ReferralWeb Combining social networks and collaborative filtering
社交网络分析与舆情应对作业指导书第1章社交网络分析概述 (3)1.1 社交网络的发展历程 (3)1.2 社交网络分析的基本概念 (4)1.3 社交网络分析的应用领域 (4)第2章舆情监控与应对策略 (4)2.1 舆情监控的重要性 (5)2.2 舆情监控的基本流程 (5)2.3 舆情应对策略与技巧 (5)第3章数据收集与预处理 (6)3.1 数据来源及采集方法 (6)3.1.1 社交媒体平台数据 (6)3.1.2 新闻网站数据 (6)3.1.3 论坛与博客数据 (6)3.2 数据预处理技术 (7)3.2.1 数据整合 (7)3.2.2 数据去重 (7)3.2.3 数据标准化 (7)3.2.4 数据归一化 (7)3.3 数据清洗与转换 (7)3.3.1 缺失值处理 (7)3.3.2 异常值处理 (7)3.3.3 数据类型转换 (7)3.3.4 数据降维 (7)3.3.5 数据编码 (7)第4章社交网络结构分析 (7)4.1 社交网络拓扑特性 (7)4.1.1 度分布特性 (8)4.1.2 聚集系数 (8)4.1.3 平均路径长度 (8)4.1.4 网络密度 (8)4.2 社区发觉算法 (8)4.2.1 基于模块度优化的算法 (8)4.2.2 基于图论的算法 (8)4.2.3 基于概率模型的算法 (8)4.2.4 基于深度学习的算法 (8)4.3 网络中心性分析 (8)4.3.1 度中心性 (9)4.3.2 介数中心性 (9)4.3.3 接近中心性 (9)4.3.4 PageRank中心性 (9)4.3.5 结构洞理论 (9)第5章用户行为分析 (9)5.1 用户行为特征提取 (9)5.1.1 用户基本属性特征 (9)5.1.2 用户行为特征 (9)5.1.3 用户兴趣特征 (10)5.2 用户行为模式识别 (10)5.2.1 聚类分析 (10)5.2.2 关联规则分析 (10)5.2.3 时间序列分析 (10)5.3 用户影响力评估 (10)5.3.1 帖子传播力评估 (10)5.3.2 用户互动影响力评估 (10)5.3.3 用户意见领袖识别 (11)第6章舆情传播模型 (11)6.1 经典舆情传播模型 (11)6.1.1 常见舆情传播模型概述 (11)6.1.2 传染病模型 (11)6.1.3 独立级联模型 (11)6.1.4 线性阈值模型 (11)6.2 病毒式营销与舆情扩散 (11)6.2.1 病毒式营销概述 (11)6.2.2 病毒式营销与舆情扩散的关系 (11)6.2.3 病毒式营销策略在舆情应对中的应用 (11)6.3 舆情传播预测与优化 (12)6.3.1 舆情传播预测方法 (12)6.3.2 舆情传播优化策略 (12)6.3.3 舆情应对策略在实际案例中的应用 (12)第7章文本挖掘与情感分析 (12)7.1 文本预处理技术 (12)7.1.1 分词 (12)7.1.2 词性标注 (12)7.1.3 停用词过滤 (12)7.1.4 词干提取与词形还原 (12)7.2 基于机器学习的情感分析方法 (13)7.2.1 支持向量机(SVM) (13)7.2.2 决策树 (13)7.2.3 随机森林 (13)7.2.4 神经网络 (13)7.3 情感极性及强度分析 (13)7.3.1 情感极性分析 (13)7.3.2 情感强度分析 (13)第8章舆情应对策略制定 (13)8.1 舆情应对策略体系构建 (13)8.1.1 策略体系框架 (14)8.1.2 舆情分类与应对策略 (14)8.1.3 舆情应对策略内容 (14)8.2 舆情应对策略评估方法 (14)8.2.1 定性评估方法 (14)8.2.2 定量评估方法 (14)8.2.3 综合评估方法 (14)8.3 舆情应对策略实施与优化 (14)8.3.1 舆情应对策略实施流程 (14)8.3.2 舆情应对策略优化方法 (14)8.3.3 案例分析与启示 (14)8.3.4 持续改进与动态调整 (15)第9章舆情应对案例解析 (15)9.1 网络负面舆情案例分析 (15)9.2 舆情应对成功案例分析 (15)9.3 舆情应对策略改进措施 (16)第10章舆情应对实践与展望 (16)10.1 舆情应对团队建设与管理 (16)10.1.1 团队组织结构设计 (16)10.1.2 团队成员能力要求 (17)10.1.3 团队培训与评估 (17)10.2 舆情应对技术发展动态 (17)10.2.1 舆情监测技术 (17)10.2.2 舆情分析技术 (17)10.2.3 舆情应对策略制定 (17)10.3 未来社交网络分析与舆情应对发展趋势展望 (17)10.3.1 数据驱动与智能化 (17)10.3.2 跨界融合与创新 (17)10.3.3 面向全过程的舆情管理 (17)10.3.4 个性化与定制化服务 (17)10.3.5 法治与道德约束 (18)第1章社交网络分析概述1.1 社交网络的发展历程社交网络作为一种新兴的互联网应用形式,自20世纪90年代以来,互联网技术的飞速发展,已经经历了多个阶段的演变。
英语作文-如何在互联网上获取最新的健康知识传播效果评估网络社区规划With the rapid development of the internet, it has become increasingly convenient for people to access and disseminate information. This is especially true when it comes to health knowledge. The internet has become a valuable resource for individuals seeking the latest information on health-related topics. In order to effectively evaluate the spread of health knowledge on the internet, it is essential to plan and implement a well-designed network community. In this article, we will discuss how to obtain the latest health knowledge on the internet and evaluate the effectiveness of its dissemination.Firstly, to obtain the latest health knowledge on the internet, it is important to follow reliable sources. There are numerous websites, blogs, and forums dedicated to health topics. However, not all of them provide accurate and up-to-date information. It is crucial to choose reputable sources such as government health agencies, renowned medical institutions, and trusted health professionals. These sources are more likely to provide reliable information that is based on scientific research and evidence.In addition to following reliable sources, it is also beneficial to join online health communities. These communities consist of individuals who share a common interest in health and wellness. By participating in such communities, individuals can exchange knowledge, discuss health-related topics, and learn from each other's experiences. Online health communities often have moderators who ensure the accuracy and quality of the information shared. This creates a supportive and trustworthy environment for individuals seeking the latest health knowledge.Furthermore, social media platforms can also be utilized to access the latest health knowledge. Many health organizations and professionals have accounts on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. These platforms provide a convenient way to stay updated on the latest health news, research findings, and expert opinions. By following relevant accounts and hashtags, individuals can receive regular updates andengage in discussions with other users. However, it is important to critically evaluate the information shared on social media, as not all of it may be accurate or evidence-based.Now, let's discuss the evaluation of the dissemination of health knowledge on the internet. One way to assess the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination is through the analysis of website traffic and user engagement. By tracking the number of visitors, page views, and time spent on the website, one can gauge the level of interest and interaction with the health content. Additionally, monitoring user comments, likes, and shares can provide insights into the impact and relevance of the information shared.Another evaluation method is through surveys and feedback from the online community. By conducting surveys or soliciting feedback from users, it is possible to gather valuable insights on the usefulness and credibility of the health knowledge disseminated. This feedback can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that the information provided meets the needs and expectations of the target audience.Furthermore, monitoring the impact of health knowledge dissemination can be done through tracking health-related behaviors and outcomes. For example, by analyzing data on the adoption of healthy habits, changes in health indicators, and the prevalence of diseases, it is possible to assess the effectiveness of the information shared. This data can be collected through surveys, medical records, or even wearable devices that track individuals' health status.In conclusion, the internet provides a vast amount of health knowledge that can be accessed and disseminated. To obtain the latest health information, it is important to follow reliable sources, join online health communities, and utilize social media platforms. Evaluating the effectiveness of knowledge dissemination can be achieved through website traffic analysis, user engagement, surveys, feedback, and monitoring health-related behaviors and outcomes. By continuously improving the dissemination of health knowledge on the internet, we can contribute to the promotion of public health and well-being.。
一文读懂社会网络分析(SNA)理论、指标与应用开新坑!社交网络分析(又称复杂网络、社会网络,Social Network Analysis)是诞生于数学图论、计算机科学、物理学的交叉碰撞中的一门有趣的学科。
面向人群:优先人文社科类的无代码学习,Python、R的SNA 包好用是好用,但是对我们这这些社科的同学来说门槛太高,枯燥的代码首先就会让我们丧失学习兴趣。
开胃菜:SNA经典著作分享《网络科学引论》纽曼 (访问密码 : v9d9g3)2概述:什么是网络?我们从哪些角度研究它?1) 认识网络SNA中所说的网络是由节点(node,图论中称顶点vertex)和边(edge)构成,如下图。
Les Miserables人际关系网络2) 构建网络就是建模马克思说过,“人的本质在其现实性上,它是一切社会关系的总和。
” 事实上,当我们想快速了解一个领域,无论该领域是由人、知识、神经元乃至其他实体集合构成,利用SNA的方法将实体及其相互关系进行抽象和网络构建,我们就完成了对某一领域的“建模”,这个模型就是网络图,拿科学网络计量学家陈超美的观点来说,借助网络图,“一图胜千言,一览无余”。
3) 社会网络类型这里展示了常见和常用的网络类型名词。
Hot-Point Perspective热点透视DCW161数字通信世界2019.07随着我国信息化社会快速发展,网络社交逐渐成为人们的生活方式。
社交网络即SNS ,可以理解为社交网络服务,是为了能更好的帮助人们建立社会性的网络所产生的应用服务,可以使兴趣相同的人们在线交流,建立一个在线社区。
1 社交网络的概述社交网络(Social Net-work Service )即为社交网络服务,目前社交网络服务已经覆盖了所有的网络服务,逐渐成为一个互联网发展的热点领域。
随之出现很多知名的社交网络平台,如美国的Facebook 和Twitter 、日本的Line 和Mixi 、欧洲的Odnoklassniki 和Orkut 以及中国的目前主流的微信、微博等,据相关调查显示,登录社交网络的人数已经超过全球互联网的三分之二,是继电子邮件之后,第四受大众喜爱的互联网服务,其发展目前也正处于快速发展期。
2 社交网络信息传播理论社交网络信息传播的基础理论是六度分隔理论和150法则。
Social Networking Services社会性网络服务
SNS,全称Social Networking Services,即社会性网络服务,专指旨在帮助人们建立社会性网络的互联网应用服务。
1967年,哈佛大学的心理学教授Stanley Milgram(1933~1984)创立了六度分割理论,简单地说:“你和仸何一个陌生人之间所间隔的人不会超过六个,也就是说,最多通过六个人你就能够认识任何一个陌生人。
这是社会性网络(Social Networking)的早期理解。
第一章什么是SNS?SNS:Social Network Software,社会性网络软件,依据六度理论,以认识朋友的朋友为基础,扩展自己的人脉。
什么是社交网络(What is a social network)What is a social network?Introduction to social networking.Sites like Facebook and Twitter are everywhere now. You receive tweet messages and also write messages in space, but you're still not sure whether the online social network is right for you. This crash course will help you understand what social networks are. Then we will introduce online social networks Facebook and Twitter, and provide instructions on how to start and how to ensure security. Let's get down to work.What is a social network?In brief, social networking is a platform for communicating with other people on the internet. The basic information of social networking sites usually around the user's operation, user basic information is relevant to users love things, not love things, interest, hobbies, school, occupation or any other common point set.Typically, these sites provide different levels of privacy control. For example, Facebook allows others to find your basic information by searching your name or e-mail address, but you can prevent people who have not received your special permission to view your private information. For Twitter, you can set the update to private, and you can only check it with the person you approve.The goal of a social network is to build a group through oneor more common points that some people associate with each other.Some social networking sites are grouped according to special interests. Through these sites, you can share experiences and knowledge around specific topics, and build friendships.Social networking: why is it so troublesome?Defining social networks is easy. Often, the real question raised by those who do not use the new technology is "why?"" Most people using Facebook and Twitter will see the actual (and some invisible) benefits. When you build a social network, they are largely like your real life, face-to-face dating network. You listen to the news, discuss work and life issues, ask about other people's ideas, and use the experience and expertise you may not have.The link is the connection, whether you're in the network or in IRL. If the old saying "not in what you know, but in whom you know" is true, then the more people you know, the better. Maybe the senior high school alumnus has started a new business and needs your expertise. There is no doubt that knowledge is power.Registering Facebook is simple. The initial setup only takes you a few minutes. Visit the Facebook home page and follow the prompt stepsTwitter: IntroductionMore people are confused about Twitter than Facebook. It's completely counterintuitive: how can you say everything in 140 characters? The rapid prevalence of Twitter should give you some information, that is, you can communicate very efficiently, even if only a few words are used. In fact, noted that Twitter's monthly growth rate was 1382%.Twitter was founded in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, and for such young services, users are more than just fanatical followers. Micro-blog (a tiny blog expressing only one idea or event) is becoming more and more popular,At least one reason is the same as Facebook: community awareness.It takes only a little time to write a 140 character update and share it with friends and contacts. They only need a little time to do the same thing. Understand what people are doing, thinking, and reading new definitions of a growing community.And, Twitter provides lightning fast ways to spread important news or information. The information posted on Twitter is called tweets, and when you pass a tweet, it becomes retweet. This feature allows you to spread information that feels important just by clicking on a few buttons.# mark represents a theme on the Twitter. For example, a popular TV show with # mark, in the course of the program of real time people comment on it. For example, if you're looking at 24, you want to communicate with an audience who wants to talk about it, then you can follow #24's comment on Twitter.Twitter vocabulary Twitter has its own unique vocabulary. Here are some of the most commonly used terms:Tweet:140 characters or shorter updates / announcements to Twitter services.Retweet: pass the tweet of one of your contacts to your own contact list.As a # mark in your tweet title before adding # No. behavior. For example, when you publish information about the Houston rockets, mark it as "#houstonrockets" so that other fans can easily find your tweet.Tweeps: you follow Twitter followers through multiple social networks (for example, a contact with Facebook and Twitter).Twitosphere: the larger tweeter community.@username: use it to link to other specific users in Twitter. For example, @stephenfry is a link to the popular British comedian Stephen Fry's Twitter account.DM: this abbreviation indicates direct message (Direct Message). You can send privacy messages to another user by entering your username.Registering Twitter is simpler than Facebook, and the initial setup only takes you a few minutes. Visit the Twitter home page and follow the prompt stepsHow do companies use Facebook and Twitter?Although this is only an introductory crash course, it is important to understand how businesses and brand vendors use these services to get patronage. Social marketing like this will work because it relies on building communities, which is both good and bad for consumers. Let's take a look at these two aspects.Get the best out of brand relationships, and when you join a certain brand fan page on Facebook (for example, Dove Campaign for Real Beauty is very popular), you can derive huge benefits from it. In general, marketers use their brand, fan pages, and Twitter accounts to solicit your opinions about their products.How do you use them? How to make them better? What's your biggest weakness? It's a great opportunity to make your voice heard by someone in a brand that has a direct appeal to you. If you are asked such questions, try to take some time to answer them so that you can express your opinion about the products you like.Another important addition to social marketing on Facebook and Twitter is the provision of special products. Companies usually announce special products that are not yet fully available, giving you an excellent opportunity to get deals that others can't get. Or you can be a fan of a favorite local restaurant to participate in special fans, happy days or other activities.Because the world of social networking is only about building relationships, brand makers are really willing to cross thedistance to make you a loyal customer. Socially satisfied customers who are unhappy with the product immediately become a nightmare in public relations. If you suspect the power of a dissatisfied customer, just browse through the consumer support site, Consumerist.Want to see the latest news from HP on Facebook and Twitter? Check out HP's Facebook fanpage, or check out the latest HP news by following @HPNews on Twitter.Don't allow unscrupulous brand vendors to escape, although there are many advantages to actively participating in the brand community and building an Twitter account, but we also give a serious warning. Unscrupulous businesses may try to abuse your information by selling your privacy information to third party fraudsters. If you suspect that you have encountered this situation, please notify the Facebook or Twitter support staff immediately.What if brand manufacturers themselves become spammers? In general, if brand manufacturers do not know how to conduct public relations in social spaces, they will eventually be disliked and spurned by consumers. If you receive more than one promotional message and no content in a day, please contact the company immediately.。
social networking
Social networkingIntroductionOur life has been increasingly busy and convenient with the development of network technology, social networking is one of the greatest product from it. Social networking are some places, which provide us to communicate and entertain with others (friends, families, partners or even strangers )on the internet. There are lots of social networking sites, such as the facebook, twitter, blogs, weibo, QQ, WeChat and so on.( )Honestly speaking, social networking sites really makes our lives more convenient and easier by its different kinds of functions, but on the contrary, increasingly problems about it should not be ignored, addiction, loss of privacy, crimes online and some legal issues all urging us to concentrate on them and try to solve them. So I pay more attention to these urgent issues of social networking sites and aiming to find some effective solutions by particularly analysing.Main bodyThere is no doubt that social networking websites surely playing an significant role in our common lives. A great many individuals especially young people use it to contact and communicate with others, or even expressing their special feelings and publish their own opinions about some hot issues. Besides, lots of professors and public administrators tend to use social networking websites to engage with students and citizens in new and collaborative ways. ( )Moreover, employers also getting a lot of usable information about their employees and….( ) Inevitably, a great deal of problems appeared with the striking popularity. There are several main problems in the paragraphs below.Problems1.Over attention on social networking. The youngs are usually the main users of it and they areeasily to be attracted overly. A recent research about college students” use ofinternet ,which studied by Anna C. McFadden , a professor of University of Alabama showsthat about 47% samples use it to skimming sites(general), 28%reaching to e-mails and6%just use it to have chat. So they really used lots of time on social networking ,it is a waste of time to some degrees. At the same time ,( )that increasingly teenagers are addicted to it even result to seriously communicative drawbacks, in other words, they relying over onsocial networking ,which made their social skills seem to be more single and do not adapt to common society, for instance, face- to- face communication.2.Loss of privacy. About almost social networking sites need us to input our personal details toregister, which are usually open to publics. So others can easily get our privacy and even toproduce some “ troubles ”for us. For example, about __% samples ( ) who usually usesocial networking said they usually get cold calls ,and most of those calls are advertisements, which troubled them terribly. In fact, the common troubles about privacy leakage are allhave high possibility to occur around us.3.Cyber-crime by social networking. The main purpose for social networking is tocommunicate with others, which may including strangers that we do not know before.( )It is a strong possibility to make friends with someone who aims to cheat or harm us .Solution Conclusion References。
社会网络分析的基本理论方法及其在情报学中的应用赵丽娟摘 要 鉴于社会网络分析一直是学术界的研究热点并在许多领域得到推广应用。
关键词 社会网络 社会网络分析 情报学 关系Abstract:Social netw ork analysis has been the research f ocus in academia and used widely in many fields This article f ocuses on th e research related to social netw ork analysis,its concepts and tasks,and the research methods And on know ledge management,it introduces th e social netw ork analysis applications in th e field of Inform ation Science,su mmarizes th e tw o major inadequacies,and gives th e development direction for future,emphasizes the importance of dynam ic thinking in the social network analysisKey words:social netw ork social netw ork analysis Information Science relation自20世纪30年代,社会网络分析(Social Ne twork An alysis,简称SNA)作为一种应用性很强的社会学研究方法一直是学术界研究的热点。
社交网络 Social Network-最新范文
社交网络Social Network社交网络是一个社交结构由个人或组织组成。
他们由友谊,血缘关系,共同利益等关系连接起来.A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called “nodes”, which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.Social Networks are groups of people who share interests and who interact in a variety of ways via software on websites. These include file-sharing, chatting, messaging, exchanging photos/video etc. Social network sites are usually free to join. Include Myspace,Facebook,Bebo,Orkut,LinkedIn and so on.We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. Thenature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.The Importance of Social Networking1.Social networking can help a business gain contacts, clients, and increased public awareness.2.Even entrepreneurs who run small businesses from their homes can take advantage of this resource to set up a global presence.3.To make the most of social networking, it’s important to fully understand the concept of social networking and how it can be applied in ways that will help you grow your business.4.Social networking is making its mark in history these days. In fact, it is progressing so fast, it is leaving the news media in the dust. Everyday people are reporting news faster than a whole news team.社交网络是是由个人(或组织)构成的社会结构称为“节点”,是由一个或多个相互依存的具体类型连接起来的,比如友情、亲情、共同兴趣爱好、经济交易、厌恶、性关系、信仰、知识或声望。
关键词:社交网络热门内容预测模型单条动态Predicting Single-Tweet Popularityin Social NetworkABSTRACTCentralized with users being the creators and propagators,social network tends to be an indispensable part of modern people’s life,in the era of Web2.0.Massive amount of users’thoughts and friendship are implied in social network,which becomes a promising source of big data.One of the most significant meanings for data mining is to analyze the underlined relations among data,and use it for future.In social network,the limitation of users’time and attention determines that users will only focus on what they are interested and what is popular for the time being.Predicting what is popular in time will not only improve the utilization of users’time and attention,but also benefit social websites to offer better service to their users.In this chapter,we intend to research on the popularity prediction of textual content,using big data in social network.We focus on methods and models of prediction,which are well classified by elements the models consider,such as user behaviors,the life cycles of information,and the social network topology.We also reveal researchers’work on classifying social networks, evaluating metrics,as well as feature selection,and what remains to be done.Although a few topic or event prediction models have been proposed in the past few years, researches that focus on the single tweet prediction just emerge recently.Therefore,we fur-ther dig into predicting the popularity of single tweet with STH-Bass,a Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneous Bass model derived from economic field,to predict the popularity of a single tweet.Leveraging only the first day’s information after a tweet is posted,STH-Bass can not only predict the trend of a tweet with favorite count and retweet count,but also classify whether the tweet will be popular in the future.We perform extensive experiments to evaluate the efficiency and accuracy of STH-Bass based on real-world Twitter data.The evaluation results show that STH-Bass obtains much less APE than the baselines when predicting the trend of a single tweet, and an average of24%higher precision when classifying the tweets popularity.KEY WORDS:Social Network,Popular Contents,Prediction Models,Single Tweet目录主要符号对照表vii第一章绪论1第二章社交网络52.1社交网络特性 (5)2.1.1社交网络图模型 (6)2.1.2强关联、弱关联 (6)2.1.3长尾效应 (7)2.2社交网络分类 (8)2.2.1狭义社交网络 (8)2.2.2事件型的社交网络 (8)2.2.3专项型的社交网络 (9)2.2.4社交网络内容预测方向总结 (10)第三章社交网络内容预测133.1预测内容分类 (13)3.2预测模型分类 (14)3.2.1基于用户行为的预测模型 (16)3.2.2基于动态的生命周期 (20)3.2.3基于社交网络拓扑结构 (22)3.3评估指标分类 (24)3.3.1排名问题预测 (25)3.3.2分类问题预测 (26)3.3.3回归问题预测 (30)第四章单条动态流行程度预测334.1单条动态流行程度预测简介 (33)4.2基于推特的数据分析 (34)第五章基于时空异质性的巴斯模型395.1问题陈述 (40)5.2巴斯模型 (40)5.3巴斯模型的局限性及扩展 (43)5.4时空异质性的巴斯模型及其推导 (44)5.4.1时空异质性巴斯模型 (44)5.4.2时空异质性巴斯模型的推导 (46)第六章实验496.1预测动态的走势 (49)6.2预测动态是否热门 (52)第七章结论537.1全文总结 (53)7.2展望未来 (53)参考文献57致谢67攻读学位期间发表的学术论文69主要符号对照表u用户w动态t时间f(t)t时刻的点赞数r(t)t时刻的转发量fc一条动态w的最终点赞数rc一条动态w的最终转发量T稳定时间S(t)t时刻点赞或转发动态的人数Y(t)0到t时刻的累积热门指数Y(T)最终热门指数ν稳定因子µ平衡点赞数和转发量在热门指数中的比重的因子γ判断动态是否热门的阈值m潜在阅读动态的人数p创新者因子q模仿者因子x与用户相关的特征向量y与动态w相关的特征向量num_of_followings用户的粉丝数num_of_followers用户的关注数num_of_tweets用户发布的动态总数num_of_favorites用户收藏的动态总数num_of_creating_time动态w的发布时间num_of_URLs动态w中的链接数量num_of_characters动态w中的字符数量第一章绪论社交网络作为Web2.0时代新兴起的休闲娱乐工具,无疑成为现代人们生活中必不可少的一部分。
social network作文
social network作文英文回答:Social networks have become an integral part of modern life, shaping how we communicate, interact, and perceive the world around us. From Facebook to Twitter, Instagram to LinkedIn, these platforms connect people across the globe, transcending geographical boundaries and time zones.One of the most significant impacts of social networks is their ability to facilitate communication. With just a few clicks or taps, we can instantly connect with friends, family, and acquaintances, sharing updates, photos, and thoughts in real-time. Whether it's a quick message to catch up with an old friend or a video call with relatives halfway across the world, social networks have made communication effortless and convenient.Moreover, social networks have revolutionized how we consume information. News spreads like wildfire onplatforms like Twitter, where trending topics and hashtags shape public discourse. However, this rapid dissemination of information also poses challenges, as misinformation and fake news can easily proliferate, blurring the lines between fact and fiction.Furthermore, social networks play a significant role in shaping public opinion and influencing decision-making processes. Political campaigns leverage platforms like Facebook to target specific demographics and sway voter sentiment. Similarly, businesses harness the power ofsocial media influencers to promote their products and services, reaching millions of potential customers with a single post.However, the ubiquity of social networks also raises concerns about privacy and data security. Our personal information is often collected and monetized by these platforms, leading to debates about surveillance capitalism and digital privacy rights. Moreover, the addictive nature of social media can have detrimental effects on mental health, as users fall prey to comparison, FOMO (fear ofmissing out), and cyberbullying.In conclusion, social networks have transformed the way we communicate, consume information, and navigate thedigital landscape. While they offer unparalleledconnectivity and convenience, they also pose challengesthat society must address to ensure a safe and responsible online environment.中文回答:社交网络已经成为现代生活的重要组成部分,塑造了我们的交流方式、互动方式以及对周围世界的认知。
social network作文
social network作文英文回答:Social networks have become an integral part of our lives, connecting us with friends, family, and like-minded individuals across the globe. However, this widespread adoption has also raised concerns about their potential impact on our well-being, society, and democracy.Positive Impacts:Enhanced Communication: Social networks have revolutionized communication, making it easier and faster to keep in touch with loved ones near and far.Information Sharing: Platforms like Facebook and Twitter have become important sources of news and information, allowing users to stay informed about current events.Community Building: Social media helps foster online communities, providing platforms for individuals with shared interests or experiences to connect and support each other.Political Activism: Social networks have played a crucial role in political movements, enabling activists to organize, mobilize, and raise awareness for their causes.Negative Impacts:Addiction and Excessive Use: Social media addiction can lead to negative consequences, such as decreased productivity, sleep disturbances, and social isolation.Cyberbullying and Harassment: The anonymity of online interactions can facilitate cyberbullying and harassment, which can have devastating effects on victims.Privacy Concerns: Social networks collect vast amounts of data about their users, raising concerns about data breaches, unauthorized use, and surveillance by governmentsor corporations.Spread of Misinformation and Fake News: The ease of sharing content on social media has contributed to the spread of misinformation and fake news, potentially eroding trust in journalism and public institutions.Political Polarization: Echo chambers and filter bubbles on social media can reinforce existing biases and limit exposure to diverse perspectives, potentially contributing to political polarization.Addressing the Challenges:To mitigate the negative effects of social networks, several strategies can be implemented:Responsible Use: Encourage users to set limits ontheir social media usage and prioritize meaningful interactions.Digital Literacy: Promote digital literacy initiativesto educate users about privacy settings, data protection, and responsible information sharing.Content Regulation: Implement measures to regulate hate speech, cyberbullying, and the spread of misinformation on social media.Transparency and Accountability: Hold social media platforms accountable for their practices and ensure transparency in data collection and use.Encourage Critical Thinking: Foster critical thinking skills among users to enable them to evaluate information and identify bias in online content.中文回答:社交网络已经成为我们生活中不可或缺的一部分,将我们与全球各地的朋友、家人和志同道合的人们联系在一起。
英语作文-如何在互联网上获取最新的健康知识传播效果评估网络社区In today's digital age, accessing the latest health information on the internet has become increasingly vital. With the abundance of online resources available, individuals can easily stay informed about various aspects of health and wellness. However, evaluating the effectiveness of disseminating health knowledge through online communities is crucial to ensure accurate information reaches the masses. This article explores strategies for obtaining the most recent health information on the internet and assessing the impact of disseminating it within online communities.Firstly, staying updated with the latest health information requires utilizing credible sources. Reliable websites such as government health agencies, reputable medical institutions, and peer-reviewed journals offer accurate and up-to-date information. Subscribing to newsletters or following social media accounts of trusted health organizations can provide regular updates on emerging health topics.Secondly, engaging with online health communities enables individuals to share knowledge and experiences with like-minded individuals. Platforms such as forums, social media groups, and online support communities foster discussions on various health-related topics. By actively participating in these communities, individuals can exchange information, seek advice, and learn from others' experiences.Furthermore, evaluating the effectiveness of disseminating health knowledge within online communities involves assessing reach, engagement, and impact. Metrics such as website traffic, social media interactions, and user feedback can gauge the extent to which health information is being disseminated and received within online communities. Analyzing trends over time can provide insights into the effectiveness of different dissemination strategies and help tailor future efforts to maximize impact.Additionally, leveraging multimedia content can enhance the dissemination of health knowledge within online communities. Videos, infographics, and podcasts are visuallyengaging formats that can effectively convey complex health information. By incorporating multimedia elements into online health campaigns, information becomes more accessible and appealing to a wider audience.Moreover, fostering partnerships with influencers and key stakeholders can amplify the reach of health information within online communities. Collaborating with individuals or organizations with a large following can help increase visibility and credibility. Influencers can share health information with their followers, encouraging them to engage with the content and spread awareness within their own networks.In conclusion, accessing the latest health information on the internet and evaluating its dissemination within online communities are essential for promoting public health awareness. By utilizing credible sources, engaging with online communities, and leveraging multimedia content, individuals can effectively share and receive health knowledge. Evaluating the impact of dissemination efforts through metrics and partnerships ensures that accurate health information reaches the masses, ultimately contributing to improved health outcomes in society.。
英语作文-如何在互联网上建立健康知识的传播网络社区In today's digital age, the internet has become a powerful tool for sharing knowledge and information. With the click of a button, we can access a wealth of information on virtually any topic. However, with this accessibility comes the challenge of sifting through the vast amount of content to find accurate and reliable information, especially when it comes to health-related knowledge.Building a healthy knowledge dissemination network community on the internet is crucial in ensuring that accurate and reliable health information is readily available to the public. In this article, we will discuss how to establish such a community and the key principles to keep in mind.First and foremost, it is essential to have a clear and well-defined purpose for the community. This purpose should be centered around promoting the dissemination of accurate and evidence-based health information. Whether it is through a website, social media platform, or online forum, the community should serve as a hub for individuals to access and share reliable health knowledge.Furthermore, fostering a sense of trust and credibility within the community is paramount. This can be achieved by partnering with reputable health organizations, medical professionals, and experts in the field. Their involvement and endorsement can help establish the community as a reliable source of information, thus attracting a wider audience.In addition to credibility, the community should also prioritize user engagement and interaction. This can be done through the creation of discussion forums, live Q&A sessions with health professionals, and interactive webinars. By encouraging active participation, the community can facilitate the exchange of ideas and experiences, further enriching the knowledge-sharing process.Moreover, the community should embrace diversity and inclusivity. Health knowledge is not one-size-fits-all, and it is important to recognize and respect the various perspectives and experiences within the community. This can be achieved by providing content in multiple languages, addressing a wide range of health topics, and ensuring that the information is accessible to individuals of all backgrounds and abilities.Another crucial aspect of building a healthy knowledge dissemination network community is the continuous evaluation and updating of content. Health information is constantly evolving, and it is essential to regularly review and revise the information shared within the community to ensure its accuracy and relevance.Furthermore, the community should actively combat misinformation and myths surrounding health topics. This can be done through the promotion of critical thinking skills, fact-checking resources, and debunking common misconceptions. By empowering individuals to discern reliable information from misinformation, the community can play a pivotal role in promoting health literacy.In conclusion, establishing a healthy knowledge dissemination network community on the internet requires a clear purpose, credibility, user engagement, diversity, continuous evaluation, and the combatting of misinformation. By adhering to these principles, such a community can serve as a valuable resource for individuals seeking reliable health information in the digital age. As we continue to navigate the vast landscape of the internet, it is essential to prioritize the dissemination of accurate and evidence-based health knowledge for the well-being of all.。
英语作文-如何在互联网上获取权威的健康知识传播影响评估网络社区规划方法In today's digital age, accessing authoritative health information online has become increasingly important. With the abundance of information available on the internet, it can be challenging to discern what is accurate and reliable. This is especially true when it comes to health knowledge, as misinformation can have serious consequences on individuals' well-being.To effectively evaluate the impact of health knowledge dissemination on the internet, it is crucial to follow a strategic approach. One key method is to assess the credibility of the sources providing the information. Look for websites that are run by reputable organizations, such as government health departments, medical associations, or universities. These sources are more likely to provide accurate and up-to-date information.Another important factor to consider is the expertise of the authors. Check to see if the information is written by healthcare professionals or experts in the field. Their credentials can give you a better understanding of the reliability of the information being presented. Additionally, look for references and citations to ensure that the information is based on scientific evidence.In evaluating the impact of health knowledge dissemination, it is essential to consider the reach and engagement of the content. Look for websites or social media platforms that have a large following and active participation from users. This can indicate that the information is being widely shared and discussed, which can contribute to its influence.Furthermore, consider the tone and presentation of the information. Health information should be presented in a clear, concise, and easy-to-understand manner. Avoid websites that use sensationalized language or make exaggerated claims. Look for sources that provide balanced and evidence-based information to ensure that you are getting accurate and reliable knowledge.In planning a network community for health knowledge dissemination, it is important to create a platform that encourages collaboration and interaction among users. This can include forums, discussion boards, or social media groups where individuals can share their experiences and insights. By fostering a sense of community, users are more likely to engage with the content and contribute to the dissemination of accurate health information.Additionally, consider partnering with healthcare professionals or organizations to provide expert advice and guidance on the platform. This can help establish credibility and trust among users, leading to a more effective dissemination of health knowledge. Encourage users to ask questions, seek clarification, and participate in discussions to create a dynamic and engaging community.Overall, by following these methods for evaluating the impact of health knowledge dissemination on the internet and planning a network community for health information, we can ensure that individuals have access to accurate and reliable information to make informed decisions about their health and well-being. It is essential to prioritize credibility, expertise, reach, engagement, and community building to create a successful platform for health knowledge dissemination.。
2019年托福核心词汇:反社交网络Anti-social networking
2019年托福核心词汇:反社交网络Anti-socialnetworking每日托福词汇:反社交网络Anti-social networking你身边有没有这样的一些人?他们有微博、微信账号,也会加你好友,但是,你基本看不到他们有更新,微信发过去的信息也不怎么即时回复。
个性的“反社交网络”分子Anti-social networking means using a social networking site or service to connect to other people but never communicating with those people once they have been established as a connection.“反社交网络”指会通过社交网络的账号与他人建立联系,但是从来不在社交网络上与他们交流的人。
This is a term used to describe people who rarely, if ever, visit social networking sites because they have better things to do with their time. They limit their online activities. They avoid habits like changing their profile picture daily and putting every thought they have onTwitter/Weibo.这个说法被用来描述那些不怎么上社交网络的人,因为他们有更有意义的事情要做。
社交网络Social Network
社交网络Social NetworkSocial Network社交网络英语作文network,人际,关系社交网络社交网络是一个社会结构由个人或组织组成。
他们由友谊,血缘关系,共同利益,等关系连接起来.A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency, such as friendship, kinship, common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships, or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige.社会网络是是由个人(或组织)构成的社会结构称为"节点",是一个或多个相互依存的具体类型连接起来的,比如友情,亲情,共同的利益,金融交易,厌恶,性关系,信念,知识或声望。
Social Networks are groups of people who share interests and who interact in a variety of ways via software on websites. These include file-sharing, chatting, messaging, exchanging photos/video etc. Social network sites are usually free to join. Include Myspace,Facebook,Bebo,Orkut,LinkedIn and so on.社会网络是通过网站软件分享共同兴趣,通过各种方式进行互动的一个群体。
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time consuming task. One is faced is with the trade-o of contacting a large number of individuals at each step, and thus straining both the time and good will of the possible respondents, or of contacting a smaller, more focused set, and thus being more likely to fail to locate an appropriate expert. In response to these problems we are building ReferralWeb, an interactive system for reconstructing, visualizing, and searching social networks on the World Wide Web. Simulation experiments we ran before we began construction of ReferralWeb showed that automatically generated referrals can be highly successful in locating experts in a large network (Kautz, Selman, and Milewski 1996). The higher degree of responsiveness of an automated system can be e ectively traded-o for the (potentially) lower accuracy of individual automatic referrals over those generated by a person.
2. Reconstructing and Querying Social Networks
A social network is modeled by a graph, where the nodes represent individuals, and an edge between nodes indicates that a direct relationship between the individuals has been discovered. There are many possible sources for determining direct relationships. At one extreme, which we reject as too burdensome, users could be required to enter lists of close colleagues. Analysis of email logs provides a rich source of relationships, as shown by Schwartz and Wood (1993). In fact, the initial version of our system derived its network by analyzing mail archives (Kautz, Selman, and Milewski, 1996). However, the use of such information raises concerns of privacy and security that are hard to allay. The current ReferralWeb system uses the co-occurrence of names in close proximity in any documents publicly available on the World Wide Web as evidence of a direct relationship. Such sources include:
Minsky?"). To search for an expert, the user may specify both a topic and an e ective social radius: for example, a query might be, \What colleagues of mine, or colleagues of colleagues of mine, know about simulated annealing?" Another kind of query takes advantage of a designated, known expert to control the search. For instance, one might ask to \List documents on the topic `annealing' by people close to Scott Kirkpatrick."
This paper appears in the Communications of the ACM, vol. 40 no. 3, March, 1997.
ReferralWeb: Combining Social Networks and Collaborative Filtering
Henry Kautz, Bart Selman, and Mehul Shah AT&T Laboratories
Links found on home pages; Lists of co-authors in technical papers and citations of papers; Exchanges between individuals recorded in netnews archives; and Organization charts (e.g., for university departments). The network model is constructed incrementally. When a user rst registers with the system, it uses a general search engine to retrieve Web documents that mention him or her. The names of other individuals are extracted from the documents; this can be done with high accuracy (better than 90%), using techniques such as those described in (Sundheim and Grishman, 1995). This process is applied recursively for one or two levels, and the result merged into the global network model. The network is then used to guide the search for people or documents in response to user queries. Most simply, a person may ask to nd the chain between himself and a named individual (e.g., \What is my relationship to Marvin
Nonetheless, manually searching for a referral chain can be a frustrating and
1Note that by \social network" we explicitly include groups of people linked by professional activities; we do not use \social" in the more limited sense of \recreational".
600 Mountain Avenue, Room 2a-402 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 (908) 582-2815
fkautz, selmang@ shah@
1. The Power of Referral Chaining
Numerous studies have shown that one of the most the most e ective channels for dissemination of information and expertise within an organization is its informal network of collaborators, colleagues, and friends (Granovetter 1973; Kraut 1990; Wasserman and Galaskiewicz 1994). Indeed, the social network1 is as least as important as the o cial organizational structure for tasks ranging from immediate, local problem solving (for example, xing a piece of equipment) to primary work functions, such as creating project teams. Part of the success of social networks can be attributed to the \six degrees of separation" phenomena, which means that the distance between any two individuals in terms of direct personal relationships is relatively small. An equally important factor is that there are limits as to the amount and kinds of information that a person is able or willing to make available to the public at large. For example, a expert in a particular eld is almost certainly unable to write down all he knows about the topic, and is likely to be unwilling to make letters of recommendation he has written for various people publicly available. Searching for a piece of information in this situation thus becomes a matter of searching the social network for an expert on the topic together with a chain of personal referrals from the searcher to the expert. The referral chain serves two key functions: it provides a reason for the expert to agree to respond to the requester by explicating their relationship (e.g., they have a mutual collaborator), and it provides a criteria for the searcher to use in evaluating the trustworthiness of the expert.