Cooperative Distance-Education Paradigm for a Networked Application Course Authors


Distance education

Distance education
mainly for individual space, learning center is subsidiary
In China, distance education experienced three stages:
1.correspondence education,
• In Australian and China it mainly refers to broadcasting and television university.
Distance Education
Distance Education
Open and Flexible Distance Leaning
Origins and Development of DE
Correspondence Education (函授教育)
Multi-Media Instruction Distance Education
Open and Flexible Distance Leaning
Distance Education
(paragraph 9)conclusion
• The delivery of distance education in Australia has come a long way. New technologies have done a big contribution to education . However some limitations exit and these must be properly addressd.
Distance education provides major benefits to at least main markets or categories







关键词:U-S协作;专业学习共同体;整合式专业发展;知识创造“能者做事,庸者教书”是爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳(Shaw, G B)一百多年前对教师职业的无情诋毁。

1986年,美国斯坦福大学教授,美国教育研究会主席舒尔曼(Schulman, L S)强烈呼吁,教学应该成为一门专业,“能者做事,智者教书”才应是教师职业地位的本真。


20世纪后半叶以来,伴随着大学教师教育与基础教育改革的合流,“U-S协作(university-school collaboration)型专业学习共同体”逐步成为国外大学与中小学伙伴关系中一条可供选择的教师专业化道路。







创新教育科技创新导报 Science and Technology Innovation Herald1951 “同伴帮助下的课堂重建”(P e e r E n a b l e d Restructured Classroom)介绍近年,获得美国国家科学基金会资助的数学与科学合作伙伴组织创立了一个教育改革项目——课堂重建,携手纽约城市大学亨特学院的专家学者在纽约市的9所公立中学中试点推行。



“课堂重建”的教育理念源于“同伴教育”(P e e r E duc at ion),但与传统的学生之间的课外辅导或小组讨论不同,助教在课堂教学中承担正式角色。











31表1 2015级中外合作办学项目学生某一个学期每周课程门数及课时安排每周上课天数课程门数学时/周语言课程课时/所占比例563624/66.6%2.3 大学整体教育环境宽松,为学困生学业懈怠提供“平台”相对于应试教育的中学教育教育阶段,大学教育环境较为宽松,没有老师和家长的约束,一些自制力不够成熟的学生入校后开始迷恋学习以外的活动,如网游、看小说周 燕(江苏师范大学 江苏·徐州 221116)中图分类号:G467.8文献标识码:ADOI:10.16871/ki.kjwhc.2016.07.014摘 要 中外合作办学具有一定的特殊性,其办学机构及项目层次繁复,学生成分相对复杂,学困生群体相对庞大,已然是一个不容忽视的群体。


关键词 中外合作办学 学困生 学业帮扶Pondering on the Assistance to Students with Learning Difficulties in Chinese-Foreign Cooperative Education // Zhou YanAbstract Chinese-foreign cooperative education possesses its particularity, including complex organizations and project levels, diversified sources of students, and a large group of students with learning difficulties which has already become a group needing attention. This paper analyzes the causes of students with learning difficulties in Chinese-foreign cooperative educa-tion, and proposes strategies on how to assist their studies.Key words Chinese-foreign cooperative education;students with learning difficulties;academic assistance中外合作办学是我国改革开放以来教育领域兴起的办学模式,该办学模式顺应时代发展的潮流,能较好地引进和利用国外教育的优质资源,为我国学生接受国际化教育提供更高更好的平台。



模拟联合国课程方案contents •课程背景与目标•课程内容与安排•教学方法与手段•课程评价与反馈•课程资源与支持•课程实施与推广目录课程背景与目标模拟联合国课程简介010204课程目标与意义培养学生独立思考、团队协作、公共演讲和辩论等综合能力。

















合作式学习的英文作文Cooperative Learning: Unlocking the Potential of Collaborative EducationCooperation is the foundation upon which true learning and growth can thrive. In the realm of education, the concept of cooperative learning has emerged as a powerful approach that transcends the traditional, individualistic model of instruction. By fostering a collaborative environment, cooperative learning harnesses the collective intelligence and diverse perspectives of students, enabling them to achieve greater academic success and develop essential life skills.At the core of cooperative learning lies the belief that students can learn more effectively when they work together towards a common goal. This approach encourages students to actively engage with the material, share their knowledge, and support one another's learning. Unlike the passive, teacher-centered model, cooperative learning empowers students to take ownership of their education, becoming active participants in the learning process.One of the key benefits of cooperative learning is its ability to caterto diverse learning styles and needs. By organizing students into small, heterogeneous groups, cooperative learning allows individuals with different strengths, weaknesses, and backgrounds to complement one another. This diversity fosters a rich exchange of ideas, where students can learn from their peers and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.Moreover, cooperative learning fosters the development of essential life skills, such as effective communication, critical thinking, and problem-solving. As students work together to complete tasks and solve problems, they learn to listen actively, express their ideas clearly, and negotiate solutions. These skills are not only crucial for academic success but also invaluable in the professional world and personal relationships.Another significant advantage of cooperative learning is its potential to enhance student motivation and engagement. When students are actively involved in the learning process, they are more likely to find the material meaningful and relevant. Cooperative learning creates a supportive and encouraging environment, where students feel empowered to take risks, ask questions, and contribute their ideas without fear of judgment or failure.Furthermore, cooperative learning has been shown to have a positive impact on academic achievement. Studies have consistentlydemonstrated that students who participate in cooperative learning activities tend to outperform their peers in individual assessments and standardized tests. This is attributed to the fact that cooperative learning fosters a deeper understanding of the material, as students must actively engage with the content and explain their reasoning to their peers.However, the successful implementation of cooperative learning requires careful planning and execution. Educators must be trained in the principles and techniques of cooperative learning, and they must be willing to adapt their teaching strategies to accommodate this approach. Additionally, the physical classroom environment must be conducive to group work, with ample space and resources for students to collaborate effectively.Despite these challenges, the benefits of cooperative learning are undeniable. By shifting the focus from individual competition to collaborative problem-solving, cooperative learning prepares students for the realities of the modern world, where teamwork and cooperation are increasingly essential for success.In conclusion, cooperative learning is a powerful educational approach that has the potential to transform the learning experience for students of all ages and backgrounds. By fostering a collaborative environment, cooperative learning unlocks the potential of students,enabling them to achieve academic success, develop essential life skills, and cultivate a lifelong love of learning.。



想与别的学校合作办学英语作文In today's interconnected world, the boundaries of education are constantly being pushed. As institutions of learning, schools have a unique opportunity to expand their reach and enhance the quality of education they provide by collaborating with other schools. Cross-school cooperation offers a rich array of benefits that can lead to mutual growth and success.Firstly, collaborative education fosters a diverse learning environment. By bringing together students and teachers from different schools, it creates a melting pot of ideas, perspectives, and experiences. This diversity enriches the educational experience by broadening students' horizons and exposing them to new ways of thinking. It also encourages tolerance and respect for diversity, which are crucial skills in today's globalized world.Secondly, cross-school cooperation can lead to the sharing of resources and expertise. Schools often have unique strengths and resources that can be leveraged to benefit other schools. For instance, one school may have a state-of-the-art science laboratory, while another may havea renowned arts program. By sharing these resources, schools can enhance the quality of their programs and provide a more comprehensive education to their students. Moreover, collaborative education can help schools address common challenges and issues. Together, schools can pool their resources and expertise to tackle problems such as student dropout rates, academic underperformance, or social-emotional issues. By working collaboratively, schools can share successful practices and strategies that have worked well in their respective settings, leading to improved outcomes for students.Additionally, cross-school cooperation can provide valuable opportunities for teachers' professional development. By collaborating with teachers from other schools, educators can learn new techniques, strategies, and approaches to teaching and learning. This sharing of knowledge and expertise can help teachers improve their teaching skills and enhance the quality of education they provide to their students.In conclusion, cross-school cooperation offers numerous benefits that can lead to improved educational outcomes forstudents and teachers alike. It fosters a diverse learning environment, enables the sharing of resources and expertise, helps address common challenges, and provides opportunities for professional development. As schools continue toexplore new ways to enhance the quality of education they provide, cross-school cooperation should remain a key strategy in their efforts to expand their reach and improve student outcomes.**合作办学:跨校合作,拓宽教育视野**在如今相互连接的世界中,教育的边界正在不断被拓宽。





















































• • • • • • • • 1、阅读教学实践揭示了阅读策略的共性 (1)了解阅读的目的。 (2)激发相关的背景知识。 (3)集中注意力在主要的内容上。 (4)评估文章内容的一致性, 使其与个人常识及先前 知识相融合。 (5)定期回顾、自我询问以及监控自己的阅读活动, 以检查是否理解。 (6)作推论并测试预测的结果。 2. 一种不成熟的阅读策略可能会对学生更不利。由 于大多阅读水平差的学生本身就是被动的学习者, 策略的运用可能迫使他们更快遭遇到阅读的困难; 在对阅读策略教学“知其然,而不知其所以然”的 情况下,其结果更是难以想像的。 3.Brown , Day 和Jones 认为有效 的训练模式必须遵循这样三个基本原则: 一是迫使学生主动参与; 二是对于学生参与行为给予反馈; 三是教学时提供策略使用的原因、时机与地点。 有鉴于此,Palincsar 和Brown 提出了对话互动模式, 让四个策略渗透在师生和生生对话互动的背景之中 ,以确保学生能够积极参与阅读活动, 体验到策 略运用中的成功感, 最终能各自在真实的阅读情境 中运用。 于是,Palincsar 和Brown 设计了一种新的阅读教学 模式, 这就是Palincsar 和Brown 所称的“互惠教学”模式。
• • • • • • • • •

• • •
惠教学”模式不是凭空建立起来的, 它有自己的理论基础 1 .最近发展区。 2 .预期教学。 3 .专家支架。
• • • • • • • • • 1.预言策略 预言是根据文章标题或插图预测文章的可能内容, 对于读过的文章段落, 学生 必须加以整合组织,作为预测下文的依据, 它的功能在于激发学生的先前知识 2.质疑策略 很多研究都认为, 教师提出不同类型的问题,对学生的理解能力影响深远, 因为 质疑能提升师生对 话的质量,促使学生主动探寻文章的意义。指导学生按照“在这里的” 、“藏 起来的”与“自己脑袋里的”三种类型来分辨问题, 以让学生更容易运用质疑 策略 3.小结策略 小结是学生根据文章内容的重要概念做简要的确认与陈述, 它是一种自我回顾 的过程。 4.澄清策略 澄清策略即澄清疑虑策略,只在有需要时才使用这种策略。可能的使用时机为 :(1)不清楚文章的指示代名词(如:你、他、它), (2)遇到困难或不熟悉的字词 ,(3)文章缺乏组织或信息不完整, (4)碰到少见的比喻或成语。此外, 也可以要 求某学生指出文章中其他学生可能感到困惑的的)




1. According to the PPP model, which speaking activit(江南博哥)y in the following would most probably appear at the production stage of the oral class teaching? ______A.Discussion.B.Repetition.C.Sentence pattern drill.D.Reading and acting.正确答案:A[考点] 考查巩固。

[解析] 句意:根据PPP模式,下列哪种口语活动最有可能出现在口语课堂教学的巩固阶段?在巩固环节,教师让学生根据特定话题进行自由表达,巩固环节的活动更注重交际性。



2. When a teacher tells the students that the word "dog" may imply "loyalty", he/she is teaching the ______ of the word.A.denotative meaningB.collocative meaningC.conceptual meaningD.connotative meaning正确答案:D[考点] 考查语义学。

[解析] 句意:当教师告诉学生“dog”可能意味着“忠诚”的含义时,教师是在教授单词的______。

Geoffrey Leech将词的意义划分为七种类型,分别是概念意义(conceptual meaning)、外延意义(denotative meaning)、内涵意义(connotative meaning)、文体意义(social meaning)、情感意义(affective meaning)、联想意义(reflected meaning)、搭配意义(collocative meaning)和主题意义(thematic meaning)。



Growing up in a rapidly globalizing world, Ive always been fascinated by the concept of international cooperation. The idea that people from different countries can come together, sharing knowledge, resources, and perspectives, to achieve common goals is truly inspiring. This essay aims to explore the ways in which we can foster cooperation between China and other countries, drawing from my personal experiences and observations.One of the most effective ways to promote international collaboration is through education. During my high school years, I had the opportunity to participate in an exchange program with students from various countries. This experience was eyeopening, as it allowed me to understand different cultures, languages, and ways of thinking. By encouraging more such programs, we can create a generation of young people who are not only bilingual but also possess a global mindset.Another crucial aspect of fostering cooperation is through economic ties. Trade and investment can bring countries closer together, creating mutual benefits and interdependence. For instance, Chinas Belt and Road Initiative has been a significant step towards enhancing economic cooperation with numerous countries. It has led to the construction of infrastructure projects, which not only boost local economies but also strengthen diplomatic relations.Cultural exchanges are equally important in building bridges between nations. I remember attending a cultural festival in my city, where representatives from different countries showcased their art, music, and cuisine. Such events help break down stereotypes and promoteunderstanding and appreciation of diversity. Organizing more cultural events and encouraging tourism can further enhance peopletopeople exchanges.Technological collaboration is another area with immense potential. In todays digital age, technology knows no borders. By working together on research and development, countries can pool their resources and expertise to tackle global challenges such as climate change, healthcare, and sustainable development. For example, Chinas collaboration with other nations in space exploration has led to groundbreaking discoveries and advancements.Moreover, promoting cooperation requires effective communication and diplomacy. Language is a powerful tool that can either build bridges or create barriers. Learning each others languages can facilitate better communication and understanding. Additionally, diplomatic efforts should focus on resolving conflicts and fostering a spirit of mutual respect and trust.Its also essential to address global issues collectively. No country can tackle challenges like terrorism, pandemics, or environmental degradation alone. By working together, countries can pool their resources, expertise, and strategies to find effective solutions. For instance, the global response to the COVID19 pandemic has underscored the importance of international cooperation in managing public health crises.In conclusion, promoting cooperation between China and other countriesrequires a multifaceted approach that includes educational exchanges, economic ties, cultural events, technological collaboration, effective communication, and collective action on global issues. As a high school student, Ive seen firsthand the benefits of such cooperation, and I believe that by embracing these strategies, we can build a more interconnected and harmonious world.。



作者: 邓莉
作者机构: 华东师范大学课程与教学系
出版物刊名: 世界教育信息
页码: 78-78页
年卷期: 2013年 第23期
主题词: 教育资源;学习共同体;英联邦;大学;可持续发展;联合国教科文组织;学分制;开放;在线学习;教育革命





4)为了便于“合作学习”,小组编排应以有 利于 学生间的讨论和交流为原则。
小组合作学习在课堂教学中的基本形式: 课堂中每项活动都应围绕教学内容、教学目而 设计。合作互动学习的研究者认为:在教学目 标上,注重突出教学的情意功能,追求教学有 认知、情感和技能目标上的均衡达成。
角色表演--信息处理--集体讲授--语义 重建--课外活动
• 1.角色表演 这种方式经常用在reading-speaking课型中。 即教师教完新授课后,给学生一个话题,让小 组成员运用新旧语言知识,就这一话题发挥想 象,通过创设情景,自编对话,进行角色表演。
• 信息处理 • 教师向学生提出任务(task-based activities)及完成任务的步骤和方法。各小组 根据具体任务或问题展开讨论,小组中的每个 成员自由发表意见,经记录员记录整理后,向 全班汇报。此环节是“合作学习”的重头戏, 占 据课堂时间较多。
• 教学:让学生最大限度地掌握知识 • 研究:探索让学生掌握知识的途径 • 当教师以“思考”的目光审视校园,以 “探究”的姿态从事教学,以“反思”的 襟怀走进教室时,就已经具有了研究者的 特质

• 发现、分析、研究和解决教育教学中的实际问题, 构建教学和谐、师生和谐、师师和谐、生生和谐、 自我和谐、天人和谐的和谐课堂、和谐校园、和 谐社会。
• • • • 师生展示个人人格魅力与才艺的艺术课 提高师生语言水平与语言能力的语言课 陶冶师生文化素养与个人情操的文化课, 师生交流生活体验获取生活技能生活课。
• Ideological 思想意识 明确的人生发展目标 • linguistic 语言知能 坚实的专业基础知识 • Pedagogic 教育教学 基本的教育教学理论 • Scientific 教育研究 敏锐的教育研究意识 (安身立命之魂) 先进的教育教学理念 (安身立命之本) 娴熟的专业运用技能 (安身立命之法) 有效的教育教学方法 (安身立命之器) 较高的教育研究能力







却一定程度上存在着概念泛化和运用混乱现象,对该理论 ?在此背景下建构教师专业学习共同体渐成为学术界关也缺乏系统整理。



二、概念解析一、产生背景在教育学界, “专业学习共同体”并非是原生性的概近年来宏观社会环境的巨大变迁对学校教育及教师念,而是从“学习型组织”发展而来。






在这样的变革背景下,学校的未来效能成了世界教育社会学研究者们普遍认为, “共同体”概念在学科领域的源起当从年滕尼斯发表《共的第三次变革浪潮关注焦点,学校教育也由强调学生知识的习得转而追求培养学生的学习能力。



于同时强调个人负责和小组集体负责两种责任制。 他们与程度相当的人谈论课题特别感兴趣。
任务建议:在班上建立一个项目,让学生为每种智能准备一个工作站。 使用合作小组活动的方式学习英语,则可以避免这种不利因素。
每个小组在确定一个学习项目或研究课题以后,首 编组一定要小,保证每个学生都有充分的发言机会。 先进行分工。每个小组成员独立完成自己负责的一 任务建议: 两排桌子面对面坐着,学生来回扔掷一个软的物体,接到这个抛掷物者发言,这样可以确保双方发言的机会均等。 段,成为这一部分的专家。然后回到小组,跟大家 教师也可以事先个别地问问学生谁有家长来或谁没有家长来。
新的认识,组发言人,准备到大班上代表 同伴领导的会议(Peer-led conferences)
小组发言;一个维持课堂纪律,注意小组讨论时大 年龄和能力混合小组活动的关键是目标十分明确,人人知道自己在项目中的作用。
分享自己得到的信息资料,介绍自己的成果。最后, 2 马斯洛的“需要”理论
通常在这样的小在组里小你会发组现各讨种各论样的的兴趣时、能候力和经,验各每异的个学生组。 员担任特定的“角色”, 如:一个做主席,主持会议;一个做秘书,记录大 在一个合作性的集体中,具有不同智慧水平,不同知识结构、不同思维方式的成员可以相互启发,相互补充,在交流的撞击中,产生
Negative Interdependence?
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Cooperative Distance-Education Paradigm for a Networked Application Course Authors:Jiann-Liang Chen, Department of Computer Science, National Dong Hwa University, Huailen, Taiwan Lchen@.twRen-Hung Hwang, Department of Communications Engin eering, National Chung-Cheng University, Chyayi, Taiwan rhhwang@.twAbstractInternet technologies recently have developed extremely fast. The development of WWW applications has increased the accessibility of the Internet. New information and communication technologies are developing and playing a growing role in engineering education. Based on these technologies and new teaching methodologies, this study designed a cooperative distance-education paradigm for engineering education. From the team teaching perspective, classroom teachers collaborate on distance teaching with other teacher-librarians simultaneously in different scenes. Each teacher in this teaching team can hear /present critical information to learners and other teachers. Three modules are designed in this paradigm, namely: web-oriented curriculum, SCORM-based e-book and Access Grid cooperative distance-education (see Fig. 1).In the web-oriented curriculum module, a curriculum website was designed and reposed on several teaching resources, including teaching materials, teaching programs, and experimental handouts (see Fig. 2). Teachers and students can obtain the teaching/learning guidelines from the website in advance. Implementing this module will produce an interface for web-based distance education that is innovative in terms of student characteristics and teaching/learning process evaluation.To provide ubiquitous learning environments, this paradigm included an e-book module based on the learning technology standards, SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), which provides a standardized communication interface between the LMS (Learning Management System) and learning content (courseware) for tracking learner profile and supporting the reusability of learning objects. Based on the wireless communication and Bluetooth technologies, we also make teaching materials and resources accessible to mobile learners at anytime, anywhere.The cooperative distance-education module integrates distributed resources from different networks/sites into a shared platform where learners can easily fulfill cooperative learning (see Fig. 3). Access Grid technology provides interactive network services and supports multimedia applications via a high-speed backbone network. Because itcomprises communication systems linking individual clients with servers, Access Grid technology eliminates the limitations of traditional distance-learning operations. Constructing a cooperative learning network using the Access Grid system is more flexible, scalable and economical than when using the existing system. Every Access Grid node can select which of the videos of the other nodes they wish to view and then project them onto the wall. Access Grid Systems communicate with one another on IP-based networks, thus reducing the expenses associated with least-line connection and equipments.This cooperative distance-education paradigm establishes the Access Grid node at every participating university by installing the Access Grid via a room node, desktop computer, or notebook. The Access Grid requires the IP-based (or application-based) multicast support and an authorized server. Every university in the system can enter the venues built into the Access Grid server node and share the video, audio and text. To examine the feasibility of the cooperative distance-education paradigm, a novel course, next-generation networked multimedia application (the curriculum website:, is taught at three Taiwanese universities (see Fig. 4). Each teacher in the teaching team is responsible for teaching particular technologies and specific skills from one of the topics/chapters in the courseware which were collaboratively designed in last year (2003). From the trial teaching results, the Average grade of the learners exceeds that of learners in traditional pedagogy and traditional distance-learning (one teacher-to-whole-class methodology) at 5% and 3%, respectively. Furthermore, the learning efficiency using the proposed approach is around 5% higher than for traditional methods. The author thus believes that the cooperative distance-education paradigm can improve the educational quality by sharing teacher expertise and promoting better learning.Keywords: Cooperative Distance-Education, Access Grid, E-learning, E-book, SCORMReferences[1] R.C. Schank, Designing World-Class E-Learning, McGraw Hill, 2002.[2] L. MacLaren, “NewTrend in Web-based Learning: Objects, Repositories and Learner Engagement,” European Journal of Engineering Education,Vol.29, No.1, pp.65-71, 2004.[3] O. Bohl, J. Scheuhase, R. Sengler and U. Winand, “The Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM)- a Critical Review,” Proceedings ofInternational Conference on Computers in Education, pp.950-951, 2002.[4]D.P. Siewiorek, S. Finger and A. 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Lopes and M.A. Fernandes, “A Multiagent Architecture for Distance Education Systems,” Proceed ings of the3rd IEEEInternational Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, pp.368-369, July 2003.Figure 1: Three Modules Of Cooperative Distance-Education ParadigmFigure 2: Web-Oriented CurriculumFigure 3: Access Grid Cooperative Distance-Learning ModuleFigure 4: Trial Teaching。
