G2 denim wash


LG BCL1 双重刷毛洁面仪 使用说明书

LG BCL1 双重刷毛洁面仪 使用说明书

在电源关闭的状态下,请长 按1 (电源)键,直至出现 语音提示(约5秒)。 (70秒 120秒)
在打开电源的状态下,每 次变更1 (电源)按钮时, 请长时间按约5秒。 (语音提示 效果音提 示 关闭提示(无声)
每次变更时,在电源打开 的状态下,请同时按下 1 (电源)按钮和LEVEL 按钮,长按约3秒。 (韩语 英语 中文)
按下LEVEL键,选择清洁速度 和强度。
--硅胶刷 (日常温和洁面): 震动
-- 微细毛刷 (低刺激深层洁面): 旋转
请按照以下顺序清洁。 (初始设定:70秒 / 设定方法:参考背面)
70秒 a 左脸颊 (10秒) b 右脸颊 (10秒) c 鼻子 (20秒) d 下巴 (10秒) e 额头 (20秒) 关闭 电源
LEVEL (点一 致。
充电时,请将本仪器准确安装到充电支架的接点 上。(此时请与本机充电支架的点保持一致。) 充电支架下端UV灯亮起。
yy使用本设备时,根据个人皮肤状况,可能会引起各 种皮肤刺激。如果这种刺激持续出现,请减少使用 次数。
120秒 a 左脸颊 (20秒) b 右脸颊 (20秒) c 鼻子 (30秒) d 下巴 (20秒) e 额头 (30秒) 关闭 电源
洁面后, 请用温水将面部 彻底冲洗干净。
像握铅笔一样自然地握住本机使用。 使用前请确认刷头是否正确安装。
型号名称 BCL1
使用建议 建议1日使用1次



2楼手纸——das Toilettenpapier手巾纸——die Taschentuecher (pl.) das Taschentuch厨房用纸——das Kuechenpapier咖啡滤纸——das Filterpapier烤箱纸——das Backpapier吸尘器滤纸——der Staubsauger-Beutel抹布——das Haushaltstuch铝箔纸——die Alu-Folie保鲜膜——die Frischhalte-Folie垃圾袋——der Muell-Beutel刷碗海面——der Topf-Reiniger / der Geschirr-Schwamm 洗涤灵——das Spuelmittel空气清新剂——die Duft-Frische卫生间清馨剂——die WC-Frische处厕剂——der WC-Reiniger洗衣粉——das Waschpulver / das Waschmittel卫生巾——Pantyliner (Englisch) / das Pantyliner卫生护垫——die Slipeinlage内用卫生棉条——der o.b. Tampon洗发水——das Shampoo护法素——das Haarpflegemittel肥皂——die Seife香皂——die Duftende-Seife洗手液——die Fluessigseife / die Cremeseife浴液——Dusch Gel / die Pflegendusche•2009-10-23 01:42•回复••重_楼_•3楼化妆品:洗面奶——die Reinigungsmilch / die Waschmilch洗脸水——das Gesichtswasser / Wasch Gel日霜——die Tagescreme晚霜——die Nachtcreme眼霜——die Augenpflege防晒霜——die Sonnenmilch护手霜——die Handcreme润唇膏——die Lippenpflege面膜——die Maske撕拉式面膜——die Maske (Peel-off)发胶——Haarspary摩斯——der Schammfestiger定型膏(保湿膏)——Glanz Gel漱口水——die Mundspuelung指甲油——der Nagellack指甲油去处水——der Nagellack Entferner香水——das Parfuem口红,唇膏——der Lippenstift唇线笔——Lipliner (Englisch) / die Lippenlinie唇彩——Lip Gloss (Englisch)/ Lip Polish / der Lippenglanz 眼影——der Lidschatten眼线笔——Eyeliner (Englisch)/ die Augenlinie睫毛膏——Mascara胭脂——das Rouge粉底——Make up•2009-10-23 01:43•回复••重_楼_•4楼电器类:抽油烟机---die Dunstabzugshaube 好长啊电炸锅——die Friteuse电风扇——der V entilator电炉——die Kochplatte烧烤炉——der Grill缝纫机——die Naehmaschine咖啡机/咖啡壶——der Kaffeeautomat烧水器——der Wasserkocher搅拌器——der Mixer多用切碎机——die Kuechenmaschine烤面包机——der Toaster烤三明治机——der Sandwich-Toaster蒸汽电熨斗——der Dampfbuegler煮蛋器——der Eierkocher榨汁机——Citruspresse吹风机——der Haartrockner电推子——die Haarschneidemaschine电话答录机——das Anrufbeantwort-Drive女性剃毛器——das Ladyshave电动剃须刀——der Rasierer电冰箱——der Kuehlschrank冷冻柜/冰柜——der Gefrierschrank洗碗机——der Geschirrspueler全自动洗衣机——der Waschautomat烘干机——der Trockner电炉灶——der Elektro-Herd电话插座——die Anschlussdose电话插头——der Adapter电插座——die Steckdose电接线板——die Tischsteckdose电插头——der Stecker线钉/电线卡子——die Iso-Schellen绝缘胶布——das Isolierband保险管——die Ersatzsicherung试电笔——der Spannungspruefer灯泡——die Lampe / Spotline节能灯——die Energiesparlampe荧光灯管——die Leuchtstofflampe耳机——der Stereo Kopfhoerer手电筒——die Taschenlampe电池充电器——das Akku-Ladegeraet电池——die Batterie闹钟——die Tischuhr / der Wecker•2009-10-23 01:43•回复••重_楼_•5楼居室厨房用品:蜡烛——die Kerze温度计——der Zimmerthermometer体温计——der Fieberthermometer计时器——der Kuechenwecker / der Kurzzeitmesser 烟灰缸——der Ascherbecher案板——das Scheidebrett红酒杯——das Rotweinglas葡萄酒杯——das Weinglas香槟杯——der Sektkelch / das Sektglas威士忌杯——der Whiskybecher啤酒杯——die Biertulpe / das Weizenbierglas鸡尾酒杯——die Cocktailschale烧酒杯——der Likoerkelch大腹杯——das Schwenkglas盘子——der Teller碗——die Schuessel餐刀——das Messer餐叉——die Gabel大汤匙——die Suppenkelle浇汁勺——der Saucenloeffel漏勺——der Schaumloeffel意大利面勺——der Spaghettiloeffel长柄勺——der Schoepfloeffel烤肉叉——die Fleisch-Gabel打蛋器——der Schneebesen黄油盒——die Butterdose剪子——die Schere擦丝器——die Reibe削皮刀——der Sparschaeler /der Kartoffelnschaeler 开罐头器——der Dosenoeffner切蛋器——der Eierschneider木铲——der Pfannenwander吸管——die Trinkhalme牙签——der Zahnstocher奶锅——der Milchtopf煎炸锅——der Bratentopf平底锅——die Pfanne高压锅——der Schnellkochtopf饭盒——die Kasserolle保温暖瓶——die Isolierkanne保温杯——die Isolierflasche•2009-10-23 01:43•回复••重_楼_•6楼其他:鞋油——die Schuhcreme / Schuh-Fix衣服架——der Garderobe-Buegel / der Kleiderbuegel 裤子夹——der Hosenspanner晾衣架——der Stand-Waeschetrockner熨衣板——der Buegeltisch垃圾桶——der Muelleimer / der Kosmetikeimer纸篓——der Papierkorb背带——der Hosentraeger垫肩——das Schulterpolster鞋带——der Senkel / der Schuhsenkel 线——das Garn棉线——das Baumwollgarn松紧带——die Gummilitze小窗帘——die Gardine大头针——die Stecknadel别针——die Sicherheitsnadel图钉——der Reissbrettstift皮尺——das Massband卷尺——das Rollmassband长筒袜——der Kniestrumpf袜子——der Strumpf。

GlossaryLaundry 服装洗水方法 英文介绍 水洗方式

GlossaryLaundry  服装洗水方法 英文介绍 水洗方式

Page 1GLOSSARY OF DENIM LAUNDRYAcid wash/Snow Wash It's the process done by washing the garment with pumice stones previously soaked into a solution of PP Acrylic resins Bleach The process of oxidizing the dye to reduce its intensity. It can be done locally or in the washing machine. Pigments can't be bleached.Chloride/Hypo Clips Plastic clips. The ones used to tide up electric wires. In this case they are used to tie the garments for creating shapes or creases Coating Crinkle/3D Acrylic resins are used in laundries for different purposes. It is normally added to the resin solution for reducing the loss in fabric resistance.It also used as binder for pigments or dyes.Biopolishing /Antipilling enzyme It's the process of removing cellulose from the surface of the fabric. It's done by using an enzyme called acid cellulase which attacks the fibre gradually and superficially. The result is a smoother hand feel and a brilliant surface. The acid cellulase works in acid environment soits action can be stopped just by increasing the phIt's the Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl). It's a common bleaching agent used at home for washing white fabrics.It is used by spray or in the washing machine to bleach the indigo with a blue cast.As it can damage the cotton and the elastan, using Hypo on fabrics requires good skills.The process of applying polyurethane coatings on garments by spray or brush. The process of garment coating depends on creativity andcustomer requirements. There are unlimited solutions. The most popular is the leather effectIt's the shape given on the hip or back knee in order to imitate the natural folding of a worn garment. Can be permanent if done with theresin or not permanent if done by using only water. Shapes are created using different systems but the most classic way is by hand using hoses and dummiesPage 2Destroy Holes and extensive damages. It's done by using small rotating abrasive stonesDirect Dye Common dye used for cotton fabrics. Wide range of shades and short process. Fastness and brilliancy are lower than reactive. It's cheap.Dirty Dispersing agent Reduce the risk of back-staining during stone wash (ex. Indigo pollution on pocketing)Fixing/Curing It's the process for fixing the chemicals applied on the garments. Different products need different temperatures and time Grinding The used effects on pockets and high points done by abrasive stonesThe dirty process includes tinting and pigment applications. Creativity is at the base of this process which aim to make the garments lookdirty and heavily used. The wash designer normally takes inspiration from heavy jobs in order to create natural and new dirty effectsEnzyme wash/Enzymatic stone wash It's the stone wash done by using a special chemical called neutral cellulase. The neutral cellulase is an enzyme (a kind of protein) which attack specific molecular groups, in this case with the same “salt & pepper” result of the stone wash. Cellulase enzyme is so effective that it can replace and do even better than the classic stone wash. It doesn't create solid waste, it's controllable and completely eco friendly. Jeans, stone washed with enzymes, look more natural and more “blue”Hand brushing (Hand sanding/Scrapping)It's the process for creating vintage effects with the use of sand paper. The sand paper is passed on the garments, removing the indigo andcreating whiskers and local abrasionsPage 3Hydrogen PeroxideNeutralization Old dye/Vintage dye Pigment Pipes PPRandom Bleach It's the process done by washing the garments with towels previously soaked into a solution of chloride.Reactive Dye It's a weak oxidizer. It is normally used to give a clean/blue shade to the indigo. It can be used for the bleach of black fabrics. It can be used for pre treatment of white fabrics before the dyeing process. It removes sizes which could interfere with the washing or dyeing ccase The laccase is the enzyme used for bio-bleaching. It bleaches the garments creating a very strong grey cast. It's costly.It's the process for ending the action of the oxidizers. After an oxidation (PP, Hypo, etc..) there must be a neutralization done by productslike Sodium Metabisulphite. A bad neutralization leads to damages, yellowing and other troubles. A good neutralization is done in the washing machine for at least 5/10 minutes with a quantity of product calculated according to the weight of the garmentsIt's a dyeing process done using special dyes. These dyes don't penetrate completely so they give a used look and contrasts on the doubleseams and high pointsIt's a dye. It is used mainly in screen printing but it's widely used also in laundry/garment dye. Pigments can be used for dyeing garmentsobtaining vintage/oily used garment dyes, for creating spots or for coloring coatings, etc.The pipes used for creating 3D shapes. The best ones are the air system aluminum pipes because they are easily malleable and theystand high temperatureIt's the potassium permanganate (KMnO 4 ). It's an oxidizer and it's applied by spray to bleach the garment locally (on scrapped areas) or in the washing machine. Bleaching with PP gives normally a gray cast to the garment. It can be used for bleach safely spandex/lycra fabrics. It is also used for the bleach of 100% sulfur black dyes.It's the most common dye used for cotton fabrics. It has unlimited shade options and its very shiny. Fastness is also high. Reactive dyeprocess is long and costly.Page 4Resin Rinse wash Silicon It's a chemical which gives smooth hand feel and deepness to the colors.Softener It's a chemical used to give a smooth hand feelSpin/Hydro extraction After washing, before drying, the garments are spin in a centrifugeSpray It's everything which is done by airbrush. In denim laundry all kind of chemicals can be diluted and applied by spray Stone Wash It's the glyoxalic resin. The product used for permanent 3D effect or indigo reserving. Can be applied by spray or by dipping the whole garment into a solution with other auxiliaries. After application the resin is fixed in a oven. Quantity, temperature and fixing time changeaccording to the composition and weight of the fabric. Applying glyoxalic resin it's a sensitive process because the reaction between the chemical and the fiber cause always a loss of resistance. To reduce this loss acrylic resins and silicons can be added to the solutionIt's the most simple and cheapest wash. It's normally done by washing the garments for 1-5 minute in the washing machine loaded withonly water. Dispersing agent can be used for reducing back staining and keep the pockets clean. If resin is applied on the raw garments we'll call it Resin RinseStone wash is done by washing the garments with pumice stones of different sizes. The stones, rubbing the surface of the fabric, removethe indigo. In addition to the stones an enzyme can be used to reduce time and increasing the effect. Stone washed garments have that unique soft and used look which is the base of all vintage washesTagsTie wash/Tie effect TintingWhiskers2012 Michele Carlesi Tags are used to create local contrast. They can be applied before stone wash or used in 3D process to hold the shapes created by hand. Bleaching with tags is normally avoided because creates too much contrast and a cheap lookIt's the process done by washing a folded garment. This will produce creases, lines or crinkles more or less evident according to the time of the process and the weight of the fabricIt's the process used to create a slight dirty effect on the garments. It's normally done by dyeing the goods using a small amount of direct dye (brown, yellow and red) for a very short timeThe lines that would appear naturally on a pair of raw jeans if they were worn for a long time. Manual whiskering imitate and accelerate this process creating vintage or fancy patterns.It's the most difficoult and artistic step of denim washing.Page 5。



牛仔洗水的英文术语是"denim washing"。

1. Distressed denim: 有磨损效果的牛仔洗水款式。

2. Stonewashed denim: 使用石头或类似物品加工的牛仔洗水款式,以获得磨损和淡化的效果。

3. Acid wash denim: 使用酸洗剂处理的牛仔洗水款式,产生了斑驳和颜色褪色的效果。

4. Bleached denim: 使用漂白剂处理的牛仔洗水款式,产生了白色或淡色的效果。

5. Vintage wash denim: 受到经典旧式牛仔裤的启发,通过特殊工艺使新的牛仔裤看起来像老旧的样子。

6. Raw denim: 未经任何洗水处理的牛仔布,直接使用原始的深蓝色面料。



写自己穿着的小短文英语作文Clothing is an integral part of our daily lives and serves as a form of self-expression. The way we dress not only reflects our personal style but also conveys messages about our personality, mood, and even our cultural background. As I sit here contemplating what I am currently wearing, I realize that the ensemble I have chosen today is a true representation of who I am.Starting from the top, I have on a simple yet elegant white button-down shirt. This classic piece has been a staple in my wardrobe for years, as it can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. The crisp, clean lines of the shirt lend a sense of professionalism and sophistication to my overall look, while the slightly oversized fit gives it a relaxed, casual vibe. I've chosen to leave the top button undone, adding a touch of nonchalance and allowing for a more comfortable and natural feel.Paired with the shirt, I am wearing a pair of dark-wash denim jeans. Denim has long been a go-to fabric for me, as it is both durable and versatile. These particular jeans have a slim, straight-leg cut thatflatters my figure and creates a streamlined silhouette. The dark wash gives the jeans a polished, refined appearance, making them suitable for a range of settings, from casual outings to more formal events.To complete the look, I have slipped on a pair of comfortable and practical leather loafers. These shoes, with their clean lines and classic design, tie the entire ensemble together seamlessly. The rich, cognac-colored leather adds a touch of sophistication, while the low heel ensures that I can move about with ease and comfort throughout the day.As I examine my attire more closely, I realize that the choices I have made in putting this outfit together are a reflection of my personal style and values. The crisp, well-fitted shirt and tailored jeans convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail, while the casual loafers suggest a more relaxed and approachable demeanor. This balance between formality and informality is something I strive for in my daily life, as I believe it allows me to navigate various social and professional situations with confidence and ease.Moreover, the neutral color palette of my ensemble – the white, blue, and brown tones – is indicative of my preference for timeless, versatile pieces that can be easily mixed and matched. I tend to gravitate towards clothing that is not only aesthetically pleasing butalso practical and long-lasting, as I value quality and sustainability in my purchasing decisions.Beyond the sartorial aspects of my outfit, the way I have chosen to accessorize it also says something about my personality. The absence of any overt jewelry or flashy embellishments suggests a certain level of understated elegance and a preference for a more minimalist approach to style. This aligns with my general disposition, which tends to be more reserved and thoughtful, rather than attention-seeking or ostentatious.As I continue to ponder the significance of my current attire, I can't help but reflect on the deeper psychological and social implications of the way we dress. Clothing, after all, is not just a practical necessity but a powerful means of nonverbal communication. The choices we make in constructing our outfits can convey messages about our values, our mood, our cultural affiliations, and even our social status.In my case, the ensemble I have chosen today likely projects an image of a professional, well-organized individual who values quality, practicality, and a certain level of sophistication. This perception may influence how others interact with me and how they perceive my competence, trustworthiness, and overall likeability.At the same time, I recognize that the interpretation of my outfit is not entirely within my control. People's perceptions and judgments are shaped by their own biases, experiences, and cultural backgrounds, and may not always align with the intended message I am trying to convey. Nonetheless, being mindful of the potential impact of our sartorial choices is an important aspect of navigating the social world and cultivating the desired personal and professional relationships.In conclusion, the simple act of getting dressed each morning is a remarkably complex and multifaceted process that is deeply intertwined with our sense of self, our values, and our social interactions. As I sit here in my carefully curated outfit, I am reminded of the power of clothing to serve as a medium for self-expression and a tool for shaping perceptions and relationships. While the specific details of my attire may change from day to day, the underlying principles of dressing with intention, authenticity, and a touch of personal flair will continue to guide my sartorial choices and, by extension, my journey through life.。



描述你喜欢的一套衣物,英语作文简单全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1One of my favorite outfits is a simple yet stylish combination of a white t-shirt, high-waisted jeans, and a denim jacket. This outfit is versatile, comfortable, and perfect for everyday wear.The white t-shirt is a wardrobe staple for me. It is classic, timeless, and goes with everything. I love how it can be dressed up with a statement necklace or dressed down with a pair of sneakers. The high-waisted jeans are flattering and comfortable, and I love how they emphasize my waist. They are also very practical, as they can be easily paired with any top.The denim jacket is the perfect finishing touch to this outfit. It adds a touch of edge and completes the look. I love the casual vibe it gives off, and how it can be worn in any season. It is a great layering piece and adds a cool factor to any outfit.Overall, this outfit is one of my favorites because it is simple, comfortable, and easy to put together. I love how versatile it is, and how it can be easily dressed up or down. It is a go-to outfit for me when I want to look put-together without putting in toomuch effort. I always feel confident and stylish when wearing this outfit, and it is definitely one that I reach for time and time again.篇2I really like my favorite outfit. It consists of a cozy oversized sweater, a pair of high-waisted jeans, and some simple white sneakers.The sweater is my absolute favorite piece of clothing. It's a light grey color and is so soft and comfortable to wear. I love how it keeps me warm on cooler days and how it looks stylish and chic at the same time. The oversized fit is perfect for layering and gives me a relaxed and casual look.I pair the sweater with a pair of high-waisted jeans that are my go-to bottoms. They are fitted at the waist and hips, but then they flare out slightly at the bottom, giving them a retro and flattering look. The jeans are a medium wash denim that goes with everything and can be dressed up or down easily. I love how versatile they are and how they make me feel confident and put together.To complete the outfit, I wear some simple white sneakers. They are comfortable to walk in and add a sporty and youthfulvibe to the look. I love how they make the outfit feel casual and easy, perfect for running errands or hanging out with friends.Overall, my favorite outfit is comfortable, stylish, and versatile. I feel good wearing it and love how it reflects my personal style. It's the perfect go-to outfit for any occasion and always makes me feel confident and put together.篇3I have a favorite outfit that I absolutely adore. It consists of a flowy floral maxi dress, a denim jacket, and a pair of white sneakers. This ensemble is perfect for a casual day out or even a picnic in the park.The floral maxi dress is my go-to piece during the warmer months. The colorful floral pattern and the lightweight fabric make it comfortable and stylish. The flowy silhouette allows me to move freely and feel relaxed all day long. I love how versatile this dress is – I can dress it up with a pair of heels for a more formal occasion or dress it down with sneakers for a laid-back look.The denim jacket is a staple in my wardrobe. It adds a touch of edge to any outfit and keeps me warm on breezy days. The classic blue denim goes well with the floral dress, creating aperfect balance between feminine and edgy. I love how easy it is to layer the jacket over the dress for a chic and put-together look.To complete the outfit, I pair it with my favorite white sneakers. They are comfortable and stylish, perfect for a day of walking or running errands. The white sneakers add a casual and modern touch to the outfit, making it easy to transition from day to night.Overall, this outfit is my favorite because it is comfortable, stylish, and versatile. It reflects my personal style and makes me feel confident and chic whenever I wear it. I love how the different pieces come together to create a cohesive and fashionable look. I always feel my best when I'm wearing this outfit, and that's why it's my favorite.。



服装洗涤图标及中英文对照——中国T恤网2008年6月20日冷水手洗冷水机洗温水机洗温水洗衣机弱洗不能洗不能漂白低温熨烫中温熨烫不能熨烫冷水洗衣机弱洗干洗不能干洗 不加热甩干脱水 不能甩干脱水加热甩干脱水 干洗-弱洗服装洗涤说明与中英文对照一、干洗 Dry Cleaning一般干洗 dryclean专业干洗 Professionally Dryclean商业干洗 Commercially Dryclean以干洗为最佳 Drycleanning Recommened短干洗周期 Short Cycle干洗剂抽脱时间最短 Minimum Extraction低水分 Reduced or Low Moisture干洗过程中不可加水分 No water In System不可用蒸汽 No Steam二、水洗 Washing可机洗 Machine Washable不可水洗 Do not Wash不可商业洗涤 Do not have Commercially Launder 可用家庭式洗涤 Home Launder手洗 Hand Wash手洗不可搓压 Hand Wash do not Rub冷水洗 Cold Wash温水洗 Warm Wash热水洗 Hot Wash不可水煮 Do not Boil少洗衣量 Small Load温和洗衣程序 Delicate/Gentle Cycle持久压力程序 Durable Press Cycle /Permanent 分开洗涤 Wash Separately可与类似色衣物同时洗涤 With Like Color与深色衣物分开洗涤 Wash Dark Color Separetely 翻出底面洗涤 Wash Inside Out不可拧干 No Wring/ Do not Wring不可拧绞 No Twist/ Do not Twist温水清洗 Warm Rinse冷水清洗 Cold Rinse彻底清洗 Rinse Thoroughly不可脱水 No Spin/ Do not Spin普通旋转速度脱水 Normal Spin较短较慢程序脱水 Reduced Spin不可浸泡 Do not Soak只可用皂片 Use Pure Soap Flake only只可抹洗或擦洗 Damp Wipe only三、漂白 Bleaching需要时漂白 Bleaching when Needed不可漂白 No bleach / Do not Bleach只可用非氯性漂白剂 Only Non-Chlorine Bleach 四、干衣 Drying滴干 Drip Dry挂干 Line Dry荫凉挂干 Line Dry in Shade避热挂干 Line Dry away from Heat用烘干机烘干 Tumble Dry用烘干机中温烘干 Tumble Warm用烘干机低温烘干 Tumble Cool平铺晒干 Flat Dry定位干衣 Block to Dry用蒸汽烘干 Steam Dry不用蒸汽 No Steam / Do not Steam风柜吹干 Cabinet Dry Cool五、熨烫 Ironing and Pressing热烫 Hot Iron温烫 Warm Iron低温烫 Cold Iron不可熨 Do not Iron反面熨 Iron on Wrong Side用蒸汽熨烫 Steam Press/Iron在湿润时熨烫 Iron Damp用布间隔熨烫 Use Press Cloth外包装 bale箱 carton件 package色号 colour number花号 design number批号 lot number唛头 marks装箱单 packing list漏验 omisson of examination漏验率 percentage of omisson of examination 复验 re-inspection索赔 claim indemnity毛重 gross weight净重 net weight外观质量 appearance quality内在质量 inherent quality外观疵点 appearance技术要求 technical requirement感观检验 subjective inspection取样 samoling品质检验单 inspection certificate for quality检验证书 inspection certificate织物重量 fabric weight断裂强力 breaking strength断裂强度 breaking tenacity缝纫强力 seam strength染色牢度 colour fasteness耐日晒色牢度 colour fasteness to sunlight耐磨擦色牢度 colour fasteness to rubbing汁渍色牢度 colour fasteness to perspiration耐熨烫色牢度 colour fasteness to ironing耐干洗色牢度 colour fasteness to dry cleaning灰色样卡 grey scale沾色样卡 grey scale for staining纤维含量 fibre content释放甲醛含量 releasable for maldehyde content防蛀性 insect resistance防污性 soil resistance防雨性 rain proofness织物厚度 fabric thickness透气性 air permeability色差 chromatic difference常见的洗水方法1、普洗(GARMENT WASH)普洗即普通洗涤,只不过将我们平日所熟悉的洗涤改为机械化而已,其水温在60°-90°C 左右,加一定的洗涤剂,经过15分钟的左右普通洗涤后,过清水加柔软剂即可,使织物更柔软、舒适,在视觉上更自然更干净。



我最得意的衣服英语作文My favorite outfit is a simple yet stylish ensemble that I have grown quite fond of over the years. It consists of a well-fitted pair of dark wash denim jeans a crisp white button-down shirt and a classic navy blue blazer. This combination of classic pieces creates a timeless look that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion.The jeans are a perfect fit, hugging my curves in all the right places without being too tight or restrictive. The deep indigo color is versatile and pairs well with a variety of tops and accessories. I love how the denim feels soft and broken-in, yet still maintains a polished appearance. These jeans have become a wardrobe staple that I can always rely on to look and feel my best.The white button-down shirt is a wardrobe essential that I believe every person should have in their closet. The clean lines and crisp fabric of this particular shirt create a sophisticated and put-together look. I find the simple design to be incredibly flattering, as it accentuates my waistline and creates a streamlined silhouette. The shirt is made of a high-quality cotton blend that is both breathableand wrinkle-resistant, making it easy to maintain a polished appearance throughout the day.Topping off the ensemble is a classic navy blue blazer. This versatile piece can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. When I pair it with the jeans and white shirt, it instantly elevates the look, transforming a casual outfit into something more refined and professional. The tailored cut of the blazer flatters my figure, creating a sleek and sophisticated appearance. I love how the navy color complements the other pieces in the outfit, tying the entire look together seamlessly.What I love most about this outfit is how effortless and comfortable it is to wear. Despite its polished appearance, I never feel restricted or confined when I have it on. The combination of well-fitting, high-quality garments allows me to move freely and confidently throughout my day. Whether I'm running errands, attending a meeting, or going out for a night on the town, I always feel put-together and ready to take on whatever comes my way.Beyond the practical benefits, this outfit also holds a special place in my heart due to the memories and associations I have with it. I purchased the blazer and jeans several years ago while on a shopping trip with my mother. It was a fun and bonding experience, and every time I wear the outfit, I am reminded of that special day.The white shirt was a gift from a close friend, and it carries with it the warmth and thoughtfulness of that gesture.Whenever I slip into this ensemble, I feel a sense of comfort and familiarity. It's an outfit that makes me feel confident, capable, and like the best version of myself. There's something to be said for having a go-to look that you can rely on, and this particular outfit has become just that for me.In a world where fashion trends come and go, I find solace in the timelessness of this classic combination. I know that no matter what new styles or fads emerge, I can always count on this outfit to make me feel put-together and polished. It's a sartorial security blanket that I can always turn to when I'm unsure of what to wear or want to feel my absolute best.Overall, my favorite outfit is a reflection of my personal style and values. It's a combination of high-quality, well-fitting garments that make me feel comfortable, confident, and like the best version of myself. Whether I'm dressing for a formal occasion or a casual day, this ensemble never fails to make me feel put-together and ready to take on the world. It's an outfit that I will continue to cherish and wear with pride for years to come.。



二次加压泵站设备清洗流程英文回答:Cleaning process for the secondary booster pump station equipment:1. Preparation: Before starting the cleaning process, it is important to gather all the necessary equipment and materials. This includes safety gear such as gloves and goggles, cleaning agents, brushes, and water source for rinsing.2. Inspection: Begin by inspecting the equipment for any visible dirt, debris, or build-up. Pay close attention to areas that are prone to accumulation, such as filters, valves, and pipes.3. Disassembly: If required, disassemble the equipment to gain better access to the individual components. This may involve removing screws, bolts, or clamps. Keep trackof the disassembled parts to ensure proper reassembly later.4. Cleaning agents: Select suitable cleaning agents based on the type of dirt or contamination. For example, if there is grease or oil build-up, a degreaser may be necessary. Dilute the cleaning agent as per themanufacturer's instructions.5. Cleaning process: Apply the cleaning agent to the equipment using a brush or spray bottle. Scrub the surfaces thoroughly to remove dirt and grime. Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas and corners. Rinse off the cleaning agentwith water, ensuring all residues are removed.6. Drying: After rinsing, allow the equipment to airdry completely. Alternatively, use clean, lint-free clothor compressed air to speed up the drying process. Ensure no moisture is left behind to prevent corrosion or damage.7. Reassembly: Once the equipment is dry, reassembleall the components in the correct order. Refer to any manuals or documentation if necessary. Tighten screws orbolts securely, but avoid over-tightening to prevent damage.8. Final inspection: Conduct a final inspection to ensure all parts are properly reassembled and the equipment is clean. Check for any remaining dirt or debris. Verifythat all valves, filters, and pipes are functioning correctly.9. Documentation: Record the cleaning process,including the date, time, and any observations or issues encountered. This documentation can be useful for future reference or maintenance purposes.中文回答:二次加压泵站设备清洗流程:1.准备工作,在开始清洗过程之前,要准备好所有必要的设备和材料。



Introduction:In the fast-paced world of fashion, staying ahead of the curve is essential. With the rise of short video platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, fashion enthusiasts can now showcase their style to a global audience in mere seconds. Here's a comprehensive guide to the latest short video fashion trends that will have you looking chic and stylish in no time.1. Bold Color Choices:The first thing that catches the eye in any short video is the color. This season, go bold with vibrant hues like electric blue, fuchsia, and neon green. Mix and match these colors to create a striking contrast or opt for a single color to make a statement. Don't shy away from experimenting with different shades and intensities to find the perfect color palette that suits your personality.2. Oversized T-shirts:Oversized t-shirts have been a staple in streetwear fashion for years, and they continue to make a comeback. Pair a loose-fit t-shirt withhigh-waisted shorts or a mini skirt for a casual yet chic look. To add a touch of sophistication, layer an oversized t-shirt under a fitted blazer or denim jacket. Accessorize with statement jewelry or a trendy hat to complete the look.3. Y2K Revival:The early 2000s are back, and they're not just about the music. Y2K fashion trends, including crop tops, low-rise jeans, and crop tops, are making a huge comeback. Embrace this nostalgic vibe by incorporatingY2K-inspired pieces into your wardrobe. Mix and match different styles, such as pairing a crop top with a high-waisted skirt or wearing a denim jacket over a low-rise denim cut.4. Statement Sleeves:Sleeves have been making a significant comeback in recent years, and the trend doesn't seem to be slowing down. Statement sleeves, such asballoon sleeves, bishop sleeves, and kimono sleeves, are perfect for adding a touch of drama to your outfit. Whether you're wearing a blouse or a dress, opt for a pair of slim-fit jeans or shorts to balance the voluminous sleeves.5. Minimalist Fashion:In a world full of trends, sometimes less is more. Minimalist fashion focuses on clean lines, neutral colors, and a streamlined silhouette. Embrace this trend by investing in timeless pieces like white blouses, black trousers, and simple dresses. Accessorize sparingly with minimal jewelry and minimal makeup to keep the focus on your sleek and sophisticated style.6. Funky Prints:Funk prints, such as floral, geometric, and abstract patterns, are all the rage in short video fashion. Don't be afraid to mix and match different prints to create a unique and eye-catching look. Pair a floral dress with a geometric print top or wear a graphic tee with a floral skirt. Experiment with different colors and print scales to find the perfect combination that suits your style.7. Sustainable Fashion:With increasing awareness of environmental issues, sustainable fashion has become a significant trend. Embrace eco-friendly clothing by incorporating second-hand pieces, organic fabrics, and recycled materials into your wardrobe. Showcase your commitment to sustainability by wearing a vintage find or a brand that practices ethical manufacturing.8. Denim on Denim:Denim on denim is back, and it's hotter than ever. Pair a white denim shirt with black denim jeans or wear a denim jacket over a denim dress. To add a twist, opt for a different wash or color of denim to create contrast. Accessorize with statement boots or sandals to complete the look.9. Statement Heels:High heels are a timeless fashion staple, and they continue to make waves in short video fashion. Statement heels, such as chunky heels, pointed toes, and exaggerated platforms, are perfect for adding a touch of glamour to your outfit. Pair them with a casual outfit for an unexpected twist or opt for a sleek pair of heels to elevate yourevening look.Conclusion:The world of short video fashion is constantly evolving, and keeping up with the latest trends can be both exciting and challenging. By incorporating these trendy styles into your wardrobe, you'll be able to create eye-catching looks that showcase your unique sense of fashion. Remember, the key to nailing the short video fashion trend is to embrace your style, experiment with different combinations, and have fun with it. So, get ready to hit record and let your fashion flair shine!。



洗袜子作文250字英文回答:Washing socks is a task that I find both tedious and necessary. As a person who values cleanliness and hygiene, I understand the importance of washing my socks regularly. Not only does it help eliminate odors and bacteria, but it also ensures that my feet stay comfortable and healthy.When it comes to washing socks, I have a specific routine that I follow. First, I gather all the dirty socks and sort them based on their colors. This is important because washing white socks with colored ones can result in color bleeding and staining. Once sorted, I put the socksin a mesh laundry bag to prevent them from getting lost or tangled in the washing machine.Next, I add some laundry detergent to the washing machine and set it to a gentle cycle. I prefer using a gentle cycle to prevent any damage to the socks, especiallyif they are made of delicate materials like wool or silk. Additionally, I always wash my socks in cold water to preserve their shape and prevent shrinking.After the washing cycle is complete, I take out the socks from the laundry bag and inspect them for any stains or spots that might need extra attention. If there are any stubborn stains, I apply a stain remover directly to the affected area and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it off.Once the socks are clean and stain-free, I hang them up to air dry. I avoid using the dryer as it can cause the socks to shrink or lose their shape. Instead, I find that air drying helps maintain the quality and longevity of the socks.中文回答:洗袜子是我觉得既乏味又必要的任务。

Elkay Sturdibilt三重洗手间沥胶水槽说明书

Elkay Sturdibilt三重洗手间沥胶水槽说明书

SPECIFICATIONSElkay Sturdibilt Stainless Steel 102" x 27-1/2" x 14" Floor MountTriple Compartment Scullery Sink with DrainboardModel(s) SS8354LR4In keeping with our policy of continuing product improvement, Elkay reserves the right to change product specifications without notice. Please visit for the most current version of Elkay product specification sheets. This specification describes an Elkay product with design, quality, and functional benefits to the user. When making a comparison of other producers’ offerings, be certain these features are not overlooked.Elkay REV 09212023 1-800-476-4106 | ******************© 2023 Page 1 SS8354LR4 Patent /patents SS8354LR4_spec.pdfPRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSElkay Sturdibilt Stainless Steel 102" x 27-1/2" x 14" Floor Mount Triple Compartment Scullery Sink with Drainboard. Sink ismanufactured from 14 gauge 304 Stainless Steel with a Buffed Satin finish, Center drain placement. Sinks supported by (4) 16 gauge stainless steel, 1-5/8” O.D. tubular legs with bullet shaped feet adjustable up to 1”.A Century of Tradition and Quality.For more than 100 years, Elkay has been making innovativeproducts and providing exceptional customer care. We take pride in offering plumbing products that make life easier, inspire change and leave the world a better place.Product Compliance:ASME A112.19.3/CSA B45.4Sinks are listed by IAPMO ® as meeting the applicablerequirements of the Uniform Plumbing Code ®, International Plumbing Code ®, and National Plumbing Code of Canada.Clean and Care Manual (PDF) Warranty (PDF)PART:________________________________QTY: _____________ PROJECT:______________________________________________ CONTACT:______________________________________________ DATE:__________________________________________________ NOTES:_________________________________________________APPROVAL:_____________________________________________。



水洗常用英语普洗(garment wash) 石洗/ 石磨(stone wash)酵素洗(enzyme wash)砂洗(sand wash)化学洗(chemical wash)漂洗(bleach wash)破坏洗(destroy wash)雪花洗(snow wash)猫须(moustache effect)就是whisker喷沙又叫打沙(spray stone wash / sand blast)喷马骝(monkey wash)碧纹洗(pigment wash / pigment dyed wash)la blue 拉蓝洗new galaxy新银河洗paper blue低蓝洗dark 深色洗dull 钝色洗vintage仿旧洗rinse退浆保色洗medium中度洗overdyed 套色洗light浅色洗blue moon 兰月洗titanium钛色洗dusk尘土洗enzyme wash 酵素洗copper 古铜洗country blue乡村兰arctic blur 大西洋兰blueice冰兰洗cloud 云朵洗ocean 海洋洗stonewash 石磨洗vintage沙暴洗sand 新尘土洗crystal wash 水晶洗Re:纺织英语(五)--水洗常用英语蓝黑洗BLUE+BLACK黑色洗BLACK石磨洗STONE W ASH喷沙SANDBLAST黑染黑BLACK OVER BLACK喷沙SPRA Y STONE WASH 酵素洗ENZYME WASH怀旧洗DIRTY WASH 猫须CA T / MOUSTACHE普洗GARMENT W ASH 马骝洗MonKEY WASH中蓝洗MID.BLUE 深蓝洗DK.BLUE浅蓝洗LT.BLUE 石磨酵洗STONE W ASH+ENZYME中漂洗MID.BLEACH 手擦HAND BRUSH中磨洗MID.STONE磨烂/介烂GRINDINGBGE beige 米色BLU blue 蓝色BLK black 黑色LA V lavender 淡紫色BGY Blue grey 蓝灰色LBL lightblue 浅蓝色VLT violet 紫色SKY skyblue 天蓝色WHI white 白色GRY grey 灰色NA T natural 自然色GRN green 绿色LPK lightpink 浅粉色AQU Aqua 水绿色MAG magenta 洋红色TUR turquoise 青绿色PNK pink 粉色CRP crystal pink 晶粉SKN sky nature 天蓝色PL T purple tulip 紫色OLV olive 橄榄绿HBL hotblue 亮蓝FUS fuchsia 紫红色GLD golden 金色PUR purple 紫色RED red 红色SAL salmon 鲜肉色YLW yellow 黄色。



wash的用法总结大全wash的用法总结大全wash的意思vt. 洗,清洗,浸湿,冲刷,冲击,洗去罪名vi. 耐洗,被洗掉(通常与 out 和 away 连用),(波涛等)拍打n. (尤指船过后划出的)水流,要洗的衣物的数量,薄涂层(尤指涂料) vt. 弄湿,使受洗礼,(光)布满,(猫等)舔净(自身)adj. 可洗的,耐洗的,(证券交易)虚假的变形:过去式: washed; 现在分词:washing; 过去分词:washed;wash用法wash可以用作动词wash用作动词的基本意思是“洗涤”,即用水、酒精、煤油、洗涤剂、肥皂等洗掉物体或身体某一部分的脏东西。

wash可用作不及物动词,当主语是人时,指洗手、脸等; 当主语是织物或布料时,指耐洗、经洗、不易掉色等,这时主动形式含有被动意义。



wash用作动词的用法例句I must wash my hands before dinner.吃饭前,我必须洗手。

Cotton clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water.如果你用热水洗涤,纯棉衣服会缩小。

I am afraid you must wash out this stain.恐怕你必须洗掉这个污渍。






wash用作名词的用法例句This dress material shrinks in the wash.这种衣料一洗要缩水。

Whiplash——用这个精彩的Machine Wash插件生成灰暗的皮革效果

Whiplash——用这个精彩的Machine Wash插件生成灰暗的皮革效果

Whiplash——用这个精彩的Machine Wash插件生成灰暗
【期刊名称】《《计算机光盘软件与应用:COMPUTER ARTS数码艺术》》【年(卷),期】2005(000)012



但这里的Machine Wash滤镜让你可以生成非常逼真的磨损老化效果。

1.关注即时生成绽放课堂精彩关注即时生成绽放课堂精彩 [J], 周云琴
2.Machine Wash Veneer [J],
3.Machine Wash [J],
4.Per-machine 打印机连接+自定义插件——网络打印机管理的简单途径 [J], Bill; Stewart; 贾笑明(译者)
5.Study on Comparison between Enzyme Wash and Bleach Wash (Traditional vs. Sustainable Washing Machine) the Physical and Color Fastness to Rubbing Properties of Denim Garments [J], Shohidul Islam Shamim;Md. Iusuf Khan;Shaukat Hossan;Mohammed Reaz Uddin

Scout 洗涤剂手册说明书

Scout 洗涤剂手册说明书

Detergente para Lavado Manual de Utensilios
Apariencia Color Olor pH (100%)
: Líquido : Azul oscuro : Floral : 7,5 a 10
DESECHO Se puede tirar el producto diluido por el desagüe sanitario. Deseche el contenedor vacío en la basura.
Nombre Producto Código de Artículo
Caja con 2 bolsas de 2 GAL
En caso de intoxicación o ingesta accidental llame al Centro de Información Toxicológica CITUC: 2635 3800.
y Enjuague sumergiendo los utensilios en lavadero con agua limpia y escurra.
y OPCIONAL: Sumerja los utensilios en solución sanitizante por el tiempo recomendado.
y Gran capacidad de corte de grasa. y Crea una espuma duradera. y Se utiliza diluido. y Biodegradable y libre de fosfatos.
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G2 Waterless Denim Washing Machine From Jeanologia
April 14th, 2010 by Sandeep Agarwal | Filed under Manufacturing Process.
Jeanologia is a company from Spain
dedicated to providing eco friendly
finishing solutions for garments –
specially denim. With a corporate
tagline of “The Science of Finishing”
it has been their mission for last 15
years to enhance industrial garment
finishing through technology & know how.
The concept of ‘Sustainable Denim’–an eco friendly approach to denim is being enhanced by their various machines , the foremost of which is the G2 Waterless Washing Machine. This is a unique washing machine which washes denim jeans with about 60% less water and almost no chemicals…….!! At Kingpins Hongkong, Jeanologia had a large hall dedicated to their “Truth & Light show” where they displayed their uniquely washed garments. The visiting denim experts were asked to select , from pairs of jeans, the jeans which had naturally aged and the one which had been made by Jeanologia with the help of their laser technology and unique G2 washing machine.Most of them could not differentiate between the two . It was an interesting way to understand that real aging effects could be achieved with eco friendly washing methods.
How does G2 work ?
Air from atmosphere is transformed into a blend of active oxygen and ozone called ‘Plasma’.This plasma is used to age garments. The plasma is transformed into purified air before it is returned to the atmosphere.
What kind of washing effects can it provide on the jeans ?
G2 can provide various effects on the jeans like
∙Aged Cotton – unique yellow cast for true vintage looks in Pure
∙Gray casts for a retro look
∙Removes backstaining & loose indigo
without detergents
•Bleaching without the bleach!
•Eliminates the need for Potassium Permaganate spraying.
•Blacks and grey denim fade without turning
•Eliminates yellow from bleach look.
•Improves crocking in dark finishes.
•Provides various other fashion finishes.
If so less chemicals are used,
how are these washing effects attained?
Jeanologia use laser technology instead of chemicals to mark the washing details.If desired, further effects can be given manually by grinding and scraping. The laser maps out the washing details required and then the garment is given a short wash. The garments are then placed in G2 where the laser effects are brought out with the plasma.The garments are then rinsed and dried. This is how the washing details are attained.
Is it possible to duplicate washing effects of an existing jeans ?
Yes, with their laser technology, the washing effects of an existing jeans can be mapped out and then replicated on new garments . This does away with the trial and error approach to replicating vintage washing effects.
What is capacity of the G2 machine in terms of load factor ?
The machine has a capacity of 50 kgs ie it can wash about 3000 jeans in a day. G2’s programmable software system automatically adjusts gas concentrations to reflect load conditions (i.e., jeans, tees, wet, dry, etc).
From a case study of actual production in the US,the company claims that using G2 can result in 67% savings in energy and water, 55% savings in time and 85% saving in chemicals and can thus provide a saving of $0.44 per garment washed besides contributing to environmental protection and reducing health hazards for the workers.
Denim jeans washing is one of the most environment polluting activity in the apparel industry . According to Professor John Anthony Allan from Kings College London, a Kg of jeans comes to us after about 10,850 litres of water has been used ie 1 Kg of jeans has this much of embedded water . Of course this includes even the water used in growing cotton. But the carbon footprint of jeans is very high. In the recent years , the increased requirement for specialized washes has further increased the environmental impact of denim production. In such a scenario, any technology that makes it possible to cater to fashion requirements and at the same time contributes to environmental protection, should be welcomed .
Here is a slideshow presentation on G2 Machine
G2 Waterless Washing Machine
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