「资优教育研究」稿约 (Journal of Gifted Education,JOGE)







1. American Educational Research Journal (美国教育研究期刊)American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) 是教育研究领域最重要的期刊之一。



2. Journal of Teacher Education(教师教育学期刊)Journal of Teacher Education (JTE) 是一个专注于教师教育的期刊。



3. Teaching and Teacher Education(教与教师教育期刊)Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE) 是一个多学科的期刊,涵盖了教师教育的各个方面,包括教师教育的政策、实践和研究。


4. Journal of Research on Teacher Education (教师教育研究期刊)Journal of Research on Teacher Education (JRTE) 是一个专注于教师教育研究的期刊。







1. Educational Researcher(ER)Educational Researcher是美国教育学会(AERA)出版的官方期刊,是世界上最古老的教育研究期刊之一。



在Educational Researcher上,读者可以找到一些最前沿的教育研究成果,如最新的教育政策分析、最新的教育技术应用等。


4. Technology, Pedagogy and Education教育学的外刊为我们提供了一个了解国外教育学研究最新动态的重要渠道,可以帮助我们更好地了解国际教育学研究的发展趋势,拓展我们的学术视野。




















学校没有足够的资金投入支持资优学生发展,因而许多资优课程无法开展,学生无法受益;对资优学生的鉴别标准单一,至今没有可以推广的鉴别量表,因此难以发现拥有天赋的学生;资优教育师资缺乏专业性,大多数教师由普通教师兼任,并没有受过专业的资优儿童教育训练;资优教育课程缺失,缺乏系统的教材,也缺乏系统的训练;资优教育计划学生有限,真正受益的学生基数很小;没有统一的翻译名称,如英才教育,超常教育,资优教育,天才教育等都为“gifted and talented education”的翻译,名字难以统一更可能造成理论理解困难;没有针对资优教育成果的有效性的评估机制,因而难以从课程和活动中找到缺点反省不足。


成果、 分 享 交 流 教 育教 学经 验 。每 次 年 会 在 正 式 开 始 之 前 设置 为 期 一 天 或 两天 的工 作 坊 , 也 就 是 所谓 的“ 会前会 ( P r e — C o n v e n t i o n ) ” , 专 门为 资 优 教 育 教师 和项 目负责人 提供 理 论指 导 和教 育教 学 实践 培 训 。 同时 , N A G C创 建 的包 括 艺 术 、 计 算 机 与技 术、 概念基 础、 咨询 与指导、 创造 力、 课 程 研
会议期间 ( 晚上) 举办各个小组的活动 。 资优 教育年会 的正式会议 一般 由主 旨发言 ( K e y n o t e ) 、并 行 会 议 ( C o n c u r r e n t S e s s i o n ) 、 圆 桌 讨 论( R o u n d T a b l e ) 、海 报 展 示 ( P o s t e r S e s s i o n )和 参 展 工 作 坊 ( E x h i b i t o r W o r k s h o p ) 等 多个环节组成。除主 旨发言外, 其他环节都是 由多 位 报 告 人 在 同 一 时 间 的不 同地 点进 行 汇 报 或展示 , 与 会 者 可 以根 据 各 自的 兴趣 和 研 究 旨趣 选 择 性 地 参 加 。一 直 以来 , 由于 N A G C及 其 成 员 积 极地参与或推动 有关识别和 帮助 资优 儿童 的 政府计划 的制定, 资优教育年会还成为发布 资优 教 育领 域政 策 计划 的平 台, 如第 一份 关 于资优 教 育 的联邦 政 府 报 告 《 马兰 德 报 告》( M a r l a n d R e p o r t , 1 9 7 2 ) 、 第一 部资 优教 育法 案 《 杰 维斯 资赋 优 异学 生 教 育法 案 》( J a c o b K .J a v i t s G i f t e d



教师或教学期刊(教育学相关期刊数据库)ERIC - Education Resources Information Center教育资源信息中心链接/介绍:美国教育部资助的网站系列和世界上最大的教育资源数据库,其中包括各种文档以及教育研究与实践方面的论文摘要,这些摘要超过了一百万篇,收录980多种教育及和教育相关的期刊文献的题录和文摘。


Education Full Text教育全文链接:/academic/education-full-text。


(SSCI)1、Journal of Teacher Education 《教师教育杂志》Journal of Teacher Education(JTE)2019年影响因子为3.60,在所有期刊中排名15。

JTE创刊于1950年,作为美国教师教育学院协会(American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education,AACTE)的旗舰杂志,JTE一直稳坐教师教育类期刊的头把交椅。






2、Teaching and Teacher Education 《教学与教师教育》Teaching and Teacher Education(TATE)2019年影响因子为2.686,排名38。



天赋与才能的区别模式(DMGT)弗朗索瓦·加涅博士(Françoys Gagné, Ph. D.)加拿大蒙特利尔魁北克大学心理学教授2000年上传版加涅(Gagné)的天赋与才能的差异化模式清晰的提供了一种区分资优教育两个最基本的概念的方法。



GIFTS (G)天赋(G)DMGT指出四个技能领域:智力(IG)创造力(CG)社会情感(SG)和感知运动(MG)这些与生俱来的能力i的能力水平及发展状况部分受制于个人的遗传的天赋,即天赋部分受制于遗产因素,其表现在孩子们在学校面临的一系列课业任务:例如,需要通过智力能力去学习阅读、说一门外语,或者去理解一个数学概念,需要通过创造能力解决许多不同种类的问题与在科学领域中提供初步的假设,文学或者艺术,身体能力包括运动,音乐或者木工,紧接着是社交能力,即孩子们与同学,老师和伙伴的日常互动。




这些高水平的与生俱来的能力被一些外行人叫作“才能”或者是更符合本义的“天生我才”TALENTS (T)才能(T)在DMGT的定义中,才能逐步从高水平能力转变为在特定的人类活动领域或身体机能方面的训练有素和发达的系统化技能特征的过程中得到展现。





(每题10分)题目1正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干—Sam, this is my friend, Jane.选择一项:A.Glad to meet you, SamB.I'm JackC.Glad to meet you, Jane 正确反馈正确答案是:Glad to meet you, Jane题目2正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干—Could I talk to Prof. Lee?选择一项:A.I'm waiting for youB.Yes, speaking 正确C.Oh, it's you反馈正确答案是:Yes, speaking题目3正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干The atmosphere certain gases mixed together in definite proportions.选择一项:A.is made upB.consists of 正确poses of反馈译文:大气是由多种气体以一定的比例混合而成的。

正确答案是:consists of题目4正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干The new order means overtime.选择一项:A.worksB.working 正确C.to work反馈译文:新的定单意味着要加班。

正确答案是:working题目5正确获得10.00分中的10.00分未标记标记题目题干With his work completed, the manager stepped back to his seat, feeling pleased he was a man of action.选择一项:A.WhatB.whichC.that正确反馈译文:经理完成了工作,走回他的座位,为自己是个实干家感到满意。

An Analysis of Gifted Education in Ontario, Canada

An Analysis of Gifted Education in Ontario, Canada

2018年35期总第423期基础教育研究ENGLISH ON CAMPUSAn Analysis of Gifted Education inOntario, Canada文/惠菲【Abstract】Recently, the education of the gifted and talented has attracted public concern.the matter of identification and provision of gifted and talented youth in different countries has also aroused the worldwide attention.The present essay analyses the gifted education in Ontraio,Canada and provides critical viewpoints of this education system.【Key words】gifted education; Ontario【作者简介】惠菲,英国爱丁堡大学,教育学硕士。

1. IntroductionIn recent years, the very nature of intelligence has become a highly debated issue in educational context.In the present essay I will make an analysis of policies on gifted and talented youth in Canada, especially Ontario where relatively intact education act on gifted education has been implemented since 1980. In the following parts, a general review of gifted education policies Canada will be presented and a detailed analysis of development in Ontario with regards to indispensable elements like curriculum, and programs will be discussed respectively.2. An overview of gifted education in Canada Different from the administrative policy in China, “Canada is a confederation of ten provinces which are autonomous in matters of education”.(Shore,1982,p.40) There is no state ministry of education in Canada, therefore every province has its own policy concerning education.3. Gifted education in OntarioIn the year of 1980, the Ontario Education Act (1980) stipulated that school board is in charge of providing suitable education for all. “In the Act, an exceptional pupil is defined as “a pupil whose behavioural, communicational, intellectual, physical or multiple exceptionalities are such that he is considered to need placement in a education program.” (Ontario Education Act, 1980, s. 1, (1) (21), cited by Gouguen,1989). After 30 years development, nowadays Ontario has worked out a fairly complete and systematic system which includes identification and provision for students who are gifted.3.1 Special programs provided for gifted students in Ontario In the education act, a special program is defined as a program which is revised according to the long time observation and evaluation of an exceptional student, and then an Individual Education Plan(IEP) will be put forward to explain the particular targets and detailed education services required in individual of giftedness.( Regulation 181/98) Hence, the IEP plays a pivotal role in educating each gifted child. This plan must be developed through the mutual consent of students and parents. And it comprises four elements which are firstly the particular education goals of a pupil. Second, accommodations and special programs and services needed in the processing of fulfill the certain goal of education.3.2 Existing problems of gifted education in Ontario Despite of the complicated system of identification and provision of education for exceptional students in Ontario, there still exists certain problems in the process of conducting the plan. The first one is the implement of the regulation in the local. Because of the priority of differentiation education required in provincial education act, it is delicate for local authority to carry different plan of placement. Another issue is funding. Because it is general legislative grants that contain the special education funding, school board has little authority to allocate funding for education of gifted, therefore, lack of funding has become a big obstacle .(Matthews&Smyth, 2000)4. An analysis of gifted education in OntarioIn terms of laws and regulation concerning education for the gifted, Ontario has promulgated related education act in the year of 1980. Ontario provide exceptional children with a perfect and guaranteed system for the identification and provision afterwards. Especially the IEP which is aimed at furnishing personalized plan for every individual pupil, it meets every specific child’s needs and help to develop their full potential based on their own talents. However, because of shortage of funding and the push for inclusion policy in gifted education in Ontario, the quality of gifted programs have declined in recent years.References:[1]Goguen,L.The Education of Gifted Children in Canadian Law and Ministerial Policy,1989.[2]Canadian Journal of Education,Retrieved from / stable/1495199,14:18-31.[3]Matthews,D.J.&Smyth, E.M.Gifted learners in Ontario enter the new Millennium:Common sense style? Alberta Gifted and Talented Education,2000,14:53-59.[4]Shore,cation of the Gifted in Canada:a Brief Overview,Gifted Education International,1982,1:40-41.127。



李翠翠:美国、英国和澳大利亚资优教育国际比较及启示美国、英国和澳大利亚资优教育国际比较及启示**本文是华东师范大学国家教育宏观政策研究院规划项目《“超级中学”创新发展研究》(项「I 编号:1802012S 啲研究成果。

李翠翠摘要:美国、英国及澳大利亚高度重视资优教育,并通过制度保障和教学实践全面推进 资优教育发展,形成了国家、社会、学校和家庭四方合作的资优教育发展体系与此同时也面临着顶层设计缺乏统一指导、资优教育发展资金短缺、资优生培养机制尚不完善及专业资 优生教师人数不足等问题本文通过梳理并比较美国、英国及澳大利亚资优教育发展,对我 国资优教育发展与创新人才培养在政策支持、培养体系、教学评价及教师质量等方面提供参考借鉴关键词:资优教育;制度保障;教学实践作者简介:李翠翠/华东师范大学国家教育宏观政策研究院博士生(上海200062 )资优教育亦称为天才教育、英才教育、超常教育,是现代学校教育的一种理念,其逻辑起点是维护教育公平,并充分发挥资优生的优异才能,为社 会输送创新型人才。

在复杂多变的全球化时代,尤 其是面对互联网、大数据、人工智能等高速发展的 信息化社会,各国高度重视培养具有跨领域思考意识、较强的问题解决能力及拥有高阶思维的创新人才,而资优教育正是美国等西方发达国家创 新人才培养的重要途径。



2010年国务院印 发《国家中长期人才发展规划纲要(2016-2022)》 (以下简称《人才规划纲要》),明确提出将“青年英 才开发计划”纳入国家重大人才工程。

在全球资优教育蓬勃发展之时,以美国、英国和澳大利亚三个国家为例,通过系统梳理并比较其资优教育发展 经验及存在的问题,对我国资优教育发展改革及创新人才培养提供参考借鉴。




1012020/04◆国防科技大学信息通信学院试验训练基地 王 霏 董 翼 尹 巧资优教育的国际现状及启示综合国力竞争说到底是人才竞争。






一、 资优教育的定义和资优生的识别资优教育是指对有天分或者特殊才能的学生进行教育的项目,它包含理论、政策和实践。


智商测试是鉴别资优生的最常用方法,在学龄儿童中最流行的两种测试是WISC -IV(韦式儿童智力量表第四版)和SB5(斯坦福-比奈第五版)。

WISC-IV 根据年龄组评估儿童的认知能力,结合其他测试的结果,WISC 准确地描述了儿童对未来的发展和心理需求。









資料來源:教育局 (2007) .hk/cd/ge
資優何來 What Makes Giftedness?
• (一) 先天性因素 :(Genetic factors) 遺傳:r = 0.5
• (二) 后天性因素:(Environmental experiences) 環境刺激、興趣、學習機會 (R Strang., 1954)
Socio-emotinal readiness
Parental consent
Potential impacts
Student’s eagerness
參考文献:教育局 (2008) 《校本資優教育參考手冊–加速學習(中文版) 》
1. 資優的定義 (Definition of Giftedness)
2. 香港現行的資優教育政策 (Operation Mode of Gifted Education in Hong Kong)
3. 資優何來 (What Makes )
4. 資優兒的常見特質(Characteristics of Giftedness)
智力 評估
老師 觀察
多層面、 多角度
家長 觀察
學習 歷程
/watch?v=4qpEZiCRl 58
小鴨子 小鷹
小熊 小斑馬 小袋鼠
小魚兒 小松鼠 小蜜蜂
跑步 攀爬 飛行 游泳
xxxxx 合格 合格 *****



讨论大学教育有没有用的英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Is University Education Really Worth It?As a university student, this is a question that has weighed heavily on my mind lately. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love learning and being on campus surrounded by intelligent people who challenge me to think in new ways. But with the skyrocketing costs of tuition and living expenses, combined with the uncertainty of finding a good job after graduation, I can't help but wonder – is getting a university degree really worth all the time, effort, and money?On one hand, the traditional argument has always been that a university education opens doors to better career opportunities and higher lifetime earnings. Employers tend to favor candidates with degrees, especially for professional roles. The skills and knowledge gained through years of rigorous study are invaluable assets in the working world. Not to mention, the "university experience" – living away from home, joining clubsand societies, making lifelong friends – is regarded as an integral part of personal growth and development.However, an increasing number of people are challenging this conventional wisdom. In today's ever-changing job market, many high-paying roles in tech, entrepreneurship, and other emerging fields don't actually require a formal degree. Instead, they prioritize hands-on experience, practical skills, and a willingness to continually learn and adapt. From this perspective, sinking tens of thousands of dollars (or more) into a university education could be seen as an unnecessary financial burden that delays one's ability to start earning and get valuable on-the-job training.Personally, I can see valid points on both sides of the debate. My time at university so far has undoubtedly expanded my intellectual horizons and pushed me to develop critical thinking abilities that will serve me well in any career path. The incredible diversity of people, ideas, and opportunities on campus has been invaluable for my personal growth. I've discovered new passions, challenged my assumptions, and built a strong network that will open doors for me in the future.At the same time, I can't ignore the looming cloud of student debt that keeps growing each semester. Despite workingpart-time and being fairly frugal, the combination of tuition fees, textbooks, accommodation, and living costs is staggering. Sometimes I look at my loan balance and get hit with a wave of anxiety wondering how long it will take to pay it all off after graduation. There's also the opportunity cost to consider – those are years of potential work experience and income that I'm foregoing by being a full-time student.From my discussions with peers, I know I'm not alone in grappling with these concerns. Many of us are starting to question whether the "traditional" path of getting a bachelor's degree (or higher) is truly the best choice anymore, or if we should have pursued more vocational training, online courses, certifications, or directly entered the workforce earlier. The pressure to "follow your passion" is constantly undermined by the harsh economic realities of making a living in today's world.Ultimately, I don't think there's a clear-cut, one-size-fits-all answer. The value of a university education depends heavily on one's individual goals, interests, financial situation, and definition of success. For some, the investment will undoubtedly pay off through enhanced career prospects and the intrinsic rewards of higher learning. For others, it may indeed be an unnecessarydetour that could be better substituted with more affordable or experiential pathways.What I can say is that being a university student has opened my eyes to the complexities of this issue in a way I never could have appreciated before. I've seen firsthand the incredible dedication, passion, and brilliance of professors and researchers striving to push the boundaries of human knowledge. At the same time, I've witnessed the struggles of classmates drowning in debt, questioning whether it's all "worth it" in the end. I've had to seriously reflect on my own motivations and aspirations in a way that agonizes over the cost-benefit calculations.In the end, I've realized that education – whether through university or alternative means – should be an ongoing, lifelong journey driven by an intrinsic desire to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. Viewing it solely through the transactional lens of career outcomes and income potential is misguided. While economic factors are important practical considerations, reducing the value of education to a mere return on investment ignores its deeper purpose of expanding our perspectives, challenging us to think critically about the world around us, and empowering us to be forces for positive change.Perhaps the answer lies in reforming and modernizing higher education itself to be more accessible, affordable, and relevant to the skills needed in today's rapidly evolving job landscape. Or perhaps the future will see a greater diversification of pathways where university becomes just one option among many for acquiring knowledge and preparing for career success. Whatever path we take, lifelong learning – with curiosity,open-mindedness, and purpose as our guides – should be the ultimate goal.For now, as a university student, I'll continue to immerse myself in this incredible environment of academic exploration and discourse. I'll remind myself why I chose this path in the first place – not just for a piece of paper at the end, but for the priceless opportunity to expand my mind, challenge my assumptions, and prepare myself to spend a lifetime in passionate pursuit of understanding the world around me just a little bit better.篇2Is University Education Really Worth It?As a student currently pursuing my degree, the value of a university education is something I've spent a lot of timepondering. With the ever-increasing costs of tuition and the abundance of free online resources, many are questioning whether the traditional university route is truly necessary anymore. While I can understand the skepticism, I ultimately believe that a university education still holds immense value in today's society.One of the primary arguments in favor of university is the depth of knowledge and expertise it provides. While online courses and resources can certainly be useful supplements, they often lack the comprehensive, structured curriculum offered in a university setting. Professors and faculty members dedicate their entire careers to deeply understanding their respective fields, enabling them to convey nuanced insights that simply can't be replicated through self-study alone.Furthermore, the university environment itself fosters an unparalleled culture of academic discourse and intellectual growth. Being surrounded by like-minded individuals who challenge your perspectives and push you to think critically is an invaluable experience. The lively debates, stimulating discussions, and collaborative projects all contribute to expanding our horizons and developing a more well-rounded understanding of the world around us.It's also worth noting that a university degree carries significant weight in the job market. While it's true that some successful individuals have forged their own paths without higher education, employers still tend to favor candidates with formal qualifications. A university degree signals to potential employers that an individual has acquired a broad skill set, including time management, problem-solving, and the ability to work under pressure – all qualities highly valued in the professional realm.However, I can't ignore the valid criticisms leveled against the university system. The exorbitant costs of tuition and associated expenses often lead to crippling student debt, making the pursuit of higher education a financial burden for many. Additionally, some argue that the curriculum in certain fields is outdated and fails to adequately prepare students for the demands of the modern workforce.Another concern is the perceived elitism and disconnect between academia and the real world. Critics argue that universities exist in an ivory tower, divorced from the practical realities that most people face. There's a sentiment that the emphasis on theory over practical application can leavegraduates ill-equipped to navigate the complexities of their chosen careers.Despite these valid criticisms, I maintain that the benefits of a university education outweigh the drawbacks – at least for the time being. While reforms are undoubtedly needed to address issues like soaring costs and curriculum relevance, the unique environment and resources provided by universities remain invaluable assets.Perhaps the most compelling argument for attending university is the personal growth and transformation it facilitates. Beyond just academic knowledge, the university experience shapes individuals into more well-rounded, independent thinkers. The exposure to diverse perspectives, the development of critical thinking skills, and the cultivation of intellectual curiosity are invaluable traits that will serve us well throughout our lives and careers.Moreover, the connections and networks formed during one's university years often prove invaluable in the long run. The bonds forged with peers and mentors can open doors to future opportunities, collaborations, and professional growth. The relationships and shared experiences cultivated in theseformative years can have a lasting impact on our personal and professional trajectories.Of course, the value of a university education is not absolute – it depends heavily on the individual, their goals, and their chosen field of study. For some disciplines, such as highly technical or specialized fields, a more targeted vocational or apprenticeship-style training may be more appropriate. Additionally, for those with a clear entrepreneurial vision or a strong inclination towards self-directed learning, the traditional university path may not be the best fit.Ultimately, the decision to pursue a university education should be a deeply personal one, weighing the potential benefits against the financial and opportunity costs involved. It's a complex issue with no one-size-fits-all solution.In my opinion, however, the value of a university education extends far beyond just the acquisition of knowledge or a piece of paper. It's about personal growth, intellectual stimulation, and the cultivation of lifelong skills and relationships. While reforms are needed to address the system's flaws, the unique environment and resources provided by universities remain invaluable assets for those seeking to broaden their horizons and unlock their full potential.As I continue on my own academic journey, I remain grateful for the opportunities afforded by my university experience. The challenges, the discoveries, and the personal growth I've undergone have shaped me in ways I couldn't have anticipated. While the path may not be perfect, I firmly believe that the benefits of a university education are well worth the investment –both financially and personally.篇3Is University Education Actually Useful? A Student's PerspectiveAs a university student, I often find myself questioning the true value and usefulness of the education I'm receiving. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for the opportunity to further my studies and expand my knowledge. However, with the exorbitant tuition fees, endless assignments, and the pressure to secure a well-paying job after graduation, it's natural to wonder if it's all worth it in the end. Let's dive into this hotly debated topic and explore both sides of the argument.The Case for University EducationOne of the most compelling arguments in favor of university education is the acquisition of specialized knowledge and skills.By enrolling in a particular field of study, students gain in-depth understanding and expertise that can be invaluable in their future careers. Whether it's mastering complex theories, conducting research, or developing practical skills, the learning experiences offered at universities are unparalleled.Moreover, universities foster critical thinking,problem-solving abilities, and analytical skills that are highly valued in the professional world. The academic rigor and intellectual challenges faced during one's studies help shape well-rounded individuals who can adapt to various situations and tackle complex problems effectively.Beyond academic pursuits, universities provide invaluable opportunities for personal growth and character development. The diverse social and cultural environments expose students to different perspectives, promoting open-mindedness, empathy, and a deeper appreciation for diversity. Extracurricular activities, clubs, and organizations allow students to explore their interests, develop leadership skills, and build valuable connections.Lastly, the prestige associated with a university degree can open doors to better career prospects and higher earning potential. Many employers still value the dedication, discipline,and intellectual prowess demonstrated by individuals who have successfully completed a university education.The Case Against University EducationOn the flip side, the skeptics argue that university education has become increasingly disconnected from the practical realities of the job market. With the rapid pace of technological advancements and evolving industries, some argue that the theoretical knowledge gained in universities quickly becomes outdated and irrelevant.Additionally, the skyrocketing costs of tuition, textbooks, and living expenses have made university education a financially crippling endeavor for many. The burden of student loan debt can haunt graduates for years, potentially outweighing the benefits of their degrees.Critics also point out that many successful individuals have achieved remarkable success without formal university education. Entrepreneurs, artists, and innovators have proven that passion, determination, and real-world experience can trump traditional academic credentials in certain fields.Furthermore, the rigid structure and curriculum of university programs may stifle creativity and limit opportunities forpractical, hands-on learning. Some argue that alternative educational pathways, such as vocational training, apprenticeships, or self-directed learning, can be more effective and cost-efficient for certain careers.My Personal PerspectiveAs a student deeply immersed in the university experience, I can appreciate both sides of the argument. While I recognize the inherent value of higher education in terms of knowledge acquisition, personal growth, and career prospects, I also acknowledge the valid concerns raised by its critics.Ultimately, I believe that the usefulness of university education depends on several factors, including one's chosen field of study, career aspirations, and personal circumstances. For disciplines that require specialized knowledge and theoretical understanding, such as medicine, engineering, or scientific research, university education is undoubtedly invaluable and often a necessity.However, for those pursuing more practical or entrepreneurial endeavors, alternative pathways like vocational training, internships, or self-directed learning could potentially be more cost-effective and directly applicable to their goals.Regardless of one's stance, it's crucial to approach university education with a clear understanding of its costs, benefits, and limitations. Students should carefully evaluate their goals, interests, and financial situations before committing to a degree program. Additionally, universities must continuously adapt their curricula and teaching methods to remain relevant and better align with the evolving needs of the job market.In an ideal world, university education would strike a balance between theoretical knowledge and practical application, fostering both intellectual growth and career readiness. Interdisciplinary programs, experiential learning opportunities, and industry collaborations could bridge the gap between academia and the professional world.Ultimately, the decision to pursue university education is a highly personal one, and its usefulness depends on individual circumstances and aspirations. While it may not be the perfect solution for everyone, university education remains a valuable and enriching experience for those who approach it with a clear purpose and a willingness to adapt to the ever-changing demands of the modern world.。



联合国优质教育英语作文英文回答:In the multifaceted tapestry of global development, the United Nations stands as a beacon of hope, workingtirelessly to promote peace, security, and human well-being around the world. Among its noble pursuits, the pursuit of quality education remains paramount, as it holds the key to unlocking countless opportunities and empoweringindividuals to create a better future for themselves and their communities.As a firm believer in the transformative power of education, I am deeply committed to supporting the United Nations' efforts in this critical area. I have witnessed firsthand the profound impact that access to quality education can have on individuals and societies alike. In remote villages and bustling cities, I have seen how education empowers women and girls, enabling them to break free from cycles of poverty and inequality. I have seen howeducation empowers youth, instilling in them the skills and confidence they need to become active and engaged citizens. And I have seen how education empowers entire communities, creating a more just, equitable, and prosperous world for all.The United Nations recognizes that quality education is not merely a privilege but a fundamental human right. Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to education, regardless of age, gender, race, religion, or any other status. This right encompasses access to free and compulsory primary education, as well as the opportunity to pursue higher education and vocational training.In pursuit of this goal, the United Nations has established a number of key initiatives. For example, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by all member states in 2015, include a specific target to ensure thatall children and youth have access to quality education by 2030. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) plays a vital role incoordinating and supporting these efforts through its work in the fields of education, science, culture, and communication.At the heart of the United Nations' approach to quality education is the belief that every learner is unique and has the potential to succeed. This means that education must be tailored to the individual needs and circumstances of each learner. It also means that education must be inclusive, equitable, and accessible to all, regardless of their background or abilities.In practice, this means that quality education should provide learners with a strong foundation in literacy, numeracy, and problem-solving skills. It should also equip learners with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the 21st-century economy. In addition, quality education should promote values such as tolerance, understanding, and respect for diversity.The pursuit of quality education is a complex and challenging endeavor, but it is an investment that isessential for the future of our planet. By working together, we can ensure that every child and youth has theopportunity to reach their full potential and contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world.中文回答:作为全球发展事业中一块光彩夺目的拼图,联合国始终如一地坚定不移地致力于促进世界和平、安全和人类福祉。



我们怎样得到一个良好的教育英语作文How Can We Get a Good Education?Education is really important for kids like me. It helps us learn new things, develop our talents and interests, and prepare for our future careers. But what exactly makes for a good education? I've been thinking about this a lot lately.First off, I believe we need good teachers who really care about their students and make learning fun and interesting. My favorite teachers are the ones who get to know each student personally. They learn what we're interested in and how we learn best, whether that's through hands-on activities, visual aids, music and rhymes, or other creative methods. The best teachers don't just lecture at us, but engage us in lessons through questions, discussions, and group projects. They make us feel enthusiastic about the subjects we're studying.A good teacher also encourages and believes in their students. They don't just point out our mistakes, but praise us when we do well to build our confidence. They challenge us to work hard and keep improving, but are patient and understanding when we struggle. I really appreciate teacherswho take the time to provide extra help to any student who needs it after class or during free periods.Good teachers create a positive classroom environment where all students feel comfortable, respected, and able to be themselves. They don't allow any bullying, putdowns, or disruptive behavior that makes it difficult to concentrate on learning. At the same time, they have control of the classroom so it doesn't feel chaotic or stressful. Everyone is treated fairly and we're all part of a nurturing, supportive classroom community.In addition to great teachers, I think a good education requires a balanced curriculum that develops the whole student — academically, creatively, socially, emotionally, and physically. It's important to have core classes like math, reading, writing, science, and social studies to build essential skills and knowledge. But there should also be opportunities to explore our interests and express ourselves through arts, music, drama, sports, clubs, and other extracurricular activities.A well-rounded education teaches not just academic subjects, but also important life skills. This includes things like problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, teamwork, leadership, self-discipline, and how to stay healthy and active. We need to learn skills for building positive relationships,managing emotions, making responsible decisions, and becoming engaged community members. Education should prepare us for challenges and responsibilities beyond just academics.In my opinion, project-based learning is one of the best ways to develop all these skills while making lessons meaningful, memorable, and a lot of fun. When we get to work on hands-on group projects that solve real-world issues we're interested in, it brings everything together - research, writing, presenting, collaborating, and applying what we've learned in a creative way. Projects make you excited about learning!Field trips, outdoor education, and classroom visits from community members and professionals are also great ways to experience lessons, not just sit and listen to them. It's so much more engaging to see science in action on a nature hike, or learn about careers through role models who come share their experiences with us.Technology is another important part of a comprehensive modern education. We are lucky to have tools like computers, iPads, interactive whiteboards, educational software, and online resources to help us learn in a more multimedia, personalized way. At the same time, we need taught digital literacy - how touse technology responsibly and effectively to research, create content, and collaborate. It's pivotal we learn about online safety, cyberbullying prevention, and how to identify trustworthy sources and misinformation.Personally, I believe education works best when it's tailored to different learning styles, paces, strengths, and needs. Each student is unique, so classroom materials and instruction should be differentiated as much as possible. Students who need more time or different approaches to understand concepts should have access to that support. On the flip side, students who grasp things quickly shouldn't become bored or underachieve waiting for the rest of the class to catch up.A good school provides lots of choices for different skill levels and interests through different academic paths, course selections, cluster grouping, and enrichment/intervention services. There should be special education resources for any students with learning differences or disabilities, and equal opportunities for gifted students to be challenged. No student should be overlooked or left to "fall through the cracks."Physical spaces for learning also make a big difference. Classrooms, the library, cafeteria, gyms, playgrounds, and other facilities should be clean, well-maintained, safe, accessible, andflexible. Spaces should feel bright, comfortable, and inspiring, with good lighting, comfortable temperatures, injections of nature, artwork on the walls, and enough room for different configurations and activities. Outdoor classrooms, gardens, and play areas are also amazing assets for hands-on learning.Finally, I think a collaborative partnership between schools, families, and the community is key for achieving a quality education. Parents and caregivers need to be engaged partners, reinforcing good values and supporting learning at home through reading, helping with homework, limiting screen time, and creating a conducive environment and routines for success. Families should maintain open communication with teachers and be advocates for their child's needs.Meanwhile, schools should seek out ways to welcome parents as volunteers, for special events and activities, and in decision making. Community organizations, businesses, colleges, and local experts can also become invaluable partners by providing mentors, internships, funding, supplies and more to enhance the educational experience.Ultimately, a good education is one that ignites students' passion for learning, unlocks their full potential, and equips them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in life. It takes acollaborative village of caring teachers, families, and community members to create a truly enriching, engaging, and supportive learning experience.So in summary, the key ingredients are: nurturing teachers who make learning fun and personalized, a well-rounded curriculum that develops the whole child, hands-on projects and experiences, modern technology balanced with essentialskill-building, differentiated support and enrichment, positive physical learning spaces, and strong school-home-community partnerships. When those elements are all there, it creates an environment where every student can get excited about learning and work towards their dreams.That's what I think makes for a great education based on what I've experienced so far! Of course, I still have a lot to learn and this is just one kid's perspective. But I feel really lucky to be at a school that prioritizes many of these things that are helping me develop a lifelong love of learning. I can't wait to keep growing and being inspired by amazing teachers who help me and my classmates reach our full potential.。







1868年美国在公立学校开展教育资优学生的系统性措施;1901年美国第一所针对资优生的特殊教育学校出现;1926年美国第一本关于Gifted Euducation的教材《Gifetd Children:Their Nature and Nurture》问世;1954年美国NAGC(national association for gifted children,全国天才儿童协会)美国高天资学生相关的国家协会成立;1972年美国马里兰报告,正式提出Gifted Children的定义;1990年美国高天资学生国家研究中心(The National Research Center on the Gifted Children)在康涅狄格大学成立。





教资作文素材模板书2024英文回答:Teacher Certification Essay Material Templates: A Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Excellence。


The Teacher Certification Essay is a crucial component of the certification process for aspiring educators. It presents an opportunity to showcase one's understanding of the field, pedagogical skills, and ability to articulate educational philosophies. To facilitate this task, numerous essay material templates are available to provide guidance and structure. This comprehensive guide explores the various templates, offering insights into their content and benefits.Types of Essay Templates。

1. Structured Response (SR): Provides a clear outline for organizing the essay, with specific sections for introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. This structure helps candidates stay focused and ensures logical flow.2. Open Response (OR): Allows for more flexibility in organizing the essay, placing greater emphasis on the candidate's ability to develop a cohesive argument.3. Comparison and Contrast (CC): Suitable for essays that require candidates to analyze similarities and differences between two or more theories or concepts.4. Cause and Effect (CE): Ideal for exploring the relationship between causes and effects in educational contexts.5. Common Core (CC): Aligns with the educational standards established by the Common Core State Standards Initiative.Benefits of Using Essay Material Templates。
















The Science Education Article Collects No.35,2020 Sum No.5152020年第35期总第515期摘要资优儿童在智力、思维、创造性、个性、自我意识、兴趣、动机等方面均显著优于普通儿童,能取得比普通儿童更优异的成就和绩效。



关键词资优儿童;资优特征;鉴定Characteristics and Identification of Gifted Children//HE BofengAbstract Gifted children are significantly better than ordinary children in intelligence,thinking,creativity,personality, self-awareness,interest,motivation and other aspects,and can achieve better achievements and performance than ordinary chil-dren.Because there are many and different characteristics of gifted children,it is difficult to identify them.The identification of gifted children is usually carried out from one or more aspects such as intelligence,cognition and personality,achievement. Key words gifted children;gifted characteristics;identification资优儿童是儿童群体中一个资质、禀赋优于普通儿童的群体[1]。



资优教育的国际视野资优教育(gifted education)是指针对具有高超智力潜能的学生开展的教育活动。





















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「資優教育研究」稿約(Journal of Gifted Education,JOGE)

(一)實徵性論文(Empirical Paper):原創性且未發表過之學術論文。

(二)理論性論文(Theoretical Article):就晚近發展的學術議題所撰寫有理論價值或創見之論文。
















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範例如下: 吳武典(1998),(林幸台、張文哲、張正夫、羅敏文,1998), Gardner(1995),(Whitmore & Maker, l985)








Elmore, R. F., & Zenus, V.(1992). Enhancing social-emotional development of middle school gifted students. Roeper Review,16(3),182-185.
Gardner, H.(1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic Books.
Senf, G. M. (1983). The nature and identification of learning disabilities and their relationship to the gifted child. In L. H. Fox, L. Brody, & D. Tobin
(Eds.), Learning-disabled / gifted children (pp. 37-49). Austin, TX: PRO-
