在世纪之交的美国, 都 市人的生活已经变成了一种渴望,城市成了反映 并满足人们对享乐 ,消遣以及金钱和权力等欲望 的舞台. 它使人们的欲望变得不加选择, 永无止 境. 德莱塞笔下的芝加哥, 嘉莉妹妹初次登上的舞 台就是这样的城市 .18 89 年, 芝加哥已具备飞速 发展的所有条件, 哪怕是年轻的姑娘们, 只要敢到 这里来冒险, 似乎准能发迹 . 对德莱塞, 对嘉莉妹妹, 对所有从中西部来的 充满梦想的年轻人来说,芝加哥这样的城市就是 世界的中心, 是唯一能让他们摆脱贫困和平庸, 并 实现自己梦想的地方. 在嘉莉心中, 她认为芝加哥 很大, 五光十色, 十分迷人, 那里的人们都很富有. 嘉莉认为她来到了这里,她的生活也会发生翻天 覆地的变化, 财富和时尚也会属于她 .可见, 随着 工业化而出现的大都市是嘉莉实现梦想的舞台, 是城市生活所具有的物质上的舒适和各种各样的 享乐刺激了她无穷无尽的欲望. 没有这个大舞台, 她在百老汇的成功无从谈起 . 没有这个舞台, 她的 无尽欲望也将无处依托 . 同时, 工业化导致了贫富差距进一步拉大, 作 者笔下百老汇和鲍威里街之间的强烈对比可谓当 时社会的一个缩影: 百老汇那里, 商人和观光客全 都奔舒适的大饭店而去 .在鲍威里街顶风冒雪疲 于奔命的人群却在灯光昏暗的小铺子跟前时隐时 现. 商品化的发展突显了金钱的魅力 . 嘉莉对金钱 最直观的理解就是 "金钱既然人人都有, 我也非有 不可 " . 对贫穷的恐惧和对舒适生活的向往促使嘉 莉离开姐姐,屏弃传统道德而先后投进德鲁埃和 赫斯特伍德的怀抱并最终抛弃潦倒的赫斯特伍德

关键词:独立:新女性;传统女性:现实;欲望《嘉裁妹妹》“Si s t er C arr i e”是~本反映农村姑娘的梦想及遭遥的整赛雷典文学名著.是德莱塞的处女作。
“Si st er C arr i e"讲述了一名天真、聪明、美菰的乡下姑娘蠢洛稀米燹。

关键词:《嘉莉妹妹》女性主义男权社会中图分类号:i106.4 文献标识码:a一时代背景19世纪末20世纪初,美国社会处于由传统工业向现代工业的转型期,工业化和机械化程度日益增强,传统的精神信仰受到了经济发展的冲击,新的精神信仰尚未形成,而女性在当时以男性为中心的社会中仍处于附属地位。

关键词:嘉莉妹妹;欲望;层次需求理论AbstractSister Carrie tells the story of a small country girl Carrie who moves to Chicago to realize her “American Dream” and eventually becomes a Broadway star in New York. Despite living a luxurious life, she is lost in spirit. Reading the novel, we may easily notice Carrie’s different needs and desires arising gradually and also the betrayal of traditional moral code in the process of pursuing material gain. The paper analyzes the reasons why Carrie and two male heroes closed to her have various needs at different stages of life, mainly based on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. One is figures’inner desires; the other is the outside force, including temptations of environment, cites, etc. The interaction between them makes Carrie lose herself eventually. It seems to tell people that in modern society material supplies more and more abundantly, but we should never pursue it blindly and much importance should be attached to happiness and stability created by spirit. It is essential to ponder the significance and the value of life.Key words: Sister Carrie; desire; hierarchy of needsContentsChapter 1 General Introduction (1)1.1 About the author and the novel (1)1.1.1 The author: Theodore Dreiser (1)1.1.2 The novel: Sister Carrie (1)1.2 About Maslow’s hierarchy of human needs (2)Chapter 2 Carrier’s needs (4)2.1 Carrie’s primary needs (4)2.1.1 The physiological needs: leaving for Chicago (4)2.1.2 The safety needs: becoming Drouet’s mistress (5)2.2 Carrie’s higher level needs (6)2.2.1 The love and belonging needs — awaking step (6)2.2.2 The esteem needs — advanced development (7)2.2.3 The self-actualization needs — ultimate goal (8)Chapter 3 Drouet’s needs (10)3.1 Drouet’s primary needs (10)3.1.1 The physiological needs: the pursuit of Carrie (10)3.1.2 The safety needs: the satisfaction of material (11)3.2 Droue t’s higher level needs (12)Chapter 4 Hurstwood’s needs (13)4.1 Hurstwood’s needs in Chicago (13)4.1.1 Hurstwood’s physiological needs (13)4.1.2 Hurstwood’s safety needs (14)4.1.3 Hurstwood’s love and belonging needs (14)4.2 Hurstwood’s needs in New York (15)Conclusion (17)References (19)Acknowledgments (20)Chapter 1 General Introduction1.1 About the author and the novel1.1.1 The author: Theodore DreiserTheodore Dreiser is the most outstanding realistic novelist in the history of American literature. He is also an American naturalistic writer famous for the exploration of realistic life. Dreiser was born in Indiana in a poor German immigrant family. When Dreiser was eight, his mother was forced by the pressure of living, left home with him and three other young children, wandered from one town to another in the Midwest. The family lived a tough and criticized life. Dreiser’s childhood also endured poverty and ignorance.In 1887, he came to Chicago alone, worked in restaurants and hardware companies. In spite of this, he was attracted by the city life full of excitement and stimulation. In 1889, “he was sponsored by a sympathetic middle school teacher to study at the University of Indiana. But he dropped out of school the next year, returned to Chicago to become a debt collector in a real estate and furniture company” (Wang Sixiang, 2009: 158). This job led him to come into contact with the underworld characters and the dark side of society, accumulated a wealth of material for the future creation. It also determined the naturalistic color and the tragic thought of his creation. Dreiser entered the press in 1892, started to be a journalist. In Chicago, he witnessed the strong contrast of extreme poverty and extravagant life. These experiences are the beginning of his thought, which led him to create his own novel.1.1.2 The novel: Sister CarrieSister Carrie, Theodore Dreiser’s first novel, is a good work of epoch-making significance in the history of American fiction. This novel tells the story of Caroline Meeber, a pretty rural girl, leaves her rural home to make a living in Chicago. On the train, she meets Charles Drouet, a traveling salesman. The harsh reality shatters her dream. At the same time, in front of her is unemployment and disease. In desperation she becomes Drouet’s mistress. Later, due to the greater desire, she becomes the hotelmanager Hurstwood’s mistress. Hurstwood and Carrie elope to New York, and Carrie becomes a popular actor by chance and squeezes into the upper class. However, Hurstwood becomes poorer and finally committed suicide. The life of upper class does not make her feel satisfied. She feels empty and can not find the real meaning of life. In the loneliness and desolation, she sits in a rocking chair dreaming of the happiness that she would not get.The novel reveals the cruel squeezing of the American capitalist system for poor people and the corrosive action of bourgeois lifestyle for petty bourgeois. And the moral concept the novel reflects is also a counter-tradition. Because Carrie rather than be punished for her depravity, but becomes a popular star of musical comedies finally. Therefore, this book has aroused widespread concern in society since it was published, was banned for a time which led up to intense controversy of the literary world for more than 30 years until it is regarded as a classic to gain public recognition. Until today the novel was born one hundred years later, people are still controversial about Carrie’s character and behavior, especially her endless desire.1.2 About Maslow’s hierarchy of human needsIn Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, there are five kinds of needs ranging from lower level to higher level. These are physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization needs. (1)The physiological needs — it is the most basic requirement of human beings, including food, sleep, water, secretion, and sex. If any one of these needs, except sex, can not be satisfied, the physiological function of human can not operate normally. In other words, the life of human would be threatened. In this sense, the physiological need is the primary motivation of people’s action. Maslow believes that only those basic needs be met, the other needs can become new motivating factors. And to this point, the needs has been relatively satisfied will no longer be motivating factors. (2)The safety needs — it is the demand for the following things: personal and property safety, health care, job security and family safety. Maslow believes that the pursuit of the whole organism is a security mechanism, the human receptors, effectors’ organs, intelligence and other forms of energy are mainly seeking safety tools. We can even put both science and philosophy as part of meeting the security needs. (3)The love and belonging needs — if both physiological and safety needs are relatively well satisfied, and then there will emerge the love and belonging needs. Everyone wants to get mutual concern and care.The love and belonging needs is more meticulous than the physiological needs. It relates to a person’s physiological characteristics, experience, education and religion. Generally people will hunger for affectionate relations with others, for a place in the group and have a family. (4)The esteem needs — everyone wants to have a stable social status. And it requests that personal ability and achievements are recognized by the society. These needs can be divided into two parts. First is the desire for strength, achievement, adequacy, confidence and freedom. Secondly, we have what we may call the desire for reputation, attention, importance or appreciation. Satisfaction of the esteem need can make people have confidence, worth, strength, capability and adequacy of being useful and necessary in the world. (5)The self-actualization needs — it is the highest level of needs. It refers to the realization of personal ideals, aspirations and the individual’s ability to the greatest degree. Maslow notes that in order to satisfy self-actualization needs, different people take different measures. The self-actualization need is an effort to realize their potential. It is to make them become the characters they desire to be.These basic needs are related to each one and another, but any physiological and safety needs that remain unsatisfied will keep playing an important role, and needs at one level do not have to be completely satisfied before needs at the next higher level come into play. This means that the highest goal will monopolize consciousness and will tend to organize the recruitment of the various capacities of the organism. The lower needs are minimized, even forgotten or denied. But when a need is fairly well satisfied, the next higher need emerges,in turn to dominate the conscious life and to serve as the center of organization of behavior, since gratified needs are not active motivators.Chapter 2 Carrier’s needs2.1 Carrie’s primary needs2.1.1 The physiological needs: leaving for ChicagoBy the end of the Civil War (1861-1865), most of the forces that would typify twentieth century American had begun to emerge. Northern industrialism had triumphed over southern agrarianism. The great age of big city bossism began. Americans ceased to be isolated from the world and from each other. Soon the United States had the most extensive railroad system in the world. The tempo of life accelerated as Americans became increasingly mobile. From 1870 to 1890 the total population of the United States doubled. Villages became towns, towns became cities, and cities grew to a size with a speed that would have astonished the Founding Fathers. The population of Chicago increased twenty times to two million, making it the nation’s second largest city after New York. The national income quadrupled. It was the beginning of what Mark Twain called “The Gilded Age”. Thousands and thousands of men, women and children native-born and foreign, flooded to American cities, drawn by hopes for making their fortune. They believed that anyone could grasp an opportunity to attain success through honest and hard work. Just as American naturalists argued: the world was amoral, that men and women had no free will, that their lives were controlled by heredity and the environment.Dreiser clothed the social phenomenon of so-called “American Dream” through his character, Carrie. At the beginning of the novel, the heroin, Carrie, keeps pace with the general trend of the time, and moves to Chicago, which is not far away from her hometown. She is eighteen years old, bright, timid, and full of the illusions of ignorance and youth:And yet she was interested in her charms, quickly to understand the keenerpleasures of life, ambitious to gain in material things. A half-equipped littleknight she was, venturing to reconnoiter the mysterious city and dreamingwild dreams of some vague, far-off supremacy, which should make it preyand subject-the proper penitent, groveling at a woman’s slipper. (TheodoreDreiser, 1979: 3)In Maslow’s view, humans are wanting beings, mainly because humans are not satisfied with the status and are eager to achieve a higher realm. Desire is one of the strong emotions which tells people that he is still curious to exist, that he still have an edge on his longings and want to bite into the world. Carrie is driven by the environment and the internal desire to move to Chicago. Strictly speaking, it is the physiological needs. Carrie wants to change the poor life. She begins to hunt a job to earn money to fulfill her needs. Carrie accepts a job in a shoe factory for four and a half dollars a week. Every week she pays four dollars for her board and lodging. Does the story develop smoothly like this? The author gave a hint by writing “When a girl leaves her home at eighteen, she does one of two things. Either she falls into saving hands and becomes better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse” (Zhang Xiaowei, 2011: 203). Carrie tries to live on her own to start her first step of material pursuit.2.1.2 The safety needs: becoming Drouet’s mistressChicago is a charming city indeed. Carrie is surrounded by various temptations: Carrie passed along the busy aisles, much affected by the remarkabledisplays of trinkets, dress goods, stationary and jewelry. Each separatecounter was a show place of dazzling interest and attraction. She could nothelp feeling the claim of each trinket and valuable upon her personally.There was nothing there which she could not have to used-nothing whichshe did not along to own. The dainty slippers and stockings, the delicatelyfrilled skirts and petticoats, the laces, ribbons, hair-combs, purses, all touchher with individual desires. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 27)She longs for dress and beauty with a whole heart.But the fact is that the cold reality takes her by the hand. First, her sister and brother-in-law live a lean life and consumed by housework. The money left by Carrie every week is not enough for her car fares, let alone clothes, laces, ribbons, etc. And none of those things is in the range of her purchase. Second, in the shoe factory, the machines work intensively. Carrie is not strong. Her shoulders and necks ache in bending over and she is totally exhausted every day. “As Carrie listened to this and much more of similar familiar badinage among the men and the girls, she instinctively withdraws into herself. She feared that the young boys about would address such remarks to he r” (LI Wei, 2011: 278). The wholeatmosphere of the shoe factory is sordid.Carrie does not like to bear the hard work, the foul working condition and the human environment. She hopes to break away from the factory to enjoy physical comfort and from such uncouth men to keep her calm. Third, as the rigorous winter is around the corner, Carrie worries about the problem of winter clothes, for she has nothing to wear. At last, as a result of illness she loses the job and to return hometown seems to be the only choice.According to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, if the physiological needs are relatively well gratified, there then emerge the safety needs. The problem is that whether she can satisfy it or not, it depends on the reality which supplies enough conditions or not, besides her own effort. Carrie understands that it is impossible to buy dress and entertain herself by her personal diligence. Drouet is, for Carrie, an escape. She does not love him, but he means a source of amazement, and she recognizes that the relative opulence of his chambers and department he procures for Carrie are the signs of that for which she is striving. Eventually she betrays herself to become Drouet’s mistress to realize her safety need. Carrie and Drouet pay a visit all round the city and go shopping, take part in various activities, enjoy delicious foods. It seems that Carrie has never hesitated,“Money! Money! What a thing it was to have! How plenty of it would clear away all the troubles” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 82). She surrendered to the magic of money. At the second stage of material pursuit, Carrie has a much stronger desire. She falls in love with it without reason.2.2 Carrie’s higher level needs2.2.1 The love and belonging needs — awaking stepAs the plot goes, the author depicts a panorama of rising needs and desire. On one hand, Carrie is not just satisfied with living together with Drouet:That young lady, under the stress of her situation and the tutelage of hernew friend, changed effectively. She the glow of a more showy life was notupon her. She did not grow in knowledge so much as she awakened in thematter of desire. Mrs. Hale’s extended harangues upon the subjects ofwealth and position taught her to distinguish between degrees of wealth.(Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 140)When she comes to her own room, Carrie sees her comparative poverty. She is not comparing it with what she has had, but what she has seen recently. She begins toponder what, after all, Drouet is and what she is. On the other hand, Carrie fears of losing Drouet’s affection, of being abandoned, and also she longs for someone to sympathize with her, but not let her ponder and wonder. It makes clear to Carrie that Drouet could not understand her. He just cares about her beauty. When Carrie is sorrow, he only asks her to dance. Carrie feels lonely and forsaken. What’s more, Carrie believes Drouet does not plan to marry her. He prefers the single state to any legal bondage. These two sides wake up Carrie’s deep desire. She “hopes to live an extravagant life but not from hand to mouth” (Peng Dankui, 1995: 74). She is eager to be understood and loved. Drouet is only an intermediary in her movement from poverty to affluence. Carrie is ready and longs to change.More wealth and higher status are Carrie’s new goal. At this time, Hurstwood becomes another male stepladder to gratify her needs both in material and spirit. Hurstwood can give her a life of honor. Carrie recognizes the quality of Hurstwood’s clothes, his style and his bearing as distinct improvements on Drouet. Hurstwood shows his thoughts and feelings concerning Carrie. “In contrast, Hurstwood appeared strong and sincere. He had no easy manner of putting her off. He sympathized with her and showed her what her true value was. He needed her, while Drouet did not care” (Gao Chenke, 2011: 115).Though Carrie has achieved her material goal, all in all, she has another need—love. Carrie begins to care about her inner thoughts, which takes the first step of exploring her spirit. Carrie’s spirit pursuit is based on material pursuit.2.2.2 The esteem needs — advanced developmentAfter becoming Hurstwood’s mistress, in a material way, Carrie is considerably improved. Hurstwood writes her regularly-a letter every morning. They both enjoy the happy days. Carrie has an opportunity to take part in a play. It is not an important thing, but because of the prestige of Hurstwood, it is significant. “By the time of the 16th had arrived Hurstwood’s friends had rallied like Romans to a senator’s call. A well-dressed, good-natured, flatteringly-inclined audience was assured from the moment he thought of assisting Carrie”(Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 209). Carrie moves into a new environment. She feels the respect and power of celebrities. Carrie’s needs develop further: the esteem needs. That is the desire for confidence and appreciation:There was nothing bold in her manner. Life had not taught herdomination-superciliousness of grace, which is the lordly power of somewomen. Her longing for consideration was not sufficiently powerful tomove her to demand it. Even now she lacked self-assurance, but there wasthat in what she had already experienced which left her a little less thantimid. She wanted pleasure, she wanted position. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979:176)For Carrie she is nervous. She hopes the play could succeed to gain confidence and appreciation, “The glamour, the tense situation, the fine clothes, the applause, these had lured her until she felt that she, too, could act-that she, too, could compel acknowledgment of power” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 192). Carrie tries best to explore her potentials.2.2.3 The self-actualization needs — ultimate goalHurstwood coaxes Carrie to elope to New York. But he is merely another man who either cannot hold or find a job. He forces to begin the battle for place and comfort all over again. But his situation becomes worse and worse. At the beginning, he strolls about, and then he just picks his papers up, and stays for day after day. At last, he becomes a beggar completely, lived by other’s charity. Finally he committed suicide by turning on the gas in a Bowery flophouse. When the attraction of material disappears, it is inevitable for Carrie to abandon Hurstwood. The physiological and safety needs play an important role now. Carrie begins to make a livelihood on her own. Different from the former experience, this time, she is successful by her own power without depending on some other men. Carrie becomes an actor because of her pretty-look and her diligence. Her salary rises from 30 dollars to 150 dollars per week. She becomes a famous star. She could possess of her gowns and carriage, her furniture and bank account. But she is alone, “It does not take money long to make plain its important, providing the desires are in the realm of affection. With one hundred and fifty in hand, Carrie could think of nothing particularly to do. In itself, as a tangible, apparent thing which she could touch and look upon, but this soon passed” (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 548).After Carrie gains her economic status, there is only self-actualization need left. And Ames helps Carrie sublimate her spiritual pursuit into the world of literature and philosophy. Ames isn’t attracted by Carrie’s beauty, but there is something in him that has attracted her. Ames says to Carrie that riches are not everything, and there is always a great deal more in the world than she has known. Carrie understands that the thingsAmes pointed out is not money, or clothes, or applauses but a kind heart to serve others. It is an aesthetic world of which Carrie has not dreamed of and which she recognizes as a new peak to conquer and a new level to achieve. Carrie moves to the highest needs, which states that the true value of life is not in what we get but in what we give. This is the ultimate goal in her spiritual world.Chapter 3 Drouet’s needs3.1 Drouet’s primary needs3.1.1 The physiological needs: the pursuit of CarrieDrouet is a man who has a keen desire for the feminine. In the driving of the sexual instinct, he will involuntarily chase every beautiful woman he meets. After seeing beautiful pure Carrie on the train, he is attracted by her. With beautiful clothes, grandiose talk and his experiences of chatting up girls, Drouet wins Carrie’s favor. Just as the author says:Let him meet with a young woman once and he would approach her withan air of kindly familiarity, not unmixed with pleading, which would resultin most cases in a tolerant acceptance. If she showed any tendency tocoquetry he would be apt to straighten her tie, or if she “took up” with himat all, to call her by her first name. If he visited a department store it was tolounge familiarly over the counter and ask some leading questions. In moreexclusive circles, on the train or in waiting stations, he went slower. If someseemingly vulnerable object appeared he was all attention to pass thecompliments of the day to lead the way to the parlor car, carrying her grip,or, failing that, to take a seat next her with the hope of being able to courther to her destination. Pillows, books, a footstool, the shade lowered; allthese figured in the things which he could do. If, when she reached herdestination he did not alight and attend her baggage for her, it was because,in his own estimation, he had signally failed. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979:5) Drouet’s chasing for young beautiful girls is not because he is a cold-blooded, black heart, scheming villain, but because he is full of lust. When Drouet meet Carrie in the street secondly, Carrie was looking for a job and has no winter clothes to wear. Then he use Carrie’s plight to persuade her to leave her sister’s home and l ive together with him. After Carrie beca me Drouet’s mistress, Drouet didn’t have the plan to marry her. In the second part of the novel, Drouet and Carrie met again in New York, after he tried to mend fences and Carrie refused, he was not feeling so sad. Because, for him, he canfind a woman for pleasure wherever. Losing Carrie is not so important for him. At the end of the novel, on the night of a big snowstorm, he is talking with a partner to discuss where to look for a woman to have fun.3.1.2 The safety needs: the satisfaction of materialThe great industrial development in American brings about the booming of the cities like Chicago and New York. At the same time, the social gap between the rich and the poor is widening. People are obviously graded. Whether having high material consumption ability has almost become the sole criterion of level division. Drouet is divided into middle class in this social background. He doesn’t have to live in poverty like Hanson, but not as well as Hurstwood has a wealthy family and prominent position. He is good at enjoying life and the pursuit of a higher level of material comforts, immersed in his salesman career and tried to improve his social status. In his view, his life is fulfilling and almost perfect. He dressed in fashion style, wearing a striped plaid wool suit, white and pink striped shirt, gold-plated button, covered with yellow agate known as the “cat ey e”. His vest dangled a neat gold watch chain, matched with a pair of glowing shoes and a fedora. This fashionable dress greatly satisfied the vanity of him. Drouet’s s afety needs come to be realized in the abundant material world.Drouet likes to have dinner at Rector’s,a restaurant he believes that successful person would go. After dinner, he likes to go to th e resort of Fitzgerald and Moy’s to drink a glass of whiskey and enjoy a couple of cigars. In such a place, he can get to know a variety of celebrities, in order to increase the capital to show off and meet his vanity. The author has described it in detail:Rector’s, with its polished marble walls and floor, its profusion of lights, itsshow of china and silverware, and, above all, its reputation as a resort foractors and professional men, seemed to him the proper place for asuccessful man to go. He loved fine clothes, good eating, and particularlythe company and acquaintanceship of successful men. When dining, it wassource of keen satisfaction to him to know that Joseph Jefferson was wontto come to this same place, that Henry E. Dixie, a well known performer ofthe day, was then only a few tables off. (Theodore Dreiser, 1979: 39) As a successful salesman, Drouet believes that it is an honor to be able to make celebrities. At the same time, the big company he is working for also let him feel glory. With the reputation of Bartlett, Caryoe & Company, his work goes well. Although he isnot rich, also does not have a high social status, but he is good at communication, appropriate interaction with others, which also provides a possibility of success in his career. Living with Carrie, Drouet’s career developed gradually and his social status improved accordingly. When he and Carrie meet again, he has been responsible for a branch and is about to establish his own company. He can meet Carrie’s desire for material. He bought her beautiful dresses and coats, purchased cosmetics and went to the theatre with her. But objectively speaking, he was too concerned with material life, treat feelings do not serious. This is also the most dissatisfied for Carrie.3.2 Drouet’s higher level needsAlthough the physiological and material satisfaction is very important for Drouet, he has some higher level of needs. As a traveling salesman, Drouet’s social status is not high. He frequently went to the restaurants and pubs which celebrities always went to. In addition to the pursuit of material comforts, but also he is in the search for a social identity and the sense of belonging. Eating and talking together with the upper-class people, let him have a feeling of integrated into the society.His pursuit of Carrie is not only to satisfy his needs for sex, but also to get rid of the emptiness.Due to his work requirement, Drouet often go to travel around, and he is lacking of group sense of belonging. While Carrie as his mistress, can bring him some emotional comfort.In addition, Carrie’s young and beautiful can meet Drouet’s vanity. And he can show off in social occasions. However, Carrie is not the only choice for Drouet. Instead of creating a stable family, the best way to meet his spiritual emptiness is to seek new love affairs constantly. That is also the reason why he does not marry Carrie.。

Theodore Dreiser (MarkTwainl871 ~ 1945) American novelist. August 27, 1871 was born in the town of Terre Haute, Indiana. Born in the bankruptcy of small property owners family. Had long been struggling at the bottom of Labor. The father was a textile worker in Germany to avoid military service in 1846, the United States, opened a textile factory. Dreiser act as the woolen Chou Duandian staff and newsboy at age 12; the age of 17 went to Chicago to earn a living in a small restaurant, washing dishes, do the folks in hardware shops. The age of 18. By the child a female teacher support, into the Indiana University Graduated, and have access to the writings of Darwin, Huxley and Spencer. One year later, he returned to Chicago, to act as a real estate salesman and laundry deliveryman. From the 23-year-old. Has any reporter in Chicago and St. Louis newspapers, the editor in chief at New York, "a monthly magazine. "Sister Carrie" began to write, the second was completed and published. "Sister Carrie" through rural Gu Niangjia and to Chicago to earn a living and become the story of the actor exposed underneath the surface of the prosperity of capitalist society, unemployment, poverty and hunger, made a profound description of the society of rich and poor opposition in the United States. "Sister Carrie" with the realism of Balzac was creating a new world of American literature.三.对《嘉莉妹妹》的故事情节的介绍《嘉莉妹妹》是19世纪美国著名小说家西奥多·德莱塞的第一部长篇小说,也是一部自然主义的杰出作品。


精神分析批评的创立者,西格蒙弗洛伊德(Edmund Freud,1856-1839)是奥地利精神病医生,著名的心理学家。
《嘉莉妹妹》是20世纪初期,西奥多德莱赛(Theodore Dreiser)的早期作品。

人们对这部作品也褒贬不一,在当时,有的人将嘉莉视为堕落女人(fallen woman)的代表,有的将她视为破茧成蝶,完成“自我实现”的先锋。
从鲜明的个性, 生活中的强者,事业及人格的独立三个方面解读嘉莉妹妹的新女性内涵。
”[2]j ust as Simone de Beauvoir puts it,“One"is not born but rather becomes,a woman.It is civilization as a whole that produces this creature.Only the intervention of someone else can establish an individual as an other.”[3]在文学方面,女性主义者和作家挖掘大量被埋没的妇女作家和作品,重现妇女作品的连续性、一致性和连贯性,并挑战传统的经典文学书目,将妇女作品置于经典文学之列。

《嘉莉妹妹》中的人物分析本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March《嘉莉妹妹》中的人物分析摘要:《嘉莉妹妹》是德莱赛编写的第一部长篇小说,被称为典型的现代美国小说,拉开了美国现代文学的序幕。
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摘; 要:西奥多·德莱塞是二十世纪美国文坛上一位著名的作家,他的第一部长篇小说《嘉莉妹妹》自出版以来就广受争议。
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