
一、档案1 收集全厂现有员工有效身份证复印件(正反两面均需复印)和一寸照片2张,确认是否有虚假、借用他人或过期身份证。
2 确定验厂人员名单,将参加验厂人员的相关信息整理填入咨询师提供的花名册中。
3 所有离职人员在花名册上的“离职日期”一栏填入离职日期,并填写离职申请单。
4 确认花名册,检查并完善花名册中的所有信息。
5 根据最终确认的花名册确认每位员工的《人事档案表》、《劳动合同》及《厂牌》是否符合验厂要求,如不符合要求,则重新制作《人事档案表》、《劳动合同》及《厂牌》。
]6 打印《人事档案表》并给员工签名,签名必须是员工本人签字且签写的姓名应与身份证复印件上的名字保持一致,一定不能代签、不能用铅笔签字,应使用黑色的水笔签名;《人事档案表》只需员工在“员工签名”一栏签字以及“是否愿意加班”一栏填写“是”或“愿意”。
7 打印《劳动合同》并给员工签名,签名必须是员工本人签字且签写的姓名应与身份证复印件上的名字保持一致,一定不能代签、不能用铅笔、圆珠笔签字,应使用黑色的水笔签名;《劳动合同》只需员工在最后一页的“乙方签名”一栏签字,除此以外其他内容可不必填写;在“甲方签名”一栏盖法人章及公司公章。
8 提供正确的卡号以便完成系统考勤。
9 根据近期人员的请假情况(8-10名)填写请假条并给员工签名。
二、工时1 完成2010年9月至12月的工作时间计划表,并按照实际情况排班。
2 待花名册最终确认OK后,完成所有验厂人员9月份开始到验厂当日的考勤数据(其中周日固定休息),确保7天中有一天休息。
3 完成所有验厂人员8-10月份的工资,检查OK后打印成册。
4 按照打印出的工资表制作银行转账单。
5 按照银行转账单修改转账凭证。
6 将离职人员的工资表单独打印,补签名并填写日期(离职当日)。
7 制作验厂人员验厂前一个月发工资的验厂工资条并在验厂前将其发给员工查阅。

质量验厂文件清单公司标准化编码 [QQX96QT-XQQB89Q8-NQQJ6Q8-MQM9N]
1.公司营业执照,税务登记证,体系认证证书(ISO9001,IS014001,HACCP, BRC
19.IQC,IPQC,FQC 检验标准,检验记录

1. Machinery maintenance records/设备保养记录2.Fabric/yarn inspection records/布料或纱线检验记录3.Trim/accessories inspection records/辅料检验记录4.Fabric/shrinkage/elongation test records/布料缩水及延伸率测试记录5.Garment shrinkage/elongation test records/服装缩水及延伸测试记录6.Dye lot control records/色缸控制记录7.Fusing control records/热熔控制记录8.Packing measurement material/包装要求资料9.Pre-production meeting/产前会议记录10.Pilot run meeting and reports/试产会议及试产报告11.Production schedule and daily output records/生产计划及生产日报表Required document list for Technical & Quality audit质量体系审核文件清单Part I Softline Part I Softline((第一部分第一部分::纺织类纺织类))12.Fabric relaxation records/松布记录13.Cutting inspection records(cut&sewn)/裁剪记录(针对裁与缝的产品)14.Knitted panel inspection records/织片检验记录15.Embroidery/printing inspection records/绣花及印刷检验记录16.Inline inspection records/中查记录17.Final inspection records/尾查记录18.Pre-wash inspection records/洗水前检验记录19.Post-wash inspection records/洗水后检验记录20.Trimming inspection records/线头修剪记录21.Pressing inspection records/熨烫检验记录22.Final QA inspection records/尾部QA检验报告23.Broken needle policy and records/断针控制程序及记录24.Calibration records for metal/needle detector/金属控测仪或验针机校准记录25.Sharp tool control policy and records/利器控制程序及记录1. Machinery maintenance records/设备保养记录Part II Hardline Part II Hardline((第二部分第二部分::杂货类杂货类))2. Inspection standard for incoming quality control and incoming inspection records/ 来料检验标准及来料检验记录3. Inspection standard for sub-contracted parts/products and inspection records/ 外发产品检验记录4. Updated sample and product specification available at each production/现场提供最新样板及产品规格要求5. Updated packing information/最新的包装资料6. Production plan schedule, Production progress records/生产计划排期,生产进度记录7. Daily output records/生产日报表8. Inline inspection records with accetable/rejected standard/过程检验记录及可接受或不可接受之标准9. Inspection standard for each process/每道生产工序之检验标准10. Finished products inspection records/成品检验记录11. Final QA inspection records/成品包装后QA检验记录13. Internal testing procedure/内部测试程序15. Broken needle policy and broken needle records/断针控制程序及控制记录16. Metal/needle dectector in good working condition/金属控测器或验针机处于良好工作状态17. Sharp tools contorl policy and records/利器控制程序及记录<END <END 结束>结束>12. Internal testing records including: Frequency of testing, testing method and sample size /内部测试记录(含:测试频率,测试方法及抽样数量)备注:审核员在现场可能查看与公司运作有关的其它相关文件与记录。

序号 责任部门 主要准备项目 具体内容说明 1.公司营业执照 织机构代码证组 构图 训 、设备保养、维修记录 2.组 3.织架 4.招聘和培 5.仪器设备清单 6.设备校验
1.生产计划 客户满意度 客户退货 1.供应商管理 采购管理
2. 1.计划编排交期管理 2.客 3. 户抱怨和组织反馈(包含客户投诉、退货、满意度调查及改善) 2. 1.供应商选择、评估、考核、管理 采购作业管理3.样品管理 2. 2. 3.工艺 4.作业指导
1.各个机型的相关设计资料准备与更改控制 1.设计资料与工程更改 试产资料 研发/工程部 2.现场生产的指导资料 流程
1.现场产品标识 2.检 验记录 3.仪器校 4.纠正预防 1.质量控制、纠正预防 验,如仪器校验报告、有效期管理等 及改进 措施的管理 5.相关检验标 准 6.实现持续改进目 标的进展:包含持续改进项目的设定及其改善效果。 1.物料管理及防护 2.客户财产管理 1.仓库现场管理、物料标识、储位规划 储期管理 物料先进先出 护 2. 3.仓储 4.产品防
1.质量方针内容明确及中长期经营计划 2. 质量目标的设定及规划; 3.各 1.管理承诺/质量方针/ 部门的职责,组织架构图; 4.各部 目 标/职责/权限与沟通 门、职级的权限和公司沟通的方式; 5.公司质 2.体系策划和建立 量体系的策划和建立:考虑公司发展的需求和 将来发展的方向 管理者代表 3.认证标记的使用 所需要匹配的质量体系; 6.认证标记的 4.ISO9001:2008转版的 使用情况及相关信息; 7.ISO9001: 符 合性 5.以顾客为关 2008版的内部审核结果情况; 8.关注客户 注焦点 满意度的情况,如客户有关产品要求的明确,及客户满意度调 查、分析、改善等

20 FCCA补充程序 质量事故控制程序
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师 辅导老师
序号 文件内容
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录)
老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录) 老师提供表单(工厂填写记录)

10 环境监测报告(含车间空气、噪音;生活用水等) 11 社保缴费凭证、缴费人员名单 12 社保达标证明 13 特殊工种上岗证(电梯、电工、空压机) 14 特种设备登记表/检测报告(电梯、空压机) 15 安全主任资格证书(任命书、培训结业记录) 16 职业病体检报告(化学品使用岗位) 17 未成年工登记证/体检报告 18 危险废弃物转移合同/危险废弃物接收公司资质、道路运输许可证、营业执 照/危险废弃物转移联单
19 当地最低工资标准公告 20 化学品安全资料 21 厂规厂纪及工资工时政策培训纪录 22 机器设备维修安全培训纪录 23 紧急应变培训纪录紧急事故演习及培训纪录/照片 24 灭火器知识培录
验厂文件清单 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 PPE(个人防护用品)培训纪录 花名册/劳动合同/入职表 IQC/IPQC/QA/生产日报/断针记录/设备维修记录、仓库账本、收发单 请假单 工伤记录/调查报告 工人代表开会记录 EHS开会记录 意见箱、意见箱开箱检查记录 药箱、药箱检查记录 消防器材检查表 安全逃生方向牌张贴高度需1M以下,且标示牌缺少不足。(楼道) 安全出口指示牌(所有带电的)需要有点检记录 车间用矿泉水等瓶装化学品且未标示、未放置二次容器内/化学品以及化学 品空桶随意放置 相关岗位员工未佩戴劳保用品 部分消防通道/消防器材被堵塞 水电统计 工资/考勤 所有针车要安装挡针板 所有利器要捆绑(含小剪刀等) 岗位风险评估未贴到相应岗位 劳动安全用语标签 仓库没有通道、货物堆放高度超过2M要有警示标语
验厂文件清单 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 营业执照、税务登记证、组织机构代码证 厂区平面图 员工花名册 工厂组织架构图 员工手册 建筑工程竣工验收意见书(涵盖厂区及宿舍区内建筑)/房产证或房屋租赁 合同 建筑工程消防验收意见书(涵盖厂区及宿舍内建筑) 食堂承包合同、卫生许可证 环评报告/环评批复

FCCA Quality System Audit OutlineFCCA质量体系审核纲要(Hardline 杂货)(Quality System part质量体系部分)Factory Quality System工厂质量体系责任人1。
0 Factory Facilities and Environment工厂设施和环境1.0。
1 There is sufficient lighting on: Production, revising, finishing, inspection, packing and loading areas?在生产,修理,加工,检验,包装及装载的区域是否有足够的照明?1.0.2 The facility maintains clean and organized production, finishing and packing areas.工厂是否保持清洁,在生产,加工和包装区域是否有秩序?1.0。
3 Facility has separate inspection area with inspection table and proper ventilation。
4 Facility has documented pests/mildew and moisture control program, which includes frequent inspections. (In—house or 3rd party)工厂是否有害虫/霉菌和湿度的控制程序文件?是否有经常巡查(公司内部或第三方检查)?1。
0.5 No broken windows or leaking roofs that may result to product contamination was observed during audit.在审核其间有没有发现窗户破损及房顶漏水可能导致产品污染。

评审需提供的资料(记录部分须提供三个月, 如工厂允许, *画线部分要复印):
1 质量手册及年度评审记录
2 所有程序文件:
(如生产机器/设备管理, 货仓物料管理, 采购控制, 供应商评估, 物料进出控制, 客供物料控制, 设计控制, 来料/制程/成品品质控制, 不合格品控制, 质量记录控制, 利器/针控制, 检测仪器控制)
3 *工厂组织架构图
4 厂房/车间/设备分布图
5 基础设施(灯/电梯/电源/电脑/供水/窗户/墙)保养计划及保养记录
6 * 生产机器/设备清单, 保养指引及保养记录
7 生产用工模/夹具/机架清单及收发记录
8 物料采购单及供应商来料质量/数量/交货期历史记录
9 货仓物料收发货记录, 出入帐本, 物料定期盘点记录及客供物料沟通记录
10 生产总计划, 各工序生产计划, 生产日报, 生产周报及生产周会记录
11 出货装货柜指引及出货单据(包装清单, 提单, 发票等)
12 产品设计会议, 设计输入, 设计输出, 设计评审, 设计确认及设计更改记录
13 *产品生产流程图, 作业指导书, 试产后(产前)评审记录及生产绩效分析记录
14 *来料/过程/最终检验指引及报告,来料/过程紧急放行及成品仓定期巡查记录
15 不良品记录或检验报告, 品质部停产记录及不良品处理记录
16 纠正及预防措施记录
17 *利器/针收发记录, 断利器/针记录, 金属探测机检测及测货记录(如要求)
18 * 检验/测量/测试仪器清单, 计量证书/内较记录及实验室环境记录
19 *安全标准(美国, 欧洲, 日本, 加拿大等) (如要求)
20 *产品产前测试报告及成品批验测试报告
21 * ISO证书及外培训/内培训记录。

采购 仓库 业务 测试 持续改进 风险评估 管理评审 化学品 设备 测量仪器 模具 节能 内审 培训 图表
其他 现场 工程变更
THD验厂质量清单 THD验厂质量清单
类别 人事 生产 文件 文件收发,报废 生产计划,日报表,环境情况,返工报告 来料,巡检,半成品,成品检验标准、报告。抽样标 准。首件检验。产前会议,试产会议。品质异常。周 会议记录。质量方针,目标。QC工作职责,守则。停 机授权,受控文件。作业指导书。 供应商名录,年度评估,考核 杀虫,防霉,利器,玻璃控制 订单统计,准时出货率,样品清单,客诉记录,纠正 预防。产品召回 内部,外部 PDCA,程序,培训记录,返工流程 记录 计划,通知,记录,改善报告 清单,MSDS,标识,二次容器 清单,作业指导,维修保养 清单,校验计划,证书,维护记录 清单,维修记录 节能减排方案 程序,实施计划,不符合项,总结 计划,记录 组织结构图,工艺流程图,更改流程图,物料返工 图,柏拉图 ISO证书,营业执照,电工,电梯,叉车等证件。 分区,标识 程序,流程图,模拟工程变更
Homedepot验厂Homedepot家得宝公司(英语:The Home Depot;NYSE:HD)成立于1978年,是全球最大的家具建材零售商,美国第二大的零售商。
除了家得宝标准店之外,我们还有主要为家庭装修和改建项目提供产品和服务的EXPO Design Center,面对专业客户服务的Home Depot Supply和The Home Depot Landscape Supply1></a>.Homedepot验厂在做工资单的时候,要注意配套的考勤表格的填写。
加班工资的计算要按照平时加班150%,假日按200%,节日按照300%的标准最好!Homedepot验厂之零容忍政策SER Compliance Zero Tolerance CategoriesThe Home Depot requires full cooperation from all suppliers and relevantfactories in order to improve SER compliance among its supplier base. In the event that a factory assessment yields results in which the factory is unable to meet Zero Tolerance Categories, The Home Depot will take one/all of the following steps:For all Existing Suppliers: Failure to meet any of the SER Zero Tolerance Categories will result in the factory receiving a failing rating. A failing grading outcome will require that the factory to undertake and complete a Corrective Action Plan (transparency and performance improvement commitments must be made by factory management) Failure to complete a Corrective Action Plan will result in the Supplier relationship being terminated and no new purchase orders issued by the Home Depot.Potential Factory (On-boarding): Failure to meet any of the SER Zero Tolerance Categories will result in disqualification from on-boarding selection process.Transparency Suppliers are required to provide transparency into their operations, policies, processes, and relevant records to The Home Depot or its designated third party.Age Requirements Suppliers will not employ any person(s) under the age of 14.Forced Labor THD will not accept or tolerate the use of any forced or involuntary labor, either directly or indirectly by our suppliers, contractors or subcontractors.Fraud THD will not tolerate Suppliers providing fraudulent documentation, or statements with a willful intent to deceive.Non-Payment of Wages All workers, including trainees, must be paid at least the cash equivalent of the minimum legal wage.Disciplinary Practices Suppliers must not use or permit corporal punishment or any other form of physical or psychological coercion including verbal abuse and sexual harassment.Collaboration Performance Improvement THD expects our suppliers to strive continuously for improvement of their respective operation that has an impact on THD business.The Home Depot人权验厂清单1. Business Registration certificates2. Factory regulations, including the policies on working hour system, overtime compensation and other legal benefits3. Labor contract (individual)4. Employment registration records5. Written policy and training records on anti-harassment/ discrimination/ abuse6. Written policy and training records on freedom of movement/ employment7.Written policy and training records on forced labor prevention8.Records of company handbook distribution/notification9.Approval on comprehensive calculation of working hour system (if applicable) or overtime waiver10. Payment receipt of social insurance schemes11. Official testimonials on coverage of social insurance schemes12. Fire drill records13. Fire prevention certification14. MSDS for hazardous substances / chemicals15. Work permits for special and dangerous operations16. Hygiene certificate for the canteen in factory17. Health examination records of canteen workers18. Health examination records of juvenile workers (aged 16-18)19. First aid certificates20. Leave application21. Payroll records of previous 12 months22. Attendance records of previous 12 months23. Production recordsHome Depot验厂质量审核文件清单1)附ITS质量体系文件及相关记录清单2)质量手册(程序文件,作业指导)3)合格供应商清单4)采购订单5)向关键供应商采购的订单6)来料记录7)各车间领料记录8)原料盘点记录9)成品入库/出库记录10)来料检验记录11)如有发生退货,工厂的纠正的措施程序,12)生产工单13)仪器清单及校正记录14)模具的保养记录15)对工人的培训计划及记录(重点是QC)16)制程中的检验方法及记录17)成品的检验方法及记录18)不良品的处理记录19)组织结构图及各工序的职责20)管理评审记录21)客户投诉程序及相关记录22)机器的安全操作指引Homedepot行为守则道德标准家得宝(Home Depot)及其附属机构、分部、子公司致力于以负责任的方式经营。

Home Depot验厂资料清单一.社会责任部分(Offered by ITS):1.过去12个月的工卡或考勤记录2.过去12个月的工资表3.人事花名册及员工个人档案4.劳动合同5.社会保险收据\花名册\及合格证明文件;6.工商营业执照;7.消防检查报告或合格证明文件8.消防演习记录\紧急疏散计划\工伤记录等9.环保证明文件10.厂规或员工手册11.政府有关当地最低工资规定文件12.设备安全许可证(如电梯使用许可证,厨房卫生许可证等)13.特种工人上岗证(如电梯工,电工,厨工卫生许可证等)14.当地劳动局关于延长加班之批文15.未成年工体检及劳动局登记记录(如适用)16.工厂平面图17.工人面谈文卷18.其他文件二.品质系统以及反恐部分(Offered by SGS)1.工厂简介\工厂平面图\工厂组织架构图\岗位职责说明\生产工序流程图2.反恐预警计划TV系统\自动报警系统布置图4.4人员\货物出入厂区管理制度5.可疑人\之识别与处理6.保安巡视记录7.货物装柜过程控制与管理8.可疑与恐怖事件的汇报与处理办法9.员工背景调查办法\调查记录10.员工反恐培训记录11.员工离职管理制度12.信息安全控制程序\记录13.ISO证书及最近一次外审报告14.质量手册\程序文件\质量计划15.文件更改收发记录16.员工培训计划\员工培训记录17.客户投诉处理记录18.内部审核计划\记录19.纠正与预防措施记录20.仪器设备清单\内外校正记录报告21.CE\EMC\相关的产品测试化验报告\其他相应有效的安全证书22.产品设计计划书23.产品设计要求评审报告24.产品设计评审\验证报告25.设计更改控制程序\记录26.样品测试报告\产品试产报告27.供应商评审程序及记录28.供应商清单\合格供应商清单29.采购单\采购合同30.物料\产品台帐31.物料收发记录32.盘点制度\记录33.来料中免检产品的质量保证书34.来料验货标准及规格书35.来料检查\测试报告36.不良品退货\让步接受记录37.作业指导书38.生产控制记录39.IPQC检验测试标准\记录40.不良品处理记录41.设备维护制度\记录42.FQC\OQC检验测试标准\记录43.不良品处理记录44.产品出\入库记录。

129 工装模具管理 工装模具履历表
现场受控作业指导书(包括生产工艺、设备操作/保养 1、排查所使用的作业指导书是否为最新版且受控。
3 实验室测试人员能按标准要求熟练操作各项测试。
108 客户投诉处理 客户投诉处理记录
采购部 品管部
品管部 品管部
量规仪器管制程序、仪器校验规范、实验室设备管理 办法
1、校验计划需及时更新; 2、校验已过期的设备需及时安排校验;
成品检验 压力与温度对照表
104 105 106
出货检验报告 实验室大纲、实验室测试标准、气体压力与温度对照 表 实验室测试记录
1 核查目前实验室使用的标准符合与国际/国家/行业标准 要求。 2 测试记录需与测试标准一致。
加工商档案至少应包含:营业执照、组织机构代码证、 9001体系证书等
产品鉴别与追溯程序、仓储管制程序、安全库存物料 管理规定、仓库管理规定、PSC管制规程、先进先出作

质量验厂文件资料清单质量验厂文件资料清单1. 营业执照 ;2. 质量体系认证证书 ;3. 组织架构图 ;4. 质量手册 ;5. 程序文件;6. 质量体系内审计划;7. 质量体系内审记录:1)内审员资格证书;2)首末次会议 ;3)检查表 ;4)不符合项报告;5)内审报告8. 质量体系管理评审计划9. 质量体系管理评审记录:1)管理评审会议记录;2)管理评审报告;3)决议事项的跟进记录10. 主要生产设备清单;11. 设备保养计划 ;12. 设备保养记录;13. 仪器清单 ;14. 仪器校准计划 ;15. 仪器校准记录:1)外校报告 ;2)内校人员资格证书3)内校规程;4)内校报告16. 年度培训计划17. 培训记录 :1)签到表;2)测试卷18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录;19. 新产品设计开发资料 :1)产品规格书;2) BOM表 (BOM);3)安规认证证书;4)样品检测报告5)试产记录 ;6)试产评估报告 ;7)作业指导书 ;8)检验标准 ;9) FMEA分析资料 ;10)产品质量控制计划(QC工程图.20. 订单评审记录;21. 新供应商资格评定报告22. 现有供应商质量、交期、价格及服务定期评分表 ;23. 原材料采购订单 ;24. 原材料规格承认书25. 进料检验作业指导书 ;26. 进料检验标准 ;27. 进料检验样板清单及定期评估记录;28. 进料检验记录 ;29. 不合格来料处理记录(含供应商纠正预防措施报告;30. 原材料保存周期规定 ;31. 原材料过期重检记录 ;32. 控制图表及超限处理记录 ;33. CPK应用指引 ;34. CPK测量记录及制程能力不足时的改进记录 ;35. 生产作业指导书36. 制程检验作业指导书;37. 制程检验标准 ;38. 制程检验记录 :1)首件检验记录 ;2)巡检记录 ;3)抽检记录39. 制程不合格品的处理记录(含纠正预防措施报告)40. 制程检验不良统计报表(周报/月报,柏拉图41. 停线管理规定及记录 ;42. 成品检验作业指导书;43. 成品检验标准 ;44. 成品检验记录 ;45. 不合格成品处理记录:1)返工、返修记录 ;2)重检记录3)纠正预防措施报告46. 成品入库单 ;47. 产品可靠性及环境测试计划及记录;48. 数据分析程序;49. 质量目标统计资料50. 客户沟通资料 ;51. 客户投诉处理程序 ;52. 客户投诉处理记录。

15、对分包商遵守BSCI行为守则作出承诺的书面声明 16、分包商工厂中社会绩效持续改进的证明17、书面形式的公司社会方针18、书面形式的工作规则19、证明水是饮用水的文件20、工作时间记录系统21、关于员工所有津贴的文件证据,附带备注说明这些津贴是国家强制性的还是自愿性的22、行业中规定的工作时间以及此信息来源的文件证据 23、公司规定正常工作时间、轮班、多班工作、休息以及假期的文件证据 24、法定/行业最低工资水平以及此信息来源的文件证据25、员工工资条以及工资支付证明26、证明社会保险金交税的支付文件27、工资单以及工资计算情况,包括计件工人输出记录,包括工资和扣除的所有方面。

铁罐工厂 铁罐仓储 手袋仓储 品管课
行政课 行政课 行政课 行政课
Hale Waihona Puke 二.证书/测试报告记录资料/现场
1 组织架构图(工厂、COC、安全生产委员会)、工厂平面图 2 营业执照、机构代码、外商投资批准书 3 房屋安全鉴定报告/房屋租凭合同(楼面承载重量通知) 4 建设用地规划许可证/建筑工程消防验收意见书 5 最低工资标准/加班工时批准表(综合计时申请) 6 建设项目竣工环境保护验收的批复 7 工作场所空气、噪声检测报告/环境检测报告 8 末梢水检验报告/饮用水检测报告 9 叉车检验报告 10 ISO9001证书 11 保安外包合同书 12 电梯检验报告(电梯使用登记证副本)、电梯保养协议书 13 食堂卫生许可证、食堂承包协议书/厨工卫生许可证 14 垃圾处理协议、危废经营许可证,处理合同,危废转移联单 15 急救培训证明/工厂危害评估记录 16 员工表达意见系统/员工代表会议记录 17 职工健康检查评价报告
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
员工手册 雇用程序 环境健康安全管理程序 反歧视程序 禁止强迫劳动程序 投诉程序 禁用童工程序 未成年工保护程序 自愿加班工作指引 自由结社程序 劳保用品使用指引 利器管理规定 玻璃管理规定 危险化学品管理办法 废物处理管理规定 急救程序 应急救援预案 食堂管理规定 断针换针管理规定 工伤事故调查处理程序 动火作业管理制度 薪资管理制度
Home Depot家得宝供应商工厂SQA质量体系审核评估准则评估表

1: 工厂制定了指标但是没有按要求监控生产能力
0: 工厂没有制定指标用以监控生产能力
4: 工厂监控生产周期并制定了可行的缩短生产的计划;记录显示计划得到有效实施
0: 没有定义完整的纠正预防程序用以处理不符合情况;没有对生产工序的主要缺陷进行分析
4: 工厂通过政策/企业文化鼓励员工参与持续改进项目;提供相应的持续改进工具培训和分享成功案例;持续改进项目都有明确的项目目标,专门的项目成员和职能以及具体的工作指引;关闭的项目都有完整的记录
1: 有完整定义管理层定期评估的流程;但是工厂没有按要求进行评估
0: 没有定义要求管理层定期评估的流程也没有记录表明工厂有进行评估
4: 有完整定义纠正预防程序;总结重要生产工序的主要缺陷,对该缺陷形成的根本原因进行分析并提出了相应的整改计划;缺陷分析及整改措施与相关员工沟通(如张贴在工厂公共区域)并根据需要对整改内容提供了培训
3: 工厂制定可测量的和足够的质量指标来推进和保持质量改进; 定义了责任部门和指标的计算方法;工厂监控程序中要求的指标,但是没有和相关员工沟通测量结果(如发布在公共区域)
2: 工厂制定可测量的和足够的质量指标来推进和保持质量改进; 但是没有定义责任部门和指标的计算方法,只是测量一些简单的指标

Depot:Cloud storage with minimal trustP.Mahajan,S.Setty,S.Lee,A.Seehra,A.Clement,L.Alvisi,M.Dahlin,and M.WalfishUTCS TR-10-21The University of Texas at Austinfuss@Abstract:We describe the design,implementation,and evaluation of Depot,a cloud storage system that mini-mizes trust assumptions.Depot assumes less than any prior system about the correct operation of participat-ing hosts—Depot tolerates Byzantine failures,including malicious or buggy behavior,by any number of clients or servers—yet provides safety and availability guaran-tees(on consistency,staleness,durability,and recovery) that are useful.The key to safeguarding safety without sacrificing availability(and vice versa)in this environ-ment is to join forks:participants(clients and servers) that observe inconsistent behaviors by other participants can join their forked view into a single view that is con-sistent with what each individually observed.Our exper-imental evaluation suggests that the costs of protecting the system are modest.Depot adds a few hundred bytes of metadata to each update and each stored object,and requires hashing and signing each update.1IntroductionThis paper describes the design,implementation,and evaluation of Depot,a cloud storage system in the spirit of S3[3]and Azure[5].However,given that to customers a storage service provider(SSP)is a potentially complex black box controlled by another party,it seems prudent to rely on end-to-end checks of well-defined properties rather than to make strong assumptions about the SSP’s design,implementation,operation,and status.Depot is therefore designed to tolerate Byzantine failures,includ-ing malicious or buggy behaviors by the SSP.More pre-cisely,Depot minimizes trust assumptions among nodes with respect to both safety and availability:•Depot eliminates trust for safety.A client needs to trust only itself to ensure correct operation.Depot guarantees that any subset of correct clients sharing data observe sensible,well-defined semantics.This holds regardless of how many nodes fail and no matter whether they are clients or servers,whether these are failures of omission or commission,and whether these failures are accidental or malicious.•Depot minimizes trust for availability.We wish we could say“trust only yourself”for availability.De-pot does eliminate trust for updates:a client can al-ways update any object for which it is authorized,and any subset of connected,correct clients can alwaysshare updates.However,for reads,there is a funda-mental limit to what any storage system can guaran-tee:if no correct,reachable node has an object,that object may be unavailable.We cope with this funda-mental limit by allowing reads to be served by any node(even other clients)while preserving the sys-tem’s guarantees,and by configuring the replication policy to use several servers(which protects against failures of clients and subsets of servers)and at least one client(which protects against temporary[11]and permanent[6,23]cloud failures).Safety vs.availability vs.trust.Though prior efforts have reduced trust assumptions in storage systems,they have not minimized trust with respect to safety,availabil-ity,or both.For example,quorum and replicated state machine approaches[9,24,28,29,32,41,53,54,85,95, 99,100]tolerate failures by a fraction of servers.How-ever,they sacrifice safety when faults exceed a threshold and availability when too few servers are reachable.Sys-tems like SUNDR[61]and FAUST[20],and other fork-based systems[19,22,62,64,74]that remain safe with-out trusting a server minimize trust for safety.However, they compromise availability in two ways.First,if the server is unreachable,clients must block.Second,a fault server can make correct clients’views diverge perma-nently,preventing them from ever observing each other’s new updates.Indeed,it is challenging to guarantee safety and pro-tect availability while minimizing trust assumptions: without some assumptions about correct operation,pro-viding even a weak guarantee like eventual consistency seems difficult.For example,a faulty storage node re-ceiving an update from a correct client might quietly fail to propagate that update,thereby hiding it from the rest of the system.Perhaps surprisingly,wefind that even-tual consistency is possible in this environment.In fact, Depot provides far stronger semantics.A client in the Depot storage system is guaranteed to see eventual consistency,bounded staleness,and a slight weakening of causal consistency that we call Fork-Join-Causal consistency(FJC).Roughly speaking,FJC means that all nodes eventually see the same updates,that all correct nodes’updates are eventually visible,and that a correct node’s updates and their dependencies are always observed in a causal order.Approach.Depot is designed around three key ideas.1.Local verification:Depot clients and servers maintainsufficient local state to validate updates for safety[61].2.Join forks:Faulty nodes can fork the system’s viewof history by introducing incompatible updates[61].Thus,a crucial requirement for availability is that nodes be able to join forks:nodes that observe incon-sistent behaviors by other nodes must join their forked histories into a single view that is consistent with what each individually observed.Such joining is challeng-ing;as mentioned above,prior systems permanently strand forked nodes on different branches of history.3.Unify protection of safety and availability.The key toDepot’s simplicity is in the realization that the forks caused by faulty nodes can be joined by leveraging the same mechanisms used to handle concurrency in sys-tems that remain globally available during partitions or disconnections.Depot introduces mechanisms to de-tect when a faulty node forks its history and to treat the faulty node’s writes on each fork as concurrent writes by two virtual nodes.Thus,rather than inventing ex-otic new abstractions for dealing with forks by faulty nodes,Depot employs familiar techniques from the lit-erature on disconnected operation[17,35,42,51,80, 92]to protect both safety and availability.Although in principle reducing trust assumptions is always desirable[58,59,81],in practice,cost matters. We therefore evaluate the costs of providing untrusted storage in our implementation of Depot.We also evalu-ate a modified Depot client that uses Amazon S3’s as an untrusted storage platform.Wefind costs to be modest. Depot adds a few hundred bytes to each request and a few milliseconds of processing to small requests and a few tens of milliseconds(due to larger overheads to per-form secure hashes)on largefiles.2Why untrusted storage?When we say that“servers are untrusted”,we do not sug-gest that they should be implemented or selected less carefully than they are today.Data owners should still try to hire a SSP that follows best practices.Rather,re-moving trust is about exercising more caution:it means tolerating a larger number of failures by making fewer and weaker assumptions.Thus,under Depot,it is good for nodes to operate correctly,but we do not assume that they do.Instead,participants can verify other nodes and ensure continued operation with clean semantics if some nodes fail to act as hoped.It is often desirable to minimize trust and employ end-to-end correctness checks in any system[58,59,81],but we take particular pains to minimize trust assumptions in our cloud storage service for three reasons.First,from a client’s point of view,the SSP is a po-tentially complex black box controlled by another party, so it seems prudent not to assume the correctness of the SSP’s internals.While most storage service providers may follow best practices,some may not,and it may be hard to tell the difference(until it is too late).For exam-ple,one customer discovered after repeated disk failures that his large ISP reused old disk drives in new servers until they failed[36].Though this is only an anecdote, it is rooted in the reality of providers’opacity.Further-more,any storage service,well-managed or otherwise,is subject to non-negligible risks:coping with known hard-ware failure modes in localfile systems is difficult[78]; in cloud storage,this difficulty can only grow.Second,replication across servers and locations is not a panacea.As V ogels notes,“[The]absolutely unrealis-tic assumption[of uncorrelated failures]will come back to haunt you in real life,where failures frequently are correlated,as they are often triggered by external or en-vironmental events”[96].In the context of cloud ser-vices,one must consider software bugs and vulnerabil-ities[15],correlated manufacturing defects[77],mis-configuration and operator error[73],malicious insid-ers[94],bankruptcy[6],undiagnosed problems[23],and acts of God[30]and man[70].Moreover,even when failures are uncorrelated,the risk that some objects are unlucky and struck by simultaneous failures rises rapidly as systems grow[72].Third,from an SSP’s point of view,lack of trust may be a significant barrier to the adoption of cloud services, so client-verifiable end-to-end guarantees may help con-vince customers to accept the approach.We also minimize trust towards clients.Clients are vulnerable to several of the same types of failures dis-cussed above.Having pushed the envelope on protecting the system against server misbehavior,we do not want a single faulty client to disrupt the operation of the system. 3Architecture and scopeFigure1depicts Depot’s high-level architecture.A set of clients stores key-value pairs on a set of servers.In our target scenario,the servers are operated by a storage ser-vice provider(SSP)that is distinct from the data owner that operates the clients.Keys and values are arbitrary strings,with overhead engineered to be low when values are at least a few KB.For scalability,we slice the system into groups of servers,where each group is responsible for one or more volumes.Each volume corresponds to a range of one cus-tomer’s keys,and a server independently runs the proto-col for each volume assigned to it.Many strategies for partitioning keys among nodes are possible[13,34,48, 50,72,90],and we leave the assignment of keys to vol-umes to layers above Depot.F IG.1—Architecture of Depot.The arrows between servers indicate replication and exchange.The servers for each volume may be geographically distributed,a client can access any server,and servers replicate updates using any arbitrary topology(chain, mesh,star,etc.)As in Dynamo[34],to maximize avail-ability Depot does not require overlapping read and write quorum,and—as the dotted lines suggest—Depot can even continue to function during periods of complete server unavailability by having clients communicate di-rectly with one another.We use the term node to mean either a client or a server.Clients and servers run the same basic Depot pro-tocol,though they are configured differently.3.1Issues addressedOne of our aims in this work is to push the envelope in the trade-offs between trust assumptions and system guaran-tees.Specifically,for a set of standard properties that one might desire in a storage system,we have asked,what is the minimum assumption that we need to provide use-ful guarantees,and what are those guarantees?Below we list the issues we examine.The next two sections then describe the core Depot protocol(§4)and explain how Depot builds on it to provide these properties(§5).•Consistency(§5.1)and bounded staleness(§5.3):We want to limit the extent to which the storage system can reorder,delay,or omit updates in a way that is visible to a client’s reads.The goal is to provide suf-ficiently strong and precise guarantees that users and programmers can understand and predict how the sys-tem will behave.•Availability and durability(§5.2):Durability means that we want to ensure that a client eventually succeedsin reading an object.Availability means that we want to maximize the fraction of time that a client succeeds in reading or updating an object.•Integrity and authorization(§5.4):Only clients autho-rized to update an object should be able to create valid updates that affect reads on that object.•Recovery(§5.5):Data owners care about end-to-end reliability.Data integrity,consistency,and durability are not enough when the layers above Depot—faulty client nodes,applications,or users—can issue autho-rized writes that replace good data with bad.Depot does not try to distinguish good updates from bad ones,nor does it innovate on the abstractions used to defend data from higher-layer failures.We do however explore how Depot can support standard techniques such as recovery to earlier versions of data.•Evicting faulty nodes(§5.6):If a faulty node provably deviates from the protocol,we wish to evict it from the system so that it will not continue to cause confusion. However,it is vital that we never evict correct nodes.Note that we explicitly do not attempt to solve the confidentiality/privacy problem within Depot.Instead, like commercial storage systems[3,5],Depot enforces integrity and authorization(via client signatures)but leaves it to higher layers to use appropriate techniques for the privacy requirements of each application(e.g.al-low global access,encrypt values,encrypt both keys and values,introduce artificial requests to thwart traffic anal-ysis,etc.).We do not claim that the above list of issues is com-prehensive.For example,it may be useful to audit storage service providers with black box tests to verify that they are storing data as promised[52,86,87],but we do not examine that issue.Still,we believe that the properties are sufficient to make the resulting system useful.3.2System and threat modelBefore continuing,we briefly describe our technical as-sumptions.First,nodes are subject to standard crypto-graphic hardness assumptions,and each node has a pub-lic key known to all nodes.Second,any number of nodes can fail in arbitrary(Byzantine[57])ways:they can crash,corrupt data,lose data,process some updates but not others,process messages incorrectly,collude,etc.Third,we assume an unbounded number of syn-chronous intervals of sufficient length to allow a pair of timely,connected,and correct nodes to exchange afinite number of messages.This assumption implies that a faulty node cannot forever prevent correct nodes from communicating.However,we make no assump-tions about when these synchronous intervals happen.Fourth,above we used the term correct node some-what loosely.This term refers to a node that neither devi-ates from the protocol nor becomes permanently unavail-able;a node that crashes and recovers is equivalent to a node that never crashes but that is sometimes slow.Two final technical points related to durability and liveness of garbage collection.First,a node that obeys the protocol for a time but later deviates is never counted as correct; second,we assume that unrecoverable clients are eventu-ally replaced:an administrator needs only the old client’s keys and configuration to bring up a new machine[24]. 4Core protocolIn Depot,clients’reads and updates to shared objects should always appear in an order that reflects the logic of higher layers.For example,an update that removes one’s parents from a friend list and an update that posts spring break photos should appear in that order,not the other way around[31].However,Depot has two challenges:first,it wants maximum availability,which fundamen-tally conflicts with the strictest orderings[38].Second,it wants to continue to provide its ordering guarantees de-spite arbitrary misbehavior from any subset of nodes.In this section,we describe how the protocol at Depot’s core achieves a sensible and robust order of updates while op-timizing for availability.Of course,ordering updates and reads is not the only thing that Depot must do.However,it is the essential building block for Depot’s other properties.In§5we de-fine precisely the consistency guarantee that Depot en-forces and discuss how Depot provides the other proper-ties listed in§3.Note that clients and servers run the same basic pro-tocol.This symmetry not only simplifies the design but also providesflexibility.For example,if servers are un-reachable,clients can share data directly.For simplicity, the discussion in this section does not distinguish be-tween clients and servers.4.1Basic protocol for update propagation This subsection describes the basic protocol to propagate updates,ignoring the problems raised by faulty nodes. The protocol is essentially a standard log exchange pro-tocol[16,76],but we describe it here for background and to define terms.Subsections4.2and4.3describe how Depot defends against faulty nodes.The core message in Depot is an update that changes the value associated with a key.It has the following form: dVV,{key,H(value),logicalClock@nodeID,H(history)}σnodeID Updates are associated with logical times.A node as-signs each update an accept stamp of the form logical-Clock@nodeID[76].A node increments its logical clock on each local write.Also,when a node N receives an up-date u from another node,N advances its logical clock to exceed u’s so that an update’s accept stamp exceeds the accept stamp of any update on which it depends[56].Each node maintains two main local data structures: a log of updates it has seen and a checkpoint reflecting the current state of the system to support random ac-cess reads and writes.Note that Depot separates data from metadata[16],so the log and checkpoint contain collision-resistant hashes of values.If a node knows the hash of a value,it can fetch the full value from another node and store the full value in its checkpoint.To garbage collect its log,a node creates a second checkpoint corre-sponding to a past logical time and removes all log en-tries with accept stamp prior to that time[76].Information about updates propagates through the system when nodes exchange tails of their logs.Each node N maintains a version vector VV with an entry for each node M in the system:N.vv[M]is the highest logi-cal clock N has observed for any update by M[75].To transmit updates from node M to node N,M sends to N the updates from its log that N has not seen.Each node sorts the writes in its log by accept stamp, sortingfirst by logicalClock and breaking ties with nodeID.Thus,each new write issued by a node ap-pears at the end of its own log and(assuming no faulty nodes)the log reflects a causally consistent ordering of all writes.Also,the checkpoint state for any object o is the most recent write to o in the log,so(assuming no faulty nodes)reads from the checkpoint are causally con-sistent.Conflict resolution.Two updates are logically concur-rent if neither appears in the other’s history.Logically concurrent updates that modify different objects can be readily applied by the local state of the node that re-ceives them.However,if two concurrent updates modify the same object,these updates conflict.Many approaches to resolving conflicting updates have been proposed[51,80,92],and Depot does not claim to extend the state of the art on this front.Our pro-totype implements a simple mechanism that supports a range of application-level conflict resolution policies:a read of key k in Depot returns the set of logically most recent updates to k.This set includes any update to k that has not been superseded by a logically later update of k. Applications may then resolve conflicts byfiltering(e.g., reads return the update by the highest-numbered node, reads return an application-specific merge of all updates, or reads return all updates)or by replacing(e.g.,the ap-plication reads the multiple concurrent values,performs some computation on them,and then writes a new value that is guaranteed to appear logically after and thereby supersede the conflicting writes.)4.2Defending against faulty nodesThere are threefields in an update that defend the proto-col against faulty nodes.Thefirst is a history hash that encodes the history on which the update depends usinga collision-resistant hash that covers the most recent up-date by each node in the system known to the writer when it issued the update.By recursion,this hash covers all up-dates included by the writer’s current version vector.Sec-ond,each update is sent with a dependency version vec-tor,dVV,that indicates the version vector that the history hash covers.Note that while dVV logically represents a full version vector,when node N creates an update,dVV actually contains only the entries that have changed since the last write by N[83].Third,a node signs its updates with its private key.These signatures ensure that,to be viewed as valid and to be applied to the local state at any correct node,an update on a given object must be signed by a node authorized to update the object.To defend against faulty nodes,a correct node N uses the update’s history hash and dVV to enforce the follow-ing invariant:an update u is accepted only if it is prop-erly signed and N has already accepted all the updates on which u depends.Attempts by a faulty node to fabri-cate u and pass it as coming from a correct node;reorder or omit updates on which u depends;or include in u in-compatible dVV and history hashes,will all result in N rejecting u.To compromise consistency,a faulty node has one re-maining option:make the system violate causal consis-tency by forking,that is,showing different histories to different communication partners[61].The rest of this section describes how Depot tolerates such attacks. Detecting forked histories.A correct node produces a sequence of updates with monotonically increasing his-tories captured by each update’s dVV and history hash. In contrast,a faulty node M can fork its updates,creat-ing two updates u1@M and u 1@M such that neither write’s history includes the other’s.M can then send u1@M and the updates on which it depends to one node,N1,and u 1@M and its preceding updates to another node,N2.If updates did not include their history hashes,such forking updates might confuse other nodes.To continue the running example,N1could issue some new updates that depend on updates from one of M’s forked updates (e.g.,u1@M)and then send these new updates to N2. N2might receive N1’s new updates,but not the updates by M on which they depend—because N2already re-ceived u 1@M,its version vector appears to already in-clude the prior updates.However,if now N2applies just N1’s writes to its log and checkpoint,multiple consis-tency violations may occur.First,the system may never achieve eventual consistency because N2may never see write u1@M.Further,the system may violate causality be-cause N2has updates from N1but not some earlier up-dates(e.g.,u1@M)on which they depend.The additional information with each update prevents such confusion.In the example,if N1tries to send its new updates to N2,N2will be unable to match the new updates’history hashes to the updates N2actually ob-served,and N2will break its connection;the reverse hap-pens if N2tries to send updates to N1.As a result,N1and N2will be unable to exchange any updates after the fork point introduced by M after u0@M.Discussion.If we stopped here,the protocol would en-force fork causal consistency,which we define precisely in a technical report[63].It means that each node sees a causally consistent subset of the system’s updates even though the system as a whole is no longer causally rmally,history has branched,but each node peers backward from its branch to the beginning of time, seeing causal events the entire way.Though these forks are regrettable,they are impossi-ble to prevent if nodes are allowed to misbehave arbitrar-ily.More precisely,as proved in[63],fork causal con-sistency is the strongest consistency guarantee that one can provide in a system in which(a)nodes can misbe-have;(b)causal consistency is provided in the absence of misbehavior;and(c)a node can exchange updates with another without needing to involve a third party.Unfortunately,enforcing this strong consistency would compromise availability:fork causal consistency requires that once two nodes have been forked,they can never observe one another’s updates after the fork point[61].In many environments,this lack of availabil-ity is unacceptable.In those cases,it would be far prefer-able to weaken consistency slightly to ensure an avail-ability property:correct nodes can always share updates. We now describe how Depot upholds this property. 4.3Joining forksTo protect availability,nodes must be able to join forked branches of the system’s history by receiving non-causally-consistent updates by a faulty node and updates by other nodes that depend on them.At a high level,Depot converts concurrent updates by a single faulty node into concurrent updates by a pair of virtual nodes.Depot then applies well-studied techniques for weakly consistent systems in benign settings[51,92]. We nowfill in the details that underly this approach. Tracking forked histories.A node identifies a fork when it receives two updates issued by the same writer (e.g.,u1@M and u 1@M)such that(i)neither update in-cludes the other in its history and(ii)each update’s his-tory hash links it to a history that includes the same pre-vious update by that writer(e.g.,u0@M).If a node N2receives from node N1an update that is incompatible with the updates it has received,and if neither node has yet identified the fork point,N1and N2perform a binary search on the updates included in the nodes’version vectors to identify the latest versionvector,VV common,encompassing a common history.N1 then sends its log of updates beginning from VV common. At some point,N2receives the update(e.g.,u1@M)that is incompatible with two updates(e.g.,u0@M and u 1@M) that N2has already received.After a node identifies the three updates responsible for a fork,it expands its version vector to include three entries for the node that issued the forking updates.The first is the pre-fork entry,whose index is the index(e.g., node ID)before the fork and whose contents will not ad-vance past the logical clock of the last update before the fork(e.g.,u0@M).The other two are the two post-fork en-tries,whose indices consist of the index before the fork augmented with the history hash of the respectivefirst update after the fork.These entries initially hold the log-ical clock of thefirst updates after the fork(e.g.,of u1@M and u 1@M),and these values advance as the node receives new updates after the fork point.A faulty node can be responsible for multiple forks[76],so we must ask whether multiple forks stymie the construction immediately above.The answer is no: this construction(augmenting the prior index with the hash of the update after the latest fork)is an opera-tion that composes.More specifically,after i dependent forks,a virtual node’s index in the version vector iswell-defined:it is nodeID+H(u fork1)+H(u fork2)+...+H(u forki).Log exchange revisited.This expanded version vector makes it easy to identify which updates to send to a peer. In the standard protocol,when a node wants to receive updates from another node,it sends its current version vector to the sender so that the sender knows which up-dates are needed.After a node detects a fork and splits one version vector entry into three,it includes all three entries when asking for updates.If the sender is already aware of the fork,it is already maintaining the same three entries summarizing its state,and as in the standard pro-tocol,the difference between the version vector entries identifies which updates from each fork must be sent. If the sender has received updates from one branch but not the other,it can identify which branch it is on us-ing the history hash and then use the logical time from that branch to identify which updates to send.Finally, if the sender has received updates that belong to neither branch,a new fork point is created as above.4.4Client access protocolSo far,we have described the update propagation proto-col,which is the core of Depot,but we have not described how GET s and PUT s are handled by clients.In this sec-tion,we describe the protocol clients use to interact with servers.Unlike the update propagation protocol,which is identical for both clients and servers,clients and servers take different actions in the client access protocol.The client access protocol can be divided into a PUT-protocol and a GET-protocol.A PUT in Depot involves the following steps.The is-suing client generates an appropriate update(as defined in§4.1)and value for the PUT request and stores this value and update in its local store.It then sends the value and update to a server for storage(which is usually a nearby server).On receiving this value and update from a client,the server verifies the update and that the value hash present in the update matches the hash of the re-ceived value.If so,the server stores the value and update on its persistent store and sends an acknowledgment to the client.In the background,the server propagates this update and value to the other servers through periodic gossip messages.A client retrieves these new updates during a GET or during background gossiping.A GET in Depot has two paths:fast and slow.The fast path is optimized for the scenario when the background gossips have propagated most updates to the client per-forming the GET.Therefore,in the fast path,we assume that the client has already received and verified all the updates and is missing only the value(s)for the accessed key.The client sends the requested key to a server which responds by sending back the most recent value(s)for the requested key from its local store.The client verifies that the hash(es)of the value(s)received for the requested key matches the value hash(es)present in the most recent update(s)it knows to that key.If successful,these steps constitute the fast path of Depot.The slow path is taken when a client with a stale up-date to a key tries to access that key.In this case,the hash(es)of value(s)sent by the server don’t match the value hash(es)of the most recent update(s)to the ac-cessed key.On detecting this mismatch,the client ini-tiates a value and update transfer by sending its version vector—to initiate the log-exchange as described in§4.1, and the key that it is interested in accessing—to request the value(s)for this key.The server sends back the new update(s)and the most recent value(s)for the requested key.The client verifies the received updates as described in§4.2and the value(s)as in the case of fast path.Depot includes an additional optimization to prevent the server from transferring the value(s)in the fast path when the client has a stale update.When a client issues a GET for a key,it includes a2-byte compact,but in-secure,hash of the most recent value hash(es)for the re-quested key.The server uses this compact hash to ensure, with high probability,that both the client have the same value(s)for the accessed key.If so,the server proceeds as described in the fast path description earlier.If not,the server sends back a message requesting the client to take the slow path,thereby avoiding the transfer of value(s).To avoid the slow path,Depot clients periodically re-trieve new updates from their preferred servers and,af-。

家得宝质量体系符合性服务1. 引言家得宝质量体系审核(QSA)是一个评估直接供应家得宝的供应商质量管理体系的项目。
2. 供应商发展服务目标家得宝质量体系审核(QSA)的供应商开发服务的目标是:•协助供应商制定家得宝 QSA所需的政策,程序和记录模板•实施系统并培训最高管理层和员工的特定要求•通过定期评估来验证系统维护的有效性•确保供应商的系统满足作为直接进口商的最低要求•通过安排,参与和/或领导第三方资格审核提供额外支持•确保供应链的持续改进3. 优势Pro QC International公司将提供以下好处:•组织初步评估; 制定纠正行动计划和后续行动,以及所有解决方案后勤活动•指派在各行业工作的专业和高水平的认证专业人员•在审核后24小时内在线提供纠正措施进度报告•全面的纠正行动进度报告,说明改进的领域,访问当天的活动,附有明确的进展证据•明确确定调查的支持证据•通过微信平台与被审计组织的个人保持日常沟通,进行教育和共享与该计划相关的信息4. 服务流程服务流程是一个精心策划和实施的实践,以确保我们满足您的要求。
基本审计流程指南如下所述:a)提供初始评估的报价b)确认您工厂的初始评估日期c)在您的工厂进行现场初步评估d)制定纠正行动计划并为供应发展服务提供报价e)获得报价和合同的批准f)制定文件(政策,程序和记录模板)g)对纠正行动计划的实施和后续行动进行现场访问h)每次访问后提交纠正措施进度报告i)按规定的时间间隔进行监督审核5. 样本报告Example Report: The Home Depot Quality System Audit。
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1. 营业执照 ;
2. 质量体系认证证书 ;
3. 组织架构图 ;
4. 质量手册 ;
5. 程序文件;
6. 质量体系内审计划;
7. 质量体系内审记录:
2)首末次会议 ;
3)检查表 ;
8. 质量体系管理评审计划
9. 质量体系管理评审记录:
10. 主要生产设备清单;
11. 设备保养计划 ;
12. 设备保养记录;
13. 仪器清单 ;
14. 仪器校准计划 ;
15. 仪器校准记录:
1)外校报告 ;
16. 年度培训计划
17. 培训记录 :
18. 品管人员岗前资质认定资料(培训及测试记录;
19. 新产品设计开发资料 :
2) BOM表 (BOM);
5)试产记录 ;
6)试产评估报告 ;
7)作业指导书 ;
8)检验标准 ;
9) FMEA分析资料 ;
20. 订单评审记录;
21. 新供应商资格评定报告
22. 现有供应商质量、交期、价格及服务定期评分表 ;
23. 原材料采购订单 ;
24. 原材料规格承认书
25. 进料检验作业指导书 ;
26. 进料检验标准 ;
27. 进料检验样板清单及定期评估记录;
28. 进料检验记录 ;
29. 不合格来料处理记录(含供应商纠正预防措施报告;
30. 原材料保存周期规定 ;
31. 原材料过期重检记录 ;
32. 控制图表及超限处理记录 ;
33. CPK应用指引 ;
34. CPK测量记录及制程能力不足时的改进记录 ;
35. 生产作业指导书
36. 制程检验作业指导书;
37. 制程检验标准 ;
38. 制程检验记录 :
1)首件检验记录 ;
2)巡检记录 ;
39. 制程不合格品的处理记录(含纠正预防措施报告)
40. 制程检验不良统计报表(周报/月报,柏拉图
41. 停线管理规定及记录 ;
42. 成品检验作业指导书;
43. 成品检验标准 ;
44. 成品检验记录 ;
45. 不合格成品处理记录:
1)返工、返修记录 ;
46. 成品入库单 ;
47. 产品可靠性及环境测试计划及记录;
48. 数据分析程序;
49. 质量目标统计资料
50. 客户沟通资料 ;
51. 客户投诉处理程序 ;
52. 客户投诉处理记录。