From the day we arrive on the planet. And, blinking, step into the sun. There’s more to see, than can ever be seen, more to do, than can ever be done. There’s far too much, to take in here, more to find, than can ever be found. But the sun rolling high, through the sapphire sky, keeps great and small, on the endless round. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life.自从那一天,我们来到这个星球,眨着眼走进阳光。
Lion King 狮子王中文台词从我们出生的那一刻睁开眼睛走入阳光那儿有你看不完的东西有你做不完的事有数不尽你无法体会经验的事有找不完的宝藏可是太阳高挂在天空在那色彩多变的天空中不论伟大与渺小都保存下来那是生生不息而那感动了你我历经绝望与希望历经信心与爱直到我们找到归属之地在我们已知的种种之中在那生生不息之中生生不息…生生不息而那令我们感动历经绝望与希望历经信心与爱直到我们找到归属之地在我们已知的种种之中在那生生不息之中生生不息…片名: 狮子王人生真不公平,不是吗?就像我永远不能成为国王而你无法再见到明天的阳光再见你妈妈没教你别戏弄你的食物吗?你想做什么?我来告诉你木法沙国王要来了你最好想个好理由今早为何没有去参加仪式沙祖,你害我让午餐逃走了等国王找你时你少的不止是午餐他非常震怒我害怕极了刀疤,别用那种眼光看我救命啊刀疤,放开他你来得正是时候,陛下那不正是我高高在上的哥哥来和我们这些贩夫走卒打交道?沙拉碧和我没见到你出席今天辛巴与万民见面的仪式是今天吗?我真难过我一定是忘了忘了?身为国王的弟弟你应该排在朝见的第一位我本来就是第一顺位直到那小毛球出生为止那小毛球是我的儿子也是你未来的国王我应该去练习我的屈膝礼别背对着我,刀疤不会的,木法沙也许你不应该背弃我那是挑战吗?别发脾气我做梦也不会挑战你真可惜,为什么不?以智慧而言,我可是聪明得很但说到蛮力恐怕我的遗传中那是较弱的一环每家都有个麻烦,陛下事实上,我们家有两个他们总是有办法在欢乐的时刻泼冷水我该拿他怎么办?他可以做一块漂亮的地毯沙祖脏掉了还可以拿去外面打一打辛巴爸,醒醒,我们得走了,醒醒对不起爸…你儿子已经醒了在日出之前,他是你儿子爸,走吧,爸你答应过我的好了,我醒了你看,辛巴阳光普照之处都是我们的王国一个国王的统治跟日出日落是相同的有一天太阳会为我落下随着你成为新王而再升起而这一切都会是我的?没错阳光所照到的一切那阴影的地方呢?那是我们边境之外永远别去那我以为国王能随心所欲当国王不是为了要随心所欲还有别的?辛巴你所看到的一切都微妙地共生共存身为国王你必须了解那种平衡而且尊重每一种生物从爬行的蝼蚁到跳跃的羚羊但是爸,我们不是吃羚羊吗?没错,辛巴,你听我解释当我们死了以后身体会化为青草而羚羊吃青草因此我们紧紧相扣,生生不息早安,陛下早安,沙祖听听晨间报告说吧猩猩正在走动长颈鹿还是高高在上大象记忆力还是惊人鳄鱼仍在河边偷袭打我巢里鸟蛋的主意我敬谢不敏犀鸟没啥收获,秃鹰却一堆不是每个受邀吃午饭的人都能全身而退这是晨间报告给你一切讯息每声咕噜、怒吼和叹息都照实报告在晨间报告里你在做什么,儿子?突袭猎物让我做给你看水牛埋怨今年草儿不够吃…帖着地面好,帖着地面别发出声音压低身子,再往前一步然后…突袭这是晨间报告给你一切讯息每声咕噜、怒吼和叹息都照实报告在晨间报告里沙祖什么事?地下世界的消息这一次…陛下,土狼到荣耀国来了沙祖,带辛巴回家爸,我能一起去吗?不,儿子我永远不能去任何地方年轻的主人有一天你会当国王到时候你就能一天到晚突袭别人刀疤叔叔猜猜看有什么新鲜事我才不玩猜谜游戏我会是荣耀石的国王真好我爸刚带我看了所有的国土而那全会在我的统治之下很抱歉,我没有高兴地跳起来我的背不舒服刀疤叔叔,当我成为国王时那你是什么?一只猴子的叔叔你真怪你还真搞不清楚状况啊你父亲让你看了所有的国土?一切的地方他没让你看北方边界阳光之外的地方是的,他说我不可以去那里他说的绝对没错,太危险了只有最勇敢的狮子才会去那我很勇敢,那里有什么?抱歉,辛巴,我不能告诉你为什么不行?辛巴…我只是顾及我最喜欢的侄子的权益没错,我是你唯一的侄子那给我更多的理由去保护你大象墓园不是年轻王子去的地方大象什么?我太多话了不过你早晚会知道你是那么的聪明不过你要答应我一件事别去那没问题那才是乖孩子,你去玩吧还有…记住那是我们的小秘密娜娜辛巴来,我带你去个好地方辛巴,我正在梳洗该是你梳洗的时候了妈!妈,你把我的鬃毛弄乱了好了,我干净了我们能走了吗?我们要去哪?最好别是个笨地方不是的,是个很酷的地方这个很酷的地方在哪?在水池附近水池?水池有什么好玩?我们到了之后,我再让你瞧瞧妈,我能和辛巴一起去吗?你认为呢,沙拉碧?求求你我没有意见只要沙祖跟着一起去不,不要沙祖啦看起来有朝气一点我们愈快到水池就愈快能离开我们真正要去的是什么地方?大象墓园嘘…沙祖没错,要如何摆脱那白痴?看看你们俩个爱情的小种子在大草原茁壮盛开你们的父母会很高兴你们俩会有婚约会有什么?会有婚约,订婚,求婚意思是…有一天你们俩会结婚我不能娶她,她是我的朋友对啊,那会非常的怪抱歉,打破你们的美梦但你们没有选择的余地那已经是好几代的传统了等我当上国王首先就废除那传统只要我还在就不可能那样的话,你被开除了想的不错但只有国王能那么做他是未来的国王所以你得听从我的吩咐我还不需要听假如你有这态度恐怕你会成为一位可悲的国王我的看法可不是那样我会成为全能之王敌人小心了我还没看过鬃毛这么少的国王我会长出比任何王都浓密的鬃毛我会练习由上往下看我会练习我的吼声可从没见过像你这么糟的我真等不及想当国王了那还早呢,小主人假如你想…没人说,去做这个当我说…没人说,到那里去我的意思是…没人说,别再那样你们不了解…没人说,看这里看这里能整天自由自在绝对不是那样能为所欲为我想我们该好好谈谈国王不需要犀鸟的唠唠叨叨这是君王要除去我的迹象不要我服务,要我离开非洲这孩子翅膀硬了我真等不及想当国王了大家都向左看大家都向右看不论你看向何处我都是焦点之处还早呢让大伙们一起去尝试让我们听万物一起欢唱那是辛巴国王最快乐的事我真等不及想当国王了我真等不及想当国王了…抱歉,女士,请你让一下辛巴?娜娜?成功了我们摆脱他了我是天才天才,那是我的主意但是,是我把它实现的还有我是吗?打倒你了让我起来你又输了就是这了,我们到了真令人毛骨悚然是不是很棒?我们会惹上大麻烦我知道不晓得他的脑袋还在不在呢?只有一个方法能知道去瞧瞧吧错!你唯一能做的是离开这里我们已经离荣耀国很远了长嘴害怕了对你而言是长嘴先生小毛球而我们现在的处境非常危险危险?我在危险边缘乐此不疲我对危险嗤之以鼻你看看,班仔是谁来了?我不知道,桑琪你看呢?阿德我看是三个私闯禁地者我向你们保证这纯属意外方向辨识错误等一下,我知道你你是木法沙的跟班夫人,我是国王的得力助手而你就是未来的国王你知道我们对离开国土的国王都是怎么对待的吗?你们不能对我怎么样技术上他们可以我们是在他们的领土上但沙祖你告诉过我他们只不过是一群笨蛋别提我说过他们是笨蛋的事你们叫谁笨蛋来着?你们看太阳…我们快走吧急什么?我们想留你们下来吃晚餐我们可以吃"狮子大餐"等一下,我想到一个来个总汇三明治,如何?怎么啦?阿德什么事?我们的晚餐要外带吗?不是,干嘛?因为它跑了我们摆脱他们了吗?我想是的沙祖呢?国王的重要助手直接往锅里飞了不,不能往锅里飞你们何不找个身材相近的对手像你这样?糟糕辛巴来啊,小狮子就这么点功夫?再来一次,来啊拜托投降,投降冷静点,我们真对不起假如你们再接近我儿子…那是令郎?令郎?你知道吗?我?我不晓得,你知道吗?当然不知道阿德?快闪爸,我…你故意违背我爸,对不起我们回家去吧我认为你非常英勇沙祖是的,陛下带娜娜回家我要给我儿子一点教训走吧,娜娜辛巴,祝你好运辛巴辛巴,我对你非常失望我知道你有可能会送命的你故意违背我的话更糟的是,你使娜娜深陷险境我只是想和你一样的英勇我只在有必要时才会英勇辛巴英勇并非四处去找麻烦但你什么都不怕我今天害怕了你怕了?是的我以为我会失去你我想即使是国王也有害怕的时候但是你知道吗?知道什么?我认为那些土狼更害怕因为没有人敢向你爹挑战过来不…到这里来我压倒你了爸我们是好搭档,对吧?对而且我们会永远在一起对吧?辛巴,让我告诉你一件事是我的父亲告诉我的看看那些星星过去那些君王都在星星上往下看着我们真的?是的因此当你感到寂寞无助时记住那些君王会永远指引着你我也是一样那该死的木法沙害我一周不能坐那并不好笑,阿德闭嘴你们两个别吵了,行吗?是他先开始的看看你们俩怪不得我们永远都在食物链底部我厌恶在底部是啊知道吗?要不是有那些狮子这地盘早是我们的我讨厌狮子那么的强而有力那么多毛而且很臭还有…他们真丑我们狮子不是那么糟吧?刀疤,是你啊我们还担心是哪位要人呢你知道的,像是木法沙我明白了那才是权威还用得着你说我光听那名字就浑身打颤木法沙再说一次木法沙木法沙…那让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩我身边的人全是白痴得了吧,刀疤你也是我们的一份子你是我们的朋友真是抬举我我喜欢,他虽不是国王但他还是斯文有礼你有带什么好吃的吗?刀疤,老朋友,有吗?我不认为你们配得上吃这个我亲自将那两头小狮子送到你们这而你们甚至连他们都打发不了你知道,他们不是单独来的是啊,我们又能怎么办?把木法沙杀了?正是如此我知道你们的耐力惊人就像疣猪的屁股一般但是你们那么笨,注意听着我说的话事关荣耀看你们这付呆样你们没什么大脑我们谈的可是刺杀国王即使你们也会有疏忽的一刻所以要准备好抓住唯一的机会要为那轰动的消息做准备一个闪亮的新纪元快要到了在新纪元中我们的地位在哪?只要听命行事就对了我知道这听起来很卑鄙但是酬劳很高当我终能发号施令时享受结束不公平的美味要准备好是啊,要准备好我们会准备好为了什么?为了国王之死怎么?他病了?没有,傻瓜,我们要杀了他还有辛巴好主意,谁需要国王?不要国王,不要国王白痴,会有国王的但你说…我会当国王只要和我在一起就永远不会挨饿好耶国王万岁,万岁国王万岁能与受人爱戴的国王有裙带关系那是求之不得当然相对的你们要负起一些责任未来是充满报酬的虽然我是主事者我必须强调没有我你们铁定没得吃因此准备好推翻政权吧为这次阴谋做好准备缜密的计划,坚决的执行数十年受人轻视正是我这么做的原因当国王会被尊敬,会被敬礼要看看我有多行是的我的牙齿及野心都显露了要准备就绪是的我的牙齿及野心都显露了要准备就绪你在这里等一下你的父亲有个惊喜给你是什么?若我告诉了你那就不是惊喜了若你告诉我我还是会装作惊喜你真是顽皮的孩子告诉我嘛,刀疤叔叔不…这纯粹是给你和你爸的你晓得的,那种父子之间的事我最好去找他来了我和你一起去不不,留在这块岩石上你不会想再闯下土狼那件错事吧你知道那件事?辛巴,大家都知道真的?是啊幸好你爸救了你还有个小秘密你或许会想改进你的狮吼吧好吧刀疤叔叔我会喜欢那个惊喜吗?辛巴会喜欢得"要命"闭嘴我忍不住,我好饿必须吃东西别乱动我们不能先挑一匹又小又病的吗?必须等刀疤的信号他在那了我们走我的小狮吼你看,陛下,兽群又在移动了木法沙,快一点,史坦毕峡隘辛巴在那里辛巴?沙祖,救我你父亲来了,撑着点快点啊在那边,在那棵树上撑住,辛巴刀疤,这太可怕了我们该怎么办?我去求援我就这么做,去求援爸…刀疤弟弟帮我国王万岁不…爸爸?爸?爸,醒醒你必须起来爸我们必须回家救命啊!有没有人?任何人都好辛巴你做了什么?兽群在…他想救我这是个意外我不是故意让这件事发生的当然,你当然不是没有人想要这种事发生但国王已经死了要不是因为你他现在还会活着你母亲会怎么想?我该怎么办?逃走,辛巴走的远远的,永远别再回来杀了他他往那去了,他往那去了去抓他啊别想我会到那里面去你想要我出来时跟你一样仙人掌刺的屁股?但我们必须完成工作他在外面活着和死了没两样万一他回来,我们就会杀了他没错,你听见没?你回来就杀了你木法沙的死是个可怕的悲剧失去了辛巴,真让人活不下去对我而言那是个人极大的损失因此我很沉重地接下王位从这件悲剧的灰烬中我们将再起在狮子和土狼共治国土的新纪元共创伟大光明的未来滚开…滚开我喜欢像打秃鹰保龄球一样每次都能修理到他们丁满,你最好过来看看我想他还活着好吧,这是什么?老天,是头狮子快跑,彭彭丁满,那只是头小狮子看看他,又可爱又孤单能养他吗?彭彭,你疯了吗?他是头狮子狮子吃我们这种东西的但是他那么小他会长大的也许他会站在我们这边这是我听过最蠢的事他也许…我懂了他要是站在我们这一边知道吗有头狮子在身边也不赖那我们留下他?当然,我们之中谁有大脑?我就是这个意思我热死了,走吧我们去找点阴凉的地方你没事吧,孩子?我想是吧你差点死了我救了你,彭彭也帮了一点忙谢谢你们的帮忙你要去那?没有目的地他看起来有点蓝我觉得是金褐色不…我是指他很沮丧孩子,什么事困扰你?没什么,他是食物链的最顶端食物链你从哪里来的?谁在乎?我不能回去你是逃家的?太好了,我们也是你做了什么事?孩子一件可怕的事,但我不想谈它好,我们也不想听别这样,丁满我们能帮什么忙吗?除非你能改变过去孩子,这种时刻我的好友丁满总是说把你的脑袋放在后面不…菜鸟要彭风也要看风向是你得把过去抛在脑后听我说孩子,不好的事会发生而你对它总是无能为力对吧?对错!当世界背弃你的时候你也要背弃世界而去我所学的不是那样那么你需要学习新的课程跟着我说HAKUNAMATATA什么?HAKUNAMATATA 表示你不必担心HAKUNAMATATA多棒的一句话HAKUNAMATATA互古不变的一句话那表示你在往后的时光里不必担心那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA?那是我们的座右铭"左右铭"是什么?小子,你真是左右不分啊知道吗,孩子那句话能解决你所有的问题没错,以彭彭做例子来说当他是头小疣猪当我是头小疣猪很好谢谢他发现他的体味实在不吸引人每餐之后都会将大草原上的人薰昏我的皮虽厚,但我很敏感我的朋友从不敢站在下风之处实在令我很难过那种羞愧他很羞愧我想要改名换姓名字有什么不对我很沮丧你感觉如何?每一次我…彭彭,在孩子面前别乱来对不起HAKUNAMATATA多棒的一句话HAKUNAMATATA互古不变的一句话那表示你在往后的时光里不必担心唱吧,孩子那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA欢迎莅临寒舍你们住在这里?我们爱住哪儿就住哪儿家是每天休息放松的地方好美啊我饿了我饿到可以吃下一匹斑马我们没有斑马有任何动物吗?没有河马?没,听我说,孩子你若要跟我们住就得跟我们吃一样的这里像是弄得到食物的地方那是什么?是食物,不然你以为是什么?喔,好恶!味道跟鸡肉一样粘粘的,但很可口真的很美味辣辣的,而且还脆脆的你会喜欢上它们的孩子,这是很棒的生活没有规则,没有责任哇,是里面有奶油的那一种而最棒的是没有烦恼来一口?孩子好吧,HAKUNAMATATA粘粘的,但很可口没错那表示你在往后的时光里不用担心那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA有谁知道我内心伤悲有谁知道我的遗憾沙祖,放轻松点唱点欢乐的这是个小小的世界不…除了那首什么都可以我有一堆可爱的椰子而它们排成一列大的、小的有的像你的头一样大我从来不必对木法沙做这种事什么?你说什么?没说什么你知道规矩的在我面前永远不准提那个名字我才是国王是,陛下,你是国王我只是指出你统治管理的方法不同老大又有什么事?我们有事要向你申诉让我来说刀疤,没食物没水对,晚餐时间到了而我们没有东西吃打猎是母狮子的工作但她们不肯去打猎吃沙祖吧你们不会想吃我的我又硬又难咬沙祖,别胡扯了吃你,只是需要加点调味料罢了我还以为木法沙当王时日子比较难过你说什么?我说木…我说凯法沙很好,现在滚出去但我们还是肚子饿出去好大的嗝,辛巴谢了我吃太饱了我也是我吃得像头猪似的彭彭,你本来就是猪没错丁满什么事?有想过上面那些亮晶晶的是什么东西吗?彭彭,我不用想,我知道它们是什么?是荧火虫飞上去卡在那蓝色之中我的老天我一直以为它们是在数百万哩外在燃烧的瓦斯球彭彭,对你而言什么都是瓦斯辛巴,你认为那是什么?我不知道说吧我们都告诉你了好吧是什么有人告诉过我那上面…是那些伟大的君王在俯视着我们真的?你是指一群死去的皇族在看我们是谁这样告诉你的?哪个白痴编出来的?是啊,是满笨的你快让我笑死了,辛巴我说错了什么吗?辛巴?他还活着?他还活着!时候到了在丛林中在伟大的丛林中狮子今晚安寝在丛林中在伟大的丛林中狮子今晚安寝我听不见你的声音,好友替我合音彭彭?彭彭?丁满?彭彭?彭彭?彭彭?彭彭…怎么回事?她要吃我老天,为何每次我都得救你?别担心,好友,我在这陪着你一切都会没事的杀了她,咬掉她的头杀了她…我就说,他会很好用的娜娜?真的是你吗?你是谁?是我辛巴辛巴?你怎么会…你从哪里来的?看到你真的太好了这里是怎么回事?你在这里做什么?什么叫我在这做什么?你怎么会在这里?这里是怎么回事?丁满,这是娜娜我最好的朋友朋友?对彭彭,到这边来娜娜,这位是彭彭彭彭,她是娜娜幸会彼此你好吗?暂停,让我把这件事搞清楚你认识她,她认识你但她想要吃他而大家都无所谓?是我没搞懂吗?放轻松点你一直都在这里而我都不知道还有你妈她会怎么想?她不需要知道大家都不需要他们当然得知道大家都以为你已经死了他们这么认为?是啊刀疤在传噩耗时说的他说的?他还说了什么?有什么关系?你还活着而那表示…你是国王国王?小姐,你搞错了吧国王?陛下,我在你膝下效忠别闹了不是膝下,是麾下而且别说那句话,他不是国王你是吗?不是辛巴不是,我不是国王也许我本来会是但那是很久以前的事了让我搞清楚你是国王而你一直没告诉我们?听我说,我还是原来的我但你手握权力你们能让我们独处几分钟吗?不论她要说什么都能在这里说对吧,辛巴?也许你们最好先离开一下开始了吧我还以为我了解他呢丁满和彭彭,你会喜欢他们的怎么了?是什么事?就好像是你复活了你不晓得这对大家意义有多大对我的意义有多大没事了我真的很想念你我也想念你我告诉你,彭彭这真是臭毙了对不起不是你,是他们他、她,他们俩那又有什么不对?我看得出会发生什么事什么事?而他们还不知道谁不知道?他们会谈恋爱,而结果会是…三人行变成只剩我们两个那种互相照顾的甜蜜曙光魔力充满四周在这种浪漫气氛下灾难即将降临你今晚是否能感受到爱黄昏所带来的宁静这世界终能有一次自然万物完美地和谐共存有好多话要对她说但对于我的过去要如何启齿?不可能的她会对我调头而去他畏缩不前,他在隐瞒着什么但我看不出原因他为何不成为我所认识的那国王我所看到他内在的那位国王你今晚是否能感受到爱黄昏所带来的宁静这世界终能有一次自然万物完美地和谐共存你今晚是否能感受到爱你无需向远处搜寻在不确定的夜晚隐身移动着爱就是他们所在之处假如他今晚坠入爱河那是非常可能的他和我们自由自在的日子就会成为历史简单的说我们的朋友就报销了这是不是个很棒的地方真的很美但有件事我不了解这段时间你一直活着你为何不回荣耀石呢?我需要靠我自己过自己的日子而我办到了,太棒了但在家乡,我们需要你没有人真正需要我我们需要你,你是国王娜娜,我们已经谈过这件事了我不是国王,刀疤才是辛巴,他让土狼接管了荣耀国什么?一切都被毁了没有食物,没有水辛巴,你若不想想办法那大家都会挨饿我不能回去为什么?你不会了解的有什么我不会了解?不,算了,HAKUNAMATATA什么?HAKUNAMATATA那是我在这里学到的有时候不好的事会发生辛巴而你却无能为力那何必担心呢?因为那是你的责任那你呢?你也离开了我是出来找援助,我找到了你你难道不了解?你是唯一的希望对不起你发生了什么事?你不再是我记忆中的辛巴没错,我不是,你满意了吗?没有,只是失望而已知道吗?你说话开始像我父亲了很好,至少我们当中有人像他听好,你以为你能突然出现告诉我如何过我的日子?。
Lion King[Bath Scene - Intro to Water Hole Scene]{Simba is running down the slope of the bottom part ofPride Rock. He runs down towards two lionesses (Sarabiand Sarafina). Sarafina is giving Nala a bath. Music islight, almost jazzy. Pan flute lead.}Simba: Hey, Nala.Nala: Hi, Simba.Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place.Nala: {Through clenched teeth} Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.Sarabi: And it's time for yours.{Simba tries (too late) to escape; Sarabi bendsdown and grabs him. She proceeds to give the strugglingcub a bath.}Simba: Mom! ...Mom. You're messing up my mane.{Sarabi smiles.}Simba: Okay, okay, I'm clean. Can we go now?Nala: So where are we going? It better not be anyplacedumb.Simba: No. It's really cool.Sarabi: So where is this "really cool" place?Simba: Oh. {thinks} Uh... around the water hole.Nala: The water hole? What's so great about the waterhole?Simba: {Whisper} I'll SHOW you when we GET there.Nala: {Whisper} Oh. {Normal} Uh... Mom, can I go withSimba?Sarafina: Hmm... What do you think, Sarabi?Sarabi: Well...Nala and Simba: {through broad, forced grins} Pleeeease? Sarabi: It's all right with me...{Nala and Simba are overjoyed}Nala: All right!Simba: Yeah!Sarabi: ...As long as Zazu goes with you.{Simba and Nala stop dead in their celebration}Simba: No. Not Zazu.[Water Hole Scene]{Camera is at a ground angle slightly behind the cubswalking towards the water hole. Zazu is visible in the sky overhead.}Zazu: Step lively. The sooner we get to the water hole,the sooner we can leave.{Camera angle changes to the cubs from an immediate realview}Nala: {Whisper} So where we really going?Simba: {Whisper} An elephant graveyard.Nala: Wow!Simba: {Whisper} Shhh! Zazu.Nala: {Whisper} Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo?{Camera switch to just above Zazu. We hear the cubswhispering back and forth below}Simba: {Whispering} Oh, I know how we can--Zazu: {Flying down} Oh, just look at you two. Little seedsof romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parentswill be thrilled... {He lands in front of them} ...what with your being betrothed and all.Simba: Be-what?Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.Nala: Meaning...?Zazu: {As though holding on to his coat lapels} One day,you two are going to be married!Simba: Yuck!Nala: Ewww.Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend.Nala: Yeah. It'd be too weird.Zazu: Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but you two turtle- doves have no choice. It's a tradition...{Simba mimics Zazu during these last words}Zazu: ...going back generations.Simba: Well, when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go. Zazu: Not so long as I'm around.{Start fading in intro to "I Just Can't Wait to Be King"}Simba: Well, in that case, you're fired.Zazu: Hmmm... Nice try, but only the king can do that. {Pokes Simba's nose}Nala: Well, he's the future king.Simba: Yeah. {Thumping Zazu's chest} So you have to dowhat I tell you.Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that, I'mafraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic kingindeed.Simba: Hmph. Not the way I see it.{Mufasa thinks silently for a few moments, not looking at his son. Then, finally, he turns to him.}Mufasa: Simba, I'm very disappointed in you.Simba: {Very quietly and sadly} I know.Mufasa: {Continuing} You could have been killed. Youdeliberately disobeyed me. And what's worse, you putNala in danger!Simba: {Bordering on crying, voice cracks} I was justtrying to be brave like you.Mufasa: I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba... beingbrave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.Simba: But you're not scared of anything.Mufasa: I was today.Simba: {Disbelieving} You were?Mufasa: Yes... {bends down close to Simba} I thought I might lose you. Simba: Oh. {Lightening slightly} I guess even kings getscared, huh?Mufasa: Mm-hmm.Simba: {Whispering conspiratorially} But you know what?Mufasa: {Whispering back} What?Simba: I think those hyenas were even scareder.Mufasa: {Gentle laugh} 'Cause nobody messes with your dad.Come here, you.{Mufasa has bent down. He picks Simba up and startsgiving him a noogie.}Simba: Oh no, no... Aaagh! Errrggh!{Music rises as Simba and Mufasa tussle playfully for abrief while.}Simba: Oh, come here... {as Mufasa runs away} Hah! Gotcha!{They end up with Mufasa laid down and Simbaon his head}Simba: Dad?Mufasa: Hmm?Simba: We're pals, right?Mufasa: {Gentle laugh} Right.Simba: And we'll always be together, right?Mufasa: {Sitting up, Simba now on his shoulder} Simba... Letme tell you something that my father told me... Lookat the stars. The great kings of the past look down onus from those stars.Simba: {Awed} Really?Mufasa: Yes... So whenever you feel alone, just rememberthat those kings will always be there to guide you ...And so will I.。
Lion King 狮子王中文台词从我们出生的那一刻睁开眼睛走入阳光那儿有你看不完的东西有你做不完的事有数不尽你无法体会经验的事有找不完的宝藏可是太阳高挂在天空在那色彩多变的天空中不论伟大与渺小都保存下来那是生生不息而那感动了你我历经绝望与希望历经信心与爱直到我们找到归属之地在我们已知的种种之中在那生生不息之中生生不息…生生不息而那令我们感动历经绝望与希望历经信心与爱直到我们找到归属之地在我们已知的种种之中在那生生不息之中生生不息…片名: 狮子王人生真不公平,不是吗?就像我永远不能成为国王而你无法再见到明天的阳光再见你妈妈没教你别戏弄你的食物吗?你想做什么?我来告诉你木法沙国王要来了你最好想个好理由今早为何没有去参加仪式沙祖,你害我让午餐逃走了等国王找你时你少的不止是午餐他非常震怒我害怕极了刀疤,别用那种眼光看我救命啊刀疤,放开他你来得正是时候,陛下那不正是我高高在上的哥哥来和我们这些贩夫走卒打交道?沙拉碧和我没见到你出席今天辛巴与万民见面的仪式是今天吗?我真难过我一定是忘了忘了?身为国王的弟弟你应该排在朝见的第一位我本来就是第一顺位直到那小毛球出生为止那小毛球是我的儿子也是你未来的国王我应该去练习我的屈膝礼别背对着我,刀疤不会的,木法沙也许你不应该背弃我那是挑战吗?别发脾气我做梦也不会挑战你真可惜,为什么不?以智慧而言,我可是聪明得很但说到蛮力恐怕我的遗传中那是较弱的一环每家都有个麻烦,陛下事实上,我们家有两个他们总是有办法在欢乐的时刻泼冷水我该拿他怎么办?他可以做一块漂亮的地毯沙祖脏掉了还可以拿去外面打一打辛巴爸,醒醒,我们得走了,醒醒对不起爸…你儿子已经醒了在日出之前,他是你儿子爸,走吧,爸你答应过我的好了,我醒了你看,辛巴阳光普照之处都是我们的王国一个国王的统治跟日出日落是相同的有一天太阳会为我落下随着你成为新王而再升起而这一切都会是我的?没错阳光所照到的一切那阴影的地方呢?那是我们边境之外永远别去那我以为国王能随心所欲当国王不是为了要随心所欲还有别的?辛巴你所看到的一切都微妙地共生共存身为国王你必须了解那种平衡而且尊重每一种生物从爬行的蝼蚁到跳跃的羚羊但是爸,我们不是吃羚羊吗?没错,辛巴,你听我解释当我们死了以后身体会化为青草而羚羊吃青草因此我们紧紧相扣,生生不息早安,陛下早安,沙祖听听晨间报告说吧猩猩正在走动长颈鹿还是高高在上大象记忆力还是惊人鳄鱼仍在河边偷袭打我巢里鸟蛋的主意我敬谢不敏犀鸟没啥收获,秃鹰却一堆不是每个受邀吃午饭的人都能全身而退这是晨间报告给你一切讯息每声咕噜、怒吼和叹息都照实报告在晨间报告里你在做什么,儿子?突袭猎物让我做给你看水牛埋怨今年草儿不够吃…帖着地面好,帖着地面别发出声音压低身子,再往前一步然后…突袭这是晨间报告给你一切讯息每声咕噜、怒吼和叹息都照实报告在晨间报告里沙祖什么事?地下世界的消息这一次…陛下,土狼到荣耀国来了沙祖,带辛巴回家爸,我能一起去吗?不,儿子我永远不能去任何地方年轻的主人有一天你会当国王到时候你就能一天到晚突袭别人刀疤叔叔猜猜看有什么新鲜事我才不玩猜谜游戏我会是荣耀石的国王真好我爸刚带我看了所有的国土而那全会在我的统治之下很抱歉,我没有高兴地跳起来我的背不舒服刀疤叔叔,当我成为国王时那你是什么?一只猴子的叔叔你真怪你还真搞不清楚状况啊你父亲让你看了所有的国土?一切的地方他没让你看北方边界阳光之外的地方是的,他说我不可以去那里他说的绝对没错,太危险了只有最勇敢的狮子才会去那我很勇敢,那里有什么?抱歉,辛巴,我不能告诉你为什么不行?辛巴…我只是顾及我最喜欢的侄子的权益没错,我是你唯一的侄子那给我更多的理由去保护你大象墓园不是年轻王子去的地方大象什么?我太多话了不过你早晚会知道你是那么的聪明不过你要答应我一件事别去那没问题那才是乖孩子,你去玩吧还有…记住那是我们的小秘密娜娜辛巴来,我带你去个好地方辛巴,我正在梳洗该是你梳洗的时候了妈!妈,你把我的鬃毛弄乱了好了,我干净了我们能走了吗?我们要去哪?最好别是个笨地方不是的,是个很酷的地方这个很酷的地方在哪?在水池附近水池?水池有什么好玩?我们到了之后,我再让你瞧瞧妈,我能和辛巴一起去吗?你认为呢,沙拉碧?求求你我没有意见只要沙祖跟着一起去不,不要沙祖啦看起来有朝气一点我们愈快到水池就愈快能离开我们真正要去的是什么地方?大象墓园嘘…沙祖没错,要如何摆脱那白痴?看看你们俩个爱情的小种子在大草原茁壮盛开你们的父母会很高兴你们俩会有婚约会有什么?会有婚约,订婚,求婚意思是…有一天你们俩会结婚我不能娶她,她是我的朋友对啊,那会非常的怪抱歉,打破你们的美梦但你们没有选择的余地那已经是好几代的传统了等我当上国王首先就废除那传统只要我还在就不可能那样的话,你被开除了想的不错但只有国王能那么做他是未来的国王所以你得听从我的吩咐我还不需要听假如你有这态度恐怕你会成为一位可悲的国王我的看法可不是那样我会成为全能之王敌人小心了我还没看过鬃毛这么少的国王我会长出比任何王都浓密的鬃毛我会练习由上往下看我会练习我的吼声可从没见过像你这么糟的我真等不及想当国王了那还早呢,小主人假如你想…没人说,去做这个当我说…没人说,到那里去我的意思是…没人说,别再那样你们不了解…没人说,看这里看这里能整天自由自在绝对不是那样能为所欲为我想我们该好好谈谈国王不需要犀鸟的唠唠叨叨这是君王要除去我的迹象不要我服务,要我离开非洲这孩子翅膀硬了我真等不及想当国王了大家都向左看大家都向右看不论你看向何处我都是焦点之处还早呢让大伙们一起去尝试让我们听万物一起欢唱那是辛巴国王最快乐的事我真等不及想当国王了我真等不及想当国王了…抱歉,女士,请你让一下辛巴?娜娜?成功了我们摆脱他了我是天才天才,那是我的主意但是,是我把它实现的还有我是吗?打倒你了让我起来你又输了就是这了,我们到了真令人毛骨悚然是不是很棒?我们会惹上大麻烦我知道不晓得他的脑袋还在不在呢?只有一个方法能知道去瞧瞧吧错!你唯一能做的是离开这里我们已经离荣耀国很远了长嘴害怕了对你而言是长嘴先生小毛球而我们现在的处境非常危险危险?我在危险边缘乐此不疲我对危险嗤之以鼻你看看,班仔是谁来了?我不知道,桑琪你看呢?阿德我看是三个私闯禁地者我向你们保证这纯属意外方向辨识错误等一下,我知道你你是木法沙的跟班夫人,我是国王的得力助手而你就是未来的国王你知道我们对离开国土的国王都是怎么对待的吗?你们不能对我怎么样技术上他们可以我们是在他们的领土上但沙祖你告诉过我他们只不过是一群笨蛋别提我说过他们是笨蛋的事你们叫谁笨蛋来着?你们看太阳…我们快走吧急什么?我们想留你们下来吃晚餐我们可以吃"狮子大餐"等一下,我想到一个来个总汇三明治,如何?怎么啦?阿德什么事?我们的晚餐要外带吗?不是,干嘛?因为它跑了我们摆脱他们了吗?我想是的沙祖呢?国王的重要助手直接往锅里飞了不,不能往锅里飞你们何不找个身材相近的对手像你这样?糟糕辛巴来啊,小狮子就这么点功夫?再来一次,来啊拜托投降,投降冷静点,我们真对不起假如你们再接近我儿子…那是令郎?令郎?你知道吗?我?我不晓得,你知道吗?当然不知道阿德?快闪爸,我…你故意违背我爸,对不起我们回家去吧我认为你非常英勇沙祖是的,陛下带娜娜回家我要给我儿子一点教训走吧,娜娜辛巴,祝你好运辛巴辛巴,我对你非常失望我知道你有可能会送命的你故意违背我的话更糟的是,你使娜娜深陷险境我只是想和你一样的英勇我只在有必要时才会英勇辛巴英勇并非四处去找麻烦但你什么都不怕我今天害怕了你怕了?是的我以为我会失去你我想即使是国王也有害怕的时候但是你知道吗?知道什么?我认为那些土狼更害怕因为没有人敢向你爹挑战过来不…到这里来我压倒你了爸我们是好搭档,对吧?对而且我们会永远在一起对吧?辛巴,让我告诉你一件事是我的父亲告诉我的看看那些星星过去那些君王都在星星上往下看着我们真的?是的因此当你感到寂寞无助时记住那些君王会永远指引着你我也是一样那该死的木法沙害我一周不能坐那并不好笑,阿德闭嘴你们两个别吵了,行吗?是他先开始的看看你们俩怪不得我们永远都在食物链底部我厌恶在底部是啊知道吗?要不是有那些狮子这地盘早是我们的我讨厌狮子那么的强而有力那么多毛而且很臭还有…他们真丑我们狮子不是那么糟吧?刀疤,是你啊我们还担心是哪位要人呢你知道的,像是木法沙我明白了那才是权威还用得着你说我光听那名字就浑身打颤木法沙再说一次木法沙木法沙…那让我浑身起鸡皮疙瘩我身边的人全是白痴得了吧,刀疤你也是我们的一份子你是我们的朋友真是抬举我我喜欢,他虽不是国王但他还是斯文有礼你有带什么好吃的吗?刀疤,老朋友,有吗?我不认为你们配得上吃这个我亲自将那两头小狮子送到你们这而你们甚至连他们都打发不了你知道,他们不是单独来的是啊,我们又能怎么办?把木法沙杀了?正是如此我知道你们的耐力惊人就像疣猪的屁股一般但是你们那么笨,注意听着我说的话事关荣耀看你们这付呆样你们没什么大脑我们谈的可是刺杀国王即使你们也会有疏忽的一刻所以要准备好抓住唯一的机会要为那轰动的消息做准备一个闪亮的新纪元快要到了在新纪元中我们的地位在哪?只要听命行事就对了我知道这听起来很卑鄙但是酬劳很高当我终能发号施令时享受结束不公平的美味要准备好是啊,要准备好我们会准备好为了什么?为了国王之死怎么?他病了?没有,傻瓜,我们要杀了他还有辛巴好主意,谁需要国王?不要国王,不要国王白痴,会有国王的但你说…我会当国王只要和我在一起就永远不会挨饿好耶国王万岁,万岁国王万岁能与受人爱戴的国王有裙带关系那是求之不得当然相对的你们要负起一些责任未来是充满报酬的虽然我是主事者我必须强调没有我你们铁定没得吃因此准备好推翻政权吧为这次阴谋做好准备缜密的计划,坚决的执行数十年受人轻视正是我这么做的原因当国王会被尊敬,会被敬礼要看看我有多行是的我的牙齿及野心都显露了要准备就绪是的我的牙齿及野心都显露了要准备就绪你在这里等一下你的父亲有个惊喜给你是什么?若我告诉了你那就不是惊喜了若你告诉我我还是会装作惊喜你真是顽皮的孩子告诉我嘛,刀疤叔叔不…这纯粹是给你和你爸的你晓得的,那种父子之间的事我最好去找他来了我和你一起去不不,留在这块岩石上你不会想再闯下土狼那件错事吧你知道那件事?辛巴,大家都知道真的?是啊幸好你爸救了你还有个小秘密你或许会想改进你的狮吼吧好吧刀疤叔叔我会喜欢那个惊喜吗?辛巴会喜欢得"要命"闭嘴我忍不住,我好饿必须吃东西别乱动我们不能先挑一匹又小又病的吗?必须等刀疤的信号他在那了我们走我的小狮吼你看,陛下,兽群又在移动了木法沙,快一点,史坦毕峡隘辛巴在那里辛巴?沙祖,救我你父亲来了,撑着点快点啊在那边,在那棵树上撑住,辛巴刀疤,这太可怕了我们该怎么办?我去求援我就这么做,去求援爸…刀疤弟弟帮我国王万岁不…爸爸?爸?爸,醒醒你必须起来爸我们必须回家救命啊!有没有人?任何人都好辛巴你做了什么?兽群在…他想救我这是个意外我不是故意让这件事发生的当然,你当然不是没有人想要这种事发生但国王已经死了要不是因为你他现在还会活着你母亲会怎么想?我该怎么办?逃走,辛巴走的远远的,永远别再回来杀了他他往那去了,他往那去了去抓他啊别想我会到那里面去你想要我出来时跟你一样仙人掌刺的屁股?但我们必须完成工作他在外面活着和死了没两样万一他回来,我们就会杀了他没错,你听见没?你回来就杀了你木法沙的死是个可怕的悲剧失去了辛巴,真让人活不下去对我而言那是个人极大的损失因此我很沉重地接下王位从这件悲剧的灰烬中我们将再起在狮子和土狼共治国土的新纪元共创伟大光明的未来滚开…滚开我喜欢像打秃鹰保龄球一样每次都能修理到他们丁满,你最好过来看看我想他还活着好吧,这是什么?老天,是头狮子快跑,彭彭丁满,那只是头小狮子看看他,又可爱又孤单能养他吗?彭彭,你疯了吗?他是头狮子狮子吃我们这种东西的但是他那么小他会长大的也许他会站在我们这边这是我听过最蠢的事他也许…我懂了他要是站在我们这一边知道吗有头狮子在身边也不赖那我们留下他?当然,我们之中谁有大脑?我就是这个意思我热死了,走吧我们去找点阴凉的地方你没事吧,孩子?我想是吧你差点死了我救了你,彭彭也帮了一点忙谢谢你们的帮忙你要去那?没有目的地他看起来有点蓝我觉得是金褐色不…我是指他很沮丧孩子,什么事困扰你?没什么,他是食物链的最顶端食物链你从哪里来的?谁在乎?我不能回去你是逃家的?太好了,我们也是你做了什么事?孩子一件可怕的事,但我不想谈它好,我们也不想听别这样,丁满我们能帮什么忙吗?除非你能改变过去孩子,这种时刻我的好友丁满总是说把你的脑袋放在后面不…菜鸟要彭风也要看风向是你得把过去抛在脑后听我说孩子,不好的事会发生而你对它总是无能为力对吧?对错!当世界背弃你的时候你也要背弃世界而去我所学的不是那样那么你需要学习新的课程跟着我说HAKUNAMATATA什么?HAKUNAMATATA 表示你不必担心HAKUNAMATATA多棒的一句话HAKUNAMATATA互古不变的一句话那表示你在往后的时光里不必担心那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA?那是我们的座右铭"左右铭"是什么?小子,你真是左右不分啊知道吗,孩子那句话能解决你所有的问题没错,以彭彭做例子来说当他是头小疣猪当我是头小疣猪很好谢谢他发现他的体味实在不吸引人每餐之后都会将大草原上的人薰昏我的皮虽厚,但我很敏感我的朋友从不敢站在下风之处实在令我很难过那种羞愧他很羞愧我想要改名换姓名字有什么不对我很沮丧你感觉如何?每一次我…彭彭,在孩子面前别乱来对不起HAKUNAMATATA多棒的一句话HAKUNAMATATA互古不变的一句话那表示你在往后的时光里不必担心唱吧,孩子那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA欢迎莅临寒舍你们住在这里?我们爱住哪儿就住哪儿家是每天休息放松的地方好美啊我饿了我饿到可以吃下一匹斑马我们没有斑马有任何动物吗?没有河马?没,听我说,孩子你若要跟我们住就得跟我们吃一样的这里像是弄得到食物的地方那是什么?是食物,不然你以为是什么?喔,好恶!味道跟鸡肉一样粘粘的,但很可口真的很美味辣辣的,而且还脆脆的你会喜欢上它们的孩子,这是很棒的生活没有规则,没有责任哇,是里面有奶油的那一种而最棒的是没有烦恼来一口?孩子好吧,HAKUNAMATATA粘粘的,但很可口没错那表示你在往后的时光里不用担心那是我们无忧无虑的哲学HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA HAKUNAMATATA有谁知道我内心伤悲有谁知道我的遗憾沙祖,放轻松点唱点欢乐的这是个小小的世界不…除了那首什么都可以我有一堆可爱的椰子而它们排成一列大的、小的有的像你的头一样大我从来不必对木法沙做这种事什么?你说什么?没说什么你知道规矩的在我面前永远不准提那个名字我才是国王是,陛下,你是国王我只是指出你统治管理的方法不同老大又有什么事?我们有事要向你申诉让我来说刀疤,没食物没水对,晚餐时间到了而我们没有东西吃打猎是母狮子的工作但她们不肯去打猎吃沙祖吧你们不会想吃我的我又硬又难咬沙祖,别胡扯了吃你,只是需要加点调味料罢了我还以为木法沙当王时日子比较难过你说什么?我说木…我说凯法沙很好,现在滚出去但我们还是肚子饿出去好大的嗝,辛巴谢了我吃太饱了我也是我吃得像头猪似的彭彭,你本来就是猪没错丁满什么事?有想过上面那些亮晶晶的是什么东西吗?彭彭,我不用想,我知道它们是什么?是荧火虫飞上去卡在那蓝色之中我的老天我一直以为它们是在数百万哩外在燃烧的瓦斯球彭彭,对你而言什么都是瓦斯辛巴,你认为那是什么?我不知道说吧我们都告诉你了好吧是什么有人告诉过我那上面…是那些伟大的君王在俯视着我们真的?你是指一群死去的皇族在看我们是谁这样告诉你的?哪个白痴编出来的?是啊,是满笨的你快让我笑死了,辛巴我说错了什么吗?辛巴?他还活着?他还活着!时候到了在丛林中在伟大的丛林中狮子今晚安寝在丛林中在伟大的丛林中狮子今晚安寝我听不见你的声音,好友替我合音彭彭?彭彭?丁满?彭彭?彭彭?彭彭?彭彭…怎么回事?她要吃我老天,为何每次我都得救你?别担心,好友,我在这陪着你一切都会没事的杀了她,咬掉她的头杀了她…我就说,他会很好用的娜娜?真的是你吗?你是谁?是我辛巴辛巴?你怎么会…你从哪里来的?看到你真的太好了这里是怎么回事?你在这里做什么?什么叫我在这做什么?你怎么会在这里?这里是怎么回事?丁满,这是娜娜我最好的朋友朋友?对彭彭,到这边来娜娜,这位是彭彭彭彭,她是娜娜幸会彼此你好吗?暂停,让我把这件事搞清楚你认识她,她认识你但她想要吃他而大家都无所谓?是我没搞懂吗?放轻松点你一直都在这里而我都不知道还有你妈她会怎么想?她不需要知道大家都不需要他们当然得知道大家都以为你已经死了他们这么认为?是啊刀疤在传噩耗时说的他说的?他还说了什么?有什么关系?你还活着而那表示…你是国王国王?小姐,你搞错了吧国王?陛下,我在你膝下效忠别闹了不是膝下,是麾下而且别说那句话,他不是国王你是吗?不是辛巴不是,我不是国王也许我本来会是但那是很久以前的事了让我搞清楚你是国王而你一直没告诉我们?听我说,我还是原来的我但你手握权力你们能让我们独处几分钟吗?不论她要说什么都能在这里说对吧,辛巴?也许你们最好先离开一下开始了吧我还以为我了解他呢丁满和彭彭,你会喜欢他们的怎么了?是什么事?就好像是你复活了你不晓得这对大家意义有多大对我的意义有多大没事了我真的很想念你我也想念你我告诉你,彭彭这真是臭毙了对不起不是你,是他们他、她,他们俩那又有什么不对?我看得出会发生什么事什么事?而他们还不知道谁不知道?他们会谈恋爱,而结果会是…三人行变成只剩我们两个那种互相照顾的甜蜜曙光魔力充满四周在这种浪漫气氛下灾难即将降临你今晚是否能感受到爱黄昏所带来的宁静这世界终能有一次自然万物完美地和谐共存有好多话要对她说但对于我的过去要如何启齿?不可能的她会对我调头而去他畏缩不前,他在隐瞒着什么但我看不出原因他为何不成为我所认识的那国王我所看到他内在的那位国王你今晚是否能感受到爱黄昏所带来的宁静这世界终能有一次自然万物完美地和谐共存你今晚是否能感受到爱你无需向远处搜寻在不确定的夜晚隐身移动着爱就是他们所在之处假如他今晚坠入爱河那是非常可能的他和我们自由自在的日子就会成为历史简单的说我们的朋友就报销了这是不是个很棒的地方真的很美但有件事我不了解这段时间你一直活着你为何不回荣耀石呢?我需要靠我自己过自己的日子而我办到了,太棒了但在家乡,我们需要你没有人真正需要我我们需要你,你是国王娜娜,我们已经谈过这件事了我不是国王,刀疤才是辛巴,他让土狼接管了荣耀国什么?一切都被毁了没有食物,没有水辛巴,你若不想想办法那大家都会挨饿我不能回去为什么?你不会了解的有什么我不会了解?不,算了,HAKUNAMATATA什么?HAKUNAMATATA那是我在这里学到的有时候不好的事会发生辛巴而你却无能为力那何必担心呢?因为那是你的责任那你呢?你也离开了我是出来找援助,我找到了你你难道不了解?你是唯一的希望对不起你发生了什么事?你不再是我记忆中的辛巴没错,我不是,你满意了吗?没有,只是失望而已知道吗?你说话开始像我父亲了很好,至少我们当中有人像他听好,你以为你能突然出现告诉我如何过我的日子?。
狮子王电影最经典的英文句子1. 狮子王中十个经典句子1 It's circle of life and it moves us all, through dispire and hope, through faith and love.——这是生命的轮回,穿越了绝望和希望,穿过了忠贞和爱情。
2 A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.——国王的统治就像太阳的升起和下落……3 I'm only brave when I have to be.——只有当我应该勇敢的时候我才会勇敢。
4 Being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.——勇敢不是说你要自找麻烦。
5 When the world turns its back on you , you turn you back on the world.——当世界抛弃你的时候,你就抛弃了世界。
6 Lie down before you hurt yourself.——在受伤前趴下。
7 Danger? HA! I lough in the face of danger!——危险?哈哈,我笑对危险!8 It doesn't matter . I'm home.——没事了,因为我回家了。
(Simba对他倒地的母亲说)9 Look at the stars, the great king of the past look down on us from those stars. So whatever you feel alone just remember those kings will always be there to guide you.——看着那些星,那是古代帝王正在注视着我们的眼睛。
(The sun is bright, the trees are green and the animals live happily.)Mufasa: Look, Simba, everything the light touches is our kingdom.Simba: Wow!Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and rise with you as the new king.Simba: And this all be mine?Mufasa: Everything!Simba: Everything the light touches! What about that shadowy place?Mufase: That's beyond our borders, you must never go there, Simba.Simba: But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being a king than getting your way all the time.Simba: There's more?Mufasa: Simba, everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.Simba: But dad, don't we eat the antelope?Mufase: Yes, Simba. But let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass, and so we are all connected in the great circle of life.(一望无际的非洲平原,阳光灿烂,树木青葱,动物们幸福地生活着。
狮子王1中英文台词Life's not fair, is it?生命真不公平啊!You see, IWell, I shall never be king你看我呢,永远都当不上王And you shall never see the light of another day而你永远也见不到明天了Good XXX再见Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物What do you want?你想干什么?I'm here to XXX's on his way,我是来这里宣布大王XXX要来了so you'd better have a good excuse for missing this morning's ceremony以是对你本日早上没有列席阿谁典礼#VALUE!#VALUE!Oh, look, Zazu你看You've made me XXX你害我的午饭都没了You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you等大王跟你算帐之后你不见的东西还会更多He's as mad as a hippo with a XXX他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒I quiver with fear!我怕得全身发抖Now, Scar, don't look at me that way 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我Help!救命啊!Scar? Drop him刀疤,吐出来Impeccable timing, XXX你来得可真是时分,大王陛下Why, if it XXX high这不是我大哥吗?屈尊降贵的to mingle with the commoners来跟我这普通人厮混Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba我跟XXX在XXX的引见典礼中没有看到你That was today?那是本日吗?I feel simply awful !我感觉好畏惧呀!Must've slipped my mind我八成是给忘了Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is,是呀,你忘的不但XXXas the king's brother, you should've been first in line!身为大王的弟弟你应当站在第一名Well, I was first in line, until the little hairball was born我原本是第一名直到这个小毛球出身That hairball is my son and your future king这个小毛球是我儿子他也是你将来的国王I shall practise my curtsy!我该学学我的礼节啦Don't turn your back on me, Scar万万不要背对着我,刀疤Oh, no, Mufasa不,木法沙Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me 或许是你不该背对着我Is that a challenge?这是一个挑战吗?XXX, XXX冷静!冷静!I wouldn't dream of challenging you我哪敢向大王你挑衅呢?Pity Why not?可惜,为什么呢?Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share 要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧But when it XXX,说到蛮力嘛…I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了There's one in every family, sire每个家庭都市有这个题目陛下Two in XXX, actually,究竟上我家有两个and they always manage to ruin special occasions而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合What am I going to do with him?我该拿他如何办?He'd make a very handsome throw rug拿他做地毯会非常好看Zazu !XXXAnd just think, XXX gets dirty,而且想一想每次弄脏的时候you could take him out and beat him你可以拿进来打一打SimbaXXXDad ! Dad !爸,爸Come on, dad, we gotta go! Wake up!快起来,我们要走了啦!Sorry对不起Dad ! Dad !爸…爸…Your son is awake你儿子曾经醒了Before sunrise, he's your son 在天亮前,他是你儿子Dad ! Come on, Dad爸…拜托啦!You promised你答应过我的呀!Okay, Okay I'm up, I'm up好吧,好吧我起来我起来Yeah !耶!Look, SimbaXXX,你看XXX the light touches is our kingdom阳光所照到的统统都是我们的河山Wow喔A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun一个国王的统治就跟太阳的升降是不异的One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here总有一天,太阳将会跟我一样逐步下沉and will rise with you as the new king而且在你当国王的时分一同上升And this'll all be XXX? Everything这一切都是我的吗?所有的一切XXX the light touches阳光能照到的统统工具…What about that shadowy place?那有阴影的地方呢?That'XXX那在我们的国度之外You must never go there, Simba你XXX不及够去XXXBut XXX do XXX我以为国王可以随心所欲呀!Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time你错了国王也不克不及凡事为所欲为There'XXX? Simba不能吗?XXXEverything you XXX世界上所有的生命都有他存在的价值As king, you need to XXX身为国王,你不但要了解and respect all the creatures,还要去尊重所有的生活from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope包孕爬行的蚂蚁和腾跃的羚羊But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope?但是,爸…我们不是吃羚羊吗?Yes, Simba, but let me explain是呀,我来跟你解释一下When we die, our bodies become the grass,我们身后呢,尸身味成为草and the antelope eat the grass而羚羊是吃草的And so we are all connected in the great circle of life以是…在这个生命圈内里都是相互有联系干系的Good morning, sire! Good morning, Zazu XXX,陛下沙祖,你早Checking in with the morning report我来做早上的例行报告Fire away你说吧Well ! The buzz from the bees额,蜜蜂发嗡嗡叫了is that the leopards are in a bit of a spot 豹子在本人的地皮Really?果然?What are you doing, son?儿子,你干嘛呢?Pouncing扑猎物Let an old pro show you how it's done让个熟手在行教你如何做吧I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't大象非常清楚我所忘记的事情Zazu, would you turn around? Yes, sire XXX,转个身好吗?好的,陛下The cheetahs are hard up, but猎豹是硬了起来,但Stay low to the ground趴在地上别动XXX猎豹从未繁荣Yeah, okay Stay low to the ground, right? Yeah我晓得了,趴在地上,右侧?What going on? A pouncing lesson怎么回事?给你上扑食的课Very good Pouncing哈……十分好Pouncing? No, sire, you can't be serious 扑东西?不,陛下,别这样This is so XXX这是如此难为情Try not to make a sound尽大概不要作声What are you telling him,mufasa?你通知他,木法沙?Mufasa? Simba?木法沙?辛巴?That's very good哈...非常好Zazu ! Yes!XXX甚么事呀?News from the underground Now, this time 地下传来的消息好,这一次呢...Sire! Hyenas in the Pride Lands!陛下土狼到了光荣石啦!Zazu, take Simba homeXXX,带XXX回家Dad, can't I come?我不能去吗?No, son不行,儿子I never get to go anywhere哼!什么地方都不准我去Young master, one day, you will be king哦,小主人将来你也会当国王的Then you can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers然后你就可以随心所欲地去追逐那些流着口水from dawn until dusk卑贱愚蠢的非法入侵者Hey, Uncle Scar! Guess what?嘿!XXX你猜怎样?I despise guessing games我最怅恨猜谜游戏了I'm gonna be King of Pride Rock我将成为这里的国王耶Oh, goody!哦!真好啊My dad just showed me the whole kingdom,我爸方才带我看了全部国家and I'm gonna rule it all !而我将会统治一切Yes Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy 是啊请原谅我没有高兴地跳起来Bad back, you know我的背不好你知道的Hey, Uncle Scar嘿,XXXWhen I'm king, what'll that make you?假设我是国王那你是甚么?XXX's uncle你这猴子的叔叔You're so weird你好奇怪哦!You have no idea另有更怪的呢!So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?哦!原来你爸爸带你看过整个王国了,是吗?XXX看过啦He didn't show you what'XXX?他没有带你到北方边界太阳升起的地方吗?Well, no He said I can't go there没有他说我不克不及去那边And he'XXX他说的完全正确It's far too dangerous那里太危险了Only the bravest lions go there只有勇敢的狮子才会去呀Well, I'm brave What's out there?我很勇敢啊那有什么?I'm sorry, Simba, I just can't tell you对不起,XXX我就是不能告诉你Why not?为什么?I'm only looking out for the XXXXXX,XXX我只是在为我最喜欢的侄子着想Yeah, right! I'm your only XXX没错,我是你唯一的侄子All the more reason for me to be protective所以XXX,我才更要保护你XXX is no place for a young prince Oops!一个年轻的王子不适合到大象墓园去的XXX? Whoa!大象的甚么?Oh, dear, I've said too much哦!天啊我说的太多了Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later, 不外我猜你日夕总会发觉的you being so clever and all你一直是这么样的聪明Just do me one favour帮我个忙吧!Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place跟我包管你绝对不会去阿谁恐怖的中央No problem没题目There's a good lad这才是乖孩子You run along now and have fun你目前本人进来玩吧And remember,并且记得哦...it's our little secret这是我们的小秘密Hey, Nala Hi, Simba嘿!XXX嗨!XXXCome on I just heard about this great place走吧我刚才听到一个很棒的地方Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath XXX,我现在正在洗澡啊And it's time for yours你也该沐浴罗Mom !妈...Mom, you're messing up my mane!妈...你把我的毛弄乱了啦Okay, okay, I'm clean Can we go now?好了!好了我干净了我们可以走了吗?So, where are we going?我们要到哪里去呀?It better not be anyplace dumb最好不要什么烂地方No, it's really cool不!那真的很酷耶So, where is this really cool place?这个很酷的地方是在哪里呢?Around the water hole The water hole?就在水洞邻近What's so great about the water hole?水洞附近有什么了不起的啊?I'll show you when we get there 等到了那里我再告诉你Mom, can I go with Simba?妈,我能去吗?What do you think, Sarabi?沙拉碧你说呢?Well这个嘛...Please?奉求...It's all right with me我是没什么意见Yeah ! All right!哦,耶...As long as Zazu goes with you不过要XXX跟你们一起去No, not Zazu不...不要XXXStep lively兴奋一点嘛The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave 越快到水洞我们就可以越快回家So, where are we really going?我们到底要去哪里呀?An XXX一个大象的墓园Wow!哇!Zazu嘘 (XXX)Right So, how are we gonna ditch the dodo?对了我们要怎么摆脱那个笨蛋呀?When we ditch him我们解脱XXX当前...Just look at you two哦!看看你们俩个再去大象的墓园Little seeds of XXX大草原上一段小小的XXX正在孕育Your parents will be thrilled,你们的父母会很高兴的what with your being betrothed and all 比及你们订亲以后另有...Be what?什么?XXX准备成婚订下婚约、海誓山盟XXX意思是...One day, you two are going to be married 有一天你们俩个会立室Yuck!恶心...I can't marry her She's my friend我不能娶她耶她是我的朋友Yeah, it'd be so weird对,那实在太奇怪了XXX bubble,很抱歉,破坏你们的美梦but you two turtle doves have no choice但是你们俩个小朋友别无选择It'XXX这是流传了好几世代的传统When I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go等我当国王第一就是废除这件事Not so long as I'm around Well, in that case, you're fired只要有我在就不准哦,那你被开除了Nice try, but only the king can do that很聪明但只有国王才能开除我Well, he's the XXX king可是他是未来的国王啊Yeah, so you have to do what I tell you对!所以我说什么你都得听Not yet, I don't嘿嘿!目前还不消听And with an attitude like that,而且由你这种态度I'm afraid you're shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king, indeed恐怕你以后会变成一个相当悲惨的国王Not the way I see it哼!我看才不会呢l'm XXX我将会是万兽之王So XXX瞧瞧我的样子Well, l've never seen a king of beasts从来没有一个狮子王With quite so little hair他的毛会那么少l'm gonna be the main event Like no king was before来看看我的威严没有人比得过l'm brushin' XXX' downl'm workin' on my roar没有人敢说“不要啦”只要我说声“要”Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing从来没见过像你那么糟Oh, I just can't wait to be king等不及成为狮子王You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think你还有很长的路要走呢小主人如果你以为..No one sayin', "Do this" Now, when l said that没有任何叮嘱我那末说的时分...No one saying, "Be there" What I meant was没有任何束缚我的意思是...No one sayin', "Stop that" You don't realise没有任何坏处No one sayin', "See here" Now, see here!总会有你好处Free to run around all day自在自在处处跑Well, that's definitely out绝对不是那样的Free to do it all my way做错事情也没人吵l think it's time that you and l 找个时间该坐下来XXX来好好谈一谈Kings don't need advice国王不需要From little hornbills for a start 别人来指手画脚If this is where the monarchy is headedCount me out 如果你真的这样统治我想那就惨Out of service, out of Africa干脆离开这块烂地方l XXX我再也不想管This child is XXX wing这小孩已经开始嫌我烦Oh, I just can't wait to be king等不及成为狮子王XXX, look left所有人往左看XXX, look right统统人往右看XXX you look, l'm所有人往这看XXX我在你们中间Not yet!还早呢!Let every XXX sing让统统万物都一同歌颂Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing 让我们随他脚步处处闯lt'XXX让统统万物都一同颂赞Oh, I just can't wait to be king我等不及成为狮子王...Oh, I just can't wait哦我迫在眉睫to be king当国王了I beg your pardon, madam, but 对不起,夫人#VALUE!#VALUE!get off!请让一让Simba?XXXNala!XXX...All right! It worked !好啦!成功了We lost him I am a genius 摆脱他了吧我...是个天才Hey, genius, it was my idea嘿!天赋那是我的主见Yeah, but I pulled it off 没错啊但是,是我履行的啊With me! Yeah?还有我是吗Pinned ya Hey, let me up!输了吧让我起来XXX你又输了吧This is it We made it就是这里我们成功了Whoa!哇...It's really creepy这里阴森森的XXX是啊Isn't it great?不是很棒吗?We could get in big trouble I know!我想我们大概会有大贫苦I wonder if its brains are still in there 不晓得他的脑壳还在不在哪儿?There's only one way to know只有一个办法能知道Come on, let's go check it out走吧,我们去看看Wrong ! The only checking out you will do will be to check out of here不对你们唯一该做的事情就是立刻离开这里Oh, man !烦耶!We're way beyond the boundary of the Pride Lands我们已经超出荣耀石的范围太远了Look, banana beak is scared你看XXX老头畏惧了It's Mr banana beak to you, fuzzy,不管我是不是尖嘴小老头小毛球and right now we are all in very real danger 我告诉你我们的处境真的是很危险Danger?危险?哈哈...I walk on the wild side我在荒野中行走I laugh in the face of danger我会当面嘲笑危险#VALUE!#VALUE!Well, well, well, Banzai, what have we got here?哇哇哇...XXX看看这是什么?I don't know, ShenziXXX,我不晓得What do you think, Ed?XXX,你觉得呢?#VALUE!#VALUE!Just what I was XXX对!我刚在想A trio of trespassers!三个违规的家伙And quite by accident, let me assure you这完全是个意外!我跟你们保证A simple XXX这只是飞行上的小小的毛病Whoa, whoa, wait, wait, wait等等...I know you You're Mufasa's little stooge 我认识你你是XXX的小跟班I, madam, am the XXX夫人我是国王陛下的总管And that would make you这么说你就是...The XXX king未来的国王Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?你晓得我们是如何对于超越本人版图的国王吗?You can't do anything to me你们也不能把我怎么样啊!Technically, they can We are on their land理论上可以我们在他们的土地上But you told me they're nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers但是XXX你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的傻瓜啊!Ixnay on the upidstay能不克不及不要再提傻瓜这两个字?Who are you callin' upidstay? My, my, my Look at the sun !嘿!你叫谁是傻瓜?It's time to go! What's the hurry?停...你看那个太阳我该走了We'd love you to XXX XXX急什么?我们很乐意你留下来晚餐Yeah, we could have XXX !是呀...我们可以吃...狮子大餐呀!Wait, wait, wait, I got one, I got one!哈...等等...有了,有了,有了Make XXX a cub sandwich ! Whaddaya think?我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?#VALUE!#VALUE!What, Ed? What is it?什么?XXX?这是什么?Hey, did we order this dinner to go?我们订的晚饭要外带吗?No, why?没有啊!怎么啦?'Cause there it goes!由于他们跑了Did we lose 'em? I think so我们抛弃他们了吗?我想是的Where's Zazu?XXX在哪?The little majordomo XXX原先我们的小总管all the way to the birdieboiler一同赶着想做只白煮鸟No! Not the birdieboiler!不!我不要做白煮鸟!Hey, why don't you pick on somebody your own size?嘿!你们为何不去找一个跟你们差未几大的Like you? Oops像...你吗?哦#VALUE!#VALUE!Simba!XXXHere, kitty, kitty, XXX快来呀!小宝贝That was it?哈哈...就如许吗?Do it again Come on再吼一次,来呀!Please, please! Uncle, uncle! Silence!大...大哥闭嘴!We're gonna shut up right now! Calm down We're really sorry我们都闭嘴别冲动我们真的很歉仄If you ever come near my son again假设你们敢再接近我儿子This isThis is your son?这位...这位是您的...Your son Did you know that?哦!是您的令郎啊你晓得吗?No Me? I didn't knowNo, did you?不,我不知道你知道吗?No, of course not No不,当然不知道Ed?XXX?Toodles溜Dad, XXX爸,我...你故意违抗我的命令Dad, I'mI'm sorry Let's go home爸,我很歉仄跟我回家去I thought you were very brave我感觉你十分英勇ZazuXXXYes, sire?是的,陛下Take Nala home I've got to XXX 带XXX回家我必须要给我儿子上一课Come, NalaXXX,走吧Simba, good XXX。
狮子王lionking中英文台词对照、剧本(1)Lion King 狮子王1 中英文台词对照剧本From the day we arrive on the planet 从我们出生的那一刻And,blinking,step into the sun 睁开眼睛走入阳光There's more to see than can ever be seen 那儿有你看不完的东西More to do than can ever be done 有你做不完的事There's far too much to take in here 有数不尽你无法体会经验的事More to find than can ever be found 有找不完的宝藏But the sun rolling high 可是太阳高挂在天空Through the sapphire sky 在那色彩多变的天空中Keeps great and small on the endless round 不论伟大与渺小都保存下来It's the circle of life 那是生生不息And it moves us all 而那感动了你我Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望Through faith and love 历经信心与爱Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中In the circle 在那生生不息之中The circle of life 生生不息…It's the circle of life 生生不息And it moves us all 而那令我们感动Through despair and hope 历经绝望与希望Through faith and love 历经信心与爱Till we find our place 直到我们找到归属之地On the path unwinding 在我们已知的种种之中In the circle 在那生生不息之中The circle of life 生生不息…Life's not fair,is it? 生命真不公平啊!You see,I... Well,I shall never be king. 你看我呢,永远都当不上王And you shall never see the light of another day. 而你永远也见不到明天了Adieu. 再见Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food? 你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物What do you want? 你想干什么?I'm here to announce that King Mufasa's on his way.我是来这里宣布大王木法沙要来了So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式最好找个借口Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch. 你害我的午餐都没了Ha! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. 等大王跟你算帐之后你失去的东西还会更多He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia. 他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒Ooh. I quiver with fear! 我怕得全身发抖Now,Scar,don't look at me that way. 好了,刀疤,不要那样看我Help! 救命啊!Drop him. 刀疤,吐出来Impeccable timing,Your Majesty. 你来得可真是时候,大王陛下Why,if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners. 我大哥怎么屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混?Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba. 我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你That was today? 那是今天吗?Oh,I feel simply awful! 我觉得好害怕呀!Must've slipped my mind. 我八成是给忘了Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is... 是呀,你忘的不只如此as the king's brother you should've been first in line! 身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位Well,I was first in line until the little hairball was born. 我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生That hairball is my son... 这个小毛球是我儿子and your future king. 他也是你未来的国王Oh,I shall practice my curtsy. 我该学学我的礼节啦Don't turn your back on me,Scar. 千万不要背对着我,刀疤Oh,no,Mufasa. 不,木法沙Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. 或许是你不该背对着我Is that a challenge? 这是一个挑战吗?Temper,temper. 冷静!冷静!I wouldn't dream of challenging you. 我哪敢向大王你挑战呢?Pity. Why not? 可惜,为什么呢?Well, as far as brains go,I got the lion's share. 要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧But when it comes to brute strength... 说到蛮力嘛…I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool. 恐怕我没有多少狮子的基因There's one in every family,sire. 每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下Two in mine,actually... 事实上我家有两个and they always manage to ruin special occasions. 而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合What am I going to do with him? 我该拿他怎么办?He'd make a very handsome throw rug. 拿他做地毯会非常好看Zazu! 沙祖And just think, 而且想一想Whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him. 每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打Dad! Dad! 爸,爸Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up! 快起来,我们要走了啦!Sorry. 对不起Dad. Dad. 爸…爸…Your son is awake. 你儿子已经醒了Before sunrise,he's your son. 在天亮前,他是你儿子Dad! Come on,Dad. 爸…拜托啦!You promised. 你答应过我的呀!- OK,OK. 好吧,好吧I'm up,I'm up. 我醒了,我醒了Look,Simba. 辛巴,你看Everything the light touches is our kingdom. 阳光所照到的一切都是我们的国土A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun. 一个国王的统治就跟太阳的起落是相同的One day,Simba,the sun will set on my time here... 总有一天,太阳将会跟我一样慢慢下沉and will rise with you as the new king. 并且在你当国王的时候一同上升- And this'll all be mine? - Everything. 这一切都是我的吗?所有的一切Everything the light touches. 阳光能照到的所有东西…What about that shadowy place? 那有阴影的地方呢?That's beyond our borders. 那在我们的国度之外You must never go there,Simba. 你绝不可以去那个地方But I thought a king can do whatever he wants. 我以为国王可以随心所欲呀!There's more to being king than getting your way all the time. 国王也不能凡事随心所欲- There's more? - Simba... 不能吗?辛巴Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都存在一种微妙的平衡关系As king,you need to understand that balance... 身为国王,你不但要了解这种平衡and respect all the creatures... 还要去尊重所有的生物from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. 包括爬行的蚂蚁和跳跃的羚羊But,Dad,don't we eat the antelope? 但是,爸…我们不是吃羚羊吗?Yes,Simba,but let me explain. 是呀,我来跟你解释一下When we die,our bodies become the grass... 我们死后呢,尸体会成为草and the antelope eat the grass. 而羚羊是吃草的And so we are all connected in the great circle of life. 所以在这个生命圈里面都是互相有关联的- Good morning,sire! 早安,陛下- Good morning,Zazu. 沙祖,你早Checking in with the morning report. Fire away. 我来做早上的例行报告,你说吧Chimps are going ape,giraffes remain above it all 黑猩猩激动而长颈鹿高高在上Elephants remember,though just what,I can't recall 大象非常清楚我所忘记的事情Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks 鳄鱼爬到岸上咬住新鲜的猎物Shown interest in my nest egg, 他向我展示巢里的蛋but I quickly said,no,thanks 我很快拒绝了We haven't paid the hornbills,and the vultures have a hunch 我们没去看犀鸟而秃鹰有第六感Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch 不是每个受邀的人都会来吃午餐This is the morning report 哈哈,这就是晨间报告Gives you the long and the short 大事小事不漏掉It’s every grunt,roar,and snort 每个咕哝声,吼叫,鼻息声Not a tale I distort 不是我编的故事On the morning report 都在晨间报告- What are you doing,son? - Pouncing. 儿子,你在干什么?扑东西Let an old pro show you how it's done. 让个老手示范给你看看Oh,the buffalo 野牛have got a beef about... 在吃牛肉Stay low to the ground. 离地面低点儿Yeah,OK. Stay low to the ground. Right. 好的,离地面低点儿Not a sound. 别出声The season's colors seen in all the herds... 所有牧群的季节色是藏红Take it slow. One more step... 向前一步- then... ...in the dung 然后,突袭This is the morning report 这就是晨间报告Gives you the long and the short 有长的有短的Every grunt,roar,and snort 每个咕哝声,吼叫,鼻息声Not a tale I distort 不是我编的故事On the morning report 都在晨间报告That’s very good! 非常好- Zazu! - Yes! 沙祖什么事呀?Sir! News from the underground. 长官!地下传来的消息Now,this time... 好,这一次呢…Sire!Hyenas in the pride lands! 陛下,土狼到了荣耀大地啦!Zazu,take Simba home. 沙祖,带辛巴回家- Dad,can't I come?爸爸,我不能去吗?- No,son. 不行,儿子I never get to go anywhere. 什么地方都不准我去Oh,young master,one day,you will be king. 哦,小主人将来你也会当国王的Then you can chase those slobbering,mangy stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.. 然后你就可以从早到晚随心所欲地去赶走那些流着口水的卑鄙的愚蠢的偷猎者Hey,Uncle Scar! Guess what? 嘿!刀疤叔叔,你猜怎样?I despise guessing games. 我最痛恨猜谜游戏了I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock. 我将成为荣耀石国王耶Oh,goody. 哦!真好啊My dad just showed me the whole kingdom... 我爸刚刚带我看了整个国度and I'm gonna rule it all. 而我将会统治一切Yes,well forgive me for not leaping for joy. 是啊,哦!请原谅我没有高兴地跳起来Bad back,you know. 我的背不好你知道的Hey,Uncle Scar, 嘿,刀疤叔叔when I'm king,what'll that make you? 如果我是国王那你做什么?A monkey's uncle. 一只猴子的叔叔You're so weird. 你不会了解的You have no idea. 还有更怪的呢!So,your father showed you the whole kingdom,did he? 哦!原来你爸爸带你看过整个王国了,是吗?Everything. 看过啦He didn't show you what's beyond that rise... at the northern border?他没有带你到北方边界太阳升起的地方吗?Well,no. 没有He said I can't go there. 他说我不能去那里And he's absolutely right. 他说的完全正确It's far too dangerous. 那里太危险了Only the bravest lions go there. 只有勇敢的狮子才会去呀Well,I'm brave. What's out there? 我很勇敢啊! 那有什么?I'm sorry,Simba,I just can't tell you. 对不起,辛巴我就是不能告诉你Why not? 为什么?Simba,Simba, 辛巴,辛巴I'm only looking out... for the well-being of my favorite nephew. 我只是在为我最喜欢的侄子着想Yeah,right. I'm your only nephew. 没错,我是你唯一的侄子All the more reason for me to be protective. 所以罗,我才更要保护你An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. oh 一个年轻的王子不适合到大象墓园去的An elephant what? 哦!大象的什么?Whoa. 哇…Oh,dear,I've said too much. 哦!天啊我说的太多了Well,I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later... 不过我猜你早晚总会发现的you being so clever and all. 你一直是这么样的聪明Oh,just do me one favor. 帮我个忙吧!Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place. 跟我保证你绝对不会去那个可怕的地方- No problem. 没问题- There's a good lad. 这才是乖孩子You run along now and have fun. 你现在自己出去玩吧And remember, 并且记得哦…it's our little secret. 这是我们的小秘密- Hey,Nana, - Hi,Simba. 嘿!娜娜嗨!辛巴Come on. I just heard about this great place. 走吧我刚才听到一个很棒的地方Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath. 辛巴,我现在正在洗澡啊And it's time for yours. 你也该洗澡罗Mom! 妈…Mom,you're messing up my mane! 妈…你把我的毛弄乱了啦OK, 好了!好了I'm clean. Can we go now? 我干净了我们可以走了吗?So,where are we going? 我们要到哪里去呀?It better not be anyplace dumb. 最好不要什么无聊的地方No,it's really cool. 不!那地方真的很酷耶So,where is this really cool place? 那么这个很酷的地方是在哪里呢?Oh. Around the water hole. 就在水洞附近The water hole? 水洞附近?What's so great about the water hole? 水洞附近有什么了不起的啊?I'll show you when we get there. 等到了那里我再告诉你Oh. 哦Mom,can I go with Simba? 妈,我能去吗?Hmm,what do you think,Sarabi? Well... 沙拉碧你说呢?- Please? - Please? 这个嘛…拜托…It's all right with me. 我是没什么意见- All right! - Yeah! 哦,耶…As long as Zazu goes with you. 不过要沙祖跟你们一起去No,not Zazu. 不…不要沙祖Step lively. 走快一点The sooner we get to the water hole the sooner we can leave. 越快到水洞我们就可以离开So,where are we really going? 我们到底要去哪里呀?- An elephant graveyard. - Wow! 一个大象的墓园Shh! Zazu. 哇!嘘…沙祖Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? 对了我们要怎么摆脱那个笨蛋呀?Oh,just look at you two. 哦!看看你们俩个再去大象的墓园Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna. 浪漫的种子在大草原上开花Your parents will be thrilled... 你们的父母会很高兴的what with your being betrothed and all. - Be... what? 还有你的未婚妻,什么?- Betrothed. Intended. Affianced. 什么?已订婚者,未婚妻,订婚Meaning...? 意思是…One day,you two are going to be married. 有一天你们俩个会结婚I can't marry her. 我不能娶她耶She's my friend. 她是我的朋友Yeah,it'd be so weird. 对,那实在太奇怪了Sorry to bust your bubble... 很抱歉,破坏你们的美梦but you two turtledoves have no choice. 但是你们俩个小朋友别无选择It's a tradition going back generations. 这是流传了好几世代的传统When I'm king,that'll be the first thing to go. 等我当国王第一就是废除这件事- Not so long as I'm around. . 只要有我在就不准- In that case,you're fired 哦,那你被开除了Hmm. Nice try,but only the king can do that. 做的不错但只有国王才能开除我Well,he's the future king. 可是他是未来的国王啊Yeah,so you have to do what I tell you. 对!所以我说什么你都得听Not yet,I don't. . 现在还不必听And with an attitude like that.. 而且由你这种态度I'm afraid you're shaping up to be... a pretty pathetic king indeed.恐怕你以后会变成一个相当悲惨的国王Hmm. Not the way I see it. 哼!我看才不会呢I'm gonna be a mighty king, 我将会是万兽之王so enemies beware 所以敌人们都要小心Well,I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair 我从来没有一个兽王只有这么一点头发I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before来看看我的威严没有人比得过I'm brushin' up on lookin' down I'm workin' on my roar 我整装打扮,俯视众生,我练习吼声Thus far,a rather uninspiring thing. 现在为止,还很平凡Oh,I just can't wait to be king 我等不及成为国王You've rather a long way to go,young master,if you think... 你还有很长的路要走呢小主人,如果你以为…- No one sayin', "Do this" 没有人说,“这么做”- Now,when I said that... 我那么说的时候- No one saying,"Be there"…没有说:“到那儿”- What I meant was... 我的意思是…- No one sayin',"Stop that" 没有人说:“那样不行”- But what you don't realize... - No one sayin',"See here" 你还不知道,没有人说:“看这儿”Free to run around all day 每天自由自在到处跑Well,that's definitely out. 肯定是越界了Free to do it all my way 随心所欲的做事情I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart 我认为现在你和我应该交下心Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start 首先国王不需要小犀鸟的建议If this is where the monarchy is headed,count me out 如果这是君主制的方向,那就淘汰我吧Out of service,out of Africa, 赶我走,离开非洲I wouldn't hang about 我不会逗留This child is getting wildly out of wing 这小孩心比天也Oh,I just can't wait to be king 我等不及成为国王Everybody,look left 所有人往左看Everybody,look right 所有人往右看Everywhere you look, 不管向哪边看I'm standing in the spotlight 我都是万众瞩目的中心Not yet! 还早呢!Let every creature go for broke and sing 让所有万物都一起尽情歌唱Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing 让我们自由自在的欣赏It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling 这是国王辛巴最奔放的舞蹈Oh,I just can't wait to be king 我等不及成为国王…I beg your pardon,madam, 对不起,夫人but... 但是get off! 走开simba 辛巴Nala..... 娜娜…All right! It worked! - We lost him. 好啦!成功了我们摆脱他了吧- I am a genius. 我…是个天才Hey,genius,it was my idea. 嘿!天才,那是我的主意Yeah,but I pulled it off. - With me! 没错啊但是,是我执行的啊,还有我- Oh,yeah? 哦,是吗?- Pinned ya. 压住了吧- Hey,let me up. 让我起来Pinned ya again. 又压住了吧This is it. We made it. 就是这里我们到了woo 哇…It's really creepy. 这里阴森森的Yeah. Isn't it great? 是啊,不是很棒吗?- We could get in big trouble. 我们可能会有大麻烦I know 我知道I wonder if its brains are still in there. 不知道他的脑袋还在不在?There's only one way to know. 只有一个办法能知道Come on,let's go check it out. Wrong! 走吧,我们去看看. 不对The only checking out you will do... will be to check out of here.你们唯一该做的事情就是立刻离开这里Oh,man! 老兄!We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands. 我们已经超出荣耀土地的范围太远了Look,Banana Beak is scared. 你看,香蕉嘴老头害怕了It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy... 不管我是不是香蕉嘴小老头,小毛球and right now we are all in very real danger. 我告诉你我们的处境真的是很危险Danger? Ha! 危险?哈哈…I walk on the wide side. 我在荒野中行走I laugh in the face of danger. 我会当面嘲笑危险Well,well,well, Well,well,well, 哈哈哈哈…Banzai, 哇哇哇…斑仔what have we got here? 看看这是什么?Hmm. I don't know,Shenzi.我不知道,桑琪What do you think,Ed? 你觉得呢?阿德ha 哈…Just what I was thinking. 对!就如我想的一样A trio of trespassers! 三个私闯禁地的家伙And quite by accident, 这完全是个意外!let me assure you. A simple navigational error. 我跟你们保证这只是航行上的小小的错误Whoa,whoa,wait,wait,wait. 等等…I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge. 我认识你你是木法沙的小跟班I,madam,am the king's major-domo. 夫人我是国王陛下的总管- And that would make you... 这么说你就是…- The future king. 未来的国王Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?你知道我们是怎么对付超出自己国界的国王吗?You can't do anything to me. 你们也不能把我怎么样啊!Technically,they can. We are on their land. 法律上可以,我们在他们的土地上But,Zazu,you told me they're nothin'... but slobbering,mangy,stupid poachers.可是沙祖你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的卑鄙愚蠢的捕猎者啊!- Lx-nay on the upid-stay. 能不能不要再提傻瓜这两个字?- Who are you callin' upid-stay? 嘿!你叫谁是傻瓜?My,my,my. Look at the sun! It's time to go! 停…你看那个太阳我该走了What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner. Yeah, 是呀…急什么?我们很乐意你留下来晚餐we could have whatever's lion around! 我们可以吃…狮子大餐呀!ha... 哈…Wait,wait,wait,I got one,I got one! 等等…有了,有了,有了Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think? 我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?ha.. 哈…What,Ed? 什么?阿德?What is it? 什么?Hey,did we order this dinner to go? 我们要订的晚餐走了吗?- No,why? 没有啊!怎么啦?- 'Cause there it goes! 因为他们跑了- Did we lose 'em? 我们甩掉他们了吗?- I think so. 我想是的Where's Zazu? 沙祖在哪?The little major-domo bird hippety-hopped... all the way to the birdie-boiler.原来我们的小总管一路赶着想做只白煮鸟Oh,no! Not the birdie-boiler! 不!我不要做白煮鸟!Hey,why don't you pick on somebody your own size? 嘿!你们为什么不去找一个跟你们差不多大的- Like you? 像…你吗?- Oops. 哎呦!simba 辛巴Here,kitty,kitty,kitty. 快来呀!小宝贝That was it?哈哈…就这样吗?Do it again. Come on. 再吼一次,来呀!Oh,please,please! 饶命!Uncle,uncle! - Silence! 大哥!安静!We're gonna shut up right now!我们刚打算闭嘴We're really sorry.我们真的很抱歉If you ever come near my son again... 如果你们敢再靠近我儿子Oh,this is your son? 这位…这位是您的儿子?- Oh,your son? - Did you know that?是您的儿子啊?你知道吗?No. Me?I didn't know... 不知道,我?我不知道No,did you?不知道,你知道吗?- No,of course not. - No. 不,当然不知道。
礼仪用词-狮子王经典台词 精品
狮子王经典台词狮子王,这还是记得我小时看到的片子,那时村里就只有一台VCD,大家小孩子挤在一起看,特喜欢,现在大了,回忆起童年,特地去网上再看了一遍,摘录了一些台词分享1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t c hange the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it, who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。
狮子王经典台词狮子王,这还是记得我小时看到的片子,那时村里就只有一台VCD,大家小孩子挤在一起看,特喜欢,现在大了,回忆起童年,特地去网上再看了一遍,摘录了一些台词分享1. Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. 世界上所有的生命都在微妙的平衡中生存。
2. I laugh in the face of danger. 越危险就越合我心意。
3. I’m only brave when I have to be. Being brave doesn’t mean you go looking for trouble. 我只是在必要的时候才会勇敢,勇敢并不代表你要到处闯祸。
4. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. 如果这个世界对你不理不睬,你也可以这样对待它。
5. It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。
6. You can’t change the past. 过去的事是不可以改变的。
7. Yes, the past can hurt. But I think you can either run from it or learn from it. 对,过去是痛楚的,但我认为你要么可以逃避,要么可以向它学习。
8. This is my kingdom. If I don’t fight for it,who will? 这是我的国土,我不为她而战斗,谁为呢?9. Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。
10. I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。
狮子王1中英文台词From the day we arrive on the planet. And, blinking, step into the sun. There’s more to see, than can ever be seen, more to do, than can ever be done. There’s far too much, to take in here, more to find, than can ever be found. But the sun rolling high, through the sapphire sky, keeps great and small, on the endless round. It’s the circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life. It’s t he circle of life. And it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we findour place, on the path unwinding in the circle. The circle of life.自从那一天,我们来到这个星球,眨着眼走进阳光。
{Open, Black screen}{Start nature sound effects}{cue Castle screen}{fade to black}[THE CIRCLE OF LIFE][ MS: Male SingerBS: Background SingerFS: Female Singer (lead) ]{Sunrise on African savannah, in time with opening chant to The Circle of Life} MS: DA!Sa-ven-ya!Ba-ba-ti ti-la-baBS: Se-toom, wen-ya-a-na-o(wen-ya-ma!)MS: DA!Sa-ven-ya!Ba-bi-ta Gee-te-bo-boBS: Se-toom, wen-ya-a-na-oMS: Wen-en-ya-maHa-ga-baBS: Wen-en-ya-maMS: Se-ya-kok-o-vaBS: Hemwinyana Hemwibanabanah(repeats 5)Hemwinyana Hemwibanabanah (se-to-kwa!) Hemwinyana Hemwibanabanah (asana)(repeats 1){The Circle of life ground forms in the BS's and holds its pattern for eight bars. It is a non chordal BS part. The progressions are in the medium ranges of the strings.V arious pans and camera views of African animals. All moving. Coinciding with the FS pickup in the eighth bar, we first view the Giraffes, panning to a long shot of allthe animals in their procession}[The Circle of life text]FS: From the day we arrive on the planetAnd blinking, step into the sunThere's more to see than can ever be seenMore to do than can ever be done{Camera is panning and jumping to elephants, zebras, ants, birds, storks, etc, etc ...}There's far too much to take in hereMore to find than can ever be foundBut the sun rolling highThrough the sapphire skyKeeps great and small on the endless round{when the "The Circle of Life" is mentioned the long distance pan centers on Pride rock where all the animals are gathering. Mufasa is on Pride rock. Long camera arc to Mufasa and Zazu.}It's the Circle of LifeAnd it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough faith and love{Appearance of Rafiki, the baboon}'Till we find our placeOn the path unwinding{Rafiki and Mufasa embrace.}In the CircleThe Circle of life{Decrescendo in BS. FS drops out. Pan flute takes simple lead.}{Mufasa leads Rafiki over to Sarabi who is holding Simba} {Rafiki puts the juice and sand he collects on Simba's brow. A ceremonial crown. He then picks Simba up andascends to the point of Pride rock. Mufasa and Sarabi follow. With a crescendo in the music and a restatementof the Refrain, Rafiki holds Simba up for the crowd to view. The clouds part and a sumbeam highlights Rafiki and Simba on Pride Rock.}FS: (It's) The Circle of life{The crowd starts howling, stamping, etc, etc ... }And it moves us allThrough despair and hopeThrough out faith and love{The crowd bows down in rolling wave}'Till we find our placeIn the path unwindingIn the CircleThe Circle of life{Bass hit (fff) and immediate switch to black screen with title "The Lion King" in blood/magenta red caps.} [Mouse / Challenge Scene]{Cue mouse sounds}{Visual fade into mouse in cave}{Mouse comes out and starts preening in the light. Begin sniffing. Becomes frightened. Suddenly a large lion pawswoops down and catches him.}{The music rises with a dissonant, slow, reed theme. Fade in slowly and up full during speech}{Camera switch to Scar holding the squeaking and struggling mouse in his paw. He talks to it while playing with it}Scar: Life's not fair; is it? You see I... Well, I shall never be king. (exhale light) And you shall neversee the light of another day. (closed mouth laughter.starts to places mouse on his extended tongue)Adieu.Zazu : (Interrupting) Didn't your mother ever tell you not to play with your food?Scar: (light sigh) What do you want?Zazu: I'm here to announce that King Mufasa is on his way. So you'd better have a good excuse for missing the ceremony this morning.{To a flute flutter in the background, the mouse runs away from Scar}Scar: Oh now look Zazu, you made me lose my lunch. Zazu: Hah! You'll lose more than that when the king gets through with you. He's as mad as a Hippo with aHernia.Scar: Ohhh...I quiver with FEAR!{On "FEAR" Scar crouches down and is baring his teeth at Zazu.}Zazu: (very concerned) Now Scar, don't look at me that way...HELP!!!!{Scar quickly pounces on the bird.}Mufasa: (almost immediately and off-camera) Scar! ... Drop him.Scar: (mouth closed) Mmm-Mmm-Hmmm?Zazu: (Speaking from Scar's mouth) Impeccable timing your majesty.{Scar spits the Bird out, covered with saliva}Zazu: (slimed) errrah.Scar: (sarcastically overjoyed) Why! if it isn't my big brother descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.Mufasa: Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.Scar: (feigning astonishment) That was today? Oh, I feel simply awful.{He turns and start scraping his claws on the rock wallforming the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard, setting Zazu's teeth [sic] on edge}Scar: (admiring his claws) Must have slipped my mind. Zazu: Yes, well, as slippery as your mind is, as theking's brother, you should have been first in line! {Scar clicks his teeth at Zazu who had flown near his face. Zazu takes cover behind Mufasa's foreleg. Scar bends down to speak to him.}Scar: Well, I was first in line...until the littlehairball was born.Mufasa: (Lowering his head and meeting Scar eye to eye) That hairball is my son...and your future king.Scar: Ohh, I shall practice my curtsy.{Scar turns away and starts to exit}Mufasa: Don't turn your back on me, Scar.Scar: (looking back) On, no, Mufasa. Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me.Mufasa: (Roars and literally jumps in front of Scar baring his teeth for the first time) Is that a challenge?Scar: Temper, temper. I wouldn't dream of challenging you.Zazu: Pity! Why not?Scar: (Looking at Zazu) Well, as far as brains go, I got the lion's share. But, when it comes to brutestrength (looking at Mufasa) I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.{exit Scar}Zazu: (deep sigh) There's one in every family, sire...two in mine, actually. (perches on Mufasa's shoulder) And they always manage to ruin special occasions. Mufasa: What am I going to do with him?Zazu: He'd make a very handsome throw rug. Mufasa: (Chiding) Zazu!Zazu: And just think! Whenever he gets dirty, you could take him out and beat him.{They exit chuckling. Pan out into open Savannah.} [Painting Scene]{Rise in music with theme stated in African Flute, it broadens eventually with chorus and full orchestra. We see a rainstorm gently crossing the Savannah. Slow multiplane [sic] approach to Rafiki's tree. Camera switch to inside. Rafiki is doing hand paintings on the wall.It is noticeable he is completing a lion cub.}Rafiki: (completing the ceremonial crown in the painting)Hmmm...heh heh heh...Simba.{Horns and brass close theme in a stately manner with a decrescendo, fade to black keeping the painting of the cub as a crossover to the fade in of Pride Rock in early morning}[The Sunrise / Pouncing Scene]{Simba is seen coming out on the rock. He runs back into he cave. Leaps over several of the lioness, accidentally jumping on a few.}Random Lioness: Oomph!{Simba starts to wake Mufasa}Simba: (Running into cave) Dad! Dad! come on Dad, we gotta go. Wake up!. (Jumps over some lionesses, pawing them in the stomach) Oops! Sorry. (Jumps up next to Mufasa) Dad? Dad. Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad, etc...Sarabi: (Over Simba's endless noise of "Dad"s, sleepily) Your son ...is awake...Mufasa: (also sleepily) Before sunrise, he's your son. Simba: Dad. Come on Dad. Rrrr{Simba pulls at Mufasa's ear. He then slips and fallsoff-screen into a pile of bones. Simba comes running backon screen and butts Mufasa. Mufasa sleepily eyes his son.} Simba: You Promised!Mufasa: (Seeing his son's impatience) Okay, okay. I'm up.I'm up.Simba: Yeah!{Mufasa yawns a well recorded lion yawn, Mufasa and Sarabi follow simba up to the top of pride rock. Simba rubs up against Sarabi, she nudges him ahead and stays behind.The sunrise illuminates the top of pride rock impressively. Both Simba and Mufasa are on the point.Cue music.}Mufasa: Look Simba. Everything the light touches is our kingdom.Simba: Wow.{The camera pans from a reverse view to a frontal shot} Mufasa: A king's time as ruler rises and falls like thesun. One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time hereand will rise with you as the new king.Simba: And this will all be mine?Mufasa: Everything.Simba: Everything the light touches. (Simba looks all around. He views the rip-rap canyon to the north[sic]) What about that shadowy place?Mufasa: That's beyond our borders. You must never go there, Simba.Simba: But I thought a king could do whatever he wants. Mufasa: Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time.{Mufasa starts back down the rock}Simba: (Awed) There's more?Mufasa: Haha. Simba.{Camera switch, Mufasa and Simba are out walking on the Savannah}Mufasa: Everything you see, exists together, in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures; from the crawling antto the leaping antelope.Simba: But Dad, don't we eat the antelope?Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass. And the antelope eat the grass. And so we are all connected in the greatcircle of life.Zazu: (Lights on a nearby rock) Good morning sire! Mufasa: Good morning Zazu.Zazu: Checking in with the morning report.Mufasa: Fire away.Zazu: Well, the buzz from the bees is that the leopardsare in a bit of a spot...{Zazu's speech will continue through without stop. Simba and Mufasa's conversation is the focus.}Mufasa: (uninterested) Oh, really?{Simba, uninterested in Zazu, pounces at a grasshopper and misses.}Zazu: (continuing, not noticing Mufasa's lack of enthusiasm) ... And the baboons are going ape overthis. Of course, the giraffes are acting like they'reabove it all....Mufasa: (to Simba) What are you doing, son?Simba: Pouncing.Mufasa: Let an old pro show you how its done.Zazu: ... The tick birds are preening on the elephants. Itold the elephants to forget it, but they can't...Mufasa: Zazu, would you turn around?Zazu: Yes, sire. (continuing immediately) The Cheetahs are hard up but I always say--Mufasa: (Whispering) Stay low to the ground.Simba: (whispering) OkayZazu: --cheetahs never prosper.Simba: Okay, stay low to the ground, right yeah... Zazu: (realizing something is amiss) What's going on? Mufasa: A pouncing lesson.Zazu: Oh very good. Pouncing. (Realizing) Pouncing !?! Oh, no, sire-- you can't be serious...{Mufasa motions for Zazu to turn back around.}Zazu: Oh, this is so humiliating.Mufasa: (still whispering) Try not to make a sound. Zazu: What are you telling him, Mufasa? (Looking around uneasily. Simba and Mufasa have seemingly disappeared) Mufasa? Simba?{Simba does a full pounce, leaving Zazu stunned on the ground}Mufasa: Hahaha. That's very good. Hahah...{A gopher emerges under Zazu.}Gopher: Zazu.Zazu: Yes?Gopher: (Saluting) Sir. News from the underground. Mufasa: (to Simba) Now, this time(interrupted)Zazu: (interrupting and with urgency) Sire! Hyenas! Inthe pride lands!Mufasa: (serious now) Zazu! Take Simba home.Simba: Aw dad, can't I come?Mufasa: (curtly) No, son.{Mufasa heads off at a full gallop}Simba: I never get to go anywhere.Zazu: Oh, young master, one day you will be king; then you can chase those slobbering, mangy, stupid poachersfrom dawn until dusk.{They head off. Camera pulls back to wide view of Savannah}[Scar tricks Simba Scene]{Camera change to Scar on the south ledge at Pride Rock. We see Scar pace once and kick a old bone off the edge.} {Enter Simba}Simba: Hey Uncle Scar! Guess what!Scar: I despise guessing games.Simba: I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock.Scar: (sarcastically) Oh, goody.Simba: (looking out over the edge of the rock) My Dad just showed me the whole kingdom. (greedily) And I'm gonna rule it all. Heh heh.Scar: Yes. Well, forgive me for not leaping for joy--bad back, you know.{Scar flops down on his side.}Simba: Hey Uncle Scar. When I'm king, what'll that make you?Scar: A monkey's uncle.Simba: Heheh. You're so weird.Scar: You have no idea. So, your father showed you the whole kingdom, did he?Simba: Everything.Scar: He didn't show you what's beyond that rise on the northern [sic] border.Simba: (disappointed) Well no. He said I can't go there. Scar: And he's absolutely right! It's far too dangerous-- only the bravest lions go there.Simba: Well I'm brave. What's out there?(interuppted) Scar: (interrupting) I'm sorry Simba, I just can't tell you.Simba: Why not?Scar: Simba, Simba-- I'm only looking out for thewell-being of my favorite nephew.{Scar rubs and pats Simba's head}Simba: (snorts) Yeah, right. I'm your only nephew.Scar: All the more reason for me to be protective! An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince... (faking surprise) Oops!Simba: (enthusiastic) An elephant what?!? Whoa...Scar: (in mock anguish) Oh, dear! I've said too much ... Well, I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later,you being so clever and all... (pulling Simba near)Oh, just do me one favor. Promise me you'll nevervisit that dreadful place.Simba: (thinks) No problem.Scar: There's a good lad. You run along now and have fun. And remember-- it's our little secret.{Simba leaves the rock; Scar walks away. Menacing music.} [Bath Scene - Water Hole Scene]{Simba is running down the slope of the bottom part of Pride Rock. He runs down towards two lionesses. (Sarabi and Sarafina) Sarafina is giving Nala a bath. Music is light; almost jazzy. Pan flute lead.}Simba: Hey Nala.Nala: Hi Simba.Simba: Come on. I just heard about this great place.Nala: Simba, I'm kind of in the middle of a Bath. {Sarabi bends down and grabs Simba}Sarabi: And it's time for yours.Simba: Mom! Mom, you're messing up my mane. {Sarabi smiles}Simba: Okay, okay. I'm clean. Can we go now?Nala: So where are we going? It better not be anyplace dumb.Simba: No, it's really cool.Sarabi: So where is this really cool place?Simba: (realizing he has overlooked this difficulty) Oh... around the water hole.Nala: The water hole?!? What's so great about the water hole?Simba: (Through gritted smile) I'll show you when we get there.Nala: (softly) Oh! (normal) Uh... mom, can I go with Simba?Sarafina: Hmm... what do you think, Sarabi?Sarabi: Well...Nala and Simba: Pleeeease. (Through broad, forced smiles) Sarabi: It's all right with me--{Sarabi and Simba are overjoyed}Simba: Yeah!!Nala: All right.Sarabi: --as long as Zazu goes with you.{Simba and Nala stop dead in their celebration} Simba: No! Not Zazu![Water Hole Scene]{Camera is at a ground angle slightly behind the cubs walking towards the water hole. Zazu is visible in thesky overhead}Zazu: Step Lively. The sooner we get to the water hole, the sooner we can leave.{Camera angle changes to the cubs from an immediate real view}Nala: (low) So where we really going?Simba: (low) An Elephant graveyard.Nala: Wow!Simba: (low) Shhh! (motioning towards Zazu) Zazu. Nala: (low) Right. So how we going to ditch the Dodo? (Into whispers...) Oh. I know... (inaudible){Camera switch to just above Zazu. We hear the cubs whispering back and fourth below}Zazu: (Flying down) Oh, just look at you two. Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savannah. Your parents will be thrilled, (He lands in front of them) what, with your being betrothed and all.Simba: Be-what?Zazu: Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.Nala: Meaning?Zazu: One day you two are going to be married. Simba: Yuck.Nala: Ewww.Simba: I can't marry her. She's my friend.Nala: Yeah. It'd be so weird.Zazu: Well sorry to bust your bubble, but you two turtle doves have no choice. It's a tradition going back generations.{Simba mimics Zazu durig this speech.}Simba: Well when I'm king, that'll be the first thing to go.{Start fading in intro to "I Just Can't Wait to Be King"} Zazu: Not so long as I'm around.Simba: Well in that case, you're fired.Zazu: Hmmm... nice try, but only the king can do that.Nala: Well, he's the future king.Simba: Yeah. (Thumping Zazu's chest) So you have to do what I tell you.Zazu: Not yet I don't. And with an attitude like that,I'm afraid you shaping up to be a pretty pathetic king indeed.Simba: Hummph. Not the way I see it.{Full song, colors change to wild pop-African. Background becomes more pop style.}Simba: I'm gonna be a mighty kingSo enemies beware!Zazu: Well, I've never seen a king of beastsWith quite so little hair.{Plucks hair where mane would be}{Simba Gets a leaf-mane}Simba: I'm gonna be the mane eventLike no king was before{Climbs log}I'm brushing up on looking downI'm working on my ROAR!{On "ROAR" he shouts at Zazu, startling him back into a puddle}Zazu: (Drying on what appears to be a hanging towel) Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing.{Camera pull back. Reveals towel as elephant ear. Hits Zazu with trunk like a golf club}(Zazu: Yeeeooooowwww)Simba: Oh, I just can't WAIT to be king!Zazu: (speaking) You've rather a long way to go, young master, if you think--{For this verse Zazu is making quick spoken part replies to each line. Simba and Nala are on each side of Zazu; as he turns to talk to one, the other makes faces.} Simba: No one saying do this(Zazu: Now when I said that, I--)Nala: No one saying be there(Zazu: What I meant was--)Simba: No one saying stop that(Zazu: Look, what you don't realize--)Simba and Nala: No one saying see here(Zazu: Now SEE HERE!)Simba: Free to run around all day{Simba and Nala are now riding Ostriches}(Zazu: Well that's definitely out of the question.)Simba: Free to do it all my wayZazu: (Singing) I think it's time that you and IArranged a heart to heart.{Zazu flies into a rhino.}Simba: Kings don't need adviceFrom little hornbills for a start!{Lights on a branch}Zazu: If this is where the monarchy is headedCount me out!Out of service, out of AfricaI wouldn't hang about!{The camera pulls back to reveal Zazu has lighted on a log being washed towards a waterfall. It disappears over the edge, with a scream from Zazu. Zazu quickly reappears flying towards and through the camera.}This child is getting wildly out of wing.Simba: Oh I just can't WAIT to be king.{Simba and Nala run between two double files of Zebras. As Zazu comes throug, the Zebras turn around and present their behinds to Zazu. As the music interlude continues, Simba and Nala are playing underfoot of a herd of Elephants.As Simba starts to sing again the camera clicks to himstanding on a Giraffe's head}Everybody look left (Zazu: WHERE?!)(crowd of animals run over Zazu from right to left) Everybody look right(crowd runs back over Zazu from left to right) Everywhere you look I'mStanding in the spotlight!Zazu: (speaking but in strict time) Not Yet!Chorus: Let every creature go for broke and singLet's hear it in the herd and on the wingIt's gonna be King Simba's finest fling{The Chorus of hippos, giant anteaters, antelopes, giraffes, etc. form a pyramid with the cubs on top}Simba & Chorus: Oh, I just can't wait to be king!Oh, I just can't wait to be king!Oh, I just can't waaaaaait... to be king!{The pyramid topples, leaving the rhino sitting on Zazu} Zazu: (Muffled) I beg your pardon, madam, but...GET OFF! Simba? Nala?[Elephant Graveyard - Hyena Scene]{Camera change to Simba and Nala making their way away from Zazu}{They are laughing}Simba: All right, it worked!Nala: We lost 'em.Simba: (smug) I ... am a genius.Nala: Hey Genius-- it was my idea.Simba: Yeah, but I pulled it off.Nala: With me!Simba: Oh yeah? Rrarr!!{Simba jumps at Nala, they tussle quickly. Nala ends on top and pins Simba with her forepaws, creating a resounding thump.}Nala: Ha. Pinned ya.Simba: Hey, let me up!{Simba looks at Nala and jumps at her again. They tussle, rolling down a short hill. She pins him again in the same position with another resounding thump.}Nala: Pinned ya again!{A gas vent makes a loud noise near by, ejecting steam. The camera pulls back to a view of the surroundings that the cubs have just noticed. Mostly in grays, we see a dark craggy vale filled with skeletons of elephants. Erie music.}Simba: This is it-- we made it.{They look over the edge of the ledge they are on. Alarge bull skull is nearby. The camera follows to surveythe entire bleak view.}Simba and Nala: Whoa.Nala: It's really creepy.Simba: Yeah... isn't it great?Nala: (enjoying her naughtiness) We could get in big trouble.Simba: (enjoying it also) I know, huh.Nala: (Looking at the skull) I wonder if it's brains arestill in there.Simba: (Walking towards the skull) There's only one way to know. Come on. Let's go check it out.{Simba walks towards the mouth of the skull. Zazu flaps suddenly in front of them.}Zazu: The only checking out you will do, will be to check out of here.Simba: Aw, man.Zazu: We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands. Simba: The little banana beak is scared!Zazu: It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy. And right nowwe are all in very real danger.{Simba has moved nearer to the entrance of the skull} Simba: Danger? Hah! I walk on the wild side. I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha!{Following simba's confidant laughter we hear more laughing for inside the Skull. Three hyenas emerge.} Shenzi: Well, well, well, Banzai. What have we got here? Banzai: Hmm. I don't know, Shenzi. What do you think, Ed?Ed: (Crazy Laughter){The circle around the cubs and Zazu.}Banzai: Yeah, just what I was thinking. A trio of trespassers!!Zazu: And quite by accident, let me assure you. A simple navigational error.Shenzi: Whoa, whoa whoa, wait wait wait... I know you. (peering close into the camera) You're Mufasa'slittle stooge.Zazu: I, madam, am the king's Majordomo.Shenzi: (looking at Simba) and that would make you ... Simba: The future king!Shenzi: Do you know what we do to kings who step out oftheir kingdom?Simba: Puh. You can't do anything me.Zazu: A-ha-ha, technically, they can. We are on their land--Simba: But Zazu, you told me they're nothing but slobbering, mangy, stupid poachers.Zazu: (to the side) Ix-nay on the oopid-stay.Banzai: Hey! Who you calling oopid-stay?!?Zazu: (Harried) My, my, my. Look at the sun. (starts to try to move away) It's time to go.Shenzi: What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner.Banzai: Yeeaah! We could have whatever's "lion" around. Shenzi: Oh wait, wait, wait. I got one, I got one. Make mine a "cub" sandwich. Whatcha think?{They start laughing. Ed starts motioning}Shenzi: What? Ed? What is it?Banzai: (Looking where Ed is pointing) Hey, did we order this dinner to go?Shenzi: No. Why?Banzai: 'Cause There It Goes!!!!{Camera view to the cubs running off, they stop after abit. Quick camera jump showing Zazu being caught in mid-flight}Nala: Did we lose 'em?Simba: I think so. Where's Zazu?{Camera switch. The hyenas have Zazu near a steam vent. Banzai is holding the bird.}Banzai: So, the little Majordomo bird hippity-hopped all the way to the birdie-boiler. (He walks Zazu to thevent and stuffs him on it, plugging it up.)Zazu: Oh no. Not the birdie boiler. (It shoots him off ina puff of steam) Ahhhhhh!{The hyenas start laughing hysterically}Simba: (Now near the hyenas) Hey! Why don't you pick on someone your own size?Shenzi: Like... you?!?Simba: Oops.{The Hyenas start chasing the cubs.}Nala: Simba!{The hyenas chase the cubs up and over the skull and the cubs slip away by sliding down the spine. On the nextpile of bones, Nala can't make it up in time and Simba runs back and claws Shenzi across the cheek. She becomesenraged and they pursue the cubs quickly and corner themin a cave.}============== CUT LINES ===============8<================ {For a reason unknown to me, the following line was cut.It appeared on story boards and even in the promotionalpamphlet for the movie. It must have been cut fairly latein production.}Shenzi: Look Boys! A king fit for a meal!=========================================8<=============== Banzai: (Entering the cave, taunting) Here kitty, kitty.{Simba tries to roar. He produces a nice medium yowl.}Shenzi: Huh. That was it?! Hah. Do it again... come on.{Simba opens his mouth to roar again, but we hear a fullgrown lion roar.}Shenzi and Banzai: Huh?{Mufasa charges the hyenas from camera left and abusesthem thoroughly till they are cringing under him.}Shenzi: Oh, Please, please. Uncle. Uncle.Banzai: Ow-ow-ow.Mufasa: (half roar) Silence!Banzai: O.K., we're gonna shut up right now.Shenzi: Calm down. We're really sorry.Mufasa: If you ever come near my son again...Shenzi: This is? This is YOUR son?!?Banzai: Oh, your son?Shenzi: Did you know that?Banzai: No... Me? I...I didn't know it. No. Did you? Shenzi: No! Of course not.Banzai: No.Shenzi and Banzai: Ed?Ed: (Stupidly nods yes){Mufasa roars}Banzai: Toodles.{With a gunshot sound they disappear. Zazu lights infront of Mufasa, sycophantically smug. But then looks away when he sees how angry Mufasa is, and cowers down.} Simba: Dad I...Mufasa: You deliberately disobeyed me.Simba: Dad, I'm... I'm sorry.Mufasa: (Stern) Let's go home.{They all start walking out of the graveyard, thecubs bent down in shame.}Nala: (softly) I thought you were very brave.{The camera steadily pans up one of the walls of the cave.It stops on a horrifying image of Scar, where he was watching the cubs' near-demise.}[Disciplinary - Stars Scene]{Camera to out on the Savannah. The cubs are still walking in a shamed manner behind Mufasa. Zazu is flying between.}Mufasa: (Still Stern) Zazu.Zazu: (Flying forward and lighting in front of Mufasa) Yes, sire?Mufasa: (Stern) Take Nala home. I've got to teach my sona lesson.{The camera views the cubs. Simba hunkers lower in the grass as if to hide. Zazu flies back to the cubs.}Zazu: Come, Nala. Simba-- (patting him on the shoulder and sighing) Good luck.{Zazu and Nala leave. The camera view is of Simba in the foreground with Mufasa facing away from the camera in the background.}Mufasa: (Calling, still very stern) Simba.{Simba slowly turns and walks towards his father. The camera follows him forward. Ominous yet sad music. Simba steps into a depression. Looking down he sees that his。
张开你的眼睛From the day we arrive on the planet看这世界On the planet你会发觉充满神奇And,blinking,step into the sun天上星星好像近在天边There's more to see than can ever be seen想要抓总是遥不可及More to do than can ever be done人生旅程坎坷不平There's far too much to take in here你要去体会它的真谛More to find than can ever be found尝尝人情冷暖But the sun rolling high或是体会世间的风险Through the sapphire sky Keeps great and small on the endless round没有办法逃避On the endless round看这世界在转It's the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all尽管向前走Through despair and hope是对是错Through faith and love希望和失望Till we find our place世事没有绝对On the path unwinding看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life世界正在转动It's the circle of life永远不停息And it moves us all黑夜与白昼Through despair and hope不停转动Through faith and love靠着阳光走Till we find our place慢慢你会知道On the path unwinding看这世界In the circle是生生不息The circle of life【狮子王】【The Lion King】生命真不公平啊!Life's not fair,is it?你看我呢,永远都当不上王You see,I... Well,I shall never be king.而你永远也见不到明天了And you shall never see the light of another day.再见Adieu.你妈妈没有教你不要玩弄你的食物Didn't your mother tell you not to play with your food?你想干什么?What do you want?我是来这里宣布I'm here to announce大王木法沙要来了that King Mufasa's on his way.所以对你今天早上没有出席那个仪式So you'd better have a good excuse...最好找个借口for missing the ceremony this morning.你害我的午餐都没了Oh,now,look,Zazu. You've made me lose my lunch.等大王跟你算帐之后Ha! You'll lose more than that...你不见的东西还会更多when the king gets through with you.他就像只拉肚子的河马一样愤怒He's as mad as a hippo with a hernia.我怕得全身发抖Ooh. I quiver with fear!好了,刀疤,不要那样看我Now,Scar,don't look at me that way.救命啊!Help!刀疤,吐出来Drop him.你来得可真是时候,大王陛下Impeccable timing,Your Majesty.这不是我大哥吗?Why,if it isn't my big brother...屈尊降贵的来跟我这普通人厮混descending from on high to mingle with the commoners.我跟沙拉碧在辛巴的介绍仪式中没有看到你Sarabi and I didn't see you at the presentation of Simba.那是今天吗?That was today?我觉得好害怕呀!Oh,I feel simply awful! 我八成是给忘了Must've slipped my mind.是呀,你忘的不只如此Yes,well,as slippery as your mind is...身为大王的弟弟你应该站在第一位as the king's brother... you should've been first in line!我原本是第一位直到这个小毛球出生Well,I was first in line... until the little hairball was born.这个小毛球是我儿子That hairball is my son...他也是你未来的国王and your future king.我该学学我的礼节啦Oh,I shall practice my curtsy.千万不要背对着我,刀疤Don't turn your back on me,Scar.不,木法沙Oh,no,Mufasa.或许是你不该背对着我Perhaps you shouldn't turn your back on me. 这是一个挑战吗?Is that a challenge?冷静!冷静!Temper,temper.我哪敢向大王你挑战呢?I wouldn't dream of challenging you.可惜,为什么呢?Pity. Why not?要说脑袋的话我是有狮子的智慧As far as brains go,I got the lion's share.说到蛮力嘛…But when it comes to brute strength...恐怕我就是基因遗传比较不明显的例子了I'm afraid I'm at the shallow end of the gene pool.每个家庭都会有这个问题陛下There's one in every family,sire.事实上我家有两个Two in mine,actually...而且他们总会想尽办法破坏特别的场合and they always manage to ruin special occasions.我该拿他怎么办?What am I going to do with him?拿他做地毯会非常好看He'd make a very handsome throw rug.沙祖Zazu!而且想一想And just think,每次弄脏的时候你可以拿出去打一打whenever he gets dirty... you could take him out and beat him.爸,爸Dad! Dad!快起来,我们要走了啦!Come on,Dad,we gotta go! Wake up!对不起Sorry.爸…爸…Dad. Dad.你儿子已经醒了Your son is awake.在天亮前,他是你儿子Before sunrise,he's your son.爸…拜托啦!Dad! Come on,Dad.你答应过我的呀!You promised.好吧,好吧- OK,OK. 我醒了,我醒了I'm up,I'm up.辛巴,你看Look,Simba.阳光所照到的一切都是我们的国土Everything the light touches is our kingdom.一个国王的统治就跟太阳的起落是相同的A king's time as ruler rises and falls like the sun.总有一天,太阳将会跟我一样慢慢下沉One day,Simba,the sun will set on my time here...并且在你当国王的时候一同上升and will rise with you as the new king.这一切都是我的吗?所有的一切- And this'll all be mine? - Everything.阳光能照到的所有东西…Everything the light touches.那有阴影的地方呢?What about that shadowy place?那在我们的国度之外That's beyond our borders.你绝不可以去那个地方You must never go there,Simba.我以为国王可以随心所欲呀!But I thought a king can do whatever he wants.你错了There's more to being king...国王也不能凡事随心所欲than getting your way all the time.不能吗?辛巴- There's more? - Simba...世界上所有的生命都有他存在的价值Everything you see exists together... in a delicate balance.身为国王,你不但要了解As king,you need to understand that balance...还要去尊重所有的生活and respect all the creatures...包括爬行的蚂蚁和跳跃的羚羊from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. 但是,爸… 我们不是吃羚羊吗?But,Dad,don't we eat the antelope?是呀,我来跟你解释一下Yes,Simba,but let me explain.我们死后呢,尸体会成为草When we die,our bodies become the grass...而羚羊是吃草的and the antelope eat the grass.所以…And so在这个生命圈里面we are all connected都是互相有关联的in the great circle of life.早安,陛下- Good morning,sire!沙祖,你早- Good morning,Zazu.我来做早上的例行报告Checking in with the morning report. Fire away.你说吧黑猩猩激动而长颈鹿高高在上Chimps are going ape,giraffes remain above it all大象非常清楚我所忘记的事情Elephants remember,though just what,I can't recall鳄鱼爬到岸上咬住新鲜的猎物Crocodiles are snapping up fresh offers from the banks 他向我展示巢里的蛋Shown interest in my nest egg,我说不客气but I quickly said,no,thanks我们没去看犀鸟而秃鹰有第六感We haven't paid the hornbills,and the vultures have a hunch不是每个受邀的人都会来吃午餐Not everyone invited will be coming back from lunch哈哈,这就是晨间报告This is the morning report大事小事不漏掉Gives you the long and the short每个呼吸微笑Every grunt,roar,and snort每个轻声吼叫Not a tale I distort都在晨间报告On the morning report儿子,你在干什么?扑东西- What are you doing,son? - Pouncing.让个老手示范给你看看Let an old pro show you how it's done.今年草地肥美Oh,the buffalo水牛个个吃得强又壮尽量的压低身子have got a beef about...豪猪受到阻挠趴在地上Stay low to the ground.意图节省他毒气趴在地上,好,我知道了Yeah,OK. Stay low to the ground. Right.…不停追逐文书鸟别出声Not a sound.番红花是本季色彩随处都可见The season's colors seen in all the herds...动一动行列纵队进行慢慢往下慢慢来,向前一步Take it slow. One more step...…聚集在水肥处然后…- then... ...in the dung这就是晨间报告This is the morning report大事小事不漏掉Gives you the long and the short每个呼吸微笑Every grunt,roar,and snort每个轻声吼叫Not a tale I distort都在晨间报告On the morning report哈…非常好Ha …It is very good沙祖什么事呀?- Zazu! - Yes!地下传来的消息Sir! News from the underground.好,这一次呢… 陛下Now,this time... Sire!土狼到了荣耀石啦!Hyenas in the pride lands!沙祖,带辛巴回家Zazu,take Simba home.我不能去吗?- Dad,can't I come?不行,儿子- No,son.哼!什么地方都不准我去I never get to go anywhere.哦,小主人将来你也会当国王的Oh,young master,one day,you will be king.然后你就可以随心所欲地去追逐那些流着口水Then you can chase those slobbering,mangy... 卑贱愚蠢的非法入侵者stupid poachers from dawn until dusk.嘿!刀疤叔叔,你猜怎样?Hey,Uncle Scar! Guess what?我最痛恨猜谜游戏了I despise guessing games.我将成为这里的国王耶I'm gonna be king of Pride Rock.哦!真好啊Oh,goody.我爸刚刚带我看了整个国度My dad just showed me the whole kingdom...而我将会统治一切and I'm gonna rule it all.是啊Yes,well哦!请原谅我没有高兴地跳起来forgive me for not leaping for joy.我的背不好你知道的Bad back,you know.嘿,刀疤叔叔Hey,Uncle Scar,如果我是国王那你是什么?when I'm king,what'll that make you?你这猴子A monkey's uncle.你好奇怪哦!You're so weird.还有更怪的呢!You have no idea.哦!原来你爸爸带你看过整个王国了,是吗?So,your father showed you the whole kingdom,did he?看过啦Everything.他没有带你到北方边界太阳升起的地方吗?He didn't show you what's beyond that rise... at the northern border?没有Well,no.他说我不能去那里He said I can't go there.他说的完全正确And he's absolutely right.那里太危险了It's far too dangerous.只有勇敢的狮子才会去呀Only the bravest lions go there.我很勇敢啊那有什么?Well,I'm brave. What's out there?对不起,辛巴我就是不能告诉你I'm sorry,Simba,I just can't tell you.为什么?Why not?辛巴,辛巴Simba,Simba,我只是在为我最喜欢的侄子着想I'm only looking out... for the well-being of my favorite nephew.没错,我是你唯一的侄子Yeah,right. I'm your only nephew.所以罗,我才更要保护你All the more reason for me to be protective.一个年轻的王子不适合到大象墓园去的哦!An elephant graveyard is no place for a young prince. oh大象的什么?An elephant what?哇…Whoa. 哦!天啊我说的太多了Oh,dear,I've said too much.不过我猜你早晚总会发现的Well,I suppose you'd have found out sooner or later...你一直是这么样的聪明you being so clever and all.帮我个忙吧!Oh,just do me one favor.跟我保证你绝对不会去那个可怕的地方Promise me you'll never visit that dreadful place.没问题- No problem.这才是乖孩子- There's a good lad.你现在自己出去玩吧You run along now and have fun.并且记得哦…And remember,这是我们的小秘密it's our little secret.嘿!娜娜嗨!辛巴- Hey, - Hi,Simba.走吧我刚才听到一个很棒的地方Come on. I just heard about this great place. 辛巴,我现在正在洗澡啊Simba! I'm kind of in the middle of a bath.你也该洗澡罗And it's time for yours.妈…Mom!妈…你把我的毛弄乱了啦Mom,you're messing up my mane!好了!好了OK,我干净了我们可以走了吗?I'm clean. Can we go now?我们要到哪里去呀?So,where are we going?最好不要什么烂地方It better not be anyplace dumb.不!那真的很酷耶No,it's really cool.这个很酷的地方是在哪里呢?So,where is this really cool place?就在水洞附近Oh. Around the water hole.水洞附近?The water hole?水洞附近有什么了不起的啊?What's so great about the water hole? 等到了那里我再告诉你I'll show you when we get there.哦Oh.妈,我能去吗?Mom,can I go with Simba?沙拉碧你说呢?这个嘛…Hmm,what do you think,Sarabi? Well... 拜托…- Please? - Please?我是没什么意见It's all right with me.哦,耶…- All right! - Yeah!不过要沙祖跟你们一起去As long as Zazu goes with you.不…不要沙祖No,not Zazu.开心一点嘛Step lively.越快到水洞我们就可以越快回家The sooner we get to the water hole the sooner we can leave.我们到底要去哪里呀?So,where are we really going?一个大象的墓园哇!- An elephant graveyard. - Wow!嘘…沙祖Shh! Zazu.对了我们要怎么摆脱那个笨蛋呀?Right. So how are we gonna ditch the dodo? 哦!看看你们俩个再去大象的墓园Oh,just look at you two.大草原上一段小小的罗曼史正在孕育Little seeds of romance blossoming in the savanna.你们的父母会很高兴的Your parents will be thrilled...等到你们订婚之后还有… 什么?what with your being betrothed and all. - Be... what?准备成婚订下婚约、海誓山盟- Betrothed. Intended. Affianced.意思是…Meaning...?有一天你们俩个会结婚One day,you two are going to be married.我不能娶她耶I can't marry her.她是我的朋友She's my friend.对,那实在太奇怪了Yeah,it'd be so weird.很抱歉,破坏你们的美梦Sorry to bust your bubble...但是你们俩个小朋友别无选择but you two turtledoves have no choice.这是流传了好几世代的传统It's a tradition going back generations.等我当国王第一就是废除这件事When I'm king,that'll be the first thing to go.只要有我在就不准- Not so long as I'm around. .哦,那你被开除了- In that case,you're fired很聪明但只有国王才能开除我Hmm. Nice try,but only the king can do that. 可是他是未来的国王啊Well,he's the future king.对!所以我说什么你都得听Yeah,so you have to do what I tell you.嘿嘿!现在还不必听Not yet,I don't. .而且由你这种态度And with an attitude like that..恐怕你以后会变成一个相当悲惨的国王I'm afraid you're shaping up to be... a pretty pathetic king indeed.哼!我看才不会呢Hmm. Not the way I see it.我将会是万兽之王I'm gonna be a mighty king,瞧瞧我的模样so enemies beware从来没有一个狮子王他的毛会那么少Well,I've never seen a king of beasts With quite so little hair来看看我的威严没有人比得过I'm gonna be the main event like no king was before没有人敢说“不要啦” 只要我说声“要”I'm brushin' up on lookin' down I'm workin' on my roar从来没见过像你那么糟Thus far,a rather uninspiring thing.等不及成为狮子王Oh,I just can't wait to be king你还有很长的路要走呢小主人You've rather a long way to go,young master,if you think...如果你以为…- No one sayin',没有任何吩咐我那么说的时候…"Do this" - Now,when I said that...没有任何束缚- No one saying,"Be there"我的意思是…- What I meant was...没有任何坏处- No one sayin',"Stop that"总会有你好处听我说…- But what you don't realize... - No one sayin',"See here"自由自在到处跑Free to run around all day绝对不是那样的Well,that's definitely out.做错事情也没人吵Free to do it all my way找个时间该坐下来来好好谈一谈I think it's time that you and I Arranged a heart-to-heart别浪费唇舌是建议一律都免谈Kings don't need advice from little hornbills for a start如果你真的这样统治我想那就惨If this is where the monarchy is headed,count me out干脆离开这块烂地方Out of service,out of Africa,我再也不想管I wouldn't hang about这小孩已经开始嫌我烦This child is getting wildly out of wing 等不及成为狮子王Oh,I just can't wait to be king所有人往左看Everybody,look left所有人往右看Everybody,look right所有人往这看Everywhere you look,我在你们中间I'm standing in the spotlight还早呢!Not yet!让所有万物都一起歌唱Let every creature go for broke and sing 让我们随他脚步到处闯Let's hear it in the herd and on the wing 让所有万物都一起颂赞It's gonna be King Simba's finest fling等不及成为狮子王…Oh,I just can't wait to be king对不起,夫人I beg your pardon,madam,您坐在我的身上了but...请让一让get off!辛巴simba娜娜…Nala..... 好啦!成功了摆脱他了吧All right! It worked! - We lost him.我…是个天才- I am a genius.嘿!天才那是我的主意Hey,genius,it was my idea.没错啊但是,是我执行的啊还有我Yeah,but I pulled it off. - With me!哦,是吗?- Oh,yeah?输了吧- Pinned ya.让我起来- Hey,let me up.你又输了吧Pinned ya again.就是这里我们成功了This is it. We made it.哇…woo这里阴森森的It's really creepy.是啊,不是很棒吗?Yeah. Isn't it great?我们可能会有大麻烦- We could get in big trouble.我知道I know不知道他的脑袋还在不在哪儿?I wonder if its brains are still in there.只有一个办法能知道There's only one way to know.走吧,我们去看看不对Come on,let's go check it out. Wrong!你们唯一该做的事情就是立刻离开这里The only checking out you will do... will be tocheck out of here.烦耶!Oh,man!我们已经超出荣耀石的范围太远了We're way beyond the boundary of the pride lands.你看那个尖嘴老头害怕了Look,Banana Beak is scared.不管我是不是尖嘴小老头小毛球It's Mr. Banana Beak to you, fuzzy...我告诉你我们的处境真的是很危险and right now we are all in very real danger. 危险?哈哈…Danger? Ha!我在荒野中行走I walk on the wide side.我会当面嘲笑危险I laugh in the face of danger.哈哈哈哈… 哇哇哇…Well,well,well, Well,well,well,斑仔Banzai,看看这是什么?what have we got here?桑琪,我不知道Hmm. I don't know,Shenzi.阿德,你觉得呢?What do you think,Ed?哈…ha对!就如我刚刚在想Just what I was thinking.三个违规的家伙A trio of trespassers!这完全是个意外!And quite by accident, 我跟你们保证这只是航行上的小小的错误let me assure you. A simple navigational error. 等等…Whoa,whoa,wait,wait,wait.我认识你你是木法沙的小跟班I know you. You're Mufasa's little stooge.夫人我是国王陛下的总管I,madam,am the king's major-domo.这么说你就是…- And that would make you...未来的国王- The future king.你知道我们是怎么对付超出自己国界的国王吗?Do you know what we do to kings who step out of their kingdom?你们也不能把我怎么样啊!You can't do anything to me.理论上可以我们在他们的土地上Technically,they can. We are on their land.可是沙祖你跟我说他们只是爱流口水的傻瓜啊!But,Zazu,you told me they're nothin'... but slobbering,mangy,stupid poachers.能不能不要再提傻瓜这两个字?- Lx-nay on the upid-stay.嘿!你叫谁是傻瓜?- Who are you callin' upid-stay?停…你看那个太阳我该走了My,my,my. Look at the sun! It's time to go!急什么?我们很乐意你留下来晚餐是呀…What's the hurry? We'd love you to stick around for dinner. Yeah,我们可以吃… 狮子大餐呀!we could have whatever's lion around!哈…ha...等等… 有了,有了,有了Wait,wait,wait,I got one,I got one!我要一份幼狮三明治你觉得呢?Make mine a cub sandwich! What'd you think?哈…ha..什么?阿德?What,Ed?什么?What is it?我们订的晚餐要外带吗?Hey,did we order this dinner to go?没有啊!怎么啦?- No,why?因为他们跑了- 'Cause there it goes!我们甩掉他们了吗?- Did we lose 'em?我想是的- I think so.沙祖在哪?Where's Zazu?原来我们的小总管一路赶着想做只白煮鸟The little major-domo bird hippety-hopped... all the way to the birdie-boiler.不!我不要做白煮鸟!Oh,no! Not the birdie-boiler!嘿!你们为什么不去找一个跟你们差不多大的Hey,why don't you pick on somebody your own size?像…你吗?- Like you?哦哦!- Oops. 辛巴simba快来呀!小宝贝Here,kitty,kitty,kitty.哈哈…就这样吗?That was it?再吼一次,来呀!Do it again. Come on.大…大哥Oh,please,please!误会…误会闭嘴!Uncle,uncle! - Silence!闭嘴!我们都闭嘴- Silence!- We're gonna shut up right now! 别激动我们真的很抱歉Calm down. We're really sorry.如果你们敢再靠近我儿子If you ever come near my son again...这位…这位是您的…Oh,this is your son?哦!是您的公子啊你知道吗?- Oh,your son? - Did you know that?不,我不知道No. Me? I didn't know...这个… 你…你知道吗?No,did you?不,当然不知道- No,of course not. - No.不!阿德?- Ed? - Ed?溜Toodles.爸,我…Dad,l...你故意违抗我的命令You deliberately disobeyed me.爸,我很抱歉- Dad,I'm sorry.跟我回家去- Let's go home.我认为你非常勇敢I thought you were very brave.沙祖Zazu是的,陛下- Yes,sire?带娜娜回家- Take Nala home.我必须要给我儿子上一课I've got to teach my son a lesson. 娜娜,走吧Come,Nala.辛巴,唉!Simba,祝你好运good luck.辛巴Simba辛巴,我对你非常失望Simba,I'm very disappointed in you. 我知道- I know.你可能会死掉- You could've been killed.你故意违抗我的命令You deliberately disobeyed me...而且更糟的是and what's worse,你和娜娜有生命危险you put Nala in danger.我只是想要跟你一样勇敢I was just trying to be brave,like you.我只有在必要的时候才勇敢I'm only brave when I have to be.辛巴Simba,being brave...勇敢并不表示你要去找麻烦doesn't mean you go looking for trouble.可是你好像什么都不怕But you're not scared of anything.我今天就怕了真的?I was today. - You were?是的- Yes.我怕我会失去你I thought I might lose you.噢…原来国王也会害怕Oh. I guess even kings get scared,huh?但是你知道吗?什么?- But you know what? - What?我认为那些土狼比你还害怕I think those hyenas were even scareder.哈…ha...因为没有人有胆子敢惹你爸爸过来'Cause nobody messes with your dad. - Come here,you.不要,不要- Oh,no! No!放手啦!Come here!来呀!Gotcha!爸嗯- Dad? - Hmm?我们是不是伙伴- We're pals,right?对- Right.那我们就永远在一起,对吧And we'll always be together,right?辛巴Simba,我告诉你一些我爸爸以前跟我说的话let me tell you something... that my father told me.你看那些星星Look at the stars.过去那些伟大的君王The great kings of the past...从那些星星上看着我们Iook down on us from those stars.真的?- Really?是呀- Yes.所以每当你寂寞的时候So,whenever you feel alone...要记得那些君王永远在那里指引着你just remember that those kings... will always be there to guide you...还有我也是and so will I.木法沙真差劲Man,that lousy Mufasa.害我一个星期都不能坐I won't be able to sit for a week.这个不好笑,阿德It's not funny,Ed.闭嘴!Hey,shut up!你们安静一点好不好?Will you knock it off? 是他先开始的Well,he started it.看看你们俩个Look at you guys.难怪我们会在食物链最底部晃荡No wonder we're dangling at the bottom of the food chain.我痛恨晃荡废话!Man,I hate dangling. Yeah? .如果不是那些狮子这地方早就是我们的了You know,if it weren't for those lions..我痛恨狮子!we'd be runnin' the joint. Man,I hate lions.那么顽固- So pushy. - And hairy.又毛茸茸的- And stinky.而且又臭还有老天他们…- And,man,are they...丑死了- Ugly! - Ugly!我们狮子当然不全都是那么糟糕的Oh,surely,we lions are not all that bad.刀疤,原来是你Oh,Scar. It's just you.我们还以为是什么大人物呢!We were afraid it was somebody important. 对呀,就像木法沙是呀Yeah,you know,like Mufasa. - Yeah.是吗?- I see.那才叫力量- Now,that's power.一点也没错光听他的名字我就会发抖- Tell me about it. I just hear that name,and I shudder.木法沙再来一次- Mufasa! - Ooh! Do it again.木法沙- Mufasa!木法沙…- Mufasa!真过瘾Ooh,it tingles me.我身边全是一些白痴得了吧,刀疤I'm surrounded by idiots. Now,you,Scar,你是我们的一份子I mean,you're one of us.别忘了你是我们的伙伴- I mean,you're our pal.真感人…- Charmed.噢,我喜欢Oh,I like that.他不是国王但他还是那么有威严He's not king,but he's still so proper.是呀,刀疤yes,Scar你带什么给我们吃的Did you bring us anything to eat, Scar,old buddy?嘿,老伙伴,好兄弟Did ya,did ya,did ya?有没有,有没有I don't think you really deserve this.我认为你们实在不值得I do not think you is really worth我是特别把那些小狮子送来给你们的I practically gift-wrapped those cubs for you... 而你们却让他给跑掉了and you couldn't even dispose of them. 可是你知道You know,他们并不是自己单独来的,刀疤it wasn't exactly like they was alone,Scar.对呀!我们该怎么做呢?Yeah. What were we supposed to do,杀了木法沙?kill Mufasa?一点也没错Precisely.不要在我面前耍威风I know that your powers of retention仔细看像个饭桶不中用Are as wet as a warthog's backside你给我站好仔细听着But thick as you are我的话已经够明白Pay attention那是所谓无言的表白My words are a matter of pride这地方由我来主宰It's clear from your vacant expressions难道你们都没有发现The lights are not all on upstairs王位继承权在我手中But we're talking kings and successions准备好你的心静静等候Even you can't be caught unawares So prepare for the chance of a lifetime迎接这一个天大消息Be prepared for sensational news一个新的时代它悄悄要到来A shiny new era is tiptoeing nearer那我们又算什么?And where do we feature?不管我多恶毒Just listen to teacher只要听我吩咐不要再犯错误I know it sounds sordid But you'll be rewarded 以后总会有你的好处When at last I am given my dues我要大声地向你宣布And injustice deliciously squared快准备Be prepared不对!还有的呢!Yeah,我们会准备的准备什么?be prepared. We'll be prepared. For what?准备木法沙王之死!- For the death of the king.怎么了?他病了?不- Why,is he sick? - No,笨蛋!我们要杀了他还有辛巴fool,we're going to kill him... and Simba,too. 好主意谁需要国王啊!Great idea. Who needs a king?不要王…No king,no king, la-la la-la la la啦… 白痴!还会有另外一个王的Idiots! There will be a king!但是你自己说…- Hey,but you said...我将要做你们的王- I will be king!只要跟着我Stick with me,你们就再也不会饿肚子了and you'll never go hungry again.好耶!- Yeah! - Yeah! All right! 国王万岁!All right! Long live the king!国王万岁!- Long live the king!国王万岁!- Long live the king!看来很快就会有依靠It's great that we'll soon be connected随时随地伺候你左右With a king who'll be all-time adored要投靠我,不要怀疑Of course,quid pro quo,you're expected保证大家都会好过To take certain duties on board看来未来是充满着希望The future is littered with prizes保证过就不会泡汤And though I'm the main addressee让我再一次向你提醒The point that I must emphasize is我就是你唯一靠山You won't get a sniff without me快准备!So prepare这计划前所未有for the coup of the century这计划只要你帮一帮Be prepared for the murkiest scam这周详的计划是万无一失的Meticulous planning Tenacity spanning是难得一见的是不能否认的Decades of denial不能抵抗又雄壮威严受尊敬的我Is simply why I'll be king undisputed Respected,saluted就是森林之王And seen for the wonder I am因为我要的理想更高Yes,my teeth and ambitions are bared快准备Be prepared因为我要的理想更高Yes,our teeth and ambitions are bared快准备Be prepared好,你在这等着Now,you wait here.你爸爸为你准备了一个大惊喜Your father has a marvelous surprise for you.什么惊喜?Ooh,what is it?如果我告诉你的话那就不叫惊喜了,对不对If I told you,it wouldn't be a surprise,now,would it?如果你告诉我我会装得很惊讶If you tell me,I'll still act surprised.你实在是非常的调皮Ho ho ho! You are such a naughty boy.说嘛!刀疤叔叔- Come on,Uncle Scar.不…- No,no,no,no,no,no,no.这是你爸爸跟你之间的事情This is just for you and your daddy.是那种父子之间的…关系You know,a sort of father-son... thing.好了,我最好去找他去我跟你一起去Well,I better go get him. - I'll go with you.不!- No!不…你只管待在这个石块上No. Just stay on this rock.你不会想像上次那样再遇到土狼吧?You wouldn't want to end up in another mess... like you did with the hyenas.你知道那件事呀?You know about that?辛巴,每个人都知道那件事真的吗?Simba,everybody knows about that. - Really? 是啊,算你幸运- Oh,yes.Lucky爸爸赶去救你了,对不对啊?Daddy was there to save you,eh?这是我们的小秘密Oh,and just between us...你是不是该练习练习你的吼叫声了呢?you might want to work on that little roar of yours.哦,好吧Oh,OK.嘿!刀疤叔叔Hey,Uncle Scar我会喜欢那个惊喜吗?will I like this surprise?辛巴,你会喜欢死的Simba,it's to die for.闭嘴!- Shut up.我也没办法我肚子好饿- I can't help it.I'm so hungry.我可以吃下一头野牛I got to have a wildebeest.不要乱动拜托!Stay put. Please我可不可以吃一头生病的就好了Can't I just pick off one of the little sick ones? 不行!我们要等待刀疤的讯号No. We wait for the signal from Scar.他在那边There he is.我们走Let's go.吼叫声Little roar.陛下,你看!有东西在移动奇怪?Oh,look,sire,the herd is on the move. - Odd. 木法沙!快点动物逃窜- Mufasa,quick!在峡谷那儿而辛巴也在Stampede in the gorge. - Simba's down there.辛巴?- Simba?沙祖!救我Zazu,help me!你爸爸已经来了撑着点Your father is on the way! Hold on!快呀…Hurry!那边,在那儿There,on that tree.在那树上Hold on,Simba!捉好,辛巴Oh,Scar,刀疤,这太可怕了我们该怎么办?this is awful! What'll we do?我该做些什么?I'll go back to help,我回去搬救兵that's what I'll do.我就这么做我去搬救…I'll go back... 爸…Dad!刀疤…Scar弟弟,救救我Brother! Help me!愿国王万岁Long live the king.不…No..爸…Dad!爸Dad!爸Dad!爸,起来Dad,come on.你一定要起来You got to get up. 爸…Dad?跟我回家啦We got to go home. 救命啊…Help!有没有人?Somebody!任何人…Anybody.救命Help.辛巴Simba,看你弄得…what have you done?。
特别是那首《Circle of Life》,它通过激动人心的旋律和歌词,展现了生命的轮回和自然界的美丽。
L:嗯,这首歌名字就叫做《He live in you》,整个音乐十分大气,听来就能感受到狮子王的威严和所有动物朝拜的虔诚。
G:那么接下来,《He live in you》送给大家,琪拉雅成长记也一样开始咯~~——《He live in you》——L:刚才说到主角的出生典礼,而之后的故事又是怎样展开的呢?G:然后啊,活泼的小公主喜欢东奔西跑,居然跑到了蛮荒之地,辛巴找不到她可真是急坏了呢,发现她意外遇到刀疤的继承人高孚,并形成了莫逆之交,辛巴气愤的把她叼回来。
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