





1. 《人体工学:设计的科学基础》(Human Factors: The Science of Design):该书是人体工学设计领域的经典教材,讲解了人体工学原理及其应用于产品设计中的方法和技巧。

2. 《人体工学设计:从用户角度出发》(Ergonomic Design for People at Work):该书以用户为中心,介绍了人体工学设计的原则和应用,包括工作站、工具、车辆等方面的设计。

3. 《人体工程学设计手册》(Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics):该书是人体工学设计领域的权威参考书,涵盖了人体工学设计的各个领域,包括工业设计、交通运输、医疗保健等。

4. 《工业人体工学设计指南》(Industrial Ergonomics Design Guidebook):该书是针对工业设计的人体工学指南,讲解了如何在工业设计中应用人体工学原理,以提高工人的工作效率和安全性。

5. 《人体工学设计原理》(Principles of Ergonomic Design):该书是一本介绍人体工学设计原理和实践的入门书籍,适合初学者阅读。

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以下是一些现代设计方法的概述:1. 用户体验设计(UX Design):用户体验设计是一种以用户为中心的设计方法,关注用户的需求、期望和感受。


2. 交互设计(Interaction Design):交互设计是一种关注人与产品、系统或服务之间交互过程的设计方法。


3. 可持续设计(Sustainable Design):可持续设计是一种关注环境保护、资源节约和社会公平的设计方法。


4. 人体工程学设计(Ergonomic Design):人体工程学设计是一种关注人与产品、设备或系统之间适应性、舒适性和效率的设计方法。


5. 数据驱动设计(Data-driven Design):数据驱动设计是一种基于数据和数据分析的设计方法。


6. 敏捷设计(Agile Design):敏捷设计是一种基于敏捷开发理念的设计方法。


7. 跨界设计(Cross-disciplinary Design):跨界设计是一种融合多个学科、领域的设计方法。






1. 无障碍设计(Universal Design):无障碍设计是指在建筑、产品和服务的设计中,考虑到不同人群(包括老年人和残疾人)的需求,以确保他们能够方便地使用和获得。


2. 抗滑设计(Anti-slip Design):抗滑设计是指在地板、楼梯、浴室等容易湿滑的区域,采取措施以防止老年人摔倒。


3. 高对比度设计(High Contrast Design):老年人的视力通常会下降,因此高对比度设计可以使他们更容易辨别物体和文字。


4. 人体工程学设计(Ergonomic Design):人体工程学设计关注人体与环境之间的适应性和舒适性。



5. 无声设计(Silent Design):无声设计是指减少环境中噪音和噪音对老年人的干扰。



6. 安全设计(Safety Design):安全设计是适老化设计的核心原则之一。






设计师常用英语词之(一)——工业设计1 设计 Design2 现代设计 Modern Design3 工艺美术设计 Craft Design4 工业设计 Industrial Design5 广义工业设计 Genealized Industrial Design6 狭义工业设计 Narrow Industrial Design7 产品设计 Product Design8 传播设计 Communication Design8 环境设计 Environmental Design9 商业设计 Comercial Design10 建筑设计 Architectural11 一维设计 One-dimension Design12 二维设计 Tow-dimension Design13 三维设计 Three-dimension Design14 四维设计 Four-dimension Design15 装饰、装潢 Decoration16 家具设计 Furniture Design17 玩具设计 Toy Design18 室内设计 Interior Design19 服装设计 Costume Design20 包装设计 ackaging Design21 展示设计 Display Design22 城市规划 Urban Desgin23 生活环境 Living Environment24 都市景观 Townscape25 田园都市 Gardon City26 办公室风致 Office Landscape27 设计方法论 Design Methodology28 设计语言 Design Language29 设计条件 Design Condition30 结构设计 Structure Design31 形式设计 Form Design32 设计过程 Design Process33 构思设计 Concept Design34 量产设计,工艺设计 Technological Design35 改型设计 Model Change36 设计调查 Design Survey37 事前调查 Prior Survey38 动态调查 Dynamic Survey39 超小型设计 Compact type40 袖珍型设计 Pocktable Type41 便携型设计 Protable type42 收纳型设计 Selfcontainning Design43 装配式设计 Knock Down Type44 集约化设计 Stacking Type45 成套化设计 Set (Design)46 家族化设计 Family (Design)47 系列化设计 Series (Design)48 组合式设计 Unit Design49 仿生设计 Bionics Design50 功能 Function51 独创性 Originality52 创造力 Creative Power53 外装 Facing54 创造性思维 Creating Thinking55 等价变换思维 Equivalent Transformationn Thought56 KJ法 Method of K.J57 戈顿法 Synectice58 集体创造性思维法 Brain Storming59 设计决策 (Design) Decision Making60 T-W-M体系 T-W-M system61 O-R-M体系 O-R-M system62 印象战略 Image Stralegy63 AIDMA原则 Law of AIDMA64 功能分化 Functional Differentiation65 功能分析 Functional Analysis66 生命周期 Life Cycle67 照明设计 Illumination Design材料与加工成型技术(英)1 材料 Material2 材料规划 Material Planning3 材料评价 Material Appraisal4 金属材料 Metal Materials5 无机材料 Inorganic Materials6 有机材料 Organic Materials7 复合材料 Composite Materials8 天然材料 Natural Materials9 加工材料 Processing Materials10 人造材料 Artificial Materials11 黑色金属 Ferrous Metal12 有色金属 Nonferrous Metal13 轻金属材料 Light Metal Materials14 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials15 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials16 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials17 辅助非铁金属材料 Byplayer Nonferrous Metal Materials18 高熔点金属材料 High Melting Point Metal Materials19 贵金属材料 Precions Metal Materials20 陶瓷 Ceramics21 水泥 Cement22 搪瓷、珐琅 Enamel23 玻璃 Glass24 微晶玻璃 Glass Ceramics25 钢化玻璃 Tuflite Glass26 感光玻璃 Photosensitive Glass27 纤维玻璃 Glass Fiber28 耐热玻璃 Hear Resisting Glass29 塑料 Plastics30 通用塑料 Wide Plastics31 工程塑料 Engineering Plastics32 热塑性树脂 Thermoplastic Resin33 热固性树脂 Thermosetting Resin34 橡胶 Rubber35 粘接剂 Adhesives36 涂料 Paints37 树脂 Resin38 聚合物 Polymer39 聚丙烯树脂 Polypropylene40 聚乙烯树脂 Polyethylene Resin41 聚苯乙烯树脂 Polystyrene Resin42 聚氯乙烯树脂Polyvinyl Chloride Resin43 丙烯酸树脂 Methyl Methacrylate Resin44 聚烯胺树脂,尼龙 Polyamide Resin45 氟化乙烯树脂 Polyfurol Resin46 聚缩醛树脂 Polyacetal Resin47 聚碳酸脂树脂 Polycarbonate Resin48 聚偏二氯乙烯树脂 Polyvinylidene Resin49 聚醋酸乙烯脂树脂 Polyvinyl Acetate Resin50 聚烯亚胺树脂 Polyimide Resin51 酚醛树脂 Phenolic Formaldehyde Resin52 尿素树脂 Urea Formaldehyde Resin53 聚酯树脂 Polyester Resin54 环痒树脂 Epoxy Resin55 烯丙基树脂 Allyl Resin56 硅树脂 Silicone Resin57 聚氨酯树脂 Polyurethane Resin58 密胺 Melamine Formaldehyde Resin59 ABS树脂 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Redin60 感光树脂 Photosensition Plastics61 纤维强化树脂 Fiber Reinforced Plastic62 印刷油墨 Printing Ink63 印刷用纸 Printing Paper64 铜板纸 Art Paper65 木材 Wood66 竹材 Bamboo67 树脂装饰板 Decorative Sheet68 蜂窝机制板 Honey Comb Core Panel69 胶合板 Veneer70 曲木 Bent Wood71 浸蜡纸 Waxed Paper72 青铜 Bronge73 薄壳结构 Shell Construction74 技术 Technic75 工具 Tool76 金工 Metal Work77 铸造 Casting78 切削加工 Cutting79 压力加工 Plastic Working80 压力加工 Plastic Working81 焊接 Welding82 板金工 Sheetmetal Woek83 马赛克 Mosaic84 塑性成型 Plastic Working85 灌浆成型 Slip Casting86 挤出成型 Sqeezing87 注压成型 Injection Molding88 加压成型 Pressing89 水压成型 Cold Isostatic Pressing90 加压烧结法 Hot Pressing91 HIP成型 Hot Isostatic Pressing92 压缩成型 Compression Molding Pressing93 气压成型 Blow Molding94 压延成型 Calendering95 转送成型 Transfer Molding96 雌雄成型 Slash Molding97 铸塑成型 Casting98 喷涂成型 Spray Up99 层积成型 Laminating100 FW法 Fillament Winding101 粘接与剥离 Adhesion and Excoriation 102 木材工艺 Woodcraft103 竹材工艺 Bamboo Work104 表面技术 Surface Technology105 镀饰 Plating106 涂饰 Coating107 电化铝 Alumite108 烫金 Hot Stamping109 预制作 Prefabrication110 预制住宅 Prefabricated House111 悬臂梁 Cantilever112 金属模具 Mold113 型板造型 Modeling of Teplate114 染料 Dyestuff115 颜料 Artist Color设计美学与设计实验(英)1 美 Beauty2 现实美 Acture Beauty3 自然美 Natural Beauty4 社会美 Social Beauty5 艺术美 Artisitc Beauty6 内容与形式 Content and Form7 形式美 Formal Beauty8 形式原理 Principles and Form9 技术美 Beauty of Technology10 机械美 Beauty of Machine11 功能美 Functional Beauty12 材料美 Beauty of Material13 美学 Aesthetics14 技术美学 Technology Aesthetics15 设计美学 Design Aesthetics16 生产美学 PAroduction Aesthetics17 商品美学 Commodity Aedthetics18 艺术 Art19 造型艺术 Plastic Arts20 表演艺术 Performance Art21 语言艺术 Linguistic Art22 综合艺术 Synthetic Arts23 实用艺术 Practical Art24 时间艺术 Time Art25 空间艺术 Spatial Art26 时空艺术 Time and Spatial Art27 一维艺术 One Dimantional28 二维艺术 two Dimantional29 三维艺术 Three Dimantional30 四维艺术 Four Dimantional31 舞台艺术 Stagecraft32 影视艺术 Arts of Mmovie and Television33 环境艺术 Environmental Art34 美术 Fine Arts35 戏剧 Drama36 文学 Literature37 意匠 Idea38 图案 Pattern39 构思 Conception40 构图 Composition41 造型 Formation42 再现 Representation43 表现 Expression44 构成 Composition45 平面构成 Tow Dimentional Composition46 立体构成 Three Dimentional Composition47 色彩构成 Color Composition48 空间构成 Composition of Space49 音响构成 Composition and Sound50 多样与统一 Unity of Multiplicity51 平衡 Balance52 对称 Symmetry53 调和、和声 Harmony54 对比 Contrast55 类似 Similarity56 比例 Proportion57 黄金分割 Golden Section58 节奏 Rhythm59 旋律 Melody60 调子 Tone61 变奏 Variation62 纹样 Pattern63 形态 Form64 有机形态 Organic Form65 抽象形态 Abstract Form66 简化形态 Simptified Form67 变形 Deformation68 图学 Graphics69 透视画法 Perspective70 线透视 Linear Perspective71 视点 Eye on Picture Plane72 灭点 Vanishing Point73 平行透视 Parallel Persective74 成角透视 Angular Perspective75 斜透视 Obligue Perspective76 单点透视 Single Paint Perdpective77 两点透视 Tow-Point Perdpective78 三点透视 Three-Point Perdpective79 鸟瞰图 Bird's Eye View80 平面视图 Ground Plain81 轴侧投影 Axonometric Projection82 设计素描 Design Sketch83 预想图 Rendering84 模型 Model85 粘土模型 Clay Model86 石膏模型 Plaster Model87 木制模型 Wooden Model88 缩尺模型 Scale Model89 原大模型 Mock Up90 仿真模型 Finished Model91 制造原形 Prototype92 计算机图形学 Computer Graphics93 框架模型 Frame Model94 实体模型 Solid Model95 计算机辅助设计 COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN96 计算机辅助制造 Computer Aided Manufacture97 计算机三维动画 Computer Three Dimentional Animation98 计算机艺术 Computer Arts99 计算机书法 Computer Calligraphy100 计算机图象处理 Computer Image Processing101 计算机音响构成 Computer Sound Composition实验心理学与人机工程学1 人类工程学 Human Engineering2 人机工程学 Man-Machine Engineering3 工效学 Ergonomice4 人因工程学 Human Factors Engineering5 人因要素 Human Factors6 人机系统 Man-Machine System7 人体工程学 Human Engineering8 人本位设计 Human Sstandard Design9 实验心理学 Experimental Psychology10 物理心理学 Psychophysics11 感觉 Sensation12 知觉 Perception13 感觉阙限 Threshold of Senssation14 心理量表 Psychological Scaling15 视觉 Visual Perception16 视觉通道 Visual Pathway17 听觉 Hearing Perception18 肤觉 Skin Sensation19 视觉心理学 Visual Psychology20 听觉心理学 Hearing Psychology21 感光元 Photoreceptor Cell22 明视、暗视、间视 Phootopic Vision ,Scotopic Vision , Mesopic Vision23 光适应与暗适应 Photopic Adaptation and Sscotopic Adaptation24 格式塔,完形 Gestalt25 形状知觉 Shape Perception26 轮廓 Conotour27 主观轮廓 Subjictive Contour28 图形与背景 Figure and Ground29 图形与背景逆转 Reversible Figure30 良好形状法则 Prinzip der Guten Gestalt31 群化 Grouping32 等质性法则 Fsctor of Similarity33 伪装 Camouflage34 形状的恒常性 Shape Constancy35 大小的恒常性 Size Constancy36 空间知觉 Space Perception37 立体视 Stereopsis38 运动知觉 Movement Perception39 视错觉 Optical Illusion40 残像 After Image41 似动 Apparent Movement42 视觉后效 Aftereffects in Visuvl43 瀑布效应 Waterfall Effect44 视线记录仪 Eye Camera45 听觉刺激 Auditory Stimulus46 声压 Sound Pressure47 声压水平 Sound Pressure Level48 频谱 Spectrum49 乐音与非乐音 Tone and Nontone50 噪声 Noise51 听觉阙限 Auditory Threshold52 响度 Loudness53 听觉掩蔽 Auditory Masking54 音乐心理学 Psychology of Music55 音响心理学 Psychology of Sound56 音的四属性 Four Attribute Sound57 音高 Pitch58 音色 Timbre59 力度 Loudness60 频率辨别阙限 Difference Threshold of Frequency61 强度辨别阙限 Difference Threshold of Loudness62 混响 Reverberation63 音源距离感 Distance Perception of Sound64 音源方位感 Orientation Perception of Sound65 立体声 Stereophony66 语言心理学 Psycholinguistics67 语言声谱 Language Spectrum68 语言清晰度 Articulation69 人体尺寸 Humanlady Size70 作业空间 Work Space71 模数 Module72 心理尺度 Psychological Measure73 动作分析 Motion Analysis74 时间研究 Time Study75 动作时间研究 Motion and Time Study76 时间动作轨迹摄影 Chronocyclegragh77 动迹 Traffic Line78 光迹摄影 Luminogram79 脑波 Brain Wave80 生物钟 Bio-o'clock81 睡眠 Sleep82 疲劳 Fatigue83 姿态 Body Posture84 皮肤电反应 Galranic Skin Response85 临界闪烁频率 Critical Flicker Frequence86 肌肉运动学 Kinesiology87 肌电图 Electromyography88 形态学 Morphology89 仿生学 Bionics90 人、环境系统 Man-Environment System91 照明 Hlumination92 振动 Oscillate93 气候 Climate94 空气调节 Air Conditioning95 功能分配 Functional Allocation设计生产经营与评价1 工业工程学 Industrial Engineering2 工业心理学 Industrial Psychology3 科学管理法 Scientific Management4 生产管理 Production Control5 质量管理 Quality Control6 系统工程 System Engineering7 批量生产 Mass Production8 流水作业 Conveyer System9 互换式生产方式 Interchangeable Produsction Method10 标准化 Standardization11 自动化 Automation12 市场调查 Market Research13 商品化计划 Merchandising14 产品开发 Product Developement15 产品改型 Model Change16 产品测试 Product Testing17 产品成本 Product Cost18 营销学 Marketing19 买方市场 Buyer's Market20 卖方市场 Seller's Marker21 促销 Sales Promotion22 适销 Marketability23 消费者 Consumer24 购买动机调查 Motivation Research25 深层面接法 Depth Interview26 销售热点 Selling Point27 卡通测试法 Cartoon Test28 产品形象 Product Image29 形象策略 Image Strategy30 公共关系 Public Relations31 运筹学 Operations Research32 设计策略 Design Policy33 艺术总监 Art Director(更多工业设计的信息请登录IDKAOYAN主页:/idkaoyan)设计色彩方法(英)1 色 Color2 光谱 Spectrum3 物体色 Object Color4 固有色 Propor Color5 色料 Coloring Material6 色觉三色学说 Three-Component Theary7 心理纯色 Unique Color8 拮抗色学说 Opponent Color Theory9 色觉的阶段模型 Stage Model of the Color Perception10 色彩混合 Color Mixing11 基本感觉曲线 Trisimulus Valus Curves12 牛顿色环 Newton's Color Cycle13 色矢量 Color Vector14 三原色 Three Primary Colors15 色空间 Color Space16 色三角形 Color Triangle17 测色 Colourimetry18 色度 Chromaticity19 XYZ表色系 XYZ Color System20 实色与虚色 Real Color and Imaginary Color21 色等式 Color Equation22 等色实验 Color Matching Experiment23 色温 Color Temperature24 色问轨迹 Color Temperature Locus25 色彩三属性 Three Attribtes and Color26 色相 Hue27 色相环 Color Cycle28 明度 Valve29 彩度 Chroma30 环境色 Environmetal Color31 有彩色 Chromatic Color32 无彩色 Achromatic Colors33 明色 Light Color34 暗色 Dark Color35 中明色 Middle Light Color36 清色 Clear Color37 浊色 Dull Color38 补色 Complementary Color39 类似色 Analogous Color40 一次色 Primary Color41 二次色 Secondary Color42 色立体 Color Solid43 色票 Color Sample44 孟塞尔表色系 Munsell's Color System45 奥斯特瓦德表色系 Ostwald's Color System46 日本色研色体系 Practical Color Co-ordinate System47 色彩工程 Color Engineering48 色彩管理 Color Control49 色彩再现 Color Reproduction50 等色操作 Color Matching51 色彩的可视度 Visibility Color52 色彩恒常性 Color Constancy53 色彩的对比 Color Contrast54 色彩的同化 Color Assimilation55 色彩的共感性 Color Synesthesia56 暖色与冷色 Warm Color and Cold Color57 前进色与后退色 Advancing Color Receding Color58 膨胀色与收缩色 Expansive Color and Contractile Color59 重色与轻色 Heavy Color and Light Color60 色价 Valeur61 色调 Color Tone62 暗调 Shade63 明调 Tint64 中间调 Halftone65 表面色 Surface Color66 平面色 Film Color67 色彩调和 Color Harmony68 配色 Color Combination69 孟塞尔色彩调和 Munsell's Color Harmony70 奥斯特瓦德色彩调和 Ostwald's Color Harmony71 孟.斯本瑟色彩调和 Moon.Spencer's Color Harmony72 色彩的感情 Feeling of Color73 色彩的象征性 Color Symbolism74 色彩的嗜好 Color Preference75 流行色 Fashion Color76 色彩的功能性 Color Functionalism77 色彩规划 Color Planning78 色彩调节 Color Conditioning79 色彩调整 Color Coordinetion80 色彩设计 Color Design传播与传媒设计(英)1 传播 Communication2 大众传播 Mass Communication3 媒体 Media4 大众传播媒体 Mass Media5 视觉传播 Visual Communication6 听觉传播 Hearing Communication7 信息 Information8 符号 Sign9 视觉符号 Visual Sign10 图形符号 Graphic Symbol11 符号论 Semiotic12 象征 Symbol13 象征标志 Symbol Mark14 音响设计 Acoustic Design15 听觉设计 Auditory Design16 听觉传播设计 Auditory Communication Design17 图象设计 Visual Communication Design18 视觉设计 Visual Design19 视觉传播设计 Visual Communication Design20 图形设计 Graphic Design21 编辑设计 Editorial Design22 版面设计 Layout23 字体设计 Lettering24 CI设计 Corporate Identity Design25 宣传 Propaganda26 广告 Advertising27 广告委托人 Adveertiser28 广告代理业 Advertising Agency29 广告媒体 Advertising Media30 广告目的 Avertising Objectives31 广告伦理 Morality of Advertising32 广告法规 Law of Advertising33 广告计划 Advertising Planing34 广告效果 Advertising Effect35 广告文案 Advertising Copy36 广告摄影 Advertising Photography37 说明广告 Informative Advertising38 招贴画海报 Poster39 招牌 Sign-board40 小型宣传册 Pamphlet41 大型宣传册 Portfolio42 商品目录 Catalogue43 企业商报 House Organ44 户外广告 Outdoor Advertising45 POP广告 Point of Purchase Advertising46 展示 Display47 橱窗展示 Window Display48 展示柜 Cabinet49 博览会 Exposition50 万国博览会 World Exposition51 包装 Packaging52 工业包装 Industrial Packing53 标签 Label54 企业形象 Corporate Image55 企业色 Company Color56 动画 Animation57 插图 Illustration58 书法 Calligraphy59 印刷 Initial60 设计费 design fee61 标准 standard62 注册商标 registered trade mark设计团体与部分人物(英)1 维也纳工厂 Wiener Werksttate2 德意志制造联盟 Der Deutsche Werkbund3 克兰布鲁克学院 The Cranbrook Academy4 国际现代建筑会议 Congres Internationaux D'Architecture Moderne5 现代艺术馆 Museum Of Modern Art6 芝加哥设计学院 Chicago Institute of Design7 英国工业设计委员会 Council of Industrial Design8 设计委员会 The Desgin Council9 国际建筑师协会 Union Internationale des Architects10 设计研究组织 Design Research Unit11 日本工业设计师协会 Japan Industrial Desginers Association12 日本设计学会 Japanese Society for Science of Design13 乌尔姆造型学院 Ulm Hochschule fur Gestallung14 国际设计协会联合会 International Council of Societies Industrial Desgin15 国际工业设计会议 International Design Congress ,ICSID Congress16 国际设计师联盟 Allied International Designers17 国际室内设计师联合会 International Federation of Interior Designers18 国际图形设计协会 International Graphic Desgin Associations19 国际流行色协会 International Commission for color in fashion and Textiles20 工业产品设计中心 The Centre de Creation Industrielle21 中国工业设计协会 China Industrial Design Association22 阿尔齐米亚集团 Alchymia Studio23 中国流行色协会 China Fashion Color Association24 中国技术美学委员会 China Technological Aesthetics Association25 莫里斯 Willian Morris (1834-1896E)26 奥斯特瓦德 Wilhelm Friedrich Ostwald(1853-1932G)27 孟赛尔 Albert F.Munsell (1858-1918A)28 凡.德.维尔德 Henry Vande Velde (1863-1957)29 莱特 Lloyd Wright (1867-1959A)30 贝伦斯 Peter Behrens(1868-1940G)31 霍夫曼 Joseph Hoffmann(1870-1956)32 皮克 Frank Pick(1878-1941)33 维斯宁兄弟 Alexander Leonid and Victor Vesnin34 格罗皮乌斯 Walter Gropius(1883-1969)35 蒂格 Walter Dorwin Teague36 利奇 Bernard Leach37 勒.柯不西埃 Le Corbusier(法)38 伊顿 Johennes Itten39 里特维尔德 Gerrit Thomas Rietvela40 庞蒂 Gio Ponti41 拉塞尔 Gordon Russel42 格迪斯 Norman Bel Geddes43 洛伊 Raymond Fermam44 里德 Herbert Read45 莫荷利.纳吉 Laszlo Moholy Nagy46 凡.多伦 Harold Van Doren47 阿尔托 Alvar Aalto48 拜耶 Herbert Bayer49 卡桑德拉 A.M.Cassandre50 佩夫斯纳 Nikolans51 布劳耶尔 Marcel Breuer52 佩里安 Charlotte Perriand53 德雷夫斯 Henry Dreyfuss54 迪奥 Christian Dior55 鲍登 Edward Bawden56 贾戈萨 Dante Giacosa57 伊姆斯 Charles Eames58 伊娃齐塞尔 Eva Zeiesl59 比尔MaxBill设计法规与标准(英)1 知识产权Intellectual Property2 著作权 Copyright3 工业产权 Industrial Property4 专利 Patent5 发明专利 Patent for Invention6 实用新型 Utility Modle7 外观设计专利 Registation of Design8 注册商标 Registered Trade Mark9 广告法 Advertising Law10 反不正当竞争 Repression of Untair Competition11 设计费 Design Fee12 标准 Standard13 德国工业标准 Deutsche Industrie Normen设计思潮与流派(英)1 学院派 Academicism2 理性主义 Rationalism3 非理性主义 Irrationalism4 古典主义 Classicism5 浪漫主义 Romanticism6 现实主义 Realism7 印象主义 Impressionism8 后印象主义 Postimpressionism9 新印象主义 Neo-Impressionisme(法)10 那比派 The Nabject11 表现主义 Expressionism12 象征主义 Symbolism13 野兽主义 Fauvism14 立体主义 Cubism15 未来主义 Futurism16 奥弗斯主义 Orphism17 达达主义 Dadaisme(法)18 超现实主义 Surrealism19 纯粹主义 Purism20 抽象艺术 Abstract Art21 绝对主义,至上主义 Suprematism22 新造型主义 Neo-plasticisme(法)23 风格派 De Stiji24 青骑士 Der Blaus Reiter25 抒情抽象主义 Lyric Abstractionism26 抽象表现主义 Abstract Expressionism27 行动绘画 Action Painting28 塔希主义 Tachisme(法)29 视幻艺术 Op Art30 活动艺术、机动艺术 Kinetic Art31 极少主义 Minimalism32 概念主义 Conceptualism33 波普艺术 Pop Art34 芬克艺术、恐怖艺术 Funk Art35 超级写实主义 Super Realism36 人体艺术 Body Art37 芝加哥学派 Chicago School38 艺术与手工艺运动 The Arts &Crafts Movement39 新艺术运动 Art Nouveau40 分离派 Secession41 构成主义 Constructivism42 现代主义 Modernism43 包豪斯 Bauhaus44 阿姆斯特丹学派 Amsterdam School45 功能主义 Functionalism46 装饰艺术风格 Art Deco(法)47 国际风格 International Style48 流线型风格 Streamlined Forms49 雅典宪章 Athens Charter50 马丘比丘宪章 Charter of Machupicchu51 斯堪的纳维亚风格 Scandinavia Style52 新巴洛克风格 New Baroque53 后现代主义 Postmodernism54 曼菲斯 Memphis55 高技风格 High Tech56 解构主义 Deconstructivism57 手工艺复兴 Crafts Revival58 准高技风格 Trans High Tech59 建筑风格 Architecture60 微建筑风格 Micro-Architecture61 微电子风格 Micro-Electronics62 晚期现代主义 Late Moddernism。



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Hilton Garden Inn, New Delhi: Fitness Center
Our Five Pillars of Brand Satisfaction
LANDSCAPING The design of the hotel and landscaping can be tailored to reflect the ambiance of the region. The hotels feature a garden patio area that is surrounded by the lush, indigenous flowers and shrubs planted around the hotel.

office ergonomic Design办公室人机工程

office ergonomic  Design办公室人机工程

Remember… in most cases, corrective measures are relatively simple and inexpensive.记住,在许多案例中,纠正方法都是相 当简单和便宜的。(容易做到的) Remember…through the application of getting the ideal office, you can work in greater safety and comfort with increased productivity. 记住,通过申请得到一个舒适的办公室,你可以在一个特别安全 和舒适的条件下,提高你的工作效率。
• Placing your keyboard at an angle to the edge of the desk encourages a bad posture. 如果你的键盘与桌子边缘有角度的话,将导致 你错误的坐姿
Use the function keys of the key -board.
• Set your seat height.调整你座位的高度 • If you can feel pressure at the front of the seat cushion, you need a footrest or adjust the the seat of the chair.如果你感到你的座垫对你有压力的话,你就需要一个脚凳或对你 的座位进行调整 • If you cannot sit fully back in the seat, you need to adjust the backrest assembly.如 果你在你的座位上不能完全靠在椅背上,你需要调整座椅的靠背装置
Check the heigt of the desk 检查桌子的高度

工业工程专业英语Chapter 7 Ergonomics

工业工程专业英语Chapter 7 Ergonomics

1. Definition of Ergonomics
Ergonomics is the scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among humans and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human being activities and overall system performance.
2. Aim of Ergonomics
The aim of ergonomics is to ensure that humans and technology work in complete harmony, with the equipment and tasks aligned to human characteristics.
对人因学发展的历史进行简要介绍的基础上对基本的人因系统模 型进行阐述,并对未来的发展趋势予以介绍。 通过本章学习,对人因学的相关术语和知识有一个全面的了解。 本章共一次作业(作业9)
ergonomics:工效学 human factor:人因 instrument:仪器、器械 muscle:肌肉 fatigue:疲劳 inevitable:不可避免的 align:适应 cognitive:认知的 physiology:生理学 psychology:心理学 multi-disciplinary:多学科性质的 anthropometry:人体测量学 cockpit:飞机座舱、驾驶员座舱 feat:技艺、合适的 nutrition:营养 thermal:热量的 vibration:振动 high-tech:高科技 anatomical:解剖的 biomechanical:生物力学的 musculoskeletal disorder:肌骨失调 inclusive design:全方位设计 acoustics:声学 navigation:导航 frustration:挫败 practitioner:开业者 sensory:感觉的 long and short-term memory:长短时记忆 interface:界面、接口 human-centered design:以人为中心设计 substandard:低于标准的 repetitive strain injury:重复性劳损 work related upper limb disorder:工作引起 的上肢功能障碍 percentile:百分位

Ergonomics Design

Ergonomics Design

Ergonomics DesignModern high-tech society of rapid development, is gradually changing to the production of human life in every aspect the display of human greatness and strength to conquer unparalleled wisdom, but it has brought new human anguish and anxiety That is the feeling of loneliness, alienation and emotional imbalance. In a high-tech society, people would seek a balance -- a high-tech and high emotional balance, A high and high human rational balance. Technology progressed, the greater the desire to balance strong. So John that : "No matter where needed compensatory high emotion. Our high-tech society more We hope to create more high emotional environment, the techniques used to balance the software side of rigid side, " Such emotion and humanity to achieve balance, and human life as closely related to the design of the responsibility.Goods modeling and ergonomics is combined. They can be described as : Center for psychological, physiological radius, used to establish and things (products) harmonious relations between the way to maximize the potential of excavation, a comprehensive and balanced use of muscle energy, the protection of human health, and thereby increase productivity. From the context of industrial design, the big aerospace systems, urban planning, infrastructure construction, factory automation, mechanical equipment, transport, small furniture, clothing, stationery and flower pots, cups, bowls and chopsticks production, such as the creation of life with the "objects" in the design and manufacture must take the "human factor" as an important condition to consider. If the product categories divided into professional supplies and general supplies, professional supplies in ergonomics, on the other hand, there will be more consideration, It relies a lot on the level of physiology; and general products it must balance the psychological problems need more aesthetic and the design trend, which is to be the product of human nature-based demand. Ergonomics application areas :1 computer terminal : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of thescreen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;2 industrial design application, "Information design and market / user research, medical equipment, seating comfort and design study seating design and classification, classification and selection of furniture;3 man-machine interface design and evaluation : the man-machine interface design and development, knowledge systems, man-machine interface forms, HCI/MMI prototype GUI prototype4 computer terminals : Design and layout : computer products and peripherals design and layout, computer terminal workstations, display equipment and rules of the screen health and safety, ergonomic office environment;5 office ergonomics and design : office automation, office equipment and office design, layout and ergonomics; other special ergonomic applications : nuclear energy, the military man-machine engineering, process control, cultural surveys and research methods Automatic Speech Recognition;,Many aspects of the application of ergonomics.Well, for a product is how to evaluate it in ergonomics standard with regard? Germany design center, for example, in selecting the annual quality products, ergonomic set on the following criteria :1)products and human dimensions, shape and strength match; 2) the product is easy to manage and make good use;3) to prevent the use of operator injury and accidents at the wrong time with the danger;4) the practical operation of the units; placement of the components on the significance of it can no doubt be identified and tracked;5) whether or not the products to facilitate cleaning, maintenance and repair.So-called ergonomics, which is the application of anthropometry, the human body mechanics, work physiology, working on the fields of psychology research methods, the human body structure and function characteristics, Body parts of the size, weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope of the human and structural characteristics of parameters;also part of the human effort, the scope of its activities, movement speed, movement frequency, focus changes and movements of human habits function parameters, the analysis of the visual, auditory, Skin Sense and sensitivity, and other sensory characteristics of function; Analysis of labor in the various physiological changes, energy consumption, The mechanism of fatigue on various labor load adaptability; To investigate the impact of the work of psychological factors and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact.Ergonomics Research content and design disciplines for the role can be summarized as the following :Industrial design considerations "human factors" for the human scale parameters : anthropometry, human biomechanics, physiology, psychology and other disciplines of study to human muscle structure and characteristics can be studied with parts of the human body, the size, body weight, body surface area, density, the focus of some of the human activities in the mutual relations and the scope and structure of the human body such as the characteristic parameters for each part of human hair of the scope, the scope of activities,movement speed, frequency, the focus changes when he inertia and dynamic parameters of the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensory muscular limbs, which can be analyzed in the labor physiological changes, energy consumption, fatigue and work load of various adaptations, investigate the psychological impact of the work of the state, and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact. Ergonomic research, industrial design fully consider "human factors" for the human scale structure, physiological criteria and the psychological scales, and other data, such data can be effectively applied to the industrial design. movement speed, frequency, the focus changes when he inertia and dynamic parameters of the visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory sensory muscular limbs, which can be analyzed in the labor physiological changes, energy consumption, fatigue and work load of various adaptations, investigate the psychological impact of the work of the state, and psychological factors on the efficiency of the impact. Ergonomic research, industrial design fully consider "human factors" for the human scale structure, physiological criteria and the psychological scales, and other data,such data can be effectively applied to the industrial design.Industrial design "products" function that provides a reasonable scientific basis : a modern industrial design, If pure functional material creative activities without considering the needs of ergonomics, it will be creative activities failure. Therefore, how to solve the "product" and people related to the function of the optimization, created with the physiological and psychological muscle coordination can be the "product", which will be contemporary industrial design, in a functional issue a new topic. Ergonomic principles and laws of the designer before the design consideration. Ergonomics notable feature is that the serious study of the human-machine, the three elements of the environment itself on the basis of characteristics, not simply focus on the individual elements of the fine or not, but would use "objects" and designed "objects" and with "objects" by the coexistence of the environment as a system to study . Ergonomics in the system will be known as "-- machines -- environmental system." The system, man-machine-environment interactions between three elements, interdependent relationship determines the overall system performance. The subject of man-machine system design theory is that the scientific use of the three elements of the organic links between the search for the best system parameters. The general design approach is usually clear in the whole system under the prerequisite that will focus on analyzing and studying the people and the airplane, Environment three elements of the system's overall performance, such as aircraft systems and the division of functions; tie; how to adapt to the environment; Machines on what is the impact on the environment and other issues, through constant revision and perfecting the three elements of the structure, ultimately ensure that the optimum combination is achieved. This is the ergonomics of the Industrial Design opened up new ideas, and offers a unique design methods and theory.Design and ergonomics of the arts and cultural atmosphere and man-machine interface using inexpensive to make products more user - in the human self-transformation gradually returning to the material world, to gradually create a human living space of their own.Design elements of the modeling for the design concerns the most important aspect The essence of design and characteristics must pass some form of which is clear, specific, to fruition. In the past, for a very long time it was known industrial design as "the industrial images," although not very scientific and norms, However, the number of shows in the design modeling of the importance and attention was. "Product Semantics," Modeling has become an important symbol. Italian designers stalled Kosovo roots in the 1980s designed Bra chairs, the chairs using the traditional structure, However, it covers the use of soft and full of design curves of the female body shape, and people get comfortable and soft to the imagination. very interesting. The design and colors have to rely on themselves to form can exist, we must shape if it is a reflection of specific significance. But color is a specific configuration and integration, it will have a very strong feeling and color features and a powerful spiritual impact. Contemporary American visual arts psychologists Mexico said : "various colors to arouse emotions and express their feelings, even affect our normal physiological feelings. " So is the general aesthetic color most commonly in the form of colors design humanized expression of the important factors. Bauhaus modern design uphold the tradition of modernist design, mostly black, white, gray and other colors of the neutral expression of language, reflect a calm, rational product characteristics. Modern Design strongly opposed empty and the few decorations, decorative anti-known. However, in line with mechanized technology for large-scale production, under the premise of the decorative design can really increase the taste and character. enable design at T. J. Modern designers often use industrial design or add natural materials, through material adjustment and changes to increase natural amenities or the sentimental mood to create a strong emotional response.Modern methods of production have a standardized design and process requirements on the design of spectrum and type series. Its purpose is to seek to design and the use of standardized mass production design means, to achieve reunification of the normative sense of beauty and order. Product design must see clearly the development of science and technology trends, pay close attention to new theories, new technologies, new processes, the emergence of new materialsshould be used as much as possible. full play to advanced scientific and technological research results into practical function of the value of the media, design aesthetic characteristics of the times and cultural inclinations products. Design products with the conditions of the times and social environment and social and psychological accordingly to reflect the change is inevitable. Research and forecast the trend of this change, tend to grasp the design and characteristics of the designer is extremely important. Because of all the world's countries and regions, the nation's geographical location and the environment, political and economic conditions, Cultural traditions and beliefs of different cases have developed its own unique character, hobbies, interests, habits and the pursuit This requires different branches of product design with different art forms and styles, corresponding to the formation of a nation's character. Design is to take the initiative to understand the user's present and future needs, and attention to the different needs of different levels, constantly designed to meet the different needs of various user products.Design is a kind of people's thinking of the form, Design is all the beautiful creatures entrusted to be the purpose and achievement, and outstanding design is the embodiment of truth, virtue and beauty. Designed to function from the past to meet the increased further to the right person in the spiritual care, which is designed into the culture, increase the value-added products of the culture of lies, this is the responsibility of the designer. With the level of human understanding gradually improved, deepened and increased human knowledge will be the "realm of necessity" to the "realm of freedom", which is the development of knowledge essential law. And the design of mankind will inevitably raise their awareness to a higher level, that the human society has been pursued by the idealistic, the arts and the way of living creatures, to consciously or unconsciously, by the pursuit of material needs of both the main and the main pursuit of the spirit of enjoyment. Design of the continuous development and improvement in the process that is the understanding, thinking and feeling constantly improve the process, human design is the emotional, cultural and ethical spirit of the mapping. Design is no "intelligence" and there is "sentimental". "Intelligence" that the mapping of the human ordinarydesign; Design is no life. Also have life, "life" that contains a human right in the design and use of the process. All human societies have been hallmarks of the human spirit awareness of the brand, the design is no exception. Let me quote a designer of the United States said the timing to end this paper : "People always think that the design of 3-D : aesthetic, technology and the economy, but more important is the fourth dimension : human nature. "Significant features of ergonomics, careful research on man, machine, three elements based on the characteristics of the environment itself, not simply focus on the individual elements of good or not, but will use the coexistence of "objects" and the "objects" and "objects" and the environment as a system to study. Known as the "human machine environment" system in the ergonomics, this system. This system, people, machines, interaction between the three elements of the environment, the interdependent relation determines the overall performance of the system. The design of the man-machine system of the subject theory, is the scientific use of organic links three among the elements to seek the best reference system The number.The general method of system design, usually on the premise of the overall system requirements, the paper focuses on the analysis and study of human, machine, environment three factors influencing the overall performance of the system, such as human and machine system and how the division of functions, how to cooperate, how to adapt to the environment, is also what effect on the environment through the structure, constantly revised and improved to ensure the realization of the three elements, the final optimal combination scheme of the system. This is the ergonomics of the industrial design to develop a new way of thinking, and provides unique design methods and theoretical basis.Excellent product design as a local holographic system, a product includes all the information of our merchandise society. A good design of products, is the inevitable result of people, environment, economy, technology, culture and product factors such as clever fusion of balance. A product design may come from various motives there is, in order to improve some function, in order to reduce the cost, some inorder to change the appearance, to strengthen the "counter effect", in order to attract buyersWho is more of the above both. So the requirements of designers may come from function, technology, cost, and other user's hobby angle. Key to different product design are not the same, the design of the thermos bottle obviously than perfume bottle design human-machine problem more computer; the game with remote Zhao and design is designed for example, when this product, seemingly inconsistent with ergonomics, but the actual use is very suitable, good handling, and remote appearance quite cool, playing air combat game with this rocker, a fighter control taste. On the market compared to the other same type even if the sale of products The price is much higher than ordinary products, as well as popular, which shows its charm. But there is such a product, is popular in the market, because of its appearance is pleasing and the cost is not high. But the disadvantage is the product of light, therefore, when in use have a hand operation is very convenient, but have to hands and use it, this is the product in ergonomics on deficiencies; but in the cost, price and market factors, or manufacturers to launch such products and for professional activities is different, such as the use of a hairdresser daily hair dryer, pruning machine used in weeding machine workers is absolutely can not be ignored at the physiological level of ergonomics Consideration onHowever, a good design of the product can be covered by the form and human factors and appearance of the product can also have the opportunity to make a machine works for the Microsoft TEAGE. The design is easy to use the mouse ball, the mouse is especially designed for children's computer experience, in the program before deciding on children's grip the way of yellow and white and white mouse ball in the children in learning computer, increasing the fun and functional. The product has been out of the shackles of product styling, in addition to the better, but also gives the product a new meaning and imagination.In addition to the general public consumption, specially designed for the special group of products also have more consideration in the man-machine engineering. Such as the disabled, porcelain, this set is designed specifically for the disabled to dothe dishes, and not let people see that directly is designed for the disabled. Therefore, designers in the fully consider the basis of ergonomics, especially with the bump in hand, so that patients have a mentality of the sense of balance in hand, we can see, can touch, but not so conspicuous.With medical equipment, medical beds, chairs and other products, are designed for the operation to comply with ergonomics, the material also stresses human nature, increase product affinity, to improve the product "EQ" (it is Emotional Quotient English abbreviations. Chinese meaning is: "emotional intelligence" or "emotional intelligence", referred to as eq. It represents a person's emotional intelligence (Emotional Intelligence). The ability of simple, EQ is a self emotional management and management ability index.) the emotions of others.。



► Also
► Tall
people sometimes complain that the seats of easy chairs are too short
► Higher
the backrest, more effective it will be in supporting the weight of the trunk varieties of backrest; low level, medium level and high level backrest

The advancements made in the field of automobile design increases the comfort level of the vehicle and provides a sense of satisfaction to the customers Market research has showed that the purchasing power of an Indian has increased over the past few years Driver comfort and accessibility of the vehicle’s controls during the car’s operation maximizes the performance capabilities of the car Customers value Ergonomics and they are ready to pay for it
► It
► Cars



General rules:通用规则
Importance of workstation settings
(storage, distance, haw we can reach the object, possible adjustments to individual needs,…)工作站设 置的重要性(储存,距离,如何拿到物品,根据个人需求的调节等)
Shared equipment should be readily adaptable to different operators and different tasks共享设 备适应于不同的操作者和任务
The high of work surfaces and lab. benches should allow for elbows to bend at right angles with arms parallel to the floor工作台表面和实验台
Repetitive physical work could be rotated between employees重复的体力工作应在员工 中轮流承担
Adequate air quality, temperature, humidity and supply should be distributed to all work areas为所有工作场所提供充分的空气质量,温 度,湿度和供应
Chair and lab stool design should be
adjustable, chairs should have a stable base,
arms of chair shall be adjustable in height and


7. Environmental soundness, 8. Use of visualization,
9. High quality of design,
10. Intellectual and sensory stimulation
practical, sensible, economical, unpretentious, neutral.
世界各地的“德国设计”引起了相同的联想 ——功能的、实
[staɪ‗lɪstɪk]格式上的 ['fʌŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n(ə)lɪz(ə)m]
They called for the objective and spatial environment to be treated with responsibility, saying that the repertoire of design should be continuously improved, but not thrown overboard for the sake of short-lived fashions (such as postmodernism, for example).
This stylistic functionalism became the touchstone for large sectors of German industry. 这种功能主义风格成为了德国工业很多地方的试 金石。
The ―Ten Commandments‖ (Lindinger 1983) id



书包的变化英文作文示例1:Title: Evolution of BackpacksIntroduction:Backpacks have undergone significant changes over the years. From their humble beginnings as simple bags used for carrying books and supplies, they have transformed into stylish and practical accessories that cater to different needs. In this article, we will explore the evolution of backpacks and how they have adapted to the demands of modern life.Body:1. Historical Background:- Backpacks have existed for centuries, with early examples found in ancient civilizations such as Egypt and Rome.- These early backpacks were typically made of animal skins or woven fabrics and were used primarily for carrying food, tools, and other necessities.2. School Backpacks:- The concept of using backpacks for carrying books and schoolsupplies became popular in the 20th century.- Initially, school backpacks were simple,single-compartment bags with straps for easy carrying.- As education systems evolved and the number of books increased, backpacks started to incorporate multiple compartments and pockets for better organization.3. Technological Advancements:- The advent of technology has influenced the design and functionality of backpacks.- Modern backpacks often have dedicated compartments for laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices.- Some backpacks even come with built-in charging ports, allowing users to charge their devices on the go.4. Ergonomics and Comfort:- With an increasing awareness of the importance of ergonomics, backpacks have undergone design changes to prioritize comfort.- Padded straps and back panels help distribute weight evenly, reducing strain on the shoulders and back.- Additionally, adjustable straps and waist belts provide acustomized fit for individuals of different sizes.5. Fashion and Style:- Backpacks are no longer just functional; they have become fashion statements.- Brands now offer a wide variety of styles, colors, and patterns to cater to different preferences and personal styles.- High-end fashion houses have even incorporated backpacks into their collections, making them trendy accessories.Conclusion:From their ancient origins to modern-day accessories, backpacks have come a long way. They have evolved to meet the changing needs of individuals, incorporating technological advancements, ergonomic designs, and fashionable aesthetics. Whether it's for school, work, or travel, backpacks continue to be an essential item that combines practicality and style.示例2:Title: The Evolution of BackpacksIntroduction:Backpacks have undergone significant changes over the years, adapting to the evolving needs and preferences of students. This essay explores the transformation of backpacks and the reasons behind their changing designs.Body:1. Traditional Backpacks:In the past, backpacks were simple and functional. They were usually made of sturdy materials like leather or canvas and had a single large compartment. Traditional backpacks were designed to carry books, notebooks, and other school supplies. They featured adjustable straps for a comfortable fit and a top handle for easy carrying.2. Ergonomic Designs:With growing concerns about the health and well-being of students, backpacks started to incorporate ergonomic designs. These designs aimed to distribute weight evenly across the shoulders and back, reducing strain and potential injuries. Ergonomic backpacks often have padded shoulder straps, adjustable chest straps, and back panels with airflow systems to enhance comfort.3. Technological Advancements:As technology became an integral part of education, backpacks began to adapt accordingly. Modern backpacks now include compartments and pockets specifically designed to hold laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices securely. These compartments often have padding or shock-absorbing materials to protect the devices from damage.4. Style and Fashion:In addition to functionality, backpacks have become a fashion statement for many students. Manufacturers now offer a wide range of designs, colors, and patterns, allowing students to express their individuality and personal style. Backpacks have transformed into trendy accessories that complement students' outfits and reflect their personality.5. Sustainability:With increasing awareness of environmental issues, sustainable materials and manufacturing processes have gained popularity in backpack design. Many companies now produce backpacks using recycled or eco-friendly materials, reducing their carbon footprint.This shift towards sustainability highlights the importance of responsible consumer choices and encourages students to be environmentally conscious.Conclusion:The evolution of backpacks showcases the adaptability of this essential school item. From traditional designs to ergonomic features, technological advancements, style considerations, and sustainability, backpacks have come a long way. As students' needs and preferences continue to change, it is likely that backpacks will continue to evolve to meet these demands.示例3:Title: Evolution of School BagsIntroduction:School bags have undergone significant changes over the years, adapting to the evolving needs and preferences of students. This essay explores the transformation of school bags, highlighting their functional and aesthetic modifications.Body Paragraph 1:In the past, school bags were simple and practical. They were usually made of sturdy materials such as leather or canvas, with a single main compartment and minimal additional pockets. These bags were designed to carry essential items like textbooks, notebooks, and stationery. The focus was on durability rather than style.Body Paragraph 2:As education systems evolved, the requirements of students changed. This led to the introduction of backpacks with multiple compartments and additional features. The need to carry laptops, tablets, and other electronic devices prompted the inclusion of padded compartments and cable management systems. Ergonomic designs with padded shoulder straps and back support also became popular to ensure comfort during long school days.Body Paragraph 3:Furthermore, the aesthetics of school bags have transformed over time. With the rise of fashion-conscious youth, bags are now available in a wide variety of colors, patterns, and designs. Students have the freedom to express their individuality through their choice of school bag. Brands have also collaborated with popular characters or celebrities, resulting in a range of themedbags that appeal to different age groups.Body Paragraph 4:Moreover, sustainability has become an essential factor in the design of school bags. Many manufacturers are now using eco-friendly materials and production methods, reducing the environmental impact of bag production. Students are increasingly conscious of the need to protect the planet and are opting for bags that align with their values.Conclusion:The evolution of school bags reflects the changing needs and preferences of students. From simple and practical designs to multifunctional, stylish, and sustainable options, school bags have come a long way. Today, school bags are not just functional accessories but also a means of self-expression and a reflection of students' values.。



描写椅子的唯美句子英语(篇一)1. The chXXr exudes an XXr of elegance and sophistication.2. Its design is a perfect blend of comfort and style.3. Every curve and detXXl of the chXXr speaks of exquisite craftsmanship.4. Sitting on this chXXr, one can feel like royalty.5. The velvet upholstery adds a touch of luxury to its overall appearance.6. The chXXr beckons you to sit and relax, offering solace from the outside world.7. Its cushioned seat provides a cozy retreat after a long day.8. The chXXr's high backrest offers excellent support, ensuring optimal comfort.9. Its sturdy construction guarantees durability for years to come.10. You can almost imagine yourself being embraced by the chXXr, cradled in its arms.11. The chXXr's sleek lines are a testament to its modern design.12. Its minimalist look complements any contemporary interior.13. The chXXr's sleek metal frame adds a touch of industrial chic.14. This chXXr is a statement piece, destined to be the focal point of any room.15. Its beautifully carved wooden legs showcase the skill of the artisan.16. The chXXr's mahogany finish gives it a regal allure.17. It is the perfect spot to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea.18. The chXXr's plush cushions are just begging to be lounged upon.19. Resting on this chXXr is akin to floating on a cloud.20. The chXXr's ergonomic design ensures proper posture and comfort.21. Its wide armrests offer ample space to rest your arms while relaxing.22. The chXXr's neutral color palette seamlessly blends with any interior decor.23. Its timeless design ensures that it will never go out of style.24. The chXXr's rotating mechanism allows for easy movement and versatility.25. You can't help but feel a sense of tranquility while sitting on this chXXr.26. The chXXr's gentle rocking motion is soothing and calming.27. The chXXr's rattan weave adds a touch of rustic charm to its overall aesthetic.28. Its deep seat and high backrest envelop you in pure relaxation.29. This chXXr is perfect for creating a cozy reading nook in your home.30. It is a testament to the beauty and functionality of Scandinavian design.31. The chXXr's leather upholstery exudes a sense of luxury and refinement.32. Its button-tufted back adds a classic touch to its overall design.33. This chXXr is a harmonious blend of traditional and contemporary elements.34. The chXXr's intricate detXXling is a nod to its artisanal origins.35. Sitting on this chXXr, you can't help but feel a sense of serenity.36. The chXXr's sleek silhouette adds an XXr of modernity to any space.37. Its high-quality materials ensure a comfortable and long-lasting seating experience.38. The chXXr's adjustable features offer personalized comfort and support.39. Its generous dimensions ensure plenty of room to stretch out and relax.40. The chXXr's vintage-inspired design adds character to any room.41. Its delicate patterns and motifs make it a true work of art.42. This chXXr is an embodiment of timeless elegance and sophistication.43. Its low seat height invites you to kick back and unwind.44. The chXXr's sculptural shape is reminiscent of a piece of contemporary art.45. Its smooth velvet fabric is pleasing to the touch and easy to mXXntXXn.46. The chXXr's decorative accents add a touch of whimsy and personality.47. This chXXr is like a throne, commanding attention and admiration.48. Its unique shape and design make it a conversation starter.49. The chXXr's woven seat and backrest create a sense of lightness and XXriness.50. Sitting on this chXXr feels like being cradled in a warm embrace.51. The chXXr's curvaceous form is both inviting and visually pleasing.52. Its polished chrome legs add a touch of glamour to its overall look.53. The chXXr's high-quality materials ensure longevity and durability.54. Its refined aesthetic makes it a versatile addition to any interior style.55. The chXXr's gentle sloping armrests provide a comfortable place to lean.56. Sitting on this chXXr, you can feel the world melt away.57. The chXXr's graceful lines and proportions make it a true work of art.58. Its slim profile makes it a space-saving solution for smaller rooms.59. The chXXr's unique upholstery pattern adds a pop of color and personality.60. Its effortless style makes it a timeless addition to any home.61. The chXXr's deep seat invites you to sink in and relax.62. Its ergonomic design ensures proper lumbar support for extended periods of sitting.63. The chXXr's smooth swivel mechanism allows for easy movement and flexibility.64. Sitting on this chXXr, you can feel your worries and stress melt away.65. The chXXr's high-quality foam padding ensures comfort and resilience.66. Its elegant silhouette is a testament to classic design principles.67. The chXXr's traditional wingback design adds a touch of old-world charm.68. Its sleek metal base adds a contemporary twist to its overall look.69. The chXXr's generously padded backrest cradles your spine for optimal comfort.70. Sitting on this chXXr is like being cocooned in a private sanctuary.描写椅子的唯美句子英语(篇二)1. The chXXr stood tall, its elegant curves captivating all who lXXd eyes upon it.2. Its smooth, velvet upholstery whispered of luxury and comfort.3. With each stroke of the hand, the chXXr's wooden frame revealed its timeless beauty.4. As one settles into its embrace, the chXXr envelops them with a sense of tranquility.5. Its sturdy legs supported with poise and grace, a testament to its craftsmanship.6. The chXXr's design was an art, harmonizing form and function effortlessly.7. Sitting in its embrace, time seemed to stand still, allowing for moments of deep contemplation.8. The chXXr's cushion offered a soft haven, inviting one to sink into its embrace.9. Like a loyal companion, the chXXr provided solace at the end of a long day.10. Its presence in a room commanded attention, an embodiment of style and sophistication.11. Aesthetically pleasing, the chXXr blended seamlessly into any decor, enhancing its surroundings.12. Its intricate detXXls whispered of stories untold, allowing imagination to run wild.13. The chXXr's craftsmanship was a testament to the dedication and skill of its creator.14. Like a throne, the chXXr bestowed a sense of importance upon those who occupied it.15. With its supportive backrest, the chXXr offered a refuge from the chaos of the outside world.16. The chXXr's timeless design transcends trends, remXXning a symbol of elegance throughout the ages.17. Its gentle rocking motion lulled one into a state of tranquility, reminiscent of a gentle breeze.18. Forged from natural materials, the chXXr connected its occupant with the beauty of nature.19. The chXXr's presence exuded an XXr of sophistication and refinement.20. Its velvety texture invited one to run their fingers along its surface, indulging in its tactile pleasures.21. Placed by a window, the chXXr became a portal to a world of daydreams and contemplation.22. The chXXr's design lent itself perfectly to gatherings, bringing people together in comfortable conversation.23. Like a throne of dreams, the chXXr offered a respite from the trials of reality.24. The chXXr's ergonomic design ensured the utmost comfort, supporting the body's natural contours.25. Its minimalist silhouette complemented modern aesthetics, while mXXntXXninga classic allure.26. Crafted with precision, the chXXr's structure was built to withstand the tests of time.27. The chXXr seemed to have a personality of its own, inviting one to uncover its hidden mysteries.28. Its rich, velvet upholstery showcased a depth of color that captivated the eye.29. The chXXr's ornate carvings told a tale of skilled hands and dedication to the art.30. Its presence in a room elevated the overall ambiance, adding a touch of sophistication.31. The chXXr's graceful lines mirrored the elegance and grace of a ballet dancer.32. With its gentle embrace, the chXXr offered a secure haven in moments of vulnerability.33. The chXXr's timeless design allowed it to seamlessly merge with any interior decor theme.34. Its ergonomics were meticulously crafted to provide the utmost support and comfort.35. The chXXr's lush cushions cradled the body, offering a sanctuary from the pressures of everyday life.36. As the sun's rays danced upon the chXXr's surface, its beauty seemed to radiate with an ethereal glow.37. The chXXr's intricate patterns seemed to spin tales of distant lands and exotic adventures.38. Its presence created a focal point, drawing admiration and curiosity from all who beheld it.39. The chXXr's craftsmanship embodied the marriage of traditional techniques and modern sensibilities.40. Its gentle rocking motion lulled one into a state of relaxation, like being gently rocked to sleep.41. The chXXr's sturdy frame offered a sense of security, allowing one to unwind and let go.42. Its plush cushions beckoned one to sink in and lose themselves in comfort.43. The chXXr's lumbar support alleviated any strXXn, ensuring hours of comfortable seating.44. Like a work of art, the chXXr's unique design invited interpretation and admiration.45. The chXXr's intricate upholstery displayed a symphony of color and texture, stimulating the senses.46. Its presence in a room transformed it into a sanctuary, exuding tranquility and serenity.47. The chXXr's design echoed the rhythms of nature, inspiring a connection with the earth.48. With its generous proportions, the chXXr provided ample space for relaxation and lounging.49. The chXXr's unique blend of functionality and aesthetics made it a statement piece in any room.50. Its timeless elegance made the chXXr more than just a piece of furniture, but a piece of art.。



电竞鼠标作文英语With the rise of e-sports, gaming mice have become an essential tool for professional gamers. A gaming mouse is designed to provide gamers with a competitive edge in terms of speed, accuracy, and precision. In this essay, we will explore the features of a gaming mouse and its impact on e-sports.The first feature of a gaming mouse is its high DPI (dots per inch) sensitivity. DPI refers to the number of pixels the mouse can move on the screen per inch of movement. A high DPI mouse allows gamers to move the cursor quickly and accurately, which is essential in fast-paced games. Most gaming mice have a DPI range of 800 to 16000, which is much higher than a regular mouse.The second feature of a gaming mouse is its programmable buttons. Gaming mice have extra buttons that can be customized to perform specific functions. For example, a gamer can assign a button to reload a weapon orswitch to a different weapon. This feature allows gamers to perform actions quickly and efficiently without having to use the keyboard.The third feature of a gaming mouse is its ergonomic design. Gaming mice are designed to fit comfortably in the hand and reduce fatigue during long gaming sessions. The shape and size of the mouse are critical factors in determining its comfort level. Some gaming mice have a customizable weight system that allows gamers to adjust the weight of the mouse to their preference.The fourth feature of a gaming mouse is its highpolling rate. Polling rate refers to the number of times the mouse reports its position to the computer per second.A high polling rate mouse provides gamers with a smoother and more responsive experience. Most gaming mice have a polling rate of 1000 Hz, which is much higher than a regular mouse.The impact of gaming mice on e-sports is significant. Professional gamers rely on gaming mice to provide themwith a competitive edge. A high DPI mouse allows gamers to move the cursor quickly and accurately, which is essential in fast-paced games. Programmable buttons allow gamers to perform actions quickly and efficiently without having to use the keyboard. The ergonomic design of gaming mice reduces fatigue during long gaming sessions, which is crucial for professional gamers who spend hours playing games. The high polling rate of gaming mice provides gamers with a smoother and more responsive experience, which is essential in competitive gaming.In conclusion, gaming mice have become an essentialtool for professional gamers. The features of a gaming mouse, such as high DPI sensitivity, programmable buttons, ergonomic design, and high polling rate, provide gamers with a competitive edge in e-sports. As e-sports continues to grow in popularity, the demand for gaming mice will only increase.。



介绍鼠标原理的英语作文Title: Understanding the Principles of a Computer Mouse。

The computer mouse is a fundamental input device usedto interact with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) on computers. It provides a means for users to move a cursoron the screen, select icons, open files, and perform a variety of tasks. The mouse operates based on several key principles of technology and engineering.1. Optical Mechanism:Modern computer mice often use optical technologyfor tracking movement. This involves a small optical sensor, usually a light-emitting diode (LED), and a tiny camera.The LED illuminates the surface beneath the mouse, and the camera takes thousands of pictures per second of this surface. Based on these images, the mouse can detect eventhe slightest movement. Optical mice have largely replaced older mechanical ball mice due to their greater precisionand reliability.2. Sensor Technology:The sensor in an optical mouse captures the reflection of light from the surface it moves on. This information is then processed by a digital signal processor (DSP) within the mouse. The DSP analyzes the images received from the camera to determine how far and in which direction the mouse has moved. This data is then translated into movement of the cursor on the computer screen.3. DPI (Dots Per Inch) Resolution:DPI refers to the sensitivity of the mouse sensor. A higher DPI setting means that smaller movements of the mouse translate into larger movements of the cursor, and vice versa. Higher DPI mice are preferred for tasks requiring precision, such as graphic design or gaming, whereas lower DPI settings are suitable for general desktop use.4. Connectivity:Mice can connect to computers either via wired or wireless methods. Wired mice typically use USB or PS/2 connections and do not require batteries. Wireless mice use radio frequency (RF) or Bluetooth technology to communicate with the computer, allowing greater freedom of movement but requiring periodic battery changes or recharges.5. Ergonomic Design:The shape and design of a mouse greatly influence user comfort and usability. Ergonomic mice are contoured to fit the natural shape of the hand, reducing strain and fatigue during prolonged use. Different grip styles (such as palm grip, claw grip, or fingertip grip) can also affect which type of mouse is most comfortable for an individual user.6. Button Configuration:Most mice feature at least two buttons: left-clickand right-click. Additional buttons can be present for scrolling (scroll wheel) or customizable functions (forward/backward buttons). Gaming mice often come with programmable buttons that can be configured for specificin-game actions.7. Surface Compatibility:The performance of an optical mouse depends on the type of surface it is used on. Reflective or transparent surfaces can interfere with the mouse's ability to track movement accurately. Mouse pads with specific textures can enhance tracking precision by providing a consistent surface.In conclusion, the computer mouse is a vital tool that has evolved significantly over the years. From mechanical ball-based designs to advanced optical and laser technologies, the mouse has become an indispensable accessory for computer users worldwide. Understanding the principles behind its operation helps users appreciate itscapabilities and choose the right mouse for their specific needs.。



符合人体工程学的设计英语When it comes to ergonomic design, it's all about making things fit the human body and its natural movements. You know, like those chairs that adjust to your back and neck? Super comfortable, right? Ergonomics is about creating products that are not just functional but also easy on the body.Have you ever used a mouse that feels like it's in perfect sync with your hand? That's ergonomics at its finest. It's not just about looks; it's about how the product feels in your hand and how easy it is to use for long periods.And talk about keyboards! The best ergonomic keyboards have a slight curve to them, so your wrists don't have to strain. It's a small detail, but it makes a big difference when you're typing for hours.Let's not forget about those fancy tools you see inworkshops or factories. The handles are designed to fit perfectly in your palm, and the levers are just the right length. It's all about reducing strain and fatigue, making work more efficient and enjoyable.But ergonomics isn't just for professionals. It's for everyone! Even the way your phone fits in your hand or the angle of your laptop screen can make a difference incomfort and usability. So when you're shopping for new gear, keep ergonomics in mind – it'll make a big difference in how you feel at the end of the day.。



纳米喷气式飞行背包想向英语作文Nano Jetpack: A Paradigm Shift in Aerial Mobility.In the annals of aviation, the concept of a personal jetpack has long tantalized the imaginations of engineers and dreamers alike. The allure of soaring through the skies with unparalleled freedom and agility has propelled countless attempts to realize this visionary technology. However, previous iterations of jetpacks have been hindered by limitations in power, efficiency, and portability.Enter the Nano Jetpack, a groundbreaking innovationthat shatters these barriers and heralds a new era inaerial mobility. This revolutionary device harnessescutting-edge advancements in nanotechnology, lightweight materials, and advanced propulsion systems to create a wearable jetpack that combines exceptional performance with unprecedented convenience.1. Unparalleled Power and Efficiency.At the heart of the Nano Jetpack lies a miniaturized nuclear fusion reactor, a marvel of engineering that generates vast amounts of energy with minimal fuel consumption. This reactor provides the jetpack with the raw power it needs to achieve astonishing speeds and altitudes. Integrated with advanced energy management systems, the Nano Jetpack can operate for extended durations, enabling extended flights without the need for frequent refueling.2. Ultra-lightweight and Ergonomic Design.Crafted from a composite of carbon nanotubes and graphene, the Nano Jetpack is remarkably lightweight and durable. Its ergonomic design conforms perfectly to the contours of the human body, providing a comfortable and secure fit. The backpack-style configuration allows for effortless donning and doffing, maximizing ease of use and practicality.3. Advanced Propulsion System.The Nano Jetpack employs a patented thruster system that utilizes ion propulsion technology. By accelerating ionized particles to supersonic speeds, this system generates thrust with exceptional efficiency and minimal environmental impact. The variable-angle thrusters enable precise control and maneuverability, allowing the user to navigate the skies with unparalleled precision and grace.4. State-of-the-Art Flight Control.Integrated with an advanced flight control system, the Nano Jetpack offers intuitive and responsive handling. Sensors monitor the user's body movements and adjust the thrusters accordingly, ensuring seamless transitions between takeoff, flight, and landing. An onboard computer provides real-time flight data and navigation information, empowering the user with complete situational awareness.5. Compact and Portable.When not in use, the Nano Jetpack collapses into a compact and portable unit, making it easy to store andtransport. Its lightweight design allows it to be carried effortlessly, providing users with the flexibility to embark on aerial adventures whenever and wherever the desire strikes.Applications and Impact.The Nano Jetpack has the potential to revolutionize various sectors and unlock countless possibilities:Personal Transportation: The Nano Jetpack offers an unparalleled mode of personal transportation, enabling individuals to commute or travel long distances with ease and efficiency.Search and Rescue: The Nano Jetpack's maneuverability and extended flight duration make it an invaluable tool for search and rescue operations, allowing rescuers to access remote and inaccessible areas quickly and effectively.Military and Law Enforcement: The Nano Jetpack provides military and law enforcement personnel withenhanced mobility and tactical capabilities, enabling them to perform missions with greater efficiency and precision.Recreational Activities: The Nano Jetpack opens up a world of exhilarating recreational possibilities, allowing individuals to experience the thrill of aerial exploration and extreme sports like never before.Conclusion.The Nano Jetpack stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of human innovation. By harnessing the transformative power of nanotechnology, lightweight materials, and advanced propulsion systems, this groundbreaking device has ushered in a new era of aerial mobility. With its unparalleled power and efficiency, ergonomic design, advanced propulsion system, state-of-the-art flight control, and compact portability, the Nano Jetpack empowers individuals to soar through the skies with unprecedented freedom and agility. As this technology matures and becomes more accessible, it has the potential to reshape personal transportation, revolutionize searchand rescue operations, enhance military and law enforcement capabilities, and unlock a myriad of recreational opportunities. The Nano Jetpack is not just a device; it is a symbol of human ingenuity and a gateway to a future where the skies are no longer the limit, but an invitation to explore and conquer.。



给我十个关于文具设计的创新方案英语1. Modular Stationery Set: Design a set of modular stationery items that can be easily rearranged and customized to fit the user's needs. The different components, such as pen holders, paper trays, and holders for sticky notes, can be easily attached and detached.2. Eco-friendly Writing Tools: Create a range of writing tools, such as pens and pencils, that are made from sustainable materials, such as recycled plastic or bamboo. These tools can be refillable and designed to reduce waste.3. Digital Note-taking System: Design a digital note-taking system that integrates with traditional paper notebooks. This system would allow users to transfer their handwritten notes onto a digital platform, enabling easier organization and sharing of information.4. Stationery Organizer App: Develop a mobile app that acts as a virtual organizer for stationery items. Users can scan their stationery items using their phone's camera and keep track of their inventory, set reminders for refills, and access digital versions of their documents.5. Interactive Highlighters: Create highlighters with built-in sensors and lights that can interact with digital devices. When the highlighter is used on printed text, it can transfer the highlighted portion to a device, allowing for faster and more organized note-taking.6. Foldable Sticky Notes: Design sticky notes that can be folded and unfolded to create different shapes and sizes. This featureallows for more versatility in highlighting important information or creating visual cues.7. Smart Eraser: Develop an eraser with built-in sensors that can detect the type of paper and adjust the erasing pressure accordingly. This can prevent damage to delicate papers or prevent excess rubbing on rough surfaces.8. Ergonomic Pens and Pencils: Create writing tools with ergonomic designs that promote better hand grip and reduce fatigue during long writing sessions. These pens and pencils can have adjustable grips to fit different hand sizes and writing styles.9. Magnetic Paper Clips: Design paper clips with built-in magnets that can easily attach to metal surfaces, such as whiteboards or fridges. This feature will make it easier to display important documents or hang reminders in visible locations.10. Voice-activated Filing System: Develop a voice-activatedfiling system for organizing physical documents. Users can give voice commands to the filing system, which will categorize and store documents accordingly. This would save time and effort in searching for specific documents.。



When it comes to writing instruments,there are countless options available in the market,ranging from simple ballpoints to luxurious fountain pens.However,there is one particular pen that stands out from the rest due to its unique features and capabilities.This pen is not just a tool for writing but also a symbol of innovation and creativity.Firstly,the design of this pen is truly exceptional.It boasts a sleek and ergonomic shape that fits comfortably in the hand,ensuring a smooth and effortless writing experience. The pens body is made from highquality materials,such as aluminum or carbon fiber, which not only adds to its durability but also gives it a premium feel.One of the most remarkable aspects of this pen is its advanced ink technology.The ink is formulated to provide a consistent and smooth flow,ensuring that the writing remains legible even after long periods of use.Moreover,the ink is also quickdrying,which helps to prevent smudging and allows for a clean and crisp appearance.Another notable feature of this pen is its refillable ink cartridge system.This not only makes it environmentally friendly by reducing waste but also offers users the flexibility to choose from a wide range of ink colors and types,depending on their preferences and requirements.In addition to its practical benefits,this pen also offers a range of customization options, allowing users to personalize it according to their tastes and styles.This can include engraving names or initials on the pens body,choosing from various color options,or even selecting unique patterns or designs.Furthermore,this pen is equipped with a reliable and sturdy clip,which makes it easy to attach to notebooks,pockets,or bags.This ensures that the pen is always within reach and ready for use whenever needed.One of the most impressive aspects of this pen is its ability to withstand extreme conditions.It is designed to function flawlessly in various environments,such as high altitudes,low temperatures,or even underwater.This makes it an ideal choice for adventurers,travelers,or anyone who requires a reliable writing tool in challenging situations.In conclusion,this special pen is a testament to the power of innovation and design.Its unique features,such as the ergonomic design,advanced ink technology,refillable ink cartridge system,customization options,sturdy clip,and ability to withstand extreme conditions,make it a standout choice for anyone seeking a highquality and versatilewriting instrument.This pen is not just a tool for writing but also a symbol of excellence and creativity,making it a truly special addition to any collection.。



改进书包的作文Backpacks are an essential item for students of all ages. Not only do they serve the practical purpose of carrying books and school supplies, but they also make a statement about personal style and individuality. However, there is often room for improvement when it comes to the design and functionality of backpacks. 书包是各个年龄段的学生必备物品。



One of the main issues with traditional backpacks is the lack of ergonomic design. Many backpacks place strain on the shoulders and back, leading to discomfort and potential long-term health issues. By incorporating ergonomic features such as padded straps, adjustable back support, and weight distribution technology, backpacks can be significantly improved in terms of comfort and usability. 传统书包的主要问题之一是缺乏人体工学设计。


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THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNERISK MANAGEMENT OFFICE ERGONOMIC DESIGNSTANDARDSContents Page Number Recommendations31: Reception / Administration Counter32: Laboratories – Experimental63: Laboratory - Computer84: Workstations105: Chair106: Lighting Design137: Other Issues:15•Facilities with people with disabilities•Tutorial rooms / Lecture theatre•Noise8: Signage15Recommendations1.Reception/AdministrationFigures 1 and 2 illustrate the functional requirements for the Reception/Administration areas.Relevant Standards include:-1.1AS3590.2-1990 "Screen based workstations Part 2:Workstation furniture"1.2AS4443-1997 "Office Panel Systems - workstations"FIGURE 1: Reception/Administration Counter1000mm (950-1020mm)drafting chair for option of sitting or standingfoot support shelf for seated700mmcable managementOptional storage for frequency used documentsNote- storage of handouts frequently used on counter or underneath.- cable access contained under counter away from leg space.- circulation space behind counter min. of 1000mm.min. 1000mm 900-1100mm600-800mmChair spaceRefer 7:1FIGURE 2: LayoutSpace for circulation & visitorsstorageadministrationNoisy equipment shared byStaff in separate areaClear sight line To counterclosed door to maintain securitycollating benchNote- L shaped clerical/VDU workstation with clear leg- allowance for VDU at apex of every workstationshared equipmentclericall/VDU deskservice counteropaque roller shutter to private staffreach to pull down must not present manual handling risk900mmRefer 7:1boratories - ExperimentalThe following guidelines relate to laboratories where experiments are performed by students. These include Biology; Botany and Chemistry.As well as these guidelines, reference is also required to:-2.1AS2982-1997 - Laboratory design construction standards.2.2AS2243.1 - 1997 - Safety in laboratories.2.3NH & MRC (1988) - Waste management guidelines.It is noted that laboratories used by post graduate students require easy access to their individual desk/VDU for recording results. As such, Section 4 should be used as a guide for the desk/VDU requirements in conjunction with the laboratory design.Figure 3 summarises the recommendations for the experimental laboratory design.FIGURE 3: Laboratory DesignNote- bench top surface finishes should be with acrylic (Aztec/Corion) or with laminates and post formed edges - acid collection tanks can be removed from laboratory- use remote T.V.'s so that each student is able to see Demonstrator- min. bench top obstruction so that students are able to see each other..- provide parking area for trolleys in laboratory- preparation room should be adjacent to laboratory- use blinds to control window light- microscopes should be locked in cupboards at end of benches - provide breakout rest areas outside laboratory- individual's VDU/desks should be adjacent to lab benches in research laboratoriesSeating- adjustable height on glides- adjustment facility should be up to 300mm - provision of backrest is required - upholstered with cloth - foot ring is required- storing under bench when not in use - seat height 650-860mm - no armrestsElectricity outletsAccess to water & sinks900mm150ommSpace betweenbench 1500mm1500mm Per personLeg space 600mmmicroscope &dissecting lampsRefer 7:1boratories - Computer3.1Computer laboratories are summarised in Figure 4 of these guidelines. This is based on the use of PC technology where the student requires access to the disc drive unit. If a disc drive is not provided, the monitor should still be raised to 150mm above the desk to facilitate visual and postural control.3.2If larger monitors are used (i.e. greater than 15 inch diagonal), the depth of the desk may need to increase to accommodate the monitor size. Alternately, refer to Section 4 and use apex locations on desks to provide necessary visual depth.3.3Portable computers e.g. laptops, notebooks, are not recommended for prolonged use from an OHS perspective. If they are used for prolonged periods, a docking station is required. This utilises a standard monitor, keyboard and mouse similar to the layout shown in Figure4.3.4Appropriate standards used in computer laboratories include;-•AS3590.2 - 1990 "Screen-based workstations Part 2:Workstation furniture"•AS4443 - 1997 "Office panel systems - workstations"FIGURE 4: Computer LaboratoryCablemanagement710-720mmdisc drive400mmNote- each workstation is able to see lecturer- each workstation is able to see audio visual displays - use blinds to control window llight- overhead lights should be with uplighting & paraflex diffusers- no adjustable components in desks. Adjustments provided in gas lift chairs - footstools available for shorter usersrow/row 1000-1500mmclear leg spacedocument900-1000mmMin 1000mmRefer 7:14.WorkstationsThe following guidelines apply to all clerical/VDU workstations. Within the University, it is assumed each desk has, or will have, a VDU at some time.Figure 5 summarises the main guidelines appropriate to this application, Relevant Standards include:-•AS3590.2-1990 "Screen based workstations Part 2:Workstation furniture"•AS4443-1997 "office panel systems - workstations"5.ChairWithin the University, an adjustable chair is provided to cater for individual differences in body shape and size.Figure 6 provides the guidelines that should be followed when selecting chairs. Relevant Standards include:-•AS3590.2-1990 "Screen based workstations Part 2:Workstation furniture"•AS4438-1997 "Height adjustable swivel chairs"FIGURE 5: Clerical / VDU Workstation710-720mmtopPartition- height based on visibility needs:Up to 1150mm for seated users Up to 1500mm for standing - minimal acoustic benefit - pinboard/shelfcable managementtelephoneMobile pedestalclear leg space 500mm deep and min. 800mm wideNote- cabling to VDU and telephone should be long enough to provide optimal layout.- provision of adjustable keyboard shelf is generally not required.- monitor should be within arms length from user.- access to disc drive is under monitor or on floor.- cable management should be clear of floor.- round edges of worktops in pathways - workstation surface 25 or33mm thick.- modesty panel provided under main legs to workstation - provide levellator feet under main legs to workstation.800-900mm1200-2100mm800-1000mm rear of monitor 600mm400mmmouserounded corner in circulation area600-800mmRefer 7:1FIGURE 6: ChairNotes:- min. vertical adjustable range should be 420-515mm.- the design specification of seat & backrest is based on AS4438:1997.- the durability testing should be based on AS4438:1997.- It should be upholstered with cloth.Adapt table from AS 3590.2:1990Parameter Requirement 1.SEATCompressed height above floorfor keying tasksfor combined keying/writing tasks for high counter work stations Usable depthMax. pan depthMin. seat widthTiltCushioning —typethicknessCovering fabricSwivel action 380 mm to 480 mm (adjustable)380 mm to 510 mm (adjustable)540 mm to 730 mm330 mm to 480 mm (adjustable)430 mm450 mmFixed horizontal or adjustable between10° forward 5° backwardFlexible, cellular polyurethane, AS 2281, Type BH5 50 mm approx.should be woollenCentral vertical axis2.BACK SUPPORTWidth (max.)Height (max.)Height of centre of convex area above compressed seatForward position (max.)Rearward position (max.)CushioningCovering fabric 360 mm430 mm220 mm to 250 mm (adjustable)330 mm from seat reference point480 mm from seat reference pointFlexible, cellular polyurethane, AS 2281, Type AH2 Should be woollen3.BASEStyle Diameter (min.)5-star 580 mm4.ARM RESTS (where supplied)Height above compressed seat (max.) Length (max.)Distance from front edge of seat (min.) Distance between inside edges (min.)210 mm200 mm110 mm480 mmRefer 7:16.Lighting DesignControl of the internal lighting of workplaces should be included in the OHS guidelines. Figure 7 summarises the main guidelines when designing lighting systems.A range of Standards apply to lighting environments. These include:-•AS1690.1-1990 "General principles and recommendations"•AS1680.2.0 - 1990 "Circulation spaces"•AS1680.2.2 - 1990 "Office and screen based equipment"•AS1680.2.3 - 1990 "Education and training"•As1680.3 - 1990 "Measurement and calculation of data"•AS1680.4 - 1990 "Industrial tasks and processes"FIGURE 7: Lighting DesignNote- ceiling reflectance close to 0.8.- wall reflectance 0.3 to 0.7.- floor reflectance 0.2 to 0.3.- highly saturated colours should not be used on large surface areas.- task lighting may be required for special visual need areas.- feature lighting should avoid glare to users eg. reception counters.- single switch to master control lighting systems.uplight uplight Paraflex diffuserwindowSlimline venetian blinds to control external lightdown light or Spots lightRefer 7:17.Other Issues7.1Facilities For People With Disabilities.A range of design factors are required to address the needs of disabled users. These are summarised in:-•AS1428.2-1992 "Enhanced and additional requirements -Buildings and facilities".•AS2243.1-1997 "Safety in laboratories".•Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act.•Melbourne University Disability Action Plan.7.2Tutorial Rooms/Lecture Theatres7.2.1Moveable furniture.Manual handling issues relating to the storage, assembly and stacking of loose furniture must be considered at a design stage.7.2.2Tutorial Chairs.The writing tablet of these chairs must be removable or provide clear access for occupants using the seat. The design of the tablet should facilitate left and right handed users.7.2.3Audio Visual Equipment.Cabling for moveable equipment must avoid trip hazards and any electrical safety hazards.7.2.4Stairs.Internal stairs within tutorials lecture theatres must provide clear visual cues with each tread and landing.7.3Noise7.3.1Equipment.Locations of equipment should contain sources of noise away from workareas requiring concentration. No item should produce noise levels above 5 dB(A) over the ambient background noise level if disturbance is to be avoided.7.3.2Architectural.Design of public spaces such as atriums, foyers, stairwells, must ensure conversation noise is not transmitted into surrounding workareas.7.3.3Open Plan Offices.Density of occupancy should be controlled to provide a background level from conversations and activity between 50-55 dB(A). Low densities result in quieter open plan areas where individual conversations are more detectable and distracting.7.3.4Meeting Rooms.Sufficient small meeting rooms should be provided adjacent to open areas to allow for provide conversations and group meetings.7.3.5Architectural Materials.Architectural materials such as carpets, ceiling and wall treatments should facilitate dampening of noise. Extensive use of glass and hard surfaces should be avoided unless complimented by sound absorbing mediums around them.8.Signage.8.1Signage of buildings and rooms must be clearly visible and integrated at design stage.8.2Braille signage should be considered if requested.8.3Multilevel buildings should list floor information in the same sequence as they occur in building i.e. ground level at bottom of sign and top level at top of sign.8.4Signage relevant to evacuation plans should be included at design stage.。
