Insect Science 征稿简则
昆虫的启示发明10个简单英语作文Inspirations from Insects.Insects, small creatures often overlooked by many, have a remarkable ability to adapt, survive, and thrive in various environments. Their survival strategies, unique anatomies, and remarkable behaviors have served as a source of inspiration for numerous inventions and technologies. Here are ten examples of how insects have inspired human inventions:1. Antennae-inspired Sensors: Antennae, the thin,feeler-like appendages on insects' heads, are highly sensitive to changes in their environment. This has led to the development of antennae-inspired sensors that are used in robots, aircraft, and even medical devices to detect and respond to changes in their surroundings.2. Adhesive Technology: Gecko lizards, known for their ability to climb vertical surfaces, owe their adhesion tothe microscopic hairs on their feet. These hairs, known as setae, have inspired the development of synthetic adhesives that can be used in a wide range of applications, from surgical tape to sticky notes.3. Compound Eyes for Imaging: Insects possess compound eyes, made up of thousands of individual lens units, that provide them with a wide field of view and excellent depth perception. This has led to the development of compound eye cameras, which are used in surveillance, robotics, and other fields to capture a wide range of visual information.4. Biomechanical Designs: Insect skeletons, made of lightweight but strong materials like chitin, have inspired the design of lightweight, strong, and durable materialsfor use in aircraft, automobiles, and other applications.5. Honeycomb Structures: The hexagonal honeycomb structures found in bee nests provide maximum strength with minimal material usage. This efficient structure has been adapted in human design, from aircraft wings to sandwich panels, for optimal strength and weight.6. Insect-inspired Robotics: The agile movement and precise maneuvering of insects have inspired the design of small, insect-like robots that can navigate complex environments, such as narrow spaces or dense foliage. These robots are used in search and rescue operations, environmental monitoring, and other tasks.7. Biological Control: The use of natural enemies, such as predatory insects or parasites, to control pests is an example of biological control. This eco-friendly approach has been widely adopted in agriculture to reduce the need for chemical pesticides.8. Insect-mimicking Camouflage: The ability of insects to blend into their surroundings through coloration and patterning has led to the development of insect-mimicking camouflage materials. These materials are used in military applications, hunting gear, and even fashion to conceal or disguise objects and individuals.9. Vibration Communication: Some insects use vibrationsto communicate with each other, a phenomenon that has been adapted in human technology. For example, vibration sensors and transducers are used in cell phones and other devices to provide silent alerts or feedback.10. Biological Inspiration for Algorithms: The complex behaviors exhibited by insects, such as swarm intelligence or pathfinding, have provided inspiration for the development of algorithms used in computer science and artificial intelligence. These algorithms are used in areas like routing, optimization, and machine learning.Insects, with their remarkable adaptability andsurvival strategies, continue to serve as a source of inspiration for human inventions and technologies. As we continue to study and learn from these tiny creatures, we may unlock even more innovative applications and solutions to challenges we face in the future.。
协和医科大 2009.4
Science系列出版物介绍 如何向Science投稿
2008年9月30日,中国国务院总 理温家宝在中南海紫光阁会见了 到访的美国《科学》杂志主编布 鲁斯·艾伯茨 。
2008年10月31日出版的《科学》周 刊刊登了一篇社论,即温总理的《 科学与中国现代化》
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了解Science的办刊 品质;稿件选择和录 用的大致要求;其他 的一些关于出版政策 和文章版权方面的说 明,等审稿等人…须…知
Science Magazine ——作者须知的一般信息
《科学》周刊栏目简介; 关于科学快讯;
关于审稿的说明; 投稿要求;
❖Science Express
▪ 预先出版《科学》周刊中具有重要价值的研究论文, 每周精选3-4篇
❖ ScienceNow
• 每个工作日,《科学》 周刊的新闻组都会为网 上用户提供几篇3、4段 长的、有关科研成果或 科学政策的最新消息。
《Science》杂志创刊于1880年,目前在全球拥有16.5万个订户,超过《N ature》杂志三倍。
每年《Scien ce》杂志还出版大约15期专辑,展示某一专门领域的最新成果,例如生物技术、寄生虫学、纳米技术、计算机技术等。
除了为发表全世界最好的科学论文和报道全球最好的科学新闻而努力外,《S cience》杂志还有三个特别重要的目标:∙将《Science》杂志和科学带入更多的发展中国家的科学工作者的家中和实验室里;∙帮助世界各地青年科技工作者更多地了解今后十年最重要的科技发展趋势、最新的科学仪器和技术以及科技职业的选择;∙用电子手段传播科技信息,进一步提高信息质量,并且通过与发展中国家和发达国家的团体合作利用计算机互联网传送杂志,降低发行成本。
1995年,《Science》杂志与时俱进,实现了上网,即科学在线《Science Online》,提供《Science》杂志全文、摘要和检索服务。
science template(Science 投稿模版)
Submitted Manuscript: Confidential 27 December 2011Science Manuscript TemplateGeneral Instructions on using this template and submitting a manuscript to Science: Thank you for preparing a manuscript for submission to Science. Using this template, or following the guidelines below, will help us in processing your paper. Our goal is to be able to identify each section of your manuscript so that we can accurately record the title, authors, abstract, etc. and also be able to enrich it by including reference links and an accurate layout.Please use the actual template, which starts on page 2. When you are ready to submit, please delete the text on this cover page.You can submit your paper at Additional instructions are available at /site/feature/contribinfo/index.xhtmlIf you are using LaTeX , please convert your paper into a Word or RTF file if possible. If this is not possible, please use our LaTeX template and upload a PDF version of your paper. Some conversion approaches are available here: /utilities/texconv/textopc.htmlSo that we can identify the parts of your paper, and even if you do not use our template, please begin each section with the specific key words listed below, some of which are followed by a colon. Please do not use paragraph breaks in the title, author list, or abstract.Title:Authors:Affiliations:One Sentence Summary:Abstract:Main Text:References and Notes (followed by a numbered list)Acknowledgements:Fig. #: (Begin each figure caption with a label, “Fig. 1.” for example, as a new paragraph.).Table #: (Begin each table caption with a label “Table 1.”, etc.) as a new paragraph.Supplementary Materials: a list of the supplementary materials, followed by the actual text of the Supplementary Materials.Several of these headings are optional, for example, not all papers will include a one-sentence summary, figures or tables, or supplementary material.Please use the .docx format if possible (all version after Word 2007).More specific formatting instructions are provided in the actual template, which follows.Title: How to Format a Science Paper (replace with your real title) Authors: The author list should be one single paragraph (no breaks). Authors should be listed by first name or initial followed by last name and separated by commas. Use superscript numbers to link af filiations, and symbols *†‡ for author notes. For example, X. Jones1*, P. Smith1,2 Affiliations:1Affiliations should be preceded by superscript numbers corresponding to the author list, and each affiliation should end with a period.2Each affiliation should be a separate paragraph.3You can include group authors, but please include a list of the actual authors in the Supplementary Materials.*Correspondence to: include the email addresses of the corresponding author(s). Please use the asterisk (*) symbol for the corresponding author information.†Additional author notes should be indicated with symbols (for example, for current addresses). Abstract: The abstract should be about 100-150 words, and organized in this structure: An opening sentence that sets the question that you address and is comprehensible to the general reader, background content specific to this study, results, and a concluding sentence. It should be one paragraph only.One Sentence Summary: A brief summary of the main result of your paper, without excessive jargon and less than 150 characters.Main Text: In general, this should include a brief (1-2 paragraph) introduction, followed by a statement of the specific scope of the study, followed by results and then interpretations. Please avoid statements of future work or claims of priority, and avoid repeating the conclusions at the end. All of the Figures and Tables should be cited in order, including those in the supporting online material (which should be cited as, for example, figure S1, and table S1). You can include page breaks if you would like to place the figures within the text.Subheads. These can be included in Research Articles or Reviews and should be brief.References should be cited in parentheses with an italic number (1). Multiple reference citations are separated by commas (2, 3) or if a series, dashes (4-6). References are cited in order by where they first are called out, through the text, then the notes, captions, then through the supplementary material.Equations can be included. We do not recommend using the native Word 2007, 2008, 2010 or 2011 equation editor. This can in some cases produce less reliable MathML, the online markup language we use, which may result in display errors. Instead, use the legacy equation editor in word (Insert menu; select insert object; select word equation) or use Mathtype (recommended). If you enter equations in simple LaTeX, check that they will convert accurately (Word 2007 and higher can convert simple LaTeX equations).References and Notes:1.There is only one reference list spanning the text, figure captions and supplementarymaterials. Do not include a second reference list in the supplementary materials section.Reference only cited in the supplementary materials section are not counted toward length guidelines.2.Each reference should be on a separate line ending in a period. For a style guide, see/about/authors/prep/res/refs.xhtml .3.You can include titles in references and full page ranges. Titles are not counted towardlength guidelines4.Please include the above heading “References and Notes:”5.You can use a numbered list in Word.6.Each references should have a separate number.7.Please do not mix in references with explanatory notes.Acknowledgments: The acknowledgments should include a statement about where the data reported in the paper are presented, archived, or available (for example, in theSupplementary Materials or in a community archive). If in an archive, include theaccession number or a placeholder for it. Please also include relevant funding information such as grant numbers and funding agencies. You can also include a statement of author contributions here or in the Supplementary Materials.The acknowledgements can be multiple paragraphs. Acknowledgments follow the references and notes but are not numbered.Fig. 1. The figure caption should begin with an overall descriptive statement of the figure followed by additional text. They should be immediately after each figure. Figure parts are indicated with capital letters (A). If you prefer, you can place both the actual figures and captions logically through the text near where they are cited rather than at the end of the file (but not both). If a paragraph in the main text begins with the name of a figure, write out “Figure” in full (e.g., <para>“Figure 1 shows….”)Fig. 2. You can place graphics above each equation as part of this file.Table 1. Start this caption with a short description of your table. Format tables using the Word Table commands and structures. Do not create tables using spaces or tabs characters. Supplementary Materials:Materials and MethodsFigures S1-S#Tables S1-S#Movies S1-S#Audio Files S1-S#External Databases S1-S#References (##-##)Supplementary Materials:This section includes the actual text of the Supplementary Materials, which can include any or all of the preceding items, and figure captions and tables that can easily be incorporated into one supplementary material file. Please edit the list above as appropriate and include it at the end of your main paper. If there are additional files that cannot be easily accommodates (e.g., movies or large tables), please include captions here.Materials and Methods: Can include the Materials and Methods here. Additional references should be cited here and included in the main reference list.Any Additional Author notes: For example, author contributions or a list of group authors.。
自然科学c类作文 模板
自然科学c类作文模板英文回答:Science is a systematic and organized body of knowledge about the natural world. It is based on the scientific method, which involves making observations, forming hypotheses, testing hypotheses, and drawing conclusions. Science is used to explain the world around us and to make predictions about future events.There are many different branches of science, including physics, chemistry, biology, and geology. Each branch of science focuses on a specific area of the natural world. For example, physics studies the laws of motion and energy, chemistry studies the composition of matter, biology studies living organisms, and geology studies the Earth's history.Science has made a significant impact on our lives. It has led to the development of new technologies, such ascomputers and medical treatments. It has also helped us to understand the world around us and to make informed decisions about how to live our lives.中文回答:科学是一门关于自然世界的系统性、有组织的知识体系。
《Science》杂志投稿要求和说明详解《Science》杂志投稿要求和说明详解谈到全球顶级杂志,不能不提CNS,即Cell, Nature, Science。
下面,全面介绍有关这两本杂志的情况,也与大家分享相关情况:Science 创刊与于1880年,由是美国科学促进会(AAAS)出版,为周刊。
该杂志于1880年由爱迪生投资1万美元创办,于1894年成为美国最大的科学团体“美国科学促进会”——American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)的官方刊物。
science 投稿须知
science的投稿须知WHAT KINDS OF MANUSCRIPTS DOES SCIENCE CONSIDER?Science is interested in a wide range of manuscripts presenting original research and commentary in all areas of science.For original research,the common thread is that the work should reveal novel concepts of broad importance to the scientific community.Categories of papers include Research Articles of up to approximately4,500words;Reports of up to2,500words;and Brevia,short contributions of about800 words.Science also publishes brief Technical Comments(approximately1000words in length)on research papers that have appeared within the past six months in the journal;these comments are published on the journal's Web site,Science Online,with an abstract in the Letters section of the print version of Science.Technical Comments are linked to the original paper online and are indexed on Medline.A variety of material under the general heading of Commentary--including Editorials,Book Reviews, Education Forums,Policy Forums,Perspectives,and Reviews--is usually solicited by Science editors, although the editors will consider unsolicited manuscripts of these types.Brief Letters to the Editor, commenting on previous material in Science or matters of interest to the global scientific community,are welcome.For a more detailed description of the categories of manuscripts we consider,please see our general information for authors.Back to Top WHAT PERCENTAGE OF SUBMISSIONS DOES SCIENCE ACCEPT?Because of the stiff competition for space in the journal,Science now accepts less than8%of the original research papers submitted.Most submissions are evaluated by the staff editors and our Board of Reviewing Editors for potential significance,quality,and interest.The Board,composed of more than140 leading scientists worldwide,evaluates manuscripts electronically with a48-hour turnaround and provides prompt,expert assessment and input into editorial decisions and the selection of reviewers. About80%of submitted manuscripts are rejected during this initial screening stage,usually within one week to10days.Science's editorial staff includes more than25editors with Ph.D.'s and postdoctoral training,who have, on average,at least seven years'editorial experience and regularly attend important meetings in their fields of specialization.Back to Top HOW FAST CAN SCIENCE EVALUATE MY MANUSCRIPT?Science is committed to speedy evaluation of manuscripts,and our record in this respect in recent years compares favorably with those of major competing publications.For most papers,reviewers are asked to return comments within two weeks;papers that call for particularly rapid assessment,owing to competition or other factors,can often be reviewed within48hours or less.Most papers are published within14weeks of initial submission,considerably faster than our competition.Through our online publish-before-print program,Science Express,we publish certain papers within ten days to two weeks of acceptance,and in some cases within two weeks of receipt.Back to Top WILL MY MANUSCRIPT REMAIN CONFIDENTIAL?Yes.Science treats all submitted manuscripts as confidential documents.Science also instructs and expects our Board of Reviewing Editors and reviewers to treat manuscripts as confidential material.Our peer review process is also confidential,and identities of reviewers are not released.(Letters and Technical Comments are sent to the authors of papers on which they comment for response or rebuttal, but otherwise are treated in the same way as other contributions with respect to confidentiality.)Back to Top WHAT IS SCIENCE EXPRESS?Under our Science Express program,particularly interesting or topical papers are selected by Science editors for rapid online publication two to six weeks ahead of the scheduled print publication date.Papers are considered to be published on the date that they are posted online;the print version of a paper previously published on Science Express indicates the date the paper was published online and gives access and citation information.Science Express papers are available free to AAAS members and through site licenses,and for a nominal$15fee to nonmembers.Science Express home pageBack to Top IS SCIENCE AN AMERICAN JOURNAL?Science is not just an American journal.We view science as a global enterprise and want to publish the best papers in science,from all countries and regions.We welcome submissions from non-U.S.authors, and more than half of our accepted papers have non-U.S.authors.Our commitment to a broad geographical base runs deeper than just an interest in non-U.S.manuscripts, however.A substantial share of both our Board of Reviewing Editors and our referees are from outside of the United States.We review most manuscripts electronically to facilitate the use of expert referees, regardless of location.We maintain a Europe office(in Cambridge,UK).Our editors frequently visit worldwide scientific labs and professional meetings.Similarly,our readers come from all over the world.Back to TopWHAT IS SCIENCE'S PRESS EMBARGO POLICY?CAN I PROVIDE DATA TO OTHER SCIENTISTS OR GOVERNMENT AGENCIES?CAN I PRESENT MY WORK AT A SCIENTIFIC MEETING?Science's press embargo policy is designed to ensure broad and accurate coverage of authors' published research by the press.Here are some guidelines:∙Science strongly encourages scientists to share data or results with colleagues and officials in response to health,safety,environmental,or other emergencies.Our press embargo is not intended to interfere with the normal dissemination of information between researchers and government officials as is necessary to ensure that the best and most current data are available to advise policy and decision making.Any resulting press coverage will in no way affect our decision on a paper.∙Scientists are welcome to present their results of their submitted or upcoming Science papers to colleagues at professional meetings and to share data with colleagues.Presentation at a meeting will in no way affect a decision on a manuscript.If the paper has been accepted for publication In Science,we ask that you inform the AAAS Office of Public Programs(202-326-6440)that you are planning to make such a presentation.∙Comments to press reporters attending your scheduled session at a professional meeting should be limited to clarifying the specifics of your presentation.In such situations,we ask that you do not expand beyond the content of your talk or give copies of the paper,data,overheads,or slides to reporters.∙No news coverage of your paper can appear anywhere before2:00p.m.Eastern U.S.Time on the Thursday before your paper's publication.Thus:o Scientists with papers pending at Science should not give interviews on the work until the week before publication,and then only if the journalist agrees to abide by the Scienceembargo.o Please do not participate in news conferences until after1:00p.m.Eastern U.S.Time the day before publication.∙Any questions about the embargo policy can be addressed to the AAAS Office of Public Programs,at(202)326-6440.A full statement of the policy is mailed to authors upon acceptance of their papers for publication.Back to Top DOES SCIENCE REQUIRE COPYRIGHT TRANSFER?No.Authors retain copyright of their work,but must grant an exclusive publication license to Science and AAAS for their paper to be accepted for publication.Further details on this license are available here.Authors with questions about copyright transfer should contact one of the Deputy Editors.Back to Top WHAT'S THE POLICY ON PRIOR PUBLICATION OF RESULTS?Science will only consider research papers that are reporting primary data and the main conclusions for the first time.Your cover letter should clarify how the Science submission is original.Any related manuscript that is under consideration or accepted in another journal but not yet published by any author on the manuscript should be sent to Science with your submission(please send these toscience_editors@ and include your Web submission number as a reference).Discovery of a related paper by any author that is not disclosed may be cause for immediate rejection without appeal or editorial retraction after publication.Back to Top WHAT ABOUT MANUSCRIPTS THAT HAVE BEEN POSTED ONLINE BEFORE SUBMISSION?We do not consider manuscripts that have been previously published elsewhere.Posting of a paper on the Internet may be considered prior publication that could compromise the originality of the Science submission,although we do allow posting on not-for-profit preprint servers in many cases.Please contact the editors for advice about specific cases.We provide a free electronic reprint service to authors that allows visitors to the authors'web site free access to the published version of the Science paper on Science Online immediately after publication.Back to Top WHAT'S THE POLICY ON PUBLICATION OF DATA SETS?As a condition of publication,authors must agree to make available all data necessary to understand and assess the conclusions of the manuscript to any reader of Science.Data must be included in the body of the paper or in the supporting online material,where they can be viewed free of charge by all visitors to the site.Certain types of data must be deposited in an approved online database,including DNA and protein sequences,microarray data,crystal structures,and climate records.The accession numbers must be included in the published paper and coordinates must be released at the time of publication.A list of acceptable databases can be found here.Back to TopWHAT'S SCIENCE'S POLICY WITH RESPECT TO DEPOSITING PAPERS ON PUBMED CENTRAL (PMC)AND OTHER ARCHIVES?For research papers created under grants awarded no earlier than2May2005,and for which the authors are required by their funding agencies to make their research results publicly available,authors can have the"accepted version"of the paper posted to the funding body's archive or designated repository,as long as the posting is no earlier than six months after final publication in Science,is linked back to the final Science version,and includes the published paper's full reference citation.The"accepted version"is the version of the paper accepted for publication in Science after changes resulting from peer review,but before Science's editing,image quality control,and production.This policy only applies to research articles,reports,brevia,reviews,and technical comments.In submitting to archives such as PMC, authors of Science papers should set the time of public release of the accepted version at six months after final publication in Science.Back to Top HOW DO I PREPARE A MANUSCRIPT FOR SCIENCE?The guidelines differ for initial submission of a manuscript and for resubmission of a revised manuscript after peer review.To see the details,see our instructions for preparing your manuscript and figures.For initial submissions,follow the instructions in the left-hand column of that page;for resubmission after peer review,use the right-hand column.Back to Top HOW SHOULD I PREPARE FIGURES FOR SCIENCE?As with the manuscript itself,how figures should be prepared depends on whether you are initially submitting a new a manuscript or resubmitting a revised manuscript after peer review.In particular,for new manuscript submissions,figures should generally be included as part of a single manuscript file that also includes text and tables,whereas for resubmissions they should be submitted separately from the text and tables.For details,see our instructions for preparing your manuscript and figures.Back to Top WHAT'S THE OPTIMUM RESOLUTION FOR SCIENCE FIGURES?The appropriate resolution for figures differs depending on whether you are initially submitting a new manuscript or submitting a revision after peer review:∙For new manuscripts that will be sent out for peer review,the key consideration is keeping file sizes reasonable;figures should be embedded in the same file that contains text and tables and should be150to300dots per inch(dpi).Figures,such as micrographs,that require high-resolution original prints for proper evaluation should be sent as prints or on a CD separately by mail,with their separate submission noted in the cover letter accompanying the main manuscript.∙For revised manuscripts after peer review,figures should be submitted as separate digital files at a higher resolution--a minimum of400dpi for grayscale and color artwork and1200dpi for digital line art.(Please note that these latter resolutions refer to images sized at dimensions comparable to those of figures in the print journal.Reducing or enlarging the dimensions of a digital raster image will change its resolution.Please see our instructions for figures for revised manuscripts for more details.)Back to Top WHAT IS SUPPORTING ONLINE MATERIAL?HOW SHOULD I PREPARE IT?Supporting online material(SOM)consists of additional material accompanying Science papers that is posted on our Web site,Science Online.We can post additional text(such as information on methods, tables,diagrams,and images that bear directly on the conclusions of the paper but that cannot be accommodated in the print version for reasons of space)and other material,such as video clips and sound files,that enrich the content of the paper by extending it beyond the possibilities of the printmedium.The material is subject to the same editorial standards and peer-review procedures as the print publication.To be accepted for posting,supporting online material must be essential to the scientific integrity and excellence of the paper.Authors submitting a new manuscript(before peer review)should include most supplementary online material at the end of,but as part of,the main manuscript file.Audio or video files can be submitted separately.For revised manuscripts(after peer review),SOM should be uploaded as a separate pdf file accompanying the revised manuscript and figures.Please carefully read the guidelines on preparing supporting online material for complete information.Back to Top HOW DO I REFER TO SUPPORTING ONLINE MATERIAL IN A MANUSCRIPT?The appropriate style can be found in our guidelines on preparing supporting online material.Back to Top CAN I SUBMIT AN IMAGE FOR CONSIDERATION AS THE COVER OF SCIENCE?Yes.Our Web submission site for resubmissions after peer review includes a field for uploading digital files of cover candidates.Alternatively,you may send a hard copy image of the cover candidate directly to the editor handling your manuscript.The cover is usually related to a particularly significant Report or Research Article in the issue,or to the contents of a special issue.Images from significant papers that are striking to the nonspecialist have the best chance of being chosen.Images that cannot be used on the cover may be chosen for use on our table of contents or in the"This Week in Science"section.Back to Top HOW DO I SUBMIT A MANUSCRIPT TO SCIENCE?First,carefully read and follow our instructions for preparing manuscripts and figures,taking careful note of the differing guidelines for initial submission and resubmission of revised manuscripts.Then,when you have assembled all electronic files and other required information,proceed to our initial submission at .You should receive an e-mail acknowledgment of your submission within one to two full business days after submission.We no longer accept submissions by postal mail or e-mail.Back to Top TO WHOM SHOULD I DIRECT MY MANUSCRIPT?It is not required that you address your paper to a specific editor when submitting a new manuscript.If you wish,however,you can direct the cover letter for your manuscript to the editor who handles itssubject area.A list of editors and their subject areas is available on our Web submission site and on our staff page.Back to TopMY FILES ARE TOO LARGE FOR THE SUBMISSION WEB SITE.HOW DO I GET THESE FILES TO SCIENCE?Our Web submission site cannot accommodate files larger than about10MB. Larger files will need to be sent to Science separately by mail.These may include large high-resolution figures and large files of supporting online material.If your paper contains large images or photographs that must be viewed at a high resolution for review,and that therefore would make your manuscript file exceed the10MB size limit of our initial manuscript submission site,you should submit only the text and tables of your paper online and send the image files separately by mail.Please mention in your cover letter that you are submitting the images separately and use your Web submission number as a reference.Supporting online material should generally be included at the end of the main manuscript file, unless so doing would exceed the10MB upload limit,in which case it should be sent separately by mail. Please see our detailed instructions for initial manuscript submission for more information.Back to Top SCIENCE REJECTED MY MANUSCRIPT.SHOULD I REVISE IT AND SUBMIT IT AGAIN?This is probably not a good idea.Most editorial decisions at Science are based not only on the paper's technical merit but also on the general interest or importance of the work,and on comparison with other papers that we are considering in the paper's field and in related ones.Thus,we will only reconsider papers for which we have specifically invited resubmission or when a significant error has been made during review that determined our final decision.Most requests for reconsideration do not meet this criterion and thus are not successful.。
进入同行评议过程的稿件将被送交两名或几名外部审稿人(outsidereview ers)。
science杂志的投稿指南英文回答:Submission Guidelines for Science Journal.When submitting an article to Science Journal, it is important to adhere to the following guidelines to ensure a successful submission. This includes using both English and Chinese languages in the response, separating them clearly without mixing them together. Additionally, it is important to avoid revealing the prompt and to use a substantial number of words, not less than 1500. Let's dive into the details without hesitation.To begin with, it is crucial to follow a specific structure and organization in your article. Each paragraph should have a unique opening that does not repeat or resemble any previous content. This will help maintain a smooth flow and avoid redundancy. Furthermore, it is advised to refrain from using transitional phrases orconnective words such as "firstly," "secondly," "lastly," "in conclusion," "of course," "however," "in summary," "in other words," "meanwhile," "to summarize," "for example," and "certainly." Instead, focus on presenting your ideas naturally and coherently.In terms of paragraph length, it is essential to maintain a proportional distribution. Avoid having multiple paragraphs with similar word counts or a perfectly symmetrical structure. Instead, aim for a proportionate distribution such as 1:2:3:1:2:3:1:2:3. This will create a more engaging and dynamic reading experience for the audience.Another important aspect to consider is the use of the first-person perspective. By using "I" or "we," you can establish a more personal and relatable tone in your article. Additionally, incorporating idioms and colloquial expressions can add a touch of informality and make the article more humanized. For instance, instead of saying "The research findings were surprising," you could say "I was taken aback by the unexpected results."Now, let's move on to the Chinese response.中文回答:《Science杂志》投稿指南。
科学建议征集评选活动范文Scientific research plays a crucial role in the development of society. It helps us better understand the world around us and find solutions to pressing issues. Therefore, it is important to support and encourage scientists in their work.科学研究在社会发展中起着至关重要的作用。
One way to show support for scientific research is through soliciting and selecting scientific advice. By gathering input from a wide range of experts, policymakers can make informed decisions that are backed by evidence and expertise.通过征集和选取科学建议的一个方式是展示对科学研究的支持。
In addition to supporting scientific research, soliciting and selecting scientific advice can also help bridge the gap between scientists and the public. By involving the public in the decision-making process, policymakers can ensure that scientific advancements are communicated effectively and understood by all.除了支持科学研究,征集和选取科学建议也可以帮助弥合科学家和公众之间的差距。
有关研究昆虫的作文英语Title: Exploring the Fascinating World of Insect Research。
Insects, with their diverse forms and behaviors, have captivated human curiosity for centuries. From the industrious ants to the graceful butterflies, these tiny creatures play crucial roles in ecosystems and offer invaluable insights into biological processes. Researching insects unveils a plethora of discoveries, shedding light on their biology, ecology, and significance to the broader ecosystem.Firstly, studying insects provides a window into their remarkable adaptations and behaviors. For instance, researchers delve into the intricate social structures of ants and bees, unraveling the secrets of communication, division of labor, and collective decision-making within colonies. By employing sophisticated techniques such as behavioral experiments and genetic analysis, scientistsgain a deeper understanding of how these social insects thrive and evolve.Moreover, insect research contributes to addressing pressing environmental challenges, including biodiversity loss and pest control. Through field surveys and laboratory experiments, scientists assess the impact of humanactivities on insect populations and ecosystems. By identifying key threats such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change, researchers can formulate conservation strategies to safeguard insect diversity and ecosystem stability.In addition, insects serve as invaluable models for studying fundamental biological processes. From development and genetics to physiology and neuroscience, insects offer simplified yet highly informative systems for experimental investigation. For example, the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has long been a model organism in genetics research, enabling groundbreaking discoveries in gene regulation, embryonic development, and neurobiology.Furthermore, exploring the ecological interactions involving insects elucidates the complex dynamics of ecosystems. Insects play multifaceted roles as pollinators, herbivores, predators, and decomposers, shaping the abundance and distribution of plant and animal species. Research on insect-plant interactions, for instance, reveals the mechanisms of coevolution and adaptation between herbivorous insects and their host plants, influencing community structure and ecosystem functioning.Additionally, insect research intersects with various disciplines, fostering interdisciplinary collaborations and innovation. Biologists, entomologists, ecologists, geneticists, and engineers collaborate to tackle diverse research questions, from understanding the molecular basis of insect immunity to developing sustainable pest management strategies. Integrating diverse perspectives and methodologies enhances the depth and breadth of insect research, driving scientific progress and technological advancements.Moreover, studying insects holds practical implicationsfor agriculture, public health, and biotechnology. In agricultural settings, researchers investigate insect pests and beneficial insects to develop integrated pest management strategies that minimize reliance on chemical pesticides. In public health, research on disease vectors such as mosquitoes and ticks informs the development of effective control measures to combat vector-borne diseases. In biotechnology, insights from insect physiology and biochemistry inspire novel approaches for biomimicry and bioprospecting, leading to the discovery of bioactive compounds and innovative materials.In conclusion, research on insects offers a rich tapestry of discoveries that illuminate their biology, ecology, and significance to humanity and the environment. By unraveling the mysteries of these small yet mighty creatures, scientists deepen our understanding of the natural world and inspire solutions to pressing challenges. From the intricacies of social behavior to the dynamics of ecosystems, the study of insects continues to unravel profound insights that shape our understanding of life on Earth.。
我的理想昆虫科学家作文英文回答:As a young aspiring entomologist, my dream is to become an ideal insect scientist. I am deeply fascinated by the intricate world of insects and the vital role they play in our ecosystem. My passion for insects started at a young age, and I have always been curious about their behavior, biology, and the impact they have on the environment.To achieve my goal of becoming an ideal insect scientist, I understand the importance of education and continuous learning. I am currently pursuing a degree in entomology, which provides me with a solid foundation in the study of insects. I am also actively involved in research projects and internships to gain practical experience in the field. I believe that hands-on experience is crucial in understanding the complexities of insect science.In addition to academic and practical training, I am committed to contributing to the field of entomology through my research and discoveries. I aim to conduct innovative research that addresses pressing issues such as insect conservation, pest management, and the impact of climate change on insect populations. By making significant contributions to the field, I hope to inspire future generations of entomologists and promote a greater understanding and appreciation of insects.Furthermore, I am dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of insects and the need for their conservation. I believe that public education and engagement are essential in fostering a greater appreciation for the diversity and significance of insects. Through outreach programs, educational initiatives, and public speaking engagements, I hope to inspire others to join me in the pursuit of insect science.In conclusion, my ideal vision as an insect scientistis to be a dedicated and passionate researcher who makes meaningful contributions to the field of entomology. I amcommitted to continuous learning, innovative research, and public engagement in order to promote the understanding and conservation of insects.中文回答:作为一个年轻的志向成为昆虫学家的人,我的梦想是成为一名理想的昆虫科学家。
有关研究昆虫的作文英语英文:Studying insects has always been an interesting and rewarding experience for me. Insects are such a diverse and fascinating group of animals, and there is always something new to learn about them. Whether it's observing their behavior in the field or studying their anatomy in the lab, there is never a dull moment when it comes to researching insects.One of the things I find most intriguing about studying insects is their incredible diversity. There are over a million known species of insects, and scientists estimate that there could be millions more yet to be discovered. Each species has its own unique characteristics and behaviors, and studying them can provide valuable insights into the natural world.For example, I recently conducted a study on theforaging behavior of ants in a tropical rainforest. I spent weeks observing different ant species and documenting their foraging patterns. It was amazing to see how each species had its own unique way of searching for food andinteracting with other members of their colony. Throughthis study, I gained a deeper understanding of the complex social structures and communication systems that exist within ant colonies.Another aspect of studying insects that I find particularly rewarding is the potential for practical applications. For example, my research on the role of bees in pollination has important implications for agriculture and food security. By understanding the behavior and ecology of bees, we can develop better strategies for conserving their populations and ensuring the pollination of crops.In addition to the scientific aspects of studying insects, there is also a sense of wonder and appreciation that comes with observing these tiny creatures in their natural habitats. Whether it's watching a butterfly emergefrom its chrysalis or marveling at the intricate architecture of a termite mound, there is always something awe-inspiring about the world of insects.Overall, studying insects has been a truly enriching experience for me. It has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the natural world and has opened my eyes to the incredible diversity and complexity of insect life.中文:研究昆虫对我来说一直是一种有趣和有益的经历。
insects英文作文英文:Insects are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. They come in all shapes and sizes, from tiny ants to large beetles. As an entomology enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the diversity and behavior of insects.One of the most interesting things about insects is their incredible adaptability. For example, some insects, like the monarch butterfly, undergo a long migration journey, traveling thousands of miles to find the perfect environment for breeding. This ability to adapt and thrive in different environments is truly remarkable.In addition to their adaptability, insects also have some unique defense mechanisms. Take the bombardier beetle, for instance. When threatened, it releases a hot, noxious chemical spray from its abdomen, deterring predators. Thisshows just how clever and resourceful insects can be whenit comes to survival.Furthermore, insects are essential for pollination, which is crucial for the reproduction of many plants. Without insects like bees and butterflies, the world's food supply would be in serious jeopardy. In fact, it's estimated that one-third of the food we consume relies on insect pollination.Insects also serve as a valuable food source for many other animals. For example, birds rely on insects as a primary source of nutrition, especially during the breeding season when they need to feed their young. This interconnectedness of the natural world highlights the importance of insects in maintaining a balanced and healthy ecosystem.中文:昆虫是一种非常迷人的生物,它们在我们的生态系统中扮演着至关重要的角色。
写昆虫的英语作文Insects are the most diverse group of animals on our planet, with over a million species identified and countless more yet to be discovered. They are a source of fascination for many, due to their incredible variety, unique behaviors, and the important roles they play in our ecosystem. In this essay, we will explore the world of insects, delving into their characteristics, life cycles, and the impact they have on our environment.Characteristics of InsectsInsects are characterized by their exoskeletons, which are made of a strong, lightweight material called chitin. This exoskeleton serves multiple purposes, including protection from predators and supporting the insect's body structure. Most insects have six legs, which is one of the defining features of the class Insecta within the phylum Arthropoda.Insects come in a wide array of shapes and sizes, from the minuscule fairyfly to the impressive Goliath beetle. They are equipped with various appendages such as wings, antennae, and mouthparts that are adapted to their specific needs and habitats. For example, butterflies and moths have large, often colorful wings that allow them to fly and find mates, while beetles have hardened forewings that protect their delicate hindwings and abdomen.Life Cycles of InsectsThe life cycle of an insect typically involves metamorphosis, a process of biological transformation that changes theinsect's form from a larva to an adult. There are two main types of metamorphosis: complete and incomplete.Complete metamorphosis, also known as holometabolism,involves four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult.In this process, the insect undergoes a dramatic change in form, with the larval stage often looking very different from the adult stage. Examples of insects that undergo complete metamorphosis include butterflies, beetles, and flies.Incomplete metamorphosis, or hemimetabolism, involves three stages: egg, nymph, and adult. In this type of life cycle,the young insects, called nymphs, resemble the adults but are smaller and lack fully developed wings and reproductive organs. Grasshoppers, crickets, and true bugs are examples of insects with incomplete metamorphosis.Impact on the EnvironmentInsects play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of our ecosystems. They are pollinators, aiding in the fertilization of plants, which is essential for the production of fruitsand seeds. Bees, for instance, are vital to the agriculture industry, pollinating a significant portion of our food crops.Insects are also a primary food source for many birds, reptiles, and other wildlife, contributing to the food chainand ensuring the survival of many species. Additionally, they serve as decomposers, breaking down dead plant and animal matter, which helps recycle nutrients back into the soil.Conservation and the FutureDespite their importance, many insect populations are in decline due to habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change. Conservation efforts are essential to protect these species and the services they provide. This includes preserving natural habitats, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and researching alternative pest control methods.In conclusion, insects are a fascinating and essential part of our world. They are not only a subject of scientific study but also a critical component of our ecosystems. Understanding their biology, life cycles, and the roles they play in nature can help us appreciate their importance and inspire us to protect them for future generations.。
知了的科普英文作文英文:Cicadas are fascinating insects that are known fortheir loud and distinctive buzzing sound. They are also known as "locusts" in some parts of the world, although they are not related to the true locusts that are a type of grasshopper. Cicadas are found all over the world, but are most commonly found in warm, tropical climates.One of the most interesting things about cicadas is their life cycle. Cicadas spend most of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding on the sap of tree roots. After several years, the nymphs emerge from the ground and climb up trees or other vertical surfaces. They then shed their exoskeleton and transform into adults. The males then begin to make their loud buzzing calls to attract females for mating.Another fascinating aspect of cicadas is their abilityto synchronize their buzzing calls. In some areas, entire populations of cicadas will emerge at the same time and begin buzzing in unison. This phenomenon is known as "emergence synchrony" and is thought to be a way for the cicadas to overwhelm predators with their sheer numbers.Cicadas are also important to the ecosystem as they provide food for many animals, including birds, mammals, and even humans in some parts of the world. In some cultures, cicadas are even considered a delicacy and are eaten as a snack or used in traditional medicine.Overall, cicadas are fascinating insects with a unique life cycle and important role in the ecosystem.中文:知了是一种迷人的昆虫,以其响亮而独特的嗡嗡声而闻名。
科普类昆虫英语作文400字左右英文回答:Insects are a vast and diverse group of animals that play a vital role in the world's ecosystems. They are the most numerous group of animals on Earth, with over amillion known species. Insects can be found in almost every habitat on Earth, from the tropics to the poles. They are also found in a wide range of sizes, from the tiny fairyflies, which are less than a millimeter long, to the giant weta, which can be up to 10 inches long.Insects have a segmented body with three main parts: the head, the thorax, and the abdomen. The head bears the eyes, antennae, and mouthparts. The thorax bears the wings and legs. The abdomen bears the reproductive organs and the digestive system.Insects have a variety of mouthparts that are adapted for different types of food. Some insects, such asmosquitoes, have piercing and sucking mouthparts that they use to suck blood. Other insects, such as butterflies, have siphoning mouthparts that they use to drink nectar. Still other insects, such as beetles, have chewing mouthpartsthat they use to eat solid food.Insects have a variety of wings that are adapted for different types of flight. Some insects, such as flies,have two wings. Other insects, such as butterflies, havefour wings. Still other insects, such as beetles, have no wings.Insects have a variety of reproductive strategies. Some insects, such as aphids, reproduce asexually. Other insects, such as butterflies, reproduce sexually.Insects play a vital role in the world's ecosystems. They are a food source for many other animals, including birds, reptiles, and mammals. Insects also help topollinate plants, which is essential for reproduction.中文回答:昆虫是一个庞大而多样化的动物群,在世界的生态系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。
Insect Science 征稿简则
Insect Science征稿简则Insect Science是一本国际性昆虫学期刊,主要刊登昆虫分子生物学、生理学、生化与毒理学、生态学与害虫综合治理、行为与社会生物学和系统与进化学等昆虫学领域有创新发现的研究论文、综述、评论性文章和简报等。
研究论文(Original Article)报导有重要创新性的基础研究结果;综述或评论探讨期刊相关领域的最新研究进展,综述一般由主编或编委事先约稿;简报报导对当今昆虫学研究有重要影响的最新发现。
Insect Science与Wiley-Blackwell合作出版,读者可以在Wiley-Interscience网上检索本刊从创刊(1994年)至今的所有文章。
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journal of insect science文章格式
journal of insect science文章格式摘要:1.研究背景及目的2.实验方法3.结果分析4.讨论与启示正文:标题:Journal of Insect Science:一篇关于昆虫研究的综述随着科学技术的不断发展,昆虫研究在我国越来越受到重视。
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Insect Science征稿简则
Insect Science是一本国际性昆虫学期刊,主要刊登昆虫分子生物学、生理学、生化与毒理学、生态学与害虫综合治理、行为与社会生物学和系统与进化学等昆虫学领域有创新发现的研究论文、综述、评论性文章和简报等。
研究论文(Original Article)报导有重要创新性的基础研究结果;综述或评论探讨期刊相关领域的最新研究进展,综述一般由主编或编委事先约稿;简报报导对当今昆虫学研究有重要影响的最新发现。
Insect Science与Wiley-Blackwell合作出版,读者可以在Wiley-Interscience网上检索本刊从创刊(1994年)至今的所有文章。
稿件全文应使用11磅Times New Roman字体,两倍行距,编号所有页面,从标题页面开始,然后依次为摘要,前言,材料和方法,结果,讨论,致谢,参考文献,图注,图片/表格。
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Zhao, Y.X. and Kang, L. (2002) Role of plant volatiles in host plant location of the leafminer, Liriomyza sativae (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Physiological Entomology, 27, 103–111.
Kaplan, A.I. (2003) Entomological societies. Encyclopedia of Insects (eds. V.H. Rush & R.T. Carde), pp. 369–373. Academic Press, New York.
Wratten, S.D. and Fry, G.I.A. (1996) Field and Laboratory Exercises in Ecology. Edward Arnold, London. pp. 98–103.
Jelinic, P., Stehle, J.C., Shaw, P. (2006) The testis-specific factor CTCFL cooperates with the protein methyltransferase PRMT7 in H19 imprinting control region methylation. PLoS Biology, 4,e355. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0040355
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