








创始之初:一位名叫Bertil Hult的瑞典年轻人在1965年创办了英孚教育集团。



今日的EF英孚教育:40年后,EF 英孚教育已跃居为全球最大的私人英语教育机构,旗下有15个下属机构及非盈利性组织,主要致力于语言学习、留学旅游及学位课程等方面。

如今,EF 英孚教育遍布全球51多个国家,帮助了1500多万学员,员工和教师多达31000多人。

EF 英孚教育已经把世界变成了一个英语大课堂。

EF英孚教育的未来:EF 英孚教育的未来应运而生。


EF 英孚教育秉承打破语言、文化和地域障碍的理念,使学员无论通过出国留学、国内英语学习还是在线英语学习都能体验最高质量的英语教学经历。



EF 英孚教育英孚国际语言学校EF Academic Year AbroadEF留学旅游EF University PreparationEF International AcademyEF高中生交流项目Englishtown网络学校假日游霍特国际商学院保姆留学Smithsonian Student Travel爱瑞卡保险EF英孚产品架构EF语言培训中心——是EF英孚在世界各地开设的英语学校,为各年龄段、各种英语水平的学员提供常规的语言培训课程,包括小班外教口语课程、iLAB网络课程和Life Club生活俱乐部等内容。



浙江省湖州市《教育专业能力测验》教师教育真题《说明:本卷为历年及近期公务员(国考)考试真题》本卷共150题,考试时间90分钟,满分100分一、单选题1. 教师的最基本条件是()。

A、承担教育教学职责B、以教书育人为使命C、专门从事某一学科的教学D、具备相应的专业知识【参考答案】A2. 下列选项中属于问题解决的是()。

A、无目的的幻想B、穿衣等自动化的操作C、比较D、发明创造【参考答案】D3. 在教育活动中,教师负责组织、引导学生沿着正确的方向,采用科学的方法,获得良好的发展,这句话的意思是说()。

A、学生在教育活动中是被动的客体B、教师在教育活动中是被动的客体C、要充分发挥教师在教育活动中的主导作用D、教师在教育活动中是不能起到主导作用【参考答案】C4. ()是道德意志的第一阶段。

A、决心B、信心C、恒心D、细心【参考答案】A5. 发现学习的首倡者为美国当代认知派心理学家()。

6. ()就是利用图解的方式来说明在某个过程中各要素之间是如何相互联系的。

7. 学校文化以传递文化传统为己任,这一特征突出表现在()上。

A、所使用的教材或传递的教学内容B、教育工作者对传统文化的认识C、学校的价值取向和目的要求D、学校全体成员或部分成员共同遵循的价值观念【参考答案】A8. 根据福勒和布朗的教师成长阶段论,某教师在课堂教学中主要精力总是集中在对学生成绩的关注上。


A、关注生存B、关注情境C、关注学生D、关注自我感受【参考答案】B9. 教师在从事教学活动时的最基本形象是()。

A、道德形象B、文化形象C、人格形象D、专业形象【参考答案】A10. 在有几种可能解答的问题情境中,个体倾向于很快地检验假设,且常常出错的认知方式被称为()。

A、冲动型B、沉思型C、场独立型D、场依存型【参考答案】A11. 目标管理由美国管理学家()提出。

A、德鲁克B、马卡连柯C、皮亚杰D、布鲁纳【参考答案】A12. 标准化成就测验是指由专家或学者们按一定测验理论和技术,根据全国或地区所有学校的共同教育目标来编制的适用于大规模范围内评定个体学业()。




























课程要体现以学生为主体的思想, 在教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价和教学资源的利用与开发等方面都应考虑全体学生的发展需求,课程应成为学生在教师指导下构建知识、发展技能、拓展视野、活跃思维、展现个性的过程。




























二、 研究 方法 ( 一) 受试 者
参与本次实验的受试者从某大学非英语专业学 生 中随机 抽 取 的 , 共计 2 9 8人 , 女生 1 6 1人 , 占总 人 数 的5 4 %, 男生 1 3 7人 , 占总人 数 的 4 6 %, 年龄介 于 1 8 — 2 0 岁之间, 他们学习英语都至少有 7 年时间 , 并 且都参加了高考英语测试。本次实验以大一学生为
王 林 艳
( 湘南 学院外国语学院 , 湖南 郴 州 4 2 3 0 0 9 8名非英语专业学生为研 究对 象, 利用 E l y的模糊容 忍度调查量表 ( s L .
T A S ) ( 1 9 9 5 ) 为主要 测 试 工具 , S P S S 1 7 . 0统 计软 件分 析得 出 : 不 同性 别 的模 糊 容 忍度 存在 显著 差
第3 2卷第 1 期 2 0 1 4年 2月
凯里 学 院 学 报
J o u r n a l o f Ka i l i Un i v e r s i t y
Vo l _ 3 2 No .1
F e b . 2 0 1 4
模 糊 容 忍度 在 不 同性 别 和 不 同语 言 水 平 的 学 习者 中的 差 异研 究
异 。 总体上 , 女 生 的模糊 容 忍度 明显 高 于男 生的模 糊 容 忍度 。不 同语 言水 平 的英 语 学 习者 的模
糊 容 忍度存 在 显著 差异 。 高语 言水 平学 习者 的模糊 容 忍度 比低语 言 水平 学 习者的模 糊容 忍度 要 高, 这 就要 求教 师应 不 断调整 自己的教 学风 格 以适应 不 同学生 的学 习风格 。
关键词: 模 糊容 忍度 ; 性 别 差异 ; 语 言水平 差异

























2. 集体报名的考生统一到报名点领取证书。
3. 等级证书不包含证书封皮。含中英文等级介绍的证书封皮,由考生自愿购买,每个封皮收取 成本费10元。

北京教育考试院· 伦敦三一学院“英语口语等级 考试”(GESE)共分为四段12个级别。1~3级 为预备段;4~6级为初级段;7~9级为中级段; 10~12级为高级段。 考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。 考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C—合格, D—未通过。

英语口语等级考试的特点 1、 面向社会适应不同年龄、不同学历、不同英语水平的英语学习者和使用者。 该项考试分四段十二级:预备级(1-3级)、初级(4-6级)、中级(7-9级)、高级 (10-12级)。各级考试都实行一对一面试。从5分钟(1级)简单问答到25分钟(10级 以上)的交谈,随着级别的升高,考试时间、内容和考核项目也逐渐增加。 2、 自选级别、自备话题 考生可根据考试手册对各级要求的描述,结合自己的学习、实践经历,选择一个 合适于本人的级别参加考试。 从四级开始,考生自选并准备谈话题目。考官针对考生所选的话题和文章在交谈 和问答中完成考试要求。 考官力求为考生营造一个和谐友好的英语谈话氛围,从而使考生增强自信心,获 得较好的成绩。 7级以上考试与原有的要求有较大变化。新级别描述中,7至12级不再采用自选文章 的方式,此项测评由文章改为互动交流。主要考察考生主动开展交流,把握交流走向 的交际能力。由考官提供一种情景,考生根据情景内容,通过向考官提问、了解情况、 获取信息、提供建议等各种手段与考官互动交流,互动交流时间应持续5分钟。(详见 7—9级级别描述) 3、 组织方式灵活机动 1) 全年接受集体或个人报名。 2) 考试时间根据人数和报名单位需要而定。












在下面的两个例子中可以比较清楚的体现出来:⑴ Cleaver noun butcher’s heavy chopping tool (肉铺的)切肉刀在这个例子中,汉语的翻译“切肉刀”只表达了工具的用途,但它的形态没有表达出来,如“heavy”表面这把刀是厚重的,“chopping”也说明这把刀是用来切大块肉的。


⑵ Cupboard noun recess or piece of furniture with door and usually shelves 壁厨,碗厨,厨柜在这个例子中,汉语释义的作用是不言而喻的,英文部分的解释不能马上让读者产生理解和印象,而汉语的释义则立刻解决了这个问题。



让我们来看看几个孩子用不同的学习方式,5年后达到的不同程度: 学习方式的不同:
第一个孩子豆豆,从小跟随外教学习,大量听(家庭里看动画片),大量读(家 庭里自由自主阅读),沉浸在一个英语小环境里,属于长时间的“习得”。虽然 他从没有背过单词,也没有学过语法,但他靠“习得”达到了相当高的语言水平。 而第四个孩子乐乐呢,从始到终只有在课堂上的“学得”,“习得”完全没有。 加上“学得”的质量也不太高(师资或课程设计问题),所以他的水平就最弱。
4)隐性学习不受智力影响,比如,绝大多数人都能够习得母语;而显性学习则 刚好相反,比如,只有那些具有较高语言分析能力的成年学习者,才能达到或接 近母语者的水平。外语学习如果及早学、隐性地学,根本就不需要高智商!但如 果学晚了,或者方法不当,还是需要依靠智商的。
1. 创建家庭迷你环境
本书有一个理论我觉得特别好,那就是螺旋式(i+1 可理解 性输入),所有推送给孩子的内容,最好是孩子99%能懂,只 有1%是新的,这样孩子才会有阅读的热情。所以这对选择的 要求就很高了。首先要搞懂分级,然后选择适合孩子的级别, 同一时期,尽量选择同一级别的读物,家长要看过挑选过内 容,确保难度不大。
2)目标固然很重要,但随机的“发散”和发挥也很重要。如果太围绕语言点教学,就 同中教差不多了。比如目标是词汇,老师并不拘泥于解释词汇的意思,而会配上肢体语 言和很多提问,学生们积极回答问题,学英语的同时,又学了知识。相对大的语言输入 量是外教的优势,要发挥出来。
2. 中教 vs 外教,中教的局限性
从“习得”这个标准看,中教就有局限性了。虽然少儿英语的中教的教学都很活 泼,肢体语言很丰富,对学生以鼓励为主,学生的注意力很集中,课堂效率 也很高。但是,中教课有如下缺点:



不同的书适合不同年龄的人英语作文Different age groups and different states have different books suitable for reading.1. Primary school: The representative work "Idiom Story"I took a look at the recommended extracurricular books for elementary school students under the new curriculum standard. Most of them are fairy tales, as well as domestic children's literature, which are not bad. It's just that under normal circumstances, teachers in schools will not force children to read extracurricular books, and some even resist students from reading extracurricular books.I didn't see "Idiom Stories" in the bibliography, but I think it is necessary to recommend this book. Personally, it means a lot to me. On my third grade birthday, someone gave me a hardcover copy of "Idiom Stories". The stories are all in vernacular, easy to understand and interesting to read, which made my understanding of idioms much easier. Those vivid and vivid stories are like following pictures and dancing, smelling chickens and dancing, Lord Ye loves dragons, and many, many more.I read it many times, because of this "Idiom Story", I fell in love with reading and writing.Middle School: Jostan Judd's masterpiece "Sophie's World"When I was in junior high school, I started taking ideological and political courses (the ideology and morality in elementary school did not involve philosophy), probably in the second year of junior high school or when, the teacher began to teach us philosophy, most of which were very shallow, only listed a sentence from those philosophers That's it. Ideological and political courses seem to be optional courses in junior high school. But what I want to say is that when we are no longer a schoolboy, we should start to have a basic understanding of the world we live in.who I am? Where does the world come from?"Sophie's World" is a relatively simple philosophy introductory book, which is very suitable for junior high school to read. Of course, more importantly, after reading this book, you will start to think about whether our world is real and what is the meaning of our existence.2. High school: Lin Yutang's representative work "The Biography of Su Dongpo"This book is very important to me, not because of its content, but the most famous sentence in the book: Su Tungpo was a hopeless optimist, a great humanitarian, a friend of the people, a Great writer, great calligrapher, innovative painter, wine experimenter, an engineer, a Puritan hater, a yogi, a Buddhist, a great scholar, a statesman, an emperor's secretary , Brewmaster, honest judge, a political naysayer. Moon Prowler, a poet, a clown. But this is not enough to tell all about Su Dongpo.After graduating from high school, you need to choose the major you want to study according to your own preferences. Even if you can't choose your favorite major, you can choose your favorite elective courses.Reading this book in high school is equivalent to reading a prophecy: the future will not be as fixed as elementary, middle, and high school. We begin to have our own choices and become who we want to be. Lin Yutang said that Su Dongpo had so many roles, but who wasn't? When we are at home, we are children, we are pedestrians when we are on the road, we are students when we are at school, and we are lovers when we communicate. We play different roles at different stages. How do we take it seriously and how to improve What role can you play every moment to become a big winner in life like Su Dongpo?3. University: representative works "One Hundred Years of Solitude" and "Besieged City"After college, I gradually began to choose my favorite novels to read.Friends who have read my previous stories should know that these two are my Bibles, and they are the two best novels in my mind. So I recommend these two books.4. Work:At this age, what books to read is too diverse, and it depends on your own preferences. For example, I like to write short stories, so I will look for short stories by Marquez and Calvino. At the same time, I also like to watch reasoning and suspense, Keigo Higashino and Agatha Christie.I’ve also met a type of person who, for a year, exclusively looks for a writer’s work and a director’s movie to watch. This is also a very interesting way.Reading has always been an interactive act. What is written in the book is different from what you have read. No matter whether you can understand what the author wants to express, as long as you can find those insights in the book that are connected to real life, even Not reading a book in vain.。



男性女性不同的年龄组看英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1English Compositions for Boys and GirlsHey there! My name is Tommy and I'm a 5th grader at Oakwood Elementary School. Today I want to talk to you about something that I've noticed in my English class - how boys and girls of different ages look at writing compositions differently. It's been really interesting to see over the years!Let's start with the little kids, the kindergarteners and 1st graders. When we were that young, I don't think any of us really understood what an "English composition" was. We just liked drawing pictures and telling stories out loud. The girls usually drew pretty pictures with flowers, rainbows, and princesses. The boys typically drew superheroes, monsters, and race cars crashing into each other. Pretty different stuff!When it came time to tell our stories to the class, that's when you started to see some differences too. A lot of the girls' stories were about things like having a tea party, going on a horse ride, or making a new friend. The boys' stories were more aboutbattling evil robots, going to outer space, or winning the big football game. But we were just little kids, so I don't think any of us really thought too deeply about what we were doing. We just loved being creative and using our imaginations!Then we got to 2nd and 3rd grade, and that's when we started actually writing our compositions down on paper. This is where things started getting a bit more serious, at least for some of the girls. A bunch of them really put a lot of effort into writing neatly, using fancier words, and making sure everything was perfect. You could tell some of them already wanted to be great writers.A lot of the boys, on the other hand, kept things pretty simple. Their compositions were more like lists of events rather than detailed stories. Like "I went to the park. I played basketball.I ate a hot dog. The end." We didn't really care as much about the little details. Just give us the main ideas and we were happy!Those differences became even more obvious by the time we hit 4th and 5th grade. The girls' compositions got longer, more descriptive, and focused a lot on emotions and feelings. Whereas I'd say a bunch of the boys' writings were still pretty basic and "matter-of-fact." Not a ton of fluff or embellishments. We stuck to the important stuff.I've also noticed the types of stories we write about are pretty different too. A lot of the girls' compositions are about relationships, dramas with friends, or emotional family situations. The boys... Well, we write a lot about sports, video games, action/adventures, and silly humor. Just a lot of totally different worlds that we live in, I guess!And you can definitely see some boys who put minimal effort into their compositions. Their handwriting is messy, they have tons of misspelled words, and they rush through boring parts as quickly as possible. I'd say most of the girls in our class tend to be neater and more diligent overall when it comes to this stuff.Now, these are obviously broad generalizations and there are plenty of exceptions. I have some friends who are guys but amazing writers. And I know some girls who just can't sit still long enough to write a long, detailed composition.I think a part of it could be how our brains develop differently at various ages. But I also wonder how much of it is due to societal expectations and pressures. Are boys discouraged from getting too artistic and wordy? Are girls raised to be more meticulous and emotionally expressive? Hard to say for sure.Anyway, those are just some of my observations as a 5th grade student! I'll be really curious to see how these differences evolve as we get older and hit middle school. My guess is the divide could get even bigger before it shrinks again later on. Or maybe I'm totally wrong and everything will flip upside down! Only time will tell.What I do know is that figuring out how to engage both boys and girls equally is going to be super important, especially in crucial skills like writing. Because you can't just write off half your students, ya know? Both groups have amazing creative potential that needs to be nurtured and developed.So those are my thoughts! Let me know if you have any other questions. I may just be a kid, but I've got some great insights into the crazy minds of elementary schoolers. We're a complicated bunch, that's for sure!篇2English Essays for Boys and GirlsHi there! My name is Emily, and I'm a 10-year-old girl in the 5th grade. Today, I want to talk about how boys and girls of different ages see English essays differently. It's something I've noticed in my class, and I think it's pretty interesting!Let's start with the younger kids, like those in 1st or 2nd grade. For them, English essays are like these big, scary monsters! They're just starting to learn how to read and write, so having to write a whole essay can seem like a huge task. I remember when I was that age, I used to get really nervous whenever the teacher said we had to write an essay.For the little boys, I think they find essays even harder than the girls. Writing is often seen as a "girly" thing, so some boys might not want to try as hard. They'd rather be running around outside or playing video games. Girls, on the other hand, tend to be a bit more patient and willing to sit down and work on their writing.But don't get me wrong, writing essays is still really tough for most young kids, boys or girls. They're still learning how to put their thoughts into words and how to structure a proper essay. It's like learning a whole new language!As we get a bit older, like in 3rd or 4th grade, things start to change a little. By this age, most of us have gotten the hang of the basics of writing, so essays don't seem quite as scary anymore. We've had a lot of practice, and our teachers have given us tips and tricks to make it easier.For the boys in this age group, I've noticed that some of them start to enjoy writing essays more. They've realized that it's not just a "girl thing," and that they can use their creativity and imagination to come up with really cool stories or arguments. Of course, there are still some boys who would rather do anything else besides write an essay!The girls in 3rd and 4th grade tend to be pretty good at writing essays already. We've been practicing for a few years, and most of us have developed a love for reading and writing. We like being able to express our thoughts and feelings through our words.Now, when we get to the older kids, like those in 5th or 6th grade, things change again. At this age, both boys and girls start to see essays as more of a challenge than a chore. We've been writing them for years, so we're pretty good at it by now. But we're also expected to write more complex and well-structured essays, which can be tough.For the boys, I've noticed that some of them really start to embrace the competitive side of essay writing. They want to write the best essay in the class, and they'll work really hard to make sure their arguments are strong and their writing istop-notch. Of course, there are still some boys who just want to get it over with and move on to something else.As for the girls, we tend to be a bit more detail-oriented when it comes to essays. We want to make sure every sentence flows smoothly, and that we've included all the necessary elements like a strong introduction, clear body paragraphs, and a powerful conclusion. We also pay a lot of attention to things like grammar, spelling, and punctuation.Overall, I think essays are a really important part of our education, no matter what age or gender we are. They teach us how to express ourselves clearly and effectively, how to structure our thoughts, and how to support our arguments with evidence. And while boys and girls may approach essays differently at different ages, we all have the potential to become great writers if we work hard and practice regularly.So, that's my take on how boys and girls of different ages see English essays. Of course, these are just my observations, and everyone is different. But I hope this has given you some insight into the minds of elementary school kids like me!篇3My English Teacher Asks Us to Write Essays All the Time!Hi there! My name is Jamie and I'm in 5th grade. One thing I've noticed is that boys and girls, and kids who are younger or older, all seem to have different feelings about writing essays for English class. Let me tell you what I've seen!For the little kids in 1st and 2nd grade, they don't really get too worked up about essay writing one way or the other. The boys that age just want to run around at recess and play games. The girls like to color and do arts and crafts. So when the teacher says it's time to write an essay, they're both kind of like "Ok, whatever you say!" They just go with the flow.Now for kids my age, in about 3rd to 5th grade, that's when things start to change! I've noticed the boys in my class tend to really dislike essay writing. They groan and complain when the teacher assigns one. "This is sooooo booooring!" they'll say. A lot of them just struggle to sit still and focus for that long. The girls are a bit better at it. They'll still complain a little, but generally they can knuckle down and crank out an essay without too much fuss.I remember when I was in 2nd grade, I was just a goof-off like the rest of the boys. But sometime in 3rd grade, I actually started kind of liking writing essays! I found it fun to be creative and tell stories. Most of the other boys at that age though, theycouldn't care less about it. Their minds were on video games, sports, or goofing around.The differences get even more obvious in middle school and high school from what I've heard from my older siblings and cousins. By then, a lot of the girls really excel at essays and writing assignments. They put a ton of effort into them. But for the boys, it's like daily torture! My cousin Brad, he's a high school junior, and he HATES having to write papers and essays. He'll literally put it off until the very last second. One time he actually fell asleep at 3am while trying to finish an English essay! No joke!My theory is that as we get older, boys and girls start to lean more towards different interests and strengths. From early on, most girls are just more inclined to like reading, writing, putting efforts into schoolwork and so on. Whereas boys would much rather be active and focus on stuff like sports, video games, tech stuff, you know...'boy' kinda interests. That's a big generalization of course, there's exceptions to every rule. But I do think there's some truth to boys and girls having different academic interests and levels of motivation as they get older.Another factor could be how most of the teachers, especially for younger grades, are female. I've had way more female teachers than male ones for sure. So maybe the girls can justrelate a bit better to how the female teachers approach writing and academics? I don't know, just a theory!Anyway, that's just my take from my few years of schooling so far. Who knows how my opinions might change in the years to come! Maybe I'll end up being an author someday and the roles will be reversed - I'll be the one passionate about writing while my future wife would rather go build a rocket or something, ha!For now though, I'd say elementary age kids don't think too much about writing one way or the other. Middle school is when the gaps start to emerge more between boys' and girls' attitudes. And by high school, a lot of the guys are just straight up dragging their feet through any writing assignments. While a good number of the girls are literary scholars in the making!I'll end with one funny story. Last year, we had to write holiday essays about our favorite traditions. This one boy, Tommy, he wrote two sentences total for his essay. Get this - it went: "I like Christmas. Presents are cool." That's it So there you have the extremely low bar set by a 4th grade boy. We girls thought it was hilarious. But hey, at least he got his point across, right? Maybe he'll become a poet or something with his beautiful mastery of the English language. Who knows!Anywho, that's my two cents on the topic. Writing essays can be fun but it can also be a huge chore depending on the person. And whether you've got X's or Y's in your chromosomes seems to make a difference more often than not! Just based on my humble elementary school observations, of course. Let me know if you want to hear more tales from the classroom trenches!篇4English is Fun for Everyone!Hi there! My name is Emily, and I'm in the fifth grade. Today, I want to talk about how different age groups of boys and girls view English compositions. It's a fascinating topic that I've been thinking a lot about lately.Let's start with the youngest group: kindergarteners and first-graders. At this age, both boys and girls tend to approach English compositions with a sense of wonder and excitement. They're just starting to learn how to string words together and create simple sentences. For them, writing is like a magical adventure where they can let their imaginations run wild.Little boys often write about superheroes, robots, and adventures in outer space. Their stories are filled with action, explosions, and daring rescues. They love to createlarger-than-life characters and send them on thrilling quests. On the other hand, little girls frequently write about princesses, fairy tales, and their favorite toys coming to life. Their stories are often filled with whimsical details, magical creatures, and happy endings.As kids progress into the second and third grades, their writing styles start to diverge further. Boys at this age tend to gravitate towards stories about sports, video games, and practical jokes. They love to write about their favorite athletes, the latest video game craze, or the hilarious pranks they've pulled on their friends or siblings. Their stories are often humorous, fast-paced, and filled with exciting play-by-play descriptions.Girls in the second and third grades, on the other hand, often write about their friendships, families, and personal experiences. Their stories frequently feature heartwarming moments, detailed character descriptions, and thoughtful reflections on their emotions and relationships. They enjoy weaving intricate plots and exploring the complexities of human interactions.By the time we reach the fourth and fifth grades, the differences between boys' and girls' writing styles become evenmore pronounced. Many boys at this age are fascinated by adventure stories, science fiction, and tales of survival against the odds. Their compositions are filled with thrilling action sequences, futuristic technology, and daring heroes battling against formidable foes or overcoming seemingly impossible challenges.Girls in the fourth and fifth grades, on the other hand, often gravitate towards realistic fiction, historical fiction, and stories that explore social issues or personal growth. Their writing frequently delves into complex themes, such as self-discovery, navigating friendships and family dynamics, or tackling societal challenges. Their stories are rich with character development, introspection, and emotional depth.As we move into middle school and beyond, these differences in writing styles and interests may become even more pronounced or may start to converge again. Who knows what the future holds?What I do know is that English compositions are a wonderful way for all of us to express ourselves, explore our creativity, and share our unique perspectives with the world. Whether you're a boy or a girl, young or old, there's something magical aboutputting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and letting your imagination soar.So, keep writing, keep exploring, and keep sharing your stories with the world. English compositions are a gift that everyone can enjoy, no matter their age or gender. Happy writing, everyone!篇5English Writing for Boys and GirlsHey friends! Today I want to talk to you about how boys and girls view English writing differently at various ages. This is something I've noticed a lot in my own classroom and from talking to kids at other schools too.When we're really little, like in kindergarten and first grade, I don't think there's much difference between how boys and girls approach writing in English. At that age, we're just starting to learn the alphabet and how to put letters together into words. Writing is still very new and challenging for all of us. We spend a lot of time just practicing forming the letters correctly.But as we get a bit older, around second and third grade, I've noticed some differences start to emerge. A lot of the girls in myclass seem to really enjoy English writing time. They take a lot of care with their handwriting to make it neat and readable. They like experimenting with different vocabulary words they've learned to make their stories more descriptive and interesting.The boys, on the other hand, tend to just want to get the writing done as quickly as possible. Their handwriting is a lot messier and they use a lot of simple words they already know really well. They just want to get the basic idea across without too many extra details.This split continues in fourth and fifth grades from what I can tell. The girls are really blossoming as writers – using more advanced grammar, varying their sentence structures, and developing distinctive voices or styles in their narratives. The boys are still kind of treating writing as more of a chore rather than something to dive into creatively.There are definitely exceptions though! I know some boys in my class who put a lot of thought and effort into their writing. And some of the girls are more reluctant writers too. But in general, it does seem like girls tend to embrace English writing earlier and more enthusiastically.I wonder if part of the reason is that girls might feel more pressure to be neat, follow rules carefully, and do "well"academically. Or maybe it's because a lot of the writing exercises and prompts we get are about feelings, relationships, and themes that boys aren't as interested in yet. I've heard some of the boys complain that the writing topics are "too girly" sometimes.Another factor could be that boys tend to get praised and encouragement for being "good at" subjects like math and science from an earlier age. So they might put more of their energy into those areas, whereas girls are often expected to be skilled at linguistic and artistic things like writing.Writing is such an amazing form of expression and communication though. I really hope that all kids – regardless of gender – can learn to embrace it fully. Being able to put your thoughts and imagination into words on a page is such an incredible skill. I'm going to keep working hard on my writing, because I know it will open up so many opportunities for me in the future!What has been your experience with how boys and girls approach English writing at your age? I'd love to hear your perspectives! Writing gives us a powerful way to share our unique voices with each other. So let's get creative, think critically, and develop our writing skills together.篇6How Boys and Girls See English Essays DifferentlyHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 5th grader here to tell you all about how us boys and girls view English compositions in my elementary school. It's pretty interesting how different we can be when it comes to writing essays and stories. I've noticed some big differences between age groups too. Let me break it down for you!The Littlest Kids (Kindergarten - 2nd Grade)For the youngest kids, English compositions are mostly about expressing ourselves through drawing pictures and writing simple sentences. The boys tend to draw a lot of superheroes, monsters, aliens, and things that explode or fight. Their sentences are short like "The hero punched the bad guy!" The girls this age usually draw pretty scenes with flowers, rainbows, princesses, and families. Their sentences are more descriptive like "The princess danced gracefully in her sparkling ball gown."At this age, neither boys nor girls really care too much about spelling or grammar. We just want to get our creative ideas out there! The teachers are mostly checking to make sure we canwrite letters, spell some basic words, and put spaces between words. They don't get too picky about the content.The Middle Kids (3rd - 4th Grade)Once we get a little older, English compositions start getting more structured. Now the teachers want us to write longer passages with clear beginnings, middles and ends. Boys still tend to write a lot of adventure and action stories like:"Michael was a brave knight who defeated the evil dragon after an epic battle. He swung his mighty sword and plunged it into the beast's scaly hide. The dragon let out a terrifying roar before collapsing to the ground..."You get the idea - lots of fighting, good guys vs. bad guys, and imaginary heroes saving the day. Most of the time the good guys win in the end.The girls in 3rd and 4th grade are more into writing realistic stories and describing emotions. For example:"Sophia went to her first-ever ballet recital. She was so nervous waiting in the wings. Her stomach filled with butterflies as she peeked through the curtain at the huge crowd. But when the music started, she danced more beautifully than ever before..."See how it's more about feelings, growing up, and normal life experiences? The girls tend to describe things in richer detail too.At this age, the teachers are starting to care more about using proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and full sentences. The boys still mostly write for fun and imagination, while the girls put more emphasis on the technical parts of writing.The Older Kids (5th Grade and Up)Once we hit the final years of elementary school, English compositions get a lot more intensive. Now we're expected to write longer essays and stories of 5 paragraphs or more, with a clear introduction, multiple supporting details, and a strong conclusion. We have to use more advanced vocabulary, vary our sentence structures, and really organize our thoughts.This is where I see the biggest differences between how boys and girls approach writing assignments. A lot of boys, including myself, still just want to get the requirements done as quickly as possible. We'll write bare-bones essays hitting the main points, but without going overboard on descriptive language or examination of themes. It's like:"In this essay I will describe my favorite book. My favorite book is Captain Awesome vs. The Evil Robots from Mars. The book is about a superhero who has to defeat an evil robot army. Captain Awesome uses his laser vision and super strength to fight the robots. In the end, he saves the world and everybody is happy. The End."See? We cover the bases, but don't get too flowery with the language.The girls in my grade, on the other hand, take a lot more care with their essays. They'll write long, descriptive passages hitting every single point the teacher wants, plus extra analysis and opinion. For example:"The novel The Velveteen Rabbit by Margery Williams explores many profound themes of love, acceptance, and judging by appearances. On a surface level, it tells the heartwarming story of a beloved toy rabbit coming to life through the devotion of a young boy. However, the rabbit's journey from being a materialistic plaything to a truly living creature symbolizes a deeper transformation of the spirit..."You get the idea - the girls really go all-out, using advanced vocabulary and making connections to analyze the deeper meaning behind everything.But for the most part, that's how I see English compositions differing between boys and girls as we progress through elementary school. The boys tend to write for fun and action, while the girls pay more attention to emotional details and technical writing skills. By the older ages, the girls are producing deeper, more analytical work, while some boys are just aiming for the minimum.Those are my observations as a 5th grade student! I hope you found my perspective interesting. Writing is a blast, even if boys and girls sometimes take different approaches. As long as we're expressing ourselves, that's the most important thing. Thanks for reading my essay!。



不同年龄段学习原因图表英语作文【中英文版】Learning Reasons across Different Age Groups: A Chart EssayIn this contemporary era, the motivation behind learning varies significantly among different age groups.This essay aims to analyze a chart that illustrates the various reasons for learning among children, teenagers, adults, and the elderly.在当今时代,不同年龄段的学习动机存在显著差异。


Children, as depicted in the chart, are primarily driven by curiosity and the need for knowledge.They exhibit a strong interest in exploring the world around them, which accounts for the high percentage of learning motivation in this age group.如图表所示,儿童主要是出于好奇心和对知识的需求而学习。


For teenagers, the chart reveals that the main reasons for learning are academic pressure and the pursuit of good grades.This phase of life is marked by the transition from mandatory education to higher education or vocational training, where academic performance plays a crucial role.对于青少年而言,图表显示学习的主要原因在于学业压力和对好成绩的追求。



外教社-牛津英语分级读物1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容应该简要介绍本文的主题和主要内容。







1.2文章结构1.2 文章结构本文将从以下几个方面对牛津英语分级读物进行详细介绍和分析。






1.3 目的牛津英语分级读物作为一种广泛应用的英语教育资源,具有特殊的教学目的和意义。




























不同年龄段的幸福感英语作文Everyone is longing for happiness and even pursuing it,but not everyone can feel it.Happiness lies in your own feelings,the experience of life,the love of life,and the praise of the beautiful things.In fact,there is no definite number of happiness,it is all by your own feeling.When you succeed to firm and indomitable and applause,you will feel happy;when you learn at school one day,come back to unload the heavy bag,the body will be thrown into the soft bed,you will feel happy;when you are tired in class one day,walked into the house,on the end of love the mouth of the meal,you will feel happy;when your birthday,your parents bought you a big cake,you will feel happy.In fact,for us,happiness is all the time.In the old view,you are happy,because you have a beautiful youth;the child that you are happy,because you don't have the biggest pressure;then single view,you are happy,because you have a warm and harmonious family;in the disabled view,you arehappy.Because you have a healthy body;and the unemployed,you are happy,because you have a good job.Happiness is around you,but a lot of people can't feel the happiness aroundthem.They don't know to cherish it when they have it.When they lose,they repent.Happiness is not the pronoun of money,nor is it a patent for dictatorship.No desire is a kind of happiness,good for man is also a kind of happiness;excessive greed,do whatever is difficult to support the happiness of the boat.So,money,right may not be happy,poor and generous not unhappy.The key to happiness is to see if you have a heart that loves life,whether you have a goal of striving for progress and whether you have a persistent pursuit,so that you can feel happiness.Happiness is not only to be realized,but also to pursue happiness,to create happiness,to realize happiness,and to enjoy happiness.Only with a happy mood to treat life,life on the road is happy with each other.。
























%The present researches used authentic context-rich listening prompts to measure Chinese EFL learners' pragmatic comprehension. The participants included 60 college students of English at 2 proficiency levels. The results showed that higher level learners significantly outperformed lower learners in comprehending pragmatic meanings. The quantitative study revealed that both groups used some contextual cues, such as paralingnistic cues, background knowledge and personal experience to comprehend pragmatic meaning. Compared with lower learners, higher level learners employed more strategies to derive inferences and demonstrated explicit knowledge of pragmalinguistic cues in pragmatic comprehension.【期刊名称】《新疆职业大学学报》【年(卷),期】2012(020)003【总页数】5页(P28-32)【关键词】语用理解;言语行为;话语隐含义【作者】王亚楠;李嘉东【作者单位】新疆师范大学外国语学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830054;新疆师范大学外国语学院,新疆乌鲁木齐830054【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H313一、引言“语用能力”这一术语最初是由Bachman(1990)提出的,他将语用能力定义为说话者根据实际的交际情景合理使用语言达到交际意图的能力。





















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