
四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。

大学英语四六级翻译--科技类词汇(精炼版)四六级翻译——科技类词汇1.科技园science and technology park2.高新技术开发区high-tech industrial zones3.信息产业IT (Information Technology)4.电器设备electrical appliance5.电子设备electronic device6.电子商务e-commerce7.人工智能artificial intelligience8.先进技术advanced technology9.尖端技术state-of-the-art technology10.载人航天飞行manned space flight11.发射成功successful launch12.自然科学natural science13.新兴学科new branch of science14.科技成果research achievements15.科学发展观concept of scientific development16.科教兴国revitalize China through science and education17.可持续发展战略strategy of sustainable development18.科技基础设施science and technology infrastructure19.专利,专利权patent20.生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture21.物种起源origin of species22.生物工程bio-technology23.基因工程genetic engineering24.转基因食品GM food (genetically modified food)25.技术产权technology property right26.科技含量technology content27.电脑病毒computer virus28.黑客hacker29.垃圾邮件junk mail30.数码科技digital technology31.虚拟社区virtual community32.网络空间cyber space 网络文化cyber culture33.网民netizen34.克隆cloning 激光laser35.纳米nanometer 粒子particle36.太阳能/ 核能/ 原子能solar/ nuclear/ atomic energy37.突飞猛进advance by leaps and bounds38.技术创新technological innovation39.中国科学院the Chinese Academy of Science40.科学技术是第一生产力Science and technology constitute the foremost productive forces.41.科技前沿the forefront of science and technology42.科技发明的传播和交流dissemination and exchanges of advanced scientific andtechnological inventions。

四六级科技相关词汇scientific [,saiən'tifik] adj.科学的【例】a scientific viewpoint科学的观点research [ri'sə:tʃ, 'ri:s-] n./vi.研究,调查【记】联想记忆:re(一再)+search(寻找)→反复寻找→调查,研究【例】scientific research科学研究//Ten years ago these doctors began researching into the causes of lung cancer.10年前,这些医生开始研究肺癌的致病原因。
【派】researcher(n.研究员)survey ['sə:vei] n.调查,勘测[sə:'vei] vt.调查;勘测;概括论述【例】A survey shows that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs as directed.调查表明有多达50%的病人不遵医嘱服药。
【派】surveyor(n.测量员)accuracy ['ækjurəsi] n.准确(性),精确(性)【考】with accuracy准确地【例】The atomic clock enabled scientists to measure time with much greater accuracy.原子时钟使科学家能更为准确地测量时间。
【派】accurate(a.正确的);accurately(ad.正确地);inaccuracy(n.不正确) accurate ['ækjurət] adj.正确无误的;准确的,精确的【例】It is vital that the experiments be accurate.实验要精确,这非常重要。
【派】accurately(ad.精确地);inaccurate(a.不准确的)panel ['pænl] n.面,板;专门小组,评判小组;控制板,仪表盘【例】an instrument panel仪表盘//A Panel of scientists met to discuss the issue of nuclear safety.一个科学家评判小组会面讨论核安全问题。

英语四级阅读写作【科技类】热点词汇1. new branch of science [njuː brɑːntʃɒv ˈsaɪəns]新兴学科branch [brɑːntʃ] n.树枝;分支;分部;分行;分店;分支机构;支流vi.分开;分岔2.research result [rɪˈsɜːtʃ rɪˈzʌlt]研究成果;研究结果research [rɪˈsɜːtʃ] n.研究;调查;探索v.研究;探讨;调查3. national key laboratory [ˈnæʃnəl kiː ləˈbɒrətri]国家重点实验室;国家级重点实验室laboratory [ləˈbɒrətri] 实验室;实验大楼4. production capacity [prəˈdʌkʃn kəˈpæsət]产能;生产能力;产量;生产力;生产规模capacity [kəˈpæsəti] n.容量;容积;容纳能力;领悟能力;职位;职责;生产量 adj.充满的,达到最大限度的;座无虚席的,满场的,挤满的5. high-tech park [haɪ tek pɑːk]高科技园区;高技术园区6. innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]n.(新事物、思想或方法的)创造;创新;改革;新思想;新方法7. environmental-friendly agriculture [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˈfrendli ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə] 生态农业environmental-friendly [ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl ˈfrendli]环保;环境友好型;环保的agriculture [ˈæɡrɪkʌltʃə] n.农业;农学;农艺8. scientific and technological advancement[ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ənd ˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl ədˈvɑːnsmənt]科技发展;科技进步advancement [ədˈvɑːnsmənt] n.进步;发展;前进;促进;推动;提升,晋升9. high-speed rail [haɪ spiːd reɪl]高铁;高速铁路10. resource utilization rate [rɪˈsɔːs ˌjuːtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn reɪt]资源利用率utilization [ˌjuːtəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] n.利用;应用;效用11. the top layer design [ðətɒp ˈleɪə(r) dɪˈzaɪn]顶层设计design [dɪˈzaɪn] n.设计;布局;安排;设计艺术;构思;设计图样;设计方案;打算 vt.设计;制图;构思;计划;筹划;制订;制造;意欲12. artificial organ [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl ˈɔːɡən]人造器官;人工器官;人造脏器;人工瀑artificial [ˌɑːtɪˈfɪʃl] adj.人工的,人造的,人为的;假的,模拟的;人工栽培的 organ [ˈɔːɡən] n.器官;管风琴;风琴;机构13. applied science [əˈplaɪd ˈsaɪəns]应用科学applied [əˈplaɪd] apply的过去分词和过去式v.应用;使用;施;(通常以书面形式)申请,请求;涂;敷 adj.应用的;实用的14. new particle [njuː ˈpɑːtɪkl]新粒子particle [ˈpɑːtɪkl] n.微粒;粒子;颗粒;小品词15. electricity generated from non-fossil energy非化石能源发电量electricity generated [ɪˌlekˈtrɪsəti ˈdʒenəreɪtɪd] 发电量generated [ˈdʒenəreɪtɪd] generate的过去分词和过去式v.产生;引起non-fossil energy [ˈnəʊn ˈfɒsl ˈenədʒi] 非化石能源16. nuclear power plant [ˈnjuːkliə(r) ˈpaʊə(r) plɑːnt]核电厂;核电站;核动力装置;核能发电厂power plant [ˈpaʊə plɑːnt] n.发电厂,发电站;动力设备,发电装置plant [plɑːnt] n.植物;发电厂;工厂;大型机器,设备17. research and development [rɪˌsɜːtʃ ən dɪˈveləpmənt]n.研究和开发18. state-of-the-art technology [steɪt ɒv ðə ɑːt tekˈnɒlədʒi]最先进的技术;尖端科技;最新科技;艺术化技术state-of-the-art [ˌsteɪt əv ði ˈɑːt]adj.最先进的;使用最先进技术的;体现最高水平的19. technology content [tekˈnɒlədʒi ˈkɒntent]技术含量content [ˈkɒntent ] n.所容纳之物;所含之物;内容;目录;主题;含量 adj.满意;满足;愿意vt.满足;满意;知足;使满意;使满足20. artificial intelligence [ˌɑːtɪfɪʃl ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns]n.人工智能intelligence [ɪnˈtelɪdʒəns] n.智力;才智;智慧;情报21. technology-intensive product [tekˈnɒlədʒi ɪnˈtensɪv ˈprɒdʌkt]技术密集型产品;技术密集产品intensive [ɪnˈtensɪv] adj.密集的;彻底的;十分细致的;集约的n.加强器;[语]强义词;强调成份22. reform of the science and technology management system[rɪˈfɔːm ɒv ðəˈsaɪəns ənd tekˈnɒlədʒi ˈmænɪdʒmənt ˈsɪstəm] 科技体制改革reform [rɪˈfɔːm] v..改革,改进,改良;改造,改过自新;革除,n.改造,改革,改良;革除,废除;改过自新adj.改革的;拥护改革的;management system [mænɪdʒmənt ˈsɪstəm]管理系统;管理制度9系统),管理体制23. navigation system [ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn ˈsɪstəm]导航系统;导航设备;巡航系统navigation [ˌnævɪˈɡeɪʃn] n.航行;导航;领航24. innovation achievement [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn əˈtʃiːvmənt]创新成果innovation [ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn] n.创造;创新;改革;新思想;新方法25. the following conditions apply必须满足下列条件;以下条件适用the following [ðəˈfɒləʊɪŋ] 以下内容;接下来的conditions apply [kənˈdɪʃnz əˈplaɪ] 适用条件;申请条件26. side effects [saɪd ɪˈfekts]n.(药物的)副作用;意外的连带后果27. reduce suffering [rɪˈdjuːs ˈsʌfərɪŋ]减轻痛苦suffering [ˈsʌfərɪŋ] suffer的现在分词n.疼痛;痛苦;折磨;苦难;苦恼v.受苦,受难,受折磨;遭受;蒙受;变差;变糟adj.苦恼的28. add to suffering [æd tuˈsʌfərɪŋ]雪上加霜;增加痛苦29. potential benefits [pəˈtenʃl ˈbenɪfɪts]潜在利益;潜在益处;潜在效益;潜在收益potential [pəˈtenʃl] adj.潜在的;可能的n.可能性;潜在性;潜力;潜质;电位;电势;电压benefit [ˈbenɪfɪt] n.利益;益处;优势;成效;福利费;奖金;保险金v.对(某人)有用;使受益;得益于;得利于30. find answers to our questions [faɪnd ˈɑːnsəz tu ˈaʊəˈkwestʃənz] 找到我们问题的答案31. create a new trend [kriˈeɪt ə njuː trend]创造新潮流;创造新趋势trend [trend] n.趋势;趋向;倾向;动态;动向vi.倾向;趋势32. be the key to [bi ðə kiːtu]成为;是…的关键33. advances in technology [ədˈvɑːnsɪz ɪn tekˈnɒlədʒi]技术进步;科技上的进步33. push forward science and technology推动科学技术进步push forward [pʊʃˈfɔːwəd] 推进;推动science and technology [saɪəns ənd tekˈnɒlədʒ] 科学技术35. carry out a research [ˈkæri aʊt ə rɪˈsɜːtʃ]调查;实施一项研究carry out [ˈkæri aʊt] 进行;实施;执行,实行;贯彻36. be based on [bi beɪst ɒn]v.基于;以…为基础37. speed up the pace of sth加快某事的速度;加速某物的步伐speed up [spiːd ʌp] (使)加快,加速38. a hard-won discovery来之不易的发现hard-won [ˌhɑːd ˈwʌn] adj.经奋斗(或努力)得到的;来之不易的discovery [dɪˈskʌvəri] n.发现;发觉;被发现的事物(或真相、人)39. shorten the distance [ˈʃɔːtn ðə ˈdɪstəns]缩短距离40. reduce the gap [rɪˈdjuːs ðəɡæp]减少差距;缩小差距gap [ɡæp] n.缺口;差距;间隙;间隔;开口;豁口;裂口;间断;分歧;隔阂vi.造成缝隙;使成缺口;使豁裂豁开;张开;有缺口;露出裂口41. industrial revolution [ɪnˈdʌstriəl ˌrevəˈluːʃn]n.工业革命;产业革命revolution [ˌrevəˈluːʃn] n.革命;巨变;大变革;旋转;(尤指)天体运行42. experiment with sth [ɪkˈsperɪmənt wɪðˈsʌmθɪŋ]体验/试用某物;试验某事experiment [ɪkˈsperɪmənt] n.实验;试验;尝试;实践vi.做试验;进行实验;尝试;试用43. high-tech devices [ˌhaɪˈtek dɪˈvaɪs]高科技设备;高科技仪器device [dɪˈvaɪs] n.装置;仪器;器具;设备;手段;策略;方法;技巧;花招high-tech [ˌhaɪˈtek] n.高科技adj.高技术的,高科技的;样式新颖的;用高新技术材料的44. industrial park [ɪnˈdʌstriəl pɑːk]工业区;工业园区45. design creativity [dɪˈzaɪn ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvət]设计创意creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] n.创造性;创造力46. see dramatic breakthroughs [siː drəˈmætɪk ˈbreɪkˌθruːz]取得突破性进展dramatic [drəˈmætɪk] adj.戏剧性的;引人注目的;巨大的;突然的;激动人心的 breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] n.重大进展,突破;突破点47. creative spirit [kriˈeɪtɪv ˈspɪrɪt]创新精神;创造精神spirit [ˈspɪrɪt] n.精神;心灵;情绪;心境;勇气;忠心;心态;本质;真实意义;烈酒 vt.偷偷带走;让人不可思议地弄走48. patent of invention [ˈpætnt ɒv ɪnˈvenʃn]发明专利patent [ˈpætnt] n.专利;专利权adj.有专利的;受专利保护的;专利生产的;专利经销的;明显的 vt.获得专利权49. scientific exploration [ˌsaɪənˈtɪfɪk ˌekspləˈreɪʃn]科学探索;科学考察exploration [ˌekspləˈreɪʃn] n.勘探;勘查;探索;探究;研究;探测50. experiment plot [ɪkˈsperɪmənt plɒt]试验区plot [plɒt] n.情节;阴谋;故事情节;密谋;布局;(专用的)小块土地v.密谋;暗中策划;(在地图上)标出;绘制;设计情节51. promote relative industries [prəˈməʊt ˈrelətɪv ˈɪndəstriz]促进相关产业;促进相关产业发展relative [ˈrelətɪv] adj.相对的;相比较而言的;比较的;相关联的;n.亲戚;亲属;同类事物industry [ˈɪndəstri] n.工业;生产制造;行业;勤奋;勤劳52. a fatal breakdown [əˈfeɪtl ˈbreɪkdaʊn]致命故障fatalbreakdown [ˈbreɪkdaʊn] n.崩溃;故障,损坏;破裂;崩溃,失败;分类;分析;分解 adj.(尤指铁路上)排除故障的,修理机器的53. opposite forces [ˈɒpəzɪt ˈfɔːsɪz]负面影响;相反的力;反力opposite [ˈɒpəzɪt] adj.对面的;另一边的;相反的;迥然不同的n.对立的人(或物);对立面;反面prep.与…相对;在…对面;与…合演;与…联袂演出adv.在对面,对过54. speedy and comfortable [ˈspiːdi ənd ˈkʌmftəbl]既快捷又舒适comfortable [ˈkʌmftəbl] adj.使人舒服的;舒适的;舒服的;富裕的;相当大的 n.绒线围巾;鸭绒被55. usher in [ˈʌʃə(r) ɪn]引领;引入;预报…的到来usher [ˈʌʃə] vt.引入;引领;引导;把…引往n.引座员;(法院的)传达员,门卫,门房;男傧相56. compared with [kəmˈpeəd wɪð]和…比起来;与……相比较57. overshadow [ˌəʊvəˈʃædəʊ]vt.使显得逊色;掩盖;遮蔽;使黯然失色;使扫兴;使蒙上阴影58. over-commercialized [ˈəʊvə(r) kəˈmɜːʃəlaɪzd]过度商业化;过渡商业化的commercialized [kəˈmɜːʃəlaɪzd] commercialize的过去分词和过去式v.(尤指不择手段地)利用…牟利;商业化 adj.商业化的59. aerospace technology [ˈeərəʊspeɪs tekˈnɒlədʒ]航空航天技术;航天科技;航空技术;航空科技aerospace [ˈeərəʊspeɪs] n.航空航天(工业);航空航天技术adj.航空与航天的;航空与航天器的60. Shenzhou spacecraft [Shenzhouˈspeɪskrɑːft]神舟飞船spacecraft [ˈspeɪskrɑːft] n.航天器;宇宙飞船61. manned space flight [mænd speɪs flaɪt]载人航天飞行manned [mænd] man的过去式adj.有人值守的;有人控制的,需人操纵的v.在…岗位上工作;操纵(机器等);配备(人员)62. space station [ˈspeɪs steɪʃn]n.太空站;航天站;宇宙空间站63. aircraft carrier [ˈeəkrɑːft kæriə]n.航母aircraft [ˈeəkrɑːft] n.飞机;航空器carrier [ˈkæriə] n.载体;运输公司;运输车;运输舰;航母;病原携带者64. strengthen the army by relying on science and technology[ˈstreŋθn ðəˈɑːmi baɪ rɪˈlaɪɪŋɒn ˈsaɪəns ənd tekˈnɒlədʒ]科技强军65. expediency [ɪkˈspiːdiənsi]n.权宜之计;不得已而做的事66. technical innovation [ˈteknɪkl ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn]技术创新;科技创新;技术革新;技术进步;技术性创新67. sophisticated equipment [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd ɪˈkwɪpmənt]先进设备;尖端设备sophisticated [səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd] adj.复杂的;精密的;先进的;复杂巧妙的;在行equipment [ɪˈkwɪpmənt] n.设备;器材;配备;装备68. universe [ˈjuːnɪvɜːs]n.天地万物;万象;(已知宇宙以外的)宇宙;(某种)经验体系69. advanced science [ədˈvɑːnst ˈsaɪəns]尖端科学;先进科学70. exert a far-reaching impact on对…产生深远影响exert [ɪɡˈzɜːt] vt.发挥;施加;行使;运用;努力;竭力far-reaching [fɑːˈriːtʃɪŋ] adj.深远的;广泛的impact on [ˈɪmpækt ɒn] 影响;对…冲击,碰撞;对…之影响71. double-edged sword [ˈdʌbl edʒd sɔːd](指兼有正面和负面影响的)双刃剑edged [edʒd] edge的过去分词和过去式adj.有…边的;镶…边的v.(使)徐徐移动,渐渐移动;给…加边;略为增加(或减少) sword [sɔːd] n.剑;刀72. earth-shaking changes [ɜːθ ˈʃeɪkɪŋˈtʃeɪndʒɪz]翻天覆地的变化;翻天覆地的改变earth-shaking [ɜːθ ˈʃeɪkɪŋ] adj.惊天动地;极其重大的;震撼世界的 shaking [ˈʃeɪkɪŋ] shake的现在分词n.摇动;抖动;颤动v.摇动;抖动;(使)颤动;摇(出);抖(掉);摇头73. forward position [ˈfɔːwəd pəˈzɪʃn]前沿;前进位置;远期动态74. national rejuvenation [ˈnæʃnəl rɪˌdʒuːvɪˈneɪʃən]民族复兴;民族振兴rejuvenation [rɪˌdʒuːvɪˈneɪʃən] n.更新;复苏75. look into the future [lʊk ˈɪntə ðə ˈfjuːtʃə]展望未来76. lithography machine [lɪˈθɒɡrəfi məˈʃiːn]光刻机;光刻机器lithography [lɪˈθɒɡrəfi] n.平版印刷术78. pay the way for the future development[peɪðə weɪ fɔː(r) ðəˈfjuːtʃə(r) dɪˈveləpmənt]为未来的发展铺平道路79. lay a solid foundation for…为…打下坚实的基础lay [leɪ] v.放置;安放;铺放;铺设;提出,提交adj.外行的;非专业的;缺少专门知识的solid foundation [sɒlɪd faʊnˈdeɪʃn] 坚实的基础(或地基)solid [ˈsɒlɪd] n.固体;立体图形adj.固体的;坚固的,坚硬的;结实的,牢固的;质地坚实的 adv.全部地,完全地;不间断地,连续地80. depletion of resources [dɪˈpliːʃən ɒv rɪˈsɔːsɪz]资源折耗;能源消耗depletion [dɪˈpliːʃən] n.损耗;缺乏;贫化;亏损;空虚;干枯;竭尽,耗尽81. milestone [ˈmaɪlstəʊn]n.里程碑;重要事件;重要阶段;转折点82. brain drain [ˈbreɪn dreɪn]n.(国家的)人才流失brain [breɪn] n.脑;动物脑髓;智力;脑力;逻辑思维能力;聪明的人vt.猛击…的脑袋致死drain [dreɪn] v.排水;排空;(使)流光;放干;(使)流走,流出;喝干;耗尽 n.消耗;排水管;下水道;下水道孔盖;耗竭;耗费83. show special preference (favor) to…情有独钟;对…表现出特别的偏好preference [ˈprefrəns] n.偏爱;爱好;喜爱;偏爱的事物;最喜爱的东西 favor [ˈfeɪvə] n.赞成;喜爱,宠爱,好感,赞同;偏袒,偏爱;善行,恩惠 v.赞同;喜爱,偏爱;有利于,便于84. continuous exploration [kənˈtɪnjuəs ˌekspləˈreɪʃn]不断的探索exploration [ˌekspləˈreɪʃn] n.勘探;勘查;探索;探究;研究;探测85. new energy resources [njuː ˈenədʒi rɪˈsɔːsɪz]新能源86. automation [ˌɔːtəˈmeɪʃn]n.自动化;自控;全自动化;主动化87. robot [ˈrəʊbɒt]n.机器人;交通信号灯88. big data [bɪɡ ˈdeɪtə]大数据;海量资料89. virtual reality [ˌvɜːtʃuəl riˈæləti]虚拟现实,拟境,虚拟时空virtual [ˈvɜːtʃuəl] adj.事实上的;很接近的;实际上的;模拟的,虚拟的90. the internet of things [ðəˈɪntənet ɒv θɪŋz]物联网;物联网技术91. drone [drəʊn]n.无人机;嗡嗡声;雄蜂;持续低音vi.嗡嗡叫;嗡嗡响92. genetic engineering [dʒəˌnetɪk ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]n.基因工程;遗传工程(学)genetic [dʒəˈnetɪk] adj.遗传的;基因的;遗传学的engineering [ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ] engineer的现在分词n.工程;工程学v.密谋策划;设计制造;改变…的基因(或遗传)结构93. support poor areas using technology[səˈpɔːt pɔː(r) ˈeərɪəz ˈjuːzɪŋ tekˈnɒlədʒi]科技扶贫94. work towards key technological breakthroughs[wɜːk təˈwɔːdz kiːˌteknəˈlɒdʒɪkl ˈbreɪkˌθruːz]科研攻关breakthrough [ˈbreɪkθruː] n.重大进展,突破;突破点95. lunar module [ˈluːnəˈmɒdjuːl]登月舱module [ˈmɒdjuːl] n.单元;模块;功能块;程序块;组件;配件;舱96. digital China [ˈdɪdʒɪtl ˈtʃaɪnə]数字中国;中国数字digital [ˈdɪdʒɪtl] adj.数字的;数码的;数字信息系统的;数字式的;数字显示的 n.数字电视97. keep pace with the times [kiːp peɪs wɪð ðə taɪmz]与时俱进;跟上时代的步伐98. genetic chip [dʒəˈnetɪk tʃɪp]基因芯片chip [tʃɪp] n.缺口,缺损处;碎屑,碎渣;薄片;炸薯片;芯片,集成电路片v.打破,被损坏;切下,削;打(或踢)高球;切条;植入微芯片99. technology transfer [tekˈnɒlədʒi trænsˈfɜː(r)]技术转让;技术转移;国际技术转让;技术移转;技术转化transfer [trænsˈfɜː] v.转移(感情);(使)搬迁;转职;转学;传染(疾病);转让n.转移;搬迁;调动;变换;转会;中转;改变路线;转车票100. efficient operation [ɪˈfɪʃnt ˌɒpəˈreɪʃn]高效运行;有效操作,有效经营efficient [ɪˈfɪʃnt] adj.有效率的;效率高的;有能力的101. engineering center [endʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ ˈsentə(r)]工程中心102. develop a national innovation system[dɪˈveləp əˈnæʃnəl ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn ˈsɪstəm]国家创新体系建设103. application-based research institution应用型科研机构application-based [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn beɪst] 基于应用程序;应用型application [ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn] n.应用;申请;申请书;运用;涂抹;应用程序;勤奋 institution [ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃn] n.机构;慈善机构;风俗习惯;制度;建立;出名的人104. industrial upgrade [tɪnˈdʌstriəl ˌʌpˈɡreɪd]产业升级105. life science [laɪf ˈsaɪəns]n.(动物学、植物学、人类学等)生命科学106. nano technology [ˈnænəʊ tekˈnɒlədʒi]纳米技术;纳米科技nano [ˈnænəʊ] n.纳米技术;毫微;纤(10的负九次方)。

一、计算机与互联网1. Computer(计算机)- The computer has become an essential tool in our daily lives, greatly improving productivity and efficiency.2. Software(软件)- The software industry is developing rapidly, providing various applications and programs for different purposes.3. Hardware(硬件)- The hardware components of a computer include the CPU, memory, and motherboard.4. Internet(互联网)- The Internet connects people from all over the world, enabling communication and information sharing.5. Website(网站)- Websites are created for different purposes, such as e-commerce, entertainment, and education.二、通信与移动设备1. Smartphone(智能手机)- Smartphones have revolutionized the way we communicate and access information.2. Wifi(无线网络)- Wifi technology allows wireless connection to the Internet, providing convenience for users.3. Social media(社交媒体)- Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way we interact and share information.4. Email(电子邮件)- Email is a widely used electronic communication method, facilitating quick and efficient information exchange.5. Text message(短信)- Text messages are widely used for instant communication, allowing people to send short messages to each other.三、数字化与媒体1. Digital(数字化)- Digital technology has transformed many industries, such as photography, music, and publishing.2. E-book(电子书)- E-books provide a convenient and portable way to access and read books.3. Streaming(流媒体)- Streaming services offer on-demand access to videos, music, and other digital content.4. Virtual reality(虚拟现实)- Virtual reality technology creates immersive digital environments, providing new experiences for users.5. Gaming(游戏)- Game consoles and online gaming platforms have become popular forms of entertainment.四、人工智能与大数据1. Artificial intelligence(人工智能)- Artificial intelligence mimics human intelligence to perform tasks such as voice recognition and problem-solving.2. Big data(大数据)- Big data refers to large and complex datasets that can be analyzed to reveal patterns and trends.3. Machine learning(机器学习)- Machine learning algorithms enable computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions.4. Robotics(机器人技术)- Robotics involves the design and development of robots that can perform tasks autonomously.5. Cloud computing(云计算)- Cloud computing allows users to access and store data, applications, and services remotely.五、可持续发展与环境保护1. Renewable energy(可再生能源)- Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power help reduce reliance on fossil fuels.2. Green technology(绿色科技)- Green technology focuses on developing environmentally friendly solutions and practices.3. Recycling(回收利用)- Recycling reduces waste and conserves resources, contributing to a more sustainable future.4. Climate change(气候变化)- Climate change refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns, which have significant environmental and societal impact.5. Conservation(保护)- Conservation efforts aim to protect natural habitats and endangered species.六、安全与隐私保护1. Cybersecurity(网络安全)- Cybersecurity measures are necessary to protect computer systems and networks from unauthorized access or attacks.2. Encryption(加密)- Encryption techniques are used to secure sensitive data and communications.3. Privacy(隐私)- Privacy concerns have arisen with the increased use of technology and the collection of personal data.4. Biometrics(生物识别)- Biometric authentication methods, such as fingerprint or facial recognition, enhance security in access control.5. Password(密码)- Strong passwords are essential for protecting personal accounts and preventing unauthorized access.总结:以上是对英语四级词汇复习科技类的内容总结。

advanced science 尖端科学scientific invention 科学发明exert a far—reaching impact on… 对…产生一种深远的影响double-edged sword 双刃剑earth—shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变pave the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路lay a solid foundation for… 为…打下良好的基础energy crisis 能源危机depletion of resources 能源消耗milestone 里程碑sophisticated equipment 尖端设备technical innovation 科技创新over—commercialized 过渡商业化的a heated discussion 热烈的讨论exhaust gas 废气disastrous 灾难性的compared to/with… 与…相比speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适opposite forces 负面影响potential hazards 潜在危险pose a threat to… 对…有一种威胁promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展accelerate 加速…means of transportation 交通方式transportation tools 交通工具social status 社会地位environmentally—friendly resources 环保的能源make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便alternative fuel 可替代燃料sustainable development 可持续性发展scientific exploration 科学探索air travel 航空旅行ridiculous 可笑的absurd 荒唐的substitute 取代overcome difficulties 克服困难make progress 取得进步a sense of national pride 民族自豪感unprecedented 前所未有的soaring 不断上升的give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展see dramatic breakthroughs 取得突破性进展aggravate 使恶化cure—all solution 万能良药portable 便携的innovative 创新的cutting—edge 尖端的cost—effective 性价比高的augment/enhance/boost/ efficiency/productivity 提高生产效率be addicted to/be obsessed with 对···着迷/上瘾technological progress/advances 科技进步be accessible to 容易获得的例句:radio broadcasting is accessible to the audience with no charging fee with the advent of 随着···的到来例句:with the advent of advanced technology 随着高科技的到来pay a heavy price for sth. 为···付出惨痛的代价例句:Human being has paid a heavy price for the its curiosity.人类为了他的好奇心付出了惨痛的代价.。

- software(软件)
- hardware(硬件)
- keyboard(键盘)
- mouse(鼠标)
- monitor(显示器)
- printer(打印机)
- CPU(中央处理器)
- RAM(随机存取存储器)
- operating system(操作系统)
- internet(互联网)
- website(网站)
- browser(浏览器)
- email(电子邮件)
- password(密码)
- firewall(防火墙)
- antivirus software(杀毒软件)
- phishing(钓鱼)
- cyber attack(网络攻击)
- artificial intelligence(人工智能)
- machine learning(机器研究)
- neural network(神经网络)
- deep learning(深度研究)
- natural language processing(自然语言处理)通信技术
- wireless(无线)
- fiber optics(光纤)
- satellite(卫星)
- bandwidth(带宽)
- router(路由器)

精品文档advanced science 尖端科学scientific invention 科学发明exert a far-reaching impact on…对…产生一种深远的影响double-edged sword 双刃剑earth-shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变pave the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路lay a solid foundation for…为…打下良好的基础energy crisis 能源危机depletion of resources 能源消耗milestone 里程碑sophisticated equipment 尖端设备technical innovation 科技创新over-commercialized 过渡商业化的a heated discussion 热烈的讨论exhaust gas 废气disastrous 灾难性的compared to/with…与…相比speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适opposite forces 负面影响potential hazards 潜在危险pose a threat to…对…有一种威胁promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展accelerate 加速…means of transportation 交通方式transportation tools 交通工具social status 社会地位environmentally-friendly resources 环保的能源make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便alternative fuel 可替代燃料sustainable development 可持续性发展scientific exploration 科学探索air travel 航空旅行ridiculous 可笑的absurd 荒唐的substitute 取代overcome difficulties 克服困难make progress 取得进步a sense of national pride 民族自豪感unprecedented 前所未有的soaring 不断上升的give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展see dramatic breakthroughs 取得突破性进展精品文档.精品文档aggravate 使恶化cure-all solution 万能良药portable 便携的innovative 创新的cutting-edge 尖端的cost-effective 性价比高的augment/enhance/boost/ efficiency/productivity 提高生产效率be addicted to/be obsessed with 对···着迷/上瘾technological progress/advances 科技进步be accessible to 容易获得的例句:radio broadcasting is accessible to the audience with no charging fee with the advent of 随着···的到来例句:with the advent of advanced technology 随着高科技的到来pay a heavy price for sth. 为···付出惨痛的代价例句:Human being has paid a heavy price for the its curiosity.人类为了他的好奇心付出了惨痛的代价。

advanced science 尖端科学scientific invention 科学发明exert a far—reaching impact on… 对…产生一种深远的影响double-edged sword 双刃剑earth—shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变pave the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路lay a solid foundation for… 为…打下良好的基础energy crisis 能源危机depletion of resources 能源消耗milestone 里程碑sophisticated equipment 尖端设备technical innovation 科技创新over—commercialized 过渡商业化的a heated discussion 热烈的讨论exhaust gas 废气disastrous 灾难性的compared to/with… 与…相比speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适opposite forces 负面影响potential hazards 潜在危险pose a threat to… 对…有一种威胁promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展accelerate 加速…means of transportation 交通方式transportation tools 交通工具social status 社会地位environmentally—friendly resources 环保的能源make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便alternative fuel 可替代燃料sustainable development 可持续性发展scientific exploration 科学探索air travel 航空旅行ridiculous 可笑的absurd 荒唐的substitute 取代overcome difficulties 克服困难make progress 取得进步a sense of national pride 民族自豪感unprecedented 前所未有的soaring 不断上升的give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展see dramatic breakthroughs 取得突破性进展aggravate 使恶化cure—all solution 万能良药portable 便携的innovative 创新的cutting—edge 尖端的cost—effective 性价比高的augment/enhance/boost/ efficiency/productivity 提高生产效率be addicted to/be obsessed with 对···着迷/上瘾technological progress/advances 科技进步be accessible to 容易获得的例句:radio broadcasting is accessible to the audience with no charging fee with the advent of 随着···的到来例句:with the advent of advanced technology 随着高科技的到来pay a heavy price for sth. 为···付出惨痛的代价例句:Human being has paid a heavy price for the its curiosity.人类为了他的好奇心付出了惨痛的代价.。

2019年英语四级翻译考试常见的高频词:科技篇科技是第一生产力science and technology constitute a primary productive force科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system技术密集产品technology-intensive product科技含量technology content尖端科技state-of-the-art technology研究开发research and development治理污染curb the environmental pollution水循环利用工厂water recycling plant核电站nuclear power plant非化石能源发电量electricity generated from non-fossil energy 新粒子new particleH7N9病毒H7N9 virus应用科学applied science3D打印3D printing人造器官artificial organ顶层设计the top layer design节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction工业升级industrial upgrading结构性障碍structural obstacle资源利用率resource utilization rate高速铁路high-speed rail科学发展观Scientific Outlook on Development科技发展scientific and technological advancement 生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture创新innovation高科技园区high-tech park国家重点实验室national key laboratory研究成果research result新兴学科new branch of science人工智能artificial intelligence信息高速公路information superhighway网民netizen网上购物online shopping网上交易平台online trading platform宽带中国战略China’s broadband strategy产能production capacity。

科技类常用词汇和短语集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-M1988)科技类常用词汇和短语名词和名词短语:Technological advancement \ development 科技进步; Technological innovations 科技创新High-tech facilities \ products 高科技设施\产品; Modern technology 现代科技;Communication technology 通讯科技 (如:mass media; mobile phones; the internet)The fast rhythm of life 快节奏的生活方式; Information age 信息时代;Home working \ telecommuting work 在家办公; Distance education 远程教育The widespread use of the internet 网络的广泛使用;Electric appliances 家电; automation 自动化; mass manufacture 大量生产动词短语:Give easy access to ….(主语为事物) = Acquire…. (主语为人) 获得… (知识, 信息等)Adapt to + 名词适应… ; Get (be) used to +名词习惯…; Benefit from…从…中受益; Benefit…使…受益Be beneficial to + 名词对…有益; Enhance study efficiency提高学习效率;Broaden one’s horizons开阔某人眼界; Enrich one’s knowledge (experience) 丰富某人的知识 (阅历); Remove the barrier for…为…消除障碍; Assist sb to do…协助某人做某事;Equip sb with sth 用…武装某人; Put sb into contact with sth 让某人接触某事Be confronted with…面对…; Put sb at an advantage in terms of…使某人在某方面处于优势Make use of …. 充分利用; Be available to… = be accessible to 供….使用Keep up with 跟上…的步伐; Stay in close contact with…. 保持和….的密切接触Enhance efficiency (work efficiency; study efficiency; productivity) 提高效率; Accelerate.. 加速典型考题:1. Some people believe the range of technology available to individuals today is increasing the gap between poor people and rich people. Others think it is having an opposite effect. What is your opinion2. Some people think people have benefited from modern communication technology, other people think some people have not benefited at all, to what extend do you agree or disagree现代科技的一些正面影响:效率… assist people to enhance working efficiencyWith the help of fax, e-mail or other automated and communication devices, people are able to perform dailyroutines in a more efficient way, reducing manual work greatly 方便The outside world has become more accessible to people and one can perform many tasks at home, such as shopping, banking and business transactions, thus helping them cut costs of bus fare and fuel娱乐People are able to spend much less time on daily routines and household chores,With the emergence of various IT products, people are leading a more colorful life with more flexibility and leisure time.情感…. expands people’s social circle. In the past, social relationships were limited by physical factors such asgeographical distance. But nowadays, Because of technological advances, such as the railroad, the automobile, the telephone and the internet, one can travel further and get acquainted with more people.就业… triggers emergence and great progress of various fronts, thereby creating numerous job opportunities知识… enables any person in present-day society to become enlightened and empowered. Modern technology gives infinite and flexible access to information and knowledge. By gathering information from a variety of sources, such as the Internet, mobile phones, E-libraries, online training courses, people can have a broader view of life and equip themselves with various skills and abilities现代科技的一些负面影响:压力Employees are actually working longer, primarily because fax,e-mail or other communication devices have made them accessible to their superiors, colleagues and customers after work, partly depriving workers of their leisure time娱乐a).People’s leisure time (social activities) has beenshrinking as a result of various Internet-based activities. Specifically, web-surfing, on-line shopping has taken up a larger part of people’s after-work life情感…alters their social behaviors and habits. For example, for many people, spending part of the day on the internet is quite normal. Because most internet users are deeply addicted to Internet, they will become socially isolated. Most of them have poor social life and feelings of loneliness.健康a). people have become more and more accustomed to living in a world that appreciates convenience and inactivity. As a result, people are very likely to lose patience and physical vigorb).Too much time spent on the Internet leads to the result that people suffer serious loss of vision, back pain and obesity. It is likely that many people end up struggling with poor health。

39、办公自动化Office Automation (OA)
40、信息高地information highland
41、信息检索information retrieval
21、光谷optical valley
22、虚拟银行virtual bank
24、信息高速公路information superhighway
25、新兴学科new branch of science; emerging discipline
15、基因工程genetic engineering
16、转基因食品genetically modified food (GM food)
17、试管婴儿test-tube baby
18、基因突变genetic mutation
20、三维电影three-dimensional movie
32、神舟五号载人飞船manned spacecraft Shenzhou V
33、风云二号气象卫星Fengyun II meteorological satellite
34、登月舱lunar module
35、多任务小卫星small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)
36、多媒体短信服务Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS)

一、计算机科技(Computer Technology)1. Computer (计算机)2. Software (软件)3. Hardware (硬件)4. Database (数据库)5. Operating system (操作系统)6. Network (网络)7. Internet (互联网)8. Website (网站)9. Browser (浏览器)10. Programming (编程)11. Code (代码)12. Algorithm (算法)13. Artificial intelligence (人工智能)14. Machine learning (机器学习)15. Virtual reality (虚拟现实)16. Augmented reality (增强现实)17. Cloud computing (云计算)18. Cybersecurity (网络安全)19. Encryption (加密)20. Big data (大数据)二、通信科技(Communication Technology)1. Mobile phone (手机)2. Smartphone (智能手机)3. Tablet (平板电脑)4. Laptop (笔记本电脑)5. Wi-Fi (无线网络)6. Bluetooth (蓝牙)7. 5G network (5G网络)8. Satellite (卫星)9. Fiber optic (光纤)10. GPS (全球定位系统)11. VoIP (网络电话)12. Video conference (视频会议)13. Social media (社交媒体)14. Instant messaging (即时通讯)15. Email (电子邮件)16. Online shopping (网上购物)17. E-commerce (电子商务)18. Digital marketing (数字营销)19. Webinar (网络研讨会)20. Internet of Things (物联网)三、创新科技(Innovative Technology)1. Robotics (机器人技术)2. 3D printing (三维打印)3. Nanotechnology (纳米技术)4. Biotechnology (生物技术)5. Green technology (绿色技术)6. Renewable energy (可再生能源)7. Solar power (太阳能)8. Wind power (风能)9. Electric vehicle (电动汽车)10. Biofuel (生物燃料)11. Genetic engineering (基因工程)12. Stem cell research (干细胞研究)13. Quantum computing (量子计算)14. Augmented reality (增强现实)15. Virtual reality (虚拟现实)16. Bioinformatics (生物信息学)17. Clean technology (清洁技术)18. Smart home (智能家居)19. Wearable technology (可穿戴技术)20. Internet of Things (物联网)通过掌握这些科技和创新英语词汇,你能更好地理解和应用相关术语,拓宽自己的专业知识,并与国际社会保持紧密联系。

高科技类的英语四级翻译高频词汇1、网络世界cyber world2、网络文化cyber culture3、网络犯罪cyber crime4、网上购物 online shopping5、高产优质 high yield and high quality6、高科技园 high-tech park7、工业园区 industrial park8、火炬计划 T orch Program (a plan to develop new and high technology)9、信息港info port10、信息革命 information revolution11、电子货币e-currency12、人工智能 artificial intelligence (AI)13、生物技术 bio-technology14、克隆 cloning15、基因工程 genetic engineering16、转基因食品 genetically modified food (GM food)17、试管婴儿 test-tube baby18、基因突变 genetic mutation19、网络出版e-publishing20、三维电影 three-dimensional movie21、光谷 optical valley22、虚拟银行virtual bank23、信息化 informationization24、信息高速公路 information superhighway25、新兴学科 new branch of science; emerging discipline26、纳米 nanometer27、个人数字助理 personal digital assistant (PDA)28、生态农业 environment-friendly agriculture29、技术密集产品 technology-intensive product30、数码科技 digital technology31、同步卫星 geostationary satellite32、神舟五号载人飞船 manned spacecraft Shenzhou V33、风云二号气象卫星 Fengyun II meteorological satellite34、登月舱 lunar module35、多任务小卫星 small multi-mission satellite (SMMS)36、多媒体短信服务 Multimedia Messaging Service ( MMS)37、电子商务 e-business; e-commerce38、电子管理e-management39、办公自动化 Office Automation (OA)40、信息高地 information highland41、信息检索 information retrieval42、电话会议 teleconference43、无土栽培 soilless cultivation44、超级杂交水稻super-hybrid rice45、科技发展 scientific and technological advancement46、重点项目key project47、国家重点工程 national key projects【高科技类的英语四级翻译高频词汇】。

advanced science 尖端科学scientific invention 科学发明exert a far—reaching impact on… 对…产生一种深远的影响double-edged sword 双刃剑earth—shaking changes 翻天覆地的改变pave the way for the future development 为未来的发展铺平道路lay a solid foundation for… 为…打下良好的基础energy crisis 能源危机depletion of resources 能源消耗milestone 里程碑sophisticated equipment 尖端设备technical innovation 科技创新over—commercialized 过渡商业化的a heated discussion 热烈的讨论exhaust gas 废气disastrous 灾难性的compared to/with… 与…相比speedy and comfortable 既快捷又舒适opposite forces 负面影响potential hazards 潜在危险pose a threat to… 对…有一种威胁promote relative industries 促进相关产业发展accelerate 加速…means of transportation 交通方式transportation tools 交通工具social status 社会地位environmentally—friendly resources 环保的能源make people's life easier 使人们生活更方便alternative fuel 可替代燃料sustainable development 可持续性发展scientific exploration 科学探索air travel 航空旅行ridiculous 可笑的absurd 荒唐的substitute 取代overcome difficulties 克服困难make progress 取得进步a sense of national pride 民族自豪感unprecedented 前所未有的soaring 不断上升的give a great push to the economic growth 极大地推动了经济发展see dramatic breakthroughs 取得突破性进展aggravate 使恶化cure—all solution 万能良药portable 便携的innovative 创新的cutting—edge 尖端的cost—effective 性价比高的augment/enhance/boost/ efficiency/productivity 提高生产效率be addicted to/be obsessed with 对···着迷/上瘾technological progress/advances 科技进步be accessible to 容易获得的例句:radio broadcasting is accessible to the audience with no charging fee with the advent of 随着···的到来例句:with the advent of advanced technology 随着高科技的到来pay a heavy price for sth. 为···付出惨痛的代价例句:Human being has paid a heavy price for the its curiosity.人类为了他的好奇心付出了惨痛的代价.。

ceramic 陶瓷的 瓷器 (à ceramics)
insulate 隔离,绝缘à insulator ( conductor)
fiber 纤维 (BE: fibre)fiber optics (纤维光学)
optics 光学 (à optical)
11. sophisticated equipment 尖端设备 12. technical innovation 科技创新 13. expediency 权宜之计 14. antithetical 与背道而驰的 15. over-commercialized 过渡商业化的 16. a heated discussion 强烈的商量 17. exhaust gas 废气 18. disastrous 灾难性的 19. overshadow 使相形见绌 20. compared to/with 与相比 大学英语科技类词汇二 ubiquitous 普遍存在的= omnipresent (^ omniscient, omnipotent) versatile (人)多才多艺的,(物)通用的à versatility alchemy 炼金术 transmute 变形,变质 transmute silver into gold arduous 艰难的 (=strenuous)an arduous task
electrode 电极
distill 蒸馏 distilled water
quartz 石英
phosphorus 磷,磷光物质
inflammable 易燃的 (? flame)
combustion 燃烧 (à combustible)spontaneous combustion
(white phosphorus)
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vanish vi. 消失、突然间消失
例:Myfear varnished. 我的恐惧突然消失
digital a. 数字的、数字显示的
electronica. 电子的
optical a.光的、眼的
universal a.普遍的,全体的;通用的,万能的
solar a.太阳能的
solid a. 固体的、实心的、结实
例:solidfuel固体燃料solid evidence可信的证据
派:solidarityn. 团结solidify v. 凝固infinite a. 无限的、无边无际的
mechanicala. 机械的
precise a. 精确的
派:precisionn. 精确
logical a. 逻辑的
派:logicn. 逻辑illogical a. 不合逻辑的
psychological a. 心理的、心理学的
phenomenonn. 现象、迹象
派:phenomenala. 显著的
考:acommon phenomenon普遍现象
bacteria n. 细菌
element n. 元素、成分、元件
派:elementala. 基本的、元素的elementary a. 基本的、初步的
biology n. 生物学、生态学
evolution n.演变、进化
例:thetheory of evolution进化论
mathematicsn. 算术
派:mathematicala. 数学上的
formula n. 原则、方案、公式
statistic n.统计数值、统计资料
vitamin n. 维生素
protein n. 蛋白质
oxygen n. 氧、氧气
记:oxy(氧的)+gen(产生)=氧气carbon n. 碳
考:carbondioxide二氧化碳measurementn. 衡量、测量
派:measurevt. 衡量,测量intelligencen. 智力、智慧、情报
派:intelligenta. 智慧的
例:artificialintelligence人工智能graph n. 图表、图解
navigationn. 航行、导航
派:navigatev. 导航
例:navigationsystem导航系统dimension n.方面、纬、长(或宽、厚)等派:dimensionala. 空间的
例:threedimensional space三纬空间。