ORA-12560 running DBCA on Windows__ 2008 AD Controller
Oracle 常见错误
Oracle 常见错误使用ORACLE的过程过,我们会经常遇到一些ORACLE产生的错误,对于初学者而言,这些错误可能有点模糊,而且可能一时不知怎么去处理产生的这些错误,本人就使用中出现比较频繁的错误代码一一做出分析,希望能够帮助你找到一个合理解决这些错误的方法,同时也希望你能够提出你的不同看法。
ORA-01650:unable to extend rollback segment NAME by NUM intablespace NAME产生原因:上述ORACLE错误为回滚段表空间不足引起的,这也是ORACLE数据管理员最常见的ORACLE错误信息。
解决方式:使用“ALTER TABLESPACE tablespace_name ADD DATAFILE filename SIZE size_of_file”命令向指定的数据增加表空间,根据具体的情况可以增加一个或多个表空间。
当然这与还与你主机上的裸盘设备有关,如果你主机的裸盘设备已经没有多余的使用空间,建议你不要轻意的增加回滚段表空间的大小,可使用下列的语句先查询一下剩余的tablespace 空间有多少:Select user_name,sql_text from V$open_cursor where user_name=‟‟;如果多余的空间比较多,就可以适当追加一个大的回滚段给表空间使用,从而避免上述的错误。
你也可以用以下语句来检测一下rollback segment的竞争状况:Select class,count from V$waitstat where calss in(‘system undo header’,’system undo block’,’undo header’,’undo block’);和Select sum(value) from V$sysstat where name in (…db_block_gets‟,‟consistents gets‟);如果任何一个class in count/sum(value)大于1%,就应该考虑增加rollback segment。
ORA-02201: 此处不允许序列(号)ORA-02202: 此群集中不允许添加其它表ORA-02203: 不允许的INITIAL 存储选项ORA-02204: 不允许ALTER, INDEX 和EXECUTE 用于视图ORA-02205: 只有SELECT 和ALTER 权限对序列有效ORA-02206: 重复的INITRANG 选项说明ORA-02207: 无效的INITRANS 选项值ORA-02208: 重复的MAXTRANS 选项说明ORA-02209: 无效的MAXTRANS 选项值ORA-02210: 未指定ALTER TABLE 的选项ORA-02211: 无效的PCTFREE 或PCTUSED 值ORA-02212: 重复的PCTFREE 选项说明ORA-02213: 重复的PCTUSED 选项说明ORA-02214: 重复的BACKUP 选项说明ORA-02215: 重复的表空间名子句ORA-02216: 需要表空间名ORA-02217: 重复的存储选项说明ORA-02218: 无效的INITIAL 存储选项值ORA-02219: 无效的NEXT 存储选项值ORA-02220: 无效的MINEXTENTS 存储选项值ORA-02221: 无效的MAXEXTENTS 存储选项值ORA-02222: 无效的PCTINCREASE 存储选项值ORA-02223: 无效的OPTIMAL 存储选项值ORA-02224: EXECUTE 权限对于表不允许ORA-02225: 只有EXECUTE 和DEBUG 权限对过程有效ORA-02226: 无效的MAXEXTENTS 值(最大允许为: )ORA-02227: 无效的群集名ORA-02228: 重复的SIZE 说明ORA-02229: 无效的SIZE 选项值ORA-02230: 无效的ALTER CLUSTER 选项ORA-02231: 缺少或无效的ALTER DA TABASE 选项ORA-02232: 无效的MOUNT 模式ORA-02233: 无效的CLOSE 模式ORA-02234: 已经记录对此表的更改ORA-02235: 此表已将更改记录在另一表中ORA-02236: 无效的文件名ORA-02237: 无效的文件大小ORA-02238: 文件名列表具有不同的文件数ORA-02239: 存在引用此序列的对象ORA-02240: 无效的OBJNO 或TABNO 值ORA-02241: 必须是EXTENTS (FILE <n> BLOCK <n> SIZE <n>,...) 格式ORA-02242: 未指定ALTER INDEX 的选项ORA-02243: ALTER INDEX 或ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW 选项无效ORA-02244: 无效的ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT 选项ORA-02245: 无效的ROLLBACK SEGMENT 名ORA-02246: 缺少EVENTS 文本ORA-02247: 未指定ALTER SESSION 的选项ORA-02248: 无效的ALTER SESSION 选项ORA-02249: 缺少或无效的MAXLOGMEMBERS 值ORA-02250: 缺少或无效的约束条件名ORA-02251: 此处不允许子查询ORA-02252: 检查未正确结束的约束条件ORA-02253: 此处不允许约束条件说明ORA-02254: 此处不允许DEFAULT <表达式>ORA-02255: obsolete 7.1.5ORA-02256: 要引用的列数必须与已引用道感数匹配ORA-02257: 超出最大列数ORA-02258: 重复或冲突的NULL 和(或)NOT NULL 说明ORA-02259: 重复的UNIQUE/PRIMARY KEY 说明ORA-02260: 表只能具有一个主键ORA-02261: 表中已存在这样的唯一关键字或主键ORA-02262: 对列默认值表达式进行类型检查时, 出现ORA- ORA-02263: 需要指定此列的数据类型ORA-02264: 名称已被一现有约束条件占用ORA-02265: 无法推导引用列的数据类型ORA-02266: 表中的唯一/主键被启用的外部关键字引用ORA-02267: 列类型与引用的列类型不兼容ORA-02268: 引用的表不具有主键ORA-02269: 关键字列不能是LONG 数据类型ORA-02270: 此列列表的唯一或主键不匹配ORA-02271: 表没有这样的约束条件ORA-02272: 约束条件列不能是LONG 数据类型ORA-02273: 此唯一/主键已被某些外部关键字引用ORA-02274: 重复的引用约束条件说明ORA-02275: 此表中已经存在这样的引用约束条件ORA-02276: 默认值类型与列类型不兼容ORA-02277: 无效的序列名ORA-02278: 重复或冲突的ORDER/NOORDER 说明ORA-02279: 重复或冲突的ORDER/NOORDER 说明ORA-02280: 重复或冲突的ORDER/NOORDER 说明ORA-02281: 重复或冲突的ORDER/NOORDER 说明ORA-02282: 重复或冲突的ORDER/NOORDER 说明ORA-02283: 无法改变起始序号ORA-02284: 重复的INCREMENT BY 说明ORA-02285: 重复的START WITH 说明ORA-02286: 未指定ALTER SEQUENCE 的选项ORA-02287: 此处不允许序号ORA-02288: 无效的OPEN 模式ORA-02289: 序列(号)不存在ORA-02290: 违反检查约束条件(.)ORA-02291: 违反完整约束条件(.) - 未找到父项关键字ORA-02292: 违反完整约束条件(.) - 已找到子记录日志ORA-02293: 无法验证(.) - 违反检查约束条件ORA-02294: 无法启用(.) - 约束条件在验证过程中更改ORA-02295: 找到约束条件的多个启用/禁用子句ORA-02296: 无法启用(.) - 找到空值ORA-02297: 无法禁用约束条件(.) - 存在依赖关系ORA-02298: 无法验证(.) - 未找到父项关键字ORA-02299: 无法验证(.) - 未找到重复关键字ORA-02300: 无效的OIDGENERA TORS 值ORA-02301: OIDGENERA TORS 的最大数为255ORA-02302: 无效或缺少类型名ORA-02303: 无法使用类型或表的相关性来删除或取代一个类型ORA-02304: 无效的对象标识文字ORA-02305: 只有EXECUTE, DEBUG 和UNDER权限对类型有效ORA-02306: 无法创建已具有有效相关性的类型ORA-02307: 无法使用REPLACE 选项改变无效类型ORA-02308: 无效的对象类型列选项ORA-02309: 违反原子NULLORA-02310: 超出表中允许的最大列数ORA-02311: 无法使用COMPILE 选项改变具有类型或表相关性的有效类型ORA-02313: 对象类型包含不可查询的类型属性ORA-02315: 默认构造符的参数个数错误ORA-02320: 无法创建嵌套表列的存储表ORA-02322: 无法访问嵌套表列的访问表ORA-02324: THE 子查询的SELECT 列表中存在多列ORA-02327: 无法以数据类型的表达式创建索引ORA-02329: 数据类型的列不能是唯一关键字或主键ORA-02330: 不允许的数据类型说明ORA-02331: 无法创建数据类型为的列的约束条件ORA-02332: 无法对此列的属性创建索引ORA-02333: 无法对此列的属性创建约束条件ORA-02334: 无法推断列类型ORA-02335: 无效的群集列数据类型ORA-02336: 无法访问列属性ORA-02337: 不是对象类型列ORA-02338: 缺少或无效的列约束条件说明ORA-02339: 无效的列说明ORA-02340: 无效的列说明ORA-02342: 取代类型具有编译错误ORA-02344: 无法撤消执行具有表相关性的类型ORA-02345: 无法创建具有基于CURSOR 运算符的列的视图ORA-02347: 无法授权给对象表列ORA-02348: 无法创建具有嵌入LOB 的VARRAY 列ORA-02349: 无效的用户自定义类型- 类型不完整ORA-02351: 记录: 被拒绝- 表, 列上出错ORA-02352: 直接路径连接必须在同类间进行ORA-02353: 多字节字符错误ORA-02354: 字段中出现转换初始化错误ORA-02355: CONSTANT 字段中出现转换错误ORA-02356: 数据库空间耗尽。
oracle windows操作语句
oracle windows操作语句Oracle是一种关系型数据库管理系统,广泛应用于企业级应用程序开发中。
在Windows操作系统上,可以使用Oracle SQL Developer或SQL*Plus等工具执行Oracle数据库操作语句。
下面列举了十个常用的Oracle Windows操作语句。
1. 创建表(CREATE TABLE)CREATE TABLE语句用于创建数据库中的表。
例如,创建一个名为“employees”的表,包含id、name和age三个字段:```sqlCREATE TABLE employees (id NUMBER,name VARCHAR2(100),age NUMBER);```2. 插入数据(INSERT INTO)INSERT INTO语句用于向表中插入数据。
例如,向“employees”表插入一条记录:```sqlINSERT INTO employees (id, name, age)VALUES (1, 'John', 25);```3. 更新数据(UPDATE)UPDATE语句用于更新表中的数据。
例如,将“employees”表中id为1的记录的年龄改为30:```sqlUPDATE employeesSET age = 30WHERE id = 1;```4. 删除数据(DELETE)DELETE语句用于删除表中的数据。
例如,删除“employees”表中id为1的记录:```sqlDELETE FROM employeesWHERE id = 1;```5. 查询数据(SELECT)SELECT语句用于从表中查询数据。
例如,查询“employees”表中的所有记录:```sqlSELECT * FROM employees;```6. 创建索引(CREATE INDEX)CREATE INDEX语句用于在表上创建索引,以提高查询性能。
它们是在数据库实例启动第⼀个阶段时候加载的,决定了数据库的物理结构、内存、数据库的限制及系统⼤量的默认值、数据库的各种物理属性、指定数据库控制⽂件名和路径等信息,1、pfile: 初始化参数⽂件(Initialization Parameters Files)pfile是啥呢,pfile的全名就是parameter file,参数⽂件。
pfile默认路径(windows):/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db1_s/dbs/initSID.oraOracle 9i之前,ORACLE⼀直采⽤pfile⽅式存储初始化参数,pfile 默认的名称为“init+实例sid.ora”⽂件路径:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db1_s/dbs这是⼀个⽂本⽂件,可以⽤任何⽂本编辑⼯具打开。
我们可以直接使⽤指定pfile⽂件启动第⼀阶段数据库sql>startup pfile=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db1_s/dbs/init.ora.10152018183435 //通过这个指定这个参数⽂件就可以启动这个数据库了2、spfile:服务器参数⽂件(Server Parameter Files)从Oracle 9i开始,Oracle引⼊了Spfile⽂件,spfile 默认的名称为“spfile+例程名.ora”⽂件路径:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/spfile以后,数据库默认就是读取spfile的配置启动和初始化参数,加载参数到内存中以⼆进制⽂本形式存在,不能⽤vi编辑器对其中参数进⾏修改,只能通过SQL命令在线修改。
Oracle常见错误及解决办法Ø简介本⽂主要记录 Oracle 常见错误及解决办法,包括以下内容:1.ORA-00054: 资源正忙, 但指定以 NOWAIT ⽅式获取资源, 或者超时失效2.ORA-01034: ORACLE not available3.ORA-01261: Parameter db_recovery_file_dest destination string cannot be translated(启动数据库报错)4.ORA-12154: TNS: ⽆法解析指定的连接标识符5.ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor6.ORA-12541: TNS:no listener7.ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误8.ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment(启动数据库报错)9.ORA-28040: 没有匹配的验证协议((11g dblink 连接 12c 时)1.ORA-00054: 资源正忙, 但指定以 NOWAIT ⽅式获取资源, 或者超时失效n错误原因由于其他 Session 已经对⽬标表做了操作,并且已经有排他锁在表上了,所以新的 Session ⽆法再对表进⾏DDL操作。
n解决办法以 system ⽤户登录:1)查询被锁的会话IDselect session_id from v$locked_object;2)查询 sid, serial# 字段SELECT sid, serial#, username, osuser FROM v$session where sid = 9;3)将锁定的会话关闭ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION '9,99';2.ORA-01034: ORACLE not available1)检查当前数据库实例是否启动3.ORA-01261: Parameter db_recovery_file_dest destination string cannot be translated(启动数据库报错)n错误描述SQL> startupORA-01261: Parameter db_recovery_file_dest destination string cannot be translatedORA-01262: Stat failed on a file destination directoryLinux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directoryn解决办法(没有效果)不知道是什么原因,导致 $ORACLE_BASE/fast_recovery_area 少了这个⽬录,⽽导致了这个错误。
若是前者,使用命令net start OracleOraHome10gTNSListener(名字可能有出入)即可;如果是后者,则使用“Net Configuration Assistant”工具向导之“监听程序配置”增加一个监听器即可(基本不用写任何信息,一路OK。
使用命令net start ORACLESERVICEORADB(ORADB为数据库名字)即可。
3、如果数据库服务启动失败,则很有可能是其注册表项值损坏,最好的做法是以下两步:1)ORADIM -DELETE -SID oradb 删除数据库服务项2)ORADIM -NEW -SID oradb 新增数据库服务项注:这个过程中如果出错,就重启计算机!4、ORA-12154:TNS:能解析服务名原因:ORACLE的网络服务名没有正确配置。
请使用“Net8 Configuration Assistant”工具向导之“本地网络服务名配置”配置TNS即可。
5、ORA-1034 :TNS:ORACLE不可用原因:ORACLE的数据库服务正确启动,但是数据库没有打开!使用命令:1)svrmgrl 启动服务管理器2)connect internal 以internal身份登陆3)startup 打开数据库6、ORA-12560:TNS:协议适配器错误(顽固性的)原因:未知。
解决:必杀技--打开“Windows任务管理器”,杀死ORACLE.exe及ORADIM.exe进程,书写自己的 ora_startup.bat,执行之!PS:1、ora_startup.bat:net start OracleOraHome81TNSListenernet start ORACLESERVICEORADBsvrmgrl 一般情况下不用,不过有时少不了它的,具体步骤见第5步。
oracle windows操作语句
oracle windows操作语句摘要:1.Oracle 的概述2.Oracle Windows 操作语句的概述3.Oracle Windows 操作语句的具体使用方法4.Oracle Windows 操作语句的实际应用5.总结正文:1.Oracle 的概述Oracle 是一款广泛使用的关系型数据库管理系统,它由Oracle 公司推出。
Oracle 以其高效、稳定和安全闻名于世,成为众多企业和组织的首选数据库解决方案。
2.Oracle Windows 操作语句的概述Oracle Windows 操作语句是指在Oracle 数据库中,用于管理和操作Windows 平台的一系列命令。
3.Oracle Windows 操作语句的具体使用方法以下是一些常用的Oracle Windows 操作语句及其使用方法:(1) 创建表空间:`CREATE TABLESPACE`语法:`CREATE TABLESPACE [tablespace_name] DATAFILE "[datafile_name]" SIZE [size_in_mb] AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10M;`示例:创建一个名为"test_space"的表空间,数据文件名为"test_space.dbf",大小为10MB,并允许自动扩展。
(2) 查询表空间:`DESCRIBE TABLESPACE`语法:`DESCRIBE TABLESPACE [tablespace_name];`示例:查询名为"test_space"的表空间的详细信息。
(3) 删除表空间:`DROP TABLESPACE`语法:`DROP TABLESPACE [tablespace_name];`示例:删除名为"test_space"的表空间。
把(server = shared) 改成 (server = dedicate)
解决办法是修改SERVICE_NAME = orcl,或者修改dispatchers='(PROTOCOL=TCP)‘所有的连接都已shared模式,推荐用前者。
select * from v$shared_server 查看共享进程的信息,正在执行,等待请求等。
select * from v$dispatcher查看共享调度器的信息,dispatchers=如果配置了(dispatchers=数量),可以看到数量条数据。
select * from v$circuit 查看那个session连接到了那个dispatcher,那个服务器进程在为其服务。
sql developer 连接oracle错误一例
sql developer 连接oracle错误一例SQL Developer是Oracle官方推出的开发工具,它具有对Oracle数据库高度集成的强大功能,以及用户友好的界面设计。
然而,在使用SQL Developer连接Oracle数据库时,有时可能会遇到各种问题和错误,例如ORA-12560和DPI-1047等。
以下是一种常见的SQL Developer连接Oracle错误的解决方案。
错误情况:当尝试使用SQL Developer连接Oracle数据库时,提示出现错误消息:An error was encountered performing the requested operation:IO Error: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Vendor code 17002解决方案:该错误通常表示无法连接到Oracle数据库,可能是因为以下原因:1. 数据库名称或IP地址错误,无法正确指向数据库;2. 监听程序未启动或端口号有误;3. 数据库服务未运行或已停止;4. 防火墙或网络安全策略阻止了连接。
因此,我们需要采取以下措施来解决这个问题:1. 确认数据库名称或IP地址是否正确在SQL Developer的连接窗口中,需要确保正确填写数据库名称或IP地址。
2. 确认监听程序是否已启动或端口号是否正确检查监听程序是否已启动,以及端口号是否正确。
可以在命令行窗口运行lsnrctl status命令来查看监听程序的状态和端口号信息。
3. 确认数据库服务是否运行或已停止检查数据库服务是否已运行,可以在Windows服务界面中查看OracleService[SID],其中[SID]是数据库的实例名。
Windows Server 2003上安装Oracle10g(并升级至补丁Oracle Patch(图解作者:韦德weide001@906498225@第一部分:安装Oracle、选择安装方法4、检查先决条件9、指定数据库数据存储目录10、指定备份和恢复选项11、概要(检查安装配置,是否需要重新设定)12、安装(等待安装进度…)13、安装完成,启动DBCA创建数据库也完成了14、数据库内置用户口令管理15、安装结束提示信息(记住)16、结束确认17、自动打开浏览器登录EM(Enterprise Manager 10g)至此,Oracle 10g安装完毕,可以进行正常使用啦!!!第二部分:安装补丁Oracle Patch一、Oracl e Patch 安装for Windows 32bit 环境要求硬件要求:Intel Pentium or AMD 32 bit 处理器系统要求:Windows Server 2003Windows Server 2003 R2Windows 2000 (Service Pack 2 or later)Windows XP ProfessionalWindows Vista with Service Pack 1 or later数据库版本要求:Oracle Database 10g ( or later二、升级安装前的准备工作1、关闭数据库SQL> CONNECT SYS AS SYSDBAEnter password: {sys_password}已连接。
SQL> SHUTDOWN2、停止所有服务1、关闭所有可能访问数据库的工具软件和服务进程,例如:Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control oriSQL*Plus、PL/SQL等等。
Oracle Database 12c on Windows 平台支持新特性说明书
Program AgendaWindows Platform Support Oracle Database 12c Release 2Cloud123Windows Platform SupportWindows Server 2016 and Windows 10 Supported Editions•Windows Server 2016 editions–Datacenter, Essentials, and Standard Edition •Windows 10 editions–Education, Enterprise, and ProDatabase Certification on 32-bit WindowsOS11.2 DB and client112.1 client2 Windows 7Yes Yes Windows Server 2008Yes Yes Windows Server 2008 R2Yes Yes Windows 811.2.0.4Yes Windows Windows Server 201211.2.0.4 Yes Windows 10No12.1.0.2#1RAC 11.2 and higher does not support for 32-bit Windows#2For 12.1 and higher, only DB Client supports 32-bit WindowsNote: Oracle Database Client 12.2 and higher will only support Windows x64.Database Certification on 64-bit WindowsOS11.212.1 12.2 Windows 71Yes Yes Yes Windows Server 2008Yes Yes No Windows Server 2008 R2 Yes Yes No Windows 8111.2.0.4Yes Yes Windows 8.1111.2.0.4 Yes Windows Server 201211.2.0.412.1.0.2Yes Windows Server 2012 R211.2.0.412.1.0.2Yes Windows 101No12.1.0.2Yes Windows Server 2016No No Yes2 Note: 32-bit Oracle Client is supported on Windows x64#1RAC and some server features not supported on Windows clients#2To be certified shortly post-releaseDatabase Certification on Windows Hyper-VGuest OS11.212.112.2 Windows Server 2008 R211.2.0.4 (SI only) (SI only) No Windows Server 201211.2.0.4 (SI and RAC)12.1.0.x (SI only) 12.2 (SI and RAC) Windows Server 2012 R211.2.0.4 (SI and RAC) (SI and RAC)12.2 (SI and RAC) (Generation 1)Windows Server 2012 R2No12.1.0.2 (SI and RAC)12.2 (SI and RAC) (Generation 2)•Host OS: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 and 2012 R2 are certified •Host OS: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2016 will be certifiedOracle Database 12c Release 2 SecuritySecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsOracle Home User Support•Run Windows Services for Oracle using a standard Windows account •Specify a standard (not an administrator) Windows User Account as Oracle Home User during install and upgradeMicrosoft Windows User Types Overview Built-inAccountLocalSystem (Full Administrator Privileges)LocalService(Minimumprivileges)User AccountAdministrator(Local orDomain user)Standard User(Local orDomain User)ManagedService Acct(Domain User)•Account needs to be associated withspecific computer system (s)•No password management needed onlocal hosts•No need to provide passwords duringWindows service configurationVirtual Account(for WindowsService)New Windows User Account Types Supported•Virtual Account–Introduced by Microsoft in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2–Each Windows Service has it’s own virtual account name–No password management–Can work in a workgroup or domain–Ability to access the network with a computer identity in a domain environment •Group Managed Service Account (gMSA)–Introduced by Microsoft in Windows Server 2012–Single Group Managed Service Account (gMSA) can be used on multiple hosts –No password management needed on local hosts–No need to provide passwords during Windows service configurationOracle Database Server InstallOracle Home User•Different from Oracle Installation User who must have OS administration privileges•Services for the Oracle Home run with this user name•Can be Windows Built-in Account or Virtual Account or a standard Windows User Account•Can not be changed post install•Have similarities with ‘oracle’ user on Linux, though you can not log in as the Oracle Home User on Windows and perform administration tasks (e.g. Create DB, Install, Upgrade)Virtual Account Support•New default for Single Instance Oracle Database Server install•Only supported for Single Instance Oracle Database Server install •No need to manage user name or password for Oracle Home User •Database files are owned by the virtual account for the Oracle Database Windows Service (e.g. NT Service\OracleServiceORCL) •Note: DB Client, built-in account option, uses LocalService and Service SIDs for client side Windows services, and is very similar to how Virtual Account worksGroup Managed Service Account support•Supported for all Oracle Database installs (DB Client, Single Instance Oracle Database, RAC and Grid Infrastructure)•Works like any other domain user but no need to create Oracle wallet and/or provide password for any database operationOracle RAC Database InstallOracle Grid Infrastructure InstallDatabase Client Install•For Built-in Accountoption, WindowsServices run underLocalService (notLocalSystem) forDatabase ClientInstallWindows Account option for Oracle Home User Needs to bepre-created?Password neededduring DBoperations?DBServer(SI)DBClientDBServer(RAC)GridInfra-structureVirtual Account N N Y N N N Built-in Account (internally, useLocalSystem)N N Y N Y YBuilt-in Account (internally, useLocalService)#2N N N Y N N Local User Account#2N Y Y#1Y N N Managed Services Account Y N Y Y N N Group Managed Services Account Y N Y Y Y Y Domain Account Y Y Y Y Y Y#1 –Windows OS authentication can not be used across systems#2 –Windows Services can not access any secure shared network resource using its own Windows identity`Oracle Database Services on WindowsOracle ListenerServiceDatabasesOracle DatabaseServiceORACLE BASEORACLE HOMEOther FilesWindows ServicesFile System ACLs•Services run as a Windows User (e.g. domain1\frank)•Each service also has a unique Service SID (e.g. Database sid orcl has service SID: NTAUTHORITY\OracleServiceORCL)•Either user name or Service SID can be used to grant privileges or set ACLs for file system access•Oracle sets appropriate ACLs for Oracle Home and Oracle Base•For customer specific files/directories in non-standard locations, ACLs may need to be changed to make them accessible to Oracle ServicesPlease check Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft Windows for more information.Database Creation•Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) is used to create or modify Oracle Database as a part of install or as post install action •Administrator, invoking the tools, needs to be an OS Administrator and should have appropriate database privileges•Use the icon Database Configuration Assistant(the icon is set up to “run as administrator”) to invoke DBCA•As Windows Service creation requires both user id and password, DBCA will ask for the password of Oracle Home User (if needed) in order to create the Windows Service•For Single Instance DB, password is needed for Windows Local User and Domain User•For RAC, the customer has the option to store password in wallet; if not stored, the password needs to be input for Windows Domain UserDatabase 1 (12c)Database 1 (11.2)Oracle Database UpgradeORACLE_BASEORADATAORACLE_HOME (11.2)Database 2 (11.2)ORACLE_BASEORADATAORACLE_HOME (11.2)Database 2 (11.2)ORACLE_HOME (12c)Oracle Home and Database Upgrade•Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) is used for database upgrade across Oracle Homes as a part of install or as post install action •Administrator, invoking the tools, needs to be an OS Administrator and should have appropriate database privileges•Use the icon Database Upgrade Assistant (the icon is set up to “run as administrator”)•Requirement to enter Oracle Home User and Password is similar to Database creation•When a database is upgraded, it will ask for password of Oracle HomeUser (if needed)Administration Tools•All GUI tools (e.g. DBCA, NETCA) enhanced to support Oracle Home User and ask for password if needed•All command line tools (e.g. ORADIM, LSNRCTL, CMCTL) enhanced to accept Oracle Home User name and password through stdin for service creation•Silent Install and Cloning enhanced to support Oracle Home User •CRSCTL can be used to create wallet for storing password of Oracle Home User (RAC environment)•Enterprise Manager support of Oracle Home User for provisioning, patching, and service creationManagement of Oracle Home User•As it is a standard Windows user, Windows tools can be used to manage the Windows account (e.g. add privileges, change password)•For changing password of the Oracle Home User account–Use Windows tools to change the password–Windows also requires all Windows Services to be updated to use the new password –For all Windows Services used by Oracle, you can use the icon Update Password for Oracle Home User to:•update password for all Windows services used by Oracle on a computer (Single Instance Database or Client)•change password in Oracle wallet and update password for all Windows services used by Oracle ina cluster (for RAC)You can also use the tool Oracle Home User Control (orahomeuserctl) in command line (run as administrator)Recommendations for Oracle Home User•For DB server (SI)–Use Virtual Account to avoid password management (12.2)–For 12.1, specify a Windows user account during install•For RAC DB and Grid Infrastructure install–Use a domain user or group managed service account–For a group managed service account (12.2), you do not need to provide the password for any database operation•If you want to separate out administration domains (e.g. Production and Test databases) of different Oracle Homes for security reasons:–Use Virtual Account and specify distinct Oracle Base directory for each administration domain –Use distinct Oracle Home User account (and Oracle Base directory) for each administration domain •For DB client install, use Built-in Account optionSecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsWindows Native Authentication (NTS)•Enabled by default and can work across Windows systems•Windows user logon credentials used for database authentication •Windows Explorer or Oracle Administration Assistant can be used to manage user authentication and role authorization•Works for Pluggable Databases•New client-side parameter in sqlnet.ora:–"no_ntlm“, which may be set to true for security reasons. (Only works for domain users) –Examples: CONNECT / AS SYSDBA or CONNECT /Windows Native AuthenticationSYSDBA and SYSOPER Privileges•ORA_DBA–SYSDBA privileges for all Oracle Databases on the system •ORA_OPER–SYSOPER privileges for all Oracle Databases on the system •ORA_<HomeName>_DBA (12cR1)–SYSDBA privileges for Oracle Databases on a specific Oracle Home •ORA_<HomeName>_OPER (12cR1)–SYSOPER privileges for Oracle Databases on a specific Oracle HomeAll the groups are on the server systemWindows Native AuthenticationSeparation of Privileges•ORA_<HomeName>_ SYSBACKUP (12cR1)–Backup privileges (SYSBACKUP) for databases of a specific Oracle Home •ORA_<HomeName>_SYSDG (12cR1)–Data Guard Privileges (SYSDG) for databases of a specific Oracle Home•ORA_<HomeName>_ SYSKM (12cR1)–Encryption Key Management privileges (SYSKM) for databases of a specific Oracle HomeAll the groups are on the server systemWindows Native Authentication•ORA_ASMADMIN (12cR1)–SYSASM administration privileges on the computer•ORA_ASMDBA (12cR1)–SYSDBA privileges for ASM Instance on the computer•ORA_ASMOPER (12cR1)–SYSOPER privileges for ASM Instance on the computer•ORA_DBA and ORA_OPER group members no longer get privileges for ASM instance Administrative Privileges for ASM InstanceAll the groups are on the server systemSecurity•Oracle Home User•Windows Native Authentication •Kerberos and ASM enhancementsKerberos and ASM Enhancements•Kerberos–Security enhancements that were introduced in the MIT Kerberos Release 1.8 distribution–In sqlnet.ora, setSQLNET.KERBEROS5_CC_NAME = MSLSA: (instead of OSMSFT:)•ASM file access control–Restrict access of database files to the owner of the database homeOracle Database 12c Release 2 Scalability and PerformanceLarge Pages•Improve performance with large pages support–2 MB Page size (instead of 4 KB)•If Oracle Home User is a standard Windows account, administrator must grant the "Lock pages in memory" privilege to Oracle Home User or Service SID of Oracle Database Service (NTAUTHORITY\OracleService<sid>)Large Pages•Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\KEY_HOMENAME–Create ORA_LPENABLE or ORA_SID_LPENABLE–Set the value to 1 for regular mode and 2 for mixed mode–Mixed mode is the new option to allow use of large pages but fall back to small pages if OS is not able to allocate large pages–ORA_SID_LPMAXTIME is the optional time parameter for mixed mode•If a server has been running for some time and memory is fragmented, OS may fail to allocate large pages–Mixed mode can be used to ensure that DB comes up in such casesMultiple Processor Groups•Support max of 10 processor groups with up to 64 CPUs in each group in ( supports 4 processor groups)•ORACLE_AFFINITY enhanced to enable affinity of Oracle threads to CPUs in multiple processor groups–processorgroup is an optional parameter designating Windows CPU group •On systems with 64+ logical CPUs, Windows divides all available CPUs into 4 groups (0,1,2,3) with each group containing no more than 64 logical CPUs•Details in Oracle Database Platform Guide for Microsoft WindowsDNFS Client and Resilient File System•Database 12c DNFS client–Standard NFS path formats allow user to utilize standard URN notation for NFS in oranfstab config file and while working with oradnfs utility•e.g.“nfs://server/share/file”•Windows Resilient File System supportOracle Database 12c Release 2 Ease of Management and DevelopmentOracle Database Instance Manager Available as Microsoft Management Console Snap-InORADIM as an MMC Snap-In•ORADIM performs DB create, edit, delete, start, and shutdown operations •All ORADIM operations available in snap-in•Benefits–Centralized instance management for all Oracle Database Homes–Familiar Windows GUI management tool•Found in path ORACLE_HOME\MMC Snap-Ins\oradim or click on ORADIM shortcut in Oracle Home.NET DevelopmentODAC•DB Client 12.2–Application Continuity–Sharding•ODAC 12.2–Connection pool tagging– Database Resident Connection Pooling (DRCP)–Oracle Multitenant improvements–Oracle Edition-Based Redefinition improvements–Offline Schema Compare in Visual StudioCloud Windows and .NETOracle Compute Cloud ServiceDeploy .NET applications to Oracle IaaS on Windows •Windows 2012 R2and Windows 2008 R2VMs available from Oracle Cloud Marketplace to–Free during promotional period–Deploy to Oracle Compute•Deploy and configure IIS, .NET, and apps to Oracle Compute–How To White Paper: Deploying Microsoft Web ApplicationServer on Oracle Compute Cloud ServiceDevelopment & Test Easy On-Ramp to Oracle Database Cloud Services Dedicated Exadata Full-Instance Enterprise ExadataExpressHighest Availability, Scalability, Performance SMB, Departmental ApplicationsEnterprise ApplicationsThe Best Cloud Database for Windows Developers •Popular language drivers–•Multiple interfaces–Full Oracle Net (SQL*Net)–REST API, JSON storage •Updated tools–Oracle Developer Tools for VS –SQL Developer, Data Modeler –Powerful new command-lineDATABASE12cR2Oracle APEXOracle SQLDeveloperOracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service Connect from On-premises•Use and ODT 12.1 for Oracle Public Cloud or higher –ODT for VS 2015 and VS 2013–Managed and unmanaged •How to connect:–Developing .NET Applications for Oracle Database Exadata Express Cloud Service–Uses Oracle Net Services with Oracle Wallet to secure connectionOracle Database Cloud Service (non-Exadata Express) Connect from On-premises•Use and ODT 12.1 for Oracle Public Cloud or higher–ODT for VS 2015 and VS 2013–Managed and unmanaged •How to connect:–Developing .NET Applications for Oracle Database as a Service–Secure Shell (SSH) required to secure connection•Use SSH client to create tunnel, such as PuTTY•PuTTY can also generate private and public SSH key pairQ&A。
解决ORA-12560TNS 协议适配器错误
解决ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误1.在开始菜单里面找到oracle的安装程序点击进去,找到配置和移植工具,点击DataBase Configuration Assistant 根据向导新建数据库实例。
2.windows平台个如下操作:右键单击“我的电脑”——“管理”——“服务和应用程序”——“服务”,启动oracleOraDb10g_home2TNSlistener服务和启动oracleserviceXXXX,这里的XXXX就是你database SID.这里一般会有三个关于Oracle 的服务,都启动起来。
“开始”——“运行”——输入“regedit”,然后进入HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ORACLE\HOME0将该环境变量ORACLE_SID设置为XXXX,其中XXXX就是你的database SID.或者右击我的电脑,属性--高级--环境变量---系统变量--新建,变量名=oracle_sid,变量值=“XXXX”,同上XXXX就是你的database SID(我自己就是用这种方法成功解决的,推荐).或者进入sqlplus前,在command line下输set oracle_sid=XXXX,XXXX就是你的database SID.4.用oracle自带的sqlplus进入的话还可以尝试,主机字符串输入SID.备注:这是我参考了网上的资料,结合自己的实际总结的,个人认为,第一步,第二步是必须的,第三步可以选择我推荐的方法,比较简单,从DOS界面登录的话到这里一般就OK了。
sqlplus登录时遇到的ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误解决办法
在windows下使⽤lsnrctl start启动监听之后,然后使⽤sqlplus登录的时候遇到了ORA-12560: TNS: 协议适配器错误的问题。
这时数据库的实例还没有启动,使⽤net start OracleServiceORCL启动实例后,再使⽤sqlplus /as sysdba登录即OK了。
在实验的过程中发现在sqlplus中startup和shutdown database,系统的OracleServiceORCL服务⼀直是启动的,这个跟以前在linux下启动数据库不太⼀样。
也就是说lsnrctl命令可以启动监听,但是startup、shutdown并不能启动实例的服务,需要使⽤net start和net stop命令来启动,在此记录跟⼤家分享⼀下。
1.1.1 DBCA的启动DBCA可以通过“开始”菜单中的选项来启动,也可以通过命令行方式启动,在命令行键入“dbca”则可以启动数据库创建助手界面,如图1-2所示。
图1-2 Database Configuration Assistant欢迎界面在Windows系统上,通过命令行来运行dbca命令,实际上调用的是$ORACLE_HO ME\bin\下的dbca.bat批处理文件,可以简略地看一下这个批处理文件的内容(省略了部分内容):C:\>type C:\oracle\10.2.0\bin\dbca.bat…………@set OH=C:\oracle\10.2.0@set JRE_CLASSPATH=C:\oracle\10.2.0\jdk\jre\lib\rt.jar@set I18N_CLASSPATH=C:\oracle\10.2.0\jdk\jre\lib\i18n.jar…………"C:\oracle\10.2.0\jdk\jre\BIN\JAVA" -DORACLE_HOME="%OH%" -DJDBC_PROTOCOL= thin -mx128m oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca%*exit /B %ERRORLEVEL%bash-2.05$ uname -aSunOS db210-rac2 5.9 Generic_117171-12 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V210 bash-2.05$ which dbca/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/dbcabash-2.05$ more /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/db/bin/dbca#!/bin/sh -f…………# ClasspathJRE_CLASSPATH=$JRE_DIR/lib/$JRE_FILEI18_CLASSPATH=$JRE_DIR/lib/$I18_FILEEWT_CLASSPATH=$JLIB_DIR/$EWT_FILE:$JLIB_DIR/$EWT_COMP_FILESHARE_CLASSPATH=$JLIB_DIR/$SHARE_FILE…………# Run DBCA$JRE_DIR/bin/java -Dsun.java2d.font.DisableAlgorithmicStyles=true -DORACL E_HOME=$OH -DDISPLAY=$DISPLAY -DJDBC_PROTOCOL=thin -mx128m-classpath $CLASSPATH oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.Dbca $ARGUMENTS 同样最后一行命令启动了Java应用DBCA工具。
ORA-00020超出最大进程数的解决方法ORA-00020超出最大进程数的解决方法1 原因:一般原因是因为你的应用程序的连接数超过了ORACLE系统设置的最大连接数。
2 解决方法:⑴方法一:修改初始化参数。
set oracle_sid=xxxexport oracle_sid=xxx在OEM的Instance的Configuration下打开All initialization parameters,找到Processes项,该项系统安装一般默认为150,你可以修改到你想需要的,一般为200~2000之间。
不过它的大小会受制于硬件的内存或ORACLE SGA,范围在200~~2000之间。
系统所占用信号量可用下列命令查出ipcs -sb,其中列NSEMS 显示系统已占用信号量。
其他:其它一些跟连接有关的参数,如licence_max_sessions, licence_sessions_warning 等默认设置都为零,也就是没有限制。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Applies to:
Oracle Database Configuration Assistant - Version: to - Release: 10.2 to 11.1
Microsoft Windows (32-bit)
Microsoft Windows x64 (64-bit)
Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit)Microsoft Windows Vista x64 (64-bit)Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (32-bit)Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (64-bit Itanium)Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64 (AMD64/EM64T)
Install Oracle (Vista/2008 version) on Windows 2008 Active Directory Controller.
When trying to create the database, around 2% completion, the error ORA-12560 will occur.
This Problem can occur on both 32bit and 64bit.
This Problem does NOT reproduce on a Member server. Only the Active Directory Controller.
BUG 7263061.
For Oracle
This issue has been resolved in the Oracle Patch 14 patch.
Patch number 7677780 (MS Windows 32bit), or Patch number 7677781 (MS Windows
64bit (x64)).
NOTE: You will need to be at the version, before applying this patch.
For Oracle
This issue has been resolved in the Oracle Patch 14 patch.
Patch number 8603948 (MS Windows 32bit), or Patch number 8603952 (MS Windows 64bit (x64)).
NOTE: You will need to be at the version, before applying this patch.
Install the Oracle Database Software, but do not create a Database.
Apply the Patch 14 patch. (This applies to both the 32bit and 64bit versions).
Or, for Oracle 11g, apply the Patch 14 patch (This applies to both 32bit and 64bit versions).
Then create a new database, using the DBCA (Database Configuration Assistant) utility.
Another Solution:
Install the Oracle Software on a Non-Controller machine.
You can demote the Controller machine to a Member machine.
Perform the install, create the database.
Once everything is installed and setup, you can promote the machine to a Controller.
Be aware, you may have to go through these sames steps if you want to create another Database.。