



Matlab程序解现代控制理论与工程中的状态方程用矩阵指数法解状态方程的matlab函数vslove1:函数vslove1:求解线性定常连续系统状态方程的解function[phit,phitbu]=vsolves1(a,b,ut)%vsolves1谋线性已连续系统状态方程x’=ax+bu的求解%[phit,phitbu]=vsolves1(a,b,ut)%a,b系数矩阵%ut控制输入,必须为时域信号的符号表达式,符号变量为t%phit――输出phi(t)%phitbu――输入phi(t-tao)*b*u(tao)在区间(0,t)的分数symsttao%定义符号变量t,taophit=expm(a*t);%求矩阵指数exp(at)if(b==0)b=zeros(size(a,l),l);%重构系数矩阵bendphi=sub(phit,’t’,’t-tao’);%求exp[a(t-tao)]phitbu=int(phi*b*ut,’tao’,’0’,’t’);%谋exp[a(t-tao)]*b*u(tao)在0~t区间的分数用拉氏变换法解状态方程的matlab函数vslove2:函数vslove2:解线性定常已连续系统状态方程的求解function[sl_a,sl_abu]=vsolves1(a,b,us)%vsolves2求线性连续系统状态方程x’=ax+bu的解%[sl_a,sl_abu]=vsolves1(a,b,ut)%a,b系数矩阵%us掌控输出,必须为拉氏转换后的符号表达式,符号变量为s%sl_a――输入矩阵(sl-a)^(-1)拉式反华转换的结果%sl_abu――输出(sl-a)^(-1)*b*u(s)拉式反变换后的结果symss%定义符号变量t,taoaa=s*eye(size(a))-a;%谋si-ainvaa=inv(aa);%求(si-a)矩阵的逆intaataa=ilaplace(intaa);%求intaa的拉氏反变换si_a=simplify;%简化拉式反变换的结果if(b==0)b=zeros(size(a,l),l);%重构系数矩阵bendtab=ilaplace(intaa*b*us);%求intaa*b*us的拉氏反变换si_abu=simplify(tab);%化简拉式反变换的结果解时变系统状态方程的matlab函数tslove:函数tslove:求解线性时变连续系统状态方程的解function[phi,phibu]=tsolves(a,b,u,x,a,n)%tsolves求时变系统状态方程%[phi,phibu]=vsolves1(a,b,u,x,a,n)%a,b时变系数矩阵%phi――状态迁移矩阵计算结果%phibu――THF1求解分量%u――控制输入向量,时域形式%x――符号变量,阐明矩阵a中的时变参数,通常为时间t%a――积分下限%n――时变状态转移矩阵中计算重积分的最大项数,n=0时无重积分项%n=1时包含二重积分项,.....phi=transmtx(a,x,a,n);%排序状态迁移矩阵phitao=subs(phi,x,’tao’);%谋phi(tao)if(b==0)btao=zeros(size(a,l),l);%谋b(tao)endutao=subs(u,x,’tao’);%求u(tao)phibu=simple(int(phitao*btao*utao,’tao’,a,x));%排序THF1分量求解时变系统转移矩阵的matlab函数transmtx:函数transmtx:解线性时变系统状态迁移矩阵functionphi=transmtx(a,x,a,n)%transmtx计算时变系统状态转移矩阵%phi=transmtx(a,x,a,n)%phi――状态迁移矩阵计算结果%a时变系数矩阵%x――符号变量,指明矩阵a中的时变参数,通常为时间t%a――积分下限%n――时变状态迁移矩阵中排序轻分数的最小项数,n=0时并无轻分数项%n=1时涵盖二重积分项,.....phi=eye(size(a));%初始化phi=iforlop=0:naa=a;fori=1:lopif(aa==0)break;endatemp=subs(aa,x,’taoi’);aa=simplify(a*int(atemp,’tao’,a,x));endif(aa==0)break;endatemp=subs(aa,x,’taoi’);aa=simplify(a*int(atemp,’tao’,a,x));%计算重积分phi=simplify(phi+aa);%修正phiend解线性定常离散系统状态方程的matlab函数disolve:函数disolve:求解线性定常离散系统状态方程的解function[ak,akbu]=disolve(a,b,uz)%disolve谋线性离散系统状态方程x(k+1)=ax(k)+bu(k)的求解%[ak,akbu]=disolve(a,b,uz)%a,b系数矩阵%uz控制输入,必须为z变换后的符号表达式,符号变量为z%ak――输出矩阵[((zi-a)^(-1)z]z反变换后的结果%akbu――输入矩阵[((zi-a)^(-1)*b*u(z)]z反华转换后的结果symsz%定义符号变量zaa=z*eye(size(a))-a;%求zi-ainvaa=inv(aa);%谋(zi-a)矩阵的逆intaataa=iztrans(intaa*z);%谋intaa*z的z 反华转换ak=simple(taa);%精简z反华转换的结果if(b==0)b=zeros(size(a,l),l);%重构系数矩阵bendtab=iztrans(intaa*b*uz);%谋intaa*b*uz的z反华转换akbu=simple(tab);%化简z 反华转换的结果求解线性时变离散系统状态方程的matlab函数tdsolve:函数tdsolve:解线性时变离散系统状态方程的求解functionxk=tsolve(ak,bk,uk,x0,kstart,kend)%tdsolve求线性时变离散系统状态方程x(k+1)=a(k)x(k)+b(k)u(k)的解%xk=tsolve(ak,bk,uk,x0,kstart,kend)%ak,bk系数矩阵%uk掌控输出,必须为时域符号表达式,符号变量为k%x0初始状态%kstart――起始时刻%kend――中止时刻%xk――输出结果,矩阵每一列分别对应x(k0+1),x(k0+2)....symsk%定义符号变量kif(bk==0)bk=zeros(size(a,l),l);%重构系数矩阵bendxk=[];forkk=kstart+1:kendaa=eye(size(k));fori=kstart:kk-1%排序a(k-1)a(k-2)....a(k0+1)a(k0)a=subs(ak,’k’,i);aa=a*aa;endaab=eye(size(ak));bb=zeros(size(bk));fori=kk-1:-1:kk+1%排序a(k-1)a(k-2)....a(j+1)b(j)u(j)的递增和a=subs(ak,’k’,i);aab=aab*a;b=subs(bk,’k’,kk-1+i+kstart);u=subs(uk,’k’,kk-1+i+kstart);bb=bb+aab*b*u;endb=subs(bk,’k’,kk-1);u=subs(uk,’k’,kk-1);bb=bb+b*u;xk=[xkaa*x0+bb];%计算x(k)end已连续系统状态方程线性化后的matlab符号函数sc2d:函数sc2d:线性连续系统状态方程的离散化function[ak,bk]=sc2d(a,b)%sc2d线性化线性已连续系统状态方程x’=ax+bu%sysd=sc2d(a,b)%a,b――连续系统的系数矩阵%ak,bk――离散系统系数符号矩阵%线性状态方程为:x(k+1)=ak*x(k)+bk*u(k)%ak,bk中变量t为取样周期symstt%定义符号变量ttphit=expm(a*t);%求矩阵指数exp(at)if(b==0)b=zeros(size(a,l),l);%重构系数矩阵bendphitb=int(phit*b,’t’,0,’t’);%求exp(at)*b在0~t区间的积分ak=simple(subs(phit,’t’,’t’));bk=simple(phitb);线性时变系统线性化后的matlab函数tc2d:函数tc2d:线性时变系统的离散化function[ak,bk]=tc2d(a,b,x,n)%tc2d线性时变系统的离散化%[ak,bk]=tc2d(a,b,x,n)%a,b――已连续系统的系数矩阵%ak――离散化后的系数矩阵a(kt)%bk――离散化后的系数矩阵b(kt)%x――符号变量,阐明矩阵a\\b中的时变参数,通常为时间t%n――时变状态转移矩阵中计算重积分的最大项数,n=0时无重积分项,%n=1时包含二重积分项,.....symsttphit=transmtx(a,x,k*t,n);%计算时变系统的状态转移矩阵ak=simplify(subs(phi,x,(k+1)*t));%计算离散化后的系数矩阵a(kt)phitao=subs(phi,x,’tao’);%谋phi(tao)if(b==0)btao=zeros(size(a,l),l);elsebtao=subs(b,x,’tao’);%谋b(tao)endphitb=simple(int(phitao*btao,’tao,k*t,x’));%计算受控分量bk=simplify(subs(phib,x,(k+1)*t));%排序线性化后的系数矩阵b(kt)定常系统可控规范i型变换函数ccanonl:函数ccanonl:谋线性定常系统的受控规范i型形式function[abar,bbar,cbar,t]=ccanonl(a,b,c)ìanonl求系统x’=ax+bu,y=cx的可控规范i型系数矩阵?ar,bbar,cbar,――变换后的可控规范i型系数矩阵%t――相似变换矩阵n=length(a);co=ctrb(a,b);if(rank(co)~=n),%判断系统可控性error(‘系统不可控!’);。


Line 3, Para. 2 Meaning: It’s a feeling that can only be felt and not described. 那是一种只能意会而不能言传的感觉。
Line 4, Para. 2 Meaning: An overwhelming joy that comes together with its share of sadness. Love. 莫大的喜悦伴随着丝丝伤感一同降临,这就是爱。
(2) 对于以连接代词(副词)引导的主语从句,可以 使用形式主语代主语从句,也可直接在句首使用 主语从句:
Whether they would support us was a problem. 他们是否会支持我们还是一个问题。 It was a problem whether they would support us. 他们是否会支持我们还是一个问题。
Line 1, Para. 2 one or the other 总有一个,非此即彼
Make sentence
One or the other is wrong. 总有一方是错的. You need to choose one boy or the other. 你需 要在两个男孩之间做出选择. We've got to make our decision one way or the other.
Some man called.某人打过电话(拜访过)。 We all like sports. Some like swimming, some like… She is some skier.她是个很不错的滑雪者。 Cf. Someone is calling you this morning. Take some books for me, please. Don’t take any books for me.


日本网站素材 黑白背景很漂亮,推荐~ 素材多而且漂亮,强烈推荐~/~eden/ N多美丽的图片,推荐~/ 主页已经非常漂亮,内容分类详细,推荐~ 清新淡雅的背景素材 种类比较齐全,其中各种齿轮很可爱,推荐~/ 这个还凑合,可以看看,偶个人对里面的东西不是很感冒~/ 很齐全的网页素材,偶从这里挖过N多好东西,推荐~ 东西不是很多,不过还算漂亮 背景、logo之类东西都很精致,量又多,强烈推荐~ 这个貌似都是宝石质感的东西,还不错。

/index.html 喜欢他的主页~/~a-bw/ 黑白背景素材,值得一看。 非常漂亮的站站,入口偶找了N久才找到,汗。

推荐! 壁纸素材不错。 正如主页显示的那样,里面的图也好多蓝色系的。 壁纸非常漂亮~ 就是入口需要用心看他的注意事项哦 宝石类的还不错~/index.html 这个是有中文提示的比较好进。

黑白背景很精致,推荐~ 壁纸不错,很多都可以做填充图案,其他东西也很可爱/air/ 白背景的图比较多,质量一般般~/ 也是白背景的多,可以看看。







1. 使用密码管理工具密码管理工具是一种方便而安全的方式来管理您的账号密码。




2. 创建强密码创建强密码是保护您的账号安全的重要步骤。




3. 使用双重认证双重认证是一种额外的安全层,可以提高您的账号安全性。




4. 定期更改密码定期更改密码是保持账号安全的重要策略。




5. 避免共享密码共享密码是一种常见的不安全做法。





1. What did the writer send to her friend on Halloween? 2. What did her friend write as a reply?
Page 21
6. Keeping in touch
Two years ago my family moved. The day when we left, my best friend and I cried together for hours. When we finally arrived at my new house, I ran to the phone to tell her my address and phone number. On the first day of school, I called to tell her how it went. Then, on Halloween, I sent her a letter and a picture.
A: She’s my (3) __b_es_t_f_r_i_en__d_’s_s_i_s_te_r_.
B: (4) ____N__o_k_i_d_d_i_n_g____! Who is your friend?
A: You might know her. Her name is Sherry.
B: Sure! How long (5) _h_a_v_e_y_o_u__k_n_o_w_n__h_e_r? A: Let me see. We met during our first year of (6) _____h_i_g_h_s_c_h_o_o_l___. I guess I’ve
Page 8



新世纪大学英语教材综合教程第3本unit2笔记及答案Unit 2 LoveI. Key Words and Useful Expressions (Text A)1 hold on (L. 5)1) survive in a difficult or dangerous situation; hang on 历经危难而不死;坚持住他们设法坚持住直到有救援到来。

They managed to hold on until help arrived.我觉得自己坚持不了多长时间了。

I don’t think I can hold on much longer.2) (infml.)(usu. in imperative) wait and stop (通常用于祈使语句)等一下;停住停一停,让我喘口气。

Hold on a minute while I get my breath back..2. defy (L. 10) v.1) disobey or refuse to respect (sb., an authority, etc.) 违抗,反抗,藐视,蔑视(某人﹑权威等)他们违抗父母的意愿而结婚了。

They defied their parents and got married.任何蔑视法律的人都会受到惩罚Anyone who defies the law will be published.2) be so difficult as to make (sth.) impossible 因为太困难而使…不可能这门用什么方法也打不开。

The door defied all attempts to open it.此问题无法解决。

The problem defied solution.3. given (L.13)1) prep. taking (sth.) into account, considering 考虑到(某事物)鉴于政府在解决失业问题上成绩不佳,他们在选举中获胜机会似乎不大。

纵横美国-新世纪走遍美国第45集: True Love 真爱(二)

纵横美国-新世纪走遍美国第45集: True Love  真爱(二)

纵横美国/新世纪走遍美国第45集:TrueLove 真爱(二)True Love 2真爱2Oh, hello. I was wondering whose car that was.噢,你好。


Nancy, hello. You remember Ramon, Alex's father. Ramon, this is Nancy, my godmother.南茜,你好。



It's nice to see you again.很高兴又见到你。

Oh, yes, I remember. We met at your parents' retirement party. It's so nice to see you at Christmas time.噢,是的,我记得。



Ramon and I were just exchanging presents.拉蒙和我正在交换圣诞礼物。

And you've got the fire going. A glass of warm cider would make everything perfect!你们生了火。

一杯热苹果酒会使一切都完美的!Well, isn't that something... An ekeko, is that how you say it? I hope the legend is real and your dreams do come true.噢,这是不是那种东西… 爱卡克,你们怎么说?我希望传奇是真的,你的梦想成真。

Thanks. How's Edward?谢谢。

爱德华怎么样?Not too bad. The retirement home was decorated very nicely, and we had a delicious Christmas dinner. How did your dinner go?还好。


• Bill loves music. 比尔喜爱音乐。
• 3. (与would,should连用)想要,想做
• She said she'd love to come sometime. 她说她很想某个时候来。
• 不及物动词 爱
• love后跟不定式作宾语,指一时,一 次的动作,表示某一具体的行为。而 跟动词-ing形式作宾语时,指经常性 的动作,表示一般或抽象的行为。
My mother‘s love for me was very
John and Mary are in love.
He was sincere in his love for literature.
Painting was one of the great loves of his life.
• 及物动词 • 1. 爱,热爱;爱戴;疼爱
You should love your students. 你应该爱你的学生。 • 2. 爱好,喜欢
例: He likes swimming, but he doesn't like to swim this afternoon. 他喜欢游泳,但今天下午他不想去了。
Love like
• .like 和love 在接不定式或动名词作宾语时,love 表示的“程度”要深一些。一个是爱,一个是喜 欢。
• 这两个词接不定式时,表“具体某一时”的爱好 或兴趣;接动名词时,表“经常性”的爱好



Line 1, Para. 2 one or the other 总有一个,非此即彼
Make sentence
One or the other is wrong. 总有一方是错的. You need to choose one boy or the other. 你需 要在两个男孩之间做出选择. We've got to make our decision one way or the other.
About “love”: Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea. —Fielding 恋爱和丑闻,是喝茶的最佳甜点心。 Men always want to be a woman’s first love; women have a more subtle instinct; what they like is to be a man’s last romance. —Wilde 男人老想当女人的第一个情人;女人则具更微妙 的本能,她们喜欢的,是成为男人追求的最后一 个对象。
Some man called.某人打过电话(拜访过)。 We all like sports. Some like swimming, some like… She is some skier.她是个很不错的滑雪者。 Cf. Someone is calling you this morning. Take some books for me, please. Don’t take any books for me.
Line 1, Para. 2 Meaning: At some stage or the other in our lives we experience the gnawing pangs of an emotion which defies definition. 在我们生命中的某个阶段,我们会经历挑战规则 的情感所带来的阵阵折磨。 one or the other 总有一个,非此即彼



娶歌曲模板1.《婚礼进行曲》;2.《卡农》;3.《梦中的婚礼》;4.《梦之爱》;5.《爱的旋律》;6.《爱的礼赞》;7.《riverflowsinyou?;8《月光曲》如果喜欢现代感一点的话,可以选择男女对唱类的歌曲:1.《心会跟爱一起走》;2.《今天你要嫁给我》;3.《你最珍贵》;4.《花好月圆》;5.《心愿便利贴》;6.《不得不爱》再来推荐几首认为比较浪漫的歌︰1.《一辈子做你的女孩》﹔2.《最浪漫的事》;3.《约定》;4.《红豆》;5.《甜蜜蜜》;6.《honey》7.《perhapslove2 A宴会未开始前推荐音乐1:SweetDream原因:SweetDream由韩国张娜拉所唱,非常适合婚礼所用,有几对明星结婚都是用这首歌。



















like enjoy love的用法 -回复

like enjoy love的用法 -回复

like enjoy love的用法-回复主题:使用like, enjoy, love的区别和用法引言:在日常英语交流中,我们会经常使用到一些情感动词,如like, enjoy, love 等,来表达我们对事物的喜欢程度。



正文:I. like的用法和含义A. like作为动词,表示对某事物的喜欢程度,用于表达一种积极的态度。

1. like + 名词:e.g. I like cats.(我喜欢猫。

)2. like + 动词ing形式:e.g. She likes swimming.(她喜欢游泳。

)3. like + 句子:e.g. I like that you are always honest.(我喜欢你总是诚实的。

)B. like作为介词,表示像,类似于某事物。

1. be like + 名词:e.g. The car is like a rocket.(这辆车像火箭一样。

)2. look like + 名词:e.g. You look like your mother.(你长得像你妈妈。

)II. enjoy的用法和含义A. enjoy作为动词,表示取得乐趣,对某事物感到愉快。

1. enjoy + 名词:e.g. We enjoyed the concert last night.(我们昨晚享受了音乐会。

)2. enjoy + 动词ing形式:e.g. He enjoys playing soccer.(他喜欢踢足球。

)3. enjoy + doing sth:e.g. They enjoyed doing the project together.(他们喜欢一起做这个项目。

)B. 注意:enjoy一般用于表达一种短暂的快乐状态,而不是长期稳定的喜好。

Sea of love 2

Sea of love 2

Sea of love (爱的海洋)1.内容:从婚车到新郎新娘的服饰,其中包括很多细节东西.都以蓝色格调为主,突出海洋这个主题,以白色和粉色为辅,婚车采用粉红色装饰车身、蓝色和白色为辅助、婚礼现场的布置:大门外的拱门用气球点缀,以白和蓝为主。



在宴席中间做一个T台直接通到舞台上、T台的最前端搭一个小屋、用纱巾包起来、新娘到宴会就进入小屋里等待、T 台的两边用一些花柱装饰。









忠爱无言2的观后感400字作文英文回答:After watching "Silent Love 2", I was deeply moved by the touching story and the amazing performances of the actors. The film tells the story of a couple who face challenges in their relationship due to misunderstandings and communication issues. Through their journey, they learn the importance of trust, forgiveness, and true love.One scene that really stood out to me was when the male lead, Alex, finally opens up to his girlfriend, Lily, about his past struggles and fears. It was a powerful moment that showed the strength of vulnerability and the healing power of honesty in a relationship. This scene reminded me of the saying, "A problem shared is a problem halved", because it highlighted the importance of sharing our burdens with loved ones.Another aspect of the film that I appreciated was thebeautiful cinematography and soundtrack. The visuals and music added depth and emotion to the story, making it even more impactful. It reminded me of the phrase, "A picture is worth a thousand words", because the visuals in the film spoke volumes about the characters' emotions and struggles.Overall, "Silent Love 2" left me feeling inspired and hopeful about the power of love and communication in relationships. It taught me that sometimes the most important conversations are the ones we find hardest to have, but they are also the ones that can bring us closer together.中文回答:看完《忠爱无言2》,我被这个感人的故事和演员们出色的表演深深打动。



独一无二的爱英文文案短句1. Love that is one of a kind.2. A unique love like no other.3. Our love is unmatched.4. A love unlike any other.5. Our love story is one in a million.6. One love, one heart, one destiny.7. A love that is truly extraordinary.8. An unparalleled love that cannot be replicated.9. In a world full of copies, our love remains unique.10. Love like ours is rare and precious.11. Our love is as unique as a fingerprint.12. A love that is singular and irreplaceable.13. Our love is incomparable and unparalleled.14. Our love is like a rare gem, one of a kind.15. A love that stands out from the rest.16. Our love is a unique masterpiece.17. Our love is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of love.18. A love that cannot be duplicated or imitated.19. Our love is the embodiment of uniqueness.20. Love like ours is a beautiful anomaly.21. A love that is extraordinary and unmatched.22. Our love is a rarity in this world.23. A love that can never be duplicated or replicated.24. Our love is a shining example of uniqueness.25. Love that is entirely and exclusively ours.26. Our love is a symphony of uniqueness.27. A love that is undeniably one of a kind.28. In a sea of sameness, our love stands out.29. Our love is unparalleled and unmatched.30. Love like ours is a one-of-a-kind blessing.31. Our love is a precious rarity in the world.32. A love that is uniquely and exclusively ours.33. Our love is a masterpiece of uniqueness.34. In a world of similarities, our love is an exception.35. A love that cannot be replicated or replaced.36. Our love is a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon.37. Love like ours is a unique gift from above.38. Our love is like a rare flower, blossoming in its uniqueness.39. A love that is incomparable and unmatched.40. Our love is an original, never to be duplicated.。

Dangerously In Love 2文本歌词

Dangerously In Love 2文本歌词

Baby I love youYou are my lifeMy happiest moments wouldn’t be complete if you weren’t by my sideYou’re my relationIn connection to the sunWith you next to me, there’s no darkness I can’t over comeYou are my raindropsI am the seedWith you and God, who’s my sunlight I’ll bloom and grow so beautiflyBaby I’m so proud, so proud to be your girlYou make this confusion go on away from this cold and mixed-up worldHook x2(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin me(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin meAnd I know you love meLove me for who I amCause years before I became who I am, baby you were my manI know it ain’t easy, easy lovin meBut I appreciate the love and dedication from you to meLater on in my destinyI see myself having your childI see myself being your wife, and I see my whole future in your eyesThe thought of all my love for youSometimes makes me wanna cryCause I realize all my blessings, I’m grateful to have you by my sideHookx2Bridge(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin me(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin meEverytime I see your faceMy heart smilesEverytime it feels so good, and it hurts sometimes Created in this world to love, to hold, to feel, to breathe, to live youDangerously in love...(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin me(I’m) I’m in love with youYou set me freeI can’t do this thing called life without you here with me cause I’mDangerously in love with youI’ll never leaveJust keep lovin’ me the way I love you lovin。



这篇高中英语作文:两片树叶的爱情2 leaves of love,是特地为大家整理的,希望对大家有所帮助!高中英语作文:两片树叶的爱情2 leaves of loveThe forest was large and thickly overgrown with all kinds of leaf-bearing trees. Usually, it is cold this time of year and it even happens that it snow, but this November was relatively warm. You might have thought it was summer except that the whole forest was strewn with fallen leaves-some yellow as saffron, some red as wine, some the color of gold and some of mixed color. The leaves had been torn down by the rain, by the wind, some by day, some at night, and they now formed a deep carpet over the forest floor. Although their juices had run dry, the leaves still exuded a pleasant aroma. The sun shone down on them through the living branches, and worms and flies which had somehow survived the autumn storms crawled over them. The space beneath the leaves provided hiding places for crickets, field mice and many other creatures who sought protection in the earth.On the tip of a tree which had lost all its other leaves, two still remained hanging from one twig: Ole and Trufa. For some reason unknown to them, Ole and Trufa had survived all the rains, all the cold nights and winds. Who knows the reason one leaf falls and another remains? But Ole and Trufa believed the answer lay in the great love they bore one another. Ole was slightly bigger than Turfa and a few days older, but Trufa was prettier and more delicate. One leaf can do little for another when the wind blows, the rain pours, or the hail begins to fall. Still, Ole encouraged Trufa at every opportunity. During the worst storms, when the thunder clapped, the lightning flashed and the wind tore off not only leaves but even whole branches, Ole pleaded with Trufa: "Hang on, Trufa! Hand on with all your might!"At times during cold and stormy nights, Trufa would complain: "My time had come, Ole, but you hand on!""What for?" Ole asked. "Without you, my life is senseless. If you fall, I'll fall with you.""NO, Ole, don't do it! So long as a leaf can stay up it mustn't let go.""It all depends if you stay with me," Ole replied. "By day I look at you and admire your beauty. At night I sense your fragrance. Be the only leaf on a tree? No never!""Ole, your words are so sweet but they're not true," Trufa said. "You know very well that I'm no longer pretty. Look how wrinkled I am, how shriveled I've become! Only one thing is still left me-my love for you.""Isn't that enough? Of all our powers love the highest, the finest," Ole said. "So long as we love each other we remain here, and no wind, rain or storm can destroy us. I'll tell you something, Trufa-I never loved you as much as I love you now.""Why, Ole? Why? I'm all yellow.""Who says green is pretty and yellow is not? All colors are equally handsome."And just as Ole spoke these words, that which Trufa had feared all these months happened-a wind came up and tore Ole loose from the twig. Trufa began to tremble and flutter until it seemed that she, too, would soon be torn away, but she held fast. She saw Ole fall and sway in the air, and she called to him in leafy language: "Ole! Come back! Ole! Ole!"But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight. He blended in with the other leaves on the ground, and Trufa was left all alone on the tree.So long as it was still day, Trufa managed somehow to endure her grief. But when it grew dark and cold and a piercing rain began to fall, she sank into despair. Somehow she felt that the blame for all the leafy misfortunes lay with the tree,the trunk with all its mighty limbs. Leaves fell, but the trunk stood tall, thick and firmly rooted in the ground. No wind, rain or hail could upset it. What did it matter to a tree, which probably lived forever, what become of a leaf? To Trufa, the trunk was a kind of god. It covered itself with leaves for a few months, then it shook them off. It nourished them with its sap for as long as it pleased, then it let them die of thirst. Trufa pleaded with the tree to give her back her Ole, to make it summer again, but the tree didn't heed her prayers.Trufa didn't think a night could be so long as this one-so dark, so frosty. She spoke to Ole and hoped for an answer, but Ole was silent and gave no sign of his presence.Trufa said to the tree: "Since you've taken Ole from me, take me too."But even this prayer the tree didn't acknowledge.After a while, Trufa dozed off. This wasn't sleep but a strange languor. Trufa awoke and to her amazement found that she was no longer handing on the tree. The wind had blown her down while she was asleep. This was different from the way she used to feel when she awoke on the tree with the sunrise. All her fears and anxieties had now vanished. The awakening also brought with it an awareness she had never felt before. She knew now that she wasn't just a leaf that depended on every whim of the wind, but that she was part of the universe. Through some mysterious force, Trufa understood the miracle of her molecules, atoms, protons and electrons-the enormous energy she represented and the divine plan of which she was a part.Next to her lay Ole, and they greeted each other with a love they hadn't been aware of before. This wasn't a love that depended on chance or caprice, but a love as mighty and eternalas the universe itself. That which they had feared all the days and nights between April and November turned out to be not death but redemption. A breeze came and lifted Ole and Trufa in the air and they soared with the bliss known only by those who have freed themselves and have joined with eternity.。

only love歌词 (2)

only love歌词 (2)

Only Love歌词来自艾伦·德詹尼斯(Ellen DeGeneres)的强力认可的华人歌手许巍(许巍)是中国乐坛的传奇人物之一。


其中,许巍创作和演唱的一首歌曲《Only Love》引起了广大听众的热情追捧。

一、歌曲背景《Only Love》是许巍发行的第八张专辑《黄昏华尔兹》中的一首歌曲。


《Only Love》作为专辑中的一首主打歌,以其深情的旋律和文字抒发了许巍对爱情的渴望和追求。

二、歌曲主题《Only Love》主要围绕着爱情这一永恒的主题展开。



三、歌曲歌词以下是《Only Love》的歌词:要多想多想才算是真心我给了你我唯一纯真要多爱多爱才算是真爱我把心绑在你手心当我们能够手拉手看夕阳当我们能够身临绝境不放弃爱爱是一种美往复中成熟你会发现只有爱才能再度回廊Only love明白明白才知道你已是我的一切Only love感受感受生命在爱中才能真实四、歌曲分析1.歌词中的第一句“要多想多想才算是真心”表达了许巍对真爱的渴望,他希望对方能够用心去思考,才能达到真心的境界。





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Babies breath 满天星:真心喜欢 I really want to be with you.
Rose 花语:相爱 These roses represent our love.
Lily 百合 花语:百年好合
I want to live out my days with you.
Tulips 郁金香: 爱的寓言 Tulips show the perfection of our love.
What does love mean ?
Love is when a boy starts body-building exercises and brush his teeth three times a day.
Love is when a girl looks at herself in the mirror all day and sighs.
"Doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt
that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar but never doubt that I love."
即便你怀疑星星是火, 哪怕你怀疑太阳无动, 或许你担心真理会变, 不要质疑我真的爱你! -----Shakespeare
--Amy Carmichael
If you would be loved, love and lovable.--Benjamin Franklin
• Love is the mother of love. And love is the reward of love. Where you find no love, put love, and you will find love.
Immature(幼稚的) lover says: “I love you because I need you.” Mature(成熟的) lover says:“I need you because I love you" .
“Love is the most beautiful of dreams and the worst of nightmares(噩梦)." “Love comforteth(安抚) like sunshine after rain." (from Venus and Adonus)
If someone appears in your dream everyday, he or she is your love.
Love is when you miss someone so much that you lose your appetite(食欲).
Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.
Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty(出 汗的) and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford(罗伯特· 雷德福) .
The motto about the love
The motto about the love
When you love somebody, your eyelashes(眼睫毛) go up and down and little stars come out of you.
Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well.
Flowers & Love
How many flowers can you recognize?
Do you know the particular meanings that they represent?
Sunflower 向日葵:爱慕,崇拜 No one moves/attracts me like you do.
Love and Marriage
What isBiblioteka love? What is marriage? And how do you think of “Marriage is the tomb of love”?
Love is the most beautiful thing to happen to a person, its an opportunity but you don„t realize its worth when you have it but only when its gone like the field of stalks(茎). Marriage like the tree you chopped (砍) , it‟s a compromise(妥协); you pick the first best thing you see and learn to live a happy life with it.
Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. --Oscar Wilde
You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.