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题目: Semantic Change of English Words


Languages are not confined in a fixed state, instead, they are not only constantly changing but also changes quickly. The most noticing change in the process of language development is the sematic change of words. Semantic change is a change in one of the meanings of a word. Every word has a variety of senses and connotations which can be added, removed, or altered over time, often to the extent that cognates across space and time have very different meanings.
Why the meaning of a word changed? Changes of meaning can be brought about by many cause. There are three major causes.
Historically,changes of lexical meaning can be illustrated by a diachronic development of words. Although objects, conceptions, ideals, etc. change at
course of time, but the meaning changes, because the object which it describe
has changed. Socially, it is natural that in the course of the development of
society a number of new words are needed to describe new ideas. Scientific
discoveries are a main kind of social cause. Psychologically, the speaker's
state of mind may bring about semantic changes.
(Feng shimei, P163-165)
In fact, we can see clearly from the euphemism to types of semantic changes. Euphemism is substitution of a word of more pleasant connotation for one of unpleasant connotation or avoided taboos. It is an important social cause of semantic changes. It is also the reflection of semantic change.
According to different semantic books, semantic change can be divided into many types. But types of semantic change generally can be divided into four types.
1.Generalization, for instance, alibi. A legal term signifying 'plea that the accused is not at the place when the crime is committed', has now come into common use, meaning any 'excuse'.
2.Specialization, for instance, barbarian was originally a vague designation for a 'foreigner of any kind', and later was specialized to mean an 'uncivilized person'.
3.Elevation, for instance, Chamberlain, now a 'high official of royal courts', was formerly a 'servant'.
4.Degeneration,for instance, cunning was originally 'knowing and skillful', and later was specialized to 'sly'.
Almost all the words concerning female are pejorative to use as euphemism for prostitute. For example, housewife, lady, girl, mistress, nun and so on. Even nurse, spinster, daughter, mother have the same meaning. The appearance of euphemism also change the meaning of the words that are used for pleasant connotation. Accident originally meaned 'in a way that is not planned or intended', now it means 'car accident or air accident such bad things'. Gay , the original meaning is 'happiness', later becomes the euphemistic statement of 'homosexual'.These are the example of degeneration.
We know more about euphemism is the euphemistic statement of death. Avoided the unpleasant felling of death, people think of many phrase to substitute death. For example, to be no more, to be deceased, to be gone, to pass away, to pass on, to lose one's life, to join the silent majority, to go the way of all flesh, to be gathered to one's fathers, to go west, to yield up the ghost, to go to one's last reckoning, to go hence, etc. So all these extend the vocabulary. Shakespeare wrote death his play Julius Caesar as surcease, taking-off. Another we know better is toilet, such as rest room, comfort room, comfort station, powder room. Go to the toilet only say "May I use the rest room?" or "May I wash my hands?" The real meaning of "Commit no nuisance!" which sticks on the wall is "no peeing! " The euphemistic statement of pregnant is big, big with child, expectant, great, great with child, heavy, heavy with child, laden, in the family way, in an interesting condition, being with child.
There are a lot of euphemism concerning unpleasant professions. Garbage collector became sanitation engineer or barbologist in America, while in England it became disposal operative; Gardener became landscape architect; Servant became engineer. Hairdresser becomes beautician; Foreman became plant superintendent; shoemaker became shoes rebuilders;Undertaker became funeral undertaker,mortician, funeral director. These are a kind of specialization.
Some euphemisms are concerning the life in society. People think of some phrase for avoiding empressement.The disadvantaged , the underprivileged and the low-income group for the poor people. Forgotten man for the people who doesn't have a job. Upward price readjustment for rise of prices. Culturally deprived environment for slum. Food insecure for starve. Pre-owned car for second-hand car. Termination of employment, declaring staff redundant for firing. Medically indigent person for people who can't afford for medicine.
Above all, we can see many phrases are created which reflect euphemism is a cause of semantic change.
In a word, semantic change is an important part of change of English words. From this paper, first we know the definition of semantic change. Second, the cause of semantic change. Last, we talk about the relation between euphemism and semantic change. At the same time, we talk bout the types of semantic change. In a word, the relation between euphemism and semantic change in this paper we talk about is that euphemism is an important cause of semantic change, and is the reflection of semantic change
While semantic change was, due to its apparently complete unpredictability, for a long time the black sheep of the family of areas of language change, as a result of recent developments it is now very well respected, and as such is likely to attract a lot more research in the future.
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