



法律知识考试题库选择题(550道)一、选择题1. 在我国,有权修改宪法的机关是( A )A. 全国人民代表大会B. 全国人大常务委员会C. 全国人大及其常委会D. 全国人大法律委员会2. 我国第一部社会主义类型的宪法颁布于( B )A. 1949年B. 1954年C. 1978年D.1982年3. 我国各级人大代表中,农村每一代表所代表的人口数是城市每一代表所代表的人口数的( A )A. 四倍B. 五倍C. 六倍D. 八倍4. 我国宪法规定,有权决定全国或者个别省、自治区、直辖市实行紧急状态的机关是( B )A. 国家主席B. 全国人大常委会C. 国务院D. 公安部5. 现行宪法规定,享有国务院总理人选提名权的是( C )A. 全国人大主席团B. 全国人大常委会C. 国家主席D. 全国人大常委会委员长6. 市辖区、县的人民代表大会和政府任期为( D )A. 2年B. 3年C. 4年D. 5年7. 我国的根本政治制度是( B )A. 人民代表大会B. 人民代表大会制C. 社会主义制度D. 民主集中制8. 在我国,特别行政区内实行的制度由( A )A. 全国人大以法律规定B. 全国人大常委会以法律规定C. 特别行政区决定D. 全国人大和基本法委员会协商决定9. 全国人民代表大会举行会议的时候,联名提出质询案的全国人大代表不得少于( D )以上A. 3 人B. 5人C. 10人D. 30人10. 按照我国宪法规定,全国人大常委会有权( B )国务院的违宪决定A. 改变B. 撤销C. 改变或撤销D. 发回重议11. 我国的领导阶级是( C )A. 农民阶级B. 工农联盟C. 工人阶级D. 知识分子12. “公民的合法的私有财产不受侵犯”,这是我国哪一次宪法修正案的内容(D )A. 88修宪B. 93修宪C. 99修宪D. 04修宪13. 我国的宪法解释权归属于(B )A. 全国人民代表大会B. 全国人大常委会C. 全国人大主席团D. 全国人大法律委员会14. 居民委员会和村民委员会是(C )A. 基层政权机关B. 基层权力机关C. 基层群众性自治组织D. 基层政权机关的派出机构15. (C )的人大代表,实行间接选举。



法律专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of the legal system?A. EqualityB. JusticeC. FairnessD. All of the above2. The term "judiciary" refers to:A. The legislative branch of governmentB. The executive branch of governmentC. The branch of government responsible for interpreting and applying the lawD. The branch of government responsible for enforcing laws3. In the context of contract law, what is "consideration"?A. The thought process behind a contractB. The legal element that something of value is exchangedC. The written document of a contractD. The person who is bound by the contract4. What is the term for the legal principle that a person cannot be tried or punished twice for the same offense?A. Double jeopardyB. MitigationC. RecidivismD. Proportionality5. Which of the following is a type of legal document?A. DeedB. NovelC. MemoD. Invoice6. The term "pro se" means:A. Against oneselfB. On behalf of oneselfC. On behalf of anotherD. Against another7. What is the difference between "civil law" and "criminal law"?A. Civil law deals with disputes between individuals, while criminal law deals with offenses against the state.B. Criminal law deals with disputes between individuals, while civil law deals with offenses against the state.C. Both deal with offenses against the state.D. Both deal with disputes between individuals.8. What does the term "habeas corpus" mean?A. A writ requiring a person to be brought before a courtB. A legal document that ends a lawsuitC. A legal document that begins a lawsuitD. A writ that allows a person to be detained withouttrial9. In legal terms, "precedent" refers to:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previouscaseB. A legal document that is used as evidenceC. A legal principle that is always followed without exceptionD. A legal principle that is never followed10. What is the term for a legal dispute between two or more parties?A. LitigationB. MediationC. ArbitrationD. Negotiation二、填空题(每题1分,共5分)11. The legal principle of "innocent until proven guilty" is known as ________.12. A person who is not a lawyer but represents themselves in court is said to be acting ________.13. The process of a court determining the rights and obligations of parties in a dispute is called ________.14. A legal document that outlines the terms of a contract is known as a(n) ________.15. The area of law dealing with disputes over property is known as ________.三、简答题(每题5分,共10分)16. Explain the concept of "estoppel" in legal terms.17. What are the key differences between "common law" and "civil law" systems?四、案例分析题(每题15分,共15分)18. A company has been accused of breaching a contract with a supplier. The supplier claims that the company has failed to pay for goods delivered. The company argues that the goods were not delivered as per the agreed terms. Analyze the situation from a legal perspective, considering theprinciples of contract law.五、论述题(每题20分,共20分)19. Discuss the role of the judiciary in a democratic society and its importance in upholding the rule of law.答案:一、1. D2. C3. B4. A5. A6. B7. A8. A9. A10. A二、11. Presumption of innocence12. Pro se13. Adjudication14. Contract15. Property law三、16. Estoppel is a legal principle that prevents a person from asserting a claim or right that contradicts a previous position or statement they have made, especially when it would be unfair to allow them to do so.17. Common law systems rely heavily on judicial precedent, while civil law systems are based on comprehensive written codes. Common law is primarily developed through case law, whereas civil law is developed through legislative statutes.四、18. In this case, the supplier would need to provide evidence of the contract and proof of delivery of the goods. The company would need to show that the goods were not delivered according。



法律考试题库及答案一、单项选择题1. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,下列哪项是公民享有的基本权利?A. 受教育的权利B. 纳税的义务C. 遵守法律的义务D. 服兵役的义务2. 《民法典》规定,民事主体从事民事活动应当遵循的基本原则是:A. 自愿原则B. 公平原则C. 诚实信用原则D. 所有选项均正确3. 在我国法律体系中,具有最高法律效力的是:A. 宪法B. 法律C. 行政法规D. 地方性法规4. 刑事责任年龄是指:A. 满14周岁不满16周岁的未成年人B. 满16周岁不满18周岁的未成年人C. 满18周岁的公民D. 满12周岁不满14周岁的未成年人5. 下列关于知识产权的说法,哪一项是错误的?A. 著作权自作品创作完成时自动产生B. 发明专利权的保护期限为20年C. 商标专用权的保护期限为10年,不可续展D. 专利权分为发明专利权、实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权二、多项选择题1. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,合同无效的情形包括:A. 一方以欺诈手段订立的合同B. 合同内容违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定C. 合同目的违反公序良俗D. 合同当事人未依法履行信息披露义务2. 下列哪些行为构成侵权行为?A. 未经许可使用他人注册商标B. 未经著作权人许可,擅自复制其作品C. 故意损害他人名誉D. 依法行使合同权利三、判断题1. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,故意伤害他人身体的行为构成故意伤害罪。

()2. 法人是指具有独立民事行为能力的组织。

()3. 合同的解除应当通知对方,合同自通知到达对方时解除。

()4. 商业秘密是指不为公知、能为权利人带来经济利益、具有实用性和保密性的信息。

()5. 行政复议是公民、法人或其他组织对行政机关的具体行政行为不服,向上级行政机关申请复查的法律行为。

()四、简答题1. 简述《中华人民共和国宪法》中关于公民言论自由的规定。

2. 阐述《民法典》中关于合同履行的基本原则。

3. 描述刑事诉讼法中的无罪推定原则。



法律知识考试题库第一部分:刑法1. 罪刑法定原则是指什么?罪刑法定原则是指国家行使刑事审判权必须依法,并以法律规定的罪名、罚则进行判决和处罚。

2. 抢劫罪与抢夺罪有何区别?抢劫罪是指以暴力、胁迫手段,通过抢夺财物的方式实施犯罪行为;抢夺罪是指通过暴力、胁迫或其他方法,非法剥夺他人财物的犯罪行为。

3. 故意杀人罪与过失杀人罪有何区别?故意杀人罪是指犯罪人具有故意,以非法手段致人死亡;过失杀人罪是指犯罪人由于过失行为导致他人死亡。

第二部分:民法1. 什么是合同?合同是民事法律行为,当事人通过协商一致,共同设定并约定合同条款,自愿建立的权利义务关系。

2. 合同的要素有哪些?合同的要素包括合同当事人、合同内容、合同形式、合同效力等。

3. 什么是遗赠?遗赠是指遗嘱人在临终前依法对其财产进行分配,并将其财产权益转让给遗嘱受益人的行为。

第三部分:行政法1. 行政法律行为与行政行为的区别是什么?行政法律行为是指行政机关依据法定程序和权限制定的规范性文件,具有一般的适用性;行政行为是指行政机关对特定事项所做出的具体决定、命令、批准等。

2. 行政复议是指什么?行政复议是指对行政机关作出的行政行为提出异议或请求变更,通过行政机关内部程序进行审查和决定的行政救济方式。

第四部分:劳动法1. 劳动合同期限有哪些?劳动合同的期限包括固定期限、无固定期限和以完成一定工作为期限三种。

2. 劳动者享有哪些基本权益?劳动者享有合法权益保护、劳动条件保护、劳动报酬保护、休假休息保护等基本权益。

第五部分:知识产权法1. 版权保护的范围有哪些?著作权法对文学、艺术、自然科学及其他领域创作作品给予保护,包括文字作品、口述作品、音乐作品、戏剧、舞蹈、美术、摄影、电影等。

2. 商标的注册有效期是多久?商标的注册有效期为10年,自申请注册之日起计算。





法律英语试卷试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is not a legal term?A. ContractB. TortC. EquityD. Agreement2. The term "pro se" refers to a person who represents themselves in a legal proceeding without the assistance of an attorney. True or False?3. What does the abbreviation "LLC" stand for in the context of business law?A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Large Legal ContractC. Local Legal CouncilD. Legal Liability Certificate4. Which of the following is a type of legal document?A. MemorandumB. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)C. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B5. The principle of "stare decisis" is most closely associated with which legal system?A. Civil lawB. Common lawC. Religious lawD. International law6. What is the term for the legal process of resolving disputes outside the court system?A. LitigationB. MediationC. ArbitrationD. Negotiation7. In the context of intellectual property law, "patent" refers to:A. A right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an inventionB. A document that grants ownership of a work of literature or artC. A legal document that protects a brand name or logoD. A license to practice a profession8. Which of the following is a fundamental principle of criminal law?A. Presumption of innocenceB. Right to a fair trialC. Both A and BD. Neither A nor B9. The term "precedent" in legal English refers to:A. A legal principle or rule established in a previous case that is binding in courtB. A document that outlines the facts of a caseC. A legal agreement between partiesD. A formal request for a court to review a case10. What does the term "actus reus" mean in criminal law?A. The guilty mindB. The wrongful actC. The criminal intentD. The legal defense二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. In legal English, "due process" refers to the fundamental legal rights that must be observed to ensure a fair trial.- The term "due process" is derived from the Latin phrase "due process of law."12. A "writ" is a formal written order issued by a court, typically directed to someone other than the parties in a case.- An example of a writ is a "writ of _habeas corpus_."13. The term "negligence" in tort law refers to the failure to exercise the degree of care that a reasonable person would exercise in the same situation to prevent harm to others.- In order to establish negligence, a plaintiff must prove the defendant's duty of care, breach of that duty, causation, and _damages_.14. "Probate" is the legal process by which a will is proved to be valid or invalid.- The court that oversees probate proceedings is known as the _probate court_.15. "Jurisdiction" refers to the authority of a court to hear and decide cases.- There are different types of jurisdiction, including_personal jurisdiction_, subject matter jurisdiction, and territorial jurisdiction.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)16. Define "actus reus" and "mens rea" in the context of criminal law.17. Explain the concept of "joint and several liability" in tort law.18. What is the difference between "specific performance" and "damages" as remedies in contract law?19. Describe the process of "discovery" in civil litigation.四、案例分析题(每题15分,共30分)20. Case Study: A company has been accused of patent infringement. The company argues that they were not aware of the patent and therefore should not be held liable. Discuss the legal principles that may apply to this case and the possible outcomes.21. Case Study: A tenant has been evicted from their apartment without proper notice. The tenant claims that the eviction was unlawful. Analyze the relevant legal provisions and discuss the tenant's potential remedies.五、论述题(共20分)22. Discuss the role of language in legal interpretation and the challenges it presents. Provide examples to support your argument.参考答案:一、选择题1-5: D T A B B6-10: B C A B B二、填空题11. "due process of law"。



法律英语试题库及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. Which of the following is the correct translation of "plaintiff" in legal English?A. 被告B. 原告C. 证人D. 律师答案:B2. The term "due diligence" in legal context typically refers to:A. 尽职调查B. 尽责调查C. 尽职尽责调查D. 尽职尽责尽责调查答案:A3. In legal English, "contract" is often used to refer to:A. 合同B. 契约C. 协议D. 协议书答案:A4. The phrase "in consideration of" is commonly used in legal documents to mean:A. 鉴于B. 考虑到C. 由于D. 因为答案:B5. Which of the following is not a type of intellectual property?A. 商标B. 专利C. 版权D. 商业秘密答案:D6. The term "tort" in legal English refers to:A. 侵权行为B. 犯罪行为C. 合同违约D. 民事纠纷答案:A7. "Jurisdiction" in legal English means:A. 管辖权B. 审判权C. 执行权D. 立法权答案:A8. The abbreviation "LLC" stands for:A. Limited Liability CompanyB. Limited Legal CompanyC. Legal Liability CompanyD. Legal Limited Company答案:A9. "Probate" in legal English refers to the process of:A. 遗嘱认证B. 遗嘱执行C. 遗嘱公证D. 遗嘱登记答案:A10. "Statute" in legal English is used to denote:A. 法规B. 法律C. 法令D. 条例答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The legal term for a formal written statement submitted toa court is a(n) _____________.答案:brief2. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a contract.答案:agreement3. The process of challenging the validity of a will is known as _____________.答案:contest4. A(n) _____________ is a legal professional who represents clients in court.答案:attorney5. The term _____________ refers to the legal principle that no one may profit from their own wrongdoing.答案:unclean hands6. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that grants a person the authority to act on behalf of another.答案:power of attorney7. The legal term for a formal written request to a court is a(n) _____________.答案:petition8. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that provides evidence of a debt.答案:promissory note9. The legal term for a formal written order from a court is a(n) _____________.答案:decree10. A(n) _____________ is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a sale of real estate.答案:deed三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "lien" in legal English refers to a legal claim on property to secure the payment of a debt. (对/错)答案:对2. "Negligence" in legal English means the failure to exercise reasonable care, resulting in harm to another. (对/错)答案:对3. "Indemnity" in legal English refers to the right to be compensated for a loss or damage suffered. (对/错)答案:对4. A "writ" is a legal document issued by a court that ordersa person to do or refrain from doing a specific act. (对/错) 答案:对5. "Affidavit" in legal English is a written statement of facts voluntarily made by a person under oath. (对/错)答案:对6. "Misdemeanor" in legal English refers to a less serious crime than a felony. (对/错)答案:对7. "Arbitration" is a form of alternative dispute resolution where a neutral third party makes a binding decision. (对/错) 答案:对8. "Eminent domain" refers to the power of the government to take private property for public use without compensation. (对/错)答案:错9. "Venue" in legal English refers to the geographical location where a legal action is brought. (对/错)答案:对10. "Custody" in。



法律知识题库及答案高中1. 什么是法律?法律是由国家制定或认可的,依靠国家强制力保证实施的,具有普遍约束力的行为规范。

2. 法律的基本特征有哪些?法律的基本特征包括:普遍性、规范性、强制性和国家意志性。

3. 法律的作用是什么?法律的作用主要包括:规范社会行为,维护社会秩序,保护公民权利,促进社会公平正义。

4. 什么是宪法?宪法是国家的根本大法,规定了国家的根本制度和根本任务,具有最高的法律效力。

5. 宪法的基本原则有哪些?宪法的基本原则包括:人民主权原则、法治原则、平等原则、人权保障原则等。

6. 什么是民法?民法是调整平等主体之间财产关系和人身关系的法律规范。

7. 民法的基本原则有哪些?民法的基本原则包括:平等原则、自愿原则、公平原则、诚信原则等。

8. 什么是刑法?刑法是规定犯罪、刑事责任和刑罚的法律规范。

9. 刑法的基本原则有哪些?刑法的基本原则包括:罪刑法定原则、罪刑相适应原则、人人平等原则等。

10. 什么是行政法?行政法是调整国家行政管理活动中的权利义务关系的法律规范。

11. 行政法的基本原则有哪些?行政法的基本原则包括:合法性原则、合理性原则、公正性原则等。

12. 什么是国际法?国际法是调整国家之间关系的法律规范。

13. 国际法的基本原则有哪些?国际法的基本原则包括:和平共处原则、不干涉内政原则、平等互利原则等。

14. 什么是未成年人保护法?未成年人保护法是专门保护未成年人合法权益的法律。

15. 未成年人保护法的主要内容有哪些?未成年人保护法的主要内容包括:保护未成年人的人身安全、教育权利、劳动权利、文化娱乐权利等。

16. 什么是知识产权法?知识产权法是保护创作者智力成果的法律。

17. 知识产权法的主要内容有哪些?知识产权法的主要内容包括:著作权、专利权、商标权等。

18. 什么是合同法?合同法是调整合同关系的法律规范。

19. 合同法的基本原则有哪些?合同法的基本原则包括:合同自由原则、合同公平原则、合同诚信原则等。



法学试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是法律的基本原则?A. 法律面前人人平等B. 法律的普遍适用性C. 法律的绝对权威性D. 法律的稳定性答案:C2. 我国《宪法》规定,国家的一切权力属于:A. 人民B. 政府C. 政党D. 军队答案:A3. 根据我国《刑法》的规定,下列哪项行为不构成犯罪?A. 故意杀人B. 故意伤害C. 过失致人死亡D. 正当防卫答案:D4. 我国的法律体系中,不属于法律渊源的是:A. 宪法C. 行政法规D. 道德规范答案:D5. 以下哪项不是法律关系的构成要素?A. 主体B. 客体C. 权利D. 义务答案:C6. 我国《民法典》规定,以下哪项不是民事权利?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 知识产权D. 行政权答案:D7. 根据我国《行政诉讼法》,以下哪项不属于行政诉讼的受案范围?A. 对行政机关的具体行政行为不服B. 对行政机关的抽象行政行为不服C. 对行政机关的行政不作为不服D. 对行政机关的行政指导不服答案:D8. 我国《刑法》规定,以下哪项不属于刑罚的种类?B. 拘役C. 罚金D. 警告答案:D9. 根据我国《合同法》,以下哪项不属于合同的一般条款?A. 合同主体B. 合同标的C. 合同履行方式D. 合同的法律效力答案:D10. 我国《婚姻法》规定,以下哪项不是婚姻的法定条件?A. 双方自愿B. 达到法定婚龄C. 无禁止结婚的亲属关系D. 双方均有配偶答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些属于法律的效力范围?A. 空间效力B. 时间效力C. 人员效力D. 地域效力答案:A、B、C2. 我国《宪法》规定的公民的基本权利包括:A. 言论自由B. 宗教信仰自由C. 受教育的权利D. 选举权和被选举权答案:A、B、C、D3. 根据我国《刑法》的规定,以下哪些行为属于犯罪?A. 贪污B. 受贿C. 盗窃D. 诈骗答案:A、B、C、D4. 我国《民法典》规定的民事主体包括:A. 自然人B. 法人C. 非法人组织D. 国家机关答案:A、B、C5. 根据我国《行政诉讼法》,以下哪些属于行政诉讼的受案范围?A. 对行政机关的具体行政行为不服B. 对行政机关的抽象行政行为不服C. 对行政机关的行政不作为不服D. 对行政机关的行政指导不服三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 法律面前人人平等是法律的基本原则之一。

法律常识试题 (2)

法律常识试题 (2)

法律常识试题1. 简答题1.什么是法律?2.法律的作用是什么?3.什么是法律的施行?4.非法行为和犯罪有什么区别?5.刑事案件和民事案件的区别是什么?6.法律的违反有哪些后果?7.什么是侵权行为?2. 单选题1.以下哪个是国际公约?a)刑法典b)《联合国人权宣言》c)刑事诉讼法d)民法典2.法律规定的法律行为基本要素包括以下哪项?a)自愿b)非法c)强迫d)个人自由3.以下哪个是法律的源泉?a)国际法b)行政法规c)习惯法d)地方法规3. 填空题1.法律是对社会行为进行__规范__和__指导__的一种规则体系。



4. 判断题1.刑事案件是由个人之间的纠纷引发的。

–[ ] 正确–[x] 错误2.法律规定的法律行为必须强迫他人参与,否则无效。

–[x] 正确–[ ] 错误5. 论述题请就以下问题进行论述:法律对社会的作用是什么?为什么法律是社会不可或缺的组成部分?论述:法律对社会的作用是多方面的。













法律考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,下列哪项不属于公民的基本权利?A. 言论自由B. 宗教信仰自由C. 选举权和被选举权D. 财产权答案:D2. 《中华人民共和国刑法》规定,下列哪项不属于犯罪的构成要件?A. 犯罪主体B. 犯罪客体C. 犯罪行为D. 犯罪动机答案:D3. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,下列哪项不是民事权利?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 知识产权D. 行政权答案:D4. 《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,劳动者享有以下哪些权利?A. 休息休假权B. 获得劳动报酬权C. 劳动安全卫生保护权D. 以上都是答案:D5. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,下列哪项不是合同的基本原则?A. 平等原则B. 自愿原则C. 公平原则D. 强制原则答案:D6. 《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定,著作权包括哪些权利?A. 人身权和财产权B. 人身权和知识产权C. 财产权和知识产权D. 人身权和邻接权答案:A7. 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》,公司股东大会的职权不包括以下哪项?A. 决定公司的经营方针和投资计划B. 选举和更换董事、监事C. 决定公司合并、分立、解散或者变更公司形式D. 决定公司的日常经营活动答案:D8. 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,下列哪项不是婚姻无效的情形?A. 重婚B. 有禁止结婚的亲属关系C. 未到法定婚龄D. 双方自愿离婚答案:D9. 根据《中华人民共和国继承法》,下列哪项不是法定继承人?A. 配偶B. 子女C. 父母D. 兄弟姐妹答案:D10. 《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》规定,行政诉讼的受案范围不包括以下哪项?A. 对行政处罚不服提起的诉讼B. 对行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼C. 对行政裁决不服提起的诉讼D. 对民事纠纷提起的诉讼答案:D11. 根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,下列哪项不是环境保护的基本原则?A. 预防为主、综合治理B. 污染者负担C. 公众参与D. 经济优先答案:D12. 《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》规定,消费者享有以下哪些权利?A. 安全保障权B. 知情权C. 自主选择权D. 以上都是答案:D13. 根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》,下列哪项不属于不正当竞争行为?A. 商业贿赂B. 侵犯商业秘密C. 虚假宣传D. 正常价格竞争答案:D14. 《中华人民共和国产品质量法》规定,下列哪项不是产品质量监督的主要内容?A. 产品质量监督检查B. 产品质量认证C. 产品质量监督抽查D. 产品质量行政处罚答案:D15. 根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》,下列哪项不是税务机关的职权?A. 税务检查权B. 税务处罚权C. 税务强制执行权D. 民事诉讼权答案:D16. 《中华人民共和国土地管理法》规定,下列哪项不是土地使用权的内容?A. 占有权B. 使用权C. 收益权D. 处分权答案:D17. 根据《中华人民共和国专利法》,下列哪项不是专利权的内容?A. 独占实施权B. 许可权C. 转让权D. 销售权答案:D18. 《中华人民共和国商标法》规定,下列哪项不是商标权的内容?A. 使用权B. 许可权C. 转让权D. 制造权答案:D19. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,下列哪项不是刑罚的种类?A. 主刑B. 附加刑C. 罚金D. 赔偿金答案:D20. 《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》规定,下列哪项不是民事诉讼的基本原则?A. 公开审判原则B. 直接言词原则C. 辩论原则D. 无罪推定原则答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)21. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,下列哪些属于公民的基本义务?A. 遵守宪法和法律B. 维护国家的安全、荣誉和利益C. 保卫祖国、尊重社会公德D. 参加选举答案:ABC22. 《中华人民共和国刑法》规定,下列哪些属于犯罪的构成要件?A. 犯罪主体B. 犯罪客体C. 犯罪行为D. 犯罪结果答案:ABCD23. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,下列哪些属于民事权利?A. 财产权B. 人身权C. 知识产权D. 行政权答案:ABC24. 《中华人民共和国劳动法》规定,下列哪些属于劳动者的权利?A. 休息休假权B. 获得劳动报酬权C. 劳动安全卫生保护权D. 参加工会的权利答案:ABCD25. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,下列哪些属于合同的基本原则?A. 平等原则B. 自愿原则C. 公平原则D. 诚实信用原则答案:ABCD26. 《中华人民共和国著作权法》规定,著作权包括哪些权利?A. 人身权B. 财产权C. 邻接权D. 知识产权答案:AB27. 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》,公司股东大会的职权包括以下哪些?A. 决定公司的经营方针和投资计划B. 选举和更换董事、监事C. 决定公司合并、分立、解散或者变更公司形式D. 决定公司的日常经营活动答案:ABC28. 《中华人民共和国婚姻法》规定,下列哪些情形属于婚姻无效?A. 重婚B. 有禁止结婚的亲属关系C. 未到法定婚龄D. 双方自愿离婚答案:ABC29. 根据《中华人民共和国继承法》,下列哪些是法定继承人?A. 配偶B. 子女C. 父母D. 兄弟姐妹答案:ABC30. 《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》规定,行政诉讼的受案范围包括以下哪些?A. 对行政处罚不服提起的诉讼B. 对行政强制措施不服提起的诉讼C. 对行政裁决不服提起的诉讼D. 对民事纠纷提起的诉讼答案:ABC三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)31. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。



法律知识问答题库1. 美国宪法是世界上第一部成文宪法,它于哪一年颁布?美国宪法于1787年颁布。

2. 什么是刑法?刑法的主要目的是什么?刑法是一种针对犯罪行为的法律规定和制裁措施的体系。


3. 知识产权是指什么?它又包括哪些方面?知识产权是指人的智力创造所享有的专有权利。


4. 何谓侵权行为?侵权行为有哪些类型?侵权行为是指侵犯了他人合法权益的行为。


5. 什么是合同?合同的几要素是什么?合同是双方或多方当事人之间有约束力的协议。


6. 何谓劳动法?劳动法的核心原则是什么?劳动法是保护劳动者权益并规范劳动关系的法律体系。


7. 什么是知情同意?知情同意的主要作用是什么?知情同意指当事人在完全知晓相关信息的情况下,自愿且明确地同意进行某项行为。


8. 何谓著作权?著作权的保护范围有哪些?著作权是指个人或组织对其创造的作品享有的权利。


9. 法律责任是指什么?它可以通过哪些方式承担?法律责任是指法律对违反法律规定所作出的惩罚或补偿要求。


10. 什么是婚姻法?婚姻法的目的是什么?婚姻法是规范婚姻关系的法律体系。




法律法规知识题库(1000题)第一部分:单选题(585题)1.我国第一次确认宪法具有最高法律效力的是( D )A.1954年宪法B.1975年宪法C.1978年宪法D.1982年宪法2.被马克思称为“第一个人权宣言”的是( D )A.《人权宣言》B.《权利请愿书》C.《世界人权宣言》D.《独立宣言》3.把宪法区分为社会主义类型宪法和资本主义类型宪法是一种科学的分类方法,因为它( A)A.揭示了宪法的本质属性B.指出了宪法的内容C.指出了国家形式的不同D.总结了宪法形式上的特点4.现行宪法序言明确宣告本宪法规定了国家的根本制度和( D )A.政治制度B.社会制度C.国家制度D.根本任务5.我国首个国家宪法日是( C )A.2014年7月1日B.2014年10月1日C.2014年12月4日D.2015年5月4日6.世界历史上第一部资产阶级成文宪法是( A)A.1787年美国宪法B.1791年法国宪法C.1215年《自由大宪章》D.1889年日本帝国宪法7.中国历史上唯一的一部具有资产阶级民主共和国性质的宪法性文件是( B )A.《宪法重大信条十九条》B.《中华民国临时约法》C.《中华民国约法》D.《中华民国训政时期约法》8.现阶段,在法律规定范围内的个体经济和私营经济等是( D )A.具有资本主义性质的经济成分B.公有制经济的有益补充C.非社会主义的经济形式D.非公有制经济9.根据现行宪法规定,没有附加剥夺政治权利的犯罪分子正在服刑期间( C )A.没有选举权B.停止行使选举权C.准予行使选举权D.经有关机关批准可以行使选举权10.国有企业依照法律规定,通过( A)A.职工代表大会和其他形式实行民主管理B.厂长(经理)负责制和其他形式实行民主管理C.董事会领导下的厂长(经理)负责制实行民主管理D.党组织、厂长(经理)和工会相结合实行民主管理11.修改程序与一般法律相同的宪法叫做( B )A.刚性宪法B.柔性宪法C.不成文宪法D.钦定宪法12.特别行政区基本法的解释权属于( B )A.全国人民代表大会B.全国人大常委会C.特别行政区立法会D.全国人大常委会和特别行政区立法会13.现行宪法规定,宅基地和自留地、自留山属于( B )A.国家所有B.集体所有C.公共所有D.集体所有、村民承包14.根据我国《全国人民代表大会和地方各级人民代表大会代表法》的规定,全国人民代表大会代表不能对下列哪个人员提出罢免案?(C )A.国家主席B.国家副主席C.全国政协主席D.国务院总理15. 下列关于民族乡的说法,错误的是(A)A.民族乡是一级民族自治地方B.民族乡具有比一般乡镇更多的自主权C.民族乡是我国民族区域自治制度的一种基层政权形式D.民族乡乡长应由建立民族乡的少数民族的公民担任16. 规定“国家尊重和保障人权”的是(D )A.1988年宪法修正案B.1993年宪法修正案C.1999年宪法修正案D.2004年宪法修正案17. 现行宪法规定,城市和农村按居民居住地区设立的居民委员会或者村民委员会是(C )A.基层政权机关B.基层政权机关的派出机关C.基层群众性自治组织D.基层事业单位18. 现行宪法第3条规定,我国的国家机构实行(B )A.社会主义法治原则B.民主集中制原则C.责任制原则D.党对国家机构的领导原则19. 根据现行宪法,中华人民共和国主席、副主席由(B )A.全国人民代表大会决定产生B.全国人民代表大会选举产生C.全国人民代表大会主席团协商产生D.全国人大常委会选举产生20. 根据现行宪法,国务院总理人选的提名权属于(C )A.全国人民代表大会主席团B.全国人大常委会C.中华人民共和国主席D.全国人大常委会委员长21. 根据现行宪法,下列各项人事权中,只能由全国人大常委会行使的是(D )A.选举中华人民共和国副主席B.决定国务院副总理C.决定中央军委副主席D.决定最高人民法院副院长22.根据现行宪法,中央军事委员会人员组成不.包括( C )A.主席 B.副主席若干人 C.秘书长 D.委员若干人23.根据现行宪法和法律,我国人民检察院的领导体制是(A)A.双重领导体制B.平行领导体制C.审检合署体制D.垂直领导体制24.根据现行宪法,地方各级人民法院对( D )A.上级人民法院负责B.本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作C.本级人大常委会负责并报告工作D.本级人大及其常委会负责25.以下关于人民陪审员的说法,错误的是( D )A.担任人民陪审员应当年满23周岁B.人民陪审员不得担任审判长C.人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员不得担任人民陪审员D.人民陪审员没有任期限制26.我国现行宪法规定,省、自治区、直辖市的区域划分由(C )A.全国人民代表大会审议决定B.全国人大常委会批准C.国务院审批D.民政部批准27.现行宪法规定,由于国家机关和国家工作人员侵犯公民权利而受到损失的人,有依照法律规定( C )A.提出批评的权利B.提出申诉的权利C.取得赔偿的权利D.要求给予刑事处罚的权利28.根据我国国徽法的规定,国徽及其图案不得用于(C )A.国务院颁布的任命书B.中央军委主席以职务名义对外使用的请柬C.商标和广告D.国家出版的法律正式版本的封面29. 根据现行宪法和法律,我国地方各级人民代表大会都可以行使的权力是(A)A.选举同级人民法院院长B.监督同级人民政府C.组织特定问题调查委员会D.制定地方性法规30. 根据现行宪法,我国人民法院上下级的关系是(A)A.监督关系B.指导关系C.领导关系D.协调关系31. 根据现行宪法,特别行政区内实行的制度由(A)A.全国人大以法律规定B.全国人大常委会以法律规定C.特别行政区行政长官以行政命令规定D.特别行政区立法机关以法律规定32. 根据现行宪法,批准自治州的自治条例和单行条例生效的国家机关是(D )A.全国人民代表大会B.全国人大常委会C.国务院D.省、自治区人大常委33. 全国人民代表大会常务委员会对国务院制定的同宪法、法律相抵触的行政法规( B )A.有权改变或撤销B.有权撤销,无权改变C.有权改变,无权撤销D.无权撤销,无权改变34. 英国的宪法监督类型属于( D )A.国家元首的宪法监督B.普通法院的宪法监督C.宪法法院的宪法监督D.立法机关的宪法监督35. 1776年美国《独立宣言》宣称“政府的正当权力,系得自统治者的同意”。



法律知识考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共40分)1. 根据《中华人民共和国宪法》,下列哪项是公民的基本权利?A. 受教育的权利B. 纳税的义务C. 遵守法律的义务D. 服兵役的义务2. 在我国法律体系中,具有最高法律效力的是:A. 宪法B. 法律C. 行政法规D. 地方性法规3. 下列关于合同法的基本原则,描述不正确的是:A. 自由自愿原则B. 平等互利原则C. 公平原则D. 强制性原则4. 刑事责任的追究原则不包括:A. 罪刑法定原则B. 无罪推定原则C. 罪责刑相适应原则D. 优先调解原则5. 民事诉讼法规定,下列哪项不是民事案件的审判原则?A. 公开审判原则B. 合法性原则C. 独立审判原则D. 双方诉讼平等原则6. 根据《中华人民共和国物权法》,物权的种类不包括:A. 所有权B. 用益物权C. 担保物权D. 继承权7. 下列关于知识产权的描述,不正确的是:A. 知识产权是无形财产权的一种B. 著作权包括文学、艺术和科学作品C. 专利权仅限于发明和实用新型D. 商标权的保护期限是永久的8. 劳动法规定,劳动者享有的权益不包括:A. 获得劳动报酬的权利B. 休息和休假的权利C. 获得职业培训的权利D. 随意解除劳动合同的权利9. 环境保护法规定,下列哪项是企业的环保义务?A. 遵守环境保护标准B. 随意排放污染物C. 拒绝环保部门的监督检查D. 只对有偿使用的自然资源承担保护责任10. 在我国,可以提起行政诉讼的主体是:A. 公民B. 法人C. 其他组织D. 所有上述主体11. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,下列哪项不属于侵犯公民个人权利的犯罪?A. 故意伤害罪B. 非法拘禁罪C. 贪污贿赂罪D. 侵犯通信自由罪12. 民事合同中的“不可抗力”是指:A. 合同一方的违约行为B. 合同一方的疏忽大意C. 不可预见、不可避免且不可克服的客观情况D. 合同一方的故意行为13. 下列关于婚姻法的基本原则,描述错误的是:A. 婚姻自由原则B. 一夫一妻原则C. 男女平等原则D. 亲属共同财产原则14. 我国《公司法》规定,公司股东的责任限于:A. 其所持股份的价值B. 公司的总资产C. 公司的债务D. 公司的年度利润15. 根据《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》,行政诉讼的受案范围不包括:A. 对行政行为提起的诉讼B. 对行政规章提起的诉讼C. 对行政协议提起的诉讼D. 对行政强制措施提起的诉讼二、多项选择题(每题3分,共30分)16. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,下列哪些情形可以导致合同无效?(多选)A. 欺诈行为B. 胁迫行为C. 恶意串通行为D. 合同内容违反法律、行政法规的强制性规定17. 下列哪些行为属于侵犯商标权的行为?(多选)A. 未经商标注册人许可,使用与其注册商标相同的商标B. 未经商标注册人许可,使用与其注册商标近似的商标C. 销售侵犯注册商标专用权的商品D. 故意毁损他人注册商标标识18. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,下列哪些情形可以认定为正当防卫?(多选)A. 防卫行为明显超过必要限度造成不应有的损害B. 防卫行为未超过必要限度造成不应有的损害C. 为了制止正在进行的不法侵害行为D. 为了保护国家利益、公共利益或者个人的人身权利、财产权利19. 下列哪些情形属于无效的民事行为?(多选)A. 行为人无民事行为能力B. 行为人被胁迫C. 行为内容违法D. 行为人具有完全民事行为能力20. 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》,下列哪些情形用人单位不得解除劳动合同?(多选)A. 劳动者在医疗期内B. 劳动者处于。



法学练习题题库一、选择题1. 下列哪个是法律的基本属性?A. 指导性B. 强制性C. 独立性D. 公正性2. 法律规范分为以下几种类型,不包括:A. 宪法B. 行政法规C. 民事法律文件D. 商业契约3. 法律的适用范围取决于以下因素,除了:A. 地域B. 人员身份C. 时间D. 个体喜好4. 下列哪个是法律的基本功能?A. 管理社会事务B. 保护人权利益C. 解决个人纠纷D. 提高法官收入5. 法律解释的权力属于哪个机关?A. 司法机关B. 行政机关C. 立法机关D. 检察机关二、判断题1. 宪法是国家的基本法律文件,具有最高的法律地位。

(对/错)2. 法律规范的适用范围只受到地域和时间的限制。

(对/错)3. 法律规范的制定和修改都需要通过法律程序。

(对/错)4. 司法机关只负责审判案件,不参与法律的解释。

(对/错)5. 权力制衡是法治的基本原则之一。

(对/错)三、简答题1. 什么是法律规范?2. 请解释法律的基本属性。

3. 以宪法为例,解释法律规范的适用范围。

4. 简要说明法律的基本功能。

5. 简述法律的解释权力属于哪个机关,以及其重要性。













法律考试题库判断及答案1. 法律行为的效力可以因当事人的意思表示而发生改变。

(对/错)答案:对2. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,无民事行为能力人实施的民事法律行为一律无效。

(对/错)答案:对3. 合同法规定,合同的变更和解除必须采用书面形式。

(对/错)答案:错4. 甲公司与乙公司签订了一份买卖合同,后因市场变化,甲公司单方面解除合同,根据合同法,甲公司需要承担违约责任。

(对/错)答案:对5. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,故意杀人罪的法定最高刑为死刑。

(对/错)答案:对6. 行政法规可以设定限制人身自由的行政处罚。

(对/错)答案:错7. 根据《中华人民共和国公司法》,公司股东会是公司的最高权力机构。

(对/错)答案:对8. 知识产权包括著作权、商标权和专利权。

(对/错)答案:对9. 在中国,未成年人犯罪的刑事责任年龄起点为14周岁。

(对/错)答案:错10. 根据《中华人民共和国劳动法》,劳动者在试用期内可以随时解除劳动合同。

(对/错)答案:对11. 根据《中华人民共和国婚姻法》,夫妻双方在婚姻关系存续期间所取得的财产属于共同财产。

(对/错)答案:对12. 根据《中华人民共和国继承法》,遗嘱可以撤销或变更先前所立的遗嘱。

(对/错)答案:对13. 根据《中华人民共和国环境保护法》,污染者负担原则是指污染者应当承担治理污染的责任。

(对/错)答案:对14. 根据《中华人民共和国反不正当竞争法》,商业贿赂属于不正当竞争行为。

(对/错)答案:对15. 根据《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》,消费者在购买商品或者接受服务时享有知情权和选择权。

(对/错)答案:对16. 根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》,著作权包括人身权和财产权。

(对/错)答案:对17. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》,合同的订立应当遵循公平原则和诚实信用原则。

(对/错)答案:对18. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,对于自首的犯罪分子,可以从轻或者减轻处罚。



















律师考试题库及答案解析一、单项选择题1. 根据《中华人民共和国民法典》,以下哪种情形不属于民事法律行为?A. 买卖合同B. 赠与行为C. 遗嘱D. 犯罪行为答案:D解析:根据《中华人民共和国民法典》第一百四十三条的规定,民事法律行为是指自然人、法人或者非法人组织通过意思表示设立、变更、终止民事权利和民事义务的行为。


2. 以下哪项不是民事诉讼法规定的诉讼时效期间?A. 一年B. 二年C. 三年D. 五年答案:D解析:根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第一百九十五条的规定,民事诉讼法规定的诉讼时效期间一般为二年,最长不超过三年。


二、多项选择题1. 根据《中华人民共和国刑法》,以下哪些行为可能构成犯罪?A. 故意伤害他人身体B. 盗窃他人财物C. 故意损坏他人财物D. 非法占用耕地答案:ABCD解析:根据《中华人民共和国刑法》的相关规定,故意伤害他人身体(A)、盗窃他人财物(B)、故意损坏他人财物(C)以及非法占用耕地(D)均可能构成犯罪。

2. 以下哪些属于民事诉讼中的证据类型?A. 物证B. 证人证言C. 视听资料D. 电子数据答案:ABCD解析:根据《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第六十三条的规定,民事诉讼中的证据类型包括物证、证人证言、视听资料、电子数据等。






问题:1. 张某的行为是否构成违约?2. 李某可以采取哪些法律措施来维护自己的权益?答案:1. 张某的行为构成违约。









问题三请解释法律适用的原则是什么?答案:法律适用的原则主要包括以下几个方面:- 法律不能有追溯效力:法律只能在其颁布之后生效,不得追溯适用于过去的行为。

- 法律不能有溯及既往效力:法律只能对其颁布之后发生的事实进行适用,不得溯及既往追究责任。

- 法律须明确和具体:法律应当具备明确、具体和具备可预见性的特点,以便公民遵守。

- 法律应公正和平等:法律应当公正平等地对待所有人,不存在特殊待遇或歧视。

- 法律应灵活和适度:法律应具备一定的灵活性和适度性,以适应社会变革和需求。











高一英语法律意识练习题30题1<背景文章>Law is an essential part of our daily lives. It provides order and stability in society. Without laws, chaos would reign. Laws govern everything from traffic rules to business transactions. They protect our rights and ensure that we live in a safe and just environment.For example, traffic laws help keep us safe on the roads. They regulate speed limits, require the use of seat belts, and dictate right-of-way. By following these laws, we reduce the risk of accidents and protect ourselves and others.In addition, laws protect our property rights. They ensure that our homes, possessions, and businesses are secure. Without property laws, people could take our things without permission, and there would be no way to hold them accountable.Laws also play a crucial role in resolving disputes. When people have conflicts, they can turn to the legal system for a fair and impartial resolution. The courts provide a forum for people to present their cases and have their rights determined.Moreover, laws promote fairness and equality. They prohibit discrimination and ensure that everyone is treated equally under the law.This helps to create a more just society where people have equal opportunities and are not discriminated against based on factors such as race, gender, or religion.In conclusion, law is essential for a functioning society. It provides order, protects our rights, resolves disputes, and promotes fairness. We should all have a basic understanding of the law and respect its authority.1. Laws provide __________ in society.A. chaosB. order and stabilityC. discriminationD. accidents答案:B。



法学概论试题及答案英语一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 法学是研究什么的学科?A. 法律条文B. 法律实践C. 法律现象及其规律D. 法律职业答案:C2. 以下哪项不是法学的主要分支?A. 宪法学B. 民法学C. 经济学D. 刑法学答案:C3. 法律的基本原则不包括以下哪项?A. 公平B. 正义C. 效率D. 权力答案:D4. 法律关系的基本构成要素包括以下哪项?A. 主体B. 客体C. 内容D. 所有以上答案:D5. 以下哪项不是法律效力的特点?A. 强制性B. 普遍性C. 相对性D. 绝对性答案:D6. 法律解释的方法不包括以下哪项?A. 文义解释B. 系统解释C. 目的解释D. 历史解释答案:D7. 法律适用的原则不包括以下哪项?A. 法律优先原则B. 法律平等原则C. 法律连续性原则D. 法律独立性原则答案:D8. 以下哪项不是法律行为的分类?A. 民事行为B. 行政行为C. 刑事行为D. 经济行为答案:D9. 法律规范的构成要素包括以下哪项?A. 假定B. 处理C. 制裁D. 所有以上答案:D10. 法律的效力不包括以下哪项?A. 空间效力B. 时间效力C. 对象效力D. 程序效力答案:D二、简答题(每题5分,共20分)11. 简述法律的一般功能。


12. 阐述法律与道德的区别。



13. 解释什么是法律关系。


14. 简述法律解释的重要性。


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第一,二,四,七章题库Part 1 mark the following statement true or false:1.Legal right is legal capacity to require another person to perform (or notperform) an act (T)2.Duty is legal capacity to require another person to perform (or not perform)an act (F)3.Duty is an obligation of law impose on a person to perform or not performcertain act (T)4.Legal right is an obligation of law impose on a person to perform or notperform certain act (F)5.Right can rest on one person without a corresponding duty resting on someother person(s). ( F )6.Statues can take away the individual rights given in the U.S. Constitution.( F )w consists of the body of principles that govern conduct and that can beenforced in courts or by administrative. T8.Right of Privacy is guaranteed by the Fourth Amendment of the U. S.Constitution T9.Employees’ E-mail is the property of the employer T10.The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution protects the Due ProcessRights. F11.Case law is one source of law in US. Ting precedent and following in similar cases is the doctrine of stare decisis.T13.Equity is principles or rules that provide special relief in the event the usualremedies at law are not sufficient. T14.A right to due precess is the right to be free from unreasonable searchers andintrusion by others (F)15.A right of privacy is the right to be free from unreasonable searchers andintrusion by others (T)16.Administrative regulations are rules made by state and federaladministrative agencies (T)17.Statutory laws is rules made by state and federal administrative agencies(F)mon law is time honored rules of law followed by courts that are notnecessarily statutes (T)19.Case law is law expressed for the first time in a court decision. (T)20.Case law is time honored rules of law followed by courts that are notnecessarily statutes (F)mon law is law expressed for the first time in a court decision. (F)22.Substantive law is law that creates, defines, and regulates rights and liabilities(T)23.Procedural law is law that specifies the steps to be followed in enforcing therights and liabilities given under law (T)24.Procedural law is law that creates, defines, and regulates rights and liabilities(F)25.Substantive law is law that specifies the steps to be followed in enforcing therights and liabilities given under law (F)26.27.special jurisdiction is a kind of appellate jurisdiction F28.special jurisdiction is a kind of original jurisdiction T29.A law that requires public schools to hold a hearing before a student isexpelled is a substantive law. F30.a law that provides employee leave for the birth or adoption of a child for upto 12 weeks is a procedural law F31.The only way to resolve a dispute is going to court F32.dispute could be resolved outside the court system T33.Right and duties coexist. T34.The right given in the U.S. constitution are rights that can be taken away orviolated by any statutes, ordinances, or court decisions. Fing precedent and following in similar in similar case is the doctrine ofstare decisis. T36.When a court finds that its earlier decision was incorrectly decided, it willoverrule that decision. T37.The right to trial by jury is a fundamental procedure that must always beused whenever any issue of fact is to be determined. ( F )38.A court with general jurisdiction has the authority to hear only particularkinds of cases. F39.An appellate court does not hear witnesses or take testimony. T40.U.S. Supreme court is the final court in the federal system. T41.A jury is the body of citizens sworn by a court to determine the judgement ina case presented to them. (F)42.A jury is the body of citizens sworn by a court to determine the verdict in acase presented to them. (T)43.Superior Court is the final court in the federal system. F44.A defendant is the party who initiates a lawsuit in a court of originaljurisdiction. F45.A judge is the primary officer of the court who presides over cases before thecourt. T46.Challenges for cause are unlimited, but each side can exercise six to eightperemptory challenges. T47.A peremptory challenge is an arbitrary challenge that may be used for anyreason. F\48.When the judgment debtor is an employee, the sheriff could garnish aportion of the employee’s wages. T49.Arbitration is used for the settlement of a dispute through the use of amessenger who carries to each side of the dispute the issues and offers in the case. F50.A mediation is the settlement of a dispute through the use of one or morearbitrators. F51.Appellate jurisdiction is the power to review the work of a lower court. T52.American governments are tripartite………………………………( T )53.Federal System created The U. S. Constitution. (F)54.In US , central government established a Federal System that coexists with thegovernment of the individual states F55.A Judicial Branch is to interpret the laws. T Congress is a Bicameral body T57.American Congress is tripartite…………F President is popularly elected by the people of US F59.Judges of United States are appointed by the President T60.Judges of United States are appointed by the President with approval of theHouse F61.Legislative branch of a government is to execute thelaws…………………(F)62.Judicial branch of a government is to make the laws…… ………..(F)63.The national government alone may declare war T64.The taxing power is a exclusive power owned by US government. F government may not adopt ex post facto laws T66.A valid federal law overrides a state statute T67.The silence of Congress indicates that no national or state law is wanted onthat matter T68.The silence of Congress may bar state action. T69.Federal deregulation of regulated industry does not automatically give thestates the power to regulate that industry T70.Bedrock and living document are rival views on interpreting the Constitution.T71.In the bedrock view the purpose of a constitution is to state certainfundamental principles for all time………………………(T)72.In the bedrock view, the Constitution was to interpreted strictly to givefederal government the least power possible T73.In the bedrock view, the Constitution was to interpreted broadly to givefederal government the greatest power that the words would permit F 74.In the living document view, the Constitution was to interpreted broadly togive federal government the greatest power that the words would permit 75.A written constitution is of no value in view of the fact that the U.S.constitution constantly change. ( F )76.In recent years liberal interpretation to the U.S. Constitution has narroweddown the powers of the federal government. ( F ) Constitution has been amended according to its provisions. T Constitution has been amended by court decisions. T Constitution has been amended by practice. T80.Due process Clause provides a guarantee of protection against the loss ofproperty or rights without the chance to be heard ………………………(T) 81.Members of the Senate are popularly elected for a term of sevenyears………...(F)82.Members of the House of Representatives are popularly elected for a term oft hree years……………………………………………...(F)83.The United States can not regulated interstate commerce…………….(F)84.The United States commerce power is now a general welfare power. (T)85.Both member of senate and members of the House of Representatives arepopularly elected. T86.In US , all persons be protected or treated equally F87.To some extent there exists tension between democracy and protection ofindividual rights. ( T )ws that impose restrictions on some, but not all, persons withoutjustification for the distinction are invalid T Government can not treat one person differently from another withoutreasonable ground for classifying them differently. T90.Nations regulate trade to protect the economic interests of their citizens or toprotect themselves in international relations and transactions. (T)91.If parties agree to arbitrate any contractual disputes, the decision of thearbitrator is final and binding on the parties. T92.The parties of international trade resolve the question of which country’s lawapplies in a choice of law clause in their sales contract. T93.WTO seeks to promote nondiscriminatory trade. T94.IMF seeks to promote nondiscriminatory trade. F95.In WTO, exceptions and special preferences were granted to developedcountries. F96.In WTO, principle of protection through tariffs is embodied in its mostfavored nation clause. (F)97.In WTO, t he aim of the rule ’protection through tariffs’ is to make the extentof protection clear (T)98.GATT provided a Dispute Settlement Body. (F)99.The GATT 1994 is a multilateral treaty subscribed to by 125 membergovernment, including US, China and Russia. (F )100.January 1st 1995, WTO took over the GATT policing responsibility.(T)101.The CISG. is short for the United Nations Conference on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. (F)102.CISG sets forth the uniform rules to govern international sales contract.(T)103.United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) represents the interests of the less developed countries. (T)104.The UNCTAD’s prime objective is the achievement of an internationalredistribution of income through trade. (T)105.UNCTAD set forth the uniform rules to govern international sales contract. F106.One of the main goals of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was to raise the taxes and royalties earned from crude oil production. (T)107.One of the OPEC’s major goals was to take control over production and exploration from major oil company. (T)108.OPEC is a producer cartel (T)109.The purpose of IMF is to shorten the duration and lessen the disequilibrium (imbalance) in the international balance of payments of members (T)110.The purpose of World Bank is to shorten the duration and lessen the disequilibrium (imbalance) in the international balance of payments of members (F)111.EEC was established in 1958 by the Treaty of Rome (T)112.European Commission consists of the heads of the state of the member countries (F)113.European parliament sets policy guidelines of EU (F)114.Franchising is a form of licensing that is now very common in international trade (T)115.In US, the Lanham Act may be used to exclude gray market goods. (T) 116.United states antitrust laws may apply to business conducted outside the US T117.United states antitrust laws may not apply to business conducted outside the US F118.119.The Jurisdictional Rule of Reason is based on the principle of comity. (T) 120.By the act of state doctrine, the courts of one country shall not judge other government’s acts done within its own territory ( T)121.The Sovereign Immunity Doctrine states that a foreign sovereign generally cannot be sued (T) has the jurisdiction if illegal conducts in securities markets took place in US, regardless it is against American or foreigner or where they live (T) has the jurisdiction if illegal conducts in securities markets involved American , regardless it tool place in US or foreign countries (T)124.Quota limitation is a kind of tariffs barriers. (F)125.Selling goods in another country at Low price is called dumping (F) 126.International Trade Administration (ITA) investigates if goods are being sold at LTFV in US (T)127.International Trade Commission of US conducts proceeding to determine if a dumping act has caused an injury to a domestic industry. (T) antitrust laws may apply to business conducted outside the United States. (T)129.United States laws provide some relief for certain industries, workers and communities adversely affected by foreign competition. T130.The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits any payment or gift to foreign official or influential third party for the purpose of gaining advantage in doing business (T)131.The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits any payments made to low-level officials for expediting the performance of routine government services. (F)Part 2 Multiple choices1. Which of the following does not belong to the participants in the court systemA Plaintiff,B Prosecutor,C GovernorD DefendantE Jury.(C)2 Which of the following does not belong to the costs awarded to the prevailing party after trialA Filing feeB process service feesC witness and jury feesD deposition transcripts costsE time lost from work(E)3 The next step to opening statements isA voir dire examinationB The Presentation of EvidenceC Motion for Directed VerdictD SummationE Jury Instructions(b)4 The next step to Commencement of Lawsuit isA Selecting a JuryB Service of ProcessC CounterclaimD DiscoveryE Deposition(b) the party who is charged with a violation of civil or criminal law in a proceeding brought in a court of original jurisdiction is called a/an :A. prosecutorB. defendantC. judgeD. plaintiff E jury(b)5 Which of the following does not belong to the financial power of US governmentA The Taxing PowerB The Spending PowerC The power to establish currencyD The Power to Own BusinessE The Banking Power – Create and regulate banks(D)6 Which of the following does not belong to the institutions of EUA European CommissionB European ParliamentC European Court of JusticeD European ConferenceE European Council(D) 7Barriers to trade not include:A tariffs,B antitrustC import quotasD government subsidiesE foreign policy restrictions(B)8 The goals for EU are:A. Single monetary and fiscal policiesB. Common foreign and security policiesC. Cooperation in justice and domestic affairsD. Above allE. None of above(D)9 which of the followings is not the one of individual right?A :the right to freedom of speech B: the right to due processC: the right to find other privacy D: the right to voteC 10 Decisions of the general trial courts in a state would be appealed to _______.A General Trial courtB Specialty CourtsC State Appellate courtsD State Supreme courtC 11 In US, which of the followings can serve for life, subject to removal only by impeachment because of misconduct.( )A. the presidentB. senator,C. judge,D. police,E. governorC12 . Which of the following does not belong to Federal Court SystemA . Federal District CourtsB. U.S. Courts of AppealsC. U.S. Supreme CourtD. Specialty CourtsD 13 Jimmy Elem was convicted of second-degree robbery in a Missouri court. During jury selection for his trial, the prosecutor struck two black men from the jury panel due to their long hair and facial hair. The prosecutor ( ).A.Utilized the Peremptory Challenges.B.Utilized the freedom of choice.C.Violated the human right.D.Violated the law that requires non-discrimination in court system.E.Violated the law unless he/she can provide valid reasons for suchstrikes.A14 America has very strict procedure of trial: a. Motion for a directed verdict;b. Motion for mistrial;c. Jury instructions;d. The presentation of evidence;e. Summation;f. Motion for new trial, motion for judgment N.O.V.(notwithstanding the verdict);g. Selecting a jury;h. Opening statements. Which one of the following options is the CORRECT order in the trial?A. ghdcabfeB. ghdaecbfC. ghdaebcfD. ghdacbfeC15 The U.S. constitution has been amended by ………………..(D)A. its provisionsB. court decisionsC. practiceD. all above16 Which treaty made EEC (the European economic community) change itsname to EU.A. treaty of MaastrichtB. treaty of RomeC. treaty of GreeceD. treaty of AustriaA17 The states possess the power to adopt laws to protect the general welfare, health, safety, and morals of the people. This is called ……………………A. prohibited powersB. police powerC. shared powersD. delegated powers(B)18 The power given by the states to the national government are describedas…A. delegated powersB. shared powersC. prohibited powersD. police power.(A)19 Members of the Senate are popularly elected for a term of years.A.3B. 5C. 6D. 7(C)20 The president serves for a term of years and is eligible for reelection for a second term.A.2B.4C. 5D. 3(B)21 The grant of power to the national government to impose taxes did not destroy the state power to tax, it indicates power set in the U.S. Constitution.A. prohibited powersB. police powerC. shared powersD. delegated powers(C)12 The written Constitution establishes a tripartite government. Which one of branches is to interpret the laws in governments?A. Legislative branchB. Judicial branchC. Executive branchD. Interpretive branchE. None of the above(B)23 The following terms show that the initial steps will generally apply in a lawsuit which brought in the courts of original jurisdiction. Which one should do FIRST after the defendant’s response and the pleadings?A. DepositionB. Commencement of a lawsuitC. Service of processD. Discovery(D)24 WTO plays an important role in multinational markets for goods, services, and investments. Which rule mainly aim at making the extent of protection clear and to making competition possible?A. The principle of transparency during the tradeB. Trade without discriminationC. The principle of sharing equal rightsD. Protection through tariffs(D)1GATT Fundamental Principles are :A.Trade without discriminationB.Protection through tariffsmon foreign and security policiesD.Cooperation in justice and domestic affairs(A B)2 Which of the following about dumping are correct:A It is illegal for the act of dumping in US, or by UScompanies.B LTFV must be established by ITA (International TradeAdministration) before any action can be taken against thesuspecting entity.C LTFV means Local Trading Forecast Value.D The injury to domestic industry must be identified before anyaction can be taken against the suspecting entity.E ITC (International Trade Commission) makes the finaldecision regarding antidumping, and the decision can not beappealed.(A B D) 3\ A legal right is:A A legal capacity to require another person to perform an act.B An obligation of law to require a person to perform an act.C A legal capacity to require another person to refrain fromperforming an act.D An obligation of law to require another person to refrain fromperforming an act.E None of the above.(A C)4 The Tripartite government of U.S. government means:A.The three parties in government.B.Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.C.Three branches in the government.D.Republican, Democratic, and Independent.E.None of the above.(B C)5 Which of the foll owing are not a part of today’s International TradeOrganizations, Conferences, or Treaties:A GATTB WTOC UCCD EUE NAFTA(A C)6 The financial powers of the federal government includeA. the taxing powerB. the currency powerC. the commerce powerD. the borrowing powerE. the banking powerF. the spending power(ABDEF)7)United States Antitrust laws may apply to:a)All corporations in United States.b)All corporations in and outside of US.c)US export firms that violated the antitrust law of host countries.d)All traveling salespersons even to whom that are foreigners.e)All traveling salespersons even to whom that are traveling outside of US.(A C)8. The U.S. Federal Court System:A. Consists of four levels of courts: U.S. Basic Courts, Federal District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and The US. Supreme Court.B. Consists of three levels of courts: Federal District Courts, U.S. Courts of Appeals, and The U.S. Supreme Court.C. Handles civil suits that involved damages of $50,000 or more, citizens of multiple states, or U.S. Constitution.D. Handles most cases involved bank.( BCD )9 U.S. Constitution:A Is the only written law of U.S. and can not be changed.B Sets the structure of government and the relation of people to it.C Defines the individual right of the Americans.D Has the supremacy to any other law in U.S.E Defines what human right is and what it can be.(b, c, d.)10 What does federal court system consist ofA Federal district courtsB US courts of appealsC General trial courtD Specialty courtsE US Supreme CourtA B E11) Common law as a legal term can be used as opposed to:A. Statutory lawB. Case lawC. Civil lawD. Equity(ACD )12 Which of the following has/have original jurisdiction?A. U.S. Court of International TradeB. Small claims courtC. Federal bankruptcy courtD. Federal district courtE. U.S. Supreme Court( ABCDE ) 13Which of the following statements in respect of equity is/are CORRECT: A. Equity is a body of rules that provides special relief in the event the remedies at law are not sufficient.B. Equity is a body of rules that developed in England separately from the common law due to the parallel court systems of law court and equity court.C. Today one court applies rules of both law and equity in most United States.D. Money damage is an equitable remedy.( ABC )14 Barriers to trade include:A tariffsB export tax incentivesC import quotasD government subsidiesE foreign policy restrictions( ACDE ) The Constitution as it is interpreted today has changed greatly from it was written originally. The changes has been brought about byA: the orders of CongressB: interpretations by the US Supreme CourtC amendments according to Article V of the ConstitutionD, practice.(BCD)Part 3 Answer the questions below1.Discuss the right to privacy and the protections it provides;2.List the sources of law and gives examples from each level;3.Give the classification of law4.List the initial steps in a lawsuit ;5.Describe the actual steps in a trial;6.Define the two most important forms of alternative dispute resolution7.Distinguish between mandatory and voluntary arbitration8.What is the difference between mediation and arbitration9.What is the difference between the role of a trial court and the role of anappellate court? What functions do they perform, and how do they perform them10.Describe the governmental system created by the U.S. Constitution;11.List the branches and levels of government and describe their relationship toeach other;12.Explain how the U.S. Constitution adapts to change;13.List and describe three significant federal powers;14.In the view of the fact that written Constitutions constantly change, it canbe said that there is no value in having a written constitution. Appraise this statement15.Dose equal protection prevents classification? If not, when is classificationproper? (answer: P63)16.The federal interstate commerce power goes no further than to give thefederal government power to regulate goods and vehicles crossing state lines.Appraise the statement. (answer: P58)17.Identify seven major international organizations, conferences, and treaties;18.Describe the forms of business organizations that exist for doing businessabroad;19.List and explain the laws that provide protection against unfair competitionfrom foreign goods;20.List and explain the laws that provide economic relief for those adverselyaffected by import competition;21.How does the most favored nation clause of the GATT work to foster theprinciple of trade without discrimination?简答题案例等题库P13 No 3.4 5 7 8 11 13P 35 1,2,4,8,13P152 No. 8Cindy Nathan is a student at West University. While she was at her 9:00 A.M. anthropology class, campus security entered her dorm room and searched all areas, including her closet and drawers. When Cindy returned to her room and discovered what had happened, she complained to the dorm’s senior resident. The senior resident said that this was t he university’s property and that Cindy had no right of privacy. Do you agree with the resident’s statement? Is there a right of privacy in a dorm room? Please give some explainations.。
