Measures for the detection of localized corrosion with electrochemical noise




Determination of Pesticide Minimum Residue Limits in Essential OilsReport No 3A report for the Rural Industries Research andDevelopment CorporationBy Professor R. C. Menary & Ms S. M. GarlandJune 2004RIRDC Publication No 04/023RIRDC Project No UT-23A© 2004 Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation.All rights reserved.ISBN 0642 58733 7ISSN 1440-6845‘Determination of pesticide minimum residue limits in essential oils’, Report No 3Publication No 04/023Project no.UT-23AThe views expressed and the conclusions reached in this publication are those of the author and not necessarily those of persons consulted. RIRDC shall not be responsible in any way whatsoever to any person who relies in whole or in part on the contents of this report.This publication is copyright. However, RIRDC encourages wide dissemination of its research, providing the Corporation is clearly acknowledged. For any other enquiries concerning reproduction, contact the Publications Manager on phone 02 6272 3186.Researcher Contact DetailsProfessor R. C. Menary & Ms S. M. GarlandSchool of Agricultural ScienceUniversity of TasmaniaGPO Box 252-54HobartTasmania 7001AustraliaPhone: (03) 6226 2723Fax: (03) 6226 7609Email: r.menary@.auIn submitting this report, the researcher has agreed to RIRDC publishing this material in its edited form.RIRDC Contact DetailsRural Industries Research and Development CorporationLevel 1, AMA House42 Macquarie StreetBARTON ACT 2600PO Box 4776KINGSTON ACT 2604Phone: 02 6272 4819Fax: 02 6272 5877Email: rirdc@.auWebsite: .auPublished in June 2004Printed on environmentally friendly paper by Canprint.FOREWORDInternational regulatory authorities are standardising the levels of pesticide residues present in products on the world market which are considered acceptable. The analytical methods to be used to confirm residue levels are also being standardised. To constructively participate in these processes, Australia must have a research base capable of constructively contributing to the establishment of methodologies and must be in a position to assess the levels of contamination within our own products.Methods for the analysis for pesticide residues rarely deal with their detection in the matrix of essential oils. This project is designed to develop and validate analytical methods and apply that methodology to monitor pesticide levels in oils produced from commercial harvests. This will provide an overview of the levels of pesticide residues we can expect in our produce when normal pesticide management programs are adhered to.The proposal to produce a manual which deals with the specific problems associated with detection of pesticide residues in essential oils is intended to benefit the essential oil industry throughout Australia and may prove useful to other horticultural products.This report is the third in a series of four project reports presented to RIRDC on this subject. It is accompanied by a technical manual detailing methodologies appropriate to the analysis for pesticide residues in essential oils.This project was part funded from RIRDC Core Funds which are provided by the Australian Government. Funding was also provided by Essential Oils of Tasmania and Natural Plant Extracts Cooperative Society Ltd.This report, an addition to RIRDC’s diverse range of over 1000 research publications, forms part of our Essential Oils and Plant Extracts R&D program, which aims for an Australian essential oils and plant extracts industry that has established international leadership in production, value adding and marketing.Most of our publications are available for viewing, downloading or purchasing online through our website:•downloads at .au/fullreports/index.html•purchases at .au/eshopSimon HearnManaging DirectorRural Industries Research and Development CorporationAcknowledgementsOur gratitude and recognition is extended to Dr. Noel Davies (Central Science Laboratories, University of Tasmania) who provided considerable expertise in establishing procedures for chromatography mass spectrometry.The contribution to extraction methodologies and experimental work-up of Mr Garth Oliver, Research Assistant, cannot be underestimated and we gratefully acknowledge his enthusiasm and novel approaches.Financial and ‘in kind’ support was provided by Essential Oils Industry of Tasmania, (EOT).AbbreviationsADI Average Daily IntakeAGAL Australian Government Analytical Laboratoriesingredientai activeAPCI Atmospheric Pressure Chemical IonisationBAP Best Agricultural PracticesenergyCE collisionDETA DiethylenetriamineECD Electron Capture DetectorionisationESI ElectrosprayFPD Flame Photometric DetectionChromatographyGC GasResolutionHR HighChromatographyLC LiquidLC MSMS Liquid Chromatography with detection monitoring the fragments of Mass Selected ionsMRL Maximum Residue LimitSpectrometryMS MassNRA National Registration AuthorityR.S.D. Relative Standard DeviationSFE Supercritical Fluid ExtractionSIM Single Ion MonitoringSPE Solid Phase ExtractionTIC Total Ion ChromatogramContents FOREWORD (III)ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (IV)ABBREVIATIONS (V)CONTENTS (VI)EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (VII)1. INTRODUCTION (1)1.1B ACKGROUND TO THE P ROJECT (1)1.2O BJECTIVES (2)1.3M ETHODOLOGY (2)2. EXPERIMENTAL PROTOCOLS & DETAILED RESULTS (3)2.1M ETHOD D EVELOPMENT (3)2.2M ONITORING OF H ARVESTS (42)2.3P RODUCTION OF M ANUAL (46)3. CONCLUSIONS (47)IMPLICATIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS (50)BIBLIOGRAPHY (50)Executive SummaryThe main objective of this project was to continue method development for the detection of pesticide residues in essential oils, to apply those methodologies to screen oils produced by major growers in the industry and to produce a manual to consolidate and coordinate the results of the research. Method development focussed on the effectiveness of clean-up techniques, validation of existing techniques, the assessment of the application of gas chromatography (GC) with detection using electron capture detectors (ECD), flame photometric detectors (FPD) and high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with ion trap mass selective (MS) detection.The capacity of disposable C18 cartridges to separate components of boronia oil was found to be limited with the majority of boronia components being eluted on the solvent front, with little to no separation achieved. The cartridges were useful, however, in establishing the likely interaction of reverse phases (RP) C18 columns with components of essential oils, using polar mobile phases . The loading of large amounts of oil onto RP HPLC columns presents the risk of permanently contaminating the bonded phases. The lack of retention of components on disposable SPE C18 cartridges, despite the highly polar mobile phase, presented a good indication that essential oils would not accumulate on HPLC RP columns.The removal of non-polar essential oil components by solvent partitioning of distilled oils was minimal, with the recovery of pesticides equivalent to that recorded for the essential oil components. However application of this technique was of advantage in the analysis of solvent extracted essential oils such as those produced from boronia and blackcurrant.ECD was found to be successful in the detection of terbacil, bromacil, haloxyfop ester, propiconazole, tebuconazole and difenaconzole. However, analysis of pesticide residues in essential oils by application of GC ECD is not sufficiently sensitive to allow for a definitive identification of any contaminant. As a screen, ECD will only be effective in establishing that, in the absence of a peak eluting with the correct retention time, no gross contamination of pesticide residues in an essential oil has occurred . In the situation where a peak is recorded with the correct elution characteristics, and which is enhanced when the sample is fortified with the target analyte, a second means of contaminant identification would be required. ECD, then, can only be used to rule out significant contamination and could not in itself be adequate for a positive identification of pesticide contamination.Benchtop GC daughter, daughter mass spectrometry (MSMS) was assessed and was not considered practical for the detection of pesticide residues within the matrix of essential oils without comprehensive clean-up methodologies. The elution of all components into the mass spectrometer would quickly lead to detector contamination.Method validation for the detection of 6 common pesticides in boronia oil using GC high resolution mass spectrometry was completed. An analytical technique for the detection of monocrotophos in essential oils was developed using LC with detection by MSMS. The methodology included an aqueous extraction step which removed many essential oil components from the sample.Further method development of LC MSMS included the assessment of electrospray ionisation (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ionisation (APCI. For the chemicals trialed, ESI has limited application. No response was recorded for some of the most commonly used pesticides in the essential oil industry, such as linuron, oxyflurofen, and bromacil. Overall, there was very little difference between the sensitivity for ESI and APCI. However, APCI was slightly more sensitive for the commonly used pesticides, tebuconazole and propiconazole, and showed a response, though poor, to linuron and oxyflurofen. In addition, APCI was the preferred ionisation method for the following reasons,♦APCI uses less nitrogen gas compared to ESI, making overnight runs less costly;♦APCI does not have the high back pressure associated with ionisation by ESI such that APCI can be run in conjunction with UV-VIS without risk of fracturing the cell, which is pressure sensitive. Analytes that ionised in the negative APCI mode were incorporated into a separate screen which included bromacil, terbacil, and the esters of the fluazifop and haloxyfop acids. Further work using APCI in the positive mode formed the basis for the inclusion of monocrotophos, pirimicarb, propazine and difenaconazole into the standard screen already established. Acephate, carbaryl, dimethoate, ethofumesate and pendimethalin all required further work for enhanced ionisation and / or improved elution profiles. Negative ionisation mode for APCI gave improved characteristics for dicamba, procymidone, MCPA and mecoprop.The thirteen pesticides included in this general screen were monocrotophos, simazine, cyanazine, pirimicarb, propazine, sethoxydim, prometryb, tebuconazole, propiconazole, , difenoconazole and the esters of fluroxypyr, fluazifop and haloxyfop.. Bromacil and terbacil were not included as both require negative ionisation and elute within the same time window as simazine, which requires positive ionisation. Cycling the MS between the two modes was not practical.The method validation was tested against three oils, peppermint, parsley and fennel.Detection limits ranged from 0.1 to 0.5 mgkg-1 within the matrix of the essential oils, with a linear relationship established between pesticide concentration and peak height (r2 greater than 0.997) and repeatabilities, as described by the relative standard deviation (r.s.d), ranging from 3 to 19%. The type of oil analysed had minimal effect on the response function as expressed by slope of the standard curve.The pesticides which have an carboxylic acid moiety such as fluazifop, haloxyfop and fluroxypyr, present several complications in any analytical method development. The commercial preparations usually have the carboxylic acid in the ester form, which is hydrolysed to the active acidic form on contact with soil and vegetation. In addition, the esters may be present in several forms, such as the ethoxy ethyl or butyl esters. Detection using ESI was tested. Preliminary results indicate that ESI is unsuitable for haloxyfop and fluroxypyr ester. Fluazifop possessed good ionisation characteristics using ESI, with responses approximately thirty times that recorded for haxloyfop. Poor chromatography and response necessitated improved mobile phase and the effect of pH on elution characteristics was considered the most critical parameter. The inclusion of acetic acid improved peak resolution.The LC MSMS method for the detection of dicamba, fluroxypyr, MCPA, mecoprop and haloxyfop in peppermint and fennel distilled oils underwent the validation process. Detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.1 mgkg-1Extraction protocols and LC MSMS methods for the detection of paraquat and diquat were developed. ESI produced excellent responses for both paraquat and diquat, after some modifications of the mobile phase. Extraction methodology using aqueous phases were developed. Extraction with carbonate buffer proved to be the most effective in terms of recovery and robustness. A total ion chromatogram of the LC run of an aqueous extract of essential oil was recorded and detection using a photodiode array detector confirmed that very little essential oil matrix was co-extracted. The low background noise indicated that samples could be introduced directly into the MS. This presented a most efficient and rapid way for analysis of paraquat and diquat, avoiding the need for specialised columns or modifiers to be included in the mobile phase to instigate ion exchange.The adsorbtion of paraquat and diquat onto glass and other surfaces was reduced by the inclusion of diethylenetriamine (DETA). DETA preferentially accumulates on the surfaces of sample containers, competitively binding to the adsorption sites. All glassware used in the paraquat diquat analysis were washed in a 5% solution of 0.1M DETA, DETA was included in all standard curve preparations, oils were extracted with aqueous DETA and the mobile phase was changed to 50:50 DETA / methanol. The stainless steel tubing on the switching valve was replaced with teflon, further improvingreproducibility. Method validation was undertaken of the analysis of paraquat and diquat using the protocols established. The relationship between analyte concentration and peak area was not linear at low concentrations, with adsorption more pronounced for paraquat, such that the response for this analyte was half that seen for diquat and the 0.1 mgkg-1 level.The development of a method for the detection of the dithiocarbamate, mancozeb was commenced. Disodium N, N'-ethylenebis(dithiocarbamate) was synthesised as a standard for the derivatised final analytical product. An LC method, with detection using MSMS, was successfully completed. The inclusion of a phase transfer reagent, tetrabutylammonium hyrdrogen sulfate, required in the derivatisation step, contaminated the LC MSMS system, such that any signal from the target analyte was masked. Alternatives to the phase transfer reagent are now being investigated.Monitoring of harvests were undertaken for the years spanning 1998 to 2001. Screens were conducted covering a range of solvent extracted and distilled oils. Residues tested for included tebuconazole, simazine, terbacil, bromacil, sethoxydim, prometryn, oxyflurofen, pirimicarb, difenaconazole, the herbicides with acidic moieties and paraquat and diquat. Problems continued for residues of propiconazole in boronia in the 1998 / 1999 year with levels to 1 mgkg-1 still being detected. Prometryn residues were detected in a large number of samples of parsley oil.Finally the information gleaned over years of research was collated into a manual designed to allow intending analysts to determine methodologies and equipment most suited to the type of the pesticide of interest and the applicability of analytical equipment generally available.1. Introduction1.1 Background to the ProjectResearch undertaken by the Horticultural Research Group at the University of Tasmania, into pesticide residues in essential oils has been ongoing for several years and has dealt with the problems specific to the analysis of residues within the matrix of essential oils. Analytical methods for pesticides have been developed exploiting the high degree of specificity and selectivity afforded by high resolution gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Standard curves, reproducibility and detection limits were established for each. Chemicals, otherwise not amenable to gas chromatography, were derivatised and incorporated into a separate screen to cover pesticides with acidic moieties.Research has been conducted into low resolution GC mass selective detectors (MSD and GC ECD. Low resolution GC MSD achieved detection to levels of 1 mgkg-1 in boronia oil, whilst analysis using GC ECD require a clean-up step to effectively detect halogenated chemicals below 1mgkg-1.Dithane (mancozeb) residues were digested using acidified stannous chloride and the carbon disulphide generated from this reaction analysed by GC coupled to FPD in the sulphur mode.Field trials in peppermint crops were established in accordance with the guidelines published by the National Registration Authority (NRA), monitoring the dissipation of Tilt and Folicur residues in peppermint leaves and the co-distillation of these residues with hydro-distilled peppermint oils were assessed.Development of extraction protocols, analytical methods, harvest monitoring and field trials were continued and were detailed in a subsequent report. Solvent-based extractions and supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was found to have limited application in the clean-up of essential oilsIn conjunction with Essential Oils of Tasmania (EOT), the contamination risk, associated with the introduction of a range of herbicides, was assessed through a series of field trials. This required analytical method development to detect residues in boronia flowers, leaf and oil. The methodology for a further nine pesticides was successful applied. Detection limits for these chemicals ranged from 0.002 mgkg-1 to 0.1 mgkg-1. In addition, methods were developed to analyse for herbicides with active ingredients (ai) whose structure contained acidic functional groups. Two methods of pesticide application were trialed. Directed sprays refer to those directed on the stems and leaves of weeds at the base of boronia trees throughout the trial plot. Cover sprays were applied over the entire canopy. For all herbicides for which significant residues were detected, it was evident that cover sprays resulted in contamination levels ten times those occurring as a result of directed spraying in some instances. Chloropropham, terbacil and simazine presented potentially serious residue problems, with translocation of the chemical from vegetative material to the flower clearly evident.Directed spray applications of diuron and dimethenamid presented only low residue levels in extracted flowers with adequate control of weeds. Oxyflurofen and the mixture of bromacil and diuron (Krovar) presented only low levels of residues when used as a directed spray and were effective as both post and pre-emergent herbicides. Only very low levels of residues of both sethoxydim and norflurazon were detected in boronia oil produced in crops treated with directed spray applications. Sethoxydim was effective as a cover spray for grasses whilst norflurazon showed potential as herbicide to be used in combination with other chemicals such as diuron, paraquat and diquat. Little contamination of boronia oils by herbicides with acidic moieties was found. This advantage, however, appears to be offset by the relatively poor weed control. Both pendimethalin and haloxyfop showed good weed control. Both, however, present problems with chemical residues in boronia oil and should only be used as a directed sprayThe stability of tebuconazole, monocrotophos and propiconazole in boronia under standard storage conditions was investigated. Field trials of tebuconazole and propiconazole were established in commercial boronia crops and the dissipation of both were monitored over time. The amount of pesticide detected in the oils was related to that originally present in the flowers from which the oils were produced.Experiments were conducted to determine whether the accumulation of terbacil residues in peppermint was retarding plant vigour. The level recorded in the peppermint leaves were comparatively low. Itis unlikely that terbacil carry over is the cause for the lack of vigour in young peppermint plants.Boronia oils produced in 1996, 1997 and 1998 were screened for pesticides using the analytical methods developed. High levels of residues of propiconazole were shown to persist in crops harvested up until 1998. Field trials have shown that propiconazole residues should not present problems if the fungicide is used as recommended by the manufacturers.1.2 Objectives♦Provide the industry, including the Standards Association of Australia Committee CH21, with a concise practical reference, immediately relevant to the Australian essential oil industry♦Facilitate the transfer of technology from a research base to practical application in routine monitoring programs♦Continue the development of analytical methods for the detection of metabolites of the active ingredients of pesticide in essential oils.♦Validate the methods developed.♦Provide industry with data supporting assurances of quality for all exported products.♦Provide a benchmark from which Australia may negotiate the setting of a realistic maximum residue limit (MRL)♦Determine whether the rate of uptake is relative to the concentration of active ingredient on the leaf surface may establish the minimum application rates for effective pest control.1.3 MethodologyThree approaches were used to achieve the objectives set out above.♦Continue the development and validation of analytical methods for the detection of pesticide residues in essential oils. Analytical methods were developed using gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (GC HR MS), GC ECD, GC FPD and high pressure liquid chromatography with detection using MSMS.♦Provide industry with data supporting assurances of quality for all exported products.♦Coordinate research results into a comprehensive manual outlining practical approaches to the development of analytical proceduresOne aspect of the commissioning of this project was to provide a cost effective analytical resource to assess the degree of the pesticide contamination already occurring in the essential oils industry using standard pesticide regimens. Oil samples from annual harvests were analysed for the presence of pesticide residues. Data from preceding years were collated to determine the progress or otherwise, in the application of best agricultural practice (BAP).2. Experimental Protocols & Detailed ResultsThe experimental conditions and results are presented under the following headings:♦Method Development♦Monitoring of Commercial Harvests♦Production of a Manual2.1 Method DevelopmentMethod development focussed on the effectiveness of clean-up techniques, validation of existing techniques, the assessment of the application of GC ECD and FPD and high pressure liquid chromatography with ion trap MS, MS detection.2.1.1 Clean-up Methodologies2.1.1.i. Application of Disposable SPE cartridges in the clean-up of pesticide residues in essentialoilsLiterature reviews provided limited information with regards to the separation of contaminants within essential oils. The retention characteristics of disposable C18 cartridges were trialed.Experiment 1;Aim : To assess the capacity of disposable C18 cartridges to the separation of boronia oil components. Experimental : Boronia concrete (49.8 mg) was dissolved in 0.5 mL of acetone and 0.4 mL of chloroform was added. 1mg of octadecane was added as an internal standard. A C18 Sep-Pak Classic cartridge (short body) was pre- conditioned with 1.25 mL of methanol, which was passed through the column at 7.5 mLmin-1, followed by 1.25 mL of acetone, at the same flow rate. The boronia samplewas then applied to the column at 2 mLmin-1 flow and eluted with 1.25 mL of acetone / chloroform (5/ 4) and then eluted with a further 2.5 mL of chloroform. 5 fractions of 25 drops each were collected. The fractions were analysed by GC FID using the following parametersAnalytical parameters6890PackardHewlettGCcolumn: Hewlett Packard 5MS 30m, i.d 0.32µmcarrier gas instrument grade nitrogeninjection volume: 1µL (split)injector temp: 250°Cdetector temp: 280°Cinital temp: 50°C (3 min), 10°Cmin-1 to 270°C (7 mins)head pressure : 10psi.Results : Table 1 record the percentage volatiles detected in the fractions collectedFraction 1 2 3 4 5 % components eluting 18 67 13 2636%monoterpenes 15%sesquiquiterpenes 33 65 2%high M.W components 1 43 47 9Table 1. Percentage volatiles eluting from SPE C18 cartridgesDiscussion : The majority of boronia components eluted on the solvent front, effecting minimal separation. This area of SPE clean-up of essential oils requires a wide ranging investigation, varying parameters such as cartridge type and polarity of mobile phase.Experiment 2.Aim : For the development of methods using LC MSMS without clean-up steps, the potential for oil components to accumulate on the reverse phase (RP) column must be assessed. The retention of essential oil components on SPE C18 cartridges, using the same mobile phase as that to be used in theLC system, would provide a good indication as to the risk of contamination of the LC columns withoil components.Experimental: Parsley oil (20-30 mg) was weighed into a GC vial. 200 µL of a 10 µgmL-1 solution (equivalent to 100mgkg-1 in oil) of each of sethoxydim, simazine, terbacil, prometryn, tebuconazoleand propiconazole were used to spike the oil, which was then dissolved in 1.0 mL of acetonitrile. The solution was then slowly introduced to the C18 cartridge (Waters Sep Pac 'classic' C18 #51910) using a disposable luer lock, 10 mL syringe, under constant manual pressure, and eluted with 9 mLs of acetonitrile. Ten, 1 mL fractions were collected and transferred to GC vials. 1mg of octadecane was added to each vial and the samples were analysed by GC FID under the conditions described in experiment 1.The experiment was repeated using C18 cartridges which had been pre-conditioned with distilled waterfor 15 mins. Again, parsley oil, spiked with pesticides was eluted with acetonitrile and 5 x 1 mL fractions collected.Results: The majority of oil components and pesticides were eluted from the C18 cartridge in the firsttwo fractions. Little to no separation of the target pesticides from the oil matrix was achieved. Table2 lists the distribution of essential oil components in the fractions collected.Fraction 1 2 3 4 5 % components eluting 18 67 13 2663%monoterpenes 15%sesquiquiterpenes 33 65 2%high M.W components 1 43 47 9water conditioned% components eluting 35 56 8 12%monoterpenes 3068%sesquiquiterpenes 60 39 1 0%high M.W components 0 50 42 7Table 2. Percentage volatiles eluting for SPE C18 cartridgesFigure 1 shows a histogram of the percentage distribution of components from the oil in each of the four fractions.Figure 1. Histogram of the percentage of volatiles of distilled oils in each of four fraction elutedon SPE C18 cartridges (non-preconditioned)Figure 2. Histogram of the percentage of volatiles of distilled oils in each of four fraction elutedon SPE C18 cartridges (preconditioned)Discussion : The chemical properties of many of the target pesticides, including polarity, solubility in organic solvents and chromatographic behaviour, are similar to the majority of essential oil components. This precludes the effective separation of analytes from such matrices through the use of standard techniques, where the major focus is pre-concentration of pesticide residues from water or water based vegetative material. However, this experiment served to provide a good indication that under HPLC conditions, where a reverse phase C18 column is used in conjunction with acetonitrile / water based mobile phases, essential oil components do not remain on the column.。



controlnet训练代码英文回答:ControlNet is a training code that is used in computer vision tasks, specifically for object detection and localization. It is designed to provide a reliable and efficient way to train deep neural networks for these tasks.One of the main advantages of ControlNet is its ability to handle large-scale datasets. It can efficiently process and train on millions of images, which is crucial for achieving state-of-the-art performance in object detection. This is especially important in applications such as autonomous driving, where the network needs to be trainedon a vast amount of diverse and representative data.ControlNet also incorporates various advancedtechniques to improve the training process. For example, it utilizes data augmentation techniques to artificially increase the size of the training dataset. This helps toprevent overfitting and improve the generalization abilityof the network. Data augmentation techniques can include random cropping, flipping, rotation, and color jittering.Additionally, ControlNet employs a multi-scale training strategy. This means that during training, the network is exposed to objects of different scales, from small to large. This helps the network learn to detect objects at various sizes and improves its robustness in real-world scenarios. For example, in the context of autonomous driving, objects can appear at different distances and scales, and the network needs to be able to accurately detect them regardless of their size.Furthermore, ControlNet utilizes a combination of different loss functions to optimize the network. One commonly used loss function is the localization loss, which penalizes the discrepancy between the predicted boundingbox and the ground truth bounding box. Another lossfunction is the classification loss, which penalizes the misclassification of objects. By combining these loss functions, ControlNet can effectively learn to localize andclassify objects simultaneously.ControlNet also incorporates transfer learning, which allows the network to leverage pre-trained models on large-scale datasets such as ImageNet. This helps to bootstrap the training process and enables the network to learn from the knowledge already acquired by the pre-trained model. Transfer learning can significantly speed up the training process and improve the final performance of the network.中文回答:ControlNet是一种用于计算机视觉任务的训练代码,特别用于目标检测和定位。

open-vocabulary object detection综述

open-vocabulary object detection综述

open-vocabulary object detection综述Open-vocabulary object detection refers to the task of detecting and localizing objects in images or videos without relying on a pre-defined set of object categories. In traditional object detection approaches, a fixed set of object categories is predefined, and the models are trained to classify and localize these specific categories. However, open-vocabulary object detection aims to overcome this limitation by enabling models to detect and localize objects of any category, without a predetermined list.Open-vocabulary object detection has gained attention due to its potential applications in various areas such as surveillance, autonomous driving, and robotics. It allows for the detection of novel or rare objects that were not included in the pre-defined set of categories. This flexibility enables the system to adapt to different environments and handle unforeseen or dynamically changing objects.There are several approaches to open-vocabulary object detection. One common approach is to treat object detection as an image retrieval problem. In this approach, object instances are represented by visual signatures or descriptors, such as local features or deep neural network embeddings. Given a query image, the system retrieves images from a large database that contain similar visual signatures. The retrieved images are then used to localize and detect objects.Another approach is to use object proposal methods to generate a set of candidate regions in an image. These regions are then classified into various object categories using a deep neuralnetwork. This approach leverages the power of deep learning to learn discriminative features for object detection, while still being open-vocabulary by not relying on a fixed set of categories.Open-vocabulary object detection faces several challenges. One major challenge is handling novel and rare objects. Since these objects might not have sufficient training data, the models need to be able to generalize well to unseen categories. Another challenge is dealing with large-scale datasets and retrieval tasks efficiently, as open-vocabulary object detection often requires searching through a massive amount of images or videos.In conclusion, open-vocabulary object detection is an exciting research area that aims to enable models to detect and localize objects without relying on a pre-defined set of categories. It provides flexibility and adaptability to handle novel or rare objects, making it suitable for real-world applications with dynamic object sets.。



国别环境尽调的英语Country Environmental Due DiligenceCountry environmental due diligence refers to the process of assessing the environmental risks and opportunities associated with a particular country. This assessment is done to support decision-making in various sectors such as investment, trade, and development.The purpose of country environmental due diligence is to understand the environmental context of a country, including its environmental policies, regulations, and enforcement mechanisms. It also involves evaluating the country's environmental performance, including its progress towards sustainable development goals, and identifying potential environmental risks and opportunities that may affect investments or business operations.The process typically involves gathering and analyzing data on various environmental indicators such as air and water quality, waste management, biodiversity, climate change, and natural resource management. It also involves reviewing relevant environmental laws, regulations, and policies, as well as assessing the capacity of the government and local institutions to implement and enforce these measures.This information is then used to determine the potential environmental risks and opportunities associated with investing or operating in a particular country. It helps stakeholders assess the potential impacts of their activities on the environment, identifymeasures to mitigate negative impacts, and capitalize on opportunities to contribute to sustainable development.The findings of country environmental due diligence are often presented in a report, which includes an assessment of the environmental risks and opportunities, as well as recommendations for risk management and sustainability strategies.Overall, country environmental due diligence plays a crucial role in promoting environmentally responsible investments and sustainable development by helping stakeholders make informed decisions that take into account the environmental context of a country.。

安全检测 英语

安全检测 英语

安全检测英语Security inspection is an important aspect of ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals and the community. It involves the evaluation, assessment, and monitoring of potential risks and hazards in various environments, such as public spaces, residential areas, and workplaces. The purpose of security inspection is to identify and address any vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could compromise safety and security.Security inspection includes a range of activities, such as physical inspections of buildings and facilities, surveillance of areas using CCTV cameras and other monitoring systems, and the implementation of security protocols and procedures. It also involves the assessment of potential threats, including criminal activities,natural disasters, and other emergencies, and the development of strategies to prevent and respond to these threats.Security inspection is essential for maintaining a safe and secure environment for individuals and the community.It helps to deter criminal activities, protect property andassets, and ensure the safety of people in public spaces and private facilities. By identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities, security inspection helps to minimize the risk of harm and damage and to promote a sense of safety and well-being.Security inspection is particularly important in high-risk environments, such as airports, government buildings, and critical infrastructure facilities. In these settings, security inspection plays a crucial role in preventing terrorist attacks, sabotage, and other security threats. By implementing strict security measures and conducting regular inspections, these facilities can effectively protect against potential risks and maintain the safety and security of the people and assets within their premises.In addition to physical security inspections, cybersecurity inspection is also a critical aspect of security management. With the increasing reliance ondigital technologies and online systems, the risk of cyber threats and attacks has become a major concern for organizations and individuals. Cybersecurity inspection involves the assessment of digital systems, networks, anddata to identify and address potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that could be exploited by cybercriminals. By conducting regular cybersecurity inspections, organizations can ensure the integrity and security of their digital infrastructure and protect against cyber threats.Overall, security inspection is a fundamental componentof security management, helping to identify and address potential risks and vulnerabilities in various environments. By conducting thorough inspections and implementing appropriate security measures, organizations andindividuals can effectively protect against securitythreats and ensure the safety and well-being of people and assets.安全检测是确保个人和社区安全和福祉的重要方面。




作者简介:王伟嘉(1977-),女,江苏镇江人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:运动目标检测、跟踪、智能视觉监控等; 刘辉(1969-),男,云南昆明人,教授,主要研究方向:图像处理及模式识别; 沙莉(1975-),女,天津人,讲师,主要研究方向:图像处理; 刘鑫(1981-),男,湖南冷水江人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:运动目标的检测、跟踪、智能视觉监控等; 姜华(1982-),女,四川江油人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:运动目标的检测、跟踪、智能视觉监控等。

文章编号:1001-9081(2007)10-2591-04滞留与偷窃物体实时检测与分类算法王伟嘉1,刘 辉1,沙 莉2,刘 鑫1,姜 华1(1.昆明理工大学信息工程与自动化学院,昆明650051;2.云南财经大学信息学院,昆明650221)(wwjia123@yahoo :)摘 要:研究了在静止的单摄像机条件下滞留与偷窃物体检测与分类算法。





关键词:运动目标检测;行为理解;滞留和偷窃物中图分类号:TP391.4 文献标志码:ARea l ti m e detecti on and cl a ssi f i ca ti on a lgor ith m for abandoned and stolen objectsWANG W ei 2jia 1,L I U Hui 1,SHA L i 2,L I U Xin 1,J I A NG Hua1( of Infor m ation Engineering and A uto m ation,Kunm ing U niversity of Science and Technology,Kunm ing Yunnan 650051,China ;r m ation Institute,Yunnan U niversity of Finance and Econo m ics,Kunm ing Yunnan 650221,China )Abstract:A lgorith m for real ti m e abandoned /st olen objects detecti on by a single and static ca mera was studied .Itintended t o s olve the p r oble m that the detecti on validity of gradient 2based method will decrease under the conditi on that the gradient of envir on ment is comp lex .Besides the edge points πpositi on analysis of cont our,the edge points πconnectivity analysis of cont our was intr oduced .Only the object of which the cont our reaches the si m ilarity of both the edge points πpositi on and connectivity can be recognized as the abandoned object .I n additi on,H ist ogra m 2based method which calculates and compares the Bhattacharya distance bet w een hist ogra m s t o deter m ine if the object is abandoned or st olen was studied,and was compared with the first method .Experi m ental results show that the i m p r oved gradient 2based method is more adap table and effective .Key words:moving object detecti on;activity recogniti on;abandoned and st olen objects0 引言滞留物体与偷窃物体的检测与分类算法主要利用图像处理和分析的方法,在现实场景中自动检测静态物体,提取物体信息(颜色、轨迹、轮廓),实时和准确的识别物体滞留或物体偷窃事件的发生,报警和抓取证据图片和视频,使计算机具有某种理解和分析视频能力,从而对危险事件具有主动监测、防范和预警的功能。



Views and ReviewsPractice Standards for Transcranial Doppler (TCD)Ultrasound.Part II.Clinical Indications and Expected OutcomesAndrei V.Alexandrov,MD,Michael A.Sloan,MD,Charles H.Tegeler,MD,David N.Newell,MD,Alan Lumsden,MD,Zsolt Garami,MD,Christopher R.Levy,MD,Lawrence K.S.Wong,MD,Colleen Douville,RVT,Manfred Kaps,MD,Georgios Tsivgoulis,MD,PhD;for the American Society of Neuroimaging Practice Guidelines CommitteeFrom the Comprehensive Stroke Center,University of Alabama at Birmingham,Birmingham,AL (AVA,GT);Comprehensive Stroke Center,University of South Florida,Tampa,FL (MAS);Stroke Program,Wake Forest University Medical Center,Winston-Salem,NC (CHT);Department of Neurosurgery,Swedish Hospital,Seattle,WA (DNN,CD);Department of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery,Cornell University and The Methodist Hospital Houston,TX (AL,ZG);Hunter Stroke Service,Hunter New England Area Health Service,New South Wales,Australia (CRL);Division of Neurology,Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong,China (LKSW);Department of Neurology,University of Giessen,Giessen,Germany (MK);Department of Neurology,Democritus University of Thrace,Alexandroupolis,Greece (GT).Keywords:TCD,indications,applica-tions and outcomes.Acceptance:Received May 23,2010,and in revised form July 06,2010.Ac-cepted for publication July 15,2010.Correspondence:Address correspon-dence to Dr.Andrei V .Alexandrov,Com-prehensive Stroke Center/Neurology,The University of Alabama at Birming-ham,RWUH M226,61919th St South,Birmingham,AL 35249-3280.E-mail:avalexandrov@.J Neuroimaging 2010;XX:1-10.DOI:10.1111/j.1552-6569.2010.00523.xA B S T R A C TINTRODUCTIONTranscranial Doppler (TCD)is a physiological ultrasound test with established safety and efficacy.Although imaging devices may be used to depict intracranial flow superimposed on structural visualization,the end-result provided by imaging duplex or nonimaging TCD is sampling physiological flow variables through the spectral waveform assessment.SUMMARY OF RESULTSClinical indications considered by this multidisciplinary panel of experts as established are:sickle cell disease,cerebral ischemia,detection of right-to-left shunts (RLS),sub-arachnoid hemorrhage,brain death,and periprocedural or surgical monitoring.The follow-ing TCD-procedures are performed in routine in-and outpatient clinical practice:complete or partial TCD-examination to detect normal,stenosed,or occluded intracranial vessels,collaterals to locate an arterial obstruction and refine carotid-duplex or noninvasive angio-graphic findings;vasomotor reactivity testing to identify high-risk patients for first-ever or recurrent stroke;emboli detection to detect,localize,and quantify cerebral emboliza-tion in real time;RLS-detection in patients with suspected paradoxical embolism or those considered for shunt closure;monitoring of thrombolysis to facilitate recanalization and detect reocclusion;monitoring of endovascular stenting,carotid endarterectomy,and car-diac surgery to detect perioperative embolism,thrombosis,hypo-and hyperperfusion.CONCLUSIONBy defining the scope of practice,these standards will assist referring and reporting physicians and third parties involved in the process of requesting,evaluating,and acting upon TCD results.IntroductionFrom the stand-point of ultrasound physics,transcranial Doppler (TCD)was invented 1as one of the simplest tests based on a single-element transducer technology.Clinically,however,TCD is perhaps the most complex physiological test in vascu-lar medicine requiring in-depth skill training and understanding of cerebrovascular anatomy,physiology,and a variety of clin-ically diverse pathological conditions.Regardless of whether imaging duplex ultrasound or nonimaging TCD system is used for intracranial flow assessment,the end-product is the spec-tral waveform analysis and determination of physiological flow variables.Hemodynamic changes within normal and abnormal states present a complex task of correct sampling,monitoring,and interpretation even for experienced users across multiple clinical conditions.These are some of the reasons why so few people mastered this technique over the past quarter of a cen-tury and so many still remain skeptical.Nevertheless,tremen-dous progress has been made to establish certain areas where TCD is beyond doubt a valid and reliable diagnostic test that provides unique information,complimentary and often unob-tainable from other modalities,with its own prognostic and therapeutic significance.This multispecialty panel of experts convened by the Clinical Practice Committee of the American Society of Neuroimaging set the goal to define clinical indi-cations for and expected outcomes of TCD testing in routine clinical practice.With advances in stroke diagnosis,treatment,and pre-vention,TCD became the standard of care at comprehen-sive stroke centers being one of the essential diagnostic tests and services that a modern stroke team should have at theirCopyright◦C2010by the American Society of Neuroimaging1Table1.Diagnostic Test Performance Parameters Documented for TCDParameter Areas covered by published studiesApplicability Feasibility,tolerability,and success in consecutive patients:TCD is successfully applied to90%of patients withcerebrovascular diseases with no reports of adverse outcomes in26years of research and practice worldwide. Accuracy Comparison with DSA/MRA/CTA as well as other clinically relevant studies or outcomes:TCD has good-to-excellent agreement with angiography for the detection of stenoses and occlusions;equal to superior accuracy in the detection ofRLS versus TEE;and excellent agreement with nuclear flow studies in determining cerebral circulatory arrest.Yield Disease states which diagnosis with TCD was documented in research studies involving the gold standard imaging or clinical assessment range from intracranial stenoocclusive disease,collaterals to cerebral embolization,shunting,vasomotor reactivity,vasospasm after SAH,periprocedural and surgical monitoring,and cerebral circulatory arrest. Prognosis TCD has the ability to select children with sickle cell disease in need of blood transfusion and who should stay on blood transfusion to sustain the benefit for primary stroke prevention;to predict outcomes of thrombolytic therapy for acutestroke;to identify high-risk patients that will require interventions to reverse or prevent stroke and to provide lessexpensive follow-up assessments.TCD=Transcranial Doppler,DSA=digital subtraction angiography;CTA=CT angiography;MRA=MR angiography;TEE=transesophageal echocardiography; RLS=right-to-left shunt;SAH=subarachnoid hemorrhage.disposal.2Whether one’s practice is hospital or office-based, TCD offers a low-cost diagnostic method to find high-risk patients for first-ever,recurrent stroke or stroke progression caused by intracranial steal phenomenon(reversed Robin Hood syndrome),identify stroke pathogenic mechanism,re-fine results of widely used imaging tests such as carotid du-plex or noninvasive angiography,detect right-to-left shunts (RLS),and perform limited follow-up studies to avoid rep-etition of more expensive or invasive tests.3-5Furthermore, with advances in vascular interventions and cardiac surgery, TCD monitoring is now recognized as a practical tool to de-tect intra-and periprocedural events and prevent untoward outcomes.3-5Specific Clinical IndicationsOur multidisciplinary panel of experts reviewed the published literature on TCD from1982through December2009in their respective fields,including previous updates6-9and considered reported clinical indications as established if TCD performance has been tested in terms of applicability,yield,accuracy,and prognosis including outcomes(broadly defined as proven diag-nostic value in a specific clinical situation,therapeutic implica-tions of test results,identification of high-risk patients,detection of periprocedural complication mechanism,ie,when informa-tion derived from TCD impacted clinical decision making and the choice of management options).These criteria and review of areas that were evaluated in research studies are presented in Table1.Specific established clinical indications for TCD in routine clinical practice that met our criteria include:sickle cell dis-ease,cerebral ischemia(stroke,transient ischemic attack;TIA), carotid artery stenosis and occlusions,vasospasm after sub-arachnoid hemorrhage(SAH),brain death,and periprocedural or surgical monitoring.For evaluating the quality of evidence and strength of recommendations for these specific clinical in-dications we used the“Format for an Assessment”(Table2)de-veloped by the American Academy of Neurology(for example, the assessment of clinical indications of single-photon emission computed tomography)10and used in a previous update of the American Society of Neuroimaging on TCD indications.8De-tails of these clinical indications and expected outcomes derived from published studies are presented in Table3.Sickle Cell DiseaseTCD can identify children with the highest risk of first-ever stroke10and those in need of blood transfusion[Quality of evidence:class I;Strength of recommendation:type A].11In a pivotal trial,11TCD detection of time averaged maximum mean flow velocity of200cm/s on2separate examinations was used to determine the need for blood transfusion that re-sulted in90%relative risk reduction of first-ever stroke.ThisTable2.Quality of Evidence and Strength of Recommendation Ratings According to the“Format for an Assessment”Developed by the American Academy of Neurology4and Adopted by the American Society of Neuroimaging10RatingsQuality of EvidenceClass I Evidence provided by one or more well-designed,randomized controlled clinical trialClass II Evidence provided by one or more well-designed,clinical studies(eg,case control,cohort studies)Class III Evidence provided by one or more expert opinions,nonrandomized historic controls,or case reportsStrength of RecommendationType A Strong positive recommendation,based on class I evidence or overwhelming class II evidence when circumstances preclude randomized clinical trialsType B Positive recommendation,based on class II evidenceType C Positive recommendation,based on strong consensus of class III evidenceType D Negative recommendation,based on inconclusive or conflicting class II evidenceType E Negative recommendation,based on evidence of ineffectiveness or lack of efficacy,based on class II or class I evidence2Journal of Neuroimaging Vol XX No XX2010Table3.Established Clinical Indications for and Expected Outcomes of TCD TestingBroad Indication Specific Indications Expected OutcomesSickle cell anemia Children Robust first-ever stroke risk reduction based on TCD criteria for the need ofblood transfusion and continuing use of blood transfusions.Ischemic Stroke or TIA Patients with acute ischemicsymptoms in anterior orposterior circulation whohad cranial CT or MRI TCD can identify patients with proximal arterial occlusions both in anterior and posterior circulation who have the worst prognosis and can benefit the most from intravenous thrombolysis or rescue intraarterial therapies.Ischemic stroke or TIA Patients with subacuteischemic symptoms inanterior or posteriorcirculation who hadcranial CT or MRI TCD helps determine stroke pathogenic mechanism that in turn determines secondary stroke prevention treatment,ie,antiplatelets versus anticoagulation versus stenting versus carotid endarterectomy or systemic hemodynamics manipulation in cases of stenoocclusive disease with hemodynamic compromise.TCD also helps to localize and grade intracranial atheromatous disease process,(anterior vs.posterior vessels,diffuse vs.local disease,≥70% stenoses that indicate high risk of stroke recurrence).Ischemic stroke or TIA Symptomatic patient at anytime window whounderwent carotidduplex scanning Carotid duplex ultrasound may explain only15-25%of all ischemic events since the prevalence of≥50%proximal ICA stenosis is low.TCD has the ability to further refine stroke mechanism detection by determining the presence of intracranial stenoocclusive disease,embolization,shunting,and impaired vasomotor reactivity(VMR).Ischemic stroke or TIA Patients with undeterminedstroke mechanism,recurrent TIAs,artery-to-artery versuscardiac source ofembolism,suspectedarterial dissections TCD is the gold standard test to detect,localize,and quantify cerebral embolism in real time.No other modality offers spatial and time resolution to detect microembolic activity,localize its source(artery vs.heart),and confirm vascular etiology of patient symptoms.Ischemic stroke or TIA Patients with suspectedparadoxical embolismwith negativeechocardiography TCD is equal or superior in its sensitivity to the presence of any right-to-left shunt compared to echocardiography(Valsavla maneuver is best accomplished during TCD,extracardiac shunting can be indirectly detected with TCD).Ischemic stroke or TIA Follow-up TCD is an inexpensive noninvasive follow-up tool that can detect progression orregression in the severity of extra-and intracranial stenoses through directvelocity measurements,collaterals,and VMR assessment.Asymptomatic or symptomatic carotid artery stenosis or occlusion Patients who have theinternal carotid artery(ICA)stenosis orocclusion on carotidduplex or angiographyTCD can help identify patients at highest risk of first-ever or recurrent stroke inthe setting of an ICA stenosis of variable degree or complete occlusion.TCDfindings of artery-to-artery embolization and impaired vasomotor reactivityindicate3-4-fold higher risk of stroke compared to patients with similar degreeof ICA stenosis and normal TCD findings.Subarachnoid hemorrhage Days2-5TCD can detect the development of vasospasm days before it can becomeclinically apparent,and this information can be used by intensivists to step upwith hemodynamic management of these patients.Days5-12TCD can detect progression to the severe phase of spasm when development ofthe delayed ischemic deficit due to perfusion failure through the residuallumen is the greatest.This information can help planning interventions(angioplasty,nicardipine infusions).Days12-end of ICU stay TCD can document spasm resolution after treatment or intervention,sustainability of vessel patency,and infrequent cases of late or reboundvasospasm development at the end of the second or into the third week aftersubarachnoid hemorrhage.Suspected brain death Increased intracranialpressure,mass effect,herniation TCD can rule out cerebral circulatory arrest if positive diastolic flow is detected at any ICP values.TCD can confirm clinical diagnosis of brain death by demonstrating complete cerebral circulatory arrest in anterior and posterior circulation.TCD offers serial noninvasive assessments and can minimize the number of nuclear flow studies needed to confirm the arrest of cerebral circulation.Periprocedural or surgical monitoring Carotid endarterectomy orstentingTCD can detect all major causes of perioperative complications,ie,embolism,thrombosis,hypoperfusion,and hyperperfusion.TCD detects real-time flowchanges that precede the development of neurological deficits or changes onelectroencephalography.Cardiovascular surgical monitoring CABG,repairs of ascendingaortaTCD can detect cerebral embolization and hypoperfusion.TCD can help guideperfusion pump settings as well as cannulation and body positioning TCD canidentify unsuspected causes of massive air embolization and guide surgeons toexplore sites of possible arterial puncture.Alexandrov et al:TCD Indications and Expected Outcomes3trial demonstrated that TCD can select patients for the most ef-fective primary stroke prevention intervention to date that had profound implications on management of children with sickle cell disease.Further observations confirmed that children ini-tially selected by TCD for blood transfusion should stay on transfusion schedule to sustain the benefit in stroke risk reduc-tion.12Moreover,recent data including long-term follow-up and final results from the Stroke Prevention Trial in Sickle Cell Anemia(STOP)indicated that persistent elevation in TCD ve-locities indicates ongoing stroke risk.13The skill of TCD testing in children with sickle cell anemia is taught through standard tutorials with sonographers receiving specialized certificates, and diagnostic criteria for interpreting physicians are well de-fined.14,15Subarachnoid HemorrhageNumerous studies have shown the effectiveness of TCD in di-agnosing cerebral vasospam both in anterior and posterior cir-culation following SAH[Quality of evidence:class II;Strength of recommendation:type B].16-24More specifically,TCD can detect the development of vasospasm days before it can be-come clinically apparent(days2–5following SAH onset),and this information can be used by intensivists to step up with hemodynamic management of these patients.8,25In addition, TCD can detect progression to the severe phase of spasm when development of the delayed ischemic deficit due to perfusion failure through the residual lumen is the greatest.The maximal sensitivity of TCD for detecting cerebral vasospasm is at8days after SAH onset,while its sensitivity for diagnosing delayed cerebral ischemia is lower(63%).25Also,a recent study has demonstrated the predictive superiority of TCD over single-photon emission computer tomography for the diagnosis of an-giographically demonstrated cerebral vasospasm.23Moreover, Sloan and colleagues showed that TCD is highly specific(100%) for vertebral and basilar artery vasospasm when mean flow ve-locities are≥80and≥95cm/s,respectively.24Another inde-pendent study showed that patients with very high basilar artery mean flow velocities(>115cm/s)had a50%chance of develop-ing delayed brainstem ischemia,which in turn was associated with adverse functional outcome.21Therefore,TCD informa-tion can help planning interventions including angioplasty and nicardipine infusions.Based upon the available evidence,the Therapeutics and Technology Assessment Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology has recently stated that TCD is useful for the detection of vasospasm following spontaneous SAH.25Cerebral IschemiaAcute Cerebral IschemiaWith over1,700papers published as of December2009,this subject is one of the most studied among TCD applications. An indication“ischemic stroke”or“transient ischemic attack”may necessitate not only a complete diagnostic examination in order to detect the presence of stenoocclusive disease[Quality of evidence:class II;Strength of recommendation:type B],as outlined in our previous standards,8,26but also include vaso-motor reactivity assessment,emboli detection,RLS testing as well as continuous real-time intracranial vessel monitoring.We in turn examine specific indications for these TCD tests.The reasons to perform TCD in patients with suspected or confirmed cerebral ischemia are plete or partial TCD examination evaluates up to16proximal intracranial ar-terial segments26,27with the goal of detecting normal,stenosed, or occluded intracranial vessels.Vessel patency has prognostic significance as patients with persisting occlusions have worse outcomes if reperfusion therapy is not instituted timely or is ineffective.26-28This information is also helpful to select pa-tients for catheter angiography,intraarterial rescue(interven-tional devices for clot removal),29and potentially hemicraniec-tomy(surgical decompression to save lives after severe ischemic stroke).TCD evaluation also has diagnostic significance to identify stroke pathogenic mechanism,ie,large-vessel stenosis of≥50%, or artery-to-artery embolism as opposed to a cardiac or para-doxical embolism source.Patients with intracranial disease are at high(10–15%annually)risk of stroke recurrence if only as-pirin for secondary prevention is considered.30New treatment strategies including statins,selective anticoagulation,and stent-ing are being used in patients with high-grade stenoses refrac-tory to standard antiplatelet therapy.31,32The same TCD examination can detect collateral flow and the hemodynamic significance of extracranial or intracranial stenoocclusive lesions[Quality of evidence:class II;Strength of recommendation:type B].33-41This information is helpful to identify a proximal arterial obstruction and to clarify carotid duplex or noninvasive angiographic findings including MR-angiography(MRA)and CT-angiography(CTA).Carotid du-plex and MRA are known to produce falsely elevated esti-mates of the degree of carotid stenosis and TCD,via collateral and downstream hemodynamic effects,can help clarify false-negative and false-positive diagnosis of severe ICA stenosis.A severe ICA stenosis should produce downstream flow changes directly detectable by TCD,and if no delay in systolic flow ac-celeration is seen or no collaterals are detected,these TCD find-ings likely indicate moderate proximal ICA stenosis.27,33,38On the other hand,if extracranial duplex scanning could not reveal a severe ICA lesion(eg,high carotid bifurcation),the presence of unilaterally delayed systolic flow acceleration or intracranial collaterals would suggest the presence of a severe proximal ICA lesion.27,33,38For intracranial stenoocclusive lesions,intracra-nial MRA often shows flow gaps due to turbulence or reversal of flow direction,thus overestimating the degree of stenosis.TCD findings of focal elevated velocities confirm the presence of an intracranial stenosis or collaterals when applicable,and vali-dated diagnostic criteria are available.27,42More specifically,2 recent studies have validated the diagnostic accuracy of TCD against CTA for evaluating arterial stenoocclusive disease in the setting of acute(24hours)cerebral ischemia.38,39In both stud-ies,bedside TCD examination yielded satisfactory agreement (sensitivity>75%,specificity>90%)with urgent brain CTA, while it should be noted that in both studies sonographers were blinded to the results of CTA,which in the majority of cases was performed following TCD evaluation.The yield of standard TCD vessel surveillance(stenoses,oc-clusions,collaterals,and lesions amenable to intervention)is4Journal of Neuroimaging Vol XX No XX2010substantial if performed alone40or in combination with carotid duplex ultrasound41particularly in patients with acute cerebral ischemia or TIAs.Identification of patients with proximal ar-terial occlusions has prognostic information,helps determine stroke pathogenic mechanism,and individualize early manage-ment of a stroke or TIA patient in addition to information pro-vided by brain CT or MRI.40,41It is therefore recommended to perform TCD studies always in conjunction with ultrasound examination of the extracranial brain supplying arteries.Fur-thermore,residual flow at the site of acute intracranial occlu-sion predicts response to intravenous thrombolysis according to findings of2independent multicenter studies.43,44More specif-ically,the finding of no detectable residual flow indicates the least chance to achieve recanalization and recovery with sys-temic thrombolysis and may support an early decision for com-bined endovascular rescue.43The yield of TCD is greatest the closer in time it is performed to stroke symptom onset40and is higher in anterior than in posterior circulation.26,27,42More specifically,the recently pub-lished recommendations of the American Heart Association for imaging of acute stroke underline that the sensitivity and speci-ficity of TCD for the anterior circulation range from70%to90% and90-95%compared to DSA,while the same accuracy pa-rameters for the posterior circulation are lower(sensitivity:50-80%,specificity:80-96%).42Notably,the use of power-motion mode TCD(PMD-TCD)or transcranial color-coded duplex (TCCD)increases the diagnostic accuracy of neurosonology for the assessment of vertebrobasilar circulation.35,45PMD, B-Mode or color-flow display can depict Doppler signatures that are complimentary to and can increase confidence in stan-dard single-gate spectral findings.More specifically,in a recent study evaluating the diagnostic yield of TCD against CTA in the acute setting of cerebral ischemia(<48hours)the investi-gators reported that PMD-TCD contributed information com-plementary to CTA(real-time embolization,collateralization of flow with extracranial internal carotid artery disease,alter-nating flow signals indicative of steal phenomenon)in7%of the studied patients.38Similar findings have been reproduced during the separate evaluation of the posterior circulation with PMD-TCD.35Recommendations regarding the potential appli-cability of TCCD in the setting of acute arterial ischemia have recently been introduced by an international consensus panel of35experts.46Intracranial Arterial Disease(IAD)TCD can reliably rule out intracranial stenosis according to the findings of the recently published Stroke Outcomes and Neu-roimaging of Intracranial Atherosclerosis(SONIA)trial,which aimed to define the positive and negative predictive value(PPV and NPV)of TCD/MRA for the identification of50%to99% intracranial stenosis in the intracranial ICA,MCA(middle cere-bral artery),VA(vertebral artery),and BA(basilar artery).47 SONIA standardized the performance and interpretation of TCD,MRA,CTA(when available)and catheter-based angiog-raphy using study-wide cutpoints defining positive findings. Hard copy TCD/MRA studies were centrally read,blinded to the results of catheter-based angiography(gold standard). The trial showed that TCD and MRA can reliably exclude the presence of intracranial stenosis(NPV=86%,95%CI81-89%). However,abnormal findings on TCD or MRA require a con-firmatory test such as angiography to reliably identify stenosis (PPV=36%,95%CI27-46%).However,it should be noted that SONIA findings were based on a limited number of ves-sels evaluated by TCD(n=451)compared to MRA(n=1310), while TCD abnormalities associated with occlusion on angiog-raphy(despite the fact that they represented severe intracranial disease)were considered false positives because an occlusion was not treated with a stent.This approach resulted in SONIA increasing NPV but decreasing PPV.A multicenter prospective study48was recently performed to determine if SONIA criteria,and TCD can be reliably used between different laboratories that have standardized scanning protocols according to our criteria.26Consecutive patients with symptoms of cerebral ischemia evaluated by TCD and catheter angiography at3tertiary care centers were prospectively stud-ied.Baseline stroke severity(NIHSS)was documented.TCD measurements of peak systolic(PSV),end-diastolic(EDV),and mean flow(MFV)velocities were performed.The following MFV cut-offs were used for the identification of≥50%steno-sis using published SONIA criteria:MFV MCA>100cm/s, TICA/ACA>90cm/s,VA/BA/PCA>80cm/s,and deter-mined velocity cut-offs for the≥70%stenosis on angiography. The study also evaluated whether the addition of stenotic to prestenotic ratio(SPR)would increase the accuracy of velocity prediction of IAD with≥70%stenosis.Among a total of172patients with DSA/TCD data,33 had confirmed IAD(age54±13yrs;70%men;50%Cau-casian,18%African-American,32%Asian;median NIHSS3, interquartile range6)providing375TCD/DSA measurement pairs for comparison.On DSA,≥50%stenoses were located in56vessels:M1MCA(48%),M2(4%),TICA(16%),ACA (7%),VA(14%),BA(9%),PCA(2%).IAD>70%on DSA was found in21arteries(anterior circulation18,posterior circula-tion3).The accuracy parameters of TCD(SONIA MFV cut-offs)against DSA for≥50%stenosis were as follows:sensitivity (89%),specificity(99%),PPV(93%),NPV(98%),overall accu-racy(97%)[54true positive,310true negative,4false positive, and7false negatives].The predictive ability of PSV and MFV for the detection of IAD on DSA did not differ(P>.9)both in anterior(middle cerebral artery,anterior cerebral artery,and terminal internal carotid artery)and posterior circulation(ver-tebral artery,basilar artery,and posterior circulation artery). The optimal PSV cut-off for the detection of≥70%IAD was >196cm/s(sensitivity78%,specificity95%)and>166cm/s (sensitivity100%and specificity97%)in anterior and posterior circulation,respectively.The optimal MFV cut-off for the detec-tion of≥70%IAD was>128cm/s(sensitivity78%,specificity 96%)and>119cm/s(sensitivity100%and specificity99%)in anterior and posterior circulation,respectively.The addition of an MFV SPR>3in the MFV criteria(>128cm/s in ante-rior and>119cm/s in posterior circulation increased the TCD accuracy for detecting>70%IAD(sensitivity90%,specificity 95%).48Investigators concluded that at laboratories with a standard-ized scanning protocol,SONIA MFV criteria remain reliably predictive of≥50%stenosis.The new velocity/ratio criteria forAlexandrov et al:TCD Indications and Expected Outcomes5。



Designation:D93−13´1Designation:34/99Standard Test Methods forFlash Point by Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Tester1This standard is issued under thefixed designation D93;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(´)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S.Department of Defense.ε1NOTE—Editorially revised15.1in February2014.INTRODUCTIONThisflash point test method is a dynamic test method which depends on specified rates of heating to be able to meet the precision of the test method.The rate of heating may not in all cases give the precision quoted in the test method because of the low thermal conductivity of some materials.There areflash point test methods with slower heating rates available,such as Test Method D3941(for paints,resins,and related products,and high viscosity products in the range of0to110°C),where the test conditions are closer to equilibrium.Flash point values are a function of the apparatus design,the condition of the apparatus used,and the operational procedure carried out.Flash point can therefore only be defined in terms of a standard test method,and no general valid correlation can be guaranteed between results obtained by different test methods,or with test apparatus different from that specified.1.Scope*1.1These test methods cover the determination of theflash point of petroleum products in the temperature range from40 to370°C by a manual Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus or an automated Pensky-Martens closed-cup apparatus,and the determination of theflash point of biodiesel in the temperature range of60to190°C by an automated Pensky-Martens closed cup apparatus.N OTE1—Flash point determinations above250°C can be performed, however,the precision has not been determined above this temperature. For residual fuels,precision has not been determined forflash points above100°C.The precision of in-use lubricating oils has not been determined.Some specifications state a D93minimumflash point below 40°C,however,the precision has not been determined below this temperature.1.2Procedure A is applicable to distillate fuels(diesel, biodiesel blends,kerosine,heating oil,turbine fuels),new and in-use lubricating oils,and other homogeneous petroleum liquids not included in the scope of Procedure B or Procedure C.1.3Procedure B is applicable to residual fuel oils,cutback residua,used lubricating oils,mixtures of petroleum liquids with solids,petroleum liquids that tend to form a surfacefilm under test conditions,or are petroleum liquids of such kine-matic viscosity that they are not uniformly heated under the stirring and heating conditions of Procedure A.1.4Procedure C is applicable to biodiesel(B100).Since a flash point of residual alcohol in biodiesel is difficult to observe by manualflash point techniques,automated apparatus with electronicflash point detection have been found suitable. 1.5These test methods are applicable for the detection of contamination of relatively nonvolatile or nonflammable ma-terials with volatile orflammable materials.1.6The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.The values given in parentheses are for information only.N OTE2—It has been common practice inflash point standards for many decades to alternately use a C–scale or an F–scale thermometer for temperature measurement.Although the scales are close in increments, they are not equivalent.Because the F–scale thermometer used in this procedure is graduated in5°increments,it is not possible to read it to the 2°C equivalent increment of 3.6°F.Therefore,for the purposes of application of the procedure of the test method for the separate tempera-ture scale thermometers,different increments must be used.In this test method,the following protocol has been adopted:When a temperature is intended to be a converted equivalent,it will appear in parentheses following the SI unit,for example370°C(698°F).When a temperature is1These test methods are under the joint jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D02onPetroleum Products,Liquid Fuels,and Lubricants and are the direct responsibilityof Subcommittee D02.08on V olatility.In the IP,these test methods are under thejurisdiction of the Standardization Committee.Current edition approved July15,2013.Published August2013.Originallyapproved st previous edition approved in2012as D93–12.DOI:10.1520/D0093-13E01.*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959.United States --` , , ` ` , , ` , ` ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , , , ` , ` ` , ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---intended to be a rationalized unit for the alternate scale,it will appear after “or,”for example,2°C or5°F.1.7This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns,if any,associated with its use.It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.For specific warning statements,see6.4,7.1,9.3,9.4,11.1.2,11.1.4,11.1.8, 11.2.2,and12.1.2.2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:2D56Test Method for Flash Point by Tag Closed Cup Tester D3941Test Method for Flash Point by the Equilibrium Method With a Closed-Cup ApparatusD4057Practice for Manual Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsD4177Practice for Automatic Sampling of Petroleum and Petroleum ProductsE1Specification for ASTM Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers E300Practice for Sampling Industrial ChemicalsE502Test Method for Selection and Use of ASTM Stan-dards for the Determination of Flash Point of Chemicals by Closed Cup Methods2.2ISO Standards3Guide34Quality Systems Guidelines for the Production of Reference MaterialsGuide35Certification of Reference Material—General and Statistical Principles3.Terminology3.1Definitions:3.1.1biodiesel,n—a fuel comprised of mono-alkyl esters of long chain fatty acids derived from vegetable oils or animal fats,designated B100.3.1.2biodiesel blends,n—a blend of biodiesel fuel with petroleum-based diesel fuel.3.1.3dynamic,adj—in petroleum products—in petroleum productflash point test methods—the condition where the vapor above the test specimen and the test specimen are not in temperature equilibrium at the time that the ignition source is applied.—This is primarily caused by the heating of the test specimen at the constant prescribed rate with the vapor temperature lagging behind the test specimen tempera-ture.3.1.4equilibrium,n—in petroleum products—in petroleum productflash point test methods—the condition where the vapor above the test specimen and the test specimen are at the same temperature at the time the ignition source is applied.—This condition may not be fully achieved in practice,since the temperature may not be uniform throughout the test specimen,and the test cover and shutter on the apparatus can be cooler.3.1.5flash point,n—in petroleum products,the lowest temperature corrected to a barometric pressure of101.3kPa (760mm Hg),at which application of an ignition source causes the vapors of a specimen of the sample to ignite under specified conditions of test.4.Summary of Test Method4.1A brass test cup of specified dimensions,filled to the inside mark with test specimen andfitted with a cover of specified dimensions,is heated and the specimen stirred at specified rates,using one of three defined procedures(A,B,or C).An ignition source is directed into the test cup at regular intervals with simultaneous interruption of the stirring,until a flash is detected(see11.1.8).Theflash point is reported as defined in3.1.5.5.Significance and Use5.1Theflash point temperature is one measure of the tendency of the test specimen to form aflammable mixture with air under controlled laboratory conditions.It is only one of a number of properties which must be considered in assessing the overallflammability hazard of a material.5.2Flash point is used in shipping and safety regulations to defineflammable and combustible materials.One should con-sult the particular regulation involved for precise definitions of these classifications.N OTE3—The U.S.Department of Transportation(DOT)4and U.S. Department of Labor(OSHA)have established that liquids with aflash point under37.8°C(100°F)(see Note1)areflammable,as determined by these test methods,for those liquids which have a kinematic viscosity of 5.8mm2/s(cSt)or more at37.8°C or9.5mm2/s(cSt)or more at25°C (77°F),or that contain suspended solids,or have a tendency to form a surfacefilm while under test.Other classificationflash points have been established by these departments for liquids using these test methods. 5.3These test methods should be used to measure and describe the properties of materials,products,or assemblies in response to heat and an ignition source under controlled laboratory conditions and should not be used to describe or appraise thefire hazard orfire risk of materials,products,or assemblies under actualfire conditions.However,results of these test methods may be used as elements of afire risk assessment which takes into account all of the factors which are pertinent to an assessment of thefire hazard of a particular end use.5.4These test methods provide the only closed cupflash point test procedures for temperatures up to370°C(698°F).2For referenced ASTM standards,visit the ASTM website,,orcontact ASTM Customer Service at service@.For Annual Book of ASTM Standards volume information,refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.3Available from American National Standards Institute(ANSI),25W.43rd St., 4th Floor,New York,NY10036.4For information on U.S.Department of Transportation regulations,see Codes of U.S.Regulations49CFR Chapter1and the U.S.Department of Labor,see29 CFR Chapter XVII.Each of these items is revised annually and may be procured from the Superintendent of Documents,Government Printing Office,Washington, DC20402.--` , , ` ` , , ` , ` ` , , ` , ` , , ` , , , , ` , ` ` , ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---6.Apparatus6.1Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (manual)—This apparatus consists of the test cup,test cover and shutter,stirring device,heating source,ignition source device,air bath,and top plate described in detail in Annex A1.The assembled manual apparatus,test cup,test cup cover,and test cup assembly are illustrated in Figs.A1.1-A1.4,respectively.Di-mensions are listed respectively.6.2Pensky-Martens Closed Cup Apparatus (Automated)5—This apparatus is an automated flash point instrument that is capable of performing the test in accordance with Section 11(Procedure A),Section 12(Procedure B),and 13(Procedure C)of these test methods.The apparatus shall use the test cup,test cover and shutter,stirring device,heating source,and ignition source device described in detail in Annex A1.6.3Temperature Measuring Device—Thermometer having a range as shown as follows and conforming to the require-ments prescribed in Specification E1or in Annex A3,or an electronic temperature measuring device,such as resistance thermometers or thermocouples.The device shall exhibit the same temperature response as the mercury thermometers.Thermometer Number Temperature RangeASTM IP −5to +110°C (20to 230°F)9C (9F)15C +10to 200°C (50to 392°F)88C (88F)101C +90to 370°C (200to 700°F)10C (10F)16C6.4Ignition Source—Natural gas flame,bottled gas flame,and electric ignitors (hot wire)have been found acceptable for use as the ignition source.The gas flame device described in detailed in Fig.A1.4requires the use of the pilot flame described in A1.1.2.3.The electric ignitors shall be of the hot-wire type and shall position the heated section of the ignitor in the aperture of the test cover in the same manner as the gas flame device.(Warning—Gas pressure supplied to the apparatus should not be allowed to exceed 3kPa (12in.)of water pressure.)6.5Barometer—With accuracy of 60.5kPa.N OTE 4—The barometric pressure used in this calculation is the ambient pressure for the laboratory at the time of the test.Many aneroid barometers,such as those used at weather stations and airports,are precorrected to give sea level readings and would not give the correct reading for this test.7.Reagents and Materials7.1Cleaning Solvents—Use suitable solvent capable of cleaning out the specimen from the test cup and drying the test cup and cover.Some commonly used solvents are toluene and acetone.(Warning —Toluene,acetone,and many solvents are flammable and a health hazard.Dispose of solvents and waste material in accordance with local regulations.)8.Sampling8.1Obtain a sample in accordance with instructions given in Practices D4057,D4177,or E300.8.2At least 75mL of sample is required for each test.Referto Practice D4057.When obtaining a sample of residual fuel oil,the sample container shall be from 85to 95%full.For other types of samples,the size of the container shall be chosen such that the container is not more than 85%full or less than 50%full prior to any sample aliquot being taken.For biodiesel (B100)samples,a typical one liter container filled to 85%volume is recommended.8.3Successive test specimens can be taken from the same sample container.Repeat tests have been shown to be within the precisions of the method when the second specimen is taken with the sample container at least 50%filled.The results of flash point determinations can be affected if the sample volume is less than 50%of sample container capacity.8.4Erroneously high flash points may be obtained if pre-cautions are not taken to avoid the loss of volatile material.Do not open containers unnecessarily,to prevent loss of volatile material or possible introduction of moisture,or both.Avoid storage of samples at temperatures in excess of 35°C or 95°F.Samples for storage shall be capped tightly with inner seals.Do not make a transfer unless the sample temperature is at least the equivalent of 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point.8.5Do not store samples in gas-permeable containers,since volatile material may diffuse through the walls of the enclo-sure.Samples in leaky containers are suspect and not a source of valid results.8.6Samples of very viscous materials shall be heated in their containers,with lid/cap slightly loosened to avoid buildup of dangerous pressure,at the lowest temperature adequate to liquefy any solids,not exceeding 28°C or 50°F below the expected flash point,for 30min.If the sample is then not completely liquefied,extend the heating period for additional 30min periods as necessary.Then gently agitate the sample to provide mixing,such as orbiting the container horizontally,before transferring to the specimen cup.No sample shall be heated and transferred unless its temperatures is more than 18°C or 32°F below its expected flash point.When the sample has been heated above this temperature,allow the sample to cool until its temperature is at least 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point before transferring.N OTE 5—V olatile vapors can escape during heating when the sample container is not properly sealed.N OTE 6—Some viscous samples may not completely liquefy even after prolonged periods of heating.Care should be exercised when increasing the heating temperature to avoid unnecessary loss of volatile vapors,or heating the sample too close to the flash point.8.7Samples containing dissolved or free water may be dehydrated with calcium chloride or by filtering through a qualitative filter paper or a loose plug of dry absorbent cotton.Warming the sample is permitted,but it shall not be heated for prolonged periods or greater than a temperature of 18°C32°F below its expected flash point.N OTE 7—If the sample is suspected of containing volatile contaminants,the treatment described in 8.6and 8.7should be omitted.9.Preparation of Apparatus9.1Support the manual or automated apparatus on a level steady surface,such as a table.5Supporting data regarding a variant of the cover locking mechanism have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may be obtained by requesting Research ReportRR:D02-1706.--`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---9.2Tests are to be performed in a draft-free room or compartment.Tests made in a laboratory hood or in any location where drafts occur are not reliable.N OTE8—A shield,of the approximate dimensions460mm(18in.) square and610mm(24in.)high,or other suitable dimensions,and having an open front is recommended to prevent drafts from disturbing the vapors above the test cup.N OTE9—With some samples whose vapors or products of pyrolysis are objectionable,it is permissible to place the apparatus along with a draft shield in a ventilation hood,the draft of which is adjustable so that vapors can be withdrawn without causing air currents over the test cup during the ignition source application period.9.3Prepare the manual apparatus or the automated appara-tus for operation in accordance with the manufacturer’s in-structions for calibrating,checking,and operating the equip-ment.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed3kPa(12in.)of water pressure.)9.4Thoroughly clean and dry all parts of the test cup and its accessories before starting the test,to ensure the removal of any solvent which had been used to clean the e suitable solvent capable of removing all of the specimen from the test cup and drying the test cup and cover.Some commonly used solvents are toluene and acetone.(Warning—Toluene, acetone,and many solvents areflammable.Health hazard. Dispose of solvents and waste material in accordance with local regulations.)10.Verification of Apparatus10.1Adjust the automatedflash point detection system (when used)in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc-tions.10.2Verify that the temperature measuring device is in accordance with6.3.10.3Verify the performance of the manual apparatus or the automated apparatus at least once per year by determining the flash point of a certified reference material(CRM)such as those listed in Annex A4,which is reasonably close to the expected temperature range of the samples to be tested.The material shall be tested according to Procedure A of these test methods and the observedflash point obtained in11.1.8or 11.2.2shall be corrected for barometric pressure(see Section 14).Theflash point obtained shall be within the limits stated in Table A4.1for the identified CRM or within the limits calculated for an unlisted CRM(see Annex A4).10.4Once the performance of the apparatus has been verified,theflash point of secondary working standards (SWSs)can be determined along with their control limits. These secondary materials can then be utilized for more frequent performance checks(see Annex A4).10.5When theflash point obtained is not within the limits stated in10.3or10.4,check the condition and operation of the apparatus to ensure conformity with the details listed in Annex A1,especially with regard to tightness of the lid(A1.1.2.2),the action of the shutter,the position of the ignition source (A1.1.2.3),and the angle and position of the temperature measuring device(A1.1.2.4).After any adjustment,repeat the test in10.3using a fresh test specimen,with special attention to the procedural details prescribed in these test methods.PROCEDURE A11.Procedure11.1Manual Apparatus:11.1.1Ensure that the sample container isfilled to the volume capacity requirement specified in8.2.Fill the test cup with the test specimen to thefilling mark inside of the test cup. The temperature of the test cup and test specimen shall be at least18°C or32°F below the expectedflash point.If too much test specimen has been added to the test cup,remove the excess using a syringe or similar device for withdrawal offluid.Place the test cover on the test cup and place the assembly into the apparatus.Be sure the locating or locking device is properly engaged.If the temperature measuring device is not already in place,insert the device into its holder.11.1.2Light the testflame,and adjust it to a diameter of3.2 to4.8mm(0.126to0.189in.),or switch on the electric igniter and adjust the intensity in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed3kPa(12in.)of water pressure.)(Warning—Exercise care when using a gas testflame.If it should be extinguished it will not ignite the vapors in the test cup,and the gas for the testflame that then enters the vapor space can influence the result.)(Warning—The operator should exercise and take appropriate safety precautions during the initial application of the ignition source,since test specimens con-taining low-flash material can give an abnormally strongflash when the ignition source isfirst applied.)(Warning—The operator should exercise and take appropriate safety precau-tions during the performance of these test methods.The temperatures attained during these test methods,up to370°C (698°F),are considered hazardous.)(Warning—As a safety practice,when using automated or manual apparatus,it is strongly advised,before heating the test cup and specimen,to dip the ignitor to check for the presence of unexpected volatile material.)11.1.3Apply the heat at such a rate that the temperature,as indicated by the temperature measuring device,increases5to 6°C(9to11°F)/min.11.1.4Turn the stirring device at90to120rpm,stirring ina downward direction.(Warning—Meticulous attention to all details relating to the ignition source,size of testflame or intensity of the electric ignitor,rate of temperature increase, and rate of dipping the ignition source into the vapor of the test specimen is desirable for good results.)11.1.5Application of Ignition Source: the test specimen is expected to have aflash point of110°C or230°F or below,apply the ignition source when the temperature of the test specimen is2365°C or4169°F below the expectedflash point and each time thereafter at a temperature reading that is a multiple of1°C or2°F.Discon-tinue the stirring of the test specimen and apply the ignition source by operating the mechanism on the test cover which controls the shutter so that the ignition source is loweredinto --`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---the vapor space of the test cup in 0.5s,left in its lowered position for 1s,and quickly raised to its upward position. the test specimen is expected to have a flash point above 110°C or 230°F,apply the ignition source in the manner described in each temperature increase of 2°C or 5°F,beginning at a temperature of 2365°C or 4169°F below the expected flash point.(Warning—As a safety practice,when using automated or manual apparatus,it is strongly advised that,for an expected flash point above 130°C,to dip the ignitor every 10°C throughout the test until the sample temperature reaches 28°C below the expected flash point and then follow the prescribed dipping procedure.This practice has been shown to reduce the possibility of a fire,and,on average,not to significantly affect the result.A limited study 6has shown that this dipping practice has no observable effect on test method repeatability.)11.1.6When testing materials to determine if volatile ma-terial contamination is present,it is not necessary to adhere to the temperature limits for initial ignition source application as stated in testing materials where the expected flash point temperature is not known,bring the material to be tested and the tester to a temperature of 1565°C or 60610°F.When the material is known to be very viscous at this temperature,heat the specimen to a starting temperature as described in 8.6.Apply the ignition source,in the manner described in,beginning at least 5°C or 10°F higher than the starting temperature.N OTE 10—Flash Point results determined in an “unknown expected flash point mode”should be considered approximate.This value can be used as the expected flash point when a fresh specimen is tested in the standard mode of operation.11.1.8Record as the observed flash point the reading on the temperature measuring device at the time ignition source application causes a distinct flash in the interior of the test cup.The sample is deemed to have flashed when a large flame appears and instantaneously propagates itself over the entire surface of the test specimen.(Warning—For certain mixtures containing halogenated hydrocarbons,such as,methylene chlo-ride or trichloroethylene,no distinct flash,as defined,is observed.Instead a significant enlargement of the test flame (not halo effect)and change in color of the test flame from blue to yellowish-orange occurs.Continued heating and testing of these samples above ambient temperature can result in signifi-cant burning of vapors outside the test cup,and can be a potential fire hazard.See Appendix X1and Appendix X2for more information.)11.1.9When the ignition source is a test flame,the appli-cation of the test flame can cause a blue halo or an enlarged flame prior to the actual flash point.This is not a flash and shall be ignored.11.1.10When a flash point is detected on the first application,the test shall be discontinued,the result discarded,and the test repeated with a fresh test specimen.The first application of the ignition source with the fresh test specimenshall be 2365°C or 4169°F below the temperature at which a flash point was detected on the first application.11.1.11When a flash point is detected at a temperature which is greater than 28°C or 50°F above the temperature of the first application of the ignition source,or when a flash point is detected at a temperature which is less than 18°C or 32°F above the temperature of the first application of the ignition source,the result shall be considered approximate,and the test repeated with a fresh test specimen.Adjust the expected flash point for this next test to the temperature of the approximate result.The first application of the ignition source with the fresh test specimen shall be 2365°C or 4169°F below the temperature at which the approximate result was found.11.1.12When the apparatus has cooled down to a safe handling temperature,less than 55°C (130°F),remove the test cover and the test cup and clean the apparatus as recommended by the manufacturer.N OTE 11—Exercise care when cleaning and positioning the lid assem-bly so not to damage or dislocate the flash detection system or temperature measuring device.See the manufacturer’s instructions for proper care and maintenance.11.2Automated Apparatus:11.2.1The automated apparatus shall be capable of per-forming the procedure as described in 11.1,including control of the heating rate,stirring of the test specimen,application of the ignition source,detection of the flash point,and recording the flash point.11.2.2Start the automated apparatus in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Failure to install the sample temperature measuring device correctly,when using automated apparatus,can result in uncontrolled heating of the test portion and potentially a fire.Some automated apparatus include provisions to avoid this occurrence.)The apparatus shall follow the procedural details described in 11.1.3through 11.1.8.PROCEDURE B12.Procedure12.1Manual Apparatus:12.1.1Ensure that the sample container is filled to the volume capacity requirement specified in 8.2.Fill the test cup with the test specimen to the filling mark inside of the test cup.The temperature of the test cup and test specimen shall be at least 18°C or 32°F below the expected flash point.If too much test specimen has been added to the test cup,remove the excess using a syringe or similar device for withdrawal of fluid.Place the test cover on the test cup and place the assembly into the apparatus.Be sure the locating or locking device is properly engaged.If the temperature measuring device is not already in place,insert the device into its holder.12.1.2Light the test flame and adjust it to a diameter of 3.2to 4.8mm (0.126to 0.189in.),or switch on the electric igniter and adjust the intensity in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.(Warning—Gas pressure should not be allowed to exceed 3kPa (12in.)of water pressure.)(Warning—Exercise care when using a gas test flame.If it should be extinguished it will not ignite the vapors in the test cup and the gas for the test flame that then enters the vapor space can6Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and maybe obtained by requesting Research ReportRR:D02-1652.--`,,``,,`,``,,`,`,,`,,,,`,``,`-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。



张海芳,纳日,韩育梅,等. 光谱无损检测技术在农产品产地溯源中的研究进展[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(8):17−25. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022080091ZHANG Haifang, NA Ri, HAN Yumei, et al. Research Progress of Spectral Nondestructive Testing Technology in Traceability of Agricultural Products[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(8): 17−25. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022080091· 未来食品 ·光谱无损检测技术在农产品产地溯源中的研究进展张海芳1,纳 日1,韩育梅2,苏晓燕1(1.内蒙古化工职业学院材料工程系,内蒙古呼和浩特 010070;2.内蒙古农业大学食品科学与工程学院,内蒙古呼和浩特 010018)摘 要:实现农产品产地溯源的无损检测,是建立农产品质量安全追溯体系的重要途径,也是保障食品安全质量、维护消费者合法权益的有效手段。



关键词:产地溯源,农产品,近红外光谱,高光谱成像,无损检测本文网刊:中图分类号:TS207.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002−0306(2023)08−0017−09DOI: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022080091Research Progress of Spectral Nondestructive Testing Technology inTraceability of Agricultural ProductsZHANG Haifang 1,NA Ri 1,HAN Yumei 2,SU Xiaoyan 1(1.Department of Materials Engineering, Inner Mongolia Chemical Vocational College, Hohhot 010070, China ;2.Food Science and Engineering College, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China )Abstract :Realizing nondestructive testing for traceability of the origin of agricultural products is an important way to establish a traceability system for the quality and safety of agricultural products, and an effective means to guarantee the quality of food safety and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Compared with traditional testing methods, nondestructive testing technology is widely used in the field of food traceability because it can achieve the advantages of obtaining internal and external effective information without damaging the inspected samples. This paper provides an overview of NIR spectroscopy, NIR testing, and NIR testing. In this paper, the principles of three spectral detection techniques, namely, near-infrared spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging and Raman spectroscopy, and their latest applications in the origin traceability of different types of edible agricultural products are outlined, and the feasibility of each spectral detection technique in the origin identification of agricultural products is concluded. At the same time, the future research directions are prospected in order to provide theoretical references for the research of nondestructive testing technology system for origin traceability of agricultural products.Key words :origin traceability ;agricultural products ;near infrared spectroscopy ;hyperspectral imaging ;nondestructive testing收稿日期:2022−08−10基金项目:内蒙古自治区高等学校科学研究项目(NJZY17449)。

coco数据集 评估指标 map

coco数据集 评估指标 map

coco数据集评估指标 mapThe COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset is a widely used benchmark for object detection, segmentation, and captioning tasks in computer vision. When it comes to evaluating the performance of models trained on this dataset, the mean average precision (mAP) is a key metric that is often used. mAP is a measure of the accuracy of an object detection model, taking into account both the precision and recall of the model's predictions. It provides a single, easy-to-understand value that summarizes the overall performance of the model across all classes and all levels of confidence.One of the main advantages of using mAP as an evaluation metric for the COCO dataset is its ability to capture the trade-off between precision and recall. This is important because in object detection tasks, it is crucial to not only correctly identify the presence of an object but also to accurately localize it within the image. By considering both precision and recall, mAP provides acomprehensive assessment of the model's performance in this regard.From a practical standpoint, mAP is also useful for comparing the performance of different models or algorithms on the COCO dataset. Since mAP provides a single numerical value that summarizes the overall performance, it allowsfor easy and direct comparisons between different approaches. This is particularly valuable in research and development, where the goal is often to identify the most effective techniques for object detection and segmentation.However, it is important to note that mAP is not without its limitations. One potential drawback is that it does not provide detailed insights into the specific strengths and weaknesses of a model. For example, a model with high mAP may still perform poorly on certain classes or under specific conditions. In such cases, additional analysis beyond mAP may be necessary to fully understand the model's performance.Furthermore, the calculation of mAP can be sensitive tocertain parameters, such as the threshold for defining a true positive detection. This means that small changes in these parameters can lead to significant differences in the reported mAP, making it important to carefully consider the specific settings used when interpreting and comparing mAP values.In conclusion, while mAP is a valuable and widely used evaluation metric for the COCO dataset, it is important to consider its limitations and to supplement its use with additional analyses when necessary. By doing so, researchers and practitioners can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the performance of object detection and segmentation models on this important benchmark.。

Target Detection and Localization Using MIMO

Target Detection and Localization Using MIMO

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 20063873Target Detection and Localization Using MIMO Radars and SonarsIlya Bekkerman and Joseph Tabrikian, Senior Member, IEEEAbstract—In this paper, we propose a new space-time coding configuration for target detection and localization by radar or sonar systems. In common active array systems, the transmitted signal is usually coherent between the different elements of the array. This configuration does not allow array processing in the transmit mode. However, space-time coding of the transmitted signals allows to digitally steer the beam pattern in the transmit in addition to the received signal. The ability to steer the transmitted beam pattern, helps to avoid beam shape loss. We show that the configuration with spatially orthogonal signal transmission is equivalent to additional virtual sensors which extend the array aperture with virtual spatial tapering. These virtual sensors can be used to form narrower beams with lower sidelobes and, therefore, provide higher performance in target detection, angular estimation accuracy, and angular resolution. The generalized likelihood ratio test for target detection and the maximum likelihood and Cramér–Rao bound for target direction estimation are derived for an arbitrary signal coherence matrix. It is shown that the optimal performance is achieved for orthogonal transmitted signals. Target detection and localization performances are evaluated and studied theoretically and via simulations. Index Terms—Cramér–Rao bound (CRB), generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT), maximum likelihood, MIMO radars, MIMO sonars, orthogonal signal transmission, space–time coding, transmit beamforming, virtual sensors.I. INTRODUCTIONACTIVE target detection and localization systems, such as radars or active sonars, usually transmit a directional beam, and the target echo signal is processed in the receive mode. In the last two decades, array processing of the received signal has been intensively investigated (see, for example, [1]). However, this configuration does not allow array processing in the transmit mode. In fact, the transmission is usually performed using the phased array technique or other beam steering methods. Array processing in both transmit and receive modes is possible when the transmitted signals are spatially coded, i.e., spatially orthogonal signals. This paper addresses the problem of target detection and localization by active array using spatially coded signals. Transmission of orthogonal signals from an array is commonly used in communication systems [2]. Passive localization of orthogonal signals with known waveforms was investigatedManuscript received June 19, 2004; revised October 16, 2005. The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and approving it for publication was Prof. Mats Viberg. The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva 84105, Israel (e-mail:; Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TSP.2006.879267in [3]. In [4], it is shown that the conventional configuration of one transmitter and two receivers and an alternative configuration of two transmitters and one receiver are equivalent in terms of Cramér–Rao bound (CRB) on bearing estimation. This configuration requires radiating two orthogonal signals from two transmitters. The potential advantage of this configuration over the conventional one is in applications where the receiving elements are to be placed on a platform of limited size. The results in [4] were extended in [5], in which three possible combinations of four transmitters/receivers were investigated: 1) one transmitter and three receivers, 2) two transmitters and two receivers, and 3) three transmitters and one receiver. It was found that these configurations have identical performance in terms of angle estimation accuracy, where the transmitting signals are orthogonal. In [6], spatio–temporal coding for an antenna array was introduced, and it was shown that a single receiver is sufficient for digital beamforming. Fishler et al. [7] also investigated the problem of orthogonal signal transmission for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. They assumed a multistatic radar in which the spacing between the elements of the array is very large, and that the transmitter and the receiver of the radar are separated such that they experience an angular spread. In [8], a novel configuration for array processing using spacetime coding of the transmitted signal was presented. This configuration does not assume a multistatic radar, with an arbitrary signal coherence across the radar elements. In this paper, we analyze the properties of the space-time coding configuration for target detection and localization. In particular, the advantages of the proposed configuration are analytically demonstrated and compared to the conventional coherent signal transmission case. The main advantages of this new configuration are as follows: • digital beamforming of the transmitted beams in addition to the received beams, therefore avoiding beam shape loss in cases when the target is not in the center of the beam; • extension of the array aperture by virtual sensors, therefore obtaining narrower beams; • virtual spatial tapering of the extended array aperture, therefore obtaining lower side lobes; • improving the angular resolution by using the information in the transmit and the receive modes; • increasing the upper limit on the number of targets which can be detected and localized by the array (this is attributed to the virtual sensors); • decreasing the spatial transmitted peak power density. This paper is organized as follows. The spatially coded signal model is presented in Section II. In Section III, the sufficient statistic (SS) for detection and estimation algorithms are derived. The model’s properties are analyzed in Section IV. The1053-587X/$20.00 © 2006 IEEEAuthorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.3874IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2006wherestands for the complex amplitude of the received signal, is the additive noise at the th element, and describes the total phase delay of the signal, transmitted by the th element and received by the th element, is the carrier frequency. The total delay from the th where transmitting element to the th receiving element for the farfield case can be written as (3)and stands for the signal where wavelength. denote the response of the th element. Then, the Let th element of the array response can be decomposed asFig. 1. Array configuration.(4) maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, the CRB for target localization, and the generalized likelihood ratio test (GLRT) for target detection are derived in Section V. The proposed concept is tested via a few examples and simulations, which appear in Section VI. The main results of this paper are discussed and concluded in Section VII. II. SPATIALLY CODED SIGNAL MODEL Consider an element antenna array transmitting narrow-band signals. The samples of baseband equivalent with coherence signals are denoted by the vectors matrix Note that the elements of depend on through all possible combinations of delays in transmit and receive modes. In fact, is the array response for transmit from the th element and receive by the th element. Hence, the array response matrix can be defined as (5) in which is the transmitted or the received array response vector. In matrix notation, (2) can be written as (6) where , , and are vectors of the received signal, the transmitted signal, and the additive noise, respectively. In sensors with range or Doppler estimation capability, the model should include also the target range and Doppler. Typically, in these sensors, the ML estimator of the target direction, range, and Doppler is implemented by processing the receiving channels over time, obtaining multichannel measurements for each considered range-Doppler bin. The above model refers to a single range-Doppler bin. Specifically, the target detection and localization algorithms presented in this paper should be applied for each range-Doppler bin individually. In the above model, multiple targets can be allowed if they do not share the same range-Doppler bin. In the following, this model is extended to allow multiple targets in the considered range-Doppler bin. In the case of targets in the given range-Doppler bin, (6) is modified to (7) Let denote the vector of unknown parameters, which includes the directions of arrival (DOAs) and the complex and amplitudes of the targets, where , . The vectors and are considered as deterministic unknown.. . .. . ..... . .(1)where represents the time index, is the complex correlation coefficient between the th and th signals, and denotes the Hermitian operation. The phases of control the transmitted beam direction of the coherent component. In the and the case of orthonormal transmitted signals , i.e., omnidicoherence matrix is an identity matrix: rectional transmission. In common radar systems, coherent sigis nals are transmitted by the array and therefore the rank of equal to one.1 Let denote the location of the th element of the array with denoting the transposition operation (see Fig. 1). In the presence of a single target at direction in a multipath-free environment, the received signal by the th element is given by(2)1The different elements transmit the same signal with phase shifts for beam steering.Authorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.BEKKERMAN AND TABRIKIAN: TARGET DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION USING MIMO RADARS AND SONARS3875The noise vectors are assumed to be independent, zero-mean complex Gaussian with known covariance . With no loss of generality, we can assume that matrix , where is an identity matrix of size . If this assumption is not satisfied, the model in (7) can be prewhitened. In many practical scenarios, in the presence of clutter or jammer, the noise covariance matrix is unknown. In these cases, the noise can be treated as a composition of additional interference sources. This problem can be solved by either multiple target localization techniques, as is modeled below, or by adaptive methods such as the Capon’s beamformer. III. SUFFICIENT STATISTIC FOR DOA ESTIMATION According to the assumptions stated in the previous section, the measurement vectors are independent complex Gaussian , where vectors with denotes the complex Gaussian distribution. The log-likelihood function for estimating from the data is derived in Appendix A and given byFig. 2. Sufficient statistic extraction.The independent sufficient statistic vector can be obtained as (12) The configuration for obtaining the sufficient statistic from the data is described in Fig. 2. Actually, the sufficient statistic can be obtained by a matched filter: temporal matching the mea. surement vectors to different signal subspace components Insertion of (7) and (11) into (12) yields(8) is the where gate operation, and th column of , denotes the conjuis the th sufficient statistic, defined as (9) which is obtained by matching the observed data to the th . Moreover, the sufficient statistic matrix can signal be defined as (14) (10) Finally, (14) can be written in the form It can be shown that for nonorthogonal signals, the sufficient statistic are statistically dependent. For simplicity of the algorithms, we are interested in independent suffi, which can be obtained as follows. We cient statistic is nonsingular, and then will first assume that the matrix we will refer to the general case. The matrix from (1) can be decomposed using singular value decomposition (SVD) as , where and are the matrices of eigenvec, respectively. Accordingly, is a tors and eigenvalues of linear transformation of a vector of independent signals defined as (11) (15) (16) where is the equivalent array response of size at the direction and . The subscript denotes dependence of the new steering vector on the signal correlation coefficients and , which is zero-mean complex Gaussian with . Actually, (15) states an equivalent model to (7).(13) By recalling the definition of from (1) and using its SVD decomposition form, (13) can be rewritten asAuthorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.3876IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2006If the matrix is singular, then part of its eigenvalues are equal to zero. In such a case, the matrix is changed to , and the above procedure can be repeated with this modified eigenvalues matrix. The final result in this case is independent of , and therefore the “lim” can be . dropped. Accordingly, (15) and (16) hold also for singular IV. MODEL’S PROPERTIES In this section, the properties of the equivalent model of (15) are investigated and illustrated. A. Virtual Aperture Extension Recalling (16), the equivalent array response can be calculated for coherent and orthogonal signals. In the coherent has a single nonzero eigensignal case, the matrix and the equivalent value. Therefore, steering vector becomes (17) where represents a vector of size , with zero elements. By substitution of (5) into (17), one obtainsFig. 3. Array aperture for coherent signals M = 3, L = 1.(18) The equivalent array response is given by the steering vector multiplied by the gain achieved in in the receive mode the transmit mode , where is the weighting vector in the transmit mode. This gain is decreased due to the beam shape loss when the target is not located in the center of the transmit beam. In the partic, with denoting a column vector of size ular case of whose elements are equal to one, the transmit beam is directed , that is, . to the array broadside and , The equivalent array response in this case, denoted by can be written as (19) In the case of orthonormal signals, and are equal to one. Note the eigenvalues of the matrix that in this case, the matrix of eigenvectors is not unique. A simple choice for is . ThereforeFig. 4. Array aperture for orthogonal signals M = 3, L = 1; -points: actual sensors, o-points: virtual sensors. Two sensors are located at points B , C , E .2(20) The equivalent steering vector for orthonormal signals is the and product of the steering vector in the receive mode . The equivathe steering vector in the transmit mode lent steering vector for noncoherent signals includes all the elements of , which represent all the possible transmit–receive combinations. The th element of this matrix . Hence, the array is response consists of virtual sensors located at the combinations for . Consequently, the array of aperture is virtually extended. This virtual aperture extensionresults in narrower beams and therefore higher angular resolution and better detection performance. Moreover, some of the virtual sensor locations are identical, which can be interpreted as spatial tapering and results in lower sidelobes. In order to illustrate these advantages, we examine an ex, which are located ample with three array elements at vertexes of an equilateral triangle (see -points in Fig. 3) and one target . In Figs. 3 and 4, the equivalent array structure for coherent and orthogonal signals is presented, respectively. As mentioned above, the equivalent array for orthogonal signals includes all the transmit–receive combinations of the el, which are given by ements of . This is equivalent to an extended array, whose elements are located at . Therefore the equivalent array consists of virtual sensors (marked by -points in Fig. 4) in addition to the actual sensors. According to (3), the total number of delays is nine, representing nine different virtual sensors. In this configuration, we obtain three sensors at the actual sensor locations (points A, B, C), three virtual sensors at new locations (points D, E, F), and three additional virtual sensors, which fall at the locations of other sensors (points B, C, E). The last three sensors, as discussed above, can be interpreted as spatial weighting or tapering. Finally, the virtual aperture of the orthogonal signals isAuthorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.BEKKERMAN AND TABRIKIAN: TARGET DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION USING MIMO RADARS AND SONARS3877created by nine sensors (six of them are at different locations), compared to three sensors of the coherent signals model. B. Spatial Coverage Extension In conventional target detection and localization systems, several directional beams are usually transmitted in order to scan a given region of interest (ROI). Each directional beam is generated using coherent transmitted signals. The time-on-target (TOT) for each transmitted beam is equal to the total interval assigned for covering the ROI, divided by the number of beams required to cover the given ROI. When the transmitted signals are orthogonal, the beams become omnidirectional, causing reduction in the beam gain. On the other hand, transmission of omnidirectional beams extends the spatial coverage of each beam; therefore, it allows increase of the TOT interval for each beam. In fact, the TOT interval for orthogonal signals is equal to the interval which is assigned to scan the ROI. Therefore, the beam gain loss can be compendirectional beams, one sated by increased TOT. Instead of omnidirectional beam can be transmitted with times higher TOT interval. Hence, in the sequel, when comparing the spatially orthogonal and coherent signals, this TOT compensation will be considered. Furthermore, the spatial transmitted power density with orthogonal signals is constant at each direction, while in the coherent signal case, the spatial transmitted power density is nonuniform and depends on the beam shape and the overlap between the beams. In omnidirectional signal transmission, the echo signal should be processed for a larger ROI, and therefore statistically a larger number of targets. If the targets in the given ROI are disjoint in range or Doppler, then for each range-Doppler bin, a single target case should be considered. In practice, the probability of multiple targets in a given range-Doppler bin is low, although it is still higher than the case of directional signal transmission in which only the targets within the narrow beam are excited. C. Beam Pattern Improvement The transmit–receive pattern can be written as (21) where is the target DOA and is the digital beam direction. Equation (21) can be rewritten in terms of the steering vector (see Appendix B) (22) It is worthwhile to notice that the right term in the numerator of (22) represents the beam pattern in the receive mode and is independent of the transmitted signal coherence matrix. The other terms in (22) represent the beam pattern in the transmit mode. For coherent transmit signals steered to the array broadside with , the transmit–receive pattern is given by (23)Fig. 5. Beam pattern for orthogonal and coherent signals with a ULA of 10 elements and with half a wavelength spacing.M=and for orthonormal signals creased TOT by factorconsidering the in-(24) in (23) introduces the attenuation in the The term transmit gain due to beam shape loss. This attenuation does not exist for the orthogonal signals case. The beam patterns for coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals are shown in Fig. 5. elements The array is uniform linear array (ULA) with and with half a wavelength spacing, where the transmit beam , i.e., the phases of of coherent signals is directed to . Fig. 5 shows that the orthogonal transmitted and lower signal model provides narrower beam width by sidelobe levels, compared to the coherent signal model. Note that the sidelobe level in the coherent signal case is at about 13 dB below the mainlobe level, which reflects the contribution of the digital beamforming in the receive mode only. In the orthogonal signal case, the sidelobe level is at about 26 dB below the mainlobe level reflecting the contribution of the digital beamforming in the transmission in addition to the receive mode. These phenomena can also be interpreted as the contribution of the virtual aperture extension and virtual tapering, as mentioned above. In Fig. 6, the beam patterns for coherent and orthogonal signals are shown, where the target is located at , , , respectively. It can be observed that for coherent transmitted signals, the gain of the transmit–receive pattern is attenuated when the target is not located in the center of the transmit beam, because of the beam shape loss. However, for orthogonal transmitted signals, the gain remains constant for all target directions . D. Increase of the Limit on the Number of Targets In conventional localization methods, an array of elements targets with unknown allows detection of up to complex amplitudes. In the spatially coded signal model, as discussed above, the number of different virtual sensors is theAuthorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.3878IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2006After optimization with respect to , the ML estimator for given byis(27) (28) where is a projection . For the matrix into the subspace spanned by columns of can be rewritten as scenario of a single target, (29) is a projection matrix into the subspace spanned by where . By substitution of from (12), from columns of (16), and using the identity (see [12]), with some trace properties, the numerator of (29) can be expressed as (30) is the sufficient statistic matrix, defined in (10). In where Appendix B, it is shown thatFig. 6. Beam pattern for orthogonal and coherent signals with a ULA of = 10 elements and with half a wavelength spacing. The beam in the transmit mode is directed to  = 0 and the target is located at  = 0 , 5 , 10 .M(31) Hence, (27) for a single target becomes (32)number of different combinations of transmit–receive delays according to (3). Hence, the limit on the maximum . number of targets is now constrained by This upper bound on the number of targets can be smaller depending on the array geometry. Thus, orthogonal signal transmission significantly increases the upper limit on the number of targets that can be localized. V. TARGET DETECTION AND DOA ESTIMATION In order to demonstrate the advantages of the proposed configuration in target detection and localization, the ML and CRB on DOA estimation and GLRT for target detection are derived.and the ML estimator ofcan be written as (33)B. Detection The hypotheses for a single target detection for the sufficient statistic model in (15), can be stated as(34) Thus, the GLRT is given byA. Maximum Likelihood Estimation The model in (15) can be rewritten in matrix form(35) where and are the probability denand sity functions of the sufficient statistic under hypotheses , respectively. Hence, the GLRT for the model in (6) can be written as (36) The threshold is set according to the desired false alarm rate. for It is interesting to find the asymptotic statistics of(25) and . where Hence, the ML estimator for target localization for the model in (25) is given by(26)Authorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.BEKKERMAN AND TABRIKIAN: TARGET DETECTION AND LOCALIZATION USING MIMO RADARS AND SONARS3879both threshold setting and for performance evaluation. Unfor, the target parameters cannot tunately, under hypothesis be estimated, and thus derivation of the asymptotic properties of the above GLRT is a difficult problem [13]. However, it can be verified that for orthogonal signals, there is no coupling between and . Therefore, the fact that is unknown does not affect the estimation performance of , which is required for decision between the two hypotheses. Accordingly, for the orunder thogonal signals case, the asymptotic statistics of the two hypotheses are given by [10] (37) where and are central and noncentral chi-squared distributions with two degrees of freedom, respectively, and is the noncentrality parameter, which is equal to (38) Using the Neyman–Pearson criterion, the probability of false alarm is const and the probability of detection is , where and are right-tail probability functions [10]. C. Cramér–Rao Bound The Fisher information matrix (FIM) [9] for estimating the vector from the sufficient statistic , according to the model in (7), can be partitioned as (39) and the CRB for the DOA estimate can be expressed as CRB where , , and rived in Appendix C (40) CRB are matrices, whose elements are de. From (46), we where equality is satisfied only for conclude that the DOA estimation performance with orthogonal transmitted signals is superior to the performance obtained with , the TOT can coherent transmitted signals. Note that for , and thus the bound can be compensated by a factor of further be decreased. VI. SIMULATION RESULTS In Appendix C, it is shown that if the array origin is chosen to be at the array centroid, i.e., , the CRB for DOA estimation of a single target is given by (44) as shown at the . bottom of the page, where SNR For the case of two elements with (i.e., the transmit beam is steered to the array broadside), the CRB for In this section, we demonstrate via simulations the detection and localization performance for the case of spatially coded signals. A ULA with half a wavelength spacing is considered. In Fig. 7, the CRB for DOA estimation root-mean-square as a function of its error (RMSE) of a single target and orthonormal direction is plotted for coherent CRB (46)Fig. 7. CRB on DOA for = 10, L = 1, SNR= 0 dB. The target is located at  = 0 and the beam is steered at  for coherent signals.MDOA estimation can be expressed as a function of inserting CRB SNRby(45), , and is the where distance between the elements. The optimal value of , which minimizes the CRB, can be obtained by differentiating (45) with respect to and then equating to zero. The minimal CRB for is obtained for even without TOT compensation, which represents the case of orthonormal transmitted signals. Furthermore, it can be shown that(41) (42) (43)CRB SNR(44)Authorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.3880IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2006Fig. 8. CRB on DOA estimation, L = 2, M = 2, SNR= 0 dB;  = 0 ,  = 5 , 10 , 15 . Two targets can be resolved by two elements if incoherent signals are transmitted.Fig. 10. ROC for the coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals; M = 10, L = 1,  = 0 , and SNR= 10 dB. For the coherent transmitted signals, the beam is directed at  = 0 .Fig. 9. CRB and ML performance for DOA estimation of the first target for coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals; M = 10 elements, L = 2 targets:  = 0 ,  2 [0; 2] , SNR= 0 dB.signals . The array includes elements and dB. Note that for orthogonal transmitted signals, the SNR CRB is constant with respect to , while in the coherent transmitted signals case, the CRB increases with due to the beam shape loss. Fig. 8 presents the CRB for localization of a target located at in the presence of an additional target at , , with an array of elements. Obviously, the condition which is relevant to the case of coherent signals is not satisfied. However, Fig. 8 shows that the CRB is finite for . This phenomenon is directly related to the contribution of the virtual sensors in the noncoherent signals case, as mentioned in Section IV. In this case, the number ofvirtual sensors at the different locations is , and thus localization of two targets is possible with an array of two elements. As expected, the CRB goes to infinity for . In Fig. 9, the angular resolution with coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals is examined. The scenario includes elements and targets, where the first target is located at . The CRB and performance of the ML estimator of the first target angle as a function of the position of the second for both coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals target are depicted. The TOT compensation is taken into consideration for the orthogonal transmitted signals. It can be noticed that the performance of the spatially coded signal model with orthogonal transmitted signals is superior to the configuration with coherent transmitted signals.2 In Fig. 10, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves are presented using simulation results for both coherent and orthogonal transmitted signals. The theoretical asymptotic detection performance for the case of orthogonal signals is also calculated using (37) and depicted in this figure. The scenario inelements and target, which is located cludes at , and for the coherent transmitted signals the beam is . The TOT compensation is taken into considdirected at eration for the orthogonal transmitted signals. It can be observed that the detection performance with orthogonal signals is higher than with coherent signals. In addition, the asymptotic performance obtained theoretically coincides with the simulations for the case of orthogonal signals. VII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS In this paper, a new approach for space-time signal transmission in radar and sonar systems was presented. Spatially orthogonal signal transmission enables digital beamforming and array2At low angular separation, the ML estimation error RMSE is lower than the CRB because of the limited search region for estimation of  and  .Authorized licensed use limited to: NORTHWESTERN POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY. Downloaded on January 7, 2010 at 03:53 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.。



侦查措施的相关英语作文Title: Relevant English Composition on Investigative Measures。

In contemporary society, investigative measures play a pivotal role in maintaining law and order, ensuring justice, and safeguarding the rights of individuals. Whether conducted by law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, or private investigators, these measures encompass a wide range of techniques and methodologiesaimed at gathering evidence, uncovering truths, and solving crimes. In this essay, we will delve into the various aspects of investigative measures, their significance, and ethical considerations.To begin with, investigative measures encompass a plethora of techniques, including surveillance, interrogation, forensic analysis, undercover operations,and electronic monitoring, among others. Each method serves a distinct purpose and is employed based on the nature ofthe case, available resources, and legal constraints. Surveillance, for instance, involves the covert observation of individuals or groups suspected of engaging in criminal activities. This may entail physical surveillance by trained operatives or the use of sophisticated technology such as CCTV cameras and drones.Interrogation is another crucial investigative measure employed to extract information from suspects, witnesses, or persons of interest. It requires skilled interrogators who employ various psychological tactics to elicit truthful responses while adhering to legal guidelines regarding coercion and the rights of the interviewee. Forensic analysis, on the other hand, involves the scientific examination of physical evidence such as DNA, fingerprints, and ballistic data to establish links between suspects and crime scenes.Undercover operations represent a clandestine approach to gathering intelligence and evidence by embedding operatives within criminal organizations or target groups. This method often requires meticulous planning, riskassessment, and adherence to strict protocols to ensure the safety of undercover agents and the integrity of gathered evidence. Electronic monitoring, including the interception of communications and the use of tracking devices, has become increasingly prevalent in the digital age, presenting new challenges and ethical dilemmas regarding privacy rights and legal oversight.The significance of investigative measures cannot be overstated, as they serve as the cornerstone of criminal justice systems worldwide. By gathering evidence and uncovering facts, investigators play a vital role in ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and that innocent individuals are exonerated. Moreover, investigative measures contribute to the prevention of future crimes by deterring potential offenders and dismantling criminal networks through targeted enforcement actions.However, the use of investigative measures is not without its ethical considerations and potential pitfalls. One of the primary concerns relates to the balance betweenindividual rights and the need for effective law enforcement. While investigative measures are essential for combating crime, they must be conducted within the boundaries of legal frameworks and respect fundamental human rights such as privacy, due process, and the presumption of innocence.Moreover, the potential for abuse and misuse of investigative measures underscores the importance of robust oversight mechanisms and accountability measures. This includes judicial review of surveillance warrants, independent oversight bodies tasked with monitoring investigative activities, and transparency regarding the use of emerging technologies with implications for privacy and civil liberties.In conclusion, investigative measures represent a critical component of modern law enforcement and intelligence-gathering efforts. From surveillance and interrogation to forensic analysis and undercover operations, these techniques play a vital role in uncovering truths, solving crimes, and ensuring justice.However, their use must be guided by ethical principles, legal frameworks, and respect for individual rights to maintain public trust and uphold the rule of law in society.。



yolov8提取关键点的原理Yolov8 is a state-of-the-art object detection modelthat has gained significant popularity due to its high accuracy and real-time performance. While Yolov8 isprimarily designed for detecting and localizing objects in images, it can also be used for keypoint extraction. Key points are specific points of interest on an object, suchas the corners of a square or the tip of a nose. Extracting these keypoints can provide valuable information about the object's pose, shape, and orientation.The underlying principle behind Yolov8's keypoint extraction lies in its architecture and training process. Yolov8 is based on a deep convolutional neural network (CNN) that is trained on a large dataset of labeled images.During training, the model learns to recognize and localize objects by iteratively adjusting its internal parameters to minimize the difference between predicted and ground truth bounding boxes.To enable keypoint extraction, Yolov8 extends its architecture to include additional convolutional layers and output channels specifically designed to predict the coordinates of keypoints. These additional layers are added on top of the existing object detection layers, allowing the model to simultaneously detect objects and extract keypoints in a single forward pass. By incorporating keypoint prediction into the existing object detection framework, Yolov8 can leverage the learned representations and feature hierarchies to accurately locate keypoints.The keypoint extraction in Yolov8 is achieved by training the model on annotated datasets that include both object bounding box labels and keypoint annotations. During training, the model is optimized using a combination of object detection loss and keypoint regression loss. The object detection loss ensures that the model accurately localizes objects, while the keypoint regression loss guides the model to predict the correct coordinates for each keypoint.The keypoint extraction process in Yolov8 involvesseveral steps. First, the model takes an input image and passes it through a series of convolutional layers to extract features at different spatial scales. These features are then used to predict object bounding boxes and keypoints. The model outputs a set of bounding boxes and their associated object class probabilities, as well as the coordinates of keypoints for each detected object.To improve the accuracy of keypoint extraction, Yolov8 employs techniques such as anchor boxes and feature pyramid networks. Anchor boxes are predefined bounding box shapes of different aspect ratios and sizes that are used to match predicted bounding boxes with ground truth boxes. This helps the model to handle objects of various scales and aspect ratios. Feature pyramid networks, on the other hand, allow the model to capture multi-scale representations by incorporating features from different levels of the convolutional hierarchy.In conclusion, Yolov8 achieves keypoint extraction by extending its architecture to include additional layers for predicting keypoints and training the model on annotateddatasets that include both object bounding box labels and keypoint annotations. By leveraging the learned representations and feature hierarchies, Yolov8 can accurately locate keypoints while simultaneously detecting objects. Techniques such as anchor boxes and feature pyramid networks further enhance the accuracy of keypoint extraction.。



免疫荧光共定位重叠系数英文回答:Immunofluorescence co-localization coefficient is a quantitative measure used to assess the degree of overlap between two or more fluorescently labeled molecules in a biological sample. It provides information about thespatial relationship and potential interaction betweenthese molecules.To calculate the co-localization coefficient, several methods can be used, such as Pearson's correlation coefficient, Manders' overlap coefficient, or the Jaccard coefficient. Each method has its advantages and limitations, and the choice of which method to use depends on thespecific research question and experimental setup.For example, Pearson's correlation coefficient measures the linear relationship between the intensities of two channels, ranging from -1 (perfect negative correlation) to1 (perfect positive correlation). A coefficient close to 1 indicates a high degree of co-localization, while a coefficient close to 0 indicates no correlation.Manders' overlap coefficient, on the other hand, measures the fraction of one channel that overlaps with the other channel. It provides information about the proportion of one molecule that co-localizes with another molecule.The coefficient ranges from 0 to 1, with 1 indicating complete co-localization.The Jaccard coefficient is commonly used to assess the degree of overlap in binary images, where the presence or absence of a signal is represented as black or white pixels. It calculates the ratio of the intersection of the two channels to the union of the two channels.These co-localization coefficients can be calculated using image analysis software, such as ImageJ or Fiji,which provide tools for quantifying fluorescence signalsand generating co-localization maps.In conclusion, immunofluorescence co-localization coefficients are important quantitative measures that provide insights into the spatial relationship andpotential interaction between fluorescently labeled molecules. By using different methods, researchers canobtain valuable information about the degree of co-localization and gain a better understanding of the biological processes under investigation.中文回答:免疫荧光共定位重叠系数是一种用于评估生物样本中两种或多种荧光标记分子之间重叠程度的定量指标。



Comprehensive Strategy on Information Security: Executive SummaryTo enhance competitiveness and national security for Japan:Building economic and cultural power through realization of world-class "highly reliable society"With the use of IT as social infrastructure and the emergence of risks in new dimensions, the "Comprehensive Strategy on Information Security" will be launched not merely as a defensive approach in reducing risks but in order to utilize Japan's strengths in safety and security for the purpose of enhancing the competitiveness of the Japanese economy and boosting national security comprehensively. The “Comprehensive Strategy on Information Security", fully reflecting the distinctive characteristics of our country, will also be implemented steadily through cooperation between the government and the private sector.Chapter 1 Approaches1.1 Assessment of Current Status: IT as "Nervous System" of Society*The rapid dissemination of information technology (IT) has led not only to dramatic increase in the use of PCs, the Internet, and mobile telephones and the spread of e-commerce, but expanded to establishment of IT as socioeconomic infrastructure and as a major component in the "lifelines" propelling activities in society.*Firstly, IT equipment and software have integrated almost invisibly into control and management of the foundation of socioeconomic activities, including finance, energy, transportation and medicine. IT now playsa vital role as the "nervous system" for various social systems.*Secondly, business activities are integrating rapidly through introduction of IC tags and development of inter-industry databases, transcending corporate boundaries and forming the "nervous system" for the full spectrum of corporate activities by communicating and sharing important information. Action is under way for greater optimization in allocation of resources.1.2 New Dimensions of Risks Confronting Society as a WholeWith establishment of IT as social infrastructure, risks of new dimensions have emerged in the area of information security. From the historical perspective, this is a period of major transition amid spread of the third Industrial Revolution (by IT and other advanced technologies).(1) Growing risks* The first point is the growth of risks. Risks involve not only information system failures, malicious assaults from within and by external parties, and problems for perpetrators and victims of failures, but also risks leading to panic of the entire national economy and to threats on lives and assets of the people.(2) Change in nature of risks* The second point is the change in nature of risks. Characteristics of risks have changed with IT used as "black box" technology without open scrutiny, diversification of IT applications, change in technological innovation and business models, and growing obscurity as to where responsibility for failures lies.(3) Action on these new risks and issues viewed from the perspective of national security* Rather than developing measures for each specific issue, studies must be conducted to developmeasures for the development of a “self-recoverable” social system prepared for accident/incident occurrences with the capability to recover and to minimize and localize damage on the assumptions that(1) risks for the nation as a whole must be minimized and (2) "information security is never guaranteedand accidents happen."*At present, there have been no major system incidents or accidents that might break down economic activities or threaten the lives and property of the Japanese people. However, the Japanese government and critical infrastructure bodies are well aware of the threat of cyber-terrorism and should select the best possible measures for security in view of the facts that (1) new risks could include the possibility of assault by all kinds of perpetrators, ranging from individuals seeking pleasure in wreaking havoc to organized crime syndicates and terrorists, with similar methods, and (2) introduction of IT in government and critical infrastructure systems is unavoidable in order to enhance international competitiveness and user convenience, although all government is now moving slowly and with great caution in connecting its systems to the Internet and in the use of IT in its systems.* The issue of information security should not be only pursued for the safety of "economic activities" but is an issue that requires scrutiny on the national level for Japan's own national security.1.3 The Need for Comprehensive Information Security Strategy(1) Failure of ad hoc measures implemented to address specific issues and problems* Until now, measures to assure information security have been issue-specific, targeted only to resolve the problem at hand, for measures implemented by business enterprises and private individuals, as well as the Japanese government. Measures have been executed from specific perspectives only.* In view of the drastic changes in society and qualitative change of risks, measures must be examined exhaustively. It is necessary to launch a "Comprehensive Strategy on Information Security" with full attention to circumstances in Japan and to implement it through cooperation between the government and the private sector.(2) Competitiveness through development of a "highly reliable society" and improvement ofcomprehensive security*In view of Japan's aspiration to exercise international leadership through economic power and cultural assets (“soft power”), rather than arms and military power, the development of a world-class "highly reliable society" founded on solid information security deserves to be regarded as the foremost national strategy.* Firstly, a "highly reliable society" founded on solid information security brings greater economic competitiveness for Japan. In other words, it provides the basis for maximizing the benefits brought about by transition from an “industrial economy" competing on material affluence to "information economy" determined by skill in utilizing knowledge and expertise. By means of structural reduction of the risk premium, Japan will be able to attract foreign investment. Moreover, cost cutting and better efficiency can be realized in a variety of aspects, notwithstanding rapid aging and a declining population.It can also link to growth in employment.*Secondly, development of a "highly reliable society" founded on solid information security not only prevents cyber-terrorism but contributes to securing stable energy supply and food supply and ultimately to comprehensive national security.* Thirdly, "highly reliable society" is an area where Japan can exercise its strength. By taking advantage of Japan's commitment to "quality" in hardware and software for both suppliers and consumers and the potential it possesses in its technical foundation in the area of electronic devices, etc., Japan will be ableto become the world-class "highly reliable society " Outstanding security Industrial infrastructure with device technologies Society founded on outstanding ethics Highly reliable ITinfrastructure & IT useand uniform and smooth communicationas economic and cultural power Commitment to manufacturing and qualityFigure: Structure of Society of "highly reliable society"Chapter 2: The Three Strategies for Reinforcing Information Security"Development of the world-class "highly reliable society " utilizing the strengths of Japan as an economic and cultural power is established as a basic goal. Three strategies regarding key information security measures are presented, aimed at shifting from problem-specific solutions to prioritized and strategically allocated reinforcement of resources for the nation.2.1 Strategy 1: Development of Self-recoverable "Social System Prepared for Accident/Incident Occurrences" (Assurance of Outstanding Recoverability and Localization of Damage)* Rather than focusing strictly on preventing accidents or addressing accidents that have occurred, a mechanism for outstanding recoverability and minimizing and localizing, i.e., a self-recoverable social system prepared for accident/incident occurrences must be developed on the assumption that information security is never guaranteed , and accidents happen.* Based on this understanding, measures must be established and reinforced for both prevention of accidents and ex post facto action.2.2 Strategy 2: Public-sector Action for Aiming at Taking Advantage of "High Reliability" as Strength* Public-sector action from the perspective of national interest should be reinforced in order to boost Japan's relative superiority in "high reliability", while utilizing Japan's basic strength in safety and security . * For this purpose, the measures under Strategy 1 are to be implemented without fail. In addition, the Japanese government must take aggressive action in development of a technical and administrative foundation that leads to assurance of "high reliability" to enable Japan to wield its strength and to support information security such as formation of ICT infrastructure without too much dependence or centralization on specific technology and creation of a legal framework against cyber-crimes.2.3 Strategy 3: Coordinated Action to Empower the Cabinet Office* In order to realize Strategy 1 and Strategy 2, an integrated organization that enables accurate management of the general portfolio is necessary.*For this purpose, the Cabinet Office organization should be expanded drastically for aggressive promotion of measures and consolidated action to realign redundant operations under its leadership.Figure: The Basic Goal of the Three Strategies for Reinforcement of Information SecurityChapter 3 Concrete Measures under the Strategies3.1 Strategy 1: Development of Self-recoverable Social System Prepared for Accident/incidentOccurrences (assurance of outstanding recoverability and localization of damage)(1): Reinforcement of Preventive Measures(1) Preventive measures by national/local governments and critical infrastructure bodies(National/local governments)(a)Review of information management systems, alongside technology development and systemconfiguration(b) Use of security standards for IT products, encryption, etc., in system procurement(c) Information security audit and promotion of ISMS certification(Critical infrastructure bodies)(d) Information security audit(e)Information security technology development against cyber-terrorism(2) New preventive measures in business enterprises and among private individuals(Measures to address vulnerabilities)(a) Establishment of rules and systems to address vulnerabilities(b) Development of functions providing alerts on computer viruses, etc.(Advanced manpower development)(c)Review of training methods for information security specialists and field personnel(d)Review of approaches to be taken for professional certification system(e)Security technology engineer training at organizations dealing with security incidents(f) Enhance information security research and manpower(Improvement of security literacy)(g)Awareness promotion by the government(h) Security literacy education from compulsory education level(i) Reinforcement of security training for corporate managers and employees(j) Development of an environment offering worry-free use of secure IT products and services by private individuals(3) Reinforcement of existing preventive measures from the aspects of technology and security management(Promotion of technological assessment and technology development)(a) Promotion of IT security assessment & authentication systems(b) Reinforcement of encryption security assessment(c) Development of technologies, products and services for greater security(d) Establishment of secure information distribution system based on encryption and authenticationtechnologies(Promotion of security management)(e) Information security audit and promotion of ISMS certification(f) Review of approaches to be taken to information security rating(g) Review of general alignment of domestic standards and benchmarks related to informationsecurity3.2 Strategy 1: Development of Self-recoverable "Social System Prepared forAccident/Incident Occurrences" (Assurance of Outstanding Recoverability and Localization of Damage), (2): Exhaustive Reinforcement of Measures on Accidents(1) Measures on accidents by national/local governments and critical infrastructure bodies(National/local governments)(a) Review and establishment of information-sharing and information use systems in national andlocal governments(b) Development of guidelines on service preservation/recovery planning(Critical infrastructure bodies)(c) Information sharing and use among ministries/agencies related to information system incidents,and establishment of study committee on incidents(d) Cyber-terrorism drills and training(e) Establishment of information-sharing system for critical infrastructure(f) Development of guidelines for service preservation/recovery planning(2) Measures on accidents by business enterprises and private individuals(a) Establishment of information sharing, use and cooperation organizations among IT businesses(b) Development of guidelines for service preservation/recovery planning(c) Development of methods for quantitative assessment of risks(d) Review of methods for reducing damages, including insurance feature(e) Review of legal issues pertaining to information security3.3 Strategy 2: Public-sector Action for aiming at taking advantage of "high reliability" as Strength(a) Solid promotion of Strategy 1(b) Formation of ICT infrastructure to avert risks of centralization and unilateral dependence (suchas operating systems and GPS)(c) Government/private sector cooperation against cyber-crimes and review of approaches topersonal data protection adapted to new technologies(d) Sophistication of software manufacturing technologies(e) Establishment and practical application of secure programming methods(f) Reinforcement of industrial structure related to devices and other basic technologiesChapter 4 Organization and Process Management for Realization of the Strategy4.1 Strategy 3: Coordinated Action to Empower the Cabinet Office(1) Reinforcement of Cabinet function*Reinforcement of Cabinet organization and workforce and promotion of change as an organization with the following functions* Development of organization for comprehensive gathering of accident data from national and localgovernment organizations and critical infrastructure bodies* Planning technology development, etc., to support preservation of confidentiality in national andlocal governments* Security audits and penetration tests, etc., for various government organizations, function as liaisonoffice for the government as a whole, etc.(2) Development of consolidated promotion organization* For measures in which cooperation between the national government and private enterprises is important, distribution of roles and method of coordination should be identified clearly for Japan. For integrated implementation of government measures and programs, an "Information Security Policy Committee"consisting of information security policy officers from various government organizations should be established under the Cabinet Office.4.2 Time Frame for Actions* Milestones to be established for each policy.4.3 Assessment Mechanism for Strategy* The state of strategy implementation to be evaluated by "Security Policy Advisory Council" consisting of experts.Reference 5•Activity Log* Information Security GroupJune 13, 2003 First MeetingBasic perspectives in development of comprehensive strategySeptember 3, 2003 Second MeetingDraft summary of Comprehensive Strategy on Information SecurityOctober 7, 2003 Third MeetingProposal of Comprehensive Strategy on Information Security* Research Group on Development of Comprehensive Strategy on Information SecurityMay 14, 2003 First MeetingOrganization of points of deliberationMay 29, 2003Second MeetingBasic policy for reviewImage of risks pertaining to information securityJune 12, 2003 Third MeetingProcedure for review in Comprehensive Strategy planningProposal of reference materials for the first meeting of the Information Security GroupJuly 1, 2003 Fourth MeetingOrganization of points of deliberationGeneral image of issues in information securityCritical infrastructure securityMeetingAugust 8, 2003 FifthPerspectives for the StrategyKey issues and measures for realizationSeptember 8, 2003 Sixth MeetingDraft proposal of the Comprehensive strategy on Information SecurityOctober 2, 2003 Seventh MeetingProposal of the Comprehensive strategy on Information Security。



曾莹,陈燕芬,曾铭,等. 气相色谱质谱法测定聚乳酸食品接触材料中丙交酯的迁移量[J]. 食品工业科技,2023,44(9):281−286.doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050061ZENG Ying, CHEN Yanfen, ZENG Ming, et al. Determination of the Migration of Lactide in PLA Food Contact Materials by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2023, 44(9): 281−286. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2022050061· 分析检测 ·气相色谱质谱法测定聚乳酸食品接触材料中丙交酯的迁移量曾 莹1,陈燕芬1,曾 铭1,陈 胜1,2,潘静静1,2,李 丹1,2,钟怀宁1,2, *,董 犇1,2, *,郑建国1(1.广州海关技术中心,国家食品接触材料检测重点实验室(广东),广东广州 510623;2.可持续塑料包装联合创新中心,广东广州 510623)摘 要:建立气相色谱质谱联用法(GC-MS )测定聚乳酸食品接触材料中丙交酯迁移量的方法。

橄榄油模拟物经过乙腈提取,离心分层与过滤后,使用GC-MS 测试分析;异辛烷模拟物过滤后直接使用GC-MS 测试分析。

该法实现了聚乳酸食品接触材料中丙交酯迁移量的测定,检出限为0.01 mg/kg ,加标回收率为80.0%~120.0%,相对标准偏差为2.6%~6.6%(n=6)。

运用该方法对7款聚乳酸(PLA )食品接触材料的实际样品进行测定,丙交酯的整体检出率为85.7%,迁移量的检出范围为0.033~1.1 mg/kg 。



不可能口语英语短语不可能口语英语短语11. A miracle is something that seems impossible but happens anyway.奇迹就是看似不可能,却发生了。

2. It is impossible to say who struck the fatal blow.很难判断是谁给了致命的一击。

3. The government inherited an impossible situation from its predecessors.这届政府从前任那里接过了一个非常棘手的烂摊子。

4. It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the slowdown.要估算出究竟多少高级职员参与了怠工是不可能的。

5. Towards the end of our time together he was impossible.到我们在一起的最后那段时间,他简直令人难以忍受。

6. It was a question that Roy not unnaturally found impossible to answer.那是个罗伊显然无法回答的问题。

7. Such measures would be highly impracticable and almost1/ 6impossible to apply.这样的措施非常不切实际,几乎不可能付诸实施。

8. The Government was now in an almost impossible position.政府现在几乎陷入了进退维谷的境地。

9. It's impossible to get everybody together at the same time.让所有人同时聚在一起是不可能的。

10. Her death will be an impossible burden on Paul.她的去世将给保罗带来难以承受的打击。

coco ap指标计算详解

coco ap指标计算详解

coco ap指标计算详解The Coco AP (Average Precision) metric is a key performance indicator commonly used in the field of object detection, specifically in the evaluation of models trained on the COCO (Common Objects in Context) dataset. It measures the accuracy of a model in detecting and localizing objects within images.Coco AP指标是对象检测领域中常用的关键性能指标,特别是在评估经过COCO(Common Objects in Context,上下文中的常见对象)数据集训练的模型时尤为重要。


The calculation of Coco AP involves several steps. Firstly, the model generates a set of predicted bounding boxes for each object class in the image, along with their corresponding confidence scores. These predicted bounding boxes are then matched with the ground truth annotations provided in the dataset.Coco AP的计算涉及多个步骤。





逆全球化英语作文In recent years, the concept of de-globalization has gained significant attention as countries reassess their positions in an increasingly interconnected world. De-globalization refers to the process of reducing interdependence and integration between nations, often characterized by a decline in international trade, investment, and movement of people. Several factors contribute to this trend, including economic nationalism, political tensions, and the impact of global crises.One major driver of de-globalization is economic nationalism. Many countries are prioritizing domestic industries and jobs over global trade. This shift has been particularly evident in the rise of protectionist policies, such as tariffs and trade barriers, aimed at shielding local economies from foreign competition. For instance, the United States and several European countries have implemented measures to support local manufacturers, leading to a decline in imports and an emphasis on self-sufficiency.Political tensions also play a crucial role in therise of de-globalization. Geopolitical conflicts, such as those between the United States and China, have resulted in a fragmented global landscape. These tensions have prompted nations to reconsider their alliances and trade relationships, leading to increased isolationism. As countries become more wary of foreign influence, the flow of goods, services, and capital is being disrupted.Moreover, global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, have highlighted vulnerabilities in global supply chains. The pandemic exposed how dependent many countries are on international trade for essential goods. As a result, some nations are now seeking to localize production and reduce reliance on foreign suppliers. This shift not only aims to ensure greater resilience in times of crisis but also reflects a growing desire for self-sufficiency.In conclusion, de-globalization is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon driven by economic, political, and social factors. As nations navigate the challenges of an interconnected world, many are prioritizing local interests over global cooperation. While this trend mayprovide short-term benefits for some countries, it could also lead to increased isolation and reduced economic growth in the long run. Therefore, striking a balance between globalization and de-globalization will be crucial for a sustainable future.中文翻译:近年来,逆全球化的概念引起了广泛关注,因为各国正在重新评估它们在日益互联的世界中的立场。

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Electrochimica Acta 46(2001)3665–3674Measures for the detection of localized corrosion withelectrochemical noiseR.A.Cottis *,M.A.A.Al-Awadhi,H.Al-Mazeedi,S.TurgooseCorrosion and Protection Centre ,Department of Computation ,UMIST ,P .O .Box 88,Manchester M 601QD ,UKReceived 20June 2000;received in revised form 1February 2001AbstractA simulation of electrochemical noise data has been produced using a shot noise model,and this has been used to examine the properties of several of the parameters that have been proposed as indicative of the type of corrosion.The model produces an electrochemical noise impedance that is the same as the expected impedance,despite that fact that the model does not incorporate a charge transfer resistance term,supporting the observed and predicted equivalence between noise impedance and conventional electrochemical impedance.Of the various parameters that have been examined,the characteristic charge and characteristic frequency are proposed as useful general indicators of the nature of the corrosion process.Skew and kurtosis statistics may be indicative of the localized corrosion,but the results will be system dependent,particularly with respect to whether uni-or bidirectional transients are observed,and whether the current measuring electrodes are symmetrical or asymmetrical.©2001Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords :Electrochemical noise;Simulation;Shot noise;Coefficient of variation;Localization index;Characteristic charge;Characteristic frequency;Roll-off slope;Skew;Skewness;Kurtosis;Cross correlation;Cross spectra /locate /electacta1.IntroductionIt is clear that electrochemical noise (EN)measure-ments are influenced by the nature of the corrosion process,and several parameters have been suggested as indicators of localized corrosion.However,our under-standing of the applicability of the various parameters remains limited.There are several reasons for this: It is often difficult to determine what the ‘right’answer is.In order to know what the type of corro-sion is during the collection of a particular time record,we ideally need an independent technique to identify the corrosion,but few in-situ techniques areavailable,with microscopic observation probably be-ing the most reliable [1].The normal method of validating analytical methods for scientific data relies on testing the method on as many available datasets as possible.However,this is difficult in EN studies,because it is very rare for raw EN data to be published.Consequently,analysis methods are usually only tested on a limited data set that has been collected in a single laboratory.EN measurements introduce instrumentation re-quirements that are unfamiliar to many corrosion scientists.Consequently many measurements suffer from experimental artefacts,notably aliasing,quan-tization and instrument noise,and their reliability is often questionable.The objective of the work presented here is to con-struct an artificial data set of known character,and to use it to test some of the measures that have been*Corresponding author.Tel.:+44-161-236-3311;fax:+44-161-228-7040.E -mail address :bob.cottis@ (R.A.Cottis).0013-4686/01/$-see front matter ©2001Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.PII:S 0013-4686(01)00645-4R.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–3674 3666proposed for the identification of localized corrosion. In addition the program will be published[2],so that it will be available for others to apply to other analytical methods.2.The modelThe physical model assumes the conventional three electrode measurement,whereby the current noise is measured as the current between two nominally identi-cal working electrodes,while the potential of the cou-pled working electrode pair is measured against an ideal,noise-free reference electrode.The anodic process is considered to generate pulses of charge(as,for example,in the case of metastable pitting of stainless steels),while the cathodic process is at afixed,noise-free,limiting current density(as,for example,might apply for oxygen reduction in the ab-sence of turbulence in the solution).The anodic pulses are assumed to be independent,and the time to the next event is therefore a sample from an exponential distri-bution.The charge generated in each pulse is either constant,or has an exponential distribution(the latter is used for all results presented here).The pulses are assumed to occur instantaneously.The use of instanta-neous pulses and a cathodic limiting current help to simplify the modelling process.The effects that these limitations introduce are discussed further below.The time to the generation of the next anodic pulse is assumed to be a function of the electrochemical poten-tial according to a Tafel relationship.A consequence of this dependence is that the probability that a pulse will be emitted varies over time as the potential changes, and in some circumstances this could lead to very large errors.Thus an unusually large anodic pulse will reduce the potential sufficiently that the next pulse will typi-cally be a long time in the future.However,the long time without a pulse leads to a significant increase in the potential due to charging of the double layer capac-itance by the constant cathodic current(possibly hun-dreds of mV),such that a pulse should,on average,be emitted far sooner.It is difficult to correct analytically for the change in pulse emission probability as the potential changes between pulses.An approximate cor-rection has been made by regenerating the time to the next pulse at the end of every sample interval(this is valid because the probability of a pulse being emitted is independent of the prior history of the electrode).How-ever,for low sampling frequencies and large cathodic limiting currents this may still result in a significant change in potential before the probabilities are corrected.The model is susceptible to aliasing as a result of the production of sampled data from the continuous poten-tial and current time records(the fact that the sampling is achieved mathematically rather than instrumentally does not change the fundamental problem),and to a form of quantization,if the timing of transients relative to the sampling time isfixed.To minimize these effects transients are generated on the basis of the time to the next transient,drawn as a sample from an exponential distribution.The measured potential and current are then determined by analytical integration of the poten-tial and current over the sample interval.This largely removes aliasing by acting as a low-passfilter that removes frequencies above the Nyquist frequency. The parameters used in the model are:1.Cathodic limiting current I c(A).2.Double layer capacitance,C dl(F).3.Solution resistance,R sol(V).4.Mean pulse frequency,f n(s−1).5.Charge in each pulse,q(C).6.Anodic Tafel slope,i a(V for unit change in ln I;note that this is based on natural logs,since this slightly simplifies the computation).7.Relative probability of a pulse occurring on workingelectrode1,p1.Note that I c,f n and q are coupled(since the system will automaticallyfind a potential such that f n q=I c). Consequently,for the results discussed,f n q is set to give I c at E=0,and f n is treated as the independent vari-able.Where q has a distribution of values,the mean is given by the above equality.Note also that the model is not normalized for specimen area( refers to current rather than current density).However,for this work the parameters selected are chosen to be reasonable for an electrode area of1cm2.For the results presented here,the following parame-ters havefixed values:1.C dl=50m F2.R sol=1000V3.i a=0.052V3.Analysis methodsA number of analysis procedures have been investi-gated in this work:3.1.Coefficient of6ariation of currentThe coefficient of variation of the current(the stan-dard deviation of current divided by the mean current) was one of thefirst parameters proposed for the iden-tification of localized corrosion[3].It suffers from the theoretical(if not practical)limitation that the expected value of the mean current is zero,leading to a large expected value of the coefficient of variation whatever the actual properties of the system under investigation. It is also very sensitive to electrode asymmetry and theR.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–36743667 actual value of the mean current,as has been demon-strated by Sun and Mansfeld[4]for the LocalizationIndex(see Section3.2).It can be argued that the real problem with the use ofthe coefficient of variation is that it uses the meanmeasured current,whereas it should use the meancorrosion current.If it is assumed that the latter can bedetermined using the EN resistance,then it can beshown that the‘true coefficient of variation’can beestimated from the electrochemical potential noise[5].The resultant parameter is closely related to the charac-teristic frequency,but suffers from its dependence onthe measurement bandwidth,so it will not be consid-ered further here.3.2.Localization indexThis has been proposed as an alternative to thecoefficient of variation,and is defined as the standarddeviation of current divided by the rms current.How-ever,it can be shown that it is a simple mathematicaltransformation of the coefficient of variation[6],andconsequently it suffers from the same limitations.Whileit may have some advantages,particularly in respect tothe avoidance of very large values that tend to makeplotting difficult,it is less amenable to theoretical inter-pretation,and it is not considered further here.3.3.Characteristic chargeIt can be shown that the amplitude of the charge inindividual transients,q,can be estimated using a shotnoise analysis[6]:q= E,0 I,0Bwhere q is the charge in transient, E,0is the low frequency limit of power spectral density of potential, I,0is the low frequency limit of power spectral density of current,and B is the Stern–Geary coefficient.The charge may also be estimated using the variance divided by the bandwidth in place of the PSD,although this introduces the possibility of errors associated with the range of frequencies included in the measurement. This is demonstrated in some of the results obtained below.It is reasonable to equate large transients with local-ized corrosion,so a large value of this parameter may be expected to be indicative of localized corrosion.The term‘characteristic charge’is proposed to accommo-date those systems where a shot noise analysis may not be applicable(and where the significance of the parameter is currently less clear).3.4.Characteristic frequencyThe transient frequency for a shot noise process,f n, can be estimated as the corrosion current divided by the charge in the transient:f n=I corrq=B2E,0where f n is the frequency of transients,and I corr is the corrosion current(=I c).Note that this is inversely proportional to the PSD of potential,and independent of the current noise.The converse is not true,and the current noise is influenced by f n,but this is countered by the necessary concomi-tant increase in I corr or decrease in q.Localized corro-sion may be associated with a low transient frequency, and hence a high potential noise amplitude.This is the most direct measure that may be expected to contain information about localized corrosion.The term‘characteristic frequency’is proposed to accommodate those systems where a shot noise analysis may not be applicable.The characteristic frequency is expected to be proportional to specimen area(at least for a shot noise process),and it may be appropriate to report it as frequency per unit area.3.5.Corrosion rate,noise resistance and noise impedanceIt is reasonably well-established that the corrosion rate can be estimated from the EN resistance(or, probably more accurately,from the low frequency limit of the EN impedance).This provides supporting infor-mation for the interpretation of EN data,but does not give direct information on the type of corrosion.3.6.Roll-off slopeIt has been suggested that roll-off slope may be characteristic of the type of corrosion.This measure cannot really be tested with this simulation,as the current noise spectrum is determined by the transient shape that is assumed,modified only slightly by the effect of the solution resistance.The roll-off slope of the potential is a little more interesting in the context of the EN impedance,as the analysis does not incorporate a conventional R ct term,and it is interesting to see whether the conventional equivalent circuit is recreated by the model.3.7.Skew or skewnessThe skew of a distribution is a measure of its symme-try,and is defined as:R.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–3674 3668Skew=1N−1%Nk=1x[k]−x¯x[k]2n3Skew is normalized relative to a normal distribution, such that the value indicates purely the shape of the distribution,and is independent of the mean and stan-dard deviation.An EN signal comprised of uni-direc-tional transients may be expected to have a skewed distribution,and this has been used in a practical situation where the electrodes are deliberately made asymmetrical[7].This simulation probably provides a somewhat biased view of this measure as applied to electrochemical potential noise,as the limiting cathodic current produces a‘saw tooth’potential time record, rather than transients falling from a more consistent baseline.A more realistic model in this context would assume activation controlled cathodic kinetics;this would result in a reasonably constant potential with negative-going transients,which would give a signifi-cant negative skew.3.8.KurtosisThe kurtosis of a distribution is a measure of its flatness or peakiness.It is defined as:Kurtosis=1N−1%Nk=1x[k]−x¯2n4As the kurtosis for a normal distribution is3,it is common to use the(kurtosis-3)such that a normal distribution will give a kurtosis of zero.This is often simply called the kurtosis,which can be confusing,and it is suggested that the latter form is referred to as the normalized kurtosis to emphasize that the3has been subtracted.Whether uni-or bidirectional transients are observed, relatively infrequent fast transients are expected to pro-duce a high kurtosis,and this has been used for practi-cal detection of localized corrosion[8].As with the analysis of skew,the model that has been used for this work has some limitations in terms of modelling the distribution realistically.Note that in this work the normalized kurtosis has been used,such that a value of zero would be obtained for a normal distribution:3.9.Cross correlation and cross spectraThe correlation between events in the current and potential noise time records is an important feature of EN data.A transient event in current that is not accompanied by a corresponding event in potential would generally be regarded as suspect.The relation-ship between the potential and current time records can be determined by the cross correlation or(equivalently) by the cross spectrum.One limitation of cross correla-tion is that it can be expected to be confused if uni-di-rectional transients in one time record(i.e.potential noise)translate to bidirectional transients in the other (i.e.current noise).In principle this can be overcome by taking the absolute value of the bidirectional process, although this is only reliable if the bidirectional signal has clear distinct transients and a stable baseline.If the time record is sampled at a low frequency compared to the frequency of transient events,such that each sample corresponds to many events,then the cross correlation may be expected to be lost.Owing to computational difficulties the cross-correla-tion analysis has not yet been completed;results for real data may be seen in Ref.[9].4.ResultsTypical time records produced with large and small values of f n are shown in Figs.1and2.Fig.1.Typical time record produced by the simulation;low transient frequency.R.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–36743669 Fig.2.Typical time record produced by the simulation;high transient frequency.For a low value of f n the individual transients can be seen.For the parameters used here,these consist of a sharp current spike that lasts for less than1s(since the R sol C dl time constant is short and the charge is dis-tributed between the two working electrodes rapidly). The potential rises steadily with time due to the charg-ing of C dl by the constant cathodic current,and drops sharply as a result of each current spike.This is slightly unnatural behaviour,and a rise in potential with an exponential character(such as might be obtained for an activation-controlled cathodic reaction)might be more natural.However,there are significant computational advantages for the model used here[2];alternative models may be developed in future.The model computes relatively quickly on a modern PC,except for the case of a high transient frequency analysed at a low sampling frequency.Thus a reason-ably large number of‘experiments’have been per-formed for the determination of the simpler statistical parameters.These are summarized in terms of the dependence of the various parameters on electrode asymmetry in Figs.3–5.When the values are calculated from the standard deviation,the results obtained are strongly dependent on the bandwidth of the measure-ment,as has been indicated by Huet et al.[10].How-ever,consistent results are obtained using the low frequency limit of the MEM power spectrum(where appropriate).It can be seen that the coefficient of variation is large for symmetrical electrodes(corresponding to a propor-tion of pulses on WE1of0.5),but falls quite rapidly to 1or less for the parameters used in the simulation of Fig.3.It can be shown[5]that the expected coefficient of variation for perfectly symmetrical electrodes is of the order of N,where N is the number of points in the time record(i.e.64for the4096point time record used here),and the results obtained are consistent with this prediction.In contrast the estimated values of q and f n are relatively accurate and independent of the asymmetry.When estimated from the standard devia-tion the bandwidth of the measurement is somewhat too high,and the measured value of f n is about a factor of three too high.The estimated value of q is closer to the correct value,because it is less strongly dependent on the potential noise.The estimates from the low frequency limit of the MEM(at approximately2.5×10−5Hz)are also somewhat in error,in this case this is probably because of the loss of power at very low frequencies due to trend removal.The skew of potential is essentially independent of asymmetry(as might be expected,as the potential noise is a result of the response of the pair of electrodes),and significantly greater than zero.The skew of current is strongly dependent on asymmetry(again this is as expected,in the current pulses will be predominantly in one direction when the electrodes are asymmetrical). The kurtosis of both potential and current is rela-tively independent of electrode symmetry.The results of Fig.5were obtained using4096points in the time records,so the standard error is0.077,thus the current kurtosis is clearly positive,though with a relatively low significance,while the potential kurtosis is not signifi-cantly different from zero(for the simulation parame-ters used here).When the characteristic charge is estimated using the standard deviation formula with a relatively high sam-pling frequency,the results exhibit a poorfit with the actual mean charge used in the simulation.However,R .A .Cottis et al ./Electrochimica Acta 46(2001)3665–36743670Fig.3.Effect of electrode asymmetry on coef ficient of variation,q and f n .Actual f n was 1Hz,q 100nC,4096samples at a frequency of 0.1Hz.when the low frequency power spectral density is used (or,equivalently,when the standard deviation is mea-sured at a low sampling frequency),the fit is good (Fig.6).This result is not unexpected,as the numerical model is based on exactly the same model as that used in the estimation of q .The slight under-estimation of the frequency and over-estimation of the charge by the MEM analysis is probably a result of a slight reduction in the low frequency power spectral densities as a result of the trend removal process.The computation of the various spectral measures is somewhat more time consuming,and somewhat fewer experiments have been performed.Figs.7and 8present typical potential and current power spectra.Fig.4.Dependence of skew of current and potential on electrode asymmetry.f n was 1Hz,q 100nC,4096samples at a frequency of 0.1Hz.R .A .Cottis et al ./Electrochimica Acta 46(2001)3665–36743671Fig.5.Dependence of kurtosis of current and potential on electrode asymmetry;f n was 1Hz,q 100nC,4096samples at a frequency of 0.1Hz.Note that the coupling of q and f n as a result of the fixed value of I c has a signi ficant in fluence on the results.Thus,Fig.7shows an increase in power spec-tral density as f n falls;this is a result of the increase in q outweighing the decrease in f n (since PSD 8q 2f n ).Fig.9presents the computation of the noise impedance.The predicted impedance will consist of a low frequency limit of R sol +R ct ,where R ct can be estimated using the Tafel slope of the pulse emission frequency and the corrosion current (as the cathodic reaction is mass-transport limited,its contribution to R ct is negligible).At higher frequencies the impedance will be dominated by C dl and then R sol .These compo-nents are plotted individually on Fig.13(R sol is 100V and is therefore coincident with the x -axis),and it can be seen that there is no effect of the transient frequency on the impedance (for a constant corrosion current),and that the observed and predicted impedances match.Fig.6.Variation of estimated charge and f n with mean pulse frequency;4096points,sampled at 1Hz,I c =10−7A.R .A .Cottis et al ./Electrochimica Acta 46(2001)3665–367436725.Discussion and conclusionsOf the assumptions made in the construction of this model,the assumption of instantaneous pulses of charge is relatively insigni ficant,as the effect of treating current transients of finite duration will simply be to convert the white current noise spectrum to a spectrum that matches the underlying transients.While this will modify the shape of the higher frequency end of the power and impedance spectra,it will not affect the low frequency limit behaviour.The assumption of a constant cathodic limiting cur-rent,while plausible,leads to a slightly unnatural tran-sient appearance.It also implies that the effective charge transfer resistance depends only on the potential dependence of the pulse process (since the resistance of the parallel cathodic process is in finite).In that the observed noise impedance spectrum is consistent withFig.7.Example current power spectra for high and low transient frequency (computed using MEM with order 50,average of six spectra).Fig.8.Example potential power spectra for high and low transient frequency (calculated using MEM with order 50,average of six spectra).R.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–36743673 Fig.9.Effect of transient frequency on noise impedance for f n=1kHz and f n=0.1Hz for constant I c(hence q is inversely proportional to f n);spectra are essentially coincident;dashed lines correspond to predicted Bode plot;see text).that expected,it is reasonable to suppose that a more complex cathodic process would also conform to the expected behaviour,but this needs to be tested further. It is apparent from Fig.9that the model gives the impedance spectrum expected on the basis of a conven-tional equivalent circuit model of the corrosion process, with R ct being as expected.It could be argued that these results provide evidence that EN impedance measures the same thing as a conventional impedance measure-ment,without making the normal assumption that the impedance can be used to treat the relationship between current and potential(and hence assuming the result to be proved).However,the result is effectively not much more than a practical demonstration of the theoretical result obtained by Tyagai[11]in1971,and largely ignored by the corrosion community.It is probably also important that a Tafel relationship has been as-sumed for the pulse emission probability,as this leads to the validity of the Stern–Geary relationship on the basis of mean current versus potential.It is apparent from Fig.9that the measured noise impedance is essentially unaffected by the frequency and amplitude of the transients making up the signal (other than through their combined effect on E corr).In general the coefficient of variation is sensitive to the localization of corrosion,as indicated by the ampli-tude/frequency of transients,but it is even more sensi-tive to the asymmetry between the electrodes,and hence to the mean current,and consequently it is an unreliable indicator of the type of corrosion.Skew and kurtosis are not tested very thoroughly by this simulation.The‘saw-tooth’nature of the potential time record leads to a lower potential skew than might otherwise be expected,and also interferes with the kurtosis.These parameters do appear to be sensitive to localized corrosion in some situations.While they also exhibit a sensitivity to electrode asymmetry,it tends to be rather less severe than for the coefficient of variation.The characteristics of the potential and current power spectra are‘pre-ordained’by the assumptions made in the simulation,and do not,therefore,test the ability of features of the power spectra to provide information about the localization of the corrosion process.However,the fact the shape(as opposed to the amplitude)of the power spectra can be exactly the same for many small events as it is for a few large events does lead to questions about its reliability for the identifica-tion of the corrosion type.The characteristic charge and frequency appear to provide information about the nature of the corrosion process in a way that can readily be understood.The charge essentially provides an indication of the amount of metal lost in each of the events that constitute the corrosion process,while the frequency indicates the rate at which these events are occurring.Thus intense active corrosion may have both a large charge and a high frequency,pitting corrosion will have a large charge, but a lower frequency and passive systems will have a small charge and a high or low frequency(depending on the processes occurring on the passivefilm).As these parameters are effectively used to construct the model that has been used in the simulation work,thefits obtained are inherently biased towards these parame-R.A.Cottis et al./Electrochimica Acta46(2001)3665–3674 3674ters.However,they have also provided a sensible inter-pretation of real EN data[12],and it is suggested that they merit further investigation.References[1]A.Legat,Influence of electrolyte movement on measuredelectrochemical noise,Paper426,Corrosion2000,NACE International,2000.[2]R.A.Cottis,Simulation of electrochemical noise due tometastable pitting,J.Corr.Sci.Eng.vol.3,Paper4, /jcse/vol3/Paper4/v3p4.html,2000.[3]I.A.Al-Zanki,J.S.Gill,J.L.Dawson,Electrochemicalnoise measurements on mild steel in0.5M sulphuric acid, Mater.Sci.Forum8(1986)463.[4]Z.Sun,F.Mansfeld,Localization index obtained fromelectrochemical noise analysis,Corrosion55(1999)915.[5]R.A.Cottis,G.Bagley,A.A.Alawadhi,H.Al-Mazeedi,ycock,Electrochemical noise parameters for the 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