Recognition of crude drugs based on SVM
石河子大学药学院药学英语天然药物化学翻译除文献版PhytochemistryA natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism-found in nature that usually has a pharmacological or biological activity for use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug design. A natural product can be considered as such even if it can be prepared by total synthesis.天然产物是指活的有机体产生的化合物或物质,在天然条件下通常有一定药理或生物活性,它用于药物发现和药物设计。
Natural products may be extracted from tissues of terrestrial plants, marine organisms or microorganism fermentation broths.A crude (untreated) extract from any one of these sources typically contains novel, structurally diverse chemical compounds, which the natural environment is a rich source of.天然产物可提取自陆生植物、海洋生物或是微生物发酵液。
Chemical diversity in nature is based on biological and geographical diversity, so researchers travel around the world obtaining samples to analyze and evaluate in drug discovery screens or bioassays. This effort to search for natural products is known as bioprospecting在自然界中,化学多样性实质上取决于生物多样性和地理多样性,因此研究者们会在世界各地获取样本并在药物发现筛选或生物鉴定中加以分析和评价。
结果:复方一枝蒿颗粒0.7、0.9 g生药/(kg·d)2个剂量组可发挥稳定的抗病毒抗菌作用,并可显著抑制小鼠毛细血管通透性及大鼠棉球肉芽肿形成,减少小鼠扭体次数。
结论:复方一枝蒿颗粒在0.7~0.9 g生药/(kg·d)剂量范围内对幼龄动物模型具有良好的抗病毒、抗菌、抗炎、镇痛作用。
关键词儿童用药;复方一枝蒿颗粒;抗病毒;抗炎;镇痛;甲型H1N1流行性感冒病毒;有效性;用法用量Abstract Objective:To explore the efficacy and optimal effective dose range of Fufang Yizhihao Granules and provide the reference for the effectiveness and dosage of children′s clinical medication.Methods:The anti-viral effect was observed through the pneumonia model and death model of young mice caused by H1N1 influenza virus infection; the anti-inflammatory effect was observed by the abdominal capillary permeability test and the cotton ball granuloma test; writhing test was used to observe its analgesic effect; Staphylococcus aureus infection-induced death model of young mice was used to observe its antibacterial effect,and LPS-induced young rabbit fever model was used to observe its antipyretic effect.Results:0.7 and 0.9 g/(kg·d)(content of crude drugs )of Fufang Yizhihao Granules had stable antiviral and antibacterial effects,inhibited capillary permeability and formation of rat cotton granuloma,and reduced the number of writhing times in mice.Conclusion:Fufang Yizhihao Granules have significant antiviral,antibacterial,anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects on young animal models in the range of 0.7~0.9 g/(kg·d).Keywords Children′s drugs; Fufang Yizhihao Granules; Antiviral; Anti-inflammatory; Analgesia;Type A H1N1 influenza virus; Effectiveness; Usage and dosage中图分类号:R285.5文献标识码:Adoi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-7202.2021.14.006儿童(尤其是2~12岁)是流行性感冒(简称流感)的易感人群,据统计,在秋冬季节流感流行季,有30%~40%的学龄前及学龄期儿童会感染此病[1]。
ISO(International Organization for Standardization):国际标准化组织日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士日内瓦WHO(World Health Organization):世界卫生组织是联合国属下的专门机构,国际最大的公共卫生组织,总部设于瑞士日内瓦PIC/S(Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme):国际医药品稽查协约组织由欧洲自由贸易区(EFTA)组建ICH(International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use):人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会由欧盟(EU)、欧洲制药工业协会联合会(EFPIA)、日本厚生省(MHW)、日本制药工业协会(JPMA)、美国FDA、美国药物研究生产联合会(PRMA)等机构组成WHO、EFTA、加拿大卫生保健局(CHPB)为观察员ISPE(International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering):国际制药工程协会是致力于培训制药领域专家并提升制药行业水准的世界最大的非盈利性组织之一,在美国坦帕州设有全球总部,在布鲁塞尔设有欧洲总部,亚洲总部在新加坡HHS(United States Department of Health and Human Services):美国卫生及公共服务部(美国卫生部)FDA(Food and Drug Administration):美国食品药品监督管理局(HHS下属机构)PDA(Parenteral Drug Association):美国注射剂协会EPA(Environmental Protection Agency):美国国家环境保护局CDER(Center for Drug Evaluation and Research):FDA药物评价与研究中心EMEA(The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products):欧洲药物评审组织MHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare):日本厚生省,现改为厚生劳动省MHLW(Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare),负责医疗卫生和社会保障的主要部门D&B(Dun & Bradstreet):邓白氏公司DUNS(Data Universal Numbering System):邓白氏公司提供的唯一的公司代号,用于信用评级等在SMF文件中会用到GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice):药品良好生产规范cGMP(Current Good Manufacture Practices):动态药品生产管理规范,即现行的GLP(Good Laboratory Practice):药物非临床研究质量管理规范,及优良实验室规范GSP(Good Supplying Practice):药品经营质量管理规范,及良好的药品供应规范GAP(Good Agricultural Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs):中药材生产质量管理规范GDP(Good Documentation Practice):良好文件管理GEP(Good Engineering Practice):工程设计规范GAMP(Good Automated Manufacturing Practice):优良自动化生产规范USP(united states pharmacopeia):美国药典EP(European Pharmacopeia):欧洲药典JP(Japanese Pharmacopoeia):日本药典CFR(Code of Federal Regulations):美国联邦法律CFR 21 Part 11(Code of Federal Registry Part11):联邦法规法律标题21第11部分CEP/COS(Certificate of Suitability to the monographs of European Pharmacopoeia):欧洲药典适应性认证证书CEP认证,COS证书CTD(Common Technical Document):国际注册用常规技术文件CTD文件是国际公认的文件编写格式,用来制作一个向药品注册机构递交的结构完善的注册申请文件EHS(Environment、Health、Safety):环境-健康-安全管理体系HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point):(保健食品)危害分析和关键控制点REACH(REGULATION concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals):欧盟规章《化学品注册、评估、许可和限制》,欧盟建立的,并于2007年6月1日起实施的化学品监管体系ICH-Q1A:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验ICH-Q1B:稳定性试验:新原料药和制剂的光稳定性试验ICH-Q1C:稳定性试验:新剂型的要求ICH-Q1D:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验的括号法和矩阵法设计ICH-Q1E:稳定性数据的评价ICH-Q1F:气候带Ⅲ和Ⅳ注册申请的稳定性数据ICH-Q2A:分析步骤验证:正文ICH-Q2B:分析步骤验证:方法学ICH-Q3A:原料药中的杂质ICH-Q3B:新制剂中的杂质ICH-Q3C:杂质;残留溶剂的指导原则ICH-Q4 :药典ICH-Q4A :药典的同一化ICH-Q4B:各地区使用的药典正文评估和建议ICH-Q5A:来源于人或动物细胞系的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评价ICH-Q5B:生物技术产品的质量:rDNA衍生蛋白质产品生产细胞的表达构建体分析ICH-Q5C:生物技术产品的质量:生物制品/生物技术产品的稳定性试验ICH-Q5D:用于生物技术产品及生物制品生产的细胞基质的来源和鉴定ICH-Q5E:生物技术产品/生物制品在工艺变更时的可比性ICH-Q6A:质量标准新原料药和制剂的检测以及可接受标准:化学物质ICH-Q6B:质量标准:生物技术产品及生物制品的检测方法和可接受标准ICH-Q7 :原料药良好制造规范(ICH-Q7A的新版)ICH-Q7A:原料药的GMP规范ICH-Q8 :药物研发指南ICH-Q9 :质量风险管理ICH- Q10(PQS):药物质量体系QA(Quality Assurance):质量保证QC(Quality Control):质量控制QRM(Quality Risk Management):质量风险管理IPC(Inproceics Quality Control):制程品质控制/中控OOS(Out of Specification):检验结果超标OOT(Out of Trend):超趋势结果OOL(Out of Limit):超出极限的结果,如温湿度等OOE(Out of Expectation):超期望结果SAL(Sterility Assurance Level):无菌保证水平灭菌后微生物的存活概率的负对数,要求≥6D值:杀灭90%的微生物所需要的时间,D值越大,微生物死亡越难,D值与细菌的耐热性成正比Z值:指灭菌时间减少到原来的10%所需要升高的温度或是相同的灭菌时间内杀死99%的微生物所需要提高的温度F值:为一定温度下,给定Z值所产生的灭局效果与参比温度T0下给定Z值所产生的灭菌效果相同时所相当的时间F值用于干热灭菌F0值:为一定温度下,Z值为10℃产生的灭菌效果与120℃,Z值为10℃时产生的灭菌效果相当的时间,t分钟内的灭菌效果相当于120℃下灭菌F0分钟的效果F0被称为标准灭菌时间,用于热压灭菌LRV:除菌过滤的对数下降值LRV=lgN0-lgNSOP(Standard Operation Procedure):标准操作规程DMF(Drug Master File):药品主文件SMF(Site Master File):工厂主文件URS(User Requirement Specification):用户需求标准FS(Functional Specification):功能标准DS(Design Specification):设计标准DQ(Design Qualification):设计确认IQ(Installation Qualification):安装确认OQ(Operational Qualification):运行确认PQ(Performance Qualification):性能确认RQ(Requalification):再确认CAPA(Corrective Action & Preventive Action):纠正预防系统,Q10的四大要素之一QbD(Quality by Design):质量源于设计COA(Certificate of Analysis):分析证书/检验报告书/检验报告单BPR(Batch Production Record):批生产记录API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients):药物活性成分,通常指的原料药。
(医疗药品管理)常用药品监管英语与缩略语常用药品监管英语与缩略语——浙江省药品监督管理局政策法规处一、监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。
国际组织ISO(International Organization for Standardization):国际标准化组织日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士日内瓦WHO(World Health Organization):世界卫生组织是联合国属下的专门机构,国际最大的公共卫生组织,总部设于瑞士日内瓦PIC/S(Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme):国际医药品稽查协约组织由欧洲自由贸易区(EFTA)组建ICH(International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human U se):人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会由欧盟(EU)、欧洲制药工业协会联合会(EFPIA)、日本厚生省(MHW)、日本制药工业协会(JPMA)、美国FDA、美国药物研究生产联合会(PRMA)等机构组成WHO、EFTA、加拿大卫生保健局(CHPB)为观察员ISPE(International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering):国际制药工程协会是致力于培训制药领域专家并提升制药行业水准的世界最大的非盈利性组织之一,在美国坦帕州设有全球总部,在布鲁塞尔设有欧洲总部,亚洲总部在新加坡HHS(United States Department of Health and Human Services):美国卫生及公共服务部(美国卫生部)FDA(Food and Drug Administration):美国食品药品监督管理局(HHS下属机构) PDA(Parenteral Drug Association):美国注射剂协会 EPA(Environmental Protection Agency):美国国家环境保护局CDER(Center for Drug Evaluation and Research):FDA药物评价与研究中心EMEA(The European Agency for the Evaluation of Medicinal Products):欧洲药物评审组织MHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare):日本厚生省,现改为厚生劳动省MHLW (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare),负责医疗卫生和社会保障的主要部门 D&B(Dun & Bradstreet):邓白氏公司DUNS(DataUniversal Numbering System):邓白氏公司提供的唯一的公司代号,用于信用评级等在SMF文件中会用到ATCC(American Type Culture Collection):美国模式培养物集存库 ASTM(American Society for Testing Materials):美国材料与试验协会法规GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice):药品良好生产规范cGMP(Current Good Manufacture Practices):动态药品生产管理规范,即现行的 GLP(Good Laboratory Practice):药物非临床研究质量管理规范,及优良实验室规范 GSP(Good Supplying Practice):药品经营质量管理规范,及良好的药品供应规范 GAP(Good Agricultural Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs):中药材生产质量管理规范 GDP (Good Documentation Practice):良好文件管理 GEP(Good Engineering Practice):工程设计规范GAMP(Good Automated Manufacturing Practice):优良自动化生产规范 USP(united states pharmacopeia):美国药典 EP(European Pharmacopeia):欧洲药典 JP(Japanese Pharmacopoeia):日本药典 CFR(Code of Federal Regulations):美国联邦法律CFR 21 Part 11(Code of Federal Registry Part11):联邦法规法律标题21第11部分 CEP/COS (Certificate of Suitability to the monographs of European Pharmacopoeia):欧洲药典适应性认证证书CEP认证,COS 证书CTD(Common Technical Document):国际注册用常规技术文件CTD文件是国际公认的文件编写格式,用来制作一个向药品注册机构递交的结构完善的注册申请文件 EHS(Environment、Health、Safety):环境-健康-安全管理体系HACCP(Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point):(保健食品)危害分析和关键控制点 REACH (REGULATION concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals):欧盟规章《化学品注册、评估、许可和限制》,欧盟建立的,并于2007年6月1日起实施的化学品监管体系ICH法规ICH-Q1A:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验ICH-Q1B:稳定性试验:新原料药和制剂的光稳定性试验ICH-Q1C:稳定性试验:新剂型的要求ICH-Q1D:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验的括号法和矩阵法设计ICH-Q1E:稳定性数据的评价ICH-Q1F:气候带Ⅲ和Ⅳ注册申请的稳定性数据ICH-Q2A:分析步骤验证:正文ICH-Q2B:分析步骤验证:方法学ICH-Q3A:原料药中的杂质ICH-Q3B:新制剂中的杂质ICH-Q3C:杂质;残留溶剂的指导原则ICH-Q4:药典ICH-Q4A:药典的同一化ICH-Q4B:各地区使用的药典正文评估和建议ICH-Q5A:来源于人或动物细胞系的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评价ICH-Q5B:生物技术产品的质量:rDNA衍生蛋白质产品生产细胞的表达构建体分析ICH-Q5C:生物技术产品的质量:生物制品生物技术产品的稳定性试验ICH-Q5D:用于生物技术产品及生物制品生产的细胞基质的来源和鉴定ICH-Q5E:生物技术产品生物制品在工艺变更时的可比性ICH-Q6A:质量标准新原料药和制剂的检测以及可接受标准:化学物质ICH-Q6B:质量标准:生物技术产品及生物制品的检测方法和可接受标准ICH-Q7:原料药良好制造规范(ICH-Q7A的新版)ICH-Q7A:原料药的GMP规范ICH-Q8:药物研发指南ICH-Q9:质量风险管理ICH- Q10(PQS):药物质量体系ICH-Q11:原料药研发与生产常见术语QA(Quality Assurance):质量保证QC(Quality Control):质量控制CQA(Critical Quality Attribute):关键质量属性QRM(Quality Risk Management):质量风险管理IPC(InproceicsQuality Control):制程品质控制/中控OOS(Out of Specification):检验结果超标OOT(Out of Trend):超趋势结果OOL(Out of Limit):超出极限的结果,如温湿度等OOE(Out of Expectation):超期望结果SOP(Standard Operation Procedure):标准操作规程DMF(Drug Master File):药品主文件SMF(Site Master File):工厂主文件URS(User Requirement Specification):用户需求标准FAT(Factory Acceptance Test):工厂验收测试SAT(Site Acceptance Test):现场验收测试FS(Functional Specification):功能标准DS(Design Specification):设计标准DQ(Design Qualification):设计确认IQ(Installation Qualification):安装确认OQ(Operational Qualification):运行确认PQ(Performance Qualification):性能确认RQ(Requalification):再确认CAPA(Corrective Action & Preventive Action):纠正预防系统,Q10的四大要素之一QbD(Quality byDesign):质量源于设计PMC(Product Material Control):生产物料控制PC生产控制;MC物料控制CMC(Chemistry and manufacture control):生产和化学控制APR(Annual Products Review):年度质量回顾CNC(Controlled Non-Classified Area):受控非洁净区应用技术APS(Aseptic Processing Simulation):培养基模拟灌装CIP(Cleaning in Place):原位清洗(全自动,如针剂配制系统)WIP(Washing in Place):在线清洁(半自动,需要手动的拆卸,如流化床)SIP(Sterilization in Place):在线灭菌BFS(Blowing Filling and Sealing):吹-灌-封PA T(Process Analytical Technology):过程分析技术PLC(Programmable Logic Controller):可编程逻辑控制EDI(Electrodeionization):一种制备纯化水的离子交换技术MAC(Minimum Acceptable Cycle):最低可接受程序SAM(Steam-Air Mixture):蒸汽空气混合气体灭菌程序WIT(Water IntrusionTest):水侵入测试(东富龙疏水性滤器的在线进行完整性测试的方法) BP(Bubble Point Test):起跑点试验FF(Forward Flow/Diffusive Flow):前进流、扩散流试验HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography):高效液相色谱GC(Gas Chromatography):气相色谱FTIR(Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy):傅氏转换红外线光谱分析仪MS(Mass Spectroscopy):质谱LC/MS:液质联用GC/MS:气质联用TOC(Total Organic Carbon):总有机碳NVR(NonvolatileResidue):不挥发残留物RFS(Ready for Sterilization):免洗胶塞RFU(Ready for Use):即用胶塞物品名称SVP(Small V olume Parenteral):小容量注射剂 LVP(Large Volume Parenteral):大容量注射剂 APA (Aseptic Processing Area):无菌区P&ID(Piping and Instrument Diagram):工艺管道仪表流程图 PFD(Process Flow Diagram):工艺流程图 UFD (Utility Flow Diagram):公用工程流程图HV AC(Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning):供热空气调节净化系统 HEPA(High Efficiency Particulate Air Filter):高效过滤器 FFU(Fan Filter Units):风机滤器单元 AHU(Air Handling Unit):空气处理单元COA(Certificate of Analysis):分析证书/检验报告书/检验报告单 BPR(Batch Production Record):批生产记录API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients):药物活性成分,通常指的原料药 WFI(Water for Injection):注射用水DOP:为邻苯二甲酸二辛酯,HEPA检漏用的气溶胶 PAO:聚-α-烯烃,HEPA检漏用的气溶胶 IBC (IntermediateBulkContainer):中型散装容器 FBD(Fluid Bed Dryer):流化床IRTD(IntelligentResistance Temperature Detector):智能热电阻温度探头,标准温度探头 SV(Solenoid Valve):电磁阀FV:气动阀P/HG(Porous/Hard Goods Loads):多孔/坚硬装载,包括过滤器、胶塞、软管、拖把、工作服、塞子、清洁器具或设备的更换部件。
药学英语单词短语总结药学英语单词短语总结1.具有成药性潜力的新化合物:New compounds with potential of drug resistance2.液相色谱-核磁共振联用法:liquid chromatography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy3.法定手册:Legal manual4.心血管、呼吸、内分泌和神经系统:Cardiovascular、Respiratory、Endocrine and nervous system5.新药的研究与开发:Research and development of new drugs6.针对癌症的高通量筛选:High throughput screening for cancer7.非处方药:Over-the-counter drugs(OTC)8.处方药:Prescription9.药品的用法和用量:Usage and dosage of drugs10.目标分析物的衍生化:Derivation of target analytes11.标准操作规程:standard operating procedures:12.药效学和药物代谢动力学:Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics13.适应症和禁忌症:Indications and contraindications14.免疫原性和免疫毒性:Immunogenicity and immunetoxicity15.优质药品生产质量管理规范:Good manufacturing practice (GMP)16.紫外---可见分光光度法:UV Vis spectrophotometric method17.微生物发酵液:Microbial fermentation broth18.多药耐药:Multi drug resistance(MDR)19.肿瘤干细胞:Tumor stem cells20.脱氧核糖核酸和寡聚脱氧核苷酸:DNA and oligodeoxynucleotide21.糖尿病:Diabetes mellitus22.新药申请:New drug application23.二次代谢产物:second metabolites24.先导化合物:Lead compound25.胰岛素分泌:Insulin secretion26.统计学显著意义:Statistically significant27.缺血性中风:Ischemic stroke28.生理学和病理学:Physiology and pathology29.失效期:beyond-use date30.假劣药品:Counterfeit drugs31.出院后的药学护理:Pharmaceutical care after hospital discharge32.警告和注意事项:Warnings and precautions33.教学医院:T eaching hospital34.陆地植物:T errestrial plant35.多学科领域:Multidisciplinary field36.基于实验室的细胞和分子技术:Cell and molecular techniques based on laboratory37.帕金森病的流行病学:Epidemiology of Parkinson's disease38.相对标准偏差:relative standard deviation39.质量管理概念和药品生产质量管理规范:Quality management concept andGMP40.康复:Recure41.高效液相色谱法:High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)42.免疫血液学:immunehematology43.心功能不全:Cardiac functional insufficiency44.免疫测定:Immunoassay。
PhytochemistryA natural product is a chemical compound or substance produced by a living organism-found in nature that usually has a pharmacological or biological activity for use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and drug design. A natural product can be considered as such even if it can be prepared by total synthesis.天然产物是指活的有机体产生的化合物或物质,在天然条件下通常有一定药理或生物活性,它用于药物发现和药物设计。
Natural products may be extracted from tissues of terrestrial plants, marine organisms or microorganism fermentation broths. A crude (untreated) extract from any one of these sources typically contains novel, structurally diverse chemical compounds, which the natural environment is a rich source of.天然产物可提取自陆生植物、海洋生物或是微生物发酵液。
Chemical diversity in nature is based on biological and geographical diversity, so researchers travel around the world obtaining samples to analyze and evaluate in drug discovery screens or bioassays. This effort to search for natural products is known as bioprospecting在自然界中,化学多样性实质上取决于生物多样性和地理多样性,因此研究者们会在世界各地获取样本并在药物发现筛选或生物鉴定中加以分析和评价。
专业英语词汇总结Section 1生药部分中药研究现状及中药现代化一、加强中国药用植物基础研究及其与中药现代化的联系/Strengthening basic researches on Chinese Medicinal Plants and its relations to realizing the modernization of CMM记载be recorded来源derived from中医药Traditional Chinese Medicine,short for TCM卫生事业health care,health undertakings中草药Chinese traditional medicinal herbs疗效reliable therapeutical effectstherapeutic[,θer?'pju:t?k]adj.治疗(学)的;疗法的;对身心健康有益的副作用side-effectsl中医药的健康理念和临床医疗模式体现了现代医学的发展趋势。
The health concept and clinical practice reflect the trend of modern science新的科学技术潮流(the new tide of science and technology)二、中药资源及其研究成果/Chinese Medicinal Plant resources and achievement of its scientific research中药资源(medicinal plant resources)普查(surveys)专项研究(special projects)药用植物资源(the Chinese medicinal resources)科学鉴定(scientific identification)化学成分(chemical constituents)药理实验(pharmacological experiments临床适应症(clinical applications)研究(projects)新著作(new works)各论(monographs)手册(manuals)《中国药典》The pharmacopoeia of the people’s Republic of China药典Pharmacopoeia药用植物学Pharmaceutical Botany本草学Herbology中药学The Chinese Materia Medica药用植物分类学Pharmaceutical Plant Taxonomy植物化学Phytochemistry植物化学分类学Plant Chemotaxonomy药用植物志Flora of Medicinal Plant中药药剂学traditional Chinese Pharmaceutics中药炮制学Science of processing Chinese Crude Drugs中药鉴定学Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine中药药理学Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicines青蒿素artemisin奎宁quinine、氯奎宁chloroquine衍生物derivatives氯奎宁耐受性疟疾chloroquine resistant malaria急性疟疾pernicious malaria脑部疟疾cerebral malaria显著疗效marked effect chloroquine resistant malaria/抗氯喹啉疟疾Pernicious(有害的)malaria/急性疟疾cerebral malaria/脑疟疾derivatives/衍生物quinine/喹啉含有氮原子的化合物,在英文命名中多以-ine结尾Mono-/一Di-/二Tri-/三Tetra-/四Petan-/五Hexa-/六Hepta-/七Octa-/八Nona-/九Deca-/十三尖杉酯碱harringtonine、高三尖杉酯碱homoharringtonine白血病leukemia和恶性淋巴瘤malignant lymphoma银杏黄酮ginkgetin丹参酮tanshinon IIA治疗冠心病coronary heart diseasesNew drug developments/新药开发Health products/保健品质量控制Quality control修订revise常用中药common-used Chinese materia medica国家标准the national standards三、中药所面临的挑战/Chinese Medicinal Herbs Facing a Challenge中成药及其制剂traditional Chinese patent medicines and preparations基础研究basic researches生产production、流通marketing研究researchIdentification of species/品种鉴定鉴定和鉴别identifying and clarifying变种varieties伪品false matters。
清除自由基能力的研究概况陶涛(西南林业大学林学院农学(药用植物)昆明 650224)摘要:自由基及其诱导的氧化反应是导致生物衰老和某些疾病如癌症、糖尿病、一心血管疾病等的重要因素。
关键词:自由基;乳酸茵;抗氧化.Study on the scavenging ability of lactic acid bacteriaon free radicalbstract:Free radical and its inducing oxiditative reaction may CaUSe biological doat and certain diseases such as Cancers,diabetes and the cat- diovascular.The lactic acid baaeria as one ofbiological SOUrCeS oxidation inhibitor is becoming more and more popular in the fields offood.,drug manufacture and chemical industry.This article mainly reviews the screening methods for antioxidative of lactic add bacteria among domestic andforeign countries,the advance of the research progress in lactic add bacteria antioxidative and r∞earch trends in future.引言氧化过程可以提供能量.对大多数生物体来说,是维持生命必不可少的一个能量转化过程。
常用制药GMP英文词汇————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:ﻩ国际组织ISO(InternationalOrganization for Standardization):国际标准化组织日常办事机构是中央秘书处,设在瑞士日内瓦WHO(World Health Organization):世界卫生组织是联合国属下的专门机构,国际最大的公共卫生组织,总部设于瑞士日内瓦PIC/S(Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention/Pharmaceutical Inspec tion Cooperation Scheme):国际医药品稽查协约组织由欧洲自由贸易区(EFTA)组建ICH(International Conferenceon Harmonizationof TechnicalRequirementsforRegistrationof PharmaceuticalsforHuman Use):人用药物注册技术要求国际协调会由欧盟(EU)、欧洲制药工业协会联合会(EFPIA)、日本厚生省(MHW)、日本制药工业协会(JPMA)、美国FDA、美国药物研究生产联合会(PRMA)等机构组成WHO、EFTA、加拿大卫生保健局(CHPB)为观察员ISPE(International Societyfor PharmaceuticalEngineering):国际制药工程协会是致力于培训制药领域专家并提升制药行业水准的世界最大的非盈利性组织之一,在美国坦帕州设有全球总部,在布鲁塞尔设有欧洲总部,亚洲总部在新加坡HHS(United StatesDepartment of HealthandHuman Services):美国卫生及公共服务部(美国卫生部)FDA(Food and DrugAdministration):美国食品药品监督管理局(HHS下属机构)PDA(Parenteral DrugAssociation):美国注射剂协会EPA(Environmental Protection Agency):美国国家环境保护局CDER(Center for Drug Evaluationand Research):FDA药物评价与研究中心EMEA(The European Agency for the Evaluationof MedicinalProducts):欧洲药物评审组织MHW(Ministry of Health and Welfare):日本厚生省,现改为厚生劳动省MHLW(Mini stryofHealth,Laborand Welfare),负责医疗卫生和社会保障的主要部门D&B(Dun&Bradstreet):邓白氏公司DUNS(Data UniversalNumbering System):邓白氏公司提供的唯一的公司代号,用于信用评级等在SMF文件中会用到ATCC(AmericanType Culture Collection):美国模式培养物集存库ASTM(AmericanSocietyfor Testing Materials):美国材料与试验协会法规GMP(Good Manufacturing Practice):药品良好生产规范cGMP(Current Good Manufacture Practices):动态药品生产管理规范,即现行的GLP(Good Laboratory Practice):药物非临床研究质量管理规范,及优良实验室规范GSP(GoodSupplyingPractice):药品经营质量管理规范,及良好的药品供应规范GAP(Good Agricultural Practice for Chinese Crude Drugs):中药材生产质量管理规范GDP(GoodDocumentationPractice):良好文件管理GEP(GoodEngineeringPractice):工程设计规范GAMP(GoodAutomated Manufacturing Practice):优良自动化生产规范USP(united states pharmacopeia):美国药典EP(EuropeanPharmacopeia):欧洲药典JP(Japanese Pharmacopoeia):日本药典CFR(Code ofFederal Regulations):美国联邦法律CFR21 Part 11(Code of Federal RegistryPart11):联邦法规法律标题21第11部分CEP/COS(Certificateo f S uitability to themonographsofE uropeanPharmacopoeia):欧洲药典适应性认证证书CEP认证,COS证书CTD(Common Technical Document):国际注册用常规技术文件CTD文件是国际公认的文件编写格式,用来制作一个向药品注册机构递交的结构完善的注册申请文件EHS(Environment、Health、Safety):环境-健康-安全管理体系HACCP(HazardAnalysisand Critical Control Point):(保健食品)危害分析和关键控制点REACH(REGULATIONconcerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authori zationandRestriction of Chemicals):欧盟规章《化学品注册、评估、许可和限制》,欧盟建立的,并于2007年6月1日起实施的化学品监管体系ICH法规ICH-Q1A:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验ICH-Q1B:稳定性试验:新原料药和制剂的光稳定性试验ICH-Q1C:稳定性试验:新剂型的要求ICH-Q1D:新原料药和制剂的稳定性试验的括号法和矩阵法设计ICH-Q1E:稳定性数据的评价ICH-Q1F:气候带Ⅲ和Ⅳ注册申请的稳定性数据ICH-Q2A:分析步骤验证:正文ICH-Q2B:分析步骤验证:方法学ICH-Q3A:原料药中的杂质ICH-Q3B:新制剂中的杂质ICH-Q3C:杂质;残留溶剂的指导原则ICH-Q4:药典ICH-Q4A:药典的同一化ICH-Q4B:各地区使用的药典正文评估和建议ICH-Q5A:来源于人或动物细胞系的生物技术产品的病毒安全性评价ICH-Q5B:生物技术产品的质量:rDNA衍生蛋白质产品生产细胞的表达构建体分析ICH-Q5C:生物技术产品的质量:生物制品/生物技术产品的稳定性试验ICH-Q5D:用于生物技术产品及生物制品生产的细胞基质的来源和鉴定ICH-Q5E:生物技术产品/生物制品在工艺变更时的可比性ICH-Q6A:质量标准新原料药和制剂的检测以及可接受标准:化学物质ICH-Q6B:质量标准:生物技术产品及生物制品的检测方法和可接受标准ICH-Q7:原料药良好制造规范(ICH-Q7A的新版)ICH-Q7A:原料药的GMP规范ICH-Q8:药物研发指南ICH-Q9:质量风险管理ICH-Q10(PQS):药物质量体系ICH-Q11:原料药研发与生产常见术语QA(Quality Assurance):质量保证QC(Quality Control):质量控制CQA(CriticalQualityAttribute):关键质量属性QRM(QualityRisk Management):质量风险管理IPC(InproceicsQuality Control):制程品质控制/中控OOS(Out of Specification):检验结果超标OOT(Out of Trend):超趋势结果OOL(Out of Limit):超出极限的结果,如温湿度等OOE(Out of Expectation):超期望结果SOP(Standard OperationProcedure):标准操作规程DMF(Drug MasterFile):药品主文件SMF(Site MasterFile):工厂主文件URS(User Requirement Specification):用户需求标准FAT(Factory AcceptanceTest):工厂验收测试SAT(SiteAcceptance Test):现场验收测试FS(Functional Specification):功能标准DS(Design Specification):设计标准DQ(Design Qualification):设计确认IQ(Installation Qualification):安装确认OQ(Operational Qualification):运行确认PQ(Performance Qualification):性能确认RQ(Requalification):再确认CAPA(Corrective Action& Preventive Action):纠正预防系统,Q10的四大要素之一QbD(Quality by Design):质量源于设计PMC(ProductMaterial Control):生产物料控制PC生产控制;MC物料控制CMC(Chemistry and manufacture control):生产和化学控制APR(AnnualProducts Review):年度质量回顾CNC(Controlled Non-Classified Area):受控非洁净区应用技术APS(Aseptic Processing Simulation):培养基模拟灌装CIP(Cleaning in Place):原位清洗(全自动,如针剂配制系统)WIP(Washing inPlace):在线清洁(半自动,需要手动的拆卸,如流化床)SIP(Sterilization in Place):在线灭菌BFS(BlowingFilling and Sealing):吹-灌-封PAT(Process AnalyticalTechnology):过程分析技术PLC(Programmable Logic Controller):可编程逻辑控制EDI(Electrodeionization):一种制备纯化水的离子交换技术MAC(Minimum Acceptable Cycle):最低可接受程序SAM(Steam-Air Mixture):蒸汽空气混合气体灭菌程序WIT(WaterIntrusion Test):水侵入测试(东富龙疏水性滤器的在线进行完整性测试的方法)BP(BubblePoint Test):起跑点试验FF(ForwardFlow/Diffusive Flow):前进流、扩散流试验HPLC(High Performance Liquid Chromatography):高效液相色谱GC(Gas Chromatography):气相色谱FTIR(Fourier TransformInfrared spectroscopy):傅氏转换红外线光谱分析仪MS(Mass Spectroscopy):质谱LC/MS:液质联用GC/MS:气质联用TOC(Total Organic Carbon):总有机碳NVR(Nonvolatile Residue):不挥发残留物RFS(Ready for Sterilization):免洗胶塞RFU(Ready for Use):即用胶塞物品名称SVP(Small Volume Parenteral):小容量注射剂LVP(LargeVolume Parenteral):大容量注射剂APA(Aseptic ProcessingArea):无菌区P&ID(Piping and Instrument Diagram):工艺管道仪表流程图PFD(Process Flow Diagram):工艺流程图UFD(UtilityFlow Diagram):公用工程流程图HVAC(Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning):供热空气调节净化系统HEPA(HighEfficiencyParticulate Air Filter):高效过滤器FFU(Fan Filter Units):风机滤器单元AHU(Air Handling Unit):空气处理单元COA(Certificate ofAnalysis):分析证书/检验报告书/检验报告单BPR(Batch Production Record):批生产记录API(Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients):药物活性成分,通常指的原料药WFI(Waterfor Injection):注射用水DOP:为邻苯二甲酸二辛酯,HEPA检漏用的气溶胶PAO:聚-α-烯烃,HEPA检漏用的气溶胶IBC(IntermediateBulk Container):中型散装容器FBD(Fluid BedDryer):流化床IRTD(Intelligent ResistanceTemperature Detector):智能热电阻温度探头,标准温度探头SV(Solenoid Valve):电磁阀FV:气动阀P/HG(Porous/Hard Goods Loads):多孔/坚硬装载,包括过滤器、胶塞、软管、拖把、工作服、塞子、清洁器具或设备的更换部件。
Unit one1. A full appreciation of the physiology of a living organism must be based on a soundknowledge of its anatomy. Anatomy does not merely study the separation of parts, but the accurate description of the morphologies and functions of different organs.2.Our daily food intake must match requirements and any excess must be excreted for balanceto be maintained.3.The process of stabilization of the internal environment is called homeostasis and is essentialif the cells of the body are to function normally.4.Human cells have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to liberatesufficient energy for their activities.5.As long as normal conditions are maintained in this internal environment, the cells of thebody continue to live and function properly.Unit two1.Biochemistry asks how the thousands of different biomolecules interact with each other toconfer the remarkable properties of living organisms.2.Enzymes are catalysts that accelerate the rates of biological reactions. Each enzyme is veryspecific in its function and acts only in a particular metabolic reaction.3.One of the most fruitful approaches to understand biological phenomena has been to purifyan individual chemical component, such as a protein, from a living organism and to characterize its chemical structure or catalytic activity.4.The chemical principles that govern the properties of biological molecules include thecovalent bonding of carbon with itself and with other elements and the functional groups that appear in common biological molecules, etc.5.The basic unit of DNA is a linear polymer of four different monomeric subunits,deoxyribonucleotides, arranged in a precise linear sequence.Unit three1.Although the existence of microbes was determined almost three hundred years ago, thestudy of microbiology is only getting started compared with zoology and botany.2.In ancient times, the existence of microbes was hypothesized and they might be theresponsible agent of diseases, which was pure speculation(推断) as there was no microscope at the time.3.The first one who suggested taxonomic classification(分类法) of bacteria and discoveredspores is Ferdinand Cohn, a botanist who studied algae and photosynthetic bacteria. He established bacteriology.4.Microbes may be tiny, but the field of microbiology is relatively huge, which encompassesmany subdisciplines affecting people’s life and health a lot.5.Some of microbes may cause diseases but not all microbes are detriment, such as some ofthem used in industrial fermentation(发酵) to make wine and vinegar(醋).Unit four1.The science of the effects of drugs on the body is called pharmacology, and the scientistswho study it are pharmacologists. Pharmacology is not a science that can be studied on its own, but that closely related to other branches of science. Pharmacologists should not only understand the normal process that take place in the body, but know how the functions of the body are affected by disease.2.For physicians and medical students, the scope of pharmacology is not so expansive as itscommon definition. The clinician is interested primarily in drugs that are useful in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of human disease, or in the prevention of pregnancy. 3.All physicians should share the responsibility to resolve kinds of sociological problems causedby the abuse of drugs, properly used, drugs are great blessing to mankind; improperly used, they could destroy human race. When a patient, particularly the elderly is prescribed frequently to take more than one therapeutic agent, drug interactions resulting in toxicity will occur.4.At one time, it was essential for the physician to have broad botanical knowledge, becausethey had to possess the ability and skill to select proper plants from which to prepare his own crude medicinal preparations.5.The study of biochemical and physiological effects of drugs and their mechanisms of action istermed as pharmacodynamics, whose uniqueness lies mainly in that its attention is focused on the characteristics of the drug. As a broader science, it borrows freely from both the theories and experimental techniques of the drug. As a broader science, it borrows freely from both the theories and experimental techniques of physiology, bio chemistry, immunology, and pathology.Unit Five1.To fight against disease, the immune system generates proteins known as antibodies thatbind to invading organisms. But the real case is that the immune system is not to develop a specialized antibody each time it is faced with a new pathogen. In fact, the immune system select the most effective one by mass screening of its antibody repertoire, thus identifying the ones that work best.2.In a process called combinatorial chemistry, chemists generate a large number of relatedcompounds and then screen the collection for the ones that could have medicinal value.3.In a parallel synthesis, chemists often use a so-called microtiter plate to assemble all theproducts separately in their own reaction vessels.4. A parallel synthesis and a split-and-mix synthesisare different with that in a parallel synthesis,all the products are assembled separately in their own reaction containers, while in a split-and-mix synthesis, the related compounds are mixed up in the same reaction vessel, which reduces the number of containers required.5.At the end of a split-and-mix synthesis, all the molecules attached to a single bead are foundto be of the same structure. Chemists pull out from the mixture the beads that bear biologically active molecules and then, use sensitive detection techniques to determine the molecular makeup of the compound attached.Units six1.Plant natural products have had, and continue to have, an important role as medicinal andpharmaceutical agents, not only as purified isolates and extractives, but also as lead compounds for synthetic optimization.2.Plant secondary metabolites also show promise for cancer chemoprevention, which has beendefined as “the use of non-cytotoxic nutrients for pharmacological agents to enhance intrinsic physiological mechanisms that protect the organism against mutant clones of malignant cells”.3.Nevertheless, the vast majority of the world’s quarter of a million plant species has not beenevaluated in pharmaceutical screens, and the small percentage that has been tested has generally been screened for activity against only a few therapeutic targets.4.Although many sampling programs designed to generate large numbers of samples forhigh-throughput screening programs have been characterized as random, it has been shown that they are neither truly random nor haphazard, but that sampling occurs without preconceived selection of species.5.Three main research approaches are used in drug discovery and development processes: (1)bioactivity –or mechanism of action-directed isolation and characterization of active compounds, (2) rational drug design-based modification and analog synthesis, and (3) mechanism of action studies.Unit seven1.Absorption is the process of a drug entering systemic circulation from its site ofadministration. Except direct injection into the blood vessels, other routes of administration involve the transport of cell membrane.2.Drug absorption, especially those orally administered drugs, depends on many factors, suchas the intrinsic characteristics of the drug, dosage form, food, patient age and the like.3.The distribution of a drug in the body is uneven and is in a state of dynamic equilibrium, thatis, it changes constantly with the absorption and elimination of the drug.4.After a drug enters the blood, it will more or less bind to plasma protein, but this binding isloose and reversible, and is always in a state of equilibrium.5.Bioavailability is the relative quantity and rate of drugs with different dosage forms which areabsorbed and reach the systemic circulation; it is concerned with the intensity and speed of drug action.Unit eight1.Analytical chemistry aims to resolve two questions: what it is and how much it is, that isqualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is to identify the elements, ions and compounds contained in a sample while quantitative analysis is to determine the exact quantity.2.Analytical chemistry has expanded beyond the bounds of just chemistry, and many haveadvocated using the name analytical science to describe the field. Even this term falls shortof recognition of the role of instrumentation development and applications. One suggestion is that we use the term analytical science and technology.3.Analytical chemists work to improve the reliability of existing techniques to meet thedemands for better chemical measurements which arise constantly in our society. Theyadopt proven methodologies to new kinds of materials or to answer new questions about their composition and their reactivity mechanisms.4.Qualitative tests may be performed by selective chemical reactions or with the use ofinstrumentation. For example, the formation of a white precipitate when adding a solution of silver nitrate to a dissolved sample indicates the presence of chloride. Infrared spectra will give “fingerprints” of organic compounds of their functional groups.5.The first phase in the testing of banned substances is called fast-screening phase, in whichqualitative analysis such as GC or LC is adopted to test suspicious samples. In the second phase, GC-MS is employed for further testing of those suspicious samples. Finally, spectrophotometry or GC is applied for accurate quantification.Unit nine(text A)1)The development of a new therapeutic agent involves a multidisciplinary group inmany years of work,and with the development of genetic engineering and the production of monoclonal antibodies, it is likely that even more agents should be produced.2)The activity of biopharmaceuticals depends on their complicated conformation basedon secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures. These structures cannot be fully defined withour present set of analytical techniques and approaches for potency testing.3)Apart from the intravenous route of drug administration, where a drug is introduced directly into the blood circulation, all other routes of administering systemically acting drugs involve the absorption of drug from the place of administration into the blood.4)Biopharmaceuticals are pharmaceutical products consisting of (glyco) proteins, andthey have a number of characteristics that set them aside from low molecular weight drugs.5)In safety testing and clinical test programs of biopharmaceuticals, questions have to be addressed regarding species specific responses, selection of dosing schedules and route of administration, and the possible occurrence of immunogenicity.Unit eleven (text A)1.The information the package insert contains is derived from data supplied by investigatorsand submitted by the pharmaceutical firm to the FDA, including the chemical structure of the drug, a summary of its pharmacological the toxicological action, its clinical indications and contraindications, precautions, reported adverse reactions, dosage recommendations, and available dosage forms.2.The physician may exercise his professional judgment in the use of any drug. However, if hedeviates from the instructions in the package insert and adverse reactions occur, he must be prepared to defend his position in court if there is a malpractice suit.3.If a severe reaction occurred and litigation followed, how would a court react if a physicianadmitted to the use of this drug for the treatment of some diseases in view of the prohibitions in the package insert? Would the published clini cal study, plus the physician’s judgment in prescribing the drug, suffice?4.The FDA cannot require a pharmaceutical firm to include a new use for the drug product inthe insert even if it has been clinically tested and found useful for a given problem. But, if a new use for a drug is not yet included in the package insert, the manufacturer cannot advertise his product for that particular use.5.Today, the FDA’s regulatory scope and authority include ensuring the safety and purity offoods, drugs, medical devices, nutritional supplements, vaccines and cosmetics. Of particular concern to the anesthesiologist is the timely access to drug evaluation, pharmacologic, and medical device data. With the dramatic upsurge in the number of new prescription drugs and over-the-counter supplements, the need for up-to-date drug information has never been more crucial.Unit eleven (text B)1. A transition to the new format will not be mandatory for drugs that received FDA approvalmore than 5 years before the final ruling in June 2006. Drugs approved within the 5-year window must resubmit the package insert in the revised label format during 3-7 years phase-in period to comply with the new FDA standards.2.Manufacturer implications include a restriction on the degree of advertising. A potentiallynegative impact on sales, decreased use of the drug, and an increased risk of litigation. From the providers and patients perspective, the substitution of a drug without a black box warning may actually entail greater expense and exposure to another set of side effects than the use of the drug with a black box warning.3.Observed ADRs are those events that have been observed in association with use of the drugand are serious or are otherwise clinically significant. Expected ADRs are events that can be anticipated to occur with a drug, based on observations from other members of the drug class or animal studies. Expected ADRs are appropriate for warnings and precautions if the reaction is clinically serious, indicating that it could have an outcome of death, life-threatening illness, or require hospitalization to treat.4.“Clinically significant” means that the ADR may require adjustment of drug dosage orregimen, discontinuation of the drug, supplement treatment with an additional drug, appropriate patient selection to avoid the ADR, avoidance of concomitant therapy which triggers the ADR, evaluation of the patient for medication compliance, use of alternativelaboratory tests.5.Hospital-based medication errors and preventable ADR occur at a rate of 400,000 per yearaccording to a recent Institute of Medicine study. These errors are reported to translate into an annual cost of $3.5 billion in extra hospital expense.Unit twelve1.Formally, drugs were extracted from natural plants and animal sources, and the therapeuticuse was based on traditional experience.2.Drug development strategies involve serendipity, molecular roulette, programmed basicresearch with synthesis of specific chemical, etc.3.When a drug is used by millions, there are certain to be adverse reactions even though therisk to any individual is small.4.Pharmacological experiment on a new drug determines whether the drug has the desiredprofile of action in model system.5.Chemists and biologists have now attached great importance to such fields of research asmolecular biology and biochemical pharmacology.Unit Fourteen1.Before a new drug goes to the market and is widely used, the manufacturer should get thelicense from the corresponding authorized government agency (Drug Safety Committee in Britain; Food and Drug Administration in USA; Medical Products Agency in Sweden and etc.).2.The new drug probably has been taken by more than 3000 healthy volunteers or patients incontrolled studies before marketed unless it is only designed for some orphan disease in small scale trials.3.At the present stage, most of the pharmacological effects are well-known and the side effectscaused by overdosages have documented. However, the recognition of unpredicted toxic and side effects are rarely known by humans until after the extensive use of the drugs.4.Continuous use of beta receptor blocking drug practocol for a comparative period of timemay produce a syndrome of ocular mucosa and dermis, which had been discovered after several years.5.In similar manner, when thalidomide was discovered to make pregnant women who hadtaken the medicine during their early pregnancy bear babies with limb deformity, it had been sold on market for a few years.。
[关键词]肿瘤耐药;表观遗传;药物转运体;DNA 甲基化[中图分类号]R730.53[文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-8199(2019)05-0449-06[DOI ]10.16571/ki.1008-8199.2019.05.001Epigenetics -based regulation of uptake drug transporter expression is a new approach for cancer drug resistance intervention YU Lu -shan ,ZENG Su (Institute of Drug Metabolism and Pharmaceutical Analysis ,College of Pharmaceutical Sciences ,Zhejiang University ,Hangzhou 310058,Zhejiang ,China )[Abstract ]Drug resistance is a key factor for poor clinical efficacy of chemotherapy.One of the important reasons for drug re⁃sistance is the abnormal expression of drug metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters ,which results in the decrease of drug concen⁃tration in cancer cells.In this paper ,the mechanism of abnormal uptake transporter expression in tumors is analyzed from aspects of drug metabolism enzymes and transporters and tumor drug resistance ,drug epigenetics anddrug resistance ,and potential targets of re⁃nal cancer drug resistance ,such as OCT2.It is proposed that the regulation of uptake drug transporter expression in tumors by epigene⁃tic mechanism is a new way to reverse drug resistance in tumors.[Key words ]drug resistance ;epigenetics ;drug transporters ;DNA methylation曾苏,药学博士,浙江大学药学院教授、学术委员会主任、药物代谢和药物分析研究所所长。
When writing an essay about drug enforcement officers,also known as narcotics officers or drug police,its important to focus on several key aspects that highlight their role,challenges,and impact on society.Heres a detailed guide on how to approach this topic:1.Introduction:Begin your essay with a compelling introduction that captures the readers interest.You might start with a striking fact or statistic about drugrelated crimes,or a brief anecdote that illustrates the importance of drug enforcement.2.Background:Provide some background information on drug enforcement agencies. Discuss their formation,purpose,and the legal framework within which they operate. This could include national agencies like the DEA Drug Enforcement Administration in the United States or local police units dedicated to drug enforcement.3.Roles and Responsibilities:Explain the various roles that drug enforcement officers undertake.This could include undercover operations,surveillance,intelligence gathering, and collaboration with other law enforcement agencies.Highlight the importance of their work in preventing the spread of illegal drugs and the associated criminal activities.4.Training and Skills:Discuss the rigorous training that drug enforcement officers receive.This might involve physical training,tactical operations,legal knowledge,and specialized skills such as drug detection and analysis.5.Challenges Faced:Address the challenges that these officers face in their line of work. This could include the dangers of undercover work,the complexity of international drug trafficking networks,and the psychological toll of dealing with the darker aspects of society.6.Technological Advancements:Talk about how technology has changed the way drug enforcement officers work.This could include the use of surveillance drones,data analysis software,and forensic technology for drug testing.7.Impact on Society:Discuss the positive impact that successful drug enforcement has on society.This could involve reducing drugrelated crimes,improving public health,and contributing to the overall safety and wellbeing of communities.8.Ethical Considerations:Address any ethical considerations or controversies surrounding drug enforcement,such as issues of privacy,the use of informants,and the potential for racial profiling or other forms of discrimination.9.Case Studies:Include specific case studies or examples of successful drug enforcement operations.This can help to illustrate the realworld application of the concepts discussed in your essay.10.Future of Drug Enforcement:Conclude your essay by considering the future of drug enforcement.Discuss potential developments,such as new strategies for combating drug trafficking,the role of international cooperation,and the ongoing challenges posed by evolving drug markets.11.Conclusion:Summarize the main points of your essay and reiterate the importance of drug enforcement officers in maintaining law and order.You might also include a call to action or a reflection on the readers perspective about the role of these officers in society.Remember to use reputable sources for your research and to cite them appropriately. Writing an essay on this topic requires a balance of factual information,personal reflection,and a clear understanding of the complexities involved in drug enforcement.。
1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》Drug Control Law of the People's Republic of China2.药品生产企业管理control over drug manufacturers3.药品经营企业管理control over drug distributors4.医疗机构的药剂管理control over medicines in medical institutions5.药品管理control over drugs6.药品包装的管理control over drug packaging7.药品价格和广告的管理control over drug price and advertisement8.药品监督inspection of drugs9.法律责任legal liabilities10.药品标识labels or marks of the drugs11.假药counterfeit drugs12.劣药inferior drugs13.药品检验机构drug quality control laboratory14.药品的生产企业drug manufacturers15.经营企业drug distributors16.医疗机构medical institutions17.药品监督管理部门drug regulatory agency18.药品批准证明文件drug approval documents19.行政处分administrative sanctions20.刑事责任criminal liabilities21.药品生产质量管理规范Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GMP)22.药品经营质量管理规范Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP)23.药品生产许可证Drug Manufacturing Certificate24.药品经营许可证Drug Supply Certificate25.医疗机构制剂许可证Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution26.进口药品注册证书Import Drug License27.临床试验clinical trial28.新药证书New Drug Certificate29.药品批准文号Drug Approval Number30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。
接收日期:2022-01-27 接受日期:2022-02-15基金项目:福建省科技厅高校产学合作项目(2020Y4015);福建省卫生健康科技计划项目资助(2019-ZQNB-11) *通信作者。
E-mail:*************;******************南丹金线兰的植物形态和显微鉴定彭梦超1,郑承剑2,吴建国1,吴岩斌1*,吴锦忠1*(1. 福建中医药大学药学院,福建 福州 350122;2. 海军军医大学药学院中药鉴定学教研室,上海 200433)摘 要:采用生药学显微鉴定方法研究南丹金线兰(Anoectochilus nandanensis )的原植物形态、组织构造及粉末显微特征。
南丹金线兰叶片呈卵形或卵状披针形,具金红色叶脉,花不倒置;唇瓣白色,呈Y 字形,前部明显扩大并2裂,裂片狭长圆形,中部收狭,其两侧呈向下的细齿状或角片状,两侧白色细齿各4~5条。
关键词:南丹金线兰;生药学鉴定;显微特征Doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1009-7791.2022.01.008中图分类号:R931.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-7791(2022)01-0058-04Morphological and Microscopic Identification of Anoectochilus nandanensisPENG Meng-chao 1, ZHENG Cheng-jian 2, WU Jian-guo 1, WU Yan-bin 1*, WU Jin-zhong 1*(1. College of Pharmacy, Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fuzhou 350122, Fujian China; 2. Department of Chinese MedicineAuthentication, School of Pharmacy, Naval Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China)Abstract: The pharmacognostical identification method was used to examine the original plant, tissue structure and microscopic characteristics of Anoectochilus nandanensis . Leaves were ovate or ovate elliptic with golden red veins. Non-inverted white flowers had Y-shaped and yellow labellum, which were anteriorly enlarged and 2-lobed. The lobes were narrowly oblong, and its two sides showed the serration or downward angle shape, with 4 to 5 white serration on each side. In the microscopic structure, the cortex in the cross section of root and stem was obvious, with calcium oxalate needle crystal and mucous cells. The epidermal cells on the cross section of the leaves were papilloid in shape. This study provides reference basis for the identification of crude drugs and the exploitation and utilization of the resources.Key words: Anoectochilus nandanensis ; pharmacognosy identification; microscopic characteristics金线莲是福建特色中药“福九味”之一,其基原植物为兰科金线兰属植物金线兰[Anoectochilus roxburghii (Wall.) Lindl.],具有清热凉血、祛风利湿、解毒等功效[1—2]。
常用药品监管英语与缩略语监管英语1.《中华人民共和国药品管理法》 ( Control Law of the People'sRepublic of China)2.药品生产企业管理( control over drug manufacturers)3.药品经营企业管理( control over drug distributors)4.医疗机构的药剂管理 (control over medicines in medical institutions)5.药品管理 (control over drugs)6.药品包装的管理 (control over drug packaging)7.药品价格和广告的管理 (control over drug price and advertisement)8.药品监督 (inspection of drugs)9.法律责任 (legal liabilities)10.药品标识(labels or marks of the drugs)11.假药(counterfeit drugs)12.劣药(inferior drugs)13.药品检验机构(drug quality control laboratory)14.药品的生产企业(drug manufacturers)15.经营企业(drug distributors)16.医疗机构(medical institutions)17.药品监督管理部门(drug regulatory agency)18.药品批准证明文件(drug approval documents)19.行政处分(administrative sanctions)20.刑事责任(criminal liabilities )21.药品生产质量管理规范(Good Manufacturing Practice for Pharmaceutical Products(GMP))22.药品经营质量管理规范(Good Supply Practice for Pharmaceutical Products (GSP))23.药品生产许可证(Drug Manufacturing Certificate)24.药品经营许可证(Drug Supply Certificate)25.医疗机构制剂许可证(Pharmaceutical Preparation Certificate for Medical Institution)26.进口药品注册证书(Import Drug License)27.临床试验(clinical trial)28.新药证书(New Drug Certificate)29.药品批准文号(Drug Approval Number)30.在中华人民共和国境内从事药品的研制、生产、经营、使用和监督管理的单位或者个人,必须遵守《中华人民共和国药品管理法》(All institutions or individuals engaged in research, production, distribution, use, and administration and supervision of drugs in the People's Republic of China shall abide by drug control law of the people's republic of China.)31.国务院药品监督管理部门主管全国药品监督管理工作。
中药栀子类药材资源调查和商品药材鉴定付小梅 赖学文 葛 菲 褚小兰 范崔生(江西中医学院,南昌330006) 摘 要 目的:对中药栀子类药材进行品种整理。
关键词 栀子;资源调查;商品鉴定Resources Investigation and Identification of G ardeniaFu Xiaomei,Lai Xue wen,Ge Fei,Zhu Xiaolan,Fan Cuisheng(Jiangxi College of T.C.M,Nangchang330006)A bstract Objective:To sort out the species of G ardenia.Method:Investigation on the origin of botany and identification of crude drugs of Gardenia.Result:Listing the table of classification of the origin of botany and distribution of producing region and identification of crude drugs of Gardenia.Conclusion:G ardenia in China consists of10species,and that most of cr ude drugs are Shanzhizi,some are Shuizhizi or Dahongzhizi. Key words G ardenia,Resources Investigation,Identification用途,首先,菝葜是一种少见的单子叶攀援植物,其树形优美,叶形特异,是一种良好的观赏植物。
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Recognition of Crude Drugs Based on SVM *Zhiyuan Ming , Jin He and Chao Huang Yu Lei College of Electrical and Information Engineering College of Chemical and BiologicalYunnan University of Nationality Yunnan University of Nationality Kunming, Yunnan Province ,China Kunming, Yunnan Province ,Chinahjmwh@ 531907844@*Fund: National Natural Science Foundation (6116361/f 020809)About the author : Ming-Zhiyuan(1985.9-) graduate in Yunnan University of Nationalities . He Jin(1965.9-) Professor in Yunnan University of Nationalities (Corresponding Author).Abstract - Suppor t Vector Machine (SVM) is a machine lear ning theor y based on statistical lear ning algor ithms, SVM based on kernel function has lots of unique advantages on solving the small sample, nonlinea and high dimensional patte n recognition. This article al so uses BP neural networks ǃSupport Vector Machine based on PSO algor ithm and so on to be compa ed to identify p opolis in Yunnan. Compa ed with tr aditional algor ithms, it can solve the small sample, nonlinear and other issues. The experiments show the performance is good when using SVM ke r nel function on solving the he r bs recognition.Index Terms - Support vector machine; kernel function; forecast; medicine identification.I. I NTRODUCTIONYunnan is one of the provinces which are rich in traditional medicine resources in China. Like other places, Chinese faces "status", "standard", "intellectual property" and other problems when exports drugs. If we establish quality standards of drugs, we can evaluate the origin, price, and improve the quality of medicines. In this paper, we use the drug propolis which grows in Yunnan as the main target, the data is got by High Performance Liquid Chromatography, and then use the method of Support Vector Machine to train the sample and assort the data. In this paper, another method called BP neural network is used to be compared in accuracy and time.These samples of propolis were got in two place of Yunnan province, and cold soak ultrasound is used to get the drugs data, purify 0.1g propolis samples, place in 10mL volumetric flask, add 10mL of methanol in it, shake, use ȝP WR inject the filter, shake and then use the High-performance liquid chromatography to treat. The liquid chromatography condition is: Column: Agilent XDB C18 FROXPQ î PP ȝP PRELOH SKDVH D FHWRQLWULOH methanol and 0.001% phosphoric acid solution, flow rate of 0.8mL/min, by a certain percentage of mobile phase gradient HOXWLRQ FROXPQ WHPSHUDW ure : 30 ɗ VFDQ ZDYHOHQJWK 320nm. The liquid processing reached its peak time, peak height, peak area, and so on. T KLV LV WKH ILUVW GDWD LGHQWLI\ LW because the data we got only in 36 minutes, the sample is not enough to train the neural network. So based on the original standards data, I add 1% random noise as the second training sample, and then add 5% random noise as the test sample. Every times the test results are different. After several simulations, the highest rate of extraction of accurate is as the result, the following data extracted in the same way.II. H ELPFUL H INTSA. Neural Network BP neural network (Back Propagation NN) is a multilayer feed forward neural network, whose main feature is the signal transmit from back to pass, the error transmit to forward. During the processing of transmit processing, the input signal passes to the input layer, and then processes in the hidden layer, and finally goes into the output layer. Every state of the neurons is only influenced by the last layer of neurons. If the output layer can not get the desired output, the signal turn back. According to the predicted error we can get the weight and threshold value, so the BP network’s prediction output get closer and closer to the desired output[1]. Figure 2-1 shows the topology of BP neural network.Fig. 1 Magnetization The topology of BP neural network.Neural network is a mapping implement function frominput to output essentially. If the structure of BPNN is excellent, generally, 20 input functions in the following problems can converge to the minimum learning error vicinity in 50,000 times, and in theory, a three-layer neural network can approximate to arbitrary accuracy given function. But the learning speed of BP network is very slow, which is determined by its gradient descent method essentially, and because of its complicated optimization objective function, it will appear some flat areas when the output of neuron get close to 1 or 0. In these areas, the weight to the change of the error is too small, which makes the training process almost stopped[2].The prediction accuracy of neural network is related to the number of training samples. For a multi-inputs and multi-outputs network, if it lack of enough training samples, there may be much errors in the predictive value, so this article enumerates two situations when using the BP neural network3URFHHGLQJV RI WKH WK:RUOG &RQJUHVV RQ ,QWHOOLJHQW &RQWURO DQG $XWRPDWLRQ -XO\ %HLMLQJ &KLQDalgorithm: 1. Take the first sample as the training sample. It is standard on the 5% random noise as the test sample, the training times are 1000 (Attachment: As tested, the training times when use 1000 times or 5000 times in this condition is almost same, in order to reduce time loss, so set 1000 as the training times), test data are as follows: TABLE ICorrespondence between different prediction and transfer function Hiddenlayer Output layer Normalize Accuracy Mean- SquarederrorTime(s) tansig purelin Yes 57.38% 0.2238 37.672No 67.21% 0.2164 32.235tansig tansig Yes 42.62% 0.5744 31.452No 42.62% 0.5743 32.322logsig purelin Yes 59.02% 0.2283 31.840No 55.74% 0.2331 30.227logsig tansig Yes 42.62% 0.5739 31.323no 42.62% 0.573831.513Fig. II The actual output and forecast output of the BP net.2. As a training sample of the two samples, take 122samples with 5% noise data as test sample, hidden layer nodes is 10, hidden layer and output function is tansig and purelin respectively(chose the best result according to test), the data are as follows:TABLE IIDifferent training times results of forecastTest times Accuracy Mean squared errorTine(s)5000 72.13% 0.2787 42.957 10000 78.69% 0.2131 85.24420000 79.32% 0.2013 207.08 40000 80.33% 0.1967 301.8650000 90.16% 0.0984 453.74From the two tests, the accrual network is dependent on sample size and training times, but when the sample size and training times increase, the time LQFUHDVH this is a great defect in neural network algorithm.III. S UPPORT V ECTOR M ACHINE1. OverviewSVM (support vector machine) is based on statistical learning theory, which was proposed structural risk minimization principle and can maximize the generalization ability of learning machine. In additional, support vector machine is a problem to optimize convex quadratic, which can guarantee that the extreme solution---the global optimal solution as introduce kernel function, it solutes inner product in high-dimensional space well. So as to solve the problem of non-linear pattern recognition, kernel is the core in support vector machine, and it impacts the performance of support vector machines directly[3] . Schematic diagram of the kernel function as shown below:Fig. III Schematic diagram of the kernel function It assumed there are two types of samples which can be divided into a collection: (,),1,2,,,,{1,1}d i i i i x y i n x R y ", (1) the linear discriminate function of the general form is ()f x x b Z , so the correct classifications of all samples meet the following equation:[()]10,1,2,i i y x b i n Z t ", (2)So the optimal separating surface is:^`**1()()sgn ()n i i i i f x sng w x b a y x x b ½®¾¯¿¦(3)2. Kernel functionIn general, the core function that only satisfies the Mercer condition could be used to do inner product in the high-dimensional space. These are some commonly used core functions:Linear kernel: (,)Ti K x x x x (4) Polynomial kernel: (,)[(,)1]qj i K x x x x (5)Radial basis kernel : 22(,)exp i i x x K x x V ½ °° ®¾°°¯¿(6) Sigmoid kernel : >@(,)tanh ()j i K x x v x x a (7)2. K-CV cross validation functionAs the selection of SVM parameters, there is no generally uniform way that is accepted. The common method is tolet the c and g (2V ) change in a certain range, and then use K-CV method to get the classification accuracy with the c and g. This method sets the samples into K groups first, take K-1 groups as training samples and the next as the test sample. It would receive K models, and take the average of classification accuracy of the K models as the K-CV classifier performance: 1. Take the first sample as the training sample, then add 5% random noise as the test sample, and use the method of K-CV to test. The test results are as follows: (1). c, g range [-5,5]:TABLE IIIDifferent accuracy in different kernel functions(2). c, g range [-15, 15]:Table IVDifferent accuracy in different kernel functionsKernel Function Accuracy Linear kernel 86.8852% Polynomial kernel 86.8852% Radial basis kernel function 80.3279% Sigmoid kernel function83.6066%The method of using K-CV can found the optimal parameters c and g in some sense, and here "in some sense" means the time that parameters c and g under the idea of cross-validation and gets the highest classification accuracy. But it cannot be guaranteed to make the test sample to achieve the highest classification accuracy. From the above two tables, the parameters c and g in K-CV algorithm are found in a grid, certainly and cannot be found some parameters, so its performance is influenced by this, and with the range of c and g increase, the consumed time increases too.3. Particle Swarm Optimization Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is an iterative computing algorithm derived from the behavior of the bird’s prey. Imagine such a scenario: a group of birds search the food randomly, and there is only one food in this region all the birds do not know where the food is, but they know how far from the current location to the food, then what is the bestway to find it? The most simple and effective way is to searchfor the area current around the bird where close to the food, which the inspiration get from in PSO to used to solve optimization problems. In PSO algorithm, each optimization problem is to search a bird in the space, which we call it"particle". All the particles are decided by an optimized fitnessfunction, and each particle has a speed which determines the direction and distance when it flies, then particles follow the current optimal particles in the solution space to search. Mathematical representation of PSO algorithm is asfollows:Set the searching space as D-dimensional, the totalnumber of particles is n, the position of the i-th particle express is 12(,,)i i i iD X x x x ", its optimal position where it flight in the history (correspond to the optimal solution) is 12(,,,)i i iD Pi p p p ", the optimal location which the g–th particle past (1,)i P i n " is the best optimal VROXWLRQ The i-th particle’s position changes rate (speed) for the vector 12(, ,, )i i i iD V v v v }, the position of each particle changed by the following formula:1(1)()()[()()]id id id id v t w v t c rand p t x t u u u2()[()()]gd id c rand p t x t u u (8)Among them, 1c , 2c are normal numbers, called accelerated IDFWRU ()randis random number LQ > @ w is inertia factor. Process the data with this algorithm, test results are as follows:Table VDifferent accuracy as different accuracy with PSOLinear kernel Accuracy Linear kernel 98.3607% Polynomial kernel 100% Radial basis kernel function 100% Sigmoid kernel function100%According to the analysis from the chart, the support vector machine in the PSO algorithm is more advantageous, and need less time to find c and g than the K-CV method.4. ConclusionSupport Vector Machine is a new theory based on statistical classification techniques, which is mainly for the small sample FDVH WKH RSWLPDO VROXWLRQ is based on a limited sample of information rather than in a large of sample infinity, which has strict theoretical and mathematical foundations. In this paper, only a small sample of cases by BP neural network, based on comparison among support vectormachine, K-CV algorithm and PSO algorithm, experimental results show that using the PSO algorithm to find parameters by the support vector machine, the accuracy rate on the search of parameters classification is greatly improved, and in the consumption of time, there are big advantages. R EFERENCES[1] Shi Neural network implementation [D]. Hunan College, 2010.31.5.[2] Han Liqun Artificial neural network theory, design and application[M].Beijing: Chemical Industry Press,2002.[3] Bai Peng, Zhang Xibin, Li Yan and so on. Support vector machine theoryand engineering application examples [M]. Xi'an: Xidian University Press,2008. [4] DONG Hui, FU He-lin, LENG Wu-ming. Support Vector Machines forTime Series Regression and Prediction. Journal of System Simulation[J], 2006, 18(7): 1785-1788.[5] John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini. Kernel Methods for PatternAnalysis[M]. 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