Static Analysis of Buried Pipes Using Coupling between Layerwise Finite Element and Bounda
能量桩工程应用研究进展及PCC能量桩技术开发_刘汉龙 (1)
第35卷第12期岩土工程学报Vol.35 No.12 2013年12月 Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Dec. 2013 DOI:能量桩工程应用研究进展及PCC能量桩技术开发刘汉龙1,孔纲强1,吴宏伟2(1. 河海大学土木与交通学院,南京210098;2. 香港科技大学土木工程系,香港)摘要:能量桩是一种由地源热泵技术与桩基埋管换热器结合组成的经济高效节能减排技术。
关键词:能量桩;地源热泵;热力学;承载力;荷载传递;工程实例中图分类号:TU473.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:作者简介:刘汉龙(1964– ),男,长江学者特聘教授,博士,博导,主要从事软土地基处理及桩基础方面的教学与研究工作。
E-mail: hliuhhu@。
Review of the applications of energy pile and development of PCC energy piletechnicalLIU Han-long1, KONG Gang-qiang1, Charles W. W. Ng2(1. College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China; 2. Civil Engineering Department, Hong Kong University of Scienceand Technology, Hong Kong, China)Abstract:Energy pile is combination of ground source heat pump technology and purposely designed pile for storing energy in the ground using buried pipes during hot climates and retrieving energy from it when it is needed. The working technical principles, pile type, buried form, and economic advantages of energy pile are briefly introduced. Heat transfer pipes can be buried in drilled shaft, precast piles, steel piles, and cement mixing piles. The current advance and research status on energy piles at home and abroad, and their engineering applications (including drilled shafts and precast piles) in recent years are reviewed and summarized. Moreover, some major problems in engineering applications are revealed, leading to the development of a new PCC energy pile. The prospects of this PCC energy pile in the national energy saving projects are briefly analyzed and possible further research is identified.Key words:PCC energy pile; ground source heat pumps; thermodynamics; bearing capacity; load transfer; case study1 引言地源热泵(ground source heat pumps, GSHP)技术,是利用地下的土壤、地表水、地下水温相对稳定的特性,在冬天把低位热源中的热量转移到需要供热或加温的地方,在夏天将室内的余热转移到低位热源中,达到降温或制冷的目的。
2024年第4号国家市场监督管理总局(国家标准化管理委员会)批准《全断面隧道掘进机 盾构机安全要求》等159项国家标准外文版,现予以公告。
关于批准发布《全断面隧道掘进机 盾构机安全要求》等159项国家标准外文版的公告序号国家标准编号国家标准名称国家标准外文名称标准性质翻译语种1GB 142-2013坑木Logs for pit props 强制英文2GB 154-2013木枕Wood sleeper强制英文3GB/T 220-2018煤对二氧化碳化学反应性的测定方法Determination of carboxyreactivity of coal推荐英文4GB/T 479-2016烟煤胶质层指数测定方法Determination of plastometric indices of bituminous coal 推荐英文5GB/T 728-2020锡锭Tin ingot推荐英文6GB/T 1032-2023三相异步电动机试验方法Test methods for three-phase asynchronous motors推荐英文7GB/T 1573-2018煤的热稳定性测定方法Determination of thermal stability of coal推荐英文8GB/T 2054-2023镍及镍合金板Nickel and nickel alloy plate and sheet推荐英文9GB/T 2882-2023镍及镍合金管Nickel and nickel alloys tube推荐英文国家市场监督管理总局 国家标准化管理委员会二零二四年四月十二日中华人民共和国国家标准公 告10GB 4820-2013罐道木Sawn timber for mine shaft强制英文11GB 5135.1-2019自动喷水灭火系统 第1部分:洒水喷头Automatic sprinkler system―Part1:Sprinklers强制英文12GB 5135.13-2006自动喷水灭火系统 第13部分:水幕喷头Automatic sprinkler system―Part13:Performance requirements andtest methods of drencher nozzle强制英文13GB 5135.16-2010自动喷水灭火系统 第16部分:消防洒水软管Automatic sprinkler system―Part16:Flexible sprinkler hose withfittings强制英文14GB 5135.22-2019自动喷水灭火系统 第22部分:特殊应用喷头Automatic sprinkler system―Part22:Specific application sprinklers强制英文15GB 5135.5-2018自动喷水灭火系统 第5部分:雨淋报警阀Automatic sprinkler system―Part5:Deluge alarm valves强制英文16GB 5135.9-2018自动喷水灭火系统第9部分:早期抑制快速响应(ESFR)喷头A u t o m a t i c s p r i n k l e r s y s t e m―Part 9:Early suppression fastresponse(ESFR) sprinklers强制英文17GB/T 5907.1-2014消防词汇 第1部分:通用术语Fire protection vocabulary―Part1:General terms推荐英文18GB/T 5907.2-2015消防词汇 第2部分:火灾预防Fire protection vocabulary―Part2:Fire prevention推荐英文19GB/T 5907.3-2015消防词汇 第3部分:灭火救援Fire protection vocabulary―Part3:Fire fighting and rescue推荐英文20GB/T 5907.4-2015消防词汇 第4部分:火灾调查Fire protection vocabulary―Part4:Fire investigation推荐英文21GB/T 5907.5-2015消防词汇 第5部分:消防产品Fire protection vocabulary―Part5:Fire products推荐英文22GB/T 6229-2007手扶拖拉机 试验方法Test methods for walking tractors推荐英文23GB/T 6952-2015卫生陶瓷Sanitary Wares推荐英文24GB/T 8151.25-2023锌精矿化学分析方法 第25部分:铟含量的测定 火焰原子吸收光谱法Methods for chemical analysis of zincconcentrates―Part 25:Determinationof indium content―Flame atomicabsorption spectrometry推荐英文25GB/T 8152.17-2023铅精矿化学分析方法 第17部分:铝、镁、铁、铜、锌、镉、砷、锑、铋、钙含量的测定 电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法Methods for chemical analysis of leadconcentrates―Part 17:Determinationof aluminum, magnesium,iron,copper,zinc,cadmium,arsenic,antimony,bismu-th and calcium contents―Inductivelycoupled plasma atomic emissionspectrometry推荐英文26GB/T 8533-2008小型砌块成型机Small block machine推荐英文27GB 12441-2018饰面型防火涂料Finishing fire resistant coating强制英文28GB/T 12604.10-2023无损检测 术语 第10部分:磁记忆检测N o n-d e s t r u c t i v e t e s t i n g―Terminology―Part 10:Magneticmemory testing推荐英文29GB/T 12771-2019流体输送用不锈钢焊接钢管Welded stainless steel pipes forfluid transport推荐英文30GB/T 12897-2006国家一、二等水准测量规范Specifications for the first andsecond order leveling推荐英文31GB/T 13043-2022客车定型试验规程Bus engineering approval evaluationprogram推荐英文32GB/T 13345-2021板带轧机轧辊油膜轴承Oil film bearing for flat rollingmill推荐英文33GB/T 13662-2018黄酒Huangjiu推荐英文34GB/T 14190-2017纤维级聚酯(PET)切片试验方法Test methods for fibre gradepolyethylene terephthalate (PET) chip推荐英文35GB/T 14404-2011剪板机 精度Tafelschere―Genauigkeitsprüfung推荐德文36GB/T 16552-2017珠宝玉石 名称Gems―Nomenclature推荐英文37GB/T 16553-2017珠宝玉石 鉴定Gems―Testing推荐英文38GB/T 16554-2017钻石分级Diamond grading推荐英文39GB/T 17742-2020中国地震烈度表The Chinese seismic intensity scale推荐英文40GB/T 18043-2013首饰 贵金属含量的测定 X射线荧光光谱法Jewellery―Determination of preciousmetal content―Method using X-Rayfluorescence spectrometry推荐英文41GB 18145-2014陶瓷片密封水嘴Ceramic cartridge faucets强制英文42GB/T 18354-2021物流术语Logistics terminology推荐英文43GB/T 18579-2019高碳铬轴承钢丝High-carbon chromium bearing steelwires推荐英文44GB 19572-2013低压二氧化碳灭火系统及部件L o w p r e s s u r e c a r b o n d i o x i d eextinguishing system and components强制英文45GB/T 20256-2019国家重力控制测量规范Specifications for the gravimetrycontrol推荐英文46GB/T 20257.1-2017国家基本比例尺地图图式第1部分:1:500 1:1 0001:2 000地形图图式Cartographic symbols for nationalfundamental scale maps―Part1:Specifications for cartographicsymbols 1︰500 1︰1 000 & 1︰2 000topographic maps推荐英文47GB/T 20721-2022自动导引车 通用技术条件Automatic guided vehicles―Generalspecifications推荐英文48GB/T 21833.1-2020奥氏体-铁素体型双相不锈钢无缝钢管 第1部分:热交换器用管Seamless austenitic-ferritic (duplex)stainless steel tubes and pipes―Part 1:Tubes for heat exchanger推荐英文49GB/T 21833.2-2020奥氏体-铁素体型双相不锈钢无缝钢管 第2部分:流体输送用管Seamless austenitic-ferritic (duplex)stainless steel tubes and pipes―Part 2:Pipes for fluid service推荐英文50GB 22021-2008国家大地测量基本技术规定Basic Specifications for NationalGeodesy强制英文51GB/T 22291-2017白茶White Tea推荐英文52GB/T 23546-2009奶酒Milk wines推荐英文53GB/T 23885-2009翡翠分级Jadeite grading推荐英文54GB/T 24593-2018锅炉和热交换器用奥氏体不锈钢焊接钢管Welded austenitic stainless steeltubes for boiler and heat exchanger推荐英文55GB/T 25122.3-2018轨道交通 机车车辆用电力变流器 第3部分:机车牵引变流器Railway applications―Power convertersinstalled on board rolling stock―Part3:Traction converter for locomotive推荐英文56GB/T 25122.4-2018轨道交通 机车车辆用电力变流器 第4部分:电动车组牵引变流器R a i l w a y a p p l i c a t i o n s―P o w e rconverters installed on boardrolling stock―Part 4:Tractionconverter for EMU推荐英文57GB/T 25122.5-2018轨道交通 机车车辆用电力变流器 第5部分:城轨车辆牵引变流器R a i l w a y a p p l i c a t i o n s―P o w e rconverters installed on boardrolling stock―Part 5:Tractionconverter for urban rail vehicle推荐英文58GB/T 25260.1-2022合成胶乳 第1部分:羧基丁苯胶乳(XSBRL)Synthetic rubber latex―Part1:Carboxyl styrene-butadiene rubberlatex(XSBRL)推荐英文59GB/T 25641-2010道路施工与养护机械设备沥青混合料厂拌热再生设备R o a d c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d r o a dm a i n t e n a n c e m a c h i n e r y a n dequipment―Asphalt hot recyclingplant推荐英文60GB/T 25697-2013道路施工与养护机械设备沥青路面就地热再生复拌机R o a d c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d r o a dm a i n t e n a n c e m a c h i n e r y a n dequipment―Asphalt pavement hot-in-place recycling remixer推荐英文61GB/T 26546-2011工程机械减轻环境负担的技术指南Construction machinery―Guide toreduce environmental burden推荐英文62GB/T 27586-2011山葡萄酒Vitis amurensis wines推荐英文63GB 27898.2-2011固定消防给水设备 第2部分:消防自动恒压给水设备Fixed water supply equipment usedfor fire-protection―Part 2:Constantpressure automatic water supplyequipment used for fire-protection强制英文64GB 27898.3-2011固定消防给水设备 第3部分:消防增压稳压给水设备Fixed water supply equipmentused for fire-protection―Part 3:Pressure boosting and stabilizingtype water supply equipment usedfor fire-protection强制英文65GB 28374-2012电缆防火涂料Fireproof coating for electric cable强制英文66GB/T 28393-2012道路施工与养护机械设备沥青碎石同步封层车R o a d c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d r o a dm a i n t e n a n c e m a c h i n e r y a n dequipment―Synchronous chips sealtruck推荐英文67GB/T 28580-2023口岸物流服务质量规范Quality specifications for portlogistics service推荐英文68GB/T 28951-2021中国森林认证 森林经营Forest certification in China―Forest management推荐英文69GB/T 29047-2021高密度聚乙烯外护管硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料预制直埋保温管及管件Prefabricated directly buriedinsulating pipes and fittings withpolyurethane foamed-plastics andhigh density polyethylene casingpipes推荐英文70GB 30051-2013推闩式逃生门锁通用技术要求General technical requirements forpush-bar emergency exit locks强制英文71GB/T 30335-2023药品物流服务规范Specification for logistics serviceof medicinal product推荐英文72GB/T 32743-2016白茶加工技术规范Technical specification for whitetea processing推荐英文73GB/T 32783-2016蓝莓酒Blueberry wine推荐英文74GB/T 32801-2016土方机械 再制造零部件 装配技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―R e m a n u f a c t u r e d c o m p o n e n t s―Technical specifications of assembly推荐英文75GB/T 32802-2016土方机械 再制造零部件 出厂验收技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―R e m a n u f a c t u r e d c o m p o n e n t s―Technical specifications of pre-delivery inspection推荐英文76GB/T 32803-2016土方机械 零部件再制造 分类技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―Remanufacture of components―T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o fclassification推荐英文77GB/T 32804-2016土方机械 零部件再制造 拆解技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―Remanufacture of components―T e c h n i c a l s p e c i f i c a t i o n s o fdisassembly推荐英文78GB/T 32805-2016土方机械 零部件再制造 清洗技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―Remanufacture of components―Technical specifications of cleaning推荐英文79GB/T 32806-2016土方机械 零部件再制造 通用技术规范E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―Remanufacture of components―General technical specifications推荐英文80GB/T 32819-2016土方机械 零部件可回收利用性分类及标识E a r t h-m o v i n g m a c h i n e r y―Classification and marking forrecoverability of components推荐英文81GB/T 32862-2016蓝宝石分级Sapphire grading推荐英文82GB/T 32863-2016红宝石分级Ruby grading推荐英文83GB/T 32910.3-2016数据中心 资源利用 第3部分:电能能效要求和测量方法Data center―Resource utilization―Part 3: Electric energy usageeffectiveness requirements andmeasuring methods推荐英文84GB/T 33083-2016大型碳素结构钢锻件 技术条件Heavy carbon structural steelforgings―Technical specification推荐英文85GB/T 33084-2016大型合金结构钢锻件 技术条件H e a v y a l l o y s t r u c t u r a l s t e e lforgings―Technical specification推荐英文86GB/T 33167-2016石油化工加氢装置工业炉用不锈钢无缝钢管Seamless stainless steel tubesand pipes for industrial furnaceo f p e t r o l e u m a n d c h e m i c a lhydrogenation unit推荐英文87GB/T 33522-2017渗碳轴承钢锻件 技术条件Carburizing bearing steel forgings―Technical specification推荐英文88GB/T 33541-2017珠宝玉石及贵金属产品抽样检验合格判定准则Qualified judgement criteria ofsampling inspection for gems andprecious metal products推荐英文89GB/T 34107-2017轨道交通车辆制动系统用精密不锈钢无缝钢管Seamless precision stainless steelpipes for rail transit vehiclebraking system推荐英文90GB/T 34141-2017高速列车网络控制系统Network control system for highspeed train推荐英文91GB/T 34327-2017建筑幕墙术语Terminology for curtain wall推荐英文92GB/T 34354-2017全断面隧道掘进机 术语和商业规格Full face tunnel boring machine―Terms and commercial specification推荐英文93GB/T 34543-2017黄色钻石分级Yellow diamond grading推荐英文94GB/T 34624-2017全封闭型电动机-压缩机用弹簧 技术条件Springs installed in hermeticm o t o r-c o m p r e s s o r―T e c h n i c a lspecifications推荐英文95GB/T 34650-2017全断面隧道掘进机 盾构机安全要求Full face tunnel boring machine―Safety requirements of shieldmachine推荐英文96GB/T 34651-2017全断面隧道掘进机 土压平衡盾构机Full face tunnel boring machine―Earth pressure balance shieldmachine推荐英文97GB/T 34652-2017全断面隧道掘进机 敞开式岩石隧道掘进机Full face tunnel boring machine―Open type hard rock tunnel boringmachine推荐英文98GB/T 34653-2017全断面隧道掘进机 单护盾岩石隧道掘进机Full face tunnel boring machine―Single shield hard rock tunnelboring machine推荐英文99GB/T 35019-2018全断面隧道掘进机 泥水平衡盾构机Full face tunnel boring machine―Slurry shield machine推荐英文100GB/T 35092-2018液压机静载变形测量方法Methode zur Messung der statischen Lastverformung der Hydraulikpresse推荐德文101GB 35373-2017氢氟烃类灭火剂HFC fire extinguishing agents强制英文102GB/T 35378-2017植物单根短纤维拉伸力学性能测试方法T e s t i n g m e t h o d s f o r t e n s i l emechanical properties of plantshort individual fibers推荐英文103GB 35650-2017国家基本比例尺地图测绘基本技术规定Basic Specifications for Surveyingand Mapping of National FundamentalScale Maps强制英文104GB/T 36072-2018活动断层探测Surveying and prospecting of activefault推荐英文105GB/T 36287-2018城市轨道交通 列车再生制动能量地面利用系统Urban rail transit―Ground systemfor vehicle braking regenerativeenergy utilization推荐英文106GB/T 36946-2018皮革 化学试验 多环芳烃的测定 气相色谱-质谱法L e a t h e r―C h e m i c a l t e s t s―D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f p o l y c y c l i ca r o m a t i c h y d r o c a rb o n s―G a schromatography-mass spectrometry推荐英文107GB/T 37400.17-2022重型机械通用技术条件 第17部分:锻钢件补焊Heavy mechanical general technicalspecification―Part 17:Repairwelding for steel forging推荐英文108GB/T 37460-2019琥珀 鉴定与分类Amber―Testing and classification推荐英文109GB/T 37682-2019大型开式齿轮铸钢件 技术条件Large exposed gear steel castings―Technical specification推荐英文110GB/T 37683-2019大型齿轮、齿圈锻件 技术条件Large gear and girth gear forgings―Technical specification推荐英文111GB/T 38401-2019皮革和毛皮 化学试验 二甲基甲酰胺含量的测定Leather and fur―Chemical tests―D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f d i m e t h y lformamide content推荐英文112GB/T 38810-2020液化天然气用不锈钢无缝钢管Seamless stainless steel pipes forliquefied natural gas推荐英文113GB/T 38821-2020和田玉 鉴定与分类Hetian yu―Testing and classification推荐英文114GB/T 38893-2020工业车辆 安全监控管理系统Industrial trucks―Safety monitoringsystem推荐英文115GB/T 39033-2020奥氏体-铁素体型双相不锈钢盘条Austenitic-ferritic duplex stainlesssteel wire rods推荐英文116GB/T 39152-2020铜及铜合金弯曲应力松弛试验方法Test method of the bending stressrelaxation for copper and copperalloy推荐英文117GB/T 39607-2020卫星导航定位基准站数据传输和接口协议Data transmission interface protocolof global navigation satellitesystem reference station推荐英文118GB/T 39611-2020卫星导航定位基准站术语T e r m s f o r g l o b a l n a v i g a t i o nsatellite system reference station推荐英文119GB/T 39612-2020低空数字航摄与数据处理规范Specifications for low-altitudedigital aerial photography and dataprocessing推荐英文120GB/T 39616-2020卫星导航定位基准站网络实时动态测量(RTK) 规范Specification for network real-timekinematic(RTK) surveys based onthe reference stations using globalnavigation satellite system推荐英文121GB/T 39733-2020再生钢铁原料Recycling iron-steel materials推荐英文122GB 39800.1-2020个体防护装备配备规范 第1部分:总则Specification for the provision ofpersonal protective equipment―Part1:General requirement强制英文123GB 39800.2-2020个体防护装备配备规范 第2部分:石油、化工、天然气Specification for the provision ofpersonal protective equipment―Part2: Oil, chemical and gas industry强制英文124GB 39800.3-2020个体防护装备配备规范 第3部分:冶金、有色Specification for the provision ofpersonal protective equipment―Part3:Metallurgy,nonferrous metals强制英文125GB 39800.4-2020个体防护装备配备规范 第4部分:非煤矿山Specification for the provision ofpersonal protective equipment―Part4:Non-coal mines强制英文126GB/T 40402-2021聚乙烯外护管预制保温复合塑料管Pre-insulated composite plasticpipes with polyethylene casing推荐英文127GB 40879-2021数据中心能效限定值及能效等级Maximum allowable values of energyefficiency and energy efficiencygrades for data centers强制英文128GB/T 41051-2021全断面隧道掘进机 岩石隧道掘进机安全要求Full face tunnel boring machine―Safety requirements of hard rocktunnel boring machine推荐英文129GB/T 41053-2021全断面隧道掘进机 土压平衡-泥水平衡双模式掘进机Full face tunnel boring machine―Dual modes(earth pressure balancedand slurry balanced) tunnel boringmachine推荐英文130GB/T 41405.1-2022果酒质量要求 第1部分:枸杞酒Quality requirements for fruitwine―Part 1:Wolfberry wine推荐英文131GB/T 41406-2022袋装方便面全自动包装生产线 通用技术要求Bagged instant noodles automaticpackaging line―General technicalrequirements推荐英文132GB/T 41690-2022原棉异性纤维定量试验方法手工法Quantitative test method forforeign fiber in raw cotton—Manualmethod推荐英文133GB/T 41708-2022玻璃熔体电阻率试验方法Test method for resistivity of glassmelts推荐英文134GB/T 41831-2022项目管理专业人员能力评价要求Requirements for the competenceevaluation of project managementprofessionals推荐英文135GB/T 41834-2022智慧物流服务指南Guidelines for smart logisticsservices推荐英文136GB/T 41856.1-2022无损检测 工业内窥镜目视检测 第1部分:方法Non-destructive testing―Industrialendoscopy visual testing―Part1:Method推荐英文137GB/T 41856.2-2022无损检测 工业内窥镜目视检测 第2部分:图谱Non-destructive testing―Industrialendoscopy visual testing―Part2:Atlas推荐英文138GB/T 41872-2022制冷系统及热泵用换热器温度、压力和速度三场协同的性能测试和评价方法Heat exchanger for refrigeratings y s t e m s a n d h e a t p u m p s―Performance test and evaluationmethod based on three-fieldsynergy of temperature, pressureand velocity fields推荐英文139GB/T 41882-2022增材制造用铜及铜合金粉Copper and copper alloy powders foradditive manufacturing推荐英文140GB/T 41957-2022炭黑原料油 石油炼制催化油浆Oil for use in the carbon blackproducts―Fluid catalytic crackingslurry oil in petroleum refining推荐英文141GB/T 41958-2022浸胶帆布 导热性能试验方法Dipped canvas―Test method forthermal conductivity推荐英文142GB/T 42160-2022晶界扩散钕铁硼永磁材料Grain boundary diffusion neodymiumiron boron permanent magnetmaterials推荐英文143GB/T 42269-2022分离膜孔径测试方法 气体渗透法Determination of pore size formembranes―Gas permeation method推荐英文144GB/T 42346-2023钒钛磁铁矿综合利用 术语和定义C o mpre h ens ive utiliz a tion o fvanadium titanium magnetite―Termsand definitions推荐英文145GB/T 42481-2023小微湿地保护与管理规范Specifications for conservation andmanagement of small wetlands推荐英文146GB/T 42501-2023逆向物流服务评价指标Evaluation indicators for reverselogistics services推荐英文147GB/T 42502-2023医药物流质量管理审核规范Specification for auditing qualitymanagement of pharmaceuticallogistics推荐英文148GB/T 42503-2023农产品产地冷链物流服务规范Specification for agricultural productscold chain logistics service inproducing area推荐英文149GB/T 42512-2023铜合金护套无缝盘管Copper alloy seamless coil tube forsheath推荐英文150GB/T 42561-2023信息技术 系统间远程通信和信息交换 实时以太网适配时间敏感网络技术要求I n f o r m a t i o n t e c h n o l o g y―Telecommunications and informationexchange between systems―Technicalrequirements for real-time ethernetadaptation to time sensitivenetworking推荐英文151GB/T 42594-2023承压设备介质危害分类导则Guidelines for classification onhazard of medium in pressureequipment推荐英文152GB/T 42654-2023铜及铜合金海水冲刷腐蚀试验方法Test method for erosion corrosion ofmarine water for copper and copperalloys推荐英文153GB/T 42656-2023稀土系储氢合金 吸放氢反应动力学性能测试方法R a r e e a r t h-b a s e d h y d r o g e nstorage alloys―Test method formeasurement of kinetic propertiesof hydrogenation dehydrogenationreaction推荐英文154GB/T 42668-2023钐铁氮粘结永磁粉Samarium-iron-nitrogen permanentmagnetic powder for bonded magnet推荐英文155GB/T 42718-2023包裹泡棉衬垫的电磁屏蔽效能通用技术要求General technical requirementsfor electro-conductive material-over-foam gasket推荐英文156GB/T 42783-2023成套装置完整性管理Integrity management of units推荐英文157GB/T 42789-2023硅片表面光泽度的测试方法Test method for gloss of siliconwafer推荐英文158GB/T 42905-2023碳化硅外延层厚度的测试红外反射法Test method for thickness of siliconcarbide epitaxial layers―Infraredreflectance method推荐英文159GB/T 42915-2023铜精矿及主要含铜物料鉴别规范Specification for identificationof copper concentrates and maincopper-bearing materials推荐英文。
10月8日《水利水电工程技术术语标准》(二)由WESTBANK根据中华人民共和国水利部能源部联合发布的《水利水电工程技术术语标准》整理,鉴于篇幅空间限制,删除了定义部分和重复部分床面形态 Bed form床沙质(造床质) bed m aterial load垂线观测坐标仪(垂线观测仪) coordinatograph for plumm et observation垂线平均流速 m ean velocity at a verti cal垂直度 perpendicularity垂直度盘指标差(指标差,竖盘指标差) index error of vertical circle垂直升船机 vertical ship lift垂直收缩系数 vena-contracta coefficient垂直位移工作点 operative m ark of vertical displacem ent垂直位移观测(沉陷观测,沉降观测) verti cal displacem ent observation垂直位移基点 datum m ark of vertical displacem ent磁法勘探 m agnetic prospecting磁方位角 m agnetic azim uth磁极 fieid pole磁子午线 m agnetic m eridian次固结(次压缩) secondary consolidation(secondary com pression)次固结沉降 secondary consolidation settlem ent次生曲流 subm eander次生盐碱化 secondary salinization次要建筑物 secondary structure凑合节 adjuster of steel pipe粗骨料 coarse aggregate粗碎 prim ary crushing粗制螺栓 bolt,rough bolt错缝 staggered joint搭接 lap joint达西渗流定律Darcy′s law of seepage大坝变形观测 dam deform ation observation大坝水泥 dam cem ent大暴雨 large rainstorm大潮(朔望潮) spring tide大地构造 geotectonics大地控制点(大地点) geodetic control point大地水准面 geoid大地原点(大地基准点) geodetic datum大气窗口 atm ospheric window大气折光差 atm ospheric refraction error大体积混凝土 m ass concrete大头坝 m assive-head dam (m assive-buttress dam)大修理费 overhauling cost代表性露点 representative dew point带喉管的圆筒式调压室 throttled surge cham ber带舌瓣闸门 gate with flap带速饱和变流器差动保护 longitudinal differential protecti on em ploying qui ckly-saturable transform er带状间作 strip cropping带状淤积 belt deposit贷款偿还年限 pay back period of loan单层布置 single storey layout单调节调速器 single-regulation governor单回线 single-circuit line单机调节 independent regulation单级单吸悬臂式离心泵 single-stageend-suction centrifugal pum p单级双吸式离心泵 single-stagedouble-suction centrifugal pum p单极高压直流系统 m onopolar/unipolar HVDC system单价合同(固定单价合同) unit-price contract单价和总价混合合同 lum p-sum and unit-price com bined contract单列布置 single row layout单母线接线 single-bus connection单曲拱坝 single curvature arch dam单位弹性抗力系数 coefficient of unit elasti c resistance单位电能投资 cost per kilowatt-hour单位工程 unit project单位耗药量 powder factor单位容量投资(单位千瓦投资 ) cost per kilowatt单位水力矩 unit hydraulic torque单位水推力 unithydraulic thrust单位线(单位过程线) unit hydrograph单位线(时段单位线) unit hydrograph单位转速[流量][出力] unit speed[discharge][power]单吸式离心泵 single-suction pum p单相变压器 single-phase transform er单相重合闸 one-phase ARC单向变形 one directional deform ation单向波 one-direction wave单斜岩层 m onocline单因子试验 experim ent of single factor单元接线(发电机—变压器组接线) generator-transform er unit connection弹簧常数 spring constant弹性 elasticity弹性极限 limit of elasticity弹性抗力系数 coefficient of elastic resistance弹性模量(弹性系数 ,杨氏模数) m odulus of elasti city弹性屈曲 elastic buckling弹性释水系数(弹性给水度) elastic storavi ty弹性支承 elastic support当地加速度 (时变加速度) local acceleration挡潮闸(防潮闸) tide barrage挡水建筑物 water retaining structure挡水面板 water retaining deck挡水墙 head wall挡土墙 retaining wall导爆索(传爆索) prim acord (detonatin fuse)导洞掘进法 heading and cut m ethod导航建筑物 (导航架) guide structure (approachtrestle) 导火索 safety fuse导流 River diversion导流堤取水 intake with diversion dike导流方案 diversion schem e导流方式(导流方法) diversion procedure导流孔(洞)封堵 plugging of the diversion opening导流流量标准(导流标准) diversion discharge frequency 导流时段 diversion period导流隧洞 diversion tunnel导沙槽 sand-guide channel导沙坎(拦沙坎,挡沙坎) sand-guide sill导水机构 gate operating m echanism导水系数 coefficient of transm issivity导水锥 hydrocone导线测量 traverse survey导线点 traverse point导线网 traverse network导线网平差 adjustm ent of traverse network导向坡度 guide slope导向装置 guiding device导叶分布圆 gate circle,wicket gate circle导叶高度 guide vane height导叶开口 guide vane opening导叶限位块 gate stop导轴承 guide bearing导轴瓦间隙 guide bearing clearance倒锤线观测(倒锤法) inverse plum b line observation倒虹吸管 inverted siphon稻田适宜水深 suitable water depth in paddy field灯泡式水轮发电机 bulb hydraulic generator灯泡式水轮机 bulb turbine等高耕作(横坡耕作) contour tillage等高截流 contour interception等高距(等高线间隔) contour interval等高线 contour等径流深图 runoff isopleth m ap等流时线 isochrone等密图 contour diagram等面积定则 equal-area criterion等容粒径 volum e equivalent diam eter等水位线图 water table contour m ap等速流 hom ogeneous flow等效网络 equivalent network等压面 equi-pressure surface等雨量线图 isohyetal m ap等值线图 isoline m ap低坝 low dam低电压保护 under voltage protection低电压闭锁 (起动)过电流保护 under voltage-started over current protection 低流态混凝土 low-slum p concrete低频起动 low frequency starting低型布置 low-type layout低压 (低电压) low voltage (L.V.)低压配电屏 low voltage distribution panel/board低压配电装置 Low voltage switchgear installation低压配电装置 low voltage switchgear installation低扬程泵站 low-head pum ping station堤 dike (em bankm ent,levee)堤后式泵房 pum p house at levee-toe堤身式泵房 water retaining pum p house滴灌 drip irrigation滴灌系统 system of drip irrigation底环 bottom ring底槛 em bedded sill (ground sill)底孔导流 bottom outlet diversion底栏栅式取水 bottom-grating intake底流消能(水跃消能) energy dissipation by hydrauli c jum p底枢 bottom pintle底缘 bottom edge抵偿年限 paym ent period抵偿年限法 paym ent period m ethod地表径流 surface runoff地基沉降 ground settlem ent地基处理 Foundation treatm ent地基处理 Treatm ent of foundation地基稳定分析 Stability analysis of foundation地脚螺栓 foundation bolt地壳 earth crust地壳形变观测(大坝库区地壳形变观测) observation of earth crust deform ation 地幔 earth m antle地貌 geom orphy地貌综合 cartographic generalization of relief地面分辨力 ground resolution地面灌溉系统 Surface irrigation system地面立体摄影测量 terrestrial stereo photogramm etry地面露点 dew point at earth surface地面排水系统 Surface drainage system地球弯曲差 error due to curvature of earth地球物理勘探(物探) geophysical prospection地图 m ap地图编绘 Map Com pilation地图编绘(原图编绘) m ap com pilation地图编绘与制印 Map Com pilation and Reproduction地图分幅 Sheet line system地图复照 m ap photography地图清绘 m ap fair drawing地图投影 m ap projection地图投影变换 m ap projection transfrom ation地图投影变形 distortion of m ap projection地图图号(图号) m ap num bering地图图式(图式) cartographic sym bol地图印刷 m ap printing地图整饰 m ap appearance地图制版 m ap printing plate m aking地图制印 m ap reproduction地图制印与仪器 Map reproduction and instrum ent地物 planim etric feature地物和地貌的表示 representation of planim etric feature and geom orphy地下暗管灌溉 irrigation by buried pipes地下工程施工 Under ground works construction地下浸润灌溉 subsurface irrigation by groundwater地下径流 groundwater runoff地下轮廓线 underground configuration地下埋管 underground penstock地下排水 subsurface drainage地下排水系统 Subsurface drainage system地下热水 hot groundwater地下式厂房 underground power house地下式水电站 underground hydroelectri c station地下水侧向补给 recharge by ground water地下水超量开采 ex cessive m ining of ground water地下水动态 ground water regim e地下水降深 drawdown of groundwater地下水开采 Ground water m ining地下水矿化度 m ineralization of ground water地下水利用量 ground water supplem ent to the crop root zone地下水临界深度 critical depth of ground water地下水平衡 (地下水均衡) ground water balance地下水人工补给(人工回灌) artificial recharge of ground water地下水水文地质特性 Hydro geological characteristics of groundwater 地下水下降漏斗 depression cone of ground water地下水越层补给 recharge through weak perm eable layer地下水资源 Ground water resources地下水资源开发利用 Developm ent of ground water resources地形 landform地形测量 topographic survey地形图 topographic m ap地性线(地貌结构线,地貌特征线) orographi c character line地震 earthquake地震动水压力 earthquake hydrodynam ic pressure地震惯性力 earthquake inertia force地震勘探 seism ic prospecting地震烈度 earthquake intensity地震前兆 prem onitory sym ptom地震区划 seism ic zoning地震水波 water wave by earthquake地震震级 earthquake m agnitude地质编录 geological record地质点 geological observation point地质点测量 geololgical point survey地质构造 geologic structure地质基础 Basicgeology地质勘探 geological exploration地质雷达 geological radar地质力学 geom echanics地质剖面 geological section地质素描 geological sketch典型暴雨 typical rainstorm点法测量 point wise点荷载强度 point load strength点位中误差 m ean square error of position点污染源 point-source of pollution点雨量 point precipitation(point rainfall)电测探法 electrical sounding电磁波测距误差 error in electrom agneti c wave distance m easurem ent电磁波测距仪 Electrom agnetic wave distance m easuring instrum ent(EDMI)电磁波测距仪(物理测距仪) electrom agneti c wave distance m easuring instrum ent(EDMI)电动发电机组 m otor-generator set电动机 Motor电动机的额定转矩 rated load torque of m otor电动机的起动转矩 starting torque of m otor电动潜水泵 subm ersible m otor pum p电法勘探 electrical prospecting电机 Electrical m achine电价 electricity price电抗器 Reactor电抗器 reactor (shunt reactor)电缆夹层 cable interlayer电雷管 electric blasting cap电力不足时间期望值 loss of load expectation (LOLE)电力弹性系数(电力超前系统 ) elastic coeffi cient of electric energy电力电缆 power cable电力负荷 Electric power load电力负荷(电力负载) electric power load电力负荷图 electric load diagram电力工程二次部分 Electrotechnical Secondary Circuit电力工程一次部分 Electrotechnical Prim ary Circuit电力系统 Electrical power system电力系统的集中控制 centralized control of power system电力系统调度 Power system dispatch电力系统计算 Calculation of electric power system电力系统可靠性 Reliability of electric power system电力系统容量 Installed capacity of electri c system电力系统运行 Operation of electric power system电力系统状态估计 state estim ation in power system电力线载波通信 power line carrier com m unication电量不足期望值 expected energy not served (EENS)电流差动保护 current differential protection电流互感器 current transform er (CT)电流互感器的精确等级 accurate degree of current transform er电流密度 current density电流平衡保护 current balance protecti on电路图 circuit diagram电气缓冲单元 electric dam per电气设备选择 Electric equipm ent selection电气液压式调速器 electro-hydraulic governor电气制动 braking resistance (BR)电气主接线 m ain electrical connection电容式电压互感器 capacitor voltage transform er电视测井 television logging电压变化率保护 voltage change rate protection电压调整率 voltage regulationrate电压互感器 potential transform er (PT) (voltage transform er)电压互感器的精确等级 accurate degree of potential transform er电压降 voltage drop (potential drop)电压控制母线(PV母线) voltage control busbar电压偏移 voltage deviation电液转换器 (电液伺服阀) electro-hydrauli c transducer,electro-hydraulic servo-valve电液转换器失灵 m aladjustm ent of electro-hydraulic transducer电源 Power source电站气蚀系数 plant cavitation factor电制动 electrom agnetic braking电子速测仪(全站式电子速测仪,自动电子速测仪) electroni c tacheom eter电子印像机 electronic printer电阻率剖面法(电剖面法) resistivity profiling凋萎系数 wilting coefficient, withering coeffi cient吊车轨道 crane rail吊车梁 crane runway girder吊耳 hoist eye (hook eye)吊杆 hanger (gate stem)吊罐 buck et吊距 centre distance between two hoist eyes调度端 control end (dispatching end)调度通信 dispatching comm unication调洪库容 flood control storage调绘像片 identified photograph调节流量 regulated flow调节年度 regulation year调节容积 adjustable volum e调节系数 regulation coefficient调节周期 period of regulation调速器结构与部件 Com ponents of governor调速器静特性试验 static characteristic test of governor调速器类型 Types of governor调速器失灵 m aladjustm ent of governor调速系统 governing system调速系统静态特性 (永态转差系数图 ) stati c characteristics of governing system (speed droop graph)调相容量 com pensator capacity (condensator capaci ty)调相压水 bear on water for phase m odulation (bear on water for condenser operation) 调蓄容积 storage capacity调压阀(空放阀) pressure regulator调压阀关闭时间 closing tim e for pressure regulator调压阀开启时间 opening tim e for pressure regulator调压阀滞后时间 dead tim e for pressure regulator调压井 surge shaft调压室 surge cham ber调压塔 surge tank跌水 drop叠梁闸门 stoplog丁坝 spur dike (groin)顶盖 top cover (head cover)顶盖排水 head cover drainage顶管法 pipe jacking m ethod顶枢 upper gudgeon (top pintle)定床河流模型(定床河工模型 ) fixed bed m odel定点定面关系 precipitation relationship between fixed point and fixed area定电流控制 (定电流调节) constant current control/regulation定电压控制 (定电压调节) constant voltage control定功率控制 constant power control定量评价 quantitative evaluation定轮闸门 fixed roller gate (fixed wheel gate)定期保养 periodical m aintenance, regular m aintenance定倾半径 m etacentric radius定倾中心 m etacenter定时限电流保护 definite tim e-lag current protecti on定向爆破 directional throw blasting定向取心 directional coring定性评价 qualitative evaluation定裕度角控制(定裕度角调节 ) constant m argin angle control定子 stator定子短路时间常数 stator short-circuit tim e constant定子接地保护 earthing fault protection for generator stator定子匝间短路保护 stator inter-turn faul t protection冬、雨季施工增加费 additional cost in winter-rainy season动床河流模型(动床河工模型 ) m ovable bed m odel动点动面关系(暴雨中心点面关系) precipitation relationship between center point and variable area动断触点(常闭接点) break contact (norm ally-closed contact)动合触点(常开接点) m ake contact (norm ally-open contact)动荷载 dynam ic load动静弹模比 ratio of static-dynam ic m oduli动库容 dynam ical storage动力触探试验 dynam ic cone penetration test动力弹性模量 dynam ic m odulus of elastici ty动力控制箱 power control box动力配电箱 power distributing box动力系数 dynam ic factor动力相似 dynam ic sim ilarity动力粘滞系数 dynam ic viscosity coeffi cient动力装备率 (动力装备系数) powered equipm ent rate动量改正系数 m om entum coefficient动量损失厚度 m om entum loss thickness动能改正系数 kinetic energy coefficient动平床 m oving flat bed动平衡 dynam ic balancing动水压强 hydrodynam ic pressure动态经济分析 dynam ic econom ic analysis动态稳定 dynam ic-state stability动态相似(运动相似) kinem atic sim ilarity冻结基面 stationary datum冻胀力 frost heave pressure冻胀量 frost-heave capacity洞蚀 cave and hole erosion洞室爆破 coyote blasting陡槽 (泄槽) chute陡槽式溢洪道 chute spillway陡坡 chute陡坡 steep slope独立坐标系 independent coordinate system渡槽 aqueduct (flum e)渡槽导流 aqueduct flum e diversion端电池 end cell端面承压应力 bearing stress端子 (接线端子,引出端子) term inal端子接线图 terminal connection diagram短管 short pipe短路 short circuit短路比 short-circuit ratio (SCR)短路电流 short circuit current短路电流非周期分量 aperiodic com ponent of short circuit current 短路电流周期分量 periodic com ponent of short circuit current短路计算 Short circuit calculation短路容量 short-circuit capacity短路校验计算 short-circuit check calculation短期水文预报 short date hydrologic forecasting断层 fault断层擦痕 slicken side断层角砾岩 fault breccia断层泥 fault gouge断层破碎带 shatterred fault zone断层破碎带处理 treatm ent of fault and fracture zone断层破碎带处理 treatm ent of fault-fracture zone断层上盘 hanging wall断层下盘 heading wall断口 fracture断裂韧性 toughness of fracture断流围堰导流(拦断河床导流 ,全断面导流) full river by-pass diversion断路器 circuit breaker断路器失灵保护(后备接线保护) breaker failure protection断面比力 specific force断面比能 specific energy断面测量 section survey断面模型 sectional m odel断面平均流速 average velocity of cros ssection断面平均流速 m ean velocity at across-section(over all m ean velocity)断水保护 water supply cut-off protection堆焊 pad welding堆积阶地 construction alter race堆石 rock filling堆石坝 rock fill dam对称电压 symm etric voltage对接 butt joint对流层散射通信 tropospheric scatter comm unication对数螺线形拱坝 logarithm ic spiral arch dam对外交通 site access盾构法 shielding m ethod多波段扫描仪(多光谱扫描仪) m ulti band scanner多端高压直流输电系统 m ulti-term inal HVDC transm ission system多阀单元 m ultiplevalve unit多级泵 m ulti-stage pum p多级泵站 m ultistage pum ping station多级船闸 m ulti-stage lock (flight lock s)多年调节 over year regulation(carry over regulation)多年平均年发电量 average annual energy output多年平均年径流量 m ean annual runoff多首制取水 m ulti-head water intake多线船闸 m ulti-line lock (m ultiple lock)多相流 m ulti-phase flow多油式断路器 bulk oil circuit breaker额定变比 rated transform ation ratio额定电流 rated current额定电压 rated voltage额定动稳定电流(额定极限通过电流 ) rated dynam ic current (rated lim it through-current)额定工况 rated condition额定工况(满载工况) rated condition额定关合电流 rated m aking current额定开断电流 rated breaking current额定频率 rated frequency额定容量 rated capacity额定水头 rated head额定油压 rated oil pressure额定值 rated value额定值 rated value (rating)额定转速 rated speed二[三]段式电流保护 two[three]-step current protection二倍照准差互差(2c互差,2c较差) discrepancy between twi ce collim ation errors二次电流[电压] secondary current[vol tage]二次回路 secondary circuit二次接线图 secondary connection diagram二次筛分(最终筛分) finish screening二端高压直流输电系统 two-term inal HVDC transim ission system二期冷却 second stage cooling二维流(二元流) two-dim ensional flow发包设计 bid design发电电动机 generator-m otor发电机 -变压器组保护 protection for generator-transform er unit发电机[电力变压器、调相机、电动机、母线、电抗器]保护 protection of synchronous generator [power transform er,condenser,m otor,bus-bar,reactor]。
第 55 卷第 2 期2024 年 2 月中南大学学报(自然科学版)Journal of Central South University (Science and Technology)V ol.55 No.2Feb. 2024外置拱形耗能装置的节段拼装钢管混凝土桥墩抗震性能分析王城泉1, 2, 3,宗延威4,孙苗苗1, 2, 3,周子健5,黄毅方6,吴熙1, 2, 3(1. 浙大城市学院 工程学院,浙江 杭州,310015;2. 城市基础设施智能化浙江省工程研究中心,浙江 杭州,310015;3. 浙江省城市盾构隧道安全建造与智能养护重点实验室,浙江 杭州,310015;4. 江南大学 环境与土木工程学院,江苏 无锡,214122;5. 浙江工业大学 土木工程学院,浙江 杭州,310014;6. 浙江大学 工程师学院工程创新与训练中心,浙江 杭州,310015)摘要:为了进一步推广可恢复功能的预制装配式桥梁结构在中、高烈度地区的应用,减少桥墩的震后损伤及修复成本,提出一种外置拱形耗能装置的节段拼装钢管混凝土(concrete-filled steel tube ,CFST)桥墩。
基于ABAQUS 有限元分析软件建立无耗能装置、外置拱形钢板、外置竖直钢板、外置拱形耗能装置的四节段预制拼装CFST 桥墩模型,并在往复位移加载作用下对各模型的抗震性能进行对比分析。
研究结果表明:外置拱形耗能装置的预制节段拼装CFST 桥墩具有较好的水平承载力、较高的初始刚度以及较强的耗能能力,与外置竖直钢板的节段拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力提升了约11.9%,初始刚度提升了约2.5%;与外置拱形钢板的节段拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力、初始刚度以及耗能能力分别提升了约28.8%、4.6%和13倍;与无耗能装置的预制拼装CFST 桥墩相比,其抗侧承载力、初始刚度以及耗能能力分别提升了约39.4%、10.4%和18.1倍;外置拱形耗能装置的预制节段拼装CFST 桥墩在整个位移加载阶段残余位移均保持在1 mm 之内,偏移率不超过1%,且损伤集中在拱形耗能装置上,能够实现震后的快速修复。
地震荷载对油气化工码头工艺管道的影响分析南欢1,刘轩章1,张宏达2(1.中交第二航务工程勘察设计院有限公司,湖北武汉 430071;2.武汉炼化工程设计有限责任公司,湖北武汉 430071)摘要:随着GB/T 20801-2020压力管道规范的更新,对于压力管道地震荷载的计算条件提出了更高的要求,本文在此基础上,总结分析油气化工码头所在地地震情况,发现大部分的码头工艺管道需要考虑地震荷载。
结合工程实例,使用CAESAR II 应力分析软件进行分析计算,并针对码头工程特殊情况,在考虑地震荷载下,详细分析了不同因素对管道应力的影响,并针对性的提出了一定的管道抗震措施。
关键词:地震荷载;油气化工码头;工艺管道;应力分析;CAESAR II中图分类号:U656.1+32 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2097-3519(2024)02-0056-05 DOI: 10.16403/ki.ggjs20240212Analysis for Influence of Seismic Loads on Process Pipelines of PetrochemicalTerminalNan Huan1, Liu Xuanzhang1, Zhang Hongda2( 1. CCCC Second Harbour Consultants Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hubei 430071,China; 2.Wuhan Petrochemical Engineering Design Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hubei 430071, China )Abstract: The updated Code for Pressure Pipeline (GB/T 20801-2020) led to higher requirements for the calculation conditions applying to seismic loads on pressure pipelines. In addition to that, the field seismic situation of petrochemical terminals was summarized and analyzed, which showed that seismic loads played an role in the design of process pipelines for most of terminals. Based on engineering practice, CAESAR II stress analysis software applied here. Subject to the special status of port engineering, the influence of different factors on pipeline stress was analyzed in detail by taking seismic loads into account, and a certain anti-seismic measures were proposed.Key words: seismic loads; petrochemical terminal; process pipeline; stress analysis; CAESAR II引言压力管道设计一般包括配管、管道材料、管道应力三部分内容,是油气化工码头设计的重中之重,其中管道应力分析直接关系到管道自身和与其相连的设备、土建结构的安全,具有很高的技术含量。
地源热泵空调系统介绍G.S.H.P Air Conditioning System Introduction1. 地源热泵空调系统的概念G.S.H.P Air Conditioning System concept地源热泵的广义理解是指以一切与大地有关的能量作为冷热源的热泵,包括以地下水为冷热源的水源热泵、以池塘、河流和湖泊等为冷热源的地源热泵等。
The broad sense of GSHP refers to all the energy associated with the earth serves as a heat pump for cold and heat sources, including groundwater heat pump, cold and heat sources in ponds, rivers and lakes such as cold and heat source of ground source heat pump and ground source heat pump. Here refers to the narrow sense, refers to the use of the land as the heat source. Through the underground heat exchanger for heat exchange directly with the soil of the earth, without the need for GSHP exploitation of groundwater. Due to a certain depth below the surface of the formation constant keeps undisturbed conditions of temperature, far higher than the outdoor temperature in winter, and lower than the outdoor temperature in summer, the ground source heat pump can overcome the technique disorder of the air source heat pump, greatly improve the efficiency. And does not require the exploitation of groundwater, it can eliminate the adverse effects caused by the exploitation of groundwater source heat pump.此外,冬季通过热泵把大地中的热量升高温度后对建筑供热,同时使大地中的温度降低,即蓄存了冷量,可供夏季使用;夏季通过热泵把建筑物中的热量传输给大地,对建筑物降温,同时在大地中蓄存热量以供冬季使用。
专题硏讨暖通空调HV&AC2〇21年第51卷第1期101中深层地埋管换热器传热过程对周围岩土体的热影响山东建筑大学贾林瑞☆崔萍A方亮方肇洪摘要利用传热数值计算模型,分析了不同取热工况下地埋管周围岩土体的温度响应及 变化情况。
给出了热影响半径的定义,研究了不同运行时间和取热负荷下单个钻孔和多个钻 孔埋管对周围岩土体产生的热影响半径。
结果表明,当钻孔深度为2 000 m时.1 750 m处的热 影响半径最大;当采用3X3的钻孔布置形式时.建议钻孔间距大于100 m,名义取热量损失率小于5%。
关键词中深层地埋管换热器套管式换热器热影响半径岩土体名义取热量Thermal effect of heat transfer process of d e e p borehole heat exchangers on surrounding rock an d soilBy Jio Lm rui*, Cui Ping, Fong Liong and Fong ZhoohongAbstract Analyses the temperature response and variation of the rock and soil around the buried pipe under different heating conditions using a numerical heat transfer model. Proposes the definition of the thermal influence radius. Studies the thermal influence radii of single borehole and multiple-borehole buried pipes on the surrounding rcxrk and soil at different running times and heating loads. The study shows that when the borehole depth is 2 000 m, the largest thermal influence radius occurs at the depth of 1750 m.For the deep borehole heat exchangers with 3X3 boreholes, recommends over 100 m of the borehole spacing, and the nominal heat loss rate is less than 5%.Keywords deep borehole heat exchanger, coaxial heat exchanger, thermal influence radius, rock and soil, nominal heat★Shandong Jianzhu University, Jinan. Chinao引言传统的地埋管地源热泵技术采用的钻孔深度 通常为40〜150 m,称之为浅层地热能利用技术.需要足够大的地表区域来布置钻孔.易受到地表面 积的限制。
文献检索作业 (3)
学号______________姓名______________ 信息检索与利用课程名称信息检索与利用课题:母线加工机的折弯机构设计母线加工机是一款可进行剪切、折弯和冲孔的多功能机器。
1.课题分析中文检索词:母线加工机、折弯机构、折弯角度、模具、液压传动…….英文检索词:bus processing machine、bending mechanism、bending angle、mould、hydraulic cylinder……2.选择数据库(1)CNKI—中国期刊全文数据库、中国博士学位论文全文数据库、中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库中国重要会议论文全文数据库(2)维普资讯-中文科技期刊全文数据库(3)万方数据―学术期刊数据库、学位论文数据库、会议论文数据库、科技成果数据库(4)Web of Science—SCI-E、CPCI-S(5)Elsevier—ScienceDirect(6)EI Compendex3.检索提问式检索式1:(母线加工机+折弯机构)/主题检索式2:主题=(bus processing machine) AND主题=(bending mechanism)4.检索结果(1)CNKI (母线加工机+折弯机构)/主题命中16条记录(2)维普T=(母线加工机*折弯机构)+K=(模具)命中3条记录(3)万方数据―学术期刊数据库、学位论文数据库、会议论文数据库、科技成果数据库题名=(母线加工机*折弯机构) OR 关键词=(液压系统)命中17306条记录(4)Web of Science—SCI-E检索式:标题=(bus processing machine or bending mechanism) 命中13663条记录(5)Elsevier—ScienceDirect检索式:Abstract,Title,Keyword=(bus processing machine or bending mechanism) 共3112条检索结果(6) EI Compendex检索式(((bus processing machine) WN KY) AND ((bending mechanism) WN KY))共命中15条5.处理检索结果,并阅读相关文献6.查重处理7.检索报告多工位母线加工机研究报告多工位母线加工机主要用于加工各种规格的铜、铝母线,用户只要在相应的加工单元上,即可进行母线的冲、剪、折加工[1]。
10月8日《水利水电工程技术术语标准》(二)由WESTBANK根据中华人民XX国水利部能源部联合发布的《水利水电工程技术术语标准》整理,鉴于篇幅空间限制,删除了定义部分和重复部分床面形态Bed form床沙质(造床质) bed material load垂线观测坐标仪(垂线观测仪)coordinatograph for plummet observation垂线平均流速mean velocity at a vertical垂直度perpendicularity垂直度盘指标差(指标差,竖盘指标差)index error of vertical circle垂直升船机vertical ship lift垂直收缩系数vena-contracta coefficient垂直位移工作点operative mark of vertical displacement垂直位移观测(沉陷观测,沉降观测)vertical displacement observation垂直位移基点datum mark of vertical displacement磁法勘探magnetic prospecting磁方位角magnetic azimuth磁极fieid pole磁子午线magnetic meridian次固结(次压缩) secondary consolidation(secondary pression)次固结沉降secondary consolidation settlement次生曲流submeander次生盐碱化secondary salinization次要建筑物secondary structure凑合节adjuster of steel pipe粗骨料coarse aggregate粗碎primary crushing粗制螺栓bolt,rough bolt错缝staggered joint搭接lap joint达西渗流定律Darcy′s law of seepage大坝变形观测dam deformation observation大坝水泥dam cement大暴雨large rainstorm大潮(朔望潮) spring tide大地构造geotectonics大地控制点(大地点)geodetic control point大地水准面geoid大地原点(大地基准点)geodetic datum大气窗口atmospheric window大气折光差atmospheric refraction error大体积混凝土mass concrete大头坝massive-head dam (massive-buttress dam)大修理费overhauling cost代表性露点representative dew point带喉管的圆筒式调压室throttled surge chamber带舌瓣闸门gate with flap带速饱和变流器差动保护longitudinal differential protection employing quickly-saturable transformer 带状间作strip cropping带状淤积belt deposit贷款偿还年限pay back period of loan单层布置single storey layout单调节调速器single-regulation governor单回线single-circuit line单机调节independent regulation单级单吸悬臂式离心泵single-stageend-suction centrifugal pump单级双吸式离心泵single-stagedouble-suction centrifugal pump单极高压直流系统monopolar/unipolar HVDC system单价合同(固定单价合同)unit-price contract单价和总价混合合同lump-sum and unit-price bined contract单列布置single row layout单母线接线single-bus connection单曲拱坝single curvature arch dam单位弹性抗力系数coefficient of unit elastic resistance单位电能投资cost per kilowatt-hour单位工程unit project单位耗药量powder factor单位容量投资(单位千瓦投资)cost per kilowatt单位水力矩unit hydraulic torque单位水推力unithydraulic thrust单位线(单位过程线) unit hydrograph单位线(时段单位线) unit hydrograph单位转速[流量][出力] unit speed[discharge][power]单吸式离心泵single-suction pump单相变压器single-phase transformer单相重合闸one-phase ARC单向变形one directional deformation单向波one-direction wave单斜岩层monocline单因子试验experiment of single factor单元接线(发电机—变压器组接线)generator-transformer unit connection弹簧常数spring constant弹性elasticity弹性极限limit of elasticity弹性抗力系数coefficient of elastic resistance弹性模量(弹性系数,杨氏模数)modulus of elasticity弹性屈曲elastic buckling弹性释水系数(弹性给水度) elastic storavity弹性支承elastic support当地加速度(时变加速度)local acceleration挡潮闸(防潮闸)tide barrage挡水建筑物water retaining structure挡水面板water retaining deck挡水墙head wall挡土墙retaining wall导爆索(传爆索)primacord (detonatin fuse)导洞掘进法heading and cut method导航建筑物(导航架)guide structure (approachtrestle) 导火索safety fuse导流River diversion导流堤取水intake with diversion dike导流方案diversion scheme导流方式(导流方法)diversion procedure导流孔(洞)封堵plugging of the diversion opening导流流量标准(导流标准)diversion discharge frequency 导流时段diversion period导流隧洞diversion tunnel导沙槽sand-guide channel导沙坎(拦沙坎,挡沙坎)sand-guide sill导水机构gate operating mechanism导水系数coefficient of transmissivity导水锥hydrocone导线测量traverse survey导线点traverse point导线网traverse network导线网平差adjustment of traverse network导向坡度guide slope导向装置guiding device导叶分布圆gate circle,wicket gate circle导叶高度guide vane height导叶开口guide vane opening导叶限位块gate stop导轴承guide bearing导轴瓦间隙guide bearing clearance倒锤线观测(倒锤法)inverse plumb line observation倒虹吸管inverted siphon稻田适宜水深suitable water depth in paddy field灯泡式水轮发电机bulb hydraulic generator灯泡式水轮机bulb turbine等高耕作(横坡耕作) contour tillage等高截流contour interception等高距(等高线间隔)contour interval等高线contour等径流深图runoff isopleth map等流时线isochrone等密图contour diagram等面积定则equal-area criterion等容粒径volume equivalent diameter等水位线图water table contour map等速流homogeneous flow等效网络equivalent network等压面equi-pressure surface等雨量线图isohyetal map等值线图isoline map低坝low dam低电压保护under voltage protection低电压闭锁(起动)过电流保护under voltage-started over current protection 低流态混凝土low-slump concrete低频起动low frequency starting低型布置low-type layout低压(低电压)low voltage (L.V.)低压配电屏low voltage distribution panel/board低压配电装置Low voltage switchgear installation低压配电装置low voltage switchgear installation低扬程泵站low-head pumping station堤dike (embankment,levee)堤后式泵房pump house at levee-toe堤身式泵房water retaining pump house滴灌drip irrigation滴灌系统system of drip irrigation底环bottom ring底槛embedded sill (ground sill)底孔导流bottom outlet diversion底栏栅式取水bottom-grating intake底流消能(水跃消能)energy dissipation by hydraulic jump底枢bottom pintle底缘bottom edge抵偿年限payment period抵偿年限法payment period method地表径流surface runoff地基沉降ground settlement地基处理Foundation treatment地基处理Treatment of foundation地基稳定分析Stability analysis of foundation地脚螺栓foundation bolt地壳earth crust地壳形变观测(大坝库区地壳形变观测)observation of earth crust deformation 地幔earth mantle地貌geomorphy地貌综合cartographic generalization of relief地面分辨力ground resolution地面灌溉系统Surface irrigation system地面立体摄影测量terrestrial stereo photogrammetry地面露点dew point at earth surface地面排水系统Surface drainage system地球弯曲差error due to curvature of earth地球物理勘探(物探) geophysical prospection地图map地图编绘Map pilation地图编绘(原图编绘)map pilation地图编绘与制印Map pilation and Reproduction地图分幅Sheet line system地图复照map photography地图清绘map fair drawing地图投影map projection地图投影变换map projection transfromation地图投影变形distortion of map projection地图图号(图号)map numbering地图图式(图式)cartographic symbol地图印刷map printing地图整饰map appearance地图制版map printing plate making地图制印map reproduction地图制印与仪器Map reproduction and instrument地物planimetric feature地物和地貌的表示representation of planimetric feature and geomorphy地下暗管灌溉irrigation by buried pipes地下工程施工Under ground works construction地下浸润灌溉subsurface irrigation by groundwater地下径流groundwater runoff地下轮廓线underground configuration地下埋管underground penstock地下排水subsurface drainage地下排水系统Subsurface drainage system地下热水hot groundwater地下式厂房underground power house地下式水电站underground hydroelectric station地下水侧向补给recharge by ground water地下水超量开采excessive mining of ground water地下水动态ground water regime地下水降深drawdown of groundwater地下水开采Ground water mining地下水矿化度mineralization of ground water地下水利用量ground water supplement to the crop root zone地下水临界深度critical depth of ground water地下水平衡(地下水均衡) ground water balance地下水人工补给(人工回灌) artificial recharge of ground water地下水水文地质特性Hydro geological characteristics of groundwater 地下水下降漏斗depression cone of ground water地下水越层补给recharge through weak permeable layer地下水资源Ground water resources地下水资源开发利用Development of ground water resources地形landform地形测量topographic survey地形图topographic map地性线(地貌结构线,地貌特征线)orographic character line地震earthquake地震动水压力earthquake hydrodynamic pressure地震惯性力earthquake inertia force地震勘探seismic prospecting地震烈度earthquake intensity地震前兆premonitory symptom地震区划seismic zoning地震水波water wave by earthquake地震震级earthquake magnitude地质编录geological record地质点geological observation point地质点测量geololgical point survey地质构造geologic structure地质基础Basicgeology地质勘探geological exploration地质雷达geological radar地质力学geomechanics地质剖面geological section地质素描geological sketch典型暴雨typical rainstorm点法测量point wise点荷载强度point load strength点位中误差mean square error of position点污染源point-source of pollution点雨量point precipitation(point rainfall)电测探法electrical sounding电磁波测距误差error in electromagnetic wave distance measurement电磁波测距仪Electromagnetic wave distance measuring instrument(EDMI)电磁波测距仪(物理测距仪)electromagnetic wave distance measuring instrument(EDMI)电动发电机组motor-generator set电动机Motor电动机的额定转矩rated load torque of motor电动机的起动转矩starting torque of motor电动潜水泵submersible motor pump电法勘探electrical prospecting电机Electrical machine电价electricity price电抗器Reactor电抗器reactor (shunt reactor)电缆夹层cable interlayer电雷管electric blasting cap电力不足时间期望值loss of load expectation (LOLE)电力弹性系数(电力超前系统) elastic coefficient of electric energy电力电缆power cable电力负荷Electric power load电力负荷(电力负载) electric power load电力负荷图electric load diagram电力工程二次部分Electrotechnical Secondary Circuit电力工程一次部分Electrotechnical Primary Circuit电力系统Electrical power system电力系统的集中控制centralized control of power system电力系统调度Power system dispatch电力系统计算Calculation of electric power system电力系统可靠性Reliability of electric power system电力系统容量Installed capacity of electric system电力系统运行Operation of electric power system电力系统状态估计state estimation in power system电力线载波通信power line carrier munication电量不足期望值expected energy not served (EENS)电流差动保护current differential protection电流互感器current transformer (CT)电流互感器的精确等级accurate degree of current transformer电流密度current density电流平衡保护current balance protection电路图circuit diagram电气缓冲单元electric damper电气设备选择Electric equipment selection电气液压式调速器electro-hydraulic governor电气制动braking resistance (BR)电气主接线main electrical connection电容式电压互感器capacitor voltage transformer电视测井television logging电压变化率保护voltage change rate protection电压调整率voltage regulationrate电压互感器potential transformer (PT) (voltage transformer)电压互感器的精确等级accurate degree of potential transformer电压降voltage drop (potential drop)电压控制母线(PV母线)voltage control busbar电压偏移voltage deviation电液转换器(电液伺服阀)electro-hydraulic transducer,electro-hydraulic servo-valve电液转换器失灵maladjustment of electro-hydraulic transducer电源Power source电站气蚀系数plant cavitation factor电制动electromagnetic braking电子速测仪(全站式电子速测仪,自动电子速测仪)electronic tacheometer电子印像机electronic printer电阻率剖面法(电剖面法) resistivity profiling凋萎系数wilting coefficient, withering coefficient吊车轨道crane rail吊车梁crane runway girder吊耳hoist eye (hook eye)吊杆hanger (gate stem)吊罐bucket吊距centre distance between two hoist eyes调度端control end (dispatching end)调度通信dispatching munication调洪库容flood control storage调绘像片identified photograph调节流量regulated flow调节年度regulation year调节容积adjustable volume调节系数regulation coefficient调节周期period of regulation调速器结构与部件ponents of governor调速器静特性试验static characteristic test of governor调速器类型Types of governor调速器失灵maladjustment of governor调速系统governing system调速系统静态特性(永态转差系数图)static characteristics of governing system (speed droop graph) 调相容量pensator capacity (condensator capacity)调相压水bear on water for phase modulation (bear on water for condenser operation)调蓄容积storage capacity调压阀(空放阀)pressure regulator调压阀关闭时间closing time for pressure regulator调压阀开启时间opening time for pressure regulator调压阀滞后时间dead time for pressure regulator调压井surge shaft调压室surge chamber调压塔surge tank跌水drop叠梁闸门stoplog丁坝spur dike (groin)顶盖top cover (head cover)顶盖排水head cover drainage顶管法pipe jacking method顶枢upper gudgeon (top pintle)定床河流模型(定床河工模型)fixed bed model定点定面关系precipitation relationship between fixed point and fixed area定电流控制(定电流调节)constant current control/regulation定电压控制(定电压调节)constant voltage control定功率控制constant power control定量评价quantitative evaluation定轮闸门fixed roller gate (fixed wheel gate)定期保养periodical maintenance, regular maintenance定倾半径metacentric radius定倾中心metacenter定时限电流保护definite time-lag current protection定向爆破directional throw blasting定向取心directional coring定性评价qualitative evaluation定裕度角控制(定裕度角调节)constant margin angle control定子stator定子短路时间常数stator short-circuit time constant定子接地保护earthing fault protection for generator stator定子匝间短路保护stator inter-turn fault protection冬、雨季施工增加费additional cost in winter-rainy season动床河流模型(动床河工模型)movable bed model动点动面关系(暴雨中心点面关系) precipitation relationship between center point and variable area 动断触点(常闭接点)break contact (normally-closed contact)动合触点(常开接点)make contact (normally-open contact)动荷载dynamic load动静弹模比ratio of static-dynamic moduli动库容dynamical storage动力触探试验dynamic cone penetration test动力弹性模量dynamic modulus of elasticity动力控制箱power control box动力配电箱power distributing box动力系数dynamic factor动力相似dynamic similarity动力粘滞系数dynamic viscosity coefficient动力装备率(动力装备系数)powered equipment rate动量改正系数momentum coefficient动量损失厚度momentum loss thickness动能改正系数kinetic energy coefficient动平床moving flat bed动平衡dynamic balancing动水压强hydrodynamic pressure动态经济分析dynamic economic analysis动态稳定dynamic-state stability动态相似(运动相似)kinematic similarity冻结基面stationary datum冻胀力frost heave pressure冻胀量frost-heave capacity洞蚀cave and hole erosion洞室爆破coyote blasting陡槽(泄槽)chute陡槽式溢洪道chute spillway陡坡chute陡坡steep slope独立坐标系independent coordinate system渡槽aqueduct (flume)渡槽导流aqueduct flume diversion端电池end cell端面承压应力bearing stress端子(接线端子,引出端子)terminal端子接线图terminal connection diagram短管short pipe短路short circuit短路比short-circuit ratio (SCR)短路电流short circuit current短路电流非周期分量aperiodic ponent of short circuit current 短路电流周期分量periodic ponent of short circuit current短路计算Short circuit calculation短路容量short-circuit capacity短路校验计算short-circuit check calculation短期水文预报short date hydrologic forecasting断层fault断层擦痕slicken side断层角砾岩fault breccia断层泥fault gouge断层破碎带shatterred fault zone断层破碎带处理treatment of fault and fracture zone断层破碎带处理treatment of fault-fracture zone断层上盘hanging wall断层下盘heading wall断口fracture断裂韧性toughness of fracture断流围堰导流(拦断河床导流,全断面导流)full river by-pass diversion断路器circuit breaker断路器失灵保护(后备接线保护)breaker failure protection断面比力specific force断面比能specific energy断面测量section survey断面模型sectional model断面平均流速average velocity of cros ssection断面平均流速mean velocity at across-section(over all mean velocity)断水保护water supply cut-off protection堆焊pad welding堆积阶地construction alter race堆石rock filling堆石坝rock fill dam对称电压symmetric voltage对接butt joint对流层散射通信tropospheric scatter munication对数螺线形拱坝logarithmic spiral arch dam对外交通site access盾构法shielding method多波段扫描仪(多光谱扫描仪)multi band scanner多端高压直流输电系统multi-terminal HVDC transmission system多阀单元multiplevalve unit多级泵multi-stage pump多级泵站multistage pumping station多级船闸multi-stage lock (flight locks)多年调节over year regulation(carry over regulation)多年平均年发电量average annual energy output多年平均年径流量mean annual runoff多首制取水multi-head water intake多线船闸multi-line lock (multiple lock)多相流multi-phase flow多油式断路器bulk oil circuit breaker额定变比rated transformation ratio额定电流rated current额定电压rated voltage额定动稳定电流(额定极限通过电流)rated dynamic current (rated limit through-current) 额定工况rated condition额定工况(满载工况)rated condition额定关合电流rated making current额定开断电流rated breaking current额定频率rated frequency额定容量rated capacity额定水头rated head额定油压rated oil pressure额定值rated value额定值rated value (rating)额定转速rated speed二[三]段式电流保护two[three]-step current protection二倍照准差互差(2c互差,2c较差)discrepancy between twice collimation errors二次电流[电压] secondary current[voltage]二次回路secondary circuit二次接线图secondary connection diagram二次筛分(最终筛分)finish screening二端高压直流输电系统two-terminal HVDC transimission system二期冷却second stage cooling二维流(二元流)two-dimensional flow发包设计bid design发电电动机generator-motor发电机-变压器组保护protection for generator-transformer unit发电机[电力变压器、调相机、电动机、母线、电抗器]保护protection of synchronous generator [power transformer,condenser,motor,bus-bar,reactor]。
The depth of buried pipes to the road surface should meet the main XXX pipe wrapping。
and concrete。
The target number should meet the design XXX。
The quality of the rubber ring used for pipe ns should meet the design requirements。
and the interface n should be staggered。
The ns and quality of the pipe supports should meet the design requirements。
专利名称:INSPECTING METHOD FOR INSIDE OF BURIED PIPE发明人:HOSOKAWA RIYUUJI,MUTA NATSUO 申请号:JP9523681申请日:19810622公开号:JPS57211045A公开日:19821224专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To eliminate various inconveniences occuring in connection cables by inputting the video signal obtained by an image pickup tube or the like in a pipe as video radio waves to a monitor television on the outside of the pipe by means of a transmitter. CONSTITUTION:While a body 4 of a transmitter loosely inserted into a pipe 1 is pulled by a traction means 7 such as a wire rope, the inside of the pipe 1 is irradiated by an illuminating lamp 9. The internal state of the irradiated pipe 1 is petched as a video signal by an image pickup tube 10 via an objective lens 8, and this video signal is converted to a video carrier wave by a transmitter. This video carrier wave is radiated from a transmission antenna 13. The irradiated radio wave is received by a receiving antenna 18 provided near the opening end 13 of the pipe 1, and is inputted to a monitor television 20 via a cable 19, then the conditions of the inside of the pipe 1 are projected on an image receiving tube 21. These make it possible to discover the foreign matter in the pipe effectively and to check the conditions, etc. of pipe repair accurately and quickly.申请人:HOSOKAWA RIYUUJI,KANKIYOU KAIHATSU:KK更多信息请下载全文后查看。
Value Engineering• 169•解析预应力钢筒混凝土管管材抗裂外压检验荷载及抗裂检验内压计算Analysis of Internal and External Pressure Test Load and Anti-cracking Internal Pressure Calculation ofPCCP Pipe卢文申LU Wen-shen(吉林省送变电工程有限公司,长舂130022)(Jilin Transmission and Distribution Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Changchun 130022, China)摘要:通过对《给水排水工程埋地预应力混凝土管和预应力钢筒混凝土管道结构设计规程》(C E C S140)的深入理解,结合工程施 工实际情况,以《预应力钢筒混凝土管》(GB/T 19685)、《预应力钢筒混凝土管设计标准》(ANSI/AW W AC304)两个标准为依据,通过对 管材基本数据的各项运算,对PC C P管抗裂内、外压检验荷载计算进行了解析,简单、直接,方便运用。
A bstract:Based on the deep understanding of Code for Structural Design of Buried Prestressed Concrete Pipes and Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Concrete Pipes for W ater Supply and Drainage Works(CECS 140) and on the basis of the actual construction conditions, the"Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe"(GB/T 19685) and Design Criteria for Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe(ANSI/AWWA C304), and through calculation of the basic data of pipe,the internal and external pressure test load calculation of PCCP pipe cracking is analyzed, which is simple,direct and easy to use.关键词:预应力钢筒混凝土管;抗裂外压;抗裂内压;计算Key w ords:prestressed concrete filled steel tube;anti-cracking external pressure;anti-cracking internal pressure;calculation中图分类号:TV332 文献标识码:A0引言预应力钢筒混凝土管(简称P C C P)在我国水利工程、市政管网、城市给排水等建设工程中已广泛应用。
雨水管道与城市主干道垂直交叉,采用外径为ϕ1400mm~ϕ1422mm 的单排钢筋混凝土管进行顶管穿越城市主干道,顶管总长度为72.5m ,管道铺设施工深度7.05m 。
路基工作区应力作用如图1所示,计算过程为:σB =γZ(1)σB =P Z 2K =P Z 2·32仔[1+(r /Z )2]5/2(2)式(1)、式(2)中,σB 为路基土本身重量在路基内深度Z 处引起的应力;γ为土重度;Z 为路基深度;σZ 为车辆荷载引起的附加应力;P 为轮重;K 为路基反应模量;r 为顶管水平距离。
土压平衡顶管下穿市政主干道施工技术Pipe Jacking Construction Technology Underpass Municipal Main RoadBased on Soil Pressure Balance刘志发(中交第四航务工程局有限公司,广州510000)LIU Zhi-fa(CCCC Fourth Harbor Engineering Co.Ltd.,Guangzhou 510000,China)【摘要】结合工程实例,分析了土压平衡顶管施工时的管道埋深对道路路基的影响及顶管下穿道路时的沉降量,并就土压平衡顶管施工下穿市政主干道的施工技术要点展开了详细的研究,以保证城市主干道周围建筑及设施安全,减少顶管施工对主干道交通的干扰,提高顶管施工效率。
埋地管道泄漏模型初探李雪洁;金齐杰;夏茂进;胡载彬【摘要】The study on natural gas pipeline leakage diffusion model was focused on surface pipeline. But most long-distance pipeline in our country was buried pipeline. So it was very necessary to study the diffusion law of natural gas diffusing in the soil in order to establish leakage diffusion model of buried pipeline. As natural gas was Newtonian fluid, its flowing law in the soil can be described by Darcy law. The leakage flow formula on surface of buried pipeline can be derived with pipeline leak rate formula and seepage velocity formula considering gas compression feature. The value of leakage flow can be used as parameter to simulate natural gas leakage diffusion process using various gas diffusion model of surface pipeline.%对于天然气管道泄漏扩散模型的研究多集中在地表管道上,而我国长输管道多为埋地管道,所以研究天然气在土壤中的扩散规律,以建立埋地管道泄漏扩散模型是非常有必要的。
在毛管压力动态影响下多孔介质中两相流关系的实验和数值分析Diganta Bhusan DasDept. of Chemical Engineering, Loughborough University, Loughborough LE11 3TU,U.K.Mahsanam MirzaeiDept. of Engineering Science, The University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PJ, U.K.DOI 10.1002/aic.13777Published online March 12, 2012 in Wiley Online Library ().摘要对实验和数值分析进行良好定义,以确定多孔介质中两相流毛管压力与动态效果关系的重要性。
确定动态和准静态毛管压力-饱和度(P c -S w ),әS w /әt-t 曲线。
然后通过达到建立流体均衡(әS w /әt = 0)速度的多孔区域的动态效果来确定,这些结果用动态系数(τ)表示。
然而,依赖τ-S w 曲线遵循在不同的地点区域内有类似趋势的作用。
我们认为当地τ-S w 曲线的饱和加权平均可以被定义为一个整个区域遵循指数趋势的有效τ-S w 曲线。
©2012年美国化学工程师AICHE J ,58:3891-3903,2012关键词:两相流;多孔介质;瞬时流量;准静态流;毛管压力;饱和度;动态效果引言为了刻画各种工业问题(例如,整治地下的污染),需要去量化多孔介质中的两相流动。
大量的学者已经开发出各种数值计划去量化流动行为关系如毛管压力(P c )和含水饱和度(S w )之间的关系。
P c -S w 的关系在很大程度上取决于实验室中使用10-12厘米高度多孔样品的良好定义实验。
在这些实验中,P c 是通过测量在平均非润湿(P nw )和润湿(P w )流体相压力的差异来计算的,表现为润湿相饱和度的函数(S w ))()(,w w equ c w nw S f S P P P ==-(1)式1中P c,equ 是在平衡饱和状态(әS w /әt = 0)的毛管压力。
循环荷载作用下埋地管道力学与变形性能研究孙文君;肖成志;王嘉勇;何晨曦;宋杨【摘要】针对循环荷载作用下埋地管道力学与变形性能开展试验研究,综合分析管道埋深(H)、管壁厚(t)、荷载水平(P)、加载频率(f)和循环次数(n)等因素对管道性能的影响.试验结果表明:同等条件下增加管道埋深可有效减少地表循环荷载对管道径向变形和管周土压力影响,管顶土拱效应使管顶竖向土压力明显大于管顶,且管道水平径向距管中心2D~4D范围内水平土压力明显大于竖直土压力;管壁厚增加51.4%时,管道垂直和水平径向变形比分别减少了43.3%和35.7%,且管道上腰部由受压过渡为受拉状态,且过渡区随管壁厚增加而向管顶附近移动;提高循环荷载水平或降低荷载循环频率,管道变形、加载板沉降、管周土压力以及管周应力都明显增加,表明相同循环次数时高水平或低频率循环荷载对埋地管道影响更为显著;随着循环次数增加,管道径向变形比和管周土压力初期迅速增长,加载后期逐渐趋于稳定或出现回落,加载板沉降持续增加,埋地管道向着加载板地基破坏的趋势发展.【期刊名称】《公路工程》【年(卷),期】2018(043)005【总页数】8页(P61-68)【关键词】埋地管道;模型试验;循环荷载;力学性能【作者】孙文君;肖成志;王嘉勇;何晨曦;宋杨【作者单位】河北水利电力学院,河北沧州061001;河北工业大学土木与交通学院,天津300401;河北工业大学河北省土木工程技术研究中心,天津300401;河北工业大学土木与交通学院,天津300401;河北工业大学土木与交通学院,天津300401;河北水利电力学院,河北沧州061001【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TU431 概述当前,各类埋地管道在保障人类正常生活所需物质输送方面发挥着重要作用,作为新型高性能的高分子聚合物管道如PE、HDPE等柔性管道在部分工程领域具有逐步取代传统金属管道的趋势,这类管道具有成本低、耐腐蚀和使用寿命长等优异的工程特性[1]。
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1. Introduction
串联埋管疏排采空区积水技术在李家塔煤矿的应用连天俊;樊振丽;武利【摘要】With the increase of the gob area, more and more water accumulated in the gob area. In order to remove the gob water in Lijiata Coal Mine, analysis was made on the formation of the main water inrush sources by using the strata analysis method and the estimated method of the water flowing fractured zone, and the gob water sources were found out. The series-buried pipes in the working face were used to remove the gob water, this thus solved the problem of the main water disasters and guaranteed the safe production in the mine.%随着采空区面积的增大,采空区积水越来越多,为了疏排李家塔煤矿采空区积水,利用地层分析法和导水裂缝带预计方法,分析了矿井涌水的主要水源构成,查清了采空区积水的来源。
【期刊名称】《矿业安全与环保》【年(卷),期】2015(000)003【总页数】3页(P78-80)【关键词】采空区积水;串联埋管疏排;矿井水害【作者】连天俊;樊振丽;武利【作者单位】内蒙古李家塔煤矿,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017209;天地科技股份有限公司开采设计事业部,北京100013; 煤炭科学研究总院开采设计研究分院,北京100013;内蒙古李家塔煤矿,内蒙古鄂尔多斯017209【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD745李家塔井田位于鄂尔多斯地台向斜东胜隆起之东南边缘地带,井田构造形态总体为一向南西倾斜的单斜构造,倾向245°左右,地层倾角一般1°~3°,下行开采侏罗系延安组3号煤层,平均采厚5.0 m,综采一次采全高,垮落法控制顶板。
埋地蒸汽管道间距1. 引言埋地蒸汽管道是供应热能的重要设施,广泛应用于工业、商业和居民区域。
2. 确定埋地蒸汽管道间距的重要性合理的埋地蒸汽管道间距可以带来多方面的好处:•安全性:适当的间距可以减少因相邻管道之间的热传导引起的温度上升,从而降低火灾和爆炸风险。
3. 影响埋地蒸汽管道间距因素确定埋地蒸汽管道间距时需要考虑以下因素:3.1. 管道直径管道直径是决定间距的重要因素之一。
3.2. 管道材料不同材料的管道具有不同的热传导性能。
3.3. 地下环境地下环境对埋地蒸汽管道间距也有一定影响。
3.4. 安全法规根据当地安全法规和标准,可能存在对埋地蒸汽管道间距的具体要求。
4. 埋地蒸汽管道间距计算方法确定合理的埋地蒸汽管道间距通常需要进行详细计算。
以下是常用的计算方法之一:4.1. 热传导计算根据管道材料的热传导系数、管道直径和环境温度,可以计算出管道周围的温度分布。
4.2. 安全法规要求根据当地的安全法规和标准,确定埋地蒸汽管道间距的最小要求。
5. 埋地蒸汽管道间距建议根据实际情况和经验,以下是一些建议和指导:•确保足够的空间用于维修和检修工作。
互相关法在测试地下输液(气)管裂损位置中的研究与应用张月强【摘要】This thesis begins with the knowledge on the signal and the signal processing and introduces how to process the data col ̄lected from the UDAS by use of the VISUAL DESIGNERTM,thus achieving the non ̄contact velocity measurement. It verifies the pos ̄sibility that the non ̄contact velocity measurement can be realized using the cross ̄correlation theory. It also sets up an experiment platform which can be used to transplant of the conveying fluid( gas) pipes deeply buried underground and applied to the study of its crak place,so that mass digging can be avoided and heavy work can be saved by using this method, so it is worth to be promoted and used widely.%从信号和信号处理知识入手,介绍了通过使用VISUAL DESIGNERTM软件对由数据采集仪UDAS-1001E-2采集而来的数据进行处理,从而实现非接触式转速的测量,验证了利用互相关原理进行非接触式速度测量的可能性。